v3nusxsky · 1 year
Hi Darling, long time no see. 😉 A little birdie told me you were looking for a Jemily prompt. Well, here's one:
Emily and JJ have a little daughter, right, and her middle name is Penelope because Garcia is her godmother, and her first name could be Rosalyn after JJ's older sister who committed suicide. So it would be Roslyn penelope (Prentiss? Idk) Anway, Pen offers to watch over Rosalyn because it's Em and JJ's anniversary. So, Pen decides that her and Rosalyn are gonna make a cake and card for JJ and Em but end up making a huge ass mess, right. And then when Em and JJ go to pick up Rosalyn, they see that she is covered in marker or cake, whatever, and are like, "wtf is this shit?? Pen, we left you alone with her for like, 4 hours..??." But then there is a wholesome family moment we're Rosalyn gives her mommies their anniversary card and Em and JJ just melt for their little girl and love her so much
Ok, I hope you enjoy the promot, my love 😉
My Little Lady
*Author note~ okay so I completely love this sm and had to run straight away to write it. Changed the name of the daughter so I’m curious to see if you can get my reasons why, 👋you’re exempt! Feel free to guess in my inbox*
Trigger Warning ~ none?
Prompt~ see ask^^^^^
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Since the birth of baby Poppy Rosé Prentiss Emily and JJ hadn’t really had much time to themselves, Emily returned back to work as the chief of the BAU while JJ stayed home with poppy. It was the wedding anniversary for the women and Emily was stressing over not being able to take JJ somewhere special, truly after the birth of their daughter JJ truly deserves it. Thankfully Penelope was always looking for the excuse to sneak some time with her god daughter so naturally she offered to sit pops so they could go have some very much needed adult time.
That was how JJ found herself dressed up to the nines, ready for a night with her wife while rechecking the changing bag for the sleeping baby. “Babe?! We gotta get going” Emily called for you before bringing the infant to settle in her arms. “Jay, I’m gonna go put princess Pops in her car seat” she murmured kissing the blondes cheek lovingly. “Come on then my sleeping princess let’s go get you all settled for aunty penny” she murmured to the raven haired baby.
The short drive to Garcias apparent was peaceful, your little family in their blissful glory. JJ couldn’t help her racing mind, she’d never left poppy before so being a new mother it was certainly something difficult to adjust too. Emily wasn’t faring much better, but working had gotten her use to the feelings that came with leaving her little family. Garcia would take great care of Poppy and it would be nice to have adult time, alone for their anniversary.
Dropping their daughter off, undoubtedly came with tears for JJ. But with some encouragement and kisses to her daughters little face she was persuaded into leaving. Hand in hand the two agents left the apartment, the infant cradled in the blonde tech analyst’s arms. “Who’s the most adorable little baby girl. Now what can we do while your mommy and momma are gone hmm?” She pondered rocking the sleeping child.
Poppy woke from her nap, to immediately smile at her god mother and babble happily. “Shall we go do some cooking my little lady?” And that’s exactly what she did, a simplistic cake letting her cover herself in the mixture and decorations. The little giggles she was making causing the blondes heart to swell. “Oh you are just so adorable little lady, your Auntie Garcias favourite lady” she murmured tickling you, delighting in the giggles and mindless babbles.
While the cake baked, Garcia had set up some paint and paper to make a happy anniversary card. She happily painted her little hands and feet to make imprints for the decoration on it. Happily signing the card from Poppy only to realise the baby was absolutely covered in mess but smiling so beautifully up at Garcia. But before she could clean the little baby up for her mothers they arrived to pick her up.
“Pj, what the heck is that” Emily muttered watching as Jay coed at the baby wriggling in her arms to reach her mommy. “Pops, you’re so messy my girl, were you good for auntie Garcia? “
“JJ, she was absolutely darling to sit, anytime literally any time I’ll happily look after my little cheeky angel, we had so much fun didnt we popsicle” Penelope murmured happily going to get the cake and card with the baby balanced on her hip, “come in you two love birds we got surprises!”
