#Reverted Toons AU
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bear-boi-5 · 24 days ago
Looney Ballooney
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Looey is easily one of the more insane ones. Since death and especially repeated death takes a toll on a Toon's psyche, Looey is very loopy.
He was popped a LOT specifically by his handler if he didn't deliver a good enough joke as a way of "training" so it's led him to become very aggressive when someone doesn't laugh at a joke he makes because he thinks someone is gonna pop him for it.
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zenmom · 1 year ago
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@jestierabbit’s day 16: Villain! with my side of Gem.
Since Fanny got much less praise and was in the same state as Oswald, but she was never brought back to the same fame yet many Oswald fans still recognise her from his original shorts. She was not included in Epic Mickey and the sequel which led to me wondering if Disney did have brought her so that no one else could take her and separate her from any media. This of course made her blind with jealousy and rage, so she went to… defeat him (I would say kill or murder him, but that’s a bit/somewhat too far for some people) but she still deserves some praise for being a good actress nonetheless despite a complicated history with Oswald.
One thing: in my version (and like many theorists lol) of history about her, Fanny had children with Oswald but she ditched them shortly after (remember the very first short, Oswald’s debut to the world). I would never forgive her for doing that and would dislike her a bit. If she was in Epic Mickey, woooo-ooohh! There will be some conflict in Oz’s world of forgotten toons.
Also a few days into settling on wasteland, Fanny fell into some strange chaotic thinner that is a mix of thinner sprinkled with some paint and crystals, near permanently making her body a hard crystalline emerald ink. That’s how she became a gem villain.
Man I’ve been rambling on about it 😅. Hope it isn’t too long.
And I made this a day later as a joke
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Because of how well this Mickey and Oswald revenge thing explained in a movie kinda thing lol. And the parallels as well. It’s also rushed
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artistdove · 6 months ago
Somewhat official designs for each of my Mickey and Oswald Aus along with minor lore. For those that want basic info on each au, here's the link.
Between the Screen Au
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Mirroring ear injuries due to Blot.
Mick has minor health injuries due to having the Blot in him during Epic Mickey, resulting in monthly check-ups and a paint monitor.
Mixed their outfits post Epic Mickey.
Oswald is co-leader of Wasteland and head of the Conversion Trolley Station, while Mickey still acts but occasionally works side jobs.
Tale of 2 Brothers
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Style is based on the Beta pitch, so semi-angular basically.
Both have the Blot in them, so they can use paint or thinner with their hands. Old movesets from the Epic Mickey Beta trailer are present when they fight.
Oswald keeps his Blot arm hidden at all times unless around Ortensia, Gus, Mad Doctor, and the Blot. Mick eventually sees it.
Toons & Dungeons
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Oswald is an Artificer/Sorcerer and Mickey is a Bard/Sorcerer.
Oswald has minor lighting spells while Mickey has various spells. Oswald has a gun that can shoot electricity, Energy/Paint, and Acid/Thinner. Mickey has a wand, Pan Flute, and Lute. Both carry a small hidden dagger.
Oswald was taken in by the Gremlins while Mick gets adopted by Yen Sid.
Rising Star
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Outfits change over the years, so this is the main look.
1920s-60s they stay conservative with looks, but eventually let loose as times change.
Can be depicted smoking or drinking cuz they old.
Magic Island
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Villagers inspired by Mickey and Oswald, so their names are different. Oswald = Clover while Mickey = Elias.
Clover is a Smug/Lazy Villager while Elias is a Jock/Peppy Villager. Idk if that makes sense (;・∀・).
Elias sleeps early while Clover stays up late.
Local Toon
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Classic old looks. Nothing much to say, they are kids in this world and look like their first designs.
Toon High
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Main designs until later arcs.
Oswald prefers loose cloths unless working on machines, which he wears tanks or snug clothes. Mickey likes active wear or normal teen clothes.
Later on, the two wear something of the other as a way to solidify their repaired brotherhood.
Ink & Mirrors
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Actual plot is Mick and Ink!Oswald. Parallel plot is Oswald and Ink!Mickey.
Both are dealing with completely different issues. Ink!Oswald is hunting Mickey while Ink!Mickey is trying to help Oswald.
Ink!Oswald is stuck in a sort of limbo where his mind is like pre-Epic Mickey, mostly due to the false heart Bendy implanted into him. Ink!Mickey seems to have kept some of his self due to his heart, but Alice Angel mangled the poor mouse.
