hotnhowling · 1 year
having UNHINGED THOUGHTS about that Ardyn guy today
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  and i cant seem to shut up about it??????? SO?????????????
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time to SILENCE MYSELF by getting extremely invested in more ridiculously dirty nsfw art of said guy
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aicidos · 2 years
rewatching the noctis “enters” the crystal scene and putting my head in my hands from the absolute horror of out-of-fucking-nowhere getting violently yet slowly drawn into an unknowable confinement and the way it’s literally physically hurting noct by the way he’s gasping and groaning and squirming and holding his arm but i think the fear is absolutely outweighing the pain there. it’s already an overstimulation fest but there’s also ardyn in the background threatening him and it’s not even out of personal beef like #girl...
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mjm5655 · 2 years
tag drop.
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uncleardyn · 2 years
ardy,n :]
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fire-of-the-sun · 3 months
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Fan-made Final Fantasy XV Posters
Petition for Square Enix to release the high-quality versions of these renders, please? I really wanted to make some kind of poster for this game, but the only images I could find were so small and low quality, I almost didn't bother. Couldn't resist messing around in Photoshop anyway though and my tinkering spiraled into this, so I'd thought I'd share regardless.
I love Noctis' kingly raiment, so I really wanted to Photoshop him to be wearing it. I know it's technically flipped but I had to match the light source. I also gave Noctis his blue eyes back and cleaned the dirt off his face and clothes.
I really wanted to use Kingsglaive's Luna over the version from the game as I personally think that version pairs particularly well alongside older Noctis, just saying...
Creating Ardyn's magic was tricky and took a lot of experimentation to find the right custom brushes, but I hope the final result is close enough. I also edited one half of Ardyn's face to look corrupt with black dripping from his glowing yellow eye and some 'damaged' looking skin.
To create the floating crystals, I took images of actual diamonds, cut them into small pieces and placed them individually around the image before adding lens flares and glowing effects... which was about as tedious as it sounds.
If anyone knows where I can get my hands on some high-quality versions of these images, please let me know and I'll happily remake these posters! Hope you guys enjoy these regardless of the poor quality and let me know which version is your favorite!
(Please do not edit / steal / repost elsewhere without permission)
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teapots-and-hats · 4 months
So, remember the King Charles red portrait?
I made a parody version of Ardyn (thanks Twitter for putting this idea in my mind - https://x.com/CoconutBiko_/status/1791065822955487709)
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Edit: made a neat gif cuz sites like DeviantART suck and they don't allow me to post two images on same post/submission
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sparklecryptid · 6 months
Imagine how fem!Regis would work in AtB verse.
What I mean is that there are some very confused women because sure they had sex with an LC but that was a woman so how did they get pregnant and also why is their kid sneezing fireballs.
(Uncle Ardyn will have to add a new and very embarrassing part of the Talk for his nieces.)
Ardor's mother: You know I only agreed to teach Regis how to *ahem* perform well because I was certain I would not get pregnant. It seems however that was not to be the case.
Thanatos' mother: If my son destroys the world with whatever invention he makes blame his other mother not me.
Persephone's mother: *vividly imagining setting Regis on fire*
Mercury's mother: ........My kid just set a scientist on fire. With her mind. Well. Guess I have to murder that guy now so he doesn't snitch on my kid.
Bard's mother: *stares at her child who makes images come to life through song* I KNEW something was up when the birth control failed - fucking princesses and their big eyes -
Jules mother: *comforting her crying child because Jules at the age of 6 just sent a bully into a wall.*
Jupiter's mother (who is a member of Clan Bellum and Sonitus' mother as well): Well if shit goes sideways we can always go get the Khara's, huh Kat?
Katrina: *pretending that she does not know about another Lucis Caelum wandering the islands* As long as they don't touch our kids they can do whatever they want with the Queen.
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veryace-ficrecs · 6 months
Prompto Argentum Hurt/Comfort Fic Recs
This list will include all ratings and tags, so read at your own discretion! :)
strike a match (make me disappear) by ty_gospodinov - Rated T
Prompto is just trying to keep it together. But when he's falling behind in school, feeling like he doesn't deserve Noctis, and his electricity gets cut off in his empty apartment? His cheerful, devil-may-care image is breaking. And Ignis can see right through it.
