clarechiara · 2 years
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2016 till today.. Any changes? #avarosetl #lilladyboss #陈玫瑰 https://www.instagram.com/p/Cpe1WFKpzNm/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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i3ujeon · 8 months
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•𝟏 𝖬𝗒 𝗁𝖾𝖺𝗋𝗍 𝗂𝗌 𝖺 𝖿𝗅𝗈𝗐𝖾𝗋 𝗐𝖺𝗍𝖾𝗋𝖾𝗋.
•𝟐 𝖨 𝖽𝗂𝖽𝗇'𝗍 𝖿𝗂𝗇𝖽 𝖺𝗇𝗈𝗍𝗁𝖾𝗋 𝖿𝗅𝗈𝗐𝖾 𝗐𝗂𝗍𝗁 𝖻𝖾𝖺𝗎𝗍𝗒 𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝖼𝗈𝗅𝗈𝗋 𝗐𝗁𝖺𝗍 𝖽𝗈 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝗁𝖺𝗏𝖾 𝖿𝗈𝗋 𝗆𝖾.
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•𝟑 柾国 - 𝕾𝘂𝗺𝗺𝗲𝗿 𝗵𝗮𝘀 𝗮𝗹𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱𝘆 𝘀𝗽𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱 𝗶𝗻𝘁𝗼 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗮𝗶𝗿.
•𝟒 𝐈 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐲 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐤𝐲 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐚 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫 밝게 빛나는
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𝟓• 𝖨'𝖽 𝗋𝖺𝗍𝗁𝖾𝗋 𝖽𝗂𝖾 𝗍𝗁𝖺𝗇 𝗅𝗂𝗏𝖾 𝗐𝗂𝗍𝗁𝗈𝗎𝗍 𝗉𝖺𝗌𝗌𝗂𝗈𝗇.
𝐌𝐊 : 𝘼𝙣𝙙 𝙤𝙣𝙚 𝙛𝙞𝙣𝙚 𝙙𝙖𝙮 𝙄 𝙥𝙧𝙚𝙥𝙖𝙧𝙚𝙙 𝙖 𝙗𝙚𝙖𝙪𝙩𝙞𝙛𝙪𝙡 𝙗𝙤𝙪𝙦𝙪𝙚𝙩 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝙮𝙤𝙪, 𝙗𝙪𝙩 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙙𝙞𝙙𝙣'𝙩 𝙨𝙝𝙤𝙬 𝙪𝙥.
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fangjuexias · 2 years
Forces of Gravity Audio Drama || Theme Song, "The You By My Hand" (CV version)
出品:漫播APP X 九尾青丘音乐社 策划:潮生、绿意 词作:方休 作曲:南之 编曲:GMN宏宇 演唱:陈张太康、胡良伟 弦乐:国际首席爱乐乐团 小提琴独奏:颜柯 大提琴独奏:张平 弦乐监制:李朋 混音:GMN宏宇、死神 美工:载酒以渡 字幕:OCIR·字幕组
我想让任意门打通梦境 去触摸我衷情的心灵 你是我未经允许的共鸣 是我藏在枕边的繁星
你有双我画不出的眼睛 读过的故事都无法形容清 可那颗心却还擅自向你靠近 替我画下了第一笔
美人鱼的黎明 和灰烬中的锡心 红玫瑰下 还留着 夜莺梦中的愿景 为何爱情结局 是奋不顾身的悲剧 却被人们 盛赞成传奇
或许故事要先未完待续 才显得重逢来之不易 当我再次静静地看向你 就拥有了人间的意义
手腕上振翅的蝴蝶刺青 是我忘记了想要铭记的你 像拥有过一整个绚烂的春季 破茧后却遗失了你
美人鱼的黎明 和灰烬中的锡心 红玫瑰下 还留着 夜莺梦中的愿景 原来爱的真谛 是必将清醒又沉迷 是为所爱 愿献祭自己
你是童话的星河 和孤勇的守护者 这不曾熄灭的火 和被斩断的风车 彻夜翻涌提示过 关乎着你 亦于我
我所有的假想敌 抵不过爱的天性 心跳是盛大声音 因为你 浪漫不再来历不明
每一种遐想里 都并列相同名姓 想陪着你 告诉你 一起老去又年轻 像苹果树苏醒 像苹果落下的规律 终将相遇 我和你 注定的浪漫引力
你送我的风景 有爱与家的约定 它关于你 关于你 关于所见的奇迹 永无岛的门铃 有未失童趣的爱意 我想藏起 在手边的你
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jinghuablog · 2 years
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erizosan · 2 years
С Пикачу :D
С Гробницей.
Внезапный пейринг персонажем Лю Хаожаня с Су Мэнчженем. Всеплохо все умерли. Психоделично, красиво... И музыка нравится)
С Небесами. ЯньЧэнь.
HE. Почти без сюжета. Начинается с секса
Начиналось все с защиты со стороны Смч и невинной влюбленности, закончилось шантажом, дабконом и смертью смч( Но красиво и хорошо внятно передан сюжет
Любовный треугольник перешедший в тройничок. Он забавный и хэ. И вообще, мне кажется, это очень трогательно, что Лин Буи нашел целых 2 человек которые считают его шутки смешными!
