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s0rr3l · 5 months ago
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A Fanart for @s0rr3l because I love them 🤫🧏
(pls ignores the emoji lol)
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midnight1nk · 10 days ago
So, this week's episode...
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[spoilers below cut]
no sonic 3? FUCK there goes more of my money and rizz soda 😔 please don't form a gambling addiction. don't be like me. it's over for me. /ref
... *record scratch* NOW HEY HOLD UP we had "SMG4:" in the title of last week's episode and now it's gone again. huh.
um let's not jump to conclusions right now and get on with the episode, shall we?
(the following is my live reaction:)
OH it's a 3 & 4 video ft. mario, that makes sense now. strange that the Team didn't name it as "SMG4 and SMG3 surviving MARIO'S DEATHRUN" or smth. *shrug*
but either way, we got the star trio in gmod let's gooooooo!!! (i bet that the mar34 shippers are gonna enjoy this. yes including me.) ig fair warning that it might be a short review after all
no need to be jealous of your boyfriend, 4. 3 has two hands :) problem solved 🎉
AY LOOK AT THEM. it brings back good memories
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peach's castle... *war flashbacks* i'm fine, i'm fine. and you know what? i'm totally fine :)
(ink was not fine and was sent to a mental asylum)
SMG4: "Are you... are you okay?" SMG3: "no."
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me and mario: the more you know💫 😀👍
oh look at my boys 🥹📸 you're trying your best
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love how 4 was like "no cheating" and then went "so anyway let's cover mario's view as a distraction :)"
the boys do be scheming
I'M GOING TO KILL YOU.... AND THEN KILL YOU AGAIN (y'know what? this makes up for my sonic 3 loss for this week. thanks Team)
the small "take you with me" from 4 🥹💙
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how did they get a picture of me? wtf /silly
"You might take me down, but I'll take you down along with me!" ← 3 probably
callback to 3 and bowser's past friendship? 👀 idk
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adding this to my wholesome board... well except for THE ULTIMATE BETRAYAL
4 learned from the best
and now you too could have matching smg34 don't care didn't ask dance gifs! get yours today!!
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me and SMG4: "I'm gonna go die now" *shitty green screen explosion*
Congrats to L1v1ngwawa43 for your art being featured at the end credits🎉 love to see Karen art as always
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.・-: ✧ :--: ✧ :-・.
I realized how much I missed this type of episode omg! just having a gmod sandbox video with the usual star trio chaos, i loved this so much, chat. Literally the whole time, I had a smile on my face bc how silly they were.
and no we're not going to talk about peach's castle appearing in this improv video. for my mental sanity.
and before anyone says anything, no, this video was not related to what's happening with the Steam username mystery. last time this type of thing happened, changes happened almost immediately and it's been hours after the release. so we're cool.... Team, you better not change anything while I'm not looking
Anyway thanks Team for this awesome episode and here's a little message from Shadow :)
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you guys did great! i couldn't even imagine how that was like for editing, jesus. so for this video, here's my stamp of approval 👍
we got some mar34 crumbs and some Karen fanart!! soon we'll get fanart of the door in one episode trust. well guys, it's all i have to say, I'll see you next time. and remember: numbers go first :))
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potato-lord-but-not · 8 months ago
hi! I love your art and I actually started listening to Malevolent because I saw your fanart and I love it so far!
anyways I wanted to tell you that I saw your John and Arthur art and it actually made me double take and do some research on myself because the way John and Arthur interact and stuff with each other and the people around them really stuck with me. Like I have a headmate of sorts but I never looked into DID or anything as a possibility because I just didn’t.. feel like that was what we have going on? Like my head mate never fully fronts and he doesn’t feel 100% seperate as a person from me so I just didn’t think it was a possibility. But I was listening to Malevolent and I saw your art of Oscar kissing John’s hand and just… that’s exactly what it’s like!! That’s exactly how my head mate and I are!! Like sometimes he like.. partially fronts?? Where he can move one of my hands and I have the other and stuff. And just the way Arthur and John are like their own people but they share different parts of the same body.. that’s it that’s literally it!! I’ve never seen a visual representation of it before and as precisely as that before and it’s very cool to see!! I also appreciate Oscar actually treating them as their own people who have control of their respective limbs and stuff and with respect and just being normal and not making a huge deal about it?? So thank you for that :] anyways thanks to your gay people art (which is very tender and sweet and I absolutely adore them) I am doing research and I think I might have OSDD so thank you for that :] 👍
NOT at all where I expected this ask to go but like !!! ok girlies good for you !! I hope you get that all figured out, I’m glad my art and malevolent made you come to some helpfully realizations <3
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hoofpeet · 11 months ago
popping in to say a few kind words about your art because i never viewed your art as cutesy pretty much ever? i never saw your style is just. cute. and p much anyone who says that has a very shallow way of defining art styles
i admire your style of art so much because of the unapologetic saturation and vibrancy in color, the way you utilize them has so clearly been practiced and curated careful even when you might just have been fuckin around. your sense of color has come to a point where im pretty sure its just instinctual, but even then the attention to detail of how light bounces and how they interact with other colors is nothing less of a very talented skill.
