#✦ verse: crime lord (jason todd)
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normaltothemax · 10 months ago
[Dickhead]: Would you still love me if I was a worm?
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k3nnjamin · 25 days ago
Yeah, Jason Todd is the terrifying, gun slinging, crime-lord-for-fun Red Hood. Be he will always be a nerd and a loser first and foremost. And at any possible moment he has a quote from some classic novel or, like, the bible or something (he read it looking for some answers but all he got out of it were some badass verses he quotes at Bruce when he pisses him off (which is often)).
So when, in the middle of a villain takedown that Red Hood begrudgingly agreed to help the Bats with, he yells a line at a group of goons and ... one of them quotes a line right back at him.
Jason stops dead in his tracks.
"really? The Great fucking Gatsby?" the first goon asks. "Didn't take the Red Hood for a damn book nerd."
A second goon pipes up, a desperate attempt to save their collective asses a couple more seconds, "It was super scary when you said it, Mr. Hood!"
The first one is still going, he launches into a tirade about the themes of the novels and how, yeah whatever quote Red Hood used was clever considering their circumstances, but jesus christ dude have you heard of context? You sound like a fucking idio–
Jason tackles the guy screaming. The warehouse goes mostly quiet as villains and bats alike stop to watch the two duke it out, screaming like madmen about literature.
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ghost-bxrd · 1 year ago
blog guidelines and tags
Hi! I’m GhostBird! This blog is dedicated to any and all things Batman and Robin related featuring copious amounts of fluff and feels 💚
First of all: be kind. Both to me and to each other. If there’s a prompt/opinion you don’t like please keep scrolling or simply block. Rude commentary or harassment of any kind will not be tolerated, and yes that also applies to ships you may find distasteful. If I have too many people going anon to be rude I will be turning that function off. This is a safe space, and I will enforce that with prejudice. 🐍
Second of all: Have Fun. Go wild. And if you have any questions, feel free to send me an ask 🦅
Shuck — Church Grimm Jason AU 🐺
what you’re longing for you claim to abhor — for the fic with Jason pretending to be a hallucination where the Bats think Hood was Jason’s boyfriend 🫀
The Antithesis of Magic — for the fic where Jason Todd adopts a young Bruce Wayne from an alternate universe and takes him back to his own and now has to navigate being a dad to a traumatized ten year old who’s hell bent on becoming a vigilante while simultaneously juggling his night job as a crime lord, all while keeping both their identities secret from the Bats 🦇
Fae Dick Grayson — the Fae au with multiple headcanons and little convos without an actual fic (yet) lol 🌲
Court Family — the batfam as part of the Court of Owls AU 🪙
Selkie Au — Selkie Jason 🦭
Owl Song — for the Talon!Dick fic series I’m writing featuring lots of feels 🦉
Mer Au — the batfam as merpeople! Featuring Leviathan Jason and Siren!Dick and researcher Calvin Rose and a lot of mysteries 🌊
Dragon Au — medieval Dragon Rider Au, with the canon vigilante personas as dragons 🐉
prompts — plot bunnies that hit me over the head at random times of the day. If you get inspired, feel free to write something for it. 💚
Digital Art — my art (unless it’s reblogged) ranging from sketches and little comic doodles to full paintings. Usually of the angsty variety ⛈️
ghost talks — responses to asks and suggestions, some general musings, and random thoughts 👻
brainstorming — brainstorming for fic ideas or existing fics
Etsy — updates and stuff for my Etsy store, mostly Batboys related 🦅
Sneak Peek — Drabble previews of upcoming fics ✍��
Scrapbook — scrapbook project for Owl Song, with hidden infos and secret messages for this verse 🦉📖
Mer Au — look up the “blog guide” tag for a guide to mer au tags 🌊
Echoes Zine — a zine project I’m working on that will be featuring mostly Jason with Dick and Tim cameos :)
Some Links 🔗
And… that’s pretty much it for now. I’ll update this list when or if necessary ✨
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beautyconsumer · 8 months ago
I'm tryna keep working on the wips I've already got online but one idea has been nagging me to share
So Concept: Mob Wife/Husband Grant, Crime Lord/Mob boss Jason, JayGrant obsv
So after taking the serum Grant has health complications despite having a perfect body (to Jason’s eyes and most people, which is great for his ego) and superhuman habilites he can't really use without feeling overexertion, in the middle of mercenary work which is mostly intel gathering he meets Jason "Crime Lord, Red Hood" Todd.
They charm each other immediately, Grant with his overconfident attractiveness and Wilson rizz™, Jason with his witt, his obsessive (bat patented) and passionate nature.
Watch them fall out of the dynamic they automatically built around power/transaction and gratification/possession and actually fall for each other.
I'm thinking particularly on a abo/verse because gender roles, but anything works honestly.
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jasontoddspussy · 11 months ago
Holo there.
Name's Saphomet (He/it). This is my Ao3/fanworks account.
Main account where i reblog whatever; @sensualautopsy
Questions that are medical or mortuary themed are very welcome!
Terfs aren't welcome, I'm aggressively trans and queer friendly::)
If you've read any of my works and have any questions feel free to ask!
Wishing everyone a good day.
A list of my all-time favourite fanfictions
In alphabetical order. I will attempt to update this as I find more stuff to read! ::,)
(apparently there's a link limit to add in a post...)
