#…let’s be real mew did too
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sunshinechay · 3 months ago
15 Day BL Challenge!
Day 11: Breakup That Should Have Stayed Broken Up
Original Post found here
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TopMew from Only Friends
…okay listen, I love ForceBook. I love them to death but the more time separates me from this show, the less I like Top and Mew (and I didn’t like them much to begin with). They shouldn’t have gotten back together, at least not during the series. Maybe a few years down the line they could have tried again, but not now.
I’m not gonna lie, I never actually finished this series, but I did read all the spoilers and watched a bunch of individual scenes from the episodes I didn’t watch, including a bunch of TopMew scenes and I never got the sense they had actually dealt with any of their issues. It felt more like they were just putting off and hoping to forget it was an issue in the first place.
Do I still think think they will likely be some kind of Stanford gays in the future, who both love and hate each other in equal measure? Yes I still think that. Do I also think they should have stay broken up? Yes I also think that too.
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woso-dreamzzz · 1 year ago
Heart II
Mapi Leon x Ingrid Engen x Child!Reader
Summary: You try to recover
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You stay in the hospital for nearly two weeks as your new heart gets used to its new home in your body.
Ingrid and Mapi are with you the entire time.
Sometimes, one of them even skips training to come and see you. You're in a special hospital room and they have to wear silly facemasks when they come to visit that makes them look all weird.
They bring you lots of things to play with while you're stuck in bed and all of their friends send you flowers and food to keep you happy. Your caseworker comes in sometimes and she gets Mapi and Ingrid to sign lots of documents and helps them to sign you out of the hospital to take you home.
"Okay," Ingrid says as you all come up in the elevator together," You ready?"
You're wearing a special party hat because Mapi said that you were going to have a little party to celebrate your new heart. You don't really know why getting your new heart means a party but you also know that a party means lots of food and fun so you're happy to go back inside.
A few of Ingrid and Mapi's friends are already in there but you head straight for Patri and Pina because they're holding Bagheera, who's wearing a party hat too.
"Whoa, there," Ingrid says softly, still holding your hand tight like she's scared you're going to wink out of existence," Let's take it slow, alright?"
You frown and shrug. "Okay."
She keeps hold of your hand as you move to greet Bagheera. She mews at you softly, bumping her head against your chest.
"I know," You say," I've got my Santa heart." You look up at Pina and Patri. "Santa got me a new heart for Christmas. It goes boom-boom properly."
"Really?" Patri asks," That's cool. Do you feel better now?"
"Little tired sometimes," You reply, rocking back and forth on your feet," But still good!"
"She's been healing up very well." Ingrid's fingers run through your hair like yours run through Bagheera's. "The doctors are going to do another check next week and then we get to take her out again."
Even though you're out of the hospital now, you're not allowed out of the house for another week just so you can adjust to everything back home again.
"It'll be good to see you at training again," Pina says," We've been missing our little cheerleader."
"And you can join in now!" Patri exclaims and you whip your head over to Ingrid.
"Can I?"
She thinks for a moment. "We'll see," She says," Let's get through next week and then we'll see if you're strong enough to run around."
"Okay." You go back to stroking over Bagheera's fur and adjusting her party hat when she gets annoyed with it. You like Bagheera. You'd never seen a cat in real life before you came to live with Ingrid and Mapi so it's nice to have Bagheera with you now.
You yawn when you're about halfway through the movie Paredes put on and you climb up into Mapi's lap to lay on her. Her big hands rest on your back, gently stroking up and down until you're head feels too heavy for your body and it flops against her.
"She looks much better," Alexia says as she notices that you're out like a light.
"Yeah," Mapi says as she reaches for a blanket to drape around your body," They had her on a ventilator those first few hours after surgery and she looked so bad when they took her in. But...But she's better now, just a little sleepier."
"She just had major surgery," Alexia says," I think she's allowed to be a bit tired. I'm surprised she lasted as long as she did."
Mapi laughs, gently rocking you. "I should put her to bed. I can't imagine those hospital ones were comfy."
Your weeks dissolve into a steady routine after you get your Santa heart. You still have to go to the doctor every week and they do tests on your new heart and they take out the little staples they put in your chest.
Ingrid still sticks to your side and she's always giving you cuddles and kisses. She lets you run around more now that the doctor says it's okay but she still wraps you up nice and warm because you still sometimes have issues with being cold.
A few months after you're declared fully fit, your caseworker comes to visit.
Ingrid lets her in while you've opened your mouth so Mapi can give you your medication. The doctor says that even though your Santa heart is working very well, you'll have to take medicine every day to make sure that your body wants to keep it.
Well, he said lots of big words and complicated stuff but Mapi explained it to you like that when you went to get ice cream after your appointment.
You case worker says hello to you before briefly looking around the house ago and then making you sit down in front of the tv with her. That makes you a bit nervous and you hang on Mapi's hand.
"With Mapi and Ingrid?"
"In a minute," Your caseworker says," I just want to have a little talk with you without them."
Your brow wrinkles. "And Bagheera has to go too?"
"Bagheera can stay," Ingrid promises you, kissing the top of your head and steering Mapi into their bedroom.
You stroke Bagheera's fur rhythmically as you sit in front of your caseworker.
"How are you feeling now?" She asks," With your new heart?"
"Santa got me a good one," You reply," But I've still got to take special medicine."
