#╰ connection // clarke & bellamy. ╯
feelingtheaster99 · 9 months
Azula and Octavia and Lucia all have the same energy—younger sister of a main character big brother that goes a little mad-with-power as the series goes on and who has to learn to fight their own tendency towards bloodlust and violence
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i love you guys so much meme left is Mia and Ethan from Resident Evil and Bellamy Blake and Clarke Griffin from t100
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petertingle-yipyip · 4 months
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//is this probably a hot mess and ooc? yes. but it’s also self indulgent so just enjoy new content okay 🤷‍♀️//
Pairing: Bellamy x Reader
Word Count: 1,617
Summary: After being arrested for speaking out, you get a chance to tell Bellamy basically everything on your mind.
After Bellamy and Clarke got everyone out of Mount Weather, you had stayed close with him. You went on runs with him, trained with him, and even helped him through the guilt of pulling the lever. You talked him through losing Gina.
Or at least you had thought you helped with it all.
When you saw him walk through the gates with Pike’s firing squad, your heart sank. You had just let yourself believe you cared about him, maybe even loved him. You sat by and watched him with Gina because him being happy seemed to be more important to you. And yet, there he was, covered in blood from an army that was supposed to protect your people.
Pike was in the middle of his speech about doing what needed to be done when you met Bellamy’s eyes.
Something in that look compelled you to speak up. You knew he wasn’t asking it of you but you felt you had to.
“We execute our own now?” You shouted, part of you hoping your voice would be buried in the crowd. But judging by the new expression Bellamy wore, you were heard loud and clear.
“What kind of Chancellor doesn’t let his people speak up?” You continued and a small group cleared out around you and you felt an imaginary spotlight on you. “I remember learning there used to be a right to free speech in the States.”
“There’s a difference between speaking your opinion and pushing propaganda, Y/N.” Pike answered and you didn’t miss the condescension in his words.
“What do you call what you’re doing?”
“Y/N.” Bellamy warned.
You hadn’t noticed he had gotten to your side.
“No.” You said firmly. “Trikru has become our allies.”
“Your ‘allies’ abandoned you in that mountain! They left you to die!”
“You’re no better!” You shouted. “You’re willing to kill us if we don’t agree with you! You just threatened all of us!”
A hand gripped your arm.
“None of you are in any danger from your own people.” He said with a disbelieving laugh. You took an angry step forward but were pulled back by the hand at your arm that you hadn’t connected to a person yet. “I am going to keep all of you safe.”
“You’re a murderer.” You said confidently. “You’ve turned the people who went with you out there-“ You looked towards the gate and realized it was Bellamy who had your arm. You didn’t look away from him. “-into murderers.”
“Don’t do this.” Bellamy said quietly, desperately almost.
“If you’re gonna do this…” You nodded towards your restricted limb. “I have to do this.”
You turned back to face Pike.
“Lincoln risked his life to help us at Mount Weather. Indra has fought by our side. The Commander has gone out of her way to welcome us into her coalition, to offer protection from the clans that hate us! Now-“ You tried to gesture but Bellamy kept your arm down. “Dammit, Blake.” You grumbled. “Now every clan wants us dead!”
“All the more reason for us to fight back!” Pike yelled.
“We wouldn’t need to fight if you hadn’t-“
“Enough!” Pike interrupted and you heard a small eruption of mumbles from the crowd. It seemed to you like some opinions were shifting. “Take her away.”
Bellamy pulled you slightly and grabbed your other arm. He locked both wrists in cuffs behind your back and led you to the detainment. You kept your head up, saying nothing as Bellamy practically dragged you down several hallways.
There were no guards posted so Bellamy released your cuffs when you were within the alleged cell but didn’t leave. He stood in the doorway instead while you sat on the lone bench. The set of his jaw, heavy sigh that moved his shoulders, and cross of his arms told you all you needed.
“You want to say something.” You spoke plainly. Any edge in your voice from before had softened.
Everything in you softened around Bellamy, even if he didn’t seem too much like your Bellamy anymore. If he ever was yours to begin with.
“Just say it, Bellamy.” You sighed and rubbed your eyes. “I’m sure Pike doesn’t want you gone too long.”
“You think I’m doing the wrong thing.” He said lowly, as if he was still connecting the dots in his head. “You out me in this position today, Y/N. No one told you to start telling about treason and executions.”
“You and I both know that’s what he meant. Grounder or Arkadian, opposition goes down. Seemed pretty clear to me.”
“Pike wouldn’t kill his own people. What he’s willing to do, what I’m willing to do, is to protect our people.”
“By the way, I think Pike is wrong.” You corrected. “You… You’re lost right now. You’re trying to right what’s gone wrong but that won’t go away with more blood and bullets.”
“So we’re just supposed to let them continue to kill us?”
“It’s been months and it hasn’t been Trikru killing us if any have died… Azgeda hates us and that’s not gonna change but Trikru is Indra. It’s Lincoln. It’s Octa-“
“It is not Octavia.” He cut in firmly.
Your hands went in surrender and you didn’t push on that.
“Bellamy.” You stood and carefully moved closer to him. You made sure to keep your eyes on his and not on the Grounder blood splattered across his bulletproof. “I.. care about you, you know that. But what Pike’s doing, what you’ve done, has put all of us at risk. It’s an act of war. At the very least, tell me you understand that. If it was the other way around-”
“We’ve been at war since we got here. They picked us off, one by one, in the woods around the dropship. Remember that? Or how they put a spear through Jasper’s chest? Used Murphy to infect our camp? Stabbed Finn with a poisoned blade or, even better, when they executed Finn?”
“Yes, okay?” You abated quickly. “Yeah, you’re right. They’ve beat the shit out of us. But Finn also slaughtered a village with an automatic rifle. We blew up a bridge that led to however many deaths. We burnt an army a couple hundred strong to ash. But we’ve also made allies and had a chance at peace with the Commander.”
“The Commander that left us at Mount Weather, you mean? Who forced us to have to kill the purple who helped us? Who trusted me?”
“God, Bell, y’know what? I wish I hated you for what you’re doing. I- I wish it wasn’t true, what you were doing. I wish you treated me terribly and I wish I could treat you the same. Do you know how much easier it’d be if I could hate you? Especially after the massacre out there.”
“What?” His brows furrowed.
“But I don’t.” You shook your head. “Not yet. Jesus, maybe not ever. And that makes me feel so guilty. To want to hate you and to admit that I probably won’t. You could shoot me and I still would find a way to forgive you.”
“What are you talking about?”
“We may have been fighting since we landed. I can admit that.” You continued ranting.
“Y/N, I-“
“No, you’re going to listen to me!”
He opened his mouth to say something but thought better of it and closed his mouth.
“That doesn’t mean we need to keep taking things further… You don’t have to like the Grounders, Bellamy. I don’t even think they’re all great, but the coalition was a chance at peace. It could finally end the war. You and me, we could…”
“You and me?” His eyes softened. “What do you…”
You laughed to yourself. “I thought it’d been obvious by now.” You shrugged. “Look, that’s not important right now. What is important is that you don’t go down a path you can’t come back from. I know you want to do what’s right and I know you want to protect us. I love you for that, but goddammit, I can’t lose you.“
“I’m trying to protect you.” He said, putting a hand on your cheek. “It’s always been about you… Well, you and Octavia.”
Despite yourself, you smiled and it brought a quick flash of a smile from him.
“You have such a good heart.” You said honestly, a much softer tone than just moments before. “Pike doesn’t get to take that from you if you don’t let him.”
“Y/N…” His hand moved and took hold of yours.
“You mean a lot to me. None of this has been easy on or for any of us. I know I’ve hardly slept a full night since we landed. And I know you think you have our best interests at heart, but I can promise you that Pike doesn’t have yours.”
“Do you?”
“I do… Since I met you.”
“Okay.” He nodded. “Okay, I’ll…”
“Let me outta here?” You tried with an innocent smile.
He laughed slightly and raised his brows.
“Maybe we can continue this conversation in one of our rooms… With a little more privacy.”
“I’ll hear you.” He corrected and you pouted slightly. “You’re gonna have to stay here for the day but I’ll talk to Pike, have you out by dinner.”
“Okay.” You nodded and stepped back.
Bellamy’s hand hit your hip and pulled you back to him.
“I’ve been waiting for you to say something for a while.” He said with a smirk.
“Really?” You returned the playful tone. “How long is a while?”
His head tilted back and forth as he pretended to think.
“Since we met on the Ark.”
