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masahiko4435 · 2 years ago
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昨日は休みでしたがWEB会議入ってしまい午前中だけ出勤。 慌てて帰って植え替え予定の苗を除き久し振りの水やリ。 今回たっぷり水やるデーと決めていたのでざんぶざんぶとかける! それこそおいらもずぶ濡れになる程に! pic① 水あげた後、水滴は丁寧に取り除いたので濡れてる感ゼロ pic② 昨年初の#実生 で生き残った少数精鋭の戦士ww と言ってもこのポットは#自家受粉 なんで花をふにふにゆさゆさしただけですが。。。 確か、、多分、、イェコラと沙羅姫xチワワだったと思います。   はい。 確か、、 pic③ こちらはちゃんと#交配 したものの中で生き残った少数精鋭の戦士ww お気付き頂けただろうか。。 札が沢山刺さっている事に、 はい。ひっくり返しましたww もうそれは見事にドンガラガッシャンと! 確か、、多分、、ラパスとかカマノイとかピンキーとか交配したのが混ざっちゃった感じです。 一発目から#札落ち さん決定です。 ゴメンよ。。ort(←これまだ使ってるのオイラだけ?) pic④ こちらは今日は水浴びできなかった植え替え予定の2~2.5号鉢 ちゃんとこの後植え替えだけは済ませてます。 pic⑤ そしてこちらは3号鉢。 すまん!出来んかった!土も足りんかった! 明日こそは、明日こそは植え替えますのでそれまで我慢を!! これでやっと2年放置の3月バッチは終了。 当然4月、5月と続きますが。。。(T^T)(←これも最近見かけない) pic⑥ 先日3.5号鉢に鉢上げしたラウリンゼ&モンロー 基本3号鉢までで育てたいんだけど、今年は一部を大きく育てるのもチャレンジしてみる。先ずは3.5から徐々に。 pic⑦ #フランシノxトリマネンシス #おらいさん苗  良い感じです。 pic⑧、pic⑨ 共に#ハロウィンhyb として2株セットでヤフオクでポチったんだけどお父さんが違うのか、それとも単なる顔違いなのか。 どちらも気に入ってるので今後の個体差も含めて楽しみに育てたい。 pic⑩ 最後は超普及種の#トップシーツルビー だけど綺麗にハート作ってたんで載せました♪ あ、 特に病んではおりません。 #多肉植物 #ベランダ多肉 #多肉オヤジ #エケベリア #エケベリア_itm #Echeveria #Echeveria_itm #実生_itm #自家受粉_itm #交配_itm #札落ち_itm #ラウリンゼ_itm #モンロー_itm #フランシノxトリマネンシス_itm #おらいさん苗_itm #ハロウィンhyb_itm #トップシーツルビー_itm (Tokoname) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp2TO5Nr4du/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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haru-dipthong · 3 months ago
Fansub Release + Analysis of Utena Ep 14
This is a big one!!
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My fansub release posts aren't usually like this, but this episode is so jam packed with stuff I want to talk about that I had to write my translation notes as a series of essays. It's longer than usual so strap in!
First, a word on “The Mikage Seminar”
I’ve always found the translation “the Mikage Seminar” very strange. In English, a seminar is an event — a lecture. Yet “the Mikage Seminar” is discussed as though it’s not a recurring lecture, but a society or a school of therapy, or a cult (like scientology). In fact I did a bit of reading about scientology to try and find an alternative translation, and discovered that the origins of scientology, namely a set of ideas and practices called Dianetics, bears a lot of similarities to “the Mikage Seminar”. Both involve a type of therapy where one person looks into their mind and talks to an “auditor”.
The auditor coaxes the preclear to recall as much as possible. — Wikipedia
This in particular stood out to me! Mikage often says 「深く。もっと深く」 during his interviews (”Deeper. Dig deeper.”).
