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ddaome-kr · 5 months ago
🏃‍♂️Suffix -하다
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click the read more for a more detailed explanation :) Here's the link to our instagram post!
When you learn Korean, you may come across the word “하다” a lot. However, you may find that sometimes it works as a verb by itself while others seem combined with other words. 
하다 is usually used as a verb, meaning “to do something”. 
나는 매일 운동을 한다. (I exercise every day.)
나는 어제 공부를 열심히 했다. (I studied very hard yesterday)
To translate more literally word-by-word, the sentences above would look a bit more like “I do exercise every day” or “I did study very hard yesterday”. 
However, you can also combine -하다 as a suffix to nouns to make various verbs and adjectives. Basically, -하다 can make nouns into something that has the quality of a verb, which can become a predicate.
Examples for -하다 verbs: 비행하다, 공부하다, 노래하다, 집중하다, 사랑하다
Examples for -하다 adjectives: 건강하다, 순수하다, 중요하다, 유용하다, 가난하다
(check the images above for each meaning and pronunciation!)
So what is the difference between a verb and an adjective in Korean? Well, adjectives, or 형용사, in Korean, aren’t very similar to adjectives in English, which usually refers to words used to describe nouns. In Korean, 형용사, or adjective describes the state or condition of the subject. If you check the meanings for the -하다 adjectives in the images above, you will notice most of them start with “to be”, which is the main difference between the verbs. 
A commonly known adjective would be “예쁘다”, which means “pretty” (to be pretty). While both can be conjugated and act as predicates in a sentence there are some key grammatical differences, which is why in Korean we differentiate these two parts of speech. For example, adjectives cannot combine with the word ending -ㄴ다 (present tense ending). 
나는 공부한다. (I study) (O)
나는 예쁘다 (I am pretty) (O) / 나는 예쁜다 (X)
-하다 not only combines with nouns but can also be combined with adverbs or onomatopoeic words, and sometimes other words as well. It even combines with certain dependent nouns too!
하다 as a verb also has many more meanings than just doing something, and it is an extremely versatile word. It can mean “to make” or “to dress/wear” in certain contexts, or could even refer to causation. It’s also used as another auxiliary/assistant verb (보조 동사), usually as the form -게 하다, which makes causatives(사동 표현). However, these are more advanced uses and aren’t the focus of this post, but perhaps in the future we can dive deeper into the various uses of the word “하다”.  
Additionally, if you are an advanced learner and know quite a lot about Korean grammar, you may be questioning whether -하다 itself is a suffix or -하- is the suffix while -다 should be seen as a simple ending (종결어미). After all, when you conjugate -하다 words like 공부하다 into 공부하니, 공부하여, you will find that -하- is the suffix adding the new meaning while -다 is just the ending for the base form.
According to 국립국어원(the National Institute of Korean language) -하- is the suffix that makes nouns into verbs while -다 is an ending, but sometimes dictionaries such as the 표준국어대사전 mark it as -하다 (the whole) as a suffix which can be a source of confusion. Since I didn’t want to explain too much about the grammar behind the conjugation of endings, I simply referred to the suffix as -하다 in this post. Of course, this distinction does not have much use for foreigners learning Korean but may be an interesting tidbit for advanced learners or native speakers who are interested in advanced grammar! 
Thank you for reading! Please leave a like and reblog if you enjoyed :)
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iamkenlee-blog · 2 years ago
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https://www.korean.go.kr/front/onlineQna/onlineQnaView.do?mn_id=216&qna_seq=231486 "개좆같다 등재된 날짜가 언제인가요?"
