#♾↯ aesthetic
athenas-altcare · 6 months
Request Types!
Aesthetic! (Tag: #♾↯ aesthetic) Aesthetics are image collages that are more freeform than Moodboards!
Canon Call! (Tag: #♾↯ canon call) A post meant to seek out others from a source/timeline you feel connected to or attuned with! Please note if you're looking for a particular type of alterhuman! (-kin, -tive, -hearted, -link, trans-, etc)
Coinflip! (Tag: #♾↯ coinflip) A yes/no question answered by a coinflip!
Confession! (Tag: #♾↯ confession) A confession from you! Posted w/o comment unless you specifically ask for advice!
Moodboard! (Tag: #♾↯ moodboard) A 3x3 grid of images used to represent a theme that you requested!
Name Suggestions! (Tag: #♾↯ names) A set of up to six names tailored around your alterbeing type!
Neopronouns! (Tag: #♾↯ neopronouns) A set of up to ten neopronouns tailored around your alterbeing type!
Playlist! (Tag: #♾↯ playlist) A playlist made on youtube consisting of five to ten songs in music genres to your liking. Playlist cover and link included!
Stimboard! (Tag: #♾↯ stimboard) A 3x3 grid of "satsfying" GIFs!
Tarot Reading! (Tag: #♾↯ tarot reading) A question answered via divination using a deck of Tarot cards. Default spread is past/present/future, if you'd like a different spread please specify! I&'m happy to answer questions regarding Tarot spreads!
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sensualnoiree · 7 months
astro notes: venus ♾
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Venus, in both alchemical and esoteric traditions, holds profound significance as one of the classical planets. Its symbolism extends far beyond its astronomical presence, delving into realms of love, beauty, balance, and transformation.
Venus is actually much more than just the planet of love and beauty; it's considered the embodiment of the soul's essence. Venus represents the substance of the soul, the harmony of beauty, and the talent for art. It symbolizes grace, intelligence in proportion and rhythm, and the principle of "relatedness."
This relatedness is crucial, as it's the expression of the soul of the world and the feminine aspect of Divinity. Venus acts as a vibratory field that resonates between different aspects of existence—between individuals ("me" and "you"), between the ego and the soul, and even between the unit and the universe.
When this resonance is ignited, it sparks love and reveals the soul's fire. This essence of Venus is always present, like an awaitingness for mutual "relevance" to emerge between seemingly indifferent parts of life. This relevance can manifest in various ways, such as when social interactions transform into genuine connections, when artistic endeavors become infused with deep feeling, or when nature's beauty evokes a profound response.
Venus symbolizes a latent field and flow of relatedness that permeates the fabric of the world. This concept is often symbolized by the infinity symbol (∞), which represents the structure of the Ajna center ruled by Venus, or by the number 8, associated with the soul principle and the Christ consciousness. This symbol of infinity reflects how the universe's life of relationship is the substance of its relative infinity.
The pentagram, or five-pointed star, also has deep symbolic significance in various esoteric traditions, including alchemy, astrology, and mysticism. Each point of the star represents one of the four elements – earth, air, fire, and water – with the fifth point symbolizing spirit or ether, the quintessence that unites the elements. The pentagram is often used as a symbol of protection, balance, and spiritual transformation.
Earth: Represents stability, materiality, and the physical realm.
Air: Symbolizes intellect, communication, and the realm of thought.
Fire: Represents passion, creativity, and transformation.
Water: Symbolizes emotions, intuition, and the subconscious.
The fifth point, symbolizing spirit or ether, represents the divine spark within each individual and the higher spiritual aspects that transcend the material world. Venus, as the harmonizing force, is associated with the pentagram because it represents the balance and unity of these elements. Venus's influence helps to bring these elements into equilibrium, fostering spiritual growth and transformation.
Taurus (April 20 - May 20): Venus is the ruling planet of Taurus, emphasizing qualities such as sensuality, stability, and material abundance. Taurus is associated with the earth element, reflecting Venus's connection to the physical world and its pleasures. Under Venus's influence, Taurus seeks comfort, security, and beauty in life, often valuing stability and the finer things in life.
Libra (September 23 - October 22): Venus is also the ruling planet of Libra, but here its influence is more focused on partnerships, diplomacy, and aesthetic pursuits. Libra is an air sign, reflecting Venus's influence on intellectual pursuits, social interactions, and the arts. Libra seeks balance, harmony, and beauty in relationships and the world around them, often valuing fairness, cooperation, and justice.
In both Taurus and Libra, Venus's influence enriches the symbolism of the pentagram, emphasizing the importance of balance, harmony, and transformation in both the material and spiritual realms. Venus's role as a ruling planet further highlights its significance in astrology and its impact on the human experience.
follow for more astro insights like this and support me over on yt @quenysefields or instagram sensualnoiree
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valtsv · 1 year
You should definitely give Ghost and Pals a listen. Their recent music reminds me a lot of your aesthetic, specifically Deathbody and Scapeg♾t.
i love ghost and pals! honey i'm home is one of my all time favorite songs
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starqueensthings · 2 years
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Thank you for visiting! I love you. Stay as long as you like ♥️
Feel free to use #starqueensedits or #starqueensgifs or #starqueenswrittenworks as a search option
⏳ coming soon | ♾️ ongoing | ✔️ competed | ➿ limited, but ongoing for now
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Written Works
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Bad Batch Moments That Live Rent-Free in my Head: A Series.
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Uncatastrophizing King: ✔️
Tech Refuses to Let a Big Deal, be a Big Deal.
