#〔 hope . m 〕Vampire? Witch? Werewolf? How about all three?
Hi! Just read this fic (https://archiveofourown.org/works/33748141) and the post that inspired it (https://ladycrimsonandblack.tumblr.com/post/658164849325604866/brawltogethernow-brawltogethernow-tama-gives), and was wondering if you knew any other fics where Luffy is a Fae or a Changeling or just not really human? Thanks!
Hello ! Sorry this took us a while, as it seems there are very few fics that fall under that category, but here's what we've got for you:
The closest that comes to mind is :
Wild Wind At Dressrosa by khepiari (M)
[Mod notes: I am personally recommending this one as it is set in a world of magical realism. Luffy is not explicitly a magical creature, but there is certainly a certain magic and mystery surrounding him, which gives this story a whole air of surrealness and fairy tales.]
Doflamingo has troubles- to govern Dressrosa, collect taxes for the King, a womanizing Secretary, a stupid Brother, an angry Wife and a Rebelling Son who is romancing the Biggest Troublemaker- a Wayfaring Godless Curio-Shopkeeper, who is storming the calm streets of Dressrosa. Law's heart is hell-bent to unite with the Wild Wind called Monkey D Luffy- a tale of food, books, friendship and love.
The Moonwitch And His Dumb Werewolf (also) by khepiari (T)
A.U., Fantasy. Happy Ending. Three Part. LawLu (Switch Couple) When his village gets burned down and family captured by the bounty hunters, a young werewolf pup, Luffy, finds himself in the protection of a witch boy named Law and his father Corazon. As the war ravages, the magical creatures must unite to fight their biggest enemies; humans.
Perfect Completion by quackquackcey (E)
Water sprite Luffy curiously happens upon a gathering of vampires and falls at first sight for a certain golden-eyed vampire…but will his feelings be returned?~
A Crown of Flowers by @hyperbolicreverie (M)
The Wild is a mirror, a magic realm of possibility parallel to the mundane one, and people like Luffy, changelings who've made a devil's bargain for power, walk the line between worlds daily. When Luffy makes a mad dash to rescue his brother from certain death, he sets off a chain of events that makes the very foundations of that realm shudder. Soon, he's got several other people along for the ride, and the situation quickly spirals out of control. There's something the people in power aren't saying, and it might be the key to all the strange events that keep happening around them. Luffy just wants adventure and fun and freedom. Law just wants to be left alone to live his life. Kid wants to never be beholden to someone else again. And Ace just wants some goddamn agency for once. But there are other entities in the Wild with agendas of their own, and they don't care about what others want at all.
How To Snare A Life by xairylle (E)
Accidentally ensnaring a parasitic sexual demon and being his host wasn't exactly how Law wanted to end his night or his life for that matter. LawLu/LuLaw.
A Fleeting Moment (When the Sun Can Kiss the Moon) by purplehairedwonder (T)
Once upon a time, the Sun fell in love with the Moon.
[We also recommend checking the #Sun God Luffy tag for godly Luffy material.
And finally, not Fae Luffy, but we'd like to recommend Fae Law]
To Give You My Name by cosmicatta (M)
Trafalgar Law, last of the faes, had committed a fatal mistake 15 years ago: he had given Doflamingo his full name. Now, even after having escaped, the looming threat of his ownership still follows Law everyhwere he goes. He can only try to survive as a runaway, hoping to, someday, find a way to cut the invisible string tying him to his former captor. Until he meets Luffy. He’s just a regular human. But maybe that’s all Law needs.
And, ofc, the one you recommended:
waters of the wild by ladycrimsonandblack (T)
Even to his nakama, Luffy sometimes appears just a little bit too odd. (Or: Five times a Straw Hat notices something strange about Luffy, and the one time someone knows what's going on.)
We're also happy to tell you that your ask prompted some of our writers to give Fae Luffy a shot, so expect some new fics under that tag soon enough.
-Mod Gigi
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kandisheek · 5 months
AUTHOR SPOTLIGHT: newtypeshadow
The sheer amount of creativity in newtypeshadow's fantasy universes is really impressive. I love all of the different types of magic and creatures that they explore, and the world building is off the charts. Plus, the way they write Bucky, Tony and Steve is just lovely, in any constellation they come in.
Here's some of their work that I think you should check out:
The Werewolf, the Witch and the Vampire
Pairing: Steve/Bucky/Tony Rating: T Words: 2,297 Tags: Urban Fantasy, Getting Together, Protectiveness
Summary: Whoever had broken into Bucky and Steve's backwoods cabin had used a key, Bucky's favorite mug, and was now sleeping in their bed. "This is feeling very Goldilocks, isn't it?" Bucky said.
Reasons why I love it: All of the dialogue in this is super fun and engaging. And the action towards the end even more so. I love the descriptions of Bucky's shifted form, and Tony's magic is super intriguing. I feel like I could read entire books about this 'verse and still not get enough. This fic is wonderful, and you should definitely read it!
Adventures in “Catsitting”
Pairing: Bucky/Tony/Winter Rating: T Words: 2,898 Tags: Symbiote Winter, Pranks, Fluff and Humor
Summary: Tony is stuck in flerken shape at the Tower, in the dubious care of Clint Barton—the Avenger who constantly mocks him for being an adorable little house cat. At least with the pet buttons Bucky programmed for him, Tony can tell Clint to knock it off. The problem is whether Clint will actually listen.
Reasons why I love it: Oh god, Clint truly has a death wish, pissing off the resident flerken. Not to mention the symbiote (and can I just say what a fucking cool concept Winter the Symbiote is? Because it's awesome). This fic is hilarious, and I hope you give it a read!
Little Red Running Witch and the Big White Wolf
Pairing: Bucky/Tony, Steve/Peggy Rating: T Words: 2,569 Tags: Werewolves, Hurt/Comfort, Soulmates
Summary: Tony, an unschooled witch, has fled from Ty, his sorcerer captor, only to attract the attention of a big white wolf. If the wolf catches Tony, he's dead. If Ty catches Tony, he won't be that lucky.
Reasons why I love it: There's so much to like about this one – suspense, action, BAMF Peggy, werewolf mates, Ty getting his comeuppance, it's all great. I love the hopeful ending, and protective Bucky is always a treat, especially when he's all wolfy and growly. Definitely give this one a read, if you haven't already!
Happiness: A Song in Three Parts
Pairing: Steve/Bucky/Tony Rating: T Words: 3,166 Tags: Soulmates, Kidnapping, Sharing a Bed
Summary: Tony's just a kid when he first hears the music. He's human, no one knows werewolves exist yet, and there's no sexy beefcake couple Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes coming out as werewolves and giving interviews to the press to explain the melody Tony heard sporadically during childhood is what werewolves—and the human mates of werewolves—hear when their soulmate is within a few miles of them. By the time he finds out what the music means, he hasn't heard a note in years. And when he finally hears it again, he's busy running for his life.
Reasons why I love it: Aaah, soulmates just warm my heart. I love the concept of a soul song, and the fact that Tony was already fantasizing about Bucky and Steve before ever meeting them is so cute. Plus, who doesn't like Bucky and Steve getting all protective over Tony? This fic is lovely, and you should definitely read it!
He kindly stopped for me
Pairing: Bucky/Tony Rating: M Words: 2,789 Tags: Rescue, Wolf Bucky, Flirting
Summary: When Tony magically summons help to save himself from spider-goblins, he has no idea the "help" that comes will bring him face to pretty face with death.
Reasons why I love it: Oh my god, the world building in this is fantastic. I'd love to know more about the Death beasts and how the whole magic system works, it's so intriguing. And of course, the Winteriron romance is absolutely wonderful. I love this fic, and I bet you will too, so go ahead and give it a shot!
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alexyskinnerstories · 2 years
Hope M.~ You are the Daughter of Lucifer Morningstar he created you with the help of a thousand years old Nogitsune the only way to help with creating you is also for you to become his daughter as well after they secure their deal they started to research how to make you they succeed they started to scout for the perfect woman to carry you and then they found your mother Bonnie Bennett when she found out she was pregnant she moved to Beacon Hills to get away from Mystic Falls to give you a somewhat normal life until she was needed back in Mystic Falls.
The Quadbrid
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*Y/n Point of View*
My dads and I just arrived at this school for the young and gifted ( Supernatural) the headmaster of the boarding school was outside waiting for us I step out of the car and moved to the side door so Elijah and Klaus could jump out after the hit the ground they stretch out their legs and heeled beside me father was talking to the man I take leashes off dogs and pointed to the woods next to the school and speak to them in Romanian. Du-te la olita. I command and then ran off turning my attention back to the old guy I heard the headmaster telling my father that he needed to fill in some more information on me and then my full-time student here we walked into the school and some girls stop in front of me and smiled I raise an eyebrow at them and they giggled they turned to the headmaster and said
Blonde: Father who is this?
Brownhead: Is she a new student?
Headmaster: Yes Josie she is a new student and her name is Y/n Morningstar
The girls gasped and step back in freight my dads and I chuckled I was about to insure them that I mean no harm to them or anyone in the school until a beautiful strawberry blonde sped over girls stood in front of me facing the girls I looked at her check her out from behind dad came up from behind me and smacked my head I held my head in pain and he pulled us over to my father and listen to what the headmaster in the corner of my eye I could see the three girls whispering and glancing over to me.
*Hope Pov*
I was talking with the twins but they keep looking at the new kid I clear my throat to get their attention back from the new kid I don't like how they pay more attention to her than me it was rude I was talking to them and all they could do was look at her.
"Who is the new student?"I ask them with a little attitude in my voice.
That's Y/n Morningstar and that's her father "Lucifer that talking with our dad." Josie replied and looked back at them. I was about to call out for Josie's attention again when Lizzie starts speaking to me.
"Hey hope I was wondering if you could do the truth spell on them so we could know their intentions being here?" Lizzie asked hopefully, I nodded and planned to do it when we are alone with her.
They started to walk to the building when she around and whistle ( The black widow whistle just cause) and looked over to where she was looking and we could see two dogs running to the school from the woods and they ran to stand by her they continued to walk in inside the building and out of my sight.
*Lucifer Pov*
We walked into the school headmaster's office and sat down in some chairs in front of his desk and we started talking about the arrangements that Y/n will need he agreed to the conditions and asked me what kind of supernatural creature my dear daughter " Well, she is a quadbrid which means she has four Supernatural beings in her first is Witch." As I speak y/n showed her witch eyes.
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Headmaster: Woah she'll fit in I already have a room for her in mind she will be sharing with someone somewhat like her, I nodded and motioned for Y/n to keep quiet because I know she'll object to sharing with someone but I want her to come out and make friends and hopefully find love after we had everything settled we left he walked to the quarters where the students stay he walked us three to the room she'll be sharing hopefully . We walked in to see her things in the room the headmaster left and I started to help her along with void after a while we were quite finished and we all turned as we hear the door open a young lady with red hair walked in and saw us and went into a defensive stance.
????: Why in hell are you three doing in my bedroom
I start to speak when she interrupted me and rudely speaking
????: You know whatever I don't care why you guys are here get the hell out
Y/n: Well as you see Am you're new roommate and if you don't like it all well I don't care
????: Ahh yeah no get out before I make you
Y/n: I would love to see you try to make me
The redhead shot a blue bolt-like thing at Y/n  but she deflected it with a wave of her hand and destroy at lamp beside the girl's bed
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The headmaster runs into the room in front of the girl as she goes to attack again
Headmaster: No Hope she's your roommate because there weren't any other rooms available now stop this immediately
She nodded and apologized to us and went to her bed and got on her phone
I turned back to my daughter and told her I have to leave now she nodded and playful shooed me away I chuckled and kissed her head and walked out of her room as I grab void hand and dragged him out.
Y/n Pov
After my parents leave I sighed and walked over to the Hope girl and say sorry about her lap she said it was alright but I didn't believe her so I waved my hand over it while thinking of it fixing itself.
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Y/n: there you go good as new again sorry about messing that up
Hope: You didn't have to do that but thanks anyways
I was about to reply when I had to settle whimpers from the closed door I quickly realized I was Elijah and Klaus and snap of my fingers and made a doggie door appear
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I introduced them to Hope she was tensed up I asked her what was wrong and she told me that their names were her late Father and Uncle names I apologize for making her upset she said it was OK I nodded and walked to my side of the room and sat on my bed and read a book I made the dog's food materialize in the corner of the room and they went to go eat.After a while, it started to get dark so I got my stuff I want to take a shower that came back I'll say good night to Hope and went to sleep
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induro-a · 4 years
#〔 hope . m 〕Vampire? Witch? Werewolf? How about all three?#〔 hope . m / visage 〕If you don't fa la la la leave I'm going to give you another piercing#〔 hope . m / musings 〕I'm scared to get close and I hate being alone#〔 hope . m / answered memes 〕What if the only difference is just who’s telling the story?#〔 hope . m / headcanons 〕I am unique and special and for some reason I'm really emo about it#〔 hope . m / dyn : klaus mikaelson 〕But I miss you more than I thought I would#〔 hope . m / dyn : hayley marshall 〕But I want to be here with you mom#〔 hope . m / dyn : freya mikaelson 〕She taught me everything I know#〔 hope . m / dyn : rebekah mikaelson 〕Cared for me and loved me before I knew what love was#〔 hope . m / dyn : elijah mikaelson 〕He may be dapper but he can be rough around the edges#〔 hope . m / dyn : kol mikaelson 〕The fun uncle who always made time for me#〔 hope . m / dyn : davina claire 〕She's been family since before she became officially ours#〔 hope . m / dyn : marcel gerard 〕He is like my big brother. He always made me know I was good#〔 hope . m / dyn : alaric saltzman 〕You're the closest thing I have to a father right now#〔 hope . m / dyn : landon kirby 〕His eyes are like this green-gray colour#〔 hope . m / dyn : josie saltzman 〕A nonconsensual kiss is never the answer#〔 hope . m / dyn : lizzie saltzman 〕Shouldn't you be in like witchness protection or something?#〔 hope . m / verse : legacies 〕I'm not scared I'm a Mikaelson witch#〔 hope . m / verse : the originals 〕She was a little girl forced to grow up before her time#tag drop
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rere-the-writer · 3 years
Hello! I found your blog and it’s my new obsession. Like, Hiding in the bathroom during work to read your fics.
Anyways can I please request something?
Poly!mikaelson’s x vampire reader where the reader gets kidnapped and tortured to the point she doesn’t recognize when they come to save her and passes out and once they get her home they wait for her to wake and have to calm her down because she freaks out. Maybe one of them even gives her their blood to help her heal because she was seriously injured? I’m a sucker for your angst fics. I turned on notifications for you cause I love your blog so much!
Hands down you have some of the best angst fics for this fandom/ship. 💜💜💜
Aww thank you 🥰 I'mma about make this so angsty
Warnings: angst like all of the angst, fluff in the end
You had been missing for the last two weeks having been taken by Aurora out of jealously she held for you since you were seeing Klaus. The Mikaelsons were waging war against Aurora to get you back which Tristan was angry with his sister as half of the Strix was dead in Elijah's rage coupled with Klaus and Kol slaughtering others. Lucien had heard what happened and wisely stayed out of it not wanting to be caught in the crossfire.
You panted laying on the floor of the room Aurora kept you and you could have run if you weren't weak from not feeding and the vervain in your system. You were so tired and in pain and already have gave up on the hope of your lovers would save you.
"You know I am surprised you are still with them. After all you are just a toy I mean Kol has that witch Davina, Rebekah with Marcel then Elijah with that werewolf girl, Hayley."
This had been Aurora's new way of tormenting you by telling you the Mikaelsons didn't care for you. You let out a silent scream as your vocal cords was shot when Aurora stabbed you with a dagger dipped in vervain.
"Poor little old Y/N. Why would they choose a weak baby vampire of three years." Aurora mocked as you layed there feeling weak and ready to die as you couldn't take the pain. To you the older vampire had won having been in a cycle of pain of two weeks.
"Aurora, your brother wants to speak with you." You heard Aya tell Aurora and she dropped your head. Listening to them leave as you curled into yourself hurting and giving up.
"Where is she?" You swore you heard Klaus's voice as the sounds bodies dropping and screams rang out as the questioning thought was it really then enter your mind as you passed out. Elijah growled lowly when he found you gently and carefully picked you up.
"You found her." Kol said eyes narrowing seeing the state you were in as Rebekah rushed over.
"She'll need blood, let's get her out of here then deal with Aurora." Elijah said calmly as he was angry and Klaus joined them frowning seeing how hurt you where. They got you home and Elijah washed you frowning seeing the wounds you had and dressed you.
"Let me give her blood." Rebekah said biting her wrist as Elijah tilted your head back as Rebekah gave you her blood.
"I don't understand how Hayley could allow Y/N to be taken." Kol growled looking at you as you were slowly healing even while Kol and Rebekah was taking turns to feed you their blood.
"From what she told Marcel was that they took Jackson too. She didn't think Jackson would survive."
"No Y/N wouldn't. She has only been a vampire for three years." Rebekah tells Elijah as Kol was feeding you more of his blood. It took a day for you to wake up and your scream woke your lovers and Elijah wrapped his arms around you.
