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ヤイシャ「哀悼」に来たら指輪、ミューテーター、レッドウィドー装備一式など5+1の6つのアイテムをすべて取得、Remnant 2(レムナント2)
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🔗 https://shopee.tw/willie921
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Robot Animation『なんじゃこりゃ?大きな磁石?』
gansilverart gallery store
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. 小編今次新年放假去放鬆一下😍 沐館喺銅鑼灣開左新分店啊! @moood_massage 之前小編都去過尖沙咀嗰間嘅😉 今次去開銅鑼灣 就一於喺呢一間新分店試吓啦😚 . 小編揀咗全面恢復massage $488 45分鐘足底 20分鐘頭肩頸 40 分鐘足浴桶桉摩 . 呢度環境舒服 木質地係小編最鍾意嘅裝修 好靚啊🥰 楊師傅手勢好好 力度可以調校 大力啲相細力啲都可以同師傅講 梳化坐得好舒服 隔離有埋充電線 又有杞子紅棗薑茶! 仲有更衣室可以換褲 有埋袋俾小編裝好衣服 唔使咁亂 . 慶祝銅鑼灣分店開業 向1月10號至2月9號期間 銅鑼灣店所有項目均可享9折優惠啊😍 下次都要再去啊😚 . 尖沙咀店:尖沙咀金巴利道54號地下 (852)5601 6633 (Whatsapp 連結:https://wa.me/85256016633) 銅鑼灣店:軒尼詩道489號銅鑼灣廣場一期G19號地舖 (852)5601 6622 (Whatsapp連結:https://wa.me/85256016622) @moood_massage . #沐館 #mooodmassage #按摩 #massage #養生 #足��� #footmassage #hkmassage #hkspa #bodycare #淋巴 #排毒 #通淋巴 #精油按摩 #排酸 #磁叉 #採耳 #熱石 #放鬆 #休息 #metime #takeabreak #relaxtime #hkig #hklife #hklifestyle #TST #CWB #staycation #spa(在 銅鑼灣廣場一期) https://www.instagram.com/p/CoFOPv6P3Fu/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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磁石でイタズラされるメカJK by めいかあ/Meikaa
#Original#Brown Hair#Brown Eyes#Long hair#Ponytail#Thou Shalt submit to the Ponytail#Skirt#Mech Girl#Robot Girl
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in honour of our boys appearing yet again for Les Mis Letters, here is a look at their names + my favourite lines from the Chinese translation of Les Mis (by Li Dan and Fang Yu)
Enjolras = 安灼拉 (Ān zhuó lā)
安 meaning peace
灼 meaning burning/bright
“他有天使那么美。” = He was as pretty as an angel
“他在欢乐中也不苟言笑” = He did not smile even when he was happy.
“他是自由女神云石塑像���情人” = He was lady liberty's marble lover.
Combeferre = 公白飞 (Gōng bái fēi)
公 can be found in the word 公平, meaning just
白 meaning white (which makes me think of: "Combeferre was as gentle as Enjolras was severe, through natural whiteness.")
飞 meaning flight
安灼拉近于义,公白飞近于仁。= Enjolras was closer to righteousness, Combeferre was closer to kindness.
如果这两个青年当年登上了历史舞台,也许一个会成为公正无私的人,而另一个则成为慎思明辨的人 = If these two young men had ascended the stage of history, one would have been a fair and just man, and the other a careful and discerning man.
公白飞也许能双膝着 地,两手合十,以待未来天真无邪地到来,希望人们去恶从善的巨大 进化不至于受到任何阻扰。= Combeferre would have gone on his knees, hands clasped, and bring about the innocent arrival of the future, and hoped that nothing would impede the evolution of the people.
Jean Prouvaire/Jehan = 让·勃鲁维尔 (Ràng·bó lǔ wéi'ěr) / 热安 (Rè ān)
shares an 安 with Enjolras, meaning peace
让·勃鲁维尔是个多情种子 = Jean Prouvaire was the affectionate type
他说起话来语调轻缓,俯首低眉,腼腆地微笑着,举动拘束,神气笨拙,无缘无故地脸羞得通红,胆怯。然而,猛不可当 = He spoke in a soft and tender tone, bowed his head and lowered his gaze, smiled shyly, moved reservedly, had a clumsy air, his face would flush red for no reason, and was timid. But his ferocity was undaunted.
Feuilly = 弗以伊 (Fú yǐ yī)
他只有一个念头:拯救世界。他还另外有种愿望:教育自己,他说这也是拯救自己 = He only had one thought: to rescue the world. He also had another wish, to educate himself, which he said was also to rescue himself.
弗以伊是个性情豪放的人。他有远大的抱负。这孤儿让人民为父母 = Feuilly had a bold temperament. He had great ambitions. This orphan took the people in, and became their parent.*
Courfeyrac = 古费拉克 (Gǔ fèi lākè)
克 meaning overcome or subdue
古费拉克确实具有人们称为鬼聪明的那种青春热力。这种热力,和小猫的可爱一样 = Courfeyrac had what one might describe as the cleverness and passion of youth. This passion can also be found in the cuteness of a kitten
不过古费拉克是个诚实的孩子 = However, Courfeyrac was an honest boy.
在多罗米埃身上蕴藏着一个法官,在古费拉克身上蕴藏着一个武士。 = In Tholomyès' body contained a judge; in Courfeyrac's body contained a knight.