this isnt even mentioning your understanding of form makes me want to Gnaw On My Furniture, you make it look so Easy with your linework. its so gestural but also so compact at the same time-- theres this narrow line you tend to do there there is so much clarity in a silhouette but at the same time it doesnt feel like a posed model, its just a photograph taken. the naturalism is so fantastic, i FEEL like im seeing a snapshot into a world that does not involve me and thats good.
honestly its very upsetting that people chalk up your work valuing nothing more than fanart because there is so much MORE youre clearly doing with style study, color and photo study, research into animal behaviors/biology/interpreting realism into stylized shape and form. frankly, it is a Disservice to you that people think you arent... i dont know deserving to express your goddamn feelings????
anyway this is a long way to say i hope people will stop being shitheads to you n you can find those shitheads to block fully and entirely bc they clearly arent the attentive appreciating target audience they think theyre being
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HEEHEE... thank you ...... I love 2 hear detailed thoughts on my silly ocs and such .. glad you're enjoying them 👍
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drbtinglecannon · 6 months ago
Darius because YOU! Are his lawyer
This is such a high honor coming from Willow Park's lawyer herself, thank you pal 💖
How do I feel about this character
I love Darius so much he's absolutely one of my top favorites, it's like between him and Eda. He's hilarious, he's cunty, he's interesting, he's one of Dana's favorites, he's a good person but he's a bitch about it, his design fucks, he has no canon love interest, and I wish we got more of him. I have so many thoughts on him and he was only in about 15min of screentime.
What can I say, I looked at all the Coven Heads in the S2B trailer and immediately decided he was my favorite and every time he was on screen I was validated by how thoroughly he passed the vibes check
All the people I ship romantically with this character
I am typically an aroace Darius enjoyer, but I have fondness for dariraine, dariraeda, and darimila (why is he always listed first and why is it fitting (wait I have to preface I'm ace and I use ship names by what sounds best I have literally never done it by "who tops" I can barely remember that's the common use of ship name order SO I'm mocking Darius as he would wanna be listed first because he's That Bitch)) because all of them have a lot of cute fluff potential (and dariraine has fun angst potential especially if it's between Eda's Requiem and O Titan, Where Art Tho)
Typically tho even in those ships I don't see Darius as someone that would live with a romantic partner, I think he'd want to keep his own house lol and he's very valid, it's styled exactly how he likes and no one else lives up to his cleanliness standards, it's win win for both parties
My non-romantic OTP for this character
Darius & Eberwolf is literally Lilith & Hooty a little to the left and it's sooo fucking funny and wholesome for it. Lilith was actually my S2A obsession until she left I was so fucking devastated when she moved out, so seeing Darius & Eberwolf were a similar archetype to Lilith & Hooty really endeared me to them immediately in ER when we knew nothing about them. Then by the series end they really are one of my favorite little duos of toh they're comedy gold potential but didn't get enough screentime 😔 Darius surrendered for Eberwolf even tho it was at the cost of the rebellion and I still think about that scene. Guy who joked about people dying is likely actually not being pragmatic at all when it comes to loved ones 👍 they threaten Terra Adrian & Vitimir lol
I'm also a "Darius & Eda used to be besties and will do so again" truther. They're the same yet opposites, they're both dramatic, they're both powerful, they both have a hot monster form, and they both speedran becoming adoptive parents after just being That Guy to some kid for a while. The ONE episode of interactions they had in COTH with Darius having to exasperatingly tell Eda what he means but also he calls her "Eda" not "Edalyn" like everyone else but Raine does, and Eda mocking Darius over beating his ass in ER and Darius IMMEDIATELY getting defensive & lying which Eberwolf calls him out for, DO YOU SEE MY VISION? THEY USED TO BE BESTIES. THE CLAWTHORNE PARENTS LOVED DARIUS. DARIUS & EDA WERE EACH OTHER'S ASSHOLE FRIEND. THAT FANART OF THEM IN FACIAL MASKS & DOING THEIR NAILS WATCHING DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES IS WHAT THEY WERE.
My unpopular opinion about this character
Liking him at all is still quite unpopular 😔 this fandom sure treats the nonwhite parents a certain way lol. I also don't really like ala//darius, I get the appeal but it doesn't compel me
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon
I've had a perfectly envisioned idea for a year or two now of an toh episode that followed the rebel trio after Them's the Breaks, Kid and before Hollow Mind that was a 3 part split reminiscent of how Once Upon A Swap was paced.
Not only would it tie back to the style of OUAS -- a notoriously hated toh episode -- but it would be able to give info in a slow drip by following Raine first, then by the end we see Raine is working with Darius & Eberwolf, then it goes back to the beginning of the day through Eberwolf's POV, then Darius' POV, and ending on the buildup that they're the rebels Hunter is chasing at the beginning of HM.