Схожий по сюжету с предыдущим
Перерождение в яньчэнь
С Фу Хунсюэ или что-то около
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clarechiara · 2 years
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My dear #avarosetl You will always and forever be my number 1. Remember that. ❤️ #lilladyboss #陈玫瑰 https://www.instagram.com/p/Co8uevxJNDM/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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fangjuexias · 2 years
Crushing Jade and Casting Pearls Audio Drama || Theme Song, "Mister Rose"
制 作:声罗万象工作室 作 曲:陈亦洺@陈亦洺 作 词:恨醉@-恨醉- 编 曲:李大白@李大白k 侯江浩@ hhh侯江浩 吉他演奏:KYC 口琴演奏:侯江浩 演 唱:Mario@Miao-Mario 分轨混音:Shay@Shay1993 人声混音:茶雪@茶雨山上採蔘客 母 带:Shay 海报设计:鹿几@—鹿几—
玫瑰先生在某天 被送给某个少年 他安家那个月夜 还刺了人一滴血 爱就是疼红了眼 还忍不住红的脸 是哪怕只字不言 玫瑰哪个闻不见
杯里有月 他有少年
明月,明月 摘给少年 少年,少年 我明月 玫瑰,玫瑰 作伴明月 谈风,谈雪 谈少年
玫瑰先生在月夜 被送给那个少年 从此他等着凋谢 笑情人轻许永远 冬天他作别少年 未想惊醒又夏夜 爱是有花也有月 爱是有风也有雪
风花雪月 我和少年
玫瑰,明月 送给少年 少年,少年 我心念 寒风,冷雪 我陪少年 风花,雪月 多少年
玫瑰,明月 送给少年 少年,少年 我心念 寒风,冷雪 我陪少年 风花,雪月 多少年
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clarechiara · 2 years
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We baked chocolate chunky cookies today. 🥰 That smile. ❤️ #avarosetl #lilladyboss #陈玫瑰 https://www.instagram.com/p/Cot5MtqJDgI/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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puppykittybnuuy · 8 months
苏菲•刘易斯:女权主义常在。回应Caitlín Doherty和Becca Rothfeld
原文链接:Sophie Lewis: Feminism Lives. A response to Caitlín Doherty and Becca Rothfeld. 16 Aug 2023
近期,新左翼评论的博客SideCar刊登了两位才华横溢的思想家——Caitlín Doherty和Becca Rothfeld——有关女权主义的一番交流。新左评论联系我进行回应,我因此写下这番文字。(博客的编辑部门决定不予出版。)感谢Emma Heaney和Rosie Warren鼓励我写下这篇回应,感谢Grace Lavery鼓励我仍把这篇文章发布出来。
Caitlín Doherty的“一种女权主义风格”和Becca Rothfeld的“一种行动主义实践”重复了一种并不新奇的姿态:批评者将视野狭隘地对准那些最为反动的成分,便可以将女权主义的现状斥责为糟糕的。当前,女权主义政治思想对Doherty而言“极为无趣”,“毫不令人激动”;对Rothfeld来说“乏善可陈”,“枯燥和缺乏想象力”。在Rothfeld不乏感叹的描述中,挺身而进式女权主义在Sheryl Sandberg的同名书出版十年后仍然占据主流。或许如此。但即便是Michelle Obama也在2018年批评了“女强人教义”的精英主义。就像Rothfeld去年在漂流杂志感叹的那样,毫无疑问,“Pussy Hats令人尴尬”。但如果一个人只着眼于资产阶级主流,又同时与这一主流进行认同,为一种疏离、犬儒的自我安慰式姿态寻找攻击对象是很容易的。
我认同Doherty对一种或可被称为“女性悲观主义”意识形态的感受:这是一种聚焦痛苦、伪装成激进女权主义、被Alice Echols称为“文化女权主义”的意识形态(也催生了近期Andrea Dworkin的重新流行)。但我还想更进一步说,写下《替罪羊》和《交媾》的Dworkin以她的卓越风格试图(但未能成功)“恐吓到无声屈服”的并非只有女权主义的敌人。她的目标还包括其它女权主义者:像犹太裔女同性恋社会主义者Joan Nestle,她在1981年美国作家大会为一场“关于色情制品和情欲”的专家会谈录影,并对Dowrkin“反对阴茎的一连串布道”感到恼火至极,会后径直回家打出了一篇标题为“我的母亲喜欢做爱”的声明,为自己阶级的女性辩护。“我的母亲在67岁的年纪仍然想要性,并对自己没有牙齿之后能做的事情大开玩笑。我的母亲 … 是一个喜欢做爱的工人妇女,她相信若自己愿意,便有权在身体里放一个阴茎。”
