asamitakah · 2 years
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hope yoru knows she’s still in asa’s body. aka please dont get in a fight pleASE DONT GET IN A FIGHT-
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neotomiccccc · 1 year
🐓 Headcanons: Shane's past 🌶️
The following is all just my opinion and personal headcanons on Shane's life before moving to stardew valley :) Marnie remarks in canon that he only moved in a few months before the farmer did, so it seems like a lot went on for him before then!
TWs for: child neglect, alcohol abuse, death, grief, depression, suicidal ideation
Shane was.. unplanned. His parents had a rather unstable marriage, and no desire for a child. It happened anyway.
Shane's childhood was rocky from day one. Neither parent really wanted to look after him, because neither of them had ever really wanted him. He was often just left to his own devices or to a babysitter.
Both of his parents had an alcohol problem. They would fight over it frequently, and had very unhealthy attitudes toward it.
After their fights, his mother would usually go out drinking, and his father would usually drink and watch TV. Drinking as a way of "coping" was something that Shane was repeatedly exposed to in his youth. He was never really shown any healthy coping mechanisms.
Occasionally, he'd get dropped off at Marnie's when his parents went away for a night or weekend. Shane and Marnie had a good relationship and Marnie grew to regret not being able to have him more often as a child. Shane's parents didn't like to make the trip to Stardew Valley too often, but Marnie wished she could have seen him more.
Other than occasionally taking care of Shane, Marnie and Shane's parents had practically cut ties. Marnie never really got along with her sister and when Marnie realised how terrible a mother she was being, that was the final straw.
At school, Shane didn't have many friends. Since his parents had never bothered to properly socialise him, he had his social anxiety set in very early and found it difficult to interact with other kids at school. Despite not having many friends, he was never really bullied either. Kids sort of instinctively knew not to mess with him.
If his 2nd grade teacher had to describe Shane, they'd have said he was very quiet, reclusive and withdrawn, but was creative with a spectacular imagination.
Throughout his life, Shane brought home consistently average grades. Usually C's and B's, maybe an occasional D here and there.
After school, Shane liked to practice playing gridball. He was always a part of the school gridball team, and his teachers always noted it was the only time anyone saw him come out of his shell.
He would also go home and watch gridball on TV as often as he could. Sometimes his dad would be watching it in the living room with a beer, and Shane would lurk in the corner, intently watching the game too.
Shane's favourite player and hero played for the Zuzu city tunnelers and wore the number 2. He idolised this player and often imagined what it'd be like if this player was his dad instead.
🐔Teenage years🐔
During his teenage years in school, Shane didn't change much. He brought home average grades, stayed quiet and reclusive, and kept out of people's way.
During this time, his egg cracked and he socially transitioned, alleviating a lot of the dysphoria he'd been experiencing. He also came out to his parents, who were almost completely apathetic to it. Shane figured this was a win, it was better if they didn't care.
He continued playing gridball and would go for long runs when he wasn't playing. He gained a good amount of stamina and gained a good amount of muscle mass during this time.
He didn't really speak to or see Marnie during this time. She sent him birthday cards but that was about the limit of their communication.
During this time, he became very close friends with two of his classmates. The trio all loved sports and could be seen training together pretty often.
🐔 16-20 🐔
At this age, Shane became almost totally independent from his parents. He stopped speaking to them completely, and rarely even saw them. He wasn't home much and neither were they.
At high school, he maintained his strong friendship with the two classmates. His two friends became a couple, but Shane was never treated as a third wheel. He was still their best friend and the three did many things together.
Occasionally, Shane would sneak out with them and go for drinks. Despite being young, he would sometimes stay out all night and go to parties.
Shane was formally a member of his high school's gridball team. He was a well loved player and talented at that. His entire team loved him.
Shane fondly looks back on this period as one of the best times in his entire life. He wishes things afterwards could have been different.