The Japanese word ゼミナール doesn’t actually come from the English “seminar” but the German “Seminar” (capitalised). According to Wikipedia, in Germany, and often in Japan, Seminar/ゼミナール is used to refer to a university course that includes a thesis project. So ゼミナール refers to a course of learning, rather than a talk or lecture. And it would make a lot of sense to call a system like Dianetics a “course”. Almost like a “course” of medicine — a “course” of psychological practices that you can join but never complete.
So it would make sense to translate it as “the Mikage Course”. But “course” has more meanings in English than just this, and in the context of a university this makes it sound more like a mundane teaching course. So I tried some other words: the Mikage Sessions, the Mikage Method, Mikage Psychotherapy, Mikage Therapy, the Mikage Movement. None seemed quite right. Until I remembered this post. ゼミナール is a foreign word in Japanese, why not find a foreign word for the translation? And so I settled on this:
The Mikage Seminarium, AKA The Society of the Black Rose…
Seminarium is Latin, and is where both the German and English derive seminar from. Its original meaning is “seed plot”, but it’s also just the Polish word for seminar. I really like how the Latin makes its meaning ambiguous — it kind of sounds like a location, kind of sounds like a society, and kind of sounds like a learning course. Because it is all of these things.
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Anthy: では、香苗さん。失礼します。 Kanae: ね、あたしの事、お姉さんって呼んでいいのよ。もうすぐわたしはあなたの本当のお姉さんになるんだから。
A more literal translation:
Anthy: Thank you for having us, Kanae-san. Kanae: Please… you can just call me “sister”. I’m going to be your real sister soon enough anyway.
The translation I ended up going with:
Anthy: Thank you for having us, Miss Ohtori. Kanae: Please... you can just call me Kanae. We're going to be family soon. There's no need for the formalities.
Japanese honorifics strike again!
In English, sisters-in-law don’t ask to be called “sister”. That would be super weird in most scenarios, and this scene is trying to evoke a particular familiar feeling of closing a distance gap in a relationship. The audience is meant to relate. Changing how Anthy addresses Kanae was pivotal to this scene working properly.
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I understand. Your only choice is to force the world to change around you.
This line is translated as “Your only choice is to revolutionise the world” by basically every other translation. The reason is clear — the Japanese is the same as when Utena pulls the sword out of Anthy, or when any of the other characters talk about “revolutionising the world”. However, in this context, I don’t like it. The nuance of the English phrase is quite different to the Japanese phrase. In English, it’s often used to describe new commercial products: “This new device will revolutionise the world!” It comes with an implied “for the better”, but has used to describe technological developments so unexciting that it can also feel hollow. When the student council talk of revolutionising the world, they sound like revolutionaries — the context makes it work. But in this context, it comes out of nowhere and doesn’t have any of that fervour, which makes it sound hollow and flaccid when it should sound sinister and manipulative.
I think a pervading throughline for all the Black Rose duelists is that they see their problems as caused by other people, with themselves being blameless. Rather than change how they approach their situation, Mikage tells them they’re in the right.
Your behaviour will set you down a path. If that path leads to your goals, well done! However, if your path does not lead to your goals, there’s only two ways you can achieve them.
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The first is to change your behaviour so that it does align with your goals. The second, impossible way, is for the rest of the world to change such that your current path DOES end up leading to your goals. This second way is not possible in the real world. But it is possible in Utena.
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Also I’ll just leave this here: “around you” → “revolve” → “revolution” 👀
Kanae tried to build a relationship with Anthy in a passive, non-confrontational, extremely Japanese way — the way she has been taught to behave, the “proper” way, a mechanical following of the social scripts. We don’t see a lot of their relationship, but the way she behaved and spoke of behaving towards Anthy is very very similar to the way my Japanese grandmother has behaved towards my and my brother’s partners.
It was unthinkable to her to change this pattern of behaviour. Her only choice was to change Anthy, change the rest of the world, so that her behaviour would lead to the outcomes she wants. You could describe this forceful bending of reality to be “revolutionising the world”.