Ao No Exorcist 
Bulletproof by XCountrySkiier03
Eating is a Lot of Work by Fairytale Warrior
Fugacious [series] by bluewindfall
Okumura Rin's Crash Course in Demon Anatomy and Biology: A Comprehensive Guide with Personal Annecdotes and Tips for Overcoming the Worst of Demon Puberty by Caubool
The one I hate Is Myself by C.BAngel900
The sound of an omen from the center of a hurricane by bluewindfall
Batman (all types)
A Bark Worse than His Bite by Skalidra
A word, a look, will be enough by feyburner (18+)
Artificial Gravel by thenafics
Bang, bang by Ididloveyou_once
Batman is a Very Serious Scary Vigilante by akcugrai
Black, Blue, and Red All Over by writewhatyouwanttoread
chew until it bleeds by dukeaubergine (18+)
dead men tell no tales 'verse by Mikkal
don't come back for me by Soltoc
i know the end by WhatTheHeckIsGoingOn
I’m Pretty Sure Tim Steals Clothes: An Elaboration In The Form Of A Long Fic by PrinceJakeFireCake
in the doghouse now by Fenris13 [18+, series]
IRIS Log #1548 by deadchannelradio
Jason Todd's Guides for The Respectable Zombie Series by A_Fandom_Related_Name
Lone Wolf by SalParadiseLost
my hero. series by Anonymous [18+]
Not so Alone by Blueseabird2
of crime lords and literature by adelfie
Operation Friendship Helmet by goldenraeofsun
Playing with Matches by CrouchingTiger28
The Vertex of My Redemption Arc by cryptic_losers
This Dark Ceiling Without a Star by Miss_Lazy_Tuesday
(How to) Forgive and forget by Legal_kidnapping
And thus, we live  by  Kail_lizuc
Everything I want to do is illegal- a self help book- by AdyingFlower
Grandmaster of miscalculation by silver jackdaw (cizzi)
Lovers of lost dimensions by Miss_nighteye (terryh) (18+)
Lusus Naturae by WildTama
Neutrality order (Series) by AngeliaDark  (suggestive themes)
Proximal by artistfingers, Perfectly_Inconspicuou
Something's gotta give by Worldstubbiestcat (confirmed Discontinued)
Speak no evil by bibivi 
Speak of the devil by Gentrychild
Take only what you need by Intent_To_Stay (Confirmed discontinued)
Yesterday upon the stair by PitViperOfDoom
Danny Phantom 
by your grave (the monster we made) by UnderForeversGrace
Death Day Evolution by gamma_radio
definition of insanity (is doing the same thing) by UnderForeversGrace
lie like a tombstone (yet secrets will bloom) by murphy_kitt
Tourist Repellent by TorScrawls
Vice series by dweeblet, paenling (dweeblet), Patchykins
What Big Eyes You Have by Gingersnapped
What it means to be by UnderForeversGrace
worth the war underneath my skin by UnderForeversGrace
DP x DC 
a part of me that'll never be mine by halfagone (milkywxy)
Bus to Nowhere by foldingfacets 
Funeral Rites by BumblingBeesAndWillowTrees
Have You Heard of Danny Wayne? by FortunateCookie
If You Give a Bat a Burger by Cielle_Noire
I'm King Boo by TourettesDog
Life, Death, and In Between by SaturdayNightFrights
Our Empty Graves by suomifae
Phantom Children: Redux by apotheosis_avaritia
Phoenix Down by Imp_y
regular boy: daniel wayne by diamondrozie
TWINcognito mode by nerdpoe
Gravity Falls
Blood bath by RoboticSpaceCase (18+)  
Faking it by BurnerAccount (18+)
Hunter x Hunter
Once bitten x Twice shy by korns
Song for the Yellowed Woods by Grandoverlord
Legend of Zelda
A Hero’s spirit by SilvermistAnimeLover 
Language of Monsters by Laufskadus
sewn back together wrong by ballroomnotoriety
Linked Universe 
Alone we fight by SilvermistAnimeLover
Bush Ghost by Tricksterburd
Degrees of Resurrection by Gintrinsic
Creation (Both Haunted and Holy) by GhostPlasma
In a mockery of recollection series by Depths
Let's not and say we did by sincerelyMystic
Scales, Wings, and Mythical Things by FantomoDrako
Year of the Rabbit by BlindBrilliance
Flip the coin/Face the change by Inrainbowz
Time travel? What the fuck? by Dragonpyre
One Piece
(Ir)Responsible by oumriel
(Two) small mercies by fingersfallingupwards
Burning rubber series by Kitsune foxfire (crossover)
Feral by Kitsune foxfire
Near death experiences by Monch_Monch
Switching it up by kitsune-foxfire
Take the world by storm by Geokat
Turning myself into my brother by artistic_arsonist
Young but built to fall by Fingers-falling-upwards
A spanner in the clockworks by All_five_pieces_of_exodia
ache in the rain (and remember the wounds) by Scribblurri
Auribus Teneo Lupum by Unknown
Ben has two dads by regala_electra (18+)
Brothers blood series by diana_lucifera, stormageddon
Delicate broken bird by Sparrowshellcat
Consequentiality by Kerfluffling (18+)
Fortress by glasslogic (18+)
Memory is a fickle siren song by sleepypercy (18+)
The Time Dean was Sam's Girlfriend and Jess Entered the Winchester Family Business, and Something unpredictable (but in the end it’s right) by fleshflutter and  phoenixflight for fleshflutter  (in the same section since 1 is a sequel done by a separate author and isn’t a series. 18+) 
I want to make it clear that regardless of whether a work is finished or not, there is no shade or shame at all from my side. It's been an absolute pleasure to read any of these works, and the authors owe me nothing.
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saintofsacrilege · 9 days ago
why aren’t we freaking out more about the potential of a jason todd variant in the battinson verse? victor aguilar (a character with no direct comic counterpart. just btw) literally tried stealing oz’s tires in the penguin and then was being trained to become a crime lord before he was tragically murdered. AM I GOING INSANE WHY ARENT WE SCREAMING AND CRYING ABOUT THIS???
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normaltothemax · 10 months ago
This graveyard wasn’t a place he often visited. Sometimes, on a bad day, he might come to visit Catherine for a bit. Talk to her about his life, ask her where everything went so wrong. Sometimes, on a really bad day, he might visit his own grave. Sit in front of it and think about the taste of dirt and worms and the feeling of broken fingers and torn nails. Wonder why no one ever noticed he’d clawed his way out. If they’d ever bothered visiting, they would have seen the overturned dirt. Talia had found out about his return literal years before Bruce. Had they really cared that little?
This wasn’t one of those days.
He wasn’t here to wallow in self-pity, he was here to help Dean with a job. (A job he was certain Dean could have handled on his own. He’d framed it as “keeping him company,” but Jason was pretty sure Dean had taken one look at him, seen that he was in a mood, and taken him along just to get him out of the house.) Ghoul clean-up, along with making sure no other graves had been disturbed. Dean had killed one already, they needed to make sure there weren’t any others.
Jason hadn’t realized he’d been gravitating towards his own grave until he heard a familiar voice carrying across the grounds. Frowning, he drifted closer on silent feet, no longer paying attention to the other graves.
What the hell was Dickhead doing here?
He circled around behind Dick to stay out of sight, using a nearby mausoleum for cover while he eavesdropped. I miss you, he said. I should’ve been there, he said. Jason scowled. It was a little too late for that, wasn’t it? Pretty words for a dead kid, fueled only by a guilty conscience.
Well, good. He should feel fucking guilty. All Jason had ever wanted was for Dick to like him, to have a real brother, and he’d been snubbed at every turn. The only reason Dick felt bad now was because Jason died. He wouldn’t be saying any of this shit if he hadn’t.
I miss you.
I’m sorry.
Jason’s hands balled into fists as his jaw clenched. Fuck him. What fucking right did he have, coming here, acting like he gave a shit? They’d fucking replaced him. Jason hadn’t even been cold in the ground and they’d had a new little Robin running around. What, had he just been waiting in the wings like a goddamn understudy? Had they been hoping something would happen to their broken toy soldier so they could play with their shiny new one?
They hadn’t even noticed he’d come back! He’d been wandering around Gotham for god knows how long before someone found him and contacted Talia. If any of them had actually cared, they would have noticed. Dick didn’t get to treat him like shit, to replace him, to not notice, and then turn around and try to play big brother. Absolutely fucking not.
