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pineappleyk · 2 years ago
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koch-snowflake-blog · 4 months ago
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ちば ひなの
Chiba Hinano
生年月日: 2006年8月21日
星座: 獅子座
血液型: O型
出身地: 大阪府
身長: 162㎝
好きな食べ物: 和菓子、パスタ
好きなドラマ・映画: アンナチュラル、湯を沸かすほどの熱い愛
趣味: 岩盤浴・愛犬と日向ぼっこ
特技: フラメンコ・バトントワリング
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ari0921 · 4 days ago
政府資金による 大学はすべて社会主義的な偏向を免れない仕組みになったおり、社会主義の素晴らしさを教える一方で自由市場資本主義の「欠陥」について訓示を垂れる。なぜボストンやNY、シカゴなどの大學で社会主義のバニー・サンダース上院議員や極左のリズ・ウォーレンに人気があるのか、カリフォルニアの若者が左翼小児病患者のような政治家に未来を託するのか、その背景に大學の偏向教育がある。
 ミュンヘン安全保障会議で演説したJ・D・ヴァンス副大統領は、ルーマニアの「古くから定着している利害関係者」の一部が「誤報や偽情報といったソ連時代の醜い言葉」を使って自らの利益を確保し、 「別の視点」を持つ政治家が権力を握るのを阻止していると示唆した。
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maigeiko · 1 year ago
The look of... VII: Mukojima
Welcome to the 18th installment of this series (my 7th). This time, we’re having a look at the Geigi that work in one of Tokyo's Hanamachi: Mukojima (向島).
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Historical context Geisha started to live in Mukojima in the early Meiji period (1868-1912) [1]. From the Edo to Meiji period, Mukojima was a recreational area for the common people, and was frequented by Yanagibashi and Yoshiwara Geisha with their customers. [3] The earliest record of a Mukojima Geisha (known to me) is Omomo お百, who was featured in "Contemporary Beauties", 1897 [2]. In 1906, 30 Geisha lived in the area. By 1928, their number had increased to 239. In 1940, several Kenban united, further increasing the number of Mukojima Geisha to 1300. Like in all Hanamachi around Japan, their number declined steadily after the second world war. In 1951, their number was 600, in 1993 240 [7], in 1996 170, in 2007 120 [3], in 2020 around 90 [4]. This makes Mukojima approximately as populated as Gion Kobu and Tokyo's largest Hanamachi.
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The look of Mukojima Geiko. Local Term: Geisha 芸者 ※ Hairstyle: Taka shimada, Tsubushi shimada ※ Kanzashi: Kushi, Maezashi, Hirauchi or Tama in the back, rice husk in the new year period ※ Makeup: Oshiroi ※ Kimono: everyday Kimono: Homongi. Kuromontsuki Hikizuri mostly in the new year period or for Erikae, rarely non-black Hikizuri. ※ Haneri: white ※ Obi: Taiko musubi, Yanagi musubi with Kuromontsuki Hikizuri, Tsunodashi musubi with other Hikizuri ※ Obijime: mostly light-coloured. No obijime with yanagi musubi ※ Obiage: mostly red, pink, or white. Seldomly turquoise, white/green, white with red shibori (red/red-white shibori with Kuromontsuki) ※ Footwear: mostly Zori, also Geta
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Casual/Jikata look ※ Hairstyle: Yohatsu ※ Kanzashi: none ※ Makeup: western makeup ※ Kimono: Homongi, Kurotomesode ※ Eri: white ※ Obi: Taiko musubi ※ Obijime: mostly light-coloured. In rare cases with pocchiri ※ Obiage: white with red shibori, pink, white, pink/turquoise ※ Footwear: Zori
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The look of Mukojima Maiko. Local term: Hangyoku 半玉 ※ Hairstyle: Momoware (own hair or wig), Yuiwata for senior Hangyoku (only wig). Shibori, Kanoko and Chinkoro are mostly red, but can also be pink during summer. ※ Kanzashi: seasonal flower kanzashi (1-2 Daikan, Katsuyama, 1-2 Bira-Ôgi, Shidare popular during the entire apprenticeship), Maezashi (optional), Hirauchi. Minimal flower kanzashi with Yuiwata. ※ Makeup: Oshiroi, both lips painted from the start ※ Kimono: Furisode with or without tucks (all variations possible) ※ Eri: mostly white or red/white. But also pink/red, red/purple/green on white base, pink, green, black/pink/white, etc., etc. ※ Obi: kôken musubi ※ Obijime: light-coloured. sometimes with pocchiri ※ Obiage: most common colour variations are red/silver, or red/white shibori. But there are many other combinations. ※ Footwear: mostly Okobo (with red or pink straps), Zori
