#✵ I my duty...and honor! (main verse)
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asgardianhammer · 29 days ago
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“ A god who wondered every day if he was worthy, without realizing, that was the very thing that made him so…"
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჻ϟ჻  Marvel Thor Indie RP  ჻ϟ჻  MCU based  ჻ϟ჻ ჻ϟ჻  slight comic & heavy myth influences  ჻ϟ჻   EST: 12.Nov.2013 ჻ϟ჻
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|| Heavily canon-divergent from Ragnarok onward || || Driven and developed by threads and personal headcanons || || Adored by: Mir || 30 + || she/her || semi-selective ||
|| Rules || Verses || Memes || Plots || 
A study in: duty & honor personified, survivor’s guilt, the godly urge to rage and release some of the pain, a quest for a home within himself and within others, finding value in others, finding value in living, guiding with a strong but gentle hand, learning still, processing the inevitability of death, remaining kind when all else is cruel, forgiveness without forgetting, containing and not abusing power, finding joy and purpose, honoring what once was and creating a new future.
update 01-2025 : I have not seen Love & Thunder and I will not be adopting anything from that movie, please also keep in mind that during Ragnarok his arc goes bananas and canon-divergent. I can’t stress this enough so please, please check out my rules and the Ragnarok PSA for clarification. I have also not seen Loki the series yet, I plan to still but don’t have the mental stamina for it yet, I apologize.
exclusives/affiliates: @untamedtempest || @utsxlevshiy || @summerxmelodies || @frostkingoftheapocalypse || @yellingmetatron
mains: @lettherebemonsters || @ssolessurvivor
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clevermird · 24 days ago
Review: Brief Cases (Dresden Files side story) by Jim Butcher
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To be perfectly honest, I wasn’t all that excited to tackle Brief Cases. The previous attempt at a Dresden Files short story anthology, Side Jobs, was my least-favorite book in the series so far – it was repetitive and only a couple stories added anything new to the characters or the world. But those few stories were pretty decent and more to the point, I’m trying to properly experience the Dresden-verse in its full glory, so I plunged in anyway. 
Just like its predecessor, Brief Cases contains twelve shorts of varying lengths, some of which focus on Harry’s mini-adventures in between the world-shattering action of the main books, others of which follow side characters as they have adventures of their own. 
“A Fistful of Warlocks” – It’s the days of the wild west, and young Warden Anastasia Luccio’s hunt for a fugitive brings her to Dodge City. This was a great start to the book – a couple of fun little twists, an unexpected cameo or two, and a look into the mind of someone who I felt like never got quite enough development in the main storyline. 
“B is for Bigfoot” – Harry is hired by one of the Forest People to help his son deal with bullies at school. I absolutely adored River Shoulders, the Bigfoot in question, and found his relationship with Harry endearing, but the actual plot was pretty basic and suffered from trying a bit too hard to be cool and nerdy. 
“AAAA Wizardry” – Harry teaches a group of group of young Wardens the basics of dealing with supernatural threats by means of telling them about an old case. This was another strong one. The class format and the students’ input was a great framing device, good enough to buoy a somewhat weak main plot. 
“I Was a Teenage Bigfoot” – Several years after their first encounter, River Shoulders hires Harry to help out with his son again, this time to find the source of a mysterious illness that’s plaguing him. Although the ending of this one made me laugh and River Shoulders continues to be awesome, it was pretty forgettable overall, very basic without much in the way of twists or cool action. 
“Curses” – A representative of the Chicago Cubs hires Harry on the down-low to break the infamous Billy Goat Curse that’s keeping the team from getting to the World Series. I feel like I’m running out of ways to say “this one was a lot of fun”, but I’m going to say it again. I will also, however, say that I didn’t quite buy the ending. I saw what Butcher was going for, but it didn’t land for me. 
“Even Hand” – Gentleman Johnny Marcone may be a criminal, but he likes to think of himself as an honorable man, so when a woman shows up asking for sanctuary, he finds himself forced to fight an enemy who may be too much for him. This was another forgettable one. The insight into Marcone’s mind and operations was interesting, but the story itself was kinda simple with the end twist not quite worth it. 
“Bigfoot on Campus” – The final adventure in what I took to calling the Son of Bigfoot trilogy, Harry has to bail out River Shoulders’ son for a final time as he picks up a college girlfriend who might also have a connection to the supernatural. This was by far my favorite story in the collection, with a character I’ve come to adore as the centerpiece and the appearance of some of my favorite Dresden-verse supernaturals, as well as some genuinely funny moments and a cute ending. 
“Bombshells” – Probably my second favorite story. After Harry’s death, Molly Carpenter tries to fill his shoes as protector of Chicago, and sometimes that means bailing Thomas out of a tight spot. But she’s gonna need some help (and some really expensive shoes) to make that happen. This was classic Dresden Files shenanigans: dangerous, action-heavy, a bit sexy, a bit funny. 
“Cold Case” – Molly must adjust to her duties and responsibilities as Lady Winter as she investigates a supernatural threat looming over a small Alaskan town. This was another story that was a bit too simple for me, but I found the world-building information hidden inside it and the look into Lady Molly’s head to be worth the time it took to read. 
“Jury Duty” – Now that Harry has been raised from the dead, he has to get used to having mortal obligations and one of those is jury duty. But what looks like an open-and-shut case might be just a bit more complicated and he can’t resist pulling at the threads. This story was just fine. Not bad, not amazing, just an entertaining read that probably won’t stick with me all that well. 
“Day One” – Newly-minted Knight of the Cross Waldo Butters tries his best to handle his first solo mission. This one was very similar to “Cold Case”, in that the actual plot takes a backseat to characterization of the protagonist and to developing the specifics of the role they fulfill. I found it less interesting than “Cold Case” simply because I’m more interested in the fae courts and Molly than I am in Butters or the Knights, but it was solid nonetheless. 
“Zoo Day” – Harry takes his daughter and his dog to the zoo for some bonding time, but all three find themselves caught up by supernatural difficulties that they have to solve without ruining the reset of the group’s day. I really appreciated the down-to-earth (relatively-speaking) nature of this one and the chance to see a bit more of Maggie and Mouse. I did struggle to buy Maggie’s narrative voice a bit, she didn’t quite sound like an actual kid to me, but her and Mouse were cute enough to make up for it. 
