#▓ ▌◈;; Not so British now (ooc)
umbane · 8 months
the canadian experience is just having red lines under your words all the time
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immobiliter · 2 years
       today is a day where i just get very mushy thinking about my longest rp partnerships / friendships here and how we’ve all been in each other’s lives for nearly a decade in some cases, which is truly kinda wild when you think about it dfgdjfgd
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bravevolunteer · 1 year
so do you guys think the movie is going to acknowledge the fact that it most likely takes place in utah or are they gonna make up some vague small town and call it a day
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supercreig · 9 months
There's plenty to say but let's start with the fact that I'm happy you found me. It means quite a bit to me when I can find someone who will just let me ramble on about my hyperfixations would getting annoyed. And I will never regret dragging you back into Les Mis by your ankles! Enjolras deserves all of the love he could ever get! Same thing with Gregory as well. Also so happy about the brotherly relationship between him and Craig. You're a sweetheart and you need to be told so - @smileduponyou
2023 is almost over!
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I-I might be at a loss of words, but I don't think I am that much of a sweetheart as I kind of curse like a sailor IRL, and playfully flip off a few of my co-workers but in my defense they either started it or they literally asked for it. Sometimes I have my moments where I also just feel bleah. I also kinda yell at my stupid boyfriend sometimes for being a bum, and I am still mad at him for giving me literally the worst movie date ever.
Of course you never cease to annoy me! I feel bad for not responding much sometimes, and I swear it's not because I hate or dislike you. Sometimes I just don't know what to say, or maybe I'm at work and forget to respond, or I've fallen asleep sometimes after coming home from work LOL. I'm not the greatest at socializing :( I really enjoy talking to you and just vibing with you!
Also look, I am a huge sucker for platonic ships! Honestly moreso than romantic ships, though I don't mind romantic shipping either but I'm also very picky with romantic shipping. IDK why but I just am and have always been. So the familial bond between Gregory and Craig is always welcome and lives rent free here.
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embarrasingmf · 25 days
₊˚ෆ | moving up | S.B (2)
SUMMARY: After you helped him learn how to use a mobile phone, Ben comes to you a few days later so he can learn how to use a laptop.
WARNINGS: not proofread, little bit of swearing, maybe OOC Ben???, use of Y/N (only once).
A/N: a few people suggested I make this a series where reader teaches Ben how to use various pieces of modern technology and I LOVED that idea so here I am with my first series<3. also literally could not come up with a title so I js decided on some basic one…
part one! | part three! | part four!
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Ever since you forced helped Ben work a mobile phone, you realized he started being a little nicer to you.
He didn’t call you names as often and he didn’t yell at you whenever you didn’t refer to him as his super name.
You didn’t ask him about it since you thought that if you did, he’d go back to his bitchy self.
Butcher and the others had just left for yet another mission that Butcher didn’t let you go on.
Apparently, he had also noticed how Ben seemed to be a little nicer to you compared to the rest of The Boys.
You didn’t necessarily mind not going on mission and risking injuries, per say, but it got a little boring constantly being told to stay back and watch Ben to make sure he doesn’t blow something up.
Right now, you were sitting at a random desk that was placed in the makeshift hideout, just minding your own business.
Well, you were minding your own business until you heard Ben’s booming voice speak up as he approached you.
“Hey, Y/N.” You raised your head and looked in his direction.
The first thing you noticed was the laptop tucked firmly under his arm. You raised an eyebrow, wondering whose it was since Ben obviously didn’t know how to work a laptop.
“Whose laptop is that, Ben?” You questioned skeptically.
“It’s Hughie’s.” Ben said smugly, throwing a thumb over his shoulder and gesturing to the now empty desk that once had Hughie’s laptop on it before he left.
“Seriously, Ben—“ Before you could protest further, Ben grabbed a chair and placed it next to yours, putting the laptop between you.
“Teach me how to use this thing.” Ben said in a slightly demanding tone.
You rolled your eyes and opened it, noting how Hughie surprisingly didn’t use a password in his laptop.
“Okay, well..” You sighed and looked over at Ben, pointing at the smooth squared area below the keyboard that you were dragging your finger on.
“This is how you drag the cursor. You can also plug in a mouse instead of using that.” Ben just stared at you, his forehead creased.
“A mouse? Why the fuck would you plug in a mouse to a laptop?”
You shook your head, shoulders slumping a bit.
“Not an actual mouse. Like a, uh…” You found yourself stumped on how to explain so you turned back to the laptop and opened the web browser.
“This is the web browser, there’s multiple of these but it looks like Hughie just uses Google. This is where you look stuff up.”
You quickly typed in the word laptop mouse and then turned the screen towards him.
“This is what I meant by mouse. It’s basically a different way to move the cursor.”
Ben nodded before looking at you again. “What’s a cursor?”
You pointed to the small white arrow that was in the middle of the screen. “That’s the cursor.”
“Oh, okay.” Ben moved the laptop closer to him and started snooping through Hughie’s apps and messages.
“Ben-“ You frowned, gently taking the laptop away from him. “I wouldn’t do that if I were you.”
Ben scoffed and mumbled something close to “party pooper” under his breath before he snatched the laptop back.
“I jus’ wanna do something real quick.” He mused, going to Hughie’s messages and scrolling until he found Butcher’s contact.
“What are you doing?” Ben held up a finger to silence you before he started typing something.
You shook your head in disappointment as you read what Ben was trying to send to Butcher.
‘I hate you, you stupid British fuck’
After clicking the send button, Ben laughed boisterously, leaning back in his chair.
“Oh, I can’t wait to see Butcher’s reaction to that message.”
“He’ll probably know it’s you.” You butt in, arms crossed across your chest like an angry parent.
Ben let out a defiant huff. “No he won’t, he’ll totally think Hughie sent it and then chew him a new one.”
Eventually, when everyone got back after you taught Ben how to maneuver through a laptop some more, Butcher saw the text and showed it to Hughie.
You sat back with Ben and watched as the color drained from Hughie’s face in a horrific expression.
“I didn’t send that!” He started defending himself immediately, making various points on how the time didn’t match up and how he would never say that to Butcher.
Butcher chuckled before turning to you and Ben, you didn’t hesitate to rat Ben out.
“It was his idea. I was just showing him how to work a laptop.” Ben shot you a glare as you were glad looks couldn’t kill because you’d definitely be dead meat right now.
It was safe to say that instead of Butcher chewing Hughie a new one, it was Ben on the receiving side of Butcher’s scolding.
reblogs n feedback r appreciated! <3
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mammomlette · 5 months
[Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3(WIP rn)]
Includes: Satan, Asmodeus, Beelzebub, Belphegor, GN!Reader/MC
Warnings: Spoilers for lesson 16 in Belphies (not explicitly said but obvious foreshadowing for a twist), implied manipulation (Belphies) (not sure if that needs a warning but better safe than sorry)
Notes: I’m still quite new to fanfics and Tumblr, and honestly just writing in my free time in general so constructive criticism is defo encouraged!! Also I won’t lie to you, Satan did seem a tad ooc erm…
SATAN: writing/drawings on hands appear on eachother
* As soon as you turned 18, you noticed small phrases and notes appearing on your right hand
* It started off with small things like “page 562” or “British shorthair.” Just things to keep as a reminder or to be able to search it up later
* However, as time went by, the notes became a bit more… concerning
* Concerning book quotes from old literature, sometimes in other languages, and nefarious plans to prank someone called ‘Lucifer’
* Your soulmate plans to prank the devil himself. Haha. What a great idea.
* You brushed it off for a while, appreciating the occasional cat fact or chapter reminder and just ignoring the angry words about Lucifer.
* Eventually, you began to build up the courage to respond. Small things relating to things your soulmate wrote, like cat doodles (good or bad as your art skill may be) or going over the writing of the reminder when you notice it started to fade
* Not knowing if it was your place to write down your own notes or just not quite having that amount of bravery, you still did those little things to let your soulmate know that hey, you’re there and you’re always reading what they have to say.
* Satan thought he was hallucinating.
* Thousands of years spent just jotting things down to remind himself of things at a later date, frequently on his hand, and suddenly things started to change?
* He had wrote “British shorthair” on his palm in hopes of being able to look it up later, and a few minutes later he looks down to his palm to search it up and sees a… cat?? It’s really not clear. It’s round, with two points on the top of its head… yeah thats a cat.
* He’s become so obsessed he’s hallucinating badly drawn cats, which is probably a cause for concern, so naturally he confides in his brothers about this and is comforted that no he’s not hallucinating, however cats are just randomly appearing on his hand.
* They continue to appear, circles with two triangles, some looking better than others and some with more odd features likes birthday hats or weird outfits
* He finally decided to read up on what could be happening and was quickly met with the term ‘soulmates’
* He had heard of this a long time ago from one of his brothers while he was still young (for a demon) and brushed it off as a fairy tale. Why had his soulmate only started communicating with his just now?
* He moved on eventually and time passed, a new human being introduced to his home and his family.
* It took an embarrassingly long time to realise that his human was also his soulmate, it wasn’t until you were both just chilling in his room and you were doodling something next to some words on your arm that he noticed a cat appearing on his own arm.
* “Look! The cat thing is happening!” He shouted, a lot more emotion out into it that he would’ve liked due to the sheer shock
* You stopped what you were doing and look at his arm, the cat drawing having ceased its being drawn while you stared at the cat, face turning into shock and then seriousness. Because that is the cat that you just drew.
* “Satan.” You said, just staring into his eyes without any expression
* “Yes, MC?” He responded, worried at your monotony. His mouth then gaped open and you showed him your arm, cat half doodled next to the words “page 236, sticky notes needed”
* You both just made dead eye contact for a second before your eyes both began to flick back and forth and your lips slowly started to quiver
* Both of your sweet laughters filled the room, how ironic that such a common book trope would be what flew under Satan’s nose for so long.
ASMODEUS: soulmate telepathy
* Ever since you turned 18, you had been hearing a voice in your head.
* Not necessarily in a concerning way! In the way it happens when you and your soulmate have both turned 18 and can finally communicate.
* At first, you thought that you were hearing things. Things like “Ooo, this would be a great touch to my outfit! ♡” and “Can’t believe my bath wasn’t 3 hours long today…” flooding your mind. Since when were you SO picky about your clothes and hygiene, even when not in the process of dressing or washing? And since when were your baths 3 hours?
* Quickly though, you realised that this voice wasn’t your own. It was a melodic sounding voice that felt like honey and most definitely did not belong to you.
* You had heard from your family growing up and your friends recently that once you had become an adult you would be able to communicate with your soulmate through your thoughts, proof of the bond your souls shared, thoughts intertwining together.
* You found that whenever you were deep in thought and rambling to yourself you’d be met with a “hon, slow down” in your mind or that whenever you were trying to figure out an outfit your soulmate would chime in to offer their expert advice without hesitation
* No hesitation at all, because Asmo had waited his entire life for this.
* Thousands of years of life believing that he had no soulmate, destined to forever be a player
* So long spent reading and gushing over cute romance stories where soulmate meet and finding comfort in romcoms about that very topic, and here he was finally with his own soulmate in his mind
* The way you would thank him for his advice before his mind went quiet from your thoughts again until you later told him how well everything went and the way you would ramble internally to him without even realising you were connected to his mind made his heart flutter, even without your face your voice and soul were beautiful
* One day he had been summoned alongside his brothers to the student council room to welcome the new human exchange student. It was a hassle that could be spent doing something more productive like his skincare or extra time in the bath, but he was still just so excited he had to tell you how excited he was to meet the new human!
* “New human?” You thought, but had no response from your soulmate before you appeared inside of a council room in front of 5 attractive strange men.
* You panicked and were kind of in autopilot mode as a tall man in all red introduced you to your situation and a slightly-less-tall man in black started to introduce you to his brothers
* You still had small responses in your shock, and a certain demon recognised your voice.
* You were immediately snapped out of autopilot when you heard the voice of the second brother you were introduced to, an admitted handsome man with slightly-pink-tinted light brown hair and stunning orangeish eyes said “Oh come now. Really? You should be that you get to introduce such a sweet and charming little brother like me!” And you froze.
