panicinthestudio · 2 years
Stir-fried Sticky Rice Recipe (生炒糯米飯) with Papa Fung, December 23, 2022
An aromatic sticky fried rice loaded with Chinese sausage, dried shrimp, shiitake mushrooms, green onions and some cilantro. The sticky texture is what makes this rice dish stand out. A great crowd pleaser for pot lucks!
Stir-fried Sticky Rice Recipe  [生炒糯米飯食譜] 
This recipe makes 4 bowls of pan-fried sticky rice [製成四碗] 
Ingredients [食材] 
500 g glutinous rice [糯米] 
2 Chinese sausages [臘腸] 
5 shiitake mushrooms [冬菰] 
30 g dried shrimp [蝦米] 
60 g peanuts [花生] 
1 tsp lard [豬油] 
A few stalks of green onion [青蔥] 
1 stalk cilantro [芫茜] 
2 tbsp oyster sauce [蠔油] 
8 g sugar [糖] 
5 g salt [鹽] 
Some white pepper [胡椒粉] 
Some sesame oil [麻油] 
(250 ml mushroom/shrimp water) [浸冬菰和蝦米水] 
Directions [製作] 
Soak glutinous rice for 4 hours. Strain and set aside. [糯米浸四小時,瀝乾備用。] 
Wash shiitake mushrooms and dried shrimp. Soak until softened. Keep the mushroom and shrimp water for frying the rice later. [冬菰和蝦米先洗乾淨,再軟取出備用,留起水用作炒飯。] 
Dice all the ingredients, set aside. [將所有材料切碎備用。] 
Melt salt and sugar with hot water, mix until combined. Add in sesame oil, white pepper and oyster sauce, mix and set aside. [鹽和糖先用熱水攪溶,再混合蠔油,胡椒粉和麻油置一旁。] 
Roast some peanuts until fragrant, set aside to cool. [白鑊炒熟花生備用。] 
Heat up wok, melt lard, stir fry Chinese sausage until cooked, add in shrimp and cook, add in mushrooms, cook until fragrant. [熱鑊放豬油加入臘腸炒熟,再加蝦米炒香,再加冬菰炒至有香味。] 
Add in rice, continuously stir and add shrimp/mushroom water a little bit at a time and cook with the lid on to speed up the process. Once the shrimp/mushroom water has evaporated, repeat until the rice is fully cooked. [加入米要不停翻炒,同時加些少蝦米水及加蓋焗至水份收乾,重覆以上步驟至飯熟。] 
Once rice is cooked it’ll become sticky, now, mix in sauce that was prepared earlier. [當飯有黏性加入調味料炒勻。] 
Lastly, add in some dark soy sauce for some colour, and cilantro and green onions, and mix until combined. [最後加些少老抽調色和加芫茜和青蔥炒勻即可。] 
Place some cilantro and peanuts into the bowl, followed by the rice, flip bowl to reveal the dish and serve.  [放芫茜和花生入碗內,加上糯米飯,倒扣在碟上即食。]
The twelfth lunar month is called laap yut (臘月), the cold and dry weather being appropriate for drying and curing. Some recipes call for cured pork belly (laap yuk, 臘肉), cured belly to go with the (Southern) Chinese sausage (laap cheung, 臘腸) which are traditional season staples. Lard and sources of it were a year-round necessity for oil, fuel, flavouring, and caloric density but particularly important during lean months like the height of winter. Most of the ingredients for stir-fried sticky rice are dry or stable preserved goods that balance out the strong and rich pork and lard.
I made a batch Thursday for the winter solstice (Dongzhi, 冬至) using a different recipe. Like a lot of seasonal and festive foods the idea remains the same while the specifics change, and there may be something new for me to adopt from this version.
My mom used to use a rice cooker to steam the glutinous rice keeping it on the firm side, combining everything in the wok at the end. While soaking then stir-frying the rice from raw to cooked (as the name of the dish states) isn’t actually too bad adjusting for the size of wok or pan but it does take time and practice. I’ve taken to seasoning the soaked and drained rice by mixing it with a bit of oil and salt in a bowl while preparing everything else. The added oil from stir-frying seems to need a heavier hand with seasoning (like oyster sauce, added salt, or soy sauce) than with steaming the rice. 
After soaking, squeezing out most of the excess water, and dicing the mushrooms, she always marinated them with some oil, light soy sauce, and sugar. There was also soaked and shredded dried scallop (conpoy or gong yiu chyu, 乾貝 / 江瑤柱) in addition to the small, dried shrimp when we had some. 
