#✦ regarding // the slytherin family. ✦
spectorgram · 4 months
eyes wide open
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pairing: theodore nott x f! reader summary: you discover that there is so much more to theodore nott than you thought.  content: gryffindor! reader, semi-nsfw (characters are 18+) word count: 5.46k
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You have never spoken to Theodore Nott before. You’ve him around a lot, usually with Mattheo Riddle or Lorenzo Berkshire, and he is a regular on the quidditch team — a chaser — so you’d see him zoom by during matches. He’s also in a majority of your classes for this year, which lets you observe him from afar. But past that, you’ve never really had much to do with him beyond seeing him with Malfoy and witnessing how he stands quietly — with either a small smirk or a look of complete apathy on his face — while Malfoy and your friends argue back and forth. 
Having class with Theodore Nott has let you learn three things about him: he’s quiet, whip-sharp, and unbelievably handsome. You didn’t need classes with him to know the last one is a well-known fact; he’s constantly noted as one of the most attractive of your classmates. “Shame he’s a Slytherin,” Lavender Brown once said to you, which had made you roll your eyes and retort, “And what’s wrong with that?” It had gotten you into a big fight and you don’t think she’s spoken to you since, not that you’ve really wanted her to. 
“Are you sure you don’t want to come with us?” Ron asks you as he, Hermione, Harry, and Ginny stand at the entrance to the Gryffindor common room. “Mum would love to have you. She’s always banging on about what a lovely girl you are and how polite you were.”
“And I’m sure Fred would love to see you,” Ginny adds. 
You snort, “I’m really sure. But please give my regards to your mother and Fred.”
“Will do,” Ginny says with a two-finger salute. 
Your friends say their farewells as they leave through the portrait hall. You flop against the plush velvet of the couch, staring at the roaring fire. Your parents were on a months-long that brought them to see famous wizarding landmarks so you’re stuck at Hogwarts for the holiday. You’re a little disappointed that you won’t be with your family but another part of you is excited to be in the castle when it’s less populated. You’ll finally get to make your way through the massive pile of books you have at your bedside since you’re usually caught up in listening to and gossiping with your roommates. 
You head up to your room, empty except for you and your owl hooting in his cage. You wiggle your fingers inside, Ramses rubbing his feathery head against them. You grab the first book from the top of your pile, turning the leather-bound edition over in your hand. Hermione gifted it to you for your last birthday: William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet. You shimmy into your gold and red striped sweater and tuck the book underneath your arm, walking down to the dining hall for dinner. 
Students are scattered around the Great Hall, some chattering with their friends while others eat silently. The ceiling has shifted to depict a clear night sky, floating candles casting an orange glow. You spot Mattheo Riddle alone at the Slytherin tables but the way he keeps looking to the door makes you assume he’s waiting for a friend. You settle down on a bench all to yourself, piling your plate with the mouthwatering selections available to you. 
You rest your chin on your fist, cracking open the play. You get only a few pages in when you hear a familiar low voice. “All alone, little lion?” His eyes examine you and you suddenly feel too exposed despite your layers. 
You come face-to-face with Theodore Nott and his sea blue eyes. He regards you coolly and you ask, “Can I help you, Nott?”
He points at your copy of Romeo and Juliet. “Where’d you get that?”
You furrow your brow in confusion. Why in Godric’s name is Theodore Nott of all people interested in a Muggle book. You respond, “Hermione gave it to me. Why?”
“It’s hard to find Muggle books here,” he says. His eyes linger on the play. “Think I could borrow it when you’re finished?”
Your brain stalls, questions floating around your head. “Sure,” you finally answer. He nods and neither of you say anything more. The quiet that falls between you two makes you tense and you say, “Is that all, Nott?”
He considers and then says, “I think so.” He heads to the Slytherin tables without another word, sitting beside Mattheo, who’s been watching on keenly. You catch his stare and he smirks, raising a hand in a casual wave. Theodore smacks his shoulder and pulls Mattheo’s hand down. 
You sigh, shake your head in disbelief, and go back to reading the play.
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It’s been a few days since your encounter with Theodore, but the interaction sticks with you. Every time you open up the play, you’re reminded of it and your curiosity returns tenfold. 
It’s odd being at school when it’s this empty. You’ve managed to occupy yourself by playing Wizard’s Chess with some fifth years, helping Professor Flitwick organize his classroom and the Frog Choir’s practice room, and working on knitting gifts to give you friends when they return. 
You’re sitting in the Gryffindor common room, working on Harry’s scarf, when you spill a cup of tea one of the house elves had made for you. Cursing, you move your knitting out of the way and survey the damage to your sweatshirt. With a groan, you gather your things and bring them to your dorm, blotting out the growing stain with water and letting it dry over the edge of the bathtub. 
You slip into a forest green sweater and throw a brown corduroy jacket over it. You grab your copy of Romeo and Juliet and head down to the Black Lake. The cold breezes nip at your cheek and carries the scent of pine trees, which you inhale gratefully. You plop yourself underneath a tree on the shore of the lake, reclining against the trunk and cracking open the book.  
You’re not even a page in when you hear a familiar voice call your name. Your hold on your book tightens but you peer up, watching Theodore approach. He’s in a dark wool overcoat and similarly dark trousers, hands tucked into his coat pockets. His strides are leisurely and long, reaching you in only a handful of steps. 
He stands tall in front of you, shadow cast long in the afternoon sun. His gaze roams over you and he says, “Isn’t wearing green considered treacherous for you?”
You’re confused for a second before you follow his line of sight and glance down at your own sweater. Right. You reply, “No more than it would be for you to wear red.”
The corner of his lip twitches up in a small, half-smile and he says, “High treason then.”
You echo your words from earlier in the week: “Can I help you, Nott?”
He ignores your question, instead choosing to tip his chin at your book. “What part are you at?”
“Mercutio’s died in his duel with Tybalt.”
He nods and recites, “‘A plague o’ both your houses. They have made worms’ meat of me: I have it, and soundly too: your houses.’”
You don’t bother to hide your surprise. “You’ve read it?”
“Haven’t most people?”
“Sure, most people know the story but they don’t usually read it. 
“I’ve read it a couple of times,” he admits. He adds, “My mother’s favorite book.”
“I see. Is that why you want to borrow it from me?”
Silence falls between the pair of you. Distantly, there’s a cry of crows. Theodore is still standing above you, gazing down, and you squirm a little. He then says, “I always liked Benvolio.”
You’re reminded that Theodore’s half-Italian in the way he says ‘Benvolio,’ accent smooth and lilting. It suddenly feels a little too warm under your coat but you ignore it. You instead blurt out, “Of course you would. You’re kind of like him.” 
Theodore raises one eyebrow and you feel your face heat even more, embarrassed, and you hope he doesn’t take it as a bad thing. He doesn’t seem offended though and asks, “Oh, how so?”
“I mean,” you say, “you are— well, you seem like the most reasonable of your friends. A mediator of some sort.” 
“That sounds about right,” he says. “You remind me of Juliet.”
“Really? Why’s that?” You’re not sure if you should take it as a good thing or not.
“Well, she has a solid set of beliefs and stands up for them. She knows herself; she tells her parents that she doesn’t want to marry Paris, not just because she’s in love with Romeo but also because she knows she’ll be unhappy. What is it she says? ‘Now, by Saint Peter’s Church, and Peter too, he shall not make me there a joyful bride! I wonder at this haste, that I must wed ere he that should be husband comes to woo.’”
Theodore’s mouth lifts in a tiny, lopsided smile again and he says, “Plus, she’s the one most of the guys fawn over, right?”
You’re left to gape at him in shock and awe, processing what he just said as he turns and walks back to the castle along the shore, just outside the gentle lapping of the water. You watch his retreating figure, watch as he grows smaller and smaller and eventually disappears. 
You don’t get much reading done, the book remaining open in your lap and your eyes fixed on the spot where Theodore once stood.
You sit there until the top curve of the sun is just peeking out over the horizon and you stand, still a tad dazed, and make your long walk back to Hogwarts. 
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It’s just past one in the morning and you can’t sleep, tossing and turning fitfully. Theodore Nott and his long shadow and his blue eyes keep appearing behind your eyelids, no matter how much you try to shove the thoughts out. You want to bang your head on one of the wooden poles holding up the canopy of your four-poster bed, but you opt for sliding on your slippers and going down to the kitchens to see if the house elves have any leftover brownies from dinner. Maybe they could warm up a mug of hot cocoa for you too.
You shuffle through the hallway, the chill of the castle waking you up. You rub your hands along your arms, wishing you had worn something over your pajamas. Since it’s break, restrictions about when and where students could go are essentially non-existent. You pass Filch, who scowls at you, clearly aggrieved that he can’t punish you for being out of bed, and Nearly-Headless Nick, who greets you cheerfully and questions you as to why you’re up at such a time. “Can’t sleep,” you explain. “I’m checking if the elves have any midnight snacks for me.”
He chuckles, “An excellent reason but don’t stay up too late, or you’ll wind up like me!” He laughs hard at his joke and you can’t help but giggle, bidding him a goodnight as you descend into the basement. 
You nearly run right into Theodore as you approach the kitchens. You jump at least a foot, clasping your hands over your chest. “Merlin’s beard, you scared me!”
“Could say the same for you,” he says. “Nice pajamas.”
You forgot you were in a tank top and shorts. You cross your arms and say, “You seem awfully fixated on my clothes, Nott.” You try to look as threatening as you can but the slight tremble to your body takes away any effect.
Theodore rolls his eyes and slides the robe he donned over his striped pajamas off, holding it out to you. When you don’t take it, he just throws it over your shoulders, the weight comfortable and warm. You say, “You keep popping up out of nowhere. Are you stalking me or something?”
He snorts, “You would never know if I was. But no, Mattheo’s snoring kept me up. I figured I should take advantage of my insomnia and grab some brownies from dessert.”
“Great minds think alike then,” you say. 
You and Theodore walk down the corridor towards the kitchen when he asks, “Have you finished the book?”
“No, didn’t get a lot of reading done after you left.”
“Did I distract you that much?” He looks smug, smirking, and it’s your turn to roll your eyes.
“In your dreams.”
“Yeah,” he says. “When do you think you’ll finish?”
“Bloody hell, you’re impatient,” you groan, rubbing your temples. You’re not sure what possesses you, if it’s your sleep-deprived brain or something else but you suggest, “How about this? You grab brownies and cocoa for us and I’ll get the damn book and we’ll meet in the Clock Tower and read it together.”
Theodore considers it for a moment before he says, “Alright. I’ll meet you there in fifteen.”
“Perfect.” You scurry back to the Gryffindor dorms. Nearly-Headless Nick queries as to where your snacks are but you don’t answer, moving swiftly. You enter your dorm room, only pausing for a moment to catch your breath. Your heart is pounding but you can’t tell if it’s from the journey or from the thought of sitting alone in the Clock Tower with Theodore Nott. You don’t let yourself dwell on it and you pick up Romeo and Juliet and climb the stairs to the Clock Tower. 
Theodore has beaten you there, already sitting up against the glass of the clock. The frost on the glass obstructs some of the moonbeams streaming in but it’s just enough light to read. In the moonlight, Theodore’s hair looks lighter and more burnt golden than brown. He takes a sip of his cocoa and holds out a ceramic mug to you as you settle next to him. You accept it gratefully, plucking a brownie from the plate between you two. 
You flip through the play to find where you left off, the page dog-earred. Theodore makes a sound at the back of his throat. “What?”
“Don’t you have a bookmark or something?”
“No. Leave my marking choices out of it.”
He snickers and leans over you to get a better look at the text. Your shoulders brush and you’re all too aware that he smells of chocolate and sandalwood. His smell is clean and distinct; his robe smells like that too. 
As you two begin to read, Theodore tells you to turn back or move forward. You eventually figure out a rhythm, knowing exactly when to do so. You’re about ten minutes into reading when you feel Theodore’s gaze on you. You remain still, wondering if he’ll stop but when he doesn’t you mumble, “Stop doing that.”
“Doing what?”
“Staring.” “Does it bother you?”
“It feels like you can see into my soul.”
“You didn’t answer my question. Does it bother you?”
You pause. “I don’t… I don’t know.” A beat. “Why are you?”
“Why am I what?”
“Staring at me.”
His voice drops, somehow deeper than you have ever heard it. “Because I like to.”
Your head whips to him but no words leave your mouth. He regards you carefully and asks again, “Does that bother you?”
You hesitate. Then, “No, it doesn’t.”
He hums and you think he’ll do… something but he just ducks his head back down to read and you let out of the breath you didn’t know you were holding, disappointment pooling in your stomach. You don’t know what you wanted him to do. You don’t know why you’re disappointed. 
You two read until your eyes grow heavy. You struggle to keep your lids open, head jolting up when you realize you’re drifting off. Theodore taps your shoulder and says, “We can stop here. Pick up another time.”
“Yeah,” you murmur, standing and stretching. You stifle a yawn and remember you have his robe on. You begin to take it off but he says, “Keep it. You can give it back tomorrow.”
“Yeah, tomorrow. Same time, same place?”
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It doesn’t take you long to finish the play with Theodore only two days later. You noticed that Theodore read slower than before, telling you multiple times per session to go back a couple of pages. 
Your eyes follow the last line: For never was a story of more woe / Than this of Juliet and her Romeo, and you close the book with a dull thump. You sit in silence with Theodore, listening to the clock hand turn to the next minute. You stay like that for a while. You sip on the spiced hot chocolate the house elves prepared for you. You share sugar cookies with Theodore that are shaped like snowflakes. 
“So,” you start, breaking the silence, “this is your mother’s favorite book?”
He nods. “I think she read it a lot when her parents arranged for her to marry my father.”
“Oh.” You don’t know what else to say, adding lamely, “I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay.”
“Can I ask you something?” you ask.
“Why did you stay here over break?”
He stiffens, expression unreadable. He glances over at you and finally sighs. “My father’s trial is happening right around now. My family doesn’t want any of the kids around this so…” He motions to the Clock Tower, adding, “My siblings are either at their own schools or with my grandmother.”
Your heart aches at the frown on his face and you bite the inside of your cheek, unsure of how to proceed. You’re thankful when Theodore moves on. “What about you?”
“Oh, my parents are on a sight-seeing cruise so they’re not home. I got a postcard today, though, they’re in Japan now.”
“I’ve never been. How’s it look?”
“Pretty. They said their tour guide told them the best time to come is when the cherry blossoms bloom. I would like to go.”
“We’ll go together then.” 
He says it with a finality that makes you shy. “When?” is all you can ask. 
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You haven’t seen Theodore in a couple of days, an odd thing to try and get used to when you’ve just adjusted to him popping up wherever you are. You assume that he’s done with you now that you finished Romeo and Juliet. 
It all makes your heart sink.
You’re alone in the common room, wrapping up your gifts for your friends. You stack Harry’s scarf on top of Hermione’s mittens, Ron’s socks, and Ginny’s hat, and you lean against the couch with a huff. 
You think about the spare red yarn sitting in your room. You think there’s just enough to make another scarf. 
Theodore’s face flashes in your mind’s eye and you run a hand down your face in frustration. Whatever weird thing you had with Theodore is over. He’s probably out with Mattheo at the Three Broomsticks or something. You’ve seen them there before along with Enzo, Blaise, Draco, and Pansy as well as just with each other, usually flirting with girls there.
You didn’t used to think much of it — just scoffed along with Ron and Hermione — but now the thought makes your stomach churn. 
You think about the extra yarn in your room again and you almost can’t believe that, despite his disappearing act, you’ve decided you’ll knit a scarf for Theodore Nott.
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You’re greeted with a delicious Sunday roast for dinner on Christmas Eve: tender roasted beef, warm Yorkshire puddings, fluffy mashed potatoes, and a side of jus from the beef. You sit by yourself once again, the loneliness threatening to swallow you whole as you plate your dinner. 
Theodore seats himself right across from you and places a parcel wrapped in brown paper in front of you. You look at it in confusion and he says, “Open it.”
“What is it?”
“Christmas present.”
You raise a brow. “You got me a present?”
“Yes, now open it.”
“Shouldn’t I wait until tom—” The sharp look he gives you makes you set your fork aside and tug on the string of the bow. There are two books inside. The first is a copy of Shakespeare’s Macbeth, similarly leather-bound like Romeo and Juliet, and the second one is an ornately-decorated collector’s edition of Romeo and Juliet. 
Your jaw falls open and you whisper, “Theodore…”
He says, “Figured that we can read Macbeth together. It’s a personal favorite of mine.”
Your fingers trace the golden embossment of Romeo and Juliet, swooping down to follow the curve of the ‘J.’ “Where did you even get this?”