"Shhhh sweetling, you're safe, your home." Elijah whispered in your ear holding you tightly as you calmed down panting flinching away when Elijah kissed your temple. Elijah frowned when you pushed yourself away from him.
"Don't Kol, she is panicked." Elijah said softly stopping Kol from run to you as he got off your bed. Your breathing was shallow as memories were piecing themselves together while you climbed back in bed.
"How is she?" Rebekah asked when she walked up hearing your screaming Kol was frowning.
"Panicked. What do we do 'Lijah?"
"Let her process what happened and that she is safe." Elijah says softly watching you curl up into a ball. Klaus growled lowly pacing as three days passed you were doing better but didn't allow your lovers to touch you that wasn't platonic then there were moments you would flinch seeing blood or any knifes and daggers.
"I'm going to kill Aurora."
"No Nik. She is my first Sired, let me." Rebekah growled as Elijah sat thinking, you weren't feeding making them slip blood in your drinks. You weren't sleeping well waking up from nightmares and refusing them to comfort you.
"Aurora will die but we need to focus on our little vamp." Kol said worried about you watching you with Camille. You were smiling but it didn't reached your eyes.
"Nightmares I understand but pushing us away?"
"Maybe let her go?" They turned their heads seeing Hayley standing there arms crossed.
"Hayley." Klaus growled a warning as she rolled her eyes looking at Elijah.
"Look clearly she is a lost cause so stick her somewhere were she isn't a bother. The first Sired needs to be taken care of and you guys are too busy taking care of Y/N."
"No we won't abandon her!"
"Rebekah is right Hayley. She needs us also Tristan is in hiding with Aurora worried we are knocking on his door."
"Which we are." Klaus said as you walked back in with Camille rushing back up to your bedroom not looking at the Mikaelsons.
"How is she, Camille?"
"Honestly? A reck, Aurora did a number on her. Just don't give up on her, Aurora told her some nasty things."
"Thank you Camille." Elijah said as the human nodded then sent Rebekah up to you first.
"You guys know she won't be the same right?"
"Of course but she'll be stronger like a Phoenix." Klaus said smirking. Later that night you had another nightmare and Rebekah stood at door.
"Beka." You rasped out holding your arms out to her as Rebekah was quick to pull you against her as for the first time since you been back you let out a heart retching sob.
"Shhhhh I' m here I am not going anywhere, beautiful." Rebekah cooed softly as you nodded still crying when Kol came in unable to take your cries. To their surprise you let Kol hold you as you rolled over clinging to him.
Then scent of nutmeg and lavender with warm vanilla filled your senses you know the scents belonged to Kol and Rebekah. It brought comfort as you finally felt safe as you buried yourself in their arms.
"Rebekah? Kol?" Freya whispered finding them in your room she got teary eyed seeing you nuzzled up to Rebekah as Kol had his face pressed against your back.
"Freya? Something wrong?"
"Look Elijah." Freya whispered as he looked into your bedroom his eyes softened as his heart swelled with joy seeing you seeking comfort finally.
They found Aurora and while Elijah took care of Tristan. Aurora was left in the mercy of Klaus, Rebekah and Kol which the three showed Aurora just why most didn't dare get near you.
"Did you kill her?" Elijah asked seeing his all too pleased siblings.
"Oh no. We sealed her away in a wall making her believe there will be a point in time that we will kill her.
"I see. Just how did you do this ?"
"Compelled her. Rebekah made her believe that I was coming to save her. Klaus said smirking as Elijah smiled.
"Ah. Better than me dumping Tristan in the ocean." Elijah says smirking as they now shift their attention on you and taking out Lucien.
You stood outside of Klaus's bedroom and stepped inside while Rebekah Kol was great but you missed your wolf.
"Oh. Love come here." Klaus said half asleep as you rushed into his arms. You drowned yourself in his scent of old paint with the under tone was warm spice.
"Shhhh love don't cry. You're still weak, you'll get sick." Klaus said softly as you hummed a quiet okay. You sighed nuzzling into his neck while he rubbed your back and for the first night since you gotten back you got to sleep without nightmares.
You were doing better more and more each day finally feeding and allowing your lovers touch and cuddle you as you weren't ready for intimacy. But you still stayed away from Elijah until the others left for a night to find out what Lucien was up to.
Your scream rang out waking Hayley and Elijah. The scent of pine, bourbon and spices as one thought rang through your head....Elijah.
"Shhh baby. I'm here you're safe." Elijah whispered in your ear waiting for you to push him away but was surprised when you rolled over latching on to him.
"Eli. I was doing so well. You must think I'm weak." You said weakly as he just held you closer kissing your head rubbing your back.
"No no baby. I don't think you're weak. You have been so strong." Elijah whispered squeezing you gently.
"But I trying to be stronger for you.... like Hayley." You tell him as it clicked for Elijah why you hadn't came to him like you did the others.
"Baby, I don't want you like Hayley. Strong or not I love you and wish you would need me too."
"I always need you. I love you too." You whispered relaxing in him hold as he lulled you back to sleep. Later that night the others joined you two surrounding you with warmth and love as you finally felt safe and at home.
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river--glass · 4 years
Reylo Fic Recommendations: Monster Edition
In honor of Spooky Season, I wanted to make a list of fics in which one or both of them are more than human. Cryptids and creatures and monsters galore. (This one is for you, monsterfuckers.)
Count the Rings by Lachesisgrimm (olga_theodora). (E, Modern, 63K) When camping with her friends, Rey jokingly decides to marry a tree thats rumored to hold the spirit of a trapped man. Spoiler alert, the legends were true. Featuring accidental marriage, demon deals, and soft soft demon Ben. Sure there’s some angst and danger but this is mostly sweet and wonderful and Rey having dreams come true.
The Hand That Feeds by persimmone. (E, Victorian, 46K) Rey has managed to avoid unwanted male attention for thirty years, until the opening of a mysterious artifact burdens her with an accidental husband. Luckily, her new consort is not the average man. Or better, he's not... human. Featuring eldritch abomination Kylo who is so sweetly in awe and reverent of human Rey despite being powerful and older than the universe. And who also has... a tentacle form.
All The Ashes by neonheartbeat. (E, Modern, 37K) Rey, living in a terrible Brooklyn apartment and desperate to escape, posts a Craiglist ad as a half-joke seeking a marriage of convenience to just get the hell out of the country. It's unexpectedly answered by a mysterious Romanian count. Featuring soft monster Kylo, good friend Hux, and beauty and the beast elements. I loved this soft Kylo and thirsty Rey.
I Will Always Find You by kuresoto. (E, Modern, 24K) Featuring Lilith!Rey and Lucifer!Kylo. I love this. They fuck like monsters (and as monsters!) and Rey is the queen of hell and they're so viciously in love. Read It!!
Deliciously by @secretreylotrash. (E, Colonial, 18K) Puritan/Salem Witch Trials/The VVitch Inspired. Witches, demon Kylo, orgies, death... This was WILD.
The Devil’s Lucky Number by Avdal. (E, Modern, 10K) Pure smut. Demon Kylo shows up out of the blue for the sole purpose of making rey orgasm. It’s what she deserves.
The Devil You Know by KyloTrashForever. (E, Modern, 10K) In which Ben finds out the hard way that he shouldn’t play with old magic. AKA, lucky bastard dumb college student Ben accidentally summons himself a succubus girlfriend.
The Demon Within Me by Avdal. (E, Modern, 8K) Shameless demon Kylo smut.
Come To Me In The Clearing And There We Shall Dance by QueenOfCarrotFlowers @leofgyth . (E, 1600′s, 5K) She had been hoping he would find her - her only friend. Kylo. She supposes he’s a demon, or a devil, or one of the heathen gods, but she's never worked up the nerve to ask him and he has not volunteered that information.
Proposal by AKyloDarkly. (E, 4K) Lilith!Rey and Lucifer!Kylo.
Mercy by bunilicious. (E, Victorian, 3K) A Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde/Demon AU. AKA, Rey is thirsty for her demon husband and refuses to wait any longer.
For Love of a Flame by thewayofthetrashcompactor. (E, Fantasy, 8K) The shadowy Order has advanced across the forest, bringing darkness in their wake. Rey is hungry and desperate, willing to face the Order themselves to steal back what they've taken from the land. What she finds there is not what she expects. Fairies/mothpeople! Weird! I’m into it!
Drawn to the Light of Your Burning Sorrows by Kyriadamorte. (M, Modern, 7K) Mothman Ben! Curious outcast Rey! This was the first mothlo fic I ever saw. Me when I saw this fic: Mothlo? Mothman Reylo?? God and Ryan Johnson have truly abandoned this fandom. Me after this fic: Mothman Kylo is the best boy and bring on the cryptids.
Macrolepidoptera by ceciliasheplin. (E, Modern, 3K) Rey runs after her Mothman to show him how much she loves him. Nothing like a 3K word fic that hits you in the feels at the same time that it’s giving you mothman smut filth. This fandom is magical.
Nature Spirits
Oh Autumn, Oh Teakettle, Oh Grace by diasterisms. (E, Modern, 31K) Ben Solo didn’t believe in dryads, until one snagged his coats and freed herself. She’s pure bliss and magic and he is captivated. If she has to go 2000 miles back to her tree, he might as well drive her there. Dryad Rey/smitten human Ben road trip! What a lovely fic!
Looking For a Breath of Life by Fighter_for_Solo. (T, Fantasy, 18K) Featuring Elf Prince Ben and human hunter Rey! A really delightful story.
I met you once — ( In a dream ) by persopilliankore. (E, Fantasy, 10K). Where Ben and Rey are soulmates and Ben is more than meets the eye.
Fearless by KyloTrashForever. (E, Fantasy, 6K) Featuring tree Ent Kylo and the softest tentacle porn you’ll ever read.
Sea Creatures. Mermaids, Selkies, OctaKylo, oh my!
Beyond the Veil by dachenbritta. (M, Modern, 40K). Deep within the waters of the Oregon coast, a lone mermaid longs for the man she's watched for years. Her wish of joining him comes true but comes at a cost. This was hilarious and emotional and such a great read.
Sirens by SageMcMage. (E, Fantasy, 21K) In which Merman Ben tries to woo Mermaid Rey by little gifts on her doorstep. Adorable! 
Yn Beisht Kione by Melusine11 @hellomelusine . (E, Modern, 5K) They say a beast roams the sea. Protecting a treasure long hidden in the Headland's caves. Some say it is the soul of a man killed by pirates to protect that treasure. Sailors have been known to throw casks of rum at the beast in the hopes of placating it, so they don't get eaten and can pass in peace. Most people though, don't believe he exists, and Rey is about to find out how wrong they all are.
I Found You by Kyoloren. (T, Fantasy, 5K) In which scavenger mermaid Rey finds a strange black T-shaped object in her waters on Kef Bir and is determined to return it to its owner. Mermaid Rey!Cute little fish people soulmates!
Octopussy by KyloTrashForever. (E, Modern, 5K) Three brothers at the beach plus one horny sea monster equals a lot of holes being filled. Smutty monster filth, no need to look for a deeper meaning than that. You like tentacle porn? Here ya go.
Live by the Sea, Love by the Tide by Twin_Kitten. (E, Fantasy, 4K) Rey and a few other mermaids escape the clutches of Unkar, and stumble into the territory of another pod of mermaids. Ben's pod. Soft caretaking mermaid Ben!
Where the Blue of the Sea Meets the Sky by HarpiaHarpyja @thisgarbagepicker . (T-E, Fantasy) A Short delightful little series featuring Selkie Ben and explorer Rey! I seriously cannot say enough good things about this author, do yourself a favor and go read EVERYTHING she’s ever written.
Tentacle Dick (that’s it that’s the plot)
Damnably Unbecoming by cuddlesome. (E, Canon-verse crack, 5K)
Froot (i've been saving all my summers for you) by kuresoto. (E, Canon-verse crack, 4K)
In The Dark by KyloTrashForever. (E, Modern, 44K) A Dark Shadows AU!! It’s not “finished”, but it ends well where it is! Featuring vampire Ben who is very sorry about drinking blood and human Rey who is even thirstier than he is.
A Little Death (Goes a Long Way) by crossingwinter. (E, Modern, 23K) A Vampire & A/B/O AU. Weird and dark but I am here for it.
The Lioness by Lilia_ula. (E, Fantasy, 13K) Rey goes bravely to her death after being chosen as the village sacrifice, but upon meeting the beast things don’t go as planned. I love to see Reylo fics where they both revel in who they are and what they are together. Fascinating.
Beneath the Pale Moonlight by bunilicious. (E, Historical Recency, 15K) A fluffy fic about vampire Ben falling hard for Rey! 
The Curious Case of the Aquarist and the Vanishing Walrus by radioactivesaltghoul. (T, Modern, 6K) Rey loves spending time in the walrus enclosure at the aquarium she works at.Ben is a vampire with an unusual ability. This is bizarre and wonderful and just such a fun read. I think about this fic daily.
we decided not to kill the wolves (we wanted to be wolves) by crossingwinter. (E, Fantasy, 32K) A pack of wolves lives in the woods to the north of Raddus and as winter looms, they have their eyes set on Leia Organa’s stronghold. Rey may be new to Raddus, but she’s not about to do nothing while it may be in danger. And besides, Poe must be exaggerating about wolves the size of bears. She’s not afraid of monsters.
Howl by monsterleadmehome. (E, modern, 2K) When Ben Solo is trying to earn Eagle Scout status, he spends a night alone in the woods. A chance encounter with a werewolf girl named Rey leaves an impression. Ten years later, he runs into her again and this time, they're all grown up.
23 notes · View notes
jenoptimist · 4 years
Person A: “Why exactly is an ancient vampire following you around like a lost puppy.”
Person B: “....It’s a long story.”
It was Donghyuk’s fault that you were in this mess, you mused as you stared at your surroundings in the evil lair you were currently being kept in. It was somewhere near a body of water of course, because duh kelpie, and you were deep inside a cave that was full of moisture, moss and weird insects. The ground that you sat on was wet, cold and just overall uncomfortable especially because your wrists and ankles were bound with worn out, itchy rope. If Donghyuk hadn’t messed with that stupid kelpie (of all things a kelpie) you wouldn’t have been kidnapped. But oh no. Donghyuk just had to antagonize the guy didn’t he and because of that, you were his lunch.
Inwardly you cursed him, hoping he got a papercut in the near future.
You shifted your gaze from the wall to the to the figure laying awkwardly on your left. The brunet stranger looked extremely, in kinder words, worse for wear; sunken cheeks, skin paler than any you’ve ever seen combined with a willowy looking body. If this was your enemy’s first meal, no wonder he had grabbed you because the guy was barely a snack. There was no way the fiend would be satisfied. The other kidnapee was there before you and hadn’t made a move since you had arrived. In fact if you hadn’t inspected him for as long as you had, you definitely caught the micromovements of his chest as he breathed, then you would have presumed that he was already dead. Fortunately for you, he wasn’t.
The coven was probably working on tracking you but they sure were taking their sweet time and you were getting impatient–it had gotten just a bit darker and you hadn’t seen the kelpie since he threw you in the damn cave. A sigh that echoed loudly escaped your lips as you folded your legs so that they came up to your chest and slid your bound arms over them.
The kelpie was clearly a dumbass for not tying your arms behind your back. What, was he a newbie at kidnapping? Had he not watched any movies for references or something? Although you were thankful that for his rookie mistake because your toes were expertly working on the rope. There was something to be said about the kelpie’s skill when you could undo his work in under twenty minutes but you supposed that also meant that you were too used to being kidnapped.
Tossing the rope aside, you quickly undid the binding on your ankles and finally, finally, you could stand up and stretch.
With one last stretch, you made to leave. That was until you caught sight of the other victim through your peripheral vision. You glanced towards the dim light, just about able to make the shape of the entrance, and decided that if the kelpie were to burst in mid-escape that at least you would have died doing a good deed. Walking up to the stranger, you harshly poked his leg repeatedly. No dice. Your mouth twisted into a frown but you quickly undid the rope around his wrists and ankles. You tried waking him up again but nothing worked. Left with no other option, you grabbed one of his arms and pulled him up. It concerned you how easy it was but you made sure that you had a tight grip on him as you started making your way to the exit.
Getting back to your apartment was no easy feat; the extra weight meant that it took you double, or maybe even triple, the amount of time to walk back to your destination. Any other person would bring the unconscious man to a hospital but you thought it was best to avoid it since you didn’t want to answer any questions that they would have, especially considering that you didn’t even know him. Besides, Taeyong and Doyoung could just do their healing mumbo-jumbo so everything would be just fine.
Once you saw the beautiful sight of your door, you heaved a sigh of relief when you saw your friends surrounding it. Jungwoo was the first to spot you and immediately rushed over to help you carry the man while the others opened the door quickly gathered inside.
“We should get him in the shower,” you said. You hadn’t grown accustomed to the stench that he emitted the entire way back. “While we do that, Taeyong and Doyoung, could you check if there’s anything wrong with him please?” They hummed an affirmative and you smiled gratefully at them as you and Jungwoo, with the help of Johnny and Jaehyun, placed the unconcious brunet inside the tub and turned on the water.
“You should get in too, y/n, you reek!”
