#꒰͡ 247 : strange ͡꒱
raiponces · 2 months
trying to make friends online is...........hard
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meyrghst · 5 months
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( fluff : 𝑓𝑙 — angst : 𝑎𝑛 — smut : 𝑠𝑚 — alternative universe : 𝑎𝑢 — suggestive : 𝑠𝑢𝑔 — dark : 𝑑𝑘 )
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ANDREWG; MY EX'S BEST FRIEND — ( 𝑎𝑛. 𝑓𝑙. 𝑠𝑢𝑔. )
descripción entraste en mi vida a las 2 am, porque la nueva chica de mi chico es tu mejor amiga servido no recalentado no wc ???
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aún nada...
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satterlly · 14 days
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Cyberpunk 2077 — Judy's neoprene diving suit + Judy's cyberware
New mesh
5 items
Diving suit — 2 swatches Diving helmet — 1 swatch Flippers — 2 swatches Oxygen tank — 1 swatch Cyberware — 1 swatch
Female only
Adult only I made three variations of Judy's cyberware, placing the texture on different parts of the texture map for a better combination with clothing and accessories. You can find it in the hat and wrist category ! WARNING !
Judy’s diving suit is high poly mesh! Use it at your own risk! LOD 0 — vertices: 42 593 polygons: 66 435 LOD 1 — vertices: 31 357 polygons: 49 247 LOD 2 — vertices: 12 626 polygons: 22 404 LOD 3 — vertices: 7 660 polygons: 13 336
Her flippers has a strange shadow indoor. Unfortunately, there is no way to fix this, sorry :(
Public view - 28 September 2024 ♥ You can support me on Donatello now! ♥
Enjoy ♥
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nicecollection · 5 months
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Ida Ekblad - STRANGE FREEDOMS NEVER CHANGE, 2024, oil on linen, 247 x 187 x 6.3 cm
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sapphire-rb · 4 months
Some of DQB2's unused blocks
(This is only for blocks. Items are still in research.)
(Also blocks don't have names, only their associated items, and these have no item associated because they're... well, unused)
• ID 083 -> Unused ore
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This one is kinda cool. Drops nothing though. It has various variants (The thing where blocks aren't always the same, look at the grass for reference) :
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I couldn't find the ore it would drop in the sheet. There are a lot of 'unused' ores on the DQB1 part of the sheet and none of them look like a clear match.
Here is a little list of most yellow/white ores I could find, along with a slightly lighter bar that sits right beside the gold bar in the sheet.
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• ID 86 -> Unused Fire & Ice blocks
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These are blocks from the first game.
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Don't think about them too much.
They're also stored alongside the strange sand both on the icon list and block list so I guess they're sand?
• Full block grass
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Every grass variant has a full block for it. It's like the mossy soil and moss blocks. Sad to see it was scrapped.
Here are the other 3 as walls:
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587 we'll see later, don't worry.
• ID 210 -> Umber Sandstone
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Don't know which icon would it be, there are 2 similar ones on the sheet.
Comparing this one to the 2 Sandstones that are used:
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• ID 247 -> Yellow Frame
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This one is my favourite. Looks like glass.
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It does cast a shadow however, and the walking on it noise is metallic, like if it were tiles.
• ID 474 -> Red Chert
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Was probably meant for Malhalla, like the sanguine variants.
• ID 475 -> Red Citadel Floor
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This one doesn't have any variants, so it looks too uniform. (Compare to the used citadel floor). Also looks like the grass merges into the used floor, but the unused floor merges into the grass instead. Look at the border you'll get what I'm saying.
• ID 586 -> Leafy Stony Soil
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Is exactly as what it sounds. It's the same as the leafy spoiled soil but with stony soil. Weirdly enough if you break it normally it gives nothing. But if you break it with the ultimallet it gives you normal stony soil. Huh.
• ID 080 -> Dummy
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Placeholder texture on the sheet. Not placeholder block though, that one uses a weird earth variant.
This one may have had a texture but was scrapped. It has no collision and does the blue aura thing when hammered.
• ID 543 -> Blue Tile Dummy
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This one just grabs one tile below the actual blue tile texture so the 'dummy' placeholder that fills empty spots on the sheet bled through.
• ID 673 -> Ghost block
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Shaded air.
But wait! there's more!
If you put the camera right at the limit between it being inside of the block and outside you get this
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Look at my character. The shading is gone. So is for a bunch of the other blocks. Pretty cool huh?
This is what happens if you put the camera inside:
I guess ghost block is a water block. It gives the water effect when the camera leaves.
I would also want to give some words in honour of block ID 233.
If you look at the icon sheet you will find these three blocks together right beside eachother:
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You can see that the middle one goes unused!
If we look in-game, however...
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The ID spot right between them (presumably of the unused block seen in the icon) is empty.
And if you look at the item IDs
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There's also an empty spot right in the middle...
Rip Dark Green Spoiled Soil, taken from us far too soon...
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mundrakan · 2 months
Prompt: PenPals
@wolfstarmicrofic - 247 words
TW: heartbreak
Dear Padfoot, I know you can receive no letters, but it calms me to write even after all this time. I wish I knew what you were thinking. I wish I knew the truth. I still miss you, still love you, no matter how much I tried not to. I've applied to... be informed, just in case. They looked at me strangely... a registered werewolf and a convicted criminal doesn't look good. I am still ashamed it took me so long to do it. Whatever you did or didn't do – I was at fault not to ask. Remus
He sighed and put another letter into the box that already contained twenty years of collected heart-break, and no chance to end it.
Dear Moony, the room on the wall grows sparse. I have to scratch extra small. Hope they'll move me to a different cell soon. I try to keep track of time, and I think today must be the day you kissed me first. My cheek still hurt, after you hit me, because of the Benji thing – did you know I did it to make you jealous? You must have. You were still angry. I loved you then, and I love you now. I will always love you, even when I finally forget. Sirius
The little piece of stone was almost in splinters, so Sirius went through the arduous task of finding a new one. It didn't matter how long it took. He had time.
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Milestone Monster: Watchers of Jandelay
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CR 22
Lawful Neutral Gargantuan Outsider
Planar Adventures, pg. 246-247
Have you ever felt like you were being watched, even though you were certain you were alone? Have you ever felt like something was terribly wrong even though you couldn’t place why? Then you may have some form of anxiety and/or paranoia, I’m afraid. Unless you’re in the Pathfinder universe, where a sense of something staring at you from some unseen direction or a vague feeling of doom is a fairly good sign you’re being stalked by a Fey, or some form of Undead, or any number of fiends. You’re lucky in some ways if it turns out to be one of these 30-foot-tall insects instead, but unlucky in significantly more important ways. 