Mickey is constantly stressed as he tries to escape the studio and revert his brother. Paint barely works on these enemies so he is stuck using only thinner and electricity, leaving him heavily drained.
Oswald is alert 24/7 and trying to rescue others alongside fixing his brother. Having never used the brush before, he finds it a tad difficult to use correctly. It's also causing him to drip. He has a limp due to an attempt to use his leg as a weapon, which failed horribly.
P.D. Toons
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Public Domain toons turned into ocs. They are still the original characters, but my own take.
Oswald is Oliver Hare and Mickey is Willy Fieldmouse.
Oliver is the local trolley driver. Willy is a staff member for a local studio.
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just-bendy · 4 days ago
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(( answering this here since this was sent to my main blog BUT
the bitwor au stands for Bendy in the World of Rukia AU, but that name is not important, the important stuff is everything else )) (( i wasnt sure what exactly to share from the au so i decided to share..... everything ))
(( warning for long-ness ))
(( it all starts off with the arrival of toons, which happened somewhere in the early 1900's. toons literally crawled out of screens! it was discovered that popularity or smth created magic that made them able to come to life. the world was shocked by this happening, but slowly came around to the idea of living toons, but not everyone of course. those toons got together with other toons and made more toons, then those toons got together with other toons and made even more toons, and thus began the start of the toon species.
fast forward some years later ( near the end of the 1900's ), and joey drew and his studio are making cartoons. he's had success with his first cartoon show and the toon came to life, but he wanted something more, something different, something NEW. with henry introducing the concept of bendy to joey, joey had an idea. he wanted to bring bendy to life himself. so as the bendy cartoons premiered and got worked on, a new department was formed. joey partnered up with gent corp and got to work on a secret project: the ink machine, a machine that could artificially bring toons to life using illegal magic, which meant he could shape and form bendy to follow his every word, or at least that was the plan. when it came time to actually use the ink machine, something went wrong. bendy came out wrong. he was a big, inky, evil, demonic monster that lashed out at everyone. so the project turned out to be a violent failure? but thinking quickly, they got angels that performed a ritual to seal away the demonic power emanating from bendy, and with that power gone, he reverted to a familiar form.
henry was tasked with watching over bendy, since he couldnt bring himself to agree with scrapping this one and starting over, as joey so politely put it. so henry watched over bendy for a while, introducing him to the modern world. bendy, although upset and uncomfortable about having his powers sealed away and how his body felt in general, welcomed the new world with curious, open arms. as he was introduced to the other employees within the studio, they were uneasy. people could tell that something was off about him. so this new world was unwelcoming, but bendy still carried on. despite being mischievous, a troublemaker, and a little bit evil, henry taught him how to behave, and since henry was the only one who seemed to tolerate his existence, bendy took a liking to him. oof this is getting a little bit long so uh
eventually bendy was introduced to the public, putting on shows on stage but made to stay on-model and behave by joey. bendy obeyed, not because of joey, but because he LOVED performing for the crowds. eventually boris and alice were created with the ink machine and also joined the show. with boris and alice, the ink machine gets better and better at the creation process, which doesnt sit right with bendy, henry, and pan, who worked in this secret department and for gent corp.
bendy and joey dont get along at all, joey seeing bendy as some monster masquerading as the darling devil and bendy taking no shit from him. things get worse when bendy overhears joeys plan to replace him with a better version since this one was flawed, so bendy confronts him about it, but it was during a time when the ink machine was acting unstable so their argument was interrupted with the ink machine exploding. the highly dangerous Joey Drew's Miracle Ink concoction went everywhere and affected multiple innocent people, including joey, and the ink even created living blobs of ink that went after people joey had half of his body covered by this ink, which affected his thinking and personality, as well as his appearance. this incident didnt go unnoticed and the ink machine department had to be shut down, which didnt make joey very happy, so in secret, he started again, making a new ink machine, but this time, as an act of revenge. its a mess of gears, pipes, and screws, looking more unstable than the last one. joey's new plan is to create more toons, and to use more magic to enhance the effects of the ink machine, making a little dimension of ink where he could create life, or something, to show those people who ended the creation department that what he's doing is worth it, profitable, that he was doing god's work, and how dare they try to stop his creative vision, stuff like that
one day in the middle of a stage show, joey activates this new machine and all hell breaks loose. the studio where everyone came from all over to watch the whimsical live toon stage show was instantly transformed into a hellish maze of endless inky halls, rooms, and floors, and ink monsters were abundant. the exits they once knew the way to were nowhere to be seen. the unstable magic that created this dimension messed with bendy's angel seal which reversed its effect, making his ink demon form stuck on the outside while his toon form was stuck on the inside. and this uncontrolled demonic malice made him a terrible foe to encounter for the hundreds of employees and guests were trapped inside the studio.