Straight after high school ended, Shane moved out. More accurately, his parents kicked him out, claiming that he could afford to look after himself.
Because of this, Shane crashed with his two friends for a while. This lasted until he found a job and had enough money to rent a small place.
When Shane was still in his early twenties, one of the two friends became pregnant, and nine months later gave birth to baby Jas. The couple formally made Shane her godfather.
As Jas grew, Shane slowly became involved in her life. Starting in his mid twenties, his friends would sometimes have her stay at Shane's house while they went out. Jas loved Shane a lot, and he would teach her how to play gridball, or let her stay up late to watch movies. He was kind of her cool uncle.
It was on one of these nights that a serious accident took place. Jas' parents were both killed in a freak accident, and Shane's life was changed forever.
It turned out that Shane was the only person who had been named to take custody of Jas should anything happen. He took her in, of course, but he'd never be the same again.
Shane was in a perpetual state of shock. He didn't know how to handle himself. His only close friends were dead, he had to grieve somehow, and now he had to take care of a child that he loved but wasn't prepared for.
The next few years were extremely rough, and one of the worst periods of Shane's life. He started drinking heavily to cope with the loss, having never been shown any other ways of dealing with sadness. He was always kind to Jas, but he had to put in more and more hours at work to sustain the both of them. He'd needed a bigger apartment so that Jas could have extra space, but he couldn't afford the rent and was quickly going bankrupt due to low wages and his brain steadily becoming addicted to alcohol.
Shane had a major breakdown when he realised what was happening to him. He waited until Jas had gone to bed, and broke down sobbing in his apartment for the loss of his friends, the loss of control, the loss of his health, financial stability, and the loss of his entire life.
Shane had become very very depressed - the illness had come on rapidly, and he couldn't bring himself to do basic necessities like brushing his teeth or getting up on time for work anymore. He dreaded becoming like his own parents, but all he saw in the mirror was his mother and father staring right back at him.
At some point, Shane began to consider suicide. It was a nagging thought in the back of his mind, a quick escape. He had no plan at this point, but it was always on his mind.
He hit a breaking point one freezing winter night when he could no longer pay his rent and realised he was going to be evicted, and called the only person that he thought might be able to help him. His aunt Marnie.
Marnie was shocked to hear the deep, gruff voice on the other end of the phone - she hadn't seen her Nephew since he was little, so it was an even bigger surprise when he was standing at her door, with a couple of suitcases, dark, sunken in eyes, straggly hair and a face that could only be described as entirely miserable.
Of course, Marnie welcomed Shane and Jas best she could, and let her nephew know that the new superstore to the right of the village was hiring. Shane quickly applied and started working at Jojamart.
Shane's life became monotone from there, but at least it was stable. At least Jas was safe, and at least he had a job. His depression went untreated and steadily worsened, but you know that...
Little did he know, Shane's life was about to take a dramatic turn one more time when a new farmer would move into town, just north of aunt Marnie's ranch...!
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priestessame · 1 year
★·.·´¯`·.·★ Genshin Bfs watching trash TV★·.·´¯`·.·★
GN reader X Diluc, Al haitham, Zhongli, Childe
🎀  🐔(っ◔◡◔)っ crack 🎀  🐔(っ◔◡◔)っ
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Diluc usually doesn't have much to say about the shows. There's the sit com weekends and the horror Thursdays, but once in a while he knows you want to watch... concerning things.
At the end of a stressful day, he's only left with the emotional capacity of watching Is that cake, but if you wanted to watch Yes to the dress, he'll put up with it.
After all it was just a late night ritual you two did, watching an episode or two on his laptop as you crawled into bed. Knowing him he'll just drift off to sleep 10 minutes into the episode anyways.
Most of the episode is the same, bride wants a dress and the consultant pick out a few options.
But there is a small problem that keeps Diluc from yawning. The mother of the bride is a conniving little emotional manipulator.
Diluc hates her instantly. What an unlikable woman, he almost thinks its a scripted character.
