nighthunts · 3 years
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Rhys kissed him back with just as much hunger, wrapping her arms around his neck and pressing her scantily-clad body up against him. She didn’t care about the eyes that lingered on the oddly-matched pair as they made out in the middle of the festival, too caught up in their own little world. She giggled when he lifted her off her feet to spin her around, holding onto him tightly. “That’s right… it’ll have to be a pretty big celebration, then.” She nodded, lifting her brows at him expectantly. “Maybe later, we should find a secluded place on the beach to… watch the fireworks from?”
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Julian waggled his eyebrows, his grin turning devious. “I think I know of a few private places we could spend some time.” He’d buy them a secluded area if he had to. Placing a quick kiss on her nose, Julian pulled Rhys against his side and draped one arm around her waist. His heart was lighter than it had felt in days. Maybe things wouldn’t work out, but even if it all came crashing down, he was glad to at least try. He started walking toward the games and rides again, his eyes only for Rhys. Licking his fangs, he added, “You look -” he almost said delectable, but figured comparing her to a snack wasn’t very boyfriend-y of him, “absolutely irresistible tonight. In case I failed to mention that before.”
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nighthunts · 3 years
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Rhys smiled when he nodded, looking up into his eyes as he said he wanted to be her boyfriend. She hadn’t woken up that morning thinking she was about to get involved in a serious relationship with a vampire, but it wasn’t like she was opposed to the idea. She thought about it, and she did like Julian; and she wanted to keep seeing him. If this commitment was what he needed to continue their relationship, she figured they could give it a shot. “Sure, it might be fun. I’ve never had a boyfriend with fangs before,” she spoke softly, so no one nearby would overhear. “So, boyfriend… how should we celebrate our new relationship?”
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Julian kissed Rhys as if it was the first time, with all the need and passion and tension he’d built up over the past few days. He let himself process just how happy he was, and what the consequences of that might be, as his lips worked against hers. When he pulled back, he couldn’t stop the sly smile that crept across his features. Of all the ways he had imagined his confession playing out, this hadn’t been a scenario he’d allowed himself to consider. Still grinning, he picked Rhys up and spun them both around. “Mmm, we have multiple things to celebrate,” Julian reminded her as he set her down. His head was light, and it wasn’t from the spinning. “Our new relationship and the Band’s new weekly show.”
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nighthunts · 3 years
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Julian’s reaction to her rambling brought a smile to Rhys’ face, even as he struggled to find the words to describe what their relationship was about to become. “So… basically, you want to be my boyfriend,” she summed it up simply. It did seem kind of weird to call a vampire as old as he was a boyfriend, but it was really the only term that worked. How else was she going to introduce him ‘this is my exclusive fuck-buddy’ somehow didn’t capture the gravity she felt he was going for. 
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Boyfriend. It was such a simple word, even though it held so much meaning. Slowly, he nodded his head. “Yes. I want to be your boyfriend.” The corners of his lips tilted upward as he realized she hadn’t said no to this idea. It was all he needed - just that one spark of hope. Julian leaned in and pressed his forehead to hers, circling his arms around her. If the festival-goers noticed the two of them having a moment on the side of the walkway, he didn’t care. “Do you want to be my girlfriend?” Julian asked, trying the word out. It didn’t sound unnatural, even if it was a foreign concept to him these days.
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nighthunts · 3 years
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Rhys was relieved when Julian didn’t get mad that she wasn’t going to apologize, and looked up to meet his gaze when he pulled her to a stop on the sidewalk. When he started off, she couldn’t help but remember what Cass had argued with her about only a few weeks ago… she’d always assumed that Julian liked her, so it was kind of weird that he was explaining it like it wasn’t obvious. Did men really just go around sleeping with people they didn’t like? Did women? Was she the weird one? She forced herself to focus on what Julian was thinking, but she was going to be annoyed if she owed Cassian an apology after this.
“You want to be exclusive?” If she sounded surprised, it was because she was. Rhys had always thought Julian liked her, but she had definitely thought she was just one of many. She had let herself think she was special –his only rocker, his only siren– but only so far as that. She didn’t want to let herself think she was more than that to him, because she didn’t want to get hurt when she found out that she wasn’t as special as she’d thought. “Just so we’re clear… exclusive would be for both of us, yeah? Not just that I’m not allowed to sleep with pretty human boys, but you’d also stop sleeping around. ‘Cause I’m not into that halfway thing, where you get to do whoever you want and I’m supposed to sit around waiting for you to call–” She realized she was rambling, so she cut herself off, looking up at him expectantly.