One thing glossed over in the video is that the water can have sediment at the bottom; the initial washing leaves sand and grit that is released after rehydrating and should be discarded. This cold broth from soaking the dried ingredients adds to the savouriness of the rice along with the sausage and lard. The added oyster sauce in this and other recipes boosts the concentrated seafood accent. In the rice cooker/steamed rice version, the broth can be used to cook and soften the stir-fried sausage, mushrooms, and dried seafood, covering and reducing it fully before adding the rice. 
A quality dark soy sauce is often enough to colour and flavour the fried rice. The addition of white pepper and sesame oil to the sauce for the rice is new to me, though I imagine it cuts through the pungency of fat and the concentrated seafood and reducing the additional lard needed.
Peanuts, cilantro, and green onion are not essential, though they do add to the texture and freshness when the overall dish can be heavy. These are often garnishes added last as it is often reheated, softening the peanuts and the greens darken while losing flavour and crispness. Less and less restaurants bother with the peanuts at all: they become hard especially if fried or roasted and stale while others overcook the peanuts by boiling or with steam becoming bulk rather than texture. It’s easy to see why peanuts could be cut from an already long list of ingredients. One local dim sum has replaced them with what I’m certain is rendered pork rinds for a sturdier crunch. There’s probably an element of adapting it with more sensitivity towards peanut allergies, while at home we never had them as a staple. 
Another common addition to improve the overall dark colour is thinly-chopped omelette or a fine scramble. It was fashionable for a time at some restaurants to wrap it omurice-style or reheat portions with rehydrated lotus leaves to impart a different scent. Some recipes use a long grained glutinous rice or cut it with white rice to soften the chew but in the wrong proportion it compromises the structure and ability to keep or reheat.  There was a decade where places would just steam portions in the bowl upright and uncovered resulting in a soggy fried rice.  
Turning the rice out moulded with a bowl is solid, old-school presentation, it demonstrates how well the rice is made: sticky enough to hold a shape even when portioned; the thorough and even mix of ingredients, colour, and flavouring without overworking; and a careful stir-fry that is oiled enough to release. A good fried rice, sticky or otherwise, needs a shine without being greasy.
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peterchiublack · 2 months
林野,那個沒有手機的年代,《文創達人誌》60期,2018. 09。
*原文刊載於「文創達人誌」60期,2018. 09
▶應該是本名【溫德生】的另一位筆名同為【林野】的作家。 [溫德生]本籍廣東新興,出生地“香港”,1957年來台。此資訊也與本文內容所謂「從香港舉家遷台」事情相符合。 詳見 國立台灣文學館 檔案資料 :
九年國民義務教育尚未延長之前,初中入學有聯考,學生開始用鋼筆寫作業,記得SKB是最普及的品牌,吸墨水時要拉下筆桿側邊的開關,當時擁有一支美國製的派克21鋼筆可真叫人羨慕。老師批改作業還是使用沾水鋼筆,墨水有兩個牌子─「銀行牌」和「派克牌」,用久了需要換筆尖,後來陸續出現的國產「利百代」和「玉兔牌」原子筆,兩者都會漏油,法國製的Bic和Reynolds 原子筆,趁勢進佔文具市場。