You mumble something about the dress but Diluc hardly hears it. He feels absolutely slighted by this woman.
"She's still not letting her get the dress." you sigh out beside him, shaking your head, "It's not your wedding lady!'
He would have rolled his eyes over these dramatics any other day. But right now, it was just too much. The entitlement, the audacity, the obvious heartbreak on her daughter's face that she entirely ignores.
So when the consultant himself stands up to mother, finally finally shushing the woman, taking the bride's side, and becoming the parent the woman so desperately needed, he's entirely overwhelmed.
The choked sound catches you off guard.
"Luc?!" you call out suddenly, realising how he had buried his face in the pillow. "Are you okay?"
Diluc sniffles a weak yes, "Next time," He says reaching for your arm, "we're watching Love Island"
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Al Haitham
He is a man of academics. Of course he doesn't want to watch the 6th season of the real housewives with you.
"Its ridiculous," he says, giving you one of his exasperated looks,
If he wanted to watch privileged women cry about their money problems, he would have just talked to Kaveh. He would have suggested a great movie on Italian Neo-realism instead. But no, you wanted to watch something that gives him a headache.
"Come on Haitham," You pout at him, "It's surprisingly entertaining."
Your boyfriend just grunts going back to fixing something up for himself in the kitchen. And that was the end of it. So no, no matter how much you beg him to watch an episode, he's not interested.
Or so he says.
Because it's totally not him peeking over the kitchen counter, green eyes glued to the screen as one of the women douses another in wine for no reason. And it's definitely not him gasping lightly at the insults being thrown around.
His ego will never let him admit how much he actually enjoys watching the real housewives. It brings forth a form of sadistic pleasurer he gets from watching people act stupid and vain. Mostly because that's exactly what he has argued his entire life.
But he won't ever address it.
So even when you coyly ask him what distracted him so much that he burnt his dinner.
"The microwave messed up." He'll grumble under her breath.
Mainly because its embarrassing for a scholar like him to indulge in such... antics. And partly because he would never hear the end of it from you.
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Confused yet intrigued.
He likes how excited you get over it. It does catch him a little off guard in the beginning. He wouldn't have assumed an elegant person like you would have such... acquired tastes.
But if beloved is so entertained by it, he too, could surely find it up to his taste. He brews you tea for your watching party and would love it if you lounge on his lap. (Stop Zhongli makes me so soft)
It's pretty clear that he doesn't understand the concept of 90 day fiancé at all. But that doesn't keep him from thoroughly enjoying it.
Will sit through the entire season and still ask the most basic questions.
"I apologize for interrupting again beloved, But are you sure this promising young woman is affiance to that man... the one without the neck?"
Congratulations Big Ed has completely traumatized him.
It started with him saying an underhanded, "That can't be right-" as he saw short man lather mayonnaise on his hair. And ended with Zhongli completing the entire spin off series on Ed.
Now he gives you the updates.
Will also most probably point out the cultural differences and ramble about it. Midway of a dramatic scene, he'll tap your shoulder and say an interesting fact,
"Fascinating how she says that, because you see in orthodox sumeria culture the mother of the groom-"
"Not now Li i think she's going to flush the wedding ring down the toilet!"
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Loves it. What do you mean why? ofcourse he's going to put daily genocide business aside to watch the love is blind reunion with you.
Childe watches the show unironically. So, Obviously he takes the people in it and their relationships very seriously.
"No way those two are working out- I'd give it another episode at most."
Has already followed the entire cast on Instagram. Up to date with all the leaks on tik tok, honestly he's the best guy to watch trash tv with. He even watches review videos' online and sends you crack edits of the show in the middle of the day.
You'll probably stay up late after every episode update to talk about the conspiracies and who you think would end up with whom.
He's the one that stayed up late for the netflix live and then got frustrated when the site crashed. In his defense, he had made a little fort with pillows on the couch with snacks ready by your side. He had even reminded you to go to the bathroom beforehand so you don't stand up in the middle of it.
