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아무 것도 남기지 못한 하루였다 해도 괜찮아요. 그저 오늘 하루 잘 살아낸 것만으로 충분해요. 지치고 힘들었던 오늘 하루도 정말 고생했어요.
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mioons · 3 months
kiss, kiss, kiss, 단 하루도 빼먹지 말고
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pairing. enhypen ot7 x fem. reader (hcs)
genre. fluff, est. relationship wc. 694 warnings. kissing, skinship, petnames
— where they love to kiss you. extra. none, please reblog if you’ve enjoyed,, mwah! 💋
Lee Heeseung — lips
the way your lips press together when ever he tries to kiss you; he finds it adorable. when his lips met yours for the first time, he wish he had kissed you sooner. your lips looked so plump and cute, he had to make sure no one else could kiss them except for him for the rest of his life.
the first time he kissed your lips was after your third date and let’s just say he never stopped kissing you after that day. because your lips played a melody in his heart he could never unhear, and without it, he’d feel incomplete.
“why’re your lips so soft baby?”
Sim Jaeyun — forehead
jake was far from short, he was tall. much taller than your friends and much taller than you. often when you two were out, he would rest his chin on your head. at first he was hesitant to kiss you at all. but the way you turned your head backward to look at him sometimes made it hard. so eventually, he started kissing your forehead. it was sweet and somehow intimate at the same time. so now everytime he sees you, the first thing he does is kiss your forehead. it’s become a habit.
“c’mere pretty, can’t forget your daily forehead kisses”
Park Jongseong — hands / fingers
when he first held you hand, he realised how small they were compared to his. how his fingers engulfed yours whenever you intertwined fingers. one time, he held your hand when he was driving you to a cafe for a date and that’s when he suddenly brought your hands up to his lips, kissing each one of your knuckles gently. your hand was so soft to kiss, he found himself kissing your hands or fingers everytime you two met. oh how he wishes to kiss your ring finger and see the wedding ring he gave you. but that’ll have to wait.
Park Sunghoon — ear
when you two first started dating, sunghoon realised how easily you get flustered around him and how your ears especially would turn into a crimson colour. whenever he got too close, or whenever he whispered something into your ear, they would turn red. he found it cute. he wondered what shade of red it would turn into if he kissed it.
“they’re like little strawberries on the sides of your head darling,” he’d chuckle as he pressed another gentle kiss on your earlobe, watching you shiver and turn red all over again.
Kim sunoo — beauty mark / mole
sunoo loves you. he loves everything about you, even your beauty marks. he thinks they accentuate your beauty. he never wants you to feel insecure about your beauty marks and what a better way to make you feel assured is by kissing each and every one of them.
“sunoo it’s ticklish, cmon,” you’d whine as he pepper kisses all over your beauty marks.
“no thanks, gotta show you just how much i love your beauty marks,” he’d whisper back, giggling, “god you’re so beautiful.”
Yang Jungwon — neck
he’d often get shy and flustered whenever you were around him though you two were already dating. it caused him to often shy away in your embrace, hiding his face in your neck. it felt warm and secure there for some odd reason
more often than not, he’d press kisses along your neck and collarbone. he’d leave little marks here and there to make sure people know you’ve already got a lover at home waiting for you.
Nishimura Riki — nose
whenever you’re frustrated or anxious your nose tends to scrunch up, making you look like the cutest girl in the world. or whenever he got too close to you and they’d twitch a little due to your shyness.
the way it would turn a little red when you sneezed made him want to kiss your nose and so he did.
everytime you hugged him or cuddled with him, he made it a habit to kiss your nose at least once, maybe boop it at the same time because he thinks you’re the most adorable girl in the world.
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luvlyhee 2024 :: taglist open ,, send an ask to be added
tl: @en-gelic @dioll @luvvsim @ohmydollie @jakesangel @chaewonshoney
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syncoflove · 17 days
[📷] 240913 | JONGHO @.imfinalho_ INSTAGRAM UPDATE
오늘 하루도😊
Today too😊
🎶 : Standing Egg - Little Star
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How cutee...
