#⓺ // «BEELZEBUB» ;; 「 A Brother as Sweet as Candies 」
clavicula-ovis · 2 years
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     » » @deprcvities​ dares to ask; ❝ [ 𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐑 ] ― sender kisses receiver to taste the lingering flavour of what they ate or drank. Maybe a new strawberry drink Beel to Xav♡ ❞
     From: The Five Senses || Always Accepting!
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     ›› It started with a new bloodberry drink. A café Xavier frequented had decided to ask for his opinion on how the drink tasted from a human's perspective, but he turned the narrative around and asked for some to bring to various demons as well; after all, a drink should appeal to the home market as well right? So if it tasted good to both a human and a demon, then they would make some decent traction on Devilgram for it. The new offer was accepted, and Xavier had chosen to bring Beelzebub along — after all, he was a man who loved to eat, so he had quite a varied palate to sample with.
     ›› What he WASN'T expecting however was for Beel to ask him to hold still and closed the gap between them, letting their lips meet all at once. The excuse only made red cheeks flare crimson, his eyes wide open as he spluttered a little to himself in sheer surprise. To be kissed by Beel... It was rather amazing, and he instinctively found himself taking a messy-ish sip from the rim of the cup in a fluster to entice more of those kisses, motioning to Beel as if to beckon him back down.
    ❝ W-Wait... We should try that again... So I can get a better taste. Um... And for longer, too... And maybe a few more after that... Y-you know, for testing... ❞
     ›› His stammering fell apart, his grin beaming bright up at Beel. It was clear the gesture was well-received, especially with his desires for a few more. Beel tasted amazing... and he was certain it wasn't just the drink doing that.
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vesperinch · 5 months
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Yandere Beelzebub X Fem! Reader
Prologue; You are the daughter of the first human, Adam. After Adam's battle against Zeus, you followed Brunhilde wherever she went, during the battle of Budha and Zerofuku, you got lost and accidentally walked into the room where Beelzebub was.
"Oh, are you lost, little fly?" Beelzebub's voice booms in the room. His violet eyes stare deeply into yours. You swallow nervously. You didn't expect to meet the Lord of The Flies. You remained silent, oblivious to Beelzebub's approach. He held your chin, making your eyes meet his.
"You... you are Adam's daughter, right?" you simply nodded. Beelzebub's gaze seemed filled with hatred. You brushed his hand off your chin and ran out of the room to find Brundhilde.
Meanwhile, Beelzebub just chuckled at your terrified expression. "I can't wait to destroy her."
You spotted Brundhilde who was watching Buddha's fight with Zerofuku, and you went straight to her. Brundhilde, who saw you running, immediately scolded you for leaving her. She was worried that you had met one of the gods who might destroy you because you were Adam's daughter.
"Sorry, I was negligent earlier," you say. Brundhilde just lets out a long sigh, she won't let you get lost again. You were watching Buddha's match, but you were surprised when you saw the change in Buddha's opponent.
"Wasn't Buddha fighting Zerofuku, why did it change?"
"Zerofuku suddenly turned into a demon king, Hajun" You are surprised to hear that. That's impossible, can the Buddha win against him?
But what makes you even more surprised is the appearance of the God of The Underworld, Hades. You didn't expect him to come.
You start to wonder, is Hades coming to Valhalla to watch the fight or to participate? But when you look at the list of Gods who will be fighting, Hades isn't there, and that makes you relieved. You really hope that humanity wins, considering your father loved them so much and was willing to sacrifice to keep them alive.
Also, the human warriors are very kind and sweet to you. They treat you like a princess and that makes you happy. You are still very focused on watching Buddha's fight with Hajun. A while later, Buddha won the fight even though he lost one eye. You, Brundhilde and Goll approached him who was being carried by the medical team.
"Buddha-sama, I'm glad you survived and won," you said while holding Buddha's hand with teary eyes. Buddha laughed and gave a thumbs up, "I told you not to worry. Look at me, I won the fight. You have to give me a packet of cola candy."
You laugh, "You'll get a hole in your tooth if you eat too much candy."
Buddha also laughs before he is taken away for treatment. You follow Brundhile to her room, and when she opens the door, Goll screams because there are two Brundhildes.
A frown appears on Brundhilde's forehead, "What are you doing here? And also why are you wearing my clothes? Nostradamus!"
Goll, "Huh...He's that..." You look confused at Nostradamus who still resembles Brundhilde. Your Nostradamus.
Nostradamus then took off his disguise. "He is the greatest astrologer of all time!" Goll shouted. You blinked your eyes a few times, huh the greatest astrologer huh, is it possible that he can predict you?
Nostradamus then shouted and pointed at you, "Let me foretell!"
Goll and you are confused, "Huh?"
"It is the Gods' side that will win Ragnarok!" he says, making you and Goll jump.
"What do you mean humanity will lose?!" you yell at him. Then Nostradamus burst out laughing, "Do you believe me? You are so innocent, miss!"
Your face turns red and begins to smoke. You squeeze Brundhilde's hand tightly in embarrassment. Goll grabbed his brother's hand and shouted, "Big sister! This guy sucks!"
They don't realize you walked out of the room to get some fresh air. You sit in the garden, looking up at the sky. Then you heard footsteps that made you stand up immediately, your eyes widening as you realized who was coming, an incubus. He came up to you and held your chin, his long tongue touching your soft cheek giving you goosebumps.
"You're Adam's daughter, right? I didn't think you were cute enough" You pushed him to the ground. He looks at you angrily then grabs your wrist tightly.
"Listen to this, although I know the human warriors like you a lot, don't expect them to help you-"
His words are cut off. You see his body already torn to shreds and fall to the ground.
You look to the side and see Beelzebub standing there with his usual blank stare. He comes closer to you and stomps on the incubus' severed body beneath him.
He ducked slightly to adjust his height to yours, you closed your eyes in fear. Then you feel his hand stroking your hair gently.
"Are you alright?" you nodded not expecting him to help you and even touch you!
"I'm fine...Thank you for helping" Beelzebub is still looking at you with his hand still stroking your hair. You can see a small smile etched on his face. "I'm glad to hear that."
He then walked away leaving you in confusion. Was he just playing with you? Or did he really intend to help you? You don't know.
Meanwhile, Beelzebub felt his heart beating fast. Maybe Satan's curse was at work again? Or maybe it's love? No, no, he can't fall in love with a weak human like you. His goal is to corrupt you, nothing more.
-To be continued
Hello everyone I hope you like it, I know I'm bad at writing stories but I hope you like it! Don't forget to leave positive likes and comments, also forgive me if there are wrong words because English is not my language.
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allastoredeer · 2 months
I just had a hilarious thought I needed to share. After thinking about it, of all the Sins we've met so far, I'd be willing to bet that Alastor would hate Beelzebub the most! For multiple reasons!
First, she's a canid demon, already enough of a reason for Alastor to dislike her.
Second, Alastor has been described by Viv as a food snob, he doesn't like greasy processed food or sweets. And Bee is all about junk food! She sings a whole song about it! She and Alastor would surely bump heads in the kitchen.