“Sent a lot of letters and had Mattheo help me pull strings at Flourish and Blotts.”
Your face is on fire but you grin at Theodore and say, “Thank you so much.”
“Happy Christmas,” he says and you catch the pink at the tips of his ears.
“I actually have something for you too,” you say and his eyebrows shoot up in surprise. “I’ll get it to you after dinner.”
“I’ll come with,” he says and you nod. You wonder if he’ll get up but he stays put, taking a plate and serving himself dinner. 
You two talk quietly in between bites and something dawns on you halfway through. “Where’s Mattheo?” You look over your shoulder and can’t find the other Slytherin boy.
Theodore smirks. “Might’ve slipped him a couple of galleons to leave us alone.” Your cheeks heat pleasantly. 
You two finish dinner after that and Theodore walks you to the Fat Lady’s portrait. She eyes him suspiciously, glaring at you. “You know students from other Houses aren’t permitted in the Gryffindor dorm.”
You disregard her and give her the password. Begrudgingly and with one last glower at you and Theodore, the portrait swings open and you step inside. Theodore peers around the common room and says, “Never been in here before.”
“Some Gryffindor girl hasn’t taken you back with her?” you ask but you instantly regret your teasing words. The thought of Theodore with someone else (Lavender Brown comes to mind and you scowl internally) makes you queasy.
“Can’t say that it’s happened,” he says, shooting you a cocky smirk. “You’d be the first.”
“I’m honored. Wait right here.”
Theodore flops on the couch and sighs in satisfaction. “So much more comfortable than Slytherin’s.”
“Yeah?” you ask as you retreat up the stairs. He shouts after you that Slytherin’s couches, while not wholly terrible, are stiff whereas your common room’s are plush and cushy.
Theodore’s scarf, knit in a red cashmere, lays innocuously on your bed. You’re abruptly self-conscious of it; Theodore got you two beautiful and likely expensive books and you knit him a measly scarf in colors that aren’t his House’s. 
Merlin, you think, what if he hates it?  Only one way to find out, you suppose. With a deep breath, you pick it up and hide it behind your back. You peek into the common room, where Theodore lounges on the couch, his figure long and relaxed. His shirt has ridden up a little and you spy a sliver of the toned muscle of his stomach. 
“Close your eyes,” you say. You watch his eyes shut, unfairly long lashes brushing his cheekbone. You creep into the room, halting in front of him. The flames dancing in the fireplace are the only excuse you can come up with for why you’re so warm. “Hold out your hands.”
He sits up straight and does as he’s told. You say, “It’s not wrapped.”
“That’s alright.”
You inhale, exhale, and gingerly place the scarf in his hands. He opens his eyes and inspects the scarf, rubbing the knit yarn in between his fingers. You hold your breath.
His face breaks into the biggest grin you’ve ever seen on him. He looks—
He looks beautiful. He’s always handsome, yes, but he’s beautiful here.
“This is really nice. You make it yourself?”
You hum in affirmation and he loops it around his neck, standing and spinning around playfully. “How do I look?”
“I think red’s definitely your color,” you tell him, your own cheeks hurting from how widely you’re beaming. 
Theodore takes a step closer, his shoes nearly knocking into yours. The glee in his expression morphs slowly into something different. It’s not anything bad, but it’s somehow more intense and softer than before. “Thank you,” he says.
“You’re welcome. Thank you again for the books.”
“You’re welcome.”
The fireplace crackles, embers spitting.
You’re not sure who moves first. Your mouths crash against each other like waves against a bluff, all lips and teeth and tongue. Your hands are everywhere, in his hair, clutching his shoulders, cupping his face. His hands are just as frantic, grabbing at your waist and hips, squeezing you tight against him. 
You two come up for air but you don’t surface for long. Despite the way he’s worked up, he’s careful in unwinding the scarf from his neck and draping it over a nearby arm chair. Then, he’s on you again, pulling you flush against him. 
He guides you to his lap as he sits back on the couch, lips never leaving yours. You straddle his thighs, tugging lighty at his curls. He moans into your mouth. Your hips move against his. His fingers, long and cold, creep under your shirt and send a shiver down your spine. 
His mouth only leaves yours to latch onto your neck, sucking and licking and nipping. You whine and push yourself against him harder, your hands clumsily trying to undo the buttons of his shirt. He helps you, flinging it off his shoulders, and pulling your own off your torso. 
“Fuck,” he groans, chest heaving as he takes in the view of you. He’s staring at you like you’re some sort of goddess. “Fuck, you’re beautiful, amorina.”
You melt under his gaze. His ocean blue eyes are a little glazed and his mouth is kiss-swollen and ajar. Godric, he’s one to talk. You lean in closer, tracing his jaw and letting your hand trail down his neck, his chest, down to his stomach. You graze the top of his trousers and lightly scrap your nails over the skin just above. He hisses, hips bucking, and before you can say anything to him, he’s yanking you down for a kiss. 
It’s slower, no less passionate but less frenzied, and you only break apart to whisper, “Bedroom, Nott.” 
He doesn’t say another word, springing from the couch, grabbing the scarf you made him, and dragging you up to your dorm. As soon as he’s inside, he sets the scarf on your bedside table and pushes you down onto the mattress, climbing on after you. 
You squeal as he peppers kisses along your neck. “Theo,” he murmurs against the skin of your collarbone. “Call me Theo.”
“Okay,” you say, testing it out. “Theo.” His hips slot against yours once more and you cant your up. He slips a hand down your pants and when he presses his palm against you, you whine, “Theo!”
Another rumbling moan, “Amorina, you don’t know what you do to me.” Another long, hard kiss. Your hands move to unbutton his trousers. 
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You don’t care how sweaty and sticky you are as you lay panting against Theo’s chest, feeling the way it rises and falls in rapid succession. You listen to his racing heartbeat and he places a sweet kiss to the top of your head. 
As you two catch your breath, Theo says, “I think Juliet should have gone with Benvolio.”
You look at him like he’s crazy. “That’s really what you’re thinking about?”
He winks at you. “Of course not. I’ve been thinking about it since we finished the book.”
You slap his chest playfully and ask the obvious question: “Why do you think so?” 
“Well, you said I’m like Benvolio and I told you you remind me of Juliet.”
“Huh?” You think for a couple of seconds and then it clicks. “Oh!” You take in Theo’s half-lidded eyes staring at you. “Oh…” 
He dips down to kiss you again.
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Over the break, you’ve expanded on what you know about Theodore Nott. One, he’s quiet because he’s thoughtful, always observing, always analyzing, and storing away information for whatever purpose he’d like to use it for. 
Two, he’s whip-sharp — you see it in the way he can quote Shakespeare plays like second-nature; in how he easily banters with you, always coming back with a swift reply and a cheeky smile. 
Lastly, he’s unbelievably handsome. You knew this before but it’s different now. You admire the way he holds himself with an unflagging confidence, how he has these rare full-bellied laughs that make you crave the sound. But you think he’s most handsome when you sit together, cloistered away in the Clock Tower, reading Romeo and Juliet and now Macbeth together. You’re so close, you can smell the peppermint on his breath from the candy canes the house elves snuck you. You can see all the shades of blue in his eyes. You can count the beauty marks on his face. 
This close, you can lean over and kiss him and delight in the way your heart thrums when he reciprocates, cradling your face and coaxing you into him. 
You spend the majority of the rest of the break wrapped up in Theo’s arms. By the last day, you’re sure you have snuck each other into your dorms more times than either of you can count. You hang out a few times with Mattheo, who turns out to be not as bad as your friends make him out to be. He’s sharp and quick-witted like Theo with a tendency towards the dramatics that makes you laugh. 
You’re sitting at the same spot underneath the tree at the Black Lake, Theo relaxing between your legs. He’s swaddled in the same black overcoat you saw him in before, only this time, the red scarf you knit is starkly bright against the coat. You card your fingers through his soft curls, ducking to peck his forehead. He tilts his head upwards and smiles boyishly at you and it makes you giggle, planting a kiss on his mouth. He brings your hand down to his lips, kissing each fingertip.
You relish the quiet with him, knowing that tomorrow will be a flurry of activity with students and faculty returning from winter holiday. It makes you sigh, the thought of leaving the little world you and Theo have created. Your relationship is only a couple of days old and you can’t deny that you’re anxious about your friends coming back. 
As if sensing your nervousness, Theo sits up and spins around to face you. You attempt to plaster on a reassuring smile but it’s wobbly and uneasy. He cradles your face with one hand, thumb stroking your cheekbone. “What’s wrong, cara mia?”
“I don’t know,” you mumble. He tilts his head, raising an eyebrow with an expression that tells you he knows you’re lying. “What are we going to do when everyone comes back?”
“What do you mean?”
“Theo, our friends all despise each other.”
He replies, “So? Just because they don’t like each other doesn’t mean we can’t.” He kisses the back of your hand. “And I happen to like you very much.”
You smile weakly at him. “I know, and I like you very much as well. It’s just…” You can picture the dawning horror on Ron’s face and the grimaces on Hermione and Harry’s. 
Theo’s mouth turns downward and he asks, “Why do you care what they think?”
“Don’t you care what your friends think?”
“No,” he says firmly, adding, “Plus, Mattheo likes you so who’s to say everyone else won’t?”
He repeats, “Why do you care?”
“I just don’t want anything to ruin this, ruin us.”
“They can only ruin it if we let them and we won’t.”
“You don’t know that for sure! We’re still in the early stages of our relationship.”
“Do you not have faith that we’ll stay together?” he asks.
“I do! It’s—” You sigh in frustration, brow furrowed. “I just want to preserve what we have without outside influence. Please, can we just wait a little to tell everyone?”
You wish you didn’t see the way Theo’s expression falters, hurt passing across briefly before he wipes it away.  He’s studying your face, eyes dark and unreadable but he nods. “Fine. But you have to promise me that it’s just for a little while.”
“I promise.”
“Alright. I’ll tell Mattheo not to open his big mouth.”
“Thank you, Theo,” you say. This time, you reach for his hand and peck his knuckles. His shoulders lose their tension and he bends towards you, mouth ghosting against your neck. You squeal and giggle and you feel him smile against your skin.
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author's note: at long last, the theo nott fic i teased months ago... this fic was supposed to be a lot longer but i when i went back to college and hit a major writer's block, it just languished. i'm proud of what i've written, which is why i want to post it, but please excuse the kind of abrupt end. there is a potential continuation in the future <3
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choerypetal · 7 months
Secret Admirer / Regulus Black
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Summary: Regulus had always harbored a soft spot for a particular member of the Potter family. This individual stood in stark contrast to James, and being a Slytherin only seemed to fuel Regulus's obsession with the sibling who exuded a delicate scent of orchids.
P.S : English isn't my first language, so I apologize for any minor grammar errors. Enjoy!
Regulus had no intention in falling in love. Or was it all in his head? 
God forbid he would need an excuse to glance in your direction or steal a look every now and then. The young man wasn't about to let you slip out of his sight so effortlessly. First, he had to admire every inch of your body, from head to toe. You were now his target, his prey.
He was well aware that this endeavor wouldn't be a simple one, especially considering you were the notorious sibling of James Potter himself.
Understanding your brother's protective nature, being associated with the Potter name wasn't exactly favorable, particularly from an ethical standpoint. Being a Slytherin only intensified matters, as it made you a target for Dark Wizards, much to James' dismay. For Regulus, this meant that even initiating a conversation with you posed a significant challenge.
Regulus remembered the very first time he had met you. Like every love cliché stories, it was during your first day at Hogwarts when your brother had been the light of everyone interest and Regulus had the chance to see your beautiful face exit the train and your hair seemingly blending itself with the wind. It was in that very moment that Regulus knew what falling in love was like. 
Being a Black meant enduring Sirius's teasing at his whim, and with his family's significant legacy, observing his close rapport with the Potters, one might have considered themselves fortunate to easily encounter you during Potions class. You were slightly smaller than your brother, inviting mockery from him and his friends when reaching for higher objects, coupled with a persistent plea until the class's final moments. However, one time, Regulus seized the opportunity to intercept them before you. It was also the moment when both of you heard each other's voices. Your small “Thank you” and the smile you bestowed upon him were enough to stir butterflies in his stomach, followed by inevitable teasing from Sirius later that evening, as it became evident that your brother's attention was on the two of you. 
After the initial encounter between Regulus and you in Potions class, James couldn't help but notice you two’s interactions. To his surprise, he found himself growing increasingly concerned as rumors circulated about Regulus's association with the Death Eaters, and perhaps even darker affiliations. As your brother, naturally, he wanted the best for you, but witnessing the potential dangers of Slytherin influence, it pained him to imagine you being ensnared by such influences. Little did he know, he was mistaken from the outset. 
Regulus was undeniably a good person, a fact known to everyone. Yet, there was something about him that intrigued you even more. You couldn't help but notice from the outset the subtle glances he stole in your direction during class. Your friends occasionally teased about someone showing interest in you, but you couldn't bring yourself to believe it, especially with your brother's constant reminders about keeping your distance from men, especially Slytherins like Regulus. Despite all this, Regulus was keenly aware that you were conscious of his attention towards you.
Despite your efforts to maintain complete innocence regarding your brother's request, you couldn't deny the temptation or the inevitable encounter with Regulus. Which meant, he couldn't resist drawing your full attention to him, resorting to leaving notes in specific places where you frequented. With his signature R.A.B.
As a result, you couldn't help but become somewhat frantic, eager to uncover the identity of your secret admirer. This lead to an interesting investigation between the two of you. 
This though first was brought up during lunch at the Dinning Hall. While he was away in his book, he couldn’t help but to notice and hear clearly his name being whispered from your own mouth. From this very moment, he couldn’t stop but to think— think about the endless dreams longing to hear your voice murmuring his name, begging to hear it, before it vanishes in echoes completely. How he would hold your hand seemingly, wondering off away from Hogsmeade to deep in the forbidden forest to admire the beautiful beasts you long wanted to discover amidst admitting it during class one time. Something he had not forget and it was these little details Regulus made sure of when the possibility of a real encounter. 
The encounter unfolded within the confines of the Library. As you embarked on your quest to locate a book recommended by your teacher, one that aligned with your fascination for magical beasts, fortune smiled upon you as remnants of the coveted tome remained available. Despite its widespread popularity for research purposes. Your satisfaction was tinged with frustration as the book eluded your grasp, just beyond your reach. Regulus, perhaps guided by destiny, seized the opportunity to intersect your paths. As he reached for the book he sought, a familiar fragrance enveloping him—the scent of fresh orchids that had captivated him since your initial meeting. “Perhaps a little assistance is in order.” He remarked, his voice resonating with familiarity, reminiscent of your encounters in Potion class.
However, on this occasion, instead of flashing your customary smile, your eyes widened in surprise at the unexpected presence of the boy who might be your clandestine paramour. Despite the initial shock, you swiftly pushed aside such thoughts and donned your smile. Yet, your cheeks betrayed a different sentiment, flushing with warmth at the tender touch of his cold yet inviting fingers intertwining with yours. It had been an eternity since you had been in such close proximity to Regulus. Despite your inner turmoil and unspoken desires, you couldn't deny the longing for his company, and the warmth of his attentiveness towards you.
“Thank you…” Your voice, gentle and familiar, whispered to his ear, betraying your unmistakable affection for him. Regulus returned your smile with confidence, yet beneath the facade, a sly smirk danced across his lips as he handed you the book, placing it securely in your grasp. With a casual glance at the title, he feigned surprise, though inwardly he had anticipated your newfound research interest. “A fan of magical beasts as well?” He inquired, his tone softened, a deliberate effort to win the approval of your brother, something he knew he must secure to further his intentions.
“Yes.” You affirmed, though the realization of once again finding yourselves drawn together in such close quarters was a surprise even to you. Despite the shared space, your presence seemed merely a distraction to him, your brother's attention firmly fixed on Lily Evans. Nonetheless, Regulus seized every chance to revel in the pleasure of your company, carving out moments for just the two of you. The burgeoning attraction between you was becoming increasingly apparent. “Looks like we always meet in times when I am deed.” You confessed, acknowledging the truth of your words, yet Regulus finding this statement to be nearly impossible to resist the allure of such intense desire, passion. And intimacy with a man who embodied all these qualities. 
As tempted as you were to acknowledge those thoughts, and even to acknowledge Regulus's correctness, you merely shrugged with feigned innocence. It was a quality that had captivated Regulus from the moment he first laid eyes on you. He longed to possess you entirely, to the extent that he would endure your brother's fury or the sight of the Potter girl tangled in Slytherin affairs. Regardless, his sole focus was to ensure that you belonged to him and him alone. 