* You looked like a deer in headlights to lucifer who was trying to introduce you to a blonde demon, but to Asmo, you looked like the most beautiful creature to ever walk the three realms (asides from himself, naturally) and the only person worthy of him.
* Asmo saw beauty in everyone, but everyone else paled in comparison to your face in this moment and your voice every other previous time he had heard it.
* He looked at you with knowing eyes and your eyes finally softened from your shocked face, finally understanding what he meant earlier by “new human”
* It would take time for you to get used to being in a new world with a demon as your soulmate, it would take time for him to get used to loving someone more intimately than as lust, but you both had eachother and the bond that ties your minds together and that’s all you needed.
BEELZEBUB: you share (some of) your soulmate’s pain
* It was growing unbearable.
* The slight yet constant ache in your stomach, a pit that was never quite full.
* For years you mistook it for your own hunger, not sure if you should be eating more or not
* It was always there, always something that disctracted you whenever you were left alone in silence or trying to sleep at night, always waiting for you to finish a meal just to make you feel that familiar ache again.
* It was just insufferable.
* It wasn’t just the hunger, though. There would be times where your muscles would ache like you had been working out without a proper cool down or your arms felt like they had bruised from defending or blocking against something
* You inquired with your friends about this and were just told that it would be your soulmate. You shared pain with your soulmate, and your soulmate always seemed in pain
* It wasn’t a pain that came from attacks or falling, just a pit that always felt so empty it hurt but could never be filled.
* Was your soulmate starving to death? You wished there was a way to help them, to soothe the pain, but without knowing who they are there was no way to fix it.
* As of present, you had been sent into the devildom a few weeks ago and had began to slowly feel adjusted to the devildom and your roommates and you had grown fond of one in particular: Beelzebub, the avatar of gluttony.
* You sympathised with him and his constant hunger since you yourself always felt a small bit of this hunger, even if you’d learnt by now that it wasn’t yours to fix
* So naturally, you hung a round him more
* You spent time with him whenever you could just because you wanted to, accompanying him to the gym or treating him to Hell’s Kitchen or even just sitting with him when he was lonely and missing his brother who had gone to the human world
* And it felt like every time you gave him the food you were craving so much, that pit in your stomach was filled just a bit
* Always there, never going away, but it felt just that bit more bearable and ignorable for a short while
* Who knew you were such an empath?
* Of course it crossed your mind of that Beel could be your soulmate, but what are the chances? You dismissed the thought whenever it appeared, not wanting to get your hopes up
* However, your hopes were validated one night in the kitchen with Beel.
* You were preparing him a small snack, just cutting up some devildom-style bread for him when you accidentally put your finger down at the wrong time in the wrong place and cut it
* You hissed at the pain, putting down the knife to look at your finger and you thought you heard Beel grunt.
* “MC, are you okay?” He inquired, approaching you to look at your finger while slightly cradling his own for some reason
* “Uh, yeah, I just need a plaster or something, would you mind..?” “Yeah, of course.” He continued to clutch his finger while reaching for the cabinet, letting go for a second to open it and grab you a plaster
* “Are you okay? You’re holding your finger too.” You were slightly worried by his mannerisms even though you didn’t see a cut on his fingers.
* “Yeah, my finger just hurt all of a sudden. It’s fine though. Here, I’ll put the plaster on for you.”
* You fell into comfortable silence as he opened the plaster and began pressing in down, but he pressed down a bit too hard which hurt you, causing both of you to hiss.
* “Seriously Beel, are you okay?” He nodded. “Yeah, it’s just like whenever you get hurt my finger hurts too.”
* Lightbulb. You realised finally that those slight considerations were valid and the connection you felt with Beel was real. The hunger you felt wasn’t yours and the reason it was numbed when you gave him food is because it was his.
* He seemed to have realised this too, because he paused and looked at you, slowly smiling.
* “MC, I just realised something. I think that-“ you cut him off with a kiss, smiling now too.
BELPHEGOR: you have a countdown until your soulmate’s death
* Surely there was an error in the system.
* Call you crazy but you didn’t quite think that 378,691,205,018 seconds is applicable to the human life span.
* You had come to the conclusion that your soulmate was either non-existent and the universe was fucking with you or they were some kind of non human entity and obviously both of these answers were stupid but at least the former was possible.
* You’d grown accepting overtime that you didn’t have a soulmate unlike how most of your friends did and that you’d never have that sort of unconditional love
* Not having a soulmate wasn’t unheard of, just uncommon.
* And you got the short end of the stick. That’s all there was to it.
* UNTIL you got randomly abducted one day into literal hell where pretty much all beings there loved for thousands of years.
* ‘Maybe I have a chance now?’ You crossed the thought out from your mind. First of all, these were demons and most of them had made attempts on your life at some point or another, and secondly almost all of them either a) didn’t have a timer, which meant no soulmate, b) had an insanely high timer that you’d never be able to reach or c) had already found their soulmate
* You sighed to yourself and began to lose hope again, walking up the stairs to the attic
* A short while ago, you had found a human locked in the attic, who had asked you to help him. You clicked, something in that moment just felt like it had been put in place like the final puzzle piece so you trusted him without really knowing why
* But you had even more recently found out from his brother that he was bulshitting you and that he was probably the demon Belphegor, so now you just wanted to figure out what was going on
* You continued to march up the stairs and finally arrived at the attic to confront him or at least question him
* “Are you Belphegor?” You cut to the chase not wanting to bother with any more of his lies.
* He was silent for a second before grinning, devilish look that you’d expect from the decent ruler or the underworld gleaming in his eyes as he said “Aww, so you’ve already figured me out, have you? Well, you’re no fun at all.”
* You glared, and tried to decide whether declaring he was a liar or asking why he was a liar would be a better idea
* But he spoke up again before you could decide.
* “That timer on your neck, what does it say?”
* You paused, not knowing the exact number. “Um, like, there’s hundred billion seconds-ish? Why?”
* “Because I’m a demon. I’m going to live long enough to fulfil that. Look at my timer, here. It has 13,140,014 seconds. No demon would live that short.”
* “And is thirteen million a lot of time?”
* “About a human lifespan, bit under.”
* You hummed. It made sense to you looking at it at the moment, though you could’ve sworn it was a little bit under your guess, you trusted him.
* Why? He lied to you about being a human, so why do you trust him?
* Because he’s your soulmate. There’s no doubt in your mind. The click, the need to trust him, even seeing him in your dreams. It was right.
* So you believed him, and didn’t give the thirteen million seconds much question. You were going to save him, save your soulmate.
* Because thirteen million seems like a long time, and I guess it was long enough for you to save him. Just not enough to do much more.
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black-cat-05 · 25 days
Ok so I realised that I don’t post about Neil enough so to change that have some of my HC about him
(Some of these are slightly ooc but deal with it)
- some times when Neil is at ease he may slip into a slight British accent (mainly with his pronunciation) it’s not noticeable to anyone but Andrew
-he keeps his hair longer as a way to have some difference between his dad
-his first tattoo is of a key
- many years after the events of the books he begins keeping a journal because he is scared that he will forget small details about his family (the foxes)
- They’re pages of intricate drawings of random shit in the journal from nights when he can’t sleep
- Neil becomes to Jean what Renne is to Andrew
That’s all for now but I have like a million of these
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themultifanshipper · 3 months
LilGalexy (Lilly Muni He x George Russell x Alex Albon) with "I can't believe you've made a sex tape. Without me :(."
The reason Alex and Lily haven't made one with George is because they keep laughing at George letting out one of his britishisms during sex and the horny mood is completely derailed.
“Ding Dong”
“Alrighty then, lads”
These are all things that George has said during sex. Alex and Lily have been keeping a fucking list.
Warnings: this started out pretty fluffy then got a bit depraved towards the end. Smidge of angst, scheming, threesome, sextape (obviously), oral, gags, spanking, cum eating (just trust me), maybe a tad ooc for lily
Requested from my prompt list
Alex and Lily had been trying to make a sextape for some time now, but unfortunately their boyfriend had a tendency to be… well, very unsexy when he got a bit of adrenaline pumping through him. They had made a few, just the two of them, before they had included George in the relationship, but the subject never came up and it was too late now to tell him about them without hurting his feelings.
They desperately wanted to make one with him though, despite his clumsy demeanor. But he ruined them all by coming out with expressions more ridiculous each time, so they eventually gave up.
But Alex had an idea one day, so they had decided to try something a bit despicable. Instead of telling George about it, they decided to spontaneously film themselves right before they knew George was due home, so that he could join them naturally without the extra pressure of the camera, which made him nervous at times.
So there they were, just the two of them, Alex between Lily's thighs, lapping at her cunt as she writhed on the bed, both very excited for George's arrival any minute now. Alex had set up the camera in the corner, not too visible, and it had been recording for a few minutes now.
When Alex added a couple of fingers to his ministrations, Lily moaned so loud that they didn’t hear the front door go.
They did however hear shuffling in the corridor, and George's voice call out their names.
This was it.
He was going to come in and join them, smooth as a cucumber and the sex tape would be a success (they were terrible people for not telling George but desperate times, desperate measures, you know?).
But of course as soon as the door opened and George walked in the mood changed drastically.
“Golly gosh! What's all this then?”
The two people on the bed wailed in despair as the mood was effectively ruined. There was really no hope for this man.
“Geoooorge… One of these days we're going to need to fucking gag you to stop you from ruining sex, you prick!” Alex yelled, frustrated.
He knew it was mean but it just kind of slipped out. He wasn't trying to hurt George in any way but the man obviously didn't take it well, because his shoulders slumped and he muttered a quiet “oh… sorry” before turning on his heel and walking out. Alex got up quickly to follow him.
“Wait! George I didn-”
Lily grabbed his arm “Let him go babe, he'll come around, but that was quite mean” she said, stroking his hand gently.
Some plan this shaped up to be.
Unfortunately that wasn't the end of the misery for George. He went snooping around the week after, while Lily and Alex were out, and found the other tapes.
Lily came home first and found a depressed George, wrapped in a Union Jack blanket (there was really no hope for this man) and shoveling Ice cream into his mouth.
“I can't believe you made a sex tape… without me”
“Oh George…” Lily heart broke, and she snuggled up to him on the couch. Alex wouldn't be home for a few hours so there was plenty of time to make it up to George without another clumsy man making anything worse. And Lily actually had a plan to set in motion.
A few days earlier she’d had an idea. Alex had angrily joked about gagging George… but what if that was the solution?
She talked to George about it, and George understood. He couldn’t help the things he said sometimes, and even he could look back and realise how he could ruin the mood a bit, so he agreed to a gag.
And just to get back at Alex for 1. Yelling at him and 2. Not telling him about the other tapes, they decided not to warn him.
So before Alex got home, they set up the camera in the living room, facing the couch.
On said couch sat George in nothing but his underwear, and a lovely red ribbon that Lily had found (she definitely hadn't gone and bought it just for this), secured in his mouth to stop him from talking.
And of course they couldn't help themselves having a bit of fun before Alex got there. So Lily got on her knees between George's legs and started teasing him with her mouth over the fabric of his tight boxers.
And that's how Alex found them when he came in. George whimpering and whining into the gag as Lily pulled down his underwear and licked a broad stripe from base to tip.
“What a sight the two of you make!”
George’s eyes snapped open to meet Alex's. He whimpered into the gag as Lily took him into her mouth, almost down to the base, then pulled off completely.
“I found a solution to our little problem” she said, getting up to give Alex a peck on the lips “Do you like it?”
Alex nodded dumbly as he stared at his boyfriend spread out on the couch, flushed and sweaty and incredibly hard cock leaking onto his stomach
“God he's so… pliant.” Alex surged forward to cup George's chin, thumb brushing over George's lips streched by the gag, noticing a few unshed tears in George's eyes “You really like this, don't you?”
George whimpered as he nodded, and Lily joined Alex as they both stood over him.
“Please!” George tried to say, but it came out muffled.
Lily laughed and stroked his hair gently. “You want us to make you feel good, sweetie?”
George nodded again. The speed with which he was completely submitting was a surprise, but not an unwelcome one, as George had always been relatively dominant in bed (or at least in the few times they had managed to get him into bed without him ruining it).