누군가 국립국어원 웹페이지에 "개좆같다 등재된 날짜가 언제인가요?"라고 물어보니 "표준 국어 대사전이 처음 간행되었을 때부터 등재되어 있었다"는 답변이 올라온 캡처 이미지를 올려놨길래 믿기지 않아 집에 있던 해묵은 국어사전 찾아봄. 1985년 민중서림에서 나온 거에 정말로 있는 거로 봐서 맞긴 맞나보다. 물론 그렇다고 막 써도 될 말은 아니지만서도... 같은 이유로 자지, 보지, 씹, 좆도 국어사전에 등재돼 있을 뿐만 아니라 남근, 음부와 달리 순 우리말이지만 사실상 금지어다. "순 우리말 = 아름답다"란 등식이 성립하지 않는 예외 경우다. 옛 속담 모음집에는 "봄 보지가 쇠 저를 녹이고 가을 좆이 쇠판을 뚫는다", "개 좆에 보리알 끼이듯 한다", "새벽 좆 꼴리는 것은 제 아비도 못 막는다", "찬물에 좆 줄듯 한다"와 같은 거침없는 표현이 심심찮게 발견되나 점점 이것을 인용하는 사례를 찾기가 '찬물에 좆 줄듯 한다'. 이 또한 함부로 쓰면 저속할 뿐 아니라 화자의 교양 수준을 의심받을 수 있으니 조심해야겠지만 나는 원초적, 날것 느낌이 필요한 경우가 있어서 가끔 사용한다.
무명 작가도 작가는 작가라서 문장에 어떤 단어를 쓸지를 늘 고민한다. 작문을 하다보면 종종 딜레마에 빠질 때가 있다. 가령 "나쁜 놈"이란 표현이 약하다 느낄 땐 "개새끼"를 쓰고, 이마저도 성에 차지 않을 땐 부득불 "씹쌔끼"를 써야 할 때가 있다. 하지만 이 표현을 읽은 독자가 내가 느낀 감정과 비슷한 뉘앙스로 받아들일지, 비속어를 썼다는 이유만으로 본래 의도와 달리 불쾌감만을 유��할지 감이 오지 않는 것. 시험삼아 씹쌔끼를 써야 할 대목에서 나쁜 놈이라고 순화해 놓고 문장을 읽어 보면 불발탄처럼 찝찝하고, 나아가 가식처럼 느껴질 때도 있거든... 같은 논리로 "기분 나쁘다", "기분 더럽다", "기분이 개좆같다"는 언제, 어떻게 써야 좋을지 아직 잘 모르겠다.
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hanaro104 · 3 years ago
한글 달인 되자.
문제 : 효과가 [??] 나타났다.
1. 금세
2. 금새
정답 : 1번 금세
해설 :
'지금 바로'라는 뜻의 말은 '금새'가 아니라 '금세'이다.
'금시에'의 준말이 '금세'이다.
참고로 '금새'는 물건의 값 또는 물건값의 비싸고 싼 정도'를 가리키는 말이다.
출처. 국립국어원
#한글 #나라사랑 #우리글 #우리말 #달인 #
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thehappyrhino · 3 years ago
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[꼬리에 꼬리를 무는 우리말] 꽃💐과 관련된 우리말은 무엇이 있을까요?🤔 흥미로운 표현을 확인해 보세요! #꽃구름 #꽃기운 #꽃눈깨비 #꽃달임 #꽃대궐 #꽃동네 #꽃멀미 #꽃바다 #꽃바람 #꽃보라 #꽃샘 #꽃트림 이 밖에 더 다양한 우리말 이야기는 ≪쉼표, 마침표.≫에서 만나 보세요.😊 (프로필 링크 누르면 바로 이동) #국립국어원 #국어원 #쉼표마침표 #꽃 #우리말 #표현 #우리말표현 #단어 #꼬리에꼬리를무는우리말 #표제어 #뜻풀이 #국어공부 #국어교육 #바른한국어 #국어생활 Reposted from @areumkor https://www.instagram.com/p/CYYsWNYlN05/?utm_medium=tumblr
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webdraw · 5 years ago
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choi-kyungae-kr-blog · 5 years ago
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kimnarum92 · 5 years ago
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#GS25 #한글날 #한글날기념 #순우리말알리기 #국립국어원 #국립한글박물관 모든 사람들의 겪고 있는 힘든 일들이 수나롭게 잘 풀렸으면 좋겠다! https://www.instagram.com/p/B3EsiiMlKdM/?igshid=132czmvgg1bcs
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applesauce365 · 4 years ago
Books for Learning Korean
Korean Picture Dictionary by Tina Cho
The Sounds of Korean (Cambridge)
Korean English Picture Dictionary (Fandom Media)
Elementary Korean (Tuttle)
Continuing Korean (Tuttle)
Advanced Korean (Tuttle)
Korean Made Simple 1 (GO! Billy Korean)
Korean Made Simple 2 (GO! Billy Korean)
Korean Made Simple 3 (GO! Billy Korean)
Korean Honorifics and Politeness in Second Language Learning by Lucien Brown
Let's Study Korean, Complete Practice Workbook by Bridge Education
500 Basic Korean Verbs by Kyubyong Park (Tuttle)
Basic Korean a grammar and workbook by Andrew Byon