Third, Alastor is all about hiding his emotions and being a mystery. A rather difficult task to accomplish when there's someone who can smell/taste emotions around! Alastor wouldn't be able to hide his true feelings about things from Bee! What's worse, Bee has little to no filter. So not only could she sniff out his true emotions, she could just as easily blab about what he's feeling to everyone! Which Alastor certainly wouldn't appreciate.
Forth, of all the Sins we've been introduced to so far, Bee seems the one least willing to take any shit. When Alastor and Lucifer started butting heads, the result was a musical dick measuring contest. When Millie bashed Fizz over the head with a guitar, all Ozzie did was kick her and Moxxie out of his club. When Blitzø roasted Mammon in front of a crowd of his fans, all Mam did was insult him and tell him to shut up.
When Loona started mouthing off to Beelzebub however, Bee went full beast-mode and was ready to throw down! Now, if Alastor (shit-talker extraordinaire with a nasty habit of biting off more than he can chew) were to try and pull the same shit with Bee that he pulled with Lucifer, she absolutely would not hesitate teaching him the definition of "fuck around and find out".
And finally, to add a dash of radioapple into the mix (bc ofc😏🤭) you just know that Beelzebub, aka Miss "Satan's like a brother to me, but I could totally still hit that", would be at least a little flirty towards all her fellow Sins. Including Lucifer. Imagine Bee's visiting Lucifer at the hotel, maybe for a Deadly Sin reunion or maybe she's just visiting by herself. And the whole time she's there, she's just being so affectionate towards Lucifer, picking him up and spinning him around, holding his face in her hands, nuzzling him cheek to cheek or nose to nose, giving him quick pecks on the cheek or forehead, running her hands through his hair, calling him cute nicknames and telling him how adorable he is. Just giving him so much verbal and physical affection that toes the line between flirty and platonic. And Lucifer, knowing that that's just how Bee is, thinks nothing of it. He just laughs it off, no big deal.
Meanwhile, Alastor is off to the side witnessing all this and is just seething.
Imagine she's doing it on purpose too! Like Alastor has already made an ass of himself and she's getting back at him by flirting with his "totally not" crush!
Without a doubt, Alastor would absolutely despise Bee!
Hm, I don't know if Bee's was necessarily about junk-food. Like, yes, she references a lot of junk-food, but I think it really was just a song about indulgence as a whole using sweets as a metaphor. I mean, food--especially junk food--is usually the first thing that comes to mind when someone thinks of gluttony. What I got from her song was just giving in to your desires, going all out, no inhibition.
Although, she does favor cotton-candy as the food she hands out, and Alastor definitely wouldn't eat that XD I love that he's a food snob and a rotten deer carcass counts as a high quality dish to him.
I would LOVE for Bee and Al to meet so she could pick up on his emotions, particularly his negative emotions regarding his deal. I want her to look at his smiling face, his care-free attitude, but sense massive amounts of stress from him. Just a big ball of negative emotions, especially surrounding the deal he's trapped in and how cornered and helpless he feels.
I don't think she would say something in front of everyone. (Making this radioapple ;] ) Like Bee did with Blitz, I think she would go to Lucifer about it, maybe because she knows him the most. She wouldn't go into too much detail, because that's Alastor's business, but she mention that she's sensing a lot of negative emotions from him and to check on him because he is definitely not doing well (I love how caring and sincere Bee is, shes one of my favorite Sins).
And I think if Alastor knows that Bee can sense emotions like that, he would try to avoid her at all costs.
But also, I know you said Bee doesn't put up with shit, but I think Bee would see Alastor's shit-talking as a challenge, also like she did with Blitz, and knowing Alastor, I know he would step up to that challenge (if its a drinking contest--not with Beezle-juice because that's WAY to potent for Sinners), he'll lose, but considering Alastor "drinks like a sailor" he lasts longer than she expects).
I don't know if Alastor would despise her, but I think he'd be intimidated by her ability to pick up on peoples real emotions, and considering how guarded he is about himself, I can see him doing everything in his power to avoid meeting her face to face.
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strawberry-cowmilk · 1 year
How would tge brothers react if MC accidently got turned into a toddler (because of a forbidden book or Solomon did a mistake or something)
Hi! Thank you for waiting, here it is! I hope it's okay
the brothers when mc turns into a toddler
mc's gender is not mentioned, not proof read
content warnings: mc being a difficult child (or your average toddler idk), mild violence (??), it's implied solomon did something in most parts
lucifer was listening to music in peace when a very panicked looking mammon barged in holding a small child that looked suspiciously like you
he decided he's going to destroy solomon later after mammon explained what happened, for now he has to keep a whole baby you entertained
he tries to occupy you with a stuffed animal while he figures out a spell or something to turn you back
he was working on a rad assignment with you and solomon when things went wrong
mammon tries to get solomon to fix it but he slowly loses his mind when nothing works
sure you're cute but please stop trying to drink the potions in the rad classroom
he even tried to distract you by letting you watch movies on his phone
eventually mammon calls lucifer for help while he's finally gotten you to take a nap
levi absolutely panics what is he supposed to do with a human toddler? a video game only distracts you for 5 minutes
he screams when you go near his limited edition figures (little baby you thinks that's funny so you keep doing it and stressing the poor man out)
eventually levi takes you to somebody who knows how to look after a child, like maybe satan or simeon (but then he feels bad for you so he gets you back and lets you play games)
one time satan read a book in a cursed library that turned him into a toddler so he's not that worried when you turn into one
it only took him a few hours to turn back, so as long as he can keep you occupied and safe for a while it's all okay
but no book about toddlers could prepare him for this, why do you keep trying to climb the bookshelf when he's told you not to 10 times?
anyways those were the longest hours of his life trying to keep you alive
he knows eventually the day something goes very wrong comes when you spend too much time with solomon
asmo decided to look after you so solomon can hurry up and fix his mess
he thought you were sweet, so he took you to the mall to pass some time but he ended up losing you 3 times (cue stressed asmo running around a mall trying to find a tiny human)
when you're back to normal you will hear about this
beel is not happy this happened but you're so cute, he'll gladly look after you while somebody finds a spell to reverse this
he is literally like that one grandmother that spoils the grandchild with every candy under the sun
sadly for beel, human toddlers can get a lot of energy from too much sugar and he did not know that information
he took a nap longer than belphie's average nap after you were back to normal
belphie did not expect a baby human to be this much work
he thought you'd get them to sleep and that's it but getting toddlers to be near a bed is a whole challenge
eventually belphie didn't know what to do anymore so he just put you in front of the tv
after it's all over he actually makes solomon dream a pretty nasty nightmare to get back at him
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The Brothers ask Mc for help
he hates that it came to this but he needs Mc´s help
usually he would rather die than involve the chaotic Sheep, but it concerns a task Diavolo gave him
which actually involves the kind of illegal activities Mc excels at
he honestly wonders if Diavolo asked him to do this, so he can laugh when Mc retells it to him
would make sense because he asked for a freshly slayed Monster who is made of complete poison
he already knows he has to stop Mc from trying to eat it and to stop them from killing it with their bare hands
they stopped using a knife and found an affinity for tearing everything apart like a wild animal
but he does have to admit that´s kinda impressive and kinda attractive...