We as the audience can tell by the designs who they were in HM (or well. Most of us. Some people thought Darius was Alador for some reason) but ahhh think of the extra foreshadowing that could've been in HM if we got an episode inside the castle so close to the day of unity!! Like what if Collector's shadow was visible at one point behind one or all of the rebels, letting us know Belos knew exactly who they were which lead to the foreshadowing in HM of the 3 arrows being where Darius, Raine(Eda), & Eberwolf each get put to stand during the day of unity spell in King's Tide BUT ALSO how we don't REALIZE it's referencing them specifically UNTIL KT AIRS. LIKE THE LAYERS IT COULD'VE ADDED.
Also obligatory Darius Hunter moment has to happen here to lead to Darius' reaction in HM upon hearing Hunter was trapped considering their last on screen moment in ASIAS and some people even now can't visualize them interacting in a positive manner 🙄
I do imagine it would be a touch 🤏 angsty. Like in my vision, Darius sees Hunter getting heat from Kikimora over a wild magic book, and it's like she can't really do anything to him over it but she could tell Belos who would be unhappy to hear that and all 3 of them are aware this would be the outcome, and Darius debates for a solid 10 seconds if he should pretend he didn't see them because well as heartless as he knows it sounds it actually benefits him & the rebellion keeping Hunter at arm's length but now that he's spent time with the kid he's like not a bad kid maybe they can convince him to join them?? Before he goes over and like a true actor plays it off that he asked Hunter for the book. Hunter obviously does not play along well as he's not a good actor, so Darius very condescendingly tells Kikimora to leave like "you can read, can't you, Kiki?" And she sputters "yes of course I--" and he just cuts her off "then read the room" while giving her a cold look until she awkwardly and angrily leaves. Like absolute cunt behavior from Darius but it's hilarious and it works to his cover as a CH. He gives Hunter the book back when Kikimora leaves and they good naturedly mock the other's taste in books ("I don't know how you can read that, Deadwarian era writing is dreadful to slog through" "Well some of us like reading more than fashion magazines") before they pass the mess hall and Darius asks Hunter if he's eaten, "Y-yes!", Flapjack is not standing for such lies and pecks him from under his cloak, which Darius knows is Flapjack so he laughs and tells Hunter to eat, Hunter pauses before he tries to genuinely thank Darius for defending him earlier, and then well shit remember how it's better for the rebellion if Darius keeps Hunter at arm's length maybe he needs to remember the bigger picture? He was literally doing rebel work when he got distracted helping Hunter out, so he kinda gently tells Hunter not to expect he can always go save him, and because Hunter's an abused teen (not that Darius really knows that yet) and he was enjoying having an adult that's nice to him now he visibly deflates before quickly excusing himself
Darius apologizes under his breath because he doesn't enjoy being mean to Hunter (even back when he was being mean to him) but it's one of those hard choices he makes like how Raine refused to get Eda involved. Can be miserably tied back to how Hunter ends up hiding at Hexside and not the rebels finding & helping him.
Wow I went insane typing that all but yeah that's my vision of what I would add to canon if I could add 1 episode into the show that doesn't change anything at all it only adds character filler & foreshadowing potential. Maybe I'll actually write this fic one day haha.
Another thing I kinda wish canon would've done was overtly state Darius adopted Hunter because like it's clearly implied but a lot of people still deny it! Dadrius won guys let us have this they had to cut so much stuff from the show including Darius backstory
From this ask!
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rewordthis · 4 months ago
For the shipping ask: 🌹💔👅and 💓
Thank you for the ask, my Lady! 💚💫 So here we go:
Ship that you have as an OTP: 🌹
Ugh! Tough choice! Can I say 2, at least? I have one for every fandom but… AoKaga is very prominent on my fleet! They are my spaceship! 🚀 They are in orbit! And the fandom is also very supportive and adorable about them! Yeah~ And the 2nd one is 57. I’m sorry, these two are pretty equal to my love share. 57 is tugboat no.2 🚢, btw… 🤭
Ship that makes you sad: 💔
Ughhhhh… ALL! I usually come up with angsty or flat out sad AUs, so I end up making myself sad for no good reason, but if I’m going to look at canon… Then ClearxAoba from Dmmd and KV (yeah… I got spoilered… again!). Gosh… I was crying like an idiot about Clear and then I was so depressed when the anime ended. I really want to play the game at some point… I’m not an M, I just want the full story…Honest… _(:3 」∠)_
Ship that you find most sexy: 👅
Most sexy, huh… Hmmm… I think… Su No! WAIT! Oh! I’ll take you VN side for this, because yes! When it comes to VNs, JJxUgajin from Omerta are canonically sexy! But that is simply because Ugajin is an actual slut to JJ! I love him so much~ 🩶 Their Drama CD is my go to when I want some “inspiration” for my fics… 😳🤗
Ship that you didn’t expect to ship but now do: 💓
Oh. OH! Don’t we all start like that?! Ah, but a ship I hadn’t anticipated and really hit me like a ton of bricks was SouHaru from Free!. Like, I already shipped MakoHaru and when Sousuke came into the picture, I didn’t feel like his cool character could really fit the others but— hhhnnnnn~ I saw a fanart and BAM! Instant OBSESSION!!! And then the more the story progressed and his character unfolded, the more I saw the greatness of this ship!!! *insert glorious burning mappet gif* I you haven’t watched Free!, do give it a chance! The characters are almost always half naked! 😉👍✨
This was the hardest ask, yet! And in the end I still didn’t manage to chose one ship for all categories… 😮‍💨 I really didn’t think it’d be this hard to separate them but it is! I love. loVE. LOVE! all my ships to an unhealthy degree and I rotate them in my head 24/7 all year round. They are never set down, they just go to sleep for as long as I deal with some other ship and then they wake up again and come at full force~ ☄️😌
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spitinsideme · 1 year ago
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more fanart because the ragapom brainrot never stops
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valen-3o · 11 months ago
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all the characters I drew belong to @frenchiefitzhere and her amazing rp audio line corollary series
and oh my god thank you so much to @echovale052 to encourage me to draw the silliest AND with Carol's hands they look so much better thanks to you!!! :))
drawing explanation or something idk under the cut :)
we have the good ol' bickering from Carol and annex, it was so much fun to colour the pair (emooooo Carol)
Eliza and Laurel (neighbour and their kid) having a nice bonding experience. (minus the bull dog idk what happened to the poor thing.)