Essential Korean Grammar by Laura Kingdon
Korean Grammar in Use, Beginner (DARAKWON)
Korean Grammar in Use, Intermediate (DARAKWON)
Korean Grammar in Use, Advanced (DARAKWON)
비��민 한국어 (DARAKWON)
Correct Your Korean (DARAKWON)
한국어 문장 쓰기의 모든 것 by Park Mi Gyung, Kim Ji Yeon, Kwon Je Eun
Easy to Learn Korean by Chad Meyer, Moonjung Kim
Essential Korean Phrasebook and Dictionary (Tuttle)
Korean Stories for Language Learners by Julie Damron
Dirty Korean by Haewon Geebi Baek
Korean Slang As Much As a Rat's Tail by Peter M Liptak and Siwoo Lee
여성결혼이민자와 함께하는 한국어 (국립국어원)
Essential Korean Reader by Jaemin Roh
Practical Korean (DARAKWON)
Every book by TTMIK
Korean Books to Read
꾹꾹다진 국어 1
한국어-영어 단편 소설 대역본 by Hye-min Choi
설화로 배우는 한국어
감성 일본자전거 여행툰
고양이 손님
나는 나로 살기로 했다 by 김수현
죽고 싶지만 떡볶이는 먹고 싶어 by 백세희
우리는 작은 가게에서 어른이 되는 중입니다 by 박진숙
Children's Korean Books
꾹꾹다진 국어 1
꾹꾹다진 국어 2
꾹꾹다진 국어 3
꾹꾹다진 국어 4
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koreangrammardoctor · 5 years ago
[Information] The National Institute of the Korean Language 국립국어원 opens the dialect dictionary site
안녕하세요. 여러분. 한국어 문법 의사입니다. . I would like to introduce good news to Korean learners and those who are interested in dialects / regional languages. The National Institute of the Korean Language (국립국어원) opens the dialect dictionary site. . You can look up dialect words and the equivalent words to official words, which are used in certain regions. . Here is the link. English services are not available. . https://dialect.korean.go.kr/dialect/ . . 지역어 찾기: searching for specific words 지역어 지도: You can compare words marked on the map of Korean peninsula and see which words are used in certain areas. 지역어 이야기 자료: The source of words, such as conversations and stories 문학 속 지역어: words used in literature . Thank you and have a nice day!
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jojal-jojalkorean · 5 years ago
hey, I really love your lessons but I have problems practising alone and im not too sure when im ready for the next lesson. also, I do have Korean online friends but we only communicate in english because im not that far with my skills. can I talk to you in private? not that it is too much for you but maybe you have some tips for me
First of all, we are always open to help you with your Korean privately via our tumblr DMs or my instagram (I don’t check tumblr that often! So you might reach me faster on instagram. Just DM us for my username and we’ll tell you :D) Don’t be afraid to message us, we’re all eager to help you! You can ask us grammar, some tips, help for practicing, and also just talk with us to practice your Korean. Even the most basic questions are welcome! (I know how hard it is learning a language by yourself, I’m dying trying to learn Spanish...)