Taken as a whole, while Brief Cases might not be the best book in the Dresden Files series, it’s a solid popcorn read that should offer something for most fans of the series and I found myself eager to pick it up every time I sat down to read another chapter.
Warnings: In addition to the typical Dresden action violence and sexual assault references, “Even Hand”, “Cold Case”, and “Zoo Day” all place kids in danger.
Rating: 8/10
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weeklyvocajournal · 1 year ago
Yuzuki Yukari Song Highlights 2023
Overall Favorite : Ryoko_14 - Chikaku Kashikoshi-ron. Zenpen (ft. Hatsune Miku, Yuzuki Yukari VOICEROID)
Great pacing with an extremely powerful and cathartic climax. Miku sets the stage, Yukari's measured and professionaly robotic speaking parts adds to the theraputic element. Probably my favorite song from last year, period.
Solo Yukari : Kashuu Ryousuke - Retro Kissa
Stilted rhythms, the producer's signature dry instruments and tuning, and probably one of the more approachable songs from them for newcomers.
Multisinger : sheeno mirin - OSINT (ft. Kaai Yuki, Yuzuki Yukari, Kasane Teto AI)
First of their songs to include Yukari singing a main line (the past few were just her on talkloid/backing duty)! Funnily enough her verse in this is probably my least favorite, but it's less of Yukari being bad and more Yuki and Teto verses being fire as hell.
Tuning : Zoofles - Death of a Sunrise
I don't listen to a lot of English Yukari, but maybe it's time I fix that. Great gradual transition from soft to powerful throughout the song, and Yukari feels at home with the song in both composition and mixing.
Cover : Anonymous Y (ft. Yuzuki Yukari, Chihiro Ishiguro) (orig. PinocchioP ft. Hatsune Miku, ARuFa)
I think a good Anonymous M cover will change the lyrics a little to suit the vsynth covering it, and this sure did! Having Yukari's voice provider doing the human bits also adds a layer of meaning.
MV : Shimizu Izuka - Kikai
The music itself is great, but the MV takes it to the next level. The black/white hand-drawn illustrations and huge decorative border (with a cute little monster!) that stays throughout most of the song is my favorite part.
Honorable Mentions:
GoBS - heights (Yukari lofi never misses)
Mada Setsunai Sekai ga Ikiru - Forever,Forever (they have a lot of good Yukaris this year but this is my fave)
Paropen - My Favorite Things (Yukari and jazz also doesn't miss! Fave Yukari entry from Vocajazz Fes 2023)
315 - Umareteshimatta no de. -Toumei Edition- (runnerup for fave overall! Emotional rock ballad)
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questionsonislam · 11 months ago
What is Worship and Why Are the People Held Responsible For It?
The meaning of worship is that a servant performs his duties such as offering glorification, exaltation, and praise to Almighty God in the way He orders. Giving thought to the fact that he is nurtured with the endless bounties and gifts, man is in charge of doing his duty of proclaiming God is the greatest and offering thanks to Him. It is achieved only by means of worship. A worshipper arranges his all acts and behaviors such as eating and drinking, sitting and standing and so forth in accordance with the bounds of God Almighty. He leads his life as the servant of Allah. This servitude makes him reach the rank of real humanity and dignity. After all, the main goal of the creation is to attain this honor. Indeed God Almighty says in the exalted Quran I have only created Jinn and men, that they may serve Me. (Az-Záriyát: 56). In another verse in the Quran, He says:
O ye people! Worship your Guardian Lord, who created you and those who came before you, that ye may become righteous; Who has made the earth your couch, and the heavens your canopy; and sent down rain from the heavens; and brought forth therewith Fruits for your sustenance; then set not up rivals unto Allah when ye know (the truth). (Al-Baqarah:21-22).
God Almighty created the heaven adorned with the sun and stars, the earth decked out with seas and lands in the best form. He placed senses each of which is more valuable than the universe into the spirit of man. Just as he bestowed on him an eye capable of seeing all beauties, a tongue which is able to take pleasures from all the tastes of the food, so too did He gift him a mind being competent to turn those delights tasted by those senses into knowledge and understanding. And He donated man a conscience that can appreciate not only the bounties filtered from the universe to help him but also physical and spiritual presents placed into his body.
Man can make out through the mind granted to him that he has not been created merely for this world and that he cannot be without any purpose or duty.
He fathoms trough his conscience that he must declare thanks and glorification to his Sustainer. He performs his worship only for Allah. He never attributes any partners to his Lord.
He feels affection solely towards Allah with his heart,; he loves all the creatures worthy of love for the sake of Him.
Even if he were not held responsible for the worship, his mind, heart and conscience would command him to offer worship and obedience to Allah. It is because only worship can gratify those senses.
It is quite obvious that God Almighty, who needs nothing, has no need of our worship. On the contrary, it is we who need to worship.
What will be our response in the Day of Judgment that willingly or unwillingly we will go through when Almighty God asks us Oh my servants! I created you out of nothing. I directed all my bounties in the earth to you in order to meet your endless needs. I fulfilled your needs all the time. My compassion and mercy had always been upon you. Whom were you then together with? Whom did you, completely ignorant of me, offer your praises and thanks to though I was truly worthy of them? Do you think the spiritual torture caused by the humiliation and being ashamed will be greater than the torment of hell? It must be the severe sense of embarrassment that makes the unbeliever utter Woe unto me! Would that I were (mere) dust!"
Just as a man cannot lead his life without religion, so too can Islam not be without performing worship. Let us exemplify this truth with an analogy. Just fancy an Islamic village where azan (call to prayer) is not called. Nobody performs prayers -neither bairam nor Friday prayers nor daily prayers-. No member of that rural community performs fasting, nor gives zakat (alms), goes to Makkah for hajj (pilgrimage). They do not read the Quran, nobody minds about what is haram (forbidden) and what is halal (licit); nobody knows what is obligation and what is incumbent. Nobody brings to his mind to proclaim praises and thanks in return to the never-ending bounties of the Allah.