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Dances [6] Some dances that are local speciality of Mukojima: ※ Asazuma bune かさずまぶね ※ Fuji musume 藤娘 ※ Fukagawa Kuzushi 深川くずし  ※ Gorô ごろう ※ Mukojima ondo 向島音頭 ※ O-Sumio お角力 ※ Otemoyan おてもやん ※ Sôran bushi ソーラン節 ※ Yosakuraya 夜桜や
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Others that you can also see in Ozashiki outside of Mukojima: ※ Ayame Yukata 菖蒲浴衣 ※ Echigo Jishi 越後獅子 ※ Hanami Odori 花見踊り ※ Hatsuharu 初春 ※ Ina bushi 伊那節 ※ Kiyari Kuzushi 木遣りくずし ※ Sawagi さわぎ ※ Setsuhonkaina せつほんかいな ※ Shichi fukujin 七福神 ※ Takeda bushi 武田節 ※ Tatsumi no hidarizuma 辰巳の左褄 ※ Tsurukame 鶴亀 ※ Yakkosan 奴さん ※ Yoshiwara Suzume 吉原すずめ
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Notes Mukojima allows part-time workers, calling them Kamome かもめ [5]. Most of them are students or work in a different job already. Their task is mainly assisting Geisha/Hangyoku in the Ozashiki. Kamome can become Hangyoku or Geisha if they wish to work full-time. Mukojima dancers also play instruments at ozashiki: Hangyoku frequently play shime-daiko, Tachikata more often play ko-tsutsumi, sometimes fue. Shamisen seems so be reserved for Jikata.
Usually, Ryotei and Okiya are separate businesses in Tokyo. In Mukojima, however, several Ryotei also function as Okiya [3], similar to how in Kyoto, several Ochaya also have an attached Okiya.
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Sources - Text [1] Foreign Press Center Japan, Mukojima Press Tour April 2006 https://fpcj.jp/en/assistance-en/tours_notice-en/p=6744/ [2] https://www.flickr.com/photos/blue_ruin_1/28442353867/ [3] numbers 1906-1951, 1996-2007: Sumi Asahara "Tokyo Rokkagai", 2007 [4] not an exact number (account required) https://www.tapatalk.com/groups/tsurukomaiko/hanamachi-population-reference-wip-t2000.html [5] Kamome http://sengoku-japan.com/ [6] dances compiled at Tsurukomaiko, it's by no means a complete list (account required) https://www.tapatalk.com/groups/tsurukomaiko/list-of-dances-in-all-hanamachi-t1988.html [7] 1993: Tsuiseki (追跡): The World of the Geisha, ca. 1993 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bkhRWNDwTyM Sources - Pictures Omomo ※ Kingyo Ozashiki ※ Momoka ※ Komachi ※ Yuki+Otokichi ※ Chikage ※ Senyume ※ Hiroya ※ Chikage+Natsuki ※ Tamaki ※ Shingetsu ※ Natsuki (twitter) ※ Soraka (insta) ※ Tomoka ※ Kingyo (fb) ※ Teruka 2x ※ Kanzashi ※ Kintaro (insta) ※ Ayame ※ Kingyo+Rin Ozashiki (fb) ※ Sakura matsuri 2023 I tried to trace back all pictures. If you find the missing links, let me know. "The look of" other Hanamachi: Yamagata, Tokyo Yoshicho, Niigata, Atami, Gifu, Tokyo Kagurazaka, Arima Onsen, Tokyo Asakua, Nagoya, Tokyo Shinbashi, Anjo I Osaka Kitashinchi, II Tokyo Akasaka, III Osaka Nanchi, Fukuoka, V Yuzawa, VI Morioka More Mukojima content: https://maigeiko.tumblr.com/tagged/mukojima Layout: @geimaiko, thanks as always! ♥
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01-08-m00n · 10 months ago
もういない君 コンバースのハイカット 探した時に散る春の花
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leomacgivena · 1 year ago
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mistbow · 2 years ago
Sorey, as the Shepherd and as a Human
Continuing from this post about the right hand and the left hand. There’s something in the final battle of Zestiria that doesn’t get talked about a lot too.