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Julian’s eyebrows raised slightly. "Who in the world says exclusive means one person still sleeps around - you know what? I don’t want to know.” Shaking his head, Julian gently squeezed Rhys’ hips. At least she wasn’t laughing in his face. That was a good sign, right? “Both of us would stop sleeping with other people. We’d be...” Honestly, he had no idea what people called that stage of a relationship these days. Dating? Seeing one another? Julian wasn’t sure a label really mattered. All he wanted was to test the waters, to see if he was right about the potential between them. He searched her face, hoping to see some hint of what she was thinking. “I would only be with you. You’re the only woman I want to be with, anyway. Even when I’m with someone else...you’re on my mind these days.”
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nighthunts · 3 years
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“Thursdays? We can do that! I’ll let the guys know,” She was so psyched, a regular gig would be sure to get their name out there. And Thursday might not exactly be a weekend, but it wasn’t a Monday either. “We won’t let you down, I swear,” she promised. 
Her excitement was interrupted when Julian brought her attention back to the matter of Nox. She wasn’t quite sure what to say for a moment, she knew he got jealous, but she wasn’t sure how she felt about him not being okay with her getting busy with others. “So what is it that you want? I’m not gonna apologize, I didn’t do anything wrong.”
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Julian was glad to be able to give the Band a night to themselves. He wished he was in the mood to celebrate. “No, you didn’t do anything wrong. I don’t expect an apology.” What did he want? He knew the answer, but he was so sure she wouldn’t agree. Julian stopped on the side of the walkway, bracing both of his hands on her hips. 
Even though he didn’t need the air, he took a breath. “I like you, Rhys. I want you. Not just your blood, not just...whatever it is we’re doing. I’m not just spending time with you because of, you know.” His dark eyes dropped to her neck, where he’d bitten her numerous times. “You’re interesting and exciting, and you have such a unique view of the world.” Shaking his head, Julian tried to get back to the point. “I want to try this. Something...exclusive. If it doesn’t work, it doesn’t work. But I think...this could be something, and it’s been so long since I felt this way about anyone. That I’ve cared enough to want that. I can’t just ignore that.” It wasn’t as if Julian had only been sleeping with her in the past weeks. He, too, had taken his own share of lovers. It wasn’t the same as when he was with her, though, and whether he’d wanted to admit it before he saw Rhys leave with the slayer, he’d been falling for her for some time.
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nighthunts · 3 years
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Rhys tilted her head when he mentioned she was “busy,” a slightly guilty blush creeping up her cheeks. Sure, she hadn’t set out to make Julian jealous, but it was still kinda awkward when one of the guys you were kinda-sorta-seeing saw you making out with your friend-with-benefits. She didn’t even really know what she and Julian were… fang buddies? “Does it… bother you? That I was busy with someone else?” She knew he got jealous sometimes, and she didn’t want him to be upset with her, but she also didn’t exactly feel bad about it. She was sure he was sleeping with other people, even if she hadn’t witnessed the evidence. “We can have our own night? For real?” She knew that wasn’t the part he was emphasizing, but she couldn’t help but get excited about it. 
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Julian hesitated, his lips slightly parted. If he admitted that it bothered him, would he seem...desperate? Clingy? He had never meant to develop actual feelings for Rhys. All he’d wanted was to indulge in her company, satisfy their mutual lust, and of course, satiate his thirst. Somewhere along the line, all of that got muddled. Before he could decide whether to tell her the truth, Rhys’ excitement about the band caught him off guard. “Of course,” he answered, his grip on her waist never loosening, as if afraid she might disappear and go find that slayer if he let go. “You guys were great, and you brought in a huge crowd. I’d be stupid not to give you a night of your own. I was thinking Thursday’s.”
He thought about waiting, about pushing it all aside and pretending that he never even saw Rhys and the slayer....but - “It bothered me,” he sighed, running a hand through his curls. “I know you said it wouldn’t bother you if I was...busy with someone else, and I thought maybe I’d feel the same way, but...I hated it.”