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As long as I have this Black Rose, I'm free from the lie I was living before.
Besides gender, growing up, and resisting change (which exist as separate themes but also all intertwine as one), another major theme present in Utena is the self and subjective reality. The self is explored within those first major three themes, but also in terms of how the self dictates reality with the Black Rose duellists.
Black Rose Kanae says that her past self was a lie.
It reminds me of all the times when I’ve been going through a personal trial and I’ve looked back on my past self and thought “How naive I was. I understand things better now.” And then after a while I realise I was wrong, and my first self was more right. And then later still, maybe I re-realise that the second self was more right! And so on! The reality of truth (or to use Kanae’s language, “lies”) is so subjective.
Who dictates knowledge production? Who decides what is true; what is valid knowledge? This is a question of sociology - and at the moment that answer is "science does, kinda". But science and academic systems are supported by capitalist structures and tainted by capitalistic incentives — needing to be published in a journal, issues of replicability, the barrier to entry into academia in the first place, etc, etc. In the future we may find our current way of organising knowledge to be archaic and primitive in the same way we look back at medieval scholars.
But what about organising self-knowledge? Knowledge where the only one who can really decide what is true is yourself. And the only one that can decide what yourself even IS is yourself. I feel like I have looked back on my old ways of conceptualising myself many times (not even counting the gender-based revelations) and thought it primitive and archaic, and NOW I truly understand who I am and how to think of myself and how my thoughts interact with my other thoughts. But I have no doubt that I’ll look back on this current self of mine and reject their way of thinking too.
After their heart is replaced by the Black Rose, the duellists themselves frame this change as a moment of self realisation, of clarity. Once the rose is inside them, they wake up from themselves, like I have countless times. Kanae says herself, “This is the true me.” Honestly, I don’t doubt it. I think that version of Kanae was her true self at that moment, given the things influencing her. Being brainwashed doesn’t make you less of a person, or less yourself. It just makes you organise your reality differently.
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We won't be able to defeat her by simply freezing someone's heart and forcing them to duel.
Anya and I discussed this in depth. I originally translated 心 as “mind”, because that was the first thing that popped into my head and I thought that was the simple part of the translation. However, Anya pointed out that it didn’t make sense with the themes of self and subjective reality, and I strongly agreed, so I changed it to “heart” instead.
Anya suggested “conscious mind” instead of “heart” but I think heart is more accurate. 心 (kokoro) can mean heart or mind in Japanese (I find it interesting that those two things are portrayed as opposites in English), and that kanji is found in the word for biological heart, 心臓 (shinzou). When they say of the Black Rose "This is your new heart" they use 心臓. They also say "Your new 命 (life/lifeforce)" which I translated as soul since it sounded more hardcore and because "your new life" is a set phrase in English meaning a new chapter in your life rather than your life force. I think the idea is that they're freezing the duellists' ability to love and feel empathy, which in my opinion is necessary for them to commit to the unbelievably selfish act of revolutionising/reconstructing/bending the entire structure of the world for their own convenience.
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A very special thanks to @dontbe-lasanya for being there to talk through all these themes and ideas. I'm incredibly proud of this episode's translation and I wouldn't have been able to do it without them.
If you want to see more analysis like this, let me know! And also follow this blog to see episodes of the fansub as they're released. You can find all episodes released so far here:
Rose divider taken from this post
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pikahlua · 10 months ago
MHA Chapter 419 (not actually) spoilers translations
This week’s initial tentative super rough/literal translations under the cut.
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tagline 1 死柄木の内より出づるAFO‼︎ しがらきのうちよりいづるオール・フォー・ワン‼︎ Shigaraki no uchi yori idzuru OORU FOO WAN!! The All For One that emerges from within Shigaraki!!
1 緑谷出久…! みどりやいずく…! Midoriya Izuku...! "Izuku Midoriya...!"
