#⬛️ in character ask .
adenial-a · 1 year
Hands him another rubix cube.
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ㅤㅤshe furrows her brow in a moment of frustration , and then minor confusion , looking at the familiar cube placed into her hands before looking up at her father with a raised brow . he had to know that lovek did not care for the toy , right ? her frustration as a child , patience wearing thin , ultimately lead to finding various ways to cheat an answer out of it -- repainting the blocks , breaking it's mechanism and repairing it , or simply hiding away somewhere radagon could never find it . ㅤㅤdoes he think she's mature enough now to play with the toy the correct way ?
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ㅤㅤwith hesitant hands she begins to twist the blocks , but it was only a mere two minutes before her face morphed into a familiar look of frustration and she made a noise in the back of her throat as her irritation grew . ㅤㅤ"ㅤthis damnable toy ,ㅤ"ㅤshe looked closer , her hand movements becoming more rushed and harsh , until she rolled her eyes and gave up , giving it back to her father . ㅤ"ㅤi have not the wit for this thing .ㅤ"
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mepuppy · 28 days
Let It Ride - Supernatural rewrite
A.N.: I do not own the characters, nor the storylines. I'm simply adding a twist to the episodes. Please feel free to help me out with constructive criticism on the story or the writing. Sorry for the mistakes, not proofread and english is not my first language.
1x01 1x02 1x03
Word Count: 6.9k
1x04 - Phantom Traveler
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Dean and y/n are each sleeping in a bed in a motel room the three hunters stopped to rest. The pull-out couch is set as a bed, but is empty. The door opens quietly, but is enough to awaken Dean. Then on the second click, of the door closing, makes y/n open her eyes but she doesn’t move. She was already facing the door and Dean, who who slips his hand under his pillow to grab a weapon. She can see a shadow of a man turning around, holding something. Her eyes meet with Dean’s and he starts to turn around slowly.
“Morning, sunshines” he says when he notices the other two looking at him.
“What time is it?” y/n asks closing her eyes again and placing an arm covering them.
“Uh, it's about five forty-five.” Sam replies.
“In the morning?” Dean asks incredulously while y/n groans and Sam replies with and ‘yup’ sitting on his ‘bed’/pull-out couch. “Where does the day go?” he sits up and stare at Sam “Did you get any sleep last night?”
“Yeah, I grabbed a couple hours.” the younger brother tells him looking at the coffees.
“Liar. 'Cause I was up at three, and you were watching a George Foreman infomercial.” y/n says taking the arm off her eyes and sitting up to.
“Hey, what can I say? It's riveting TV.” he replies cheerfully.
“When was the last time you got a good night's sleep?” Dean asks knitting his eyebrows.
“I don't know, a little while, I guess. It's not a big deal.” he says looking at the older man.
“Yeah, it is.” y/n retorts
“Look, I appreciate your concern…” Sam starts but Dean interrupts.
“Oh, I'm not concerned about you. It's your job to keep our asses alive, so we need you sharp.” he tells Sam, who just shrugs “Seriously, are you still having nightmares about Jess?”
Sam hands a coffee cup to each of the other hunters. “Yeah. But it's not just her. It's everything. I just forgot, you know? This job. Man, it gets to you.” he looks down
“You can't let it.” Dean tells him  “You can't bring it home like that.”
“So, what? All this it… never keeps you up at night?” he asks, y/n lower the cup as she finished a sip and Dean shakes his head. “Never? You're never afraid?” Sam doubts.
“No, not really.” Dean answers.
Y/n reaches under Dean's pillow to pull out a large hunting knife and holds it up as evidence. “Bullshit.”
Dean takes the knife back  “That's not fear. That is precaution.” he explains raising his eyebrows.
“All right, whatever. I'm too tired to argue.” Sam says leaning back on the wall. Dean's phone rings and he answers it.
“Dean, it's, uh, it's Jerry Panowski. You, your dad and your sister helped me out a couple years back.” Sam and y/n get closer to hear it through the phone call as a man talks.
“Oh, right, yeah. Up in Kittanning, Pennsylvania, the poltergeist thing.” Dean says
“ It's not back, is it?” she asks concerned.
“No. No. Thank god, no. But it's something else, and...uh, I think it could be a lot worse.” he sounds anxious. 
“What is it?” Dean asks.
“Can we talk in person?” the three hunters look at each other.
Inside the hangar of the airport. The three follow Jerry, the man from the fone call. “Thanks for making the trip so quick. I ought to be doing you guys a favor, not the other way around.” he says sincerely “These two and your dad really helped me out, you know.” he turns to Sam.
“Yeah, they told me. It was a poltergeist?” Sam asks the man.
“Poltergeist? Man, I loved that movie.” Someone passing them says enthusiastically.
“Hey, nobody's talking to you. Keep walking.” Jerry tells them annoyed “Damn right it was a poltergeist, practically tore our house apart.” he returns to Sam “Tell you something, if it wasn't for you two and your dad, I probably wouldn't be alive.” Jerry looks to y/n and Dean “Your dad said you were off at college. Is that right?” he looks back to Sam.
“Yeah, I was. I'm…taking some time off.” he replies with a small smile.
“Well, he was real proud of you. I could tell. He talked about you all the time.” Jerry says and Sam looks at him with wide eyes while y/n looks down smiling thinking about her father figure.
“He did?” Sam asks looking at the man.
“Yeah, you bet he did. Oh, hey, you know I tried to get a hold of him, but I couldn't. How's he doing, anyway?” The man ask the three hunters.
“He's, um, wrapped up in a job right now.” Dean replies
“Well, we're missing the old man, but we get Sam. Even trade, huh?” Jerry says playfully, making Dean and y/n laugh.
Sam smiles and replies “No, not by a long shot.”
“I got something I want you guys to hear.” Jerry says as they enter an office and Jerry goes behind the desk grabbing a cd player “Normally I wouldn't have access to this. It's the cockpit voice recorder for United Britannia flight 2485. It was one of ours.” he says and presses play.
“Mayday! Mayday! Repeat! This is United Britania 2485… immediate instruction help! United Britanis 2485, I copy your message… May be experiencing some mechanical failure…”  There is a loud whooshing sound.
“Took off from here, crashed about two hundred miles south. Now, they're saying mechanical failure. Cabin depressurized somehow. Nobody knows why. Over a hundred people on board. Only seven got out alive. Pilot was one. His name is Chuck Lambert. He's a good friend of mine. Chuck is, uh… well, he's pretty broken up about it. Like it was his fault.” Jerry explains the whole situation
“You don't think it was?” Sam asks, looking at the man. 
“No, I don't.” he replies.
“Jerry, we're gonna need passenger manifests, um, a list of survivors.” y/n counts on her fingers as she starts listing.
“All right.” is all the man says nodding.
“And, uh, any way we can take a look at the wreckage?” Dean questions, hopeful.
“The other stuff is no problem. But the wreckage… fellas, the NTSB has it locked down in an evidence warehouse. No way I've got that kind of clearance.” he answers apologetically.
Dean frowns before reassuring the man “No problem.”
They say goodbyes and leave the office and the airport, going straight to a Copy Jack. Dean goes inside. After a while he exits while y/n is laying on the back seat of the Impala and Sam is leaning on the door outside. They enter the car and Dean hands her Homeland Security badge. She grabs it looking it over “Wow, we’re on another level. This looks pretty good. Nice job.”
“Thanks.” he smiles at her smugly “All right, so, what do you got?”
“Well, there's definitely EVP on the cockpit voice recorder.” Sam starts
“Yeah?” Dean asks when he pauses.
“Listen.” Sam nods hitting play on the tape recorder, which has been edited to pull out a scratchy voice.
No survivors!
“"No survivors"? What's that supposed to mean? There were seven survivors.” Dean interjects.
“Got us.” the woman tells him, sitting up.
“So, what are you thinking? A haunted flight?” he asks looking at her.
“There's a long history of spirits and death omens on planes and ships, like phantom travelers.” Sam tells him and Dean just nods agreeing.
“Or remember flight 401?” y/n asks him about a case from their teenagehood.
“Right. The one that crashed, the airline salvaged some of its parts, put it in other planes, then the spirit of the pilot and copilot haunted those flights.” Dean’s memory comes quickly.
“Right.” Sam agrees “So maybe we got a similar deal.”
“All right, so, survivors, which one do you want to talk to first?” Dean looks between the other two.
“Third on the list: Max Jaffey.” y/n shows him a piece of paper with a list of names.
“Why him?” he looks at her frowning.
“Well, for one, he's from around here. And two, if anyone saw anything weird, he did.” she explains tilting her head.
“What makes you say that?” he asks.
“Well, we spoke to his mother. And she told me where to find him.” she motions to Sam with her head. Dean nods looking at Sam, then back to the road and starts the car. Since Sam’s the one on the front seat now he’s the one guiding Dean till they arrive at a psychiatric hospital.  Dean parks and they head inside.
They enter the building and Sam shows a nurse the fake badge asking to speak to Max. She takes them to the courtyard. When they reach Max they introduce themselves. 
They start walking together. “I don't understand. I already spoke with Homeland Security.” Max says looking between them.
“Right. Some new information has come up. So if you could just answer a couple questions…” Y/n starts.
“Just before the plane went down, did you notice anything...unusual?” Sam asks looking at the boy.
“Like what?” he questions confused.
“Strange lights, weird noises, maybe. Voices.” Dean tries to explain to him with some examples. 
“No, nothing.” they get to a table.
“Mr. Joffey…” Dean says but max cuts him as they sit down.
“Jaffey.” he corrects, looking at Dean.
“Jaffey. You checked yourself in here, right?” He asks and Max nods. “Can I ask why?” Sam and y/n sit opposite the two.
“I was a little stressed. I survived a plane crash.” he answers.
“Uh huh. And that's what terrified you? That's what you were afraid of?” Dean inquiries him.
“I… I don't want to talk about this anymore.” the boy tries to brush them off.
“See, I think maybe you did see something up there. We need to know what.”  Dean tries pointing at Sam and y/n with his eyes.
“No. No, I was...delusional. Seeing things.” Max looks down.
“He was seeing things.” Dean looks at Sam and y/n.
“It's okay. Then just tell us what you thought you saw, please.” she looks at the boy with understanding eyes.
“There was… this… man. And, uh, he had these… eyes… these, uh… black eyes. And I saw him… or I thought I saw him…” Max tried to explain it but couldn’t form any sentences.
“What?” she asks again
“He opened the emergency exit. But that's...that's impossible, right? I mean, I looked it up. There's something like two tons of pressure on that door.” Max looks deep in her eyes, she smiles and squeezes his arm trying to reassure him.. 
“Yeah.” Dean looks at both of them and then to her hand on the boy’s arm.
“This man, uh, did he seem to appear and disappear rapidly? It would look something like a mirage?” Sam asks and Max turns to look at him quickly.
“What are you, nuts?” he asks frowning. Sam tilts his head. “He was a passenger. He was sitting right in front of me.”