1969年中視也跟着開播,家裡終於有了一台電視機,兩部連續劇「晶晶」和「情旅」的劇情雖已模糊,但猶記得後者的主題曲中幾句歌詞:「在寂寞的旅途中 偶然的與他相逢,他的笑靨,使我神往;他的眼睛,使我迷惘」,引起許多人坐火車的遐想。
七十年代彩色底片夢幻成真,美國的「柯達」和「伊士曼」,日本的「富士」和「櫻花」是我儲存大學繽紛記憶的道具。當年「柯達」製作了一支非常經典的反越戰廣告,一個返鄉的士兵走下火車,畫面忽響起湯姆・瓊斯的Green green grass of home,印象深刻。最初因沖洗費不便宜,故不敢多拍,後來各地快速冲印店的興起如雨後春筍,加上操作簡易的傻瓜相機上市,生活的點滴皆可信手捕抓。
此一時期,市面上出現TDK和SONY的卡式錄音帶,成為學習英語,考TOEFL的工具,從此音樂卡帶變成方便的載體,完全攻佔了黑膠唱片的市場,我買的第一個卡帶是理查・克萊德門(Richard Clayderman)的浪漫鋼琴演奏。隨身聽也繼之應運而生,成為愛樂者的新潮電器,我買的第一台是獨眼龍商標的「戴陽」,體積幾近磚頭般大,由於嫌它笨重,又買了一台SONY推出的Walkerman趕上時髦。
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jesschginstagram · 9 months
在大馬太耐,有些菜式都已經唔記得,前兩天突然想起蝦乾瑤柱高湯,所以今日用黎煮西洋菜,實在好食到暈囉。 另一個只係普通的麻婆豆腐。
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wangwill66 · 1 year
全世界食物不足人口,半數以上生活在亞洲(4.18 億)。雖然飢餓造成,不是有錢人的責任,但是一雙鞋的錢,可以幫助多人食物不足的人口。這是兩個極端的世界。20230617W6
破台幣4200萬!喬丹「流感之戰」實著球鞋拍出驚人天價。(顏敏翔2023年6月16日 週五 下午3:15)
1997年總冠軍賽第5戰的「流感之戰(Flu Game)」,始終是球迷津津樂道的回憶,而喬丹該場比賽所穿的戰靴近日再度出現於拍賣行「Goldin Auctions」,並賣出138萬美元(約4235萬新台幣)的天價。
2023/04/13 10:35
自京赴奉先縣詠懷五百字 / 自京赴奉先詠懷五百字
據聯合國稱在撒哈拉以南非洲地區,飢餓發生率最高。 實際上,在2014年至2017年期間,飢餓的患病率實際上從20.7%增至23.2%。 在同一時期,食物不足人數也從1.95億增加到2.37億。 
根據FAO 另一份報告《2021 年世界糧食安全和營養狀況》 估計,2020 年全球共有7.2 億至8.11 億人口面臨飢餓。 飢餓人數比2019 年增加雨逾億。 而全世界食物不足人口,半數以上生活在亞洲(4.18 億),三分之一以上生活在非洲(2.82 億)。
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q-coffeetime · 1 year
世貿國際會館「寵愛媽咪烤鴨宴」由天成飯店集團中餐行政總主廚王書年獻藝,台北婚禮外燴精選10道美味菜餚,力推「天成櫻桃片皮鴨」選用宜蘭櫻桃鴨,掛爐烘烤外油亮酥、肉質細緻,搭配手工特製餅皮,佐以甜麵醬、鴨香蔥脆皮彈牙,「招牌皮蛋煲鴨粥」外表樸實卻內涵精彩,還有「金華瑤柱火烔雞」、「酒釀乾燒鮮大蝦」、「松露培根芝士盞」等佳餚。10人台北婚禮外燴桌菜1萬0888元+10%。飲酒過量 有礙健康
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char-x3 · 1 year
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shalomanna · 2 years
Chinese sticky rice is steamed glutinous rice cooked with Chinese sausage (臘腸), shiitake mushrooms (冬菇), and dried shrimp (蝦米).
Other variations also include dried scallop (乾瑤柱) or other Chinese sausages and cured meat (膶腸,臘肉).
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andymhleung · 2 years
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食菜乾瑤柱乳豬頭粥喇喂🤤🤤🤤(在 景湖居) https://www.instagram.com/p/CmplawoBcXHgouQOAQuDeQy1Fp8fX8fX5-ALyY0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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huang0415 · 2 years
香港五星主廚竟然隱身在市場二樓,每天只賣3小時,30幾年的好手藝,尤其乾炒牛和鍋氣超香,還有必吃港式瑤柱蘿���糕和燒賣!Google高達4.6顆星! (more…)
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lovecathcatherine · 2 years
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大澳獨有風味。百佳都買到 蝦嘅鮮味冇其他海鮮可以代替 平時想食蝦醬,都會特登去大澳買蝦膏 每次都會買幾包蝦膏,買埋俾四大長老 只要一碟餸,加咗蝦醬,就會特別鮮味 平時我哋三家人都好鍾意用蝦醬 而家百佳都可以買到大澳嘅獨有風味蝦醬 今次我就買咗大澳益昌號熟蝦醬、櫻花蝦瑤柱醬、同埋蝦乾。 熟蝦醬係比傳統蝦醬更加鮮味,因為加入咗蝦米,雙重蝦味,鮮味倍增! 用嚟煮「嗜嗜通菜煲」一流,勁鮮勁香。 櫻花蝦瑤柱醬採用日本櫻花蝦和瑤柱等材料精製而成,再特別加入益昌號幼滑嘅蝦醬提鮮,帶出大澳嘅風味,鹹鮮味層次更豐富,鮮香惹味。 簡簡單單用嚟炒「翠肉瓜什菇」已經好好味 清甜嘅翠玉瓜加埋鮮味無窮嘅櫻花蝦瑤柱醬 唔使加任何調味料已經好鮮甜 蝦乾平時已經成日食,平時蒸水蛋加少少, 或者就咁蒸熟你食加少少豉油,已經好好送飯 今次用大澳蝦乾嚟整「蝦乾粉絲娃娃菜」 簡單又易煮,清甜娃娃菜同鮮味蝦乾最夾。 益昌號嘅產品有70間百佳度買得到。 @yickcheongho #yickcheongho #益昌號 #hkinfluencer #hkigers #大澳 #美食 #cookingathome #hkiger #自煮生活 #自煮 #住家菜 #住家飯 (在 Yick Cheong Ho 大澳益昌號) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ci7p80Wp8FM/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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bellaphon · 5 years