I will probably answer most dms and communicate with you guys because that’s part of my job, I’m always ready to talk :) 
If you have any trouble with understanding the lesson, you can always ask us questions too. Honestly Korean grammar can be hard and we don’t always understand it either. (The admins open all of their grammar textbooks to write our grammar posts haha. Also when we don’t know we find posts about it on  the national institute of Korean Language’s site, 국립국어원. or ask them. )
I also want to add, you may also ask any complex questions about Korean grammar you might have! While we are not experts who majored in the Korean language, we do have a lot of experts around us as our teachers, so we can always ask them for the answers.
I hope this answer helped a bit! Anyone who has questions or want to talk privately, or just maybe want to learn more about what’s it like living in Korea (I was born here and I’ve been here for my entire life lol) Don’t be afraid to DM us. I’ll probably respond quicker via instagram, so if you’d like to talk there don’t hesitate to ask us for my instagram either. Have a nice day :)
-Admin Sun
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dailykoreanselfstudy · 5 years ago
Naver Dic Vocab Guide 💚
* Par ordre d’apparition sur le site, de haut en bas et de gauche à droite. * 웹 사이트의 표시 순서에 따라 위에서 아래로, 그리고 왼쪽에서 오른쪽으로.                                               Lien/링크 (fr)
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대명사 [代名詞] pronom
지시대명사 [指示代名詞] pronom démonstratif
의문대명사 [疑問代名詞] pronom interrogatif
인칭대명사 [人稱代名詞] pronom personnel
소유대명사 [所有代名詞] pronom possessif
관계대명사 [關係代名詞] pronom relatif
부정대명사 [不定代名詞] pronom indéfini
부정관계대명사 [不定關係代名詞] pronom relatif indicatif
자동사 [自動詞] verbe intransitif
타동사 [他動詞] verbe transitif
대명동사 [代名動詞] verbe pronominal
간접타동사 [他動詞間接] verbe transitif indirect
비인칭동사 [非人稱動詞] verbe impersonnel
형용사 [形容詞] adjectif
지시형용사 [指示形容詞] adjectif démonstratif
감탄형용사 [感歎形容詞] adjectif exclamatif
부정형용사 [不定形容詞] adjectif indéfini
의문형용사 [疑問形容詞] adjectif interrogatif
소유형용사 [所有形容詞] adjectif possessif
관계형용사 [關係形容詞] adjectif relatif
수형용사 [數形容詞] adjectif numéral
부사 [副詞] adverbe
의문부사 [疑問副詞] adverbe interrogatif
관계부사 [關係副詞] adverbe relatif
정관사 [定冠詞] article défini
부정관사 [不定冠詞] article indéfini
부분관사 [部分冠詞] article partitif
전치사 [前置詞] préposition
접속사 [接續詞] conjonction
감탄사 [感歎詞] interjection 
접두사 [接頭辭] préfixe
접미사 [接尾辭] suffixe
명사구 [名詞句] locution nom
형용사구 [形容詞句] locution adjective
전치사구 [前置詞句] locution prépositionnelle 
접속사구 [接續詞句] locution conjonctive
감탄사구 [感歎詞句] locution interjection
부사구 [副詞句] locution adverbiale
직설법 [直說法] indicatif
접속법 [接續法] subjonctif
조건법 [條件法] conditionnel 
사람/사물 [-][ 事物] quelqu’un/quelque chose
사람에게 사물을 quelque chose à quelqu’un
🟢 편리하다 [便利하다] commode/pratique
자동완성 [自動完成] saisie automatique 