They all nod. “Okay. Thank you for your time and patience. Sorry for any inconvenience.” y/n says getting up. 
“Have a nice day.” Sam tells him and they all leave.
Dean’s driving the impala, they are going to the house of one of the victims, to talk to their wife. “Hmm. Man, I don't care how strong you are.” he stops talking and follow the directions y/n gave him “Even yoked up on PCP or something, no way you can open up an emergency door during a flight.”
“Not if you're human. But maybe this guy George was something else. Some kind of creature, maybe, in human form.” Sam says.
“So here we are. George Phelps, seat 20C.” y/n tells them when they arrive.
“Does that look like a creature's lair to you?” Dean looks over at Sam. Sam turns to look at the perfectly ordinary house.
They go to the front door and ring the bell. A woman answers the door.
Dean, y/n and Sam sit across from Mrs. Phelps. Sam is looking at a framed photograph.
“This is your late husband?” he asks, putting the photograph down.
“Yes, that was my George.” she looks fondly at the portrait.
“And you said he was a...dentist?” Dean asks her.
She nods “He was headed to a convention in Denver. Do you know that he was petrified to fly? For him to go like that…”the woman chokes on a sob.
“How long were you married?” y/n asks the woman.
“Thirteen years.”
“In all that time, did you ever notice anything...strange about him, anything out of the ordinary?” Sam questions the woman.
“Well...uh, he had acid reflux, if that's what you mean.” she looks at Sam, frowning. The hunters look at each other.
After a few more questions and the goodbyes, as they are leaving Sam states “I mean it goes without saying. It just doesn't make any sense.”
“A middle-aged dentist with an ulcer is not exactly evil personified.” Dean replies annoyed.
“You know what we need to do is get inside that NTSB warehouse, check out the wreckage.” y/n says getting to the impala an opening the door.
“Okay. But if we're gonna go that route, we'd better look the part.” Sam guides Dean until they reach the main street and they find a suit rental shop. They go inside and each picks up a suit in their size.
Walking out of the store Dean starts complaining “Man, I look like one of the Blues Brothers.”
Y/n shakes her head, but before she can say anything Sam starts ”No, you don't. You look more like a… seventh-grader at his first dance.”
Dean looks down at himself. “I hate this thing.”
“Nonsense, you look…” she takes a moment to admire him. Looking up and down. “I think you look nice.” She smiles at him “You both do.” she glances at Sam quickly before entering the front seat of the car.
“Hey. You want into that warehouse or not?” Sam asks once he’s already inside the car but Dean’s still on the sidewalk. The older brother goes to his side, starting the impala and heading to the warehouse.
As they enter the warehouse and show their badges to the security guard, who nods and lets them in. They walk among plane wreckage; Dean pulls out a device and puts earbuds in his ears.
“What is that?” Sam asks, looking at the thing in Dean’s hands.
“It's an EMF meter. Reads electromagnetic frequencies.” y/n answers before Dean can raise his head.
“Yeah, I know what an EMF meter is, but why does that one look like a busted-up walkman?” Sam keeps frowning looking at y/n who responded.
“'Cause that's what I made it out of. It's homemade.” Dean grins proudly, turning the device to face Sam.
“Yeah, I can see that.” Sam frowns with a disapproving look on his face. Dean's grin disappears and as he turns to run the EMF meter y/n comes from behind Sam and gives him a smack on the back of his head mouthing a ‘don’t be like that’ to him.
When the device on Dean’s hand goes over a piece of the wreckage with yellow dust on it and gets an audible spike. “Check out the emergency door handle.” he scratches at the yellow dust and gets some on his hand  “What is this stuff?”
“One way to find out.” Sam replies, scraping some of the yellow dust off into a bag.
They start to go back to the front desk, but when they get close to the door they hear the front desk guard  “Homeland Security? What, one team of you guys isn't enough?” 
“What are you talking about?” a distinct, confused voice replies. The trio of hunters understand what’s going on and start running in the opposite direction.
They hide and when the guards pass they peer around a corner and walk out casually. An alarm blares, and they run to the gated exit. Pulling off his suit jacket, Dean throws it over the barbed wire at the top of the fence, and they climb over. On the other side Dean stops to grabs the jacket.
“Well, these monkey suits do come in handy.” Dean states quickly, running afterwards. Sam stares at Dean in disbelief for a second and then follows him. Y/n was already running, slower than usual because of the heels she had t put on. And they head back to meet with Jerry in his office.
Once there Sam hands the mand the little bag with the yellow dust. Jerry goes to  look at the yellow stuff through a microscope; what the microscope sees is replicated on a screen.
“Huh. This stuff is covered in sulfur.” The older man says looking back at the three hunters.
“You're sure?” y/n asks.
“Take a look for yourself.” he says motioning to the microscope when a banging sounds from outside the office followed by someone shouting. “If you fellows will excuse me, I have an idiot to fire.”
As Jerry leaves, Dean goes over and looks into the microscope “Hmm. You know, there's not too many things that leave behind a sulfuric residue.” he says looking up again.
“Demonic possession?” Sam tries.
“It would explain how a mortal man would have the strength to open up an emergency hatch.” y/n looks at the screen that is showing the microscopic sulfur.
“If the guy was possessed, it's possible.” Sam looks at her.
“This goes way beyond floating over a bed or barfing pea soup. I mean it's one thing to possess a person, but to use them to take down an entire airplane?” Dean says shocked.
“You ever heard of something like this before?” Sam asks the two older hunters.
“Never.” Dean tells him while y/n shakes her head.
The trio is back at the motel in full research mode, with images and articles taped to the walls and strewn across the beds, and Sam is looking at something on the computer. Dean is reading something y/n is showing him on one bed while sitting on the other.
“So, every religion in every world culture has the concept of demons and demonic possession, right? I mean Christian, Native American, Hindu, you name it.” Sam starts
“Yeah, but none of them describe anything like this.” Dean tells him
“Well, that's not exactly true. You see, according to Japanese beliefs, certain demons are behind certain disasters, both natural and man-made. One causes earthquakes, another causes disease.” he corrects his brother.
“And this one causes plane crashes?” y/n asks getting up and going to Sam
“All right, so, what? We have a demon that's evolved with the times and found a way to ratchet up the body count?” Dean follows y/n.
“Yeah. You know, who knows how many planes it's brought down before this one?” Sam asks and Dean snorts, turning away “What?”
“I don't know, man. This isn't our normal gig. I mean, demons, they don't want anything, just death and destruction for its own sake. This is big. And I wish Dad was here.” he says turning back to the other two and raises his hand letting them fall again.
“Yeah. I know. Me too” y/n looks at him when his phone rings and he answers it.
Dean, it's Jerry.
“Oh, hey, Jerry.” at this Sam and y/n go closer to him to hear the conversation.
My pilot friend...Chuck Lambert is dead.
“Wha… Jerry, I'm sorry. What happened?”
He and his buddy went up in a small twin about an hour ago. The plane went down.
“Where'd this happen?”
About sixty miles west of here, near Nazareth.
“I'll try to ignore the irony in that.” he looks up and meet the other two eyes.
I'm sorry?
“Nothing. Jerry, hang in there, all right? We'll catch up with you soon.” Dean hangs up. “Alright. Let's go.”
“Where?” Sam and y/n look at him.
“Nazareth.” he simply replies and gathers his stuff.
The hunters are back at Jerry’s office while the older man is again looking through a microscope. Y/n and Sam have their heads together looking at a computer screen and talking quietly while Dean is looking at Jerry.
“Sulfur?” Dean asks and Jerry nods. “Well, that's great. All right, that's two plane crashes involving Chuck Lambert. This demon sounds like it was after him.”
“With all due respect to Chuck, if that's the case, that would be the good news.” Y/n says looking apologetically to Jerry.
“What's the bad news?” Dean frowns.
“Chuck's plane went down exactly forty minutes into flight. And get this, so did flight 2485.” Sam explains looking at Dean. 
“Forty minutes? What does that mean?” Jerry questions.
“It's biblical numerology. You know Noah's ark, it rained for forty days. The number means death.” Dean looks over his shoulder to Jerry.
“I went back, and there have been six plane crashes over the last decade that all went down exactly forty minutes in.” Sam tells Dean.
“Any survivors?” Dean inquiries.
“No. Or not until now, at least, not until flight 2485, for some reason. On the cockpit voice recorder, remember what the EVP Said?” Y/n tells Dean.
"No survivors." He recalls. The oldest hunter pauses for a second “It's going after all the survivors. It's trying to finish the job.”
“Read our minds. So I guess now is trying to figure out which of the survivors are planning on flying any time soon.” She says as they start recollecting themselves to leave. They say goodbye to Jerry and head outside. It’s night out. They go to the impala and get in. 
Dean starts driving. Sam and y/n are making phone calls to all the survivors. 
“Really? Well, thank you for taking our survey, And if you do plan to fly, please don't forget your friends at United Britannia Airlines. Thanks.” Sam hangs up the last phone call they needed to do.
“All right. That takes care of Blaine Sanderson and Dennis Holloway. They're not flying anytime soon.” Y/n looks at him.
“So our only wildcard is the flight attendant Amanda Walker.” Dean states taking a quick glance at the paper in y/n’s lap with the names crossed.
“Right. Her sister Karen said her flight leaves Indianapolis at eight pm. It's her first night back on the job.” Y/n tells him
“That sounds like just our luck.” Dean rolls his eyes.
“Dean, this is a five-hour drive, man, even with you behind the wheel…” Sam starts but Dean interrupts.
“Call Amanda's cellphone again, see if we can't head her off at the pass.” 
“I already left her three voice messages. She must have turned her cellphone off.” Sam tells him looking discouraged  “God, we're never gonna make it.”
“We'll make it.” Dean and y/n say at the same time and look at each other.
The three rush into the airport and check the Departure board. “Right there. They're boarding in thirty minutes.” Sam points at the board.
“Okay. We still have some cards to play. We need to find a phone.” Dean says and goes to a courtesy phone when he spots one picking it up.
Airport Services.
“Hi. Gate thirteen.”
Who are you calling, sir?
“I'm trying to contact an Amanda Walker. She's a flight attendant on flight, um...flight 4-2-4.” Dean says after trying to see the board again and y/n whispers the number to him 
Please hold
“Come on.” After a clicking noise another voice talks through the phone
This is Amanda Walker.
“Miss Walker. Hi, this is Dr. James Hetfield from St. Francis Memorial Hospital. We have a Karen Walker here.”
“Nothing serious, just a minor car accident, but she was injured, so…”
Wa—wait, that's impossible. I just got off the phone with her.
Dean pauses. “You what?”
Five minutes ago. She's at her house, cramming for a final. Who is this?
“Uh, well...there must be some mistake.”
And how would you even know I was here?
Sam  goes around Dean to try to hear what's going on.
Is this one of Vince's friends?
“Guilty as charged.” Y/n gets closer too, the three are basically hugging at this point.
Wow. This is unbelievable.
“He's really sorry.”
Well, you tell him to mind his own business and stay out of my life, okay?