And much to his liking, James being in the same room just a few tables from afar your study had take knowledge of Regulus’s presence. How his thumb would be casually caressing your chin and lifting up slightly to have a the opportunity to feel his lips against yours. Just this once, and perhaps even more. 
“You know…” His voice deepened, his warm breath grazing against your skin. In that moment, you realized you had been momentarily blinded by his actions, yet a stirring within you suggested that perhaps, like him, you were in love. In love with a man who sought justice and, undoubtedly, someone to cherish—a person with whom he could find solace and belonging. Regardless of your brother's approval, he remained unconcerned. “A little bird informed me that you've been receiving letters from a secret admirer. I couldn't help but be curious about their identity.” He confessed, his tone betraying a mix of intrigue and oblivious.
His voice, smooth as butter, dripped with both passion and curiosity, eager to uncover whether you knew the identity behind the mysterious letters. Despite harboring your own suspicions, you simply shrugged, a casual yet teasing smile playing on your lips. As he reciprocated with a gentle touch, his thumb grazing your chin, you sensed the tension radiating from your brother, torn between throwing a punch or holding back. Simultaneously, you were aware of your brother's intense gaze fixed upon you, even though your back was turned to him. In that moment, it was clear that he faced a choice: intervene or allow Regulus to kiss you.
“Don't,” Sirius mouthed the words silently, fully aware of Regulus's capabilities. If there was one thing he couldn't deny about his family’s qualities, it was the sincerity of Regulus’s feelings and intentions, especially when it came to the person he loved. Despite the complex dynamics between the Blacks and the Potters, whether as friends or foes, James couldn't bear to witness his sibling's sadness and envy once more. And so, with a resigned sigh, he chose to let it be. “Fine, but if he dares to break her heart. I won’t hesitate.”
As Regulus observed your eyes flickering from his gaze to his lips, he sensed a spark igniting between you. The way he spoke to you, the words conveyed on paper—it all pointed to one undeniable truth: your secret lover was none other than Regulus himself. A delicate smile accompanied by a soft chuckle escaped your lips, leaving Regulus slightly bewildered, prompting him to tilt his head in curiosity. “Though I may want to play the part of the suspicious and oblivious recipient of secret admirer letters, I believe I've unraveled the mystery.” You confessed with a hint of amusement.
Your confession alone was convincing, but it was Regulus's sigh that truly affirmed the man standing before you. He was undeniably your secret lover, unafraid to show his affection openly, even in the presence of your own brother. Regardless of family legacy or expectations, he cared not. As he drew near, the library eerily empty, his eyes never straying from yours, you felt the gentle brush of his lips before they melded into a long-awaited kiss—a kiss you both had yearned for, dreamed of, and finally shared.
Before you could even catch your breath, your fingers tenderly cupped his face, softly stroking his cheeks as he savored every moment of affection, his eyelids drifting shut. Then, your voice, sweet and longing, broke the silence. “Kiss me. Forever.”
Without hesitation, Regulus complied, pressing his lips to yours once again, unwilling to pull away until he sensed your brother's disdainful gaze. From that day forward, you became Regulus's other half, bound together by love and defiance.
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ellecdc · 1 month
ok so idea: parents poly!moonwaterkiller + fem!reader are called to hogwarts for a parent-teacher conference of sorts after their troublemaker kid was caught following in their parents (*ahem* remus and bartys *ahem*) footsteps by causing general mischief and being a pain in mcgonagalls behind
im imagining remus as the disappointed-but-secretly-proud/amused dad meanwhile barty just openly encourages the kid, leaving poor regulus and reader to try and discourage their kid from further “marauding” if you will
you're literally an angel for a) requesting this and b) waiting almost four months for it 🥹🫶
poly!moonwaterkiller x fem!reader who are called to a meeting at Hogwarts regarding their marauder of a child
CW: targeted prank against Slytherin, naughty child who is a product of naughty parents, Regulus tries really hard to be the bad guy [someone's gotta do it]
Did the Deputy Headmistress’s office used to be bigger? You swore it used to be bigger.
Certainly the chairs used to be bigger? You weren’t sure the last time you were in here that your feet could touch the floor.
You and Regulus sat somewhat rigidly in the chairs of your formidable former Professor’s office whilst Remus sat comfortably as if simply meeting with a colleague and Barty sat incredibly casually as if he was lounging by a pool. 
You expected some levity to dissipate when Professor McGonagall strode in with your child on her heels, but Barty simply smiled at the newcomers.
“There’s my girl!” Barty cheered as McGonagall moved behind her desk to expose your kid who at least had the grace to look somewhat chastised. “How are you, sweetness?”
“She’s in trouble, Barty.” Regulus hissed severely, causing you and Remus to grimace slightly as you waved apologetically at her. 
“Indeed, Mr. Crouch.” McGonagall agreed quickly as she considered the lot of you from the top of her glasses. 
“Uhm, actually, Professor,” Barty started, pasting on what the three of you often referred to as his ‘faux adult voice’, “it’s Mr. Lupin, now, and I expect to be referred to as such.” 
McGonagall seemed to be working overtime to stifle the half exasperated and half happy-for-him smile that was threatening to take over her face before looking down at a piece of parchment in front of her.
“Right, well, it appears that the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, Mr. Lupin’s.” 
Barty seemed nonplussed over the accusation whilst Remus seemed to straighten ever so slightly in his chair. 
“Eloise has been doing exceptionally well in her Care for Magical Creatures class; so well, in fact, that she was able to enlist the help of some nifflers that she released into the Slytherin dorms. Many students awoke very displeased that their family crests and various jewellery were missing.” 
“Objection.” Barty demanded as he sat up straight. “What evidence do you have that it was her?”
McGonagall pursed her lips as she looked at her former student. “She was caught trying to dispose of the jewellery, Mr. Lupin.”
“Awe, Eloise.” Barty bemoaned then, turning to look at his daughter. “You got caught?” 
“Barty…” You whined then, alerting him to the severe glare McGonagall was levelling him. 
“This is a very serious matter, Mr. Lupin; though all of the jewellery was returned with the exception of one Malfoy signet ring,” McGonagall paused as Remus’ chuckle-turned-cough and Regulus’ ill hidden smirk at the thought of his poncy cousin-in-law fussing over a child’s ring, “the Slytherin student’s families are not pleased.”
“Of course not, Professor. This is completely unacceptable and will not happen again, isn’t that right, Eloise?” You offered, giving your daughter an encouraging look to agree with you.
“Of course, absolutely, it won’t happen again.” She agreed readily - smart girl. 
“And please let the Malfoy’s know that we will compensate them for the missing ring.” You continued, earning you a disbelieving scoff from Barty, a ‘well…let’s not get carried away now’ from Regulus, and a snort of laughter from Remus. 
“Very well.” McGonagall offered. “Be that as it may, this act cannot be overlooked; there will be consequences.”
You, Regulus, and Remus quickly agreed verbally, barely masking the muttered “what a rip” from Barty. 
“Since Eloise has such a…penchant for creature care, she’s going to be tasked with assisting Hagrid in feeding, mucking, and grooming all of the beasts and their pens on school grounds.”
“All of them!?” Eloise and Barty chorused almost comically, had it not been for the steely glare the deputy headmistress shot them. 
“All of them.” She agreed resolutely. “For three weeks, you will be in charge of the hippogriffs, giant toads, thestrals, puffskiens, bowtruckles, and nifflers alike. As well as what other beasts Hagrid needs help caring for.”
Eloise sat back into her chair with a huff at that, looking comically similar to Barty who appeared to be moping in camaraderie. 
“That is all for me; I’ll leave you to it for a few moments to catch up and say goodbye, Miss. Lupin.” McGonagall offered her current student before nodding curtly at her former students and exiting her office. 
“My sweet, silver sickle; how have you been?” Barty asked then as he opened his arms wide to which Eloise quickly accepted. 
“Barty! Do not coddle her!” Regulus admonished then, though you couldn’t help but notice the way his hands seemed to itch to reach out to her.
“Oh, hug your daughter, Regulus.” Remus admonished before Eloise quickly left Barty’s grasp in order to crash into him.
“Sorry, papa.” She murmured into his neck, causing Regulus to heave a great sigh which was mostly just for show. 
“Tu me donnes du gris.” Regulus sighed then as he pulled Eloise in tighter to him. “You’re forgiven, but I mean it, amour; plus rien, d’accord?”
“Oui.” She mumbled miserably as she stood up straight.
“Okay, come on then, hug your mum before McGonagall comes back in and chases us all out with her walking stick.” You teased as you stood from your chair; Eloise wasting no time before slamming into your middle. “I miss you, sweet girl.”
“I miss you too, mum.” She admitted before moving, finally, to Remus. 
“Oh my gods.” Regulus murmured as he spotted something across the room. “Does McGonagall have the first edition of Nicholas Flammel’s book over there?”
And just like that, one of your fourths had wandered to the other side of the room to peruse his former Professor’s bookshelf.
“That was kind of a good one, El.” Remus whispered then, earning him an eye roll from you though you opted to stay silent. 
“Yeah! Enlisting the help of creatures that can’t be given detention was brilliant.” Barty agreed readily. “Less brilliant that you were caught, though.”
“I just didn’t want the nifflers to actually run off with all their things! I was going to give it all back.” She harrumphed.
“What about the Malfoy ring?” Remus asked as he held her by his side. 
A sinister smile took over Eloise’s face. “That’s at the bottom of the Black Lake.”
“I thought you said you were going to give it all back?” You asked in an accusatory manner. 
“To everyone who deserved it back.” She corrected haughtily. 
“Well, I’d wager that no Slytherin deserves it back.” Remus argued, earning him a glare from Barty.
“You and me, tonight. We duel at dusk, Lupin.” He spat.
“For Merlin’s sake.” You sighed as you bent down to Eloise’s level. “Sweetheart, I’m so happy that you’re so creative and having so much fun, but please for the love of all the gods, don’t get in trouble next time!?”
“Yeah, be more like your Da over there; he never got caught.” Barty added quickly. 
“The trick is having a fall guy; blame it on Haz next time, that’s what I always did to his father.”
“You better not be encouraging her over there!” Regulus called as he began to make his way back over.
“Love you, El!” Remus offered as he stamped a hasty kiss on the top of her head.
“Be good! Love you!” You hissed quickly and you pulled her in for one last quick hug.
“Don’t forget to write us!! Love you!” Barty added before the three of you hurried over to the floo, leaving Regulus shaking his head in exasperation and Eloise with a beaming smile as the three of you disappeared through the green flames.
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soup-of-the-daisies · 5 months
cannot stop thinking about that meta that’s like “voldemort’s ultimate goal was to simply destroy the british wizarding world” because it makes so much sense. tom riddle was a poor, orphaned, assumed muggleborn boy with a (most likely) ‘commoner’ accent and a distaste for humanity who sorted into slytherin, the hogwarts house infamous for being filled with loud rich bigots. tom riddle, with his background, could not have possibly been very popular those first few years of his schooling. tom riddle would’ve loathed the lot of them, all those arrogant, spoiled rich kids boasting about their family line. finding out he was the heir of slytherin would have been both a relief (he has something to fit in) and a jackpot (if they knew, they’d bow before him). and he uses that heritage later, when ‘tom riddle’ has disappeared and a stranger called ‘voldemort’ appears in his place. the fanatics literally kiss his feet.
voldemort is canonically a genius. he would’ve known that non-magical blood doesn’t make you dirty or less talented, because he himself is the prime example of that. espousing the bigoted pureblood agenda was simply the easiest way to gain power over the ones in power—all to send society crumbling to the ground from the inside. he takes over the ministry and ruins it, taking the first steps in tearing down the establishment; he kills regardless of blood, implying he doesn’t give one flying fuck what your heritage is; he tries to destroy the sorting hat, which would render the concept of ‘houses’ void.
personally i think it’s very interesting and appealing to put this interpretation in the context of tomarry/harrymort. i’ve always HC’d that harry will grow tired when he’s older, after he’s saved the wizarding world once (at the expense of his own happiness and well-being) and sees that nothing has changed or will change. that voldemort was a symptom, not the disease. that he and hermione and ron keep struggling, working themselves to the bone to make their world more fair and to suppress and eradicate the rampant underlying bigotry, but that it just won’t take.
and with an older harry, an embittered one, turned caustic and cynical by the very world he once viewed as his sanctuary—i don’t really think their beliefs would differ all that much. they’ve both seen and experienced the injustices. they’re both annoyed and disenchanted. harry will always have a regard for life, and voldemort won’t ever, but if anyone would have a wish to tear society down and build it back up again it’s them both.
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beegomess · 9 days
Song that represents your relationship - Lana's Version || Slytherin Boys
Summary: Just my insight on what music best fits your relationship. Warning: None
Requests are open!
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Blaise Zabini || Young and Beautiful
The choice of the song "Young and Beautiful" reflects the depth of the love between you and Blaise, a love that has blossomed and matured over the years. Since you met, the connection between you has always been special, but recently, that feeling has transformed into something truly intense and enduring. Blaise sees you as the ideal partner for a lifetime, and his love transcends mere physical attraction, marked by deep respect and unwavering loyalty. He makes plans for the future with the certainty that what you have is solid and true.
When you’re with Blaise, you feel safe and loved, knowing that his loyalty and commitment are constant, even in the face of adversity. "Young and Beautiful" captures the essence of this eternal love, which does not fade with time but instead strengthens and matures. The song celebrates the beauty of a relationship that is not limited to youth but is enriched by true partnership and the strength of the commitment you share.
Draco Malfoy || Money, Power, Glory
Your relationship with Draco is characterized by a blend of luxury, ambition, and vulnerability. He comes from a powerful family, which profoundly affects the way he interacts with the world—and with you. "Money, Power, Glory" perfectly reflects Draco’s side that craves power and status, yet finds in you a refuge for his emotional fragility. He loves you but also struggles with pride, family legacy, and the weight of maintaining an impenetrable image.
With Draco, love often mingles with the pursuit of control and influence. He is possessive, not just regarding you but also about being seen as someone important, both to the world and to himself. He doesn’t show much affection in public, which sometimes frustrates you, but when you’re alone, he allows himself to be just Draco—the boy who, behind the arrogance, loves you deeply. Expensive gifts, grand gestures, and the desire to impress you are part of his way of loving, but what he truly desires, deep down, is your understanding and support. In your relationship, he seeks more than power and glory: he wants to be loved, even when he hides behind that facade.
Lorenzo Berkshire || Sad Girl
"Sad Girl" reflects the more melancholic side of your relationship with Lorenzo. He is kind and loving, the type of boyfriend who listens to you and deeply cares about your feelings. But his lack of jealousy and excessive kindness toward everyone around him, including the girls who flirt with him, creates a subtle tension that leaves you frustrated and insecure at times. Although Lorenzo would never betray you, you can’t help but feel uneasy about how easily others approach him.
Lorenzo loves you in an open and vulnerable way, always ready to listen and support you, but the absence of conflicts or clearer boundaries sometimes makes you feel like you’re dealing with a one-sidedly idealized love. "Sad Girl" represents this ambiguity: you see yourself as someone who loves deeply but also feels a bit lost amidst the way Lorenzo interacts with the world around him, always so willing to be kind, even when it affects you.
Despite these insecurities, you know he truly loves you, and the connection between you, especially the friendship you share, is something you value greatly. Deep down, you feel like a "Sad Girl"—passionate about someone wonderful but always grappling with mixed feelings about how he opens up so much to the world and not just to you.
Mattheo Riddle || Heroin
Your relationship with Mattheo is like a drug addiction, an irresistible force that seems to consume everything around when you’re together. The attraction between you is so intense and visceral that the world seems to disappear, and "Heroin" perfectly captures this whirlwind of emotions. Although arguments are frequent, reconciliation is always explosive, reflecting the intensity of a love that is both passionate and tumultuous. Mattheo is protective and, at times, possessive, making you feel loved and desired, but also threatened by the possibility of losing yourself in this whirlwind.
Mattheo’s devotion is almost obsessive, and he is willing to ignore all others to be with you. Despite the intensity that makes you question whether this love can be sustained, the attraction and emotional bond between you are so strong that you never truly manage to walk away. The song "Heroin" encapsulates this complex and irresistible dynamic, reflecting the difficulty of breaking away from a love that, despite its chaos, is undeniably powerful and addictive.
Theodore Nott || West Coast
Your relationship with Theodore Nott has a charming duality, where the rhythm between you is sometimes calm and gentle, and other times marked by unexpected passion. "West Coast" reflects this oscillation: there is a tranquility, almost a melancholy, in the time you spend together, but at the same time, a magnetic and unpredictable force when desire arises. Theodore is someone who prefers calm, comfortable silence, nights spent only with you, away from the chaos of parties and others. He is your refuge, your safe place, but the fire between you never goes out, only burns in a controlled manner.