One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight Honourable Mention
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(I take dark-ass screenshots and balance the light/colours until they look unedited and/or are more aesthetically pleasing)
Tech: ♾
Tech Masterlist Here
Crosshair: ♾
Crosshair Masterlist Here
Hunter: ♾
Hunter Masterlist Here
Wrecker: ♾️
Wrecker Masterlist Here
Echo: ♾️
Echo Masterlist Here
501st + Cody: ♾️
501st + Commander Cody Masterlist Here 👨‍👨‍👦‍👦
Commander Fox: ✔️
Commander Fox Masterlist Here 🦊
Captain Howzer: ✔️
Captain Howzer Masterlist Here 🩵
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rinkwrites · 5 months
study tip 5/♾
write in fountain pen. it is so cute, and it writes so smoothly. disposable ones are relatively inexpensive and you feel so aesthetic!
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k00278384 · 2 years
Designer Research:
Iris Van Harpen!
She is a Dutch fashion designer known with fussing technology with traditional haute couture. Her designs possesses dark fantastic aesthetics which was shown during the Couture week in Paris. Her designs are hypnotic garments based on multilayered kinetic sculptures. She experiments the use of blended steels with silk and Iron fillings with resin. 
According to her, one of her biggest inspiration is nature (it’s beauty, mystery and chaos). However, I think she sees deeper to the nature. 
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Iris Van Harpen ♾ Hypnosis.
‘For this collection, the designer found inspiration in the hypnotic manifolds within our ecologies through the work of American artist Anthony Howe. The three-dimensional cyclical harmony of Howe’s kinetic sculptures is the wind beneath the wings of this collection. Howe's spherical ‘Omniverse’ sculpture explores our relationship with nature and intertwines with infinite expansion and contraction, expressing a universal life cycle. The meditative movement of the ‘Omniverse’ serves as a portal for the collection and the models, encircling a state of hypnosis’.
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I love her designs. She explores new substances, engages unexpected materials and keeps pushing the boundaries. 
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mtnkat3 · 2 years
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Let's see how to write this...
[Stop being distracted by bones! Drowsy. Turkey.]
9.56pm. Diary.
When I think about bridges & you ..
I think about several different types on my journey to you .
That I am standing on one end of a damaged & dangerous broken down covered bridge. The road surface is warped, bent & twisted. The nails rusty & sticking up all over the place. It's a maze.. worthy of any treasure hunt but not to a temple of doom!
You .. are both light.. & standing in the light. Like my guardian Angels ..
Awe inspiring.
My feet moving slowly but steadily towards where you are patiently waiting on me.. your souls pulling me.. like a .. stars magnetic force & a bears honey pot rolled into one..
Then there's the wide open trestle bridge.. that one that makes me so nervous because there's no safety rails & the drop.. it's as impressive as the new river gorge.. & the grandfather mountain mile high swinging bridge..
those.. I need to feel you .. surrounding me.. pressed into me.. those.. as much as am fascinated & wanna experience them.. I know I can't alone. I just.. fills my tummy with butterflies.. & not the wonderful ones that you give me.. chewing my lips.
Ok. The next kind.. the sturdy kind.
The bridges made of concrete, metals, wood. Aesthetically pleasing but also very useful. Some are over small wee lil tricklin brooks, not meant for a rushing torrent of water. Not a flood. Others .. are built .. well.. to withstand floods.. they are attached.. rooted deeply..
like a strong, sturdy redwood forest.. or a mighty oak.. undisturbed for hundreds of years. Have withstood every storm, every flood. The rings are magnificent. The breadth.. so inspiring.. it's like.. the most tactile, earthly version of looking at the stars. And being able to touch makes me gasp..
then.. I feel like .. I'm stronger.. able to walk to you .. I feel .. surrounded.. by you .. by love.. it pulses power thru my veins.. keeps me remembering why I I won't let ever let go. It's feeding my soul.. even as I feel it's on a never ending loop. So many breathtaking images going thru my soul as I think on this.
But words are struggling.. maybe because I wanna leave them private, in my diary.. but I need to talk to you .. & that right now means exposing myself. Being vulnerable. Maybe.. the fear.. its founded in rejections & the pain. Maybe.. it's that I am capable of being so with you .. but showing the world my sensitive soul.. my marshmallow heart & soul.. it fills me with trepidation. But. I do it. For you ..
I just.. words fall me when I think about you .. but I keep trying.. my soul's the part that finds the words.. I hope I've explained a wee bit of how I feel about you .. about trees.. bridges.. the stars & all the universe you show me.. when you .. guide me.. I feel love.. I feel you .. & no matter how crazy that sounds to others.. I am flying around the moon at the feel of you lovin me..
Now I'm sleepy.. I've fought off the turkey to write this to you .. but I need to go to bed.. hopefully I can be.. naughty.. oh I so wanna be.. but with you .. hhmmm... squirming sleepily..
I love you .
& miss you so.. its shredding my spine like a cat-o'-nine tails.
Pleasee... touch me.. crave the scent of me.. the way I move.. crave.. my vibe.. who I am. The woman God Created beside you .. because I always want your neck kisses.. they melt me.. into a puddle of kat goo at your feet..
Please.. let's make soul love in our dreams..
I work. I await. On my cliffside. For you .. I'll wait for eternity. Because I believe. But I think it's happening soon.. & I am oh so ever hungry... you .
~True love never dies & true love always waits.~
Your fighting sleep kat.
Your complex quirky warrior queen daughter.