Late supper- Kale congee with Vietnamese sausage and dried scallops, and Pecorino wine. . . . #fatlesdrinks #fatlescooks #Chinesefood #congee #乾瑤柱 #scallops #粥 #porridge #umami #kale #Vietnameseham #chalua #giolua #saltedegg #Vietnamesesausage #winepairing #instawine #wine #vino #wein #vinho #Italianwine #vinoitaliano #terredichieti #pecorino #eeeeeats #instafood #londoneats #londonfood #villapani (at Notting Hill) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0pAkcvH56F/?igshid=1a7bk5t5zan9m
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kamanlo · 3 years
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#懶人之選 #自家製 #荷葉飯 #藜麥 #鮑魚 #蝦乾 #瑤柱 #冬菇 #雞粒 #烏雞燉當歸紅棗湯 😋😋😋 https://www.instagram.com/p/CWvJvBXvOkEkF0g6cTPcKWPw19WmtD4xNHhQOs0/?utm_medium=tumblr
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iriscms · 4 years
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瑤柱大受好評😘個個都話打開已經好香🤤 拎嚟煮餸煲湯煲粥都好鮮甜👍🏻👍🏻不停回購‼️ 😻🧑🏻‍🍳🤤靚媽&美女廚神系列🤤🧑🏻‍🍳😻 日本🇯🇵頂級瑤柱一斤裝👍🏻 瑤柱真係好香好好食🤤好多媽咪煮餸煲湯都會落😙 大人👨🏻👩🏻同小朋友👦🏻👧🏻一定添多碗白飯啦😘 瑤柱碎含豐富蛋白質✨、維他命A、B6、B12、C、D、鈣、鐵、鎂、碘等礦物質👍🏻 具有滋陰補腎😍、軟化血管🌟、防止動脈硬化的功能👏🏻 並有防頭暈目眩☺、脾胃虛弱的功效🤩 經常食用瑤柱碎能降血壓💞、降膽固醇及補益健身的功效☺ 👍🏻促進血液循環 👍🏻促進陳代謝 👍🏻利尿消腫 👍🏻健脾益胃 👍🏻補腎益氣 👍🏻祛脂降壓 👍🏻生津止渴 #海味 #瑤柱 #乾貨 #新年 #盆菜 #日本#japan (在 Hong Kong) https://www.instagram.com/p/CJaplpEDIBG/?igshid=1okuyxyt22fnd
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thebananatroll · 4 years
Chapter 1 (Part 4)
1-6. 1 猶記往事 . 故事 領鄭春發去食材店挑選乾貨, 心情舒暢的他打開話匣子,向我講了更多他與佛跳牆的往事-- 1-6. 1 猶記往事 . 故事 領鄭春發去食材店挑選乾貨, 心情舒暢的他打開話匣子,向我講了更多他與佛跳牆的往事-- 1-6. 1 Still remembering the past. Story Leading Zheng Chun Fa to select dried goods from the ingredients shop, he starts talking while in a happy mood, telling me even more about his past with Fo Tiao Qiang--
[ 鄭春發] [Player],謝謝您今天陪我來挑選食材﹗ [Player], xièxiè nín jīntiān péi wǒ lái tiāoxuǎn shícái﹗ [Player], thank you for choosing ingredients with me today!
[Player] 不過舉手之勞, 不必言謝﹗ Bùguò jǔshǒuzhīláo, bùbì yán xiè﹗ It’s merely the exertion of lifting one's hand, no need to say thanks!
[Player] 佛跳牆這道菜, 工序繁瑣, 用料複雜。 想要充分體現十幾種食材的口味與獨特性, 關鍵在於將食材分開單獨烹製。 Fútiàoqiáng zhè dào cài, gōngxù fánsuǒ, yòng liào fùzá. Xiǎng yào chōngfèn tǐxiàn shí jǐ zhǒng shícái de kǒuwèi yǔ dútè xìng, guānjiàn zàiyú jiāng shícái fēnkāi dāndú pēng zhì. In this dish of Fo Tiao Qiang, the process many and complicated, the materials used are complicated. To want to fully embody more than a dozen types of ingredients’s flavour and distinct essence, the key lies in cooking the ingredients separately.
[Player] 而後才能匯聚起來, 加入高湯和紹興酒, 以文火煨製至少十二個小時。 如此,方能成就佛跳牆那種深入骨髓的香醇。 Érhòu cáinéng huìjù qǐlái, jiārù gāotāng hé shàoxīngjiǔ, yǐ wénhuǒ wēi zhì zhìshǎo shí'èr gè xiǎoshí. Rúcǐ, fāng néng chéngjiù fútiàoqiáng nà zhǒng shēnrù gǔsuǐ de xiāngchún. Only then it can come together, add soup stock and Shao Xing wine, use small fire to simmer for at least twelve hours. In this way, only then it can achieve Fo Tiao Qiang’s kind of rich and mellow flavour that penetrates into the bone marrow.