She writes something down. "And you always take your medicine?"
"Ingrid reminds me," You answer, getting a bit distracted by the way a single ray of sunlight is peaking through the blinds," And Mapi hides it in icing sometimes for when I don't want to take it."
She writes down something more. "That's good. And you like it here, with Ingrid and Mapi?"
The topic of your favourite girls makes you perk up. "They're my most favourite! Mapi is so cool! She's got lots of tattoos. She says that one day, she'll let me draw her one to put on her body."
Your caseworker nods along, her pen moving along the paper. "And what about Ingrid?"
"Ingrid gives me cuddles all the time," You say," And she lets me help make dinner and cookies and she takes me to the park and we go down the slide together."
Your caseworker stops writing and flips her notepad shut. "Do you remember what it means to have a caseworker like me?"
You nod.
"What does it mean?"
"It means that you find adults to look after me because I don't have parents."
Your caseworker nods. "Adults like Ingrid and Mapi," She says," They're fostering you."
You give her a little look. "I know." You don't know why she's talking about that. It makes you feel all weird inside and briefly, you wonder if your Santa heart is going boom-boom wrong like your old one.
"Sometimes," She says," Fostering is more temporary."
You don't like her words. It makes you feel all icky and bad inside. You shake your head. "No," You say," No! Stay here!"
Your caseworker hands you a picture. It's got a little family on it, a mummy and a daddy and two boys who have the same hair colour as you.
"This family doesn't want to foster you," Your caseworker says when you throw the picture on the floor and hold Bagheera close. "They want to adopt you. They think you'd fit in well with them. Like a forever home instead of a foster home."
You shake your head, your bottom lip wobbling. "No...No! Forever home with Ingrid and Mapi!"
Your caseworker sighs deeply, shuffling the picture of the little family back into her folder. "You want to stay here?" She checks," With Ingrid and Mapi?"
"And Bagheera," You say stubbornly," Because this is forever home. Mapi and Ingrid are forever with me and my Santa heart."
"And you don't want to live with this family?" She reaches for the picture again and you turn away.
"Ingrid and Mapi," You say firmly.
"Okay. Let's get Ingrid and Mapi in here."
You're near to tears when they finally come back in and Ingrid pulls you into her arms immediately. You wipe your cheeks dry on her shirt and blindly reach for Mapi.
"Stay," You beg," Stay here. With you."
Mapi whips her head to your caseworker. "We've already begun to file the paperwork!" She hisses," Why would you bring them up to her?"
"I'm just doing my job. I couldn't let her stay here if she didn't want to!"
"Want to stay!" You say, hiding yourself away in Ingrid's neck," Want to stay!"
"You're stressing her out," Ingrid cuts in plainly when it looks like Mapi and your caseworker are going to start yelling," I understand you're doing your checks and you have to get her opinion but she's barely been out of the hospital for a few months and the doctors said that undue stress isn't good for her Santa heart." She strokes a hand over the back of your head. "We've filed the paperwork. She wants to live with us over the other family that expressed interest. We want her here with us."
Your caseworker sighs. She does that a lot. "I can't promise this will stay private. You're public figures. Your papers will be rushed through as soon as possible."
When she leaves, you finally peak out from your hiding place. With big, wet eyes, you look between Ingrid and Mapi. "Stay here?"
"Yes," Mapi says with an air of finality," You're staying here."
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junkissed · 8 months ago
enha surprise adopting a kitten
member — enhypen hyung line (heeseung, jay, jake, sunghoon) x gn reader genre — fluff, sfw word count — 1.6k warnings — kissing, pet names (baby, babe, beautiful, etc.) that's about it notes — requested by @onlymingyus — thank you sm for the request my lovely mars !! this is my first time posting for a group besides svt so i hope yall enjoy reading :) if you did please feel free to reblog or send an ask, it is super encouraging and helps me keep writing <3 enjoy!
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heeseung . . . might be confused why it had to be a surprise, because he would’ve said yes anyway, but he would ultimately accept it pretty easily. it's not the weirdest thing you've ever brought home, and he's been thinking about getting a pet anyway, so this is honestly a win all around. he’s flexible and he’ll adapt to pretty much anything you throw at him, so fitting a cat into your daily lives won’t be difficult on his part.
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"where did you find that?" he asks nonchalantly when you walk in the door, strolling out of the living room to greet you.
"no idea, he just followed me home. maybe we're being stalked." you giggle as you lean in to give him a kiss, the same way you do every single day when you get home, and he grins at how ordinary this is for you. only you could show up with a kitten unannounced and act like it's the most normal thing in the world. but he loves your normal.
you hand the tiny kitten off to him as you shut the door behind you and slip off your shoes, and you miss the tender look in his eyes while you're digging through your purse in search of something. "obviously i adopted him," you admit, looking up at him as you finally find what you were looking for.
"well, i can never tell with you, baby. the other explanation worked too," heeseung laughs, carefully stroking his index finger over the kitten’s head. you can already tell it’s going to be impossible to get the two of them apart, already forming an instant, inseparable bond.
you hold out the small stack of papers for him to glance at. "the shelter was having an adoption event, and i saw it on my way home from work. and besides, i felt like we needed a little guy running around here. you'll get lonely without me all day."
your reasoning makes the corners of his mouth turn up in a smirk, because it's such a you thing to do. your spontaneity is one of the things he loves most about you, the fact that you could adopt a kitten on a whim because you think he needs a reminder of you. what you don't realize is that everything already does remind him of you, but… he supposes a furry little friend couldn't hurt, too. "you know me so well, beautiful. can't live without you."
you beam at him, and he can't help but think that he'd let you surprise him with a zoo full of kittens if it means he gets to see you smile like that all the time. "so… you like him?"