2 僕のOFAを…与一をよくも… ぼくのワン・フォー・オールを…与一をよくも… boku no WAN FOO OORU wo...Yoichi wo yokumo "[What you did to] my One for All...to my Yoichi, how dare you."
tagline 2 No.419 DESIGN 堀越耕平 ナンバー419 デザイン ほりこしこうへい NANBAA 419  DEZAIN  Horikoshi Kouhei No. 419 DESIGN Kouhei Horikoshi
3 だが daga "But"
4 無意識領域…転弧の心が押し負けたおかげで むいしきりょういき…てんこのこころがおしまけたおかげで muishiki ryouiki...Tenko no kokoro ga oshimaketa okage de "The unconscious realm...thanks to his heart being defeated*" (*Note: This word in Japanese more specifically means "to lose by being pushed out, to lose in a competition of pushing.")
5 再び意識を取り戻すことが出来た… ふたたびいしきをとりもどすことができた… futatabi ishiki wo torimodosu koto ga dekita... "I was again able to regain consciousness..."
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1 愚かな志村転弧 おろかなしむらてんこ orokana Shimura Tenko "Foolish Tenko Shimura."
2 ���垢なる超自我…薄鈍の人性と永訣できぬ弱き者! むくなるちょうじが…うすにびのじんせいとえいけつできぬよわきもの! mukunaru chou jiga...usunibi no jinsei to eiketsu dekinu yowaki mono! "[You have] become pure superego...a weak person with the nature of a half-wit and that can't say farewell!"
3 折角導いてやったというのに! せっかくみちびいてやったというのに! sekkaku michibiite yatta to iu noni! "Even though I took the trouble to guide you!"
4 先生が何を言っているか わからない せんせいがなにをいっているか わからない sensei ga nani wo itte iru ka wakaranai What is master saying? I don't understand.
5 言ったろう君は何一つ選んでなどいない いったろうきみはなにひとつえらんでなどいない ittarou kimi wa nani hitotsu erande nado inai "I told you, you didn't choose a single thing."
6 選んだ…これは僕の選択だ… えらんだ…これはぼくのせんたくだ… eranda...kore wa boku no sentaku da... I chose... This is my decision...
7 そう思わせねば"意志力"は生じない自由意志を逆向けにする事が肝要だった そうおもわせねば"いしりょく"はしょうじないじゆういしをさかむけにすることがかんようだった sou omowaseneba "ishiryoku" wa shoujinai jiyuu ishi wo sakamuke ni suru koto ga kan'you datta "If I didn't let you think that, then the willpower [I needed] would not arise. To reverse free will, it was essential."
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1 「ラリアット」万縄大悟郎 「ラリアット」ばんじょうだいごろう 「RARIATTO」 Banjou Daigorou "Daigorou 'Lariat" Banjou"
2 「ガエン」揺蕩井煙 「ガエン」たゆたいえん 「GAEN」 Tayutai En "En 'Smoke Squatter*' Tayutai" (*Note: These kanji for En's hero name individually mean "bedroom, lie down, bend down, prostrate" and "smoke.")
3 二度の接触で確信した にどのせっしょくでかくしんした nido no sesshoku de kakushin shita "Those two encounters convinced me."
4 OFA奪還には"意志力"で上回らねばならぬ事 ワン・フォー・オールだっかんには"いしりょく"でうわまわらねばならぬこと WAN FOO OORU dakkan ni wa "ishi ryoku" de uwamawaraneba naranu koto "In order to recapture One For All, I must overcome its willpower."
5 オールマイトに追い詰められゆく中捜したのさ オールマイトにおいつめられゆくなかさがしたのさ OORU MAITO ni oitsumerare yuku naka sagashita no sa "While All Might was tracking me down, I searched"
6 いつかーーー奴の"意志力"を削ぎうる魂 いつかーーーやつの"いしりょく"をそぎうるたましい itsu ka---yatsu no "ishiryoku" wo sogiuru tamashii "for a soul that could--someday--chip away at his willpower."