[ 鄭春發] 沒想到您年紀輕輕, 竟對烹飪之事如此熟悉! 就連佛跳牆這種工序繁瑣的大菜都瞭若指掌啊! Méi xiǎngdào nín niánjì qīng qīng, jìng duì pēngrèn zhī shì rúcǐ shúxī! Jiù lián fútiàoqiáng zhè zhǒng gōngxù fánsuǒ de dàcài dōu liǎo ruò zhǐ zhǎng a! I didn’t expect for you being so young, yet so familiar in the ways of cooking! To be familiar with the many complicated procedures of such a great dish like Fo Tiao Qiang like the back of your hand!
[ 鄭春發] 而且我看您的手…… 也是佈滿了燙傷和刀傷的痕跡﹐ 真是可惜了這一雙本應該細嫩的巧手了‥﹒ Érqiě wǒ kàn nín de shǒu…… yěshì bù mǎnle tàngshāng hé dāo shāng de hénjī﹐ zhēnshi kěxíle zhè yī shuāng běn yìng gāi xìnèn de qiǎo shǒule‥﹒ And I see your hands... They are even covered with traces of burns and knife wounds, this poor pair of worned out hands that must have once been delicate ‥﹒
[Player] 我才幾歲的時候, 就已經抬著腳凳站到灶台前學烹飪了。 Wǒ cái jǐ suì de shíhòu, jiù yǐjīng táizhe jiǎo dèng zhàn dào zào tái qián xué pēngrènle. When I was only a few years old, I would already be carrying over a footstool to stand in front of the stove to learn how to cooking.
[Player] 第一次被燙傷的時候, 我哭了好久好久, 幸虧餃子....幸虧我的家人之中有醫術高超的醫師及時為我處理傷勢。 Dì yī cì bèi tàngshāng de shíhòu, wǒ kūle hǎojiǔ hǎojiǔ, xìngkuī jiǎozi.... Xìngkuī wǒ de jiārén zhī zhōng yǒu yīshù gāochāo de yīshī jíshí wèi wǒ chǔlǐ shāngshì. The first time I burned my hand, I cried for a long time, fortunately Jiao Zi ... Fortunately there’s a superb doctor in my family that took care of my injury in time.
[Player] 醫師一邊為我處理傷口, 哥哥們一邊抱著我哄我開心。 弟弟們圍在我的腳邊替我著急, 其中還冑跟著我一起哭的…… Yīshī yībiān wèi wǒ chǔlǐ shāngkǒu, gēgēmen yībiān bàozhe wǒ hōng wǒ kāixīn. Dìdìmen wéi zài wǒ de jiǎo biān tì wǒ zhāojí, qízhōng hái zhòu gēnzhe wǒ yīqǐ kū de…… At the same time the doctor treated the my wound, and the older brothers hugged me as well to comfort me. My little brothers were anxious for me while surrounding my feet, and some of them cried with me ......
[ 鄭春發] 原來您來自一個溫暖的大家庭呀, 怪不得您性情如此開朗樂觀。 我就不一樣了,  我很笨拙, 常常把事情搞砸…… Yuánlái nín láizì yīgè wēnnuǎn de dà jiātíng ya, guàibùdé nín xìngqíng rúcǐ kāilǎng lèguān. Wǒ jiù bù yīyàngle,  wǒ hěn bènzhuō, chángcháng bǎ shìqíng gǎo zá…… So it turns out you’re come from a warm family, no wonder you have a cheerful and optimistic nature. I'm different, I'm very clumsy, always making a mess of things ...
[ 鄭春發] 只有福公...他是第一個, 也是唯一一個對我如此信任的人! Zhǐyǒu fú gōng... Tā shì dì yīgè, yěshì wéiyī yī gè duì wǒ rúcǐ xìnrèn de rén! Only Fu Gong ... He is the first and the only person who have confidence in me!
[ 鄭春發] 福公曾說過, 這聚春苑遲早要交給我全權打理…… 雖然感激福公對我的信任有加, 但這可真是使不得! Fú gōng céng shuōguò, zhè jù chūn yuàn chízǎo yào jiāo gěi wǒ quánquán dǎ lǐ…… suīrán gǎnjī fú gōng duì wǒ de xìnrèn yǒu jiā, dàn zhè kě zhēnshi shǐ bu dé! Fu Gong once said this before, this Ju Chun Yuan will sooner or later be handed over to me to take care of ... Although I am grateful for Fu Gong's extreme trust in me, but this is too unacceptable!