Namely that, he uses Lion’s Howl (獅子戦吼) with his left hand (the spiritual hand, the one with the Shepherd’s glove).
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The same as in the OP, where he uses his left hand for the arte, focusing on the dragon crest on the Shepherd’s glove and with the four seraphim overlaid over him. It is essentially still him acting as the Shepherd, the vessel for his seraphim companions, against the Lord of Calamity.
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It’s the second strike of the arte that caught Heldalf, as the Lord of Calamity, off guard, from Sorey, as the Shepherd. Here, he uses his right hand (even the novel calls attention to this too as he explicitly uses the opposite hand) to bring out that second strike.
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This is my everything!!
It’s the hand that symbolizes him as a mere human. In the novel, it’s said that after Lailah was gone (because she was shot as a bullet to sever the bond between Heldalf and Maotelus), Sorey no longer had the power of purification (the flame of purification). He was no longer the Shepherd here when he faced Heldalf one-on-one.
It’s even more clear-cut in the manga.
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HELDALF: What can you do alone? SOREY: I am not alone! HELDALF: How meaningless... you still don't realize it, do you?! The effect of the emptiness that fills the world, the more you resist the more you feel... that is loneliness! SOREY: There have been people who grasped back when I reached out my hand; and when they took my hand, they all could look forward.
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SOREY: That’s why I won’t stop reaching this hand out! BOTH: Lion’s Howl! HELDALF: Behold! The fate of the black and white of this world, the Lord of Calamity and the Shepherd, that can only reject each other! HELDALF: This is the world’s answer as repeated, as woven by time! HELDALF: Even powers adorned with sophistry called purification or salvation are nothing more than violence in the face of that answer!
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SOREY: Even so, I won’t ever give up! SOREY: No matter how painful or sad this answer is, we’ve managed to come this far. SOREY: Not yet... (The lion roars twice, the lion shall be crushed—) (Even the Captain who passed this arte on couldn't accomplish this fantastic feat.) (Maybe it’s just a pipe dream, but...) SOREY: Take this, Heldalf!
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SOREY: This is my everything!! SOREY: Bestial Roar!!!!
I’ve talked about how despite Zestiria seemingly being about Sorey and his spiritual journey as the Shepherd, on the contrary, the narrative actually pushes other ways of salvation beyond the power of purification itself. The first strike of Lion’s Howl was totally expected by Heldalf, who kept thinking of all this as the fate of the Shepherd and the Lord of Calamity.
What he didn’t expect was Sorey attempting to reach out to him not as the Shepherd quelling the Lord of Calamity, but a human wanting to save another human.
(His first strike of Lion’s Howl tore his Shepherd’s cloak and glove up, and he was now even more explicitly not the Shepherd, but Sorey as Sorey himself.)
It was why he was able to unleash the second strike of Lion’s Howl, Bestial Roar (裂震虎砲) (by the way, Rays also referenced Sorey using Bestial Roar, despite the arte not being in his moveset in the original game).
(There was everyone behind his back too; to his left, the seraphim, and to his right, the human companions he met along the way.)
This passage from the novel is a bit long, but I feel it’s important to Sorey’s resolution as his own person too (as a fellow, mere human).
「知ってどうする?あいつを倒す弱点を見つけ��いのか?」 「それは……考えたことなかったな」 「なに?」
「じゃあ、なんのためにヘルダルフの過去を知りたいんだ?」 「導師として……ううん、オレがオレとしてヘルダルフと向き合うためだよ」
“I want to know why Heldalf became the Lord of Calamity.”
Sorey answered without any hesitation, and Mayvin asked again.