uhh long story short, after a few years of terrorizing the dwindling supply of survivors, the ink demon problem was solved by henry trying to defend himself and others with a makeshift spear, which was stabbed through its chest. henry was mortified by what he'd done, but fortunately, the spear missed bendy's heart/core and broke the seal, which freed him and his powers. it hurt like hell, but he was free now.
henry, alice, boris, and bendy were eventually rescued by the rescuers who tried to navigate their way through the studio maze everyday to find survivors, and it was a big relief to them. the studio still remained, but at least they were free. bendy did NOT want to ever step foot in that place ever again.
as bendy tried to readjust to his newfound freedom and get the love and attention from his fans again, the studio problem only worsened with new monsters they dubbed "inkstrosities" that emerged in the city from ink puddles that formed on the ground. but how could this be? how could joey's reach extend past the studio? and why would joey make them look like characters from the cartoon? ))
(( and thats the main part of the au! it continues on, but this is all im sharing for now. its sort of a freeform au, now that bendy and the others are free, this leaves them able to do whatever they want while dealing with the aftereffects from the studio dimension. its a balance between fighting ink monsters and living their new lives, with also a touch of pizazz since bendy is a performer at heart
theres lots of details and characters i left out of this summary bc this would be way too long otherwise but anyway if you made it this far,,,, thanks for reading through this mess lol its still a work in progress but im not dedicating all my free time to developing this au atm ))
(( also i still dont know what the hell to do with sammy ))
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file-starmemez-xp · 2 months ago
its not much progress but here’s an update for my Dandy’s AU! ^^
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Since I can never settle on a design style I decided to revert everyone into a more canon like style meaning everything is going to look more cutesy now as shown above. I wanted to tackle the mains first since these are the once I am usually the most unsure about but to me, they look a lot better ^^
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The next section toons won’t be put into groups. Rather they will be organized based upon their rarity in the game so that I don’t continue to overthink this! But so far I’m actually really excited to continue as I like how consistent each design looks and feels.
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For the final update I’ll show a few parts to the finished lore I’ve done again, tackling the main toons first. For the AU to make everything seem more like a facility and to give more character detail in trying to work on putting things together piece by piece considering that alternate universes is important in this AU! so far that’s everything though! Underneath I’ll be posting doodles and past designs for toons! ^^
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boredomincarnate16 · 5 months ago
Was in the shower and my brain cooked up this Epic Mickey concept, so here it is:
Here's the gist of it - Mickey Mouse and Oswald the Lucky Rabbit (the Epic Mickey versions) going to Creepypasta worlds. I'd put in other stuff about it in bullet points, so here.
All of the Creepypasta worlds' residents count as Toons, so they're affected by Mickey's Magic Paintbrush, no matter how strong they are. And the interpretation for these Creepypasta worlds are that they were at one point, their original, official incarnations, before becoming Creepypasta worlds we know today.
Just to keep things simple, a Creepypasta character that's an antagonist of their original Creepypasta, or, just a standard enemy, yes, they're standard enemies, that's also corrupted, are just called "Creepypastas". And also, they'd be original Creepypastas as standard enemies.
Creepypasta antagonist are, well, the bosses of here, and some of them are mini-bosses.
When defeating a boss or mini-boss Creepypasta via Paint, it will "cleanse" them, reverting them back to their original, official incarnation. So, in this AU, if Mickey uses Paint to defeat, let's say, Sonic.EXE, he will revert back to Classic Sonic.
Standard Creepypasta enemies, despite being unique and original here, also have original cleansed forms whenever they're defeated via Paint.
On the opposite side of the spectrum, Mickey's Paintbrush's Thinner can kill Creepypastas. So there's that.
Mickey's Paintbrush can revive the Creepypasta worlds' residents killed by their antagonists, by "reanimating" them.