In a flash you glared at Donghyuk. “Oh yeah? And who’s fault is that, exactly?”
“Okay, okay. I shouldn’t have kept pranking him but the guy just made it so easy! And I didn’t know he was a supernatural!”
“I miss Sicheng,” you said with an exaggerated sigh as you stepped into the tub as well, your feet on either side of the man’s legs. “At least he would’ve been able to smell that it was a kelpie.” Your werewolf friend was trying to recruit a pack down south to be the supernatural counterpart of your coven and unfortunately wouldn’t be back for three or four months, which was a total bummer because it meant that your Swimming Sundays were on hold. You would go on your own but it felt like you were betraying him and the one time you did try, it was too lonely without him.
“I’m sorry.” Donghyuk pouted at you as you scrubbed shampoo into the stranger’s hair, taking extra time to massage his scalp. You had to repeat it numerous time to get all the dirt out.
“I’ll forgive you if you buy me and this guy dinner tonight.”
“Okay we’re good.”
Taeil snorted. “You two are idiots.”
After the both of you had showered and Yuta magicked some clothes for the guy, you allowed the others to lay him on your bed as you got changed in the bathroom. You were pretty concerned for the guy because he was super malleable while you gave him a bath, not even a twitch or anything.
“Are you sure nothing’s wrong with him?” You asked the two healing type witches, your forehead creased due to your furrowed brows, to which they shook their heads.
“His body is building up some strength so he’ll probably wake up on his own at some point.” Doyoung replied as he eyed the figure on your bed curiously, his head tilted.
You hummed. “Alrighty then.” You spun around to face Donghyuk who was leaning on your door frame, “time for food!” You chirped.
As the day stretched into night, your friends started leaving one by one but not before charging up the protective wards that they wove around concealed areas of your apartment, bidding you goodbyes with sweet smiles as they made you promise to call them if anything was wrong.
After taking care of your night routine, you stood at the edge of your bed with your arms folded, debating on whether or not you wanted to hop into bed with a complete stranger. Sure, he looked harmless with his boyish features but everyone was harmless when they were asleep. After a few more minutes of standing there like an absolute moron, you decided that you would bite the bullet and just get into bed. It was yours after all and you reasoned with yourself that there was no way this guy would do anything to you since you literally sheltered him. With that in mind, you closed your eyes and drifted off to some well deserved sleep.
You woke up to a face hovering directly above yours and immediately screamed, causing the figure to scramble away from you in a panic. You backed up against the headboard as you kept your eyes on him which started a staring competition. As soon as you felt your eyes drying up, you blinked as you shook your head however you could still his gaze boring into you.
“Sorry for screaming at you,” you apologized as you began to get off of your bed, “I completely forgot that you were here. Honestly though, I thought you were dead but I’m glad you aren’t.” He said nothing, just watched as you fixed your duvet and fluffed your pillows. “My name’s y/n, by the way, just in case you were wondering. I got you out of that nasty kelpie cave because, hello, I couldn’t just leave you there knowing that you were alive. Do you know what that would do to my conscious?” Again, he said nothing, just trailed behind you as you walked into the kitchen. “Well, anyways, you aren’t, like, a vegan right? ‘Cause I really want scrambled eggs.”
“What’s a vegan?” Came the hoarse voice of your guest just as you took four eggs from the fridge. You decided to pour him a glass of water while explaining to him what a vegan was, somewhat confused that he wasn’t aware of what it was, and found yourself smiling amusedly as he downed it in one go. “No, ‘m not a vegan.”
“Awesome! Hey, what’s your name by the way?”
As you began to work on your eggs, you started rambling to fill up the silence because your guest didn’t seem too chatty at the moment, which you totally understood.
“Well it’s nice to meet you Mark! I wish we could have met under different circumstances, but oh well nothing we can do now. Actually I’m sorta glad that I got kidnapped ‘cause then I got to help you get out of there, like, you looked so rough. It was pretty terrible.”
Mark cleared his throat. “Thank you, uh, for saving me.” He mumbled, “anyone else would have just left me there.”
Tutting in response at the thought while you plated up the food, you responded with, “you’re absolute right there. People can be such assholes. I remember another time I was kidnapped and tried to help this girl and she totally was unappreciative, which, like, sis you clearly aren’t. People are just too prideful.”
You startled slightly when you spun around, one plate in each hand, as you caught Mark staring at you intensely with his innocent, wide eyes. He immediately jumped up from his high seat on the other side of the counter and grabbed the plates from you, briskly placing them on the table and pulled out a chair on one side immediately afterwards. He looked at you expectantly as you slowly made your way to the seat, smiling at him in thanks.
“Yeah,” Mark agreed as he sat on the seat across from you. You dug into your food, relishing the taste. There was nothing like a scrambled eggs in the morning, you should have toasted some bread as well. “But they probably wouldn’t have helped, y’know, since I’m a vampire and all.” That had you choking on your food.
“Geez, give a little warning before you drop something like that!” A vampire. Of course he was a vampire. Nothing in your life was ever easy, it seemed. Whatever. You could totally roll with the punches because there was no way you could leave this guy to fend for himself, he just looked too innocent–vampire or not. You were curious about his kind anyway, since your coven hadn’t had any run-ins with them. In fact vampires were among the rarer supernaturals to spot because they preferred to stay hidden from society which was something you could totally get behind. Sometimes society sucked.
“Sorry, y/n! Are you alright?” His brows creased, tone colored in concern.
“Yep! All good! Just, you know, a little surprised is all.”
Mark’s expression shifted into one that was a mix of curiosity and anxiousness. “You didn’t know?” He asked quietly, seeming to melt into his chair.
“Uh, no? But listen, it’s totally cool with me! Promise.” You examined him once again; he definitely looked better after drinking that glass of water and eating his portion of eggs. He finished them pretty quickly, so he was clearly famished. You racked your brain to think of what food you had readily available when a thought occurred to you. “You-” you paused, slightly nervous, “you need blood don’t you?”
Without meeting your eyes, he nodded. At that point you already knew what you had to do. Sure, the thought made you a little bit queasy but Mark? Mark looked so dejected, as if he thought you were repulsed by him. Which, hello, it wasn’t like it was 1932 where people still condemned the supernatural. People were generally much more accepting these days. Maybe where he used to live wasn’t? You frowned at the thought.
“You can feed from me.” Mark’s head snapped up as quick as lightning, opening his mouth but you gave him no room to refuse your offer. “Clearly, you need it. And if it’s something that I can give to you that can help you then I will. You need the strength, anyways. I’m sure you’ll get some color back as well, cause there’s no way vampires are like those stereotypes, right?”
Mark looked unsure. “What if I’m a bad guy?”
You snorted. “That’s highly unlikely. I’m part of a coven, well, I’m not a witch or anything, more like their human moral support system. But anyways, my friends have warded my house so no harm can come to me, so if you were a bad guy you wouldn’t have been allowed in in the first place.”
“Yeah, oh, now how do you want me?”
Mark seemed flustered by the question, which was completely adorable, but answered the question anyways. As you gave him your wrist, he said, “you know, you shouldn’t just go around offering blood to vampires.”
You waved a hand nonchalantly at him, “I appreciate your concern Mark, really, I do. But,” you made sure to look him directly in the eye so that he wouldn’t mistake your words for anything else but sincerity, “I trust you.” He was clearly taken back by your statement, his doe eyes making an appearance once again. “What? Don’t look so surprised. You’ve had plenty of opportunity to maim me or whatever but you haven’t.”
“Yeah because I’m not a monster.”
“Exactly! Now, get on with it, please, before I really start to freak out.”
Mark obliged. It wasn’t as bad as you thought it was, the puncture just felt like a little pinprick which was totally manageable. You could tell that he was being gentle by the way he was holding your arm with the smallest amount of pressure and the way he took little breaks in between. Once he had taken his fill, he surprised you by licking the area but you figured that it was regular vampire behaviour.
“Thank you.” Mark said as he released your arm.
You smiled at him and you were brilliantly surprised when he returned one of his own. “No problem!”
Almost a week had passed and Mark was still staying with you. The two of you had a routine by that point; eat, let him feed from you and then do whatever you wanted until he needed to feed again, which was about an additional two or three times. It was honestly kind of scary how easily he slotted himself into your life, however, you found that you didn’t mind. You liked his company. Ever since you had let him feed from you the first time around he was quick to warm up to you and it was quite endearing to see him do cute things to please you.
You were currently playing a game of Guess Who when your phone rang. You scrunched your nose, smiling at him apologetically before picking up the call.
“She’s alive you guys!” Johnny’s voice bellowed in your ear.
“Well hello to you to Johnny boy.” He laughed good naturedly at your nickname for him. “And, rude, Of course I’m alive!”
“We haven’t seen you since forever ago, y/n! Do you not like us anymore?” Doyoung whined, dramatic as always.
“Is it because of Donghyuck? ‘Cause I’ll get rid of him if you want.” Yuta offered which was followed by a ‘hey!’ by none other than Donghyuk himself, causing you to giggle.
“Sorry, I’ve just been spending some time with Mark.” You explained as you met the vampire’s gaze, who smiled goofily at you when you did. You couldn’t suppress the smile that made its own way onto your face.
“Is that the guy you saved?” Jungwoo asked you and you hummed an affirmative. “Okay. Is it alright if we go there and formally introduce ourselves then?”
You heard Yuta mutter something suspiciously like, ‘yeah and threaten him.’ But you said nothing. “Sure,” you replied to Jungwoo, “see you here in half an hour?”
“Perfect!” And with that, he hung up.
“Looks like we’ve got some cleaning to do.” The apartment wasn’t particularly messy but because it could get pretty rowdy with a group of boys, you always moved the more vulnerable items just in case anything were to happen to them. Mark trailed you, copying whatever you did and glanced at you for your approval.
Within no time at all, the boys had finally arrived, barging in like they owned the place as they usually did. They greeted you one by one before turning to Mark, who had taken comfort in pressing into your side the minute everyone else stepped in and started shooting laser beams at him with their eyes. It was Taeyong who started asking Mark various questions before he deemed the man safe enough to have around. All of them got along like a house on fire and it warmed your heart to see the coven accepting him easily like you did. They even invited him to movie night, which was great since you were going to anyway even if they didn’t because you didn’t want him to be left alone.
“They’re very nice.” Mark stated as you closed the door on your last guest. “Very kind and friendly, just like you.”
You beamed at him, “you really think so?”
Mark nodded as he grabbed your hand, ready to lead you to bed just as he has been doing for the past week. “Yeah, I really like them.”
Pleased with his answer, you swung your interlocked fingers wildly in the air and began humming happily.
Three months later, Mark was still staying in your apartment. Nothing much changed in your dynamic other than you two getting closer to each other. You knew a lot stuff about him at that point like how he loved the smell of coffee but hated the taste of it, that he loved eating watermelons and tried feeding from deer because he saw it in Twilight. You knew what made him laugh, smile and what little things irritated him. You even knew what he looked like when he was mad, all because of that time he and Donghyuk got into an argument so bad that they refused to talk to each other for about a month and a half. Nobody spoke about That Incident anymore but sometimes you noticed that the others were prepared just in case anything escalated to that level.
Mark seemed to be attached to you, actually, trailing you like a little duckling at all times. You sure were lucky that you worked in the magic shop that the coven owned because there was no way any other work places would have tolerated how he barely strayed a few meters behind you, unless either of you needed to go to the bathroom. The other boys ribbed you about it, teasing about how he must have imprinted on you exactly like a baby duck would their mother but you just rolled your eyes and shoved whatever warmth you felt down into the depths of your mind. There was absolutely no way you were going to expose the massive crush you had developed on Mark because they would never let you live it down. Especially Jaehyun and Donghyuk.
“Have you ever thought about moving out?” You asked Mark out of the blue as you cooked dinner for the two of you. You were curious because any other person would have moved on already and yet there you were, three months after the kidnapping and he hadn’t gone away.
You imagined that he was wearing his confused facial expression, the one where his head would tilt to the side slightly, eyes squinted as he said, “no, why?”
“Just wondering.” You replied with a shrug.
“Do you want me to move out?”
You pretended to think about it. Sneaking a look at his face, you weren’t entirely surprised to find him just a feet or two away from you. The vampire was staring you with those cute wide eyes that you couldn’t resist, eyebrows raised in horror. You rolled your eyes fondly at him and lightly petted his cheek. In turn he placed his hand over yours and leaned into your touch, closing his eyes. You studied him for a moment, soaking in how at peace he looked before turning your attention back to your one pot pasta–your hand being held hostage as you willed your heartbeat to calm itself down a notch, fully aware that he could hear the strong uptick of your heartbeat.
“No,” you replied as you turned off the stove, turning to face him. “You can stay as long as you like.” You said simply, losing yourself in his eyes.
Mark slowly lowered your hand from his cheek, averting his eyes away from yours, fiddling with your fingers in his. “And,” he licked his lips, “if I asked to stay forever?”
Heart pounding vehemently in your ears, you cleared your throat. “I’d say: of course you can.” You inhaled sharply as he slowly started crowding into your personal space, nervousness filling his eyes which were mapping your face like they always did.
“What if I asked for more?” He whispered shakily, raising a hand to caress you cheek.
“Like what?” You could hardly breathe with the way he was looking at you; like you were the answer he was looking for all this time, like you were everything he’d ever wanted.
“You know what,” you did. Of course you did. It was clear in his eyes what he wanted however you said nothing, waiting for him to continue. “I want everything.” He answered truthfully, “everything that you’re willing to give me. Anything I can get.”
Part of you wanted to say a joke. Say something stupid like, ‘that desperate for me, are you’ or, ‘I didn’t know you wanted me that badly’ but you refrained yourself from doing so. You knew how much courage it took for him, could see how anxious he was, because it probably wasn’t easy for him to do this.
“And if it’s my heart?”
Mark leaned in closer to you, his face a few inches from your own. “I promise I’ll take care of it.” And with that he gently pressed his lips onto yours, kissing you slow and sweet. Your hands found themselves around his neck and you could feel him smile into the kiss.
When you pulled away to catch your breath, his smile rivaled the sun with how bright and warm it was. It made butterflies erupt in your stomach and there was nothing you could do but return it.
“I trust you.” You told him giddily, like it was a secret that only the two of you knew.
With a boyish smile, he said, “I trust you too.” Then followed the statement up with another kiss.
It was Sicheng’s welcome back party and your boyfriend hadn’t once let go of your hand since Taeyong informed the coven that the pack that Sicheng successfully recruited would be joining. The other witches snickered as Mark wandered around with you as you greeted everyone and chatted with a few people here and there, hand attached to your own as it always was.
Eventually Sicheng couldn’t contain himself anymore and gestured you over with an incline of his head. Once you reached him, Mark in tow right behind you, he immediately asked, “why exactly is an ancient vampire following you around like a lost puppy.” You snorted, of course Sicheng and his super senses would figure out what your boyfriend was.
You dragged Mark to stand beside you, flashing him an adoring smile before replying to your friend. “It’s a long story.”
Sicheng muttered, ‘only you’ but you chose to ignore him in favor of staring at your boyfriend tenderly as he kissed your hand, returning your stare. You figured that you should thank Donghyuk for getting you into that mess because if it weren’t for him you wouldn’t have met one of the most loveliest people on earth.
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holidaysat221b · 4 years
2017′s Halloween at 221b - A Sherlolly Celebration Master List
To help get you in the Fall/Halloween spirit, here are all the submissions we received during the 2017 Halloween Fest.  Please give them another look, leave a comment or a kudo (or both!), and show a little love to the creators who took the time to participate in 2017.
We’ve listed where the works are archived, mult-chapter or not, complete or not, and rating.  In progress fics are marked in bold as a reminder for a mod to periodically check for updates.  Tumblr accounts have been tagged where possible, some could only be linked to, and some are completely unknown to the mods.  As always, the complete Master List for all years can be found here.