“And what will you do once you know? Do you want to find a weakness to take him down?” “I... had never thought about that.” “What?”
Mayvin’s brows wrinkled at the unexpected answer.
“Then, for what reason do you want to know about Heldalf’s past?” “I want to face him as the Shepherd... no, as myself.”
It is the Shepherd’s duty to quell the Lord of Calamity. When Sorey first became the Shepherd, Lailah explained this to him. In order to do so, he needed to know the world, she also told him.
Then Sorey set out on his journey. He had repeated encounters and farewells, experienced repeated joy and sorrow. He learned that everything had two sides to it, and that these two sides were inseparable.
“This journey might have been necessary for me as the Shepherd. But I am me before I am the Shepherd. Traveling around the world, I understood once again that this world is threatened by the Lord of Calamity. And I want to stop that not because I am the Shepherd, but because I want to do it as myself.”
The Lord of Calamity was a great “negative flow,” so to speak, that seeked to fill the world with malevolence. To face and resist this, to be the “positive flow,” Sorey felt he had to know the other party deeply and be on the right side of the relationship between the two.
“If all I want to do is to fight against the Lord of Calamity as the Shepherd, I may not need to know anything about his past. But I want to know; I feel that I need to in order to face him. It’s my own selfish wish, not as the Shepherd, but I want to make this choice without hesitation, so... Mayvin, will you lend me your strength?”
Mayvin was silent. His smile faded from his face, and his sharp eyes came and went as if he were assessing Sorey.
Sorey, too, was silent, waiting for Mayvin’s answer.
“...I see. So you decided to fight him not because of the Shepherd’s calling, but on your own will... you certainly have the gall to do it.”
To note here is how “識る” keeps being used instead of “知る” for the word “to know” even though they’re both read the same (しる). The game and manga do this as well. Like the words “刻” and “時” having the same meaning and reading but different nuance to them, this is also the same case: “識る” is to know in its entirety. To comprehend. To understand deeply, in every sense of the word. It is holistic.
(It all started when he thought he should’ve tried to know, to understand Dezel more.)
And it’s not like he has always known about this. Sorey at the beginning didn’t know that he didn’t have to carry the burden all by himself. He needed to learn that he was blessed with friends who would share it with him.
(It’s worth noting that every time Kimura, Sorey’s JP VA, is asked to describe Sorey’s character in interviews, he almost always answers that Sorey is a purehearted person with a good will, but more than anything, blessed with many friends who care about him as a person.)
“Rose, I want you to tell everyone. About us, about the seraphim. It is up to everyone from now on to save the world! We must not repeat the tragedy born out of ignorance, the tragedy of our failure to see eye to eye with each other because of not sharing together!”
He said, as he went to face Heldalf for the final time.
Unfortunately, Heldalf wasn’t the same. He was, indeed, cursed with the Eternal Solitude, however it was also Heldalf himself who didn’t seek salvation at the earliest opportunity. Sorey’s figure wasn’t even reflected in his eyes, even though Sorey tried to save him. He was too far gone, and even Sorey’s hand couldn’t reach him.
But that’s okay. Sorey understood that Heldalf had his own answer, and he wouldn’t let that answer be tainted by white (as Heldalf said, he wouldn’t give in to the white light), just as his own answer wouldn’t be tainted by Heldalf’s black. He was being true to himself, and saved Heldalf in his own way.
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This is Sorey’s decisive battle mirrage in Rays, by the way, called “全身全霊の一撃”, which translates to “Body and Soul’s Strike.” In that one strike, he puts in his everything (全身全霊 = complete devotion, one’s whole body and one’s whole soul, literally). It is the conclusion he came to from all the time he experienced that led him to this point.