Fuck him. Jason had half a mind to march over there and sock him in the fucking jaw for this shit. Growling under his breath, he turned away. He couldn’t fucking listen to this shit anymore. He had a fucking job to do—those other graves weren’t going to check themselves.
@normaltothemax asked for this >w>
"Hey, Jay. It's been a while."
Dick pauses in front of the headstone, staring at the name carved on it. He knows it by heart, of course, has done since the moment he saw it, but that doesn't make looking at it any easier. Jason doesn't belong here, not if there was any justice in this world. He ought to be still alive, still laughing and being a general little shit and bouncing over trips to the bookstore or new deliveries from Wilde's in Kensington, not…not here, beneath a granite cross.
And it has been a while since Dick's been able to visit. Everything with Bludhaven kind of devoured his life - almost literally, especially over the past half a year - and now with Bludhaven gone…well, here he is. And feelng guilty as hell about it. Sure, it's only been a year since his last visit, but even so. He could have made time earlier.
With a soft sigh he settles on the ground beside the headstone, laying the small bouquet of flowers he brought at its base. Jason's favorites; he can still remember that, even after all this time. Leaning against the stone Dick stares at the grass, lost in thought. Where should he begin…?
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"Bruce is doing okay," he says quietly. "Alfred, too, and Babs. She and Alfred trade recipes sometimes; she gave him one for a cinnamon cookie the other day that you would've loved. I'm back in town now, at least for a while, so I'll try to come visit more."
A pause. Dick's hand runs over the grass idly. "…I miss you, y'know. We all do. I know I've said it before, but I-…I should've been there for you. More than I was. Hell, I should've been there at all. You were a good kid - a helluva good kid - and I was…I was too busy being angry at Bruce to bother seeing it. I've…I've tried to make up for that, with Tim. Tried to be there for him, so I don't fail him the way I failed you. I think it's been working, for the most part, so there's that."
He falls silent then, hand still tracing over the grass. At this hour, with the sun's last rays shining over the horizon, the cemetery's deserted except for him; there's no one to really hear if he keeps speaking aloud. That's why he chose now to visit, to ensure he won't be disturbed. The words keep coming after a few more moments.
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"…A part of me wonders if you hate me for that. For not being there. For failing you. You've got every right to; you deserved better than that. I should've been better than that. I should've been there. But I wasn't. Not even when you needed me most. I'd hate me for that; I can't blame you if you do."
He laughs softly then, hollow and mirthless. "I've let everyone down, it seems…You, and now Babs, and Bruce…and Bludhaven…But hell, you don't want to hear me whining about that," he adds with a shake of his head. "I know I wouldn't. And you're probably tired as hell of me apologizing, but…what else can I do? I can't change the past. Can't make it up to you, not really…best I can do is just try to learn from my mistakes and not fuck things up again. Doesn't feel like enough, some days, but what choice have I got?"
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Dick sighs again, eyes sliding closed as his head rests against the gravestone. "…I miss you, little wing. I'm sorry I never told you that before. I'm sorry I'm saying it so late now. I'm sorry I couldn't be the brother you deserved. And I promise I'll visit more often now I'm back in town. I owe you that much at least."
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Jason Todd
Jason is as someone else put it succinctly "a mass-murdering terrorist and tax-evader". He does evil, the story constantly condemns him as evil and sinful and thuggish and stupid and uneducated and overemotional. He does have a lower and more selective kill count than Luke Skywalker, John Wick, Disney Mulan, etc. So you got part of the fandom writing an annoying flood of fan fiction about him being a warm soft nice guy skipping through the daisies with his fam (hey have fun, guys). Then you got another side picking out the worst ex-canon comics for him (while they ignore the worst ex-canon comics for their own fave characters i.e. "my fave only did evil because of a mind-control potion, but Jason always chooses to be evil even though the story and the writer himself said he was crazy and broken and suffering from magic insanity")... and accuse him of being a cop (he is a cop-hating cop-killing terrorist murderer criminal thuggy thug thug constantly being hunted by law enforcement in a world bursting to the brim with actual copaganda while the heroes regularly cooperate with police—so many anti-fans are misusing the term copaganda because they hate this fictional character to the point they want to train people to be blind to actual copaganda). Jason is absolutely a villain—and he returned to his hometown when it was a battlefield with hundreds killed in the latest conflict, ruled over by a child-killing torture-enthusiast. War is always wrong and evil, and Jason was raised to be a soldier in that war—and when the promises of justice and safety never came true, he decided to seize power through murder. Jason is evil. He is inarguably a lesser evil than what usually plagues the town. Innocent people are alive because he got his hands dirty. He is such an asshole. People like him should not exist. He shot a 10-year-old in the chest, and nobody not even the 10-year-old cared the next day because it really wasn't a big deal. He was kidnapped by a billionaire with a taste for young boys, and it's literally not a big deal. His crimesagainst fashion are unforgivable tho.
Batman's adopted son and second Robin that got killed by the Joker and came bag to enact a revenge plan by becoming a Gotham drug lord. He had a duffel bag of 8 decapitated heads at some point and planted a bomb on the Batmobile and then got his throat slit by Batman to save the Joker. He stole his older adoptive brother's (first Robin) identity and blew up a high school but he forbade Gotham's drug rings from selling to children and actually became an anti-hero in Gotham and killed the people Batman wouldn't (rapists, drug lords, etc.). He attacked his little adoptive brother (third Robin) and beat him to a bloody pulp. He also slept with Batman's baby mama. He raised a fucked up Superman clone with kindness. He has lead teams of Outlaws on multiple occasions that love him. He's on good terms with many (not all) of Gotham's vigilantes.
Listen. I love the guy, I love him dearly, but I feel like people these days are trying to make him like completely justified in everything he did?? And like you can see where he’s coming from, sure, but my man did absolutely beat Tim Drake, a teen, half to death for the crime of being Robin. He’s morally gray! He had decapitated heads in duffle bags! Let my guy be morally gray please stop woobifying him
Jason Todd is regularly stripped of his autonomy in fandom to make him more palatable and “redeemable”. They attribute his legitimate trauma, annger, and pain driven actions to “pit madness” a side effect of the way he was resurrected. Not only that but so many people don’t even know what he actually does when he comes back, it’s like a shitty game of telephone where each person tells the next a slightly altered version of his return and at the end everyone thinks that Jason hates the kid who took up the Robin mantle after him and wants to kill him and that he is mad at Bruce for no reason and all Bruce needs to do is tell Jason that he is loved (despite Jason having a lot of evidence to the contrary) and everything will be all better. His values and beliefs and convictions are treated as invalid and his trauma is something he needs to just get over because it’s inconvenient and harmful to everyone else and doesn’t he know that everyone else was also traumatized by his death?