Do those members of that village not enter a path absolutely contrary to commands of the Quran and the lifestyles of our Prophet (upon whom be peace), his companions, the saints and purified scholars, leading scholars and interpreters of Islamic law and mujaddids (revivers).
As a matter of fact, Islam is not a system based on only theory and conscience only. In many verses of the Revealed Quran, just following the word faith the phrase good deed is used and it is stressed out that good deed is a result of belief.
The reason of sending prophets is to teach the pillars of faith and essentials of Islam to people. That is to say, it is to teach people fully the fundamentals of faith, primarily belief in Allah, and to teach them thoroughly the duties of worship which will enable faith to reach into perfection. Only by means of these glorifications can faith of man become mature. The value of a servant in the presence of Allah depends on the sensibility he displays in his servitude to Him.
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wo1fmaid · 2 years ago
original post date: august 22, 2019
i would like to preface this headcanon by saying that this is borne out of my own imagination + analysis of the text + conversation with my writing partners. there’s a very high possibility that i’m completely off the mark here and of course, you don’t have to agree with me on this headcanon specifically. but as far as this interpretation is concerned, i’m adapting this headcanon in all of lyanna’s main verses.
things to keep in mind before reading further ( based off of my previous headcanon ) :
lyanna is the knight of the laughing tree. i think this is as good as canon at this point.
rhaegar found out that lyanna was the knight of the laughing tree. to acknowledge her undefeated streak in the joust, he crowned her the queen of love and beauty by the end of the tourney at harrenhal, much to the dismay of all the onlookers. it doesn’t go any deeper than that ( a.k.a. they’re not secretly in-love, sorry. )
the mad king also found out and ordered for lyanna’s arrest. i’ve written extensively about this in the headcanon linked above, but i believe that the mad king's growing paranoia would have triggered him into thinking that the KOTLT ( and thus, lyanna ) was part of a more elaborate plot to mock his rule, and the pretense therefore requires punishment.
additionally, contrary to fanon:
lyanna did not run away with rhaegar to escape the betrothal with robert. while i don’t think lyanna was the most eager to be married to robert baratheon ( or to be married at all ), i also don’t think she ran away with rhaegar to escape her betrothal. she could have run away, point blank period. but with a married prince and with the intent to consort with him? i don’t think so. considering too, that lyanna’s initial reservation against robert was his inability to keep to one bed. based off of that alone, i don’t think lyanna would willingly participate in infidelity of any kind. in this separate essay i will –
lyanna was dutiful to a certain degree, but not in the same way as brandon could have been or eddard was. lyanna’s upbringing was focused on being a proper lady who would marry a highborn lord someday, so she can pop off male heirs. she won’t inherit winterfell, unlike brandon, and she’s not even next in line unlike ned. the expectations of her were quite different compared to the expectations of her brothers, thus, her idea of duty differs wildly than that of her brothers'. that being said, as the lady of the house after her mother's death, she still held her family’s honor to great esteem and she went out of her way to defend and uphold that honor.
lyanna is not a self-serving character. i see this around a lot and it’s the most mind-boggling of all. this was the girl who, at 14 years old, was ready to go against three grown squires to defend the honor of her father’s bannerman. she later fought in a tourney and won, and asked the knights that those squires served to teach them manners. if she would go that far to defend a sworn bannerman to house stark, who was not just being bullied but also discriminated upon because of his culture, then i’m pretty certain she’s the type to stand up to injustice without regard for herself. in that similar vein, i don’t think she would besmirch her family’s honor on a whim, knowing how seriously she took the meaning of that honor as made clear by her defense of howland reed.
now that we’ve gotten all of those out of the way, it’s time to dive in into the rest of it.
as is already previously established by canon, all stark children are wargs. i know this mostly pertains to the six children of eddard and catelyn stark, but i believe that anyone touched by the wolf-blood has the ability in them as well. brandon and lyanna both possess it and thus are tied very closely to the stark mythos of being descended from the first men. according to twoiaf, “greenseers had the greensight and were wargs as well.” while not all wargs are greenseers, we have evidence in bran that the greensight is definitely alive and well in the stark line ( and in the north, as evidenced by jojen reed, a crannogman, and brynden rivers a.k.a. bloodraven, whose mother was a blackwood. )
following this logic, i don’t think it’s far-fetched at all to say that lyanna might have been, at the very least, someone who is capable of having green dreams ( along with being a warg. ) the ability in bran was triggered by his fall, whereas it almost came too easily and too naturally to rickon. rickon and bran shared the same dream about ned’s death ( which they predicted even before maester luwin made the announcement ), and rickon also knew when catelyn and robb left that they would never see them again.
in lyanna’s case, i don’t think she knew what she was ( i don’t think the starks ever realized how closely they were tied to what’s left of magic in the world. ) she knew she was said to have the wolf-blood, which she thought had something to do with her temperament ( a trait she shared with brandon. ) by all accounts, lyanna was wild and brave; she thrived off of independence and did not do well with restrictions. she rode horses “like she was half a horse herself” according to roose bolton; she and brandon were described to be a pair of centaurs. and maybe that’s because they understood horses like no ordinary human could?
i’ve already headcanoned that my lyanna is a warg, so i’m going to take it a step further and say that she is capable of having green dreams as well. while she's not on par with bran or the three eyed raven ( and never will be ) she still had access to that ability, no matter how limited. this ties her up with rhaegar, who we know to be prophecy-obsessed. this even ties her up with with the ghost of high heart, who rhaegar sought out time and time again just to hear her foretell the future, no matter how disjointed and vague these predictions were.
my theory is that at some point, something triggered lyanna's greensight. this would happen shortly after harrenhal, and she would have started dreaming about the same prophecy that consumed rhaegar, with the addition of blue roses and blood, which are the imageries so closely tied to her, and which lead her to believing that the prophecy is somewhat foreshadowing her death.
in my first headcanon, i speculated that rhaegar went to rescue lyanna in the riverlands from his father’s men ( who found out she was the knight of the laughing tree. ) by this point, both of them would have been aware of the prophecy, by virtue of them having interconnected, prophectic dreams, which i wrote about here. before any plans were set in motion, they visited the ghost of high heart to confirm the prophecy, and only then did they decide that they will fulfill the prophecy for the sake of the realm.