#MeToo的支持者并非像Doherty说的那样只有职业女性。Madeline Lane-McKinley在2018年指出,一直以来都有一个“自下而上的MeToo运动”,这一运动由草莓采摘工,洗碗工,医护工,以及酒店保洁工的集体诉讼驱动。哪些人的强奸得以写入新闻头条,这背后的阶级政治必须被指出,且已经被指出过。但是,演员不论富裕与否,也不应在一个强奸是默许劳动条件一环的产业工作。同理,Rothfeld在她对Doherty的回应中正确地坚称,多布斯案后的美国女权主义运动需要加倍努力争夺生育自由,“通过地下网络分发避孕药”以及跨过州境将需要晚期堕胎的人偷运到诊所。但是,跨性别女权主义在两篇文章中均未受提及,这让我感到担忧。
从我的位置看去,马克思女权主义正处在一个黄金时期,特别是因为它激发了大量自称的“跨性别马克思主义者”,藉此机会复兴围绕家务劳动价值形式的停滞辩论,同时扩展和变革由Silvia Federici等人普及的“社会再生产理论”。“家庭废除”的性别解放前景重回讨论桌,与此同时还有(来此Verónica Gago和同伴们)对“女权主义罢工”的策略性讨论。我们正在见证围绕“女权主义国际体”的理论对话(Gago, Ewa Majewska),围绕“反顺性别的女权主义”(Emma Heaney, Cameron Awkward-Rich),“家庭废除”(Tiffany Lethabo King, M.E. O’Brien),“去殖民女权主义”(Françoise Vergès, Thenmozhi Soundararajan),以及“【监狱】废除女权主义”(Angela Davis, Beth Richie)。
如她们自己所言,Doherty和Rothfeld共享的愿景是看到“与女人作为女人的整体性经验进行的理论互动”。但当代女权主义理论呼唤我们果断接受的恰恰是:有些女人(women)压根就不是女人(Women)。换言之,女性化和去性别化等种种历史过程,与通过殖民强加的顺性别指向,共同生产了多元的女性身份,其中一些常常是非白人的女性身份永远不可能成为“母亲”——这里,“母亲”是一个私有权意义上的亲属关系机构。这些性别压迫在资本主义的整体中同时、并列存在。“今日女权主义描述的问题究竟是什么?” Doherty问道。其中一个问题便是顺性别劳动分工——把本可以是愉悦的性别差异(differences)转换为可以让价值流动的性别差分(differentials)。谈到女权主义,杀死、嘲弄或打击一个目标永远是容易的。但是,不论是在文字里还是在街头上,一个令人惊异的政治联盟正在对资本主义进行去自然化,并寻找将照料共产化的方式。
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fdfdaasdas · 11 months
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herosone111 · 1 year
【陈雅雯经典歌曲《黑街》-哔哩哔哩】 https://b23.tv/cXNoKMA
黑街的孩儿 夜夜也爱在此
玻璃樽 空罐子 野火烧去憾事
阴深的零时 造就畅快日子
喧哗中 烧报纸 去写宣泄定义
不知社会 不知世间 发生着任何事(永不愿读文字)
不给劝解 不给制止 最厌恶发觉 夜幕告止
凶狠对打 被擒绝未怕
警方废话 像全是笑话
青春太多 燃烧到尽了作罢
吸吸这些 让甜梦暂借
躲于货车 被明月探射
青春满泄 从不往后看昨夜
黑街的墙旁 暴露冷冷目光
瑟缩中不作声 决不可以乱望
不想捆绑 不想曙光 理想夜夜游荡(晚风伴着流浪)
不死恶党 不死眼光 最厌恶去看 命运处方
凶狠对打 被擒绝未怕
警方废话 像全是笑话
青春太多 燃烧到尽了作罢
吸吸这些 让甜梦暂借
躲于货车 被明月探射
青春满泄 从不往后看昨夜
凶狠对打 被擒绝未怕
警方废话 像全是笑话
青春太多 燃烧到尽了作罢
吸吸这些 让甜梦暂借
躲于货车 被明月探射
青春满泄 从不往后看昨夜
凶狠对打 被擒绝未怕
警方废话 像全是笑话
青春太多 燃烧到尽了作罢…………
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065massage · 1 year
新加坡男技师QQ:1989997466男模技师微信SPA3995Telegram:AjieSpa今天是2023年4月25日星期二营业中LINE:spa3995你可直接于网上预约上门按摩服务,整个过程安全、方便、快捷。我们的按摩团队平均拥有逾10年或以上经验,手法纯熟且有良好服务态度,你绝对能够放心预约,享受高质素的按摩服务。上门按摩 ; 传统中式按摩. ∙ 以经络穴位及推拿为基础,通过点、揉、推、拿、按等手法刺激经络穴位,并促进血液循环。 ∙ 适合绝大多数客人,有助日常保健、疏通经络,正所谓女人如娇贵的花朵,女人二十如百合,三十如水莲,四十如玫瑰,花儿需要不断的滋润.女人也需要不断的保养.异性spa精油可以让女人阴阳协调,身心平衡,长期坚持能面如桃花,皮肤红润,娇艳欲滴永保青春.精油spa只有在异性服务下才能达到完美的效果,男技师可以从心理上到生理上产生一种变化,会调节内分泌,使女性的皮肤得到很大的改善.
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舒缓柔和,减缓压力,缓解疲劳,卵巢保养. 源自巴厘岛的贴身呵护:神秘东方,愉悦再生!美妙私密而不留遗憾的spa护理! 度身打造人性化spa服务套餐满足您的个性需要:美妙享受,释放身心!美妙感受,浪漫体验!
顾名思义就是夫妻(情侣)二人在相同的环境下(也就是在同一个房间)享受spa . 虽然在一些西方夫妻spa是很正常的一种夫妻感情交流和生活享受, 但是在国内受中国几千年传统文化的熏陶目前还达不到人人接受的水平.有的夫妻可能有心去尝试,但考虑到安全和保密或其它的因素,而没有走出这一步.另一个原因是我所找的技师是否达到我的要求:手法怎么样? 是否有良好的素质 对我的隐私能够做到完全保密吗?有具备这些条件的技师吗?