Keeps getting angry at the hosts and screaming profanities at the screen.
Cries when couples say yes at the altar and gasps when someone says no. "But they were in love!!"
You can be as dramatic as you want watching it and he'll join in.
Loves, LOVES Bliss and Zack, will not shut up about how your relationship is exactly likes theirs (it's not).
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catindabag · 10 months
If anyone wants to know, these are the pajama onesies that the Mentors wore in my TBOSAS on Crack short take (50) (51) & (52) when they had their super secret ✨slumber party✨ at Felix Ravinstill’s mansion (AKA: the Presidential Palace). They also wore these onesies when they stole the pizza guy’s truck to sneak into the zoo (in the middle of the night) because of Mizzen’s super secret request to eat 20 boxes of bacon pizza without being forced to share them with the other Tributes.😅
So here they are:
Sejanus and Coryo’s ✨sparkling unicorn onesie🌈 🦄✨ #Snowjanus #couplegoals
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Festus and Persephone’s watermelon man onesie🍉 #PerseFest #couplegoals
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Felix and Andie’s Hello Kitty onesie🐱 #bromantic #couplegoals
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Lysistrata and Clemensia’s bunny chipmunk onesie🐰 #fangirlies #forlife
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Gaius and Vipsania’s chicken onesie🐔 #gymbros #forlife
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Dennis and Florus’ frog onesie🐸 #marketbros #itwas50%off
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Hilarius Heavensbee’s cat unicorn onesie🐱🦄 #sad #nomatchfound
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Livia Cardew’s exclusive Care Bear onesie🐻 #feelingspecial #fromMama
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Juno Phipps’ rare alien onesie👽 #outofthisworld #peasants
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Palmyra Monty’s freaky squirrel on crack onesie 🐿️ #squeaksqueak #aresquirrelsrats? #plsanswer
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plaindangan · 2 months
"Beach Nudity" for Futa Komaru, on what was supposed to be a normal beach picnic with femboy Suichi and Asahina. How else is Komaru is going to add the secret sauce to her famous booty enhancing yakisoba pan? - 🐔
Disclaimer: R18 material! If not to your liking then please do not view!
"My methods are....okay pretty darn weird. But I gotta say, you can't argue with results~" Most would be taken aback by Komaru's' decision to flaunt about a non-nudist beach in the buff. Exposing her ample bottom to cool air and gawking from many of people. Her big boobs to an intricate tan. And, well, the main event being her long schlong and full balls getting in a nice sweat between her legs~
It seemed excessive and overly showy, but there was purpose to her sluttiness. And that purpose was simple - musk generation. Her sweaty, ripe, stench coming from hours of her cock being in the sun, was giving her quite the bit of smell. Too much for the usually meek detective and swimmer to resist. And when they finally cracked, that ensued the next phase began.
For the next half an hour, Komaru had to essentially resist her own urges as the duo tried their damdnest to get that batter out of her prematurel. Sweaty, lubed up, titjobs. A double twerking session right on her dick. Shuichi's Kyoko-certified gloved handjob and fingering. They were very desperate to get her cum...but perfection needed time. Time that would eventually be rewarded once that time passed~
Once it was over, right as Komaru could feel herself about to utterly blow (this time thanks to dual licking by both Hina and Shuichi), she took out the yakisoba, aimed...and released~ Covering the food in her warm, salty, churned, buttter~ While most would think twice over eating it, the smell alone had both Hina and Shuichi diving in to devour their food.