he needed help for another one of his heists, because he needs their brutality when he get´s caught by the guards
yeah he isn´t even about to pretend he can sneak out without being caught, like there are like double the Guards then there are rooms
also heists are a Great bonding activity and everything is better when you do it with a friend...and he kinda owes Mc a bunch of Money and they want it back which is the only way to get everything fast enough
but they know how to sneak and knock out/kill so he could do a lot worse
and he knows Mc will get him gifts if they have more money to waste
and maybe he´ll get them something nice as a gift too...
he needs somebody to help him eat a special type of Candy so he can win a special figurine and it needs to happen asap
also he would have asked Beel but this is a very important time specific mission and he can´t wait for him to get back from practice
so Mc has to suffer alongside him instead of Beel BUT if he get´s a second one he can get a figurine for Mc too so it might be worth it for them
and they get the love and affection from their favorite Otaku? It probably won´t change their mind but something he can throw out their
and he´ll do whatever they want with them if they do that for him
he needed your help with testing out a new Ancient Tome he got
which may or may not involve some curses that he wants to use on Lucifer, smug bastard had it coming because he finally has a Curse that will work on him…
at least that´s what he hopes, especially because it also is another forbidden tome that he managed to acquire, don´t ask him how he promised to not out his supplier
also if Lucifer finds out a lot more people will get into trouble
anyway want to help turn random Demons inside out? or maybe turning them into toads would be better to start of with
there are a lot of curses you can try out together
he always asks Mc for help not because he is helpless or something but because he always thinks it´s so sweet when Mc helps him pick out his clothes or applies his nail polish and make-up
he may have to redo everything but having all of Mc´s attention on him makes it worth it <3
and he loves seeing them gut Humans/Demons/Angels who get a bit to touchy with him, seeing them covered in blood and feral is always a nice sight
and if he get´s lucky ha can take a bath with his favorite Human, after they took a proper bath and sadly in swim wear but it´s still better than nothing
he needs Mc to get food for him because a lot of place where he went to or wants to go to banned him for emptying their kitchens and getting angry when they don´t have any food left
he even promised to buy them as much food as they want if they do this massive little thing for him and he won´t ever ask them to get something for him ever again (a lie)
but he´s not lying about the fact he will get you as much food as you want when you do that for him
just try to be secretive about who you´re getting that for because he doesn´t trust anyone else… and everybody else he could ask already said no
he wanted them to get back home to get him his favorite pillows
and they told him to do it himself, the nerve of them! if he wanted to do it himself he would have done so
I mean he could but it´s easier to have others do your work for you
and if he get´s caught by Lucifer one more time he said he will personally make sure Belphie will never fall asleep again
so he needs you to do that for him
also if you don´t he´ll tell Lucifer what you did and all the things you are planning to do :)
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ruhorih4ra · 1 year
╰⁠(⁠ ⁠・⁠ ⁠ᗜ⁠ ⁠・⁠ ⁠)⁠➝ Part. 6
I have a feeling I just reused a scene from another of my ffs, that's because my brain it's lazy af JASJAJ please feign dementia for me ༼⁠;⁠´⁠༎ຶ⁠ ⁠۝ ⁠༎ຶ⁠༽
Get out of my way 🌈
“Hmm! You've to try this, it's delicious!” Beelzebub looked at you with an expression you couldn't read. Was it yearn? affection? Love? A mix of all? “Why are you looking at me like that?” You kept eating the giant dessert.
It was an exuberant one, the demon lord’s castle made of different kinds of ice cream, just for the two of you.
“Here.” Beel lifted your chin and wiped some ice cream from the corner of your lips, he licked it happily. “You're right! It's delicious!” You blushed almost instantly, not a cute soft blush but something more violent and clearly noticeable.
“I must look like a tomato.” Beelzebub laughed and closed his eyes for a brief fraction of time, tilting his head as if trying to see the similarities.
You didn't know how or when, but he was already by your side. Next thing you knew, Beel was kissing you. His lips were soft and sweet against yours. It felt so real, the smell of candy mixed with something sweeter that you couldn’t pinpoint “No. I would say you taste like cherry.”
Sometimes memories come back in the form of dreams. This was the case, you knew it was a dream but it had happened. Your heart ached knowing that your little oasis was ending.
“Mc, let's do this again! I love eating with you, I love you!” He smiled and you felt at peace, you had the ridiculous idea that maybe you could trap this moment in a bottle.
“Promise me we will.” As soon as you tried to control it, the dream began to fade. This wasn't part of what had happened, at that moment, you hadn't had the need for a promise.
“Beelzebub, promise!” The urge you felt to hear those words was absurd, even more since you knew it was a dream. But you needed it, desperately, you wanted to live that false reality.
You didn't want to remember how Beel started going to eat with Sc instead of you. How he would bring you food as a consolation prize.
“Promise me, please!!” You felt tears streaming down your face, were they real? Beelzebub’s face started to blur and his voice sounded far away. “Mc, don't cry, I prom-”
You woke up gasping for air, you felt sweaty and restless. There was a prominent and growing feeling of hunger. You hadn't eaten anything since breakfast, the fight with Lucifer had sent you straight to your room.
Even if they had offered you something before, you couldn't have eaten it. Now things were different, you felt so hungry that it was actually painful.
“It's quite late, they must be asleep by now, Right? You! Go and check!!” “Why me?! I just got here!!” You took the Little D. of Wrath from one of his horns. “Do it, NOW!” The mirror cracked and your eyes glowed with a furious neon green. “At your orders, MC!!”
While the Little D. went to check, the other little demons looked at you from some distance, clearly gossiping about your bad attitude and mood swings. “The coast is clear!” You immediately went to the kitchen, your stomach roaring quite similar to Beelzebub's.
You opened the fridge, taking the first edible thing that caught your eye. “Delicious. Finally, some good fucking food.” “That's just a piece of cheese, human.”
You took a neatly prepared plate, it was protected with plastic and a note that said: "To Mc, we are sorry. Please eat something." You fell to your knees, removing the plastic and eating with your hands.
The need to consume grew with each bite you took. The more you thought about the brothers… “Don't be disgusting, use a fork.” “No.” It was delicious, you recognized the flavors of your favorite dish. It brought tears to your eyes, but also an incredible great feeling of sadness.
“They think they can apologize with a simple act of care.” You sobbed, discarding the plate and taking a pie instead. The pie had a note attached “Property of Satan. Beel, don't eat it or else...” “Screw you, Satan.” You saw a single elegantly decorated pink muffin. It tasted wonderful. “Hmm, fumckium Amsmo!”
Comically, a glowing poison apple appeared in front of you, you could have sworn a choir of angels was heard. “Okay, okay, I get it. Divine punishment, but yeah I can't eat this, it would literally kill me.” “I'll take it.” You shrugged, whatever to piss Lucifer off. “Okay.”
You saw Sc's baked bread, it looked really good but your stomach had already arrived to its limit. “I think I'll pass.” “Give it to me!!” “Finee!” You passed the bread to the Little D. of Gluttony and... wait, what?
You turned to see the Little D. so fast your neck actually ached. The tiny demon was raiding the fridge, whistling happily.
Your jaw was hanging, surprise clearly written on your face. “No, no, no!! The last one arrived just some hours ago! Why are YOU here!?!” “Don't blame us for your sins!!” “No, no, no. This is bad, absolutely bad.”