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I cannot for the life of me understand why the writers are still dragging the Claire storyline out. If we, the audience, are supposed to feel as anguished as Carmy is over losing her, I think the writers really failed. I really didn't see that their connection was so deep that Carmy would be this distressed over their breakup - even if it was due to something insensitive he may have said. Having multiple characters continue to push him to rectify his relationship with Claire feels so forced, as well. If their relationship was something that I truly believed could be lasting, then I could probably connect to that emotional tension, but I had thought the entire purpose of his S2 storyline was that a step towards Claire was a step away from fulfilling his responsibilities to Sydney and their restaurant. His relationship with Claire was in direct conflict with his relationship with Syd, and he continually let her down until he finally realized he was letting himself be pulled in two different directions. His making amends with Claire should've been finished in the first few episodes - she's not a main character (she's not even a character who's developed outside of Carmy's POV), and I'm pretty sure she had more screentime than Marcus. These writers cannot write a manic pixie dream girl and expect audiences to actually believe in the strength of her relationship with the lead so much that they root for them. (I also still don't understand how Claire is supposed to have all this free time when she's a hospital resident)
If the goal was to sow this division between Sydney and Carmy, which will force them both to seriously examine their relationship next season, I get it and that can be fine. That's also sort of what happened in S2 already, but they can still further develop that idea in a meaningful way. I'm gonna be honest, I'm here for the writers to pair up Sydney and Luca for a time as a plot device ship. They have excellent chemistry, and I would love to see Sydney exploring a new relationship until Carmy figures his stuff out. It can be reinforce the strength and importance of Sydcarmy's relationship to each other.
Just to warn you all, though, Sydcarmy could either be headed the Rina route (Ricky and Gina from HSMTMTS) with a planned slowburn executed beautifully, or this could end up being a Bellarke situation (Bellamy and Clarke from The 100) where the writers have a vendetta against the romantic pairing, despite obvious romantic undertones. Whichever one happens is anyone's guess, at this point
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locker42 · 1 year
Bounty Hunter - I Love You
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Warnings: swearing, smut (can be skipped, won’t contain something relevant to the storyline), mentions of injuries, blood, stitches.
Pairing: Bellamy Blake x Grounder!reader.
Word count: 2780.
Series Masterlist.
You opened your eyes to see a metal ceiling above you, the light shining down at you make you squint your eyes. As you slipped back to consciousness, you became more aware of the room you were in. You were laying on one of the beds in medbay, a tube connected to your cubital fossa. Your headache was much better, allowing you to sit up slowly.
“You should be resting.” You heard a voice say from your right. You turned and saw Nyilah approaching you.
“I just woke up.” You said, your voice cracking due to the smoke the invaded your lungs.
“How is your head?” She asked, stepping closer to you and gently touching your head, only now you were aware of the wound right by your hairline. You raised your own hand, touching the stitches that were made.
“It’s good, thank you.” You replied, dropping your hand.
“You’re welcome. There is someone who wants to see you, but I told him that you needed to rest a little before anyone could visit. You hit your head very hard and you need to let it time to heal.” She explained, however after she told you someone wanted to see you your focused left her almost immediately. Bellamy, he was the one who wanted to see you. And, god, you wanted to see him so bad. You wanted to wrap your arms around him and hold him tightly, you wanted to kiss him and just feel him.
Before you could reply to her, your attention was drawn to Clarke who entered the room, heading straight to you.
“Hey, how are you feeling?” She asked you, coming to stand by your bed.
“I’m feeling good, and I guess I should be thanking you for saving my life. I’m pretty sure I would have died if you didn’t help me.” You said, giving her a thankful smile.
“That one wasn’t just me, actually.” She admitted, making you frown in confusion.
“What do you mean?”
“After you passed out Roan came to your side and made sure that you got to medbay. No one was willing to come that close because the Ark was crushing down.”
You couldn’t help but feel surprised at her words. It didn’t make sense why Roan would help you, especially after what he’s done.
“Where is he?” You asked, letting your curiosity win this time.
“He’s in Arkadia.” She informed. “We’re supposed to have a meeting later about leaving for the island.”
“The island?”
“Yes, that’s where Becca’s lab is. My mom and a few more are already there, working on the Nightblood solution.”
“Nightblood? You want to make everyone immune to the radiation?” You asked, the idea not quite settling in your head.
“Exactly. But the Nightblood can only be made in space. There’s a rocket there so we need to bring them the fuel.” Clarke explained to you.
“When are you leaving?” You asked, twisting your body so that your legs were hanging off the edge of the bed.
“Tomorrow morning.”
“Then I’m coming.”
“Wait, that’s not a good idea.” Niylah objected and took a step closer to you, making you turn to her.
“Why? I have all day to rest and then I’ll go. It’s not like I’m going to war.”
She sighed before nodding her head, however her face still showed disapproval.
“Where is Bellamy?” You hesitantly asked Clarke.
“Don’t worry, I’ll go get him.” She said and quickly turned around and left the room.
You fiddled with the tube connected uncomfortably to your forearm, then you noticed the now stitched cut. You took a deep breath before pulling the tube out of your skin, hissing as the action stung. After a minute or so Bellamy came rushing into the room, walking towards you.
“Y/N.” He said before wrapping him arms around you. You returned the hug, relieved to finally be in his arms. “Are you okay? How are you feeling?” He asked as he pulled away, examining your head.
“I’m good, Bell.” You said and grabbed both of his hands. “How are you?”
“I’m okay, clearly not the one you should be worried about.” He said, making you roll your eyes. “How did you even get here? I though Roan left you at Polis.”
“He did, but I escaped. I came straight here to warn someone but before I could the ship exploded.” You paused for a second before you realized. “This was your solution, wasn’t it?”
He looked down before nodding his head. “And now it’s ruined, and so is our chance of survival.”
“Clarke told me about the Nightblood. She told me you were leaving tomorrow to bring them the fuel. There is hope, if Abby can turn us all into Nightbloods than we have a chance to live.” You said and gently cupped his cheeks. He offered you a small smile before drawing away.
“Come on, let’s get you to your room. You can rest there.” He said and helped you off the bed. After saying a last ‘thank you’ to Niylah, you followed him out of the room. He led you through the halls, insisting you lean on him as you walked. As you got to the room you noticed that on the door was a note that said, ‘Bellamy Blake.’
“This is your room?” You asked as he unlocked it with his keys.
He opened the door, allowing you to step in first. You took a look around noticing some discarded clothes in one corner of the room, the bed was unmade, and there was a book on the bedside table. “Nice room.” You commented.
“Thanks.” He said and scratched the back of his neck awkwardly. You took a seat on the bed, keeping your gaze on the wall in front of you.
“I’m sorry.” You said, making him look at you with surprise.
“What do you mean?” He asked, coming to stand in front of you.
“For not coming back.”
He opened his mouth to argue but you cut him off. “I know you’re mad, or at least were mad at me. And it’s okay, I get it, I do.”
“Hey, look at me.” He said softly and cupped your cheek, gently lifting your head to look at him. “You’re right, I was mad at you for not coming back but it wasn’t because of you, I just missed you. Things happened here and I just wished I could have talked to you about them.”
His words didn’t make you feel better, only more guilty as you looked away from him.
“There was just so much to deal with and I- I think I was scared to come back here.” You said quietly, still not looking up. “I mean, after what happened with Pike I didn’t think I would be welcomed here.”
“I understand your worries. But I promise you that no one is going to try and kill you or hurt you. I would never allow that to happen.” You finally looked up and met his eyes, a small smile rising on your face as you took in his features.
“I missed you, you know.” You said, bringing your hand up to run down his chest.
“I missed you, too.” He said and leaned down, locking your lips with his. The kiss started slowly, as if recognizing the other’s lips for the first time. You felt his tongue run over your lips and you opened your mouth, deepening the kiss. You placed your hands on his chest, then moving up to his shoulders and pulling him with you as you laid back. He followed your lead, climbing on top of you without breaking the kiss.
You felt at ease, you felt exited and relieved to be with Bellamy again. You pulled his body closer to yours, hearing his soft groan made shivers run down to your core. You slowly began to push his jacket off with your hands, but he pulled away before you could take it off.
“Y/N, we shouldn’t. You need to rest.” He said, his voice sounding deeper than usual, which only made you want to continue.
“I’m fine, Bellamy. I promise.” You said and pulled him back to you, placing a light kiss on his jaw. “I want you.” You said, then continued trailing kisses down his throat. “I need you.”