[ 鄭春發] 我根本不敢想像沒有福公的聚春苑會是什麼摸樣... Wǒ gēnběn bù gǎn xiǎngxiàng méiyǒu fú gōng de jù chūn yuàn huì shì shénme mō yàng... I absolutely don’t dare to image what it would be like to have Ju Chun Yuan without Fu Gong....
[Narration] 很想告訴他, 按照現世記載, 即使沒有佛跳牆, 聚春苑也依然是屹立福州城百年不倒的大招牌…… Hěn xiǎng gàosù tā, ànzhào xiànshì jìzǎi, jíshǐ méiyǒu fútiàoqiáng, jù chūn yuàn yě yīrán shì yìlì fúzhōu chéng bǎinián bù dǎo de dà zhāopái…… I really want to tell him, that according to the records of this world, even if there’s no Fo Tiao Qiang, Ju Chun Yuan will still be a largely reputated business that will stands in Fuzhou City for a hundred years ...
[Player] ……對了! 關於挑選海產乾貨, 你有没有什麼心得經驗可以跟我分享呀? ……Duìle! Guānyú tiāoxuǎn hǎichǎn gānhuò, nǐ yǒu méiyǒu shé me xīndé jīngyàn kěyǐ gēn wǒ fēnxiǎng ya? … Right! About the selection of dried sea products, do you have any insights you could share with me?
[ 鄭春發] 您請過來, 看這鮑魚﹗ 香氣濃郁, 唇邊珠花完整, 肥厚圓潤, 透紅且有光澤, 乃是上品。 Nín qǐng guòlái, kàn zhè bàoyú﹗ xiāngqì nóngyù, chún biān zhū huā wánzhěng, féihòu yuánrùn, tòu hóng qiě yǒu guāngzé, nǎi shì shàngpǐn. Please come over here, look at this abalone! Rich aroma, bead-patterned lipping is intact, plump and round, rosy and glossy, it is top grade.
[ 鄭春發] 佛跳牆裡所用魚唇是海味八珍之一, 用鯊魚或其它大型魚的唇和皮加工成的一種海味‧‧‧‧‧‧ Fútiàoqiáng lǐ suǒyòng yú chún shì hǎiwèi bā zhēn zhī yī, yòng shāyú huò qítā dàxíng yú de chún hé pí jiāgōng chéng de yīzhǒng hǎiwèi‧‧‧‧‧ The fish lips used in Fo Tiao Qiang is one of the eight seafood delicacies, it is a kind of seafood processed from the lips and skin of sharks or other large fishes ‧‧‧‧‧‧‧
[ 鄭春發] 這海參刺體粗壯, 說明年齡夠了。 手捏海參有彈性, 那麼泡發以後的海參也會有彈性…… Zhè hǎishēn cì tǐ cūzhuàng, shuōmíng niánlíng gòule. Shǒu niē hǎishēn yǒu tánxìng, nàme pào fā yǐhòu dì hǎishēn yě huì yǒu tánxìng…… This sea cucumber’s spiked body is thick and solid, indicating that it is old enough. There’s a spring when pressing the sea cucumber, and will still have that elasticity soaking...
[ 鄭春發] 瑤柱也是好貨, 您看, 它顆粒完整, 手感乾燥有香氣。 堅實飽滿, 肉質乾硬, 色澤金光…… Yáo zhù yěshì hǎo huò, nín kàn, tā kēlì wánzhěng, shǒugǎn gānzào yǒu xiāngqì. Jiānshí bǎomǎn, ròuzhì gān yìng, sèzé jīnguāng…… Scallop is also a good product, you see, this tiny round thing is intact, it feels dry and has a fragrance. Solid and full, the flesh is dry and hard, the color is bright gold ...
[Narration] 鄭春發教我挑選海產乾貨, 眉頭漸漸舒展。 他在選食材上相當有經驗, 看得出來他對佛跳牆這道菜與其所需食材的瞭解已相當深入... Zhèngchūnfā jiào wǒ tiāoxuǎn hǎichǎn gānhuò, méitóu jiànjiàn shūzhǎn. Tā zài xuǎn shícái shàng xiàng dāng yǒu jīngyàn, kàn dé chūlái tā duì fútiàoqiáng zhè dào cài yǔqí suǒ xū shícái de liǎojiě yǐ xiāngdāng shēnrù... Zheng Chun Fa taches me how to choose dry seafood, his brows gradually smooths out. He is quite experienced in the selection of ingredients, making it plain to see that he is thorough with the Fo Tiao Qiang dish and has a deep understand of the required ingredients ...