“Alex is going to fuck you while you're inside me, okay?”
George groaned and Alex raised his eyebrows. “Did you plan this?”
“I did” she smiled and pecked him again before taking her clothes off and sitting on the sofa, leaning her body backwards so that George could easily slot in between her legs.
He scrambled to do so and Alex laughed “eager to please, good boy” and George shuddered at that.
That was also a surprise, and Alex was going to milk that for all it was worth.
“Wait Lily you need prep!” Alex suddenly remembered.
“No I uhh… I prepped before you got home” she blushed slightly.
The image of her fingering herself on her own, probably in their bed, made the two men groan in unison as George's hand went to her wet folds and easily slipped two fingers in.
“Go on, George, fill our girl up then”
George wasted no time. He slid in slowly until his hips were flush with Lily's, making her let out a shaky moan at the feeling of fullness her own fingers couldn't provide earlier.
The couch was long, long enough to allow For Lily and George's bodies, and for Alex to sit comfortably behind George to start prepping him.
At first George managed not to move, to help him out a bit, but as soon as Alex slid the third finger in and grazed George’s prostate, he couldn’t help but grind his hips back and forth, head thrown back as Lily fluttered around him at the movement.
She spoke up, voice barely above a shaky whisper. “Much more of this and our boy is going to come before you're even inside of him, Alex.”
The Williams driver nodded and lined himself up behind George, thumbs drawing circles into his hips.
“Ready baby?” Alex said gently.
George whimpered into the gag and nodded so furiously he almost headbutted Alex. So Alex chuckled and grabbed George’s hair and pulled on it, while slowly sliding into him.
George could really feel the stretch and the noise he let out was truly pornographic, and Alex started shallowly thrusting into him, which made George's hips slam against Lily's, making both of them moan in unison at the pleasure that was coursing through them.
Alex set the pace, releasing George’s hair in favour of grabbing his hips to move them exactly how he wanted.
Just then, he heard a small beep. It was barely noticeable, but Alex definitely recognized it as the low battery warning on their camera.
His eyes snapped up to where he thought it came from and landed on said camera, sitting on the shelf in the corner.
They had both planned this without him. And it was finally working. The realization made him groan and fuck into George faster. He leaned in closer and spoke right into his ear.
“You're being such a good little slut for us, aren't you Georgie?”
The younger man couldn’t answer of course but his body tensed as he whined, and Alex knew he was getting close.
Lily, who had been riled up all day at the thought of what was going to happen, was getting close too and was tightening around George by the minute, so Alex's hand came down to her clit, thumb rubbing messy circles into it.
“Look at our girl, George. She's about to come on your cock like a good girl whil I use you to fuck her”
And that was too much for poor George as he came with a muffled wail, Alex nailing his prostate on every thrust and Lily’s tight walls milking him for all he was worth.
Alex and Lily shared a brief look and quickly agreed on what to do next.
Alex untied the gag and dragged George down so he was level with the cum now seeping out of her.
“Look at that pretty cunt, George. You've made a mess, haven't you? Now clean it all up like a good boy.” And with that he roughly shoved the younger man's face between her thighs.
George immediately started licking and sucking at her folds, cleaning up as much of his cum as possible, even using his fingers to scoop it out. Lily came in no time and she grabbed George’s hair as her back arched off the couch and her legs trembled with the force of her orgasm.
“Jesus George… who knew you were such a filthy cum slut, fuck-” Alex groaned and unexpectedly came deep inside George, hips slowly grinding to a halt. Maybe he was also discovering things about himself today.
As they all caught their breaths, the unmistakable noise of the camera shutting down could be heard over their panting. George chuckled as he rolled onto his side, letting Lily get up to go get cleaned up.
“I'd say the timing on that was bloody good, old chap!” George said, grinning up at his boyfriend, obviously doing it on purpose now.
Alex groaned and gave him a hard smack on the ass, making George gasp and his cock twitch in interest. Alex lifted an eyebrow at him.
George looked only slightly bashful, but he was in fact getting hard again, so Alex smacked him even harder.
The full body jerk and the shaky moan George let out turned Alex on more than he would ever admit. Maybe the key to getting George to shut the fuck up was to rough him up a bit. Get him breathless and whiny for it so he couldn't think.
The thought of that alone made Alex realise he was also half hard again already.
“I don't want to wait for the camera to charge to start round two. I think we got what we needed this time.”
And he jumped on George, the kiss more teeth and spit than anything else, their hands quickly finding flesh to grab onto as Alex's nails dug into George's hips and thighs, marking him up, and giving George bruises to press into later, to remind him how good he could have it when he just kept his mouth shut.
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Not super proud of this ngl but I hope y'all enjoyed it.
Also can you believe that I had to photoshop that pic because I could not find a single picture of lily and george together? Wild
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kissesforsatoru · 1 year
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₊˚⌗ hobie was never supposed to get involved with you, yet you and him became irrevocably tied to one another.
⤷ cw : general yandere themes, soft yandere!hobie, near death experiences, marking (not in the way you guys probably think), jealousy, possessive behavior if you squint, implied power dynamics, pet names (love, sweetheart), horribly written british accent, utterly smitten hobie, softie!reader, reader is smaller than hobie, but angels are big compared to humans so that's why (he’s like 6’5+ and he wears platforms), EVERYTHING ABOUT ANGELS IN THIS FIC IS ENTIRELY MADE UP.
notes : please bear in mind that i don't have a full grasp on hobie yet, so he is probably definitely a bit ooc; i did try my best though!! i’m also planning to put this on ao3 at some point, so if you see it pop up there it’s not plagiarized, it’s just me ૮ ˶´ ᵕˋ ˶ა
♫₊˚.🎧 now playing . . . fool for you by noita
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it was never supposed to turn out like this. you and him were never supposed to happen.
you were only supposed to be 'just another human' to hobie like the rest of everyone else. he wasn't supposed to get involved or contact you directly; he wasn't supposed to get attached. you weren't supposed to get attached to him either. but you did, and he did too. so much that he’s entirely fucked. there’s no coming back from this for you or him.
it's not like this is any of hobie’s fault though, not when he’s known to not follow the rules and definitely not when you're the most precious human he has ever had the pleasure of being the guardian angel of.
he will admit that at first it was boring to watch you, but then it was fun. 
you aren’t anything incredibly special. just a broke college student with very few friends who likes to stay home more than you like to go out. but following you around and laughing his ass off about all of the stupid little things you did when you thought nobody was watching, like talk to yourself or narrate your actions, hobie really enjoyed that. he got a nice kick out of whenever someone would catch you doing one of those things and you’d get all flustered, shy, and painfully awkward.
you're undeniably adorable, and so refreshing. it's nice being your guardian angel in comparison to being one for some grubby old bastard whose morality borders far past what's considered to be good. hobie hates those people, pigs they are, all of them. you aren’t anything like them. you're boring, yeah, but hobie still likes you better than any other human. 
he sometimes pretended that you were talking to him whenever you spoke to yourself out loud, even though that couldn't have been possible. he would smirk and respond to you still with his dry humor and witty remarks because it was fun and it gave him a delightful little buzz. 
he didn't know how, or when, it happened, but hobie then found himself melting whenever he was around you, and more, he didn't mind it.
hobie used to hate angels that fell for humans because they’re such fragile beings; you have to be careful with them, all gentle and soft—it's why they need guardian angel, otherwise, they would die out faster than any other species earth has ever known. and angels, despite what people may think, aren't gentle lovers. they're aggressive and intense by nature due to their power and status as "higher beings." humans are too weak to handle an angel's love; it would be too overwhelming for them to handle, so falling for one is pointless, and hobie always thought that the angels who did were stupid. but he gets it now.
he shouldn’t though.
guardian angels have very specific and strict rules that have to be followed meticulously for both the safety of humans and angels. of course, hobie has broken more than a few of these rules before and he’s also gotten plenty of lectures from miguel about it too—enough for hobie to have actually considered flying under the lunatics' radar by doing his job correctly, but hobie... he doesn't like to be pushed around and forced into a role. especially one as heavy as guardian angel. that's just not him, so he does what he wants.
but still, hobie has never seriously messed up before. he's only had a few slip ups here and there that aren't too reprimandable in comparison to other things. he's tried to be somewhat serious about his job, follow all the important rules and all that. that is until he fell for you.
hobie has broken many of the important rules for you, and the first one was even falling for you in the first place. you made him break that one so easily, almost too easy. the next rule hobie broke for you was communicating with you directly, revealing himself and really getting involved with you. but to be fair, that also wasn't his fault. he didn't have the intention of letting you see him that night, let alone talking to you; it just happened.
your friend gwen told you about guardian angels and how it was possible for you to manifest using the help of yours, and you were awfully excited about finding out if that was true or not. you asked him for a sign that he was there, that he was willing to help you. one thing led to another and suddenly you were nestled deeply into the corner of the wall on your bed, wide eyed and shivering as you stared at him standing across the room.
perhaps it was your over eagerness mixed with his half-developed love for you at the time that made him stupidly decide to give you a sign that he was real in the form of literally showing you that he was real, he doesn't know. either way he did show you himself, and it had shocked you, really (an understatement). it took many hours of him consoling you to get you to understand that he's not some psycho who broke into your home somehow, but your actual, real guardian angel, in the flesh.
you were practically all over him after that, asking him all sorts of questions and touching him just to see if that was even possible for you to do—and to know what it would feel like too. not that he minded anyway. hobie decided then that it was much better having you actually talk to him than it was pretending that you were. and your touch was so soft that hobie had actually faltered a little bit when you reached for his cheek, pressing your palm against his skin and keeping it there for as long as he would let you. 
of all the places you could have touched him, of course you would choose an area that felt so unreasonably intimate, shaking him to his core. luckily you were far too enamored with the idea that he was a real angel for you to notice how much you’d set him off, how much you affect him.
after that he couldn't stay away from you. before he might have had a chance to snap himself out of his little love-sick puppy stupor, but having you aware of him, talking to him, touching him—it was all exhilarating; he loved it. and it would truly be unfair for anyone to expect him to pull away from you and never let anything like that happen again. that was never an option for hobie, so he just didn't. he won’t ever deny himself the pleasure of you.
the last, most recent rule that hobie broke for you, and the one that happens to be the most important of all, was interfering with your life. going against "fate," as miguel calls it. hobie always thought that it was bullshit since a guardian angels' job is to protect, but apparently, they aren’t allowed to prevent their assigned human's death, or cure their illnesses, or anything like that, even though they had the power to. he didn't understand it, but still, he never got attached enough to feel the need to go against that rule until he fell in love with you.
— ୨୧ —
he indulged himself little by little with you. first by allowing himself to enjoy being your guardian angel, then by falling in love with you and involving himself physically with you. and then he started allowing himself to steal your attention from anyone or anything other than him on days he felt oddly needy.
that term isn't something anyone who knew hobie would use to describe him, not even he would use it to describe himself, but with you he's always acted a little bit different. he came to accept it, told himself that it was the "y/n effect" and left it at that. being needy with you was something that hobie didn't really mind all that much; he embraced it, really. 
hobie can at least get away with a little bit of harmless interference this way, by stealing your attention for himself. he didn't mind receiving another long, boring lecture about how he can’t keep breaking rules if it meant he got to spend his day with you holed up in your little apartment, just the two of you. you and him and nobody else.
he'd show up out of nowhere when you least expected him to, always, and tug on your arm, pull you into his body and coax you into staying with him. he'd tell you that going to work would be bad for you, leave you sick and groggy—you hate being sick and all groggy, and only a fool would think hobie wouldn’t use that to his advantage.
"you have to listen to your guardian angel, love," he would tell you, tilting his head to look down at your small frame, admiring the slight angry pout on your lips. "i know what's best for you, so stay, yeah?"
you always do listen to him. you trust him completely, after all, because you're such a naive human that could never ever think that hobie, your guardian angel, has bad intentions with you. and he doesn't, no, he's just a little bit selfish. no harm in that, right? 'course not.
hobie can go a little overboard with his selfishness whenever you have a date to go on though. he shouldn't be because you're a human and he's an angel and he could never have you for real, right? so he should let you have your little love story with your puny little human boy. 
but hobie is going to be selfish regardless of the facts. regardless of some stupid rules.
he hates the idea of you being with some dumb human when you have him. he's perfect, he's an angel. he's strong enough to protect you, he has your best interest always in mind—it's his literal job—he can love you the way you deserve to be loved and more, he can care for you better than anyone else in the world because he knows you best and knows exactly what you need without ever having to tell him. no human can ever compare to him.
no human will ever be as cool as him either. hobie doesn't think any guy can top him when he's a punk angel—what could possibly be cooler than that? you said it yourself when the two of you first met. 
