#❝ listen up! ❞ || PSA
heartorbit · 1 year
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meow meow meow 🐾
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Its fair to say that the DC fandom is a pretty divided space between those who care about canon and those who don’t and I usually veer closer to the canon-caring side but every now and then I venture over to see what those fanon madlads are up to and I have to confess to being, at the very least, deeply entertained every single time
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merveiilles · 3 months
So, I thought my little lovebird "Ellie" was having an egg. She's actually sick... And needs to go the vet which is about an hour and a half away. She has a large mass by her bum, she has trouble squatting- she had trouble when she came to me 3 months ago. Her crop feathers are falling out and she has respiratory problems. I live in Canada. The exam is $144, and the down deposit for making the clinic file is $125. And then after the exam, whatever they need to do or prescribe will be extra on top of that. I am asking for EMERGENCY UP FRONT COMMISSIONS! If anyone wants anything commission-wise, I would really appreciate it. You don't have to, but feel free to reblog and just spread the word about my baby girl. My appointment is next Friday (July 5th.) This coming Friday. I got the date moved up because I can't wait any longer. I'm also in a group with avian vets and they all said next week would be too late. so, any help before or after that would be greatly appreciated. If you just want to donate and help my little bird, I TRULY appreciate it and will be forever grateful. Money is in CANADIAN currency. Please DM me on @merveiilles if you are interested in a commission. That is the fastest place on tumblr to reach me!!! Commission prices can be found here. I have Paypal and Ko-fi Little lovebird Ellie:
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whimsiclay · 6 months
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back pack mugs :>
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oozeyboozey-archive · 1 month
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now that i'm caught up with my drafts on here , and have posted my new starter call ... i'm gonna make some small changes surrounding the way i get my threads. up until this point , i have primarily used asks for getting things rolling , and while those are fun for a bit ... i really wanna do more in depth plotting with my writing partners. i want threads that are more than just two people talking. i want some in depth story happening that will take anya further in her story that's still evolving.
so , going forward i will be focusing more on plotting calls , and plotted out threads. I WILL STILL BE DOING ASKS. so if you still would rather do asks , those are totally allowed. i will still be posting memes ... just not as often as i used to.
when liking my plotting calls ... PLEASE HAVE IDEAS AS WELL. i will come to you with my own ideas for plotting when i have one , so please be willing to do the same. even if it's just dynamic ideas that you would like to explore ... it's a place to start off on. we can absolutely build from there and come up with something together. the point is teamwork in coming up with a story that we BOTH want to tell.
thank you again so so much for all the patience while i've been getting back into the writing groove , through all the changes on the blog , and of course loving my murder baby with me. i want to continue writing with each and every one of you and your blorbos , i just need a shift in the content i'm writing , so my muse doesn't become stagnant.
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rp-meme-world · 1 year
People have different interests and abilities when it comes to writing (and reading). Some people prefer one-liners. Some prefer novella. Some prefer in-between. None of these are the gold standard of RP. Write as much or as little as you want, but don't shame those on either end of the spectrum — chill your pants.
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oozeyboozey · 27 days
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i'm gonna go ahead and put out a main / affiliate call. i don't do these often , but sometimes i like to refresh the list , and with a new blog it just seems like the right time to do so. i will be a little picky about these slots , as i'm starting to focus more on anya's lore and cementing things. certain muses i'll be more strict on making a main or affiliate , but i'm mainly looking for the chemistry between both muns and muses for this one.
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will be accepting up to 3 of each canon muses.
will be accepting up to 4 original muses.
requires plotting between us for our muses , but not required to have threads if some are planned.
mains are going to be people i go to first for things like specific plot ideas i have , will be included in some of the edits i make on the blog , will get priority on replies and queues , and will be first priority when liking starter calls and plotting calls.
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will be accepting up to 2 of each canon muses.
will be accepting up to 3 original muses.
requires extensive plotting between the two of us for our muses. this is judged on an individual basis , as these are muses that will be referred to in canon.
much like what you would get with mains , affiliates will also get unprompted starters from me when the muse strikes me , will make guest appearances in much of the edits pertaining to anya's canon , as well as be featured in passing in threads where it's allowed. these are people that have really helped shape anya's character ... so i'm going to be pretty picky about them.
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if you are interested in either of these , feel free to hit the like button. if you already have a spot , but wanna let me know you wanna stay on the list , or wanna edit things , you can also give this a like. i'll be reblogging this for about a week , and then i'll be making the choices and additions to the pinned post and carrd.
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trivial-writing · 1 month
When I was younger, I watched Youtube more than I should. Even now, I still have screen time problems. I was a spoiled little girl too. Even though my friends don’t see me as one, I see myself as a spoiled brat. I got what I wanted. When I grew older, coming to around Middle School age, I realized how spoiled I truly was. I realized I needed to be tougher. I realized I needed to be more empathetic. Soon, I wanted to escape. I tried and tried to. Even now, I still try.
Now, I see these TODDLERS with iPads everywhere. I don’t envy these kids. I cry for these kids. I’m usually called an old soul in a kid’s body. And I think that’s accurate. I miss older times when I was able to spend a day without a screen for entertainment. I miss older times when I could enter a restaurant or any other public area without seeing kids glued to their screens.