The Watchers are the primary keepers of the infinitely mysterious Jandelay, a bead of order floating within the endless chaos of the Maelstrom. Knowledge of this unusual demiplane is basically nonexistent on Golarion but for a strange poem carved into the base of a thousand-foot-tall tower called the Spindlethorn, meaning that if any of THESE creatures show up, it’s very likely that no one on the planet will know what the hell it means. Unfortunately for everyone involved, their presence typically means that the world on which they’re spotted is about to end, all life on it to be wiped out by an apocalyptic calamity which can rarely be averted. They’re not the cause, merely a symptom; they’re observers called to a doomed world to witness its end, recording and collecting what they can before its history and uniqueness are lost forever.
Perhaps as a form of mercy for the doomed world, the inhabitants don’t really have to deal with 30-foot-tall spiders suddenly appearing and gazing dispassionately at them. Rather, Watchers of Jandelay have the unnerving ability to become completely Inconspicuous, fading entirely from all senses if an onlooker fails a DC 28 Will save the first time each day they’d observe one of them. If that save is failed, that creature simply cannot be made to see or hear that Watcher with any of its senses for 24 entire hours, unless it’s forced to touch one by someone who succeeded (or the Watcher, for whatever reason, touches it). This Inconspicuous ability is a mind-affecting effect, so any creature immune to them can see a Watcher perfectly, which I’m sure will have no effect on their mental health whatsoever.
Even if a creature can see it, though, that’s no guarantee they’ll be able to interact with it. Once per day, a Watcher can Phase Shift out of local reality entirely, appearing to all the world as ghostly, transparent shapes that are entirely untouchable, something they use to minimize their potential impact to a world (and also avoid being caught in whatever calamity is about to befall it). A creature able to see one (or even multiple) will not only have to convince their allies that the Watchers are even THERE, but that they’re living beings rather than some kind of illusion or hallucination. Depending on if the apocalypse is in full swing or not, they could be entirely dismissed as some harmless but disquieting magical anomaly or trickery, which suits them just fine. The fewer creatures that perceive them, the fewer opportunities there are for something to go wrong with their work.
When a Watcher arrives on a world, it has two duties: Observation and preservation. Assisting the former is their singular, gigantic eye, a sensory organ so impossibly complex and powerful that comparing it at all to your pathetic human eyes is like comparing a lit match to the light of the sun. A Watcher’s eyesight is unmatched due to its Perfect Observation, recording all sensory information in a memory that never fades or corrupts unless tampered with by an outside source. They also are always treated as rolling a natural 20 on ALL vision-based Perception checks regardless of any possible intervening factors... which means that they’re always treated as having a 71 Perception, a number that may as well be an infinity sign! They’re outright immune to being blinded or dazed, and with 120ft of Blindsight, See In Darkness, and True Sight besides, it’s safe to say that the only way you’re hiding from a Watcher’s eyesight is with good old cover and concealment.
Aiding in their efforts for preservation is their ability to erect Beacons of Jandelay, six-foot-tall pillars of pale yellow energy that designate their surrounding environment as worth keeping. Jandelay, the realm of emerald fields and alabaster spires, is actually something of an archive and a museum in one, keeping records and collected remnants of worlds and civilizations destroyed by calamity. Any stretch of land marked by a Beacon of Jandelay is transported to the demiplane and knit together with one another, magically preserved for review by the Watchers and any visitor that manages to reach the plane. Because these beacons are so important, they’re typically built out of phase with reality, where they can still function but cannot be interacted with. Dimension Anchor or any similar spell that bars interplanar travel can cause a phased-out beacon (or even a phased-out Watcher) back into reality, but doing so can be dangerous, because interacting with or ESPECIALLY causing damage to a beacon will summon a Watcher to investigate; they always arrive on target with their at-will Plane Shift or 3/day Quickened Teleport if their destination is near a beacon! And once they’re there, they have ways to very, very quickly deal with interlopers.
At their base, being Full-Attacked by a Watcher can end a battle as soon as it starts. Their unique version of Air Walk allows their body to remain fixed in space even as their limbs are occupied, meaning they can swat an annoyance with all six of their limbs without risking falling over. That means upwards to six 2d8+10 shots from claws that crit on a 19 or 20! And with a 20ft space but a 30ft reach, having one suddenly appear in the midst of your party (either because it teleported there or because the party finally noticed it) means you’re likely stuck there as it Full-Attacks every round. 
Thankfully, Watchers rarely fight to kill... because, oftentimes, they literally can’t kill their targets before the targets are permanently neutralized via their Stasis. Being hit by a single claw forces a DC 28 Will save to avoid being slowed (as the spell), and any creature that’s already slowed has to make a DC 28 Fortitude save or be permanently frozen in time. This works exactly like Temporal Stasis; the victim cannot take actions, cannot be harmed or targeted by anything, and cannot be moved from whatever spot they were frozen on This stasis can only be ended if it’s dispelled, if the Watcher that caused it is slain, or if the Watcher and frozen target are no longer on the same plane as one another... which typically means the unfortunate victims are often frozen right up until whatever calamity the Watchers came to watch is wracking the planet. They snap out of their stasis just as the world ends around them.
Being able to force upwards to six Save-or-Suck effects a round with no per-day limit or 24-hour immunity clause is really all a Watcher needs to handle most threats. There’s basically no creature that resists the Stasis effect, and the only way to avoid it entirely is to dispel the Slow effect each time it’s applied (or, more realistically, bolster the target’s Will save beyond 28)... though it’s a little ambiguous if this ability would have any effect on a creature under the effects of Freedom of Movement, which allows a creature to move normally even while under the effects of Slow, but Stasis doesn’t CARE of a creature is actually affected by the Slow, only that the effect is there in the first place. Make sure you think about this before sending one after your players! And make sure you have a way out in case they all fail! Like, perhaps, the Watcher has sustained too many injuries (though players would have to get past its DR 15 and Regeneration 15, both requiring Chaotic sources) and has to Plane Shift away to recover, which frees everyone held at once to regroup.
Anyway, back on track: the six natural attacks are typically all a Watcher needs in its day to day life, but those are by no means the only weapon in its arsenal. Oh no, you wish it was. As witnesses to countless calamities, Watchers have absorbed some of the resulting destructive energy to become mobile armageddons all on their own, to a degree that feels almost unnecessary! I mean, they have Control Weather and Telekinesis at-will, which is already great for causing chaos... But then there’s their 3/days: Whirlwind, Call Lightning Storm, Sirocco, Vortex, and Earthquake. THREE TIMES A DAY, EACH! If stirred sufficiently to action, a Watcher can obliterate not just an adventuring party, but the entire city around them if it needs to, bending the laws of nature to their whim and will with all the power of an angry demigod.
And that’s before we look at their 1/days. The combat applications for Time Stop and Meteor Swarm are plenty, but why do they also need Storm of Vengeance and Tsunami? My personal guess is to create distractions for anyone trying to stop the coming end times.