"wow, i didn't think angels could look so... cool. hobie, you're amazing; what the hell!? how did someone like me get you as a guardian angel?”
who are you to be going on dates when you compliment him so sweetly like that. you obviously have an interest in him and all hobie needs to do is push you in the right direction, so he doesn't mind telling you any excuse he can come up with to get you to drop a guy, stupid and unreasonable or not.
"that guy just wants you for your body."
"that guy has a love already that he's not telling you about."
“that guy isn’t a good person, he’ll be a bad influence for you.”
"sweetheart, he's too ugly for you." he told you one time as an excuse, and you did not like that one. 
"hobie! it's not about looks, it's about personality, and– and the heart!" you yelled at him, smacking his chest lightly as you pulled away from him and rushed your way down the hall towards your room.
"oh, s'at right? you like guys with ‘heart’?" he huffed a laugh as he followed behind you, leaning against your door frame when he got to your room. you turn around to glare at him, but he only smirks at your ruffled posture.
cute. cute.
"yes, actually! unlike you. i had no idea angels could be such assholes," you grit before turning back around to flop yourself face first into bed.
you always do that when you're upset with him, which isn't often at all, but it happens enough for hobie to pick up on the little habits you develop, and this is certainly one of them. you don't like looking at him 'cause he ‘does stuff to you,’ apparently. makes you unable to stay mad if you look at him too long, so you just choose not to. 
he pushes off the wall and saunters towards you, pressing a knee into your bed as he reaches over to tug at your arm, urging for you to roll over, to look at him. "c'mon, you don't mean that, love." he smiles when you do eventually turn to look at him, and this time with a much less angry expression on your pretty face.
"no, i don't," you sigh defeatedly, "but you are pretty mean sometimes, hobes."
that nickname. he loves that nickname. he loves even more that you were the one who gave it to him.
he hums thoughtfully before responding, "not to you though, and tha's what matters, don't you think?" you roll your eyes at him, shifting so that you're flat on your back now as you look up at him. you don't say anything more, only stare up at him with your pretty eyes, all glossy and shining under the dim light in your room. big, and so fucking innocent.
god. fuck.
hobie crawls over you slowly, keeping his eyes steadily on you as he does. he brings a hand to your cheek, stroking his thumb over your soft skin gently as he settles himself above you, and then he reaches his thumb to press into your chin so that he can get a good grip on your face. to keep you from gettin' all shy on him, ‘cause he knows you will when you realize what he’s about to do to you.
his eyes flit down to your lips when your tongue darts out to lick across your bottom one, all sensual like—or maybe hobie is getting too worked up. yeah, probably that, but whatever.
you sigh shakily when hobie starts to lean down closer. you're so pliant, laying there nice and still for him even though you're feeling nervous right now. because you trust him; there isn't anything hobie could do that would make you not trust him.
hobie has to keep himself from absolutely devouring you when his lips press to yours. he has to remind himself to be soft, to not be too aggressive so he doesn't scare you too much, or hurt you either; the weak little whine you let out as he kisses you does nothing to help his self-control stay intact though. thankfully, you grab tightly at his leather vest and tug for him to come closer, inviting him to press further into you and kiss you deeper.
hobie balances himself up on his knees as the hand that was holding him up comes to knead at your waist and tummy, feeling and rubbing there as gently as he can right now in his worked-up state—which is just barely enough for him not to leave imposing bruises on your skin from how much stronger he is compared to you. you don't seem to mind how tightly he holds onto you though, because you're still eagerly kissing him back, making all sorts of pleased little noises that hobie is all too happy to swallow up.
hobie only pulls away when you start squirming under him, signaling that you need to breathe. he wraps his arms around you and pulls you tight against his body as he nuzzles into your neck, inhaling your delicious scent and placing little kisses on your neck as you pant softly.
"you don't need another man, you know that love?" he ask you, tells you, after a while of the two of you just laying together.
"yeah, i guess i don't," you reply to him, airy and quiet, right before you fall asleep tucked nicely into his arms. exactly where you belong.
— ୨୧ —
jessica stops hobie one night right as he's about to leave and go see you.
"if miguel finds out about this, you know he's going to be pissed, right?” she says, coming up behind him. “maybe you can get off on a wrist slap for breaking small, stupid rules, but falling in love with a human is something miguel absolutely will not allow, hobie."
hobie scoffs and rolls his eyes but doesn’t reply, nor does he turn around to look at her. his emotions and feelings would be right on display for her if he did. she’d know well how much he fucked up, and that would be a hit to his pride. ‘specially since he always told her about his dislike for angels who fell for humans. 
"what’s ’at got anything to do with me, mm?" he decides to respond out of courtesy, turning his head to look at her through his peripheral, "i'm not in love with any human."
hobie knows that jessica knows that's a lie. it's obvious he's in love with you because of how different he's acting. doing his job right and all that, to some degree at least. breaking the 'don't get in physical contact your human' and 'don't fall in love with your human' rules aside, he's properly keeping up with his status reports about you, he's not off doing other things when he's supposed to be with you. he's being the good proper guardian angel he should be, and that is definitely out of character for hobie. it was really only a matter of time before someone found out. hobie is just lucky it was jessica who put two and two together first instead of miguel. then he’d have a real big problem on his hands. 
jessica sighs. "all the stuff miguel says about angels getting attached and falling for humans being dangerous is true, hobie, not just some control tactic to keep angels on a leash. it could cost your human their life, and you your job," she warns before leaving.
hobie always liked how not-pushy she is; it’s why he prefers her over miguel. but he thinks she's wrong, because he would never let you die. ever. he couldn’t care less about losing this shitty job though.
— ୨୧ —
the conversation with jess, as much as hobie hates to admit it, put a real damper on his mood. 
he's agitated when he gets to your apartment, showing up right in your room where he knows that you are because he can feel you there. and once he is there, he eases up a little bit. all of his racing thoughts seem to disappear when you come into his vision so he can see you now, not just feel you. seeing and feeling you is nice; it grounds him.
you jolt when you see him suddenly appear behind you in the reflection of the mirror that you're sitting in front of though. a gentle gasp falls from between your pretty lips as you whirl around quickly to look at him, eyes widening like a doe caught in headlights. you ease up quickly, realizing that it's just him; you sigh the words under your breath as you deflate a little bit, coming down from the brief bit of adrenaline you must have felt with him scaring you like that. 
goodness, aren't you just so delicate? it's a damn shame hobie's not supposed to go falling for a human, isn't it? a load of tosh that is.
he smirks, "sorry, love. didn't mean to scare you li' that,” he says easy, stepping forward until he's a few feet in front of you, looking down at you, looking up at him. your eyes are glimmering under the artificial light of the lamp settled next to the mirror. he thinks that even in such dodgy lighting, your eyes and soft expression are still utterly enrapturing. the soft, charming glow that the light provides to your features draws a pleased hum from hobie.
so pretty. you're so damn pretty.
"geez, hobes," you say, huffing as you look away from him and down at your lap, "you can't just keep randomly showing up like that; you may well give me a heart attack one of these days if you do." your laugh is music to his ears. airy, pitched, and sweet like the ripest peach. sweeter than the ripest peach.
an angel's voice is supposed to be the most beautiful sound, people say, but hobie disagrees. he would much rather listen to you talk or laugh all day long rather than ever have to hear another word uttered from his shitty coworkers' mouths.
"i would never let that happen to you," he says, tone shifting from playful to serious. hobie feels better that he’s with you now, but the bit jess said about you dying clings to him still. weasels it’s way into his thoughts and makes his stomach lurch. he’s buzzing, and not in the nice delightful kind of buzzing that you bring out of him, no. he just needs you right now. 
he needs to feel you—really feel you, beyond the way he feels your life force tied to him, fluctuating with your emotions and physical state. he needs to actually touch you, hold you.
hobie gets down onto his knees in front of you, wrapping an arm around your waist and pulling you up into his chest as he does. you whimper in surprise at the sudden proximity between you and him, your hands instinctively grabbing at his shoulder and jacket to steady yourself, even with how tightly he's holding you against him because his presence just overwhelms you too much. he always makes you feel dizzy and weak in the knees. you can never seem to function, not without his help. but that's normal between humans and angels. you aren't made to handle him, you aren't supposed to, but that's okay; he can be as gentle as you need him to be. 
"look at me, love," hobie whispers, hooking a finger under your chin, nudging you to look at him. you squeak when your eyes meet his, no doubt incredibly flustered—he can feel that you are. can feel your pulse throbbing as heat rushes through your skin, radiating a dull warmth for him to sink into as his fingers dig deeper into your skin. he smirks, huffing out a faint laugh as he looks down at you, admiring you.
"there you go, sweetheart," he praises you softly, brushing the pad of his thumb across the slight curve of your bottom lip. your eyes flutter closed briefly as you take a shaky breath, and then you open them again, watching him intently, and god does it make hobie feel all sorts of things. 
"'m never gonna let anyone or anything hurt you," he murmurs, tightening his grip around your waist and holding you firmly against his chest with each word uttered, “you’re too precious for me to be careless with you like i am the rest of the shitty people in this shitty world. only you matter to me, yeah? just you and nobody fucking else.” he finishes quietly, dipping down to kiss lightly on your cheeks, one on each side, and then another on your forehead, drawn-out and lingering even after he pulls away.
you're practically melting in his hold by the time he does pull away, so pliable and warm, and you're looking at him with hooded eyes that you can barely keep open. delirious as you are, utterly suffocated by him, your grip on his shoulder and jacket is still relentless, unwavering, as if he would slip away from you if you loosened up the tiniest bit. you want him, need him, near to you as much as he wants you near, really. it's not just him with all of these intense, overwhelming and all-consuming emotions; it's you too.
“hobie,” you whine, nearly breathless, “can you– can we please kiss again? on the… the lips?” you plead, tugging at his jacket in desperation.
“anything for you, sweetheart,” hobie whispers, leaning forward until his mouth is hovering over yours, breathing you in slowly before he finally closes them together. he kisses you slow and tender, taking his time in savoring how delicious you taste. you sigh contentedly, tilting your head to the side and parting your lips for his tongue to delve inside of your mouth.
the hand he has wrapped around your waist slides across your body, feeling every dip and curve down to your thigh, where he grabs at gently, swinging it up to his hip as he pushes off the floor. your legs wrap around him instinctively to hold yourself up in his arms as he carries you across the room to your bed, his lips never once parting away from yours as he does. his other hand is holding your chin and jaw in place so that you can't pull away from him either, wanting as much contact with you at a time as he can get away with. he knows you wouldn't pull away from him so easily, but he likes controlling the kiss, likes it when you let him lead the way and guide your body with his. 
hobie carefully sits down on the bed and leans back against the wall, settling you into his lap comfortably before his hand starts roaming all over your body; along your hips and over your thighs, squeezing the fat in his hands before moving back up and dipping under your shirt to feel at your tummy. you moan and whimper into the kiss, shivering under his touch when his hand grazes along especially sensitive areas of your body. 
when hobie pulls away you're panting and dazed, humming mindlessly in pleasure as hobie starts pressing kisses down your jaw and neck. his teeth graze lightly along the sensitive flesh beneath your ear teasingly before his tongue dips out to lick delicately at the spot, making your body thrum and pulsate in delectation. he nips once at your skin before finally pulling away to look at you, to savor how much of a mess he was able to make you into with a heated kiss. and god do you look absolutely stunning like this. swollen lips parted as you breath out small puffs of air, hooded eyelids, and your clothes are entirely disheveled from where hobie had pushed them up and slid his hands under. 
fuck, you’re lovely.
"you look a mess, sweetheart," he rasps fondly, running his fingertips lightly along your hips and thighs.
