#tumblr can screw off with their anti heart bs
aheroinasuit · 3 years
Why did you remove this post: [ aheroinasuit(.)tumblr(.)com/post/666234317116227584/personal-opinion-the-qanon-podcast-is-bs-if-i ] .?... You made good points and it should be seen by the wider POI community (many who are now 'cancelling Jim/POI')... I was going to comment something to it, but now...
Hello there.
I turned the post private so I could do some research, & mostly to watch the video.
I've made it public again.
I'll use your ask as an opportunity to share some things. I consider myself a level-headed person who, on principle, is against cancel culture. I also can seperate the artist from the man (American Beauty is one of my favourite movies for example). So, the day I made the post in question it was mostly against the podcast and less about Jim's speech.
We, as a society, or smaller communities, we tend to turn the people we disagree with into monsters. I saw that, instead of criticising the problem in question aka Jim's involvement with Qanon mentality we instantly fell into the rabbit hole of of course he did because he's racist, homophobic etc etc. thus giving him no chance to redeem himself one day. True, I'm not certain he will ever redeem himself, (is redeem even the right word? He committed no crime) but it's not as if we would welcome him with open arms even in the off chance he realises that even if his heart is in the right place, his words were taken as hateful and a call to arms by people already shown prone to such acts (I doubt he's going to change his mind, tbh, but I am still of the opinion he's not a bad person in heart. Maybe I'm biased) in the beginning of the year.
Hypocritical? Maybe. But then again who isn't? The same day everyone was posting about him in twitter, in my feed was a post about using a machete against JK Rowling. I guess that's the correct kind of hating and call to violence. Polarising is visceral these days, partisans left and right pushing at the edges.
After watching the video, I could not understand what the problem was. It was all over the place, in places he seemed more honest than in others, there was an off feeling to it and basically made no sense. Was he promoting his movie? Was he doing something else? Did he even know what he was doing?
As far as I'm concerned the speech isn't the problem per se. The man who hugged him in the end is. Juan O Savin. I had to look him up and the guy is out of this world (and I wonder what that makes the people who think he's JFK-among other things).
So yes, no cancel culture, I think I'll always love and support Jim's acting, but let's be careful here. People fall for these conspiracy theories as if they are honey and the more you read it, you end up in a strange hole where you start questioning your own self...
As for Jim Caviezel, I can go deep into his psychology and make him to be a victim of his upbringing and the echo chamber his environment is, but in the end, everything would be assumptions.
Two more things: I respect Jim's convinctions. However, as he talks about sinners and saints I can't help but remember Christ's "the one without sin throw the first stone". Also, Trump's top rule in life: “Get even with people. If they screw you, screw them back 10 times as hard." That's the man Jim supports. How Christian is that?
I do believe he's against child trafficking and has chosen the wrong people to allign himself with.
Now, I've seen media's manipulation in several matters that I had to do research on my very own to get down to the truth (read actual court documents instead of articles) and most journalists are paid to push an agenda instead of the truth. Make no mistake, I fully understand why people go the other way... and the podcast? That more or less shows a man who is easily manipulated to do what others want has an agenda. So why the lies? We know it was Jim who pushed for the romantic element between John and Joss. We know he's not anti-semitic.
"There’s one book that I read, Man’s Search for Meaning by Viktor E. Frankl. This is a prisoner in Auschwitz. How do you have freedom in Auschwitz? He calls it "internal freedom," and that freedom doesn’t come solely from something physical. The idea that Frankl wrote it is abandonment of what you cannot control and mastering self-control." [source]
" As a young person, I read a lot about Nazism and the genocide carried out by Germans on Polish territory. My knowledge was limited to books, but during my stay in Poland I realized how much Wojtyla must have suffered by being directly exposed to Nazism. I’ve been to Auschwitz where Maximillian Kolbe gave his life as a martyr for a fellow prisoner. It made me realize the scale of suffering of the Polish people." [source]
So in the end, I don't understand what is the point of making up outrageous lies when the issue here is his descent into QAnon mentality?
I can only talk about myself, but when I know without question one thing is a lie I start questioning everything. Why? What for?
Either way, as a non American who loses or wins nothing out of it, I can still admire and find solace in his work. This doesn't mean I cannot understand the people who can no longer do it.
PS. I don’t really think my post will change anything in the grand scheme of things, anon. 
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