There were already four of them, the story didn't mention the time but you had a hunch they hadn't shown so soon.
Not even two days had passed since it all started! “Stop!! You're going to empty the fridge!!” “I'm still hungry!!” You bit your lips, panic taking a hold on you. Without much determination and more resignation, you sat on the floor. “What am I going to do now?!?”
A single tear rolled down your face, you were tired, anxious, worried and alone. Your head fell into your hands as you shook it. “God, I took care of your grown up children, please take care of me too!”
“Hahaha, You're so funny, Mc.” Your heart stopped for a moment. That voice, a calming yet alarming voice. Swallowing, very slowly, you lifted your head from your hands. Your eyes following the voice until they landed on a wide smile.
“Hi, a pleasure to finally meet you! Well, we had already met... But now you can actually see me!!” You blinked twice, painfully slow. “Hahaha, oh please forgive me! I'll start again.”
The beautiful lady in front of you smiled and offered you a hand.
“Hello, I'm Lilith!”
Pt. 8! ಠ⁠‿⁠ಠ
Taglist: @yuumaofc @sc4ry4l3x @kodasstar
Thanks for reading! (⁠人⁠ ⁠•͈⁠ᴗ⁠•͈⁠)
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lou-struck · 2 years
Sweet Toothed and Sorry
Beelzebub x reader
~After one too many sweets, Beel has come down with a cavity and has to be muzzled.
WC: 1.4k
a/n: One of my goals for the new year is to start using more of the prompts on my google doc. this is one of them.
Your feet crunch down on the heaps of silver and blue candy wrappers that seem to carpet the floor of the twin's room. Suddenly, the roll of garbage bags in your hand seems to not be enough for the job in front of them.
After Beelzebub had led his Fangol team to victory in the conference championship, the Avatar of Gluttony was gifted a lifetime supply of candy from one of his team's sponsors. 
But looking at the mess of wrappers scattered about the room, you have a feeling that this ‘lifetime supply’ will only last Beel a few more hours. 
You see the demon in question sat crisscrossed on his bed fiddling with the wrapper of yet another bar. When his violet gaze glances over to you, he gives you a boy smile and holds out the bar candy he had just opened.
“Mc, Would you like some candy? They are so Yummy.” the demon says as you approach.
“Sure, I’ll take one.” You say tearing into the partially opened wrapper and taking a bite of the sweet. Its fruity flavor coats your tongue and fizzles like a pop rock. The sensation makes you giggle as he looks at you adoringly.
“It’s good huh, have some more, I got loads.” He says tossing you another.
You catch it and put it in your back pocket with a grin. “Thank you, Beel, I’ll eat later.” Are you say holding up the role of the garbage bags you brought in with you?
“And I bought you these, Belphie texted me saying he needed a little extra.”
He looks around sheepishly at the mess he made before answering. “Thank you, I guess it is a bit messy in here. I’m glad he thinks of these things.” He laughs before popping another sweet into his mouth.
“Wait where is Belphie anyways?” you ask looking around for the dark-haired twin.
“I’m under here,” a muffled voice calls from underneath a large pile of wrappers. Carefully you make your way across the room to pull a few off of the demon. After a few digs, you manage to free him from his aluminum prison. “Thank you for that.”
“How did this even happen? you got buried alive.” You ask, removing a little piece of foil from his hair.
“I dunno,” he shrugs, dusting himself off “I took a nap, and the next thing I knew I was covered in candy wrappers. I didn’t want to worry you, So I just messaged you for a few bags.”
“M’sorry Belphie,” Beel says to his brother, “I didn’t realize I was covering you up.”
“It’s okay Beel, It was like an extra blanket so I didn't mind too much,” he says comfortingly. “But we should clean this up a bit so it doesn't happen again.
He looks around again at the seas of wrappers on the floor and furniture, “Yeah, that seems like a good idea.”
“I’ll help too,” you chirp ripping a trash bag off of the roll of yourself. And tossing the others to Beel.
The orange-haired demon grins from ear to ear “That’s wonderful, thank you MC. And when we are done we can eat more of the candy!”
“Beel, don’t you want to eat something else? I’m worried that all that sugar is gonna give you a cavity,” you say tossing a few more wrappers into a trash bag. 
But he only laughs, “I have never gotten a cavity before, I’m sure it’s only a human thing Mc.”
YOu bite your lip and think back at all the early videos you watched as a kid on proper dental hygiene with a shudder. 
Belphie’s gaze softens as he looks at you “Don’t worry Mc, Beel will be fine, who ever heard of a demon getting a cavity?”
Apparently, you were right to worry. 
Just because demons don’t usually get cavities doesn't mean they are immune to them. The copious amount of sugar Beel had eaten that day led him to develop quite a nasty one on his back molars. 
If he were a human, he could have this little problem dealt with in a matter of hours, but since he is in the Devildom, he wasn't able to get an appointment with a dentist capable of filling the hole until tomorrow morning. 
In order to prevent his brother from causing any more damage to his tooth, Lucifer had to take drastic measures to make sure that his brother doesn’t eat anything until his appointment. And Beelzebub; the Avatar of gluttony found himself hungry and wearing an enchanted muzzle that won’t break no matter how much force he uses on it.
The first couple of hours were rough, you swear your legs are still shaking from the tremors of Beel’s growling stomach. 
You know not getting to eat for a day is killing the poor demon. But you haven’t been able to visit him yet.
You have been waiting in your room for a message from Lucifer telling you that it is safe for you to go see him.
Anticipation is too much to bear, and by the time your DDD buzzes you are halfway to Beel’s room, hoping you can comfort the Hangry demon until he is able to get his tooth fixed.
The usually wide open door to the twin’s room is now sealed shut and glowing with the familiar dark hue of Lucifer's magic to keep Beezelbub inside. Since the magic is directed towards Beel, you have no problem slipping past the barrier and giving the wood a little knock.
“You can come in,” you hear a quiet voice mumble through the wood. 
Carefully you step inside scanning the room for Beel, the demon in question is seated on the side of his bed. His broad shoulder slumped and his eyes stare down at the carpet beneath him. 
The muzzle he has been forced to wear is secured tightly around his mouth and jaw looking way too tight to be comfortable.
He looks up at you with a pained look of hungry despair on his usually sunny features.
His gaze rests on you, and he tries his best to smile, but he can’t bring himself to give you his typical sweet grin. “You came to see me?” he asks sitting up a bit straighter on the bed.
“I did,” you smile coming to sit down next to him “How are you feeling Beel?”
He frowns and his stomach lets out a pathetic little growl, ”I’m hungry, I haven't eaten for this long in centuries.”
“I’m sorry Beel,” you murmur soothingly, “I know this is hard for you.”
“It’s my own fault,” he sulks, “You told me not to eat just the candy, next time I’ll make sure to eat some other things too.”
The comment has you holding back a smile as you look at the muzzle against his skin. “Does it hurt?” you ask gently reaching out and touching the cold material. 
He hangs his head low and shakes his head, “Not really, I think when I get it taken off I’ll feel a bit sore though.”
“I’m sorry, is there anything I can do? Besides sneak you food?” You say giving him a little smile.
He fidgets with his fingers and thinks for a moment trying to figure out what could help him feel better“Not eating makes me feel tired, would you sit with me and let me put my head in your lap like how Belphie does?”