“Yes, but… he really needs to see you tonight, so…”
No, I'm sorry. It's too late.
“Don't be like that. Come on. The guy's a mess. Really. It's pathetic.” Y/n rolls her eyes at Dean but stops when Amanda answers.
“Oh, yeah.” He smirks at her.
Look, I've got to go. Um… tell him to call me when I land.
Amanda hangs up. “No, no. Wait, Amanda. Amanda!” Dean tries one last time.  “Damn it! So close.”
“All right, it's time for plan B. We're getting on that plane.” Sam turns around and heads to the counters.
“Whoa, whoa, now just hold on a second.” Dean says quickly, wide-eyed.
“Dean, that plane is leaving with over a hundred passengers on board, and if we're right, that plane is gonna crash.” Sam says looking at him.
“I know.” Dean says exasperated.
“Okay. So we're getting on the plane, we need to find that demon and exorcise it. I'll get the tickets. You guys get whatever you can out of the trunk. Whatever that will make it through the security. Meet me back here in five minutes.” Dean just looks at him anxiously.
“Look Dean, me and Sam can go, you can drive to Minneapolis and meet us there, it’s no big deal.” Y/n says, knowing what this is about.
“What? What do you mean? What's wrong?” Sam looks at the woman by his side.
“Well, I kind of have this problem with, uh…” Dean tries but don’t finish the sentence. 
“He doesn’t like flying” she tells Sam.
“You're joking, right?” He looks at his older brother.
“Do I look like I'm joking? It just never came up before. Why do you think I drive everywhere, Sam?” He tells Sam looking annoyed and anxious.
“Alright, it’s no big deal.” Y/n takes a step forward and grabs Dean’s b the wrists forcing him to look at her “We’ll go. You meet us there at the arrival, okay?” 
But Dean gets even more nervous “What? Are you  nuts? You said it yourself, the plane's gonna crash.”
“I know it’s weird and scary but we can do it together, or me and Sam can do this one by ourselves. I'm not seeing a third option here.” She is worried about her best friend and doesn’t want to force him into anything, but they need to save those people. Innocent people. 
“Come on! Really?” he tries looking past her head at Sam, but he just shrugs his shoulders “Man…” 
Dean, in the middle seat, is anxiously reading the safety card, with Sam in the aisle and y/n in the window seat looking at his brother.
“Just try to relax.” Sam tells him.
“Just try to shut up.” He answers folding the card again “And quit looking at me, both of you!” The plane takes off and Dean goes to grab the arm rests but grabs y/n hands on one side. He jumps at every rumble and sound making Sam smirk.
When the plane stabilizes Dean leans back, humming to himself. Y/n looks over, he let go of her hand after a while, even though she hadn’t complained. “You're humming Metallica?” She asks incredulously 
“Calms me down.” He opens one eye and answers her.
“Look, cherry pie, I get you're nervous, all right? But you got to stay focused.” She tells him. “I mean, we got thirty-two minutes and counting to track this thing down, or whoever it's possessing, anyway, and perform a full-on exorcism.” She whispers the ending
“Yeah, on a crowded plane. That's gonna be easy.” Dean scoffs.
“ Let’s just take it one step at a time, all right? Now, who is it possessing?” Sam looks at both of them for theories.
“It's usually gonna be somebody with some sort of weakness, you know, a chink in the armor that the demon can worm through. Somebody with an addiction or some sort of emotional distress.” Dean remembers what he already read about the subject.
“Well, this is Amanda's first flight after the crash. If I were her, I'd be pretty messed up.” Sam says tilting his head a little.
When a flight attendant pass past them Sam stops her “Excuse me. Are you Amanda?”
“No, I'm not.” The woman smiles
“Oh, my mistake.” He excuses himself and she nods leaving.
Dean looks to the back of the plane to Amanda. “All right, well, that's got to be Amanda back there, so I'll go talk to her, and, uh, I'll get a read on her mental state.”
“What if she's already possessed?” Y/n questions him
“There's ways to test that.” He gives her a small smile and goes into his bag and comes out with a Virgin Mary-shaped bottle of water. “I brought holy water.”
“No.”  Sam snatches the bottle and tucks it inside his hoodie. “I think we can go more subtle. If she's possessed, she'll flinch at the name of God.”
“Oh. Nice.” He tells Sam and gets up passing Sam.
“Hey.” Y/n calls him
“Say it in Latin.” She remembers him
“I know.” He tells her and turns around.
“Hey!” It’s Sam that calls him this time
“What?!” He comes back annoyed
“Uh, in Latin, it's "Christo".” 
“Dude, I know! I'm not an idiot!” He makes his way to the back of the plane. When the plane shakes abruptly, he thumps a seat. Y/n grabs John’s journal from her bag and hands it to Sam, who start flipping through.
“Can I ask you a question?” Sam looks at y/n after a while reading.
“What sort of question is that? Of course you can.” She chuckles at him.
“How come you knew Dean was scared of flying?” He frowns a little.
She lets a small sigh escape “We’ll, I came along when you were five, Dean was nine. He was already taking care of you for so long. I think at some point he started to protect you the way a parent protects a child. Which is more than understandable and what was necessary at the time. But doing that, kind of made him hide some parts of himself, to be brave for you and to make your life…” she tries to find the word “I don’t know, less difficult!?” She chuckles lightly looking at her hands “Anyway, when John brought me to the motel he told Dean you guys needed to protect me, but I didn’t want that… burden on anyone else, I guess. So I did everything in my power to be on the same ‘level’ Dean was. Helping him with the same chores and proving that I could take care of the same things he did.”
She looks back at Sam “And it worked. We were confidants to each other. I would tell him everything that was going through my mind and vice versa. And these weird fears would just come up in the conversation every now and then, I guess.” 
“Wow. I never thought about that.” Sam answers after a couple of seconds.
But before she could reply Dean came back and sat back down. “All right, well, she's got to be the most well-adjusted person on the planet.” He says raising his eyebrows.
“You said ‘Christo’?” Y/n asks.
“And?” Sam questions this time.
“There's no demon in her. There's no demon getting in her.”
“So, if it's on the plane, it can be anyone. Anywhere.” Sam leans back on his seat.
The plane shakes, again. “Come on! That can't be normal!” Dean complains loudly.
“Hey, hey, it's just a little turbulence.” The woman says holding his arm. 
“Chip, this plane is going to crash, okay? So quit treating me like I'm friggin' four.” He knits his eyebrows at her whispering at her.
“You need to calm down.” She replies looking at Sam, looking for back up.
“Well, I'm sorry I can't.” He contorts
“Yes, you can.” Sam tries helping
“Dude, stow the touchy-feely, self-help yoga crap, it's not helping.” He’s getting more and more anxious.
“Alright listen, if you're panicked, you're wide open to demonic possession, so you need to calm yourself down. Right now.” She holds his face between her palms forcing his eyes on hers and talking more sternly. He takes a long, slow breath.
“Okay. Now, I found an exorcism in here that I think is gonna work. The Rituale Romanum.” Sam gives him the journal already opened on the page.
“What do we have to do?” He asks after a quick glance.
“It's two parts. The first part expels the demon from the victim's body. It makes it manifest, which actually makes it more powerful.” He starts explaining.
“More powerful?” Y/n raises her eyebrows worried.
“And why is that a good thing?” Dean asks him
“Well, because the second part sends the bastard back to hell once and for all.” Sam points at the page on Dean’s lap.
“First things first, we got to find it.” Y/n says looking at the brothers.
Dean walks slowly up the aisle with his EMF meter, getting odd looks but no readings. Y/n suddenly claps him on the shoulder, and he jumps.
“Ah! Don't do that.” He tells her and she smiles a little.
“No, nothing. How much time we got?” He asks taking one earphone out.
“Fifteen minutes. Maybe we missed somebody.” Sam appears behind her.
“Maybe the thing's just not on the plane.” Dean raises his eyebrows.
“You believe that?” She asks him.
“Well, I will if you will.” He tries to pretend to be done with the whole thing. Dean looks down as the EMF meter spikes. The copilot exits the bathroom and heads towards the cockpit.
“What? What is it?” Sam asks over y/n’s shoulder.
Dean whispers “Christo.” The copilot turns slowly to face them, his eyes are black, and then heads into the cockpit. They all look at each other.
The trio heads to the back of the plane towards Amanda.
“She's not gonna believe this.” Y/n says
“Twelve minutes, dude.” Sam tells her.
“Oh, hi. Flight's not too bumpy for you, I hope.” Amanda smiles looking at Dean.
“Actually, that's kind of what we need to talk to you about.” She frowns at him. Sam closes the curtain.
“Um, okay. What can I do for you?” She sounds suspicious. 
“All right, this is gonna sound nuts, but we just don't have time for the whole ‘the truth is out there’ speech right now.” Dean starts “We know you were on flight 2485.” Her smile disappears.
“Who are you guys?” She asks.
“Now, we've spoken to some of the other survivors. We know something brought down that plane and it wasn't a mechanical failure.” Sam tells her trying to sound as honest as possible.
“We need your help because we need to stop it from happening again. Here. Now.” Y/n raises her eyebrows at her.
“I'm sorry, I… I'm very busy. I have to go back…” she tries to brush past Dean and y/n, but they stop her.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Wait a second. I'm not gonna hurt you, okay? But listen to me, uh… The pilot in 2485, Chuck Lambert. He's dead.” Dean tells her.
“Wait. What? What, Chuck is dead?” 
“He died in a plane crash. Now, that's two plane crashes in two months. That doesn't strike you as strange?” Y/n continues Dean’s trail of thought  
“Look, there was something wrong with 2485. Now maybe you sensed it, maybe you didn't. But there's something wrong with this flight, too.” Dean keeps going.
“Amanda, you have to believe us.” Sam begs
“On… on 2485, there was this man. He… had these eyes.” She tries to put it into words.
“Yes. That's exactly what we're talking about.” Y/n exclaims relieved
“I don't understand, what are you asking me to do?” She looks between all the three hunters.
“Okay. The copilot, we need you to bring him back here.” Dean tells her.
“Why? What does he have to do with anything?” She looks exasperated.
“Don't have time to explain. We just need to talk to him. Okay?” Dean tries again:
“How am I supposed to go in the cockpit and get the copilot…”
“Do whatever it takes. Tell him there's something broken back here, whatever will get him out of that cockpit.” Sam interrupts her.
“Do you know that I could lose my job if you…” she tries again but y/n cuts her off this time.
“Okay, well you're gonna lose a lot more if you don't help us out.”
The flight attendant  hesitates. “Okay.” She leaves and goes to the cockpit. Knocking on the door and saying something inaudible to the copilot, who follows her back. Sam pulls out the holy water and the journal handing the latter to y/n, who opens it.
“Yeah, what's the problem?” The copilot asks as soon as he passes the curtain and Dean punches him in the face, knocking him down. He pins him down and puts duct tape over his mouth.
“Wait. What are you doing? You said you were just gonna talk to him.” The flight attendant asks panicked.
