anamon-book · 11 months
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私の猫ものがたり 集英社 装画・装丁=三村淳
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tsun-zaku · 2 years
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晶文社・広告=話の特集 1979年9月号 
「スポーティングライフ入門」戸井十月/「ほんやら洞の詩人たち」片桐ユズル・ 中山容・中村哲 編/「猫と話しませんか」P・モイーズ、深町真理子 訳/「対談 植草甚一」/「スーパーマンが飛ぶ」小野耕世
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goodraindrops · 2 years
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子猫 おねむ💤 いじらしい❣️ #こねこ #ねこ #猫村の午後 #nikonf3 #恋するカメラ #猴硐 #猴硐貓村 #台北 (猴銅貓村&十分火車站) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnOEtrwvaeG/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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negmo-photograph · 2 years
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Tonle Sap Lake and lake village. Cambodia.
M.ZUIKO DIGITA ED 45-150mm F4.0-5.6 R
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meowmoedotcom · 2 months
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yatsugatake-east · 5 months
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honnakagawa · 6 months
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3月23日(土)open 12-19
朝は雪、それから雨、そして晴れた土曜日。 たくさんの本が届き、その後再使用紙ステーショナリーのLa libertad田中さんに久々に追加納品に来てもらって、ようやく落ち着いたかな?と思ったら嬉しいご来店が続き、気がつけば外は暗く、閉店と相成りました。
今日は楽しみにしていた新刊『センス・オブ・ワンダー』が届いて、嬉しくて拾い読みをしながら作業。 森田真生さんの新訳。 様々な学者や専門分野の方々に話を聞きながら翻訳作業をされたとあり、益々楽しみ。 そして、そのつづきのエッセイ。 西村ツチカさんの絵が原始世界を見ているようで、細胞がざわざわドキドキしている感覚。 〝人が生きるという営みが、いかに人間ではないものたちに支えられているかを、子どもたちに学び続ける日々であった。〟とエッセイ部分より一部抜粋。 本当にこれは私も毎日実感していることで、私に子どもはいませんが、隣りにある庭や、庭にやってくる生き物たち、植物たちから教えてもらっています。 夕方、西陽のさす庭をじっと観察していた地域猫の友だち。 その瞳はとても美しく、風や光とともにキラキラと動いているのをしばし眺めました。
明日改めて、届いたものたちやお知らせを。 本日も皆さまありがとうございました!
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rinna5021 · 9 months
きょうの猫村さん 猫村ねこ
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kawamurayuki · 1 year
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modernheavy · 1 year
今日読んだ漫画 2023年7月26日(水)
🐱『かへらばや~猫の島 その後~』小花美穂
[番外編11]株式会社マジルミエ - 岩田雪花/青木裕 | 少年ジャンプ+
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alaindurone · 2 years
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‬⁩ ‬⁩ ‬‬⁩ ‬⁩‬⁩‬ #Bonjour‬⁩ #Hello‬⁩ ⁦‪#早上好‬⁩ #좋은‬⁩ ‎⁦‪#buổisángtốtlành‬⁩ ⁦‪#Selamatpagi‬⁩ ‎⁦‪#शुभप्रभात‬⁩ صباحالخير# ⁦‪#อรุณสวัสดิ์‬⁩ ‎⁦‪#Life‬⁩ with ⁦‪#Flowers‬⁩🌸 ⁦‪#Cleanair‬⁩☘️ or #Nature🌲 ‎Supporting ⁦‪#MSF‬⁩🇫🇷 & ⁦‪#WFP‬⁩🇺🇳 ⁦‪ #Everythingwillgowell ‎⁦‪#iphonephotography #馬込文士村散策の道 #猫のいる街幸せ街🐈🎶 (馬込文士村散策のみち) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqTyP-VBqvH/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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fsravine · 2 years
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#会津若松 #郡山 と打ち合わせを終えて、#古川 でレンタカーを借り直して、#濃霧 ? #靄 かな?の #村山 を抜けて、#東根 入り 前回お世話になった、#やきとり与次郎 に直行 入った途端 あっ!日本酒の人だ! とマスターに覚えられてた(笑) とりあえず、#赤星 からスタートして #きも秘伝だれ #煮込ハーフ をつまむ #とり皮 #身だけ #焼タリアン をつまみ始めた頃に、#利き酒セット を すると、セットとは別に #山形の酒 だけで纏めて特別セットを作ってくれた! #特別純米 の #若乃井猫と金魚 #純米吟醸 の #仙龍栄光冨士 #純米大吟醸 の #上喜元辨慶 の三種 これもまた、面白い組み合わせ! マリアージュ的に、 #焼鳥 には、#栄光冨士 が一番合ったかな ホント、いつきても楽しいお店だなぁ〜 東根の定番だな (やきとり与次郎) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cnibpc4hXMFexP1dgIixoWykXq8APbRvGqBUe80/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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leomacgivena · 4 months
山猫だぶさんのツイート (via gkojax)
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yatsugatake-east · 10 months
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我が家の「娘」達の近況です。 まずは「長女」のきび、11歳です。人間で言うと60歳になってしまいました。典型的な犬の「アゴのっけ」状態でノンビリ寛いでいます。最近、散歩時にちょっとしたジャンプで腰砕けになったり、斜面で足を踏み外したり、足腰が弱ってきているのは否めません。(まあ、自分もそうですが・・・。)
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yoshichans-world · 1 year
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benkyoutobentou · 9 months
