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shijiujun · 5 months ago
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This is the male lead of the novel guys, THE MALE LEAD
When your $200 makeup and $1000 outfit go unappreciated and you get Chinese New Year compliments instead
— Love Game in Eastern Fantasy 永夜星河 (2024) | EP. 04
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m0netsberm · 4 months ago
What I think I look like when I'm crying vs when reality hits.
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Love Game in Eastern Fantasy | The Guide to Capturing a Black Lotus
"Heartbreak fantasy: cinematic sorrow."
"Heartbreak reality: ugly-cry champion."
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fairytaehl · 2 months ago
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Ziqi trying to see if Miaomiao is under a spell (and being heartbroken that he can't find anything) ( ;´ - `;)
Love Game in Eastern Fantasy 永夜星河 (2024) | ep. 18
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psychokangaroo · 2 days ago
Ding yuxi has major little brother/feral cat energy.
He's gr8 in white cat and lgef but like it's just slightly hard to take him seriously in melody in golden age.
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ginsoakedgirl80 · 2 months ago
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Got Mandela effect'ed (??) by the avantgarde wedding dress in Love Game of Eastern Fantasy because I was convinced that it is a Xiao Lanhua costume.
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But it still looks familiar - Cdrama tumblr, which fairy wore the tacky outfit?
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fififeelsmellow · 4 months ago
So they just decided to blow her up if she didn't want to play 😭⁉️⁉️
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blackmixlesothl · 7 years ago
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Ever Heard Of #Christmas in #february Well Here's OUR EARLY #Gift To u All... TICKETS #AVAILABLE NOW @ ALL Computicket OUTLETS... #Earlybird #Tickets A VERY #LIMITED So Do Yourself A Solid & Buy Yours Before We Do A #SOLDOUT Update... For All Our Friends & Families Coming From All Over #SADC For The Tekno Experience We Have Amazing #Travel Packages For Y'all... For More Info Email: [email protected] or [email protected] LESOTHO GRAND EASTER FESTIVAL 2018 #lgef #teknoexperience #lesotho #lesothovibes
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gazeta24br · 3 years ago
A BNDES Participações (Bndespar), subsidiária do Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social (BNDES), vai subscrever cotas do Fundo de Investimento em Participações Multiestratégia Vox Tech for Good Growth (FIP Vox TFGG), no montante de até R$ 125 milhões. A operação foi aprovada hoje (5) pelo banco. O boletim de subscrição tem previsão de ser assinado ainda este mês. De acordo com o BNDES, o fundo deverá fomentar empresas emergentes de todo o país que apresentem soluções inovadoras e capazes de gerar impacto positivo para a sociedade e para o meio ambiente. A operação ocorre no âmbito da chamada pública para seleção de fundos de impacto, lançada pelo banco em julho do ano passado. O objetivo é estimular negócios que apoiem gestão de resíduos, moradia, acessibilidade digital, meio ambiente, transporte, recursos hídricos, saneamento básico e educação. Visando atrair investimentos privados, o BNDES decidiu aplicar até 25% do valor total de cada fundo. O restante será captado no mercado. O FIP Vox TFGG foi um dos três fundos de investimento em participações (FIPs) voltados a negócios de impacto selecionados pelo BNDES na chamada pública. Alinhada ao Plano Trienal 2020-2022 do BNDES, a seleção incentivou o investimento em ações de impacto no país, em prol da agenda ambiental, governança e social (AGS), da sustentabilidade financeira e do desenvolvimento do mercado de capitais. Os outros dois fundos selecionados pelo banco foram o LGEF I - Fundo de Investimento em Participações Multiestratégia e o Althelia Biodiversity Fund Brazil FIP Multiestratégia. O LGEF I já teve o boletim de subscrição (BS) aprovado e assinado em março deste ano, enquanto o Althelia Biodiversity continua em análise, sem previsão ainda de quando ocorrerá a assinatura do BS, informou à Agência Brasil o BNDES, por meio de sua assessoria de imprensa. Fonte: Ag. Brasil
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tumsozluk · 3 years ago
The Los Gatos Education Foundation turns 40 – The Mercury News
The Los Gatos Education Foundation turns 40 – The Mercury News
The Los Gatos Education Foundation (LGEF) celebrates its 40th anniversary raising funds to hire teachers and support programs in local schools. The LGEF was created in 1982, along with many other such organizations in California, as a result of Proposition 13, which limited property taxes, dramatically reducing funding for public schools. Over the next 40 years, LGEF has provided schools with…
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midiag4posts · 3 years ago
BNDES contrata fundo de investimento para sete setores-chave
BNDES contrata fundo de investimento para sete setores-chave
O fundo de investimento Lightrock Growth Equity Fund II Brasil FIP Multiestratégia (LGEF II) é o primeiro contratado pelo Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social (BNDES) depois da Chamada Pública para a Seleção de Fundos de Investimento de Impacto. Selecionado na modalidade Fundos de Investimento em Participações (FIP) Impacto Livre, ele receberá aporte do BNDES de até R$ 250 milhões…
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shijiujun · 5 months ago
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The Transmigration Starter Pack
Confusion + Disbelief > Shock + Reluctance > Helplessness > Anger
— Love Game in Eastern Fantasy 永夜星河 (2024) | EPS. 01-03
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m0netsberm · 4 months ago
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Zi qi… you know what? Actually, I have a secret, too. Come closer. I'm not Lin Yu.