"'ts your fault," you mumble, falling into his chest and nuzzling your nose into his neck, exhaling softly as you close your eyes and relax. hobie wraps both of his arms around you and rubs your back gently, soothing you until you hum contentedly.
"yeah, i suppose it is, isn't it?" he agrees quietly, not wanting to disrupt your somnolence. 
hobie lays with you in his arms for hours after that, listening intently to your steady heartbeat and soft, rhythmic breathing, every now and then feeling you shift with a cute disgruntled little huff whenever you've stayed in one position for too long. hobie loves your sleepy, content little sounds, loves the way your fingers curl around his vest; even in your sleep you're still clinging onto him, because you need him, and he loves it. 
hobie loves you.
— ୨୧ —
hobie knows he's not supposed to interfere with fate. it's against the rules, or whatever bullshit excuse everyone says it is. hobie didn't really care that much about it before because he's never cared about anyone enough to ever want to change their fate, but now he has you, and you need him more than ever to keep you safe, to keep you from dying. 
god, he doesn't know how it happened, but you were crying for him so desperately. curled on the floor, gasping for air and clutching onto life with weak claws, you were calling his name. it was like sensory overload, hearing every strewn-out letter of his name mixed in with your sobs, with the incessantly throbbing and pulsating of your life force weakening, slowly and agonizing. 
the second you had been put in danger, hobie felt it. all throughout his body and deep within his soul, he felt you dying. there was a shift in the air at that moment, a suffocating, excruciatingly tense one that everyone around hobie had noticed; jess and miguel, and his best friend pavitr. 
they all yelled and screamed at him that he couldn't go to you, lunging to stop him as he fumbled for the watch that would help him get to you the fastest, but the noise they made was dull and muffled in comparison to the way you cried for him. and god did it feel like he was getting stabbed through the heart mercilessly every time that you did. how dare they ever expect him to just listen to then when you were in so much fucking pain, all alone and the only one you wanted was him. 
he had to save you. fuck the rules and fuck his shitty job; you were far more important to him than any of that. it didn’t matter to hobie that in order to save you he had to enchain his soul with yours, it didn't matter to him that he would share every bit of pain with you now, even your last breath if you ever took it, because hobie would rather give up his entire being to you than ever have to live without you.
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© 2023 by kolyasobsession━all rights reserved. modification, reproduction or plagiarism of my works and theme are strictly prohibited. likes, comments, and reblogs are highly appreciated.
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littlebugs · 10 months
𝖌𝖍𝖔𝖘𝖙 𝖍𝖊𝖆𝖉𝖈𝖆𝖓𝖓𝖔𝖓𝖘
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established relationship!ghost headcannons warnings: fem reader, reader is kinda couquetteish (tbh i wrote this for myself), fluff, ooc characters, bartender!reader, sfw, not proofread im so sorry ): rafs bloo notes: basically when i can't find what i want to read i write it lmao. also i tried to make the reader british (i said pub once)
.·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .
you've been together for a year now
you guys met in a pub close to the base he was staying at, you looked at his skull mask, shrugged, and then didn't say a word about it. he came back every day after that.
little things mean a lot to him
you saw his face after only a month of dating, what can i say the man got comfy quick asf
he's always the big spoon. always. he just liked to protect you )):
he doesn't know how to make any food other than tea (which you argue isn't food but he says "it has nutrients")
he's always joking about the guys at work who have very odd names like soap??? gaz????
which leads to you meeting them (completely on "accident")
because the guys are hanging out in the break room and simon goes to the bathroom
without his phone.
like whats the worst that can happen really?
but then he gets a call from "pookster 🥰" with a picture of you in a pink sundress !!
all the guys are like silent until simon gets back
and he's like "the bloody hell is wrong with you?" and soap points at his phone
so like the guys they are they quite literally follow simon home because what's he gonna do? kill them ૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა (probably)
simon drives a truck dont argue with me
and so simon's kind of pissed but also he gets to show his girl off cus ya knows ya fine (;
he's unlocking the door to the apartment and soap and gaz are standing there whispering to eachother
they're discussing the odds of l.t having a girlfriend like she didn't just pop up on his phone.
simon opens the door and you're all up in your matching itty bitty pink top and shorts with pink ribbons in your hair like ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡
and you see the two guys in military outfit staring at you like an alien so you invite them in for chinese takeout
ghost is pissed
gaz actually has a good time
soap is kind of perplexed the whole time
"now ghost, how'd ya score a lass like tha-" "shut the bloody hell up johnny"
after dinner ghost decides to be mr grumpster )): so you watch tv with him in bed all night
he radiates a lot of body heat
like more than a toaster
so much that at night you'll actually be sweating but you cant escape him because his arms are BUILT
it doesn't even matter how much you weigh this man can throw you across the room like an entire ragdoll- but he wouldn't ever dream of hurting you //:
he's a big guy. he's huge (hardy har har)
so of course you steal all of his sweatshirts (they're big asf)
he smells like cologne and faintly gunsmoke
you always tell him to use more laundry detergent but you're pretty sure he never listens
other than tea he can only cook one thing which is lamb (and its actually pretty good)
nobody ever really taught him how to cook and you only know how to make drinks so you guys improvise a lot
mommy issues ):
he's so scared you'll leave him you always have to tell him that you would never !!
he's afraid that when he's on deployments he might come back and you just wouldn't be there.
he's always checking on you at work
(if we're talking MWII) this man can bend the rules a little to check his phone. anyways who's gonna tattle on him seriously
always texting "how are you?" "thinking of you" "hope you have a good day"
anytime soap catches him on his phone he goes "texting pookster?"
price overheard one time and was very confused
lets just say by the end of the day the whole task force knows about you
if anything ever happens you've got a military team to defend you so life is looking good tbh
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akkivee · 18 days
hello vee.
@/twogallonhats on twitter made this iceberg, and now i am subjecting you to this. Explain to the best of your knowledge, good luck.
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hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh okay sure
idk why rhyme anima is listed tbh it’s just a zany anime version of hypmic but that very well may be the reason lol like it gave us a man by the name of tom whisper weathercock lol
there’s always a prolific push for your fav to win the drb lol. iirc during the championship round in the 1st drb there was a fan?? fans??? who gave money to some guy with a following to post a video of him asking everyone to vote for mtc lol. jp fans for the second got together and made eng/kor/ch instructions on how to vote in the vr battles it’s a time can’t wait for that to kick off next year 😬
arb is technically not canon and therefore ooc lol
idk what hypmic tictok sounds mean. i can tell you of a few times hypmic was trending on tiktok tho lol
idk if they were even a soundcloud rapper, but some soundcloud rapper fell in love with hypmic and decided to make ichiro his oc/persona and put himself on a team with jyushi and samatoki and they were california division lol
back in 2018???? hypmic posted a christmas video except it was just champagne gold and base hifumi.png in a santa hat slid across the screen truly graphic design is hypmic’s passion lol
i mean there was a brief time there were rp accounts on twt so ig that’s what it
kimura loves black people so much and wants to be black so bad he felt the need to bl@ckface for one of his album drops. fandom asked he take down the posts, he didn’t, fans called him out on it, he blocked them
around the time when there was rumblings that gbr was exiting uhhhhh the eu i think, a dice cosplayer had a video of themselves popping mentos in a coke bottle go viral. someone in british politics used it as a metaphor for whatever stance they had on brexit lol
lol i’m lumping hypstage and hypnama together since i don’t think there’s a real reason they’re listed other than occasionally being points of discussion
hifumi was the original tbh creature
asmr tubers vibe with hypmic characters being their yandere bfs
idk if it’s more than memeing on hitoya but that hitoya card in the pic was clowned on so hard LOL
i couldn’t tell you a specific instance of it but hypmic jank includes frequent misspellings lol
lol i also don’t know if there’s actual controversy behind oridivis besides them getting thanos snapped
*rio voice* curry friday and the mtc seiyuu used to celebrate it lol
there was a collab with some instant curry company (probably called curry meshi lol) and they had the leaders rap a song for it. the songs’ are fun and what’s even funnier is that the song has the leaders sharing this curry and kuukou technically didn’t eat the curry bc it was all gone by the time the cup reached him (and jakurai ate most of it LOL)
i have no fcking clue what weenor busujima is lol
the fact hyprice is a thing is a damn good reason to be here lol. ogs know a hypmic series producer made the joke in 2018 during a hypnama that spawned the concept years later lmao
there was a typo on kuukou’s introductory bio that said he was 68cm LOL
akuma no hana is indeed a song about sex idk what else to tell ya lol
throwback to the hypmic bathtubs they had a live for crazy ass hypmic merch moments lol
the hangout streams are located in this building called mixalive. instead tagging that building’s twt for one of their events, hypnosis flava iirc, they mistakenly tagged a porn twt lol
there was an art trend a few years ago where artists drew their bde faves (and even real people got in on the trend) balancing a shampoo bottle on their big 🍆. ichiro was unfortunately the face of the trend
stage hitoya went viral for that pic used in the iceberg and i had to see randos calling him a two face ass character ONLY HYPMICS ARE ALLOWED TO BULLY HITOYA DAMN YOU
the seiyuu are always getting up to shit backstage lmao tradition is ishiya-san and amasaki-san prowling up on the mtc seiyuu menacingly lmao
if there’s drama or anything of relevance outside of yes stream discords exist, ion know about it lol
a few songs are inspired by/interpolate from other songs. this a normal thing in the music industry (let’s get physical by olivia newton john and physical by dua lipa comes to mind) but hypmic caught a lot of flack for ‘stealing’ from black artists. shinogi dead pools is kendrick lamar’s drank swimming pools bar for bar lol but again, it’s very normal lol the whole kendrick vs drake rap battle that happened this year literally was them using each other’s sound to diss them
some european(?) indie film had an actor wearing ichiro’s jacket
there was a brief trend in jp where they made snow sculptures of their characters as means of attractions and hypmic jumped in on it. it produced the ugliest kuukou known to man he was so unflatteringly scrunckly i loved him LOL
????? bat seiyuu family???? i’m sure what i have in mind is not what they have in mind lol but i mean yeah it’s a running joke that the bat seiyuu consider each other family lol shoutout to sakakihara-san randomly calling hayama-san his ‘onii-chan’ and both hayama-san and sakakihara-san bullying tf outta takeuchi-san by calling him ‘papa’ lol
ariana grande is based about samatoki and there’s proof lol
hypmic vs crsm rap battle was REAL and fumiya wanted to EAT THEM
kamio-san has taken to slapping kuroda-san’s ass and kuroda-san has taken to trying to murder him for it 😌
quite recently lol mtr’s album art was leaked ahead of the hangout stream in a post meant to advertise the fan meeting lol
british dice was a theory i didn’t pay attention to bc i kinda thought just the concept was dumb *wheeze* i think it had something to do with a mistranslation about dice’s father
the rest of that tier i have no fcking clue about lol
in a camera transition during the 9th live, someone’s desktop background was on screen instead of the yknow, livestreaming concert lmao
they got some ddb members to make choreography to move your body til you die!!! i tried i didn’t think it was too bad but the pace of the dance needed to be slowed down eventually lol
if this isn’t poking fun at sensei saying men should automatically know how to rap idk what that is lol
if there’s a trip the mtc seiyuu have taken that stands out from the others, i don’t know about it lol
the hypmic cafe that’s going on rn have these stickers??? standees??? for sale and someone stole all of samatoki’s LOL
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sunsetsimon · 10 months
older price x reader
mentions of alcohol and drinking, takes place at a bar, tiny bit ooc
i've been giggling and swinging my feet to this fucker all god damn day so here's the first part of my older boyfriend price fic. and yes i wrote this on my lunch break im fucking crazy
─────── ⋆⋅☼⋅⋆ ───────
your face twists into a grimace, gulping the shot of whiskey that didn't seem to be going down any easier. the liquid moves through your body, allowing your tense shoulders to slouch. you chase the dark liquor with water, rinsing your mouth to rid of the bitter taste that lingers on your tongue.
a low chuckle vibrates from the man next to you, "havin' a rough night?"
you finally look over, having been absorbed in your own little world the whole time. the man beside you is definitely older than you, a full beard and light blue eyes. he's extremely well built, broad shoulders and strong arms are obvious even through his thick black hoodie.