Uniquely and frighteningly, Watchers will move to intervene against any group of creatures that stand a good chance of stopping whatever apocalypse is about to unfold, each one guided by whatever strange intelligence that lays within Jandelay... or perhaps guided by sunk cost fallacy. They’re already here and already set up, and now it’s not going to happen? Boooooo! It’s unclear why they’re motivated to fight against any attempt to avert a world’s fate that seems poised to succeed, but whatever the case may be, it’s certainly convenient for a DM that wants to test their luck and their player’s patience with these aliens from one of the strangest planes in all of Pathfinder.
You can read more about them here.
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pianokantzart · 1 year
It's also impressive how Luigi is the only one who doesn't feel tortured listening to Lumalee's dark ramblings
Haha yeah, at a certain point Luigi just kinda lets it turn into background noise. Look at him, he's just chilling.
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I guess after being sucked into an alternate dimension, separated from his brother, chased down by a hoard of zombies, attacked / tied up / dragged around by a bunch of strange masked creatures, and interrogated by a 10 foot tall fire breathing turtle monster, the nihilistic ramblings of a little star creature is like... number 247 on the list of things on his mind right now.
At this point in his life he's content so long as Lumalee isn't actively trying to murder him.
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sunny-knight · 3 days
Papyrus, and Death. ESSAY TIME!!!
I strongly believe that Papyrus is going to be revealed to be a young kid in Deltarune, due to the way Sans refers to leaving his brother alone with a “stranger” is “irresponsible”, and in the same breath, acknowledging that inviting a kid to his house to hang would be “weird” cause YEAH. an adult and a child vibing alone would be strange. (unless they’re family or something- BUT LIKE YOU GET ME.) But a kid and a kid?? Hell yeah.
But SOME people think the way Sans hypothetically talks about his adult brother is warranted. In Undertale, this wouldn't be too far fetched! Papyrus basically behaves like a child while being around adult age.
Now. Okay. I have a problem with that.
Papyrus. Yes, enjoys childish things, often denies the truth, and believes people when he shouldn't. But, this does not mean that his brother would have any reason to treat him like he has to keep an eye on him 247, if Papyrus being a small child is not the case.
Papyrus being ignorant about everything is a misconception that is built around the fact that he DOES seem to play dumb a lot, simply because he thinks stuff is normal when it's not. Such as him flying, Sans teleporting, not sleeping, general stuff along those lines.
But, what I want to focus on is the most often used “evidence” towards this misconception of his character. Is that he doesn’t know what death is, or that he doesn’t know when someone has died because of how “innocent” he is.
During the genocide route, peole often see Papyrus as being clueless to the danger he's putting himself in. That completely bastardizes his “fight”, and his entire character. Papyrus knows you can (and probably will) kill him, proven by how he talks about how scared shitless we was after you spare him. He knows he might die trying, but he is going to try and change your mind anyway, because he believes in you. He believes bad people can change. Hell, during the Pacifist route, he’s proven right!!! bad people can change… LOOK AT FLOWEY???
And, him asking you to bring back Undynes friends in one of the neutral run phone calls, isn't him thinking you didn’t kill them, it's more likely him asking you to RESET. We’ll get back to that later.
First I want to get this little thing out of the way. Papyrus not being told about his friend's death when he's forced to become leader. This translates into… not understanding death whatsoever?? It seeming OBVIOUS to anyone that they died and he is being lied to.
I feel like this is very much not a result of him being “childish”, just a result of his unwavering trust, which can be certainly admired in a lot of ways, but of course, used, too.
Even if people agree with me on that unwavering trust part, people still use that as ammunition for Sans lying to him being an often occurrence. Sans… right now- is being put in a REALLY bad spot. Telling his brother to his face that all his friends are dead isn't something I think anyone wants to do. So, him lying to Papyrus isn’t exactly proof that he thinks little of him in any way, it's more his desire to protect a person he loves from knowing a horrible truth, and having the opportunity to do so on a silver fukn platter.
And, on the topic of Sans lying to Papyrus…keeping resets away from Papyrus seems semi reasonable considering the whole King Papyrus thing-
But the things Papyrus says say otherwise to him being COMPLETELY ignorant. Like, in the neutral ending phone call about Undynes friends deaths.
How much the people who know about resets- KNOW about resets, is heavily debated. But the main thing is that Sans has undeniable proof that someone is fucking with the timeline, and you acting like youve done everything before, aint helping your case.
What I think would make more sense considering everything we've gone over about Papyrus, and Sans’ characters/ relationship…would be that Papyrus DOES know that time is repeating, and still enjoys life to the fullest (like sans) BUT also has BIG dreams of the future (unlike sans)
The future might not ever come, but he's like “nah it will, just you wait”
ALL of Papyrus’ big ideals that seem foolish and ignorant, are up to you. Do you want to prove him right or wrong?
Are you going to kill, or spare him in the genocide run, showing him bad people can change?
Are you going to DO the pacifist route and STAY THERE, giving he and his friends a future?
Are you going to reset, and bring back Undynes friends?
Doesn't matter. Because some people prove him right, and that's all that matters. He believes it can happen, not that it will.
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a-moth-to-the-light · 3 months
Comeback Celebration: Current Top Ten StayC Songs
So this has been sitting in my drafts since March... but that worked out great, actually, since today we're getting their FIRST FULL ALBUM !!! HAPPY STAYC COMEBACK Y'ALL !!! When it comes to the highs of StayC's discography, I really think that no one can do what they do. My appreciation for their work has grown slowly but steadily--I was only a casual listener of their debut, so it was actually "ASAP" that made me a fan. Then, the Stereotype comeback got them on my stan list, and with the "Run2U" comeback, they became my favorite kpop group (sorry, Twice and Mamamoo, I still love y'all!). Revisiting StayC's earlier songs for this list, I was actually surprised by how impeccably their music has aged--I love this group even more than I thought I did!
1. 247
The queen herself! I think I've done a few other write-ups about this song in my time on Tumblr, and it hasn't gotten any less perfect after two years. "247" really leans into the lofi side of StayC's signature sound, but it has a hell of a kick to it, too. I absolutely could not fall asleep to this one, or do homework while leaving it on repeat, because I would be stimming too hard--how could I not, with a beat like that? That staticky beat commands the song, and you can't even get used to it because it's constantly morphing, surprising you with little offbeats. In contrast, StayC's vocals are a sugar rush, as high and melodic as the beat is low and grating. This is StayC at the top of their game in both production & performance, and the result is a song that gets more dazzling the more intently you listen for its details.
2. Slow Down
It took me a while to notice this one--"Stereotype" and "Complex" had all my attention when the Stereotype album first dropped, but when "Slow Down" finally had its turn in my rotation, I knew the others just couldn't compete. I'm always here for the 10 hours chill lofi beats to study to style of song from StayC, but it's not just the production I love here. The members really add to the song--I especially adore the precision with which they handle the first verse, even as it just runs and runs and runs and runs headfirst into the prechorus. The rap in the bridge docks "Slow Down" a couple of points in my book, but the "haste makes waste" ad-lib wins those back easily.