And their reward for cleaning their plates (and Komaru's cock for dessert?) Why having asses so large, so noisy, so soft, that the rest of the beachgoers couldn't keep their hands off of the duo...and eventually not even cocks from guys and futas alike were able to resist not fucking the greed out of these two~
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explore4adventures · 3 months
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One Pan Cooking 🧑‍🍳
Zucchini Pieces
Red Pepper Slices
Sweet Onion Slices 🧅
Little Hot Peppers 🌶️
Minced Garlic 🧄
Italian Style Stewed Tomatoes 🍅
Grape Tomatoes
Carrot 🥕 Chunks
Whole Wheat Macaroni
Dill & Seasoning
Cracked Black Pepper
Italiano Blend 4 Cheeses 🧀
Roasted Garlic Chicken 🐔 Broth
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My Take On Cheesy Pasta Primavera 😊
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Mmm, My Yummy Comfort Food ❤️
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Topped With Chopped Green Onions
Sprinkle, More Italiano Blend Cheeses 🧀
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hebrewbyinbal · 6 months
🐔🥚 The age-old question: who came first, the chicken or the egg? 🤔
Well, after much debate, I've finally cracked it! 🥚 Turns out, it was the chicken... because it needed someone to lay the egg! 🐣
Eggs for breakfast in Hebrew! 🤗
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Today (12/16/23) is the 10th anniversary of one of my favorite comedy specials—
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Yes, it's been a whole decade since Bo Burnham graced the world with his YouTube special (and now major comics are following his model lol). While people think of what. as a Netflix special, Bo's plan was to distribute it freely via the internet on 12/17/13 (and he took a pay cut to make it happen!).
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Here are some other fun facts about Bo's second comedy special:
1. The trailer is filmed in the Ruhm, Bo's guesthouse and studio that makes an appearance again in Make Happy and in a little special called INSIDE 😉
2. This comedy special was Bo's first professional collaboration with Chris Storer (creator of The Bear) after they met on Adventures in the Sin Bin and it marks Bo's first time directing. They would go on to co-direct Make Happy together and Bo's obviously directed MANY items since, including his incredible story about a teenage girl called Eighth Grade!
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3. Bo begins the special wearing three pairs of pants—two red ones and one black pair—a white tee, a dark gray hoodie, confetti in one pocket, a pack of playing cards in his OTHER pocket, and his mouth is full of water. Damn, that's a lot of stuff! 🤯
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4. But he doesn't have the water IN his mouth for the stool scene! That was spliced together with the live performance footage (and pretty seamlessly, clearly, since folks asked him about it online).
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5. The song Repeat Stuff has a brilliant music video that accompanies it. And the girl that Bo murders at the end is none other than the Vice President's stepdaughter! That's right, Ella Emhoff is Kamala Harris's daughter through marriage, and she is a famous model and artist.
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6. Speaking of that music video, the exterior of the house Bo breaks into at the beginning is Bo and Lorene's own home at the time. And that house was used in The Nightmare Before Elm Street franchise (a fact the realtors emphasized when selling the place in 2021—I would have focused on Bo's studio personally haha).
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7. The music video also has a cameo from one of Bo's friends, Paul Scheer, as the manager! I actually met Paul at a Human Giant event back in the day, and he was very nice (along with Aziz Ansari and Rob Huebel).
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8. While Bo released his special entirely for free, he did have two other items that were for sale at the time—the what. CD (recorded in Madison, WI, thus he says "Get on my level, Madison" in Sad) and his book of poems Egghead. I own the poetry book, obviously, but I cannot find the CD for sale anywhere.
If you or someone you know is willing to sell their copy, PLEASE DM me! It's the only item he put out that I don't own in some capacity—and I would love to complete the collection! 🥰
9. Egghead is amazing in both its print and audiobook versions. In fact, the latter is like a whole separate comedy special and well worth the price to hear Bo reading so enthusiastically and with different hilarious voices. Highly recommended...and I have a kid-friendly list of poems here if you're interested.
10. Finally, what. features two of my favorite subversive bits: Andy the Frog and the Fishing song.
I was thinking a fun video idea would be to create a Bo Burnham "Kids Show" with all of his darkest routines that seem like they came out of a demented Sesame Street (so like Wonder Showzen haha).