现在我们来回答您:“有”.巴厘岛spa就是您所要找的,我具有专业的spa手法,良好的个人形象 素质休养 职业道德和语言勾通,对您的隐私完全保密.
浴→淋浴补水喝茶→更衣→征询感 受→结账.
六、程序结束:顾客结账,与客人再见并祝顾客休息愉快Singapore Male Technician QQ: 1989997466 Male Model Technician WeChat SPA3995Telegram: AjieSpa is open today on Tuesday, April 25, 2023 LINE: spa3995 You can directly book on-site massage services online, the whole process is safe, convenient and fast. Our massage team has an average of more than 10 years of experience. They are skilled and have a good service attitude. You can definitely make an appointment with confidence and enjoy high-quality massage services. Door-to-door massage; traditional Chinese massage. ∙ Based on meridians and massage, stimulate meridians and acupoints by pointing, kneading, pushing, holding, pressing, etc., and promote blood circulation. ∙ Suitable for the vast majority of customers, it is helpful for daily health care and dredging the meridians. As the saying goes, women are like delicate flowers, women at twenty are like lilies, thirty are like water lilies, and forty are like roses. Flowers need constant moisturizing. Women also need constant maintenance. Heterosexual spa essential oils can make a woman’s yin and yang harmonize, balance her body and mind, and if she persists for a long time, her face will look like peach blossoms, her skin will be rosy, and she will be beautiful and youthful forever. Essential oil spas can only achieve perfect results under the services of the opposite sex. A physiological change will regulate endocrine and greatly improve women's skin.
1. Relax the body and mind, and reduce the damage caused by stress to the body;
2. Relax tendons and activate blood circulation, harmonize qi and blood;
3. Pleasure the body and mind, regulate endocrine, promote body metabolism and self-regulation and repair.
Soothing and soft, reducing stress, relieving fatigue, ovarian maintenance. Personal care from Bali: mysterious oriental, joyful regeneration! Wonderful private spa care without leaving regrets! Tailor-made humanized spa service packages to meet your individual needs: Wonderful enjoyment, release the body and mind! Wonderful feeling, romantic experience!
Couples (Couples) SPA
As the name implies, couples (couples) enjoy the spa in the same environment (that is, in the same room). Although in some western couples spa is a normal way for couples to communicate and enjoy life, it is popular in China with thousands of spas. The edification of the traditional culture of the year has not yet reached the level accepted by everyone. Some couples may have the heart to try, but they have not taken this step because of safety and confidentiality or other factors. Another reason is that the technician I am looking for Does it meet my requirements: How is the technique? Is there a good quality and can my privacy be kept completely confidential? Are there technicians with these conditions?
Now we will answer you: "Yes". Bali spa is what you are looking for. I have professional spa techniques, good personal image, quality recuperation, professional ethics and language communication, and I will keep your privacy completely confidential.
Featured effect: Spa for husband and wife couples can help enhance the relationship between each other, make the relationship between each other more intimate, and increase the interest in life between each other!
If you don't know what gift to give to your wife (husband) on your wedding anniversary or birthday, you might as well book a spa for her and give her an unexpected surprise!
Private private customized service
1. Aromatherapists create comprehensive health care services for you;
2. Personalized customized services such as clothing, food, housing, transportation, and entertainment;
3. Private personalized personal service, a private service specially set up for ladies;
4. Shopping and entertainment, etc. involve all aspects of life. It can be tailored according to the needs of customers.
Five, spa training
6. Business travel escort
Exquisite technique, sunny and handsome image, Foshan Ruolan SPA Club has complete products and rich experience, and promises to make you feel at ease and satisfied with the professional, wonderful and regret-free opposite-sex spa physiotherapy services! To ensure the interests of customers, I personally Promise to respect the privacy of new and old customers who have served, and never disturb! Welcome to establish a long-term service relationship.
Service Process
1. 24-hour appointment WeChat ID: SPA3995
2. The male aromatherapist arrives at the customer's reserved place and communicates with the customer face to face: service after satisfaction.
3. Prepared services by technicians approved by customers:
1) Choose essential oils according to the customer's needs and physical conditions;
2) Technicians bathe and change work clothes as needed;
3) Instruct the customer to undress and arrange a suitable position.
4. Start the spa: During the spa process, the male technician will communicate with the customer in time, listen to the voice and feelings of the customer, and change the technique in time according to the customer's needs and physical conditions, so as to achieve personalized and humanized physical therapy services for customers. (Spa process technicians are recommended Adjust the mobile phone to silent with the customer) Introduce the service project process and the precautions for spa bathing→Customer changing clothes→Shampoo and shower→Bath spa aromatherapy bath→Exit
Bath→Shower, replenish water and drink tea→Change clothes→Consult for feelings→Checkout.
5. End of service: ask the customer if they are satisfied with the service and whether they need to add the clock or other services, and instruct the customer to rest.