worth noting that lyanna suspected the prophecy to mean her death, but after everything she’d seen through her green dreams and after what she’d been told by rhaegar and by the ghost of high heart, she determined that this cause — saving the world — was worth losing her life over.
something you have to understand about lyanna stark: she wanted to be more than just someone’s betrothed, someone’s wife, someone’s mother. this prophecy — to a young, idealistic, romantic, wild, and by all accounts, good girl — was almost irresistible. this was something bigger than herself; she had a real chance to do something here, to be both the maiden and the hero in a tale where she saves the realm from an ominous threat. the KOTLT incident showed us that lyanna had a strong sense of justice, and also a penchant for risky yet grand gestures of bravery. saving the world was the kind of thing that she would not even think twice of doing, no matter the cost to herself.
things lyanna did not foresee: brandon’s reaction to the news that she was missing and brandon’s fast assumption that it was rhaegar who took her. at most, lyanna expected they would notice her absence and would assume she ran away from her betrothal, but for her brother to accuse the crown prince and storm the capital while doing so… did not occur to her. also, important: lyanna and rhaegar had no idea about rickard and brandon’s death until after the battle of the bells, when gerold hightower finally found them in toj and asked rhaegar to return to king’s landing. by this time, lyanna was already pregnant. whether or not rhaegar and lyanna were right about the prophecy doesn’t really matter here. they could be completely wrong ( but we all know they were somewhat right, at least about the threat coming from the north. ) basically, this was just how they interpreted the prophecy, and they both paid in blood for it.
also very important to note that rhaelar and lyanna are never shipped during this timeline ( or during any book canon-adjacent verse. ) lyanna was miserable in that tower and i can’t imagine rhaegar was all too happy either. they’re doing what they thought they had to do, and lyanna was going into it thinking she would die. all things considered, that might have been her preferred outcome, now that she knew just how much blood she had to pay to assume the role that would make the prophecy come true. the only real consolation in the aftermath was ned’s forgiveness and the fact that jon was kept alive because her brother loved her enough to give up his honor for her. but even then, it was a bitter consolation, and lyanna would spend all her life trying to make up for her mistakes.
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braskide · 2 years ago
some main verse wardrobe inspo and high summoner duties notes. ♥
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please ignore the giant horn & unicorn that have nothing to do with what i wanted to say but — when i think about my yuna's wardrobe once she relocates in bevelle and takes on important matters as high summoner, i like to think about flowy robes that are usually tight around her waist / corsets and whatnot. so this art for immortal sword so.raka made me think about her style a lot and i thought she'd definitely wear something like these. also the general vibe of these reminded me of the farplane, which fits so much because i often think how unstable it is and how much work there has to be done there, and yuna would definitely take it upon herself to study it and remain connected to it either way.
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i like to think about very intricate patterns for her dresses since she starts her work in bevelle and whatnot. the patterns usually used for her dresses all connect back to trinities and zanarkand, some are have aeons' seals hand embroidered ( by her ) on her back or at the center of her chest with the according color patterns. especially because bevelle and its temple followers' style is very similar to these in that sense — i wanna say her color pattern also varies depending on the situation and event. she retains purple & pink shades but can also fall back onto blues / red / green in honor of her father. since starting her life anew in the city she also is found carrying her braska's staff. she rarely uses her novice stuff anymore within bevelle — either she's found with nirvana or with her late father's.
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daeruwid · 7 days ago
DAERUWID. private and selective writing blog for mousesack from the witcher series (headcanon based, with a blend of book and game elements). follows back from my main blog, @walkpathe. character information under the cut
DISCLAIMER. i take inspiration from general fantasy and, especially, dungeons and dragons when it comes to magic and druids. my portrayal is heavily headcanon influenced and doesn’t take the netflix series into account.
SUMMARY i. (druid, healer, royal advisor) born and raised on the skellige islands by the local circle of druids after his mother, wounded and on the run, gave birth to him deep into the forest of ard skellig and disappeared soon after. the druids raised him and taught him the principles of druidism, how to honor nature and how to use her gifts. he was admitted in the circle upon his coming of age and, once his training was officially deemed complete, he traveled the continent for years, lending his aid to other circles and learning from the wisdom of their hierophants. soon after his return to the islands, he entered the service of the tuirseach family. he was appointed head of the skellige circle in 1213, when he was around 50 years old and deemed wise and experienced enough (not only in matters of magic and religion, but also diplomacy and relations to the continent as a whole).
ii. while his rather thin frame makes him less imposing than most men of the islands, his gaze has managed to make far bulkier skelliger man wither where they stood. his dark hair and beard are both steadily graying, albeit at a slower rate than the norm. he has the habit of keeping his hair bound, otherwise they would reach past his shoulders. FC: hiroyuki sanada.
iii. his magic comes from the land around him, but it is not merely taking. an equal exchange takes place: what he uses he must restore, giving his own energy to the land. spells of higher power, therefore, require a greater cost. he often uses a yew staff to channel his magic, rather than a wand. he favors defensive and healing spells. used if pressed, his offensive spells can have a devastating effect and revolve aroud nature and the elements.  most notable examples — branches turned into whips. inner plant growth. wheater manipulation. he can also turn into a bear for both defensive and offensive purposes  (technically, he could turn into any animal he has seen before, but he has more affinity for earth bound creatures and bears most of all. he could try, say, a falcon, but the results wouldn't be optimal).
iv. despite being human, he stopped aging regularly around the age of 50. from then on, he physically ages one year each ten. in default verses he is around 89-100 years old. only druids who reach the peak of their abilities may be granted such slow aging, through many years of study and application. it would be easy to presume that emíl would dislike winter, given how it generally worsens his health, and causes pain and inflammation in his joints to flare more. however, he considers winter part of the natural cycle of life, thus not to be disdained simply because it makes his life harder. besides, he has a deep fondness for yuletide and would be loathe to miss it.
v. as a druid, but even more keenly as the hierophant of the circle, he is connected to the land of skellige. he doesn't influence it, for that would mean overstepping the boundaries between man and nature, yet he can feel when its health wavers, when harm comes to it.  one of his duties is to protect it.