Here's the potential order:
-Disney Lessons (Words Words Words)
-what. Intro (starting with "melted into childlike wonder" to Lizard)
-How to Make the Perfect PB Sandwich
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-A Slow Joke
-Andy the Frog
-The Squares poem
-Fishing in the Park
-How the World Works (can include Outtakes Bo and Socko as well)
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-YouTuber Thank You
Anyway, I just think that would be hysterical if any editor wants to take a crack at it. Please give me credit tho! ✌🏼🐔
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kheironomos · 7 months
Hey. Reblogs are off forever—I’m sick of seeing notifs for this blog because paleoart is FAR in my past now and I can’t deactivate because it’s my main. Sorry!
For anyone somehow still around, consider this my last post as well. Stay crack-a-lackin’ 🦖🐔🤙
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arugula2048 · 1 year
the LCK CL commentators keep cracking their voices when they get hype like bro please stop the crowing and clucking 🐔🐔🐔🐔🐔
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pondslime · 1 year
I've been absent from Tumblr for a couple of days and somehow my FYP is full of Sinclair thots??.?? Is this some national holiday?🥶🥶🥶🥶 I have so many that gnawl at my brain at night.
Imagine calling Bo Beauregard for the first time🤐🤐🤐 You're either trying to be serious and have a real conversation with him for the first time since settling in Ambrose (spoiler: this is impossible. He's misogynistic and a firm believer that there's nothing to talk about with girls🩷🩷🩷🩷 he gives off that TikTok vibe "Do girls even have hobbies?" Like bro, drinking bear and crying ain't a hobby either), or you're so exhausted with his neanderthal shenanigans that you just sigh "Beauregard...." while absolutely pissed off and annoyed.
I just KNOW mama Sinclair would call him Beauregard in that no-nonsense tone when he would rip a hole in his dress pants before church , he must have PTSD from hearing his own freaking name. He's so used to being just Bo, that the only times he even acknowledges his full name are when he's either being scolded by his parents or when he's arrested and sees it on the paperwork.
So yeah, long story short I doubt he'd be amused by anyone calling him Beauregard. RIP MC.
*bonus crack thought* I remember talking here with someone about how Fucking Funny™ would it be to call Bo Robert. I'm not a native English speaker and I honestly never heard of the name Beauregard before😭😭😭 I just assumed Bo is like Bob, which is Robert😂😂😂😂 I'd get smacked on the head with a wrench for trying to be cute and calling him Robert. End scene
omg jhdsjhfjd not the fyp being inundated w/my dumbassery 💀
I lowkey felt like I was spamming the dash last night. BUT idk what came over me, I've had a couple days off work and I'm in a chatty mood hjhdsjahjhsdjh like. I just wanna TALK about this goofy ass movie?? **note to all the poor souls that might be following me rn: pls feel free to block the tag "sinclair brainrot hours" if u would like to save urself from my shenanigans**
this ask is killin me dshjhdfsjhj DRINKING BEER AND CRYING AIN'T A HOBBY BOY
I'm unfortunately part of the Anti-Beauregard Sinclair Hater Nation. I am, after all, the graphic designer responsible for THIS abomination:
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context for this can be found here, with poki's galactic big brain take
I also love this take on what his real actual name is 🐔🧊
I just CANNOT buy this guy as a beauregard hdjhdfjh I simply cannot
HOWEVER. I do this thing w/ppl I'm fond of where I'll lengthen their names in ridiculous ways. like just add in entire syllables and letters that just. wholly don't exist. and I could see one of two situations playing out w/bing bong
scenario one: u drop a "beauregard" out of the blue one day. maybe you're trying to be cute. maybe you're trying to piss him off. he looks over @ u. crinkles his brow and gives u the bitchest lil expression. u best be glad u make good pork chops, WOMAN. bc u can't even remember his NAME. who tf u think ur talkin to??? one of ur fancy shmancy city boys?? get outta here!! just grumblin' around the living room abt how if u want some prissy ass boy w/a genteel ass name like that, his brother's right downstairs grumble grumble mutter mutter