His jaw clenched before he slightly drew away to take off his jacket, then he moved back to you, kissing down your neck. Your hand moved to his hair, gripping it tightly as he found your sweet spot, making you moan quietly. You free hand moved to the bottom of his shirt, slipping your hand up and tugging it. He got your hint and took off his shirt. You all but drooled over him, running your hands down his torso, feeling the hard muscles beneath them. You moved your hands up, pulling him down to kiss you. He kissed faster and deeper this time, his hand coming to hike your leg up his hip. You moaned when you felt his hardness press against your core, your hips grinding up uncontrollably. He moved his hips against yours, gifting you the fraction you needed.
You’ve had sex before, but it never felt like that, not so soon. You’ve never wanted someone so bad, needed someone so bad. You sat up and pulled your shirt off, your bra coming in second. His eyes widened as he stared at your naked skin, before he leaned down and pressing his lips against the soft skin of your chest. As he sucked gently on the skin of your breasts you closed your eyes and gripped his hair, the other hand fisting the sheets. He flickered his tongue over your nipple before sucking it into his mouth, drawing a whine from you. He gave the same attention to your other breast before moving his head up to look at you.
“Are you-“ he cleared his throat, “is this your first time?” He asked almost shyly.
You shook your head as your cheeks turned red. “No. Are you?”
You stared at each other before you decided to take initiative. You moved your hand down to palm him through his pants, drawing a low groan from him. He dropped his head down to your neck and by the way you felt his hips grinding against your hand, you’d say he was enjoying himself. You wanted to have him, to touch him and to make him feel good, but you wanted to do it slowly - to tease him. You flipped, now laying on top of him. He looked at you, confused, but that expression didn’t last as you leaned down and started kissing his neck down to his collarbone and chest. You pressed your tongue flat over his nipple, feeling his hands coming to rest on your thighs. You grabbed them and moved them up to your ass before continuing your work. As you kissed down his torso you felt his hands shamelessly groping your ass, a smirk coming up to your lips. You licked just above where his pants started, his hips jolting up.
“Fuck..” he muttered, eyes closing. You slowly dragged his waistband down and let your tongue follow.
“Can I?” You asked, tugging further on the waistband.
“Yes, fuck.” He cursed, hands coming to fist the sheets.
You then opened the belt and pulled down his pants and underwear, just enough to take his cock out. Your mouth gaped open as you took him in, thick and tall with a purple tip and a little bit of precum adoring it. You gently licked over the tip, tasting him in your mouth. You opened your mouth for him but he suddenly pulled you back.
“As much as I’m enjoying this.” He said and sat up, pressing a kiss to your lips. “I don’t think I can wait any longer.”
He flipped you again, returning to his spot on top of you before ridding himself of his pants. His hand reached to your pants undoing the belt but not before receiving a nod of consent from you. He started tugging on your pants, a hiss from him catching your attention. You sat up and saw him suck his finger into his mouth, blood staining it.
“What happened?” You asked and grabbed his hand to assess the damage.
“Your many, many knives happened.” Bellamy explained with a chuckle.
“Oh, shit, I’m so sorry.” You apologized but he quickly shut you up with a kiss.
“It’s okay, but I am going to need help in taking these off.” He said and pointed to your pants. You chuckled before carefully pulling them down and throwing them to the side. He gave your lips a peck before kissing down your body, leaving hickeys behind him all the way to your panties. He spread your legs and placed them over his shoulders, giving him access to your cunt. He placed a gentle kiss on top of your core through your panties, making your breath hitch. He began pulling your underwear off, discarding them behind him, before returning to his latest position.
“Fuck, you’re so beautiful.” He whispered as he ran his finger through your folds, making you gasp. Without any warning he licked a stripe of your pussy before moving to your clit, flickering his tongue. You moaned, hips jolting up but he held them down. Your hand moved to his hair — gripping tightly as he began sucking on your clit, his own hand coming up to grip your breast. You felt heavenly, what he was doing to you was heavenly.
He pushed his finger inside of you, your moans getting louder. “Bellamy, fuck, please.” You whined as he added another finger, feeling yourself getting closer. He moved his fingers faster and softly bit on your clit, the action made you go over the edge, gripping his hair even tighter as you yelled out his name loudly. You panted, trying to calm down as he made his was back up to you. His eyes met yours and you couldn’t help the smile the rose on your lips. He returned your smile before leaning down to kiss you. You could taste yourself on his tongue, and the thought itself made you needy all over again.
You opened your legs and felt the tip of his cock tracing between your folds.
“You ready?” He asked, positioning himself at your entrance. You nodded your head with a whine of ‘please’, wrapping your arms around his back. Your nails dug into his skin as he pushed inside you, drawing moans from both of you.
“Can I-“ he groaned, “can I move?”
“Yes, fuck, Bellamy.”
With your permission, he started thrusting in and out of you in a slow and steady pace. As you got used to the feeling of him inside you, you pulled him close to you. “Faster, go faster.”
He obeyed, quickening his pace. Your moans were loud enough for anyone who walked by to hear but you didn’t care, your only focus was on Bellamy. His lip was locked between his teeth as he kept thrusting inside of you, grunts and moans escaping him. You ran your fingernails down his back as you almost screamed, getting closer. Bellamy felt you clench around him and he moved his hand down to draw circles over your clit, pushing you closer to the edge.
“Fuck, Bellamy, shit, I’m so close...” You moaned loudly, throwing your head back in bliss and closing your eyes. “I’m cumming.”
“Look at me.” He demanded as his thrusts were getting sloppier. Your eyes met his and by the dark look on his face only, you came. Your vision became foggy and your breathing was heavy as you. He pulled out of you, jerking himself off and cumming on your stomach with a loud groan of your name.
He dropped on top of you, panting. You wrapped your arms around him and held him close as you came down from your high. “I love you.” You said to him.
“I love you, too. So much.” He said and placed a kiss on your neck before leaning his head on your chat, breath still uneven.
You placed a general kiss on his head and started playing with his curly hair. He hummed in approval, pushing his head up. You chuckled, smiling wide as he lifted his head up to look a you.
“That was amazing, you are amazing.” He said before kissing you. You slipped your tongue in his mouth as you began to move on top on him, his hands coming to study you.
“How about round two, baby?”
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sickoherd · 2 years
THE 100 — dating a touch starved reader
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author note : requested by @nickeverdeen 🫶
gender neutral reader too :)
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bellamy :
bellamy absolutely revels in the attention you give him
he’s obsessed, addicted even.
the first time he hugged you, you physically melted in his arms.
after all, what place is safer?
bellamy’s love language is physical touch, and so he’s always touching you somehow
whether it be holding your hand, having a hand on the small of your back as you walk, or even just having your knees touch while sitting
you grew up touch starved, and when you told bellamy of your past, he finally understood the way you responded to something as simple as a hug.
bellamy is absolutely determined to make up for the time you lost without the touch of someone who loves you.
clarke :
clarke doesnt always want to be holding your hand, or touching you
shes a leader, and doesnt want to make herself look weak
not that it would, but youre her weakness
she has many enemies who could take advantage of that
she prefers the privacy of your shared bedroom.
however, despite not being as physically affectionate in public, she does make up for it.
when youre alone, clarke will always be touching you.
she needs that connection. to show that youre safe, alive.
with her.
when you first started dating, she sat you down and told you how she wouldnt be too affectionate in public. and you accepted it.
as your relationship progresses, and the danger dies down more, she’ll be more open to holding your hand in public.
she still loves touching you, and making up for the time you missed with hugs and kisses
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midlandslady · 2 months
Writers and audience impact
I hate hate hate when the writers/ producers/ directors wait for the audience's reaction to see if they should push a pairing in or not.
Like wtf? By the time they get our reaction, we have already been fed a story. And some of us will have loved it and others hated it but it was the story they created. Changing the pairing later based on the fandoms is so f* stupid.
I have stopped watching countless of tv shows because of this.
Examples: Vampire diaries. I really liked it at that time of my life. And I liked Stefan and Elena. They were a bit too lovey-dovey and boring? Yes, but I liked them. The story was about them. The books too. But because Damon was more handsome and sexier and had, according to the audience, better chemistry with Elena, they decided to give what the audience preferred, going against the original book.