All Hallow’s Eve 1896 - Written by @simplyshelbs16xoxo Sherlock Holmes begrudgingly attends John and Mary’s annual Halloween party for the first time, but he is immediately enchanted by Mary’s cousin, Miss Margaret Hooper.  (On Ao3, Complete, Rated T)
Alone -  Created by @cumbercougars   (On Tumblr, Complete)
Bite Me - Written by @willsherjohnkhan Sherlock is prepared to do anything to help Molly with her current predicament…This is my contribution to Sherlolly Halloween at 221B 2017 Challenge. (On Ao3, Complete, Rated T)
Blood Born - Written by @mizjoely “Vampires that couldn’t control their bloodlust are to blame,” Molly argued. “They’re the ones who didn’t care if they killed the humans they fed from or not. They’re the ones who didn’t notice when those humans didn’t stay dead. They’re the ones who killed so many people in such a short period of time that the contamination spread too quickly to contain.”  (On Ao3, Multi-chapter, Complete in 3 Parts, Rated T)
Deep Down Below - Written by @hobbitsdoitbetter In the aftermath of The Sherrinford Incident, Sherlock Holmes has slowly put himself back together; he has his friends, his family and his Molly, with whom he’s expecting a new arrival. But the past is not so easily left behind, and happiness not so easy to justify. The nearer Molly’s due date comes, the more Sherlock starts to feel as if something dark is dogging his path… Post Season 4  (On Ao3, Multi-chapter, In Progress, Rated T)
Don’t Be Scared, I’ve Got Your Back -  Created by @eastwindiscomming  (On Tumblr, Complete)
Foggy Night in London - Written by @simplyshelbs16xoxo Sherlock and Molly spend Halloween night together at 221B…what could possibly go wrong? Post-TFP.   (On Ao3, Multi-chapter, Complete in 3 Parts, Rated T)
From Her to Eternity - Written by @thehiddenlawyer Molly Hooper has been feeling strange lately, and when she’s plagued by visions of dark figures watching her through the shadows, she wonders whether she’s losing her mind, or if something sinister is haunting her.  (On Ao3, Multi-chapter, Complete in 13 Parts, Rated E)
From Thy Own Lip - Written by @forthegenuine In the autumn of 1808, Sherlock Holmes–known to many as the world’s only consulting detective–caused a stir when he announced that he had taken up the profession of a magician. Regency AU. Written for Halloween at 221B.  (On Ao3, Complete, Rated T)
A Halloween Costume for Rosie - Written by @katfevre BBC Sherlock Trick-or-Treat Halloween Gift Exchange Prompt:  John, Sherlock, Molly, and Mrs.Hudson are all trying to come up with a Halloween costume idea for little Rosamund Watson. It starts out as just brainstorming, but quickly becomes competitive. What does Baby (or toddler? or kid?) Watson end up dressed as? and who had the final say? (On Ao3, Complete, Rated T)
A Halloween Edit -  Created by @eastwindiscomming  (On Tumblr, Complete)
A Halloween Party Edit -  Created by @simplyshelbs16xoxo  (On Tumblr, Complete)
History Repeats Until Stopped - Written by afteriwake (@pennywaltzy) When Merlin tells Sherlock and Molly that another one of his descendants is living in a village under a curse and could be in danger, Sherlock and Molly go to the shore to try and break the curse and change history from here forward.  (On Ao3, Multi-chapter, Complete in 8 parts, Rated T)
How the Ghosts Stole Halloween -  Written by @sundance201 Sherlock and Molly go searching for a serial killer on Halloween. Or go ghost hunting. It depends on who you ask.  (On Ao3, Complete, Rated M)
In the Blood - Written by @darnedchild Some secrets are better left buried. Especially in the Holmes family.  (On Ao3, Multi-chapter, In Progress, Rated M)
Magic in the Moonlight - Written by afteriwake (@pennywaltzy) Every year since they began uni, Sherlock and Molly have gone to the university’s Monster Ball and competed in the couples costume contest, as friends. But this year it’s different. Molly has a boyfriend and Sherlock is jealous. Still…there might be a little magic in the moonlight at the Monster Ball for Sherlock and Molly, if they’re lucky. (On Ao3, Multi-chapter, Complete in 4 Parts, Rated G)
Missed Connections - Written by @katerbees Three years of Halloweens following Sherlock and Molly throughout the series.  (On Ao3, Complete, Rated T)
Molly Hooper - (Assistant) Reanimator - Written by @darnedchild Sherlock Holmes learns the shocking secrets of Molly Hooper’s past.  *Cue dramatic music and an evil laugh*   With apologies to H.P. Lovecraft - A modern retelling of Herbert West - Reanimator.  Written for the 2017 Sherlolly Halloween fest.  (On Ao3, Multi-chapter, Complete in 8 Parts, Rated T)
Mummy Troubles -  Written by @katerbees Sherlock enlists his favorite pathologist for a case in Egypt. What could possibly await them!!?  (On Ao3 Multi-chapter, Complete in 3 Parts, Rated M)
Perish the Thought - Written by osmia_avosetta (Tumblr unknown) (Removed By Author)
Pumpkin Carvings and the Wolf  - Written by LadySolitaire83 @ladysolitaire Sherlock carves something on a pumpkin that shocks and worries Molly. In which Molly is a werewolf, and Sherlock doesn’t know about it… yet. (On Ao3, Complete, Rated T)
Pumpkin Faces -  Created by @eastwindiscomming  (On Tumblr, Complete)
The Only Lovers - Written by phoebe_snow (@greenfleeze) Molly realises just how deeply Sherlock loves her. (Includes a link to cover art created by @simplyshelbs16xoxo)  (On Ao3, Complete, Rated T)
Rapture -  Created by @cumbercougars  (On Tumblr, Complete)
Revenge Is a Dish Best Served (Magically) Cold - Written by afteriwake (@pennywaltzy) For some time now Sherlock has suspected Molly of sleepwalking. But when Lestrade calls him with a case that involves a vampire victim one evening when Molly appears to have been out, he starts to wonder if her sleepwalking may be having homicidal effects. But there is more to the whole story than it seems…  (On Ao3, Multi-chapter, Complete in 6 parts, Rated T)
The Scary Haunted House (But It Turned Out To Be Really Nice) - Written by ‘P’ (and posted by @lilsherlockian1975) For those of you who don’t know, my youngest son likes to write Sherlolly stories. This is his contribution to the Halloween celebration.  (On Ao3, Complete, Rated G)
An illustration for The Scary Haunted House (But It Turned Out To Be Really Nice) - The artwork was commissioned by @mizjoely, drawn by @o0katiekins0o, and submitted by @lilsherlockian1975 to be included in Halloween at 221b. (On Tumblr, Complete)
Sherlock and Molly Halloween -  Created by @rebka18  (On Tumblr, Complete)
Sherlollyween Treats - Created by @mel-loves-all A collection of Sherlolly Halloween Photoshop edits for the 13 days of Sherlolly Halloween.  I’ll post an edit every day for the duration of the 13 days. Hope you enjoy them!  (On Ao3, Multi-chapter, Complete in 13 Parts, Rated T)
Silence Pressing in - Written by afteriwake (@pennywaltzy) The night is too quiet tonight. Molly needs…something…to soothe her tonight. But not sex. Something else.   (On Ao3, Complete, Rated T)
Something in 221b - Written by @escaily A 221b ghost story, complete with a photo edit.  (On Tumblr, Complete)
Spellbound - Written by @simplyshelbs16xoxo Sherlock’s a werewolf detective who falls for the enchanting Molly Hooper, a beautiful young witch. She is a pathologist who momentarily brings corpses back to life to find out their cause of death.  (On Ao3, Mulit-chapter, Complete in 10 Parts, Rated T)
A companion edit for “Spellbound” - Created by @mrsfrankensteinwinchester  (On Tumblr, Complete)
Studies of Morbidity - Written by Yusabi (Tumblr Unknown) Molly has achieved the best she could ask for– a fulfilling job, a safe home of her own, an exciting and enriched life, and best of all, a steady source of food. Food is everywhere, but options are scant, and a young Ghoul can’t wish for better than a morgue, where body parts can come in without ever coming back out. It only makes sense that the smartest oaf in the world would nearly ruin everything for her just to be petty. (On Ao3, Multi-chapter, In Progress, Rated E)
Tragedy at Hand -  Created by @simplyshelbs16xoxo A Sherlolly fanvid featuring “Sally’s Song” from “The Nightmare Before Christmas”.  (Link leads to the video on Youtube, the initial Tumblr post is here.)   (On Tumblr/Youtube, Complete)
The Vanishing Hitchhiker - Written by @escaily A ghost story, complete with a photo edit.  (On Tumblr, Complete)
The Vampire’s Votary - Written by @lilsherlockian1975 Votary: a devoted follower or admirer It’s been a year since Sherlock confessed that his desire for Molly was about much more than her blood. She asked him to sire her; he asked her to wait for six months. Then… he made her wait six more! Much has happened in those 365 days but on their anniversary, Molly makes a request that he simply can no longer refuse. My followup to “The Vampire’s Vice”  (On Ao3, Multi-chapter, Complete in 3 Parts, Rated E)
Your Remedy - Written by LadySolitaire83 (@ladysolitaire) When Sherlock gets stabbed while dismantling Moriarty’s network, Mycroft and Anthea bring him to Molly for medical treatment. She is forced to use her magical skills to save him from certain death. What happens when Sherlock finds out exactly how she healed him?  (On Ao3, Complete, Rated T)
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tvdversefanfiction · 4 years
Origins of Magic
“The Originals” Fanfiction Series
Warnings: I do not own the rights to the television series “The Originals”, “Vampire Diaries”, or “Legacies” and do not own any of the characters within the TVD universe, I am making no profit from this and have no intention for this fanfiction series except for readers to enjoy.
15+ Mild to Strong Violence, Strong Language, Witchcraft, sexual scenes, and sexual references.
F/F, F/M, M/M, Other.
Chapter Four - Between Heaven, Hell, and New Orleans
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After a decade living in the afterlife Klaus Mikaelson and his brother Elijah had found a version of peace living together in a dream like version of the Abattoir in New Orleans with their loved ones which included; Camille O’Connell, Hayley Marshall and most surprisingly a grown up version of their youngest sibling Henrik Mikaelson. The option of seeing Henrik as anything but a child was new to both Klaus and Elijah and not only did it please them but it helped lift some of the weight of the guilt Klaus had carried for a thousand years for feeling responsible for his youngest sibling’s death. Noticeably missing through their family reunion after life, with the addition of honoree Mikaelson Hayley and the former psychologist bartender Cami, was the Mikaelson’s treacherous parents Esther and Mikael and their deadly aunt Dahlia, after all this was the brother’s version of heaven not hell. Although Klaus managed to find ways to check up on his daughter he never worried too much about her, knowing she would and eventually did find her way in the world making her prouder than he could ever have imagined being, allowing for him and his brother Elijah to be at peace with their deaths. The only problem is the living were not at peace while the two Mikaelson brothers remained dead leading to a trio of powerful witches casting a wicked spell snatching Klaus and Elijah from their heaven, bypassing hell and returning them to the land of the living, right to the city of New Orleans. “I knew hell was on hold!” Klaus stated as he woke up on the ground within the Lafayette Cemetery, sitting up to see Elijah stood above him, looking equally confused as to how they wound up there. “I am not too sure this is hell Niklaus, in fact if I were to take guess I’d go for, well I would say somebody with a heck of a lot of power just brought us back from the dead.” Elijah replied to his hybrid brother, as Klaus quickly rose to his feet. “Hope,” Klaus uttered, automatically fearing the worst about his daughter. “Hope does not know anything about me and yet I am here!” The now adult Henrik stated, as he appeared from behind a large gravestone. “I do not know what has brought us all back brothers, but I can tell you with certainty it is not Mikaelson magic.” “Actually brothers…” Rebekah announced as she vamp sped her way into the cemetery, confronting all three of her brothers, ready to admit her truth. “It was definitely Mikaelson meddling I just so happened to use a different source of magic to get the deed done.” Klaus, Elijah, and Henrik stood there in shock, surprised by Rebekah’s actions, unsure of why she had brought them back to life, fearing the answer would be far worse than it was. Meanwhile Rebekah turned to face Henrik, instantly feeling a connection with him but having only seen him as a child, not being able to work out his identity. “Who the bloody hell are you?” She asked, not knowing it was her youngest brother all grown up.
As the hours went by and the world around him continued to live Klaus Mikaelson began to slowly realize that there was no going back to the place, he had been for a decade of what he considered bliss. He had grown used to the place he and his brothers Elijah and Henrik had come to think of as a form of heaven and was at peace with himself for the first time ever but now he was back in New Orleans, a place that was once his home had now felt like nothing more than the thing blocking him from a much better fate all because his sister Rebekah Mikaelson missed them too much, something that would have touched Klaus if he was not so furious about it all. “You mean to say that there is literally nothing bloody wrong and yet you pull us back from death to what check in?” Klaus shouted at his sister within the compound, as he, Rebekah, Elijah, and Henrik stood by the empty fountain. “You died with the hollow inside of you how was I supposed to know you were not suffering an eternity in some kind of hell?” Rebekah snapped back at her brother, while Elijah and Henrik decided to just stand there and watch how the fight played out. “You were supposed to move on with your life like everybody else, you spent so long trying to get rid of me and then when you do you stop at nothing to bring me back!” Klaus continued to argue with his sister. “Yes, I for one would like to know how exactly you managed to bring us back and who exactly helped you.” Elijah told Rebekah, somewhat alarmed at the possible measures his sister went to bring them all back. “It was nothing bad Elijah I just called in some favors from old friends and they were more or less happy to oblige.” Rebekah replied, telling a half-truth to Elijah. “Well I for one am glad to have a chance at living once again just keep the werewolves from me this time around.” Henrik chimed in, only to be met by frustrated glances from his siblings, forgetting for a moment his brother Niklaus was a werewolf/vampire hybrid. “So, I admit I was rash and I will more than likely regret this decision sooner rather than later but I just hated the idea of everything moving on….Freya’s got a kid, Davina and Kol too and Klaus…your daughter…she’s getting married…how can you not be here for that?” Rebekah informed Klaus, shocking her brother by the admission his daughter was now engaged. “She’s engaged?” Klaus responded with a soft smile, genuinely happy for his daughter Hope. “Yeah to Caroline’s daughter…I guess Hope is better at getting the girl than you brother.” Rebekah teased him. “So, we are back here for a wedding? Seriously Rebekah I have come to expect this carelessness from Kol and Niklaus, but I thought better of you!” Elijah complained to his sister. “Also, if this is your logic why not bring back Hayley as well as us?” “Trust me I was all up for resurrecting every single person I ever lost but it was hard enough sale for the two of you.” Rebekah answered Elijah, before turning to Henrik. “Not sure how you wound up alive again and all grown up…that is giving me a headache trying to work out.” “If you did not rope my daughter into this ressurection party of yours just which old friends did you persuade or threaten?” Klaus wondered. “Please tell me it was not Bonnie Bennet she has already stopped my death once before and was quite honestly very righteous about it.” “The kind of magic which would resurrect two original vampires and possibly the hollow would have to be that of a great darkness, a Black magic darker than even our aunt Dahlia’s.” Elijah suggested, as he began realizing the truth. “Oh, Rebekah please tell me our lives are not owed to any of them….”
Although Rebekah was under the illusion the ressurection spell had worked perfectly with the delightful addition of her youngest brother Henrik, Annabella knew better in fact Henrik coming back was not the only thing that went awry with the spell that Bella, Kayne and Rose had cast, in fact as the Black siblings were about to realize very quickly the spell they had done together had caused all kinds of chaos with more awaiting not only them but the Mikaelson’s too. “I cannot believe we did not get the hollow one of you witches must have done something wrong!” Rose accused her siblings, as Rose, Kayne and Bella walked into a luxurious hotel room within New Orleans. “Who is to say you did not mess up? I mean you are hardly the wonder witch of the family!” Kayne snapped back at his sister. “Not gaining the power of the hollow are the last of our worries, I fear something is wrong, I can feel it in my bones I just cannot get my head around what.” Bella warned her siblings, eager to determine the extent of the damage from the spell the three of them cast. “You worry too much Annabella,” Kayne responded, dismissing his older sister’s worries. “The only thing we messed up on was bringing back the Mikaelson’s and getting nothing out of it!” “Speak for yourself Kayne, I for one struck a deal with Rebekah from the very beginning I may not have the hollow, but I am sticking around here until I get something else, I want.” Rose revealed to them both. “Of course, I first have to work out something that is really going to make Rebekah’s life a living hell.” “So, you had a back up plan all this time?” Kayne furiously shouted at Rose. “Guess I am fool for thinking you actually cared for either of us…you have not changed one bit!” “Oh, please you already said yes the minute Rebekah asked anything for the man who would rather be dead then be anywhere near you!” Rose cruelly taunted her brother, before turning to Bella. “And you…what do you get now that Rebekah’s got her use out of you? Yeah, that is right you will go back to hiding from the rest of the world.” “Can we please just stop attacking each other for one second so we can work out the amount of damage we have caused with that god damn spell?” Bella shouted, eager to get her siblings to stop fighting with each other and her. Suddenly, the sound of a loud knocking noise coming from their hotel door had stopped the three siblings in mid fight as they looked among themselves trying to figure out who would be knocking on the door; Bella fearing it would be a newly revived Elijah issuing an polite warning about leaving New Orleans, Kayne fearing he would be reunited with Klaus and Rose hoping it was anyone or anything that would get her away from her family. “I guess I will get it then,” Rose said as she walked over to the hotel room door. “Honestly, you would think neither of you were all powerful witches…” As Rose swung the door open neither her, Kayne or Bella could prepare themselves for who stood in their doorway ready to greet the bewitching siblings. “So, you are the witches who have went and screwed up death!” Katherine Pierce greeted the three siblings as she stood within their doorway, Bella instantly realizing in that moment they had brought back more than just Klaus and Elijah. “I just wanted to say thanks for old time’s sake before I get the hell out of this city…which if I were you guys I would do the exact same before Klaus gets pissed and decides to kill the lot of you!” “Katerina Petrova?” Bella managed to say, while still in shock from Katherine’s arrival. “How exactly did we screw up death?” A clueless Kayne asked the female vampire. “Wow, you did not even mean to do it did use?” Katherine laughed at them. “In that case I’d highly advise getting the hell out of here before Mikael arrives…. oh well I’ve done my good deed for the century…it was good seeing you again Annabella.” Before Bella could muster up anymore words and before Kayne had any chance to ask Katherine any questions about her claim about him and his sisters screwing up death, Katherine Pierce had already vamp sped out of sight all too eager to get as far away from the chaos that was most definitely about to follow. “I guess you were right Annabella,” Rose said as she turned to face her sister. “Just one question in what way did we just screw up death?” “In a really bad way…” Kayne said with a look on horror on his face, which caught his sisters’ attention as they turned to look at what he was staring blankly at, only to see their brother Magnus Black was now stood in the doorway.