“Pops, hold this for mommy and momma, that’s it good girl” she praised the baby before coming in with the cake, card and baby. “Say happy anniversary mommies!” She giggled happily. “Oh baby girl! Is this all for us?” Jay Jay coed coming to hold her messy child. Emily got slightly emotional and kissed her daughter’s chubby cheek happily. “Thank you so much my princess Poppy” she murmured before thanking Garcia silently. Without Garcia she wouldn’t have been able to pull off the perfect anniversary for her wife.
Poppy giggled and clapped happily before bringing her sticky, paint covered hands to Emily’s cheeks. “Aw pops!” She mock whined causing JJ to laugh at her wife and daughter, the latter now being tickled and lifted into the air by her mother. “Princessssss momma is all stickyyyyyyyyyy” she whined before sitting back down with her baby. It was there that Garcia remembered when Emily ran off to fight Doyle and how she almost didn’t live to have her family. Truly seeing the happy family made her heart swell. After cleaning off their daughter they managed to settle her in her car seat and head home, their perfect little family was something truly worth fighting for.
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statticscribbles · 2 years
Well. I just want you to know that, me, as another person surfing on this blog, I read and love your works.
You are one of the few out there who is willing to write for multiple fandoms, pairing and plots almost without limits. That's incredible.
(And well, for the haters... I pray for the lost souls out there ? 🤨 May you find light or kindness someday)
- 👋Anon
PS : Happy Halloween btw 🎃😁(And I am late. My bad, life is busier (is busier even a word, oh well?).
Hopes everything is ok on your side as well !
Aww thanks!!! I'm a little surprised I've gone this long without more hate (not considering the whole issue I had like last year? two years ago almost??)
I always find it funny how people feel the need to come into my blog to say they hate it when they could just you know, scroll past it???
Happy late Halloween!! Pretty sure busier is a word (well I use it anyways)
Things are going pretty well on my end! i hope being busy is a good thing!!!
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new-revenant · 4 months
Even as a stuffed bunny Danny still needs to eat. This is how Alfred discovers that Damain's new friend is more than just imaginary, he got up in the middle of the night to get water and found Danny standing on a counter holding a cold chicken leg. Alfred makes some sides for Danny and heats up everything quickly on the stove
This is so funny just to like, picture in my mind. Stop being funnier than me anon.
I don’t even know how he would even eat. Why am I picturing something like the Among us imposter when it’s stomach opens up, but for a stuffed bunny Danny. Just this fluffy stomach opens up and reveals a meaty mouth with sharp teeth and long ass tongue, grabbing a chicken leg.
That may be too horrific for this AU tho haha. And I don’t wanna think about the logistics of a stuffed animal eating and that fueling Danny. Soooo not canon to this AU, but really fun to think about. Maybe he needs something as fuel, but actual food? Maybe not
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buglaur · 9 months
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fireworks show 🎆
material preview version is very cute also :)
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i struggled with the lighting on this one so badly, but it turned out alright in the end.
i actually started it last year for new years 2023 but never got around to finishing it, hence no progress pictures this time sadly lol. i do have a very low-res, first draft, test gif though
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stills 🥳
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xiao-come-home · 5 months
played the depersonalization demo today! cool game, lots of potential. recommend checking it out, it's on discount for 7 more hours and releases in 2 months
now for the brainrot: i feel like playing horror games or watching horror movies with boothill would end in your device being absolutely riddled with bullets. he just wanted to protect you :( on account of the financial damages you don't do horror activities anymore - 💫
I put a little spin on it 🥴
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Boothill is the man.
A cyborg that is a living machine, swallowing bullets like it’s nothing - and spitting them out to petrify anyone who dares to lay a hand on you.
He’s going to protect you from many things - including some measles that appear on your screen.
It’s absolutely not the fact that he’s a little scared of the horror games. Hey, it’s not his fault there’s silence for a while, and then an ugly face jumpscares him! It’s also not his fault he spits outs bullets when he’s taken off guard! And it’s not his fault his pistols are usually loaded and he shoots before thinking—
Ahem, maybe the last one is actually his fault.
Either way, he really does want to protect you! That’s why he clings to you the entire movie, obviously… obviously not because there’s that weird suspense in the air currently… and you know, your arm is just so lonely, boothill thought it might appreciate some cuddling. So he holds onto it with his entire body.