安灼拉是首领,公白飞是向导,古费拉克是中心。= Enjolras was the leader, Combeferre was the guide, Courfeyrac was the heart.
Bahorel = 巴阿雷 (Bā ā léi)
雷 meaning thunder
巴阿雷是个善于诙谐而难与相处的人,诚实,爱花钱,挥霍到近于奢侈,多话到近于悬河,横蛮到近于不择手段,是当魔鬼最好的材料 = Bahorel was a humourous man, though difficult to get along with, honest, spendthrift, spending to the point of extravagance, talking to the point of eloquence, bold to the point of brashness and had the perfect makings of a devil.**
他的父母是农民,对父母他是知道反复表示敬意的。= His parents were peasants, and he knew to often treat them with much respect.
关于他们,他常这样说:“这是些农民,不是资产阶级,正因为这样,他们才有点智慧。” = Regarding them, he often said: "These are peasants, not bourgeois; thus they are the wiser."
Lesgle/Bossuet = 赖格尔 (Lài gé ěr) / 博须埃 (Bó xū āi)
博须埃是个遭遇不好的快乐孩子。他的专长是一事无成,相反地对一切都付之一笑。= Bossuet was an unfortunate, but happy child. His specialty was to achieve nothing, and would laugh at everything.
他能很快用到他最后一个苏,却从不会笑到他的最后一声笑。= He could quickly spend his last sou, but he would never smile a last smile.
Joly = 若李 (Ruò lǐ)
他认为人和针一样,可以磁化,于是,他把卧室里的床摆成南北向,使他血液的循环不致受到地球大磁场的干扰 = He believed man and needle were the same - able to be magnetized - and so he had his bed turned facing the north and south to prevent his blood circulation from receiving any interferences from the Earth's magnetic field.
可是在所有这些人中,他是最热闹的一个 = But amongst these men, he was the liveliest of them all.
年轻,乖僻,体弱,兴致高,这一切不相连属的性格汇集在他一人身上,结果使他成了个放荡不羁而又惹人喜爱的人 = Young, eccentric, frail, and cheerful: all these individual characteristics constituted his being, resulting in a peculiar man whom people were fond of.
Grantaire = 格朗泰尔 (Gé lǎng tài ěr)
朗 meaning bright or clear
格朗泰尔是个不让自己轻信什么的人。= Grantaire was a person who did not allow himself to believe in anything.
这个乱七八糟的怀疑者在这一伙信心坚定的人中,向谁靠拢呢?向最坚定的一个 = To whom did this mess of a skeptic lean towards in this group of confident and steadfast men? To the most resolute.
没有谁比瞎子更喜爱阳光。没有谁比矮子更崇拜军鼓手。= No one could love the sunlight more than the blind man. No one could worship the drummer more than the dwarf.
这是种深深的矛盾,因为感情也是一种信念。= This is deeply contradictory, for love*** is also a form of belief.
他经常受到安灼拉的冲撞,严厉的摈斥,被撵以后,仍旧回来,他说,安灼拉“是座多美的云石塑像”!= He was often attacked and harshly rebuked by Enjolras. Still, he would return even after being driven out, and say that Enjolras "could be a beautiful, marble statue!"
If anyone is interested in other lines and what they have been translated to, feel free to let me know and I can dig it up for you! And thanks for reading all this way :)
*Other Chinese speakers pls help me verify if this is an accurate translation? Idk why this particular sentence is tripping me up.
**Verification on his translation most welcome too; this REALLY sent me on a doozy.
***感情 can also be translated as feelings, affection, fondness etc. Used as "He has feelings for him."
#posting this one letter late 😔#but in my defence i was busy :p and my Chinese is not...the best...so translating was hard#feel free to provide any corrections or additions!!#bc knowing me i probably made a ton#les mis#les amis de l'abc#les mis letters#lm 3.4.1#should i tag them all#enjolras#combeferre#jean prouvaire#feuilly#courfeyrac#bahorel#bossuet#joly#grantaire#syrup ramble
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高市早苗氏をなぜ中国が警戒するのか?それだけ高市氏が脅威だからだ。高市早苗チャンネルを見れば、いかに中国が“困るか”分る。今年だけでも ●2024/6/22 外国製の監視カメラへの深刻な懸念。激増するサイバー攻撃にどう対応するのか ●2024/6/15 中国企業のデータセンター建設増加によるリスクは1つだけではない ●2024/3/30 “中国から守る”国立研究開発法人や大学からの情報流出を防ぐ ●2024/3/26 中国企業ロゴ問題 経済安全保障の懸念 ●2024/2/24 中国からシェアを取り戻す新技術〇〇磁石!? ●2024/2/17 人命と民主主義が危機!? ●2024/2/10 中国によって台湾を“第2の香港”にしてはいけない ……媚中政治家の政権たらい回しか、国民の命と平和を守り、日本を守る毅然たる政治家か。自民岩盤支持層の保守・現実派の人気の理由が分る
門田隆将 / X
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世界最強「ネオジム磁石はこうして見つけた」(佐川眞人 氏 / インターメタリックス株式会社 代表取締役社長) | Science Portal - 科学技術の最新情報サイト「サイエンスポータル」
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(XユーザーのSERIS@ヒゲ天使さん: 「磁石でくっつきます #スターダストクルセイダース https://t.co/wxaqmIozeN」 / Xから)
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