The 100 is an odd example. Everyone loved Bellamy and Clarke, they are also the romantic pairing in the book. But the tv show created such a deep profound connection between them that was better than the book. It was an enemies-to-lovers trope developed to perfection. But what did they do? They destroyed it in what seems to be a clear defiance of what the public loved and the book. It made no sense at all. I stopped watching when I realized it was going in that direction and decided to wait for the finale. And I'm so glad I did. Horrible thing. I hate even the memory of having loved it.
Another example. Never have I ever. Yes, Paxton was the hot boy that we should begin to hate at some point in a very cliché fashion. And Ben is the rival that will become a friend and then a lover. All good. But then they developed Paxton and Paxton was ten thousand times better than Ben. And by the end of season 1 and particularly season 2, I was sure Team Paxton had won. But I was wrong. There comes the shift. For 2 seasons I loved Devi and Paxton but then all that development and fairytale-like ending is put into the garbage and I am supposed to pretend it never happened because now the main pairing is Ben and Devi. I did not watch season 3 and season 4. To me, it ended in season 2 and what an amazing ending it was.
So yes, I was afraid that House of the Dragon would be the same. They created a story between Daemon and Rhaenyra in season 2 that was special and magical in a very hauntingly gothic fashion. It was perfection, the chemistry, the between-the-lines feelings, the desire, the attraction, the frustration. My god, we could feel it all. And every episode was so exciting because of that. People loved it, not everyone, but most people loved it. People were in love with Daemyra and with Daemon and with Matt Smith. There were hundreds of videos on youtube, pages on the internet talking about it, it was everywhere. It couldn't have been more successful. But the writers somehow, despite creating such a beautiful thing, were surprised that the public loved it so much. So they came out saying: you're seeing it wrong. Daemon is mean, evil, selfish and cruel and you need to see that. So they create a season 2 to make us hate daemon, to make us fall out of love with Daemyra. Yet they were fearful of pushing it too far so they still gave us a happy ending to keep us satisfied. But are they waiting to see if we have given up on Daemyra and would be more open to other pairings that they wish to introduce? I want to believe they won't do it, but do I trust it 100%? Of course not. Similarly, they are giving contrary information about Helaemond to see how we react and if they can push it or move away from it in season 3. I also think they didn't make Rhaena claim sheepstealer to see how fans would react to the potential elimination of Nettles. And I hate that they do it! Just be consistent, for god's sake! Write the damn story as you did before knowing how the public would react but be consistent with what you started.
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honestlydarkprincess · 2 months
writing patterns
tagged by @wikiangela !!
rules: share the first line of your last ten published works or as many as you are able and see if there are any patterns!
can we pretend that airplanes in the night sky are like shootin' stars
When Buck had agreed to change flights because of overbooking, he hadn’t been told that the flight they wanted him to switch to wasn’t for another four hours. He was exhausted. He had already waited for his connection and now he had to wait even longer? By the time he boards the new flight its with a scowl and bloodshot eyes. He had spent his four hour wait sipping shitty coffee, draining the battery on his phone, and fighting a migraine.
that should have been plan A
Jake knew he was running late, that he was supposed to have met the other Daggers about thirty minutes ago, but he had had a bit of a fashion emergency.
this is gonna get long so to save ur dash i'll be the rest under the cut!
don't let go
“Well, that was a fucking exhausting shift,” Buck groaned, following Eddie into the Diaz house.
you chase away the pain
Gwen hummed to herself as she walked to her lady’s chambers, a pep in her step that was always there when she was about to see Morgana. Her crush was a doomed one, there was no way that Morgana would ever feel the same way towards her, but she couldn’t help it. Morgana was beautiful, strong, and kind. Who wouldn’t fall for her?
i only want you
Clarke had known it was a stupid idea to go to the party. She didn’t want to go to a party in the first place but Finn had insisted and Clarke had given in, desperate to try and make things work with him. She didn’t like him all that much but at least he was a distraction from her soul crushing crush on Bellamy Blake, her best friend’s older brother. Bellamy was a few years older than them and lived off campus while Clarke shared a dorm with Octavia, his sister.
think pawsitive
“Maddie, you don’t understand, he’s being weird,” Buck whined, throwing up his arms as he paced in front of the TV. He turned towards his sister and raised a brow. “Are you even listening to me?”
a gift i've never gotten before
Buck was nervous.
until you're feline better
“Alright, Ember, what do you think?” Buck asked, turning around and facing the kitten— who was starting to outgrow the title of kitten— that was perched on his bed, watching him intently. Buck was getting ready for a date with Tommy— it was their six month anniversary and Tommy said that he wanted to take Buck someplace special so Buck had gotten dressed up.
and it was purrfect
Buck was exhausted.
you gotta be kitten me
A few weeks after Tommy had turned his world upside down— in the very best way, of course— Buck was walking with him after a lovely dinner and trying to work up the courage to grab his hand. They walked side by side, shoulders brushing, and Buck was very aware that Tommy was right there, that he could just reach out and grab his hand and there was nothing stopping him. He could hold his boyfriend’s hand if he wanted to. That never failed to make him smile— he had a boyfriend now. They hadn’t talked about labels yet but internally Buck had started to think of Tommy as his boyfriend. He just hadn’t gotten the courage yet to ask him. First he’d work on holding his hand, then he’d ask about having the boyfriend talk.
wow okay the pattern is that i like a long ass intro
n ee way
tagging: @bigfootsmom, @eddiebabygirldiaz, @lonelychicago, @monsterrae1, @watchyourbuck
@father-salmon, @underwaterninja13, @devirnis, @itdoesntrhyme, @insecuregodcomplex
@thiamsxbitch, @remembertheskittles, @maygrantgf, @beyourownanchor6, @exhuastedpigeon
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reallygroovyninja · 5 days
Backstage was buzzing with energy, the air thick with the mix of sweat, alcohol, and post-show euphoria. Clarke leaned against a food table, a bottle of tequila in hand, her leather jacket hanging off her shoulders as she took a long, slow drink. Around her, Bellamy and Finn were celebrating hard, already surrounded by a few fans they had picked to come backstage, their intentions clear. 
Finn had his arm slung casually around the waist of a woman who looked like she had been front row, her wide eyes still reflecting the excitement of the night. Bellamy was deep in conversation with two others, a smirk on his face, already halfway through a drink of his own. They all knew how the night would likely end—with them taking these fans back to their rooms for more than just casual conversation. 
Clarke watched the scene with a lazy grin, her body still buzzing from the adrenaline of the performance, but her mind already elsewhere. The music, the crowd, the lights—it had all faded. Her focus now was on the blonde she’d been eyeing during the entire show. Every time she locked eyes with her, Clarke could feel the spark. Now, she just wanted to finish this drink and get out of here. 
Octavia approached, weaving her way through the crowd of fans and bandmates, stopping in front of Clarke with her usual easy confidence. “Well, good news,” she started with a smirk. “Blonde’s gonna be at the hotel, waiting.” 
Clarke’s grin widened, the anticipation creeping through her. She took another swig from the tequila bottle and wiped her mouth, the alcohol doing nothing to calm the growing heat in her body. “Good,” she muttered, rolling her neck. “I’m ready to get out of here. I’m horny as hell.” 
Octavia chuckled, crossing her arms as she watched Clarke with amusement. “Yeah, you looked like it. You couldn’t take your eyes off her the whole night.” 
Clarke shrugged, unabashed. “What can I say? Girl’s got a vibe.” She tipped the bottle in Octavia’s direction. “The rest of you enjoy the party. I’ve got better things waiting for me at the hotel.” 
Octavia nodded, her eyes briefly flicking toward Bellamy and Finn, who were well on their way to making their own connections with the fans lingering nearby. “Don’t worry, we’ll hold down the fort here. You go do what you do.” 
Clarke tossed the now-empty bottle on a nearby table and pulled her jacket up. “Tell the driver to get ready,” she said, already turning to head for the door. “I’m not wasting any more time.” 
As she left the room, Octavia called after her, “Don’t break her too fast, Clarke. You know how you get.” 
Clarke threw a smirk over her shoulder without stopping. “No promises.” 
With that, she was out the door, ready to put the night’s performance behind her and focus on what, or who, was waiting for her at the hotel. 
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scrosciare [a bellarke ficlet]
scrosciare - the action of rain pouring down or of waves hitting rocks and cliffs [from this prompt list] Clarke-centric, implied Bellarke | setting: season 3 inspired canon divergent, if the plot had simply been a survival story and Arkadia was a settlement just like the others | wc: ~900
The water churning below the cliffs echoed the anxiety that’d taken deep root in Clarke’s body. Crashing violently, upheaving, tumultuous. It was life on Earth personified in her and expressed in the waves below. She watched it in a daze. Hypnotized by the swirling, angry blue below. When Octavia had said the color of it reminded her of Clarke’s eyes, it hadn’t quite felt like a compliment.