“We are gonna talk to him.” Dean says as Sam splashes holy water on his skin, which sizzles.
“Oh, my god. What's wrong with him?” Amanda starts to freak out.
“Look. We need you calm. We need you outside the curtain.” Y/n tells her while the other two try to contain the copilot.
“Well, I don't underst… I don't know…” she tries but can’t organize a sentence.
“Don't let anybody in, okay? Can you do that? Can you do that? Amanda?” She asks and Amanda nods leaving.
“Hurry up, y/n. I don't know how much longer I can hold him.” Dean speaks quickly
“Regna terrae, cantate Deo, psallite Domino…” she starts reading the exorcism.
The demon breaks free briefly and hits them both until Dean manages to subdue him again. Y/n keeps going. The demon knocks Dean off again and pulls the tape off his mouth. He grabs Sam by the collar and he hits the Journal, making it fly through the air. 
“I know what happened to your girlfriend! She must have died screaming! Even now, she's burning!” He tells looking Adam in the eye.
Dean recovers and hits the demon as y/n recovers the journal and tries to find the page and Sam sits there, stunned.
“Sam!” Dean calls him. Sam recovers and begins restraining again. 
“I got him.” Sam says and the demon exits the copilot’s body and disappears into a vent. 
“Where did it go?” Y/n looks up and asks.
“It's in the plane. Hurry up. We got to finish it.” Dean yells. The plane suddenly dips and heaves violently. Y/n struggles to retrieve the book  that fell again as Dean splays himself against the exit door, screaming, Sam holds himself down. She manages to grab the book and reads the rest of the exorcism. A bright electrical charge runs through the entire plane, which then levels out. Dean comes out from behind the curtain with Sam and y/n.
The passengers from the flight are disembarking to an area milling with uniformed agents (PARAMEDIC, FBI, FAA, etc). The copilot is seated in a wheelchair with a blanket wrapped around him, being questioned by an FAA agent and Amnda is being questioned by another agent when she spots the hunters mouthing a’ thank you’ at them. They nod smiling. 
“Let's get out of here.” Dean says and they head for the exit. 
“You two okay?” Y/n asks them. Dean nods but Sam stops and turns.
“Dean, it knew about Jessica.” He says.
“Sam, these things, they, they read minds. They lie. All right? That's all it was.” Dean tries to calm his brother.
“Come on.” Dean calls them.
When they encounter Jerry again he’s shaking their hands “Nobody knows what you guys did, but I do. A lot of people could have been killed.” He smiles “Your dad's gonna be real proud.”
“We'll see you around, Jerry.” Y/n tells the man and they head out, but Dean stops and turn around.
“You know, Jerry.” He looks at the man “I meant to ask you, how did you get my cellphone number, anyway? I've only had it for like six months.”
“Your dad gave it to me.” Jerry explains and the three jaws facing him drop.
“What?” Sam inquires
“When did you talk to him?” Dean’s turn.
“I mean, I didn't exactly talk to him, but I called his number. His voice message said to give you a call. Thanks again, guys.” He explains himself and leaves.
“This doesn't make any sense, man. I've called Dad's number like fifty times. It's been out of service.” Sam tells the other two Dean dials a number. As the voice message begins, he turns it so they can hear too.
This is John Winchester. I can't be reached. If this is an emergency, call my son, Dean. 785-555-0179. He can help.
Sam fumes and gets in the car. Dean and y/n follow, wondering.
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pastelclownkitty · 4 months
imagine if the tbcu characters had tumblr would that be fucked up or what
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🎾 leader-of-the-house
i sure hope i dont have to meet my evil shadow self today
❌ tennis-balls-dni Follow
🎾 leader-of-the-house
10,043 notes
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🔪 theoneandonlyballgod Follow
💉 theogscientist Follow
Depends, who's asking?
🔪 theoneandonlyballgod Follow
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♻️ scientist-apologist reblogged
⬛️ magicanonpriv-deactivated092230
💞 angel-of-nature Follow
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Someone forgot to private their account! (o^▽^o)
#wiz i love you but being outed by a priv is wild #thats entirely your fault <3
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✨ thethirdfavorite Follow
🍦 thesecondcoming Follow
💉 theogscientist Follow
If you didn't want to be elongated, perhaps you shouldn't have been so easy to befriend.
🍦 thesecondcoming Follow
7,846 notes
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♻️ stitch-and-fish reblogged
💘 scientist-apologist Follow
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He's so babygirl <333
☠️ thehalf Follow
🌼 theotherhalf Follow
257 notes
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🐰 bunnythecoolest Follow
🐰 bunnythecoolest Follow
74 notes
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😎 therizzmaster9000 Follow
Haha whats up guys
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@i-want-tennis-ball @i-hate-tennis-ball @ball-with-a-god-complex @elongated-tennis-ball @i-love-the-scientist @tennisball-wizard @ball-ghost-tennis @a-third-tennis-ball @elongatedtennisball @stitched-up-tennis-ball @the-studyman @bunnytennisball @rizzler-tetanus-ball
hi guys :3
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friend-myth-kill · 2 months
٩( ᐛ )و (((o(*゚▽゚*)o))) ((o(^∇^)o))
Okay character I wanna summit:
Commander Fox from Star Wars
(also added to the queue! I usually just make the poll and delete the ask but since that wasn't the entire ask ajdkfajs;dlf)
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wofxpersonaauaskblog · 3 months
WoF x Persona ask blog!
I haven’t had much to do, so I decided to make an ask blog for this au I’ve made that combines The World of Wings of Fire with the story and powers of Persona 5!(idk if that properly describes it-)
-ran by @mythos321
-will try to answer all asks with drawings, which will probably vary heavily in quality admittedly
-will answer any asks unless they’re super NSFW or obviously just rude
-Questions will take place at varying points depending on how fitting I feel they are(since certain characters like palace rulers either have a massive personality change or straight up die)
-Shipping is allowed! though I will factor in my own ships/character dynamics present in the au
-Any character is allowed to be asked, but it would be preferred if the following characters were the ones being asked a question
-proshippers, homophobes, and transphobes dni and not allowed
Phantom Thieves:Clay, Tsunami, Starflight, Glory, Sunny, Turtle, Fatespeaker, Deathbringer, Hailstorm/Pyrite, Peril, Sky and Wren, and to an extent Qibli, Winter, Moon, and Kinkajou(though they aren’t as the others)
Palace Rulers: Whirlpool, Mastermind, Morrowseer, Battlewinner, Coral, Chameleon, Blister, Scarlet, Burn, and 🟪⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️🟪
Confidants: Darkstalker, Stonemover, Kestrel, Anemone, Pike, Blaze, Peacemaker, Orca, Flame, Viper, Squid, Ochre, and Clearsight(will add onto)
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bufffox · 3 months
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This is an interesting art I made and my own creepypasta. Inspired by #vibingleaf
I was wandering around the website and then my friend that I haven't talked in a while told me that he just got out of jail, I was concerned about what happend. He starts telling me about a strange bootleg website where you read books that are Illegally stolen and being put on the website. However, he managed to get the website working, but there is only one book available, and that is the book of "Diary of a wimpy kid" he took pictures and sent some (i only posted on of them on the screen.)
The book lookes slightly badly made and lots of pages are missing from the original story. But there is one page that caught the reader off guard as he seen the page, it showed rowley talking to greg, but greg looks... strange. He looked like he's been scribbled so much and he looked a little taller. Rowley asked what greg is up to, but greg starts talking, his texted was scribbled. then rowley asked if someone is watching them from the computer and then he talked back with the same scribbled text again.
But then rowley said... "perfect"
There is text slightly visibly on the scribbled text.
The first one... "they are watching us."
And the second... "I'm in pain."
I have no idea what was going on, but the next page shows gregs body starts levitating in the air, and rowley said "good bye greg".
The next five pages are blank, but the book is sort of back to normal with the original drawings instead of the weird scribbled drawing. What very different about the story is that... greg is nowhere to be seen in the book. The reader told me that he thought greg died or something. I still don't understand what is even happening right now. There are some pages that shows gregs family looked... very depressed.
Manny started to cry alot through out the book and Rodrick banging his fist against the dresser while he repeatedly saying, "its all my fault! Why was I so mean to him!". It's pretty out of character of Rodrick being upset over greg. Then it was the part where the the teenagers made rowley ate the cheese on the blacktop.
If you ever read the books, you'll know exactly what the cheese is.
After rowley ate it, the teenagers laughed and then walked away. The other students ran up to Rowley to see if sees alright until one of the kids noticed the spot where the cheese is was gone. And so everyone screamed and ran away from Rowley, and then Rowley was a alone and said...
"I missed you greg."
Rowley walked away from the school and then starts to sit on a bench, He looked even more sad like gregs perents. But then a strange dark shading surrounded Rowley as he was sitting minding his own business, but his character design look similar to the sloppy look from before. And then the book ended. And that was how my freind was arrested for browsing around that he was not supposed to be.
My biggest question is how did the pictures did not get deleted on his phone from the police station, What actually happened to greg, And how did this website turned the book into some Strange drug trip? I'm still not getting answers from this. I guess I'll never know what the point of the secrets of this weird version of the story.
Anyways, that's the strange bootleg DOAWK book. I hope you enjoyed it.
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Would the characters be able to receive and react to asks with images attached?
I wasn't planning on it, but that could lead to a bunch of really fun things, so I will allow it!
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goofysimpleton · 1 year
Keith Howell
Main Route Chapter 1
~This translation is not 100% accurate. Just here for you fellow impatient friends.
N= Narration
⬛️=whenever the next text showed up
I have the characters address Belle as MC for main character.
Choices are bold. The selection I picked is blue.
Scene 1
N: I have nothing but regrets.
Keith: “...Ah.”
N: The pounding rain drowned out his hoarse voice. ⬛ Golden eyes make a clear red road and he stares at it. ⬛ I– ⬛ The reality in front of me mercilessly lowers my body temperature more than the cold rain, ⬛ My outstretched hand, wishing it was a dream, was trembling unbecomingly.
Kieth: “....No. No…”
N: I– ⬛ I–
Keith: “...Ah…”
N: A pain pierced my heart. ⬛ I hold onto the chest area of my clothes so tightly that my fingers turn white. ⬛ The pain stopped immediately. ⬛ Alone in a forest where only the harsh sound of rain reverberates, my muddy body crouches and does not move.
Keith: “...” ⬛ “...” ⬛ “...Ahaha.”
N: An amusing laugh that was out of proportion to the situation spilled out.
Keith: “What? If it had broken down sooner, ‘I’ would’ve killed it.”
N: He slowly stood up and frustratedly brushed his wet hair. ⬛ The emptiness was like a beast that was nowhere to be seen, with sharp, cold eyes and a smile on his lips.
Keith: “I will… Make it come true.”
N: The day after official permission was obtained from both faction leaders, the three princes were permitted to stay in Rhodolite.
Keith: “Miss MC, I’m sorry. I’m really sorry!”
N: I was enjoying a tea party with Keith across a table lined with sweets– That was supposed to be the case.