Both Mickey and Oswald retain their Toon Force, no matter what Creepypasta world they're in. So, no matter how powerful a Creepypasta is, they'd just... not die, only obtaining those cartoonish injuries, but I'm sure the trauma would stick to 'em.
In the case of Creepypasta worlds where, in the original Creepypastas, they're presumably characters the antagonist didn't kill on screen, or characters that escaped them, in this AU, they'd be "Survivors", selling Mickey new Sketches he can use.
One of these Sketches is called the "Summon Sketch" - which would have Mickey use his Paintbrush to quickly paint a small portal on the ground that functions, well, as an actual portal, which would summon a Creepypasta Mickey cleansed via Paint. So like, if he cleansed Sonic.EXE, turning him back into Classic Sonic, via the Summon Sketch, he'd summon Classic Sonic.
Just like in normal Epic Mickey, there's a Paint Path and a Thinner Path for this AU. In the Paint Path, Mickey undones the damage done by the Creepypasta worlds' antagonists, reverting them back to normal. In the Thinner Path, which, let's be honest, is more or less justified, Mickey kills all of the Creepypasta worlds' Creepypastas and effectively leaves the worlds left to rot.
As for the inspiration for this AU, I think it's just because I don't like how Creepypastas have such... downer "everyone and everything dies" endings, and I just want to see them have a "good ending". So yeah.
Ain't a good writer. So Imma just respond to any possible questions with a "I don't know" since I barely thought any of this through LMAO. Don't even got any ideas on how the story here would go! Though... if any of ya'll wanna do something with this AU, then you can, just credit me.
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mad-doodle-disease · 11 months ago
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(infection au) Read before engaging!
While I'm not going to spoil everything, I will tell you somethings about this virus.
Mad Doodle Disease (or Doodlian Spongiform Encephalopathy as the Cogs call it) is a recently discovered brain disease that began with the popular Toon housepet, Doodles.
The disease causes rapid metal degradation within its victims. Symptoms include chronic confusion, excessive drooling or foaming at the mouth, increase of appetite, violence and aggression, restlessness, dilation of pupils, and, eventually, death.
The disease primarily attacks the brain of the carrier, leading them to revert to a feral and primal state. They aren't in control of themselves, they aren't who you once knew anymore. Don't feel bad for doing what you must do.
It's unknown how the disease initially started, although some theories propose it might have been rotten meat, a mutation of a pre-existing disease, or even a manufactured disease created by the Cogs. The disease spreads by coming in contact with the bodily fluids of the infected.
There is no cure, except for death.
Although, to me at least, the content warnings are pretty obvious, I'll still provide 'em. Blanket content warnings for the following...
Death of pets and loved ones
Written descriptions of gore
Major character death
Minor character death
General gross out (vomit, waste, blood)
Graphic depictions of Doodles
Toontown: Corporate Clash.
Nobody important.
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walnutcookie · 3 months ago
If you insist then I must ramble✨
Astro was the only toon who's still a toon, after seeing his friends turning into twisted one by one he was overwhelmed with guilt Suddenly he had the idea to set this right even if it cost a sacrifice with his newfound determination he come face to face with twisted dandy then he concentrate all his power into absorbing all the ichor that been turning toon into twisted(including dandy) into himself and sealed dandy and himself into the dream realm where dandy cannot come back to harm the other anymore
Rodger witness all of this and slowly reverting back to his toon self, before astro go he ask rodger to take care of everyone, rodger keeping his words slowly gather every toon he can find and recognize, they all accent into the depth of the garderview(which is underground-) found a place to live in and start a new life
fun fact: they all doesn't remember they got twisted except for the main,rodger and Finn which his role is sans in this au boxten and poppy doesn't exist until they're created after the event of this au and dandy- well he take advantage of that, genocide run is called a dandy run and the player will slowly become twisted when they kill someone, Finn has leg- no he is not on a wheelchair- bc rodger found a way to fix them same with glisten mirror rodger is fixing the damage that they previously got from being twisted but never had the time to fix his own glasses
THIS IS SO CREATIVE !!! Very neat au!! :D do any of the others have specific characters assigned to them ?