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tomorrowxtogether · 18 days
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240913 Beomgyu's Tweet
요 마 쁘로 연준이형 생일 축하해요~~
요즘 많이 피곤할 텐데 내색하지 않고 항상 밝은 모습 보여줘서 고마워요❣️
오늘 하루도 행복했으면 좋겠고!!
아 껌이나 씹어볼까 껌 찔겅~
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gilllhj · 14 days
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아빠는 언니가 재수학원에 들어가 있는 1년동안 하루도 빠짐없이 편지를 보냈다고 한다. 내가 첫 야영을 떠나던 날, 첫 자취를 시작하던 날에도 편지를 줬다. 누군가의 부재와 그것을 받아들이는 그만의 방식이었던 것. 내가 매일 무언가를 기록하는 행위에 집착하는 것도 이런 아빠의 영향이었을 거다. 서른이 넘어가고 아빠도 더 이상 긴 편지는 주지 않게 되었지만 여전히 내가 그리울 때, 그의 가까운 일상을 빌미삼아 문자를 보낸다. 오늘도 내 답장은 ‘당겨찍는 방법 알려줄게 잘자’ 라고..
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bts-trans · 2 months
240712 Jin on W Korea’s Instagram Post
#협찬 ‘Amazing Jin’ 댄디한 룩이 누구보다 잘 어울리는 진! 핑크 프린세스라는 별명에 걸맞게 핑크 타이와 핑크빛 원석이 세팅된 ‘빵 드 쉬크르’ 링이 무척 잘 어울리는 모습입니다. 길고 가느다란 손 또한 마음을 설레게 하구요. 호기심으로 가득 찬 눈빛, 매 순간 긍정적이고 행복한 에너지를 전파하던 행동들, 촬영을 마치고 행복을 말하는 인터뷰까지 접한 지금, 진은 겉과 속이 같은 조금 특별한 ‘청년’처럼 느껴졌습니다. 제대 후 하루도 쉬지 않고 일하고 있는 진! 신발 끈 꽉 묶고 오늘도 또 어딘가에서 행복한 기운을 전해주고 있겠죠? @/wkorea #editor_김신 - *<더블유> 2024년 Vol. 7 Jin은 지금 상단의 프로필 링크를 통해 온라인 서점에서 예약 구매하실 수 있습니다. - 패션 에디터 | 김신 영상 | 송태종 스타일리스트 | 김영진 헤어 | 한솜 메이크업 | 김다름 세트 | 전민규 어시스턴트 | 전지오 - Starting today, Jin‘s colorful videos will be released for four days. Stay tuned! *<W Korea> Vol. 7 Jin for 2024 is available for pre-order at the online bookstore now through the profile link at the top. - @/fredjewelry #프레드 #FREDJewelry #FREDParis #FREDTheSunshineJeweler #Jin #BTS #진 #방탄소년단
#Sponsored 'Amazing Jin' Jin who can pull off the dandy look better than anyone! His pink tie and the 'Pain de Sucre' pink gemstones are a perfect match for him, really suiting the pink princess nickname. His long and slender fingers make your heart flutter as well. His eyes that were filled with curiosity, his actions that spread positive and happy energy at every moment and his interview now after the shoot where he spoke about happiness, Jin felt like a special 'young man', on the inside and the outside. Jin is working without a day off since his discharge from the military! I'm sure he has his shoelaces tied tightly and is spreading happiness somewhere else about now right? @/wkorea #editor_KimShin
*<W> 2024 Vol. 7 Jin is now available for pre-order at our online bookstore via the link in bio above.