"of course i do." he leans in to give you a kiss, and you laugh when the tiniest, softest mew springs up from between you.
"good," you say, kissing him back. "because i think he already likes you."
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jay . . . obviously can't have a real cat, but i think he’d still enjoy your surprise. he always indulges in your surprise endeavors, and although he has his reservations you always manage to make him smile in ways he doesn’t expect.
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"i got you a surprise," you grin as you walk into the kitchen, clutching something behind your back.
"what is it this time?" he turns and looks up from the pan on the stove where he’s started making dinner, cocking an eyebrow at you. try as he might, he never knows what you’re going to bring home with you next, but he’s gotten used to it.
"a kitten."
his eyes narrow in lighthearted suspicion, and he points his spatula at you warily. you’ve had this conversation before, and as much as he would love to own a house full of cats, he just can’t. even the hypoallergenic breeds don’t make much of a difference, so for now he’s content with cat videos on the internet and the occasional trip to volunteer at the animal shelter, as long as he stocks up on allergy medicine beforehand. "babe, you know—"
but before he can finish his sentence you pull your arms around to reveal what you've been hiding: a stuffed toy cat with a bow around its neck.
"cute," he concedes, his expression softening. he should’ve guessed it would be something like this. you know him too well and love him too much to ever purposely do something he wouldn’t be able to enjoy.
"you really thought i brought you a real cat?" you grin playfully at his reaction, because it was exactly the response you’d been hoping for. your boyfriend is too much fun to tease, and you can never resist the opportunity to string him along for the sake of a little fun.
jay pointedly ignores your question and turns back to his cooking, but he doesn’t try to hide the small smile on his face. "dinner’s on in 10. will our… new friend, be joining us?"
you wrap your arms around him from behind and kiss him on the cheek. "of course. i’ll be sure to set out an extra plate."
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jake . . . is a dog person through and through, but that doesn’t mean he wouldn’t enjoy having a cat, too. he would be excited at the idea of it at first, but he’d get more nervous as time goes on. it’s a lot of responsibility owning a pet, and although he’s an experienced dog dad he doesn’t know much about taking care of a cat.
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"are you sure? what if she, like, bites?"
you shrug with a smile, still cupping the kitten in the palms of your hands and holding her out for him to look at. "i don’t know, jake, it’s just a kitten. she’s not going to murder you in your sleep. she’s probably just as scared of you as you are of her."
he lets out a chuckle at that, because he knows you’re right. he knows it’s an irrational thing to be afraid of, and it’s really not even a fear in the first place, but he’s can’t help that he’s just awkward around cats. he’s more used to dogs; what do you even do with a cat?
but it isn’t long before he’s playing with the kitten just as enthusiastically as he plays with layla, and there’s been more than a couple times when you’ve come home and found the three of them playing fetch together. at first he’d been worried about whether a kitten would be able to fit into your routine, but although he had his doubts he quickly comes to love your new friend. he's a fast learner when it comes to taking care of things, and before long he'd be a natural at it.
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sunghoon . . . might be hesitant, but not for long. his reaction would be like when dads say they don't want a pet but then a week later you find him explaining the rules of football to them. he’s more easily won over than he thinks: he swears up and down that he only likes dogs, but then you see him being so attentive to your new kitten and you can’t help but laugh because his soft spot is so obvious even though he always tries to deny it. that kitten is going to be his new best friend, whether he likes it or not (spoiler: he likes it.)
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"did you get more cat treats when you went to the store the other day?" he asks casually, not looking up from his phone where he’s sitting on the couch. the newest member of your family sits curled up on his lap, sleeping soundly as he runs his fingers gently over the soft fur of her back.
you hum curiously in reply. "no? there was half a bag left last time i checked. are they gone already?"
sunghoon doesn't reply, which is an admission in itself, and you can't help but roll your eyes and smile.
"you know you're only supposed to give cats a couple of those a day, at most?"
"well, it's her fault, not mine." he makes a huffing noise in disagreement, and it's so endearing you can't actually be mad at him, as much as you'd like to scold him. "she was giving me that look. she deserved those treats. i couldn't deny her."
you find it endlessly adorable how in love he is with this kitten, despite his insistence otherwise. on the outside he seems quiet, but he's really just thinking of the things he still has to do. have the toys he ordered online shipped yet? did he remember to change the litter box? has he spent enough time cuddling today— with both you and the kitten? these are all vital questions that he has to make sure are addressed, and the current order of business on his list is the lack of cat treats. luckily for him, he's not the only one in the house who has a soft spot: you have one for him, too.