scenario two:
he's been slurpin up that good ambrose moonshine (some crazy ass shit that comes in a jug w/x's on it. u know the one. lester labeled it as "ambrosia" and walks around saying it's the "fruit of the gods" and slappin his knee. bo has no fuckin' idea what he's saying.) and despite his high tolerance, boy's a bit sloshed. so are u. u drunkenly crawl into his lap and call him beauregard. he thinks this is v heehaw funny. whatchu think I am girl?? some kinda royalty?? that pretty lil head of urs is all kindsa messed up!! figure I AM like a king here hehehehehe
both equally as annoying😔
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sukoshimikan · 1 year
Cracking open a cold one with the girls 🌱🐔
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josepheconnell · 17 days
🐔 Minecraft Chicken’s Favorite Song 🎵 | Hilarious Parody #shorts #minecraft #minecraftshorts
Get ready for a clucking good time! Join us as we uncover the secret song that makes Minecraft chickens dance and sing. Prepare to laugh, share, and let us know your favorite chicken-related puns in the comments! #Minecraft #ChickenSong #Parody #shorts #minecraft #minecraftshorts Minecraft Chicken’s Favorite Song | Hilarious Parody #shorts #minecraft #minecraftshorts Get ready to crack up with…
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explore4adventures · 2 months
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Family’s Coming For Sunday Dinner 🍽️❤️
Beautifully Stuffed Chicken Breasts With Goat Cheese & Spinach, Topped With A Delicious Balsamic Reduction, and A Layer Of Zucchini Slices & Halved Sweet Grape Tomatoes 🍅
Boneless Chicken Breasts 🐔
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Sautéed Fresh Spinach 🥬
Fresh Chopped Cloves Of Garlic 🧄
Sweet Onion 🧅
Red Onion
Garlic & Herb 🌿 Seasoning
Cracked Black Pepper
Shredded Cheese 🧀
Herbed Goat Cheese
Zucchini Slices
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Balsamic Vinegar
Herb 🌿 & Garlic Seasoning
Grape Tomatoes 🍅
Slices Of Zucchini
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Add Ons:
Two Scrumptious Side Dishes
A Delicious Homemade Potato Salad With New Potatoes & Eggs 🥔🥚
A Creamy Garlic, Lemon & Herb With Dill Homemade Dressing & Pasta Salad 😋🪴🫛
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Vegan Very Berry Galette
Filled With Cranberries, Blueberries 🫐,
Raspberries, Blackberries, And
Strawberries 🍓
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loriostansell · 17 days
🐔 Minecraft Chicken’s Favorite Song 🎵 | Hilarious Parody #shorts #minecraft #minecraftshorts
Get ready for a clucking good time! Join us as we uncover the secret song that makes Minecraft chickens dance and sing. Prepare to laugh, share, and let us know your favorite chicken-related puns in the comments! #Minecraft #ChickenSong #Parody #shorts #minecraft #minecraftshorts Minecraft Chicken’s Favorite Song | Hilarious Parody #shorts #minecraft #minecraftshorts Get ready to crack up with…
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Good morning, everyone!
I have a brand-new interview up with the creator of one of my favorite Inside YouTube videos: magician Michael Shaw!
Michael is a truly talented individual who not only does amazing card tricks, but he's also a skilled writer and video essayist.
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Case in point: Bo Burnham but I actually shut up. Don't let the title mislead you—this is a stunningly informative and entertaining dissection of the themes of Inside and why Bo created it.
It also ends with Bo at Phoebe Bridgers' concert in 2021 when he got to hear a huge audience laugh at his clever lyrics again. I adore that video, and it's so cute that they are now a loving couple!
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Anyway, please check out our interview, and keep it here for more comedy fun! ✌🏼🐔
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