vigilante who kills people • traumatized as hell • has trouble differentiating between good deeds and selfishness • shot his little brother on the spine • tried to kill his other two brothers • operates under the belief that controlling evil is the only way to help innocents • has an immesurable love for the people of Gotham and really wants them to be happy and safe!! • please for the love of god fandom stop talking about him as if the bad things hes done are forgiveable AND as if the good things he's done don't matter
Gonna be honest even canon misinterprets him. There's no winning. All you need to know about DC universe is that multiple different writers have had a go at writing him and every time he is wildly different which is maybe why people interpret him very differently?? Canon interprets him in a he did everything wrong way a lot of times and fanon interprets him in a he did nothing wrong way because he is blorbo to many, when he is very much someone who did a lot of shit wrong but also had a lot going on, while thats still not an excuse for like, a lot of maiming and murder, and (usually) later in the timeline he is less trigger happy and has evened out from villain to morally grey, his whole "redemption" to being morally grey is usually up to fan interpretation whether or not they're chill with letting him keep murdering bad people or they say no murder in general, and whether or not bats is chill with the whole he keeps murdering people thing since he has a staunch no murder stance. Also!! a lot of people in fanon write in the whole pit insanity thing as a way to excuse a lot of the things he did while in his full on villain era, and like,,, i don't think that was canon??? like i straight up think the whole pit madness thing was made up but a lot of DC canon is wibbly wobbly already so its hard to say. hope this wasn't too word salady but i hope you understand that whenever you are consuming any piece of media, canon or fanon, with this man in it you have literally no idea what you are stumbling into you, you are playing fucking spin the wheel, which flavour of Jason Todd are we reading about today. I will say though, canon does objectively treat him like dogshit and only really brings him back every now and then as a punching bag for Batsy whenever they want to have edgy emo abusive dad bruce wayne because comic writers think found family is for chumps and so is being a good parent and actively resist it with every ounce of their soul :/ so I understand why fanon strays so far away, it's just that fanon also can't seem to agree on the degree of morally grey he is?? idk someone save Jason it's the worst custody battle of the century between canon and fanon.
Miguel O'Hara
he is dj internalized homophobia. he is so so sick in the head
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normaltothemax · 11 months ago
@therebetterbepie because I live for the pain
What was he even doing here? He shouldn’t…he should be back at his crummy safehouse, figuring out his next move. Things didn’t go as planned, the only thing to do now was regroup and reevaluate. Instead he was standing outside a familiar door in a worn red hoodie and jeans, fresh bandage on his throat standing out starkly from beneath the collar, sans mask.
This was stupid. Jason was stupid. He should never have come here. He should have learned his lesson, by now. Tonight had proven that he couldn’t trust people to care. That he was in this on his own. And yet…
And yet.
Jaw tense as he struggled to will back several conflicting emotions, he knocked on the door, immediately shoving both hands into the front pocket of his hoodie. He looked down, careful not to move his neck too much, shifting his weight from one foot to the other. Maybe Dean wouldn’t be home. Maybe—
The door opened. Jason stared at Dean’s feet. Managed to croak a “Hey,” before not quite hiding a wince.
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psychologeek · 2 years ago
Psy's masterpost
Like my writing? Came here for a prompt and wants more? (update: 06.05.24/
I HAVE AO3! PsycholoGeek feel free to look. (I love comments. Just saying 😜)
Writing Tags:
"my additions" (adding to others)
"my writing" (og/long adds)
"my poems" (poems)
Not all my writing is there, of course.
Fic Recs (personal favourites)
Who am I (to disappear) - DC, Cass-centric, 22k words. Who am I (to disappear) - David Cain tried to create a weapon. Weapon forge themself into something new. (Many names, they\them Cass). Ft. Kid!Jason, Mayan mythology, and the many forms of communication. It also has an extended version. I highly recommend reading the fic first, and THEN going for.the EV, as it contains spoilers and lose the emotional damage and delight you may get.
Witwat and the Jin - Batman, 2,245 words. Damian had a brother, once. (H/C. Happy ending.)
Grave Promises - Batman, 2,111 words. Healing and recovery and disability isn't a tragedy.
Sing Me To Sleep - DP*DC 19k words. Tws in tags. Tim and healing (it gets worse before it gets better. But it gets better.)
A list of my fics (complete and WIPs) undercut:
Completed one-shot:
Who am I (to disappear) - David Cain tried to create a weapon. Weapon forge themself into something new. (Many names, they\them Cass). Ft. Kid!Jason Todd, Mayan mythology, and sign language. (Stand alone, technically prequel to "Sweet Dreams", but no need to read.)
Grave Promises (Batman, 2,111 words) - very important to me. Life, recovery, and disability is not a tragedy. Barbara kill the Joker, but it isn't the focus.(Barbara Gordon focused.)
Do You Understand?  ( Encanto, 330 words).c
Witwat and the Jin (Batman, 2,245 words) - Dami-being-Dami and slowly understandings.
Just short of a fairy tale (I told myself that I wouldn't be scared) (Batman, 770 words) - urban fantasy. Jason Todd centric.
Sing Me To Sleep - DP*DC (19k words). After fired from Robin, Tim had enough. He's done with life. Clockwork said "not today, bitch" and got some good old ectoshot. Ft. Jazz Fenton as an older sister TM and the 3Ds as their usual chaotic selves. (I wrote the second half, chapters 2-6. A bit heavy, but I hope I did well with the subject.)
Hold Them Close -DP*DC (12k words). I wrote the first chapter+Fanart. Danny escaped Vlad and his experiments with bb!Ellie, and flew straight up-up-and above. In the watchtower, our heroes sees a monster and (what they think is) a child in distress. Misunderstandings and whump, with the last quarter of the fic as comfort and fluff :)
Main serieses:
Sweet Dreams - (DC, 3 works, 1 complete. ~17k words). Reverse Robins + Badman verse (inspired by @byrambles fic). Batboy's younger brothers were taken by the Batman who defeated his father. Trying to protect them, he promise his loyalty to the newcomer. But even though he assure him he is perfectly trained, and can properly punish the kids to surrender, the man isn't impressed. In which there's Misunderstandings and sadness (first fic). The series deals with trauma and the ongoing issues it causes, and shows how it changes you. TW: Include suicidality+mention of kid's suicidality, flashbacks, mentioned past child sexual abuse, dissociations, Whump and angst with eventual comfort. I don't go in details about their past, but it's important to notice that the first 2 fics contains HEAVY (but non graphic) themes.
Liminal Skills for the Living Dead - also known as "therapy verse". DP x DC xover. AKA Anger Management! Fake dating for fun and profit. Enter family, friends, and Wikipedia explanations of some necessary skills as titles. Jazz is her autistic with anxiety self. Jason is a crime lord with anger management issues.
