#LML but Chinese
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syrupsyche · 9 months ago
in honour of our boys appearing yet again for Les Mis Letters, here is a look at their names + my favourite lines from the Chinese translation of Les Mis (by Li Dan and Fang Yu)
Enjolras = 安灼拉 (Ān zhuó lā)
安 meaning peace
灼 meaning burning/bright
“他有天使那么美。” = He was as pretty as an angel
“他在欢乐中也不苟言笑” = He did not smile even when he was happy.
“他是自由女神云石塑像的情人” = He was lady liberty's marble lover.
Combeferre = 公白飞 (Gōng bái fēi)
公 can be found in the word 公平, meaning just
白 meaning white (which makes me think of: "Combeferre was as gentle as Enjolras was severe, through natural whiteness.")
飞 meaning flight
安灼拉近于义,公白飞近于仁。= Enjolras was closer to righteousness, Combeferre was closer to kindness.
如果这两个青年当年登上了历史舞台,也许一个会成为公正无私的人,而另一个则成为慎思明辨的人 = If these two young men had ascended the stage of history, one would have been a fair and just man, and the other a careful and discerning man.
公白飞也许能双膝着 地,两手合十,以待未来天真无邪地到来,希望人们去恶从善的巨大 进化不至于受到任何阻扰。= Combeferre would have gone on his knees, hands clasped, and bring about the innocent arrival of the future, and hoped that nothing would impede the evolution of the people.
Jean Prouvaire/Jehan = 让·勃鲁维尔 (Ràng·bó lǔ wéi'ěr) / 热安 (Rè ān)
shares an 安 with Enjolras, meaning peace
让·勃鲁维尔是个多情种子 = Jean Prouvaire was the affectionate type
他说起话来语调轻缓,俯首低眉,腼腆地微笑着,举动拘束,神气笨拙,无缘无故地脸羞得通红,胆怯。然而,猛不可当 = He spoke in a soft and tender tone, bowed his head and lowered his gaze, smiled shyly, moved reservedly, had a clumsy air, his face would flush red for no reason, and was timid. But his ferocity was undaunted.
Feuilly = 弗以伊 (Fú yǐ yī)
他只有一个念头:拯救世界。他还另外有种愿望:教育自己,他说这也是拯救自己 = He only had one thought: to rescue the world. He also had another wish, to educate himself, which he said was also to rescue himself.
弗以伊是个性情豪放的人。他有远大的抱负。这孤儿让人民为父母 = Feuilly had a bold temperament. He had great ambitions. This orphan took the people in, and became their parent.*
Courfeyrac = 古费拉克 (Gǔ fèi lākè)
克 meaning overcome or subdue
古费拉克确实具有人们称为鬼聪明的那种青春热力。这种热力,和小猫的可爱一样 = Courfeyrac had what one might describe as the cleverness and passion of youth. This passion can also be found in the cuteness of a kitten
不过古费拉克是个诚实的孩子 = However, Courfeyrac was an honest boy.
在多罗米埃身上蕴藏着一个法官,在古费拉克身上蕴藏着一个武士。 = In Tholomyès' body contained a judge; in Courfeyrac's body contained a knight.
安灼拉是首领,公白飞是向导,古费拉克是中心。= Enjolras was the leader, Combeferre was the guide, Courfeyrac was the heart.
Bahorel = 巴阿雷 (Bā ā léi)
雷 meaning thunder
巴阿雷是个善于诙谐而难与相处的人,诚实,爱花钱,挥霍到近于奢侈,多话到近于悬河,横蛮到近于不择手段,是当魔鬼最好的���料 = Bahorel was a humourous man, though difficult to get along with, honest, spendthrift, spending to the point of extravagance, talking to the point of eloquence, bold to the point of brashness and had the perfect makings of a devil.**
他的父母是农民,对父母他是知道反复表示敬意的。= His parents were peasants, and he knew to often treat them with much respect.
关于他们,他常这样说:“这是些农民,不是资产阶级,正因为这样,他们才有点智慧。” = Regarding them, he often said: "These are peasants, not bourgeois; thus they are the wiser."
Lesgle/Bossuet = 赖格尔 (Lài gé ěr) / 博须埃 (Bó xū āi)
博须埃是个遭遇不好的快乐孩子。他的专长是一事无成,相反地对一切都付之一笑。= Bossuet was an unfortunate, but happy child. His specialty was to achieve nothing, and would laugh at everything.
他能很快用到他最后一个苏,却从不会笑到他的最后一声笑。= He could quickly spend his last sou, but he would never smile a last smile.
Joly = 若李 (Ruò lǐ)
他认为人和针一样,可以磁化,于是,他把卧室里的床摆成南北向,使他血液的循环不致受到地球大磁场的干扰 = He believed man and needle were the same - able to be magnetized - and so he had his bed turned facing the north and south to prevent his blood circulation from receiving any interferences from the Earth's magnetic field.