12 Books for 2024 (Japanese Edition)
You may have seen my post about the twelve books I read in 2023 (here), and I thought it would be fun to follow it up with a little tbr for 2024! Ideally, I'd like to read more than twelve books in 2024, but twelve is enough for now since I've got some series on this list that I'd like to either make some serious progress in or finish up completely. This list is in no particular order!
地球星人 - 村田沙耶香: I read コンビニ人間 by Murata a few years back and loved it, and this one has been high up on my tbr for a long time now. With how many people say they're completely traumatized by it, it sounds like the perfect book for me. The only reason I haven't read this yet is because I've hyped it up so much for myself.
生命式 - 村田沙耶香: A short story collection by Murata? Sign me up ten times over. This one sounds weird and gruesome and right up my alley.
本を守ろうとする猫の話 - 夏川草介: Another cat book, who can blame me? This was also touted as being perfect for book lovers, and I haven't heard a bad review yet.
吾輩は猫である - 夏目漱石: Keeping with the cat theme, this one I actually have planned in tandem with a challenge I have to read twelve big ass classics throughout the year. Between the sheer size of this and the fact that the text is so densely packed in, this book kinda scares me. I'm planning to read it in December of next year so that I have as much time as possible to prepare haha.
世界から猫が消えたなら - 川村元気: Last cat book, I promise, but I had to keep them all together (it's actually not about cats, though). I've had this one for a long time and just picked it up on a whim. I've heard a bit of mixed reviews, but the premise sounds interesting enough, and it seems to be pretty popular.
博士の愛した数式 - 小川洋子: This was one of the first books I bought in Japanese, so it's high time that I get it off my tbr. I've seen so many people love this, in and out of the language learning community. This author also has a bunch of other popular works, so I'd really like to jump into her books and experience the hype for myself.
告白 ‐ 湊かなえ: I've seen a bit of buzz about this book in the language learning community, but what really convinced me on it was seeing people outside of language learners also enjoying it. It sounds dark and mildly depressing, and I'm hoping that it'll have some interesting commentary as well.
独り舞 - 李琴峰: Somehow, I haven't read any queer literary fiction in Japanese yet, despite it being my favorite genre, so I'm so excited to jump into this one. For the life of me I can't remember where I heard about this, but I think it'll be one of my first reads in 2024.
デゥラララ!!- 成田良悟: I used to be obsessed with the anime adaptation in middle school but never revisited the series out of fear that it wouldn't stand the test of time. After seeing a fellow language learner gush about the series, I decided to give it a shot, managed to find it at a local used bookstore, and snatched up the first volume. Don't let me down, nostalgia!
憎らしい彼 - 凪良ゆう: This is the second book in the 美しい彼 series, and even though I'd like to read the third one next year as well, I'm just combining them. Seeing this series next to series like No. 6 and キノの旅 I'm really grateful to have a trilogy on my tbr haha.
No. 6 - あさのあつこ: Saying that I would like to finish this series next year is a bit of a stretch, seeing as I have eight of ten volumes left, but I'd like to put a serious dent in it to be sure.
キノの旅 - 時雨沢恵一: This series is more of a read as I please type series for me, since there's not really any overarching plot. I'm also not racing to make progress, since there are over twenty volumes (and still going). I'm savoring this series and I'm okay with that.
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