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kingdomgracemedia · 7 months ago
Vibrant Hope: Serve the Lord Faithfully
Monday 8/12/2024
1 Samuel 12:24 (NIV) "Above all, fear the LORD and serve him faithfully with all your heart; consider what great things he has done for you."
This verse is part of Samuel's farewell address to the Israelites. It serves as a reminder of their covenant relationship with God, emphasizing the importance of reverence and faithful service in response to God's blessings.
The verse underscores two key themes: fear of the Lord and faithful service. "Fear" here implies a deep respect and reverence for God, acknowledging His power and holiness. Serving Him "with all your heart" calls for genuine commitment and dedication. The mention of considering "what great things he has done for you" encourages reflection on God's past faithfulness, which should inspire trust and obedience.
How Do We See God Relating to Man:
God's relationship with humanity is defined by three main aspects:
-Covenant: God makes agreements with His people, promising them protection and guidance.
-Faithfulness: Despite human shortcomings, God steadfastly loves and supports His people.
-Expectations: God requires reverence and service in exchange for His blessings, emphasizing a reciprocal relationship.
Related Scriptures on the Verse:
Deuteronomy 10:12-13"And now, Israel, what does the LORD your God ask of you but to fear the LORD your God, to walk in obedience to him, to love him, to serve the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul."
Ecclesiastes 12:13: "Now all has been heard; here is the conclusion of the matter: Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the duty of all mankind."
Psalm 103:2: "Praise the LORD, my soul, and forget not all his benefits."
Application of the Verses in Our Daily Life:
-Cultivating Reverence: We should approach our relationship with God with awe and respect, recognizing His sovereignty.
-Serving Faithfully: Engage actively in serving others and fulfilling our responsibilities in our churches and communities as an expression of our faith.
-Reflecting on Blessings: Regularly take time to remember and thank God for His past provisions and blessings, which can strengthen our faith during challenging times.
Prayer Points:
-To Show Reverence: "Lord, help me to cultivate a deep respect for You in my daily life."
-For Faithful Service: "God, grant me the strength and commitment to serve You wholeheartedly in my actions and interactions."
-To Express Gratitude: "Father, teach me to remember and appreciate the great things You have done for me, so that I may live a life of thankfulness."
-For Guidance: "Holy Spirit, guide me in my decisions so that I may honor You in all I do."
By Pastor AK Mannah
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yhwhrulz · 2 years ago
Wayside Chapel Daily Devotional 18th May 2023
May 18
Luke 17:7-8, 10 7"Suppose one of you had a servant plowing or looking after the sheep. Would he say to the servant when he comes in from the field, 'Come along now and sit down to eat'? 8Would he not rather say, 'Prepare my supper, get yourself ready and wait on me while I eat and drink; after that you may eat and drink'?
10So you also, when you have done everything you were told to do, should say, 'We are unworthy servants; we have only done our duty.'"
The disciples asked Jesus to increase their faith. Jesus told them it wasn't how big your faith is, but that just having a little faith is enough to do great things. He followed that with the supposition in our passage for today.
We are servants of the Most High God. We should be daily doing what He directs us to do. It may be providing for our family or serving on a mission field. Whatever we do, we do it to the best of our ability to glorify God. When our main service for the day is over, we do not turn around and ask God to serve us. We are the servants even if we are friends. He is God; we are creatures. He asks us to do another act of service and we joyfully submit. It is our pleasure to serve such a gracious and loving God.
In this service we can expect His assistance. He will not act against us when we are serving, but on our behalf. He will supply the tools and time and anything else necessary to carry out His request. That is faith. It is believing in our relationship and His ability. Lack of faith is to ask Him to serve us. He always cares for His servants.
When a great thing comes to pass because we obeyed, we don't deserve any credit or commendation. We were just doing what we were instructed to do, and all the impossible things were done by our Master. Faith is just doing our duty. It is required of servants. Growing in faith is to grow in the realization of our relationship. If we know we are serving the Almighty, we know He will enable us to complete what He asks us to do. What a great honor to serve the Lord of all!
Consider: Is verse 10 your attitude in serving the Lord?
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jingyi-ma-boi · 11 months ago
That’s the whole point.
Wei Wuxian and Meng Yao are each other’s ‘What If’.
Novel Wei Wuxian and Meng Yao went through the same shit, with the difference that Meng Yao started from an even lower social standing. But all their ‘morally devious’ methods, and the killing, the maiming, and the torture they commit? They both do it to fulfill the wishes of people to whom they owe their lives, as well as to comply with their filial duties.
For Wei Wuxian, those figures are Jiang Femian and Yu Ziyuan —promise me you will protect them, and take responsibility for the fall of Yunmeng Jiang’s honor. For Meng Yao, that’s his mother and Jin Guangshan —claim what is yours by birthright, and do my [JGS’s] bidding to prove that your worthy of being my son.
And guess what? Complete and utterly blind devotion to their cause, in a society that does not believe in them nor in their right to exist, is what kills them. As I see it, that’s the main plot in MDZS, while slander and the power that public opinion hold over the unprivileged is more of a critical discourse focus that MXTX uses as a plot device. The difference is that while Wei Wuxian’s story goes from a gruesome epical Greek tragedy to a noir comedy (comedy in the sense that Wangxian gets a happy ending and not a ‘everyone dies, curse human hubris and those who dare go against fate’ ending) with a side of romance thanks to Nie Huaisang’s meddling, Meng Yao’s story remains the gruesome epical Greek tragedy that incorporates ALL OF THE WESTERN CLASSICS. Which is wild, cause yk, cultural differences and yadda yadda. And of course, the fandom is biased because what we read is the noir comedy with a side of romance that shows us the two epical Greek tragedies through the lens of that second comedy that blurs the nuances as it would happen in real life. I actually might be taking a huge leap with the whole Greek theatre tropos thing since I’m not that well versed in classical Chinese literature, so feel free to call me out on it. Back to the topic.
