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darksouljellyfish · 18 hours ago
— Twitter / 深沢英次 (via yjsk) (via nemoi) (via zengame) (via uessai-text) (via tuvuan) (via jinon) (via goodmorning) (via gkojaz) (via yaruo)
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koch-snowflake-blog · 2 days ago
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瀬戸 環奈(せと かんな、2004年[3]5月10日 - )は、日本のAV女優。元グラビアアイドル。Bstar所属。神奈川県出身。
愛称 セトカン
生年月日 2004年5月10日
現年齢 20歳
出身地 神奈川県
身長 / 体重 170 cm / ― kg
スリーサイズ 101 - 59 - 91 cm
ブラサイズ J 
初めての彼は小学校5年生の時。他の男子の家に届け物があったので行ったところ「他の男の家に行ったのか! それは浮気だ!」とフラれる。
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hiromusicarts-blog · 3 days ago
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オヤスミナサイ Good night
アルバム Noahより
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ryotarox · 2 days ago
「ていねいな暮らし」というものにも派閥があって 英国派 北欧派 京都派 と主に3つあり、それぞれの派閥でしのぎを削っているらしい。三国志かと思いました 2024-10-26 10:05:50 高見温|On Takami @Soldi79710444 英国×京都の偉大なベニシアさんが急逝し、カリスマが消えてしまったことで混迷を極める「ていねいな暮らし」情勢 杏さん×タサン志麻さんのフランス派が捲土重来を期すが、常盤貴子さんが少し前にフランス派から京都派に急旋回した理由が気になります
『ていねいな暮らし』というものにも派閥があり、英国派、北欧派、京都派と主に3つがそれぞれの派閥でしのぎを削っているらしい「三国志かと思った」 - Togetter [トゥギャッター]
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koalanokosuke · 1 day ago
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yamasakiko---ji · 2 days ago
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1:05 覚醒、喉の奥が痒い。 韓国の何かの夢をみたが内容は思い出せん。 もうひとつは誰かの家でのイベントで俺が「この隣、ギャラリーで八津谷さん知ってます?」と聞いていた。隣の家に寄ると八津谷さんとあんこまんが居て、久しぶりですねーと言われた。展示の用意をしていて忙しそうだった。
ようやく写真撮りたくなり、CLに40mmを付けて明石から西新町まで海沿いを歩く。 自分にとっての写真を撮る意味をいつも考えているが、47年経っても答えなど見つからん。多分ない。
おっちゃんからエル子逝去の連絡。1月14日 午前4:30とのこと。推定17〜18歳。大往生か。滋賀の寝床が寂しくなります。
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samantha-dan564 · 2 days ago
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croquis-el · 3 days ago
Authentic Japan in Gyakuten Saiban pt. 3
And we continue our acquaintance with authentic Japan accompanied by Naruhodo and case 3-5. And our guest today is Mei Karuma (Franziska von Karma).
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naruhodō ryūichi. Kono kiiroi posutā wa nani kashira?
Naruhodo Ryuichi. What is this yellow poster?
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ā. Sore wa “kakejiku” da yo. Egaka rete iru on'na no hito wa.....
Ah, that's a hanging scroll. The woman depicted is...
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せんべいブトンが たたまれている。
Senbei Buton ga tata mare te iru.
The rice cracker butons are folded.
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nanikashira? “Senbei buton” tte.
What is it? "Senbei Buton"
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usu kute pettari shita, o senbei mitaina futon da yo.
It's a thin, sticky futon, like a rice cracker.
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kono kuni ja, sō iu no.
That's what we say in this country.
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Amerika de ieba “bisuketto taoruketto” ka na.
In America, it would be... "Biscuit towel blanket."
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-so,-sōna no. Benkyō ni natta wa.
Oh, that's right... I learned something.
If everything is clear with the scroll or, as Karuma called it, the "yellow poster", then the following dialogue simply blew my mind. Let's figure it out.
The first thing that causes misunderstanding is the "senbei buton" that Naruhodo talks about.
Senbei (煎餅), also spelled sembei, is a type of Japanese rice cracker. 
It is served as a snack during tea ceremonies, festivals, and other celebrations.
Which, by the way, Naruhodo himself explains a little later.
Now about "buton".
This is a slang word meaning "futon".
The kanji for "futon" is written as 布団 [futon] and read as [buton]. There is also the spelling ぶとん, where ぶ is read as [bu].
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The difference in pronunciation:
ブトン [buton] from the first sentence.
フトン [futon] where Naruhodo already explains the meaning of the word to Karma.
And now together:
Shiki-buton which became hard and flat like a senbei (a Japanese rice cracker). That’s why it is called senbei-buton. A futon made of cotton tends to become a senbei-buton, because the cotton fibers get entangled after absorbing moisture.
Well, you know what a futon is without me.
Next is "bisuketto taoruketto" or Biscuit towel blanket.
ビスケット [bisuketto] - biscuit
タオルケット [taoruketto] - towel-blanket
To be honest, it seemed like a bunch of words to me. Because this is the first time I've encountered a "biscuit blanket". However, a little searching yielded the result - it's a synonym for Puff quilts.