7 そして最も強き感情 そしてもっともつよきかんじょう soshite motto mo tsuyoki kanjou "And then, [for] the strongest emotion,"
8 イドを抑圧する事で生じる心の機能… イドをよくあつすることでしょうじるこころのきのう… IDO wo yokuatsu suru koto de shoujiru kokoro no kinou... "one that arises as a function of the heart suppressing the id..."
9 原始の欲求 げんしのよっきゅう genshi no yokkyuu "A primitive desire."
10 "憎しみ"を醸成する苗床を "にくしみ"をじょうせいするなえどこを "nikushimi" wo jousei suru naedoko wo "[I searched for] a nursery that would foster hatred."
11 それは迷うことはないでしょう それはまようことはないでしょう sore wa mayou koto wa nai deshou "There's no reason to puzzle over it anymore, is there?"
12 この時世ヒーローは本当に助けてほしい時に助けてくれませんから このじせいヒーローはほんとうにたすけてほしいときにたすけてくれませんから kono jisei HIIROO wa hontou ni tasukete hoshii toki ni tasukete kuremasen kara "Because the heroes of this day and age, when you really want their help, won't help you out."
13 助け合えるきょうだいは必要ですよ たすけあえるきょうだいはひつようですよ tasuke aeru kyoudai wa hitsuyou desu yo "It's necessary to have siblings who help each other out."
14 長女は育ちすぎていたし ちょうじょはそだちすぎていたし choujo wa sodachi sugite ita shi "His eldest daughter had grown up too much."
15 絶対に見つかってはいけない目立つ行動は取れなかった ぜったいにみつかってはいけないめだつこうどうはとれなかった zettai ni mitsukatte wa kenai nudatsu koudou wa torenakatta "I couldn't be found out, nor could I take any conspicuous action."
16 僕は後押しするだけだった ぼくはあとおしするだけだった boku wa atooshi suru dake datta "I just gave him a push."
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1 両親から授かったまだ見ぬ因子を抜き取り りょうしんからさずかったまだみぬいんしをぬきとり ryoushin kara sazukatta mada minu inshi wo nukitori "I extracted the yet-unseen quirk factor you received from your parents,"
2 抑圧を増進させ よくあつをぞうしんさせ yokuatsu wo zoushin sase "I made [your father] increase his restraint,"
3 憧憬を与えた どうけいをあたえた doukei wo ataeta "I supplied you with aspirations,"
4 志村さんの息子さん…だね? しむらさんのむすこさん…だね? Shimura-san no musuko-san...da ne? You're Mr. Shimura's son...right?
5 ここいらは車通りが多くて危ないから ここいらはくるまどおりがおおくてあぶないから kokoira wa kuruma-doori ga ookute abunai kara There's a lot of car traffic around here, so it's dangerous.
6 そして頃合いを見て そしてころあいを��て soshite koroai wo mite "and watched for when the time was right."
7-8 ���し手をつなごうか すこしてをつなごうか sukoshi te wo tsunagou ka Shall we hold each other's hand for a little?
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1 ドクターの施設にあった"個性"からーーーー ドクターのしせつにあった"こせい"からーーーー DOKUTAA no shisetsu ni atta "kosei" kara---- "It was a quirk that was in the doctor's facility----"
2 可逆性を取り払い かぎゃくせいをとりはらい kagyakusei wo toriharai "[We] got rid of the reversibility [function]"
3 破滅にのみつき進む粗悪な複製品を はめつにのみつきすすむそあくなコピーを hamestu ni nomitsuki susumu soaku na COPII wo "[to make] a crude/inferior copy that would be followed by nothing but ruin"
4 君に与えた きみにあたえた kimi ni ataeta "and bestowed it onto you."
5 ハッ HA "Hah" (*Note: The is a gasping sound for hyperventilation, which repeats throughout the page.)
6 じゃあ… jaa... "Then..."
7 そう sou "That's right."