Got you!
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fairytaehl · 2 months ago
lgief rewatch eps. 4-5
okay, this is definitely the final in my little triology of posts here. i shared ep. 4 here and most of ep 5. here but tumblr has a photo limit and i cant speak without my visuals! and i wont make gifs, i want stills. so this is the last big post for ep. 5~
ep 1 / ep 2 / ep 3 / ep 4 pre-festival / ep 4 festival / ep 5, 5 part 2 / ep 6 / ep 7 / ep 8 / ep 9 / ep 10
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STARTING OFF STRONG WITH THE BEST SCENE. oh, you guys dont even know how many times i replayed this on my FIRST watch. 10 times? 15 times? way more than necessary. whoever directed this deserves every award possible. i mean, COME ON.
she's desperately looking for her dad, in an absolute fire hazard of a costume, and who grabs her to save her? MU SHENG!!! the way he grips her arm and stares so intensely. oh my gosh, i could not believe this was 0%. 0%? HOW IS THIS ZERO PERCENT? and i wont dive much into it here but when i read this post about yaos it made me totally think his 0% has to be much different than what humans would feel at 0%. (my friend also said his measured in celsius instead of fahrenheit.)
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"are you out of your mind?" YEAH. SHE IS. logically she should've caught on fire and had to backflip into the river like one of the guards.
going as far as to beg him to help her, even knowing he planned on doing something to get her dad punished for justice, grasping him and pleading, meanwhile hes looking at her like she's crazy.
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he looks just as hot as the scene around him... jesus.
and the way he sees how frantic she looks and forcibly turning her around, hands on her shoulders. oh we're in deep, arent we?
i wont include it, but then her saying "why is it full?" and him looking away, i think he had the same question too, but i wonder if he felt weird because even she was questioning it...
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sorry, the way he sneaks up here... gosh he has NO bad angles. and then confronts him about why he seems disappointed, ugh, we love a justice-seeking baddie.
moving on to much later, as even though we had some physical contact between the two from here with her stopping him from destroying all of the funds her dad used, i dont know if i have that much to say! i mean, him and fuyi having a tense moment with the crates was symbolic of their relationship, ill mention.
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his head tilt... so cute... and miaomiao looks extra adorbs too. i know we compare him to a cat a lot but this was very puppy-like of him.
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wiping his hands after burning the fake accounting book and acting like it was nothing when she stares at him. uh huh, sure, it was just for justice, totally.
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oh please, her calling him out on being a softie... you got him down already, cause he really is! acting so tough because he suspects her, but lets be real, you cant hate her now that you know her. again, knowing when shes looking, and asking "what are you looking at" as if he doesnt know!!! this whole scene i couldnt help myself but say "tsundere, smh"
and even after saying "this isnt over since you stole my precious sisters snack from me" hes STILL just baaaaarely got a smile on his face... yes, the percentage changes next ep back to negative but... he was already falling here, lets not get it twisted.
would you believe i still hit photo limit? sigh... life as a shipper is so hard. i love these two. i might keep doing this, not because i have any true analysis of anything deep (though i could), but simply because i love how ding yuxi portrays ziqi, and how esther yu portrays miaomiao. they sold it so well, where every expression and movement matters, and you can see the characters (mostly ziqi) changing based off how they react. oh its so good...
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thestarzambia · 4 years ago
MTC hands over maternity annex
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Mushindamo Town Council has handed over a maternity annex to Kamisenga community in Mulonga ward.
The facility has been constructed at a total cost of K155,000 under the Local Government Equalisation Fund (LGEF).
Witnessing the hand over was Mushindamo District Administrative officer Oscar Mugala who reaffirmed government’s commitment in bringing health services closer to the people.
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thebarkeley-blog · 6 years ago
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Olive the little angel 👼 🐾🐕💕 #dog #dogs #angel #dogangel #dogsofinstagram #dogstagram #dogsofig #dogs_of_instagram #dogsofinsta #thebarkmont #eastbaydogs #chihuahua #chihuahuasofinstagram #chihuahualove #rescuedog #rescuedogsofinstagram #rescuedogsrock #dogdaycare (at The Barkmont) https://www.instagram.com/p/Buy5gC-lGEf/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=ankoo18jmujc
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cloudbbyx · 7 years ago
QUESTION: if I do it as a side blog can I stil lgef asks and submissions? Gotta make sure!
Okay so I’ve decided I am going to make a fully inclusive side blog that will be put to use promoting ALL littles because there’s not nearly enough out there that showcases such cuteness!
Hmu with blog name ideas because I’m an indecisive twat who can’t decide such things
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