Fashion Editor | Kim Shin Videography | Song Tae Jong Stylist | Kim Young Jin Hair | Han Som Makeup | Kim Dae Reum Set | Jeon Min Gyu Assistant | Jeon Ji Oh
Starting today, Jin‘s colorful videos will be released for four days. Stay tuned! *<W Korea> Vol. 7 Jin for 2024 is available for pre-order at the online bookstore now through the profile link at the top.
@/fredjewelry #FRED #FREDJewelry #FREDParis #FREDTheSunshineJeweler #Jin #BTS
Trans cr; Annie @ bts-trans © TAKE OUT WITH FULL CREDITS
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humans-of-seoul · 2 months
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“작년에 파킨슨병을 진단 받았습니다. 그 이후에 종종 호수에 와서 시간을 보내고 있어요. 이 병은 완치 개념이 없습니다. 뇌질환이라 평생 약을 복용하죠. 지금처럼 말과 행동이 느려집니다. 몸 떨림 증상도 심해지죠. 얼굴 표정도 없어지고 무표정을 짓게 되고요. 이제는 평범한 사람이 아니게 된 거죠. 일하고 싶어도 어디에도 저를 써주는 곳이 없습니다. 있다 하더라도 폐를 끼칠까봐 할 수도 없겠더라고요. 어쩔 수 없이 국민연금을 조기 신청해서 아내에게 주며 생활하고 있어요. 병 하나로 이제는 일상생활도 버거운 사람이 됐습니다. 하루도 살아내는 게 어려운 사람이 됐지만 적어도 호수에 와서는 걱정을 내려놓고 이 순간을 느낍니다. 평범한 사람이 될 수 있을 것 같거든요.” "Last year, I was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease. Since then, I often come and spend time at the lake. There's no cure for the disease. It's a brain condition, so I'll be on medication for the rest of my life. My speech and movements have slowed down, and the tremors in my body have gotten worse. I've lost my facial expressions and often look blank. I'm no longer a ‘normal person.’ Even if I want to work, no one will hire me. And even if they did, I wouldn't be able to bring myself to do so because I would just be a burden on them. I had no choice but to apply for my pension early and give it to my wife to support us. This disease has made everyday life a struggle. Getting through each day is tough, but at least when I come to the lake, I can let go of my worries and live in the moment. It makes me feel like I can be a normal person again."
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official-wonho · 4 months
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[240606] Wonho's Story Board 오늘 하루도 잘보냈죠?
맛있는거 먹었나?? 나는 김치찜 먹을거에요… 낮잠을 좀 자서 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 요즘 그거아나? 나 요즘 믹스커피 빠져서 나중에 길게 얘기할수있을때 돌아가면 얘기해야겠다 그때도 먹고있다면 ㅋㅋㅋ 위니는 요즘 뭐에 빠져써 머리가 너무 많이 자라나서 매직할까? 짤라버릴까?
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Did you have a good day?
Did you eat something delicious??
I'm going to eat Kimchi-Jjim (Braised Kimchi)… because I took a nap today ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Do you know that these days?
I'm into drinking instant coffee mix these days
I should talk about this when I can talk longer when I return, and if I'm still drinking it then ㅋㅋㅋ
Wenees, what are you into these days?
My hair has grown a lot
Should I get it straightened? Or cut it?
Mohawk style?
Translation: official-wonho. Please take out with full credit.
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dollries · 10 months
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   ⌢     𑁯    🐚    ˚ ◌
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  Kiss, Kiss, Kiss 단 하루도 빼먹지 말고.
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jojetorasakana · 26 days
매일 아침 잘 잤냐고 물어본다. 어떤 걸 좋아하는 지 곧잘 물어본다. 조금이라도 곤란해 하는 나의 모습을 보고 주저않고 도와준다. 어떤 영화를 어떤 책을 재밌게 읽는듯 하면 자기한테도 빌려달라 한다. 식탁에 앉으면 숟가락과 젓가락 물을 따라준다. 퇴근하면 그냥 수고했다가 아니라 오늘 하루도 너무 수고 많았다고 따듯하게 말 한다. 웬만하면 나에게로 시선이 향해 있다. 곧잘 장난을 친다. 술 잔이 비어 있으면 따라준다. 헤어질 땐 웬만해선 집 앞까지 데려다 주고 돌아간다. 게임에 돈 써도 되냐고 물어본다. 가까이 오더니 좋은 냄새가 난다고 한다.