Where Your Kind Are Kept by Asidian - Rated T
At first, Prompto doesn't understand. Then he turns to get a better look where Ardyn's pointing, and he feels the blood in his veins turn to ice. Because there, on the edge of a middle row, one of the pods is sliding open. An MT is stepping out, mechanical steps a jerky imitation of human motion. Behind it, Prompto can see the interior of the pod – a tiny scrap of a closet. Less than a closet: just enough space for one of those things to stand up in. The shock rushes over him so sharp and sudden that he feels dizzy. "You're joking," says Prompto. "Right?"
we'll give ourselves new names by mushydesserts - Rated G
"Just, you... you don't have wings."
Noct gives him a funny look. "Who says I don't?" he laughs.
In the world of Eos, legend has it one's wings are the physical manifestation of one's soul.
Prompto does not have wings; instead he has two large scars on his back.
Tempered Plastic by saltslimes - Rated T
Prompto has a higher pain tolerance than his companions anticipated. So that goes about as well as can be expected.
Running Behind by Asidian - Rated T
There's a tag hanging on his storage pod, instead of the clipboard that documents his progress. On that tag, there's a single word stamped in red: defective. NH-01987's feet stick on the metal of the catwalk. Behind the ever-present metallic mask, his eyes grow huge. He knows what that tag means. It means that, in the morning, while the other MT units are collected for training, a guard will come for him. He'll be restrained and escorted down the metal corridors toward the east wing, into the double-doors that house the correctional facility. But he won't be up for re-programming, not this time. This time, they'll strap him down to a table for the last time ever. They'll pick him apart, to try and learn what caused his failures – and he has so very many of them, no matter how hard he's tried. When they're finished, they'll take what's left to the crematory. That will be the end of him: a pile of ashes and a wisp of smoke.
Terms of Affection by Starofwinter - Rated G
Ignis only uses pet names when something is very very wrong.
Wilting Leaves in the Jar by LadyLilaBlue - Rated G
While camping Prompto comes across a strange flower. It leads to a peculiar situation where Prompto sustains any type of pain sensation Noctis acquires. And we all know instead of telling the guys about what's going on, Prompto is up to his usual shenanigans and decides to keep it to himself and sustain all of Noctis' injuries because, that will make him useful to the group right?
Weak Point by GibbousLunation - Rated T
They told him it was a ‘practical exercise’, to test his loyalty to the Crown under pressure. Cor’s exact wording had been something more along the lines of gruff ‘hey you did the easy part, so. Hate to be the bearer of bad news but everything goes to hell in a handbasket from here on out.’ Prompto was pretty sure somewhere in there was the insinuation that he’d be fine. It was a practice after all.
He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not by MsChievous - Rated T
Prompto gets Hanahaki...
Because of his unrequited love for his parents.
The Way They Were by Asidian - Rated M
Ten years ago, it's the middle of the afternoon. High above Alstor Slough, the sky is a brilliant edge-of-summer blue, so bright it hurts to look at. Clouds make tiny white smears against it, like whipped cream on top of one of Iggy's meticulously constructed cakes. And there, hanging in the vault of the heavens, is the sun. Prompto stares up at it, stunned into silence. It burns his eyes, but he squints and raises a hand above him and peeks through the fingers, not quite able to look away. He stays like that for a long time – so long his eyes water. He tells himself that's all it is.
A helping hand by Sinikka_von_Wolperting - Rated T
Stress can do a lot of things to your body and your mind. Prompto hadn't had it easy the last days.
Over Many Setting Suns by countingpaperstars - Rated G
“I wish… for human legs,” Prompto says, eyes averted as shame burns hotly in his cheeks. It sounds like a silly fantasy, fragile as it’s spoken into the air outside the tender cocoon of his heart.
“Well, I daresay you’re in luck. You’re hardly the first I’ve helped with such a request." Ardyn saunters to the shelves and trails his long fingers over the dried plants. The glass jars full of viscous liquids slosh when he taps them. "I can give you what you want." He pauses, shadows cutting fierce across his wide smile. “For a price.”