~Tijgeress kat Phoenix. ✝️🌺🐾🐯
Tu.11.29.2022 12.11am est.
Gifs & transfer. 12.52am.
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mayaswells · 1 year
Zero Multiplied — Eight In Division.
Immanentising Divisions Embrace In Freedom.
From Zero through to Holy Thirteenth Spirit;
Released only by The No-Way Of This Way
The Way through the inversion of the Isastar
In the Way & Route to a Blackstar centralised
Made of A Man & Women; Divided for Love
Each Amun and Alien Other to Each Otherwise
Embraced and Fully Loving Nonetheless; One
As the Cosmos Bows, Myriad, Two as of One
one Flesh, against None, None against them.
________ ________ ________ _____________
There is a bizarrely apparent, yet so mundane as to be humorously impossible to understand or even apprehend, or seek to apprehend it whatsoever — in a system of self-overcoming, in relation to existence itself, and the dimensionality of its ’causal’ prefiguring — that is; of TimeSpace itself, as opposed to ‘Actuality’ — with the Satanic antagonist to Mankind — in the Jungian sense, in which the Shadow of Mankind is precisely what the word of Satan; “Antagonist” — and Heaven, as the over-coming of Mankind’s war with this Self-Antagonist — which is also an Abyss which must be crossed, somehow, and someway —- as an Absolute Lack of Meanings very possibility whatsoever —- as the Void, precisely in the word ‘Avoidance’ — which is the Avoidance, of the Void, in a Dance, which emerges out of the very impossibility of the Void — or the Nothing, which is an impossibility, as the Negation, and ‘the Hither side of the Godhead’ — requiring the Death of God, this Great Death — in comradely embrace of Death — and the potential Death of all inherent or guaranteed Meaning, in order to finally overcome this Antagonist to Mankind — which fundamentally is the Negation of Meaning to Mankind — the Negation of which Is a Self-Erasure, of a pure baptismal flame and fire — which burns off all but the most exuberant and ‘human’ elements of what truly define us, and what is merely illusory or worse; burdensome and distracting from our Willing of Love, and our Loving of Will —- these very most inherent natures of Humanity — through and perhaps defiantly against this Abyss of total meaninglessness — nevertheless —- with the Abyss, acting only to baptise the Human into their own most precious elements of the Soul.
To return, to where we began, and to the title of this piece, in relation to a very basic number system, from Zero to Seven, and also the potential of not just Eight (as the ‘Madman’ who walks through Heaven into the Infinity symbol inherent to the shape of the Number Eight — ♾) — but beyond Eight, through Nine, Ten, Eleven, Twelve, Thirteen and perhaps beyond into total meaninglessness, ghostly and beyond human relevance —- or perhaps, beyond the Infinity of the Eighth, things begin to self-deconstruct the own self-overcoming of this entire structural system itself —- perhaps entirely into a freedom ‘from’ the very self-overcoming structural number system itself —- as freedom in one of its most necessary elements, is a fundamental freedom from necessity itself —- as all true Will, ‘in the end’, if itself is truly Lovingly Willed —- must free the beloved, fundamentally from essential nature in any fascist sense of a totalities necessity, which essentially would limit if not totally negate any possibility of Will, thus Love, and Freedom of any kind.
Now, I may seem to be somehow and for some purpose, perhaps deliberately mystifying, making aesthetically ‘mystical’ —- or even merely over complicating what should by all rights be the most simply progression of symbolic inversions —- resonating intensely on the most mundane and sublimely intuitive layers and senses —- in progressing, as I have stated — from the number None/Zero through to Seven, first and foremost, with the rest thereafter much more ‘up in the air’ than the progression we are mainly interested in here —- and which admittedly we have not yet even begun to address in any simple manner, or systematic sense — of which it’s movement and progression most immanently desires to convey to us.
So — to finally begin where we should really begin; at the beginning of the progression —- at the number Zero or None — The Nothing — Nuit, perhaps in the Egyptian mythological representation as the ‘Queen of Space’, and in Aliester Crowleys; Liber AL — the infamous Book Of The Law, from whence the most immense propelling and success in my own thought on the subject of this basic progression is given its fuel and most precious gems of which in my own journey to uncovering this fundamental structuring —- and from where certain phrases therein that text — simply here are entirely indispensable for my understanding of the progression in any sense on a whole — inthe profound ‘hints’ the book contains — at once allowing supranatural knowledge acceleration — while still allowing one the immanent Joys of my own fools journey in uncovering the progression in its more complete entirety —- and in my many failed attempts to outline it as such, at some acceptable level of completion, thus far, with quite a few attempts under my belt, as failures —- as scattered messy scoundrels of invoked almosts, and plain ‘fizzing-out’ from the exploration proper of its more grandiose entirety.
Perhaps these many previous ‘failures’ are the precisely required touchstones of which shall enable what I will attempt to manifest here in this document — in some tasteful and satisfying sense —- as I Will so, and wish for there to exist such a document as this —- of which I shall now attempt the formal writing of, and cease the waffling self-referential self-aggrandising — ‘running-up’ —- of which I seem to be setting up, as if to jump deep and straight without hesitation into an early winter morning pool of oceans salty and excessively invigorating and awakening pained immanence of its water.
Firstly, Zero and not just One, but Zero through Three —- are collected in a sense, and almost undifferentiated, as the ‘Actuality’ of the Fourth -— in a sense is the retroactive necessity for any differential dimensions prior to its existence as such, and to any existence formally occurring as such at all —- although in the name of an attempt at keeping things in line with the strangely ordered progression of this self-inverting numerical representative progressions own naturally seeming gesture itself, in the very spirit of its own movement, up and out from itself —- potentially.