Or: in which THERE'S THERAPY!! (6 works - 4 are complete. ~30k words)
Lost and Found (if this wings could fly) - also known as "FF AU". DP x DC xover. Jazz and Jason as childhood mutuals. (4 complete works, ~10k in total. more to come)
(also some other things. Feel free to look, ask and comment!)
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there-must-be-a-lock · 1 year ago
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20k+ words:
If It’s A Highway: MCU+DC, Bucky Barnes x Jason Todd. Black humor, trauma recovery, and two emotionally stunted idiots falling in love. ~77k, explicit.
i've got a bulletproof heart, you've got a hollow-point smile: Sequel to the previous. Jason's POV, unpacking his issues with sex, consent, and his body. WIP, explicit.
All The Devils That You Don’t Know: DC+Marvel, Bucky Barnes/Jason Todd/Slade Wilson. Bucky is a sadist. Jason is Working Through Some Shit. Slade is somehow the most emotionally stable member of this threesome; nobody is more surprised by this than Slade. 37k, explicit. Now with sequels.
The “Marshmallow Crime Lords” series: DC+Marvel, Clint/Bucky/Jason. In which they’re gay and doing crime, but also, they’re cinnamon rolls. Mostly Batfam shenanigans, identity porn, and domestic fluff. Collaboration with @noxnthea!
Short fic:
A Brat By Any Other Name: Jason/Slade. PWP, basically: restraints, name-calling, bratty Jason, very reluctant daddy kink. Explicit.
Lost My Fear Of Falling: DC+Marvel, Jason/Dick, Clint/Bucky, past Dick/Clint. Pre-poly and feelings about growing up. Mature. And in the same 'verse, the poly negotiations: If You Fall.
Shoot Off : DC/Marvel, Clint/Roy + “hate” sex and banter. Explicit.
Kick Me Like A Stray: DC/Marvel, Roy Harper/Matt Murdock/Frank Castle/Bucky Barnes/Slade Wilson + werewolves and angst. Mature.
The Riot Squad, They’re Restless: fem!Clint/Bucky, pre-fem!Clint/Bucky/fem!Jason Todd + gender expression and punk rock. Mature. And in the same 'verse, You Belong To Me, I Believe - fem!Jason/Slade somnophilia, explicit.
Working On My Night Moves: Jason/Slade, smutty Supernatural-verse virgin!Jason. Explicit.
Guardian Angel of Gotham: Gen. Crowley and Aziraphale relocate. PG.
Boy Wonder: Gen, Criminal Minds crossover. Dick Grayson joins the BAU. G.
Straight On Til Morning: DC/Marvel, Bucky/Jason/Clint Mad Max fusion. Mature.
Mirror Mirror: DC/Marvel, Dick Grayson/Bucky + a blindfold. Explicit.
Show Me Your Teeth - Jason/Tim + Tim not realizing he was turned into a vampire. Mature.
Come Haunt Me: RedHood!Jason/Titans!Jason + self-cest as therapy. Explicit.
Star Spangled: DC/Marvel, Roy Harper/Steve Rogers + spanking. Mature.
The Neighbors & The Apology: DC/Marvel, Bucky/Clint with Jason watching. Explicit.
The Asylum, and Other Things That Won't Stay Buried: Gen, Tim & Jason-centric Old Kingdom books fusion. PG.
Vanilla: DC/Marvel, Clint/Slade + hair washing. Mature.
Got Lost In The Game: DC/Marvel, Jason/Roy/Clint + flirting, karaoke, and darts. Mature.
Close Your Eyes, Catch The Tide: Jason/Roy + Warped Tour AU. Mature.
Four Super-Soldiers and Tony Stark Walk Into A Bar...: DC/Marvel, Civil War fix-it, aka Deathstroke and Soldier Boy annoy Tony so much he forgets to be pissed at Bucky.
Big Spoon: DC/Marvel, Jason/Roy + helping the Winter Soldier detox. Mature.
Not-So-Little Red (Riding) Hood: DC/Marvel, Jason/Bucky/Clint + stockings, lingerie, and Halloween fluff. Explicit.
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theinsanecrayonbox · 2 years ago
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At4W's Amalgam month really has reignited my love for this verse (if only temporarily), so let's head back to my Amalgam Fanniverse for some new stuff; reused art, updated art, new art, and new lore!
under a cut to avoid major dash spam
Hotshot / Dominique Lawton (Domino/Neena Thurman (Mvl) and Deadshot/Floyd Lawton (DC)): she was trained to be a new type of super solider by a rival (updated?) program to Weapon X, utilizing her innate probability manipulation to aid in her sharp shooting. After escaping the program, her main occupation was being a mercenary. She's now been "drafted" onto the X-Squad as a form of parole.
Omega Beast / Anatoli Rossovich (Omega Red/Arkady Rossovich (Mvl) and KGBeast/Anatoli Knyazev (DC)): created by the soviets to be their super solider assassin, he was betrayed by his government and went rouge, taking to mercenary life. Much like Hotshot, he too has been "drafted" onto the X-Squad as a form of parole. **canon**
Hyena / Creed H. Quinn (Sabretooth/Victor Creed (Mvl) and The Joker (DC)): Creed was another of the test subjects in the Weapon X program, alongside his army buddy Logan Wayne, and was one of the few who survived the process. The process though broke his psyche, and he went insane. He became a crime lord, often coming into conflict with his old friend, now the Dark Claw. Recently he was caught, and put on some unknown for of psychotropic medication that has helped curb some of his more violent tendencies, so he too has been "drafted" onto the X-Squad as a form of parole. **canon**
Red X / Jada Kimura (Bellona Kinney (Mvl) and Red Hood/Jason Todd (DC)): after Laura betrayed her mother, Sarah Cain returned to the League of Shadows under Lady Talia, and offered her the opportunity to have her own Wayne heir, by attempting to clone her own daughter with the man. Jada was one of these clones, but was dubbed imperfect and discarded. She was taken by another League member and trained much in the same way her genetic donner had been; unlike her though, when Jada rebelled, she killed her "mother" and started the hunt for her "father' and "sister". After confronting the new Dark Claw, the two came to some sort of understanding, but she was still arrested for her crimes. Unknown by Dark Claw, she has been "drafted" onto the X-Squad as a form of parole.
Clarice Quinn (Blink/Clarice Ferguson (Mvl) and Duela Dent (DC): Clarice came from the Amalgam Earth-2 where history played out a little bit differently. Her father is a more heroic version of Hyena. She came to Earth-1 through some portaling mishaps, and has been stranded here, making a life for herself in her new home. She was originally found by the original Dark Claw, but has had more contact with the new one. She's able to manifest energy crystal shards that she can rip holes in space time with to quick teleport.