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i hope you enjoyed this!! if you did, consider reblogging or leaving a comment or an ask :) it shows me this is something people want to see more of, and knowing people like this makes me want to write more of it! thanks for reading!! this is also my first time (officially) writing for enhypen so pls let me know how you liked it, feedback is super appreciated <3
if you want to be notified when i post a new fic, you can join my taglist here!
taglist — located in the replies (i will be tagging those who selected "yes, tag me for everything" on my taglist form, but if you'd like me to remove you please lmk! i probably will not be posting many non-svt fics like this so don't worry lol)
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marikosenwrites · 1 year ago
📓✧˖°.bungo stray dogs smut scenarios and hcs
sen: my first smut fic lmao idk what and how i do but i'm gonna TRY MY BEST feed back is VERY MUCH appreciated i originally planned to do purely fic no hcs but i decided against that ^v^ tell me if you want the word count because i'm unsure if i should put it or not
characters: ada!dazai osamu, edogawa ranpo, chuuya nakahara
warnings: smut, mdni, im still putting ooc here, binding, biting (i'm still thinking tell me if smth needs to be added), rough sex (?), oral sex, use of y/n
(starts under the cut!)
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‧₊˚⋅📃✎ᝰ..𖥔 ݁ dazai osamu
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୨୧ loves binding you with random things that are flexible near him, like a tie or his bandages and things like that
୨୧ dazai just tangles his hand in your hair and like weaves through the strands and he doesn't want to pull his hand out so just pulls your hair and stuff
୨୧ if you ask him to be gentle, he compiles immediately and starts slowing down his relentless thrusts
୨୧ likes preparing you first (using his skilled fingers)
୨୧ when you're all wet he just invites himself
୨୧ pm!dazai would have done gunplay occasionally
"bella- shit, you feel so, so, good, baby, yeah- god," dazai moans, his pace not slowing down, but becoming faster, which was what you hadn't expected.
a few whimpers and moans escape your lips, turning the taller on more, "'s-'samu, s-shit, slow down," you whimper some more as dazai hoists a leg on to his shoulder, allowing him to reach deeper places into your hole.
you scream, only to be stopped by two fingers going into your mouth. "shush, bella, yosano-san will find out. you certainly don't want that, do you?"
you shook your head in response, tears rapidly flowing down and reaching the crumpled sheets. although you cried, it was because of both the pain and the pleasure that your boyfriend was giving you.
"osamu..." you mumble as he slowed down his pace to an actually bearable one. "you're too harsh on me."
"oh? is that so?" he grinned and started to fasten his pace once again. "hmm?"
"o-osamu-! fuck-" as your pretty mewing and moans reached his ears, he grabbed a string of bandage on the nightstand next to you and tied your hands with it. "-osamu?"
"mm, you look more delightful than ever like this, bella." the man smirked.
"shall the show officially begin, now?"
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‧₊˚⋅📃✎ᝰ..𖥔 ݁ edogawa ranpo
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୨୧ into foodplay is the first thing i'll say
୨୧ loves sucking on tits too (literally his favorite thing to do what am i on about)
୨୧ loves sex after a tired day at work (like MINOURA or new people insulting him and stuff) (by insulting i mean saying that he isn't a good enough detective)
୨୧ sex between the both of you always starts with a make out session and then (and then) BOOM you strip and the good part starts
୨୧ he is a lazy bottom for real but when he's mad/frustrated oh boy you bouta see some stars
୨୧ loves when you top him
quite a while had passed since you were bouncing on his on his cock, your moans and his combining into a harmony that was unique on the world, and only happens once a week or so.
ranpo had come home from a bad day, a frustrating one. you had always tended to his needs when it came to to tired days. and the same applies for you.
"mm...you look so nice bouncing like that f'me, sugar," the raven-head grins as he aids you with his hand.
you moan prettily, as you say, "ranpo- ngh-"
his moans get louder as he goes closer to reaching his peak. a while more after, you come with him closely following you in the motion. "well, sugar," his chest heaves up and down. "did you enjoy it?"
"m-mhm," you nod, unable to speak too much.
"well," he flips you around, now him on top of you as he puts the lollipop he was sucking in your mouth.
"let's begin round two."
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‧₊˚⋅📃✎ᝰ..𖥔 ݁ nakahara chuuya
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୨୧ not into gunplay, just because he's in the mafia, doesn't mean he has to be into gunplay right?
୨୧ is really soft with you once you warm up and stuff
୨୧ doesn't really have kinks
୨୧ had this one time he used his ability to pin you down
୨୧ active bottom? maybe. likes being in control more, though
୨୧ loves giving oral
"doll, y/n, you're taking me so good, fuck-" chuuya groans in pleasure as your throat contracts and takes his length fully.
"ngh-" you couldn't really speak, considering...his dick was down your whole throat.
the red-head threw his head back as his eyes shut close, all while waves of pleasure overwhelmed his whole body and took over him.
your gaze went up, and observed chuuya. it was as if he had no more self-restraint at all. his gloved hand was tangled in your h/c hair, as he subconsciously massaged your scalp.
your groans met chuuya's sensitive ears and the sounds only turn him on more.
"sweetheart- ngh, fuck, s'good-" he felt some weird feeling gather at the bottom at his spine. was it his orgasm coming? perhaps. but in that moment, nothing mattered. in this world, you are his only pillar. you are his life. you are his everything.
one last moan and he came in your mouth, and less than a few seconds later, you also came. he pulled out as he watched his cum drip from his tip, and you swallowing the bodily fluid your hot session had produced.
"you were so good, doll." chuuya tenderly wiped a few beads of sweat off your forehead.
"i-" you swallowed your saliva, "it felt...good. maybe we should try again some other time, chuu."
"'s that so?" he smiled.