3. Complex
And here's "Complex" !! This is the song that made StayC my favorite group--from the beginning, it's been brain-cleaning music for my soul. I find it hard to place what, exactly, makes StayC's music so special to me, but "Complex" has it for sure. It's something about the way the members enunciate sharply, but not aggressively, I think. "Complex" is a soft, understated song, but the StayC ladies are masters of enunciation--their performances, strong and confident, give the song these sharp edges that keep me absolutely captivated. StayC's music, soothing but not understimulating, is just so perfect for my sensory sensitivities, and that's what I mean when I say I feel like StayC's style was designed just for me.
4. So What
This was too obnoxious for me when it first came out--maybe because Itzy still ran the girl group landscape in 2021, so I was not in need of another 'sassy & self-confident but also cutesy & girly' type of song? "So What" got me eventually, though; I think it was during the "Beautiful Monster" comeback that this track became a regular fixture in my playlists. "So What" has some of the Itzy magic--flat verses set against soaring melodic choruses, a downright strange instrumental in the prechorus--but it has a lot of StayC magic too, I think. I can't be sure this is inspired by 8-bit music, but the chorus definitely has the sound of a retro video game. (If you've been enjoying that sound lately, you should definitely check this one out!) "So What" is more energetic than a lot of the others on this list, but it's just as cozy and comforting as they are--as the chorus hits you with a barrage of clashing instrumental bits, the vocals get softer and sweeter to balance it out, and the bridge could have been taken straight out of an IU ballad.
5. Run2U
It's kind of unfortunate that this one came out when it did--the music video for "Run2U" dropped right before a really major, terrifying event in my life, so I was replaying it all the time in the months when that event happened. As much as I enjoy "Run2U", I don't listen to it much anymore--it transports me back a little too well. (Luckily for me, the b-sides from this album managed to escape the Bad Memory Vortex!) "Run2U" is an absolutely perfect song, though, stuffed with hooks and textures that my brain loves to chew on. While revisiting "Run2U" for this list, I understood exactly why I was replaying the song so maniacally in the months after it came out (it was my most-listened song of 2022, and I think all those listens were from between February and April). The soaring vocals, the angelic chimes, the beat that feels somehow 3D? It's too much to process on just one listen--or just two, or just three... This could honestly be my favorite StayC song in an alternate universe--it's such a grand statement of just how much this group is capable of!! (And it turns the pop-princess aspect of their style up to 100, which I, as a Twice stan, am legally obligated to love.)
Rhyming "copy" with "decalcomanie" is the kind of audacity I like to see in a first comeback (only Lightsum has been more audacious--I love you, Lightsum, you'll get your own textpost one day). Though the production & songwriting for this spring lofi sunny day 1 hour chill beats mix sound would be perfected in StayC's later comebacks, the members perform the hell out of this one. Even before "Complex", they had the skill with enunciation to bring some real bite to the quirky-cute girl group sound! Also, that piano in the bridge is glorious.
7. I Like It
You could probably argue that this is just a dollar-store version of "Slow Down" and "So What", and I would probably agree with you--but like, I like this one, okay? I like how Yoon sings "I got my shades on" in the opening; I like the chanted bit in the second prechorus (GWAENCHANA NE TASI ANIJANA !!!!!); I like the whole damn chorus!! I think this one needed a lot more time in the oven production-wise, but I still find it super listenable. The members help "I Like It" flow smoothly despite its clumsy production, and the harmonies alone are worth coming back for.
8. Beautiful Monster
Despite some really clumsy production choices (this album was... interesting, to say the least!), I can't help but love this one--I find myself revisiting it a whole lot. (But, like, what are those claps leading into the chorus. Why are they so loud. Could you just... uh... blend them in, just a little bit? Like, could you just make them sound like they're actually coming from, like, the same song as the rest of the track? Anyway...) "Beautiful Monster" is a super-memorable showcase of StayC's vocals, though, so it's a classic in my book--those bordering-on-wailing high notes remind me of the most emotional moments in GFRIEND songs, and they're scattered throughout all of "Beautiful Monster", and they still hit like bricks every single time?? My heart was not ready for this song.
9. Stereotype
Another classic! This is one of those songs that really makes me think no one can make music quite like StayC's--like, "Stereotype" should not be as interesting as it is. It should not echo in my bones the way it does. We know StayC can bring their songs to stunningly high highs --see: "Run2U" and "Beautiful Monster"--but "Stereotype" manages to be an infinitely satisfying listen without any showstopping moments. This is like the sweeter version of "247"--it takes an even softer approach, but it still has that kick to it, like the sour part of a sip of lemonade or the fizz in lime soda. Admittedly, I don't listen to this one very frequently--I really should be obsessing over it a lot more, but the b-sides from this comeback really stole the show for me (see: "Slow Down" & "Complex" at spots 2 & 3 on this list). "Stereotype" completely deserved its success, though! It's really a perfect encapsulation of the pop-princess-meets-lofi aesthetic that makes StayC stand out.
10. Poppy (Japanese or Korean ver.)
Yes, we get one song from StayC's 2023, at least. (Look, 2023 wasn't really their year, but I needed a break from constantly gushing about how great their music is, anyway!) I think everyone else in the world would have this one on their list, too--I remember when "Poppy" took the fandom by storm, though I didn't get the appeal at the time. I'm sold on it now, though! "Poppy" is a pretty straightforward dance track, but the textures in the instrumental are unique enough that I find it an interesting, enjoyable listen whenever it comes up on shuffle.
Honorable Mentions: So Bad (vocals. oh my god the vocals.), Like This, Butterfly, I Want U Baby (that chorus is a real gem, i hum it to myself all the time), Love (i bring this one out every summer !!), Not Like You
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eemamminy-art · 9 months
Author Interview
Tagged by @allaganexarch!! 😊
Long post with many questions below the cut
1. how many works do you have on AO3?
Somehow... I have 50?? Wild to me, but I suppose I have had the account for 10 years so maybe that's not so strange.
2. what's your total AO3 word count?
142,785. I don't know if that's a lot or not, I tend to just write short oneshots because it's all I have patience for lol
3. what fandoms do you write for?
Anything that catches my interest really haha most of my fics at this point are FFXIV but.. so is most of my art, it's kind of had me in a chokehold for the last 6 years
4. what are your top five fics by kudos?
(all of the following are explicit btw, be careful if clicking the links. Just mind warnings and tags thanks :3)
Licking Wounds - FFXIV (Estinien/Aymeric) - 247 kudos I want to chock this up to just the fact that I wrote it in 2018 when there was next to nothing in the ship tag lol. After I wrote it I started writing a lot lot lot more (in longform rp mostly and then moved onto fic) and I feel like everything else I've written afterward is so much better!! It kind of irks me when people have said it's their favorite estimeric fic of mine, because it is far and away my least favorite thing I've written for the ship.
