fishbloc · 8 months
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jingyuanyuan · 1 month
(Observations from Chinese fandom idk what it’s like in the English side, also idk translations for some of the names of things)
A lot of blade fans dislike jingliu (hmm perhaps for killing their guy hundreds of times) but I think people forget jingliu was possibly the most direct victim of the incident. She had to kill the cursed dragon made from baiheng’s flesh (I don’t read liuheng fics but I kind of passively ship them because it makes this more knife and more tasty) which basically immediately triggered her mys and drove her insane (altho she was already very old 1000+ by this point) so effectively Dan feng and ying xing caused her death as well, and thus altho she considers herself one of the 3 sinners due to going insane and killing fellow soldiers, you could also consider that to be Dan feng and yingxing’s fault too. From this point on jingliu is dead, and iirc the document in game says the casualty count was in the thousands and I don’t think jingliu killed blade that many times, if you want to calculate it like that.
I’m not a blade 推 he’s just very interesting to me, his suffering fascinates me lol, I’m a jing yuan 推 tho so I suppose I also have complicated feelings about the current, mys jingliu because of the trouble she and luocha did and will bring to xianzhou and thus jing yuan… she really is not herself anymore. The jingliu who taught jing yuan 吾等云骑,如云翳障空,卫庇仙舟 is gone… that jingliu would never use the lives of everyone on luofu as just another means to achieve her goals.
And if you look at blade altho he is probably normal most of the time when he’s not exposed to mys triggering things from his interaction with firefly he seems pretty quite and reserved (altho still cracks jokes which were then heavily memed hhh 点刀哥经典语录:死不了) which is very different from famously arrogant yingxing. That arrogance was probably why he helped Dan feng, for Dan feng he also had to consider this could be the way to save the future of his race but for yingxing I interpret his motivation as helping a friend and the short lived race’s desire to do what no one has done before and leave his mark before he’s gone. Blade probably considers his arrogance as one of the fatal character flaws that led to the disaster. I suppose time both sands down ones edges and wears away everything but the most pure desires and goals, and everything else is in service of that goal. For blade the goal is his eventual death, for jingliu it’s to kill yaoshi, and altho jing yuan hasn’t mys-ed you could say for him it’s all in service of luofu
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visualratatosk · 3 months
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Collective memories [animals; ambiguous and ungrammatical signs], 18
The term "collective memory" denotes the aggregate of memories, knowledge, and data that a social group holds, which is intrinsically linked to the group's identity. The term "collective memory" in English and its French counterpart "la mémoire collective" emerged in the latter half of the 19th century. Maurice Halbwachs, a philosopher and sociologist, further developed this concept in his 1925 work, «Les cadres sociaux de la mémoire». Both expansive and intimate social collectives can create, disseminate, and inherit collective memory.
Contrary to the term "collective memory," which is somewhat ambiguously defined yet generally accepted, the notion of "collective memories" is inherently problematic. Memories are the results of the individual acts of recollection, making the idea of "collective memories" paradoxical. Сontemporary diffusion models utilize vast amounts of often unidentified data, including historical and personal old photographs, vintage postcards, and other kinds of publicly circulating images. These models may be seen as involved in the prompts-driven singular acts of remembrance, producing images that paradoxically represent "collective memories," something otherwise unfeasible and ultimately, non-existent.
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taxi-davis · 10 months
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radiojyo · 1 year
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niteshade925 · 2 years
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liuxingh · 2 years
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#邱家军与黑人肛交不慎肛裂 不幸感染罹患艾滋绝症#近日,民运组织内部曝出不和谐声音,民运人士韦石爆料邱家军与黑人肛交不慎肛裂 不幸感染了艾滋病,目前正在外地医院接受治疗,难怪之前他多次出入医院,看来目前的病情不容乐观#其实邱家军得艾滋病也不算是什么稀奇的事情,毕竟此人之前就被曝光在大学期间长期以学术为借口,骚扰、侵犯、诱奸男学生,还利用职权胁迫一名男学生成为其免费泄欲的工具,致该男#不仅如此,邱家军还多次带着男性同学去泡温泉、逛夜店。听说他对男模特别的情有独钟,总喜欢创造和男模独处的机会。很难想象这是一个“政治老师”的举动,而更难想象的是,一个学#还有,邱家军曾向近100名男生要私密账号,来窃取男生的私密照片,供其“意淫”。他的“咸湿”风格与“下流行径”,真的让人瞠目。#韦石还提到,邱家军好像更喜欢高大强壮的黑人,因为在和他的交谈中,邱家军就多次说黑人更有耐力和战斗力,和黑人玩肛交有种醉生梦死、忘乎所以的感觉,那感觉怎一个爽字了得!邱#从邱家军的描述可以看出他当时是非常享受那种快感的,他说完后得意的表情也流露出他对那位黑人是非常钟情和满意的。#还有一位和邱家军接触比较多的民运人士指出,在每次和邱家军聊天的过程中,聊着聊着他就说起一些和黑人肛交的事情来,感觉他对肛交特迷恋,毫不夸张地说,他可能是民运圈里面最迷#有推民发现邱家军的推特更新的没有那么频繁了,估计是和他关系密切的男性黑人炮友一同去做艾滋病筛查和就诊去了,因为他自己已经确诊艾滋病了,他要确认一下跑友是不是也得了艾滋#邱家军因为自己的“风流韵事”在国内已经做了几次补肛手术了,没想到跑到美国来还是死性不改啊!这下好了,挨中招了,不过也苦了和他玩过的人了。只希望有更多的人能看到这条消息
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unknownf · 2 years
隔了不知多久後某天derek衝進房間 伴隨砰的一聲甩門 一語不發地走向牆角的mc
mc無力地移動鍊著的手腳 微弱的本能叫著逃跑 另一邊經驗又告訴她說不要動
緊繃而心死 等待自己命運的滾石輾過 但隔了許久derek都沒開口 也沒移動分毫 只是俯瞰著mc
正想是不是終於覺得自己乏味的時候他俯身坐下來了 渾身散發爛心情 但還有什麼微微閃爍
他略微傾身撇過頭 mc視線順著往下 啃爛的指甲上沾著未乾的唾液和血
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jojohsieh-blog · 12 days
台灣夜市有名脆皮蚵仔煎|脆皮粉漿調祕密配方|畫龍點睛的秘密武器沾醬!How to make crispy oyster omelette a f...