"we should end the night here. we're tired, after all."
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©all banners, dividers, and stories are made by marikosenwrites and the pictures in it are from pinterest. i own none of the bungo stray dogs/bungou stray dogs/���豪ストレイドッグス characters mentioned here. all rights reserved, please do not steal.
mdni banner taken from @cafekitsune! (their work is much appreciated)
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beababoobies · 1 year ago
I don't know if you're still taking requests, but if you are, could I request a Sal x reader where the reader has really long curly hair. Like down to her waist long, and they do little stuff like braiding her hair and decorating it with accessories. Just cute little stuff like that as Sal kinda wonders how she manages that much hair (If you dont want to write it, it's okay and have a nice day 💗🫶)
hello lovely gal! I’d love to do that for you. I am still taking requests and you’re welcome to do multiple! As a long curly haired girly meself, this was fun to write. (Unrelated, but I love your username.) Enjoy!
Roots - Sal Fisher x Fem!Reader
words: 0.6k
Sal loved your hair. Loved was perhaps an understatement. He’d play with it when you were cuddling, running his fingers through it mindlessly as you ranted about your day, school or work. He loved helping you wash it when you showered together, scrubbing your hair products from the roots into the very ends. But his absolute favourite was when you let him have fun with it, style it.
After you let him braid it for the first time, he had practically become obsessed. You brought your accessory collection over to his place whenever you were around, and would sit there talking and giggling together for hours while he did your hair up nice and pretty. You would sit in front of the TV, watching your favourite shows on rerun mindlessly and let him play with your hair.
And that’s exactly where you were today; sitting on his bed while petting a very sleepy Gizmo in your lap, belly up and purring softly at you while Sal worked on your hair, humming softly along with the music you had put on in the background. Today he had gone with two long braids, and he was spending his time clipping all your little plastic butterflies and flowers into them.
“You almost done, love?” You asked as you pet Gizmo across his tummy, another low grumbling purr emanating deep from the felines throat. Sal gave a soft hum in response, and you felt him begin to pin up the braids to your head. “Gonna make me look real pretty, hmm?” And he responds with a simple “mhm.” Gizmo gives a protesting mew when you stop petting him for a couple seconds. “Sorry.” You half-whisper with a small giggle, going back to petting him.
“How do you even manage with all this hair?” he asks softly as he starts pining up the second braid to your scalp, and you just shrug, going to scratch Gizmos chin, one hand going back to feel how he had styled your hair, running your hands along the skillfully pinned up braids. “I have this handsome man who comes in and makes it look pretty.” You hum back teasingly, and Gizmo yawns, stretching out before rolling over and landing on the floor, walking out the door to the living room
“Mm, he sounds cool. I’ll have to meet him some day.” He teases back, using your biggest butter cult clip to clip the braids together at the back of your head, leaning back and admiring his work with a smile. “It’s done, my love.” He hums out quietly, turning you over by your shoulders to the mirror. You were in absolutely awe.
He has smoothed out your curls on the top of your head, going in and braiding your hair tightly on both sides pining it up in beautiful swirls that met at the back of your head, all put together with your baby blue butterfly clips. You smiled wide and leaned back, kissing him as a small thank you.
“Thank you love, I look absolutely stunning.” You Mutter quietly, bringing your hand up to carefully run over the beautiful way your hair had been shaped. He wrapped his arms around your waist from the back, nuzzling his head in your shoulder appreciatively, before placing a soft kiss on your cheek.
“Beautiful hair for my beautiful girl.” He hummed softly before sighing contently, carefully kissing the top of your head, before looking back at your hair accessories, before looking back at you with a small smile on his face. “Is it too much to ask you to take it out already? I have more ideas.”
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kafus · 8 months ago
i was waiting to talk about this until i found the time to back up my save file and double check the pokemon data, plus have a follow up conversation with the person who traded them to me... but i finally did that and verified to the best of my ability that these are real, soooo...
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the highlight of my convention weekend! i made friends with a woman who traded me some legitimate 10th anniversary event pokemon she got back in 2006!!
these pokemon were distributed as part of the Journey Across America tour that pokemon hosted in various locations... well, across America, in 2006 to celebrate the 10th anniversary of pokemon's japanese release in 1996. the venue that this person went to was the one on June 3rd, in Detroit, Michigan. there were 20 pokemon choices available, but she said that she picked latias/latios/espeon/umbreon for dex completion reasons since these four were a nightmare to get in gen 3, and she recounted that a lot of other people also were picking espeon/umbreon at the time for similar reasons lol.
while i had no reason to doubt her at all, especially after she sent me photos she took on a disposable camera in 2006 of herself at the event (not sharing for her privacy but they were very cool), i did check the data of these mons and everything that should match with online dumps of these events matches, but none of the randomized PIDs/stats/natures match online dumps, which means they are unique, which makes sense because they were obtained by her and not injected from online. so yeah they're as real as i can verify as someone who wasn't there
i am extremely grateful for her giving these to me, they're some of the coolest pokemon i own now! and listening to her tell stories about the events and other stuff going on in gen 3 at the time when i was a little too young to be doing that stuff is fascinating to me. gen 3 was my first gen and i feel honored to own these. in return i let her take as many mystery gift distributions as she wanted from my mystery gift booth, as well as a charmander with egg moves and a clone of my colosseum ho-oh i obtained myself from my emerald lol
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oh and for the record she also passed me a MYSTRY mew - these are interesting because there were a finite amount of MYSTRY mews, and the online community actually knows every single one in existence, so i was able to download a save file containing every released MYSTRY mew and i was able to match this one with one of the ones on that save so it's likely real as well. so fucking cool UGH
i'll probably be ribboning the umbreon since it's a lucky 1/8th girl (i didn't notice that until checking the pokemon data today somehow) and then the others if i still have time after my massive pokemon bank checklist...