Well, now everything has become clearer. For a bit. (And how on earth does Naruhodo know such things).
It turned out to be even worse with the towel blanket. However, the word タオルケット [taoruketto] has meanings:
● towel blanket (towel (blan)ket)
● terry-cloth blanket
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Well, how could I not have guessed that this was a terry blanket! And if you put everything together, then a terry-cloth quilted blanket. (Although, honestly, I couldn't even think of it, because I've only seen terry bedspreads and towels, but not blankets.)
Well, Karuma agreed, and okay, then she understood. Yes, and I agree with her last phrase, today I also learned something new.
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spindrift64 · 2 days ago
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hiromusicarts-blog · 23 hours ago
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It's a complicated story. Normally you would think that Anpanman would have bean paste inside, but this one has chocolate cream inside. What's more, the design of his face is a bit off 😆 (I'm sure the late Takashi Yanase would laugh and forgive ) But this shop (Brevent) is really popular for their cream buns, and they sell a lot of them every day. This chocolate cream bun is made using that cream, so it's delicious ^^ To be honest, I've already bought it many times.
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beyourselfchulanmaria · 3 days ago
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多謝款待主題曲 「雨過天晴」 NHK連続テレビ小説「ごちそうさん」主題曲「雨のち晴レルヤ」
Ame Nochi Hallelujah (雨のち晴レルヤ) (詩 / 北川悠仁、曲 / 北川悠仁・佐藤和哉)
突然 偶然 それとも必然 始まりは気付かぬうちに
予報通り いかない模様 そんな時こそ 微笑みを
ポツリポツリと町の色 変わってゆけば 傘はなくとも雨空に 唄うよ
どんな君でも アイシテイル 顔を上げてごらん 光が照らす 涙の河も 海へと帰る 誰の心も 雨のち晴レルヤ
大空に飛ばした靴 占った明日の行方 描いてた未来じゃないが 君がいるかけがえのない日々 それは奇跡
ポツリポツリと呟いて 伝えてくれた 風に紛れてこの胸に 届くよ
何があっても そばにいるよ 君と待っていたい 昇る朝日を さらば 手を振ろう 哀しみ達に 時は流れて 笑顔になれるよ
どんな君でも アイシテイル 顔を上げてごらん 光が照らす
何があっても そばにいるよ 君と待っていたい 昇る朝日を 涙の河も 海へと帰る 誰の心も 雨のち晴レルヤ 雨のち晴レルヤ
雨のち晴レルヤ(詩 / 北川悠仁、曲 / 北川悠仁・佐藤和哉)
守ってあげたい(詩・曲:北川悠仁) Music Video: • ゆず「守ってあげたい」
飛行機雲(詩・曲 / 岩沢厚治)
NHK連続テレビ小説『ごちそうさん』主題歌「雨のち晴レルヤ」Music Videoを手がけたのは、唯一無二の世界観を持つ女性写真家で映画監督も務める蜷川実花氏。ゆずとは2007年に発表された楽曲「明日天気になぁれ」のMVを手がけて以来、6年ぶりのタッグとなる。
本作では楽曲の持つ、哀愁と叙情感ある "和テイスト"と、大正〜昭和時代の空気感や旧き良き日本の文化性を昇華。また、蜷川実花氏の父で演出家・蜷川幸雄氏も撮影協力として参加。"蜷川組"と称される実力派の役者たちが多数登場し、ゆずの脇を固めて作品の説得性をより高めている。
音樂除了能夠療癒,也使你不致感到孤單。 In addition to being healing, music can also make you feel less alone. ♫ ◠‿◠ Lan~*
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koch-snowflake-blog · 2 days ago
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AB型 / 2月7日生まれ
🧀 好きな食べ物:爽健美茶、紅茶、デミグラスオムライス
🍄 嫌いな食べ物:辛いヤツ、甘いヤツ、きのこ、貝類とか(偏食)
🎮 趣味:推し活、アニメ漫画、ゲーム、寝る
🐣 最近してること:歯の矯正してる / 好きなキャラクターのグッズを集めてる(もくもくちゃん、タキシードサム、ぴよたそ、等 どんどん増えてます🐥)
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deadrocks · 2 days ago
Mild crimes of Yakuza 0 localization, installment the third or fourth or whatever:
世良: あの女に惚れたってことか? まさかなぁ?(ano onna ni horeta'tte koto ka? masaka naa?)
Sera: You're not saying you fell in love with that woman, are you? Surely not?
真島:お前が俺の何を知っとんねん?!俺が人、助けたらアカンのか?!(omae ga ore no nani wo shi'tton nen?! ore ga hito, tasuke'tara akan no ka?!)
Majima: What do you even fucking know about me?! [You're saying that] I couldn't just be helping someone [without some motive]?!
~Some time later~
嶋野: 女もお前の好きにしたらええ。お前、惚れとんのやろ?あの女に。(onna mo omae no suki ni shitara eeh. omae, hore'ton no yaro? ano onna ni)
Shimano: And you can do as you like with the woman. You're fallen in love, right? With that woman.
Majima: [Complete silence].