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bobacake7 · 4 months ago
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So Smile World. Since I made an au of Dandys world I might as well lore dump. Like any other au, Shrimpo is a victim of the smile infection. Specifically the first victim, and of course Dandy is the problem behind it. Dandy had gotten sick of Shrimpo’s rotten attitude and decided to ‘fix’ him by essentially giving him happy pills to lift his sour mood. At first Shrimpo didn’t want to take them for obvious reasons, mostly cause he hates listening to Dandy (well he hates everything but that’s not the point) but also cause he’s pretty suspicious about the pills. After some ‘convincing’ by Dandy, Shrimpo took them and immediately felt a lot more happier and jolly than before.
At first, things have been going well. Shrimpo is more pleasant to be around and the other toons have taken a liking to Shrimpo’s change in behavior. Of course there were people such as Vee who questioned Shrimpo’s sudden change in behavior but then again nobody made an effort to dig deeper because well, Shrimpo ain’t a bully no more so why make him revert back? That was, until Shrimpo’s eyes turned yellow. I’ve yet to flesh out the symptoms but for now this is how everything snowballed out of control.
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doberart · 1 year ago
In Family AU, after Henry's rewritten/freed The Toons as well as Polk, Buddy(and others who were trapped in case they aren't as corrupted), do they turn back into monsters, thus requiring Henry to use the Golden Ink again, or do they stay as they are after Henry repeats the loops? If so, do they "wait" for Henry to find them when the loop restarts?
I’m still debating on how I want the cycles to work in the AU, but I have definitely thought about this idea! Having everyone revert back when the cycle repeats, but over time having them not revert back was a concept I considered. There’s a few ideas I’ve had, but I’m still working on something I like for the story. I could possibly pick something like this though. :)
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limeston-lane · 6 months ago
I do have the book but just haven't gotten to it, so I'm mostly relying on the smallest bits of the musical. Also, the 1931 Dracula movie
I don't have any title for this so I'll just tag it as Prester Virgil Vampire AU.
This thing is a whole work in progress so lore changes are gonna be made. It is not an exact story of Dracula!
The cut-off here!!!
Essentially. Here's the beginning of tidbits of info I have. Ehrhdjqlckw. Nervous.
The story first begins with Count Erclaim who is pondering his next plans. His plans being of one to expand his power and empire. But first, he must pick a successor, which is not too easy to do. He would soon choose Prester. The reasons that he would be seen as unlikely to be a vampire, trustworthy to others, already in high power as a regional manager, and holds the spirit to do his bidding.
So, in the dead of night, he would soon enter his home and turn Prester into like him. Leaving before he would wake. At first, Prester would find himself in the confusion of his sudden energy at such late hours and the feeling of hunger. His urges would later kick in, which leads to the death of two cogs and one toon. He's filled with the thrill of both the hunt and the flavors of both cog and toon blood. As the night was soon nearing the end, he heard Erclaim's voice, who soon revealed his plans to which he obliged. To drain Toontown of its blood and to claim more under immortality upon their control.
Abilities of a vampire (based mostly on Dracula 1931). Immortality, telepathy, mind control (can be resisted by having a strong will and working on non-toon animals,) and the ability to turn into a bat. How one becomes a vampire and goes under the control of one is by blood fusing, drinking the blood of a vampire. The only way to revert this is by killing the first vampire which frees the other. The way to repel a vampire is by mirrors, crosses, hawthorn, and pretty much god. They often back in fear and/or repulsion upon these objects. Either by smacking them away or a reaction in fear. Killing one is by a stake through the heart. They also have a strong sense for blood, a simple cut would get them coming near.
For this part, the two thoughts I've had are on who he would pick and who he would kill. The first vampire under his blood is Misty. Managing to convince her of the positives of immortality. After vampirism, she acts the same towards other co-workers but holds a hidden bloodlust and ulterior motives for the next victim. Occasionally, Prester checks up on her for her current status and problems. He likes her like a granddaughter of some kind.
He would soon pick Graham next, with him accepting at first but would soon back away from it. Graham attempts to kill Prester but is immediately stopped, and seeing this as an act of betrayal, he soon imprisons him. Under the idea of either killing him or making him a vampire regardless of whether he refuses or not.
Buck is Renfield, and Brian is Dr Steward. After witnessing the immortality and new abilities of Vampire Prester, Buck became fascinated immediately. This gave him the idea that he, too, could claim such skills by consuming the life essence of other creatures. Hence the bug-eating and devotional servitude to him. He is not a vampire but holds a psychic connection with Prester. Regardless of his assistance to him, he's still good-hearted, which leads to his unfortunate death. Brian has no idea what has gotten into him yet is very intrigued and interested to know why. Leading to him often keeping Buck in the schoolhouse basement to research his acts. Not knowing who this "master" is and what gave him the idea of bug-eating.