Memories of the Past by Asidian - Rated T
Noct wipes his brow with his bare forearm and returns the magic flask that contains his other fire spells to his pocket. He turns, a smile quirking the corner of his lips, words of congratulations for Ignis half-formed on his tongue. They die unspoken at the sight that greets him. Because there, back pressed against the damp stone of the wall, is a small blond boy that looks about six years old. He's absolutely swimming in Prompto's vest and coeurl-print jeans; the top comes down past his knees, so long it looks like a dress on him. Prompto's wrist band has slipped all the way up to the boy's bony elbow, dangling with room to spare, and Prompto's gloves swallow his hands and most of his wrists completely. One of Prompto's guns rests on the ground at the boy's feet. He's got the cylinder of the second open, while his free hand digs frantically in his pocket. But even as Noct watches, he does a quick sweep of the cylinder's contents with his eyes, snaps it closed, and brings the weapon up, two-handed, barrel trained on Noct.
Shiva's Favorite by S4_League - Rated G
Prompto has had the uncontrollable ability to create ice, snow, and frost (etc.) since he was a kid. When it comes to a point where he can no longer guarantee the safety of others, Prompto decides to leave Lucis for good. However, he never gets the chance after a final goodbye to his best friend, the prince, goes awry. Or... my angsty take on what if Prompto had Elsa's powers from frozen.
As Far As You Need to Go by Asidian - Rated T
It takes him a minute, after he's at the bottom. He just kind of sits there, face pressed to the rock, trying to convince himself that he needs to get moving. From up above, he can hear what sounds like combat: the clash of metal on metal, and the bellowing roar of a pissed-off Gladio. He licks his lips – tastes blood. Every breath brings in new pain. Then he remembers: Noct.
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noctglaive · 6 months
AI images in the Ardyn tag, get fucked
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Fans of Final Fantasy XV will be all too familiar with Ignis's facial scars after he puts on the Ring of Lucis and sacrifices his sight to save Noctis. As well as the scars on his left eye and right eybrow he also has scars on the bridge of his nose and his lower lip. I was going through some old screenshots of Episode Ignis when I noticed that immediately after his fight with Ardyn he doesn't have any marks on his nose or lower lip. He does, however, gain those scars in Verse 2 when he follows Ardyn, but that ending is not canon and he wouldn't end up with those scars later in the main game. I'm sure I'm not the first to spot this discrepancy and as Ignis is my favourite character I'm surprised I didn't notice it sooner.
All images copyright Square Enix Co Ltd.
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the-alarm-system · 3 months
Zavier, one of my bandmates who is very obscure, sometimes scary, and I know little LITTLE about him, is very nice to have around methinks
*Zavier watching me and Scald cuddle in the distance, his image obscured by static*
Me(Ardyn): Oh hi Zavier :)
Zavier:The demons
Me: I love you Zavier :)
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nemo-in-wonderland · 1 year
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Good Afternoon, Good Afternoon, everyone!!
After Nyka shared with me on Tumblr her beautiful gift yesterday, I HAD TO DRAW LUSCINIA "KIDNAPPING" ARDYN'S COAT WITH ALL INTENT OF NEVER GIVING IT BACK TO THE MAN.
@nyanykamito you wrote *exactly* where my brainstorming was going, and omg I loved what you wrote so much I couldn't really stop reading it yesterday night. Like, I started this artwork and worked on it until I felt my eyes closing, BUT I HAD TO FINISH IT BY TODAY.
Like, while I was reading, it just conjured up and I was like "OMGG YES. THIS GONNA BE THEM, OMGOMGOMG".
Also, I just love love the idea that after Luscinia stole Ardyn's coat, he retaliated and stole her silken scarf, keeping it "hostage" as well until she gave him back his coat. (And goddamnit, that coat is *enormous* on her.)
He most definitely calls her "Pixie", because she is the PESKIEST, MOST DEVILISH PIXIE he had ever had the luck to encounter on his path.
Like seriously, Luscinia is impish to a TREMENDOUS degree.