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nighthunts · 3 years
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Although it made very little sense to Stag, he nodded anyway. The personal relationship between observer and firework wasn’t for him to comprehend. “They have their moments,” he reasoned, keeping his words careful. He did like how pretty the colors were…kind of. At the mention of being good at the games, Stag let out a low chuckle. He was pretty exceptional at winning most things but especially things rigged against him. “It takes more than a rigged game to stand between me and a few plush toys. I didn’t peg you for the type to play enough for a keepsakes collection, though.” With interest piqued, an indulgent smile fully formed on his face. “Have you ever managed to get one of the grand prizes? One of those teddy bears that you have to strap to the top of your car to fit?”
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“Ah, carnival game prizes aren’t the only things in that collection. I’ll admit, I’m a bit of a pack rat. Everything is treasure to me.” One look at anything in his collection sent Julian falling back into memories. Each and every piece held a story, or a dozen stories, from his lifetime. Chuckling, Julian shook his head, “No, never the grand prizes. I’m not sure what I would do with a teddy bear that large. Maybe give it as a gift? I don’t think I’d like to bring it home. I would feel like it was watching me.” He shuddered at the thought. “Although...I suppose I could give it a go. Perhaps I could gift it to a friend...if I win.”
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nighthunts · 3 years
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“What would be the use of that? He’d just lose the tracker, too,” Rhys scrunched her face up when Julian kissed her on the tip of her nose, she quirked a little smile up at him. “He even has GPS in his phone and still can’t find his way, I think it’s a lost cause.” She joked playfully, letting him guide the way into the festival proper. “Oh really? And were you able to catch the show? I think it was our best yet.” She hadn’t seen him that night, which had been a little disappointing, although she’s made up for her disappointment by going home with Nox.
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Julian chuckled, but his amusement was short-lived. “I went looking for you. You seemed...busy.” It was difficult, if not impossible, to keep the smallest bit of jealousy from tinging his words. Busy wasn’t exactly the word he’d used to describe what he’d seen. Rhys had every right to flirt with and kiss whoever she wanted to, but that didn’t mean Julian liked it. “It was a good show,” he assured her, squeezing her against his side. “I came to congratulate you and tell you the band can absolutely have its own night. I just...didn’t want to interrupt you and your friend.”
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nighthunts · 3 years
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Not knowing the answer to the inquiry at hand, Stag quickly turned over and pulled a stranger close. He whispered in the kind man’s ear and then nodded at the answer provided to him, returning his attention to the humanoid embodiment of anticipation. He was all hard lines and downturned lips. It was charming…in a way. “Nine, apparently,” he said. Brown eyes were lacking in their usual abundance of humor but that was just because he, unlike this particular man, did not really care for fireworks. “You came out just for the fireworks and nothing else? You could’ve won yourself one of those big teddy bears or at least a goldfish.” He had won three of the aforementioned fish and had even gone home to properly set them in a good home within the aquarium he’d acquired from a client as a token of appreciation. It took everything in him not to win every single goldfish there at the festival; fighting fae nature to protect the poor creatures was not easy.
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“I do. I’m not sure why, exactly, I enjoy them. They’re loud, and truthfully, not quite as pretty as the stars, yet...I find them mesmerizing.” Which was why he’d trekked all the way down to the festival on a night he hadn’t planned to attend. He was sure some members of the Roseport Clan were around, as well as some slayers, that he could check in on, but that hadn’t been the point of his visit. “I take it you’re rather good at those games? I have enough of those prizes to last me a lifetime. They’ve got their own little spot in my...keepsakes collection at home.”
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nighthunts · 3 years
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Rhys squeezed his hand, a shiver running down her spine as she looked up at him. “Admit it,” she insisted, tugging him through the crowd towards the door. “You didn’t bring a date because you wanted to take me home,” she waggled her eyebrows at him playfully. She might tease him, but they both knew Nox could get a date when he really wanted one, so she had trouble believing that he hadn’t been able to find anyone. 
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Even if he denied it, Nox knew Rhys would see right through him. This was the back and forth they’d been dealing with for years. Nothing had really changed. “Fine,” he said with a playful roll of his eyes. They broke free from the crowd at last and managed to make it to the front doors. “But you came looking for me because you wanted to take me home.” Not that Nox was complaining. If things were different…maybe he wouldn’t have to play things by chance. But she was human, and he was a slayer. There was no getting around that fact.