Your cheeks feel flushed at his request, but when he gives you that puppy dog luck, you find it impossible to say no to him. “S-sure”
“Thank you,” he says tiredly, letting himself lay down on the mattress and letting out a shaky exhale. “This feels nice mc, you make a good pillow,” he says tiredly laying his head in your lap. “Can I stay like this for a while?” 
“Mmmhmm, you can stay like this for as long as you’d like.” you humm gently running your fingers through his orange locks.
“It’s funny,” he murmurs his full weight relaxing under your gentle touch. “When I’m with you like this I don’t feel hungry at all.”
“Really?” you giggle “You, not feeling hungry?”
He lets out a little chuckle and gazes up at you “Well, maybe a little. But I am really starting to hate this thing.”
“Why now?” you tease
“Because, I can't kiss you when I’m wearing this,” he says taking your hand. “But I promise, the first thing I do when I get this thing off is to make it up to you. Then after that, we will go and get some food.”
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theopard · 1 year
×Dad Lucifer headcanons×
I really like vision of Lucifer, who acts like a father for his brothers, especially for Satan so here are some of my hc for Dad Luci :D
TW⚠️: Brothers hc sometimes
Info: Satan will be separate from the others because he was not in the Celestial Realm
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Baby Brothers:
◇ In Celestial Realm, Lucifer cared deeply for each of his brothers the same. Even if he has a lot of work, he always found time for his little boys.
◇ While working, he would sometimes let them sit with him in the office or on his lap.
◇ When one of the brothers felt bad, Lucifer hugged them and let them hide under his wings.
◇ If Mammon had trouble with Michael or Raphael, Lucifer let him hide in his room (but only if the problem was little. If it was big, Lucifer helped Mammon explain it).
◇ When Levi was kid, he was scared of loud noises. When something big was going on, Lucifer held Levi by his side to help him calm down and be not afraid of loud noises outside.
◇ Asmodeus liked to go to the meadow in the Celestial Realm and pick flowers there. Lucifer watched over him and accepted all the flowers Asmo picked for him (he put them all in an album that he still has somewhere).
◇ Beelzebub and Belphie liked to play hide and seek with Luci, often hiding in his office, room or in the forest (once Belphie got lost and they had to look for him together).
Baby Satan:
◇ In Devildom, Lucifer had just as much work to do and his brothers mostly care of Satan but when he has time, he sat with him and read books to him.
◇ When Lucifer couldn't put Satan to sleep, he held him on his wings and swing him lightly. It mostly worked on him.
◇ Luci asked Barbatos to prepare Satan's food, but he sat with Satan while he ate.
◇ Satan often became annoyed with Lucifer and shouted at him (as always). Lucifer, however, never raised his voice against Satan when he was a kid. After arguing, he checked how he was feeling and if he needed anything (even if Satan was still angry).
Brothers now:
◇ Lucifer still covers the sharp corners of the table by his hand and makes sure his brothers don't accidentally bump into anything.
◇ When one of them feels bad or sick, he checks from time to time if they need anything.
◇ Even though he gets mad at Mammon, he's always there for him if he needs to talk about something (sometimes he comes to ask him if everything is ok, but Mammon always answers the same or doesn't want to talk to him, which secretly hurts him ).
◇ He bought Levi headphones because he remembers that Levi was afraid of loud noises. Lucifer accepts his desire to be alone, but deep down he wishes he could see him more often.
◇ Sometimes when he sees a book about cats or just one that his brother is reading, he buys it and when Satan is not there, he throws it in his room (Satan thinks these books got lost in his mess and now he's found them).
◇ Sometimes, Lucifer let Asmodeus try new colors of nail polish on his nails. Sometimes he doesn't even wash them off for days, which you can't see because he wears gloves but when he cooks and takes them off, you can see that his nails has a different color than usual.
◇ When Beel returns from training, Lucifer leaves him something sweet to eat on his locker in the room. He knows that Beel likes to eat sweet things after effort and when Luci goes shopping, he buys chocolate, jelly candy, cookies etc. For Beel to eat (and no one else can eat it).
◇ Lucifer knows Belphie likes to sleep in the attic, so when he comes down, Luci makes him a bed. He puts down the duvet, blankets and pillows to make him comfortable as much as he can.
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I love Luci so much—
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oceanlipgloss · 9 months
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+ warnings: suggestive themes.
+ my mc is the heroine, so the pronouns are feminine.
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Fire whirled in his guts.
She had shyly bitten her lip, and he hadn't known where to look. Should he stare at the imperfect dollop of cream at the corner of her mouth, or admire the way her perfect teeth pressed down on soft flesh?
He remembered that night in the kitchen very well. He remembered how she had looked even better. It made his stomach hurt just to think about that, but he still closed his eyes and feasted on the memory.
Her lips were glossy, candied apples glazed not with sugar only, but also honey. They had to taste so sweet too, right? Sweeter than anything he'd ever had...
Dazed as he was, he couldn't quite think back then. He had felt like he was going mad. How could he not have?
His body had burned, burned, burned. The world was melting off from the heat, like soft serve. Pots and pans were melding together while spoons and forks trickled in threads of shiny metal.
And it was crazy, the way his provoked heart had hammered. His broad chest was heaving. The air felt hot in his flapping lungs. None of his shallow breaths were enough.
Oh, but what about the urges that had ravaged him? They were chomping generous helpings out of his brain. Would his brothers have commented on how that predicament might have made him a true meathead?
Still, he was painfully aware of how his violet gaze wandered like a pantry-lost ant—but he couldn't stop looking at her. Stubborn eyeballs had went round and round and back to her the minute he forced them to lock on the burnt caramel floor.
Had it even been possible to resist?
She was a dessert straight out of his dreams or heaven's oven, covered in cream drops from head to toe.
...a dessert he couldn't sink his teeth into, though.
The solid muscles of his blazing abdomen tensed. Cobalt blue fabric cracked into an unironed mess, crumpling in his big hand.
Trouble was really, truly cooking. Really.
His face was on fire and his body was on fire and his entire existence was on fire, and he couldn't even keep his eyes off her.
He couldn't take her into his arms and steal the tiniest bite even though at that moment—with ravenous desires gripping him and all—he felt like the incarnate of gluttony more than he ever had before. The sin boiled his blood and seared his veins.
He was hungry, hungry, hungry. Starving. Famished. He was all those things, and this was too cruel, too cruel, too cruel. Much too cruel.
How was he expected to polish off those cravings—deliciously carnal as they were—and stand his ground in the face of the only woman he had ever loved, when all he wanted was to swallow her whole?
How was that fair, when whipped cream lolled on her figure and made her beauty even more delectable?
All he wanted was a nibble. He would promise to try not to be insatiable. He really would. So, please...pretty please, with a cherry on top.
Just a crumb.
Her cheeks were strawberry-red, but she had summoned some strength. “Can you get it off for me?”
The delicate finger had pointed at a corner. Oh no, oh no, oh no. She was actually gesturing at that corner. The edge of her lips.
That was when his heart began to pound as it had then—so fast it could render him dead—albeit how he was currently laying in bed.
At the moment, his legs were under the quilt, not moving towards her alone as if they had grown a mind of their very own.