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etherealsworldvision · 9 months ago
Let’s Soothe Your Mind
Before I begin the reading I’d like to take a moment to talk about Save The Redwoods. They’re a non-profit organization who is committed to protect and restore redwood forests. If you’re interested do check out their website and if you’d like to further your support here is their donation link.
Divider Credits: @ianrkives & @plum98
New Song Discovery for the Reading: Reservations – Dugong Jr, Julia Lostrom, Keelan Mak
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Pile 1 Pile 2 Pile 3
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🚨 P.S.A 🚨 : I do not give personal readings! Disclaimer: this is for entertainment only!
Added Description: all my readings are timeless and meant to reach those who resonate to the messages.
[ General Messages: Rain; Autumn; Libra and Leo Seasons, “My love do you ever dream of candy coated raindrops���- Candy Rain by Soul for Real, Longboards (Skateboarding and Surfing); Raya the Last Dragon; Dewdrop; Spicy (foods); Avatar the Last Airbender; Fire Flakes; Honeydew; Drinks; Tantrums; Saturn Hour; Saturn Placements and Aspects; (Smithsonian) Museums; 1010; Kendrick Lamar; Trouble - Taylor Swift; Caught Up; Cheat; Exclusion; (Reaction) Memes; Distrust; Camping; Tents; Connections; Frustration; Online ]
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Pile 1
[ Cards: Justice; Moon Reversed; Ace of Wands; Seven of Cups Reversed; Two of Wands ]
Confirmation Messages: Gojo & Geto; Anxiety (Playlist); “Get off of me/Ew get away,” (directed towards emotions feeling stuck to your body or feels like “bugs” crawling on skin); Anxiousness; Nervousness; Shadow and Bones (?); Shadow Hunters; Slowing Down; Chaotic Energy; Out of Control; Bugs; (Breaking) Habits; Messy Thoughts; Strategic; “Playing it Cool”; Patrick Star?; Hares; Hates Feeling Emotions; Pink Flowers (Real or Artificial); Systems Down; Mewing (?)
Something new might have happened or you feel like this is the universe (or whoever you believe in) giving you something. This energy feels like Carl and Cindy’s interaction (from Jimmy Neutron). In this case you’re Carl and Cindy is the universe lol. Maybe you were in a rut or had a cycle of “unfortunate events” in regard to circumstances or people.
If you’re asking for clarification: You have free will — it’s up to you whether you want to continue what you’re doing or not. I’m not sensing anything “bad” or “malicious” intent in regards to what/who you’re inquiring about. There’s this sense of catastrophizing new things. There’s also this feeling of “too good to be true”. I don’t know if you said/thought/felt this: “I need a fucking break” is strongly coming in.
So now that you have this break — it’s almost like you don’t know what to do or how to proceed. It’s as if you’re holding a globe but you don’t get to actually go anywhere. Maybe at one point you did get experience with this, only to be let down? Either way having no control is what’s scaring you and causing this anxiousness (especially if this deals with a person).
What’s coming in for those who are iffy about proceeding: “let them, just let them because you are your own before and after meeting this person”. This can also deal with a situation too — as in this doesn’t define you. There is no need to punish/blame yourself for being afraid/ not taking this offer. It just means you weren’t ready and that’s okay. Go at your own pace.
For those of you who want to proceed with this situation/person then you’ll have to let down your walls bit by bit. Again it’s okay to go at your own pace or ask to slow down. The same applies: “let them”. The door is always open so let them or “let you”. You can always set it down and move to the next one. It’s okay.
Bonus Question to Ask Yourself: “What did I keep doing that keeps hurting? Why do I keep repeating this behavior?” - by WNRS
So that’s all that I’m getting for pile 1. If you made it this far, thank you so much for reading this, I really appreciate it. If this resonates let me know. I am supporting you through and through 🧡!
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Pile 2
[ Cards: Three of Swords Reversed; 3 of Pentacles Reversed; 6 of Swords; 5 of Pentacles Reversed; 9 Of Swords; 3 of Wands ]
Confirmation Messages: Courage; Charli XCX (Brat album); The Sun; Music; Concerts; Celebrity; Billie Eilish; Air and Earth Placements; Careless; Responsibility; Overthinker; New Things; Success; Moving On; 55; 66; 333; 9; Truth; Waiting; Patience; Releasing Judgement; Let it flow; Getting or Wanting Numbers? Holding Back; Calculated Risks; Chappell Roan; Doechii; Temptation - Raveena; Gemini; Aries
So I’m feeling like you’re releasing this heartache (for some it could be from your past?) I don’t know why, I pulled a clarification and it’s the 10 of Cups and I heard “No that’s so scary, Boo Feelings and Happiness!” So maybe you’re afraid of things working out because you were always let down in the past.