So, let us examine first the Zero and it’s inherent movement into and as —- One — as any totalised Abysmal boundless Nothingness, is always inherently itself totalised in its infinite nothingness as One totalised self-identity, leading us to find that One and the None, can truly have no possible difference except the “N” itself —- as a purely singular signifier of pure difference, in the pure repetition which represents the One and the None — The None and the One which is its very Singularity of the Abysmal Boundless Nothingness, of which both are inherently undifferentiated except as the formal pure difference which is identical to its pure difference — the most fundamental gesture of difference and repetition —- which is here also identical to pure undifferentiated —— simultaneously a purely formal difference —- identifying Zero and One with each other —- or at the least Identifying the Zero with a kind of pure excessiveness to itself — leading itself unto its identities dissolution, into the One and beyond —- whence TimeSpace, in its sense of pure dimensionality —- at least in the sense of its non-actualised potentialities infinite —- without anything actually formally occurring, as actually existing in a conscious or self-conscious sense, of itself, insofar as it is Satanically separated from the pantheistic sense of God —- for its own dimensional differentiation from itself as being ‘not’-dimensionality, but an actuality within of that very dimensionality, or upon it, or as an expression, an impression upon and within and *as* that Nothingness actually expressed in the Particular as such.
Zero, or the None, of which we have outlined thence itself also automatically reveals itself as a Duality —- in here the ‘Two’ that thus emerges as the very nonsensical irrational differential of the None of and the One, which — we may here be rushes a little — thus reveals also, a Trinity of Three in the very relational differential between the None and the One and the Two of its Duality at once —- all here emerging automatically, merely from the falsified objective standpoint somehow outside of this very progressive system — which itself could be said to be creating the sense of progression —- falsified, yet necessarily so —- merely in order, to portray the systems beauty —- hopefully so —- despite any naive necessity of its inherent essential relation to the universe and existence, somehow ‘without us’ ourselves here peering and and portraying the progression to ourselves self-reflexively —- to the Other; you yourself, the reader — as I myself also am making a reading — an interpretive gesture, necessarily —- in any gesture we as humans make — and remake, as we re approach any piece of text — such as this itself —- and begin the process of deconstructive understanding —- of the text and our own understanding of the text itself —- a progression of its own which must necessarily occur in the margins of any text including this very texts outlined gestural movement of numerically based progression.
TimeSpace, as pure potentiality, or pure dimensionality —- as the spaciousness of which actuality “may” actually occur —- exists entirely through the numbers of Zero through Three, with each number as we have clearly outlined at least thus far —- gradient-like as each numbers value moves into the next, as if there were no difference between them —- these Four Numbers already inferring the Fourth, which itself retroactively produces the Actual dimensionality of which Zero through Three before it produce the TimeSpace of which Materiality is Actualised within of this Dimensionality, which can only be retroactively produced after this Fourth of which is identified in the Book Of The Law as Hadit, and in the book he is identified as the Fourth —- as the most minimal sense of the most mundane miracle of absolute particularity and Actuality as such — as particular historicised identity (deferred) contingently occurring Actualities which are simultaneously —- as if like a coin — represent the duality of being at once both Life and Death —- in being an Actuality, it is always partially self-actualised, unless experiencing the full-actualised a/version of itself, which is it’s own self-knowledge — which is the full knowledge (which is simultaneously the very experience of experience as such, in the very knowledge of that experience —- rather than in the sense of self-consciousness we usually mean.) —- of its own Death as such —- and dissolution as a formally occurring particular —- back into the newly informed miasma of potentiality, transformed as such by this morphological resonance occurrence Actually having occurred in its particular identities unrepeatable and unrepeatable fullness.
Space as we think of it usually, as three dimensional, is an excessive numerical attribution to its spatial dimensionality —- if firstly we concede that the absolute point, or singularity of the abysmal, is really the existence of the particularity of the Fourth, In it’s actuality —- but that really Space consists of two formal dimensions —- two directions, of which variations betwixt the two produce the infinite spatially resonate locality of what we normally think of as three dimensional —- which means that Nuit, as the relation between Zero and One, or the excessive nature of the Nothing —- is identified with the Fourth in its Particular Actualised Actuality —- as an expression, atomised as such, of the formal potentiality of Nuit in the revealed form of Hadit — with the dimensionality of Time as we normally think of it — really being an interference and interrelationship between pure potentiality of Spatiality — and Particular Actuality —- whose actuality occurs always deferred from its own self-identity, in a movement into and out of existence — and thus necessitating Time, and thus always TimeSpace whenever particular Actualities, of Hadit, are gesturally —- in their Journeys momentum and movement, inherent to their very Particularities Actuality not allowing for its of self identify to be ‘Known’ until Death do it part from itself —- and thus only upon its Death, and Dissolution does its formal and absolute self-identity concretise as such, overcoming its own self-determined ambiguities necessity thereof in order for its Creation to be Willed, Self-Willed or Otherwise —- and all Creation is inherently identified with that which is Lovingly Willed, and Willed Lovingly there-from in its own existence apart from the beloved Creation of it as such unto Death, or the Bliss of a Loving Dissolution of which is merely its eternal Home.