可是在所有这些人中,他是最热闹的一个 = But amongst these men, he was the liveliest of them all.
年轻,乖僻,体弱,兴致高,这一切不相连属的性格汇集在他一人身上,结果使他成了个放荡不羁而又惹人喜爱的人 = Young, eccentric, frail, and cheerful: all these individual characteristics constituted his being, resulting in a peculiar man whom people were fond of.
Grantaire = 格朗泰尔 (Gé lǎng tài ěr)
朗 meaning bright or clear
格朗泰尔是个不让自己轻信什么的人。= Grantaire was a person who did not allow himself to believe in anything.
这个乱七八糟的怀疑者在这一伙信心坚定的人中,向谁靠拢呢?向最坚定的一个 = To whom did this mess of a skeptic lean towards in this group of confident and steadfast men? To the most resolute.
没有谁比瞎子更喜爱阳光。没有谁比矮子更崇拜军鼓手。= No one could love the sunlight more than the blind man. No one could worship the drummer more than the dwarf.
这是种深深的矛盾,因为感情也是一种信念。= This is deeply contradictory, for love*** is also a form of belief.
他经常受到安灼拉的冲撞,严厉的摈斥,被撵以后,仍旧回来,他说,安灼拉“是座多美的云石塑像”!= He was often attacked and harshly rebuked by Enjolras. Still, he would return even after being driven out, and say that Enjolras "could be a beautiful, marble statue!"
If anyone is interested in other lines and what they have been translated to, feel free to let me know and I can dig it up for you! And thanks for reading all this way :)
*Other Chinese speakers pls help me verify if this is an accurate translation? Idk why this particular sentence is tripping me up.
**Verification on his translation most welcome too; this REALLY sent me on a doozy.
***感情 can also be translated as feelings, affection, fondness etc. Used as "He has feelings for him."
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linguistlist-blog · 10 months ago
Summer Schools: School of Cantonese Studies 2024
The theme of School 2024 is Cantonese studies with a comparative approach. Speakers of the School will highlight the special features of Cantonese through comparisons with other major languages such as Standard Chinese and English. Topics in this 4-day School include phonology, grammar, language and society, historical development of Cantonese, IT in Cantonese learning and teaching. Details and the application form can be found at https://www.eduhk.hk/lml/scs2024/. http://dlvr.it/T8Cd7k
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customsweaterproducer · 10 months ago
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gigsoupmusic · 5 years ago
GZ Tian unveils his debut EP Another Artist
Rising Chinese/English artist GZ Tian has revealed his debut EP Another Artist, along with his brand new single ‘LML’. Another signature display of GZ Tian’s emotive lyrics and rap style, ‘LML’ flaunts pulsating melodies, hard-hitting percussion, combined with Chinese instrumentation. GZ Tian says, “LML is about the negative side of ambition, the anxiety and stress it can bring. It’s me asking if I can “live”, but “live” being symbolic of fun and success.” With an official music video coming soon, ‘LML’ sees GZ Tian in his artistic element. An extensive, 14-track release, Another Artist is a head-turning maelstrom of moody trap beats, tight production and exquisite rapping prowess that showcases talent far beyond GZ Tian’s age and experience. When speaking of his EP GZ Tian says, “Another Artist, for me, is about standing out for what you are. It serves as an introduction to me musically. No features, most of the songs produced by me or co-produced by me. As artists, everyone thinks they are unique - the one thing that connects us, is the one thing which makes us all feel separate. This interested me and led me to make an EP which I made without much thought of commercial hits or chart songs etc. Instead, they’re just songs that I would want to listen to if I heard about a kid coming up who makes music.”
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Another Artist features four previous singles; the affecting emo-rap of ‘Yin Yang’, the emotionally charged ‘Moody Kid’ and recent serving, ‘Tokyo Girl’. The latter track displays GZ Tian’s singing abilities for the first time. His 2018 debut single ‘Laid Back’ also features on the EP, amongst 10 unreleased tracks. Manchester-born GZ Tian was raised in a musically gifted family, with his mum being an international circuit performer of the Guzheng (Chinese harp) and his dad enjoying much success in punk and jazz music. Drawing inspiration from a broad range of artists, such as the late XXXTentacion, Roy Hargrove and Outkast, Tian marries this with the influences from his East Asian background and his current London living to create a genre-bending sound which falls in between emo, hip-hop and jazz. GZ Tian’s Another Artist EP is a sprawling collection of talent-laden, contemporary hip-hop that marks the start of an exciting journey for one of the UK scene’s hottest new talents. Read the full article
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chinablue2600 · 8 years ago
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Out of all the Chinese restaurants in this hood I just happen to go into this one and look who I ran into my nigga Laddy this is the 4th person I've ran into out here within two weeks of being out here this shit ain't low but it damn sure is far lml (at Rockaway Beach, Queens)
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syrupsyche · 28 days ago
Oops its been a while since the last LML but Chinese...my apologies, I've been busy working on school stuff and Mandarin doesn't come to me easily either >.< but I've finally finished Vol. 1 Book 2 and as I expected, it is JUST as good – if not better – in Chinese! I restarted from the part where Valjean meets Myriel, all the way to the end of the book.