We then have aspen and her lovely wife lori with her trusty knife spade covered in a bit of smashed cranberries...
and last but not least baby randi, probably off daydreaming abt cricket or even better baking
for listeners (neighbour and annex) design I used @echovale052's wonderful artwork for em
and that's a wrap 👍
close up of lori too bcs she deserves it...
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realityescapee01 · 1 year ago
Theo checked his phone as another message from his tattoo artist, Stiles, came in.
Checking up on him. And how his tattoo is healing.
Stiles kept in touch with him all throughout. Theo didn't think much of it... until Stiles started showing up to his work. Driving him home... every night. And sometimes taking him on dinners. Nothing, fancy. Just places Stiles like. Or Theo likes.
Now... that does look kinda... not your ordinary tattoo artist - client thing...
"I told you! He's into you! No tattoo artist does this to all of their clients!!!" -Corey teased him as he stepped away from Theo when he saw Stiles' pull into the parking lot.
Theo took a deep breath and readied himself...
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"Theo! Hey!" -Stiles came jogging towards him, in that nice, tight jeans, and black shirt -showing off his own tattoos.
"Hi, Stiles." -Theo said, looking him over.
Stiles took Theo's hand. "Good, tats healed nicely."
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Theo remembered how nervous he was getting his first tattoo and having Stiles touch and hold his hand in place.
And now he was thinking, was all the hand holding necessary back then? Was all the little caresses and soft squeezes necessary back then?
... Like what Stiles is doing now?
Theo cleared his throat and Stiles let his hand go.
"Sorry. So, dinner?"
"Well... I am hungry."
"Nice. There's this new place just down the road from here."
Stiles led Theo towards his jeep. And they drove to the new place.
They've been doing this a while. Theo wanted to ask. What is this? What are they doing? What are they?
Stiles definitely ain't treating him like his bro or buddy or something like a just a guy friend.
Definitely not. As Theo caught himself catching his breath as Stiles dove back down on his neck, sucking and licking.
They've long done dinner. Drove away from the city, parked near a cliff, and are now kissing and groping at the backseat of Stiles' jeep.
...Under the moonlight...
Nope, definitely not just friends.
-+-+-+ (complete)+-+-+-
This is just a shorts. Something to get me back to writing. If you wanna pick it up and extend it, please do. And tag about it. 👍
thank you. more on my master list here
I also have an AO3 account
my art/design shop here (for fanart and other things I do)
Redbubble shop
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jademickian · 1 year ago
oh man, haven't done tag games in a while, sorry friends 🥹 i've been passive the last few weeks because uni is really taking most of my time and energy, but i appreciate the tags and i love love reading your answers<3
ok enough blabbering, thank u @callivich, @lingy910y, and @mickeysgaymom for the totally optional, fun gallavich questions tag!
What’s a fic you’ve read more than once?
Stuck at Three for Days - delicious banter, laughed my ass off
another kiss is all it takes - so fuckin sweet, dude
Like Real People Do - just finished my reread last month:)) i needed the comfort
Cooperative Gameplay - currently rereading! i miss the feels
Sometimes I reread bits and pieces from ORFNSP and since we're alone because they changed my brain chemistry. I will eventually get around to actually rereading them.