I feel like this can be about a connection (?) — there’s a lot of air coming in which means social lives. This may have come when things just started to calm down or in the midst of healing? To be honest this pile’s energy tends to overthink a lot. Like I feel like there’s this thing where you’re scared of saying the wrong thing which makes you take a step back only to make the overthinking worse. Maybe you’re asking friends what to do because I split the deck and saw 3 of Cups.
For some reason I feel like you need more reassurance so I’ll just pull out more cards for you. So I got the 2 of cups and the Eight of Wands (reversed), Judgement, and the Emperor. The first thing I’m picking up is that: you two may have opposite personalities or are awake at different times because we have two blue cards and two gold cards.
I’m also getting that the pace is painfully slow despite things going smoothly. It’s like you want to take control but you’re aware it won’t go smoothly if you rush it. For some of you there’s this thing of being afraid to take the “lead” or being pressured by society to take the lead.
(Side note: I don’t know who needs to hear this but there’s no hierarchy in a connection. There’s no, “who wears the pants” or whatever heteronormative stuff that gets constantly pushed into connections. What makes a connection work is when both people see each other as equals and accepting of one another)
You’re going to hate me for this but…it takes time and teamwork for a connection to work out. So yeah, go at your own comfortable pace (not a pace society tells you to go by) and enjoy the present time. For some reason I really have to “hammer it in” to take your time; let this connection take its time. Let things fall into place all on its own and if you feel called to do something (meaning the timing is right) then by all means take that initiative.
When you let things slowly progress you will also get a better understanding and feel of this person, from there you can see if you want to proceed or not.
Bonus Questions to Ask Yourself: “When have I given too much of myself in a relationship (could also be platonic)? What did that look like? What lesson did that leave me with?” - WNRS
That’s really all I’m getting, to be honest this reading is so chaotic and so long even though it barely reached 5 paragraphs. If you made it this far thank you so much, I appreciate it. I’m wishing you luck and please take your time!
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Pile 3
[ Cards: Queen of Pentacles; 7 of Swords; Justice; Five of Cups Reversed; 8 of Pentacles; 7 of Cups; 7 of Pentacles ]
Confirmation Messages: Horror Games; Paranormal; Libra; Yellowjackets; Birds of a Feather; Unrequited; Nevada; Winter; Baby Powder; Scents; Insincerity; Friday; Outcasts; Water(falls); Late Spring; (Couples) Therapy; 777; (Down by the Water) PJ Harvey; Library; Goth (Music); Unknown; Earth Placement; Situationship; Clear Mind; Tiredness; “Success is the Best Revenge”; Lana Del Rey; Distractions; Cheating; 1:23
You may have left a connection or felt this person was dishonest. I think what made it worse is outside advice (which is ironic because y’know we’re here lol). Perhaps someone gave you the, “time heals all wounds” or “it’s okay! Just get pretty and focus on your job!” Only to feel dread, I’m not going to lie. I don’t know if you put a limit to your sadness because there’s this sense of, “I should be over this by now.” I feel like some of you did achieve this success/glow up you wanted yet still feel grief.
Honestly, it’s okay to grieve as long as you want to. There is no time limit to feel grief and sadness. Realistically speaking, grief stays with us. Grief can come in the form of memories popping up or when you feel nostalgic — that’s a part of grief and that’s okay. All we can do is look at them and see them for who they are and what they did. (Now, I’m not excusing their actions at all!) For example; it’s one of those things where someone waits for years to get closure only to get nothing and in the end they accept they’ll never get it.
I know this may sound bitter and for some bittersweet, but let the grief flow. You’re not crying over “spilt milk”, for all we know it’s not just spilt milk! Maybe it was milk you got with your hard earned money and now you don’t have milk because you just spent the last portions of your money so you can wipe your ass! So no, it’s not just milk! (lol sorry I just hate when the 5 of cups gets that connotation — there’s always something deeper to it.)
Look, distracting yourself out of emotions via deep diving in your work isn’t always the best thing to do. Sometimes you need silence (no music or sounds!) and sit with yourself. Really sit, lay or something with yourself and be vulnerable. Sit with that feeling for just a minute (not drown in it) because it’s asking to be acknowledged. Acknowledgment is a key to acceptance and with that comes the healing.
I feel like when you do acknowledge your grief, come to terms with the situation/person for who they are it’ll make the healing process bearable. I’m not saying it’ll be easier and you’ll be happy at a flip of a coin. I’m just saying because of this acceptance you may find you’re not doing your work/hobbies/goals for the sake of revenge but because it’s for you. You’re doing these things because you love it or for your own happiness/fulfillment.
Bonus Question to Ask Yourself: “What’s my favorite song at the moment? Why do I love it so much? (Play it for yourself)”. - by WNRS
Alrighty Pile 3 that’s all I got for you, thank you so much for reading until the very end! I appreciate it. I'm giving you some peace and love 🧡.
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invisiblegarters · 1 year ago
Okay, okay.
After even more thinking maybe just maybe Ray's explosion on Sand was karmic retribution lol.
Because I've been thinking about it and.
This was not a heat of the moment plan for him. Not even a little. Dude had to get his drink (that poor server jfc what did she ever do to either of those messy bitches), go back to his mom, probably give her a ride home.
And then he still cold bloodedly broke his own phone (which let's be real for someone living like Sand does that is DEDICATION to his goal), then came in laying it on super thick about his mom to Nick so that he'd rush to fix it and lend him his. Sent himself the audio.