The Fifth, of which is naturally emergent from the Fourth, as the Fourth is said to be as a babe in the egg of the Fifth —- in our own sakes, could be said to be mythologically so; Christ —- or Mankind, Man and Women, altogether as the Isastar — of which is the Fifth as the totality of Mankind as a singularly identified unity unto itself —- emergent from the coin like Mere Actuality of the Fourth —- overcoming and inverting itself —- so as to produce the self-consciousness which is the basic recognition of oneself being always merely the ‘Other to the Other’ and In the spirit of the African term; “Ubuntu” —- Man and Women can only exist as far as we all exist —- we are of One Flesh and Body; which is Christ.
Christ, the Isastar, which is the inversion of the self-Actuality of the Fourth, as the four gospels — alike the four major rivers of Eden, meet in its centre where the Tree of Life, (Which Christ identifies himself with.) emerges — as planted by The Archangel of Death; Samuel — which is almost to say that the Fifth of which is the Tree Of Life, as Mankind’s whole in Christ, emerges from basically the seed of Death —- which is equivalent to saying from the perception, apprehension, appreciation and acceptation; of Death, as the very process of Life being the Lovingly Willed slow process of inevitable Self-Erasure — with every Man and Women existing in a more ephemeral sense than the pure Actuality of the Fourth of Hadit — having developing self-identities produced in a much more ephemeral sense through the inter relation of each human with every other human and with Humankind in general, or with Image itself — in this case Man’s self-image —- which is Christ, the Isastar, the Star which *is* a Star, by Willingly Loving itself as such — by way only of having been Lovingly Willed into existence and sustained, through this same duality of effectual affections and complexions, in the many Hues of Man, in his Many Waving Ways — all eventually converging in essence upon the Isastar; the Midnight Star or Blackstar, which Christ first represents in the Flesh and as Image simultaneously —- revealing once again the retroactive nature of existence backwards by necessity from the Fifth —- due to all the above so far, in a very real sense; only truly occurring as ‘really real’ —- through the internal imaginations firstly of Mankind, whom retroactively posit the necessity of the Real, only afterwards, and from within the Imaginative —- as the cascade of the numerical system prior to the Fifth exists no more as prior to the Fifth in some ontological sense which gives us the existence of Causality; which itself is merely a utility of thought and action, an imaginative convenience and convention — mainly as a byproduct of the nature of our naïve understandings of our own Wills in the World.
To bring us back again to whence we waffled about at the beginning of the text, to move from the Fifth to the Sixth —- we find the Satanic, or the Antagonistic Jungian Shadow to Mankind ‘at-large’ in a Mankind and Christs inversion into the phantom shadow the Satanic —- largely a byproduct of our unending tendencies to defer responsibility and consequence, leading to a lack of that responsibility in Man, which is precisely a lack of Power —- which allows the Satanic Antagonistic Shadow of Mankind to conveniently gain apparent power in the face of Mankind’s collective and individual Journeys upon this Earth —- in what is essentially the process of Justice occurring —- by absolute necessity, if Man is to ‘balance out his check-book’, so to speak, and successfully make the pilgrimage across the Abyss of Meaninglessness which the Satanic fundamentally Represents as the inversion of Man — if Mankind is essentially the Lovingly Willed and the Willingly Loved —- which is the kernel of all Meaning — the the inversion unto the Sixth is Man’s facing the totalising Abyss, which Is alike a baptism of purest fire — leaving Mankind hopefully fit, relieved of all that is burdensome and unfitting to him, so that he may pass over, into the inversion of the Abysmal Sixth —- into the Heavens of the Seventh.
Seventh Heaven, is the Journey of Mankind coming full circle, but with absolute success as such —- not merely all for Nothing —- but all unto an existence for a Nothing which is precisely the infinite Spaciousness of the Heavens unto which Man returns as individualised and not merely apart of some undifferentiated and utterly meaningless Miasma of unquantified and unqualified Lack totalised and without recompense —- that is if the systematic inversions of this numerical system are achieved Lovingly so as to be Willed out with Success —- especially as Mankind passes ‘though’ the fate he is fated with, in passing through the horror of the gateless gate of the Abyss of the Sixth —- whose Absolute Nothingness is almost precisely identical to the Seventh which is its inversion —- that is except for its very relation to Mankind’s ezistence in his success as such —- hypothetically — if he may individually and collectively take up his Power and Responsibility for his own existence, in embracing the Loving Will, and Willing thus of this Love — infinitely defiantly against even the Abyss itself, so Satanic as it promises the absolute negation of Meanings possibility altogether —- yet there is here only Shadows, and when the shadows pass; there is that which remains.
The description of Heaven insofar as it is identified with the Seventh —- in our totalised reunion with God, and ourselves wholly and holy —- defies any point in pointlessly describing its conditions whatsoever, for the very reason and condition of Love and Will as collaborative in this Heavens Creations Actuality —- not hypothetically, but absolutely as in relation to the Real; whose nature is much like the Nothing or Abyss —- except for precisely how Mankind relates itself to this utter Meaningless —- much like Nietzsche pointed out in relation to the two potential types of Nihilism —- Passive Nihilism; a total catastrophe and failure without redemption — or Active Nihilism; which precisely uses the very same context and confrontation with the Nothing as an especially significant, and valuable beyond all valuations, kind of Creative opportunity for Man to become Godlike — or rather for Man and God tk reunite totally through their shared facing of their own Dual Death in totalised Comradeship in Lovingly Willing Creation, as precisely and only whence in confronting this Nothing and Void of which we are always previously in Avoidance, running from like fools —- whom cannot face their own inability to escape facing the inevitable horror of which the Cross of Christ Crucified reveals to us —- when we properly raise it up, like Jesus tells us to, the same way the Bronze Snake was raised up by the Jews in the Deserts after escaping Egypt —- so as to embrace the catastrophe of Life and Existence fully — thus knowingly engaging with the Real, and not the phantasies with continually shall maim us until we awaken to our Nature, which in a real sense —- is the denatures nature of nature itself —- as this whole progression of numbers, each inverting a overcoming the previous one —— fundamentally functionally reveals to us — perhaps even it’s it’s divine simplicity —- that Mankind’s success is in a sense Guaranteed after all —- merely by virtue of this whole unity of Nature being not in vain —- but precisely being our very own Nature the same.