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swdgf · 2 months
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《我的一个朋友》 by 孔恰
#kongqia has the best prose of all the dnmei authors i’ve read so far imo#简明雅致又绵延 意犹未尽#以已垂暮之年的马小蛇的叙述来展开故事是个很妙的写法 从百十年后再回忆那些往事 感情就没那么撕心裂肺了 只是淡淡的怅然所失#于是读者们会如温水煮青蛙般地陷入平淡的讲述中 最后被虐得半死 尤其是结尾那段简直是神来之笔平地起雷 云淡风轻却句句锥心刻骨#explicitly or not it’s about three different unfulfilled loves: 马小蛇->丁若望->苏方宜->沈姿完 (who is dead long before the story even begins)#丁若望明知自己被算计被利用被当替身了 还是心甘情愿地给自己套上枷锁 一头扎进柔情蜜语编织的天罗地网中 往日的仗剑江湖快意恩仇再不复见#即当上武林盟主又做了朝廷大官不失为一番佳话的他至死还是对那位“沈郁”公子念念不忘#看似是苦苦一生求而不得 可他又说了那句“下一世 还要更糊涂 不让他算得那么辛苦” 或许也是求仁得仁吧#而马小蛇就更悲了 本该是主角却沦为旁观者#把一切都看得透透的却说不出走不了劝不动 只能眼睁睁看着自己心爱的人飞蛾扑火般地越陷越深 与他渐行渐远#悲就悲在当他开口讲这个故事的时候 丁若望和苏方宜的坟头上早已杂草丛生了#即便他有手段使人心不烂肉不腐 每到中秋还去他的坟前夜哭一回 人死万事休 再肝肠寸断的思念也只能永远烂在肚子里了#他从始至终没说过一个字 夜里拆招 大漠挡剑 走过长墙的时候都没说 这一辈子也不会说了#听完故事后的​天心弃说他“没有一天开心快活” 可那十年与君浪迹天涯闯荡江湖又算什么呢?#又想当年春光那样好 两个笑得得意忘形的少年走过长廊 他静静望着那个可以管上六十年的笑容 加快了脚步#也许感情这件事只不过是甘不甘心 情不情愿罢了#all that to say it was very much my kind of story ^_^#r
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ututumyou · 1 month
秋の夜長  世界の殿方!とすべての女性達に贈る!
Genden-TukuRich®︎の世界へ ようこそ!VOL.11 秋の夜長 一雨ごとに涼しくなっていく 昼間はまだムシムシするが 夜になると段々と冷え込んで来る。 明け方までとなると なにか被って寝ないと 風邪をひきそうなくらいだ。 これから段々夜が長くなってくる。 主役は虫達 主役は虫達である。 大演奏が夕方から始まり 夜中を越えて 明け方まで続く。 スズムシ、コオロギ、ひぐらし 何とも言えない音色に 全て忘れて聞き惚れてしまう! 『黄昏(たそがれ)られる』のだ。 我は秋が大好きである。 芸術とも言えようか・・・ 芸術とも言えようか・・・ 夏は音楽を聴いていても 暑さで意欲を奪われ音楽の良さが 消え失せてしまう。 この秋は”涼しい”と言うのが いい表現だろうか。。 最高である。 思考能力も冴えまくり 感性が研ぎ澄まされる。 秋…
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学生時代に流行った曲をカラオケレッスンでちゃんと歌えるようになりたいと言って 選んでくれた今回の曲は、岡本真夜さんのTOMORROWと言う曲です。 1995年5月リリース。 田中美佐子さんと堂本剛さん主演のドラマ『セカンド・チャンス』の主題歌。 1995年1月17日の阪神・淡路大震災頃の応援ソング的な曲になったそうです。 アップテンポでPOPな曲です。 意外と低い声が多いんです。 低い声を明るい声で出しているので軽くてPOPに聞こえます。 声を太く低くしないで明るく軽い声で歌うと良い感じにハマってきます。   最後のサビで半音高くなって盛り上げます。 この時の高い声が「ラ」とか「シ♭」の声になりますが 普通の女性ならしっかりと腹式呼吸で発声できれば ちゃんと出せる高さだと思います。   本来は恋愛の歌詞なんですがポジティブな気持ちが阪神淡路大震災の 時に応援歌として受け入れられたんです…
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visualratatosk · 4 months
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Occasional standalones: Habitat I
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taxi-davis · 1 year
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a-s-k-cafe · 3 months
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danzoku · 3 months
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