다양하다 [多樣하다] divers/varié
가능 [可能] possible/possibilité
이용하다 [利用하다] utiliser
보조 [補助] aide/assistance
활용하기 [活用-] utilisation 
통하다 [通하다] passer/bien s’enchaîner
뜻 sens/signification
바로 correctement/convenablement
확인하다 [確認하다] vérifier/affirmer/confirmer
까다롭다 difficile/délicat
원하다 [願하다] désirer/vouloir/attendre
🟢 든든하다 assuré/sûr
맥락 [脈絡] cohérence/lien/liaison
이해하다 [理解하다] comprendre/prendre connaissance/assimiler
강의 [講義] cours
동시 [同時] en même temps/à la fois/simultanément
발음 [發音] prononciation 
기술 [技術] technologie
어학사전 [語學辭典] dictionnaire linguistique
표제어 [標題語] entrée/nomenclature
공식 [公式] officiel
🟢 고객 [顧客] client.e
수정 [修正] correction/modification
오류 신고 [誤謬申告] signaler une erreur
저작권 [著作權] droits d’auteur
무단 [武斷] de force/par la force
저작권법 [著作權法] tous droits réservés
법적 [法的] légal 
책임 [責任] devoir/responsabilité
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iamkenlee-blog · 5 months ago
사람 열받게 하는 원소 이름
내가 고등학교 다닐 때 헤비메탈광 중에서 잉위 맘스틴 속주에 푹 빠진 인간들이 꽤 있었다. 근데 언제부턴가 "잉베이 말름스틴"으로 변해있더만. 가급적 원어민에 가깝게 발음하잔 취지인 거 같긴 한데 정작 그들 귀에 잉베이 말름스틴이 더 정확하게 들릴지는 몹시 의문이다. 같은 이유로 "리 리트너"는 "리 릿나워"가 됐다.
또 "마돈나"냐 "머다나"냐로 옥신각신했던 기억. 유럽고전음악에서도 "바하"냐 "바흐"냐로 비슷한 일이 있었지만 독일 사람에겐 둘 다 틀렸단 점에서 코메디.
표기법 갖고 이 정도 시비를 걸면 약간 짜증은 나지만 반감까진 없었다면 한 때 "짜장면"을 "자장면"이라 강요하고, TV 아나운서들도 그리 발음하는 걸 목격했을 땐 진짜 쌍욕이 나오더라고. 욕을 하도 처먹으니 국립국어원 꼰대 놈들도 쫄렸는지 몇 년 후 둘 다 표준어라 하기로 입장을 바꿈으로써 일단락하긴 했지. 하지만 "자장면"이 뭔 개뿔 표준어냐, 그냥 지들 틀린 거 인정하기 싫어 두둔하는 거지.
최근엔 화학 원소 기호에서 이 같은 일이 벌어지고 있어서 몹시 열받고 있다. 심지어 '짜장면 vs 자장면'처럼 하나가 아니고 동시다발이다. 이미 알 사람은 다 알고 있겠지만 특히 눈에 띄는 거 몇 개만 열거하자면, '요오드 → 아이오딘', '칼륨 → 포타슘', '나트륨 → 소듐', '부탄 → 뷰테인', '프로판 → 프로페인'으로 바뀌었다.
앞으론 입에 짝 붙은 "부탄 가스", "프로판 가스"는 쓰면 안 되나? 약국에선 "아이오딘 주세요" 해야하고, 염화칼륨, 염화나트륨도 각각 "포타슘 클로라이드", "소듐 클로라이드"라고 해야 하나?
어릴 때 읽은 그리스-로마 신화에서 '제우스 = 주피터', '아프로디테 = 비너스', '아테나 = 미네르바', '포세이돈 = 넵튠' 등등을 매치시키느라 성가셨던 걸 이젠 원소 기호에서 또 해야 한다니. -_-
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rorodawnchorus · 5 years ago
Language learning (Korean)
I have been in Korea for 6 months. I was attending a Korean language institute under a scholarship programme and attempted the TOPIK exam for the very first time in January (68th TOPIK exam). In this post, I will list some books which I’ve found helpful and some methods that worked well for me throughout my time learning the Korean language. However, this post is really intended for recording the exam prep process before TOPIK. 
According to many Korean language teachers and other students who have done the TOPIK exam before, the January exam - which only takes place within South Korea - is the easiest exam. I have no idea how that works and I am not sure how true that is. I’ve done past year papers too and it didn’t feel significantly easier to me but I suppose that is just a personal thing. I lacked the self-confidence and was pretty sure I’d only score a level 3 or 4. 