2. What’s a gifset you always have to reblog?
You know the one... this legendary world heritage gifset
3. What’s a headcanon you can’t stop thinking about?
not sure if this is counted but i always like to think that once, ian got struck with grief about monica's death on her death anniversary. mickey asks him what's wrong and he opens up about it. ian will say it's stupid but mickey will truly handle it with grace and say nah man it's not. because yahknow, he gets it. and ian melts at it, because no one has acknowledged his grief like this before. mickey teases him about it a bit, sure, but deep down he held ian's mourning warmly, like petals on his palm. and they went together to the cemetery that day, simply sat in front of her grave and talked. the good things, the bad. and that despite it all "hey, tleast she popped out an alien lookin mfer i ended up marryin." they get pizza after.
4. What’s a fanart you love looking at?
Van kiss by @lingy910y
Prince Mononoke by @darthvaders-wife
Prison Boyfriends by @gallavichonly
Part of Our World by @steorie
It's Okay by WhatsaMattavich
This Kiss by @deathclassic
SO MANY others actually if i could fit them all here
5. What’s an idea you’d love to create if you had the time/inspiration?
i actually have a LIST lmao. one of those has something to do with art because i cannot take my mind away from human mickey and manananggal ian (manananggal is a Philippine myth creature with wings and can separate the upper half of its body from its lower half).
6. What’s something you’ve discovered since entering this fandom? A new trope you love? A different analysis of the show? Something else?
oh man. believe it or not, i was never into fics. i was in fandoms before, but i just couldn't get into fics within those fandoms (i tried). this is the only time i truly liked and LOVED reading fics. it really speaks volumes about the talent and dedication, and i'm glad i got to experience it.
it's also fun reading metas on the show and getting different perspectives, especially on characters. one of my favorites (just because i was so distressed about it the first time i watched it) are analyses on the city hall scene and ian's hesitation on marriage. after reading up others' thoughts on it explaining the why's, i totally felt some relief and was able to get some sleep. lol
7. What’s an underrated trope or concept you’d like to see more of?
apocalypse aus 👍
8. What’s your favourite season? And has this changed after multiple rewatches of the show?
The first five seasons are gems to me. but i truly love season 2 because it's so chill (at least compared to some of the heavier seasons after) and the gallaghers move as a unit. special mention for season 4 because it holds Emily and Lazarus.
9. What’s a plot hole you wish had been answered or resolved?
same qualms with @mickeysgaymom about mickey's mom. brain rotting over it.
10. What scene or moment do you feel isn’t discussed enough?
not gallavich related, and i'm sure people have already mentioned it, but sometimes it hits me how smart debbie is. like, i know she's smart, but people easily forget from all the chaos. at the heart of it, she's a fast learner and also would and have excelled academically.
11. What line/dialogue/description from something else (a poem, a book, a tv show, a movie, or something else) do you feel describes Ian and Mickey’s relationship?
aaaa @lingy910y beat me to it! it's totally "I'll take care of you. / It's rotten work. / Not to me. Not if it's you." but if i could pick another, maybe "I could recognize him by touch alone, by smell; I would know him blind, by the way his breaths came and his feet struck the earth. I would know him in death, at the end of the world."
12. What do you think is next for Ian and Mickey post-finale?
they'll grow old together and be just as in love, no matter what happens in between.
tagging @mybrainismelted, @scurvgirl, and @lupeloto if u wanna join!! raahh
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abbycadoodle · 10 months ago
So you do Star Trek TOS fanart but have you also seen The Next Generation? Just curious!
(I love your artstyle SO MUCH your spones drawings are SO GOOD AAH!)
first off THANK YOU SO SO MUCH :D!!!!!!!!!!
and to answer your question, yes! TNG was my first exposure to the franchise, I've seen the whole series (more than once ddjskf) and most of (?) the movies.
Times Arrow - literally. everything. the costumes. the shenanigans. guinan. Mark Twain. great story 10/10
The Royale - silly mystery :) bonus points for data in a cowboy hat
The Inner Light - hey !!! fucked up to live an entire lifetime in the span of like 11 minutes but beautifully written and actually stuck with me for a while after I saw it the first time................
I have so so many other faves but I'd have to look up the names of the episodes because,,, I don't pay attention lmao
I also definitely have tons of old TNG art around somewhere, and I'm definitely gonna try to relearn how to draw them when I inevitably watch it from the beginning again 👍
thank u for your question !!!
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tizeline · 2 years ago
Can I ask how you draw the mutant mayhem turtles’ anatomy? And proportions. ALSO I LOVE YOUR ART IT IS SO GOOD AND JUST AHHH
(Hopefully that wasn’t weird)
Waaaa thank you!!! :,D!!!!
Uhhhh yeah sure why not. Just so ya know, not great at giving art tutorials so I have no idea how helpful you'll actually find this, but I'll try my best 👍
And this might not need saying, but just so we're on the same page, when I draw the MM turtles I don't exactly stay 100% on model. I generally try to draw them similarly to how they actually look, but I also take some ✨artistic liberties✨, as is the nature of fanart.
Okay let's start with heads, that's probably the one of the MM boys' most distinct feature. For Raph and Leo it's easy to divide their heads up in two main shapes. The lower part of their head sticks out quite a bit compared to the upper part. I dunno how clear it is in these images but compared to Leo, Raph has a bit of a wider head (mostly the cheeks) and the top of it is flatter. Leo's head is a bit more round-ish while Raph's is slightly more angular.