Benjamin would be a victim of Prester one night, only to be saved by a crucifix necklace a worrisome toon has given him. He is the lead and strongest clue they have as to who the vampire could be. If he was killed or not there that night, then Erclaim's plans would've succeeded. He becomes a lead investigator upon these deaths and may or may not become Prester's love interest. Which can go as badly as you think it would.
Holly is also here as the Van Helsing! The first to help and believe Benjamin after witnessing an attack herself yet knowing not who did it. Ultimately, she's the protector of the team and has the most knowledge regarding superstitions. Mostly due to her being in Ye Olde Toontown. She contributes to the investigation by her knowledge of these beings and any possible clues that may help. If she wasn't here then later in the story, they're all going to be dropping like flies. Additionally, she would only have basic protection against vampires but would later be met up with a Toon who would share their information with her. Before their inevitable death, womp womp.
Benjamin and Holly are Utterson and Enfield. And I suppose you could say Buck is the Jekyll and Prester is the Hyde. Since Buck does have a good heart but Prester is... well.
As for the rest, I am unsure of what other roles they can play. But I am open to suggestions on what they can do in the story!!! Whether it be other managers or toon characters! Cause I'm the only one writing, lol.
As of yet, I have beginning and end ideas of how it'll go. But the middle is still being figured out! I'm hoping to have at least five parts to the story. Prologue, Act 1, Act 2, Act 3, Epilogue. The prologue shows Erclaim's plans and enactment, Act 1 is the character and plot introduction, Act 2 is the investigations and Prester's actions, Act 3 is the part where they plan to end it all, and the Epilogue is the aftermath.
I'm open to any ideas for changes in the story or additions to it!!! Yeye. Hope y'all have fun because I certainly am! Asks are open for questions, suggestions, and other messages too!!
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bear-boi-5 · 2 months ago
Darling Dandy/silly
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I apologise for what I've made
he's like 10ft
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primatechnosynthpop · 10 months ago
Additional thoughts on bustin meshi (+ some bonus doodles at the end)
Being the mad scientists that they are, Ray and Egon can probably find a way to reverse the transformation spell on Peter, or at least give him the ability to switch between forms. But by this point Peter is so used to being a catboy (and not just mentally; his body is used to it too) that he still usually stays in that form, only reverting to a normal human appearance while on the surface and/or trying to make a good impression on people
Upon joining the party, Janine is extremely taken aback that they have a beastman in their midst; she'd heard of that kind of magic before but never encountered it in real life. She remains put off by Peter for a long time. Winston, meanwhile, takes it in stride and just assumes Peter is from a species that naturally looks like that-- sure, it's a little odd, but it's not that much stranger to him than an elf or a half-foot, since he didn't grow up around those races either
There's a bit in the gb movie novelization where Egon thought Ray's parents were trapped in the bermuda triangle, and I imagine something analogous happens here. Egon thinks they should go back to the dungeon where Ray's parents died and revive them and Ray is like "no it was years ago, there'd be nothing left of them to revive at this point" and Egon is like "it's okay we can use forbidden magic." This is a longstanding argument between them
Many people assume that Janine and Egon knew each other beforehand, with some even speculating that a less experienced magician like her only keeps her job through his good graces. This couldn't be further from the truth, as they were raised in very different social spheres, so she's about the only elf on the island who hadn't heard of Egon's academic accomplishments before they ended up working together. As for her keeping her job, that much is similar to canon-- she threatens to quit often, but sticks around because she knows they need her
At some point Ray offers to teach Winston some basic healing spells, which takes Winston by surprise because he didn't realize it was possible for tall-men to learn magic. His grandmother and many of his other ancestors were magicians, but his parents kept that a secret, not wanting their family to be persecuted for it. He's a bit resistant to learning magic even once Ray explains it's possible-- but still a more cooperative student than Peter, who has a personal grudge against any magic not cast by his close friends
This is kind of schrodinger's au for me where I can picture them as just a random party in the dungeon meshi world with no connection to the plot, BUT in a scenario where they're reenacting the dunmesh plot...