First, the tu/vous distinction works way better in a Chinese translation compared to a contemporary English translation, bc Chinese has its own honorifics already! 你 is the informal you (tu) while 您 is the formal you (vous), which Valjean picks up on ((yes, they look incredible similar lol. There is a 心 (heart) incorporated into the formal you, so yknow, it's quite symbolic :p)). It's still used in today's society, unlike the outdated and flipped connotations with English's you/thou, so the weight behind their usage has more impact :D
How they translated "Jean Vlajean/voilà Jean" is fun too! His dad is also 冉阿让, or 让来 ("give away!" or "make way!" for something/someone). Plays off the same 让 found in his name, and is thus nicknamed "啊让来了" ("Valjean is here"). Very cute, very typical of Chinese homophonic puns/nicknames.
Also a funny minor translation difference: the old turnkey who witnessed Valjean being placed in the chain-gang "is now nearly eighty years old" has become "已年近九十了" (almost ninety) 😭 guess you just age faster when you're Chinese....
A sad minor translation difference: when the youngest Valjean nephew is hiding from the rain waiting for school to open, he "slumbered in a corner, pressing himself close to the cat that he might suffer less from cold". In Chinese, he instead "紧紧抱着一只猫" ("hugged a cat tightly") to make himself warm 🥺 I wanna draw this but it would be so devastating...
Jean le Cric/Jean the Jack is translated as 冉千斤, derived from 千斤顶, which also means hoisting jack. And little Gervais is 小瑞尔威, which I can't see if there's any Deeper Meaning behind it, other than the fact that 瑞 can be like, a lucky omen.
Hopefully when I return again, I'll be able to cover Book 3 and beyond! I'm so excited to meet Fantine and co. in Chinese 🥹
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syrupsyche · 3 months ago
back again with LML but Chinese! i haven't given up yet!
another great pun moment with Magloire's title for Bishop Myriel as "Your Grace" (or in French, as Votre Grandeur), to which Myriel responds when he can't reach a shelf:
“fetch me a chair. My greatness [grandeur] does not reach as far as that shelf.”
In Chinese, Magloire calls him 大人, a term used to refer to people one respects/people of a higher status, and also used in a "Your Excellency" etc. kind of way. 大人 also literally means Big Man, which makes Myriel's response just as good:
(Please bring over a chair; Your Excellency is not yet "big" enough to reach the shelf)
大人 can also be used to refer to adults/grown ups in contrast to 小孩 (young kids), so Myriel making fun of how he's not "big" enough yet reminds me of how he's said to have "the laugh of a schoolboy". So many different references!
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syrupsyche · 3 months ago
Starting off Les Mis Letters but Chinese strong by finishing 1.1.1 💪 here are some Chinese names:
Charles-François-Bienvenu Myriel
查理·佛朗沙·卞福汝 米里哀 / Chá lǐ • fú lǎng shā • biàn fú rǔ mǐ lǐ āi
巴狄斯丁 / Bā dí sī dīng
马格洛 / mǎ gé luò
I also really like how they translated Myriel's response to Napoleon (written by Hapgood as "You are looking at a good man, and I at a great man. Each of us can profit by it."), which is:
“您瞧一个汉子,我瞧一个天子。彼此都 还上算。”
which roughly translated to English is:
"You look upon a man, I look upon an emperor. Both are worthy of each other."
I like how man (汉子) and emperor/son of Heaven(天子) retains part of the good man/great man (bonhomme/grand homme) parallel with the 子 use, and Kit and @claireverlasting from the Les Mis Letters server also pointed out how 汉子 is used more casually, like dude or chap, in comparison to the very obviously Heavens-associated Emperor. Idk, I just like how these minor, but important inflections are still able to be translated over into Mandarin :DD
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syrupsyche · 2 months ago
Imma be honest guys, I have NOT been keeping up with Chinese LML for the Bishop chapters 😔💔 but here are some things from 1.2.1!
We finally meet Valjean, and learn that his name is 冉啊让 (răn a ràng). These Chinese names are all translated to phonetically match with their French names, so the Chinese characters used don't always have a symbollic or metaphorical meaning (which unfortunately means a lot of the puns are lost 😢). Still, Valjean's Chinese name is very simple IMO, which is quite fitting for his character in general.
In Hapgood's translation, he also has an outburst when he can't even sleep in a doghouse, stating: “I am not even a dog!”. In Chinese, it is:
“我连狗也不如了!”, which translates closer to:
"I'm not even comparable to a dog!"
Which is just as heartbreaking 😢
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