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For Mikey and Donnie it's easier to just view their heads as one single shape (The lower part of their heads are still wider than the upper part, but it's not as noticeable as it is with their other brothers) Mikey's head is just straight up an oval. Well, not exactly, like an oval and a rectangle with mixed together. Donne's is less stretched out, like a circle and a rectangle mixed together.
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But that's the movie, when it comes my art I have a tendency to dial down the differences between their heads and draw them a bit more overall roundish. (Except for like Donnie, I actually tend to make his face a bit more stretched out and rectangular lol)
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I'm still figuring out how exactly I wanna draw these guys TBH, so my art of them isn't super consistent. That being said, there's a lot of squash and stretch going on in the movie's animation when it comes to facial expressions. So even in the movie their head-shapes aren't super consistent either.
Anyway, body proportions!
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Aside from maybe height the brother all have pretty similar body-types. Raph I would say looks the most different, being a bit wider. Particularly his carapace is almost bit pear shaped? It gets wider the further down it goes is what I'm trying to say. Leo, Donnie and Mikey have a more consistent rectangular shape. (Another detail I noticed while making this was that it seems that Leo and Donnie have six scutes on their plastron, while Raph and Mikey have 8. It's a bit hard to see tho because their belts are kinda in the way)
With specifically their limbs, Donnie and Mikey are a bit lankier, while Raph and Leo have slightly thicker muscles (tho still rather lanky compared to other iterations of the turtles)
When I draw them they (like with their head shapes) end up more similar to each other than they are with their canon designs. I also draw them with slightly less thin limbs.
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Shell! It was hard finding good images of the back of their shells so I dunno exactly how many scutes they have back there, but it seems to be 3 columns at the very least? (Also I think Leo might have a comparatively slightly smaller shell than his brothers?)
The shells also generally take up a bit more than half of their side-profile. Looking more closely at these reference images have made me realize that I draw their shells a bit flat lol.
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I don't know how much more help I can give when it comes to their designs. I just end off with some details to remember when drawing them.
Raph is missing a tooth, and Mikey has braces. (Leo had braces in the concept art and I'm stubborn and insist on drawing him with them also because fuck you)
They all have a few scratches here and there, but in typical Raph fashion, he has a LOT of scratches on his plastron. Also his beltbuckle has tape on it.
The space between their eyes is narrower than the size of one of their eyes, except for Mikey. Him having a wider face makes his ...nosebridge(?)... whatever, the space there is approximately the width of one of his eyes. Some facial anatomy for ya'
Another face anatomy thing, the ends of their mouths mostly lines up with the outer edge of their eyes (they're pretty wide)
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greatdividecomic · 1 year ago
heyo!! made some fanart of this panel:
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because I thought it was a strong visual that looked like fun to render!!
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hope ya like it! 👍
the colors!!! the textures!!! this is so good, i can't stop looking at it 🤩i'm so grateful, thank you for sharing this! 💘
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thousand-winters · 7 months ago
Dear pal I hope you & the cats are doing well! 💖 For the blorbo bingo how about Darius for you too haha! And if you want Izutsumi from dungeon meshi and Teruhashi from tdlosk (I haven't seen tdlosk yet but I know your takes will be good 👍)
Hello, friend!!! 💖 The cats are being very rowdy lately, but that means they're doing good haha.
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I love this man so much it ain't even funny. Beautifully designed, I don't call people/characters "hot" often, but he's the exception to my rules, just look at him, he's so hot ahahaha. Beautiful man all around, I'm very normal about the fanart of him.
I'm feral about him, as you already know ahaha. He needs so much therapy, honestly, and I'm both still upset we didn't get the planned amount of screentime for him and somewhat grateful we still got so much of him since it makes for such a fun time exploring the possibilities with him.
Darius Deamonne, you will always have a place in my heart for as long as I breathe.
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My friend told me I would like her before I even started watching so I was SO excited to get to her and she did not disappoint.
I think I'm probably yet to know more in depth about her since I have been spoiled a bit about the manga events but I haven't taken it up yet, whoops. I'm a bit bad keeping up with manga but I fully intend to at some point.
In any case she's really so fun. I love how the way in which she acts and reacts isn't just that she's partially a cat and very much acts like it haha, she just seems to have a lot going on as well, which doesn't really help with the trust issues all around. She's wet, sad and pathetic in the way all cats are and I love that about her.
She's probably not getting that much of a peaceful time all things considered but I'm rooting for her. If you didn't want to get incorporated into the found family, Izutsumi, you should have murdered them before eating their food.
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Oh, Teruhashi, nobody gets you like I do (well, certainly not the haters at least).
I can't even say I disliked her at first because she was so funny to me. Girlie shows up onscreen for the first time and goes "yes, I'm the specialest girl on Earth", what's not to like? She's just really fun and she's right, which makes it even better.