Keith: “I was very rude to you at the goodwill party.” ⬛ “At the time, um, I was upset, or rather, it was because I was too nervous.” ⬛ “No, even if that’s the case, there’s no such need to grab someone’s head.
(Weird behavior…)
Flashback Keith: “What is it, you? Look at me seriously.” ⬛ “Don’t make that stupid face. Don’t you want to bully me?”
(It’s true that he seemed like a different person and it was a perfect fit, but…)
Keith: “If a guy like this, who is 183 cm tall and has a huge body, did that to me, I would hate it.” ⬛ “Really… I’m really sorry.”
N: His majestic body crouched down helplessly and his face was so pale that I thought he had fallen into a river in the middle of winter. ⬛ About an hour after the tea party started, I received a storm of apologies from Keith.
MC: “Keith, I accept your apology so would you like to end this story?” ⬛ “At the time, I also started at you impudently.” ⬛ “Besides, my heart can’t hold any more words of apology!”
N: This situation of receiving apologies from the prince of a country, and even a foreign country, is so heartbreaking that it seems like a kind of ordeal. ⬛ Keith noticed me muttering and moved his hands restlessly.
Keith: “S-Sorry! I apologized without thinking about your feelings, and I’m really sorry for the inconvenience.” ⬛ “Ah, I apologized again. I’m sorry…”
MC + Keith: “...”
Scene 2
MC + Keith: “...”
N: The sound of flowers swaying in the wind and the awkward air surrounded us. ⬛ After Keith’s gaze wandered so much that he became worried, he slowly picked up a plate.
Keith: “T-This galette! Miss MC, you haven’t eaten yet, have you?” ⬛ “It’s thick and filling, so if you don’t mind…”
MC: “Thank you very much. Then, I’ll eat it.”
(Perhaps you were trying to change the subject?)
N: When I ate a bite-sized thick galette, ⬛ As if to continue, Keith also took off his gloves and brought the galette to his mouth with his long, angular fingers. ⬛ Crunchy texture, spreading saltiness and buttery taste made my mouth melt.
(At any rate, Keith suddenly invited me to a tea party, so I was prepared.) ⬛ (I never thought a storm of apologies would be waiting…)
N: What happened in my head was what happened a few hours ago.
Flashback N: In the morning, when I went to Sariel, who had given me lessons as Belle, I was greeted with a difficult face.
Sariel: “Keith asked me if he could have a tea party with you.
MC: “...Me?”
Rio: “Keith is the green one with the kindest face out of the three countries, isn’t he?”
Sariel: “Stop distinguishing by color like Chevalier.”
(Why did Prince Keith invite me to a tea party?)
Sariel: “Gilbert and Silvio clearly had an interest in you, but…” ⬛ “I didn’t feel that kind of gesture from Keith, so it was a little surprising.”
Rio: “Mc, do you have any idea why you’re being invited to a tea party?”
MC: “I thought about it, but I didn’t come up with anything…”
(Grabbing one’s head… It’s not going to be a reason to be invited to a tea party.)
N: A few minutes of thinking together–None of us come up with anything. ⬛ As if switching, Sariel put on his glasses again.
Sariel: “Even if I think about it any further, the only thing that comes out is a sigh.” ⬛ “In any case, the other party is the prince of Jade, who was not supposed to participate in the goodwill party.” ⬛ “The reason for their stay was that Obsidian and Bentitoite wanted to stay.” ⬛ “The probability of inviting you to a tea party without a purpose is extremely low.”
MC: “You’re right…”
Sariel: “If you, a mere nobleman’s daughter, refuse the offer, you’ll definitely be suspicious.”
MC: “So I have no choice but to accept the offer.”
N: Sariel quietly nodded.
Sariel: “Just as the dog says, he is the friendliest of the three countries, but he is also the prince of one.” ⬛ “When it comes to national interests, they can be ruthless.”
N: If it is known that I am Belle, the death of his Majesty the KIng will be confirmed, and it will be the best bargaining chip for other countries.
(...I need to brace myself.)
Sariel: “If anything happens, report it. And stay vigilant. Sounds good?”
Rio: “I’ll go anywhere for you too, so feel free to call my name when you’re in trouble!” ⬛ “Of course, you’re always welcome even when you’re not in trouble!”
(However, I’m glad I was ab;e to make it through this tea party somehow.)
Keith: “Um, Miss MC.”
N: When I lifted my head as if pulled back to reality, I met Keith’s peering gaze.
Keith: “Maybe it didn’t suit your taste? Because you look very troubled.”
MC: “No, no, I was just surprised for the first time eating a galette with salt in it!” ⬛ “It’s really delicious! Sweet and salty it seems like I can’t stop my hands.”
Keith: “Really!? I really like this candy. Do you?”
N: Keith smiled broadly like a flower blooming.
Keith: “I’m so happy that you like it. Oh, I have other recommendations…”
N: With a dazzling smile on his face, he puts the sweets on the plate without hesitation. ⬛ With a large, masculine body, the imbalance that he diligently picks up makes the center of my chest warm.
Scene 3
N: Before I knew it, my mouth was the same as when I ate sweets. ⬛ I received a plte full of sweets and took a bit of the cookie on top. ⬛ Keith ate a heaping portion of sweets that he had set aside for himself.
MC: “Keith, you like sweets, don’t you?”
(It’s a pleasant meal.)
Keith: “Yes, I like them. Is there something you like to eat?” ⬛ “Ah, but I think Gileert likes to eat more.” ⬛ “When I gave him sweets that I brought from Jade yesterday, he ate them all in front of me and gave me only an empty box.” ⬛ “That might have meant he wanted a second helping.”
MC: “I didn’t know that… But Keith, you’re also one of those who eat a lot, right?”
N: In fact, the heap of sweets that was taken from the plate was gone.
Keith: “Today… I feel like eating more than usual.
N: I loosen my eyes and he gently spins his words.
(Talking to Keith somehow heals me.) ⬛ (That’s why I think the change I saw at the goodwill party was just a dream.)
N: His endlessly cold eyes came to mind again.
(But Keith apologized so much, so it’s a reality, isn’t it?)
N: No matter how much I think about it, I can’t come up with an answer.
Keith: “...”
N: I notice that Keith is staring at me. ⬛ Even though his eyes were the same calm golden color, I found an uneasy color in the depths of them.
(Why are you looking at me like that?)
MC: “Keith?”
Keith: “Ah, um…”
N: I shut my mouth and look down to avert my gaze. ⬛ But it was only for a moment, and soon we met again.
Keith: “...”
N: A straight gaze that pierces my heart unexpectedly makes my heart pound.
Keith: “Miss MC, if you have any troubles, feel free to tell me.”
MC: “Eh?”
N: Keith stood up and sat down next to me sitting on the sofa. ⬛ Then, as if to say that he would not let me escape, his big hand firmly grasped mine.
(Close close..!)
Keith: “After all, you can’t be satisfied with just a tea party and words of apology.” ⬛ “That’s how much you were so scared that you couldn’t say a word at that time.” ⬛ “So, that’s why I wanted to do something for you.”
(I thought he was convinced, but he wasn’t at all convinced!)
MC: “Oh, really don’t worry about it. I’m at fault for that, too.”
Keith: “You’re not at fault at all. I’m the one who’s wrong.”
N: A handsome face came to me for a long time, and my body involuntarily leaned back ⬛ Sudden close proximity is bad for the heart. ⬛ My cheeks were so hot at the closeness of the distance, I hesitated to even breathe.
(With this, the parallel lines will remain forever…)
N: I suddenly see sweets lined up on the table.
(I see!)
MC: “Then, I would like to have a tea party with you again.”
Keith: “Tea party?”
MC: “It’s not a problem, but I’d like to enjoy sweets together rather than alone.” ⬛ “If you’d like it, how does that sound?”
Keith: “A tea party…”
N: Keith in front of me made a thoughtful face and then smiled back.
Keith: “If that’s okay with you, I’d be happy. But if you have any other problems, feel free to tell me.” ⬛ “I would do anything for you.”
N:When he lets go, Keith crosses his long legs. ⬛ He doesn’t seem to have any intention of going back to his original seat, so he rests his chin on his knees and stares at me.
(I wonder what it is. I feel like I’m being observed.)
MC: “...”
N: At that time, Keith’s hand stroked my hair gently and put it on my ear.
Keith: “Your hair was a little messy. Did I surprise you?”
MC: “N-No…Thank you very much.”
Keith: “You’re welcome.”
N: I take a sip of black tea to escape the gentle and mean look in his eyes. ⬛ My heart is still beating loudly, and it looks like it will take time to calm down.
(From the friendliness of earlier, it seems to have changed completely… Maybe it’s just my imagination.) ⬛ (Also, I gave it back in a hurry, but if it’s just for a tea party, it’s fine.)
N: Just before, Keith happily eating sweets came to mind.
(...I don’t think he’s a bad person after talking to him.) ⬛ (For now, let’s just think about getting through this tea party.) ⬛ (If I can get through it, nothing will be a problem.) ⬛ (--Or so I thought.)
Scene 4
Silvio: “I didn’t know you were with a dark bastard.”
N: After finishing the tea party, I was in the middle of having Keith take me to my room. ⬛ Silvio, the prince of Benitoite, who played a lively jangling sound stood in our way.
Keith: “Silvio, do you have anything for MC?”
Silvio: “This girl is supposed to be my host during the stay.” ⬛ “I won’t let you say you don’t remember the rudeness of your butler.”
Flashback Silvio: “Those who threw champagne on me, originally this is a felony that could lead to a diplomatic dispute, but… Ha, rejoice.” ⬛ “Until I’m satisfied, I’ll give you guys the chance to do your best.”
(I wanted it to be a joke, but it wasn’t a convenient story…!) ⬛ (What should I do? I have to do something about this before he finds out that I’m Belle.) ⬛ (Even though I was relieved that the tea party with Keith-sama ended safely………………)
Keith: "rude?"
MC: “Um, actually………………”
N: When Keith-sama, who didn't understand the situation, explained to me, ⬛️ After showing a gesture that could endure laughter, he turned his sympathetic gaze toward Silvio.
Keith: "I'm glad you didn't catch a cold, Silvio."⬛️ "Yeah. If you get sick, I'll teach you some medicinal herbs that work well."
(why medicinal herbs)
Silvio: “That sympathetic face. Isn't it supposed to be submerged in the sea?"
Keith: “I was just worried, but it’s too much…”
N: Keith, who spills a depressed voice that was easy to understand, puts his hand to his mouth in annoyance. ⬛️ His eyebrows dropped involuntarily.
Keith: “But yeah. Give her entertainment… Well, if it’s her, I’m sorry.”
N: As I pondered what was going on, Keith stood behind me and put his hands on my shoulders.
Keith: “Actually, I decided to have Miss MC act as my exclusive Rhodolite guide.”
(...) ⬛️ (...)
MC + Silvio: “......Ha?”