내가 느끼는 것과 상대가 느끼는 것이 비슷한 지 물어보고 싶다
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muppitos · 2 years
kiss, kiss, kiss 단 하루도 빼먹지 말고
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love, love, love 잠들기 전 꼭 속삭여줘. 🧸
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dkarchives · 1 year
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멋진 상 만들어준 우리 캐럿들이 정말 첵오랍니다🩵🩷 오늘 하루도 열심히 응원해 주고 많이 사랑해 주신 덕분에 저희가 행복하게 하루를 잘 마무리할 수 있는 것 같아요. 앞으로도 좋은 모습 많이 보여드리고 캐럿들이 행복할 수 있도록 열심히 하는 겸이가 되겠습니다! 모두 조심히 들어가시고요! 많이 도아해요 정말 많이🩷🩵
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enihk-writes · 11 months
[kiss, kiss, kiss, 단 하루도 빼먹지 말고]
based on lyrics from day 1 by red velvet
paring: various!hwasan men x gn!reader
(OR) various!hwasan men x preferred pairing free for all, ambiguous, can be them with anybody of your choice (i.e. tangchung / whiterust / cmxilso)
summary: short headcanons of where they like to kiss their beloveds
characters: geumjon (pbss) // geumhyeop (mhdd) // chung mun // tang bo // tang gunak // baek cheon // jin geumryong // lee songbaek // namgung dowi // jang ilso // chung jin
author's note: gagged when i typed the word beloved oh god when i say i get physically sick writing sappy romance i mean it yall my stomach is having issues rn....................... listening to rizzotto's sexyback cover on repeat and day 1 at the same time for maximum effect............ (looking like an insane homebody) also i feel like i should apologize to soso for this... yanno... just in case uhhhh what else???? AHHHHHHHHHH DEUKAE COMEBACK ON THE 22ND SO IM GOING MIA!!! I LOVE ROTBB BUT I LOVE MY GIRLS MORE!!!!!!! RAAAAAAGGGGGGGHHHHHHH I AM A FEMINIST FIRST!!!!!! AND A C0CK SUCKER 2ND!!!!!!
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GEUMJON is still very immature at heart so, kisses from him are more innocent and well, somewhat child-like. he's not experienced with things like this so he mostly settles for impromptu cheek kisses whenever he's the one initiating. surprisingly conservative, won't go any further than innocuous touches unless the relationship is established to be romantic with the intention to marry. even then, out in public especially under broad daylight, he won't be the first to make a move even if he really, really wants to.
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GEUMHYEOP is quieter, more grounded and direct. he doesn't like to waste time. if he has the urge to kiss his partner, he will. it doesn't matter where they are, he would cup their cheeks in his hands and give them a proper kiss on their lips... unless they are both in the middle of an important discussion or in a room with the others. he still has some basic manners and decency to not embarrass the other one. expanding on the way he goes about it — he likes to observe his partner's face, and remember their every detail because he recognises that memory is unreliable and hopes that doing this would burn their image in his mind for good. doesn't seek out for kisses often but doesn't push away his partner's advances. if he does seek them out, it's more likely because he's going through something at that moment and isn't in the mood to talk about it yet.
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JANG ILSO is the complete opposite. no shame, no patience. they could be in the middle of a conversation with someone else or out and about in public under broad daylight. it's either he gets a kiss from his partner now or he will have them wait until he's back in the mood. doesn't really care if it pisses the other off... lowkey gets off on their anger. very tall guy so he likes to grab his partner's chin and tilt their head backwards so he can lean down and give a short peck, sometimes the kisses are more heated and lasts far longer — so they often end up in... situations... no matter where he is with his partner...