All New Dark Claw / Laura Cain-Wayne (All New Wolverine/Laura Kinney (Mvl) and Batgirl/Cassandra Cain and Huntress/Helena Kyle-Wayne (DC)): Laura's mother Sarah Cain was a member of Lady Talia's League of Shadows, unbeknownst to Dark Claw at the time of their involvement. Sarah left the League after it appeared to be dissolved, and raised her daughter to be the ultimate assassin; once old enough, Laura rebelled and went looking for her father. She found him, and the two reconciled before his disappearance. She took up the mantle to continue looking for him, as well as keeping New Gotham together in his stead.
All New Sparrow / Gabby Dark (Gabby Kinney (Mvl) and Robin/Damien Dark (DC)): Gabby was another of the Laura clones created by the League of Shadows for Lady Talia, and was considered the best success. When trying to hunt down her missing father, Laura discovered her mother's involvement with the League, and her new little sister. Dark Claw freed her from the League, and Gabby decided to join her sister in trying to find their father and protecting the city. She found-and updated-the old Sparrow costume in the Barrow, thus creating herself her own super persona. The original Sparrow, Jubilee (who had retired from the name after being injured in the line of duty (she's their Oracle/Alfred now)), was less than thrilled by this fact, but agreed to stay on to help Laura and Gabby in trying to find Logan.
Power-Woman / Karen Gwendolyn Stacey (Spider-Gwen/Gwen Stacey (Mvl) and Powergirl/Karen Starr (DC): Karen is also from the Amalgam Earth-2. Over there, Cadmus didn't have access to Super Soldier's direct genetic samples, but they did have American Belle's; Peter Parker's assistant, (Karen) Gwen Stacey, was caught in the lab explosion and died, and Karen was instead created. Parker took her in as his niece out of guilt at causing Gwen's death, but also as a way to properly monitor her growing powers. Karen was visiting Parker at Cadmius the day their portal generators overloaded, and thus she was thrust on Earth-1. The new Dark Claw managed to track her down, and offered her whatever help she might need to assimilate to life here, while promising to try to find a way to get back to her own home reality.
Scarlet Spider / Will Kaine (Harper) (Scarlet Spider/Kaine Parker (Mvl) and Red Arrow/Will Harper and Red Arrow/Emiko Queen (DC)): Will is also from the Amalgam Earth-2. Over there, it turned out that JLA member Canary was the estranged daughter of Cadmus leader, and former WWII hero, Tom Harper/Guardian Angel. There was a bit of a sandal when the heroine fell pregnant, not knowing which of her teammates the father was seeing as she was still in a love triangle with Hawkeye and Goliath; unfortunately she lost the baby. Tom Harper kept the fetal remains though, hoping to recreate his lost grandchild in some capacity, as well as to keep the stem cells on hand should his health begin to start failing him. Will was the result of one round of cloning tests; Cadmus wanted to test the hyper growth serum on mostly human cells before they dared attempt it on some more inhuman ones. Finding out about his origins, Will grew angry and resentful towards his entire family, and attacked them. He apparently was present when Cadmus' portal generators had their meltdown, as he too also wound up on Earth-1. He took up a vigilante/mercenary lifestyle under the codename Scarlet Spider.
Detective Venom / Renard "Flash" Thompson (Agent Venom/Flash Thompson (Mvl) and The Question/Renee Montoya (DC): Flash was a member of the NYSCU. After one encounter with Bizarnage, several team members were potentially infected; those affected, Flash included, were treated as assumed protected against the symbiote's infection. Sometime later though, Flash's behaviors started to become erratic and his anger issues started to magnify, so he was discharged from the NYSCU. He managed to land a job as a police officer, but the problems just continued. At some point he met Will Kaine, and the two developed a relationship; at the same time, he had run ins with the vigilante Scarlet Spider, and since the masked man wasn't seemingly superpowered, he was dubbed a police matter more than a NYSCU one. During one major fire fight, under heavy stress, Flash was able to manifest a symbiote suit that mimicked his old NYSCU armor, which eerily resembled the Bizarnage entity. His symbiote though appears to be non-sentient...for now.
Detective Venom's name and designs are subject to change because i'm not fully sold on it, though i'm kinda happy with the origins since he is semi-canon up to a point...but yeah i got my ScarletVenom i wanted lol. and again, we've got the plotlines about Laura being Dark Claw and keeping that up, X-Squad as a whole, and now the TVA/Monitors coming to try to eliminate the Earth-2 folks stuck on Earth-1, so Carice, Karen, and Will will all soon be meeting up (and Flash will be indignant with Will about "you're from another universe AND the vigilante i've been trying to catch?? what else are you hiding huh?")
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fandom-go-round · 4 years ago
DC and Marvel Masterlist
DC Comics:
Dick Grayson/Nightwing:
Motorcycles: Dick Grayson x Reader [smut]
Refuse: Alpah!Nightwing x Omega!Reader [smut] {dark}
 Jason Todd/ Red Hood:
Home: Jason Todd x Reader (fluff)
 Damian Wayne/Robin:
Reader Becoming Doctor Fate {dark}
Present: John Constantine x Reader (fluff)
Incubus!Constantine x Reader HCs [smut]
 Barry Allen/The Flash:
Date Night: Barry Allen x Reader (fluff)
Taking Care of a Child HC: Barry Allen (fluff)
 Bruce Wayne/Batman:
Dealing with Kids HCs (Batman) (fluff)
Batfam Adopting Mermaid HCs
Old Man Bruce Fighting Crime HCs
Non-Sexual Pet Play HCs
Responding to Furry Joke HCs  
Flower Prompt: Wild Rose
Love Letter Event: Battinson
 Slade Wilson/Deathstroke:
Deathstroke x Reader [smut]
 Arthur Curry/Aquaman:
Hugging and Kissing HCs: Aquaman (fluff)
 Diana Prince/Wonder Woman:
Hugging and Kissing HCs: Wonder Woman (fluff)
Yandere HCs {yandere, dark}
 Hal Jordan/Green Lantern:
Omega!Hal HCs
 Clark Kent/Superman:
Shrunken! Reader x Superman HCs
 Harvey Dent/Two-Face:
Reader x Harvey Cuddling HCs (fluff)
Edward Nygma/Riddler:
Popular! Reader x Dork! Riddler
 Star Sapphire:
Reader x Star Sapphire Dating HCs (fluff)
Injustice Dating HCs {dark}
Male!Reader x June Switching During Sex [smut]
First Date HCs {light dark}
Love Letter Event
Alien Crime Lord Syndicate! Reader x Blackfire
Coming Out: Kaldur Imagine (fluff)
Incubus!Batboys x Reader HCs (Bruce, Dick, Jason, Tim, Damian, Duke) [smut]
Naga Egg HCs (Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Cyborg, Flash, Green Lantern, Green Arrow, Black Canary) [smut]