Shimano and Sera both using 惚れる (horeru, to fall in love) when talking to Majima about Makoto stuck out to me as the writers making a parallel between the scenes, with Majima replying somewhat defensively towards a person who doesn't know him but not speaking at all with someone who (really, really) does.
That isn't really clear in the localization, though, I think. In the English subtitles, Shimano says instead: "Hell, I'll throw in the girl as a bonus. Hey, you ain't sprung on her, are ya? That little minx." So, somewhere between 0.5 and 1 mild crime points awarded for eliding the parallel, plus another 0.5 for the line phrased as if Shimano would be surprised that Majima was "sprung on" Makoto rather than him confirming that was yet another outcome he'd foreseen when he put his plan into motion.
EDIT: I didn't even think about how right after this, as the shitheads from the Pachinko parlor are beating him up, Majima says: どうでもええ。好きにせえや。(dou demo eeh. suki ni see ya.) "Who cares. Do what you like," calling back to Shimano's "suki ni shitara ee/do as you like" regarding Makoto. Love this game.
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haru-dipthong · 2 days ago
Fansub release + translation notes for Utena ep 22!
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You know everything, don’t you Juri? With such a vast intelligence network, I wish you’d hurry up and find out these people’s true identities. (literal translation)
You know everything, don’t you Juri? I wish you'd put your little birdies to work finding out just who is behind this. (final translation)
情報網 (jouhoumou) is an interesting word to use here! It literally means “intelligence network”, so Nanami is implying that Juri has a bunch of spies feeding her everytthing that happens at the school. To actually use the word “intelligence network” sounds a little but out of place in English though, so I rephrased the line a little to sound more conversational and accusatory.
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Boy: しばらく消えないでしょうね、根室教授。 Nemuro: ん?なんだい? Boy: 雪の事ですよ、教授。
Boy: Won't disappear for a while still, eh, Professor Nemuro? Nemuro: I beg your pardon? Boy: I was talking about the snow, Professor.
There’s a double meaning in the first line here — the boy could reasonably be talking about the Professor himself not clearing out for a while. That was actually my original phrasing: “Won’t clear out for a while” but Anya suggested “disappear” which is actually much closer to the original Japanese phrasing so I changed it to that. I think this exchange preserves that passive aggressive dig at the Professor pretty well!
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She hates it when the petals begin to fall. This way even a short-lived flower can be made to last a little longer. But… I wonder how the flowers feel about their existence being prolonged like this.
This is one of my favourite exchanges in the show! I think this really emphasises how Japanese sentence structure and general way of phrasing things differs drastically from English. A literal translation of the first sentence would be something like “That person does not want to see flowers scatter”. Each part of the sentence sounds weird if translated individually:
あの人 - “that person” being used because Japanese prefers that phrasing to third person pronoun “she”.
花が散る - “flowers scatter” is the most natural way to say “petals fall/die” in Japanese but sounds very odd in English
見たくないんですよ - “does not want to see X” also sounds very funny when translated directly to English, but simply conveys the idea that she doesn’t like seeing something happen.
When taken as a whole, complete idea though, the sentence can easily be translated into something that sounds natural in English: “She hates it when the petals begin to fall.”
The hardest part of this to translate was the last sentence. I originally had translated it like this: “So much work to make them last, and yet I wonder if the flowers themselves are happy.”
こうまでして - to go this far/to put in this much effort/to put in this much work. However, this is more of a tone setting phrase than a meaning carrying phrase, so it’s okay not to translate it directly.
永らえる - to prolong something’s lifespan. This is hard to translate because while the phrasing works in Japanese, the preserved flowers are actually dead. So you can’t translate it as “I wonder how the flowers feel about being made to live so long” or something of that ilk. My original translation of “make them last” works, but I prefer the final translation of “existence being prolonged”. It sounds more applicable to Mamiya’s situation, and this exchange is all about that metaphor.
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(lit.) We just think of a heart that longs for eternity as beautiful. (??)
We just romanticise the idea of eternity.
Another great example of Japanese phrasing that sounds super weird when translated directly, but can sound very natural when the core idea behind the words is translated properly. “Romanticise” is such a succinct one-word translation of the several word phrase 「憧れる心が美しく思えたり」!
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Thank you to my amazing editor @dontbe-lasanya for their help with the episode as always!
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Rose divider taken from this post.
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namasukitanemanko · 2 days ago
(以下スカトロ記載あり ぼちぼち長文 閲覧注意)
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may-k-world · 2 days ago
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昔の雑誌に載ってたサンドイッチの具をメモしたものを見つけたから、ちょうどこれも昔ドンキの情熱価格で買ったオイルサーディン缶を開け、これまた昔から家にあるバウルーでホットサンドを作ってみた。 確か前回は火加減や時間が分からず焦がしてしまってそれっきりだった気がするけど、今はググれば適切な時間も出てくるので、とりあえず失敗なく焼くことができました 👏 今までは頂き物のツナ缶、カニ缶など、開けることもなく姉や姪にあげてたんだけど、そうか💡これからはホットサンドにしちゃえばいいんだ〜😋
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