I didn't mark it and now I'm regretting it but she's a bit of a sopping wet cat too sometimes lmao. Sobbing wailing losing it over her crush. This is so clearly the first time this happens to her and it's so fucking funny but also very compelling. Girl who is used to being in control of how she uses the way in which she's perceived is confronted with an autistic guy who doesn't emote and she can't read him. Rip.
Honestly her situation is so horrific once you look past the comedy aspect tho, which is the case for most of these characters so I think she needs comfort, lots of therapy and a good support system. She's halfway through that with her friends group at least but she's sooo gonna crash once she has some realizations about her life.
I love her so much, people who hate her can't see the vision but she's perfect in all the ways that matter.
Thanks for the ask!!! From this ask game
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comfy-sofa · 2 years ago
Vashmeryl fans, y'all are getting FED TODAY GOOD FOR YALL
The whole fucking fight sequence mmhhhh DELICIOUS the whole entire time I was screaming BEAT HIS ASS BEAT HIS ASSSS DO IT FOT ROBERTO
Ok, the fact that Vash kinda knows how to use his abilities and condense into the fucking rubic cube is kinda dope
Also during the fight, DID VASH FUCKING BITE KNIVES???? IM FUCKING LOSING IT (peak sibling behavior)(edit: yes he fucking did dhvswrrvbn)
First off, the outfit change??? Like all his shit is black and the fucking BLACK WINGS YESS PLANT BOY SLAY
Fucking about time Wolfwood you fucking helped COTDAMN (also the run sequence with him stepping on the police officer mhmm good shit)
Knives KNIVES GET OUT THE FUCKING BEAM YOUR GETTING ROASTED LIKE A MARSHMALLOW (really out here giving me 'get out the fucking tank' vibes like)
Speaking of this scene, we finally get to see Vash fucking cry....I'm not ok
Oh my God, Vash just turned himself into a goddamm METEOR SIR ARE YOU OK???
Well RIP July and Mr. Police dude
Oooh two year time skip and my boy got his bouty back!
MILLY MILLY MILLY MILLY MILLY (also refreshing to the insurance company👍)
Looks like season 2 is also confirmed! Dude, this was a journey and a half. I'm really glad that orange went the prequel route, and we got to see what led up to July's destruction. We actually get to see a glimpse of what the cast could've been like prior to the events of Trigun/TriMax.
Fuck I'm glad stampede was a thing in the first place, or I wouldn't have watched the anime or read the manga. Like fuck this is really a piece of media that sticks with you y'know? Like how the fuck am I gonna move on now? Like it's been a while since I thought of creating fanart or just rant on it because it's so fucking good. Like if I could ever create something like Trigun, something that sticks with people, like that would be a great accomplishment. Sure, there were some ups and downs (maybe I'll do like a legit review post, idk) but fuck I had a good time!
Now this post is getting long so I'm just gonna end it with that I'm glad I let orange cook and I can't wait for season 2
Peace and Love y'all ✌️
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sweeteacrummble · 10 months ago
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Ayo! It has been a while. I haven't posted any art for a while now (which I will get back to doing soon).
Where have I been
For the short answer:
I have been busy. College, Home, and being a Christian
Now for the long answer:
I am going to break it up into parts while I rant cause it gonna be a minute and there are a few things I need to let off of my chest.
College Update🏫🎓:
I normally don't like sharing how I am busy with other things than art, but now I am at the point where I have a voice and I need to use it for once. Yes, I go to College for a degree in Animation. So most of the time my hiatus is because of College, especially Finals. Yeaaaaaaaah! Overall I have been busy with work. I would love to post my progress but I feel as if it is not my best. Oh well.🫤 After, I will be able to have a break in the middle of May so their some good news there.
Youtube Update📽️📺:
For my YouTube Friends/Viewers out there and newcomers joining the party, breathes THANK YOU! THANK! YOU THANK YOU! SUPER! DUPER! OH SO MUCH FOR SUBSCRIBING TO MY CHANNEL!!! 🤗😍😄😆THANK YOU LORD AND THANK YOU ALL!!! YOU ALL ARE THE BEST! I started with 7 subs and I never thought I could get 50 subscribers. But now 641+ SUBSCRIBERS!!!!! I wanted to make a special video for when I got a 100 but the numbers quickly kept going higher and higher and I was happy and yet overwhelming. I am so grateful to have this opportunity to share goofy goobers stuff with you. 🤗😊👍. Now with the question. Am I still going to do YouTube you haven't really posted any new videos yet? Yeah, I know. But Yes! I am still going to do YouTube. I am working on 2 new videos, so I will have a poll ready for you guys to vote on which one you want to see first. I finished 1 video now I am about 60% done with the 2nd video. Until then you can Vote on which video you want to see first while I do some catch-up.