General Centaur HCs (Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Cyborg, Flash, Green Lantern, Green Arrow, Black Canary)
Alpha!Riddler x Omega!Reader Heat [smut]
Squirting HCs (Bucky Barnes, Dr. Strange, Loki, Batman) [smut]
Reader Coming Out as Trans to Batboys (Bruce, Dick, Jason, Damian)
Reader Dressing Up in Lovers Costume (Wonder Woman, Flash, Green Arrow)
Blue Lantern!Reader x Green Lanterns (Jessica, John, Guy)
Poly! Poison Ivy x Reader x Harley Quinn Domestic (fluff)
Poly! Raven x Reader x Starfire Domestic (fluff)
Poly! Constantine x Reader x Zatanna HCs
Omega Verse Batfam General HCs
Batfam!Reader x Batfam! Best Friend Getting Pregnant HCs (Bruce, Dick, Jason, Tim)
Reader Becoming Doctor Fate HCs (Jason, Tim, Cassandra) [dark]
Monster HCs (Duke, Stephanie)
Reader with Personal Dimension Powers (Livewire, Queen Bee, Blackfire)
Bruce Banner/The Hulk:
Picture Perfect: Bruce Banner x Reader (fluff)
Domestic HCs (fluff)
 Natasha Romanoff/Black Widow:
Too Late: Natasha Romanoff x Reader {angst}
 Tony Stark/Ironman:
Broken: Tony Stark x Fem!Reader {angst}
Cello Music: Loki x Reader (Dissociation) {angst]
Take Me to Bed: Reader x Colossus (fluff)
Horned!Reader x Thanos [implied smut]
 James “Bucky” Barnes/Winter Solider:
Grim Reaper!Reader X Bucky {major character death}
 Doctor Octopus/ Otto Octavius:
Reader x Doc Ock Alleyway Sex [smut]
 Matt Murdock/Daredevil:
Reader x Matt Murdock Underneath You [smut]
Flower Prompt: Lilac
Male! Reader x Viper Anal Sex [smut]
 Omega Red:
Gadget! Reader x Omega Red Dating Headcannons
Bedtime HCs: Logan x Kurt (fluff)
Enemies to Friends to Lovers HCs: Nightcrawler x Toad (fluff)
Kissing HCs (T'Challa, Erik Killmonger, M'Baku)
Poly Captain America x Reader x Winter Solider Possessive Sex [smut]
Logan Howlett x Reader x Kurt Wagner Stuck in Wall [smut]
Parents Getting a Divorce HCs (Bucky Barnes, Steve Rogers, Dr. Strange) {emotional themes}
Squirting HCs (Bucky Barnes, Dr. Strange, Loki, Batman) [smut]
Shrunken! Reader with X-Men HCs
Kryptonian! Reader x Avenger HCs (Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, Thor, Bruce Banner, Clint Barton, Natasha Romanoff)
Valentine’s Day HCs (Thor, Loki, Valkyrie) (fluff)
Tony Stark x Bruce Banner Flower Prompt: Daisy
Kryptonian!Reader x Avenger HCs (Daredevil, She-Hulk)
Teasing! Reader HCs (Vertigo, Black Widow, Psylocke) (fluff)
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kegareki · 5 years ago
dameamaryllis replied to your post “The video opens to the Five Nights At Freddy’s title screen and a...”
Oh, I love this! May we know more about Jaz, pretty pretty please? (Does Jason still dies? Please say no!)
it’s ME, do you think that i could let jason die if i could help it??
jason has a much larger weakness to mother figures than jaz does. jaz is a lot less willing to extend any amount of trust towards possible bio mom sheila--which is good, considering that if they went along with it with their guard down, they would’ve been lured into a trap and brutally murdered by the joker. no thanks!
as you can imagine, jason is more well-adjusted than in other canons because he was not killed or almost killed by the joker at 16.
jaz and jason are robin at the same time. it was suggested that they have separate codenames, but this was shot down because they both want to be robin.
(”do you want one of us to be batboy?” jason demands. “i’m not gonna be batboy.”
“i don’t wanna be batboy, either,” jaz says. “that’s the name of a reject robin.”
“the name of a shitty bargain-bin robin.”
“technically, i am getting a deal on robins,” bruce says.
“you can be batboy then!”)
because no one has an untimely death, the role of robin does not pass over to tim during a time of desperate need for a stabilizing influence on batman, and therefore jason doesn’t resent bruce for replacing him or tim for being his replacement. tim becomes robin in the same way that everyone else does: bruce sees a tiny child in need, sees that he is in a position to help them, and goes “oh, no.”
jason and jaz respectfully retire from the position of robin and move cities entirely to help dick over in bludhaven.
(”WHAT IS A GOTHAM GOLDEN CHILD DOING IN BLUDHAVEN,” someone tweets in distress. accompanying their tweet is a photo of jaz, who is sitting on the other side of their classroom.
someone else responds with: “grayson went to bludhaven around the time bruce wayne picked up the todds & bruce wayne is apparently in the process of adopting another kid rn. bludhaven might just b where gotham kids go to escape their adopted sibs”
the original poster replies to this, shaken, “are you telling me that gothamites view bludhaven as a vacation spot? this is the most terrifying thing anyone has ever said to me”)
more under the cut because this answer is getting Very Long
jaz’s vigilante name is nightingale, which immediately pegs them as a double-act with nightwing, but i wanted a bird name and if leliana could use the name nightingale, so can i
they’ve got the same sort of blue stripe that nightwing’s got going on, as well as the domino mask, but their outfit as a whole is more reminiscent of red hood’s--suit beneath a jacket and trousers, belt, boots, etc. they use escrima sticks like nightwing does, but they transition comfortably between impact and edged weapons, with the same sort of “if they don’t go down when beaten, they’ll go down when bleeding” mindset that jason has
jaz, dick, and bruce are all similar in that they all go where the need is. sometimes you have to make a choice on what thing or person needs you more, because you can’t take care of everyone and everything at the same time. you can’t. something will always be your priority.
in ‘verses where it’s just dick who’s trying to meet people’s needs, he gets so strained, because he can’t give all of himself to everyone who needs something from him. jaz helps, though. they can go where he can’t. like--between damian and tim, dick’s gonna go after damian. damian’s a kid and dick’s responsible for him. and jaz can go after tim in his stead
in one of my aus, where jaz lands in an alternate universe where there’s no native jaz and therefore everything went predictably to shit:
"Dick is the only Robin who made it to eighteen," Jaz says. "Have you thought about what you'll be after?"
Tim pauses, expression shifting. "Not really," he admits. "I haven't needed to. Until now, I guess."
Jaz puts a hand on his shoulder. "Hey. Even if Damian does become Robin, that doesn't mean you're being kicked out. Damian is a ten-year-old who's been trained by the League of Assassins. He needs to be supervised, and you don't anymore. And besides," they add, "you're not the only one whose partner is being stolen. We could team up."
He smiles hesitantly. "I haven't patrolled with you yet. Let's start there."