Say my name - FFXIV (Estinien/Aymeric) - 204 kudos This was honestly like my attempt 2 at the story I wanted to convey in Licking Wounds, but it's 10000% better please read this one instead 😂 Both this one and the previous one are meant to be the inception of their relationship immediately following the Through Fire and Blood canon short story.
Sleepless Night - FFXIV (Estinien/Aymeric) - 185 kudos I sort of revisited the idea in this one later too (Chipped Porcelain), but I'm still not 100% satisfied with it so I may return to this idea in a third fic one day. I do like it for the fact that it's not set during Heavensward, which was a first for me at the time! I love stormblood and as little of a role as Aymeric and Estinien have in it, I really really liked the tiny mentions of them and wanted to expand on it. They have so few scenes in 4.0 and 5.0 that it leaves a lot of room open for exploration of their relationship at that time!!
Long distance - FFXIV (Estinien/Aymeric) - 151 kudos I don't think on a technical/creative level I enjoy this fic much since I wrote it really quickly without much editing, but I love it in the sense that it was one of the first things I wrote while coming out of this notion that post-HW Estinien and Aymeric are exes/do not like each other/have beef/etc. That's a popular fanon for them based on how they interact in 5.X and 6.0 especially but I can't stand it and it frankly makes me really sad! It clicked for me that they could just have a long distance relationship and that suddenly opened up my eyes to all the potential stories they could have outside of the context of pre-canon or 3.X.
Vigil - FFXIV (Estinien/Aymeric) - 130 kudos This one was kind of a sequel to Licking Wounds actually, or at least I made reference to it in there! Kind of me facing my old writing that I didn't like very much. I feel a little embarrassed rereading this one because it's really shmoopy but that's kind of my style when I create anything so I should probably just embrace that!
5. do you respond to comments?
I try but I feel so weird about it!! 😭 I probably should at least say "thank you" but it feels like not enough when someone sends me some long thoughtful comment, so then I end up letting them sit and be like.. damn I should reply to this... I really appreciate every comment I get, it's just that I am not very confident in my writing and struggle to accept praise for it I think.
6. what is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
No one ever said it would be this hard, I think is probably the angstiest one! I love angst but I love it in the sense that it amplifies the relief of having a happy ending follow it. This fic though I wrote during a really bad time in my life, and after I had felt kind of betrayed by a video game character who had been giving me some comfort back then 😂 I had lost my parents in 2013 and 2014 and found a great outlet for my grief in Fallout 4, particularly with Shaun and with Piper, and it felt like a gut punch that despite romancing her Piper was NOT on board with reuniting our little family lol. In hindsight uh no kidding she wasn't, but at the time I was like wow how could she do this to me!! 😭 So I wrote this little tiny ficlet on a fucking napkin on my break at work on Christmas Eve that year, since I was already sad anyway I thought, let's just wallow in this shall we? And then I transcribed it after I got home later.
7. what's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I usually write happy endings so it's hard to decide. I think Benevolence probably stands out the most to me though, because it's a happy ending for Zenos which is something I crave every hour, every day, every week, since I played Endwalker 😂
8. do you get hate on fics?
Not to my face, though I've come across some subtweets about my lesbian au stuff quite a few times. I did get a weird anon hate on ao3 the other day though that sounded like a high schooler wrote it 😂 I just turned off anon comments though because I don't need people wasting my time to tell me they didn't like something I wrote
9. do you write smut? if so, what kind?
On occasion.. <:') it's always really romantic though, I love stuff that really focuses on emotional bonds and senses and just the intimacy of it all. I do find that people tend to like my works better when I dip into more raunchy stuff, but it's really rare that I have any desire to write smut like that.
10. do you write crossovers? what's the craziest one you've written?
So... okay idk if this counts, but my ex-gf and my ex-bestfriend and I had this LJ community where it was like a multi-universe rp but the rp was like, these random characters all writing on the same forum and being insufferable to one another 😂 it was so stupid but it was a lot of fun at the time!
11. have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge, but I've had my art stolen quite a lot of times.
12. have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes! Or at least, it's been asked of me! I don't know if they did it in the end or not. I think it was for some of my estimeric fics? I was asked on twitter if it would be okay to translate it into chinese, since there is evidently a decent community for the ship with chinese fans!!
13. have you ever co-written a fic before?
Not exactly, though my partner gives me a lot of ideas for things to write or draw, and I've been helping my friend brainstorm a lot for a series they are working on!
14. what's your all-time favourite ship?
As if I could pick just one!! 😩 Well I think in recent years it's been obvious I adore Estinien/Aymeric, Fordola/Lyse, and Zenos/WoL (specifically meteor but other wols are also good sometimes, depends on the wol though). They all make me really happy.. I do a little finger touch and have a little giggle when I see them.. 🥺
15. what's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I think if I were to finish it, I would go back and redo it entirely, but I had a wip that I'd just barely started about Aymeric meeting Thordan face to face for the first time. I don't really want to go into much detail beyond that, but I really loved the concept and have wanted to go back and work on it for years, but I think I built it up too much in my head about how perfect I wanted it to be. But maybe someday!!!!
16. what are your writing strengths?
Characterization and specifically internal monolog/descriptions from character POV.
17. what are your writing weaknesses?
Dialog, especially when it comes to the fantasy ye olde english type of dialog, too much repetition and too much simple language. Run on sentences, like uh all of this post lmao.
18. thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I think it would be cool!! I speak like the most simplest amount of a second language so I don't think I'd be able to do it for a long time unless I had a lot of help, but I like the concept of it! I wanted for a long time to draw a short original lesbian comic and put out versions in both english and polish, but at this point the idea I had for it is a little too simple and my inspiration for it is a little too dim, but maybe one day I will attempt it!
19. first fandom you wrote for?
Probably either Inuyasha or Ranma 1/2, when I was like.. 12 or something 😂 If we're counting just what's on my ao3 though, my first fics were for Deus Ex (set somewhere between human revolution and the first game) though I have since orphaned them because I'm no longer comfortable with them.
20. favourite fic you've written?
I don't think I can narrow it down to just one!!
A port in a storm is without a doubt my favorite character study of Estinien pre-canon. It's in my lesbian au so it's not exactly how he would be, he's perhaps even more averse to other people in this universe, but it's I think a great example of his kind of frightened cat with their hackles raised demeanor. Plus it portrays really well the dynamic I love between Estinien and Aymeric, and also butch and femme identities.
Bewitched is another favorite, because it's another sort of character study but this time for Zenos. I really really liked the idea of Garleans being culturally conditioned to fear magic due to their inability to use it, and I liked exploring that in this fic, of making the warrior of light be terrifying and thus exceptional and noteworthy to Zenos, just for the fact that he's a healer.