8 悲劇も ひげきも higeki mo "The tragedy,"
9 試練も しれんも shiren mo "and the trials,"
10 否定も ひていも hitei mo "and the rejection,"
11 肯定も こうていも koutei mo "and the affirmation,"
12 僕が与えた ぼくがあたえた boku ga ataeta "I bestowed it onto you."
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1 全部だ!!! ぜんぶだ!!! zenbu da!!! "All of it!!!"
2 何が"遷ろわない"だ⁉︎恥を知れ! なにが"うつろわない"だ⁉︎はじをしれ! nani ga "utsurowanai" da!? haji wo shire! "What's this 'Your heart won't waver' [crap]!? Have some shame!"
3 心を殺し消去! こころをころししょうきょ! kokoro wo koroshi shoukyo! I'll kill his heart and erase him!
4 OFA奪還後に切るカードだったが ワン・フォー・オールだっかんごにきるカードだったが WAN FOO OORU dakkan-go ni kiru KAADO datta ga It was my trump card for after I recaptured One For All, but
5 最早ーーーー もはやーーーー mohaya---- not anymore----
6 僕の身体から消えろ ぼくのからだからきえろ boku no karada kara kiero "Disappear from my body!"
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1 オール・フォー・ワン‼︎ OORU FOO WAN!! "All For One!!"
2 ………もう与一はいない ………もうよいちはいない .........mou Yoichi wa inai ".........Yoichi is no longer here."
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1 あ(僕の中期目標は絶たれた)あ あ(ぼくのちゅうきもくひょうはたたれた)あ a(boku no chuuki mokuhyou wa tatareta)a "AAA(My mid-term goal was eliminated.)AAA"
2 あ(余韻か)あ あ(よいんか)あ a(yoin ka)a "AAA(A lingering echo*?)AAA" (*Note: This word in Japanese refers to "a lingering memory, a lingering note, an aftertaste.")
3 黙っていろ だまっていろ damatte iro "Shut it."
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1 とはいえ精神のダメージが肉体に出ている とはいえせいしんのダメージがにくたいにでている to wa ie seishin no DAMEEJI ga nikutai ni dete iru The spiritual damage is appearing on [my] physical body.
2 「崩壊」… 「ほうかい」… 「houkai」... Decay...
3 "怒り"…"憎しみ"が消え去った "いかり"…"にくしみ"がきえさった "ikari"..."nikushimi" ga kiesatta The rage...and hatred have vanished.
4 死んだか しんだか shinda ka "So he died?"
5 何年もかけて必死に捜して器を喪い なんねんもかけてひっしにさがしてうつわをうしない nannen mo kakete hisshi ni sagashite utsuwa wo ushinai I've lost the vessel for which I spent so many years desperately searching,
6 弟も喪った…じゃあ次は おとうともうしなった…じゃあつぎは otouto mo ushinatta...jaa tsugi wa and I've lost my little brother... Then next is...
7 オール… OORU... "All..."
8 フォー…ワン… FOO...WAN... "For...One..."
9 虚しき最終目標へ移行する むなしきさいしゅうもくひょうへいこうする munashiki saishuu mokuhyou e ikou suru "Transition to the hollow, final goal."
10 則ち世界へ すなわちせかいへ sunawachi sekai e "That is, to the world."
11 させ… sase... "I won't let..."
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1 お互い肉体に出たな おたがいにくたいにでたな otagai nikutai ni deta na "[The damage] appeared on each of our bodies then."
2 うっ… u... "Ugh..."
3 ぐうぅ‼︎ guuu!! "Ggh!!"
4 まだ…‼︎ mada...!! "Not yet...!!"
5 まだーーーー!!! mada----!!! Not yet----!!!
6 人は喪う事で強くなり ひとはうしなうことでつよくなり hito wa ushinau koto de tsuyoku nari "People become stronger through loss."
7 その物語性を確立していくんだ そのものがたりせいをかくりつしていくんだ sono monogatarisei wo kakuritsu shite ikunda "That narrative I will go on to establish."