(i gave up on understanding the dc timeline so the ages i go by are “if damian is 10, tim is 18, jason is 22, and dick is 25″ since i think that dick is 28ish when damian is 13?)
dick, jason, and jaz are all pretty tight-knit with each other, but their next favorite batkids are all different? dick is close with babs and damian, jason is close with cass, jaz is close with tim...
ALSO if it was not obvious, jaz/dick is a thing. generally i do not write romantic relationships involving si/ocs, because i am aromantic, but i make an exception for dick grayson. (”you are my only exception” by paramore plays in the distance) they’re very cute together and playful and fun and sweet. i have a soulbond au where they’re soulmates. i almost never write soulmate aus. that is how much i love them
more things i want to say but that i’ve run out of steam for paragraphs about:
jaz adopts a black cat and names him catman. they take snaps of him zooming around their apartment with the caption “nya nya nya nya catman”
they are the singular robin whose favorite hero/vigilante is batman. however it should be noted that bruce wayne is not their favorite; batman is. the absurdity of a growling man of the night accompanied by a brightly-colored acrobatic child is so utterly charming
in jazverse canon, jaz is nonbinary and uses they/them pronouns and tim is trans and uses he/him pronouns. bruce wayne has not messed up their pronouns Once and, when other people misgender his kids, he always makes sure to say The Correct Pronouns Or Terminology in his response. #BruceWayneSaysTransRights is a real hashtag
jason and jaz are protective of each other. i’m not saying that jaz would’ve decked sheila in the face, but i’m also not saying that they wouldn’t
the imagery of jason and jaz attending gotham academy is so funny. like. they’re from fuckin crime alley and then they get adopted by bruce wayne and now they go to the Elite Private Academy of gotham where everyone is rich and snobby. they read the lord of the flies for english class and agree that the events of the novel are made possible only by virtue of being populated entirely by rich white cis boys. their discussion immediately goes to “so if that happened with our class, who would die first” because, to quote jason todd, “even if no one tried asserting dominance, these kids have the survival instincts of a toddler”
jaz’s full name is jasmine and their nicknames are jaz and jazzy. dick calls them hummingbird sometimes because they’re short and have adhd. also because they looked Utterly Betrayed by dick and jason both having -bird nicknames but not them
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normaltothemax · 10 months ago
@therebetterbepie from here
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“Does the—” Jason cut himself off with a shake of his head, reaching a hand up, before dropping it with the realization that he couldn’t actually pinch the bridge of his nose through his helmet. “What part of the helmet covering my entire face and multiple weapons strapped to my body says I’m trying to get laid?”
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jaydickrecommendations · 6 years ago
Do you have a list of all time fav? Like some certain fics you always go back to all the time and can't let go?
There are some faves! There are actually 2 of us on this blog (I got help guys it’s so exciting!) so I’ll put the recs from each of us & try to indicate whose is whose? And maybe eventually we’ll introduce ourselves? (Sorry all of mine have been recommended already)
You could also ask me my fave fics tomorrow and they’d probably change and I’m pretty sure that’s true for both of us.
Cat’s Faves
Thief!Dick Verse by JayDick_Hell 
Dick Grayson’s life ended the night he witnessed his parents fall in the Big Top. He raised himself on the streets and learned to hone his various talents to grow into the talented and notorious thief known as Robin. One day, he finds himself in Blüdhaven, sizing up a place when he’s interrupted by the Red Hood.
Jason Todd finally branched out from the shadow of the Bat, ready to be his own hero. He just decided ‘Haven would be his Gotham when he came across a handsome stranger clearly up to no good. Naturally, he had to put a stop to the criminal. He never expected to get addicted to the wily thief.
For what it’s worth: So good. Very cute series, I love it so much.
Bite Me to the Bone by elwon
After six months walking around with a beating heart, Dick wishes he could use the speed, strength and abilities he’s used to. Because he’s still a soulless demon deep down. Being able to walk in the daylight and eat pizza do not make up for this utter humiliation and punishment. But then the Red Hood appears, and things start to look up.
For what it’s worth: So good. Just. amazingly fantastic.  Side note on this one: I actually told my mom how obsessed I was with this fic within 10 minutes of finishing it.
Fumes of our love by moonfox281
Behind every successful man, there is a woman… No, no it’s not! It’s 2016 for God’s sake. You can’t assume anybody’s gender.It must change to 'Behind every successful husband, there is a wife.’ Cause wife is just a title, not a gender, and, yeah, let admit it, there are a wife and husband in every relationship.Things are the same, just a lot stranger when you’re a powerful mob boss, and your other half is a hot ass super-hero. 
For what it’s worth: I think the coolest way to approach their relationship is when you’re looking at Jason being a crime lord vs Dick being a vigilante and this fic does it perfectly. 
Another Perfect Catastrophe by Mikimoo, pentapus (Artwork here)
Dick goes undercover as himself in order to catch a gang of international thieves. Jason reluctantly tags along as his long suffering bodyguard. During the ensuing mayhem they get to know each other again and build a few bridges.
For what it’s worth: they have to work together to take down crime while undercover??? sign me up. very very good & bonus: art!! the best.
Jellzu’s Faves
knocked me off the ground byWindmire
“It’s Jason Todd you’d be working with. You remember Jason, right?”
“He’s probably hoping you remember him.”
For his best friend’s wedding, Dick’s more than willing to double as best man and co-wedding planner, even if it means going back to the city he’s been avoiding for years on end. Then he meets the other best man and co-wedding planner and falling so hard and so fast was so not part of the plan.
For what it’s worth: This had me cackling. Dick sees a hot guy, has to work with hot guy for best friends wedding. Oh and, apparently he knows this hot guy but doesn’t remember and said guy sure does remember him? Well then, let the awkwardness ensue.
Two Worlds byxserenity
Dick thought it was just a dream, a weird dream but apparently it wasn’t. He found himself stuck in a reality where he wasn’t dating Jason Todd. Instead, he was dating some girl he didn’t know.
And he hated the fact.
For what it’s worth: I always love the fics where either Dick or Jason are transported to another universe where they aren’t dating each other. It’s angst and fluff mixed together but at the same time, amusing because then they always try to get their counterparts to date. Ah, my heart.
we will wear our masks again out after dark byIMightwing
Dick paused and looked straight at Jason. “I want you to be Batman until I’m healed.”
“No,” Jason said. No way in hell, he wanted to say, but the quicker he got this over with, the better.
For what it’s worth: A theory: Jason will do what Dick asks of him just because of the fact that _Dick is asking him to do him a favor_. He didn’t plan it, but here he is, in the batcave, covering for Dick Grayson… Great.
Hurricane bykeykiyoshi7443
The high school AU where Jason and Dick star in a musical that no one really wanted.
For what it’s worth: No matter what, high school AUs are one of the best. Especially when it has Jason doing the cellblock tango. This needs to be an animatic. (That may or may not be in the works. i just can’t help myself) But IT’S THE CELLLBLOCK TANGO. Come on people, it’s pure. 
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