link to poll: https://www.youtube.com/post/UgkxdoxchkFP1fHQr6LfhVp_z21IbWmKqrBm
Social Media Art Update📲📳:
I will be posting art again BUT I will stop posting in some social media accounts. For those who want to be an artist, I definitely recommend doing 1 website and then expanding if you can. But not just that, if you are a beginner/new artist and you want to know what place to post your art, Firstly I recommend posting on sites where your favorite artists post. Most of the time They have some good pointers on where to go about posting art. Secondly and MOST IMPORTANT, post art in places where you can look it up AND it will show up on Google or Bing. For instance, If you look up Mario fanart on Google and click on images, (I know it's fanart but hear me out), The sites you will see are mostly Twitter, DeviantArt, Pinterest, Reddit and sometimes Tumblr will show up. Others like Artstation too. But not much of Instagram or Facebook. That's odd? The number 1 website for artists, from what people have recommended me, is NOT showing up on Google. Well, not a lot. Why is that? IDK. All I know is that should have been a warning sign that my art wouldn't be shown to the masses in the degree I was looking for. So when I post on Instagram, It does feel like I am posting to an endless void of nothingness. Your Artwork is valuable and should be treated as such so everyone can see it (unless you don't want to).
Here is my tier list of the Social Media I use daily for entertainment and posting as a creator on these platforms.
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Update:: okie….. sooooo….. about the Mario fanart thingy. Apparently, Google has been overhearing me rant (literally) and rolling in Instagram and Facebook art on Google images which wasn’t the case before. But at least they are taking measures. But even though Google is allowing Instagram to be more recognized, I'm sorry but THE APP itself still has problems that Google can't fix. (Unless they bought it of course)
Besides YouTube, I can recommend Twitter, DeviantArt, Pinterest, Reddit, and Tumblr, just because you can post without feeling like you have to be a pro artist to be considered good, and you can grow and share with a community. And the best part is if you're an introvert (like me) You can post and worry less. I like to comment when someone comments back to help build confidence for myself but you don't have to if you feel shy. It takes small steps so don't rush yourself or your art. Another thing I would like to add is that if you love making GIF Art, you can do it on all the other platforms except…
Instagram. 😒😠😤
A literal sweat job with an inconsistent indiscriminate rate of changes left and right. Make reels, Make stories, Make post, all at once, every day, AND BOTS. Even watching reels about artists struggle just seems unhealthy to me, but Instagram loves this apparently. I mean, yes, we are struggling and there are plenty of underrated artists out there, I know it. But how are we helping them by promoting reels about art struggles and ways to get big on Instagram, instead of exploring new art techniques and trying new things when creating art. It also doesn't help that it is hard for me to refresh my feed from scratch. My bad Instagram for liking 1 Sonic fanart post, I just like 1 okay. I don't mean for you to give me all of them. Sheesh 😤There are just too many negatives of this platform I can't even begin with. Kinda like Twitter but at least Twitter hashtags work "sometimes". It is hard to trust a platform when you have bots swarming to your page and when you think that a live PERSON responded to your post BUT it is a bot recommending you to give them your art for the bot to share it. What kind of place is this? At the time I was trying to figure out where to post my art, I searched on Google, Reddit, and even YouTube, and most of the art videos I saw at that time all recommended Instagram. Well, I am here to say DON'T USE INSTAGRAM! This is a warning for someone who first uses this as their first art account. DO NOT USE IT PLEASE!
Man, this is the most negative thing I said but I'm just tired of thinking that this is okay and I need to put up with this and I don't.
In short, I will not post any future art I make on Instagram but the page will be open for those who want to see it. I may even come back to Instagram, but changes must be made for to make that move again. For now, I am happily posting on all the other platforms for now.
Being a Christian⛪✝️:
I am a Christian. I have been a Christian But I am a Sinner. I know I have done things wrong and I know I deserve hell, but I repent, repenting constantly for God to forgive me of my sins.🙏 I know I am sounding a bit Biblical but I am being serious. Heaven is real. Hell is real. And if both of those are really real then that must be God is real and the Bible is a history recorded for use to read and learn and hear from Him. No, I am not trying to convert you to Christianity, this is more for me than anyone I suppose. I have been dealing with doubts in my life and some things I just can't explain. But I know there has to be something beyond this life. There are just too many signs pointing in that direction and it is hard to keep quiet about. I know God saved my parents. I have seen it multiple times. But at the same time, I tend to forget and lose faith in Jesus at times which is sad. Is Jesus coming back again? If so then sign me up I will do my best to be closer to Him. It's just that I don't want to go to hell for all of eternity, so if I don't want to go there I need to believe in Jesus Christ. It is a lot easier said than done but I also want to share the good news with others that Jesus loves them but I don't want to offend anyone if that makes. But I guess I can tell you if you don't mind.
Jesus loves you! 💖💝
Yay, I said it! Oh I forgot to add that I don't want to rush anything that I do moving forward and take it easy. But don't worry I still draw fanart of my favorite video game characters is just that I am adding one more layer to what I post that's all.
You're still reading this?!?
I don't have anything else to say
I guess I can end it off like VeggieTales did
God made you special and He loves you very much
Buh bye👋😊
Happy Blessing
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