Dana is an artificer who's studying the paintings in the dungeon and wants to observe them up close in their original setting, so she hires Peter, Ray, and Egon to escort her through the dungeon. This upsets the dungeon lord, and next thing you know she's getting gobbled up. Egon teleports them back to the surface, where they realize they'll need more support for their rescue mission, so they hire Winston and Janine, neither of whom have any idea what they're getting into
And the rest is history :3
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(^ very convenient that ryoko kui modeled her orcs after boars specifically so I could flawlessly recreate stay tooned within this au. Very nice of her to do that just for me)
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monkmain2 · 23 days ago
I should explain how EraVerse works
So every outcode has a style that appears the moment they become an outcode. Outcodes created by other outcodes have the same style as the outcode that created them, which is why Punk and Seahorse look the way they do. Outcodes with similar code often have the same style, like Toon and Tot, and if an outcode somehow gets an AU again, they will revert back to normal.
Certan outcodes, like the MTT and Null, don’t have a unique style due to the interference of outside forces. (Pestilence in their case)
Outcodes also tend to be a lot more mellow, with the exception of Tot because rubber hose animation do funny cartoon violence.
Also. The library place thing where all the AUs are. Yes.
It's basically a giant hallway of bookshelves that stretch on for eternity. There are balconies higher up on the shelves made of polished oak wood, with staircases leading up to them.
When one enters the library through a non-AU area, there is a blank wall behind them with the outline of a door frame. if you stand in front of the wall and think about leaving, the door will materialize in the frame, and can be walked through to return to whatever void you arrived from.
If you arrive from an AU, you will materialize somewhere on a balcony with the book that leads to your AU laying open beside you. In order to enter an AU, you must open a book and read aloud the first sentence. You will then be sucked into the book and materialize inside the au.
In order to find a specific AU, you first have to know the name of the AU, then desire to enter it. Random AUs can be found on shelves, but an AU you want to enter will appear in a random spot within a meter of your location if you desire it.
Near the entrance from a non-AU area on one of the balconies is a small sitting area with a circle of couches and a low table. This area is the only place in the library with furniture. On the table in the middle of the circle of couches can be found a list of every single AU in alphabetical order with a short description of each to make it easier to find specific AUs.
The library stretches on for eternity, and you can walk down the hallway forever. If you are far away from the entrance, ringing a bell you can find perched on a banister will teleport you back near the entrance.
The librarian resides in the library, and can teleport anywhere at will. He does something, alright. Nobody is 100% sure what that something is, but they just get the feeling it’s important. He can often be found seemingly organizing AUs, but what he’s organizing them by and why he’s doing it in the first place is a mystery.
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telekinetic-electronica · 10 months ago
tbh, for my au of bendy
that mf will always will be that. wilson just took his ability to talk when reverting him back into his toon form. but for my au of ink demon, he's the same for how he acts in canon. he also DOES know that he can turn into toon him via gent towers. but he gets his ability to speak later when he joins audrey in the real world!
"man i miss the 2017 fandom lore ):"
what's stopping you from using it cowards
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miyahopscotch · 2 years ago
Can you explain the premises or have a summary behind some of your batdr aus?
Okay so let's start with the toon au:
Essentially, it's a weird twist on the story by making it very reminiscent of actual old rubberhose animation. I twisted it in a mote uncanny way for creep factor.
But, the characters follow more logic to those cartoons such as anatomy and overall physics.
I kinda wanna go a bit like an analog horror route somewhat.
Might make some short comics or open an ask thingy. Probably asks.
Wanna focus on this au the most
Healed au:
Basically, the idea of various Individuals to be reverted back to a mental and somewhat physical state.
However, it's more focused on ocs more than anything. The oc that can do this is Liam. It's a whole story based around him and his grieving for the loss of his "son"
It's more so taking away the effects of the dark puddles. Taking away that corruption etc.
Human au:
Focused around the ink demon.
He's basically a cannibal. That's it.
That's the plot.
Nah it's deeper then that lmao.
I made it instead of having the small bendy form just a manageable form as stated in the game, he's a whole separate person who lives with his brother "ink"
If dabbles into addiction, childhood trauma and all of that fun angst stuff.
Other au in the works:
Basically, where the ink realm FULLY seeps into the real world, the trapped people have to hide and / or adapt to their surroundings. That includes the ink demon who tries taking on a somewhat humanoid form.
It's still in development, but still.
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