[Player] 福公子 ~ 小筍 ~ 我們回來啦﹗ Fú gōngzǐ ~ xiǎo sǔn ~ wǒmen huílái la﹗ Fu Gongzi ~ Xiao Sun ~ We're back!
[ 雞茸金絲筍] 才回來﹖ 我都已經把行裝收拾好了! 怎麼樣, 迅遠吧? As fast as lightning! Cái huílái﹖ wǒ dū yǐjīng bǎ xíngzhuāng shōushí hǎole! Zěnme yàng, xùn yuǎn ba? As fast as lightning! Just came back? I have already packed the luggages! How about it, wasn’t it fast? As fast as lightning!
[ 雞茸金絲筍] Look! 這套泳裝, 是我打算在海邊游泳、 曬太陽的時候穿的-- Look! Zhè tào yǒngzhuāng, shì wǒ dǎsuàn zài hǎibiān yóuyǒng, shài tàiyáng de shíhòu chuān de-- Look! This swimsuit, I plan on wearing it to go swimming at the beach, when it’s time for sunbathing-
[ 雞茸金絲筍] 這套禮服, 是我親手設計, 親手裁縫的孤品! 不管空桑什麼時候舉辦party, 本少爺都已經準備好了﹗ Zhè tào lǐfú, shì wǒ qīnshǒu shèjì, qīnshǒu cáiféng de gū pǐn! Bùguǎn kōng sāng shénme shíhòu jǔbàn party, běn shàoyé dōu yǐjīng zhǔnbèi hǎole﹗ This formal attire, is a one-of-a-kind, personally designed, personally tailored by me! No matter when Kong Sang holds a party, this young master is already prepared!
[ 雞茸金絲筍] 還有套睡衣, 柔順親膚, 穿上它, 保管一覺睡到天亮﹗ 我可是會認床的啊, 在陌生的地方睡覺我會失眠的。 Hái yǒu tào shuìyī, róushùn qīn fū, chuān shàng tā, bǎoguǎn yī jué shuì dào tiānliàng﹗ wǒ kěshì huì rèn chuáng de a, zài mòshēng dì dìfāng shuìjiào wǒ huì shīmián de. Furthermore the pajamas, gentle and agreeable to the skin, putting it on, guaranteed to sleep until daybreak! I’m bound to have difficulties sleeping, suffering from insomnia when sleeping at an unfamiliar place.
[Player] 小筍倒是真的神速…… Xiǎo sǔn dǎoshì zhēn de shénsù…… Xiao Sun is really fast ...
[Player] 看來....你很喜歡空桑嘛﹖ Kàn lái.... Nǐ hěn xǐhuān kōng sāng ma? It seems like... you really like Kong Sang?
[ 雞茸金絲筍] 我、 我只是去看一看﹗ 也沒說就要住下來了…… 要是那地方不符合本少爺的品味, 本少爺還是要走的! Wǒ, wǒ zhǐshì qù kàn yī kàn﹗ yě méi shuō jiù yào zhù xiàláile…… yàoshi nà dìfāng bù fúhé běn shàoyé de pǐnwèi, běn shàoyé háishì yào zǒu de! I, I’m just going to take a look! And didn’t say anything about stay here ... Even if that place does not fit this young master’s taste, this young master must still go!
[Player] 是是是, 一切以少爺您的需求為先! Shì shì shì, yīqiè yǐ shàoyé nín de xūqiú wèi xiān! Yes yes yes, everything according to young master’s demands shall be a priority!
[ 雞茸金絲筍] ……我還有些細碎物件沒收完, 不跟你廢話了﹗ ……Wǒ hái yǒuxiē xìsuì wùjiàn mòshōu wán, bù gēn nǐ fèihuàle … I still have some remaining items that have yet to pack, so no more exchanging nonsense with you!
[Player] 雞茸金絲筍轉身便回房收捨去了…… Jī rōng jīn sī sǔn zhuǎnshēn biàn huí fáng shōu shě qùle…… Jo Ring Jin Si Sun turns around and goes back to the building ...
[鵠羹] 少主﹖ 你一個人在這裡做什麼﹖ Shǎo zhǔ﹖ nǐ yīgèrén zài zhèlǐ zuò shénme﹖ Young Miss? What are you doing here alone?
[Player] 鵠羹你來啦? 我在檢查店家送來的貨物有沒有紕漏。 要是到了壽宴那日才發現貨物有問題可就麻煩了。 Hú gēng nǐ lái la? Wǒ zài jiǎnchá diànjiā sòng lái de huòwù yǒu méiyǒu pīlòu . Yàoshi dàole shòu yàn nà rì cái fāxiàn huòwù yǒu wèntí kě jiù máfanle. Hu Geng, you’re here? I'm just inspecting if the received goods from the proprietor had any careless mistakes. It would be troublesome if the goods were found to be defective on the day of the birthday banquet.