Keith: “I’ve been to Rhodolite many times and it just gets more and more appealing each time.” ⬛️ “However, it is difficult for people from other countries to notice the charm of a country that only people who live there know.” ⬛️ “That’s why I asked MC, who lives in Rhodolite, to act as a guide during my stay.”
(I never said that. Why would he lie?)
Flashback Keith: Miss MC, if you have any troubles, feel free to tell me.”
(Because I was “in trouble?”)
Keith: “You’ve already made plans, haven’t you? Miss MC.”
…….That’s right
Oh, really?
My memory is a little vague…
MC: “...That’s right?”
Silvio: “That’s a vague answer.”
MC: “Oh, I remember! Firmly and perfectly.”
Keith: “Yeah. I was wondering what I should do if you didn’t remember.”
(Let’s match Keith here.)
N: I replied to Keith with a satisfied smile.
(Unlike at the tea party, it’s more forcible, or rather, I feel the pressure.) ⬛️ (Yeah, I felt it during the tea party. When you sat next to me… I wonder if it’s just my imagination.)
Silvio: “Isn’t it surprising that a dark bastard asks someone for a favor?” ⬛️ “Was the eyepatch guy’s “secret mistress” a hit?”
Keith: “I feel sorry for a mistress like you.” ⬛️ “But if you’ll stay by my side, I’d rather have a lover than a mistress.”
(......What did you say just now?)
N: When I looked back awkwardly, my eyes met Keith who raised the corners of his mouth. ⬛️ Rather than “kind”, the expression seemed to match “mean.”
Keith: “MC’s smile is as soft and cute as a blooming flower.”
MC+Silvio: “.........Hm?”
Keith: “I couldn’t take my eyes off her ever-changing facial expressions and how she ate sweets with her small mouth.” ⬛️ “The thing that made me the happiest was when she stared at me for ten seconds and listened to what was not interesting to her.” ⬛️ “If you meet someone like a goddess, you won’t be satisfied with just one tea party.” ⬛️ “Of course, I want to know the charm of her country.” ⬛️ “But the tea party just as much made me want more time with her.” ⬛️ Oh my God, I wish you wouldn’t have said that because it’s embarrassing, Mr. Silvio.”
Silvio: “Don’t make me tell you… You just said it on your own, didn’t you?”
Keith: “Oh, is that so? How embarrassing.” ⬛️ “But I really didn’t want to give up on her.”
(Silvio looks at Keith with strange eyes.) ⬛️ (I… Don’t know what kind of face I should have. Or rather, my face is hot.)
N: I know it’s a lie to get Silvio to give up on entertainment, but… ⬛️ When you talk about me like that, embarrassment wins out and you struggle to pull your lips together.
(But I don’t think Silvio will give up now…) ⬛️ (Is there still some strategy?)
Keith: “Thus, MC gave me an eye for a stay. You found the target. That’s why…”
N: I close my lips and wait quietly for the next word.
Keith: “Sorry, Silvio.”
Silvio: “Ah?”
Keith: “The product I introduced earlier. Instead of signing a contract for regular purchases, I want you to gracefully give up.”
MC: “Wahh…?!”
Silvio: “Hey, wait, you bastard…!”
N: When he said that refreshingly, Keith grabbed my hand and started running.
Scene 5
Keith: “Ahaha, you ended up running away from Silvio.”
N: When he stopped in front of my room, Keith looked down the way he had come. ⬛️ I can’t hear footsteps or jangling sounds.
Keith: “Since there is no sign of chasing you, I think it was the right decision to bring up the contract.” ⬛️ “Or was the reception secondary?”
MC: “Do you think there were other purposes?”
Keith: “It’s just a prediction. Silvio is a person who will do it thoroughly if decides to do it.” ⬛️ “If you really want to entertain me, I think you can act on the day I’m permitted to stay.”
MC: “But in that case, I shouldn’t have said anything that would be misunderstood by Silvio…”
Keith: “Misunderstanding? Oh, you mean you?” ⬛️ “That was simply waiting for the timing to escape.”
(Were you planning on running away from the beginning?)
N: It seems to be the type that pushes through unexpectedly.
Keith: “At that time, Silvio was looking at me with eyes that saw something strange.”
(I noticed.)
Keith: “But nothing I said was false. It’s all true.”
N: After gently and loosely grasping my fingertips, he released my hand.
(Yeah, we were holding hands the whole time.)
N: I hurriedly opened my mouth as if to deceive the shame that welled up.
MC: “Um thank you for earlier.”
Keith: “You’re welcome. I’m glad I was of some help to you.”
MC: “A little bit helped me a lot.”
(If I had to entertain Silvio, I might have been waiting for the days when I would be given unreasonable demands.) ⬛️ (Ah, but if I don’t do it, Rio might get in trouble.) ⬛️ (I want to avoid that, so I have to consult Sariel later.)
Keith: “Well then, Miss Lil.”
N: Keith looked straight at me as if he had changed his mind.
MC: “Yes, well then–”
Keith: “I’ll see you tomorrow, okay?”
MC: “...mm?”
(From tomorrow, nice to meet you….?)
N: The prince in front of me continued his words, leaving me with question marks scattered in my head.
Keith: “If you lied to Silvio like that and didn’t do anything,” ⬛️ “About the day after tomorrow, ‘I’ll let you entertain me. I think they’ll come kicking down the door saying, ‘I feel honored.’” ⬛️ “I’m going to help you, but I’m sorry for giving you unnecessary work.”
MC: “No, not at all.”
N: Even if it’s a large castle, if you stay in the same place, the lie will be exposed immediately.
(What Keith is saying makes a lot of sense. It can be easily understood and imagined.) ⬛️ (However, it is difficult to easily accept entertainment in the name of a guide.)
N: Even more so if the other party is a prince from another country whose intentions are still unclear.
(I’m thankful to Keith for his help. However, I think I should decline.)
N: I swallow my guilt and open my mouth.
MC: “Like you, Keith, if you don’t lie, Silvio will soon find out.” ⬛️ “But I can’t bother you any more. The role of a guide is–”
N: My words were drowned out by a low and gentle voice.
Keith: “It’s not a big deal.” ⬛️ “For me, it’s also a good opportunity to learn more about Rhodolite.” ⬛️ “Above all, it’s a chance to help you.”
N: One step closes the distance.
N: For some reason, my heart began to make an unpleasant noise.
Keith: “For me, I don’t want it to end with a lie.”
(What is it…)
N: Even though he was just looking down on me, my skin started to tingle.
(...It feels weird.)
N: I’ve seen Keith’s smile many times since the tea party. ⬛️ However, there is something different about his smile now. ⬛️ It’s calm, but if you look at it for a long time, it feels so cold that you might freeze.
(Speaking of which, it disappeared before I knew it.)
N: The uneasy color that has been floating in his eyes for so long is nowhere to be found. ⬛️ I don’t know what caused it to disappear. ⬛️ However, if I think that is the reason for my discomfort, I would stare into the depths of Keith’s eyes. ⬛️ Unconsciously, without thinking… There was no deep meaning at all.
Mean Keith: “...” ⬛️ “...Heeeh?”
MC: “!”
N: Keith opened his eyes slightly and then they narrowed. ⬛️ “With an expression of joy, as if he had found something interesting. ⬛️ It was as if my body had been paralyzed, and I couldn’t even move a single finger…
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N: My waist is pulled strongly.
Keith: “MC, don’t stare so intently.”
MC: “Keith?”
N: The voice seemed to enjoy the situation terribly.
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Keith: “I’m a simple man. I’m conscious of whether you’re interested in me.” ⬛️ Do you hate it? If I’m conscious…”
MC: “I don’t like it…”
N: Tap tap… Keith's fingers gently tapped my waist as if to soothe me, and I was pulled back a little.
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Keith: “So you don’t like it?”
MC: “No, I don’t like it.”
N: Keith asked me in a whisper even though he should’ve realized that I was confused.
Keith: “You don’t like it…? I want you to listen to the end.”
N: Tap tap… Again, I was gently tapped by his fingertips and pulled a little closer. ⬛️ The distance that is slowly closed pushes my heart into a corner.
(No, if you get any closer…)
N: A silent sigh touched my ear.
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Keith: “Here, tell me.”
MC: “!”
N: At that moment, the tolerance of shame overflowed. ⬛️ While making a loud noise, I stick my back to the door behind me and open the distance from keith.
MC: “Well, the story about the guide earlier.”
Keith: “What happened to the guide role?”
MC: “I have a feeling that I would like to take over. But I can’t decide on my own.”
Keith: “Yes, that’s too bad…”
N: While lowering the tail of the eyebrow, he takes another step and gets closer.
(His words and actions are the exact opposite…!)
N: I hurriedly spun words to stop Keith who was trying to get one step closer.
MC: “Still! So is it okay for me to reply at a later date?”
Keith: “Oh, so that’s it. Of course.” ⬛️ “I was afraid that I would be rejected so quickly so I got impatient.” ⬛️ “Sorry, I showed you my ugly side.”
MC: “It’s not ugly… Not at all.”
(Rather, I feel like he showed me.)
N: I wanted to ask where the sense of incongruity from earlier went, ⬛️ Keith in front of me had a calm expression.
(Wh-what was that, just now.)
N: It’s a transformation that you might have seen in a dream. ⬛️ But my thumping and hurried heart tells me it’s real.
Keith: “I am eagerly awaiting your reply, MC?”
MC: “...Yes.”
N: Keith leaves, and the thread of tension loosens. ⬛️ Back against the door, I slipped down to my feet.
(I got into trouble.)
N: The king must be selected without the princes of the other countries finding out that I’m Belle. ⬛️ At that time, entertainment in the name of Keith’s exclusive Rhodolite guide role surfaced. ⬛️ I will talk to Sariel, but I’m sure there is only one choice.
(The host has changed from Silvio to Keith.) ⬛️ (Maybe he made it so.) ⬛️ (No, maybe he really helped me out of goodwill, let’s stop doubting him.
N: There is always a little anxiety when dealing with people from other countries. ⬛️ However, this time there is nothing BUT anxiety.
(Since Jade is a neutral country, there is not much information coming into Rhodolite.) ⬛️ (Because I don’t know the details of what kind of country it is, it’s also an opportunity to broaden my knowledge.) ⬛️ (Besides, why did Keith come to Rhodolite? Maybe I can understand why.) ⬛️ (...Let’s think positively.)
(That woman, I wonder how much she will make me happy?)
—Hey, it’s not possible.
Keith: “.......!”
N: As if jumping out of a nightmare, Keight lifted his upper body. ⬛️ Raising his shoulders up and down, he ignored the hair clinging to his forehead and timidly looked around.
Keith: “...” ⬛️ “......Ah.”
N: He covers his face with his hands to escape from reality and falls back on the bed. ⬛️ What he heard was a terribly unreliable voice that seemed to blow away.
Keith: “Wait a minute, what day is it today…” ⬛️ “How long have I been ‘changed’?”
Synopsis of Episode 2:
When I was talking to everyone in the domestic politics group, I suddenly heard a rumor from Jin. And when I saw Keith in an unexpected place, I couldn’t take my eyes off his lively figure… “Your face is bright red, are you okay?”