When you’re alone, there is a quiet that makes you feel complete, as if the world is just the time you spend together. His low, serene voice, his subtle provocations, the endearing Italian nicknames—these create an intimate atmosphere you wouldn’t trade for anything. At the same time, there’s something wild behind this serenity. Theodore, although he seems calm and distant to others, is a silent force—and when he touches you, you feel the warmth and intensity he reserves only for you.
"West Coast" captures this feeling of living in two worlds: the quiet of being with Theodore, away from expectations and curious gazes, and the uncontrollable desire that exists between you, always lurking, waiting to manifest. He loves you in a devoted and profound way, but he is also capable of surprising you, leaving you always wanting more, like the waves that come and go on the beach, always present but never the same.
Tom Riddle || Born to Die
Your relationship with Tom is a love story that was written long before you met, as if fate had mapped out every step until you crossed paths. "Born to Die" reflects the intensity of this inevitable destiny, where you were born for each other—not just to love but to share a greater purpose, something that transcends the ordinary and mundane. There’s a sense that the love between you is as strong as it is tragic, that, like the power Tom seeks, your relationship is inescapably tied to sacrifice.
You and Tom are souls that recognize each other instantly. From the beginning, there was something in you that was deeper than mere physical or emotional attraction—an understanding, a force that pushes you in the same direction, even if that direction is dangerous. You were born to share this path together, knowing that, in the end, both of you would be willing to die for your goals. Tom’s love is fierce and singular, and he will never allow anything to interfere with his pursuit of power. Similarly, you feel that your life is intertwined with his, as if there were no choice but to walk side by side, until the end, no matter what happens.
The song evokes the idea that your lives were meant to be this way—you are two beings born to find glory and power, but also to face the consequences together. Loving Tom is accepting that your destiny is not one of simplicity or complete happiness but of a journey that will culminate in something greater. There is a certain tragic comfort in knowing that you are destined for this path, where love and ambition mix, even if it means you might lose yourselves in the process.
xoxo, bee🫶🏼✨
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masqueradereveler21 · 6 months
Hogwarts Legacy Character Sheet - Gwendolen Hughes (EDITED/REVISED)
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General Information
Full Name: Gwendolen Eira Hughes
Nicknames: Gwen, The Hero of Hogwarts, The New Fifth Year, Troll Slayer
Gender: Female
Date of Birth: April 26th, 1875
Zodiac Sign: Taurus
Personality Type (MBTI): INTJ - The Architect
Species: Human
Blood Status: Unregistered/Muggleborn (Presumed)
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Nationality: Welsh
House: Slytherin
Wand: Fir Wood, Dragon Heartstring, 12 1/2”, Rigid
Patronus: Stoat
Boggart: The mutilated corpse of Professor Fig; later on changes to Theophilus Harlow
Amortentia: Bread pudding, wax candles, old books, fresh linen
Physical Appearance
Hair Colour & Style: Black; occasionally wears down but is most often seen sporting it braided or in a ponytail.
Eye Colour: Grey
Skin Tone: Olive with golden undertones
Height: 167cm (5’6”)
Weight: 55kg (121 lbs)
Clothing Style: Neat and presentable; favors skirts, ruffled blouses, vests, and heeled boots. Almost never wears her robes. Black painted fingernails.
Positive Traits: Adaptable, determined, loyal, resilient, compassionate, curious, diligent
Neutral Traits: Independent, reserved, ambitious, rational, observant, competitive
Negative Traits: Arrogant, cunning, stubborn, sarcastic, defiant
Strengths: Capable of thinking outside the box and extremely quick-witted
Weaknesses: Thinks she knows what’s best and struggles to let people in
Likes: Cats, Summoner’s Court, Quidditch, organization, leadership, exploring the highlands, reading, Wizard’s Chess
Dislikes: Spiders, Gobstone’s, dugbogs, failure, laziness, clutter, singing in front of people, dancing
Background and Family
Gwendolen Eira Hughes was born on April 26th, 1875, in Swansea, South Wales, to a mother and father of unknown wizard of heritage. The details of her past are unsure; a carriage accident in her childhood tragically took the lives of her parents and left her with amnesia, leaving doctors and police with only documents to help piece her identity together. Her mother was an English woman named Alice Hedera while her father, Meilyr Hughes, was Welsh. After the accident, Gwen was placed in a Catholic convent where she was given an education but subjected to verbal, mental, and occasionally physical abuse. As she grew older, the convent began placing her into homes with the hope of adopting her out but she was returned each time due to her “poor behavior” and attitude. One of the families she lived with, the Trahernes, began physically abusing her which caused her magic to emerge. In a fit of anger, she caused ivy to grow throughout the entire house, damaging it and leaving the Trahernes with painful rashes. She was promptly returned to the convent and shortly after was visited by Professor Eleazar Fig.
After the events of Repository battle, Gwen’s mental health took a steep decline. The guilt and trauma she felt regarding the deaths of Professor Fig, Lodgok, and many more became too much to bear. She isolated herself within the Room of Requirement until Professor Matilda Weasley coaxed her out and comforted her during the last semester of the school year. After some consideration, Professor Weasley offered to become Gwen’s legal guardian so that she did not have to return to the convent. Gwen was initially hesitant to accept the offer, on account of her previous experiences living with adoptive families, but she eventually accepted after some convincing from Ominis Gaunt. It took a while for both of them to adjust to their new roles; Weasley did not want to overstep her boundaries but also wanted to make sure Gwen was being taken care of and provided for. Gwen kept Professor Weasley at arms length, waiting for the day it became too much and she would give up on her. But with time Gwen came to view Professor Weasley in a more maternal light (the feeling was mutual on Matilda’s end).
Biological Father: Meilyr Hughes (Deceased)
Biological Mother: Alice Hedera (Deceased)
Guardian/Adoptive Parent: Matilda Weasley
Adoptive Uncles: Graham Weasley, Phillip Weasley,
Adoptive Aunts: Dorothy Weasley (née Button), Lydia Weasley (née Hawthorne)
Adoptive Cousins: Theodore Weasley, Oscar Weasley, Garreth Weasley, Florence Weasley, Millicent Weasley, Francis Weasley, Edmund Weasley
Love Interest: Ominis Gaunt/Sebastian Sallow…ehh its complicated…
Best Friends: Natsai Onai, Poppy Sweeting, Garreth Weasley, Imelda Reyes, Amit Thakkar
Acquaintances: Nerida Roberts, Grace Pinch-Smedley, Lucan Brattleby, Isaac Cooper, Adelaide Oakes
Rivals: Leander Prewett, Charlotte Morrison, Samantha Dale
Enemies: Ranrok, Victor Rookwood, Theophilus Harlow, Ashwinders
Pets: Vivarium beasts, eleven cats, a barn owl named Minerva
• Katniss Everdeen - The Hunger Games
• Annabeth Chase - Percy Jackson series
• Kat Stratford - 10 Things I Hate About You
• Raven - Teen Titans
• Mikasa Ackerman - Attack on Titan
• Beth Harmon - The Queen’s Gambit
• Artwork done by the incredible @millyillus •
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scorpiusandstars · 1 year
Some sad Albus Potter headcannons (but it ends nicely)
When he was a small child, Albus’ siblings used to joke about him being the odd one out because he didn’t have red hair. Lily’s was just like her mother’s and James’, whilst less vibrant, still had undeniable red hues. But Albus was the only of his siblings to get his dad’s. He didn’t mind it so much back then. After all, he wasn’t actually that different from them. They were just messing around.
Albus never liked quidditch growing up. His mum was an ex-professional and his dad and his siblings were all exceptional at it too. Albus didn’t really get it. He preferred being on the ground. He accepted that maybe he didn’t fit in in that regard either. But that was okay. He was still a Potter.
Albus’ heart plummeted the moment the sorting hat announced where he’d been placed. He was the first of the Weasley bloodline to not be put in Gryffindor, he was the first of the Potter bloodline to not be put in Gryffindor. It wasn’t right; he was getting further and further away from the rest of his family. He briefly let himself dwell on a memory; an argument he’d had with James. He was nine, and he’d snuck into James’ room over the Christmas holidays and put his Gryffindor uniform on. James was angry that Albus had gone through his stuff, but Albus just wanted to be like his big brother. The memory turned sour.
Selfishly, his heart broke to see Lily go into Gryffindor. He’d hoped maybe he wouldn’t be the only one, that maybe she’d be like him, that maybe she’d prove he wasn’t the odd one out. He didn’t know why he was kidding himself, because at that point he’d already accepted that he was.
Lily made the quidditch team in her second year. Albus was happy for her, of course. But she made it onto a team captained by his brother and with Rose as their star player. His parents gushed about James and Lily’s playing, and his aunt and uncle praised Rose for her’s in equally high regard. Albus would just pick at his dinner as his family’s conversation effortlessly continued on without him.
When Albus was in his fourth year, James got a serious girlfriend for the first time. James had gushed about plenty of girls before, but he really meant it with this one, Albus could tell. She wasn’t James’ first girlfriend though, that had been when he was fourteen - Albus’ age. Albus often got quipped for that, about when he’d get a girlfriend. It wasn’t exactly his fault that his brother and his dad had done so well by his age. Albus wasn’t even sure he wanted a girlfriend. Maybe that was just another way he didn’t fit in.
Albus realised he was in love with Scorpius Malfoy not long after. Despite everything, that was what made him feel more left out than ever before. Now he wasn’t just a dark-haired, un-athletic, Slytherin Potter, but he was a dark-haired un-athletic Slytherin Potter in love with the son of his father’s old school rival. What on Earth could be more isolating than that.
Albus struggled for many years with the feelings of isolation and the knowledge that he was so different from the rest of his family. But he did find something that subsided it, because it turned out out that Scorpius Malfoy loved him back. Suddenly, none of the other stuff seemed to matter so much. He’d found somebody who loved him regardless of all those things, maybe even because of all those things. Suddenly, all of the things that made him different seemed stupidly fortunate. Maybe he wasn’t quite like the rest of his family, but finally he felt able to revel in having something that was unique to him - getting to be loved by Scorpius Malfoy
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blue--ingenue · 1 year
"Evasive Maneuvers" - Part 1
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Read Next Part ->
Summary: You've been in love with Sebastian since the moment you knocked him on his arse on your first day. Entering your sixth year, you finally begin working up the courage to confess your feelings when he suddenly becomes the best Beater Hogwarts has seen in decades - and subsequently becomes the school's most eligible bachelor.
Author's Notes: i have been diagnosed with quidditch player!Sebastian brainrot, and i'm about to make it everyone's problem. cue angst, mutual pining, fluff, and (eventually) a happy ending
Your heels clicked across smooth marble as you strode to the Great Hall, arm-in-arm with Natty and Poppy. The heavy double doors were thrown open revealing hundreds of students embracing and chatting away. Although your robes were a rich scarlet, your gaze cut immediately to the sea of green, searching in vain for a head of chestnut curls. Observant as ever, Natty noted the anxious flick of your eyes and ribbed you, playfully.
“Don’t worry. I’m sure he’s saving you a seat already,” she teased.
Distracted, you continued to sweep your gaze over the animated crowd. “Who?” you asked, your expression indicating that your attention was nowhere near the conversation at hand. Natty and Poppy shared a knowing look and unhooked their arms from yours. This seemed to finally be enough to pause your search. “Where are the two of you headed? We can still sit together until Headmaster Black begins the sorting,” you inquired.
“Natty and I have a few people we’d love to catch up with before then,” Poppy explained. A smile, one you had only ever seen when Natty was about to strike at Crossed Wands, formed as she added, “And I’m sure Sebastian is more than eager to see you again.”
And with that your friends stepped into the crowd and disappeared from sight. You decided to brush off their odd demeanors and made a beeline for the Slytherin table. Your gaze flicked from face to face, searching for storm-blue eyes and the head of brown locks that were never far away from them. You were nearing the end of the table, only a few seats left between yourself and the faculty seating, when a familiar pulse of light caught your eye.
“You aren’t rushing about on another of your adventures, are you? Term has barely begun,” the owner laughed. You blinked twice to make sure that your eyes weren’t playing tricks on you before you registered that the young man speaking was none other than Ominis Gaunt.
“Ominis!” you exclaimed, embracing him with enough force that a puff of air left his lips. His enthusiasm matches yours as he huffs out your name, his voice muffled by your vise-like hug. The two of you catch up on your respective summers. Ominis doesn’t have much to say regarding his family, and you don’t press him for more. Returning to the Gaunt manor always takes its toll on Ominis, especially over the summer. You regale him with tales of star-charting and researching ancient magic. You had read nearly every written text on the subject before deciding to do a bit of research on your own. Ominis laughs, and you make a noise of confusion. You hadn’t said anything funny.
“You know you sound just like him. And before you ask, no, I have not yet had the chance to speak with him,” he declares. You could feign ignorance with Natty and Poppy (with varying results), but never with Ominis. He’d been the first to catch onto your feelings for his best friend and had since become your confidant. Before you can reply the candlelight shines upon a familiar shade of chestnut. Anne’s hair is pulled up into its usual bun and she adjusts it as she takes her first steps back into the Great Hall. She looks ecstatic, more stars in her eyes than you’ve seen in all the first-years combined. She spots you and Ominis and breaks into a grin that takes over her whole countenance. She immediately slides and weaves between students before crashing into Ominis with the same brute strength you had embraced him with just minutes ago. A figure leans against the door, his impossibly loving gaze following Anne’s warpath through the crowd. You inhale sharply as Sebastian Sallow comes fully into focus. He looks so different, and yet so unmistakably Sebastian. The light of a thousand flickering candles grace his features. ‘Solid’ is the only word you can think of to describe his transformation. He’d spurted at least six inches over the summer and you can’t help but notice the way he fills out his uniform. Even from here you can see the corded muscle of his forearms flex as he rolls his sleeves to his elbows. He looks about the hall, and his searching gaze is not unlike the one you expressed upon arriving. Your eyes meet, and even from across the hall you can see his shoulders sag in relief. 
You had caught him asleep in the Undercroft once, one arm dangling over the couch as the other clutched a weathered novel to his chest. It was Pride and Prejudice, a muggle romance that you had since read cover-to-cover. Between one beat and the next you feel as though every loving word spoken between those pages sings through your blood. Elation flares from your chest and a few arcs of blue lightning crackle from your hands. Sebastian pushes through the crowd to get to you. His strength allows him to cut through the throng like a knife through warm butter and heat blossoms somewhere entirely different. He stops just short of you and you shoot from the bench, crossing the remaining few steps to your best friend. You raise your arms, not sure if you’re intending to hug him, but certain that you need to hold him. He makes it to you first. Just as you’re about to reach forward he captures your hands with the gentlest of grips and just- holds you. His hands have always been larger than yours, but with his proximity and the warmth radiating from his toned physique you’re struck by just how much he’s grown. Purely on instinct you fold your hands over his, relaxing into his grip. 
“Hey you,” he smiles, gazing at you with an intensity you’ve only ever seen him sport while dueling. 
“Hi,” you reply, eloquently. You feel giddy with happiness and you’re sure that your cheeks are flushing a deep crimson to match your robes. His right hand drifts toward the lock of hair that has fallen into your face and your breath catches at the proximity. His eyes are far away, yet determined. You tilt your head, ready to lean into his touch, when his hand makes an aborted motion and he scratches his head. Sebastian clears his throat and releases your hands, taking a step back. 
“It’s ah- It’s good to see you,” he says sincerely. You feel a familiar wave of disappointment roll over you. Whatever had charged the air between you mere moments ago dissipated instantly. “It’s good to see you, too,” you muster. You open your mouth to say something, but are cut off by Headmaster Black calling for the sorting to begin. You glance sheepishly at Sebastian before heading back to the Gryffindor table to sit with Natty. From across the hall, you swear you can almost feel his gaze on you. Turning your attention to the podium, you sigh. This was going to be an interesting year.
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in-class-daydreams · 10 months
My One and Only (Sebastian Sallow x Reader)
Pairing: Sebastian Sallow x Fem!Reader (Established relationship) Synopsis: It's seventh year and you're exceedingly happy with your loving boyfriend, Sebastian. Having had enough excitement for the rest of your time at Hogwarts, you both were happy to sit idly by and spectate the Triwizard Tournament. Only, that's not what the universe has in store for you. Notes/TW: Another installment in the Headmaster's Kid MC universe, because I love the drama. MC sort of has PTSD from the Ranrok thing, but it's not described in detail nor is it called such in the story.