She had to keep telling herself that they were doing the right thing, that Floukru coming to help them was not the destined disaster that Luna so clearly believed it to be.
Maybe she was right.
But the war against Azgeda was impending and Arkadia, while comfortably established as a settlement on the ground now, wasn’t prepared to fight. Trikru was of assistance but they needed more. Reluctant or not, the numbers spoke for themselves and alliances had to be made, no matter the feelings on either side.
A spray of saltwater speckled Clarke’s face as one of the bigger waves crashed against the wall of rock below. As much as she missed the woods surrounding Arkadia, the trees she’d come to covet, she couldn’t deny the pull of the ocean. The ground had always been a mystery, but water was something else entirely. Rain had been startling but welcome. Lakes and rivers a source of resources. But the ocean––she’d never imagined something like this. Angry, powerful. A source all of its own. How Luna and her people had come to connect with it baffled her; it left her intimidated if she was honest. Clarke had felt a lot of fear since reaching the ground, but this seemingly bottomless body of water was unsettling in ways she struggled to describe.
“Don’t fall in,” voiced someone behind her. Teasing, but not.
“I won’t,” she answered Bellamy, a small smile tugging at the corner of her mouth despite it all.
He carefully emerged into the corner of her vision and she took the moment to steal a long glance at him. The dampness of the air had flattened his curls down, though they fought valiantly to return to form. Despite his good-hearted warning, she couldn’t miss the grimness etched into the squint of his gaze. The firmness of his jaw, clenched in that sort of way it had been for a while. A detail she never missed. Impending war did that to people. Especially the more his status eclipsed those previously in the command in the armies and his sister continued to pull away.
“Well, you’re standing pretty damn close to the edge. Can’t blame a guy for getting nervous,” he said, eyes finally flicking to her. Catching her in the act of staring.
Clarke quickly looked away. “I imagine some people wouldn’t mind.”
Biting anger, lashing against nothing. Maybe she was the ocean. Did that make Bellamy her rock, her cliff that she raged against?
“Hey,” he said quietly, startling her as he carefully reached out and touched her. He’d been doing that more since he’d admitted his anger to her. Since she’d initiated a hug that still lived in her skin. Maybe he was the waves, leaving imprints behind and shaping her forever. 
“We’re going to get through this. Together,” Bellamy continued. “And we––” (here a deep breath) “––I would definitely mind if you fell in. If you want to see the ocean more, we can come back some day after all of this. Maybe one day there will be trade routes and someone will have to keep relations good between everyone. Maybe there will be towns here again, like it used to be back before the bombs. We can come back then and actually explore it all, but in order for that to happen that means you’re not allowed to fall, or jump, into the ocean.”
It was an image of a future that made tears prick at her eyes. Would she see the ocean differently if they were no longer at war? Could it instead be a source of respite, villages dotting the horizon and people walking alongside the ocean? 
Could it be her and Bellamy… guns and strategy left behind alongside the weight of humanity?
It took a few hurried blinking away of tears to realize that he had gently pulled her further away from the cliff's edge, only then registering that she really had been standing frighteningly close to the soaring cliffside and ocean below.
Bellamy’s hand was warm against her arm, his solid presence a comfort she hadn’t realized she’d needed so soon already. Not long had passed since their recent embrace before going to meet Luna, but she feared she was craving more than before. She’d been introduced to his touch, as well as the ocean in a short span of time. And like the rocks below, knew she’d be forever changed by it.   
“Thank you,” Clarke said quietly, quickly wiping at her eyes as she turned to face Bellamy. When he looked at her curiously, she gave him her own watery smile. “For forgiving me. For all of it, really. I’m not sure I deserve it.”
“You needed it, it’s yours. I’ll always give that to you,” he answered, voice rough yet soft. 
They fell into amiable silence, a quiet filled with promise. His hand still lingering on her arm as they turned to both gaze out at the crashing waves, filling the quiet with the suddenly comforting, repetitive churn of the water below. 
Being like the ocean didn’t have to be a bad thing. They’d simply need its resolve so that one day their futures could intertwine again.
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lexinoctura · 6 months
The day they stopped counting
Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence // after Praimfaya // sequel to "Praimfaya – The other way around" // light angst // family fluff // opening the bunker
Praimfaya has long past, and finally Bellamy was happy. It was almost prefect. He had Clarke, their son Percy as well as Madi, and the rest of his friends all around him, alive and happy. And instead of just surviving Earth, they were thriving, living. The only thing that was left missing was his sister, and the rest of the last remaining humans on Earth, trapped underneath hundreds, if not thousands of tons of rubble and concrete in a more than 100 year old bunker.
The second Chapter, is now available on every device with connection to AO3, waiting for you to read :D
Contact to the bunker was made, but there are a few things that need to be discussed first
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disneymbti · 4 months
hey, can u pls do mbti + zodiac signs of the 100? clarke griffin, octavia blake, bellamy blake, jasper jordan, john murphy, raven reyes, lexa kom trikru, madi griffin, josephine lightbourne.
Hi there, Dinand! I really hope you like this a lot!
Clarke Griffin's MBTI Type, Big Three, Enneagram Type and Moral Alignment
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MBTI Type: INFJ [The Advocate]
Introverted INFJs exhaust quickly around people and recharge by spending time by themselves.
They tend to overlook small details and instead focus on the entire perspective. They love to see how everything connects together.
Advocates prioritize their emotions. They tend to base decisions on what they feel is right rather than what might be logically sound, making them very empathetic.
They are also very structured and organized. INFJs like to plan ahead and follow processes and schedules.
Big Three: Scorpio Sun, Virgo Moon and Capricorn Rising
Scorpio Sun: Ruled by Mars and Pluto, the Scorpio Sun is known to be intense, mysterious, and ever-evolving. 
Virgo Moon: Virgo Moons use their calm nature to gain deep clarity on matters, filtering questions through their kind, but reasonable, lens.
Capricorn Rising:  Capricorn ascendants are known for their efforts and diligence when it comes to attaining success and prosperity. 
Enneagram Type: 1w2 [The Activist]
Basic Fear: People who are type one with a two wing generally have a basic fear of being immoral and making impure choices. They avoid this by making a conscious effort to make ethical choices.
Basic Desire: They also have a natural desire to be upstanding and humane. They try to fight for the rights of those less fortunate and love being hands-on in making a difference by volunteering in their community.
Activists tend to respond to negativity by redirecting their emotions in order to gain a sense of control. In type ones with two wings, this may lead to sudden outbursts or breaking points, as they work through their emotions more externally.
Moral Alignment: True Neutral [The Balanced]
These characters believe in balance and avoid taking sides. They don’t take moral or ethical stances, but assess situations pragmatically.
Octavia Blake's MBTI Type, Big Three, Enneagram Type and Moral Alignment
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MBTI Type: ESFP [The Entertainer]
ESFPs are very outgoing and lively people. They thrive in groups and prefer not to spend too much time alone.
They are very observant, focusing closely on the details rather than the grand scheme. They think in terms of the present.
Entertainers tend to prioritize emotion when making decisions, concerning themselves more with how their decisions will affect others. They are empathetic and diplomatic.
They rely more on opportunity than rigid scheduling. They are spontaneous and playful people, with a passion for finding new adventures.
Big Three: Aquarius Sun, Aries Moon and Scorpio Rising
Aquarius Sun: Aquarius is ruled by Saturn and Uranus, which makes them seek out unique ways to problem-solve and to approach life. They're known to be intellectual and innovative.
Aries Moon: Lunar Aries are known to be emotionally responsive and impulsive at times, as they lead with fiery passions over than logic or reason.
Scorpio Rising: Prone to turning heads, Scorpio ascendents ooze with magnetism and dynamism. They're not known to back away from a challenge. 
Enneagram Type: 8w7 [The Nonconformist]
Basic Fear: Eight with a seven wing fear being controlled by others. They dislike authority and prefer to work alone.
Basic Desire: Their basic desire is to remain in control of their own lives. They also want other people to be free, and are often advocates for those less able.
Nonconformists defend themselves by denying vulnerability. They don’t want to appear weak and therefore avoid situations that may leave them exposed or defenseless.
Moral Alignment: Chaotic Neutral [The Free Spirit]
Free from societal constraints, these characters prioritize their own freedom and make choices based on their whims.