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CHUNG MUN is the type of guy someone brings home to meet their parents. will not make a move, not even hand-holding until he gets explicit permission from his partner. date-to-marry type, and super conservative. even after having their first kiss, will not do that again unless it was during the wedding ceremony, wedding night and subsequent special occasions relating to his partner. prefers to convey his affections through interlocking fingers with his partner, and when they are alone, he'd bring them up to his lips and kiss their knuckles tenderly.
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CHUNG JIN can often be found in between rows of bookshelves taking archives. that's also usually the place where he shares kisses with his partner. most times it's a quick peck on their eyelid as he walks past them, other times it's a brief nuzzle of the side of their head. ever so often, when he was staying late to transcribe the pages and pages of text, he'd take breaks by leaning on their shoulder, enjoying his moment of shut-eye. and it's during these times when he would turn his head and pepper kisses on the other's jaw. if he's feeling a little bold, he would block their faces from the window view with an open book — leaning in with apologies for his lack of attention these days as he pulls them in for a kiss.
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TANG BO... is a wild card. if he's the initiator, he likes to be playful about it. always a tease, and thoroughly enjoying the reactions he pulls from his partner. if the roles flip and he finds himself on the receiving end, would be stunned into silence. all the other has to do is kiss him, not anything one-and-done — it has to be a proper and genuine kind of kiss on the bridge of his nose, more specifically the spot between his eyebrows. he tends to stay up late and it does create tension that results in headaches in that area because of that. so when he feels his partner's tender touch, this guy is putty. for all that cockiness, he is the easiest to come undone.
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TANG GUNAK... an older man with experience for sure. he has children for fucks sake, let's be realistic here. doesn't matter how much brainpower his duties as the head takes up, he is very attentive to his partner's likes, dislikes, wants and needs. always acts according to the results of those observations. but in his downtime, when he is going to bed, he finds himself enjoying the embrace of his partner. resting his head on their chest, listening to their heartbeat because well, one might never know if they could have a heart attack soon or not. will always place a kiss on the other's chest, right over their heart just before he falls asleep.
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NAMGUNG DOWI. a good guy. an earnest guy. really trying his best. he's not good at this romance thing... please be patient with him... if things so south, he tends to use his face card to have his partner forgive him. and they do, because he's insanely good at pulling the sad, kicked, wet puppy face. when that happens, he would happily kiss them over and over again on every corner of their face, or well, whatever parts he can reach. he did make them sit on his lap without any wiggle room.
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LEE SONGBAEK prefers hugging more than kissing. partly because he's surrounded by kids so any grown-up action would have him be the brunt of their teasing for weeks. his partner is mostly understanding, maybe a little spiffed when it seems like they might kiss but a child waddles into their vicinity. he feels sorry for disappointing his partner, and often hugs the other from behind, muttering a string of apologies into their hair. eventually pecking the small bundle of nerves at the back of their ear, and the top of their jaw — his surefire way of leaving them a little hot and bothered.
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JIN GEUMRYONG suffers from emotional constipation to an extent. so it goes without saying, his partner has to be blessed with communication skills that can honestly end all wars. he is strict, mostly stern, but he means well. and his partner has been by his side long enough to understand that. he feels sorry they've chosen to stay regardless. he isn't one to let lose until it's time to rest, so it's only in these times they get to see his unguarded sides. downturned eyes that look at his partner wistfully, he would hug them and rest his chin on the crown of their head. occasionally moves down to press his lips on that spot as one hand cradles his partner's neck, fingers playing with their strands of hair.