But little he knows, he is the one that actually brings out that part of her personality lol
Gods, I am in love with this ship now.
I am invested.
I need to talk more about them.
I need to draw more about them.
I hope you will like this, just as much as I had fun drawing it! <3
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guildwarsgirl · 8 months
So, in my discord, we were discussing Ardyn, then ended up discussing Pokémon. One of my friends decided to make this lovely image.
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He made me laugh so hard, I nearly fell off my chair 🤣 Of course, Ardyn would have a Charizard.... He'd name it Ifrit, too.
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houdinicorbini · 1 year
Hiii ! I’m at my aunt’s house but I got enough Wi-fi to send my request 🎉. Could you please write a touch starved and really clingy reader with Ardyn and maybe Ravus or Gladiolus ? I don’t know if you write for the others but I love them sm jdkdbxk ANYWAYS love your writing it’s so pleasing to read ! You’re one of my fav writers on tumblr even tho I just discovered you!! Have a nice day !!
Oh thank you so much! And I’ll write for almost anyone in the game
But this will be my first time writing for Gladiolus specifically
I hope you don’t mind it being headcanons since I am going to do all three!
Trigger warnings: none
🗡️Ardyn 🗡️
✧ Ardyn wouldn’t never shame you for being touch starved, especially if he knows the reasons as to why.
Hell, he’s a bit touch starved too after everything he’s been through as well.
So you’ll both have your moments of needing extra attention, it’s just Ardyn has learned to hide it more and suppress it.
✧ If you’re having a day where it is particularly bad, Ardyn will do his best to try and comfort you through it.
Like telling you that everything is going to be alright, cuddling, just making sure that he’s near you until he sees that you’re alright.
I can see Ardyn reading as he has his arm wrapped around you while you’re also doing your own thing.
He’ll make sure you have moments like that with him. No matter the time of day.
✧ Now with the clinginess, he really understands, but he tries to slowly get you out of that habit.
He has to travel a lot and he doesn’t want you having a near breakdown when he isn’t there.
Ardyn won’t do anything big at first, just small things to slowly become less clingy.
It’s not that he finds it annoying, he just overly worried and wants to make sure you’re alright.
And Ardyn definitely has his moments where he can be clingy, but again, he hasn’t experienced love in so long so he can sometimes get a tad bit carried away.
But you two are definitely in it together!
✧ Even though he’s the villain, Ardyn used to be good guy, and he had a lover of his own. So I can see him being great at comforting when he needs to be.
And like I said before, he has his own issues so there’ll be times where you’ll have to help him out too.
You both can be a clingy mess on bad days.
But I guess it actually works out a bit.
✧ Overall, you both help each other through the problems you have, each having a reason as to why you have them.
And he’ll always be there for when you need him, just like you’ll be there for him too!
So you two really balance one another out.
🤍 Ravus 🤍
✧ Because of losing his parents at a young age and the empire taking over his kingdom, Ravus is also very touch starved and clingy to those he really cares about.
So the both of you can also be a very clingy mess.
And like Ardyn, he’d hide it. But that is also because he kind of has to do to the empire.
But he’ll do his best to help you. When he has the time of course.
✧ He can definitely relate to how you feel so he can get an idea on what to do and how to help, even if it’s just sitting in each other’s company on a couch.
Ravus wouldn’t mind something like that at all
In fact, he’ll even try to set aside time so you two can have moments like these.
But that’s only when you two have known each other for a while and you’re deep in a relationship.
He unfortunately has an image he has to uphold.
✧ There are days where the two of you can just spend hours doing nothing but sitting in silence, but you’re both content with it.
Sometimes it’s all about the presence and not the talking.
Ravus understands that a lot and relishes in moments like that.
Unfortunately they just don’t happen often enough.
But he tries to make time for them to happen.
✧ Like with Ardyn too, Ravus has days where it’s harder to mask so you’ll have to help him.
Which you never mind, you’ll definitely give him the same love and curtesy that he’s given you all those other times.
Even if he denies that he needs it.
He’ll soften up if he sees cuddling or any form of hugging is going to be involved.
Ravus definitely returns the favor for you as well. Almost immediately too.