8 ハナから喪うもの無いガ��が ハナからうしなうものないガキが HANA kara ushinau mono nai GAKI ga "For a brat with nothing to lose from the outset,"
9 こうなるのも必然だな こうなるのもひつぜんだな kou naru no mo hitsuzen da na "it's inevitable that something like this would happen."
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1 瀬ーーーー せーーーー se---- Se----
2 小さい! ちいさい! chiisai! Small!
3 緑谷への感知にかき消される程ーー みどりやへのかんちにかきけされるほどーー Midoriya e no kanchi ni kakikesareru hodo So much so that it's almost drowned out by Midoriya--
4 緑谷あ!!! みどりやあ!!! Midoriyaa!!! "Midoriyaa!!!"
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1 助けに来たぞ!!! たすけにきたぞ!!! tasuke ni kita zo!!! "[We] came to help!!!"
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1 シュガーーーーナックル!!! SHUGAAAAA NAKKURU!!! Sugar Knuckle!!!
2 尾空旋舞!!! びくうせんぶ!!! bikuu senbu!!! Tornado Tail Dance!!!
3 ハァ HAA "Hah" (*Note: This is a sound effect for heavy breathing.)
4 ハァ HAA "Hah" (*Note: This is a sound effect for
5 瀬呂くん… せろくん… Sero-kun... "Sero-kun..."
6 尾白くん! おじろくん! Ojiro-kun! "Ojiro-kun!"
7 砂藤くん…!みんな…無事… さとうくん…!みんな…ぶじ… Satou-kun...! minna...buji... "Satou-kun...! You're all...okay..."
8 緑谷 みどりや Midoriya "Midoriya."
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1 待たせてごめんな またせてごめんな matasete gomen na "Sorry for making you wait."
tagline ワープゲートより現れた希望ーー…! ワープゲートよりあらわれたきぼうーー…! WAAPU GEETO yori arawareta kibou--...! Hope has appeared from a warp gate-...!
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lets-take-a-break · 6 months ago
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大阪屋旅館 Osakaya
福島県耶麻郡猪苗代町 Yama-gun, Inawasiro-machi, Fukushima, Japan
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nanan · 2 years ago
ニンニク - Wikipedia
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leomacgivena · 6 months ago
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koch-snowflake-blog · 1 year ago
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尊みを感じて桜井(とうとみをかんじてさくらい・12月2日 - )は日本のコスプレイヤー。秋田県出身。TRUSTAR所属。
生年月日 12月2日
出身地 秋田県
血液型 O型
身長 / 体重 160 cm / ― kg
スリーサイズ 85 - 60 - 84 cm
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yoooko-o · 5 months ago
12/09/2024 part2 (日本人のおなまえ)
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渡された資料の中で別部署の1人の管理職の苗字のフリガナがおかしなことになっているので、パスワードのかかった資料を照合すると私たちが呼んでいる名前とは別のフリガナに… 結局3通りのフリガナが出て来てしまったので、事情を伝えた上で私が管理職員本人に個別でメールで確認することに。先輩たちは長年在籍しているため、「今さら聞けない」そうです笑 しばらくしたら返信がきました📨
社長の奥さんが言うには、その管理職員の苗字は日本でもかなりのレア苗字だそうで、読めないのに加えて頻繁に苗字を間違えられているそうです。 因みに、私たちは今回の管理職員をはじめ、別部署の人とは面識はありません。
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pricechecktranslations · 1 year ago
At the End of a Millennium Vow
千年の誓いの果てに 滅びの運命訪れる
At the end of a millennium vow, a fate of ruin came to call
The Millennium Tree was always watching
This history of crime and punishment that humanity has woven
Once upon a time, deep in a dark forest
I met Eve, and fell in love with her
I taught to her the location
Of red fruits from the tree
That was the beginning of all sin
It unleashed seven lights
And the sorceress of time
Pursued them
十年の狂気の果てに 罪の悪魔が動き出す
At the end of a decennium madness, the demons of sin begin to move
とても小さく ひ弱な僕の
As I was in the body of a very small,
コマドリの体では なにもできなかった
Delicate robin, I couldn't do anything about it
The sorceress of time sought an apprentice
I was selected as a candidate
Reincarnated into a human, my appearance
Was modeled after that girl I had loved
And so "I" became "me"[1]
Little by little
I was beginning to understand
The delight of living as a human
気弱な少女 優しい召使
That timid girl, that kind servant
Through all these various meetings,
忘れかけてた 罪の足音
I almost forgot all about the sin
But before I knew it, its footsteps came creeping up behind me
胸の凶刃 嗤う刺客は
That assassin who sneered at the dagger in my chest,
Were they a pawn of the Daughter of Evil?