Later on, when he gets a little desensitized to horror movies, he only reacts to loud jumpscares - that unfortunately end up swallowing bullets right in the face, regardless.
And your TV, too…
But the thought counts, right? Right?
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Sunday Screenshot:
10:45 of 2x25 "Trent Gets Schooled"
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godnectar · 9 months
cannot sleep–
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fizzydrink698 · 1 year
Hi Fi💜 How are you?? Do you have any life updates? I'm just checking on you💜
hello! 👋
i’m doing ok 😊 mostly tied down with a lot of uni work. the language i chose to study for my degree is very cool, but the classes are ridiculously tough. for context, there were 12 students in my first-year class. only two of us passed the final exam to make it to second-year. and still everyone, teachers and older students alike, say that this second year is even tougher. so uh, my time is getting eaten up way more than i’d like it to. but i have a self-imposed deadline for consort 6. i have one more scene left. i’m determined to get it done.
i debate a lot about whether to post more general chat-y stuff about kpop n fanfic here, but i’m never sure if people are interested 😅
(also a bunch of personal relationship ups-n-downs have been happening this year, which has noticeably slowed my writing output down considerably. i’m a private gal so posting about it feels weird. to summarise: i’m ok, some dudes are trash, and always negotiate pet custody when break-ups happen ✌️)
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2aceofspades · 1 year
*army crawls up behind the box in the oc no-thought doodle, drops off plate of snacks and a mug of Ace's preferred warm drink, then skitters away* ehehehehehhehee ~-- --- .-. ... . / .- -. --- -.
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You're literally adorable stop :')
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locamotivednp · 16 days
Just to say, I’m 30 and going alone. I went to WAD alone in February and it was so much fun. I enjoy going to shows and concerts alone without having to accommodate for other people. I can just be and do me and that’s fine.
Yes that’s awesome!
I had to start going to concerts alone when I moved and didn’t know anyone. But yeah, it is so nice to just be able to do whatever I want. I kinda prefer concerts alone now.
I am really excited to do TIT alone cause I know everyone is going to be really cool and excited. I’ve seen a lot of people say they did WAD alone and had fun.
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v3nusxsky · 8 months
Hello darling, I know life isn't going to plan rn. It's like it's all gone to shit and it's just hard to keep pushing through and existing. But I am so proud of you. This last week has especially been hard. But you've been going through the motions, pushing through. It's gonna be hard for a bit, but then things will get better. I am so proud of you, and I'm proud to be your girlfriend. You are beautiful and kind and funny and smart and the most wonderful person I have ever met. You're all I ever could need and more wrapped up in one cute ass person. I love you for you, scars and all. You're my girl, and I love you more than there are stars in the night sky. You're my family, baby, and I'll always be here for you no matter what. I'll always be by your side, sweetheart. I love you to the moon and back again ♥️
🥹🥹🥰😭🥰 I love you too
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puffin-smoke · 1 month
Wise Puffin! It’s me again (that one anon).
What do you think a Vincent to Guy pipeline means?
I mean, both of these characters are incredibly flirty (Vincent's original title was literally "Flirty Vampire") but there's a key difference here is how they progress over time. While Vincent becomes more vulnerable as his series progresses, Guy honestly doesn't seem to, and that's the point of his character. So that's where the jump from one character to the other occurs.
Vincent's story has become a lot more plot focused recently, tying into multiple other characters and even Close Knit, so his Audios feel like far more of an undertaking to the listener. So you gravitate towards Guy's audios that don't require that level of emotional investment. He reminds you of what Vincent used to be, pre-Adam. You came to this channel mainly for comfort, and less for the story. And that's okay.
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kithtaehyung · 1 year
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itty-bitty-sunshine · 2 months
Helloooo! Just wanted to say hi, hope you day is going well! Have some virtual chocolate 🍫 (or whatever else you'd like if you don't want chocolate)
Kissing you on the forehead as we speak
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sunjaywoning · 10 months
would you post for ni-ki after he turns 18?
no, im not going to post for niki, it makes me uncomfortable that people are waiting for him to turn 18 so that they can post nsfw about him. maybe next time, but no, not now.
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scoups4lyfe · 18 days
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