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bryan360 · 11 months
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Here’s my note before I’ll get started….
“Day 28: Five Nights 🐰🤖🍕”
I’d never been interested of “Five Nights at Freddy’s” franchise nor planning of getting some games on either consoles. That said, it still remain popular to fans and young kids who grown up liking an horror-style series; especially when digging through so many lores. You can asked through “MatPat”’s YT Channel to cover that (if you want for your choice).
So on behalf; especially for its movie adaptation now on theaters since yesterday, thought I’d bringing for today’s Inktober share that I’m thankfully finished in time.
Gotta hand for having a Maxwell animatronic drawing concept. Really bring out his sinister look if he was a soul of a crazed rabbit kid; to put out for revenge on bullies who messing with him after stuffing on the animatronic’s mouth. Too much, though?
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(BTW, I originally wanted to add more of the animatronics for Maxwell’s other friends. Due to time constraints, I’d rather have just one for my main rabbit character.)
Maxwell (as alternative version of the animatronic himself) created by me; BryanVelasquez87 (Bryan360)
Tagged: @murumokirby360 @carmenramcat @alexander1301 @rafacaz4lisam2k4 @paektu
Previous: ⬇️
“Day 1: Looney 🐰🔨” - Link Here #1
“Day 2: Imposters 🕷️👉👈🕷️” - Link Here #2
“Day 3: Wild 🌲🐶” - Link Here #3
“Day 4: Thief 🐰💰” - Link Here #4
“Day 5: Moon 🌙🎣” - Link Here #5
“Day 6: Love 🐰❤️🐲” - Link Here #6
“Day 7: Dogs 😣🐶” - Link Here #7
“Day 8: Shake🥤☠️” - Link Here #8
“Day 9: Act ☎️ 🤹‍♀️” - Link Here #9
“Day 10: Pirate 🏴‍☠️🗡️” - Link Here #10
“Day 11: Shadows 🔦🙌”  - Link Here #11
“Day 12: Baddies 🚘 🎃” - Link Here #12
“Day 13: Transform 🪵💨” - Link Here #13
“Day 14: Bad Hair 💇‍♀️😱” - Link Here #14
“Day 15: Phantom 👻🦸🏻‍♂️” - Link Here #15
“Day 16: Fighters 😈👊💥” - Link Here #16
“Day 17: Ninjas 🌃🥷” - Link Here #17
“Day 18: Grim 💀🐑” - Link Here #18
“Day 19: Hill 🩻❤️👩‍🦰” - Link Here #19
“Day 20: Fury 🐢🔥⛈️” - Link Here #20
“Day 21: Farm 👩‍🌾🛸🥦” - Link Here #21
“Day 22: Magic 🐰🪄🎩” - Link Here #22
“Day 23: Smile 🐰👩‍🍳😈” - Link Here #23
“Day 24: Arcade 🕹️🦁🗡️” - Link Here #24
“Day 25: Camp 🐿️🐶🔥” - Link Here #25
“Day 26: Pets 🎧😌🎃” - Link Here #26
“Day 27: Lantern 🐱🏮⬛️” - Link Here #27
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an-theduckin · 11 months
⬛️ for that ask game?
Black: Animal or human characters?
Humans. I can't draw animals to save my life 😭
I'd love to learn how to draw them one day tho, but rn I'm too lazy to learn it
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adenial-a · 1 year
'Tis one of her more lucid moments when Lovek next enters the tower. The amber egg still clutched to her chest with one hand, Rennala reaches forth to grasp his hand with her other. "My Lovek," she starts, frowning as she looks at him closely. "Thou looketh tired… Rest here, next to me. I shall watch over thee, my dear child."
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ㅤㅤhe gasps in fear when her cold hand wraps around his wrist , startled out of his own mind and forced to look at his mother . in his chest a deep pain blossoms and unfurls at the call of his name , and it is a desperate , horrible , feeling . choked up hope , from times where this was more frequent , that he had tried to bury somewhere deep inside of himself . ㅤㅤdays were better when he could shut off his own mind as he walked into her tower . he could handle it better , washing her feet , her hands , her face , making sure the dirt of the floor does not stain her moonkissed skin for overlong -- placing food at her side , kissing her head , all without a single word spoken . ㅤㅤdays were easier then he'd then turn away , towards the half formed amalgamations surrounding her singing sweetly , and he instead focused on the newly made , or the newly dead , and did what he could for them in kind . ㅤㅤbut days like this ? where she held his hand and spoke his name , and he remembered that this was his mother , and oh how he missed his mother , they were the worst . he crumples to his knees before her , dramatic as always , as an outpouring of pain flows out .
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ㅤㅤ"ㅤmother ,ㅤ"ㅤhe whimpered , putting his forehead to her knuckles , gripping her with all his love . if only his love alone , if his desire and want , kept her lucid enough to stay with him a little longer . he does not expect her to come back to him completely , he just wants minutes more of her time .ㅤ"ㅤi am , i am . i'm so tired .ㅤ" ㅤㅤhe confesses it as a whisper , moving to put his head in her lap and guiding her hand into his hair . sometimes he did this even when she wasn't lucid , stupid childish moments where he could pretend the weight on his head was from love , that she still loved him . ㅤㅤwhy couldn't rennala love him enough to have stayed ? he thinks , and it isn't the first time . it wont be the last . ㅤㅤ"ㅤi miss you , mother . i miss father , too . and ranni , rykard , radahn . i miss them so much , mother .ㅤ"ㅤif only that rune controlled the flow of time . if rebirth was truly that , to go back to be reborn again , at a time before now . if he could live it all again , every comfort and every loving moment , he would cherish it . he would fix it . ㅤㅤ"ㅤi'm sorry , mother . i wish i had been stronger , i wish i could have made them stay .ㅤ"
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socalwriterbee · 2 years
Hii 😍
I saw these dresses and thought maybe they’ll inspire a fic or an edit for your wonderful Tessa & Ethan (absolutely no pressure 🥰)
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oh my goodness!
Boy did it ever inspire a fic!
Forget about what I had planned for this Sunday, that went right out the window 😂 My other stories would surely forgive me.
Can't thank you enough for giving such an inspiration.
Here goes nothing 😬
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Summary: Tessa is having a ball trying on dress after dress while Ethan second guesses why he said yes to the shopping trip, until he is reminded why.
Word Count: 1130
Warning: Some Adult Content and Language
A/N: This has not been fully edited, forgive me for any errors.
Characters belong to Pixelberry.
🟩 ⬛️ 🟩 ⬛️
Ethan leaned forward, pinching the bridge of his nose. He was trying to be as patient as possible but that was proving to be difficult. He lost count of how many dresses Tessa had tried on up to this point. 
“I should have stayed home.” He mumbles.
Tessa pokes her head out through the closed curtain. “Did you say something?”
Tessa eyes him suspiciously. She closes the curtain and goes back to trying on the dress that caught her eye. Removing a red dress from the hanger, she stepped into it.  The dress gliding smoothly over her skin, that is until it reached her hips and back side. It was meant to be a tight dress but this was otherworldly tight. 
Tessa would have to shimmy her way in. Grabbing the straps and moving her hips and she pulled up. But it wouldn’t budge. Blowing her brown hair away from her eyes, she pulled the red dress up and still nothing. She was going to try this dress on no matter what it took. She loved the way it looked and this happened to be the last one available. 
She knew Ethan would love it too. 
Well if it wasn’t going up like this, there was another way it just may. “Ethan.”
“Yes?” He called out.
“Can you give me a pair of Spanx?”
“You want me to give you what?”
Tessa rolled her eyes, Ethan would think something along the lines of me asking for spanks, her ass coming in contact with his hand and not the shape wear. She steps out of the dress and slides the curtain open, Ethans eyes roam over her body as she stands there in her maroon colored lace bra and panties. His eyes turn hungry with desire.
Clearing his throat, he makes a move to get up to take Tessa in his arms but she stops him with a raise of her hand. “The shape wear Ethan. Can you get that for me?”
An unknowing look surely spreads across his face as he tries to understand what she is asking for. “Where would I get that? And why would you need shape wear?”
“Because, I do. It smoothes everything out.”
“And do tell, what is it going to smooth out?”
Ethan watched as Tessa ran her hands over her hips and turning ever so slightly to show him her behind. “Why—Why would you want to smooth that out? They’re perfect. Besides I’ve seen your so called ‘imperfections’. He air quotes. “And I love them and something I love grabbing onto” He adds.
Tessa smiles at him, falling more in love with him when he says things like that. But like every woman she still gets those days of doubt and those stupid beauty standards that were engraved in every girls mind at a young age creep in. “Right now it isn’t about that. This dress.” She holds up the culprit to him. “ it doesn’t go up and I really want to try it on.”
Ethan shakes his head. “Do tell where would I find those Spanx?
“Ask a Sales Associate.”
Tessa pulls the curtain shut and goes back to trying on the dress. Grunting as she tries to pull it up once more. “Come on.”
She begins to do a little jump like when she shimmies into her jeans. Mid jump she sees Ethan through the mirror in front of her. A smirk tugging at the corner of his mouth. “What are you doing?” His voice dropping low that sends goosebumps over her entire body. Ethan places his hand over her stomach, pulling her body into his. “Say yes to any of these dresses, except this one.” He leans down and brushes his lips against her shoulder. “I want to take you home and have you do this little shimmy, just.for.me.” He says in-between kisses.
Tessa moves out of his hold and looks at his blue eyes through the mirror. “This is an important event Ethan or did you forget. Any dress wouldn’t do.” Holding his attention with the look in her eyes. “You wanted to come with. Or did you forget?”
Ethan lets out a grunt, he did want to come with her. He just didn’t think it would take this long for her to find something. It was black tie formal, something they have been to plenty of times. “I did. Fine. But how about you trying on that one.” He points to a black single sleeve dress with a high slit. “Easy access.” He winks before stepping out and taking his spot on the ottoman.
“Is that all you think about?”
Ethans chuckles “I’d be a crappy doctor and be out of a job if that was the case.” 
Tessa shakes her head and laughs, closing the curtain once more. She eyes the dress Ethan pointed to and for sure that would be the easiest choice and it would get them out of the store. It was a beautiful dress but she wanted to make sure that was going to be the one. It had caught her eye when they walked in. Just one more dress before she tries the black dress on. 
Tessa zipped the light mint green dress with a deep v, a corset like middle and a higher slit. She fights back a smile before she reveals this dress to Ethan. “What do you think?”
Ethan sits up straight from his slouched position, every possible inch of Tessa was on display as she turned slowly to show him the dress she had on. He cleared his throat and crossed his legs unable to come up with anything that would sound coherent. 
“Easy access. Don’t you think Dr. Ramsey?” Tessa teased. “You don’t like it?” 
She knew the answer to that but she liked teasing him. 
“Yes. Yes to that one but no to wearing it to the event.” Ethan answered a bit too eagerly. 