Drained of all strength, my body
Was changed into a small sapling
世界を見守ろう 森の大樹として
I would watch over the world, as the great tree of the forest
百年経ったある日の事 森に現れたのは あのイブだった
Then one day after a hundred years had passed, who should appear in the forest again but Eve
At the end of a quincentennial turmoil, "I" reunite with "myself"
時の魔道師は イブを取り込み
The sorceress of time took Eve into herself
And eventually everything turns to a certain wrath
Hating her father, the unhappy Nemesis
At some point became a ruler of the world
そして彼女は 世界をも憎み
And then, hating the world too,
全てを「罰」の 炎で包んだ
She engulfed everything with the fires of "punishment"
That was the end of all sin
荒野と化した世界でも 私の心は まだそこにある
Even in this world that's became a barren wasteland, my heart is still there
千年の誓いの果てに 滅びの運命訪れる
At the end of a millennium vow, a fate of ruin came to call
The Millennium Tree was always watching
This history of crime and punishment that humanity has woven
千年の誓いの超えて 今こそ歌おう皆と共に
Surpassing this millennium vow, now I shall sing, with everyone
And so the world will be reborn
君らが望む それぞれのユートピアへ
Into the various utopias that you all wish for
This has come up other times as well but Michaela is referring to her change from spirit to human through her change in gender pronouns, from "boku" to "watashi"
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naebainae · 9 days ago
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DEGITAL DEVIL SAGA アバタールチューナー2が今日で20周年らしいよ そんなに経ったの!?!?
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nostalblue · 2 months ago
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plasticdreams · 2 months ago
82 :それでも動く名無し 警備員[Lv.7][新芽]:2024/10/12(土) 23:16:19.83 ID:j/ocn41X0 ホンダandヤマハ 日本 ドゥカティandアプリリア イタリア KTM オーストリア(ヒトラーの出生地) BMW(2027予定) ドイツ 割とガチで枢軸国GPやぞ 84 :それでも動く名無し 警備員[Lv.7][新芽]:2024/10/12(土) 23:16:50.67 ID:MKBBux+/0 >>82 そういやそうやな草 86 :それでも動く名無し 警備員[Lv.7][新芽]:2024/10/12(土) 23:17:24.88 ID:Rl2kgPyT0 >>82 そらこんな中に支那が入ったら締め出されるわ 90 :それでも動く名無し 警備員[Lv.16][苗]:2024/10/12(土) 23:19:32.46 ID:LDMDneiv0 >>82 アメリカはアメリカで、イギリスはイギリスで、それぞれ違う文化でレース業界発達してるからな この枠組みの世界観はガチで枢軸国GPだわ
伊バイクレーサー、日章旗の鉢巻を付ける→中華がブチギレて解雇要求→チーム「お前が消えろ」 - 働くモノニュース : 人生VIP職人ブログwww_sp
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chikuri · 7 months ago
門田隆将 / X
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kintsuru · 5 months ago
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ari0921 · 10 months ago
フィリピンの先例警戒 40%株式保有、送電止める危険 
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lllusioninthehead · 4 months ago
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