You were in the Slytherin common room, leafing through Goblets, Goblins, and Gobstones: An Anthology of Magical Folklore. It was a gift from Sebastian from before either of you realized you loved each other. Back then, he couldn’t name the warmth in his chest whenever he saw you, but his regard for you was so great, he gave you a treasure from his childhood, the book of stories his mother used to read to him and his sister as children. Even though you were now utterly devoted to one another, you still liked to bring it out from time to time. It was as if his mother’s love extended to you, who never had anyone who felt like real family. The House of Black was not the most hospitable of bloodlines.
“She’d have loved you,” you remembered Sebastian saying. “You’re clever and funny and your brand of love is so similar to hers.” You liked to think that in your love for Sebastian, you returned a piece of his mother to him.
“Black!” Imelda shouted from the front door. “Your boyfriend’s gotten himself into another fight!”
You looked up, more than a bit confused. Since things had quieted down, neither you nor Sebastian had been getting into brawls of any sort. If there was one thing you’d learned about him over the years is that he always had a reason for doing things. You might not have realized that, considering you met him during arguably the worst year of his life, but now that it was over and Anne was cured, he was his affable, happy self. Even more so when he found out you loved him back.
Tucking the tome beneath your arm, you rushed over to Imelda, who led you a short distance to a hallway where a small crowd had gathered and Professor Weasley was already marching your boyfriend away from the scene.
You hurried to follow at her side.
“What happened?” you asked.
Professor Weasley sighed. “Yet another physical altercation. I thought you were done with these, Sebastian.”
Sebastian, face still red with rage, looked stubbornly forward. You noted his split brow and darkening bruise on his cheek with a frown.
“He normally is,” you insisted. “Please, professor, can we hear him out in private first?”
Professor Weasley was a reasonable woman, and she knew it was true that you and Sebastian both had been on your best behaviors since Anne was cured. The two of you had a happy, quiet peace together without goblin rebellions and cursed sisters, and the most exciting thing you did nowadays was play highly competitive games of Summoner’s Court. Some people wondered if you ever missed the excitement, and you’d reply that while you enjoyed a good challenge, you’d gladly give up being in constant peril for the rest of your time at Hogwarts.
Weasley relented and led you into a spare room away from prying eyes. You sat Sebastian down and set to work patching his wounds in a practiced routine.
“Sebastian. Lovey.” His hard stare softened at the endearment.  “Tell us what’s wrong, please?” you asked gently.
Sebastian took a deep breath and it became apparent that he wasn’t withholding the information, he was previously too enraged to explain.
“Yaxley and his band of idiots put your name in the Goblet of Fire,” he said through gritted teeth.
You let the information sink in, only for your blood to drain from your face entirely. With your luck, you had a highly likely chance of being selected to represent Hogwarts.
Since you’d accepted Isadora’s power to cure Anne, your magic had been permanently altered. You had returned to the Keepers, apologizing profusely and insisting that you were willing to return the power to keep it contained away from anyone. Given the fact that you were integral to stopping Ranrok and you surprised them by being willing to relinquish such power so easily, the Keepers tentatively forgave you. Though, you suspected that Professors Fitzgerald and Bakar were particularly softened by how you only took the power at all for Sebastian’s sake. One did not simply cast the Killing Curse in defense of a mere friend. You would know.
But even after the dark magic left your body, your own magic had become altered. More lethal, more sinister. You managed it just fine in the day-to-day since you yourself had no sinister intentions, but if the tournament put you in danger, you could not promise that your magic would stifle its lethality.
Professor Weasley was just as enraged as Sebastian.
“They what?” she raised her voice. “Did they succeed? Or was it only an idea?”
Sebastian’s head hung low and he rested his elbows on his knees. “It’s already been done. I didn’t act fast enough. I’m sorry.”
Disregarding your own panic, you hugged him close.
“Oh, Sebastian, don’t be,” you assured him. “I’ll manage. I always do.”
Sebastian looked like he wanted to say more, but you turned to address Professor Weasley.
“I don’t suppose we can get my name out of the Goblet, can we?” you asked.
The professor shook her head sadly. “I’m afraid not. The contract is magically-binding. We simply have to hope that someone who actually volunteered is chosen, not you,” she replied.
It was concluded that Sebastian would get an obligatory detention for starting a physical fight, but it would be short, and he’d be allowed his books, so it wasn’t much of a punishment. It was highly generous of her, and you noted as much. On her way out the door, Weasley smiled over her shoulder, stating that, “Had I been in your position when I was a student, I might have done the same.”
Afterwards, you helped Sebastian back to the dormitory. One of Yaxley’s group had gotten in a lucky shot to his leg and left him limping slightly.
“Sebastian,” you said before you parted ways. He turned towards you and you took his face in your hands. You pressed a butterfly kiss to his nose. “Thank you for trying to protect me.”
He furrowed his brow. “Trying isn’t good enough,” he stated.
“It is for me,” you replied gently. “No one’s ever been behind me one hundred percent until I met you. I grew up so alone and I always felt so unwanted.” You stroked his cheek with your thumb. “The fact that you care is plenty enough for me. So, don’t worry. Even if the Goblet of Fire spits my name out, I will manage, because I have you.”
You pressed a goodnight kiss to his lips and headed to bed. You thought Sebastian’s weak kiss back was because he was tired and distracted and, well, you were half right.
Several days later, you gripped your boyfriend’s hand as you all sat in Beauxbatons’s equivalent of the Great Hall, impatiently waiting for the Headmistress to draw a name. The large room was lavishly decorated, like a dining room in the Palace of Versailles.
Anne, Imelda, and Natty sat in front of you while Ominis and Poppy sat to your left. They looked at you with worry, having been updated on the situation. You all knew full well that the universe greatly enjoyed putting you at the center stage of great peril, and while you were honest with Sebastian that you’d manage, you were exhausted. Dueling was fun for a challenge, fighting for your life was tiresome.
You squeezed Sebastian’s hand under the table. He gave you three pulses back, eyes never leaving the Goblet. He was more tense than usual, and you assumed it was out of concern for you.
The Beauxbatons Headmistress went onstage with great ceremony, giving a spiel about the history of the Triwizard Tournament and what an honor it was to represent the school in such a rich tradition of joint relations between the three schools. She had a heavy, lilting French accent and had a stately aura about her not unlike Professor Weasley.
The Goblet’s blue flame turned red and spit out a singed piece of parchment, which the Headmistress caught and read aloud.
“The Durmstrang Champion is…” she paused for effect. “Sava Peycheva!”
Their student body erupted in cheers and applause as a tall, powerfully-built girl with long dark hair shook the Headmistress’s hand and waved to the crowd. Unlike you’d have been, she seemed completely at ease, as if her victory was guaranteed. You could respect someone confident in her abilities to that degree.
Sava took her seat and the Goblet’s flame turned red once more. Taking the parchment, the Headmistress announced the next champion.
“The Hogwarts Champion is…”
The darker part of your magic sang, eager to be put through its paces, but you felt a lump in your throat. You had been willing to use lethal force once, but only because of what was at stake. The idea of harming anyone now was enough to make you sick to your stomach.
You white-knuckled Sebastian’s hand and you all held your breath when the Headmistress spoke, loud and clear.
“Sebastian Sallow!”
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How would Sirius react to Bellatrix's Biological!Child!reader getting sorted into Gryffindor? Even better, how does Bellatrix react when she finds out her most treasured child (more like object) is a Gryffindor? I can see her either completely glossing over it or giving reader the ol' burn-them-off-the-family-tree-and-disown-them treatment (times 100). Either way, I feel like there's a good chance Sirius will be joining reader's custody battle when he finds out lol
I don’t think yan!mom!Bellatrix would really acknowledge it too much but there would be slight disappointment in her child not being in Slytherin. She would probably be reminded of Sirius when she first finds out about her child being sorted into Gryffindor and she would immediately be untrusting of any and all of her child’s housemates. The only people she could bring herself to tolerate being around her child would be the Slytherin kids. I like the idea of Bellatrix having not been sent to Azkaban after having her precious child, like maybe once her child are brought into the world she put her all her time and focus into them and only them, entrusting the torture of the Longbottoms to Rodolphus, Rabastan and Barty because she didn’t want to part from her child for anything which in turn would result in her not being arrested for it leaving her to be Abel to be in her child’s life this whole time. If that were the case then I could definitely see Bellatrix sending the Reader a howler but it’s not directed towards the Reader but towards their new housemates. She’s definitely threatening them and their entire family tree all the while you can hear Narcissa in the background trying to calm her sister down and throwing in a positive message to the Reader and making sure to tell them to spend time with Draco and that he’s there if they need anything at all.
Also, Bellatrix totally would interrogate her child when they came home for break about their housemates and the ones who especially wormed their way into befriending her beloved child. She wants all their names, their family’s names, their addresses; everything pertaining to them she wants to know. And you can bet she isn’t allowing her child to visit any of their friends, even if they were in Slytherin. Once her child is back in her possession she isn’t letting go for anything. I mean Narcissa would already have to fend off Bellatrix just to be able to send the Reader back to school. Don’t even get me started on how she would be when it came to seeing the Reader off at the train station.
Regarding Sirius, I think his first reaction would be finding it completely ironic that Bellatrix’s child would be in Gryffindor like him. I think that alone would lead him to think that her child shares a similar personality to himself or something of the sort that connects them like that which in turn would cause him to worry about the safety of the Reader. His mother had been dreadful towards him in so many ways, he can only imagine how Bellatrix is or will be with her own child, especially after this. Sirius would definitely want to meet his cousin’s child and see what they’re really like, whether they take after Bellatrix in any way, shape, or form, or if they are much more akin to himself as he believes they are. He certainly would believe that the child deserves someone much more deserving than Bellatrix to be their parent and he’s more than willing to fill that role. I think it would especially sell it for him if the Reader was friends with Harry, maybe even to the point of becoming the Sirius to Harry’s James. He’d absolutely adore being able to raise both Harry and the Reader together. I can definitely see Sirius wanting to be to the Reader what the Potter family had been to him, especially once he ran away.
Sidenote; but I really love the idea of yan!mom!Bellatrix raising her Hufflepuff!child. I can imagine that with her extreme coddling and overprotectiveness/overpossessiveness, as well as Narcissa’s own added coddling and overprotectiveness, it would lead the child to having grown up much more sheltered and maybe seeing the way their mother was resulted in them being the exact polar opposite. Like, her child is warm, sweet, shy, kind, friendly, and just overall everything Bellatrix isn’t and can’t even try to feign being. I can’t help but imagine Bellatrix trying to get her child to become more like her but it taking no real effect whatsoever leaving her to be fiercely protective of her little cinnamon roll puff of a bby.
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alka1ye · 3 months
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Ocelots in Slytherin!
Here Lukas would have been sorted to Ravenclaw, but more importantly, he comes from a long-established pure-blood family, and in the original book he was actually more focused on glory (the last chapter says that the Ocelot team was regrouped to remind Jesse of this glory), and besides, if it were Ravenclaw, he might not have said "count me in" before the initial withering storm event began, In the final analysis, Ravenclaw is more knowledge-oriented, and perhaps more self-conscious. Another reason is that Lukas is actually a bit unscrupulous. Regarding Aiden's betrayal and attempted murder of Lukas, he rightfully wanted to take revenge on Aiden for "digging a pit and pouring lava on him", and he surprised everyone when he said it. That makes sense at first Lukas and Axel are very at odds with each other, and Jesse feels excluded and alienated among his friends
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akechiguro · 1 year
how hogwarts legacy boys would react to meeting your parents 💗
headcanons / imagines
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Synopsis | various of Hogwarts Legacy’s boys reactions and scenarios to meeting your parents for the first time.
Included | sebastian sallow, ominis gaunt, garreth weasley, amit thakkar.
Word Count | 1217.
Content Warnings | gender neutral reader.
Author’s Note | please let me know if you would be interested in a female version <3
sebastian sallow:
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“Hello! I’m Sebastian Sallow. I’m sure you’ve heard of me?”
-he’s very respectful and makes a point to show up with some sort of gift. he believes flowers are too impersonal, so he makes a point to get something that feels more homey than flowers that will inevitably die.
-he brags a LOT, not obnoxiously, but to prove to your parents that you’re in good hands. your father is very proud that you’re dating Hogwarts’ best duelist and your mother is very impressed that, despite being from Feldcroft, he’s a very polite boy.
-he offers to help with cooking dinner. solomon usually cooked for him and anne, but after she was cursed, he helped as much as he could— meeting your parents is no different. if all worked out, these would hopefully be his parents by law in the future, he needs to show them that he’s capable of more than dueling and adventuring.
-if you have little siblings, he’s very kind to them, even playful. after helping with dinner, he offered to watch the little ones, despite not being…amazing with kids. he showed them Levioso and Revelio as long as they promised not to tell anyone, and continued to answer any questions they had about magic; granted, with a bit of an exaggeration.
-after dinner, he bid farewell to them and brought you out of the house for a bit of late-night fun. an adventure was due after such a big event, even if it got his nicest suit dirty.
“Your parents are lovely! It’s no wonder you turned out to be such a gem.”
ominis gaunt:
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“Hello, Mr. and Mrs. [L/N]. I’m Ominis Gaunt of House Gaunt. It’s lovely to meet you.”
-contrary to Sebastian’s beliefs, he insisted on bringing a magnificent bouquet of flowers. his parents have money and he’s fully making the most of it. the flowers he chose consist of daffodils, yellow roses, sunflowers, and yellow tulips. all to symbolize the new, positive relationship between him and your parents.
-he keeps his conversation respectful and professional. he doesn’t ask anything too personal of your parents and tends to deflect any questions regarding his family. they’re apprehensive due to the rumors of the dark arts they use, but his silver tongue eases their worry.
-though his disability prevents him from being able to help with anything around the house, he still entertains any requests your parents make— within reason. if whoever is cooking needs an ingredient they forgot, he’ll grab it for them. same with any tools or miscellaneous items they may need.
-he’s very awkward around little siblings. they’re too high energy for him, but he still makes an effort to keep them entertained. his near-sentient wand fascinates them, so he plays it up like there is a wizard trapped in his wand and he’s just keeping him hostage for his own service. he also tells them about the mermaids outside the Slytherin common room, in the event any of them get sorted into it. they find this all very, very entertaining.
-his parents are so sad to see him go, and make a point to tell you how lucky you are to have him after you leave, saying that inheritance money is going to be life-changing. you roll your eyes at this and leave to hang out with ominis before he officially has to go home. he says he loves your parents, and that you won’t love his; but he’s enjoying the moment while it lasts.
“I adore your parents. I’m looking forward to what the future may hold for us.”
garreth weasley:
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“Hey, I’m Garreth! Garreth Weasley? Have they talked about me at all?”
-he brought sparkling cider for dinner after you convinced him not to bring a potion of his own concoction. he explained to you that the potion was supposed to make any food item taste better than anything you’ve ever eaten in your life, but after he said he’d never tested it, you concluded it was a bad first impression present.
-your parents fell in love with him immediately. they’re obsessed with his charisma and his overall energy and listen very attentively to his tales of potionmaking. they do worry about your safety, especially after hearing about how many of his potions end in disasters, but he assures them it’s nothing to worry about and he would never do anything to harm you.
-he’s actually very bad at cooking! he tried his hardest to help whoever is cooking with dinner, claiming he knew a “probable shortcut” (his words), and almost burned your house down. he lost favorability with your parents but made up for it by covering the cost of buying dinner from a local market…his aunt Matilda was not happy about this.
-this boy is a wizard with kids. your little siblings are naturally drawn to him and he’s excellent with them. he has a whole bag of tricks and treats to entertain them with if his already childlike personality isn’t enough. your siblings argue with you about sitting next to him at dinner because they like him so much.
-your parents invited him back home as soon as he left. your little siblings cried and begged him to stay. he came back after 10 minutes because he forgot his wallet. all is well.
amit thakkar:
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“Hello, Mr. and Mrs. [L/N]! I am Amit Thakkar. I have heard so much about you!”
-like Ominis, he also brought flowers, but rather than fully putting thought into the bouquet, he brought stargazer lilies as an immediate icebreaker; “I’ve brought you stargazer lillies because my favorite hobby is stargazing!” your parents love his dorky charm right off the bat.
-though his initial conversations with your parents are very awkward, he doesn’t say anything to make himself look bad. your parents were mostly interested in his story of how you met and asked to see the famed telescope that brought you two together. they’re entranced with the thought of him being fluent in gobbledegook, and since neither of your parents have had an authentic encounter with the language, they’re very impressed.