Just Listen is probably the longest fic I've written both in terms of actual length and in terms of time I spent actively writing it. It was my way of working out my unhappiness with how the relationship between Aymeric and Estinien changed in canon while still trying to keep it relatively canon-compliant! It also was my way of showing just how complicated and messy they are, but unlike other fics I've read about the same sort of topic, I opted for love to triumph over all. If FFXIV has taught me anything, it's that even the worst and most hopeless of times and lowest of lows in relationships can still find happiness in the end with enough love and determination. 💛💛💛
Thanks for reading all this rambling if you did!!! I don't usually like to talk about or even acknowledge my fic so this was a good exercise in doing that. :3
Tagging: @4th-make-quail @notapaladin @salmonking @lesbxdyke @mariyekos @grahatini @randomsquirrel @sherribon @ladyramora and anyone who saw this and thought "hey, this looks like a lot of fun!" :3
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1. Sabotage 2. Sacrament 3. Sacred 4. Sacrifice 5. Sacrilege 6. Sadness 7. Safe 8. Safeguard   9. Sailor 10. Saltwater
11. Salvage 12. Salvation 13. Sanctuary 14. Sand 15. Sanity   16. Sapphire 17. Sarcasm 18. Satellite 19. Satisfaction 20. Saturday 21. Savage 22. Save 23. Saviour 24. Scalding 25. Scale 26. Scandalous 27. Scare 28. Scarlet 29. Scarred 30. Scattered 31. Scenery 32. Scent 33. Scholar 34. School 35. Science 36. Scrapbook   37. Scratch 38. Scream 39. Scribe 40. Scrolls 41. Sculptor 42. Scythe   43. Sea 44. Seance 45. Search 46. Seashells 47. Seatbelts 48. Seclusion 49. Second 50. Secret 51. Security 52. Seduce 53. Seeds 54. Seeking 55. Selfish 56. Senile 57. Sensational 58. Senseless 59. Sentences 60. Sentimental 61. Separate 62. Serendipity 63. Serpent 64. Servant 65. Shackle 66. Shadow 67. Shallow 68. Shame 69. Shameless 70. Shampoo   71. Shards   72. Share 73. Shatter 74. Shaving 75. Sheet 76. Shelter 77. Shenanigans 78. Shield 79. Shifting 80. Shine 81. Shirt 82. Shock 83. Shooting 84. Short 85. Shoulder 86. Shower 87. Shrieks 88. Shrine 89. Shrouded 90. Shuffle 91. Shy 92. Sibling 93. Sick 94. Sight 95. Sightseeing 96. Signal 97. Signed 98. Silence 99. Silhouette 100. Silk 101. Silver 102. Similarities 103. Simplicity 104. Sincere 105. Sinful   106. Sing 107. Singularity 108. Sinister 109. Sinking 110. Size 111. Skeleton 112. Sketch 113. Skies 114. Skiing 115. Skipping 116. Slapped 117. Slave 118. Slaying 119. Sleepless 120. Sleepover 121. Slice 122. Slick 123. Slide   124. Slipping 125. Slither 126. Sloppy 127. Slow 128. Small 129. Smile 130. Smirk 131. Smitten   132. Smoke 133. Smooth 134. Smudge 135. Snacks 136. Snapped 137. Snapshot 138. Snared 139. Snarling 140. Sneak 141. Snow 142. Snowblind 143. Snowbound 144. Snuggle 145. Soaked 146. Soap 147. Soar 148. Society 149. Soft 150. Solace 151. Solar 152. Soldiers 153. Solemn 154. Solitaire 155. Solitude 156. Solution 157. Somebody 158. Someday 159. Somewhere 160. Sonnets 161. Soothing 162. Sorcerer 163. Sorrow 164. Sorry 165. Soul 166. Soulmate 167. Sound 168. Sourpuss 169. Souvenir   170. Space 171. Spark 172. Sparkle 173. Speak 174. Special 175. Specialists 176. Spectator 177. Speechless 178. Speed 179. Spellbound   180. Spending 181. Sphinx 182. Spice 183. Spies   184. Spiral 185. Spirit 186. Split 187. Spoils 188. Spontaneous 189. Spooky 190. Spooning 191. Spotlight 192. Spring 193. Spying 194. Square 195. Squeak 196. Squeezed 197. Stab 198. Stability 199. Stage 200. Stagnant 201. Stained 202. Stairway 203. Stakeout 204. Stalemate 205. Stalker   206. Stamina 207. Stance 208. Stand   209. Standard 210. Star 211. Star-crossed 212. Stargazing   213. Starting 214. Startled 215. Starve 216. Static 217. Stay 218. Steady 219. Steal 220. Stealth 221. Steel 222. Stereotypes 223. Stickers 224. Stigmatize   225. Stitches 226. Stoic 227. Stole   228. Stone 229. Stop 230. Storm   231. Stranded 232. Strange 233. Strawberries 234. Stray   235. Street 236. Strength 237. Stress   238. Stretching 239. Stricken 240. Strictly 241. Strike   242. Strings 243. Striving 244. Strolling 245. Struggle 246. Stubble 247. Stubborn 248. Stuck 249. Students 250. Study 251. Stupid 252. Subconscious 253. Subdued   254. Subject 255. Subliminal 256. Submerge 257. Submission   258. Substitute 259. Subtle 260. Subway 261. Success 262. Succumb 263. Suddenly 264. Suffer 265. Suggestive 266. Summer 267. Summon 268. Sunbathing   269. Sunbeams 270. Sunburn 271. Sunflower 272. Sunkissed 273. Sunlight 274. Sunrise 275. Superficial 276. Superhero   277. Superiority 278. Supernatural 279. Supernova 280. Superstition 281. Support 282. Surface 283. Surprise 284. Surrender 285. Surveillance 286. Survival   287. Swagger 288. Swamp 289. Swapped 290. Sway 291. Sweat 292. Sweet 293. Swimming 294. Switchblade 295. Sword 296. Sworn 297. Symbol 298. Sympathy 299. Synchronicity 300. Synergy
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voiceofverbose · 1 year
Stanley can't believe that he's found yet another office. This must be like, what, the fourth or fifth one? And they all look pretty much just like his. How strange. But he's also becoming intrigued by the notion of how many identical offices might be out there. Is there also a Narrator in this one?
He decides to seek out his office, #427, to see if he's allowed in there. Back at the Haunted Office, the Narrator doesn't let him into there. In fact, that office door is locked and he was given #247 in place of it. That really ground his gears, but he's gotten used to it by now.
Still, he has to see if this office's #427 is the same as his own.
Pushing up his glasses, the dark-haired office worker makes his way in that direction.
There at the end of the hall, the door to office #427 sat open, a faint glow coming from the computer inside. Office, sweet office.
From the quiet ambience of the office’s electrical hum, a voice filled the vast landscape of forsaken cubicles. There was a narrator here after all.
“Oh! Stanley, there you are. I’ve been thinking, perhaps we could use a few new endings. I’ve been workshopping some ideas. So if you got a few hours, I’d like to run through a few stories with you. Oh, who am I kidding? Of course yoooouuuu- are not my Stanley, are you? Where did you come from?”
Curious about this new Stanley, Alexander paused; letting his question linger. He wondered if this Stanley spoke.