"more like a rough week," you reply, huffing a sigh. he nods, a knowing look on his face as he knew exactly how you felt.
"n’ i buy you a drink?" he offers, taking the last big swig of his own cup, the ice clinking against the glass as he places it back on the counter.
usually you'd say no, turning down any attempt for mingling, uninterested in the typical men trying to get in your pants. but this time you agree, enticed by this mysterious british man beside you on a friday night.
"m' john," he reaches his hand out to shake yours, nearly engulfing yours. his hands are warm and rough, but still soft enough to desire his touch. shaking your hand gently, he repeats your name once you introduce yourself, "beautiful name."
john orders another round of the whiskey you'd had, tapping his shot glass against yours in cheers. you watch as he downs the brown liquor down easily, adam's apple bobbing in his throat. fueled by confidence, you throw yours back and swallow it in one gulp, the bitter taste less intense this time around.
"atta girl," he nods approvingly, eyes lingering on the drop that fell from your bottom lip, trailing down your chin. before you can reach up to wipe it, his thumb swipes across your chin, grazing your lip. your eyes are glued to his, watching as he raises the pad of his thumb to his own lips, sucking the droplet off.
you gulp, taken aback by the boldness of this man you'd just met. your heart thumps in your chest, butterflies threatening to erupt and fly around your stomach. bashfully you turn away, a sudden heat on your cheeks. it's just the alcohol.. right?
john continues to talk with you for an hour, only ordering another drink, making sure you drink more water in between. from what he’d seen, you were working to catch a buzz, wanting to ease the stress of the day. he can tell you’re younger, less experienced with being able to handle alcohol, a sway to your small body now.
the drinks were hitting you, your eyes heavy and voice a pitch lower. your bar stools were pulled closer, thighs against each other as you leaned against the bar, completely enamoured with john. his big hand is on your thigh, fingers lightly squeezing the plump skin. he's tipsy, but rarely does he drink himself to the point of drunkenness.
"so what are you doing around here?" you ask, only slightly slurred, "obviously you're from the UK, y'know with the accent and everything."
he nods, rubbing his hand across his beard, smoothing the long, full hairs down. the fresh smell of his cologne drifts to you as he moves around, and you swear to yourself to never forget the scent.
"just spendin' some time 'ere, a break from everythin," john shrugs nonchalantly, vague with his answer on purpose. though you'd talked about yourself tonight, john was closed off, preferring to talk about topics that weren't personal.
all you knew was he's british, single, works out a lot, and reads. he professionally dodged your question about his job too after you explained your shitty one. he intrigued you, but part of you knew you needed to go home, the buzz turning into a light headache now. taking a deep breath, you finish the rest of your water before sliding off of your chair.
"well, i had a great night, john. i've got to get some sleep, though," you laugh, sliding your jacket back on and grabbing your bag.
"let me walk you out, it's too late for you to go alone."
before you can protest, he pays the tab, shoving his phone and keys into his sweatpants pocket. you realize how tall he is as he leads you outside, his body seeming to tower over yours.
the night air is cold on your body, shivering as he walks you to the uber parked just outside of the bar. john opens the door for you, leaning down to kiss your cheek, his facial hair tickling your soft skin.
"g'night love. get home safe."
"night john. can i see you again?" you ask as you climb into the car, setting your bag down on the seat.
"won't be 'ere long, love," he shakes his head, "i'll think about you."
john closes the door, stepping back and watching as the uber drives off. he wishes he was in your hometown under better circumstances, not just killing time on his mission. he thinks about you the rest of the night, replaying your conversations in his head.
he really wants to see you again soon.
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moralisist · 1 year
hobie brown x reader
a/n: requests r open 😉
warnings: i have no idea what any kinda british slang is so this might not even sound like hobie tbh lets just see how this all plays out 😭 might be a lil ooc… and a lil suggestive at the end
summary: hobie wants you there, right there with him, as he’s performing at his first big gig
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“hobie, you have to go get ready! when i do your eye makeup, you can cling on me for however long you want to.” hobie has his first big gig. it seemed like you were way more excited than him seeing how he refused to get out of bed and was overly clingy this morning.
“no sweetheart, just 10 more minutes yeah? you can stay with me jus’ for 10 more minutes…” you can hear him drifting off back to sleep slowly but surely. he was unreasonably adamant in not getting out of bed which had you wondering if something else was really going on. you lay next to him and he clings on you as if it’s the last time he’s ever gonna hold you. you use your thumb to trace his face and smile at him.
“what’s wrong bee, hm? is there something on your mind that doesn’t want you to get up?” you’re staring at his closed eyes that are feigning sleep. he slowly opens them and sighs quietly. “not gonna lie to ya sweets… i’m a bit nervous. it’s only hitting me right now that this is my first gig. things could go stellar or things could go horribly wrong.” hobie opens up to you while using his thumb to rub your arms. you kiss his cheek and then his forehead and then his lips. “you’re gonna do great baby. i’ll be watching you and everyone else is gonna wanna kill me for screaming too loud. now come and let’s get ready.” at that, hobie gives you a little smile and begrudgingly gets out of bed with both of your hands laced together.
you’re doing your skin care and you watch hobie as he’s getting out the shower with a towel around his waist. “you wanna do skin care baby? it’ll make your face soft and pretty for today.” he can’t help but chuckle lightly at your choice of words. he loves you so much and he’s so happy he has someone to support him the way you do. “alright love, lemme wash my face first m’k?”
when you guys are done with your bathroom activities and have eaten it’s nearing the time hobie’s supposed to be at the gig to practice a couple hours before his actual performance. “okay hobie, we gotta go and get ready. go get dressed and i’ll do your eye makeup.” he does a little nod and puckers his lips slightly signaling he wanted a kiss. you kiss him quickly and go upstairs to get dressed and hobie follows suit.
you get dressed matching with hobie’s punk rock attire. “goodness gracious love, should we skip the gig?” he pulls you by your belt loops smirking at you. “hobie i’m not even gonna entertain you,” you’re giggling at his antics. “okay sit down so i can do your eye makeup and then we can go, okay?” he nods and sits on the bed and you straddle his lap while grabbing the materials you need. there’s a comforting silence as you’re doing his makeup. he’s gripping your waist and rubbing your thighs from time to time. you being here with him like this is calming the nerves he was pushing deep down about this gig.
“okay all done, let’s go we’re gonna be late.” hobie grabs the car keys and you’re both out of the door.
“hobie, you’re late!” gwen says sounding annoyed which you can assume is from the other bandmates since they’re all arguing about something seemingly minuscule. “honestly it doesn’t even matter, go talk to rest of them, they’ve been freaking out ever since we got here.”
hobie goes to settle things with his bandmates with his calm exterior and he manages to get them all relaxed. you were always so impressed that your boyfriends presence could calm anyone at anytime. they begin practicing and they sounded so good. gwen is playing with so much emotion and hobie is playing with so much passion and looks to his lead singer to make sure he’s following his lead. early comers start rolling in just to get some drinks before the band actually starts playing. you’re right in the front row, looking excited for them to start playing and give people a show.
they finish their last song of rehearsal and sound amazing. hobie goes down to the front row. “i want you staring at me the whole time, a’ight love? helps me focus.” he gives you a kiss and a semi long one before he pulls away seeing many people anticipating their performance.
once they start playing, you start screaming the lyrics to the songs they’re playing, especially to the songs you know hobie co-wrote. his eyes are on you the whole time. you can’t help but stare back smiling at him each time he’d play a beautiful solo. the place was getting more and more packed as the band continued to play with much more confidence then they had when rehearsing. you were so proud of hobie. his first big gig and he was doing so good on stage.
hobie finishes his last song with a strong solo. once he finishes, the entire pub goes crazy. he’s even getting standing ovations. you’re screaming your boyfriends name like you’ve been doing for the past hour, voice extremely hoarse. the band goes backstage and you follow, just wanting to congratulate and kiss hobie. “baby you did so amazing, i’m so proud of you-” before you finish your sentence, he pulls you in for a kiss smoothly. “heard you screaming my name the whole time. got me hot and bothered.” he smirks at you playfully while chuckling a little. “come on, let’s get you home hobie. gotta treat you after putting on such a performance huh baby?” you say slightly shoving him and smirking back.
a/n: sorry this was a little rushed towards the end it got so long it was exhausting for me to complete 😭😭😭
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cranberry-writes · 5 months
How Ted Lasso Characters would react to PDA!
Characters; Ted, Rebecca, Keeley, and Roy
Warnings; None, but i don’t know how british people act or talk so this may be a bit OOC
Ted Lasso:
-This man is the definition of a gentleman
-He probably won’t do much PDA next to handholding or cheek kissing unless you make the first move
-He’s all about making sure you feel comfortable
-You don’t feel like hugging right now? That’s okay! Do you want some tea? Coffee?
-I’d imagine he’d left something at home and you’d stop by the club to drop it off, he’d kiss you on the cheek and thank you for being so kind
-Definitely uses a pet name like “Sugar” or “Darlin”
-You kiss him on the lips and wish him a good day before leaving
-He’ll have the stupidest smile on his face for the rest of the day, if anyone asks why he’ll say something like “I’m the luckiest man alive, that’s all.”
Rebecca Welton
-She would be TERRIFIED about bringing you into the media’s attention
-She knows what it’s like to be picked apart and belittled by the media for no reason other than who she was dating and would do anything to make sure it didn’t happen to you
-Might hold your hand, probably won’t to much more than that in public.
-(In private she loves to hug, kiss, cuddle, everything)
-One day she leaves the house to go do something and you pull her in and kiss her goodbye, but before she leaves you tell her that you’d love to go public about your relationship
-She’s nervous, she tells you how draining it can be
-You don’t care, you want to be able to kiss your lovely girlfriend after a game or hug her at work
-She’s still minimal for PDA compared to others but she still hugs and kisses you on the cheek when ever she can <3
-Extra; Calls you “Darling” or “My love”, and if english isn’t your first language you bet she’ll call you a pet name in your mother tongue.
Keeley Jones;
-She LOVES PDA, she’ll almost always be holding your hand, hugging you, something
-Still super respectful if you aren’t super big on PDA
-If you also love PDA then expect her to never leave your side
-She won’t get risky or anything like that, but she just loves to show off how much y’all love each other
-Sometimes wears your clothes out in public
-Calls you “Babe” or “hot-stuff”
-At her office and you want to surprise her, when you see her she has her back facing you.
-You slowly walk up behind her before hugging her and kissing her on the cheek, she makes a noise then quickly starts laughing when she realizes it’s you
-“Babes! I love you but some warning would be nice.”
-Overall she’s just super nice n sweet :)
Roy Kent
- Not to big on PDA, while he will rest his hand on your waist (or vise versa) or hold your hand, he dosnt do much out side of that
- with one exception
-this man is jealous, and gets jealous fairly easily.
- some random person starts flirting with you? Roy will be all over you for the rest of the night
- Roy may seem kinda cold but he does love to show you affection, ask him to give you a massage or cuddle and he’ll do it in a heartbeat.
- Just like Ted he’s all about making sure you feel comfortable, literally anything you need, he’ll do it.
- If you initiate PDA he might be caught off guard, but he’ll recover fast
- You’re at the pub one night, celebrating a win with the team and the rest of the club. Right as Roy gets up to grab another round of drinks you pull him down and give him a heavy kiss
- when you pull back he looks shocked for maybe a second, he’ll quickly get a smile on his face and say something british smart-assish like “You cheeky fucker.”
- He’s a sweet ass that’s a bit protective
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v4voracity · 6 months
HALF A HEART - COD characters x Poltergeist!reader
⥇❥"Reader" is a literal ghost, AFAB reader and referred primarily as to as "you", sometimes explicitly referred to as a woman, implied to be British and implied to have died in the 1500s/16th century, though the location isn’t relevant for much other than attempted historical accuracy with her death/why she’s in England. Reader is also not said to be of any skin tone or ethnicity, just that she was *likely* born in England. Reader is from a time when afab people weren't commonly educated and canonically has slight trouble reading and learning after her death since she can't access books or learning materials and had to self-teach herself to read and write after death where she couldn't ask for help, this will probably change though after she meets 141. Said information is slightly relevant to the plot, though I can make an alternate version if people want an amab/gender neutral reader :)
also roach is canonically part of this and has little antenna attachments to his helmet because i said so
  ⥇❥Word Count: 4096, excluding warnings and text above the cut.