His mouth wasn't on hers, tongue smearing sugary cream into her parted lips.
His lip wasn't between her teeth.
So...why did he suddenly taste something just as sweet?
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+note: inspired by MC's interaction with Beel while he was under the influence of Gold Hellfire Newt Syrup, a powerful aphrodisiac.
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nerdy-talks · 2 years
Obey Me! Scenario - Politely Offensive vs. Spiteful Payback
- Scene -
Lucifer is in the middle of another rant-filled lecture, aimed at his brothers and MC
Lucifer : I will not allow any more tomfoolery. Do I make myself clear?
Brothers : Yes >_>
Lucifer : I’ll especially be keeping an eye on you, MC.
MC : What did I do?
Lucifer : Where shall I begin? First, you assisted Mammon in paying off his most recent gambling debt despite my explicit instructions not to intervene. Then, you allowed Leviathan to use your Akuzon account to procure more nonsensical anime products after I banned him from using his own account.
Levi : Nonsensical?!
Lucifer : *continues* I ordered you to stop allowing Belphegor to copy your notes, yet you continue to do so while he chooses to repeatedly skip class and sleep. You insist on providing snacks for Beel, which leaves unnecessary crumbs and garbage behind for me to clean up.
Beel : *slowly picks up a discarded candy bar wrapper from the floor and sticks it back in his pocket while discreetly popping the sweet treat into his mouth*
Lucifer : You helped Satan sneak yet another cat into the House of Lamentation. You encouraged Asmodeus to post those ridiculous pictures from last week’s party not only to Devilgram, but to RAD’s bulletin board as well, resulting in us getting inundated with nonstop fanmail ever since.
Asmo : It’s not my fault that everyone adores me~
Lucifer : And to make matters even worse, you have been distracting Diavolo from his duties by spending an unnecessary amount of time at the Demon Lord’s castle.
MC : If you’ll allow me, I can explain.
Lucifer : *crosses arms* Go on.
MC : Mammon was actually making an honest attempt to pay off his debt. He just couldn’t come up with all of the money on his own in such a short amount of time, so I helped him… only a little bit, though.
Mammon : Damn right!
MC : I also collect anime items, so everything Levi bought was for the both of us to enjoy together.
Levi : You'll always be my BFF, MC!
MC : I don’t mind sharing my notes with Belphie since getting a proper amount of sleep is important. And I only keep snacks on me for when Beel is feeling unbearably hungry.
Beelzebub and Belphegor : Thanks MC
MC : Asmo’s pictures captured the highlights of our celebration perfectly, so I thought it would be nice to share them with everyone.
Asmo : You’re always so thoughtful, hon <3
MC : Cats are exceptionally clean creatures and also keep pests away, which makes it beneficial to have them around.
Satan : Spoken like a true cat lover.
MC : And I only visit Lord Diavolo when he invites me over. So I’m not interrupting his work or overstaying my welcome.
Lucifer : None of this is up for debate, MC. I will not accept any excuses nor tolerate any further shenanigans.
MC : It’s not an excu-
Lucifer : When I say no, it’s final. If you choose to defy me, there will be harsh consequences.
MC : ...
Lucifer : …
MC : If you don’t mind, I think it would be best if you could kindly relocate and engage in solo sexual intercourse now.
Brothers : o.o”
Lucifer : What exactly are you implying, MC? Elaborate. Now.
MC : It’s actually quite simple, Lucifer. I’m politely telling you to go fuck yourself.
Lucifer : ….
Brothers : Uh-oh... you should run now while you ca-
Lucifer : MC.
MC : Please and thank you •◡•
~ Later ~
*at the dinner table*
Solomon : I’m very happy you invited me over for dinner, Lucifer! And I owe a special thanks to you, MC. It’s so kind of you to try my newest recipe.
Lucifer : *smirking* Yes, kind indeed. Well, MC? How is it? Mustn’t keep our guest waiting.
MC : *begins to cry while choking back the urge to vomit*
Solomon : MC? Is something wrong?
MC : Nope... nothing…. It’s just…. So good… I… I can’t handle it…
Brothers : *pitying MC in silence*
Solomon : Ah, I’m glad you like it so much! In that case, I’ll have to cook for you more often!
MC : *collapses onto the floor while gagging and quietly cursing Lucifer under their breath*
Brothers : Ŏ⌓Ŏ
Lucifer : 눈‿눈
Solomon : ˶ᵔ ᴗ ᵔ˶
Lesson : Never insult or challenge Lucifer lol
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trashytoastboi · 4 months
Day of Gluttony - Beelzebub
~Karaoke Bite~
> Karaoke Bite: The brothers at karaoke
> Song: I Want Candy by Bow Wow Wow
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🍔 Beel was here for the food - but hey this karaoke thing looked kind of fun. He sat with {Name} and Belphie trying to decide on a song. He didn’t really know and was more too busy thinking about the food that would be waiting for him when their time was up and they could eat. Belphie and {Name} were deliberating on a song that would motivate Beel to sing and [Name} thought of one that would be perfect
🍔 They selected the song and handed the mic to Beel, Belphie instantly cheered for him. Being a one man hype squad for his twin. Beel awkwardly started singing, his timing was a little off as his heart wasn’t quite in it as of yet until the words I WANT CANDY were seen. Beel sang that part with his whole stomach heart. He was motivated, singing his true desires into the mic and with his brothers listening.
🍔 Belphie and {Name} were happy to see how into it Beel got, his brothers weren’t surprised that this was the song Beel sang, they were entertained and rather enjoying the good vibes watching how passionate Beel’s song grew.
I know a guy who’s tough but sweet
He’s so fine, he can’t be beat.
He’s got everything that I desire
Sets the summer sun on fire
I want candy
I want candy
Go to see him when the sun goes down
Ain’t no finer boy in town
You’re my guy, you’re what the doctor ordered
So sweet, you make my mouth water
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Taglist: @completelyshatteredbrokenmschf
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avatarofcuriousity · 1 year
What is Beelzebub's Secret + What is Raphael Hiding? (Obey Me Nightbringer Mini Theory)
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You wanna listen to a random person stuck on Lesson 40 ramble about an out of pocket theory?
You've come to the right place.
And ironically enough, it all started with food! All I did was look up the names of all the food items in the Surprise Guest interactions, and something caught my eye that I don't think I've ever seen a single person mention.
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Yes, you figured it out by now by me just mentioning it and yes, obviously these belong to the newest 3 characters. In the exact order they were introduced on Instagram when they teased the characters. (Though that can easily be coincidence!)
Comfort Candy for Thirteen. (Purely based on vibes, she has a sweet tooth AND her sister is named Candy)
Black Coffee of Melancholy for Mephistopheles. (Vibes, he's a bitch, bitchy drink for bitchy boy, it's fancy)
So that leaves Backstabbing Sandwich for Raphael. (Vibes. The most "Celestial" looking of the three.)
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Am I assuming there's something up with Raphael? Yes.
Am I assuming he betrayed the brothers sometime during the Celestial War? Also yes.
For why? Because it makes sense and I hate his ass.
Now, for someone stuck on Lesson 40; I unfortunately have QUITE a bit of spoilers shown to me.
The first being Raphael practically abused all the brothers back in the Celestial Realm; particularly Beel.