-he cooked beforehand and brought a side dish, Scottish Rumbledethumps. he was so nervous to make a good first impression that he didn’t want to overcrowd your kitchen while cooking that he went ahead and made his own. your parents, once again, fell in love. your mother told you that this boy is a keeper immediately after he revealed he brought food.
-your little siblings do not like him. he’s far too awkward to do anything that will make them like him and they’re far too ruthless to even try and get along with him. putting them in a room together led to a couple minutes of excruciating silence followed by panicked screaming from your boyfriend and the distinct sound of war-cries from your siblings. you had to go in there and save him– though, some relationship between them was salvaged when he started to point out constellations.
-of the boys, your parents love him the best. he’s very respectful and very smart, and absolutely adorable, ultimately just the perfect boyfriend. before you left to finish the date with a bit of stargazing, they joked that if you didn’t marry him, one of them would.
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ellecdc · 6 months
Dude, I don't know why I am asking this. But do you think poly moonwater will choose to be child free? I do think so. I mean, regulus past story and remus fury problem, I don't think they'll want kids at all
But if reader accidentally gets pregnant. Do you think they gonna keep their distance an arm lenght? I mean, I remember in the book remus trying to leave nymphadora who's pregnant at that moment (or is it after she gave birth? Can't really remember) by trying to help Harry looking for the idk the name of it, voldemort collections?
oooouuuu this is a fun question! thanks for asking; and I think that happened before teddy lupin was born and they were searching for Voldemort's horcruxes! - also, in regards to canon, I think the reason remus felt willing to take off was because he truly was sort of all alone: no parents, no siblings, no family, no friends. Plus society constantly shitting on him, plus there being a war etc etc, he felt very desperate and didn't feel like he could handle being responsible for nymphadora and a child
But of course since WE DON'T LIVE IN A WOLD WITH VOLDEMORT OVER HERE 🙃🙃🙃🙃 I think this is a valid question
(my answer is going to be SFW until the page break below - I will put warnings ahead of time for minors)
My answer would be yes, I agree that Regulus and Remus would perhaps wish to be childfree. Like you said, Remus feels like society views him as a stain and he wouldn't want to pass that legacy onto a child (biologically his or not), and he also wouldn't want to put a child through the pain of seeing their father suffer through every lunar cycle. Regulus had a horrific childhood and would be very scared to be anything like his mother or father, and I kind of see him as this guy who really doesn't know what to do with kids...he never had a childhood really, and never was around other kids until he was at Hogwarts, and by then he was right traumatized soooo yes I agree, he would be worried about having children.
As for our darling reader finding out she was pregnant? I have some thoughts on that.
I think Regulus has a deep rooted sense of duty and loyalty to his people, and ultimately, Remus and reader would be his people. Even if he hated the idea of reader being pregnant/having his child, I think he would shove that down so deep and just completely take on this role he never really wanted but hey, he's here now and he's going to do what he has to do. It was why he ended up in Slytherin (duty/loyalty to his family), and it was why he took the dark mark (duty/loyalty to his family). He took the mark because he believed that to be his role, his job in life - and if reader ended up pregnant, well, that was his duty then.
I think Remus would be a wild card. Remus never had a proper childhood either; he had to grow up really fast as he was bitten at only 4 years old. This means for as long as he can remember, he's been a werewolf. He didn't get to attend school (due to injuries/pains, scars, unexplained absences etc), he never had siblings, and he couldn't play with the village kids. So not only does he not necessarily know what to do with kids, I think he'd still have some of those "the kid would be better off without me, I can't curse another life to me and my lycanthropy) BUT I think he'd have been around Harry and loved that kid so damn much, and he'd have his friends and loved ones to help him come to terms with it.
This could be a cute fic request.
now.....as for the NSFW stuff (18+, minors don't look down here)
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I have this headcanon that pureblood's have a breeding kink....they were literally bred, born, and raised to carry on the bloodline and produce heirs - so I don't think Regulus was fucking innocent in that conception LOL he would have been very excited thinking about spilling inside of reader and getting her knocked up.
in a similar vein, I also believe that there is a primal side of Remus with his lycanthropy which would ALSO support a breeding kink - truly fucks like an animal tbh and gets so turned on at the thought of filling reader up
okay sorry for being a dirty horn dog thanks byeeeee
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hollowed-theory-hall · 3 months
Hey !
I love reading your posts , you are brilliant truly.
I would like to request an analysis of James potter and maybe his relationship with lily Evans.
Thank you so much for your time !
Thank you so much! 💕 I love writing these analysis posts, and I'm so glad other people enjoy reading them!
Now, James and Lily Potter, I'll start by giving my biased opinion which is that I like them as characters (especially Lily, love her) and their relationship.
So without further ado:
James Potter's Childhood
So before the Pottermore article that revealed Fleamont and Euphemia existed, the common fanon parents of James were Charlus and Dorea, I'm going to go with Fleamont and Euphemia being his parents though. (I still sometimes prefer his parents to be Charlus and Dorea in fic, even though it makes less sense with what we know about James, as I'll mention later).
So what do we know about the Potter family?
We know they are pretty rich. Not Malfoy or Black level rich, but they have a substantial amount of money as shown repeatedly:
Griphook unlocked the door. A lot of green smoke came billowing out, and as it cleared, Harry gasped. Inside were mounds of gold coins. Columns of silver. Heaps of little bronze Knuts.
(PS, 57)
We also know, from Pottermore, that the Potters are relatively newer money, making a good portion of their wealth from Henry Potter’s potions business (James' grandfather).
We also know Potters are common enough members in the Wizengamont from Pottermore. I posed here that the Wizengamot seats pass down families, which will place the Potters as wealthy and influential in the wizarding community as a whole.
“My whole family have been in Slytherin,” he said. “Blimey,” said James, “and I thought you seemed all right!” Sirius grinned. “Maybe I’ll break the tradition. Where are you heading, if you’ve got the choice?” James lifted an invisible sword. “’Gryffindor, where dwell the brave at heart!’ Like my dad.” Snape made a small, disparaging noise. James turned on him. “Got a problem with that?”
(DH, 567)
We know from James his father was in Gryffindor and probably his grandfather too. His distaste towards Slythering and anything resembling Dark Magic probably came from home. The same way Draco came to Hogwarts with his notions of blood purity and how Slytherin was the best house because he was parroting his parents, James is the same. He is an 11-year-old shouting off whatever he hears at home.
This is why I mentioned Fleamont and Euphemia make more sense as James' parents. As much as I personally like the idea of his parents being Charlus and Dorea, it wouldn't make sense with what we see. Dorea was born a Black, which means James would likely know who Sirius is and would probably have different notions regarding Slytherin house if his mother was there...
James Potter, then, grew up as the only child of a rich and politically influential family of Gryffindors, he was spoiled and used to having anything he wanted whenever he wanted, which is clear from his behavior.
James yawned hugely and rumpled up his hair, making it even messier than it had been. Then, with a glance toward Professor Flitwick, he turned in his seat and grinned at a boy sitting four seats behind him.
(OotP, 642)
He is brilliant and he is aware of it. Lily refers to him as arrogant often before they start dating, and I have to agree with her assessment of the teenage James. James at 15 is lounging in his seat and feels untouchable. He is at the top of his own world, popular, rich, and brilliant. So of course he's arrogant, he feels like nothing could reach him.
Ron said, stopping mid-sentence at the look on Harry’s face. “Why are you grinning?” “I’m not,” said Harry quickly, looking down at his Transfiguration notes and attempting to straighten his face. The truth was that Ron had just reminded Harry forcibly of another Gryffindor Quidditch player who had once sat rumpling his hair under this very tree.
(OotP, 704)
But it isn't that simple. James chooses to appear unbothered and untouchable, and I do think he is prideful but not as arrogant as Lily and Snape make him out to be, even at 15. The reason I think that is the above passage. I never really saw anyone bring it up in association with James' character, but Harry mentions Ron messing up his hair as he brags about his Quidditch save in much the same way James did in the memory he saw. The reason this is interesting is that we know Ron, we know how insecure he is and that all this hair messing is show and bravado that isn't fully backed up.
And considering the parallels I already mentioned James having with Draco and will mention more of them later, I wonder if James really does have insecurities he covers up with pride and arrogance — something we see both Ron do (in the above scene) and Draco do in general.
James Potter, when it comes down to it, has more in common with Draco Malfoy than with Harry in terms of his personality and even character arc, down to some of the things he says:
“Who wants to be in Slytherin? I think I’d leave, wouldn’t you?” James asked the boy lounging on the seats opposite him, and with a jolt, Harry realized that it was Sirius. Sirius did not smile.
-James Potter to Sirius Black, 1971 (DH, 567)
“Well, no one really knows until they get there, do they, but I know I’ll be in Slytherin, all our family have been — imagine being in Hufflepuff, I think I’d leave, wouldn’t you?”
-Draco Malfoy to Harry Potter, 1991 (PS, 58)
So James is spoiled, snobbish, and used to getting his way in everything, unlike Lily and Sirius, who grew up with siblings and were more used to having to share or give up their wants sometimes. James also feels the need to live up to certain expectations, he has to be the best (the way Draco thought he would be at Hogwarts), he needs to be popular and top of the class and a lot of his pride and confidence probably hinges on these external sources, his arrogance is superficial. I just can't see a character who has real self-confidence be shown in narrative parallels to either Ron "self-esteem issues" Weasley or Draco "Arrogance to Hide Weakness" Malfoy.
The Mauraders
We move on to James' time at Hogwarts. He gets sorted into Gryffindor and befriends the Mauraders. I kinda want to talk about their friendship dynamic a bit, because it is interesting.
We saw in the earlier quote from the train, that Sirius was the first of the Mauraders James met, and he was the closest to him out of the bunch. I'm going to talk more about Sirius and James' friendship later in this post as they are a separate entity from the Marauders. I mean, there's a reason everyone in PoA keeps mentioning James and Sirius in a single breath while Lupin is never brought up.
(I know the reason is so JKR could keep the reveal for later, but in universe, it's quite telling)
Now, from what we see of them, they have a very clear dynamic. James is the leader, and Sirius is his second and only real equal (academically and by popularity) who are the closest to each other. Then we have Remus, who is friends with them, but they don't take him or his concerns as seriously. Remus was usually afraid to speak up against James and Sirius because he felt he was expandable to the friend group, a feeling Peter shared, if even worse than Remus. James and Sirius didn't really treat Peter great:
“Put that away, will you?” said Sirius finally, as James made a fine catch and Wormtail let out a cheer. “Before Wormtail wets himself from excitement.” Wormtail turned slightly pink but James grinned. “If it bothers you,” he said, stuffing the Snitch back in his pocket. Harry had the distinct impression that Sirius was the only one for whom James would have stopped showing off.
(OotP, 645)
Sirius is the one James actually takes cues from and vice versa. Pettigrew is often belittled and made the butt of their jokes and Remus:
“I’m bored,” said Sirius. “Wish it was full moon.” “You might,” said Lupin darkly from behind his book.
(OotP, 345)
“How thick are you, Wormtail?” said James impatiently. “You run round with a werewolf once a month —” “Keep your voice down,” implored Lupin. Harry looked anxiously behind him again.
(OotP, 643)
Is treated friendlier than Peter, but not with the same respect James and Sirius reserve for each other. James mentions Remus is a werewolf in a crowded hall, Sirius endangered Remus' secret during The Prank. We see Sirius doesn't really take Remus' Lycanthropy as the serious concern it is for Remus. Obviously, Sirius gets better about it, but this is the dynamic of the Marauders the way we see them. It's a far cry from a healthy friend group, but they were teenagers, and teens actually do on occasion have these kinds of friend groups that you question if it can be called friendship (I know I've seen a few of these in my school). I think the adult Remus and Sirius we see in OotP are closer than they were in school, and the reason for that was the war and having no one else really, but this is a James meta and not a Mauraders in general meta, so I'll focus.
Many in the fandom already talked about what a brilliant and insane feat of magic becoming animagi at 15 is. We know James was a prodigy in Transfiguration and other areas of magic as well considering his confidence regarding the DADA exam. What I want to talk about Prongs, in particular, is the symbolism of a stag as one's Animagus form.
I talked about this a little already here, but basically, stags and deers in general represent:
The cycle of life and death
Agility and grace
Stags additionally represent:
So, what does all this tell us about James?
Well, it tells us he is as Gryffindor as they come (Bravery & Nobility), the cycle of life & death is his connection to the Peverells and his own early demise. Agility and grace make sense as well if you take it to mean he was a talented and graceful dueler, which is very possible and even likely.
And then we have the stag-specific traits. These are traits I think James only grew into later in life and would've grown into more. I mean, he was always charismatic and had the ability to lead people, he was leading the Mauraders and was incredibly popular. But I think the traits of the stag with fatherhood and authority suggest maturity, something the young James definitely lacked. I think his Animagus, more than anything proves he did change, and would've continued growing into himself to truly become the stag if he was given a chance to grow old. Because stags are positive leadership, father figures, and authority, they are supposed to represent the noblest kinds of leaders they have the internal self-confidence James lacks. And if that is the animal that represents James, it means he had it in him to be what the stag represents.
Bullying and Maturity
Sirius said it well enough:
“Yeah,” said Harry, “but he just attacked Snape for no good reason, just because — well, just because you said you were bored,” he finished with a slightly apologetic note in his voice. “I’m not proud of it,” said Sirius quickly. Lupin looked sideways at Sirius and then said, “Look, Harry, what you’ve got to understand is that your father and Sirius were the best in the school at whatever they did — everyone thought they were the height of cool — if they sometimes got a bit carried away —” “If we were sometimes arrogant little berks, you mean,” said Sirius. Lupin smiled. “He kept messing up his hair,” said Harry in a pained voice. Sirius and Lupin laughed. “I’d forgotten he used to do that,” said Sirius affectionately. “Was he playing with the Snitch?” said Lupin eagerly. “Yeah,” said Harry, watching uncomprehendingly as Sirius and Lupin beamed reminiscently. “Well . . . I thought he was a bit of an idiot.” “Of course he was a bit of an idiot!” said Sirius bracingly. “We were all idiots!
(OotP, 670)
James was an awful bully, toward Snape:
“This’ll liven you up, Padfoot,” said James quietly. “Look who it is. . . .” Sirius’s head turned. He had become very still, like a dog that has scented a rabbit. “Excellent,” he said softly. “Snivellus.”
(OotP, 645)
“And stopped hexing people just for the fun of it,” said Lupin. “Even Snape?” said Harry. “Well,” said Lupin slowly, “Snape was a special case. I mean, he never lost an opportunity to curse James, so you couldn’t really expect James to take that lying down, could you?” “And my mum was okay with that?” “She didn’t know too much about it, to tell you the truth,” said Sirius. “I mean, James didn’t take Snape on dates with her and jinx him in front of her, did he?”
(OotP, 671)
And even toward Peter, who Sirius and James constantly belittle:
“How thick are you, Wormtail?” said James impatiently. “You run round with a werewolf once a month —”
(OotP, 643)
I mentioned above how the 15-year-old James wasn't really the embodiment of the stag just yet, like Sirius said they were idiots. Sure, Harry rightfully calls them out that it isn't a good excuse for anything they did, but Harry is a very mature 15-year-old.
As for what motivated his bullying?
Honestly, I think it wasn't all that dissimilar to Draco, in terms of motivations at least. I mentioned above how James' conception of himself is tied to his being at the top, the most popular, the most talented, the top student. One way to feel at the top is to put others down. Most of his bullying was probably fueled by this need to assure himself he is better and assert control (but, more on that later).
I don't think Snape should forgive James or any of the Mauraders or anything like that, not at all, what they did to him was awful and the fact James continued seeking him out even after he mostly dropped the bullying makes it so much worse.
But at the same time, I tend to believe Sirius, Remus, and Lily about him changing, that, given time, he would've matured even more:
“Look,” he said, “your father was the best friend I ever had, and he was a good person. A lot of people are idiots at the age of fifteen. He grew out of it.”
(OotP, 671)
I'm a big believer that people can and do change over time, especially teenagers. Life experiences change who you are, especially big and traumatic occasions, and James encountered one hell of a life experience to kick-start his growth and maturity:
The first wizarding war
I won't go into the full detail on what happened in the war but I want to talk about how the war changed James.
I discussed the progression of the first war as part of my analysis of Voldemort here and when James and Lily went into hiding here. Now, the Marauders were in school between September of 1971 and June of 1978. As I mentioned in the Voldemort analysis post I linked, the war really started getting bad, the first casualties, were in 1975 when the minister of magic was replaced. This makes James and the Mauraders 5th or 6th years when the war truly begins. I personally think this was late in 1975, as in November or December when the Minister was booted from office, aligning well with James' change.