↪ Technically age gap? Reader was born and died long before any cod character ↪ possibly historically inaccurate as i was unfortunately not alive in the 1500s nor most of the following time periods ↪ possibly incorrect depictions of a ‘poltergeist’, as reader is an amalgamation of different types of ghosts/folklore (i mainly just didn't want to use the term ‘ghost’ because it’d be confusing with Ghost the character) ↪ possibly OOC characters ↪ american author writing europeans ↪reader is (basically) rasputin with their death ↪ slight mentions of religion or religious themes (mainly about the afterlife, existence of heaven/hell, and brief mentions of witch trials which were mostly religiously motivated.) ↪graphic description of how reader died (witch trials, so think salem witch trials kind of graphic)
let me know if i missed anything or should edit the content warnings!
Link to main masterlist - Link to HALF A HEART sub-list
You have been warned, scroll at your own risk.
Let’s get things straight. You are, for all intents and purposes, dead.
Deader than a doornail, in-fact, you’ve been dead for almost.. 500 years now? Well, you're rounding slightly but nobody cares for the exact amount of time.
Now, that is a long time to be dead for… Well, a long time to be dead but still conscious; a spirit, ghost, apparition, whatever you wanted to call it. If it weren’t for the fact you were more-so apparition than person, you’d almost say it’s like being alive and immortal for longer than god (or genetics, you weren’t picky) ever intended. 
And being ‘alive’ for so long is very boring; especially now that the deep-seeded anger in your heart has faded, those who wronged you long gone and their kin far too distant from them for you to ever wish ill-will towards them. Especially now that the fear you felt, the horrific terror you felt being escorted to your improper grave and the existential dread that hung heavy when you revived, only to realize you hadn’t survived nor been healed for a second chance. No, you were dead; rejected by both heaven and hell, not even worthy for eternal damnation. The only upside to this was that you were still capable of interacting with the living world; more than you could say for the very, very, VERY small number of ghouls you had met in your time of unliving. Apparently you were a bit unusual, you being far more capable and capable of manipulating the living world than the 'run-of-the-mill' ghost.
That being said, your current behavior, which was following around some hunky military men like a lovesick maiden, was totally excusable…
…It wasn’t creepy, no, you weren’t being improper. You were totally just... curious. It couldn’t have been the fact that you died unwed— a pure virgin, hardly having even engaged in romantic acts, as you were devout in your chaste nature. I mean, surely your absolute devotion which led to you never even kissing a man or woman, holding hands or lying with someone earned you a little justification to do… whatever you were doing right now.
Okay, maybe it was a bit creepy. But dying a without so much as ever having ONE cute little date with heated cheeks, bashful giggles, and butterflies in your stomach as your hands brushed each others— FOLLOWED by being forced to go entirely unperceived much less feeling any sort of physical contact or verbal interaction for A COUPLE CENTURIES makes this somewhat understandable.
It’s not like you were really DOING anything, (because, again, that was a wee-bit hard in your current state) you’ve just kind of been following this guy around?
(You followed him around because you overheard people refer to him as ‘Ghost’ and as an actual ghost you found that a little funny)
Then that led to you following his team around. You had, somewhat, messed with the men— not much, mainly flickering lights, closing doors, and moving objects slightly.
There had been slight complaints, but not much indicating they knew they were facing a lonely, dead girl who died unfairly supernatural danger in the form of a poltergeist with abnormally strong powers. Just assumptions that ‘the wiring was faulty’, or that ‘someone must’ve left a window open’, sometimes they just assume someone knocked something over (despite nobody being near said knocked object). Oh, and your favorite was that ‘some stupid recruits moving shit’— speaking of which— the guys you followed were all pretty high-ranking from your understanding and occasionally trained recruits. That was cool in its own right, but it was especially great for you because you could lob stuff at them and get some poor recruit in trouble. It was fun.
Unfortunately, it wasn’t fun enough to keep you entertained. Now, given when you were born and raised it wasn’t a surprise that you weren’t particularly that literate. Your brain (long gone and returned to the ground) wasn’t even physical or attached to you anymore, so it wasn’t a surprise that learning things was often hard for you(something you hated in death, as learning things would help pass the time if it weren't frustrating and near impossible both because you couldn’t access physical hobbies or items like books AND because your brain—or lack thereof— simply didn’t take to information like it used to), but you knew enough of written English to make out most newspapers and documents. Despite that, you had very little clue of the strange ciphers and terms used by the men, even though you had remained mainly around the military base they were staying in for a few months. 
…That was until recently, when you decided you were curious enough to try and actually learn about what they’re doing. You were currently following this guy— Captain Price, you think— because from what you knew (as a woman who died in the middle ages, uneducated, illiterate, dying fairly young by today's standards anyways and having lived without ever partaking in any wars or battles and not ever bothering to ask about any) he was the highest rank of the team, followed by that ‘Ghost’ guy you originally followed (he’s called a lieutenant, a word you hated writing or reading because it was so damn hard to spell or even look at), then this ‘Soap’ fella (A sergeant, another word you weren’t a fan of) and then this ‘Gaz’ bloke (Who was apparently also a sergeant, but he was the second? So he was lower? Why did they need two? And why was one rank worse than the other? You didn’t know and frankly found it stupid.) There were also these other people; Shadow Company or something, you didn’t really get it because the guy who they most frequently talked to from that company was white as a sheet, but whatever.
Anyways, recently you found out that while wandering wasn’t an issue for you (you weren’t ever bound to a particular area, probably because your body, or whatever remained of it, was far from where you died, and you couldn’t really remember where you were when you died so you weren’t particularly attached) it was very hard for you to follow after the ‘vehicles’ they used. Sometimes they used these wheeled inventions called ‘cars’ (which were kinda like the horses, carts, and carriages of your time but not shitty). They also had these things— called ‘helicopters’ or something similar with a different name (again, you didn't know why they made things so complicated but whatever) that were able to take them anywhere by air. Pretty cool if it weren’t for the fact it made following them anywhere exceptionally difficult. So you had to go about a different method if you wanted to actually follow them anywhere.
Not necessarily like the kind you’d seen in a ghost-related movie you watched over an unwitting couple’s shoulder. It was more so just somewhat attaching yourself to someone, letting part of yourself (probably your soul, if you actually had one) attach to theirs, letting them become a tether into the physical plane. The realm of the living. If you pushed it far you could absolutely do like they do in the movies, but you found that kind of scary since you didn’t know how much of your soul was required for that or if you could be exorcized like in the movies. You really only tethered yourself to someone when you first transitioned into… whatever you were now.
 A wraith, at the time, aggressive and vengeful against the man who accused you, the town that raised you then gazed at you hungrily— blaming you for their sins. Calling you a temptress for the beauty you acquired with your maturation, something you were once proud about turned into something you abhorred.
At one point you even felt festering hatred towards the family that raised you. A mother who birthed you only to denounce birthing you, claiming a devil implanted you as a demon of the night that’d ruin their village and took the milk meant for sons, your elder brothers. A father, one who doted on you before as his precious only daughter and youngest, turning his head; unable to watch as you were tied to the pyre and lit ablaze— a man who was cowardly and evasive. The siblings of yours that you grew with— were close with, were cared for by, were raised by! 
All for them to pretend they had nothing to do with you. Or to join the crowd’s jeering turned cheers as you sobbed, salty tears unable to extinguish the fast-growing embers. Not one of them dared to correct the executioner’s methods. Witches, despite stigma, were usually hung or otherwise given quick deaths prior to the burning; but you… 
Oh, poor, poor you. Things weren’t quite done correctly. You were still alive when they tied you to the post, surrounding you with flammables and letting the flames lick up your body. Catatonic, unable to beg for mercy, for them to kill you properly. Though, even if you were able to speak, you probably wouldn’t beg. You were desperate to survive. When they butchered you like the farm animals you’d skinned many times before with your dear-old-dad. Failed to cut the correct places and left you bleeding, conscious but paralyzed in pain and fear as they dragged your body to a make-shift wooden post in the town center. Never let you burn fully, the triumph leaving their voices when they still saw you, struggling— eyes still moving, hyperventilating as your arms thrashed trying to break the burnt ropes, paralysis spell broken by desperation— still living, still struggling, still surviving.
They didn’t have the courage to finish burning you either.
It'd be a poor choice if you were a witch, since burning was supposed to be done to stop them from cursing people…
Actually, now that you’re thinking about it, maybe you were a witch? Maybe you had somehow sold your soul, and with no soul to give you could enter the afterlife? Maybe that’s why you felt a path of fury when you died? You felt wronged and cursed people for nearly half the first century you found yourself un-living.
Regardless, the cowards backed away from you with wide eyes, and eventually you felt the ropes break, your body barely reacting to what you wanted it to do, stumbling around aimlessly despite your efforts.
All you could do was scramble out the village, betrayed and never wanting to return.
Eventually, you fell to a crawl, dragging yourself through the grass, fingernails caked with a mix of dirt and blood, as if your near-corpse was trying to create a shallow grave every time you scraped them across the ground…
Somehow, you ended up falling into a river. You don’t know if you fell  during your crawls or if someone put you in there, just that it was excruciatingly cold and your lungs, shrunken and shriveled by the heat of your incomplete incineration couldn’t get any air. You tried pulling yourself out but you were too far gone. Even then, ‘til the point your eyes closed you never gave up. Maybe you were so against dying your soul remained, even when your body went.
Honestly, you weren’t ever really sure which of those injuries eventually lead to your drawn-out and overdue death, but you didn’t care. What you did care about, upon re-awakening, was revenge, hearing the blood-curdling screams of those who wronged you, those who feigned ignorance, those who lied, and those who threw you out when false accusations came. You were swift in it, tethering yourself to everyone in town, attaching small pieces of yourself meant for one purpose: tracking.
No matter where they went they were damned, your violent-haze, the cravings for others to bear a fraction of your misfortune. You were like a tsunami, quick to approach with little warning, only the quick recession of water to warn those who’d be affected. (Not that your victims knew what a train was, but it was like the equivalent of seeing a train barreling toward you and being unable to move, only able to process what's about to happen.) And you were even swifter to strike, small misfortunes not enough to quell that furious fire inside you— brighter than those that scalded you. All ended in what you thought were well-deserved deaths.
But, that wasn’t what you’d be using them for. Not today, and hopefully never again.
You decided you’d turn up the heat a bit and have these men notice that they were, in fact, haunted and not just clumsy or forgetful. You had an easier time manipulating things when no-one was around, or when someone was alone. Easy prey for the ghoulish you, even if most of these guys could probably have easily broken you in half when you were still alive. It sounded dumb to give yourself away, since they might try to send you back to the rest you used to crave upon first re-animating, but it was necessary to tether yourself.
So… here you were! Fucking around and moving things, only to be met with just minor annoyance by this guy. ‘Price’, for some unknown reason, just seemed minorly peeved by your interactions, not convinced they were supernatural.
You moved his chair and desk(which was pretty hard with how heavy it was) and this guy just groaned about how his superiors treated his office however they wanted when they needed something.
You sent his papers flying, stacks of paperwork sorted neatly into piles of done and yet-to-be looked at, all flying. You flung the pen he used too, sending a blotch of ink onto the floor with the papers, permanently soaking them. Minor annoyance, didn’t even say anything. Just… grumbled. 
Hell, you toppled over a WHOLE bookshelf, loud thud echoing as it fell to the ground and all its contents scattered. And this guy? Grumbling about how the flooring was uneven!
If you had a physical body, you’d be beating your head against a wall right now. Seriously, it was frustrating!
You guessed you had done something correctly though, as he seemed annoyed enough to leave his office and go for a walk. Throughout said walk you continued throwing items and flying through his body, which usually caused people immense discomfort, sometimes to the point of causing panic attacks or full-on freak-outs. All that? Yeah, met with a “Bit chilly today.” or a “Someone outta close th’ windows.”