To my surprise, I actually scored a level 6 albeit I only made past the mark by 3 points. I am not writing this so that I can brag about it because I do not think that I am at a native speaker level and mind you, the level 6 benchmark states that a level 6 fluency does not equate to native speaker level. I am writing this post simply to keep an actual record and share this (in case it is helpful to anyone studying the language - any language). 
Plenty of people say that I have an advantage for being fluent in both Mandarin and English. I must say that it helps because there are many loanwords in the Korean language which are basically English written in hangul. Simple example: 아이디어 = idea. The Korean language also has its foundations rooted in Hanja (or Hanzi) which is the Chinese character. I would not say it is exactly the same as modern Chinese language has changed drastically but it does help to know Hanja to some extent. I do not think it will severely impede your Korean language learning process even if you do not know Hanja well. 
 Due to some personal reasons, I could not fully focus on exam preparations until the final 1-2 weeks right before the exam. I’ve found several books to be extremely helpful, which I will list below (with its book cover). And I will also mention methods that worked for me. 
Before coming to Korea, I’ve never attended any classes or tutoring sessions. My entire experience of learning the language consisted of self-taught processes that included a lot of TV-watching and some consistent grammar workbook practices that helped lay down the groundwork. I must warn you that I struggled a lot with many fundamental grammatical mistakes that the teachers frowned upon because I made those mistakes unknowingly and no one was there to correct me before they solidified. 
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As mentioned, fundamental grammatical mistakes can severely impact your exam as it might make an impression that your understanding of the Korean language is weak. At least that was the opinion. I had about 2 weeks to fix that and this book helped tremendously. Would have been better if I had actually attempted to find this book earlier before. It’s a copy worth keeping as it has very intricate explanations that helps distinguish the grammatical forms that you might find confusing. You do not necessarily have to work through the book in chronological order. I certainly did not have the luxury of time to do that. I would like to believe that I managed to fix some serious flaws I had made far too often. 
And I must admit that I did not even know certain differences between present and past tenses because they sound exactly the same to my ears. As I’ve mentioned briefly, I learned mostly by watching TV. (I’m really talking about those 은/는). It was a real mess, my basics. If you need an emergency quick fix for the same problem, you will need this. 
2. TOPIK WRITING (#53 AND #54)
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TOPIK writing is perhaps one of the most daunting section in the entire exam. Needless to say, practice is essential to improving writing skills in any language. Most TOPIK books are slightly lacking in this sense, at least to my personal preference. They have lists of terms that are useful for vocabulary building that would be useful for the reading and listening section but it might not be sufficient for the writing section where commonly used phrases might be more useful. 
(*this is really a personal opinion because I did not like any of the word lists in several TOPIK books I’ve looked at. However, it doesn’t mean I’ve actually worked through several copies of TOPIK books before the exam. It might be just equally useful and what I did might have just been overkill.) 
This book, apparently, is designed to help non-Korean speakers improve their writing skills in university settings, i.e. writing reports or essays as a university student in a Korean university. Coincidentally, the chapters are neatly divided into several topics/formats that will be useful for TOPIK prep. E.g. describing a graph or a set of data, etc. This is mainly for question 53. As for question 54, the possible selection of subject for a 700-word essay is vast. It can range from very subjective questions like what a person (or people in general) thinks of happiness to how does regret impact a person, etc. The purpose of this essay is not to hear your personal opinion although it would still be your opinion. What you are expected is to map out a general essay in relation to the subject matter and you must do so logically. Rather than, “I personally think that I would...” it is more of an essay stating “The purpose of A is XYZ. However, it can also be 123.” You can probably discuss alternatives and several concepts but your very own opinion can only be reserved as a small portion of the essay. You may choose to include it by tucking it somewhere in the conclusion of your essay. Again, I take no credit for this tip. I’ve heard this from various sources although none is verified as proven. It did work for me, I suppose. 