What I think this was for him is a moment the rug was pulled from under him.
I think, the same way the second war showed Draco who he is as a person, that he doesn't want to hurt and torture, not even muggleborns, the first war was the same for James. He learned about himself and his own priorities. He just learned different things than Draco because James is very much willing to hurt and probably kill for what he thinks is just and for the people he cares for. He can be cruel and ruthless.
The wizarding world is an incredibly small community, with this kind of small population that almost all work together (the ministry) when someone dies, especially someone important (I believe the first deaths were high in the ministry or even Wizengamont members) it rattles everything. For James, who felt his skill, money, and status made him practically untouchable, this is a slap in the face. This to him starts his journey to see he is not above anyone else and he is just like anyone else — can die and hurt like everyone else.
War, even when you aren't on the front lines, even just hearing that Mr. Whatever's brother was killed and your old neighbors who moved away lost their son — it doesn't leave you unscathed. It forces you to confront how little control over certain aspects of life you actually have. And in a community so small that every death is someone you at least knew in passing or knew someone who knew — every death hits hard. Every death feels too close to home.
I think this is part of why James continued bullying Snape even after his change in approach. It wasn't out of the same arrogance as before, now it's by a need to feel in control. To hurt a familiar enemy that represents the Death Eaters to feel a semblance of stability under his feet. I think, this was part of what motivated James, a roundabout justice against the Death Eaters at large when he felt powerless. So he took it on whoever he could — in this case, Snape.
I'm not trying to justify it, I'm just explaining what I think motivated James and why he would do that if he was in the process of changing for the better.
All of this gives James ample motivation to join the Order, after all, he wants to hit back against the Death eaters, he wants to feel balanced and in control again. So he probably jumped at the opportunity to join the Order.
The Order of the Phoenix
We don't know much about what James did in the Order, and it doesn't matter too much for the sake of analysis. We know he joined at graduation, so, June 1978. I also mentioned in the aforementioned post how the war got worse in 1979, which means that before he went into hiding, James was probably involved in a few skirmishes in the war when it was already at its peak.
We also know James and Lily got married incredibly early, almost immediately after graduating. That too, is probably influenced by the war. After all, war can either speed up life events or slow them down, depending on various factors among which is the optimism of the people involved. James and Lily getting married and pregnant in the middle of the war tell us something about their characters — it tells us they were incredibly optimistic and hopeful for the future. They got married and had Harry in the hope and belief that the war would be over soon enough and Harry would grow up in a better world. That is what they believed in and I think this is just, really interesting.
Then they went into hiding, and we know what happened from there. There are two things I want to mention about this period in hiding in regards to James' character.
First, James' first choice was Sirius, Sirius is the one to convince him to choose Pettigrew instead:
“Harry . . . I as good as killed them,” he croaked. “I persuaded Lily and James to change to Peter at the last moment, persuaded them to use him as Secret-Keeper instead of me. . . . I’m to blame, I know it. . . .
(PoA, 365)
As I mentioned above, the Mauraders looked down on Pettigrew. I think the plan always was to tell everyone Sirius was the secret keeper so he'd draw the fire and torture and potential death, so the real secret keeper, and the secret, would remain safe even if he was killed for it (which is a sad thought, but that's about Sirius).
Pettigrew was chosen by Sirius for how unassuming he is, Sirius is so ready to sacrifice his life for his friends that he couldn't fathom Pettigrew wouldn't do the same. James didn't choose Pettigrew because of his faith in him as a friend the way Voldemort implies, no, I think James chose Pettigrew because of his faith in Sirius. If Sirius said its a good idea, then it was a good idea to James.
Second, is this quote:
James is getting a bit frustrated shut up here, he tries not to show it but I can tell
(DH, 158)
There are two things I want to unpack in this one sentence (I do love doing that).
James, quite similar to Sirius in OotP, doesn't like being cooped up away from the action. He hates not being out there for very similar reasons to Sirius. He loathes feeling useless like he isn't doing anything to help while people are dying. While his friends are risking their lives. James, at his core, is a person who cares deeply for the people he considers his, he would feel incredible guilt sitting safely behind magical protections while they were in danger.
Lily says James is trying to hide how frustrated he actually is, this is significant, why? Well because the 15-year-old version of James who complained easily about being a little bored wouldn't have hid his complaints. He would have voiced them to anyone willing to listen. The fact he isn't doing that shows some of his growth and maturity, it shows he is self-aware enough about the situation that he knows he shouldn't be the one complaining considering he and his family are safe. He still feels frustrated for the above reasons, but he tries to be considerate and keep things at home with Lily as intense as he can in the way he thinks is best. He is actively trying, and I think that's important.
Now, James has two important relationships that really define his character for me. Sirius and Lily.
Quite the Double Act
I adore James and Sirius's friendship honestly, they were each other's most important person and I can't really talk about James without talking about Sirius (as seen in this entire post), after all, no one in the books seems able to operate these two when talking about them in POA:
“Naturally,” said Madam Rosmerta, with a small laugh. “Never saw one without the other, did you? The number of times I had them in here — ooh, they used to make me laugh. Quite the double act, Sirius Black and James Potter!”
(PoA, 204)
Sirius and James met on the train at the age of 11 and couldn't be separated since (well, until death, that is). They are the heart of the Mauraders as a friend group and I've seen some other blogs bring up already how unhinged their friendship was:
This is a two-way mirror. I’ve got the other. If you need to speak to me, just say my name into it; you’ll appear in my mirror and I’ll be able to talk in yours. James and I used to use them when we were in separate detentions.
(OotP, 858)
They literally invented an advanced magical communication method so they wouldn't have to go an hour without talking to each other. When we see them finishing the exam in SWM, the first person they look at is each other and communicate with no words that the exam was great.
These two are just, on the same wavelengths. I had a friend in high school who, when we would talk to other people, and she'd be unsure how to say something so she'll just turn to me, communicate a whole ass concept in eye contact alone, and then I'll explain it aloud to whoever we were talking to. I am convinced James and Sirius were like that too, where they didn't even need to talk to understand each other, they just knew.
For them the answer to "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" was always "Yes" or "Now I do"
Sirius was the best man at James' wedding, Harry's godfather and he still held a special place for James, to the point Lily was very aware of it:
If you could visit, it would cheer him up so much.
(DH, 158)
I mean, I don't know of many friendships like this, where the guy's wife asks his best friend over because they were apart for too long and getting antsy. I mean, it is bizarre.
In my head, if there wasn't a war, Sirius would've probably practically moved in with James and Lily. Sure, he had his own apartment, but you'd rarely ever find him there.
During the war it was too risky, James and Lily were in hiding and Sirius was doing missions for the Order, but again, if there wasn't a war, I think Sirius and James would've still been joined at the hip way into adulthood.
Sirius is one of the only two people James would ever take cues from no questions asked. I just, love them, okay.
Head Boy and Head Girl
Now, to James' second most important relationship: Lily.
James' crush on Lily started pretty early in their school years. We know it wasn't quite a love-at-first-sight as in the meeting on the train we don't really see any of it. I would guess his crush on her started growing as he got to know her as a housemate. I think James liked how smart and talented Lily was. James considers himself the best, his best friend is also the best, a top student, handsome and popular — his crush would be the same. Lily's kindness, likeability, and intelligence were huge turn-ons for him, not just the fact she was gorgeous (but that too).
I want to talk about this quote:
then back at James, who was now doodling on a bit of scrap parchment. He had drawn a Snitch and was now tracing the letters L. E. What did they stand for?
(OotP, 642)
This is adorable. James is a romantic guy, he was doodling Lily's initials on a spare parchment. I bet he wrote out "Lily Potter" in hearts and everything. I find it hilarious and adorable and it both shows he had a crush on her, but it also shows a really dorky and romantic side that no one (of the characters we meet) mentions because they probably haven't seen it. Well, Sirius probably did, but he doesn't really get many chances to talk to Harry about James unfortunately.
Sirius mentions that they went out on dates (something Harry and Ginny don't really do), and with James doodling Lily's initials I bet they were super cheesy and romantic. He'll take her out to picnics and light candles and carve their initials in a heart on a tree.
If they lived to raise Harry, they'd be the kind of parents who had a weekly date night and left their kids with Sirius for the evening.
“I didn’t mean—I just don’t want to see you made a fool of—He fancies you, James Potter fancies you!” The words seemed wrenched from him against his will. “And he’s not. . . everyone thinks. . . big Quidditch hero—” Snape’s bitterness and dislike were rendering him incoherent, and Lily’s eyebrows were traveling farther and farther up her forehead. “I know James Potter’s an arrogant toerag,” she said
(DH, 569)
Now, about some of the downsides of their relationship.
Yeah, James was persistent in flirting with Lily for years before she agreed to go out with him. He bullied her best friend and acted like an idiot. She considered him an "arrogant toerag" which isn't very complementary.
That being said, even when she calls him out, she still defends him to Snape in the above conversation. While Lily disapproved of James' behavior, I don't think she ever really hated him, not the way Snape did. She didn't like how he was acting, but she didn't hate him:
“Oh, well, he always made a fool of himself whenever Lily was around,” said Sirius, shrugging. “He couldn’t stop himself showing off whenever he got near her.” “How come she married him?” Harry asked miserably. “She hated him!” “Nah, she didn’t,” said Sirius. “She started going out with him in seventh year,” said Lupin. “Once James had deflated his head a bit,” said Sirius.
(OotP, 671)
I think Sirius is right about this for the reasons I mentioned above. Lily never really hated James, just thought he was an idiot (rightfully so) and once he got less arrogant, she was more willing to date him.
I think their relationship wasn't a bad one, I think they did love each other and mostly got along really well. I think Lily liked James' sense of humor after it mellowed out a bit and she liked that he's smart and talented. I think James liked Lily's calmness and intelligence and how much she cared for people.
Yeah, they probably argued about a lot of stupid things (I think they enjoyed their stupid arguments and barbs on occasion not unlike Ron and Hermione), but overall, I do like their relationship, I think they balanced each other out. James pushes Lily to allow herself to be a little silly, and Lily can put James in his place when he is being an idiot or needlessly cruel. And they are both incredibly smart and compassionate people... whenever I think about them it kinda makes me sad they didn't get to raise Harry. That Harry wouldn't have such a low view of himself, he'll probably have younger siblings, be used to having Sirius (and Remus too, to a lesser degree) around constantly, he would've been the top student in practically everything... I mean, he'd have a different set of issues, I'm sure, but, I don't know, I just made myself sad.
The fandom is pretty split on James, some talk about him as if he's some flawless sunshine child, which isn't the case. Yes, James is loyal, brave, and compassionate, but he can be cruel and ruthless and he uses arrogance as a mask for his insecurities and need to be great (I think James Potter could be a Slytherin, tbh). But on the flip side, some fans consider him nothing but a bully, and I tend to give him more credit than that. I think he was always more than that, but I believe Sirius, Remus, and Lily that he did change, and he probably would have continued to improve to become the brave and compassionate leader the stag represents if he had lived longer.
This post turned out way longer than I expected it to, but, here you go, James Potter's analysis of the top of my head.
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noahmullariii · 5 months
do I believe any character's trust in Dumbledore could potentially be broken? yes. have I ever seen anybody write it in ways that make sense for those characters' unique perspectives and personalities? no.
and a lot of times it's still compelling as hell when the most devoted characters start seeing cracks early or when they fight for something else in the first place, not regarding Dumbledore as their guiding light at all. it turns those characters into different people though.
but what strikes me more is the immediate shift of the atmosphere of the first war and everything that happens throughout.
because when I think about the first Order of the Phoenix and Dumbledore, my first association is, surprisingly, cult of personality. USSR cults, specifically. they were sort of unique, initially crafted to give more power to the Party instead of the Leader.
Order is similar, in a way. on the surface it's just resistance. an organised war effort. a mishmash of people from different backgrounds uniting to fight for personal reasons. James fights for the greater good and his righteous ideals. and James fights for Lily. Lily fights for herself and those marginalised like her. and Lily fights for her muggle family. Sirius doesn't fight for, but against - against his blood family, against Slytherins, against everybody like them. and Sirius fights with James. those 3 are simple. what about others?
Remus doesn't fight for or against. Remus fights with Dumbledore. because Remus' world revolves around Dumbledore and when he says "go die in a war" - Remus goes, no questions asked. he owes Dumbledore that much. Peter doesn't fight for or against. Peter fights with Dumbledore. because Peter wants to be safe and Peter wants to win. Dumbledore promises a win. Peter believes him until he doesn't.
but James also fights with Dumbledore. because Dumbledore is the greater good personified and shares James' righteous ideals. Lily also fights with Dumbledore. because Dumbledore fights for marginalised the loudest. Sirius also fights with Dumbledore. because Dumbledore fights against everybody who's like Sirius' family.
Dumbledore, Dumbledore, Dumbledore. the centre of it all, the bonfire of hope, the beacon of light, the daimon of good. Order is Dumbledore, first and foremost - not Moody, Alice, Frank, Dorcas, Marlene, Prewetts, Caradoc, James, Lily, Sirius, Remus or Peter. not any of the others. it's Albus Dumbledore and the blind, the devoted.
it doesn't fall apart until it's too late. it's only Sirius who gets a chance to notice but he promptly denies it, locked up in a cell for 12 years, carefully tucked away by Dumbledore. he trusts Dumbledore.
he trusts Dumbledore when he escapes, he trusts Dumbledore with Harry, he trusts Dumbledore when he tells Sirius to hide at Lupin's, he trusts Dumbledore when he locks Sirius up in his childhood house of terrors, he trusts Dumbledore when he assembles second Order. he joins Dumbledore, he fights with Dumbledore again, even locked up and angry, and the only time he doesn't trust Dumbledore with either Harry or himself he goes, and fights for Harry, and dies.
others are dead, or tortured, or new, or Remus. Remus who is the blindest and the most devoted. Remus who owes Dumbledore, believes that he owes Dumbledore everything and more. the new don't know any better yet, but Remus does and ignores it. he trusts Dumbledore. trusts him with Harry, and with Sirius, and with himself.
Remus joins Dumbledore, fights with Dumbledore again. sees Dumbledore destroy Sirius - looks the other way, sees Dumbledore destroy himself - deifies him even more in his death, sees Dumbledore's ghost destroy Harry - wants to join him to be destroyed too. because there's nothing left - Dumbledore gifted him his heart at 11, and it died piece by piece in the span of 16 years, and then Dumbledore dies himself, and he can't gift Remus another heart, another life. so Remus blinds himself some more, fights with Dumbledore's ghost and dies. probably for Dumbledore too.
and if all of that can happen when a small group of people simply trusts one mortal man, it's going to take a lot more than a wayward thought in one of those devoted heads to see the cracks. it's going to take a lot of thoughts, a lot of heads, a lot of cracks. a lot of discussions and a fair share of arm-twisting and change of faith. it surely must be a group effort in one way or another, preferably with the help of those who aren't as devoted. if there are any.
because as lovely and as gratifying as it is to read about Remus or Sirius or even Minerva blowing up at Albus - if you don't write them getting to that point after deconstructing their prior canon beliefs... then those characters aren't really Remus, Sirius or Minerva. especially not Remus who was always the most devoted of them all.
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claymoresword · 1 year
I Choose Her | Chp: 13
Hermione Granger x Slytherin Fem!Reader
Summary: You are the daughter of known death eaters from one of the richest and oldest wizarding family. Are you prepared to abandon everything you know for Hermione Granger?
Pairing: Hermione x Reader
Wordcount: 3.5k
Warnings: character deaths, parental neglect, mentions of mental/physical/emotional abuse, potential self harm references
Note: an update?? who saw this coming? definitely not me! i know i disappeared for a very long time, i have no excuse i just hope you can accept my apology
i also was kind of procrastinating this chap for so long bc of the heavy themes in this, i just knew this wasn't going to be an easy one to write... (i was right) but anyway i added some fluff to hopefully balance it out so we'll see lol
anyway thanks so much for your patience, i hope you enjoy this one!
also one last thing, thanks for all the love shown on the previous chapters, sorry if i hadn't gotten around to replying to your comment yet but i do appreciate all of u !!
Taglist:@gvrsto @aweidlich @xxsekhmet @arielj @poppyflower-22 @scarleigh1989 @smut-religiously777 @cocoyeehaw @blackbirdv98 @arcturusseer @iamcapitalgbicorn8287 @lonewalker17 @karsonromanoff @httphayn @bigbadsofty07 @cherryflavoredcoke @dumpsapphic
(pics are not mine)
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As you approach Malfoy Manor you find it increasingly difficult to catch your breath. 