Sixth, the end of the program: the customer checks out, goodbye to the customer and wish the customer a good rest
0 notes
clarechiara · 2 years
Tumblr media
宝贝 came to visit mama today. ❤️ And was quick to complain about #papahulk 🤣 So here's another episode of #conversationswithavarosetl Calls me at 7.25am. 👧🏻: Mama! Papa dunno how to tie my hair to school and Ah Ma went to work.. So I have to wear a hairband. 👩🏻: Oh dear. 🧔🏻‍♂️: Eh hello! We practiced what to tell teacher already.. Don't complain. After school pick up. I get another phone call. 👧🏻: Mama!!! I miss you! Can you believe it Papa came and pick me up without bringing any snacks? 🧔🏻‍♂️: Eh hello! I said I will get you snacks when we go see Mama. 👧🏻: Ya but, you didn't prepare for me. That's the problem. 👧🏻: Mama, you see how Papa bully me? You need to talk to him. Tell him what he needs to do. 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ Poor #papahulk overwhelmed with work and having to care for AR. ❤️ Thank you for caring for our little big girl #lehulkhubster #avarosetl #lilladyboss #陈玫瑰 #mypapaishulk https://www.instagram.com/p/CoKQZggJ3cw/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
0 notes
023massage · 1 year
重庆男技师QQ:1989997466男模技师微信SPA3995Telegram:AjieSpa今天是2023年4月25日星期二营业中LINE:spa3995你可直接于网上预约上门按摩服务,整个过程安全、方便、快捷。我们的按摩团队平均拥有逾10年或以上经验,手法纯熟且有良好服务态度,你绝对能够放心预约,享受高质素的按摩服务。上门按摩 ; 传统中式按摩. ∙ 以经络穴位及推拿为基础,通过点、揉、推、拿、按等手法刺激经络穴位,并促进血液循环。 ∙ 适合绝大多数客人,有助日常保健、疏通经络,正所谓女人如娇贵的花朵,女人二十如百合,三十如水莲,四十如玫瑰,花儿需要不断的滋润.女人也需要不断的保养.异性spa精油可以让女人阴阳协调,身心平衡,长期坚持能面如桃花,皮肤红润,娇艳欲滴永保青春.精油spa只有在异性服务下才能达到完美的效果,男技师可以从心理上到生理上产生一种变化,会调节内分泌,使女性的皮肤得到很大的改善.
舒缓柔和,减缓压力,缓解疲劳,卵巢保养. 源自巴厘岛的贴身呵护:神秘东方,愉悦再生!美妙私密而不留遗憾的spa护理! 度身打造人性化spa服务套餐满足您的个性需要:美妙享受,释放身心!美妙感受,浪漫体验!
顾名思义就是夫妻(情侣)二人在相同的环境下(也就是在同一个房间)享受spa . 虽然在一些西方夫妻spa是很正常的一种夫妻感情交流和生活享受, 但是在国内受中国几千年传统文化的熏陶目前还达不到人人接受的水平.有的夫妻可能有心去尝试,但考虑到安全和保密或其它的因素,而没有走出这一步.另一个原因是我所找的技师是否达到我的要求:手法怎么样? 是否有良好的素质 对我的隐私能够做到完全保密吗?有具备这些条件的技师吗?
现在我们来回答您:“有”.巴厘岛spa就是您所要找的,我具有专业的spa手法,良好的个人形象 素质休养 职业道德和语言勾通,对您的隐私完全保密.
浴→淋浴补水喝茶→更衣→征询感 受→结账.
六、程序结束:顾客结账,与客人再见并祝顾客休息愉快Chongqing Male Technician QQ: 1989997466 Male Model Technician WeChat SPA3995Telegram: AjieSpa is open today on Tuesday, April 25, 2023 LINE: spa3995 You can directly make appointments for on-site massage services online, the whole process is safe, convenient and fast. Our massage team has an average of more than 10 years of experience. They are skilled and have a good service attitude. You can definitely make an appointment with confidence and enjoy high-quality massage services. Door-to-door massage; traditional Chinese massage. ∙ Based on meridians and massage, stimulate meridians and acupoints by pointing, kneading, pushing, holding, pressing, etc., and promote blood circulation. ∙ Suitable for the vast majority of customers, it is helpful for daily health care and dredging the meridians. As the saying goes, women are like delicate flowers, women at twenty are like lilies, thirty are like water lilies, and forty are like roses. Flowers need constant moisturizing. Women also need constant maintenance. Heterosexual spa essential oils can make a woman’s yin and yang harmonize, balance her body and mind, and if she persists for a long time, her face will look like peach blossoms, her skin will be rosy, and she will be beautiful and youthful forever. Essential oil spas can only achieve perfect results under the services of the opposite sex. A physiological change will regulate endocrine and greatly improve women's skin.
1. Relax the body and mind, and reduce the damage caused by stress to the body;
2. Relax tendons and activate blood circulation, harmonize qi and blood;
3. Pleasure the body and mind, regulate endocrine, promote body metabolism and self-regulation and repair.
Soothing and soft, reducing stress, relieving fatigue, ovarian maintenance. Personal care from Bali: mysterious oriental, joyful regeneration! Wonderful private spa care without leaving regrets! Tailor-made humanized spa service packages to meet your individual needs: Wonderful enjoyment, release the body and mind! Wonderful feeling, romantic experience!
Couples (Couples) SPA
As the name implies, couples (couples) enjoy the spa in the same environment (that is, in the same room). Although in some western couples spa is a normal way for couples to communicate and enjoy life, it is popular in China with thousands of spas. The edification of the traditional culture of the year has not yet reached the level accepted by everyone. Some couples may have the heart to try, but they have not taken this step because of safety and confidentiality or other factors. Another reason is that the technician I am looking for Does it meet my requirements: How is the technique? Is there a good quality and can my privacy be kept completely confidential? Are there technicians with these conditions?
Now we will answer you: "Yes". Bali spa is what you are looking for. I have professional spa techniques, good personal image, quality recuperation, professional ethics and language communication, and I will keep your privacy completely confidential.