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dvlwthn · 4 years
“ tot  zhe  molot  chto  drobit  steklo  ,  kuyet  stal  . ”
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Is that KAT MCNAMARA? No, that’s just SERAPHINA M. BLACKWELL-BYERS. They were born on 22/11/95 and are a WITCH (Circle of the Aurora Coven) living in Northknot Town. They work as a MANAGER AT NORTHKNOT AUTOSHOP. Some say they're LOYAL and RESOURCEFUL, but I’ve heard others say they're BLUNT and CONFRONTATIONAL. When you think of her, don’t you think of POWER RADIATING FROM THE MOON, THE SMELL OF THE AIR AFTER RAIN, UNWAVERING LOYALTY?
a  wild  hurricane  unwilling  to  be  tamed  .  running  with  wolves  .  powered  by  the  moon  .  unwavering  loyalty  .  hidden  pain  .  unknown  past  .  craving  a  knowledge  that  will  never  be  learned  .  unapologetic  eyes  .  the  smell  of  the  air  after  rain  .  staring  up  at  the  night  sky  .
“  tot  zhe  molot  chto  drobit  steklo  ,  kuyet  stal  (the same hammer that shatters glass, forges steel)  .   ”   –  old russian proverb.
“  the  only  people  for  me  are  the  mad  ones  ,  the  ones  who  are  mad  to  live  ,  mad  to  talk  ,  mad  to  be  saved  ,  desirous  of  everything  at  the  same  time  ,  the  ones  who  never  yawn  or  say  a  commonplace  thing  ,  but  burn  ,  burn  ,  burn  like  fabulous  yellow  roman  candles  exploding  like  spiders  across  the  stars  .   ”   –   jack kerouac.
“  to  be  reborn  ,  you  have  to  die  first   .   ”  –   lucien carr.
M U S I C    P L A Y E R
“   i  will  always  fall  and  rise  again  –-  your  venomous  heroine  .  'cause  i  am  a  survivor  .  yeah  ,  i  am  a  fighter  .  ”   the fighter by in this moment.
“  i've  been  running  through  the  jungle  ,  i've  been  running  with  the  wolves  to  get  to  you  ,  to  get  to  you  .  i've  been  down  the  darkest  alleys  ,  saw  the  dark  side  of  the  moon  .  ”   wolves by selena gomez.
“  as  i'm  looking  up  (as I'm looking up) ...  suddenly  the  sky  erupts  (sky erupts, sky erupts)  .  flames  alight  the  trees  ,  spread  to  fallin'  leaves  .  now  they're  right  upon  me  .  ”   trampoline by shaed ft zayn.
“  on  me  dit  que  le  destin  se  moque  bien  de  nous  .  qu'il  ne  nous  donne  rien  et  qu'il  nous  promet  tout  ...  paraît  que  le  bonheur  est  à  portée  de  main  .  alors  on  tend  la  main  et  on  se  retrouve  fou  .  ” quelqu’un m’a dit by carla bruni.
P E R S O N A L I T Y  
+ adaptable, protective, and caring  - stubborn, arrogant, and impatient
this girl is always ready for anything! no matter the situation, she knows how to work her way around it and make it work in her favour. moving around so much as a child, the girl HAD TO learn to adapt, she wouldn’t have survived if she didn’t. there were some pretty terrible homes but she always made it through. but being in those homes and seeing how certain people where treated, the little witch became super protective of them. she was always on guard and would do whatever she could to help someone in need. even if it was taking the blame for something they did. she always endured it so they didn’t have to. there would be times when she was offered a way out. older kids running away and willing to take her with them, but she was too stubborn. she wouldn’t budge, she’d stay to look out for the other kids. 
over the years, she’d teach herself magic and while there was obviously things she needed to learn, she was actually pretty decent considering. she was powerful. and that in turn made her a little arrogant, she tried not to be but sometimes she couldn’t help. she was proud of herself and no one else would be.... so eventually that proud feeling just turned into arrogance. once she started learning more, she really couldn’t wait. she knew she could do it all, she had the power for it, but not the knowledge. it became a bit of a problem. she was too impatient, needed to learn everything and anything. she had been on her own for so long, she didn’t know how to do things on other’s time. 
her thirst for knowledge didn’t stop with just magic, she really did want to know everything. you never know when you might need the information. when it might be useful to someone in need. helping people is just something she did. sure there are times she’s a bit standoffish, but more often than not, she is going out of her way to help. she can be a little blunt, but she only has people’s best interest in mind... to her, it’s not her fault if someone can’t handle it. 
001.  seraphina marie blackwell comes from lillian’s bloodline. though she was very unaware of that fact for the longest time. see, her birth parents gave her up right after she was born–-- she has spent her whole life thinking they didn’t want her. but the truth is, while she was never planned, the gave up their life to create a hunter. it was a vow they made long before seraphina was conceived. so even if they did want her, they couldn’t keep her.
002. she was meant to be given to some friends of their, but two weeks into her living there, they were killed and she was left to go into the system. anytime someone tried to adopt her, her powers went out of control, leaving her to be left behind. when she was a little older, they put her in a foster home. but those never lasted and she spent her childhood moving from home to home. the blackwell witch hated it, but she did met plenty of other kids and formed some pretty deep connections. mainly with other witches and wolves. unaware that she did indeed have a special bond with wolves. see, it was her great, great, great, great (etc.) grandmother, lillian who casted the spell that created wolves... and it was her job, as part of that bloodline, to look after wolves. no matter where she went, she always had some type of connection with a wolf and she always helped where she could. whether it meant helping them personally or helping someone stay protected from them. it all depended on the wolf.
003. when she was sixteen she was adopted into a family of wolves. she wasn’t the only one that felt the connections, wolves did as well, these wolves just felt a connection that made them wish to help her. she got lucky this time because she has had to deal with wolves who’ve felt the need to kill her. but that’s beside the point... this family of wolves took her in and welcomed her. introduced her to some witches who could really help. from then own, the girl went from having no family to having two. the family of wolves and the aurora coven of witches.. 
004. due to her bloodline, it is no surprise that the blackwell girl drew her power from the moon. she really got lucky that her parents, after they adopted her, introduced her to the right coven. within the coven she learn more magic than she had only be able to teach herself and she also happened to learn about her biological parents and her bloodline. it surprised her and broke her heart. . . but she loved her family. she wouldn’t trade them in for the world.
005.  despite living in northknot her entire childhood, she did take a year to herself and traveled. ended up meeting witches from all over who weren’t ready to go to northknot yet. she also met more wolves and managed to convince the rouge ones to travel to northknot and possibly join a pack. during this year she faced challenges that, while left her scared, really helped her with her power. she really got to become the best version of herself.
006. after her year was up, she moved back, this time into a place of her own, though she still talks to her parents everyday. her brothers lived with her for a couple of years too but ended up wanted to do their own thing. during this time since being back, she went to the uni, finished uni, and even became a manager at her job in the autoshop. fixing cars and bikes and such is something she was always kind of good at. she was always super into cars when she was younger. had even got in trouble a couple of times for street racing. she’s hoping her next step is to either become part owner of the shop or buy her own shop.
007. NOW: she is still working as a manager at the autoshop. still lives in her house, got new roommates since her brothers moved out... still calls her dad everyday (her mum was killed by some rogue vampire who was just travelling through). 
ADOPTED BROTHERS. they can be the bio kids to their parents or adopted like she was. but they are both werewolves. she completely adores her brothers and used to get into a lot of mischief with them. probably still does.
BEST FRIEND. her person. this person is her ride or die. the person she’d be able to go to if she had to hide a body. due to her bond with witches and wolves, i think it’s be a bit more fun if her best friend was someone of a different species but i am open to anything. male/female/non-ninary, it doesn’t matter. just give this girl a best friend.
CHILDHOOD FRIEND. someone she met in one of the many foster homes she got stuck in. even if they didn’t always end up in the same house, they stayed friends. they met in a really bad house and just ended up having each other’s backs and it was just a bond that couldn’t be broken. i imagine they got into trouble a lot and had to be separated. [PJ SIMONS]
EX (WEREWOLF) BOYFRIEND. the same way she feels this connections to wolves, they feel something too. sometimes it’s a protection type connection, sometimes it’s just plain friendly, sometimes it’s even love... however, it’s not always a good connection and with this wolf, the connection wasn’t good. the two started dating BEFORE he triggered his ‘curse’ and everything was great. they LOVED each other. however, everything changed when he triggered his wolf gene. he couldn’t help it, couldn’t fight it at the time. so after a nasty fight, both managed to get away and haven’t seen each other since.
FWB. so while the saying is friends with benefits, they don’t actually need to be friends. they CAN BE, but it could also b fun to have an enemy with benefits type thing. they argue during the day and have their fun at night. just something to help relieve some stress ;)
ROOMMATES. two to three roommates. any species. they could have moved in because they were already friends with seraphina and needed a place. or maybe a coven mate. i would even take someone who responded to an add she posted and we can have this fun semi-awkward relationship between them because they don’t know each other as well but are trying to get to know each other better since they do live together. [MILES GREENWOOD & VIOLETTE CUNNINGHAM]
WEREWOLF SHE CONVINCED TO MOVE HERE. during her year away she ran into some rouge wolves and helped them as much as she could and told them to move to northknot. that they didn’t have to be alone anymore if they didn’t want to be. so i would love to see someone she told.
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irwinkitten · 5 years
hell over me | III
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note: so here i m with part three of hell over me, aka vampire!luke. this one i had the most fun writing honestly. warnings: none word count: 3.6k
part one i, part two ii, part iv, part v
The burning anger that kept building up, was going to explode. And he was fully prepared to wipe out an entire race with this anger.
Luke was never one to be left so helpless.
But when Carina was taken from his very bed, her frightened scream sent shivers down his spine.
He could hear the wolf talking with Ashton and the other siren. There was an ache in him and he knew that if he didn’t feed soon he might as well let the sirens do away with him.
‘Carina is still safe, don’t let her lose you now.’ His mind whispered.
That was the only thing that stopped his full anger.
His mate was safe. She was scared, he could feel that. But she was safe. Part of him wondered if it was due to the fact she was a witch that she was still alive.
He knew that her powers had only grown since they first met a century ago. And even then she’d been alive before he was even turned in the twelfth century.
A spike of fear followed by courage made him ready to break free, to rip each siren to shreds with no mercy. She was terrified and he could do nothing.
“You have my word I’ll try to help all four of you get out of here.” The sirens words broke Luke from focusing on the fear that seemed to engulf his mate.
“Good, because I’m ready to break these damn chains, fuck the consequences.” He peeled his eyes back, gaze turning to the wolf. “I’ll give my thanks to your Goddess when I get out of here with my mate safe.”
“Duly noted.” The wolf returned, making Ashton smirk. Luke tried his best not to roll his eyes.
“So, siren. Where do we begin?” His gaze turned to her and she shied away from his gaze, watching as Ashton bristled in the water.
“They’re trying to make the witch cast a spell. She’s been refusing.” Pride surged through Luke at the sirens words and he felt the terror recede.
‘Feel that pride sweet thing. Hold on a little longer.’ He desperately though, silently hoping that by some miracle she could hear him. He knew it was not to be, but in the water pit, any small hope was enough for him.
“A witches magic will never work if coerced. The sisterhood should know this.” His words came as a drawl and he was met with sharp eyes, a fire burning in them.
She had a backbone.
“Do you think I don’t know this? I am to be cursed for eternity if she does the spell under coercion and I want no part of this.” She snapped, her face dropping as she realised exactly who she was talking back to. Luke smirked.
“Your sisterhood sees you as an embarrassment, correct?” Pinkish spots appeared on her cheeks and Luke kept himself in check, stopping himself from letting his hunger overcome him.
Siren blood was lethal to him, he could not afford to slip up.
“I saw through their promises of this life when I joined the sisterhood. I grew depressed. I decided that if they would not free me from the bond, I would refuse to be what legends tell about us.” His eyes swept over her body, the stomach, the stretch marks. Rolls of fat in the wrong places.
“That’s what sets you apart. You have a good heart that they could not corrupt. Why else would they leave you to be in this godforsaken pit with a vampire, a werewolf and two demons, personally taken by Lucifer himself?” Her eyes darted to Ashton who nodded. The gaze then dropped to the still sleeping demon. Luke didn’t blame him. His powers had been bound for weeks now. He knew that if they didn’t get it soon enough, he would perish.
“If they catch me, they’ll make an example of me and use your witch for it.” She finally whispered and Luke shook his head.
“They’ve already caught you.” And he watched the first tear trailed down the sirens cheek.
“I know.” Was all she could whisper, pressing her lips tightly together. And Luke understood why.
A siren's wail could be deadly if they wished it. Sometimes they didn’t have the choice, their emotions dictating the wail and he realised that his words had broken her heart.
“Help the other demon, if he stays disconnected from his magic any longer, he’ll perish.”
“What about you?” Ashton asked, earning a look of gratitude from the siren as tears rolled down her cheeks, moving to where the sleeping demon lay.
“Unless they murder Carina, I’ll be fine.” He shrugged as the sirens song began, louder than before and Luke couldn’t even attempt to fight it. It was powerful and as his eyes rolled into the back of his head, he missed how the siren collapsed, body dangerously close to the water as she blacked out.
“Carina?” Beneath the scent of the dried herbs, he could smell the fumes from the potion that must have been cooking. Luke rolled his eyes as he made his way down to her laboratory.
“Sweet thing, how many times do I need to tell you that the smell of your potions do not need to be masked?” Her head shot up from the cauldron and his lips curved up into a smile that matched hers.
“As many times as it takes, mi amor. The nightshade was particularly foul when it was added, hence the herbs.” He laughed as he watched her eyes return to the bubbling pot, tugging back a small tuft of jet black that had escaped the hair tie.
Moving to stand behind his mate, Luke allowed his hands to capture the strand of hair, fingers pulling the hair tie out before he began to pull her hair back properly, twisting it easily into a tight bun before securing it with the tie once more as she added the next ingredient.
His nose told him it was crushed nettles.
“Thank you mi amor, I’ll be up in an hour.” He dropped a kiss to the juncture on her neck before he made his way back up. He knew better than to try and claim her attention when she was brewing.
Greeted by the clatter of claws as he made his way to the kitchen, Luke chuckled as the small dog skidded to a halt in front of him, sitting herself down and looking up with pleading eyes.
“Your mama is busy my girl. How about we head out for a walk?” He had her leash in his hands within seconds. The only response he got was a wagging tail, making him laugh as they left the house, knowing that she would know whether he told Carina or not.
Small mercies came with his mate, despite the species barrier between the two of them. She’d created a talisman that helped him to blend in with the humans that they interacted with. Other supernatural creatures would recognise him for what he was, but humans remained in the dark.
When they’d found a small pup left in the cold to die, Carina had nursed her back to health and named her Petunia. Luke had no say in their adoption of the dog, but when she’d cast a spell that muted their dogs instincts when it came to Luke, he was entirely smitten with the creature.
He wasn’t surprised a decade later, when she finally admitted she’d cast a second spell on their dog which tied her life to theirs. In other words, their dog was just as immortal as they were.
The walk was with ease, Luke nodding to a few of the humans that seemed to be out with their own pets. Once the pair had returned to the house, Carina was just exiting the laboratory. Petunia greeted her with excited tail wags and soft barks, making her giggle.
Luke leaned against the doorway, his lips curving into a softer smile as he watched the two loves of his long life.
“I see you staring, Hemmings. I’d like my greeting now.” Her eyes met his and Luke didn’t hesitate as he shut the door and swept her into his arms, his lips met hers. Her arms wound around his neck as he placed her back on her feet, holding him close to her.
“One would say you missed me.” He teased her playfully as her lips met his once more and she could only grumble as he pulled away.
“It’s been a long few days thanks to your trip. Allow me to indulge in my feelings that I actually missed your fanged ass.”
A burst of laughter escaped his lips as he pulled her towards the kitchen.
“Well this fanged ass is cooking tonight. What would you like for food, sweet thing?”
He was met with a beaming smile as she sat on the bar stool, her elbow resting on the countertop so that she could rest her head in her hand.
“Surprise me, mi amor. I’ve missed your cooking and insistence that I eat.”
The evening flew by quicker than he liked, finally the two of them allowing to reaffirm their connection. Just the sounds that she made beneath him, he wanted to imprint it within his mind, remind him of these moments when they weren’t together.
They lay in the king sized bed, her head resting on his chest as his fingers carded themselves through her hair. He always marvelled that she was his opposite in many ways. Jet black hair compared to his blonde curls. Dark brown eyes that contrasted with his baby blues, eyes that he knew he could lose himself within for hours if she let him. Her tanned skin, sun kissed from the years they spent in the sunnier climates compared to his pale skin. She was a beauty in his eyes and he was hers.