You were foolish to assume you wouldn't eventually get caught. 
You fleetingly consider grabbing Hermione and disapparating, but Greyback's firm grip on your arm prevents you from even attempting to reach for her.
The gates of the manor come into view, and you try to pry your arm away again. A last ditch effort, but it is no use. 
The man forcefully holds you in place and you have no choice but to stand in front of the gate.
 You make eye contact with Bellatrix as she approaches from the other side, her gaze then shifts to a disfigured Harry to your left, before landing her attention back to you.
A maniacal smile flashes across her face, as if she found the display before her truly amusing, and you have to fight the urge to cower.
"Get Draco." 
You stood in the foyer in front of your parents. An involuntary thrill travels down your spine as you study their expressions. You cannot recall the last time you have seen either of them this furious. 
"So this is what you have been doing all this time?" Your mother exclaims, gesturing to Hermione and you have to avert your eyes.
Your silence only further infuriates your parents. 
You cannot help but feel a sense of embarrassment, being apprehended like a child in front of the other Death Eaters, Harry, Ron, and worst of all, Hermione.
"Have you absolutely no regard for your mother or I?" Your father finally speaks, his voice vibrating with anger.
"We have given you everything. Do you have any idea what we had to sacrifice just to raise you? Your mother and I have provided you nothing but the best." Your father raises his voice, it is sudden enough that it causes you to wince.
"This is how you repay us?" He continues.
"Do you have any idea the shame you have brought upon my name? Upon our entire family?" Your father steps closer but you keep your gaze fixed to the ground.
"I'm sorry." All you could afford to utter.
You hate how you feel in this moment, powerless and meek, only wishing for the ground to swallow you whole, so you never have to face any of the people in this room ever again.
You can feel Hermione's worried stare, but you cannot bear to look at her.
"We have warned you time and time again to end your relations with her." Your mother hisses, gesturing to your girlfriend.
You finally lift your head but your mother harshly grabs your forearm to pull you aside.
"Don't you dare look at her, y/n." She scolds, pure vitriol.
"You must think us fools. Is this all just a game to you?" Your mother taunts but you choose to remain silent.
An effort to de-escalate but it results in the opposite effect as you catch your mother fishing her wand out of her pocket.
"We have given you more than enough chances. More than you deserve." She states, pushing past you, storming directly towards Hermione.
A flicker of fear appears on your girlfriend's face. One you mirror, just as you realize what your mother intended to do.
Hermione tries to retreat, only to bump into Scabior, purposely standing behind her to cease her attempt at fleeing.
"It is time you suffer the consequences of your own actions." Your mother takes a fleeting glance at you before lifting her wand to point it at your girlfriend.
Taking large strides, you manage to put yourself in between Hermione and your mother, just before she gets the chance to utter the spell. You feel your girlfriend's firm grip on your arm as you continued to shield her with your body.
"No! Mother, please, don't." You plead, holding up your hand and she hesitates.
"I am sorry I have disappointed you. I am sorry I went against your wishes."
"But I will not– I cannot apologize for loving her." You hesitate as your voice trembles, but you speak the words anyway.
You hear a cackle from Bellatrix, grumbles and groans of disapproval coming from the Death Eaters gathered in the corner, and once again, you feel more exposed and deplorable than ever.
Your mother remains staring at you, this time with nothing but disdain.
"Love?" She scowls, almost like it disgusted her just to utter the word.
"In love with a mudblood?" Your mother's tone shifts, now incredulous and despondent.
She finally lowers her wand, only to strike you across the face with her other hand.
You hear a gasp from Hermione, but otherwise the room is silent, as you clutch your cheek in pain.
When you finally muster the courage to look at your mother her expression betrays no trace of regret.
"You are no child of mine." She utters, exasperated, and your heart shatters into a thousand pieces.
Tearing your eyes away they naturally fall on your father, standing a few paces behind.
You recognise a tenderness somewhere in his eyes, one you hadn't ever been awarded before. It's jarring and unfamiliar, it makes you want to weep.
"Step aside, y/n" Your mother says, lifting her wand again.
Perhaps it was pity, perhaps now your father was just as embarrassed as you are, or maybe, it is love that compels him to step forward, placing a gentle hand on your mother's shoulder.
"Darling, this is hardly the time or place." He attempts, but your mother doesn't move.
However, footsteps soon approach that causes all of you to shift your attention.
Draco can be seen entering the foyer with both of his parents, interrupting your altercation.
Your best friend pauses at the sight of you, evident concern etched across his face.
"Ah, Draco." Bellatrix acknowledges him and he's forced to look away from you.
The witch walks up to Harry, harshly gripping a handful of his hair to pull his head back, giving Draco a clear view of his face.
"Is it him?" Bellatrix asks expectantly, and the platinum haired boy couches in front of Harry.
"I can't be sure." Draco responds, dismissively.
His father then grips the back of his neck, harshly, and you observed as your best friend flinched under his touch.
You instinctively take a glance at your own parents. 
Your mother has since resumed her position next to your father, both of them deliberately avoiding your gaze, once again your chest constricts painfully.
Scabior is standing so close behind you and Hermione, too close, you can both feel his breath against the back of your necks.
"Look closely son." Lucius says.
"If we are the ones to deliver Potter to the Dark Lord, all will be forgiven." He adds, his voice low but it echoes through the large hall anyway.
"Now we won't be forgetting who actually caught him. I hope." Scabior states, finally stepping away from you.
"Mr Malfoy." He continues to antagonize, and it works to set the other man off.
"You dare talk to me like that in my own house?" Lucius raises his voice and Draco flinches again.
"Lucius." Narcissa finally steps forward, extending her arm to calm her husband.
Hermione remained clutching your arm, her grip only tightened the longer you stood watching the commotion before you.
Finally, none of the Death Eaters are in close proximity, so you decide it an opportunity to try and escape.
"We need to apparate." You manage to whisper to Hermione, reaching down to intertwine your fingers but your girlfriend shakes her head.
"We can't leave Harry." She responds and you sigh, defeated.
An answer you expected but it causes your anxiety to heighten anyway. You begin looking for another solution, another way to flee. 
"Now, if this isn't who we think it is and we call on him, he will kill us all. We need to be absolutely sure." Bellatrix warns.
"What's wrong with his face?" Draco finally asks with a scowl.
"Yes, what is wrong with his face?" The dark haired witch repeats.
Scabior shrugs.
"He came to us like that." He states simply.
"Something he picked up in the forest I reckon." Another snatcher chimes in.
"Ran into a stinging jinx.." Bellatrix quips.
"Was it you, dear?" She asks, pointing directly at Hermione.
You feel your heart stop as your girlfriend tenses next to you.
"Give me her wand, let's see what her last spell was." The witch orders, and the evident worry that flashes on both of your faces easily gives you away.
"Ah, I caught you." Bellatrix says pointing at the two of you, amidst a cackle.
"It appears your girlfriend is not as smart as she thinks she is." She taunts, looking directly at you, successfully earning a grimace.
You contemplate lunging at the other woman, but before you can act, she halts. 
She catches sight of the sword of Gryffindor proudly propped up, next to one of the snatcher's.
"Where did you get that from?" Bellatrix gasps.
"It was in her bag when we searched her, I reckon it's mine now." The snatcher responds with a grin.
Before any of you can comprehend it, Bellatrix sends the man flying into the wall with a single throw of a spell. She then points her wand at the other snatcher in the corner, taking him out too.
"Are you mad?" Scabior exclaims, but the wand pointed at his face in an instant, silences him immediately.
"Get out! Get out!" Bellatrix repeatedly shouts, and the band of snatchers scurry out of the hall, all fearing for their lives.
"Put the rest of them in the cellar." She exclaims, lifting Harry by the collar before grabbing Ron as well.
She shoves them hard enough that they fall by Wormtail's feet.
"I want to have a little conversation with this one." Bellatrix states. 
You feel Hermione get ripped from your side, and instinct kicks in.
"No, get your hands off her!" You exclaim, reaching out to grab her but Bellatrix swings her arm, you feel a harsh blow to the stomach that knocks the wind out of you, making you land on the ground as a result.
"Bella!" Her sister scolds, rushing to your side.
"Stop fighting, you will get yourself killed." Narcissa warns, you feel her firm hand on your shoulder as she forces you to stand next to her.
Before you can respond you feel another harsh grip on your collar attempting to drag you to the cellar with the boys.
"No, not her– I want her to watch this." Bellatrix states, gesturing for Wormtail to let you go, and he does.
All you can focus on is the way Bellatrix is handling Hermione, the sadistic smile as she does so, rough and thoughtless.
Your girlfriend looks terrified, and you feel utterly powerless.
She soon retrieves a dagger from her side, holding it up in front of Hermione's face.
"I will give you one chance to answer my question, before I start cutting." Bellatrix says.
Your head is now pounding, your abdomen still aches from the blow, your face stinging where your mother struck you.
Hermione attempts to make an escape but with one swift flick of Bellatrix's hand, she bounds your girlfriend's legs, causing her to fall onto the ground.
You watched as the witch got on top of her, pinning her down by her shoulders.
She then forcefully cuts through Hermione's sleeve with her blade, until enough of her arm was exposed.
"That sword was meant to be in my vault in Gringotts, how did you get it?" She asks, her face an inch away from Hermione's.
Your girlfriend is silent, beyond the whimper that falls out of her lips.
This seems to only urge Bellatrix to bring the tip of the dagger to Hermione's arm. The older witch begins dragging the blade down the exposed skin.
Hermione's sobs quickly morph into deafening screams and you don't feel anything beyond panic.
"It was me! I stole the sword, not her!" You raise your voice, hoping that it would be enough to take the attention of your girlfriend.
"Quiet! I am not asking you." Bellatrix retaliates, merely brushing you off like some pest.
Your eyes followed as she hovered the blade over Hermione's arm again. You see her blood trickling from her wound onto the wood underneath, and you feel sick.
"Please, I didn't take anything." Hermione pleads helplessly, and your chest aches so much you can barely breathe.
"I don't believe you." Bellatrix begins cutting again, this time she's laughing.
Deriving true pleasure from torturing Hermione, and you couldn't stand by and witness it any longer, you had to act.
Amidst your girlfriend's screams you manage to slip past Narcissa, stepping next to her son.
"Draco, give me my wand." You state firmly, as his hesitant stare meets your pleading one, he hands you your wand after a beat.
"Stop lying!" Bellatrix exclaims, you see her lower the blade down to Hermione's arm again and you don't allow yourself to think a moment longer.
You point your wand at the dark haired witch.
"Avada Kedavra!" You exclaimed, survival and wrath, your only goal was to save Hermione.
The bright green light shoots out from the tip of your wand, in an instant, the witch drops onto the ground with a large thud, motionless.
"Y/n, what did you just do–" You hear your mother exclaim but you don't acknowledge her, you refuse to.
Her shock, along with everyone else's; hangs in the air, mute but suffocating. 
Hermione is the first to come out of it, she sits up and you rush to her side.
With your arms around her you shut your eyes not half a second passes before you both disapparate, leaving your family behind.
You find yourself at the outskirts of Tinworth by Shell Cottage. The location you all agreed to meet at if anything went wrong. 
It was meant as a precaution, you never actually thought things could ever go this wrong.
Disowned by your parents.
Murdered another in cold blood.
Your girlfriend tortured and maimed.
"Hermione, it's alright, you're safe now." You state, carefully placing your hands on either side of the other girl's face.
Your girlfriend doesn't meet your gaze, scattered, her mind entirely elsewhere.
"Y/n, we have to go back, we have to help the boys–" She says, you stop her with a firm hand on her forearm before she can stand.
"No, Hermione! It's too dangerous. If we go back they will kill you." You say with a raised voice, unintentional, driven by your heightened emotions, but it works to get the other woman's attention.
"I can't– I can't lose you." Your voice shakes and Hermione finally looks at you.
An expression flashes across her face that tightens the knot in your stomach. 
She lets herself breathe and think, she realizes what you had done just moments prior, the significance, its implications.
"You killed her." Hermione states, more awe than contempt but you scramble to defend yourself anyway. 
Truth be told you don't know why you had reacted the way you did, you weren't even aware that you had it in you to begin with.
"I had to– sweetheart, she would have continued to hurt you if I didn't stop her." You stutter, but Hermione quickly silences you.
Her lips crash into yours, fervent, anguished, and eager. Your girlfriend's hand rests on the back of your neck, pulling even closer.
Hermione's clinging onto you; with no desire to let go of her lifeline, her love, the only reason she is still here, safe and alive.
You are forced to pull away as your lungs burn from the lack of air. 
"I will go back for them myself, promise me you'll wait for me here." You breathe out against Hermione's lips, your forehead resting against hers.
Before your girlfriend can even begin protesting you see Harry apparate in the distance. Closely followed by Ron and Luna.
The ginger haired boy is first to run to Hermione's side.
"Hermione, y/n. Are you alright?" Harry shouts, your girlfriend nods but you don't respond. Your eyes remain on the elf behind him.
You catch sight of Dobby, limping as he clutches his stomach.
"Harry Potter." The elf calls out, weak and frail.
Harry finally follows your gaze.
"Dobby." He says, sprinting to Dobby's side, and the elf collapses right into his arms.
You watched as a distressed Harry pulled something that seemed to have impaled the elf, he finally sets it on the sand next to him and your own stomach turns.
You immediately recognize the bloodied dagger. 
How can a single object cause so much damage? 
You feel your anger resurfacing, you regret not discarding the blade when you had the chance.
"Just hold on, okay?" Harry says as he tries to stop the bleeding, placing his hand over the wound.
"We'll fix you. Hermione will have something." He reassures before turning his attention towards her.
"In your bag– Hermione?" Harry pleads and your girlfriend merely clutches you tighter.
"Hermione." He repeats, desperate.
"Help me!" The man shouts, you hear your girlfriend let out a sob.
A barely audible "I'm sorry." before Hermione turns to embrace you, burying her face into the crook of your neck. 
An attempt to protect herself from the inevitable anguish; witnessing someone entirely undeserving of death, go out so painfully, abruptly.
"Such a beautiful place– to be with friends. Dobby is happy to be with his friend, Harry Potter." The elf mutters, and you are unable to stare any longer.
You make accidental eye contact with Ron, but for once there is a shared regard between the two of you. Grief, sadness, gratitude, acceptance.
The sheer helplessness Harry feels is shared amongst all of you as you watch the elf take his last breath in his arms.
You observed as Luna walked up to him, graciously shutting Dobby's eyes with her fingers.
Hermione remains in your arms, and you hold her close, having no intention of letting go.
"I want to bury him– properly. Without magic." Harry says, fighting back his sobs.
You are jolted awake once again out of a distressing dream. This time your girlfriend is not in bed next to you, you sit up abruptly in a panic.
"Hermione?" You call out, and the voice that responds almost immediately, swiftly eases your nerves.
"I'm here." Your girlfriend says, emerging through the doorway.
"I had to use the loo." She then explains, climbing back into bed. 
With the feeling of Hermione's head against your chest you can breathe again.
You spent most of the night lying awake, and when you did manage to find sleep you were merely tormented by nightmares. 
The encounter in Malfoy Manor could've gone much differently, in fact it could've ended horribly. You were so close to losing everything that mattered to you. You could only vow that you will never allow yourself to get that close again. 
Any relief you felt this morning derived from knowing your girlfriend at least managed to find some sleep herself. Clearly the events of yesterday took a toll on her, but she is resilient, as always, and you adore her for it.
"I'm sorry you had to leave your parents." Hermione says after a long silence.
"Don't be. Nothing good has ever come from me being around them." You state truthfully, threading your fingers through her hair, absentmindedly.
"You saw how they were." You add.
"I know, still, I'm sorry." Hermione repeats it anyway, lifting her head to place several kisses against your cheek, the same spot your mother had struck.
You then reach down, gently grazing her bandaged arm, soon lifting it up to place a tender kiss against it.
The look Hermione gives you in return makes your heart stop and beat faster in your chest all the same.
"You know, I fight so hard because of you." You admit, extending your arm to cup her jaw.
"I never had a reason before you." You add, your thumb stroking her cheek.
You watched as your girlfriend's eyes welled with tears, overwhelmed and consumed by adoration.
Hermione finally leans in, capturing your lips with her own. The kiss snatches the air right out of your lungs, but you don't care. You'd never wish for it to end.
She finally pulls away only slightly before resting her forehead against yours.
"I love you, y/n. So much, more than you'll ever truly know." Hermione says, and the pleasant fluttering that travels throughout your entire body translates to an easy smile on your lips.
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