Bellamy Blake's MBTI Type, Big Three, Enneagram Type and Moral Alignment
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MBTI Type: ESTP [The Entrepreneur]
ESTP types like being around large groups of people, whether they know them or not. They prefer being out in action to being at home by themselves.
They are very observant and detail-oriented people. They are practical and realistic, focusing on the here-and-now.
Entrepreneurs make decisions based in logic. They care more about following the truth than making other people happy.
They avoid schedules, preferring to make plans as they go. They are less aware of time and enjoy being adaptable.
Big Three: Aries Sun, Cancer Moon and Virgo Rising
Aries Sun: The first sign of the zodiac, Aries is ruled by action planet Mars. When placed as the sun sign, the ram can motivate themselves to face on fears and blow past hesitation.
Cancer Moon: The emotions of Cancer Moons have no limits, restraints, or depths. This is a cosmic placement that often leads to sweetness, kindness, emotional awareness and responsibility. 
Virgo Rising: Virgo ascendants are the fact-finders and checkers of the zodiac. They are fair-minded and slow to anger.
Enneagram Type: 8w7 [The Nonconformist]
Basic Fear: Eight with a seven wing fear being controlled by others. They dislike authority and prefer to work alone.
Basic Desire: Their basic desire is to remain in control of their own lives. They also want other people to be free, and are often advocates for those less able.
Nonconformists defend themselves by denying vulnerability. They don’t want to appear weak and therefore avoid situations that may leave them exposed or defenseless.
Moral Alignment: Chaotic Good [The Rebel]
These characters value freedom and kindness, often challenging laws and order to achieve just outcomes.
Jasper Jordan's MBTI Type, Big Three, Enneagram Type and Moral Alignment
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MBTI Type: ENFP [The Campaigner]
ENFP types are generally very outgoing and lively, preferring to go out rather than stay in. They love conversing with other people and generally process their thoughts externally.
They are great problem solvers and enjoy figuring out how everything is connected. They tend to focus more on the future than the present.
Campaigners like to keep the peace and avoid conflict. They care more about subjective principles than logic and fact. 
They are flexible and spontaneous, preferring to keep their options open. They dislike routines, schedules, and strict rules.
Big Three: Sagittarius Sun, Pisces Moon and Leo Rising
Sagittarius Sun: Sagittarius is governed by the expansive planet Jupiter, and is known for a free-spirited, globe-trotting, philosophical mindset — and wild streak.
Pisces Moon: Pisces Moons are hyper-attuned to the needs and emotions of others. They're likely to predict what's on your mind before you even say it.
Leo Rising: Leo ascendants bask in the glow of sunlight, radiating positivity and charm. Performers through and through, those with this friendly, radiant, and outgoing placement exude confidence and strength.
Enneagram Type: 7w6 [The Pathfinder]
Basic Fear: Sevens with a six wing have a deeply-rooted fear of missing out. They want to be trustworthy and honor commitments, but they also want to leave room to allow for last-minute opportunities.
Basic Desire: Their basic desire is to feel fulfilled and happy. They express this by searching for joy in every small thing that comes their way.
Pathfinders defend themselves by rationalizing away negative feelings. They unconsciously convince themselves that they are happy, even when they are not.
Moral Alignment: Chaotic Good [The Rebel]
These characters value freedom and kindness, often challenging laws and order to achieve just outcomes.
John Murphy's MBTI Type, Big Three, Enneagram Type and Moral Alignment
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MBTI Type: ISTP [The Virtuoso]
Virtuosos are generally more reserved and prefer being alone. They are self-sufficient and independent thinkers.
They are very observant and focus on the details of a situation, trusting facts and making decisions based on the here-and-now.
ISTP types favor logic and reason over emotional influences. They base their decisions on what makes sense.
They are also spontaneous and prefer keeping their options open. Virtuosos are often more adaptable and less aware of time.
Big Three: Capricorn Sun, Scorpio Moon and Libra Rising
Capricorn Sun: Capricorn is ruled by authoritative Saturn, which is why they tend to work hard toward advancing themselves in earthly matters. 
Scorpio Moon: Scorpio Moons are known for their brooding nature that exudes passion. Once you win them over, they are loyal and unconditional in matters of love.
Libra Rising: Finding balance in life is essential for Libra risings, who prefer things to be even-keeled and civil.
Enneagram Type: 6w7 [The Confidant]
Basic Fear: Six wing sevens’ fear losing their support system. This may be expressed through self-deprecating humor, in which they seek affirmation and assurance from other people.
Basic Desire: Their basic desire is to feel safe and supported. They show this by being loving and supportive to others. They honor their commitments and are very loyal to their friends.
Like other sixes, Confidants defend themselves by projecting their feelings, which may lead them to misunderstanding themselves and their relationships.
Moral Alignment: Chaotic Neutral [The Free Spirit]
Free from societal constraints, these characters prioritize their own freedom and make choices based on their whims.
Raven Reyes' MBTI Type, Big Three, Enneagram Type and Moral Alignment
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MBTI Type: ISTP [The Virtuoso]
Virtuosos are generally more reserved and prefer being alone. They are self-sufficient and independent thinkers.
They are very observant and focus on the details of a situation, trusting facts and making decisions based on the here-and-now.
ISTP types favor logic and reason over emotional influences. They base their decisions on what makes sense.
They are also spontaneous and prefer keeping their options open. Virtuosos are often more adaptable and less aware of time.
Big Three: Virgo Sun, Aries Moon and Taurus Rising
Virgo Sun: Governed by communication planet Mercury, Virgos are the thinkers of the zodiac. Virgos process information with diligence and use facts to solve problems. 
Aries Moon: Lunar Aries are known to be emotionally responsive and impulsive at times, as they lead with fiery passions over than logic or reason.
Taurus Rising: Those with Taurus risings exude grace and sophistication, and handle business with a sweet disposition.
Enneagram Type: 5w6 [The Troubleshooter]
Basic Fear: Five wing sixes fear being useless or incapable. They seek to improve the world around them in order to feel worthy.
Basic Desire: Their basic desire is to be competent and useful. They usually show this by picking up new skills and pieces of knowledge that can be of benefit.
Troubleshooters may withdraw from others to cope with stressful situations, which can tend to make them feel lonely.
Moral Alignment: Neutral Good [The Benevolent]
These characters seek to do good, but are flexible in how they achieve it, valuing both order and freedom.
Lexa Kom Trikru's MBTI Type, Big Three, Enneagram Type and Moral Alignment
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MBTI Type: INTJ [The Architect]
INTJs like to have time alone to recharge and think introspectively.
They tend to listen to their strong intuition and love to see how everything connects together. They are focused on the bigger picture and may overlook small details.
Architects are very logical and rational. They base decisions on what makes sense and might have a harder time connecting emotionally.
They are organized and prefer following a plan. They love to set and achieve goals. 
Big Three: Capricorn Sun, Aries Moon and Scorpio Rising
Capricorn Sun: Capricorn is ruled by authoritative Saturn, which is why they tend to work hard toward advancing themselves in earthly matters. 
Aries Moon: Lunar Aries are known to be emotionally responsive and impulsive at times, as they lead with fiery passions over than logic or reason.
Scorpio Rising: Prone to turning heads, Scorpio ascendents ooze with magnetism and dynamism. They're not known to back away from a challenge. 
Enneagram Type: 8w9 [The Diplomat]
Basic Fear: Eights with a nine wing fear being hurt by others. They avoid situations in which they have less control, generally preferring to be in positions of leadership.
Basic Desire: Their basic desire is to guard themselves against threats and control their own destiny. They may express this by asserting independence at a young age.
Diplomats defend themselves by building emotional walls and denying vulnerability. They seek to appear strong, subconsciously believing that being too emotional will make them seem weak.
Moral Alignment: Lawful Neutral [The Judge]
These characters are all about order and organization. They strictly follow laws, regardless of whatever it leads to good or evil outcomes.
Madi Griffin's MBTI Type, Big Three, Enneagram Type and Moral Alignment
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MBTI Type: ISFP [The Adventurer]
ISFP types need plenty of personal space. Though they enjoy building connections with people, they need alone time to think and recharge.
They are very observant, especially focusing on the details more than the overall view. They live in the present and tend to base decisions on what they can see right now.
Adventurers also prioritize emotion when making decisions. They prefer to follow what feels right.