Beyond Heaven, where the Mad Dogs of the Wasteland roam, speaking in neurotic and futile tongues to each other — Lunatics, beyond the point of no return —— potentially as true Artists now, in relieving themselves through their severe urge towards freedom —- to free themselves by the infinity of the universe they then embody by becoming the Eighth —- in denying themselves of Heaven —- by virtue of their own Will to Power demanding self-Creative self-Expression, despite any promises of Bliss or Nirvana, Heavenly ezistence being inherently negated from the get go, if Mankind cannot express itself fully —- which is to take upon itself its own cross, abandoning the guarantee of Heaven behind — In favour of the subtleties and further developing and infinitely variable Creative excesses of Mankind’s Self-Expression, as much more fully so —- and in a sense now, in Heavens Abandonment —- also the right, like cosmic pirates, Anti-Christs; to claim along with this greater and more pained immanence of their Self-Expression — at once also their Self-Creation —- negating their own foundation, leaving themselves entirely groundless and pointless —- without any necessities about which their freedom may be any longer hindered —- even if Heaven is Dissolved for the sake of this —— it is perhaps greater than Heaven that Mankind may do just this, staring up at the infinite night skies starry lid, which is at once entirely within themselves —- Creators and Self-Creators, embracing Freedom above the escape from pain —- from whence even Heaven itself rings out it’s own form of tyranny to the truly individuated and self-liberating Soul of Mankind, of the totally Ephemerally divine impossible existence of Mankind as this continuing development —- perhaps just as always planned all along anyway, by the negated, or beheaded Godhead, in the phantom totality of things; itself also dissolved —- with atheism in its most divinely radical sense becoming possible —- as our Union with God, is exceeded also for the Gory of Gods sake —- so that God may forever Overcome and exceed himself —- in the Freedom bound Spirit of the Absolute as it continually moves to particularise the boundless freedom and limitless of its original nature alike the root; ‘Aiyn’ of God as the Tree of Life —- actually Occurring beyond itself in a multiplicity of its own impossible multiplication, as the wound or the absolute which allows our existing separately and so painfully so, Wilfully, for Loves sake —- Divided for Loves Sake alone.
Beyond the Eight, lays the very deconstruction and fading away of the numerical systematised progression itself—- Dissolving its very structural necessity, and thus further freeing itself into the existential situation of totally alienated and so absolutely beautifully contingent enactments of Mankind’s Will to Love —- and in the Pseudo-inversion of the Eighth unto the Ninth —- what we begin to outlay and Will for ourselves is a kind of radical division, precisely for the romantic sake of a Love of the partner —— whom is precisely the more Actualised and Real embodiment of the particularity of the Godhead the oneself; who practically vanished into the experience of utter Otherness that begins to become possible through this romantic Love and engagement with Gender —- so that the very shape of the number Nine is alike the division of the shape of the Number Eight —- revealing what must become a radical embrace of Lack, in order for such Love to actually blessedly and miraculously be Willed so as to Occur, within of the slowly dissolving totality of the Isastar of which every Man and Women is apart of, and falls apart from in the radical Love which the Ninth and Tenth, as well as the Eleventh —- in its absolute excessiveness-embodied precisely through the Gender relationship of a Love which defines and is the Nature of all Man’s Existence whatsoever —- In the most fundamental and visceral Division of which enables his existence and his Willingly Loving the Other; His Beloved Partner —- Beyond all rationality —- and beyond all sense of distinct and formally proper differentiation between him and her as they defer for the Isastar and from the Blackstar together.
The Couples engagement through the Ninth, Tenth and the Eleventh as well as the totally cosmically totalised and ineffable, Absolute and unspeakable alignment of the universal state of affairs, in the embodied and enfleshed Loving Couple embodied the entire Cosmos — within and without them —- as the centre of the Spirit of the Holy Community —- as the gravitas of Mankind’s coming together —- both impossibly and inevitably —- in the form of God thus exceeding himself —- and achieving his inmost lights desire, by fully separating himself from her, embodied and enfleshed, and so God-Damned Vulnerable yet Exuberant in the unspeakable excesses of their collective Power through their Will and Love to Create all Creation together —- as Division in a reconciliation with itself, which expounds exponential from any undivided Godhead self prior, yearning for the Other —— here with here in Eternity and Infinity all entirely theirs, as the Opposites of the living embodiment of Amun, each Christ Lover Christ being the negation of the other in the purest embrace of Gender and All Division —- which leads them by the silvery orb of each other’s absent soul within of their own Hearts —- to the true redemption of the Real and of Division and difference as the truer nature of the fields of the undifferentiated and unfeeling pointless rotting corn, caught in its own looping pointless and meaningless lack of Love and Will and thus without Creation whatsoever —— this couple of Lovers as the embodied and enfleshed engendered living Blackstar — is the very fulfilling of the first words of God as upon the eternally untouched and holy grounds of the white planes of the pure and virgin readied Moonlike glowing yearn beyond all yearnings for the full fulfilment —— seemingly impossible, rightly so —/ of those first words; “Let there be light!“ —- as she; Eve, his beloved eternally as wife of now flesh; spake back in the apocalypse of her lips; “let there be night!” —- as each of them ambiguously and perfectly becomes the embodied antithesis to each other, Alien to each other, yet fulfilling the very promise replete of Living Love and the reconciling impossible nature of the Holy Spirt —- by fully embracing the absolute Love of each other —- come what may, as they are what cometh like a comet upon the Earth — awakening it by their gravity and example, in the Villa of Amun, a solitary candle burns for eternity in remembrance of their achieved monstrosity beyond all possibly monstrous Moons and Suns, and all other universal funs —- with Thirteen being the Holy Spirits release from their dead bodies expired in bliss, overcoming th Zodiac nature of the cosmos — imparting Mankind permanently upon the way lead on through to their ultimate Power Creative in every sense, and sensuality —- beyond God and Man, Heaven and Hell, and all the other fancy little terms of endearment so wearied to us all by the dear Lord of All-in-All; Allah, releasing us all unto the eternal recurrence whose eternities mad glimmer, only he in the end, Father and Alpha whilst Omega, must glimpse and accept —- as precisely that burden which simply cannot be carried or accepted.