This method makes up the bulk of my Korean language learning process. However, I did not just watch TV without putting in a little effort at times. I do not have a pen and paper with me every single time I watch TV but I do it from time to time. I’ve begun doing this since approximately 5-7 years ago where I take out a notebook and jot down terms or phrases I hear while watching TV and then look them up in the dictionary. I did this while preparing for the exam too specifically by watching the news or talk shows on economic/social issues. Those that discuss policies and politics will help too. I haven’t necessarily seen the questions to be impossibly difficult to the point where you’re expected to know highly specific terms although I would say confidently that knowing those terms could score you some points. 
It sounds nerdy and might even sound like a chore to some but it definitely helps when learning words from textbooks or word lists are out of context and far more tedious. This method applies in watching almost all genres of dramas, variety shows and talk shows + news programmes. I wouldn’t say that I’d remember every word I’ve written down somewhere in my notebook but it’s a far more active method. 
This method is called “immersion” (click on this link for a more detailed explanation) and here, I’m specifically laying down a detailed method of how I made it work for me and how it has helped me. The same works for songs by looking at the lyrics (in Korean) and picking up terms, words or phrases. It is always best to look up in the dictionary because you do not want to make common mistakes or write down slangs in your exams. There are also certain common mistakes Koreans make and it may be common enough to be understandable by all Koreans however, you might still lose some marks for not learning the language in its proper form. One major downside to this method is most certainly the main aspect in Korean language where there can be major differences between the written (문어) and oral form (구어). Certain types of grammars are specifically used in oral forms and would be an indication of your lack of formal learning. Thus, here I must say, this method cannot be relied on entirely. It should be complimented with some process of formal learning through books and perhaps online lectures. Or even make a simple search of the grammar form in question. 
The National Institute for Korean Language has a very holistic website which students of Korean language education and Korean language teachers use very often. I took this tip from them. 
국립국어원 - where it has almost everything. This is the main site. 
And more specifically, 
한국어교수학습샘터 where you will have sections on grammar, common expressions, conjugation, etc. 
Although these are all in Korean, they are useful to a great extent and especially for higher level learners. There are also many instances where higher level learners become confused with basic level grammar. These are resources that will be valuable for fixing those problems too (as it was for me). For a rogue learner like me, you might face similar problems (or not) and these were all various methods I’ve found useful for learning and fixing repeated mistakes. 
I hope this helps. I’m not sure if it’s significantly different from other language learners but these are things that worked for me. I’ve always wanted to make a written record of my learning methods and this is it. At the same time, I hope it will prove useful to someone who might be preparing for the exam. 
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hanaro104 · 3 years ago
한글 달인 되자.
문제 : 숙제를 [?] 했다
1. 않
2. 안
정답 : 2번 안
설명 :
'안'은 부사 '아니'의 준말로
용언 앞에 쓰여 부정이나 반대를 타나내는 말이고,
'않'은 '아니하-'의 준말이다.
'안'과 '않'이 쓰일 자리가 헷갈릴 때는 본말을 넣어 본다.
'숙제를 아니 했다'의 으미이므로 '안'이 맞는다.
참고로 '않-'은 '숙제를 않고 놀았다/ 숙제를 하지 않았다'와 같은 형식으로 쓰인다.
출처. 국립국어원
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2dreamy · 6 years ago
가족 부름말
#국립국어원 이 가족 부름말[호칭]을 새로 정리해서 ‘권고’한단다. 말글을 언제까지 나라기관이 이래라 저래라 하도록 둘 것이며, 설령 국립국어원은 그걸 ‘권고’한다지만 국립국어원이 발표하면 그게 규칙이 되는 현실을 모른단 말인가?(아니면 알면서 모르는 척 하는 건가?) 더 나아가서는 이른바 ‘#사회운동‘을 한다는 치들이 나라기관이 나서는 걸 반기고 부추기는 건 무슨 까닭인가! 그냥 권력동원, 관변캠페인을 하고 싶은 건가? #권력부역
#철학 없는 사회운동은 그냥 #어거지, #떼쓰기 일 뿐! 시 하나로 팔자에 없는 장관까지 해먹는, 철학 없는 장관 #도종환
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choi-kyungae-kr-blog · 5 years ago
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