Wei Wuxian and Meng Yao are each other’s ‘What If’. What if Wei Wuxian stayed a poor orphan who got out of the streets by himself? What if Meng Shi’s hopes became real and her son grew up as a cultivator in the great sects? These are ideas that I know many AU’s explore, but they’re not the only divergence point.
The parallelisms between these two and their respective circles of influence are everywhere. Thats the reason why there are so many similes in MDZS interpersonal dynamics. They stem from these two!
Meng Yao had in Lan Xichen the revered authority figure that supported him and believed in him no matter what. Just like Wei Wuxian with Jiang Yangli, Meng Yao tried to protect him in whatever ways he could in return for that unconditional love, and he hurt him all the same before arriving at the end of his own fatal journey (I’m sorry, I couldn’t resist, you can yell at me if you want).
Nie Mingjue was the Sect Leader that hoped for Meng Yao’s unending loyalty and support. And I believe that it was reciprocated and that Meng Yao felt at home for a while at the Unclean Realm. However, the pain of being berated and disrespected by everyone, in a place where those he cared for and cared for him in return would never be able to understand him, became too much (I know what that is, I lived like that for years and felt just as wronged and revenge-thirsty, oops —I never resorted to violence nor anything that I couldn’t ensure would be low-risk given my being a BIPOC, disabled, queer, 1st-gen immigrant, though).
Instead, Nie Mingjue felt he had been betrayed, and the anger and paranoia that festered in him after, estranged him from everyone else he cared for. Had Meng Yao’s and Wei Wuxian’s roles been reversed, Wei Wuxian and Jiang Cheng could have very possibly killed each other as well, since the fraternal bond created by growing up together would not exist to prevent it. And to some extent, they did kill each other.
Wei Wuxian “betrayed” Jiang Cheng with the actions they think led to the burning of Lotus Pier. Not because any of it —that first night hunt contest humiliation, the indoctrination, etc.— was the direct cause. Anyone capable of critical thinking knows that they were simple excuses of the likes of what we’ve been seeing in Falasteen for the past 75 years, or in the Russian borders with Ukraine since 2014. No. Wei Wuxian’s betrayal was abandoning Jiang Cheng and disregarding his feelings when faced with the distress of what in Jiang Cheng’s mind are acquaintances that his sort-of older brother should not be prioritizing over him.
Not that I agree with Jiang Cheng’s actions but man, do I understand his feelings. And then there’s the whole you-killed-the-peacock-and-caused-Shijie’s-death-after-practically-killing-yourself-in-life-with-your-cultivation-and-now-I’m-alone-and-as-good-as-dead-too before he kinda kills Wei Wuxian too by leading the siege, condemning himself to be haunted by Wei Wuxian’s memory.
I’m not saying their actions and lives are a direct byproduct of their environment —in this house we say no to biological determinism! There are still many plot points and interpersonal features that are specific to each of them and would remain that way in a role reversal.
The very obvious romantic undertones of 3zun differ greatly from the fraternity of the Yunmeng Jiang Trio. Meng Yao would still blame Jianghu society for not recognizing that Meng Shi’s (and his) intellectual superiority make them make them deserving of a higher societal echelon than their background would entail. Wei Wuxian’s ADHD means that his rash and self-harming impulsivity would remain unchanged. In other words, Wei Wuxian’s hero-complex would remain a core trait, and Meng Yao would still be the ever-cunning manipulator whenever he deemed it necessary for his survival.
I also can’t stop thinking about how the similarities between Jiang Yangli and Lan Xichen, as well as Jiang Cheng and Nie Mingjue go far beyond what I’ve written in this post. It allows for some insight on how a role reversal between Jianghu’s greatest villains would impact them in other aspects of their lives, instead of just their dynamics with Wei Wuxian and Meng Yao. Guess I’ll leave that for another post, because I’ve already procrastinated more than I should’ve allowed myself to do.
I don't know if I'm being delusional but i just see so many parallels between wei ying and the villans of mo dao zu shi. Something about young meng yao being bullied by Madame Jin and constantly being cursed about his bastard status. And wei wuxian being accused of being the bastard of
Jiang fengmian and being constantly punished by Madame Yu. Also, weren't madame yu and madame jin like martial sisters or something ??
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flammend · 5 years ago
There was absolute stillness. No air stirred the grass or leaves. No clouds drifted in the sea above. No water dripped or flowed. Not a sound could be heard either close at hand or in the far off distance. Even her own breath seemed to die as soon as it left her mouth. It was an eerie sort of tranquility, so instead of being soothed her senses became heightened. What became a commotion was the person’s emotion of stress that she sensed beside her; couldn’t help but to wonder what could be wrong. She murmured out—
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❝ Are you alright? ❞
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fungal-wasted · 3 years ago
The Great Knight are OK AU
Also known as the selfindulgent AU in which i give ghem happiness. So in this universe, through various shenanigans the Five Great Knights decide to expand on their group, but in doing so they gotta challenge their current views on themselves, their duty, and what being a Knight really means. There is a lot of adoption too, this is a happy AU.
Below the cut are a few headcanons I have on the individual Knights. It got kind of long so I will leave timeline changes for another post lol. Ah and many of these can be subject to change. I just like taking the two scraps of canon lore we have on most of them and go with my imagination c:
So all 5 came to serve the King under different circumstances and for different reasons.
Dryya was the first, she was known as a fierce warrior, with an eye for detail and great speed.
She is a good leader and that's why she was chosen for the position.
She is the White Lady's favorite knight too.
As a quiet hobby, she likes knitting and embroidery.
She is kind of the mom of the group. A little strict but wise nonetheless.
She is the most well versed in diplomacy out of the five, leading to people to believe she is of noble birth, she won't deny or confirm.
Her biggest flaws are not taking care of herself and having a hard time to accept new ideas.
Hegemol joined after her. He was a common bug, but with a passion for mechanics.
He worked making the giant bug robot things you see in Crystal Peaks, but began using one as an armor since he thought it was practical. The Pale King was impressed with the achievements of this bug and granted him the position.
In a way it was his way to aknowledge hardowrking people and what they did for the Kingdom.
Hegemol is a really soft spoken guy, surprisingly, but he is quick to think and has a great sense of humor.