Featured effect: Spa for husband and wife couples can help enhance the relationship between each other, make the relationship between each other more intimate, and increase the interest in life between each other!
If you don't know what gift to give to your wife (husband) on your wedding anniversary or birthday, you might as well book a spa for her and give her an unexpected surprise!
Private private customized service
1. Aromatherapists create comprehensive health care services for you;
2. Personalized customized services such as clothing, food, housing, transportation, and entertainment;
3. Private personalized personal service, a private service specially set up for ladies;
4. Shopping and entertainment, etc. involve all aspects of life. It can be tailored according to the needs of customers.
Five, spa training
6. Business travel escort
Exquisite technique, sunny and handsome image, Foshan Ruolan SPA Club has complete products and rich experience, and promises to make you feel at ease and satisfied with the professional, wonderful and regret-free opposite-sex spa physiotherapy services! To ensure the interests of customers, I personally Promise to respect the privacy of new and old customers who have served, and never disturb! Welcome to establish a long-term service relationship.
Service Process
1. 24-hour appointment WeChat ID: SPA3995
2. The male aromatherapist arrives at the customer's reserved place and communicates with the customer face to face: service after satisfaction.
3. Prepared services by technicians approved by customers:
1) Choose essential oils according to the customer's needs and physical conditions;
2) Technicians bathe and change work clothes as needed;
3) Instruct the customer to undress and arrange a suitable position.
4. Start the spa: During the spa process, the male technician will communicate with the customer in time, listen to the voice and feelings of the customer, and change the technique in time according to the customer's needs and physical conditions, so as to achieve personalized and humanized physical therapy services for customers. (Spa process technicians are recommended Adjust the mobile phone to silent with the customer) Introduce the service project process and the precautions for spa bathing→Customer changing clothes→Shampoo and shower→Bath spa aromatherapy bath→Exit
Bath→Shower, replenish water and drink tea→Change clothes→Consult for feelings→Checkout.
5. End of service: ask the customer if they are satisfied with the service and whether they need to add the clock or other services, and instruct the customer to rest.
Sixth, the end of the program: the customer checks out, goodbye to the customer and wish the customer a good rest
0 notes
028massage · 1 year
成都男技师QQ:1989997466男模技师微信SPA3995Telegram:AjieSpa今天是2023年4月25日星期二营业中LINE:spa3995你可直接于网上预约上门按摩服务,整个过程安全、方便、快捷。我们的按摩团队平均拥有逾10年或以上经验,手法纯熟且有良好服务态度,你绝对能够放心预约,享受高质素的按摩服务。上门按摩 ; 传统中式按摩. ∙ 以经络穴位及推拿为基础,通过点、揉、推、拿、按等手法刺激经络穴位,并促进血液循环。 ∙ 适合绝大多数客人,有助日常保健、疏通经络,正所谓女人如娇贵的花朵,女人二十如百合,三十如水莲,四十如玫瑰,花儿需要不断的滋润.女人也需要不断的保养.异性spa精油可以让女人阴阳协调,身心平衡,长期坚持能面如桃花,皮肤红润,娇艳欲滴永保青春.精油spa只有在异性服务下才能达到完美的效果,男技师可以从心理上到生理上产生一种变化,会调节内分泌,使女性的皮肤得到很大的改善.
舒缓柔和,减缓压力,缓解疲劳,卵巢保养. 源自巴厘岛的贴身呵护:神秘东方,愉悦再生!美妙私密而不留遗憾的spa护理! 度身打造人性化spa服务套餐满足您的个性需要:美妙享受,释放身心!美妙感受,浪漫体验!
顾名思义就是夫妻(情侣)二人在相同的环境下(也就是在同一个房间)享受spa . 虽然在一些西方夫妻spa是很正常的一种夫妻感情交流和生活享受, 但是在国内受中国几千年传统文化的熏陶目前还达不到人人接受的水平.有的夫妻可能有心去尝试,但考虑到安全和保密或其它的因素,而没有走出这一步.另一个原因是我所找的技师是否达到我的要求:手法怎么样? 是否有良好的素质 对我的隐私能够做到完全保密吗?有具备这些条件的技师吗?
现在我们来回答您:“有”.巴厘岛spa就是您所要找的,我具有专业的spa手法,良好的个人形象 素质休养 职业道德和语言勾通,对您的隐私完全保密.
浴→淋浴补水喝茶→更衣→征询感 受→结账.
六、程序结束:顾客结账,与客人再见并祝顾客休息愉快Chengdu Male Technician QQ: 1989997466 Male Model Technician WeChat SPA3995Telegram: AjieSpa is open today on Tuesday, April 25, 2023 LINE: spa3995 You can directly book on-site massage services online, the whole process is safe, convenient and fast. Our massage team has an average of more than 10 years of experience. They are skilled and have a good service attitude. You can definitely make an appointment with confidence and enjoy high-quality massage services. Door-to-door massage; traditional Chinese massage. ∙ Based on meridians and massage, stimulate meridians and acupoints by pointing, kneading, pushing, holding, pressing, etc., and promote blood circulation. ∙ Suitable for the vast majority of customers, it is helpful for daily health care and dredging the meridians. As the saying goes, women are like delicate flowers, women at twenty are like lilies, thirty are like water lilies, and forty are like roses. Flowers need constant moisturizing. Women also need constant maintenance. Heterosexual spa essential oils can make a woman’s yin and yang harmonize, balance her body and mind, and if she persists for a long time, her face will look like peach blossoms, her skin will be rosy, and she will be beautiful and youthful forever. Essential oil spas can only achieve perfect results under the services of the opposite sex. A physiological change will regulate endocrine and greatly improve women's skin.