They don’t like schedules, but instead prefer to keep their options open. They are adaptable, spontaneous, and like to challenge the need for strict rules.
Big Three: Leo Sun, Libra Moon and Sagittarius Rising
Leo Sun: The Sun rules the sign Leo, which is why Leo Suns all about ego, will, and character. They’re known to be creative, playful, and bold.
Libra Moon: Moon in Libra is makes for a relationship-oriented individual. They may base their decisions upon how they are viewed by others. 
Sagittarius Rising: Sagittarius risings are jovial, optimistic, and full of energy. They sparkle with confidence, and you can't help but sparkle back when you're around them.
Enneagram Type: 6w7 [The Confidant]
Basic Fear: Six wing sevens’ fear losing their support system. This may be expressed through self-deprecating humor, in which they seek affirmation and assurance from other people.
Basic Desire: Their basic desire is to feel safe and supported. They show this by being loving and supportive to others. They honor their commitments and are very loyal to their friends.
Like other sixes, Confidants defend themselves by projecting their feelings, which may lead them to misunderstanding themselves and their relationships.
Moral Alignment: Neutral Good [The Benevolent]
These characters seek to do good, but are flexible in how they achieve it, valuing both order and freedom.
Josephine Lightbourne's MBTI Type, Big Three, Enneagram Type and Moral Alignment
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MBTI Type: ENTJ [The Commander]
As ENTJs, Commanders are talkative, high energy, and thrive around people. They seek action and tend to involve themselves in events. They prefer not to spend too much time alone.
They focus more on the big picture than on tiny details—they’re interested in how everything connects together and trust their internal thought process more than they trust past experience.
ENTJs use logic rather than emotion in decision making. They tend to follow what makes sense, rather than what feels right.
They are structured, organized, like to plan ahead and know what’s going to happen. They appreciate rules, processes, and schedules.
Big Three: Gemini Sun, Sagittarius Moon and Scorpio Rising
Gemini Sun: Geminis are chatty and talkative, priding themselves on being in-the-know when it comes to news and gossip. Their dualistic nature allows them to see situations from a number of perspectives.
Sagittarius Moon: The Moon is considered to be lucky in Sagittarius, as it brings excitement, adventure, and abundance. However, those with Sagittarius Moons can be defensive at times.
Scorpio Rising: Prone to turning heads, Scorpio ascendents ooze with magnetism and dynamism. They're not known to back away from a challenge. 
Enneagram Type: 7w8 [The Opportunist]
Basic Fear: Seven with an eight wing fear being deprived. They want to pursue new opportunities and avoid being controlled by schedules.
Basic Desire: Their basic desire is to content and satisfied. They love experiencing the world by traveling and going to parties.
Opportunists defend themselves by justifying others’ negative actions and rationalizing away bad feelings.
Moral Alignment: Chaotic Evil [The Destroyer]
These characters value their own freedom and power, and will stop at nothing to achieve them, even if it means causing chaos and harm to others.
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Is It a Date?
Clarke exits the library with a huff. Two ten page papers due in the next week. Plus homework from her other classes, and her campus job. How do her friends ever find time to have a social life?
Coffee in hand and heavy bookbag slung onto her shoulders, she crosses the parking lot into a large courtyard. The smell of the lilac trees drift into her nose, making her smile. She has always loved lilacs.
Clarke makes her way to the center of the courtyard where her favorite tree is located. She calls it her study tree because everyday at this time she sits at the base and does her schoolwork. The only time she works at home is if the weather isn’t good or some other special circumstance.
She found it at the beginning of first semester and fell in love immediately. It has a curve in its side that fits her body perfectly. A large, flat root sits high enough to put her notebook on and comfortably write or use her computer. There are even a couple smaller roots that split and then join back together that she uses as a cup holder. Its as if this tree was specifically molded for studying and no one has taken advantage of it. She halfway believes her good grades come from this tree.
As Clarke gets closer, though, she sees a problem. Someone is already sitting at her tree! She feels like the three bears coming home to find Goldilocks sleeping their beds.
She keeps walking so she can see if it’s one of her friends or at least someone she knows, but as she gets closer, she sees it is a guy she has never met. Clarke seriously contemplates asking him what he is doing, but it’s not like she has any actual right to this tree.
Instead, she stops and… watches. He is very attractive. Dark, curly hair, olive skin, sitting back comfortably against the trunk. She could probably watch him for a long time if it wasn’t so creepy. As she is about to turn around and walk away, he lifts his head.
“Can I help you with something?” he asks in deep voice.
Clarke hopes she is still far away enough that he doesn’t notice the blush rising up her neck. “Um, no. I’m sorry to have bothered you.”
“Are you sure?” The strange boy smirks, making his freckles dance and a teasing glint in his gorgeous brown eyes. “You’ve been standing there for a couple minutes.”
“It’s nothing, just that…um…” Clarke doesn’t want to be rude and say it’s her tree, but she has to say something. “I usually study in that spot, but I have an apartment. I can go home today.”
“No way,” he says, gathering his things and standing up. “I can go. I wouldn’t want to impede your education.”
“No, you don’t have to leave! Honestly it’s fine, I was just curious who was here. I’ve never seen you around before.”
“I just transferred here this semester. My name is Bellamy.”
“Clarke.” They shake hands, but, strangely, neither are eager to let go.
“Well, hello Clarke.” Bellamy holds his other arm towards the tree. “It’s all yours. It was nice to meet you.”
Without another word, Bellamy walks away, and Clarke suddenly wishes he would come back. She didn’t intend to kick him out. Then she curses herself for acting like an idiot. She also wishes she was brave enough to ask for his number. He is stunning and very kind. Now who knows how long until she sees him again.
Well, there isn’t much else to do but study. Clarke positions herself into the familiar groove and gets everything she needs from her bag. Although, after a half hour she is still finding it hard to concentrate. Bellamy…
The next day, she exits the library and heads towards her spot once again. She doesn’t even bother denying the hope she feels that Bellamy is sitting there again. This time she will do things right.
Except as Clarke gets closer, she can tell the spot is empty. Her chest deflates just a little. She really thought he would come back. Maybe it was just her that felt a little connection yesterday? Oh well, she messed up a possible romance, what else is new?
When Clarke arrives, though, she notices something sitting on the root she uses as a table. Its a paper plate of chocolate chip cookies. She crouches down to get a better look and sees the note stuck to the plastic wrap. “What the…”
Sorry for taking your study spot yesterday. Hopefully I can make it up to you with dinner?
Is he asking her out? It sure seems like it, but how is she supposed to answer him? He didn’t leave any way of contacting him.
Clarke squints her eyes and slowly walks around the large tree. There on the other side is Bellamy leaning against the bark.
“So, is it a date?” he asks, showing off his beautiful smile.
She grins back at him, completely lost in the cheesiness of the situation. This only ever happens in rom-coms. There is no way it’s actually happening to her.
But he is right in front of her, asking to take her on a date by way of cookie platter. How can she refuse?
“It’s a date.” Then she adds with a smirk, “But only after I’m done studying. Can’t let this spot got to waste on such a beautiful day.”
“I couldn’t agree more,” he replies.
Clarke sits down against the trunk and Bellamy situates himself across from her. It seems her grades aren’t the only good thing that has come from this tree.
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laufire · 5 months
the IMPACT of braven's first meeting... of bellamy clearly pondering whether to kill this stranger coming to the ground as this bringer of doom from his perspective to save himself, and being unable to. raven who comes with accusations but also absolution. the beginning of bellamy's turnabout started by this arrival. the electricity of their first meeting, and the ripple effects it has through the show, even if sometimes they aren't quite obvious.
because it was all accidental. compare it to what the writers clearly *intended* to write as the ShowTP: flarke is genuine, I think there was effort put onto it that is lacking in any other clarke ship; it connects to a playful and carefree side of her that is absent but after but even BEFORE. but most of it clearly rests on shitting on other characters (mainly raven and to a much lesser extent wells and even octavia, though thankfully she freed herself early on). it couldn't be sustained without making sure you understand how superior clarke is to other girls because it was designed that way.
braven on the other side was not designed, it was frankly something they stumbled upon (and that other writers would've jumped on the chance to use). it was not supposed to happen or to be part of the story as they first envisioned it, and ironically to me that makes it feel like it fits more seamlessly into what they ended up building once their priorities shifted.
so, yeah. their IMPACT... first meetings are very important and meet uglies are the best of them.