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BAEK CHEON is undoubtedly a little pathetic. it's endearing, but it's still hard to watch sometimes. poor man still trips over his words and stumbles on his feet when he wants to ask his partner for a kiss. just one kiss please? god. it's hard to say no to a handsome face on the verge of tears... he's lucky they weren't a sadist. or well, trying not to be. it's so hard fighting those urges, that they ask him to reward their efforts. his pale face grows bright red, but he complies with his partner's request anyways. it's a timid kiss on their forehead that goes down the bridge of their nose, then the tip of it. he coyly kisses their cheeks, steering away from the other's lips so obviously that they lose patience and pull him in. he melts far too quickly into this, hands going all over his partner's body, tugging on their clothes. tsk, sly boy. so he had planned for this to happen, and like a fool they fell for his siren song.
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forseokgyu · 5 months
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[240421] 도겸 Weverse Post Update:
캐럿들 오늘 하루도 고생 많았겠지? 수고했다 럿들이들◡̈ 비도 좀 오고 조금 쌀쌀하고 그랬는 데 감기는 걸리지 않았으면 좋겠다,, 캐럿들이 보내준 팬 레터보는데 참 고맙고 예뻐서ෆ⸒⸒나도 캐럿들한테 짧게라도 편지 남기고 싶었어 ㅎㅎ 항상 고마운 우리 캐럿들아~ 덕분에 나도 많은 힘을 받고 하루하루를 살아갈 수 있는 용기를 얻어 가는 중이야 ㅎㅎ 너희들이 나로 인해서 용기와 힘을 얻어 가는 것처럼 나도 마찬가지인 것 같아 캐럿들이 보내주는 사랑이 너무 과분할 정도로 크고 예뻐서 그 사랑에 정말 많이 보답하고 싶은 마음에 사랑이 부풀어 올라지네˘͈ᵕ˘͈ 후후ㅎㅎ 보고 싶은 캐럿들아 오늘 하루도 정말 정말 고생 많았어요◡̈ 어디에 있어도 캐럿들이 저를 많이 응원해 주는 것처럼! 나 석민이도 울 캐럿들 항상 많이 응원하고 아끼니깐 항상 힘내면서 지냈으면 좋겠습니다! 푹 잘 자고! 이쁜 꿈 꾸고! 항상 행복하자! 이상‘ 별 내용 없는 짤 둥한 편지였습니다~ -겸이가-
carats, you must have gone through a lot today, right? you did well, (ca)rats◡̈ i hope you don’t catch a cold since it’s been raining and a bit chilly,, i’ve been looking at carats’ fan letters, i’m really grateful and they’re so prettyෆ⸒⸒even if it’s short, i wanted to leave carats a letter too ㅎㅎ to our carats who i’m always grateful for~ thanks to you i receive so much strength and i’m gaining the courage to keep on living every single day ㅎㅎ just how you all gain courage and strength from me, i think it’s the same for me. the love carats give me is so big and pretty that i really want to repay that love a lot˘͈ᵕ˘͈ 후후ㅎㅎ carats whom i miss, you did so so well today too◡̈ just as carats always support me so much no matter where you are! i, seokminie, will always cheer you on and cherish you so i hope you always stay strong! get lots of sleep! have pretty dreams! let’s always be happy! that’s the end of my short letter that didn’t really say much~ -kyeomie-
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enduu115 · 1 year
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펜촉이 집에 잇을지 모르겟지만 일단 손그림이라도 그리며 마음을 진정시켜보도록하는걸로..
썬 문 맨날 저렇게 싸워서 하루도 조용할 날이 없엇음 좋겠다
문도 가끔 특별한 날에는 썬하고 동시에 나와있어서
얘들하고 놀아줫으면 좋겟다
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galaxymagick · 10 days
240920 OfficialJTW_LEO
[📸PHOTO] 택누리, 택치하난 보면서 오늘 하루도❕ 다가오는 주말도 ❕ 힘✨✨ #정택운 #JUNGTAEKWOON #레오 #LEO #뮤지컬 #부치하난 #누리
Looking at Taeknuri and Taekchihanan today and ❕ the coming weekend ❕ Have strength✨✨
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