He hums while he works.
His biggest flaw is that he isn't great at social clues or reading the room. He will take things too seriously or not enough.
Ze'mer was the third. She was a traveller that knew of many places beyond the Wastes. She didn't plan on staying for long but she fell in love with the wonders of Hallownest.
At first her presence was a bit worrying for the Pale King. Her existence basically meant that the mind PK granted wasn't unique.
She was also a strong warrior, being able to take on beasts without even getting hurt.
She could become a powerful ally. Which is why PK chose her to become a Knight to serve the Kingdom. She agreed, since it also meant that other outsider bugs like her could be welcomed in better conditions.
Her biggest flaw is that she avoids conflict too much. She doesn't like to argue or have her views challenged, and she ignores her problems until they overwhelm her.
Seeing that having allies was a good idea, the pale beings looked for other candidates.
She's a mosskin, blessed by Unn. She was a protector of the area, and was rumored to use magic drawn from a similar force then Unn's dream.
This basically means she has some power over plants and acid
She is often tasked with recuing bugs.
It was the White Lady who asked her to join. Isma saw a chance of benefiiting her people and being their protector and took it. She swore to fight for the lives of innocent bugs.
Her main flaw is that she can be condescending and thinks she understands people, even when she really doesn't.
I'm a little open for different headcanons for him. For this one I'll say he was a Colosseum fighter. A pretty popular one amongst bugs, for being both a champion but also a really charming guy.
He ended up regretting this life, he felt like taking down weaker fighters was not honorable at all, and hurt more than helped. He was also kind of rough and not methodic, which made him doubt his own skill.
So, after meeting Isma as she was on duty, he decided to leave his past self and start as a new man, training to be a Knight
He was welcomed by the King, both thanks to Isma's influence and the word that had spread of this defender.
Rumors say Ogrim is his favorite knight and they share a lot in common, considering they both left their previous "identity" behind.
Ogrim likes to sing.
His biggest flaw is that his loyalty sometimes blinds him, and his judgement can be skewed.
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roobylavender · 2 years ago
Kory being put in a position of motherhood would be so different and something I don’t think has really been done in regards to iconic characters in main continuity having children. Like women in comics are either the ones married to the hero and are the mother of their kids or they are the ones who get killed off at the beginning to make way for the hero. But can we honestly say that dc or marvel (I’m not to well versed there to be honest) has had a woman in that role who is super powered and is a mother and is still hero-ing with no like affiliation to like a set in place family (batfamily, Arrow fam, etc.) Like yes we have Wonder Woman but I don’t think like she has that kind of audience where a child is something people would want to see from her. And Kory doesn’t have that solo hero status but it’s not because she can’t, but because dc has failed to work with her in any way that currently can push her into this role. She’s ready for it and she has the audience for it. She literally could be the hero on par with so many others and yet nothing.
YEAH.. the way dc treats motherhood is very all or nothing like either you're a civilian mother holding down the fort with a job on the side or you're a mother and then you're dead or obv in our worst case scenarios you're a witch mother doomed to abusing your child lol. the rare standout example of imra aka saturn girl from the legion of super heroes does come to mind but ig that's on a technicality bc garth aka lightning lad decided to step in and take on more of the stay at home duties while imra maintained an active leadership role in the legion (at least as i recall. my legion reading is very sparse but i remember i had a brief phase where i was obsessed with these two and read issues for them here and there). otherwise i don't think dc gives much credence to characters who are mothers and get to be like. honored in that and their own personhood simultaneously. it's very odd bc i'm sure there's a fanbase that could relate to that yknow like there are plenty of adult women reading comics and some of them have got to be mothers so the fact that the portrayal of that experience is so.. subpar.. is really abysmal. and i really do agree kory would have been a fabulous exploration of it had writers cared it's a shame they didn't
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ofhouseadama · 3 years ago
Do all the Bashir-Garak (Garak-Bashir?) kids have names in your mind, or just Zoya? Also, eldest sister Zoya going into Fleet like her human dad 💙 He’s so proud and so worried. What’s her division/department? Is she a doctor too?
Julian asserts that the Bashir line ended when he took Garak's last name, and they will all proudly descend from a service-class woman raised in an orphanage because fuck Richard and fuck his aspirations for the Bashir family name, all of Julian's children and Richard's grandchildren will bear the name Garak.
So Zoya is from The Last Poem of Old Cardassia verse in which Garak ends up the Kardasi version of the paterfamilias of his own house, despite his best efforts not to, with his own spouse and dependents and children and eventual grandchildren. The children are, in order of oldest to youngest: Zoya, Solyana, Semion, Lizal, Agrafena, Tolan, Daniil, Zakhar, and Mila. They're a mixed bag of deeply traumatized war orphans, Dukat's surviving half-Bajoran bastards, human-Cardassian hybrid foundlings, and medically fragile children of unknown provenance. The family line is that Garak has a fondness for "bastards, orphans, and broken things."
In The Last Poem of Old Cardassia'verse, Garak finds himself with far more of a political career than he's necessarily comfortable with out of a deal he made with Oralius in order to save Cardassia's soul. He's the Foreign Minister when it's decided that Zoya should go to Starfleet Academy to show that Cardassia is ready to rejoin intergalactic foreign affairs on the main stage and aid the family's public image abroad and show that Cardassia is ready to participate in peace and peaceful exploration. She refuses to, at any point, tell Julian what her grades are and graduates Starfleet Medical as valedictorian. In part because he doesn't care, but also in part because she's a brat. She joins what's supposed to be a science expedition alongside her friend Molly O'Brien in the Gamma Quadrant when her ship discovers Odo, near death, having been flung out of the Great Link by the Founders. They're the first vessel to receive word that a Dominion fleet has gathered at the neutral zone where, for the past twenty years, the Dominion has refused to send a representative to the annual meeting of the Federation and the Dominion. The first vessel to receive word that the Dominion fleet has attacked. The first vessel to realize that they are once again at war.
Being the eldest duty-bound daughter of the former chosen one has it's risks, after all.