The second being he has more plot relevance than any of the new characters. (His Wiki is literally longer than Thirteen's and Mephistopheles' combined)
The third being why did he get an entire cutscene in the Obey Me Nightbringer Trailer whereas Mephistopheles' and Thirteen didn't?
Because he's important. He's important to the plot and he's important to the war.
And possibly, he could've had a larger hand at starting it in the first place than we know.
What does this have to do with Beel?
... you expect me to have all the answers and connect everything? Yeah, maybe with another theorist, but I'm literally throwing the fishing line SO far out here.
Alright, alright, but I do have one...
That the brothers don't know Raphael betrayed them except Beel.
And again, this is just my shot in the dark!
The truly and only, only answer I have is that (to me at least) Beel's and Raphael's relationship seems off.
It's how it seems Beel is on edge with him, how it seems his treatment by Raphael in the Celestial Realm was worse out of everyone else's.
It's how there's something there that's not being said and aside from just the vibes™:
Beel is hiding something.
Raphael is hiding something.
And I think it's connected to the exact same thing.
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asmo-cosmetics · 1 year
brothers + smoking hcs
because like, they're vices, i bet they have vices, y'know?
genuine cuban cigars. barbatos has had them imported from the human world for him ever since diavolo found out about the habit.
he still finds it embarrassing, of course, but they are very good quality cigars. he doesn't have it in him to refuse.
he keeps two, wrapped, in the inside breast pocket of his coat. if you see him taking one from there (rather than the cigar box that sits eternally beside the gramophone in his bedroom), you know something particularly heinous just happened.
he keeps his lighter in that pocket, too. it's a zippo-style refillable, sterling silver and engraved with his name and the demon lord's crest.
another gift from diavolo. again, it's just excellent quality. the fact that it rests over his heart nearly at all times is incidental.
blacks, almost exclusively.
-- is what he says. they're menthol blacks, but he's old enough to remember when menthols were marketed primarily to women in the human world, and he's still kind of embarrassed about his "girl" cigarettes.
they're a devildom brand, but don't get it twisted, he still prefers the most expensive variety they have.
he also likes those flavored cigarillos, the cherry or honey ones, usually.
(there's also a demonus flavor in some stores. he loves those.)
prefers weed.
is one of those guys who is really annoying about the fact that he prefers weed.
to be fair, this is probably mostly to annoy mammon.
probably has a vape pen and an online store he likes that does those dumb cartoon-themed carts but with like. nostalgic anime.
but... it's levi. so, like... bongs.
no, but it's levi, so seriously like a legit kind of impressive collection of custom bongs purchased directly from the glassblower's akuzon page.
one of them looks like ruri-hana's flower staff.
def one of those guys who can explain to you in scientific detail how all that shit works, too.
"but what's he like high" giggly. more talkative. fascinated by everything. really honest.
he'll have cigarettes sometimes. usually when he's lonely and he wants something that smells like his brothers.
he grows, prepares, and blends everything he smokes himself. everything he blends smells fucking divine.
usually uses a pipe, but he has an antique hookah from the human world that he'll get out on occasion. also not opposed to rolling clove cigarettes if he finds good rolling papers.
(levi gets him those sometimes. in return for satan rolling joints for him because he can't roll for shit and satan's are always perfect.)
the pipe is a sherlock holmes replica. it was a gift from barbatos. he treasures it.
sometimes he'll infuse magic into a blend, usually for hookah sessions with other people. with satan, you can smoke a memory, or the sound of a string quartet, or an entire ballet.
but usually, it's just a taste to fit the book he's reading. some go best with an apple cider feel, you know?
he used to get those little disposable vapes all the time, but eventually levi felt bad and helped him pick out a permanent one.
his juice is like. all fruit and sweets and candy flavors. he has one that tastes like vanilla cupcakes that everyone likes the smell of.
also maybe this is kind of a pull but you know that brand black devil? that makes the strawberry cigarettes with the pink paper? yeah.
looong black audrey hepburn cigarette holder. he has a little collection, actually, because, well, they're accessories, but the black one is his favorite. it's elegant and cool and looks sexy in pictures.
beelzebub & belphegor
beel doesn't really smoke unless belphie's smoking, and belphie usually just steals from his brothers.
he has a brand of reds he likes but he mostly relies on someone else picking them up for him because he is Too Lazy to go to the store.
beel actually likes the taste of asmo's best, but the reds are still his favorite because they smell/taste the most like belphie.
belphie's favorite are actually a blend satan makes and rolls for him to help him sleep.
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strawberry-cowmilk · 2 years
Hi, hi! May I request for the bros and child! MC? Just general head canons and how they get along yk yk.
I love ur works sm, and dw if u don't wanna write this <3 Tyyyyy! <3
Bonus: child! MC calls the bros "Big brother" but calls Lucifer "dad" or "papa" <3 thanks again! And ofc, don't pressure urself ok?
Hi! It's no trouble at all, don't worry about it! I'm happy to hear you like my work. Anyways, I hope you like this!
the brothers with a child mc
a/n: I know there are some real perverts out there: this is NOT meant to describe a romantic relationship between the brothers and mc at all. I don't want you on my blog, but the police sure wants you in their jails ♡♡
mc's gender is not mentioned, not proof read
content warnings: children
he was really shocked when the exchange student turned out to be a child
'diavolo we made a mistake-'
but well, now he might as well look after you, right?
everyone can tell how soft mr avatar of pride is for the tiny human, lucifer frees up time from work to play games with you
he feels an even stronger need to protect you when you call him 'dad'
mammon is great with kids
he literally spends a lot of money on toys and clothes to make you happy
he feels like he's been granted the highest title of honor when you call him your big brother
one time simeon and luke came over and the first thing they saw was mammon running around the house with you, having the time of your life, on his back
at first he wanted nothing to do with some human child
until mammon and beel basically forced him to play video games with you, they didn't want you thinking levi hates you
his door is now always open for you to play child friendly games on his playstation (levi hid his more violent games just in case)
also he often lets you win against him, and he thinks it's really sweet of you to pay attention to henry 2.0
the exchange student is a literal child? well somebody has to make sure you don't get badly influenced by his wild brothers
he wouldn't want you to learn how to steal like mammon, or end up like levi
also satan reads you books as bedtime stories and takes you to cat cafes so you can play with all the cats you want
the cat cafe staff thought you were his child, satan almost fell over when you said 'nope, he's my big brother'
he thinks your absolutely adorable, as long as you don't draw on any walls or get paint on his clothes
if you want, you can makeup on him, it doesn't matter if it looks bad, asmo likes dressing up in matching outfits too
asmo took you to his shoot once, he really needed a moment when you introduced yourself to the photographer as asmo's little sibling
one time solomon came to visit, asmo nearly tackled him when he realised solomon was going to give you some homemade poison cookies
he provides you with all the candy and akudonald's you want, beel can't say no to you
he sometimes lets you try out some of his workout equipment, under supervision of course
beel almost cried during a whole fangol match the time he took you to a game and you told his team he was your big brother
said game got interrupted when the other team tackled beel and you tried to run onto the field to help him
he knows human children need naps sometimes, but they can be stubborn
belphie invented a genius way to get you to sleep: he got you a giant teddy bear and told you it was tired and wanted company while sleepy
all of the brothers almost cry when they see you napping with the giant bear
belphie is the youngest, it catches him a little off guard when you call him 'big brother', but he thinks it's adorable regardless
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Brothers reacting to a mc that broke their arm from arm wrestling with beel. Lucifer probably scolds mc while lev compares them to x anime person. Poor Beel and his guilt though.