Tessa smiles at him, it was too easy sometimes with him. “Hmm… I don’t know. I think it would be perfect.” Walking towards Ethan, closing the space between them. She leans down and presses her lips to his. 
A tender tame kiss compared to the fire that was burning through Ethan’s body right at this moment.
“Get both Tess. I’m taking you home.” His voice hoarse. Her brown eyes looking into his as she smiles against his lips. 
Before Ethan could kiss Tessa once more they are interrupted by the sales associate. 
“Is everything ok back here?” She blushes as she turns her eyes away from the scene she stumbled upon.
“Everything is fine, we’ll take it.” Ethan answered, without missing a beat or breaking contact with Tessa.
“We’ll take both. Yes to both dresses.” Tessa adds.
Tags: @annfg8 @cariantha @nikirennie87 @openheartfanfics @choicesficwriterscreations @txemrn @peonierose @issabees @jerzwriter
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knizuu · 6 months
~ 🟥 - ⬜️ = 🟥 = ⬛️ - 🟥 ~
In character asks, you say?
I can't say I've taken part in those, although I have heard about them. I've been quite busy as of late. Although, I suppose I could make some time to make small talk.
Ask anything you desire. I will be waiting.
- ∞
~ 🟥 - ⬜️ = 🟥 = ⬛️ - 🟥 ~
Yeah! Well In-Character asks -to me- are when you ask one of my characters something. Though it seems ya talking to me[!]…so uhhhhhhhhh
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ask-the-siblings · 1 year
Helloooo! Ghost/Mary here again! I, the author go by She/They Pronouns :) Here you can ask my silly little sibling characters anything, or tell them anything!!
[⚫️] - LS! "Glitchy" Red Sanderson - He/It.
[🔵] - Blue Garrick - She/Her.
[🌿] - Lavender "Lav" Jones. - She/They/It.
Extras !
[⬛️] - B3TR4Y3D : VSLS! / Spirit! Glitchy Red
[🟥] - SUFF3R1NG : TD! Glitchy Red
[🚩] - Robot! LS! "Glitchy" Red Sanderson. - He/It.
[🟩] - Swap! Blue.EXE - She/Her.
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referentblood · 2 years
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Distress consumed him, anxiety tightened his chest and sheer panic derailed each and every thought. The very basic need to get somewhere safe was all that forced the poet onward, mind reeling, eyes brimmed with tears, hands poised upon his chest where the most dire of aches resided. He needed to get to safety, it was all he could think of. Soon enough, feet bought him into the Congregation and with a trembling hand extended did he reach for Aymeric. Safe.
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    his  panic  is  nigh  immediate  when  the  hand  gripped  his  arm , turning  his  head  to  the  shock  of  finding  cyvel  at  his  side  in  quite  a  state . his  demeanor  was  like  hardly  anything  aymeric  had  witnessed  from  the  poet  outside  of  one  singular  occassion , and  it  sent  red  flags  sky  high  in  the  lord  speakers  mind . immediately  he  turned  to  face  him , arms  lifting  to  gently  hold  cyvel’s  arms .     “   cyvel ?   “   he  asked , his  tone  gentle  yet  tight  with  deep  concern . his  thumb  gently  brushed  along  his  arm  in  soothing  motions , while  his  eyes  flicked  away  from  cyvel  to  take  in  the  prying  eyes  that  might  be  witnessing  this  moment .    out  of  concern  for  his  friends  privacy , he  very  gingerly  lead  cyvel  into  the  privacy  of  his  office , sitting  him  down  in  a  chair  not  far  from  the  door  and  crouching  down  low  in  front  of  him .     gentle  calloused  hands  took  cyvel’s  fingers  into  their  own , holding  tight  &  firm  in  hopes  of  grounding  him  back  in  the  world  he  existed  in  while  bright  blue  eyes  looked  up  at  him  with  a  mixture  of  deep  concern  and  anxiety .     “   tell  me ,   “   he  asked  softly , trying  to  be  as  gentle  as  possible  to  not  scare  or  push  cyvel  too  far .   “   what’s  wrong ? what’s  bothering  you ?   “     one  hand  lifted  from  cyvel’s  hands  to  gently  brush  against  his  cheek , thumb  stroking  lightly  along  the  pale  skin  to  get  a  good  look  at  his  poor  pallor .      “   you’re  safe , cyvel . what’s  wrong ?   “
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pinkfey · 2 years
i was tagged by @arklay and @aartyom to fill out this fun lil prompt; tysm my beloveds 😚😚 tagging: @liurnia @mrs-theirin @taliaferros @xoti @solasan @yharnams @lvllns @rennasrise @calenhads @celticwoman @shadowglens @cultistbase @steelport @mendev @sanguinettii and you !! ♡ ♡ ♡
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NAME: Jael Khatri
NICKNAME(S): Pup (used as less a term of endearment and more a taunt by her professors as well as students at the academy)
NO. OF SPOKEN LANGUAGES: 1 / 2 / 3 — Jael did not have any sort of education prior to being admitted to the academy and in her village the only language spoken was Common
TONE OF VOICE: high / average / deep
ACCENT: yes / no
DEMEANOR: confident / shy / approachable / hostile / other — cheeky, cocky
POSTURE: slumped / straight / stiff / relaxed — Having been constantly hunched in a box during her formative years, Jael’s spine did not develop properly, resulting in a curved posture
HABITS: head tilting / swaying / fidgeting / stuttering / gesturing / arm crossing / strokes chin / er, um, or other interjections / plays with hair or clothing / hands at hips / inconsistent eye contact / maintains eye contact / frequent pausing / stands close / stands at a distance
VOCABULARY: ⬛⬛⬜️⬜️⬜️
EMOTION: ⬛⬛️⬛️⬜⬜️
FREQUENCY: ⬛⬛️⬛️⬜⬜
CREATIVITY: ⬛⬛️⬛️⬛️⬜
arse. ass. asshole. bastard. bitch. bloody. bugger. bollocks. chicken shit. crap. cunt. dick. frick. fuck. horseshit. motherfucker. piss. prick. screw. shit. shitass. son of a bitch. twat. wanker. pussy.
straightforward or cryptic? / fighting the right word or using the first word that comes to mind? / masculinity, neutrality, or femininity? / formalities or with abrasiveness? / praise or equivocation? / frankness or lies? / excessive or minimal hand gestures? / name-calling or magnanimity? / friendly or blunt?
DO PEOPLE HAVE A HARD TIME UNDERSTANDING OR HEARING YOUR CHARACTER? almost always / frequently / sometimes / rarely / never — Jael occasionally gets lost in the bit and pontificates too much, resulting in a “Wait… what?” every once in a while
DOES YOUR CHARACTER’S POINT COME ACROSS EASILY WHEN THEY SPEAK? almost always / frequently / sometimes / rarely / never
WOULD YOUR CHARACTER INITIATE CONVERSATIONS? almost always / frequently / sometimes / rarely / never — Jael prefers to have people approach her rather than her approach them
WOULD YOUR CHARACTER BE THE ONE TO END CONVERSATIONS? almost always / frequently / sometimes / rarely / never
WOULD YOUR CHARACTER USE ‘WHOM’ IN A SENTENCE? yes / no / only ironically
YOUR CHARACTER WANTS TO MAKE A COUNTERPOINT. WHAT WORD DO THEY USE? but / though / although / however / perhaps / mayhaps
HOW DOES YOUR CHARACTER END CONVERSATIONS? walk away / ask if that’s everything / say that’s everything / give a proper goodbye / tell their company they’re done here / remain quiet / they don’t
WHAT SOCIAL CLASS WOULD OTHERS ASSUME YOUR CHARACTER BELONGS TO, HEARING THEM SPEAK? upper / middle / lower — Jael may not always understand some of the words she uses in order to seem higher class, but by god can she fake it
IN WHAT WAYS DOES THE WAY YOUR CHARACTER SPEAK STAND OUT TO OTHERS? accent / vocabulary / tone / level / politeness / brusqueness / it doesn’t
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NAME: Ursula
NICKNAME(S): Ursa (used only by Talyss)
NO. OF SPOKEN LANGUAGES: 1 / 2 / 3 — Common
TONE OF VOICE: high / average / deep
ACCENT: yes / no — Norse (italicized because I haven’t totally decided yet :P)
DEMEANOR: confident / shy / approachable / hostile / other — unimpressed
POSTURE: slumped / straight / stiff / relaxed
HABITS: head tilting / swaying / fidgeting / stuttering / gesturing / arm crossing / strokes chin / er, um, or other interjections / plays with hair or clothing / hands at hips / inconsistent eye contact / maintains eye contact / frequent pausing / stands close / stands at a distance
VOCABULARY: ⬛⬛⬛️⬜️⬜️
EMOTION: ⬛⬛️⬛️⬜⬜️
FREQUENCY: ⬛⬛️⬜️⬜⬜
CREATIVITY: ⬛️⬛️⬜️⬜️⬜️
arse. ass. asshole. bastard. bitch. bloody. bugger. bollocks. chicken shit. crap. cunt. dick. frick. fuck. horseshit. motherfucker. piss. prick. screw. shit. shitass. son of a bitch. twat. wanker. pussy.
straightforward or cryptic? / fighting the right word or using the first word that comes to mind? / masculinity, neutrality, or femininity? / formalities or with abrasiveness? / praise or equivocation? / frankness or lies? / excessive or minimal hand gestures? / name-calling or magnanimity? / friendly or blunt? — Ursula doesn’t have much of a sense of what’s masculine or feminine. While I’d personally put her in the more neutral category, it isn’t as if she’s purposefully neutral. She just is.
DO PEOPLE HAVE A HARD TIME UNDERSTANDING OR HEARING YOUR CHARACTER? almost always / frequently / sometimes / rarely / never — Ursula can be very quiet when she isn’t the one leading.
DOES YOUR CHARACTER’S POINT COME ACROSS EASILY WHEN THEY SPEAK? almost always / frequently / sometimes / rarely / never
WOULD YOUR CHARACTER INITIATE CONVERSATIONS? almost always / frequently / sometimes / rarely / never
WOULD YOUR CHARACTER BE THE ONE TO END CONVERSATIONS? almost always / frequently / sometimes / rarely / never
WOULD YOUR CHARACTER USE ‘WHOM’ IN A SENTENCE? yes / no / only ironically
YOUR CHARACTER WANTS TO MAKE A COUNTERPOINT. WHAT WORD DO THEY USE? but / though / although / however / perhaps / mayhaps
HOW DOES YOUR CHARACTER END CONVERSATIONS? walk away / ask if that’s everything / say that’s everything / give a proper goodbye / tell their company they’re done here / remain quiet / they don’t
WHAT SOCIAL CLASS WOULD OTHERS ASSUME YOUR CHARACTER BELONGS TO, HEARING THEM SPEAK? upper / middle / lower — It’s less that they know her class and more they know she’s a pirate.
IN WHAT WAYS DOES THE WAY YOUR CHARACTER SPEAK STAND OUT TO OTHERS? accent / vocabulary / tone / level / politeness / brusqueness / it doesn’t
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