She starts in medical and takes a detour through command once her CO is KIA while in deep space running reconnaissance against the Founders. Becomes an intelligence officer, discovers a Section 31 op to collaborate with the Dominion. Gets captured by the Dominion, finds her brother Tolan in the prison camp with her. Escapes. Finds the remains of Tain's fleet. Sends Tolan back to Cardassia. Becomes a pirate. Ends up back in Medical when her fragment fleet crashes into a Big Final Battle in the Gamma Quadrant, she has to abandon ship, and gets beamed aboard a Starfleet vessel commanded by Auntie Dax. Ship explodes after being boarded as the battle drags on for days, and instead of evacuating, Zoya goes back for Molly O'Brien and her rag tag crew. They don't make it off, and end up in a pocket of the ship free-floating in space. Her panic button, having been broken in the tumult, finally activates after three days of the dead man's switch not being tripped and they get picked up by Alexander Rozhenko, in command of his own Klingon war ship -- The House of Martok owes the House of Garak and Bashir a life debt, and I will repay that debt on my honor as a Klingon -- who takes them back to DS9.
Kira Nerys boxes their ears and tells them if they weren't still chasing the remnant of the Dominion Fleet, she'd take them both home herself. Instead she settles for putting Zoya and her loyal few on a shuttle to Cardassia, and make them promise to deliver her home -- and that Miles and Keiko O'Brien are already en route, so Molly better not think she's getting out of anything, here. They're all in trouble. They're all in so much trouble.
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lcorps-agents · 3 years ago
The Semi-Official Blog Of Lobotomy Corporation’s Agents
Welcome to the semi-official (for now?) blog belonging to currently two three four of the agents that work at L Corp’s headquarters. You will most often see short interactions between us, and our superiors. Please be respectful, and try not to do things such as trapping yourself in a vent on purpose. And yes, Basil, that was a thinly veiled call-out.
The employees behind the blog
He/him pronouns
Level 5 Agent
Uses EGO Suit: Paradise Lost and EGO Weapon: Paradise Lost
Currently assigned to Training Department. He is the captain of his department.
Mason has been here for a while now. He’s collected gift after gift, lost friend after friend. He lived in the outskirts during his childhood, so it was practically a miracle to him to get into a Wing.
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They/them pronouns
Level 4 Agent
Uses EGO Suit: Faint Aroma and EGO Weapon: Feather of Honor
Currently assigned to Safety Department
Having been here for almost as long as Mason has, they’ve definitely made friends with him. It seems like Basil and Mason are practically the only two agents of that time left.
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Level 5 Agent
Uses EGO Suit: Adoration and Ego Weapon: Solemn Lament
Currently assigned to Extraction Department
Miho has been here for a mere few days or more, and he‘s already much more well-versed than his peers! Possibly lending to the fact he was trained before going even on shift his first day. Aside from that, hu seems notably terrified of Binah. I wonder exactly why. It tends to be a bit of a mystery. Wish them good luck!
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Any pronouns
Level 5 Agent
Uses EGO Suit: Sound Of A Star and EGO Weapon: Adoration
Currently assigned to Information Department. He is the captain of his department.
Having been here for quite a while, and being recently promoted to the captain of the department xe’s assigned to, he’s entrusted with many responsibilities.. that ae really don’t want. They’d rather just lean back and work the more laidback abnormalities. Working any others gives jem a headache. Usually stress-induced. Sometimes CENSORED-induced. Ey sometimes is off-duty. This has happened to save thons life as of recent. Even then, yo is currently busy with less dangerous work when off-duty… such is the life of a department captain.
// NOTE: Bio needs a rewrite, it kind of became inaccurate very fast when I actually started playing him ;;v v
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Our superiors
(OOC: I might of missed some, I can’t remember all of them off the top of my head, lmk in dms who else to add!)
OOC Section
This blog is run by me, Consta. I also run @badlcorpaus. I use they/she pronouns.
Guidelines for interaction
Nothing fully nsfw; innuendos and light-hearted jokes are okay, explicit stuff is not.
No slurs.
Please use proper rp etiquette. I.E; if you want to kill a character of mine, ask me first.
No aphobia, nbphobia, panphobia, biphobia, racism of any kind, sexism, p*dophilia/M*Ps, terfs, etc.
Brackets are used to indicate actions and thoughts.
That’s basically it. If you want a fairly even fight scene, we can go into DMs and roll dice for it like in a TTRPG.
Note, June 20th 2022: Currently not doing the RP thing. I am trying to iron out which of my OCs to use. Also, I keep accidentally rb’ing posts I mean to rb to my main.
Note, June 20th 2022: I feel like I have to note this: I made Basil before I was into Omori, I did not him off of Omori’s Basil. Omori Basil is very sweet and lovable though
Note, August 25th 2022: Anons are currently off in-universe. Anons are back on!
Note, August 27th 2022: We’re mid-arc.
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asgardianhammer · 4 years ago
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“ A god who wondered every day if he was worthy, without realizing, that was the very thing that made him so..."
჻ϟ჻  Marvel Thor Indie RP  ჻ϟ჻  MCU based  ჻ϟ჻ ჻ϟ჻  slight comic & heavy myth influences  ჻ϟ჻                     EST: 12.Nov.2013
|| Heavily canon-divergent from Ragnarok onward || 
|| Driven and developed by threads and personal headcanons ||
|| Adored by: Mir || 30 + || she/her || semi-selective ||
|| Rules || Verses || Memes || Plots || 
A study in: duty & honor personified, survivor’s guilt, the godly urge to rage and release some of the pain, a quest for a home within himself and within others, finding value in others, finding value in living, guiding with a strong but gentle hand, learning still, processing the inevitability of death, remaining kind when all else is cruel, forgiveness without forgetting, containing and not abusing power, finding joy and purpose, honoring what once was and creating a new future.
update 01-2025 : I have not seen Love & Thunder and I will not be adopting anything from that movie, please also keep in mind that during Ragnarok his arc goes bananas and canon-divergent. I can’t stress this enough so please, please check out my rules and the Ragnarok PSA for clarification. I have also not seen Loki the series yet, I plan to still but don’t have the mental stamina for it yet, I apologize.
affiliates:  - untamedtempest - utsxlevshiy -  mains: - lettherebemonsters - 
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