1. Relax the body and mind, and reduce the damage caused by stress to the body;
2. Relax tendons and activate blood circulation, harmonize qi and blood;
3. Pleasure the body and mind, regulate endocrine, promote body metabolism and self-regulation and repair.
Soothing and soft, reducing stress, relieving fatigue, ovarian maintenance. Personal care from Bali: mysterious oriental, joyful regeneration! Wonderful private spa care without leaving regrets! Tailor-made humanized spa service packages to meet your individual needs: Wonderful enjoyment, release the body and mind! Wonderful feeling, romantic experience!
Couples (Couples) SPA
As the name implies, couples (couples) enjoy the spa in the same environment (that is, in the same room). Although in some western couples spa is a normal way for couples to communicate and enjoy life, it is popular in China with thousands of spas. The edification of the traditional culture of the year has not yet reached the level accepted by everyone. Some couples may have the heart to try, but they have not taken this step because of safety and confidentiality or other factors. Another reason is that the technician I am looking for Does it meet my requirements: How is the technique? Is there a good quality and can my privacy be kept completely confidential? Are there technicians with these conditions?
Now we will answer you: "Yes". Bali spa is what you are looking for. I have professional spa techniques, good personal image, quality recuperation, professional ethics and language communication, and I will keep your privacy completely confidential.
Featured effect: Spa for husband and wife couples can help enhance the relationship between each other, make the relationship between each other more intimate, and increase the interest in life between each other!
If you don't know what gift to give to your wife (husband) on your wedding anniversary or birthday, you might as well book a spa for her and give her an unexpected surprise!
Private private customized service
1. Aromatherapists create comprehensive health care services for you;
2. Personalized customized services such as clothing, food, housing, transportation, and entertainment;
3. Private personalized personal service, a private service specially set up for ladies;
4. Shopping and entertainment, etc. involve all aspects of life. It can be tailored according to the needs of customers.
Five, spa training
6. Business travel escort
Exquisite technique, sunny and handsome image, Foshan Ruolan SPA Club has complete products and rich experience, and promises to make you feel at ease and satisfied with the professional, wonderful and regret-free opposite-sex spa physiotherapy services! To ensure the interests of customers, I personally Promise to respect the privacy of new and old customers who have served, and never disturb! Welcome to establish a long-term service relationship.
Service Process
1. 24-hour appointment WeChat ID: SPA3995
2. The male aromatherapist arrives at the customer's reserved place and communicates with the customer face to face: service after satisfaction.
3. Prepared services by technicians approved by customers:
1) Choose essential oils according to the customer's needs and physical conditions;
2) Technicians bathe and change work clothes as needed;
3) Instruct the customer to undress and arrange a suitable position.
4. Start the spa: During the spa process, the male technician will communicate with the customer in time, listen to the voice and feelings of the customer, and change the technique in time according to the customer's needs and physical conditions, so as to achieve personalized and humanized physical therapy services for customers. (Spa process technicians are recommended Adjust the mobile phone to silent with the customer) Introduce the service project process and the precautions for spa bathing→Customer changing clothes→Shampoo and shower→Bath spa aromatherapy bath→Exit
Bath→Shower, replenish water and drink tea→Change clothes→Consult for feelings→Checkout.
5. End of service: ask the customer if they are satisfied with the service and whether they need to add the clock or other services, and instruct the customer to rest.
Sixth, the end of the program: the customer checks out, goodbye to the customer and wish the customer a good rest
0 notes
021massage · 1 year
上海男技师QQ:1989997466男模技师微信SPA3995Telegram:AjieSpa今天是2023年4月25日星期二营业中LINE:spa3995你可直接于网上预约上门按摩服务,整个过程安全、方便、快捷。我们的按摩团队平均拥有逾10年或以上经验,手法纯熟且有良好服务态度,你绝对能够放心预约,享受高质素的按摩服务。上门按摩 ; 传统中式按摩. ∙ 以经络穴位及推拿为基础,通过点、揉、推、拿、按等手法刺激经络穴位,并促进血液循环。 ∙ 适合绝大多数客人,有助日常保健、疏通经络,正所谓女人如娇贵的花朵,女人二十如百合,三十如水莲,四十如玫瑰,花儿需要不断的滋润.女人也需要不断的保养.异性spa精油可以让女人阴阳协调,身心平衡,长期坚持能面如桃花,皮肤红润,娇艳欲滴永保青春.精油spa只有在异性服务下才能达到完美的效果,男技师可以从心理上到生理上产生一种变化,会调节内分泌,使女性的皮肤得到很大的改善.
舒缓柔和,减缓压力,缓解疲劳,卵巢保养. 源自巴厘岛的贴身呵护:神秘东方,愉悦再生!美妙私密而不留遗憾的spa护理! 度身打造人性化spa服务套餐满足您的个性需要:美妙享受,释放身心!美妙感受,浪漫体验!