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escapistsatellite · 11 months ago
Kaa~zeyo~hikariyo~seeiigi no inori When Hikari disappears, it's black! (No, it's White Lion King Liger, a declining B-class war criminal from the old Zoids series. This guy's design is cool in terms of direction, he just put his effort in the wrong direction. ▼I drew it with a mechanical pencil, so the thickness of the line is disappointing.   ▼It's a secret that I forgot the stabilizer for the tail.    ▼I added "san"
by 穀物の雨が降る、土砂降りの雨が
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tokyomariegold · 9 months ago
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1月1日 たぶん年が明けているな、と暗い中目を覚ましてベランダから写真を撮った。少し寝て、まだ暗い中起きるといつもの朝焼けの時刻。 初日の出はきっときれいだったはず。
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外に出ると1月1日の気候だった。凧揚げがいのある強い風の日。 オークラ東京の前に思い立って辰巳の森公園へ行ってみた。 新木場駅から散歩道を歩いて、途中首都高沿いで「あ!ここだ!」と思ったところで写真を撮る。 辰巳公園は 辰と巳のオブジェがある公園。辰はこんな感じだろうな、な気がした通りのモニュメント。巳の方で撮影。辰巳公園はちょっと不思議な風景がたくさんあったので次は誰かと行きたい。
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ホテルオークラへ向かう途中、有楽町の乗り換えで干支ツリーお正月バージョンを確認。友人に報告のメッセージを送り、送った後に“あけましておめでとう”を追加した。本当に今日は1月初めの月曜日、という感覚。 ホテルオークラで12:30の回の獅子舞を鑑賞。初めて獅子舞を生で見たかも。頭は金色の獅子を被った華奢な踊り子さんだった。 もっと着ぐるみっぽいかと思っていた。 口からお賽銭をもらい子供たちの頭をかじってまわっていた。 昔クリスマスツリーを見た旧館は取り壊されていた。 今日の予定というか、タスク?をこなしてるフィルム現像を出して帰宅。
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正月早々〜(よくない出来事)、と言われることってお正月でなくとも起こってほしくない。 体調を崩したり、怪我をしたり、どろぼうにあったり、地震が起きたり、お店のミスで買いたいものが買えなくて少しイラッとしてしまったり。 なるべくずーっと起こってほしくないかも。 (この内いくつかが当てはまった1日だった。)
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年賀状は嬉しいのが3枚! 元日にしては多い方! カスタムくんのイラストやお手製の芋ハンコの年賀状に笑顔になってしまう。 なるべく日記が嫌にならずに続けるために、1ページに収める方針にしようとしたら全然ダメだったり ちょっといろいろ、うーんと思い返すことが多めの日だったけれどニコンのレビューに応募したので、一先ずえらい!
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catonoire · 11 months ago
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yuurasu · 1 year ago
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御朱印授かり再び池田駅へ。駅前には獅子舞巡行をやってました。後でわかったのですが「豊来家玉之助太神楽獅子舞巡行」だそうです。ゆっくり見たかったのですが次に進むべく池田駅から次の石橋阪大前駅まで向かいました。#阪急沿線西国七福神福めぐり巡礼ウオーク #阪急沿線西国七福神めぐり #阪急沿線西国七福神 #呉服神社 #呉服神社⛩️ #恵美須神 #池田えびす #豊来家玉之助 #獅子舞巡行 #阪急池田駅 #池田駅 #阪急宝塚線 #阪急宝塚本線 #阪急7000系
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kjh-417 · 2 years ago