“Do you ever think about the lost opportunity of children, mi amor?” Her question had caught him off guard and he turned his head down to see her looking up at him, curious brown eyes studying his face.
“Sometimes,” he admitted quietly, “I think about what could have been, what we could be if we wanted. But having children was never right for either of us. I knew that then and know it now. As much as we could make great parents to a teenager who craves attention, we would be useless with an infant. And then there’s the whole secrecy issue.” This made Carina smile slightly as she nodded, her lips pressing against his chest.
“I consider what could be, and realise how lucky I am to have you and Petunia. Perhaps one day we could look into which would mix all supernaturals together, rather than keeping them within their own species.” He gave her a small smile.
“If it would give us the title of parents, I wouldn’t be averse to it. But for now sweet thing, you need a rest. You’ve got your big meeting tomorrow.”
Something shifted in the night, it was three am, past the witching hour and certainly past whatever time would be considered good to break into a home.
But that was what concerned Luke. Carina had made their home unplottable. Humans did not know it existed and other supernatural creatures would have difficulty reaching them.
And then the most haunting sound burned his ears.
Immediately he moved to waked Carina up, but he was trapped, his eyes wide in horror as he watched four sirens break into their room.
His mind was screaming at them, but the words were trapped behind locked lips. He recognised the bright blonde hair easily.
Sorrel smirked as she sauntered across the room, the other three yanking Carina away from him, her screams echoing through his mind, the sound locking itself in there as he desperately tried to move.
“Make her watch.” His eyes flickered to the ground of four, his mate forced into her knees, head held in his direction. He could feel her fear echoing through their bond as well as her anger.
The anger turned to panic as Sorrel straddled Luke’s waist and a growl built up in this throat as he felt the sirens lips trail up his chest.
Everything about her touch was wrong. It revolted every cell of his body but he couldn’t move.
“As fun as it would to break the bond like this, to fuck a vampire and see if they really do break furniture and bones with their stamina, the mistress wants her alive. We promise not to break her too much, little vampire.” And then they were gone.
It was hours later that the sirens magic wore off and Luke twisted off the bed so violently, his body rejecting the remnants of the dinner as his body tried to rid himself of the sirens unwanted touch.
Then he realised what had transpired and the panic set in before the anger overtook.
He knew he would never be able to track her, they were too good at masking scents and magic. So with a hurried apology to the dog, promising that he’d find Carina, he was almost glad that the pup wouldn’t need to be looked after. The house was sentient enough and she didn’t need food to survive. Her life was tied to his and Carina’s.
His first trip was to the vampire council, his eyes half wild as he was greeted into the meeting. The eight vampires in attendance eyes him warily, he was known for his control.
To come in looking so wild and careless, it had them concerned.
“Mister Hemmings, What brings you to the High Council?” He could see the cool look from the elder and knew he needed to calm down. They wouldn’t listen otherwise.
“The sirens.” The words were stated simply, but four of the eight flinched. He realised that he wasn’t the only one who’d had a run in with the sirens
“What about the beasts?”
“They took my mate hours ago.” This earned him looks of sympathy. He hated them.
“Do you have everything prepared if she were to pass? You know you won’t survive long without her.” And the bubbling anger that Luke had been holding back, exploded.
“What? Will you do nothing for my mate? The very mate who made it possible for us to live amongst humans, and to have kept our secret?” He snapped and was met with frowns.
“We cannot risk the lives of our own for the life of a witch.”
Luke was gone from the room before they’d even finished the sentence.
He knew that the elders had issues with his mate being a witch. He remembered the time when a wolf was bound to a vampire, both councils exiled them. Luke has never agreed to that decision. Especially after meeting his own mate.
He was just lucky the witches understood. They understood that Carina was his just as much as he was hers. They had even blessed their union so many years ago.
He knew where he needed to go next.
His journey to the witches council was more exhausting. Even though he didn’t need to sleep, he’d neglected to feed, his desperation overcoming the hunger.
When he greeted the High Council of witches, the concern they shared, to see a vampire look so broke in front of them, it hit him hard.
Falling to his knees, his hunger warring with his desperation, but desperation won out.
“Luke?” His head snapped up and Jade recoiled from the dead look in his eyes. He didn’t care how he presented to others now.
He could feel her anxiety rise and his own was fighting to stay in control.
“Sirens. They took Carina.” The witches Council were in uproar.
“Luke, have you fed?” Jade’s concerned eyes watched as he zoned out, his head snapping towards her when she spoke his name.
“Uh, no?” His confusion and then he felt the anxiety turn into full blown panic and before he could do much else he was knocked out.
When his eyes peeled back, he felt full but exhausted. Jade was sat on the coffee table and that was when he registered that he was laying on the couch.
“We managed to get some blood in you. One of the priestesses is procuring a live feed.” His gut churned and Jade gave him a twisted smile.
“It’ll be someone who deserves to die. Don’t worry.” And she laughed as his shoulders relaxed.
It was easier to focus once he’d fed, his body relaxing as he sat with the witches High Council once more.
“What about the vampire High Council?” Terra queried as the other witches shared looks. Luke scoffed.
“They told me to be prepared for when she dies. They’re not willing to help a witch.”
“Fucking old timers.” Jade snapped as she glanced to her sisters before standing up. Luke met her gaze evenily, resisting the anxiety that was bubbling once more.
“I will personally go with you to every High Council. They have to listen to a representative and a mate.” And he felt relief flooding him. He hoped that it was enough to stave off Carina’s anxiety, even just for a moment.
Having Jade with him, Luke fed more often, keeping himself and his emotions under control as they met with the various High Councils.
When they reached the High Council of wolves, Luke was exhausted and his emotions were close to snapping. This was the last thing he needed, especially with him going into what was considered enemy territory.
He waited by the treaty line, hands stuffed in his pockets as he waited. It was moments as Jade seemingly appeared out of nowhere. He didn’t jump.
“They’ve agreed to see you.” Was all she said before gripping his shoulder and he swore as he felt the uncomfortable sensation of the apparition.
“God dammit woman, warn me before you do that.” He snapped, pulling his arm from her grip. She gave him an apologetic look in return.
“She did that of our request, leech. We didn’t want the others panicking because there’s a vampire walking around.” Luke froze and fought every instinct to snarl at the council. But he composed himself.
“That can be forgiven, but still some warning would have been nice.” He ground out, earning curious looks from the other wolves.
“Why do you want audience with us, vampire?”
“The sirens took my mate. I’ve been travelling to ask for help but also support when I say they need to be wiped out.” This caught the wolves attention.
“We would be willing to support you when you put forward the motion for them to be destroyed. But we cannot grant you the help that you seek.”
Luke fought down the anger. He knew that it was going to happen, every other council had denied their own help.
“Thank you for your time. Jade?” She didn’t need to be told twice as the apparition surrounded them once more and once they were by the treaty line.
“I’m not giving up. I’ll go to the sirens myself.” He muttered and she watched as he stepped away from her. She moved to step with him, but the look he gave her, froze her in her tracks.
“Let me help.” She whispered and he shook his head.
“I need someone who knows where I’m going. If you don’t hear from me, you know that either I’ve died or they’ve got me. They won’t kill me until they get what they want from Carina.” Jade could feel the goosebumps on her arms as Luke continued to walk away from her.
“Make the councils aware. I want those sirens dead.”
His head was pounding as he pulled himself up from the slumped position.
His eyes turned to the siren who was pushing herself from the floor, her eyes wide and terrified.
“What the fuck was that?” Luke snapped, the anxiety rising in his chest and he registered that it wasn’t his own.
Carina was still alive.
“That was my wake up call.” The blonde demon groaned and Ashton’s head snapped to the other demon.
The demon that Ashton had named Calum, turned his head towards Luke, ignoring the other demon.
“You said you went to every council?”
“Yeah, almost every council agreed. The only one that didn’t was the vampire council, mostly because I never asked of them.” Luke lifted his shoulders into a shrug and felt the siren work her magic as the song picked up again.
“Good, because they think they can break me, but they don’t know me.” And to the shock of the siren, he stood up, his hands free of the binds.
Magic seemed to surround him as his eyes fell shut and Luke felt the power radiating off the blonde demon and he felt every bind snap, Carina’s emotions hitting him full force and rendering him breathless.
He watched as Ashton’s eyes widened as they met the sirens and Michael smirked.
“These sirens chose the wrong creatures to break. I’m going to make them pay and when I’m through with them, the mere memory of them will be tainted enough for people to forget.
And as the siren helped them from the water pit, once her hands touched Ashton’s, she was sold on helping the four of them.
“I’ll show you the secret passages. I can’t let them live after this.”
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theworkofxanderking · 5 years
The Originals: Bad Blood (Alternative Season 5)
Episode 3: Mother Knows Best
Warnings: I do not own the original content to “The Originals”, “The Vampire Diaries” or “Legacies” or any of the characters from the television shows.
15 plus, displays of Violence, Gore, Torture, M/M, F/M, F/F.
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Rebekah stood in the woods of Helton as her three brothers’ bodies appeared in a puff of smoke lying on the ground as Nathaniel stood beside her eager for Nathaniel to begin the spell that would reunite her with her brothers once and for all.
“I hope you remember the price of this spell because I intend on collecting that price no excuses.” Nathaniel told her.
“You have my word.” She replied as she noticed Nathaniel’s followers appearing from a distance in different directions chanting as they walked over towards them. “Did they really have to be unconscious for this I mean you did keep me awake.”
“I’d rather only one have one reunion today.” He explained.
“And the reason you have your deeply disturbed followers chanting away.” Rebekah quizzed as she began to feel uneasy about the situation.
“Claiming more power requires more power it’s a simple strength in numbers.” Nathaniel told her before walking over to his worshipers and beginning to chant with them as they all formed a circle around the Mikaelson brothers.
“This better bloody work.” She shouted over to them. “Or I’ll personally kill every last one of use!”
Nathaniel and his worshipers had made themselves scarce still within the town limits of Helton but making themselves out of sight while Rebekah stood in those woods for what felt like forever as she awaited for her three brothers who were lying on the cold ground to awake from their sleep without even noticing that day had turned into night before either of them had awakened.
After what felt like several hours Rebekah started to notice her brothers Klaus, Elijah and Kol beginning to wake up and slowly rising to their feet completely confused to where they were while completely oblivious to what had just happened.
“Rebekah what the bloody hell have you done?” Klaus snapped at her.
“Fixed everything while you were off doing god knows what.” Rebekah snapped back. “But don’t bother to say thank you or anything.”
“What do you mean exactly when you say you fixed everything Rebekah?” Elijah asked her to make it clear to his siblings he remembered them.
“Looks like somebody got their memories back too.” Kol butted in before looking over at Rebekah suspiciously. “Just what kind of witch did you get to do the spell?”
“What bloody Spell?” Klaus asked clearly growing impatient. “What the bloody hell is going on?”
“The Hollow has been removed by all of us and Elijah’s compulsion has been reversed. See what happens when a girl is left to her own devices without her brothers playing dictators.” Rebekah answered rather proud of herself.
Klaus vamp sped over to Rebekah until he was standing right in front of her the two looked at each other for a moment before Klaus smiled at his little sister and pulled her in for a tight hug.
“I’ve missed you!” He admitted as he continued to hug her tighter and tighter.
“Okay Niklaus,” Rebekah laughed as she pushed him off her before looking at Elijah who looked deeply troubled. “What’s wrong Elijah?”
“Everything.” He replied.
“Oh well I guess a happy family reunion was never going to be on the cards.” Kol said as he rolled his eyes.
“I say it’s about time the Mikaelson’s returned home.” Klaus replied with his signature smirk as he wrapped his arm around Rebekah. “After we make a little visit to Mystic Falls that is.”
“Yeah I’m going to pass on that one I’m heading back to my home with Davina.” Kol responded. “No doubt I’ll be called upon with the next family emergency.”
Before Klaus or Rebekah could talk to him Kol vamp sped away much to their own annoyance as they looked over to Elijah who still look deeply disturbed.
“What about you Elijah are you up for a return to New Orleans?” Rebekah asked her eldest semi-living brother.
Several Days Later
Josh stood behind the counter of an empty Rousseau's in New Orleans drying glasses with a dish cloth enjoying the rare peacefulness of the empty bar until that peace was interrupted by Klaus as he vamp sped into the bar without warning and placed himself sitting on a stool at the counter much to Josh’s horror as he dropped a glass he was drying causing the glass to smash into broken pieces on the ground.
“Klaus,” He said as he struggled for words. “You’re not meant to be here.”
“You’re not the first nor the last I imagine telling me this, but you all seem to forget I don’t follow any rules I make them.” Klaus replied clearly not liking Josh’s reaction to his return.
“Hey, you want to stay in New Orleans, or you want to leave New Orleans it’s all good to me I’m just trying not to get killed.” Josh admitted honestly. “If you’re here for a killing spree or some revenge scheme then please just give me a pass.”
“Well if you get me a drink and make it a good one, I’ll think about keeping you alive.” Klaus said with a sinister smirk clearly amused by Josh.
“Sure thing,” Josh replied as he grabbed a bottle of whisky and began pouring into a glass before placing it on the counter in front of Klaus. “so, don’t kill the cat for it’s curiosity but are you here visiting or back for good?”
“I thought you wanted a pass.” Klaus responded as he picked up his glass and took a drink.
“Good point I’ll shut up and keep refilling your glass when needed.” Josh answered making it clear that Klaus made him very nervous.
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Rebekah walked up to the gates of Lafayette Cemetery only to find herself shocked to see Bonnie stood outside them clearly waiting for her.
“You know when I agreed to come to New Orleans, I was promised exactly this would never happen, but I gathered sooner or later you and your siblings would be back.” Bonnie said to her clearly not amused to see the original once again.
“I’m glad to not disappoint but what the bloody here are you doing here I’m meant to be meeting someone else.” Rebekah wondered. “You’re not working for him, are you?”
“Please some of us have morals Rebekah, I’m not working for him however the New Orleans are working with him.” Bonnie revealed. “I’ve only recently learned what the hell this Malus magic is and to be honest I’m still learning we’re not particularly thrilled to be working with someone of his kind, but it just so happens what he wants is what we now want.”
“His kind? He’s a witch, isn’t he?” Rebekah asked as she realised Bonnie knew more than her.
“Nathaniel and his kind of witch practice a long-forbidden death magic which basically grows stronger by deaths particularly the supernatural kind his kind are consider leeches amongst the witch community.” Bonnie went on to say. “Think heretics practising expression who like to kill everything in sight but have a particular interest in killing each other the most.”
“So, tell me then what is it you both want and why am I here?” Rebekah questioned Bonnie as she walked closer to her.
“He wants to destroy the ancestral plane and considering I’m not a particular fan of it or the witches that still draw power from it I was more than keen to help.” Bonnie admitted. “However, I am cautious about having to work with you and your mother once again and even more cautious about what the hell we’re going to find in this well of magic to which the ancestral plane draws its power.”
“What the bloody hell has my bitch of a mother got to do with all this?” Rebekah asked furious at the mere mention of her mother.
“I’m considered a New Orleans witch by the city but not by the ancestral plane due to my unwillingness to be their go to girl so to get to be where we need to go we need a New Orleans witch which your mother somehow became.” Bonnie revealed with a sly smirk amused by Rebekah’s fury.
“Okay I’m going to need to talk to Nathaniel right bloody now.” Rebekah snapped.
“Yeah he’s not here so are we going to do this or not?” Bonnie snapped back making it clear she wasn’t taking any demands from her.
Elijah walked into the compound truly terrified about coming face to face with Hayley once again after half a decade of being apart especially considering they didn’t end things particularly well but he didn’t have too much time to think about it as Hayley stood in front of the fountain waiting for him clearly looking just as nervous as him.
“I heard you got your memories back.” Hayley said to him. “I’m glad you and your siblings are back together again.”
“I can’t begin to tell you how amazing it is to see your face again.” Elijah admitted to her as he continued walking towards her. “I found myself missing something all these years and to have my memories back I now realize that something was you.”
“Hope was really glad to see all of you I’m glad she has you all back in her life now.” Hayley replied.
“What about you?” Elijah asked as he stood in front of her hoping for a good response.
“Elijah it’s been a real long time when I loved you, I was lost within myself. I was pregnant to a man I loathed, and enemies were at the gates.” Hayley told him. “I found myself I’ve fully embraced my duties as a werewolf queen and this city has finally found some peace.”
“I’ll take that as you’re not happy to see me.” Elijah sighed clearly wounded by Hayley’s words.
“Of course, I’m happy to see you Elijah,” Hayley revealed as she placed her hand lovingly on his cheek. “I’ve missed you too but I’m building something here something good for Hope to one day takeover and I can’t jeopardize that for anyone not even you.”
“I’m not asking you to jeopardize anything,” Elijah told her while grabbing a hold of Hayley’s hand. “I would never ask you to jeopardize anything.”
“No but I have a feeling Klaus will.” Hayley said as she pushed away from Elijah. “And I know where your loyalties lie.”
“You’d be surprised where my loyalties have been lately.” Elijah admitted before asking. “Is there any chance for us?”