✧ Out of the three, Gladio is not as touch starved, but he does do his damndest to make sure you know you’re loved and all that.
He may not be all too good with words, but his actions are louder!
Much louder.
✧ If you have bad days where things are worse, Gladio will offer to go out and do something in each other’s company.
Even if it’s something like working out or going to his favorite ramen shop.
He is also someone who wouldn’t mind just sitting down with a good book while you either read or do whatever you want near him.
Actions are definitely easier for him to handle.
✧ You might’ve had to explain a little bit about how you are and why, but he understands.
I feel like he has a harder time with emotional things and tries to tackle the problem head on, which can be good, sometimes.
But he quickly learns that this is not something that can be dealt with so easily.
He means well, but he can be a himbo at times.
✧ There are times he has seemed a tad bit insensitive, but it has always been a misunderstanding and he means well.
Again, emotions are not his strong suit so you’ll have to be patient with him.
Gladio will definitely to his best to make you feel content and loved in the best ways he knows how.
I know it took a while and it’s short for as long as it took, but I hope you enjoy!
Do give me feedback if you have any!
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tifacaelum · 5 months
Why I ship Noctifa
*Under construction post 🦋
The ship between Noctis & Tifa exists not only because of their matching aesthetics. Thatʼs just one superficial reason. Both characters share a lot of deep & profound similarities.
Lets start from the beggining:
Their Backstory
Both lost their mothers. Their widowed dads, Regis & Brian, had to take care of them. However, they could not completely take care of their kidsʼ education on their own, so they needed help of others (governesses in Noctisʼ case & Nibelheimʼs women in Tifaʼs case).
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Normally in FF games the characters either have no parents or their situation with them is of an ill-fated nature. Noctis & Tifa contrast & differ from this, being practically the only characters with a good & loving relationship with their dads.
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Scenes from Brotherhood & Last Order.
At the same age of eight, Noctis & Tifa suffered near death experiences. Noctis was attacked by a Marilith while Tifa fell from the Mt. Nibel bridge. As a consequence, both fell into a coma.
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(I wish there were concrete images of this Tifa event)
At a very young age, both were trained in the art of combat by Gladio & Zangan. Because of this early training, both are considered excellent fighters.
Both have pets that appear in both their childhood & adulthood (Carbuncle & Fluffy).
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Noctis & Tifa knew the lack of friends & loneliness during their childhood.
Likewise, at some point both were seen as just a title or a trophy by others, something they deeply disliked.
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At the same age of 15, the two were independent teenagers. They lived alone in their own apartments & had a job in the hostelry industry. Noctis as a waiter in a sushi restaurant and Tifa managing the Seventh Heaven. 
They both had to quickly grow up & earn a living on their own.
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Both of them have painful scars. Noctis on his back from the Marilithʼs attack & Tifa on her chest from Sephirothʼs attack.
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It is noteworthy that Noctisʼ scar affects him on a physical level while Tifaʼs affects her in a more psychological way. I love these little differences between them.
Both suffered the same losses & in the same way.
In a single night Insomnia & Nibelheim were destroyed and consumed by fire.
Regis & Brian were murdered in cold blood by people they had trusted, Drautos & Sephiroth.
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Here I reemphasize how Noctis & Tifa felt the same way about their dadsʼ actions. Noctifaʼs psychology is gorgeous & intertwines beautifully. But weʼll leave that section for another thread.
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The two travel with their group of friends to stop the forces of evil. Noctis fights against Niflheim & Ardyn. Tifa against Shinra & Sephiroth.
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The most important events of Noctisʼ upbringing mirror those of Tifaʼs. I believe they would understand each other deeply due to these shared bonds & that they could easily heal each otherʼs traumas 💙❤️
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happy-orc · 2 years
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I recently participated in the @ffxvreversebang2022!  Ever wonder where Ardyn got the ame Izunia from? It was his cat, she was named Izunia and she used to get him into all sorts of trouble.  Geist wrote a wonderful fic based off this image, complete with world building and history and more lore than you can shake a stick at. It’s wonderful  and I would highly recommend it!  https://archiveofourown.org/works/43572550/chapters/109554499
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