You were offended, to say the least.
Now, you were in a common room with several other people, including those guys, Gaz and Soap, who now talked to the Price fella. It was harder to interact with things, especially with so many people in broad daylight, in light in general. But you surprised yourself when your frustrations and slight anger led to the lightbulbs in the room flickering several times before simultaneously combusting into sparks and broken glass, all electronics—mainly the radios strapped to almost every soldier in the room—  with speakers blaring loud static as you flung the nearest object, a bench that you didn't initially notice was bolted to the fucking ground out from it and towards Price, and the other two who surrounded him. 
Okay, maybe you weren’t entirely devoid of anger and wrathful vengeance, but you’d like to think your self-control was a lot better than when you first died. You did have around… well, about 400 other years to learn some self-restraint and become slightly less blood-thirsty?
ANYWAYS; Lucky for you they all managed to dodge that heavy and fast approaching bench! good thing they were all trained soldiers who were always on guard Oh, and even better everyone in the room now looked at the uprooted bench with wide eyes and terrified expressions! So… mission accomplished?
Well, sort of?
“The hell?!” Everyone in the room backed towards whatever wall was nearest to them, behind unmoved furniture, or otherwise tactically covered positions as quick as they could, many (including the poor sod you’d been following and the rest of his team) having their guns ready and aimed at the entrances or near the uprooted bench.
…Yeah, you didn’t really wanna deal with this.
So you floated off, through the walls pretending your problems didn’t exist, as you usually did.
 You came across something pretty interesting, that Ghost guy was doing some strange hand gestures to this other masked fella (why was everyone here covered almost head to in something?). For a moment you thought they were trying to summon something before remembering that the military used hand signals and stuff. 
Anyways, you now had a new guy to follow! He looked pretty cool and he had these little things hanging off his helmet that remind you of a bug. Something… was slightly off with this guy though. You could’ve SWORN he was occasionally glancing over at you, or your general area. Ghost, who you couldn’t really tell much expression-wise due to him also wearing a mask, seemed to lift an eyebrow. Or furrow them. You didn’t know, you just saw his forehead area shift a bit under the mask. 
“You 'lright?” He turned and glanced over at you, where his bug-like friend kept glancing. Bug-fella looked over at you for a few more moments before shaking his head and gesturing at Ghost again. Ghost seemingly returns to his resting facial position and glances back towards your general direction, not quite as spot on as his friend was. “Y' just keep looking over there, ‘was wondering why.” 
Ghost loses interest quickly, turning away from where his friend was staring, resuming his silent communication with the still-unnamed lad, hand gestures becoming far too fast for you to even comprehend what they were doing even if you did understand what the gestures meant. After a short while of just floating around and watching them, Ghost gives the shorter man a light bump to the shoulder with his fist (seemingly friendly?) and turns to leave. “See y’ round.” 
It’s just you and Bug-boy now. The room empty, and his eyes (not that you can see them, he’s wearing a helmet and goggles that are practically solid with how heavy the glass is tinted) are aimed directly at you. You float over, hovering a good foot or two off the floor because the ground and gravity were for cowards, and stop a few inches away from him. He reaches a hand up towards you, only for it to quickly phase through your arm, then your torso, then back into the air. He’s startled by the feeling, you can tell, shivering as goosebumps raise on his arm and his hair stands on end, you can tell because of his sleeves being bunched up at his elbows. 
“Sorry.” you say, not even sure if he’d hear you. Maybe this was some weird coincidence and he couldn’t actually see you. Though, to your utter surprise and slight delight he kind of waves it off, making gestures (full body ones this time, not the hand-signals you couldn’t quite understand) that you could interpret as meaning ‘not to worry about it’. Your eyes widened, before breaking into a big grin. “Wait, wait, wait, you can see me? You heard me— can hear me?!” He nods, looking at you, observing, then gesturing with his hands again.
You.. feel a little bad that you don’t understand whatever military signs this must be, tilting your head and frowning. “I… I don’t understand. Sorry, I don’t know much about the military signals or whatever you were using. The code signs and words you guys use weren’t around when I lived. Or died.” He seems a little confused, then brings out a rectangle from his pocket— a phone, new invention and quite useful. It lights up as he puts in the code and opens something, pressing at the glass. 
After a moment he turns it towards you. It… takes you a little to adjust to the brightness (and to read the small letters, given your eyesight and low-literacy). “Give me a second, it takes me a minute to read.” In your peripheral he nods, though you don't move your gaze away from the screen.
“That’s fine, not many people know sign language. It’s not a military signal, just a way I communicate since I’m mute.” You read his words aloud, relatively slowly and he nods after you’ve read it; confirming you’ve read it correctly. 
You glance back up at him. “Mute… So you… can’t speak? Right?” Another nod, then he turns the phone back to himself, rapidly pressing the screen and turning it back again. You read again, “What are you? How are you floating, and why’d my hand go through? Why were you watching us?” You hum, floating away from him slightly, sinking slightly to a sitting position, though still remaining affixed in the air and not sitting on an actual chair.
“Well, I’m dead. I guess you could call me a spirit, spectral, a ghost…” you chuckle a bit at the last one. “Well, maybe not that last one, it seems your friend already occupies it.”  You lean forward again, nearly doing a backflip in the air before stopping in a lying position, holding your head in your hands. “I guess me being dead physically but alive… consciously, or spiritually I guess..? Resulted in me being incorporeal, thus not really touchable by people or gravity.” He nods at your words before motioning for you to continue when you pause.
You avert your eyes. “Well, watching people is all I usually can do. Incorporeal and all. I’m not sure how you can see me when I’m not manifested or tethered to you, but it’s nice…” Smiling sheepishly, you can only hope this guy— the only person you’ve actually talked to in a long, long, time— isn’t grimacing under his mask. You hesitate before reaching out towards him, running a finger down his throat in thought, forgetting it'd just phase through. “Maybe it's because you can't speak? It's not a sense but it's like maybe because you don't have one thing your other senses are better? But back to your prior questions. Being dead is… boring. All I can really do is fuck with people and watch stuff. You and your friend, Ghost, and his other… teammates are just what have caught my interest recently.”
He nods and trots over to a nearby bench, you grimace thinking about the mischief you caused slightly earlier by throwing a bench at the captain. Let’s hope your bug-friend doesn’t overhear that and stop talking to you. “What’s your name?” He types, and turns the phone to you, a single word there. “Roach? Like… the bug?” your mouth quirks into a crooked smile and you giggle, flicking the antenna like attachments to his helmet. “Fitting, you got the antennas and everything!” 
Floating down onto the seat, you try your best to sit on it, your bum and thighs slightly phasing through the seat but it's fine. ‘Roach’ begins typing on his phone again, having it set on his thigh so you can watch while he types. It was also probably just in case someone came in or saw him and so he wouldn’t look crazy turning his phone around to nothing (from other people’s perspectives).
“People can’t usually see you?”
You sigh and lean back, accidentally reclining into the wall and to the other side before realizing he probably won’t be able to hear you if you speak. “Oops, I forgot I’d phase through. Uh, yeah they usually can’t unless I’m actively haunting them and choosing to. It takes a lot of energy to do that though, so…” He nods and hovers his fingers over the phone, thinking for a moment.
“What's your name?”
You hum, thinking for a moment. You... haven't had to introduce yourself to anyone in centuries.
"This... well, it's a little embarrassing, but I can't remember."
"Why don't I call you 'Poltergeist' for now then, since Ghost is taken?" You smile at him, your cheeks feel like they've heated up slightly, but not from the lingering burn you got after your death, no, it was the burn of happiness. Giddy from this guy giving you a name, almost like you were a stray. You shouldn't be this happy, clinging to him and internally deeming him your new best friend, but you were.
Your undeath began a new chapter today, now living as 'Poltergeist' (at least until you remembered your name) with your new ghost-inclined friend Roach.
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rv3rblog · 1 year
gaz as your bf pt2
warnings: maybe some ooc (so srry), military inaccuracies (ik nthn abt it), english people inaccuracies (bc idk anything abt british ppl ?? like so srry i only know things abt mexicans and americans)
genre: fluff (so sweet im gna cry)
kyle “gaz” garrick x male!reader (can also be read as ftm! trans reader bc no genitalia is mentioned)
part i
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look at him, so pretty hes so bf i wanna kiss him so bad. just look at him :((
gaz as ur bf pt. ii — officially dating headcannons (beginning of relationship!)
i will always imagine gaz as a silly loverboy who is so head over heels for you
when you two first started dating he’s kinda bashfull, he has a small smile on his face as he rubs his neck as he talks to you
first time he calls you pretty it catches both of you off guard
he starts trying to apologize, stuttering as he does so but once he sees you laughing and telling him it’s fine? he never stops calling you pretty :(
especially when you get shy about it and hide behind your hands
he just thinks you’re so pretty :((
he’s also most definitely the type to pepper kisses onto your face
just going all over your face when he sees you after being deployed
the first time he comes back from a mission he just sends you a text letting you know he’s back and you’re like vibrating in your seat at home
you tell him to come over whenever he wants and you send him your address
he’s slightly baffled but, he’s also so head over heels he goes over the next day
you two hang around each other all day and he sees how homely your home is and it makes him so happy
he definitely stalks around your house as he takes in every little knick knack and notices your interests
you make him dinner and he just watches you with adoration in his eyes
you just laugh at him and tell him to stop bc it’s flustering you and he doesn’t bc he think you’re just so cute when you’re pouting at him and trying to hide your face
gaz as ur bf but uve been dating for months/years
the type of bf that pouts when you don’t give him a kiss before you leave the house
if you guys go shopping he’s always following you around like a lost puppy, carrying your bags and saying you look good in everything you try on
“oh you’re so pretty baby.”
“you should get that love, it’d look nice on you.”
“you’re such a pretty boy, how did i get so lucky?”
you guys exchange letters when he’s back on base
i miss you gaz, come home soon and healthy. i need you to be safe out there. you mean a lot to me.
he carries a letter with him every time he leaves on a mission, either the first one you ever wrote him or the latest one he got
when he writes you letters he always addresses you as: lovey, baby, or my pretty boy
hey lovey, today was a hard day. training with ghost was tiring, he’s always expecting the best of us and i don’t hate it. my body is just tired right now…
to my pretty boy, your shirts stopped smelling like you a while ago. i miss you a lot…
baby, thank you for your letter (and the polaroid). i really think you should talk to your boss about it…
he has all your letters in a box under his bed at base :(
he keeps the photos you send him there as well
he wishes he could keep one with him in his wallet but he knows he’d put you in danger if he were to get captured or kia
he isn’t trying to hide them, it’s just the easiest place to grab them from after training
he takes at least two of your shirts with him to base and puts them over his pillow and cuddles it wishing it was you
whenever he has nightmares he re reads your letters as they calm him down (he imagines you’re in the room with him speaking to him)
when he’s back home he hugs you immediately and the two of you just cuddle in silence once you’re back home
he isn’t picky about the position at all, he just wants to be close to you (only really picky after a harsh mission)
he puts his dog tags on you when he’s on leave with you
the first time it happened caught you off guard
kyle looks at you, his eyes impossibly soft as he watches you reading on the couch. it’s a lazy day and all you’re really wearing is one of his shirts and your boxers.
he walks over to you and leans over your shoulder, kissing your cheek. you hum softly and look over at him.
“mm?” you hum.
“you looked peaceful,” he whispers. “cute.”
“was reading,” you whisper back. “the main character just found out that their mom is still alive.”
he hums softly and kisses your cheek again, walking over to sit next to you. he keeps his eyes on you.
“have i got something on my face?” you ask.
he shakes his head and you hum, not fully content with his answer. when you go back to your book, he takes off his dog tags and holds them in his hands for a second.
“hey love?” he asks.
you look up at him.
“come here.”
you move to sit closer to him, your book on the other side of the couch. he smiles at you, caressing your cheek as he kisses your forehead softly.
it’s then, when he does it.
he puts his dog tags over your head and watches as it settles on your chest. you gasps softly, surprised by the action. he twirls his tags around his fingers and pulls you closer to him.
“this?” he whispers, his voice dropping. “this means you’re mine pretty boy.”
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