Hope you like it @maskedshadow21 that was actually pretty funny
he told you this would happen
zero pity from him, he always told you to be careful when arm wrestling with Beel
he was actually surprised that it took so long until something bad happened
despite him saying he won´t give you any pity or helping you
he does take you to the Hospital and make sure you won´t worsen it
he will be harsher than usual on his Brothers when they start dumb shit and try to involve you when you are still hurt
he allows you to take naps with him
which honestly is a good thing for him because that man needs sleep
he actually put up a bet on who will win
will act like he doesn´t care that you got hurt but Mammon will refuse to leave you alone for even a second (he also panicked like crazy when your arm got broken)
you also found a bunch of get well soon gifts in your room, Mammon will deny that it was him but everybody knows it was him
he also tried to use this as an excuse for him to carry you around
either he got told of or you just let him do what he wants depends on your preference
like full on panic, he just ran around the room like a headless chicken screaming
you actually had to comfort him because he just wouldn´t stop
you know the meme that goes like this “do you remember anything about the drive” “just the sirens” “there weren´t any sirens, that was Levi” “I was nervous!”
he actually distances himself from you but this is more because he doesn´t know what he could do with you
after your healed he will just act like nothing happened??? like he just ignores the fact that he panicked and pretty much ghosted you???
like sir??? this is not how this works
he was actually about to lose it even though he knows Beel didn´t mean to break your arm
he tried to compete with Lucifer who could take better care of you
needless to say Lucifer did not entertain this and actually grounded him for this
after this he tried to be nice to you and this means him ripping any Demon who bothers you to pieces
and he got you candies as get well soon gifts ...and he tried to get a cat in the house too but Lucifer caught him
he bought you clothes for no reason
he told you just because you where hurt doesn´t mean you can ignore your appearance
… I mean he kinda has a point but this would be really rude to say
he did make you food though, very cutsy stuff that he also made for Devilgram pics but at least something
he also told you when your better he will do whatever you want for an entire day
could be worse honestly
he also does your make-up and if you don´t wear it, now you do :)
he felt so bad that he couldn´t eat for the rest of the day
which shocked his Brothers because nothing makes Beel lose his appetite
he felt so bad that he even refused to leave your side until you were healed
he just brought you a bunch of food to help with the healing process
which would be sweet if it wasn´t for the fact it´s more than you could eat in your entire lifetime
he refused to touch you for a while too and train with you
it takes a lot of convincing for him to go back to normal and not like a porcelain doll
he slept through most of the ordeal, the only thing that woke him up was Levi´s screaming and Beel´s panic
he doesn´t really do much
he gifted you some pillows and blankets that he thought were extra comfy and he takes naps with and also refuses to leave your room
until you´re better he just refuses to leave your room
it´s now pretty much his room and by extension Beel´s because he doesn´t want to be in his room alone
Belphie also leaves you alone for a while
but this was just because Lucifer threatened him with no sleep if he continues bothering you when you´re hurt
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quibllyfish · 2 years
imagine taking beel to miniso
꒰﹒🌐﹕Obey Me Beelzebub x Gn!Reader Minific. . . !
﹕fluffy little drabble about an anniversary present, short and sweet.
૮꒰ྀི∩´ ᵕ `∩꒱ྀིა:❝—Hello hello!! This is one of my first fics, so please be nice! I dont know much about Miniso (there’s not one close enough for me to go to), so I’m going to have to reference what I can find from google reviews and their website & go in blind… I'm sorry if it doesnt turn out to be accurate!! ꒱ . . ♡
When you told Beelzebub about how much you missed ‘Miniso’, he was secretly hoping it would be some kind of restaurant— or a candy store, or maybe an ice cream shop… Mmm, ice cream sounded good right about- Gaahh! Stop! He needed to keep his head in the game. 
It was only later when he did some digging did he find out it was, indeed, some sort of human trinket shop. Stocked full of lunch boxes, office supplies, and cute plushies (which he internally reminded himself, looked like tasty marshmallows, but were NOT for eating; as sternly stated by Y/N when he tried to take a bite out of one of their own).
For several weeks he mulled over locations, prices, dates you both were free—your anniversary of coming to the Devildom was swiftly approaching, and while you both had plans to visit several food locations that day… It was weird, but Beel wanted to do something special that he knew would make you smile. After a bit of convincing and a few compromises, Diavolo and Lucifer signed off on him taking you to the human realm for a trip to Miniso. 
You gripped the avatar of gluttony’s hand, thumb absentmindedly rubbing circles on his fingers. The members of The House of Lamentation sat in the living room and reminisced over fond memories they had with you; all of the attention you had got today made you feel warm and fuzzy! This was your home. They were your home.
“Remember when Y/N cooked Christmas dinner?” Beelzebub’s voice, followed by the others’ gleeful prattling, sounded far away as your gratefulness for your new life started to set in. You were the happiest you had ever been—life was silly when you thought about how a bunch of demons could make it so much more meaningful.
The day of your transfer student anniversary had been everything you could’ve asked for; time well spent bonding with the brothers, adventures in the streets of the Devildom, being showered with gifts of tasty treats, clothes, and jewelry. It was already perfect, which was why your heart fluttered with curiosity (and a touch of fear) when Beelzebub pulled you aside and said he had saved the best gift for last. Your eyes flickered to the other brothers, then to Lucifer, who nodded as an unusual and knowing smile grew on his lips. As if to usher you to go indulge in your own antics.
This was going to be interesting. You braced yourself internally.
And with that, Beel whisked you away to a designated magic seal. Your excitement and confusion made the whole walk seem like a blur—Like your breathing had been hitched for the entire trip to your home realm. Nevertheless, you ended up outside a familiar looking store in… A mall? Your gaze darted around your surroundings, vaguely disoriented as you tried to take all the unfamiliar sensory in.
“Wow—I, just,” You were completely flabbergasted, “I don't even know what to say!”
Your reaction made the demon’s stomach feel uneasy. He frowned, “Do you not like it?” Beel fidgeted with his sleeves, nervous he had done the whole ‘meaningful gift’ gesture all wrong, “We dont have to go here… I mean- I want you to have fun. You deserve-”
All of the sudden, Beel was cut off and pulled into a tight hug by his much smaller human friend. You buried your face into his chest, letting out an excited squeal. 
“Are you kidding me,” Your gleaming eyes met his own, a grin adorning your face, “You’re the best—this is the best!” Beelzebub felt his cheeks flush red; he completely and utterly adored you. 
The next hour was spent ogling at adorable toys, cutlery, stickers, and stuffed animals. Even though Beel told you you didn't have to, you insisted on buying a present for each of the brothers. His gift was a water bottle and a matching double layered bento box set (which he wouldn't outwardly admit that he was delighted about, but you knew he was anyways.).
Although you would treasure the gifts you found in Miniso, your most cherished prize was the demons that awaited you at home.
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