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friendly-books · 10 months
Dresden files Blood Rites live blog
Blood Rites live blog
“The building was on fire and it wasn’t my fault” pg. 11 Ha and I highly doubt that 
“If so, it's a sloppy one. But strong as hell.” pg. 24 Ha Harry being critical of other people doing magic 
“Thomas was an annoying wiseass who tended to make everyone he met want to kill him, and when I have that much in common with someone, I can’t help but like him a little” pg. 30 Ha
“He was at Bianca’s masquerade. Only he was alive back then.” pg. 42 It all comes back to that party
“Since I’d stolen him from Justin DuMorne, my own personal Darth Vader” pg. 62 So Bob belonged to Justin before Harry?
“I don’t expect you to under-“ pg. 77 Ouch Murph 
“He was tall and built like a statue of Hercules” pg. 86 Bi Harry 15
“His face didn’t match the Olympian body” pg. 86 Bi Harry 16
“You always a wiseass?” “No sometimes I’m sleep” pg. 86 Ha
I like Jake 
I like Joan Dallas 
Harry you’re broke, how are you going to pay Kincaid?
“Every time I thought I had gotten through my orphan baggage, something like this came up” pg. 137  aw Harry :( 
I like Inari 
“The next time I saw Thomas, I was going to punch him right in the nose” pg. 153 Ha
“I hit him solidly in the nose with my right fist” pg. 173 Ha
“Empty Night,” she murmured, her tone one of someone speaking an oath” pg. 177 Strange curse word. Why are the first two words capitalized? None of the other curse words are. And none are described as speaking an oath there’s something here 
“Don’t feel bad. I cleverly concealed my identity as Harry the Production Assistant” pg. 177 Ha 
Thomas and Lara casually discussing patricide 
Why would Lara shoot Thomas? they’re siblings 
“So that the next time you start talking I can shoot your wise ass” pg. 186 Ha 
Inari why did you attack Harry he’s trying to help
Inari doesn’t know?!? What a rude awakening to the supernatural with Black Court vampires
“By an entire frozen turkey. A twenty ponder”
“For my next trick anvils” pg. 200 Ha 
Cool that Harry is using his amulet as a symbol of faith 
 “Thomas writhed sinuously” pg. 201 Bi Harry 17
“He was better looking than Thomas” pg. 218 Bi Harry 18
“He didn’t have Thomas beat when it came to smiles. Thomas’s grin had so much life to it was practically sentient” pg. 222 Bi Harry 19
Inari you ok there? Maybe back away from Harry 
“Our mother” pg. 247 Way to drop that bombshell Thomas
“Sank my teeth into his arm” pg. 248 Ha
“You mean he feeds his own” pg. 250 Papa Raith just as bad as Nic. Why was Margaret friends with these people? Did she know what  they did to their kids? Margret needed better friends. This circle of friends is a bad influence 
“I never celebrated Christmas as a kid, after my dad died. It hurt too much. Hell it still hurt too much. But if I had a real family, then maybe things could change” pg. 254 Don’t worry Harry you’ll get a brother and two kids 
Harry’s mom?!?
“He took it, and I drew my brother to his feet” pg. 265 Aw 
Are Bob and Harry friends? I can’t tell with Harry threatening to smash Bob’s skull
“Not now kitten” pg. 276 Well it was nice knowing you Kincaid 
“I took a small but prudent step back from them” pg. 277 Ha Glad to see Harry have some self preservation 
Kincaid keeps digging his grave deeper and deeper 
“It doesn’t count as chivalrous courtesy if you’re only doing it to a wiseass” pg. 279 Ha
Why can’t Harry do the sunshine handkerchief? 
 “Turns out that you’ve got to be genuinely happy to be able to fold sunshine into a hankie” pg. 287 Sobbing 
So the three ex wives did it for the money
“I have a bad habit of turning into a real wiseass when someone makes me nervous. It’s just a reflex” pg. 300 Ha 
No Emma :( 
“That talent had been refined by the harsh lessons of life and even harsher lessons of Justin DeMorne” pg. 331 Justin sucks! Boo hiss 
I love that Ebenezar calls Harry “Hoss”
“You in over your head? It’s as if you’re too stubborn to know when to run” pg. 332 Ha
I love Ebenezar and Harry’s relationship it’s nice that Harry has at least one person he looks up to, respects, and cares about him
Aw Harry made his staff similar to Ebenezar’s
“Look, buddy, you’re scaring the kids” pg. 339 aw Harry :(
Murph in a dress :)
“I must have been feeling suicidal, because I took a step forward and placed myself in the middle of anger stares” pg. 346 At least Harry acknowledges his less than normal self preservation intentions 
“And this is Rich. My second husband” pg. 347 No! :0
Why is Rich married to Murph younger sister? He’s seriously older than her and why would he marry his ex-wife’s sister? Just why?
“Will you take care of my daughter?” “Yes, ma’ am. Of course I will” pg. 356 Sobbing 
“Murphy’s gym bag thumped onto the ground and she stared at me with her mouth open” “What?” I asked “Sir?” she said her voice incredulously” pg. 358 Ha 
“I sort of like him” pg. 372 Yay? Kincaid likes Harry 
“Justin DuMorne had taught me how to do magic. But it was Ebenezar who had taught me why” pg. 376 Cool 
Harry really respects Ebenezar. He stands up to Kincaid 
“Blazing anger had gotten me into way too many bad situations” pg. 375 Ha 
“Be vewy vewy quiet. We’re hunting vampires” pg. 378 Ha
“My dick is bigger than your dick” pg. 379 Ha
“Why do they sell hotdogs in packages of ten but hot dog buns come in packages of eight” pg. 382 Ha 
Well the vampires made the mistake of in-dangering kids 
 “I had already met my quota for burning down public infrastructure this week” pg. 403 Ha
Oh no the bad guys have flamethrowers 
Oh no Harry’s hand 
“I was sending it back to the kitchen anyway. I ordered it medium well” pg. 415 Ha
Ebenezar and Harry fighting :(
Justine’s alive!
Cool that Harry used his staff as a lance
Oh no Murph 
“I’d been in a few caves that were headquarters for dark magic and those who trafficked in it. None of them had been warm. None of them had been pleasant. And none of them had been professionally decorated. Until now” pg. 493 Ha
“Leave me alone, Mister Dresden” pg. 502 oh Murph isn’t mind controlled 
“What can I say, inspiring anger is my gift” pg. 504 Ha
He Who Walks Behind is here 
“Hell’s holy stars and freaking stones shit bells” pg. 514 My thoughts exactly 
Cool that Harry used keys to attack Raith
Awesome that Harry used Lara as a cat’s paw
“Clearly I underestimated you” I said  “Don’t feel bad I mean I look stupid” pg. 525 Ha 
Ivy mention! 