As I live with my brother instead of my parents, I see how he and his wife raise their children. Their first 2-3 years lacked a screen. Even my brother and his spouse used their technology way lesser than they did. They only used technology when required. When I moved in, my niece and nephew were 4 and 6. At their age, they play with their toys rather than looking at a screen. My first ever conversation with my brother and his wife was about not using my screens around their children. And I agreed. I found it very weird, but a week later I realized they wanted to reduce influence on their children. Their children don’t even have their own screens. They don’t have iPads, iPhones, Nintendo Switches, etc., etc. Their favorite activity by themselves is playing with my childhood toys that I brought from me hoarding all of my childhood stuff. They even call them by the names I gave each toy. Their favorite activity with their father is star gazing. Their favorite activity with their mother is playing tennis. They love playing with me and their toys. They love doing math and sorting with their uncle’s papers. Is this child labor? I personally don’t think so because my younger older brother gives them work that he did a year ago. Their favorite family activity is going on bikes and riding to the park.
That was a lot, but I think it’s kind of a good way to prove my point in this post. Parents shouldn’t let screens raise their children. Parents should raise their children. I now do babysitting on the side, and some of the families I work for have their kids watching their screens all the time. When I come over, I see the kids on their iPads, watching sexual content that is aimed at kids. I think I saw a raunchy animation of TADC on their screens. I promptly took it out of the kids’ hands and told the parents. They were shocked, and I told them to buy children’s toys instead. These parents aren’t close to me as a friend is to me, but they know me fairly well to know that I was exposed to the same kind of content when I was younger. They agreed reluctantly. They did not follow up with my suggestion. To this day, they still see that kind of stuff. That is terrible.
Kids should be kids. Like I said earlier, I’m a part-time babysitter. I see families whose kids are allowed to run rampant with technology. My mom recebtly retired from teaching, and she tells the family how disrespectful kids are. I have a friend who is a teacher. She told me how her students can’t spell at all. They can’t sound out words by themselves. They can’t even finish an on-level book. The worst part is: she’s a middle school teacher. Other teachers share this sentiment too.
Kids should be raised without screens until they are mature enough to have them. Trust me. I know. I was a victim to this. When they grow up, they’ll have a lot of health problems.
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mixed-up-multiverse · 9 months
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// Okay, you have seen it and may now proceed. Happy new year!
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lady-harrowhark · 1 year
Title, summary, and correct answer coming tomorrow - cast your vote now!
Full fic releasing July 26th, featuring artwork from @the-purple-duck
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dendenp3 · 2 months
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Hello Friends!! Wanted to let everyone know of some updates!
I have created a Mobile Friendly Muselist! I realize the fancy one looks like GARBAGE on mobile, sorry about that!!
I have added an Important Note to my rules! Specifically rule 3. I will put a screenshot of it below! It's a further explination on ships, shipping, and my general indifference on the issue. If that is something you are not comofortable with, entirely understandable! I wanted to be clearer on my thoughs is all.
(Note, this does not mean I suddenly ship certain things, just my thoughts on them existing in the first place, if that makes sense)
Screenshot below.
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x-brik-x · 1 year
do transandrophobes think visible trans men can just say "actually I'm a man" whenever we experience misogyny/transphobia?
"male privilege" my ass. oppressors don't give a shit what labels we use for ourselves. they treat us based on whatever label they give us, and when we're talking about transphobia, that label is "victim of female hysteria", or "woman" if we're lucky.
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fuji09 · 24 days
I wish that when a poc tells a white person that something is or isn't racist, that they would listen or at least just stop and think. White-knighting and speaking over a poc doesn't help. Stand with and support people of color, don't speak over or speak for people of color.
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cynicallyscorned · 10 months
a gentle reminder:
rp blogs are not source blogs. I'm not just talking about reblog karma for memes and prompt lists, but also headcanons and scenario ideas. it gets pretty disheartening when you express interest in writing a scenario/dynamic with someone only for another to come along, see that, and use that idea with them for their own muse instead or to see your own headcanons you put thought and care into be copied.
rp blogs are not creativity sources.
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rabbiteclair · 1 year
listen this is a response to a very specific post but: who the heck is into underwater cave diving stories and doesn't know about nitrogen narcosis. like 80% of underwater cave diving disaster stories are about nitrogen narcosis. i, a connoisseur of that particular art form, sit listening to underwater cave diving stories, wearing a smoking jacket and puffing on my pipe in an erudite manner, going 'this fool has descended to an unsafe depth without using the proper gas mixture. a rookie mistake. the nitrogen shall undoubtedly claim his soul. may the rescue divers who retrieve his corpse know peace'
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w1nch3strd · 4 months
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i've been thinking about this for a couple days , and given how so much of the time i spent writing dean (at least 12 years) writing one main ship , i honestly am not sure my dean is really one that is up for other ships. so with the exception of @thegirlwhowaited-dw for public verses , and @vintertsarn for a private au , dean is closed for shipping. all other dynamics are of course open and encouraged. but i just don't have it in me , and neither does dean , to push him to ship when he's perfectly content where he is.
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