“I really do hope so.” Hayley replied with a soft and genuine smile. “But I’m really afraid that it’s never going to work out for us.”
Rebekah and Bonnie stood in one of the run-down crypts within Lafayette Cemetery clearly having barely said much to each other since they had met earlier the silence eventually being broken when Bonnie pulled out a knife from her jacket pocket.
“Unless that knife is dripped in vervain or scattered with the ashes of some white oak tree you and I both know that’s not going to do anything to me.” Rebekah told her.
“Well it could have been dipped in the kind of poison that comes from a bite from your ex-boyfriend Marcel.” Bonnie replied with a sinister smirk making Rebekah question her sincerity. “Don’t worry it’s just a knife for the spell to work I’m going to need your blood.”
“I wasn’t worried well maybe a little but when you reject a guy’s proposal you can expect them to consider revenge from time to time.” Rebekah revealed to her before holding out her hand.
“I don’t get what he ever saw in you,” Bonnie told her as she slashed Rebekah’s hand with the knife before the wound instantly healed. “Or why you would squander your chance for somebody loving you when you’re not the easiest to love.”
“I have really missed these girl talks.” Rebekah replied sarcastically as Bonnie began chanting in Croatian while holding the knife with Rebekah’s blood on it.
After a few moments Bonnie’s chanting came to a sudden silence as both her and Rebekah fell to the ground becoming unconscious before their bodies even hit the floor as the two of them suddenly found themselves transported to the middle of Lafayette Cemetery only for day to have become night and a dark fog seeming to surround them both.
“I’m going to go out on a limb and say we’re in the ancestral plane now.” Rebekah said to Bonnie as the two looked around the seemingly empty cemetery before seeing Esther appear from behind of one of the tombs.
“Rebekah, what are you doing here?” Esther asked clearly confused by her daughter’s arrival.
“You know why we’re here Esther and apparently you’re the only ancestor willing to help us with our mission.” Bonnie said as Rebekah gave her mother a cold death stare.
“Well willing would be putting it rather strongly.” Esther replied to Bonnie. “I’m willing for this plane to exist no longer and to finally find some peace for myself and Finn, but I’m not especially pleased about the part I’m playing in order to make it happen.”
“Finn’s here too?” Rebekah asked her voice clearly softening at the prospect of seeing her oldest brother.
“Is it really necessary for her to be here too?” Esther asked Bonnie dismissing Rebekah’s questions about her brother.
“Yes,” Bonnie answered her looking guilty about something. “I think it’s time for you to tell her the truth better now than when we get to the well.”
Rebekah looked at her mother instantly with fury in her eyes knowing whatever she had to say wasn’t going to be good but little did she know the true extent to which her mother’s exposed lies were about to change everything for her and her siblings.
Marcel was sitting on his couch within his loft drinking a large glass of whisky when Josh vamp sped into his living room looking completely and utterly terrified as Marcel took another sip of his drink knowing exactly why Josh was so scared.
“He’s back apparently their all back minus Kol of course who’s living it up in San Francisco but their back and I’m completely and utterly terrified about winding up dead.” Josh admitted to him.
“I know.” Marcel replied as he finished his drink and stood up.
“You know, cheers for telling me I had come to think of us as friends over all this time but clearly not if you’re not even willing to notify me about possibly winding up dead at the hands of the Mikaelson’s.” Josh responded clearly working himself up.
“You have nothing to worry about my feud with them is over.” Marcel laughed before putting his hand on Josh’s shoulder to calm him. “You’re not going to be caught up in any feuds and even if you did you’ve survived this far.”
“Yeah your right.” Josh said with a sigh of relief. “However, when the Mikaelson’s are here something always follows whether it’s you or one of their endless enemies.”
“You know your kind of adorable when you get all scared.” Marcel admitted to him.
“Great so everyone keeps terrifying me because I’m super cute when scared wish I could take that to the clubs.” Josh replied while rolling his eyes.
“You’ve got no reason to be scared I’ve got your back,” Marcel said as he grabbed a hold of Josh’s hand and placed it on his tight butt. “And you’ve got mine.”
“That’s certainly some back.” Josh gushed while he kept his hand on Marcel’s butt. “What the hell is going on?”
Marcel pulled Josh in towards him before passionately kissing him much to Josh’s surprise as Josh enjoyed the kiss for a moment before pulling himself away from his friend.
“Okay if you are playing some kind of game, I don’t like it,” Josh said before Marcel looked at him with a seductive smile. “Okay I kind of like it.”
“Don’t question it.” Marcel told him as he ripped Josh’s shirt open with one pull of his hand exposing Josh’s bare chest before grabbing him and vamp speeding the both of them onto the couch as Marcel pulled his own top off climbing on top of Josh in the process and beginning to kiss him passionately as their bodies began grinding against each other.
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Rebekah, Bonnie and Esther found themselves walking through the bayou in the ancestral plane followed by the fog as Rebekah tried to process what her secret keeping mother had just revealed to her struggling to adjust to the news that would forever change her family and undecided if it was good or bad.
“I’m struggling to believe anything of what you’ve told me is real let’s face it mother you certainly have a history of lying to your children.” Rebekah said to her mother as the three of them continue to walk through the bayou.
“Trust me it wasn’t my choice that he went down this path nor could I have stopped it even if I saw it coming.” Esther replied. “Despite my actions I never wanted any suffering for any of my children.”
“How is any of this even possible?” Rebekah asked Bonnie clearly dismissing her mother.
“Malus is a magic which specializes in death I’m not too sure of every detail but it’s the opposite of nature so the rules in which it follows is different to what we witches follow.” Bonnie explained. “It sure doesn’t help that nobody living has come across a Malus witch in centuries and a lot of what it is and isn’t is folklore.”
“I knew a Malus witch once,” Esther revealed. “Nathaniel’s father before the darkness of the power he held possessed him to the very core. He grew up in the same village as me and my sister in fact he was the love of Dahlia’s life, but she wasn’t his that privilege was reserved for Nathaniel’s mother.”
“But Nathaniel came to Mystic Falls because his father murdered his mother.” Rebekah butted in.
“Once the darkness of which Malus entails takes over the witch there is nothing left but the Malus itself.” Esther explained. “Their magic very much like this ancestral plane comes from spirits and often the lives they take. Each death they claim darkens their soul until there’s nothing left but the need for power even if it means fathers killing sons or sons killing fathers.”
“So, Nathaniel has lost himself to this ancient magic but that still doesn’t explain how that has to do with him.” Rebekah said even more confused than before.
“Long after you and your siblings fled Mystic Falls a newly empowered Nathaniel returned eager to put his Malus to use in order to bring back those that were lost however no magic is ever that powerful and it took a serious toll on those that returned. Their spirits were returned but not their bodies soul or mind leaving them as nothing more than a power source for Nathaniel and I guess some mindless comfort from familiar faces.” Esther revealed to them both as they found the well placed in the middle of the woods.
“Oh, so it’s an actual well how literal.” Bonnie said clearly unimpressed by the well itself.
“Get to the bloody point and tell me what the hell my brother Henrik has to do with all this madness?” Rebekah snapped as she grabbed her mother by the neck lifting her up in the air before tightening her choke hold.
“Rebekah,” Bonnie shouted. “Henrik is the thing that’s in the well.”
Raven Devereaux sat on the bonnet of her suave black car outside of the city limits of New Orleans both eagerly and anxiously awaiting Elijah’s arrival after not hearing for him for days she began to fear the worst especially considering the two of them were plotting the downfall of his own family.
She feared he had been daggered by Klaus or worse for his betrayal and that it was another Mikaelson who send her the text to meet them here only for her to meet a grizzly end but either way she sat there waiting hoping for Elijah willing to take the risk in order to see the man she loved return to her.
Raven didn’t wait long before Elijah vamp sped his way to be standing in front of her much to her joy and relief not knowing that her relief would be short lived.
“Elijah I was so worried about you.” Raven said to him before walking closer to him only to notice Elijah backing himself away. “Elijah what’s wrong?”
“A lot of things have changed over the last few days Raven my memories have been restored and with it my alliances have been realigned.” Elijah revealed to her. “Which obviously means any plans we had together have well and truly come to an end.”
“What about us?” Raven asked him. “I don’t care about revenge or even hunting I only ever cared about you. What about us Elijah?”
“I’m afraid there can’t be an us any longer.” Elijah told her noticing the look of heartbreak on Raven’s face. “It’s also probably best for you if you leave New Orleans.”
“Are you threatening me Elijah?” Raven questioned as tears began forming in her eyes.
“No, I would never threaten you,” Elijah replied moving closer towards Raven only for her to be the one to back off this time.
“You said you loved me that you were lost before you found me.” Raven cried as tears started falling down her cheeks and her voice began to break. “I loved you despite everything and now your memories are back you’re just done with me.”
“My family needs me, and the truth is I need them too.” Elijah admitted to her clearly struggling to see the woman he had loved for the last few years heartbroken by his own words.
“Don’t lie to me it’s because of her,” Raven snapped back “the minute you got your memories back you were always going to love her how can I ever compete with the werewolf queen who gave birth to the infamous Tribrid.”
“I’m so sorry.” Elijah said sincerely before vamp speeding out of sight.
Raven began to sob as she struggled to contain her heartbreak until she started to see a black smoke forming until Nathaniel appeared in front of her.
“Who the hell are you?” She asked while drying her tears.
“The Mikaelson’s are always sorry aren’t they but yet they keep creating chaos wherever they go.” Nathaniel replied. “I’m an old friend of theirs which means I’m an enemy of yours.”
“I’m done having anything to do with the Mikaelson’s.” Raven made herself clear.
“Yeah you see I want to believe you I really do,” Nathaniel said as he began walking closer towards her. “But I know most of all what a broken heart can lead a witch to do and I can’t have you getting in my way when you inevitably seek revenge.”
Nathaniel grabbed a hold of Raven and started to chant in the dead language he frequently chanting causing Raven to scream in pain as her eyes went black before Raven body began to desiccate and turn to dust until there was nothing left of Raven but a pile of dust as Nathaniel’s eyes went jet black.
“I’m sorry but I can’t afford to take any chances.” He coldly replied to the remains of Raven Devereaux.
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swiftpng · 5 years
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❥ — taylor swift’s fall netflix list // gettin’ deep & personal task.
Taylor’s a sucker for binge-watching a television show and ignoring the fact that she should be replying to emails about work, so what’s a better way to procrastinate than answering a bunch of fall related questions while watching a baking show? (click on the picture for hq!)
what’s your favorite part of fall? Everything. I know, I know… I might’ve said summer was my favorite season, but honestly? I love this time of the year so much. The leaves here are beginning to change colors. Soon they’ll fall to the ground in an array of golden-tones, stripping the trees bare in the process. We’ll all soon follow, wiping ourselves clean of the year’s hard times in anticipation of the better that’s sure to come. Pumpkin flavors can now be requested in coffee shops all over, and in just a couple weeks time, children will line the streets in costumes. There’s something in the breeze that heals. I can’t explain it, but I can feel it. Goosebumps litter my skin and at times I have to question whether I’m cold or whether my body is coming alive for the first time in ten months. Fall has arrived and so has my spirit. 
what about your least favorite? Hm, hard call. Maybe the colder weather? I don’t mind it, but I don’t really enjoy the feeling of my limbs feeling numb from the coldness.
what’s a song that always makes you think of Halloween? Thriller by Michael Jackson! If you don’t do the dance when you hear this song, we can’t be friends.
describe your quintessential fall outfit? Fall fashion is some of my favorite and, in my opinion, often the most creative! Usually, I’m always wearing fall colors with jeans, boots, and a sweater. Scarves, hats, and gloves can be found in my wardrobe during this time of year, too.
have you ever played with a ouija board? No, I wouldn’t do that. I’ve seen one too many horror films to know that it never ends well when you mess with those things.
do you feel that fall makes you happy or sad? Happy, most of the time! Although, it does make me feel slightly nostalgic, so that can always bring up unwanted feelings to the surface.
what’s your favorite Halloween-related movie? I always go for more light-hearted movies rather than all out scary movies, so I would have to say Hocus Pocus. But, I like Practical Magic, too.
now that the weather’s getting colder, what’s a go-to comfort meal for fall? Mac and cheese is my comfort food. It’s homey, warm, and so delicious. 
do you believe in ghosts & spirits? A little bit. I’m the kind of person to hear a mysterious noise and think “ghosts!” because that’s just who I am. I believe there are things we can’t see that exist, but I don’t really believe in the traditional ideas of what “ghosts” are. Maybe I’ll Buzzfeed Unsolved it one of these days and see if they’re truly real for myself.
favorite fall-related scent? Freshly made pumpkin pie from the oven is such a good smell, but I also love the smell of nature after it rains.
are you a generally superstitious person? I’m not overall superstitious, but I believe that there are things we can’t see or fathom. I believe there’s things we can’t explain, yet or ever. I believe that the number thirteen is my lucky number, and whenever it pops up randomly, I always believe it’s good luck for me.
do you rake up the leaves in your yard, or leave them fall where they may? I just leave them on the ground until I know it’s supposed to snow, and then I rake them up for them to burn. Fallen leaves make for a good bonfire.
if you were home alone and heard footsteps in your house, what would you do? I would probably check my security camera footage, and if I felt really spooked out, I’d call a friend to come over and stay the night!
hot apple cider or pumpkin spice coffee? Oooh, don’t do this to me. I love both, but a mug of hot apple cider is amazing when you’re at the window and reading a book.
pick a team of three people to go with you to a haunted house if you wanted to survive? Let me see… I think I’d choose Bill Skarsgård because he’s taller than me and I trust that he could protect the rest of the team; James McAvoy because he’s hilarious and I’m sure he could calm my nerves and lighten the mood; and Delta Goodrem since she’s my soul sister and I would need her for moral support. Bill, James, and Delta – those three would be my team if I had to go into a haunted house to survive.
do you use the pumpkin seeds once you’ve scooped ‘em from the jack-o-lantern? I usually save them! I roast them in the oven and eat them as a snack.
favorite Halloween costume that you’ve ever worn? Getting the chance to wear Ryan’s Deadpool costume was pretty cool. Didn’t think it would fit at first, but I’m glad it did!
what’s your favorite fall time activity? Going out at night and walking against the brisk air, warm coffee in my hand, feeling free and abandoned with my loved ones; sitting outside in the afternoons with a cozy sweater and writing/drawing; watching the darkening of the days, giving way to even brighter sunsets and sunrises.
graveyards at night: yay or nay? Uh, no. I don’t even like going to them in the daytime, so going to one during the night would not be for me.
do you enjoy baking during the fall season? Of course! Imagine if I didn’t bake almost everyday during the fall season? If you can name it, I can bake it. Cookies, pies, cakes, bread – those will fill my kitchen at all times.
are you more into Halloween parties or trick-or-treating? Since I’m older, I would say Halloween parties. Though, now that I’m living in Bayview, I’m hoping to get a chance to pass out candy to kids. Seeing little ones dressed up in their costumes is so cute.
what role do you play in a horror movie: the final girl, first to die, comic relief, the brain, or the murderer? Honestly? Depends on my mood. Kidding. Well, maybe. I feel like most people would assume that I would be the first to die in a horror movie and they might be right, but I feel like I could be the brain to come up with a plan to save us all. I’d be the comic relief if I’m nervous or feeling stressed during it all, the final girl if my plan goes like it should, and the murderer if I saw someone I disliked.
have you ever changed your appearance with the season? like dyeing your hair or doing different makeup? A lot of people dye their hair darker as the seasons change, but I don’t think I can pull off brown hair, so I just stick to blonde. I usually change my makeup to more darker tones.
after a scary movie… lights on or off? On, always. And I have to watch something more light-hearted afterwards otherwise I can’t go to sleep.
what’s your favorite candy that you look forward to getting around Halloween? Definitely Reese’s Pieces or M&M’s. You’ll never see me with candy corn, though. Whoever likes those are wrong. Very, very wrong. They have no taste, they’re boring, and they’re just not a good Halloween candy. Or even candy in general. Honestly, just don’t even talk to me if you like candy corn. Please. Also, if you have any in your presence, you should do yourself a favor and throw them away.
you’re a witch or warlock… what’s your familiar animal? Would it be too predictable to say a cat? It would be cool if they could talk like Salem, too.
it’s an apple, and it’s coated with what: chocolate, candy or caramel? A chocolate M&M covered apple would be my pick. I never eat it from the stick, so I usually cut it with an apple slicer and then have my way with it.
do you believe in any urban legends like moth man or chupacabras? Can’t say I do, only because I’m not really familiar with either of those. I will say that I believe in Bigfoot and the Loch Ness Monster.
are you more into the fall aesthetic, or just in it for Halloween? Both? I love fall because of the crispness of the air against the gentle warmth of sunlight, the reemergence of cozy dark clothing and boots, a fresh brew of coffee as the sun rises and the chill starts to nip at your nose and cheeks, the faint scent of cinnamon, shorter days in exchange for softer evenings and brighter sunrises, greenery turning over to bold reds, oranges, and yellows, a tangible feeling that you can do anything… I could go on forever, I just really, really love autumn, my soul feels so at home when it’s this time of year. But, I do love Halloween and I refuse to believe it begins within the plane of manmade time, and is not an atmospheric state that graces us mere mortals every year without fail, bringing with it an odd chilly peace and natural pleasantries and a sort of magic, all of which is willed by the Gods of Spook. Yes, I know, I’m weird.  
supernatural time: do you wanna be a vampire, werewolf, or zombie? I’ve been a zombie once, and let me tell you, sitting for six hours in a makeup chair is not fun. But in all seriousness, if I had to choose based off of what I’ve seen in TV shows and such, I think I’d go with being a werewolf. I mean, having to turn on a full moon and have every bone in my body break doesn’t sound like too much fun, but it does sound better than having to live off of blood and never actually dying (unless you get stabbed in the heart with a wooden stake). With how much the world is changing, I don’t think I would to live long enough to see how it all ends.