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Julian watched Rhys and her slayer friend disappear into the crowd. He didn’t have to ask to know where they were going, or at least what they would likely get up to once they were gone. Their passionate kiss hadn’t left much to question. Julian wasn’t sure what he was more disappointed by - watching her leave with someone else, or the fact that he was upset by her leaving. It wasn’t as if they were exclusive. They owed nothing to each other. But...but it still hurt.
He thought about going after her, but ultimately, decided it would be too possessive - especially considering they were no where near exclusive - to interrupt her night. Instead, he turned and headed for his office. He could tell Rhys about the Band’s new weekly spot at the club the next day. // @capriiciousness​
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nighthunts · 3 years
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“I mean…. no one really needs cotton candy.” She giggled with amusement, toying with the button on his shirt playfully. “I came yesterday with Cass, but he got lost and so we basically spent the whole night wandering around trying to find one another,” she rolled her eyes and gave an exasperated sigh. “So I really didn’t get to anything fun, but even if I had, it’d be brand new doing them with you!”
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Something loosened in Julian’s chest. At least she hadn’t already been here on a date. Weeks ago, he really thought he’d be able to handle them both being with other people. He’d always been a bit jealous, but when it came down to it, Julian hadn’t thought he wanted anything...exclusive. But seeing her go home with that young slayer...well, he’d spent days thinking about it. Planting a kiss on the tip of Rhys’ nose, Julian chuckled, “Is this the same roommate that lost his laundry in your house? I think we need to get him a tracker.” 
He tugged at her waist lightly and began to pull her toward the games and rides. “My bartenders have been talking about the Band nonstop, you know. You gathered quite the crowd for your show. Apparently, a crowd that tipped very well.”
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nighthunts · 3 years
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“Considering I don’t really need food, I’d say the rides are my favorite. Just not the Ferris Wheel...unless I’m on it with someone I actually like.” He pressed a kiss to the top of her head and pulled her in close with the one arm he had around her waist. Playing with the edge of the mesh top, Julian asked, “Have you been here yet this week? I don’t want to drag you around to do things you’ve already done with someone else...” 
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“So, what’s your favorite part of the festival? The cotton candy or the rides?” Rhys asked, wrapping her arms around the vampire as they stood by one of the bonfires, tucking herself against him comfortably. As promised, she was wearing very little clothing, dressed in a pair of artistically destroyed shorts, and a bikini top under a sheer mesh top.
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nighthunts · 3 years
Julian↗ Rhys
Rhys: well I do let you bite me, that requires a certain level of trust, you know?
Rhys: all right, it's a date!
Rhys: maybe I'll send you a teaser pic ;P
Julian: Mmm, that's a good point. I'll make sure that trust in me pays off for you.
Julian: Please do. Maybe I'll send one back...
Julian: Now that you've shown me how to flip the phone camera around.
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nighthunts · 3 years
Julian↗ Rhys
Rhys: well i trust you, so you should trust me!
Rhys: yes, if we take your car then i can wear something real slutty for you ;3
Julian: You might be the only person in the city who trusts me, you know
Julian: But I like that you do
Julian: Mmm as much as I like to see you on that bike of yours, I like the sound of that
Julian: So we'll take my car. I can't wait to see what you wear ;)
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nighthunts · 3 years
Julian↗ Rhys
Rhys: you don't trust me?
Rhys: oooh so it's gonna be a long night full of fun?
Rhys: i'm looking forward to it
Julian: I don't trust many people. But you do have a very trust-able face.
Julian: Mmm so am I. Should I pick you up after sunset?
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nighthunts · 3 years
Julian↗ Rhys
Rhys: you should trust me all the time!
Rhys: mhmm i look forward to it
Rhys: oh yeah? is it gonna be a real long night? ;P
Julian: I'll take that into consideration
Julian: Mmmm if you're free, it'll be a very, very long night
Julian: I'm sure it'll feel short
Julian: What's that saying? Time flies when you're having fun ;P
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nighthunts · 3 years
Julian↗ Rhys
Rhys: yes really! i wouldn't lie to you
Rhys: it'll be worth the wait, i swear~
Rhys: i won't disagree with that
Julian: Mmm you usually are worth the wait, so I'll trust you this time
Julian: I suppose I'll really have to remind you of how good I am at making you feel special in person
Julian: You should clear your schedule for the entire night. I may not be done reminding you by the time the Summer Fest ends for the night
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