Lash mention I was wondering if she’d show up in this book
“Hey, why did you get large breed Puppy Chow?” pg. 551 Ha 
Final thoughts 
I thought this book was funny. There was so much Bi Harry in this book even without Marcone. Up to 19 on the Bi Harry counter. Sadly no Marcone, why is there so little of him in books. I’m sad that Harry and Ebenezar fought, hopefully they can make up. Nicky, Papa Raith, and Justin DuMorne can all go jump off a cliff in my opinion. I love Thomas and Harry’s relationship. I liked Kincaid and the Ivy mention. I hope to see more of Lash in the next book. I loved Mouse. Rich needs to back up and I’d like to meet him in the parking lot for a chat. I thought the fights were cool. Can’t wait to see what He Who Walks Behind brings to the story. On to the next book.
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reblog-house · 5 months
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Backs Turned, Victory
Characters (povs): Cleo, Scott, Martyn
Wc: 1000
Written for @flashfictionfridayofficial prompt 247, “Blind Spot” - late, but better than never.
Ao3: Here!
Only Cleo and Scott remained. Honestly, Cleo never thought she’d be one of the last two. The closest she ever got was in Double Life, in fourth place. Did that technically count as second place, considering the soulmate dynamics?
But now there were no technicalities. No other person who shared her life. Her team made it to the end. Sadly, Pearl had to go. The triple Gs couldn’t all win. 
After Martyn and Pearl died, Cleo, Scott, and Gem made a pact. They’d all go down to their last lives, and then a free for all. Always Scott with his justice. He proposed a battle royale once, among four players. It went well for him.
He then proposed the same in a previous season. 
It didn’t end well for him then.
They took a breather. It truly felt strange, being in a virtual world. It felt… disorientating. But at least they’d be free to go after this. They couldn’t wait to meet up with their friends in the real world after remembering them through the game. 
Usually, after remembering, that was it. It only lasted for however long they survived in the game, then they died, and that was it. And in another world, they were all unaware living their lives, until a game, they remembered, then they died, rinse and repeat. Cleo was surprised how she went all her current life not knowing Scott. She definitely had to reach out after they got this over and done with.
But before that, they had a fight to win.
“Come on, Scott. You could never kill me,” Cleo mocked, and Scott jumped to action.
His sword clashed against her shield and she struck.
And he was gone.
She hadn’t killed him. She could hear him wince. He was just. Gone.
Their voices overlapped. “Where have you gone to?” — “I don’t even know where you are.”
Ah, behind them. That virtual world truly was strange. A laugh bubbled up from her and Scott followed in her laughter. Still, she struck again, it hit. Scott’s sword kept hitting their shield. Good.
“Wait,” Scott said. Cleo stopped, unsure exactly why they felt compelled to. 
(That’s a friend, they were just laughing, and it’s not even actual real life, despite what the name of the game suggests)
Out of the corner of their eye, they saw a zombie approaching as Scott talked nonsense that Cleo wasn’t really paying attention to.
She said something in response to his question, tracking the zombie while staring at Scott. It was at an arm’s—
Scott popped out of existence, revealing the zombie that did him in.
Cleo’s shriek transformed into laughter as she did a quick job of the zombie. 
Everything was silent for a second, then it hit them. They’d won. They cheered with all their might and looked around for a vibrant green mob.
They knew what they had to do now.
When only four people remained, Scott had devised a plan. Each player on a corner of the arena. No alliances. Fight on sight, even if he had to end Pearl. A battle royale, a fair battle, as it all should be.
The first to go was Pearl, by Ren’s hands.
He knew it could’ve been him who killed Pearl, had he come out of the trees sooner, but still, he set his eyes on Ren and not let go.
Zombies swarmed around them. Scott kept away from them as he tried to shoot Ren. He was sure he’d almost killed him, but he slipped from sight.
The next thing he knew, Martyn had fallen down a hole and exploded himself. One less competitor. There was only Ren left.
He took chase.
Each arrow hit the mark. Ren was visibly agitated now as he ran down the hill.
Scott smiled in satisfaction as a horde of zombies tailed Ren.
The man just wouldn’t give up. Scott wouldn’t expect him to. 
They were on the side of another hill now. Ren tried shooting Scott, but his aim wasn’t the best. Scott outmaneuvered him, turned him around and back. A great strategy, disorientating your enemy. 
A zombie walked past Ren. Scott never lowered his bow.
Then lightning. 
A zombie walked away victorious, and Scott couldn’t care less that it wasn’t him who finished him. He was glad. Mirth colored his voice, and relief. So much relief…
He had won.
Scott made a hole for Binkie in the ground, filled with water so Pearl’s pet could outlast him, and looked to the side.
The canopy of a tree. 
He walked up to it, and climbed onto its strongest branches.
The rustling of leaves was the only sound around him as he stood atop the tree, feet steady.
He lifted his sword in the sky—
A flash of white.
In another world, Scott and Martyn were a team.
In that world, they were beasts of the sea; a creature from the depths and a sailor corrupted by coral and kelp.
And when there were only three people left, Scott proposed to go down to their last hour and battle it out, fair. They’d fight with no armor, no shield, as proposed by Impulse. Battle like their forefathers, Grian and Scar. But Scott and Martyn and Impulse instead. 
But Martyn… Martyn only cared to win.
He struck against his ally, lava charing— burning through Scott’s scales and flesh. He thrusted his sword, and Scott was dead.
Impulse tried to run, but he was no match for him. Words, almost an incantation, poured out of Martyn as he slashed his enemy, as he gained time. Time. Time.
Impulse was dead. The words kept coming, like he’d rehearsed them. Like his body wasn’t his own, but it was. Like he was a shell controlled by himself, a part he didn’t know. Divine inspiration. He’d won—
That feels good.
His hand were stained red, like the corals piercing from his skin.
Time is delicious.
—and Martyn laughed—
—knowing his time would run out.
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thesparkwhowalks · 4 months
Starman of Gotham City
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Real Name: Bruce Wayne All Appearances: Detective Comics #247 (1957)
When Robin hits the streets of Gotham City with a new partner, the populace are naturally a bit alarmed. But they need not be! This "new" partner is in fact Batman in a new costumed identity. It seems that brand new criminal mastermind Professor Milo has used a strange ray to induce a phobia of bats in the Caped Crusader. His costume, his vehicles, his weapons, even his own shadow now spark terror in Batman's heart.
So he develops new versions of all of those, themed on stars. A Star Plane (that can hover, what the hell powers that thing?), "star darts" that are really just throwing stars, a Star Signal, and the identity of Starman is born!
At least until Robin forcibly ties him to a chair and shows him footage of their old adventures until the phobia's gone. His approach is harsh but his reasoning is sound: once Milo's gang realizes who Starman is, they'll just bring their own bat-themed stuff on crimes. The exposure therapy works and Batman is cured, allowing them to take down Milo - who would. surprising, go on to be a recurring foe and even appear on B:TAS, JLU, and B:TB&TB.
In Post-Crisis continuity, this never happened to Batman but has been worked into James Robinson's grander legacy take on Starman.
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