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solohux · 6 years
🍁♥ solohux’s October fic favourites ♥🍁
♡ Under The Moonlight by kittens (2866 words, Rated Teen+)
modern au, werewolf kylo, demon hux
Kylo has moved into a new neighborhood in hopes of better keeping his condition a secret and he has a very cute new neighbor.  But he might also have a few secrets.
♡ Hold Onto Hope by @darthkylorevan (719 words, Rated Teen+)
5 times fic, fluff
The first time Kylo asked, Hux curled his lips into a sneer and denied it. Instead, he rose from the bed, gathered his clothes, and left. That wasn’t him--wasn’t them. That Kylo should presume to think he would accept such a request, would indulge him in such a manner...well, he’d always thought the man wasn’t quite the smartest at times, hadn’t he?
♡ will you still love me after out first time(s) by sorryuser (1195 words, Rated Teen+)
first time, softness
some of their first times resonate with kylo.
♡ baby, i’m preying on you tonight by @theomegapoint (1047 words, Rated E)
tw noncon, omega kylo, fucking machine, hot af smut
Ren struggles against the restraints he's been locked into and Hux has no doubt that were he not sufficiently gagged, he would be cursing. It's impudent behavior from an omega, especially a bitch in heat, but Hux allows it on the grounds that Ren is about to be punished enough for six lifetimes during the course of his heat.
♡ It Will Have Blood, They Say by CrimsonFootsteps (WIP) (5605 words, Rated E)
witch kylo, familiar hux, violence and blood, amazing plot with added smut
Kylo Ren is a powerful witch, but one who was supposedly smothered in power as a child after a violent outburst during his training as a white witch.  As an adult, not remembering much if at all about magic, he began to collect artifacts that belonged to his grandfather, Vader, and in the process, activated his own immense power and the power of the Grand Grimoire. Armitage Hux is a Familiar, a human who has fused with a demon soul, and his greatest wish is to be the One- the eldest, the heir to Hell itself.  Gaining the Grimoire would instantly gain him what he desires, and at first, he thinks dealing with Kylo will be simple.  However, nothing is easy, nothing is as it seems, and a casual bond may not be enough to grant them the power to get what they desire.
♡ whoever you are, holding me now in hand by spitfire007 (WIP) (2595 words, Rated General Audience)
pre-tfa, venom au, symbiote kylo
General Hux knew that there would be several surprises that came with taking command of Starkiller Base. However, learning that Kylo Ren was the symbiote of Ben Solo was the last thing that he expected.
♡ To Run From What You Feel by @kyluxtrashbin (5095 words, Rated Teen+)
shared nightmares, hurt/comfort, plotting against snoke
Kylo and Hux, both exhausted from their ordeal on Starkiller Base, are suffering from disturbing dreams: dreams they share. And in these images they discover more about each other than they had suspected before.
♡ Stars In Ones Mind by @hemlockcryptid (1117 words, Rated General Audiences)
pre-tlj, softness
A moment of peace during an on going war
♡ Vampires Will Never Hurt You by @saltandrockets (3557 words, Rated M)
vampire kylo, hunter hux, sexual tension
Armitage hates being out in the field. He prefers to work behind the scenes—gathering information, crafting stakes and other weapons. But when conventional vampire-slaying methods fail, his only option is to play the honey pot. Turns out, vampires dig redheads.
♡ In Good Hands by @missabigailhobbs (1809 words, Rated M)
sub kylo, caning, aftercare
An expert Dom, Hux loves caning Kylo. He pushes Kylo's pain threshold further and further with 100 lashes, until Kylo is delirious and in subspace. Kylo allows Hux to do anything to him while he's in this state, even share him with friends.
♡ Below His Window by BlackKyber (4015 words, Rated General Audiences)
arranged marriage, prince ben au
Prince Ben Organa has been avoiding marriage for years. He feels that nobody would be a suitable match for him, so he studiously avoids or sabotages all the potential spouses that his parents set up for him.One day his luck runs out, when the King of a distant planet proposes that his son would be a perfect match for the wiry Ben. Unable to talk his way out of the situation, Ben begrudgingly prepares for his upcoming nuptials ... when a surprise visit from an unexpected source shifts the balance of everything.
♡ Rebirth by @jinxedambitions (7578 words, Rated E)
modern au, sub ben, dom hux, aftercare
Over a year after Ben Solo disappeared on his hunt for Armitage Hux, Poe is sent a clue by one of his informants.  While the video doesn't give any clues as to where Ben is, it certainly shows exactly who he's with and how he's spending his time.  Fully embracing the name Kylo Ren, Poe's former partner shows that years of rebellion and disciplinary actions are in the past.  By the General's hand, he has been reborn, and he is now the embodiment of control of mind and body.
♡ Safe Keeping by @centurytwitch (1922 words, Rated Teen+)
hux in peril, ghosts, protective kylo
The shuttle had been seized, for all appearances the crew missing. When the First Order regained control of the shuttle only two pirates were left alive. Interrogations and the blackbox told them of a better outcome. Despite the blood that stained the shuttle four individuals boarded the pirate ship, three pirates to escort the one in shackles. Kylo had reason to hope.
♡ What The Night Takes by @camellia-cook (9148 words, Rated E)
modern au, summoning gone wrong, witch kylo, bottom kylo, amazing smut
When Kylo's attempt to cast a very powerful, very dark spell goes awry, he accidentally calls up more than he bargained for: an ancient demoness of overwhelming supernatural power. She'll grant him the strength he's looking for, but only at a price.When Hux goes to investigate reports of a citizen in distress, he finds more than he expected: a naked, lust-crazed, half-possessed witch begging for his touch. He doesn't believe in magic, but this guy says he's going to die if Hux doesn't give him what he needs.
♡ Test Subject by pimpmypaws (2939 words, Rated E)
medical kink, subject kylo, dominant hux
Hux and Kylo are a kinky couple with a very elaborate fantasy which they act out on weekends in specifically rented places: Kylo is a laboratory mutt used by Hux, a sadistic scientist. Kylo spends his weekends in cages and on exam tables as Hux subjects him to invasive procedures, controls and monitors his every breath, his food, water intake and waste, administers bitter "medicines" and injects him with light sedatives only to clean him out and then push his bare cock into Kylo's ass. Hux, actually a medical professional, knows exactly how to make the experience intense and utterly submissive for Kylo. Both are extremely into it and it’s all consensual even though they play rough and mutt Kylo gets debased and abused.
♡ Sensory Deprivation by kyodontdoit (1168 words, Rated E)
blindfolds, sub kylo, dominant hux
Kylo Ren allows Hux to do as he likes, which starts with Hux telling him not to use the Force.
♡ Insatiable by @shinysylver (701 words, Rated E)
semi-public sex, kylo groping hux
When Ren is high on the power of the Dark Side he's insatiable. Hux likes him that way.
♡ How Do You Say ‘Kiss Me’? by @flaming-dumpster (602 words, Rated General Audiences)
language kink, flirty kylo
General Hux can speak Arkanian. Kylo Ren puts him to the test.
♡ Dark Side of the Moon by @furrygeneralhux (WIP) (7906 words, Rated E)
modern au, human to animal tf, maned wolf hux
This was not happening to Hux. He was not shifting into a giant maned wolf on the night of his date with Kylo Ren. Absolutely not, this was some sort of terrible dream. But why did it feel so real?
♡ Dancing Ewoks, Painted X-Wings by @cynicalpudding (WIP) (14,015 words, Rated E)
anastasia crossover, prince ben, friends to lovers
Ben Solo, Prince of Alderaan, disappears when the palace is attacked by followers of the evil Snoke. Years later, Luke Skywalker, the brother of Queen Leia, offers a reward for Ben’s return. Sensing an opportunity, a scheming duo, Armitage Hux and Phasma, plan to pawn off a phony. They hold auditions and choose an orphan boy with amnesia and a remarkable resemblance to the missing prince. But, they get a bit more then they bargained for in the form of the fiery and cynical Kylo Ren.
♡ Babe, I’m Here Again by @sinceyouaskedmeforataleof (WIP) (80,106 words, Rated E)
modern au, abo, omega hux, mpreg, tw cancer
It's 2008 and graduate student Armitage Hux has no idea why hes still hanging out with that nerd of a second year Ben Solo. Surely he had better things to do that sit around planning Dungeons & Dragons adventures with this not-at-all-attractive Alpha who he definitely doesn't think about constantly. A tale of illness, heartbreak, unexpected gifts, new beginnings, and rediscovery. Featuring two idiots who don't realise how much they love each other until its almost too late.
♡ Unexpected by @gonna-pop (WIP) (19,780 words, Rated E)
old married kylux, omega hux, mpreg
After twenty years together, Ben and Armitage have gotten comfortable. There are no surprises left in their marriage, and nothing new to learn about each other. That is, until Armitage unexpectedly goes into heat while they’re vacationing on a resort world — and a few days of renewed passion changes the course of their lives.
happy reading! ♥ ♥ ♥ 
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induro-a · 4 years
“ did you really have to be that honest? ” - hayley to hope
i’m my mother’s daughter ; @recitalinscribed
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Hope had to laugh at her mother’s question, because she 𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐔𝐋𝐃 know the answer. Of course Hope was 𝐁𝐑𝐔𝐓𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐘 honest, she got it from both her father and her mother, and the kids deserved what she said anyway. “I thought I was 𝐒𝐔𝐏𝐏𝐎𝐒𝐄𝐃 to look out for myself mom, it’s what I did. So what if it was a 𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐓𝐋𝐄 𝐁𝐈𝐓 more honest than I should have been. It’s not like they can 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐘 hurt me, now is it?” She chuckled before sighing, “I’m sorry I was a bitch. I’ll work on it.” 
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scuzmunkie · 6 years
Run, Little Rabbit, Run: Chapter 5
A/N: I’m so sorry my darling little pumpkins!! This is a late post due to storm preparations.... again. Thank you all so much for the outpour of love you guys continue to give!! I wish I could hug each and every one of you!! As always lmk if there are any mistakes and if you’d like to be added to the tag list!! Well, here’s chapter 5, enjoy!! Smooches!! Baron Corbin x OFC Word Count: 1000+ Warnings: Language, talk of dead parents, talk of terminal illness. If this triggers you at all please proceed with caution!! I want my little pumpkins happy and comfortable!! Summary: Run, Addie, the Constable is coming for you..... +++ Michael Cole was walking down one of the vacant hallways trying to clear his head before Raw started. Most of the staff was already there, setting up and making friendly conversation amongst each other. He was quietly preparing for the show when he heard something. It was so soft that he thought maybe it was his ears playing tricks on him, but as he traveled further into the hallway the noise became louder. Following the sound, he quietly made his way around some stacked crates when he found Addie sitting on the floor, silently crying. He had come to really enjoy his friendship with Addie, she was fun to be around and could carry on a conversation easily. Michael crouched in front of her, careful not to scare her. “Addie?” Michael gently whispered. Her head snapped up, a startled whimper escaping her lips. She quickly tried to compose her while she swiftly wiped her tears away. “M-Mr. Cole!” She sniffled, “Sorry, you caught me off g-guard.” She said, trying to smile. “Why are you crying, sweetie?” He gently inquired. “Oh, it’s nothing, reall-“ “Hey, it’s me, Addie.” Michael said, sitting on the floor next to her, wrapping a friendly arm around her shoulders, “Talk to me.” Sighing, Addie looked down at the phone in her hands as fresh tears streamed down her cheeks. Michael patiently held her while she sobbed. After a few minutes she composed herself, thanking him when he offered her his handkerchief. “I, uh.... I got a call from my doctor, I wasn’t feeling well a few weeks ago so I went in to have some tests run and some blood work done.” She swallowed the lump that was in her throat. “It seems that after seven years of being in remission, my cancer decided make a comeback.” She finally looked at Michael, a sadness in her eyes. Eyes that once held joy and hope. Michael was really the only person aware that Addie was a cancer survivor, something he found out when the WWE would work with the Susan G. Komen foundation. One of the ladies that had been honored for beating her bout with cancer had recognized Addie from their cancer survivor support group. Michael had witnessed the two women reuniting with hugs and tears of joy. He pulled Addie into a hug, shushing her sobs. “I’m so sorry sweetie. You’ll kick this! Just like you did when you were younger.” He reassured her, furrowing his brows when she sadly shook her head. “It doesn’t look hopeful. The doctors gave me a year at most.” She told him, her voice full of sorrow. “I don’t know what I’m going to do. At least I had my dad with me when I went through this the first time, but now, I have no one.” Addie had lost her father in a car accident almost three years ago and her mother died during childbirth, leaving her an only child. Addie had gone through a great deal of heartache that no 28 year old should have to suffer. “I, I don’t want to die alone in some hospital bed.” She whispered, “When I die, I want it to be outside, on a blanket at night.” Michael watched with a heavy heart as such a young woman had to contemplate how she had to die. “I want the stars to be the last thing I see.” She felt Michael give her shoulder a tight squeeze, drawing her attention to him. “I’ll be here every step of the way.” He said, kissing her forehead. “Thank you, Mr. Cole. Please don’t tell anyone.” Knowing that he couldn’t keep that promise, he simply nodded. —- “How long have you known?” Baron asked. “Three agonizing months.” Michael said as he wiped away a few tears. “In a few months the cancer will have spread throughout her entire body and... and...” Michael covered his mouth to hold in his sobs. Baron couldn’t explain the tightness he felt in his chest at the thought of Addie dying. She was just a human, why the hell did she captivate him so much? He was brought out of his thoughts when he heard Michael’s voice. “Baron, do you think, oh never mind.” Michael stopped himself, standing up to leave but was stopped when Baron grabbed his arm. “What were you going to say?” Baron asked. “It’s nothing.” Baron flashed his eyes, growling, warning Michael not to disobey his Alpha. Michael closed his eyes, presenting his neck, surrendering to Baron. “Now, what were you going to ask me?” Baron asked calmly, not missing the way Cole rested an uneasy had on this mysterious bag of his. He released Michael but not before nudging his forehead with his own and sat down at the foot of his bed. He may be a lot of things, but he was a fair alpha to his pack. He’d never intentionally hurt one of his own. “It’s rare, only been done successfully a few times.“ He explained. Pulling out an old leather bound book from his bag, Michael opened it, quickly turning the pages until he found the one he was looking for. “It’s been said that a dying human can be saved by a bite from a werewolf, but it can’t be just any werewolf, it has to be the bite of an alpha.” Michael handed the book to Baron, pointing to the old inscription: ‘One who layeth dying can escape his fate by the bite of a lycanthrope alpha. If bitten seconds from demise, he shall never taste death. But take heed, if a lesser lycanthrope were to perform such a ritual, both shall meet a most gruesome end.’ “Why don’t you just cast some kind of spell on her?!” Baron asked, annoyed. It was no secret that Michael was not only a werewolf but a warlock as well. His mother was a witch, a damn good one at that and her magic flowed through her son’s veins. “You don’t think I’ve tried?! I’ve read every spell, every potion and every single book I could get my hands on! I personally asked Aleister if he or anyone in his coven had any spells or rituals that could be used to save her, but there’s nothing that can be done for Addie without her paying a huge price!” He nearly yelled, frustrated by his own inadequacy. “I even thought about going to Finn, but a deal made with the Demon King himself comes with a heavy toll!! What would you have me do? Go to Pete and let him or one of his clan members turn Addie into a vampire?!” By now he was flailing his arms in anger. Taking a deep breath, calming himself down, he sat next to Baron on the foot of the bed. “Look, I know it’s risky and hasn’t been tried in decades, I’d be asking a lot of both you and Addie, but it’s worth a try isn’t it?” “Ok, but why would I risk it? If she dies because of my bite, that’s blood on our hands.” Baron spat, getting up and pacing angrily back and forth. “I think we both know the answer to that, Alpha.” Cole said quietly. “Oh really? You have all the answers, right?” Baron’s temper starting to get the best of him. “Think about it, you’ve had dozens of women in your life, hardly ever seeing the same one twice. Your wolf has never once scented any of them nor had the desire to. I barely mention that Dolph wants her and you immediately feel yourself losing control of your anger. I’ll bet my last dollar that you’re fighting the urge to tear him apart as we speak!” Michael said, a small smirk playing in his lips. “What the hell’s your point, Cole?!” “She’s your luna.” —- *a/n: so I realize that this may not be common knowledge so a Luna is the alpha female, or mate to the alpha. She’s second only to the alpha!! Hope this helps!
Darling Little Pumpkins
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