顾名思义就是夫妻(情侣)二人在相同的环境下(也就是在同一个房间)享受spa . 虽然在一些西方夫妻spa是很正常的一种夫妻感情交流和生活享受, 但是在国内受中国几千年传统文化的熏陶目前还达不到人人接受的水平.有的夫妻可能有心去尝试,但考虑到安全和保密或其它的因素,而没有走出这一步.另一个原因是我所找的技师是否达到我的要求:手法怎么样? 是否有良好的素质 对我的隐私能够做到完全保密吗?有具备这些条件的技师吗?
现在我们来回答您:“有”.巴厘岛spa就是您所要找的,我具有专业的spa手法,良好的个人形象 素质休养 职业道德和语言勾通,对您的隐私完全保密.
浴→淋浴补水喝茶→更衣→征询感 受→结账.
六、程序结束:顾客结账,与客人再见并祝顾客休息愉快Shanghai Male Technician QQ: 1989997466 Male Model Technician WeChat SPA3995Telegram: AjieSpa is open today on Tuesday, April 25, 2023 LINE: spa3995 You can directly make appointments for on-site massage services online, the whole process is safe, convenient and fast. Our massage team has an average of more than 10 years of experience. They are skilled and have a good service attitude. You can definitely make an appointment with confidence and enjoy high-quality massage services. Door-to-door massage; traditional Chinese massage. ∙ Based on meridians and massage, stimulate meridians and acupoints by pointing, kneading, pushing, holding, pressing, etc., and promote blood circulation. ∙ Suitable for the vast majority of customers, it is helpful for daily health care and dredging the meridians. As the saying goes, women are like delicate flowers, women at twenty are like lilies, thirty are like water lilies, and forty are like roses. Flowers need constant moisturizing. Women also need constant maintenance. Heterosexual spa essential oils can make a woman’s yin and yang harmonize, balance her body and mind, and if she persists for a long time, her face will look like peach blossoms, her skin will be rosy, and she will be beautiful and youthful forever. Essential oil spas can only achieve perfect results under the services of the opposite sex. A physiological change will regulate endocrine and greatly improve women's skin.
1. Relax the body and mind, and reduce the damage caused by stress to the body;
2. Relax tendons and activate blood circulation, harmonize qi and blood;
3. Pleasure the body and mind, regulate endocrine, promote body metabolism and self-regulation and repair.
Soothing and soft, reducing stress, relieving fatigue, ovarian maintenance. Personal care from Bali: mysterious oriental, joyful regeneration! Wonderful private spa care without leaving regrets! Tailor-made humanized spa service packages to meet your individual needs: Wonderful enjoyment, release the body and mind! Wonderful feeling, romantic experience!
Couples (Couples) SPA
As the name implies, couples (couples) enjoy the spa in the same environment (that is, in the same room). Although in some western couples spa is a normal way for couples to communicate and enjoy life, it is popular in China with thousands of spas. The edification of the traditional culture of the year has not yet reached the level accepted by everyone. Some couples may have the heart to try, but they have not taken this step because of safety and confidentiality or other factors. Another reason is that the technician I am looking for Does it meet my requirements: How is the technique? Is there a good quality and can my privacy be kept completely confidential? Are there technicians with these conditions?
Now we will answer you: "Yes". Bali spa is what you are looking for. I have professional spa techniques, good personal image, quality recuperation, professional ethics and language communication, and I will keep your privacy completely confidential.
Featured effect: Spa for husband and wife couples can help enhance the relationship between each other, make the relationship between each other more intimate, and increase the interest in life between each other!
If you don't know what gift to give to your wife (husband) on your wedding anniversary or birthday, you might as well book a spa for her and give her an unexpected surprise!
Private private customized service
1. Aromatherapists create comprehensive health care services for you;
2. Personalized customized services such as clothing, food, housing, transportation, and entertainment;
3. Private personalized personal service, a private service specially set up for ladies;
4. Shopping and entertainment, etc. involve all aspects of life. It can be tailored according to the needs of customers.
Five, spa training
6. Business travel escort
Exquisite technique, sunny and handsome image, Foshan Ruolan SPA Club has complete products and rich experience, and promises to make you feel at ease and satisfied with the professional, wonderful and regret-free opposite-sex spa physiotherapy services! To ensure the interests of customers, I personally Promise to respect the privacy of new and old customers who have served, and never disturb! Welcome to establish a long-term service relationship.
Service Process
1. 24-hour appointment WeChat ID: SPA3995
2. The male aromatherapist arrives at the customer's reserved place and communicates with the customer face to face: service after satisfaction.
3. Prepared services by technicians approved by customers:
1) Choose essential oils according to the customer's needs and physical conditions;
2) Technicians bathe and change work clothes as needed;
3) Instruct the customer to undress and arrange a suitable position.
4. Start the spa: During the spa process, the male technician will communicate with the customer in time, listen to the voice and feelings of the customer, and change the technique in time according to the customer's needs and physical conditions, so as to achieve personalized and humanized physical therapy services for customers. (Spa process technicians are recommended Adjust the mobile phone to silent with the customer) Introduce the service project process and the precautions for spa bathing→Customer changing clothes→Shampoo and shower→Bath spa aromatherapy bath→Exit
Bath→Shower, replenish water and drink tea→Change clothes→Consult for feelings→Checkout.
5. End of service: ask the customer if they are satisfied with the service and whether they need to add the clock or other services, and instruct the customer to rest.
Sixth, the end of the program: the customer checks out, goodbye to the customer and wish the customer a good rest
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