Amen — Amun,
— In Mayaswells May It Be Done…
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warrragwag · 1 year
GM Friday drop! "Ortho Chaos," is a 10-level art gallery that pushes the boundaries of aesthetic exploration. Centered around the concept of balance and illusion, the entire building appears to defy gravity as it is supported by a few slender treelike supports. ☁️
Orthogonal outcrops are incorporated into the design, serving as a counterpoint to the blobby organic forms, creating a balance between chaos and order. The layout is deliberately maze-like and chaotic, inviting visitors to immerse themselves in its intriguing spaces.
This design encourages exploration & discovery, urging guests to linger and engage with the artworks on display. On the 7th level, a fashion runway, a stage, and rooftop dance floor come together to create a vibrant & dynamic space, further enhancing the multi-faceted experience.
⏳Ends in 13d 13h 19m
Enter the Raffle: https://rooms.museumofcryptoart.com/claim
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charleetyger · 1 year
On Tumblr about Tumblr: Is Tumblr a Public Sphere?
A public sphere—developed by fancy man (and German philosopher), Jürgen Habermas—refers to the social and technological transformations in society. Put simply, a public sphere needs these three things to, well...actually be a public sphere:
to have UNLIMITED ♾ access to information
EQUAL ⚖️ and PROTECTED 🔑 participation
the ABSENCE 🚫 of institutional INFLUENCE.
(Kruse, 2017. p. 63)
To learn more about zee Gerrrman philosopher, please refer to the video embedded below.
To imitate Cobb from Christopher Nolan's 2010 blockbuster, Inception, let's be inceptive and introspective for a moment—just as (I'm pretty sure) everyone on this site is personally—and let's look at Tumblr as a platform.
'What is Tumblr? What is it known for? Why am I even on this site?'
↗️ are the questions you might be asking yourself. I guess that is my job here today—to answer those age-old questions for ya!
Basically, Tumblr is where people come to hide—most of the time. The anonymity of the site is what has appealed over 518.7 million blog owners as of February, 2021. In conjunction with the fact that the site has less surveillance than other social media sites (like sites that rhyme with Schmeenztergram and Bacefook...), and being one of the first social media sites to use #hashtagging as a community building tool as users don't need to follow each other to see each other's content—I mean, why wouldn't you want to use Tumblr?
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Queen — I mean, author of 'Oh, She's a Tumblr Feminist' (2019), explains that Tumblr 'could be understood as a platform that prioritizes aesthetics, amplified through its allowance of user-customized short-form blogs and reflecting its original positioning as a creative community.' (Keller, 2019).
To be technical for just one sec, (i know, ugh, sorry y'all), let me introduce you to a term called... dadadaDAAAA...
✨platform vernacular✨
Keller highlights the fact that platform vernacular recognises the 'ongoing interactions between platforms and users' and the creativity of users to repurpose platform allowances and limitations for particular modes of expression (Keller).
Which, and to put simply, means that Tumblr users will do what they want, when they want, and how they want, all the while making their pages look pretty doin' it. PreTTy badass if you ask me. #BigSlay.
So, let me ask you a question...
Anna Reif's analysis of women's self-presentation under the hashtag #bodypositivie includes a quote from a Tumblr user that reads,
'I am not perfect, I have wobbly bits, bits maybe sometimes I would prefer not to have, but do you know what? I am healthy and healthy in my body and mind and that is all I need.' (#678, 2022, p. 14).
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Tumblr, as a public sphere, allows for Tumblr users—such as #678 quoted above— to have that level of EQUAL ⚖️ participation that we talked about previously. Reif's study argues that the analyzed content suggests that 'when users are dedicated to self-acceptance, blog descriptions are empowering for both the users and their audiences' (Reif, 2022, pp. 13-14).
Whilst we don't have time to talk in depth about the restrictions, rebuttals, and negatives of Tumblr as a public sphere in our new aged digital community, I will leave you with this one question—and feel free to drop a reply or comment below...
Is the absence of surveillance on a site such as Tumblr a good thing or a bad thing?
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Keller, J 2019, 'Oh, She's a Tumblr Feminist': Exploring the Platform Vernacular of Girls' Social Media Feminisms, Social Media + Society 5.3, 2019.