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kinetic-elaboration · 6 months
March 22: Octavia & Clarke, Cunning/Rough
Octavia & Clarke, Modern AU, from the same 'verse as Make a Lot of Money and Feel Dead Inside
~1350 words, written in about 50 minutes
For the prompt "cunning and its antonyms: simple, ignorant, blunt, rough" from my July Break Bingo 2023 card.
cw for references to sexual assault
They start high school with reputations, all because of a prank they'd pulled the summer before. Clarke called it a revenge plot; Octavia, getting even.
Now everybody knows Clarke to be smart, but dangerous—cunning, the kind of girl who will convince you to let down your guard around her, even when you know better, excavate your secrets and use them against you, sharp and cold beneath a mystifying surface. Octavia, her best friend, her shadow, is the rough-and-tumble sort, a hazard to one's health in a different sort of way. She gets into a scuffle out back of the school at the end of the first week of classes, which cements the whole thing. She's tough, rough, and simple, a girl unafraid of bruises, jutting out her chin to show the raw bleed where the skin's scraped off.
The origin of the legends spools back to the Fourth of July party at Dax's place in the long, hot, humid, languid interim between eighth and ninth grade. Clarke was invited because of her beauty, Octavia on the strength of her older brother's connections and because Clarke was going, and they came packaged together as a set. Octavia still had the tomboy look of her early adolescence, long and rangy and lean, proportions she hadn't yet grown into; half her wardrobe was old hand-me-down's from Bellamy. She thought she looked like something in the right light, thought maybe that might matter, to the right boy. Not many looked at her when Clarke was right next to her, round-faced and blue-eyed; she'd started wearing low-cut shirts that showed her cleavage, sundresses that made Bellamy go protective-chaperone on her if he saw, made his face get all red and embarrassed, and cut off shorts, tan lines from tank tops striping her shoulders.
At the party, all the boys looked at her.
Except for one, who caught Octavia's eye over the top of his Solo cup and didn't let go, didn't blink. Someone was waving around sparklers in the background. The air smelled of cut grass and some distant neighbor's grill smoke, pulsed with bass beats from Dax's stereo.
The boy introduced himself as Atom. They sat around for a while on the back-porch steps, the concrete cold and rough against Octavia's legs and the backs of her thighs, talked bullshit until after a while he was resting his hand on her knee. He didn't mention either Clarke or Bell. She didn't have much to say, too distracted by an awareness of his body heat, an overpowering scent of body spray, his goddamn hand.
They made out for a while in the backseat of Dax's father's car, which was parked in the driveway, so she could see the late-sunset fading through the windows and the twilight building. Through the crack in them she could smell the smoke still, lingering on the humid air, hear the same sort of chirps and buzzing that she'd hear from out in the swamp in her own backyard, back home. Such thoughts distracted her often: how distant she felt from his hands pawing at her. When he touched where she didn't want, she kicked him, weakly, right above the shin because it was where she could reach.
But he was on top of her and didn't seem overly concerned.
That was a spiral moment. She thought of it that way later, that topsy-turvy vertigo that comes from control slipping, the sick-slipping sense that anything could happen, and none of it would be hers.
She got a knee in, scrambled out backwards through the unlocked door, fell right on her ass in the gravel. Scraped up heels of her palms, the cut of a small, sharp rock. He hadn't gotten far, but the damage was the fear itself and it was done.
Telling Clarke about it in the fort, waving her fingers through sifting beams of pale sun that came through the holes in the walls, she kept so calm that her own voice unsettled her. No big deal. But it sucked. Let's send Bellamy after him—maybe he'll kill him.
"He might," Clarke answered seriously. And: "We've got to fix this one ourselves."
Dax was going to be a sophomore. He didn't have a car or a license but he knew how to drive because his cousin had taught him when he was twelve. So yeah, he’d take Clarke out on a ride down some deep-rutted back road until they found a good spot to watch the stars. It was his pleasure. He didn't know any constellations but that was all right. She pointed out a few to him, instead.
The cool thing about Clarke was that she was just shy enough to be cute, in a play-acting way that all guys basically believed, confident enough to let them know what she wanted and how she expected to get it. She wanted to know what he wanted. His daydreams, his fantasies. Her soft voice in his ear, teasing, cajoling—baby, babe—what do you really WANT? The sick-secret stuff. You're safe with me.
Octavia had hiked her way out ahead of them, was crouched in the long grass listening to the sounds of face-sucking and drawing pictures in the dirt with her stub nails, thinking about how great an actress Clarke was—fuck (a deep-forbidden word, still new on her tongue)—fuck, she really knew what she was doing.
And the tape recorder in her purse, next to them on the flatbed, picked up all of it. Confessions you could make a mix CD out of. Stuff he should have known better than to tell anyone—stuff Octavia would never tell if she was him—stuff she’d definitely never tell Clarke, if she was him, Clarke who had already distributed all of her love, or at the very least all of her loyalty, and would never gather up the crumbs of it for him.
After a while, the sounds tapered off. The familiar insect-riot grew louder in its wake. She flicked her gaze across the tall, thin stalks of burned-yellow grass, to the dark interstices, the hint of the rusty blue flatbed on the road. She could see it by its own headlights. The back, where Clarke was, dark as it was quiet.
Then she heard the click of the tape player, scratchy in the July night, like the trigger of a haunting. A sound where it should not be. Her ears were so attuned to it, waiting for it; but afterwards, she could only hear the cadences of Atom's recorded voice, not the content of the whispered, breathy words. She tuned it out to static. All static.
Sharp staccato yelling followed, empty threats and a couple of other new words, sharp-edged profanity she hasn't added to her vocabulary yet, and at last she saw a shadow-figure jump down from truck. She turned on her flashlight, finally, stood and pointed it at him, so he was caught in the beam like a deer. When he tried to rush her, she beat him to it. In her spare hand, she gripped Bellamy's knife with the blade snapped out.
He didn’t know she had it and he'd never approve.
Atom stopped up short, kicking up dust as he slid, halted: a cloud of it in the high beams. Over his shoulder, Octavia could see Clarke's silhouette, standing eerily still and watching them and waiting.
"You're fucking crazy," Atom spat out at her. But she had a knife almost to his throat so there was a tremor to the words, and she found the whole thing, that terrible blood-pounding moment, so wonderfully thrilling, so sharp and real, that she almost laughed like the deranged villain he must have thought that she was. She almost threw the knife away. She almost stabbed him. She almost ran, sprinting, yelling, cackling, like some sort of malevolent spirit in the night.
In the end, she just scared him. And Clarke never replayed the audio. Eventually she even unspools the tape and crushes it beneath her heel. But still their reputations precede them, for the rest of their days stuck in the deep-sucking mud of Arcadia Falls, and in some ways even after, because this is how they know each other and themselves.
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bellamyblake · 1 year
I think the opening of season 3 is so good on so many levels because you can see all of the different fractions from the Ark and the Grounders talk to each other and be emotional and honest (or at least semi honest) about their feelings at the moment. It shows where each character is at emotionally-how Bellamy’s upfront and trying to hold it together, keep everyone in check and act as a good leader, Jasper is a mess, Monty is worried about him, R.aven is in pain but also trying to hold on. O.ctavia and L.incoln are arguing about their place in this world. Abby is missing her daugher and Kane too is trying to keep things together much like Bellamy. 
Another interesting thing is that Bellamy and Octavia are on the two sides of the conflict even before that conflict later on begins. You can see Bellamy’s stoic, cold and upfront when he meets Indra because he doesn’t trust her after what happened in the mountain meanwhile O.ctavia doesn’t want to stay in camp with her people anymore and tells Lincoln that he doesn’t know ‘those people’ and considers herself Trikru (He tells her ‘Trikru is in here not out there’ pointing at her heart) and that didn’t happen in the past three months. It happened in the previous season, it happened while he was still inside mount weather and she was out there, rising to be I.ndra’s second. They wanted her to be the bridge between their people but she had other plans-she wanted to find a home, a family and L.incoln ended up filling more of that role than her. Meanwhile Bellamy fought for his life and allowed himself to trust Clarke, Kane and everyone else’s judgement when it came to the commander so they could beat the mountain and he and Clarke ended up doing the impossible. It’s just interesting to see from just this first episode but the dialogue and the simple exchange between all characters is what makes this episode great and why people do love that scene in the rover so much.
Some of the writers *cough cough* never realized that THIS is what they needed to do more than AIs and other dumb plots. It’s not boring, it’s extremely interesting to actually see them connect to one another and see what kind of people they are outside of war and constant life/death decisions.
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