[鵠羹] 還是少主細心。 不過佛跳牆和雞茸金絲筍已經答應隨少主回空桑, 加之佛跳牆曾囑咐過, 壽宴由鄭春發全權負責。 Háishì shǎo zhǔ xìxīn. Bùguò fútiàoqiáng hé jī rōng jīn sī sǔn yǐjīng dāyìng suí shǎo zhǔ huí kōng sāng, jiāzhī fútiàoqiáng céng zhǔfùguò, shòu yàn yóu zhèngchūnfā quánquán fùzé. It is still Young Miss that is attentive. However, Fo Tiao Qiang and Ji Ring Jin Si Sun have agreed to follow Young Miss to return to Kong Sang, in addition to what Fo Tiao Qiang once said before, the birthday banquet is left for Zheng Chun Fa to take full control and responsibility.
[鵠羹] 少主大可不必如此操勞。 Shǎo zhǔ dà kě bùbì rúcǐ cāoláo. Young Miss need not have to work this hard.
[Player] 哎……或許是因為心裡有些內疚... Āi……huòxǔ shì yīn wéi xīnlǐ yǒuxiē nèijiù... Haa... perhaps it is because the heart is still somewhat guilty...
[Player] 畢竟我看鄭春發是真的十分依賴佛跳牆, 若他知道壽宴過後佛跳牆便要離開福州城... Bìjìng wǒ kàn zhèngchūnfā shì zhēn de shífēn yīlài fútiàoqiáng, ruò tā zhīdào shòu yàn guòhòu fútiàoqiáng biàn yào líkāi fúzhōu chéng... After all, I can see Zheng Chun Fa is really dependent on Fo Tiao Qiang . If he knows that Fo Tiao Qiang will leave Fu Zhou City after the birthday banquet...
[鵠羹] 佛跳牆這麼做, 自然是有他的道理。 Fútiàoqiáng zhème zuò, zìrán shì yǒu tā de dàolǐ. Fo Tiao Qiang doing things this way, naturally he has his reasons.
[鵠羹] 伊摯大人離開空桑, 並將空桑交托给少主, 或許也有相似的原因吧。 Yī zhì dàrén líkāi kōng sāng, bìng jiāng kōng sāng jiāo tuō gěi shǎo zhǔ, huòxǔ yěyǒu xiāngsì de yuányīn ba. Master Yi Zhi departing Kong Sang, and entrusting Kong Sang to Young Miss, maybe it is also for a similar reason.
[Player] 所以他現在還沒回空桑, 是希望我通過重重試煉、 克服種種困難、 得到新的成長嗎... Suǒyǐ tā xiànzài hái méi huí kōng sāng, shì xīwàng wǒ tōngguò chóngchóng shì liàn, kèfú zhǒngzhǒng kùnnán, dédào xīn de chéngzhǎng ma... So that’s why he hasn't returned to the Kong Sang, hoping for me to go through levels upon layers of refinement through fire, overcoming all kinds of tribulations, to grow mature...
[Narration] 回想起爹爹那副吊兒啷噹又寵妻成狂的模樣﹐ 無奈地搖了搖頭…… Huíxiǎng qǐ diēdiē nà fù diào er lāng dāng yòu chǒng qī chéng kuáng de múyàng﹐ wúnài de yáole yáotóu…… Thinking back of father’s style of being carefree and wildly pampering his wife, I helpessly shake my bowed head...
[Narration] 一桶乾貨突然從貨車上翻 了下來, 海產撒了一地...! Yī tǒng gānhuò túrán cóng huòchē shàng fānle xiàlái, hǎichǎn sāle yī dì...! A barrel of dry goods was suddenly flipped off the freight wagon, seafood scattering all over the place ...!
[餘腥蟹] (the fishy smelling crab enemy) ....!
[Player] 這裡怎會有食魘﹗ 鵠羹, 快制住它﹗ 不要讓他傷害店裡的客人﹗ Zhèlǐ zěn huì yǒu shí yǎn﹗ hú gēng, kuài zhì zhù tā ﹗ bùyào ràng tā shānghài diàn lǐ de kèrén﹗ How can there be a Food Nightmare here! Hu Geng, stop it quickly! Don't let him harm the customers in the shop!
[鵠羹] 是, 少主﹗ Shì, shǎo zhǔ﹗ Yes, Young Miss!
((Proceed to battle to move on)) 
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jiaoxiaojie1 · 5 years
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hkyahoofood · 6 years
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1)海景軒:創意新潮 奶皇珍珠
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紫薯臘味芋頭糕 每盒$268
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奶皇珍珠年糕 每盒$288
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4)營致會館:精緻高雅 手工年糕
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