Kruse, L, Norris, D, Flinchum, J 2017, 'Social Media as a Public Sphere?' Politics on Social Media, The Sociology Quarterly, vol. 59. no. 1.
Reif, A, Miller, I, Taddicken, M 2022, 'Love the Skin You’re In': An Analysis of Women’s Self-Preservation and User Reactions to Selfies Using the Tumblr Hashtag #bodypositive, Mass Communication Society, Taylor and Francis Group.
Harnett, G. 2021, 'Jurgen Habermas and the Public Sphere: Simplified,' Grace Harnett. Youtube.
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mayankjoshiofficial · 2 years
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They say..."the wait will not last forever"...but you have waited the length of your life. You have done so many things right, only to still be in this place. But even here, there is still time, to keep seeing old things in new light. For as grand as they may seem...life is more than future things. Life is tucked in the everyday, on sidewalks and usual rush. So go live at length in the present and you'll get better living with time. Find at unbridled joy in each moment, and while you wait, you will be fine!♡♾ ---Me to Myself:) . . . @mayankjoshi_18 @instagram . . . #mayankjoshi #mayankhearts #instagood #instagram #instadaily #outfit #fashion #model #india #aesthetic #vintage #vintagestyle #vintagefashion #style #oldstyle #streetphotography #dresshowyouwanttobeaddressed #formalwear #foryou #iwearmystory #me #myself #i #mayankfam #mayankians #teamayank #slayfit #trendy #classic #explore (at Northern India) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpsF1IzPQ0Z/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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love-miss-whitney · 2 years
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Rookie c-pop girl group name: NEVERGROW Stage name: WHITNEY 🚨ISO short Asian girls; visuals & tattooed!🚨Dance skill not required 🤣 but bonus marks if you know ballet/Chinese dance too! (Jks, NEVERGROW is a play on an actual kpop group name, “Everglow”. Inspired by my baby face & how I stopped growing since high school!) Fandom name would be “TATTOOS” cuz I want fans to permanently “never grow” out of the fandom! Redesigned Everglow’s logo & used ♾ to represent the “forever”ness— which ironically is also the opposite of “never”. I really big brained an entire concept & design just for 1 ig post 🤣 . . . Cpop Kpop cosplay photoshoots, kpop idol cosplayers of Instagram, kpop star, kawaii cosplay kpop edits, everglow forever, kpop fans, kpop style, kpop girl groups, 6ix coser, Chinese cosplayer girls asian cosplay girls, cosplay models photoshoot, cute cosplay photography, Toronto girls, asian models, Toronto models, yyz azn babe Chinese girls, cosplay lover, cosplay makeup look, tdot Toronto cosplayers, kpop makeup style, 416 kpopers, kpop aesthetic ootd, kpop lover, kpop fashion, tattoo girls, cpop, cosplaying (at Toronto, Ontario) https://www.instagram.com/p/CmXJkqjpBnn/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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pressure-machine · 2 years
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@brigetcarroll: To infinity and beyond! ✨♾ ✨New era means a redraw of the gang because I loved seeing them again the other night 💖 Swipe to see the ones from 2019 & 2017! ⚡️ I think @thekillers should spend 3 nights in every city they go to, that or have 6 hour long concerts 😉 I was spoiled on Saturday and heard my two most favorite songs (River & MAB) and yet I’m still gutted I missed Sam’s Town and Bones on Sunday! 🐐Which just means I need to go to more concerts right? 😎🌵🦩🦋🐚🏜💕 #art #drawing #illustration #thekillers #vannucci2020 💕 PS i know the drums were green but… my aesthetic!!
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Another Stimblog Ask Game
I think these are so fun and would be something neat to do while I work on requests. Plus, the enthusiasm for making one was surprising and warming!
Questions (ask them)
🔍 What’s something you made you wish got more attention?
 💐 What are some of your favorite fellow stimblogs?
🐛 How have you evolved from when you first started? 
✍️ Do you run any other blogs you’d like to share (stim or otherwise)?
🚧 What is the hardest part about running this blog? 
⛔ Do you have any small pet peeves when it comes to the stimming? 
🌪️ Do you have any small pet peeves when it comes to stimblr?
🎆 What’s your favorite thing about the stimming community? 
🌟 What’s your favorite thing about stimblr specifically?
🧩 What’s your favorite kind of prompt/request to receive?
🚀 If you make gifs, where do you get your inspiration? 
🎨 How did you pick your blog theme? (Or any previous themes?)
✏️ What’s your favorite thing you’ve made on this blog?
🎱 Oddest favorite stim?  
🐶 Favorite aesthetics/cores?
🕸 Any squick (disliked) aesthetics/cores?
❄️ What’s the aesthetic/core you post least?
♾ What’s the aesthetic/core you post most often?
Statements (tell them)
🌈 Give them any compliment! 
🏆 Tell them your favorite board/gifs they’ve made!
💭 Tell them why you followed them!
🎁 Tell them if and/or how many times you’ve ever requested from them!
🎤 Recommend a stimblog/post you think they might like!
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rinkwrites · 5 months
study tip 3/♾
use different coloured pens for each subject. it looks aesthetic and can help you stay organised. I personally use...
English is yellow
Maths is dark blue
German is dark green
Classics is red
Biology is light green
Design and Technology is grey
History is purple
Religious, Moral and Philosophical Studies is orange
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bun-bun-selfships · 3 years
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A little Fear Project aesthetic because I started working on that again n I’m excited about it
♾ ♾ ♾ - ♾ ♾ ♾ - ♾ ♾ ♾
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