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mes possibilites aujourd'hui. 今日のわたしの可能性。   天領祭に参加する。     ここ数年 参加できていなかった、天領祭。 今年は ひとりでも行こう、と 思っていたところ、 Yちゃんが「行ってみたい!」と 手を挙げてくれたので 2人で行ってきた。   子どもたちの奴行列が なかったのは淋しかったが (衣装も歌も好きなんだよなぁ) 獅子も猿面も なんとかいてくれて、 規模縮小ながらも できてよかったな、としみじみ。   あと何回 こうして参加できるだろう、と 考えると 日帰りでも行かずにはいられなかった。 そして、 祭のためにできることって 何だろう、とも思った。   まずは出向いて じいちゃんやおとんがしていたように 笑顔で参加すること。 そして、祭やこの町を 好きになってくれるひと、 また来たいな、と思ってくれるひとを ひとりずつでも増やすこと、なのかな。   山車を曳く列につながりながら そんなことを思った。   神社境内で 何羽ものカラスアゲハやモンキアゲハ、 アオスジアゲハを見た。 今はここにいない 祭に心を注いだじいちゃんたちが 来ていたのかな。   じいちゃんやおとんのハンキリ、 まだ取ってある。 来年は着て、また山車を曳こう。
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poddyshobbies · 2 years ago
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西向き ~ ← 糸島峠(県道56号)周船寺 →
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道を挟んだ神社のちょい上 ~ 怡土城跡の一部と謎の祠
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ari0921 · 1 month ago
 金の購買は35%上昇し、宝石の消費は劇的に減った 近年の市場の変化と投資特性に敏感である。
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churafortune · 4 days ago
🌟 今日の星座占い 🔮✨
♈ 牡羊座(3/21 - 4/19)
総合運:今日はエネルギッシュに行動できる日!新しいことにチャレンジすると運気アップ✨ 恋愛運:自分から積極的にアプローチすると、思いがけない展開があるかも💖 仕事運:直感を信じて行動すると良い結果が得られそう💼
♉ 牡牛座(4/20 - 5/20)
総合運:焦らずじっくりと進めることが成功のカギ🔑 恋愛運:相手の気持ちを尊重することで関係が深まる予感💕 仕事運:努力が報われる日!コツコツ進めることが重要📊
♊ 双子座(5/21 - 6/21)
総合運:コミュニケーションが鍵になる日!人との会話を大切に💬 恋愛運:新しい出会いのチャンスがありそう✨ 仕事運:情報収集をしっかりするとスムーズに進む📚
♋ 蟹座(6/22 - 7/22)
総合運:気持ちが不安定になりがち。リラックスする時間を作って🍵 恋愛運:過去の恋愛にとらわれず、新しい可能性に目を向けて💖 仕事運:周囲との協力が成功のカギ🤝
♌ 獅子座(7/23 - 8/22)
総合運:カリスマ性が輝く日!周りを引っ張る力が強まる🔥 恋愛運:自信を持って行動すると良い結果に💏 仕事運:リーダーシップを発揮すると評価アップ📈
♍ 乙女座(8/23 - 9/22)
総合運:細かいところに気を配ると良いことがありそう👀 恋愛運:気配りができると好感度アップ🌸 仕事運:分析力を活かすと成功に繋がる📊
♎ 天秤座(9/23 - 10/23)
総合運:バランスを意識すると良い流れに🌈 恋愛運:自分らしさを大切にすると好印象💗 仕事運:調整役として活躍できる日⚖️
♏ 蠍座(10/24 - 11/22)
総合運:集中力が高まる日!目標に向かって邁進しよう🚀 恋愛運:情熱的なアプローチが吉🔥 仕事運:目標を明確にすることで成功が近づく📌
♐ 射手座(11/23 - 12/21)
総合運:自由な発想が幸運を呼び込む日🌍 恋愛運:旅行やイベントが恋のきっかけに💘 仕事運:新しいアイデアが生まれやすい💡
♑ 山羊座(12/22 - 1/19)
総合運:地道な努力が実を結ぶ日🌱 恋愛運:誠実な態度が好印象を与える💞 仕事運:着実に進めることで成果が出る📊
♒ 水瓶座(1/20 - 2/18)
総合運:新しいことに挑戦すると◎🔄 恋愛運:友達関係から恋に発展する可能性💑 仕事運:独自のアイデアが評価されそう🚀
♓ 魚座(2/19 - 3/20)
総合運:感受性が高まる日🌊 恋愛運:直感を信じると良い出会いが💖 仕事運:クリエイティブな発想が活かされる🎨
🌟 今日も素敵な一日を過ごしてくださいね!✨
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wankohouse · 7 days ago
東向島 芳柳 | 獅子頭 | Instagram ←引用元へリンク
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獅子頭 5週間前
ferfett_Hello Sr. Can u see my work, at my profile? And @tonytorres_ink art too. Please. ✌🏻 greetings from Guatemala. 🇬🇹 4週間前返信
coco_ru18 ベロに何入ってるの⁈🦁4週間前「いいね!」1件返信
houryutattoo@coco_ru18 会社の名前😏4週間前返信
いいね!631件 1月20日
※ 獅子のベロがぼかしてあるね。会社の名前って入れる? 法人じゃなくって任意団体だったり?
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