Then he called Ray up and invited him out to hang after blowing him off for who knows how long (and Ray clearly thought they were there to make up, okay, I might not be this ship's biggest supporter but even I could see that) just so he can use his feelings for Mew against him.
The conversation was so fucked, too. Sand immediately (and repeatedly I say again I'm not this ship's biggest supporter but one of them was actively trying here and it wasn't Sand) steering it away from Ray's attempts to talk about them to swerve to Mew is just...I love it. Complimenting Mew and saying he can totally see why everyone is in love with him? The way he played the audio right there (you are all so creepy for this my god will you please stop playing that clip at each other like the world's most fucked up game of telephone?). The casual drop that he knows how bad Top is because he also lost a lover to him (oh the parallels he deliberately put down there Sand you evil genius). And then rounding it up with "it's so great Mew has someone who cares about him as much as you."
All the while watching him to see how well his words were taking root. I'm floored because I genuinely thought he was gonna pull some stupid selfless bullshit like "I can't have you but I can give you what you want." Instead he just torpedoed several relationships and all it took was breaking a phone he knows his IT roommate will probably fix for free.
Boston fucking wishes.
It's so mean and I love it my dude is finally showing off just how fucked up he can be when crossed I think this is better than the baseball bat.
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thatflatenedfrogontheroad · 11 months ago
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I made a tier list...
please make your own!! I need to see boomer nations opinions on our man!!!! I know the tiers are actually so vile so change them if you desire :)))
OK so my quick blurb on why they are their!! (working worst to best)
28. Identity Crisis #5 - HE WOULD KILL ME FOR THE FUN OF IT. It did bring about the most random rivalry between Tim drake’s fandom and boomer's which is very funny
27. Black Lantern - Oh no… he's back… like a boomerang. Ate his own son... RIP…. L skill issue
26. Sliver Age - Would actually call me a slur and say that I don't deserve rights. He would hate crime me and then solicit me for sex. He looks like he's wearing a dress… what a pretty lady.
25. Flash TV Show - EWWWWWWWW, he though he ate...
24. DC Online - He looks like he would punch me in face at a NYC bus stop
23. White Lantern - Don't look at me like that… stop. He's back from the dead like a boomerang?? Something about most of the New 52 boomerangs don't hit the same. the bride all in white :’)
22. Young Justice - Gave me the ick. You might be thinking... he looks identical to SS hell to pay, why is he down here?? Great question… HE WAS SO CREEPY TO ONE OF THE GIRLS IN YOUNG JUSTICE….. WHO IS A MINOR!
21. Injustice Movie - Just because your in the background… doesn't save you from this list!!!
20. New 52 - Ok he's kinda hot if you look through your peripherals…Why are you wearing skinny jeans… you millennial
19. Harley Quinn TV Show - He's fine… just fine. “We’ll stack out bingo… Boomer loves an older woman” NO HE MUST LOVE ME! I AM VERY VERY MATURE FOR MY AGE
18. Flash: Sins of the Father - Can you please stop talking in the 3rd person… you are starting to sound crazy.
17. Most Wanted - I know jack shit about him. That's probably because he is barely in a comic issues THATS NAMED AFTER HIM!
16. Flash Point Paradox - His fight scene actually ate. I'm a sucker for Boomer being with the Rogues. If cyborg can take his belt off… so can I
15. Suicide Squad 2021 - Wow they somehow gave him even less lines than his first movie. 1. He doesnt look like boomer. 2. His accent is so bad… and hes AUSTRALIAN 3. His acting low key kinda mid 4. They killed off two of the only OG suicide squad members they had on the cast 5. He dies in the first 20min and in the most disrespectful way
14. Suicide Squad 2016 - The only good thing to come from this man is the fanfiction he brought. THIS FUCKING MOVIE MADE HIM A CANON BRONY WHICH I CAN NOT FORGIVE. GET THIS OUT OF MY SMUT BEFORE FREAK THE FUCK OUT >:( Fuck him and pinky too, you son of a bitch!!!! (its not that serious lol... i just want him to stop fucking a toy horse... please guys)
13. This Goober Alien Guy - I know nothing. He just kinda showed up… and I'm not mad just a little confused. He looks like he needs a hot chocolate and a hug :)))) 
12. Lego Batman Movie - Low key an icon. What I would do to get my hands on one of these sets… I would come close to killing someone for it
11. DC Lego Super Villains - If he wasn't Lego I would propose (Shane Dawson style) Once again what I would do for the very discontinued Lego set tie in…
10. Batman: Brave and The Bold - Those cheekbones could cut someone. Why are you wear a mini skirt… take it off ;)
9. Suicide Squad (comic) - Yes I know he was drinking and driving but he's not real so it doesn't count!!! The beginning of the Boomer Mobile! THE GAP TOOTH DUDE!
8. Justice League Unlimited S1 - AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! Ok the hairline is… bad…. But so is mine twin!! I LOVE THAT THEY GAVE HIM PROPER CLOTHES AND NOT RAGS DUDE
7. Agent of Oz - is this picture is my school profile pic...yes… and??HE'S COVERED IN BLOOD AND IM GIGGLING!!!!!!!!!!!
6. Stjepan Sejic's Boomer - Choke hold and choke me...  I want to hear his voice but he can't break his mewing streak…The ungodly things I would let him do to me
5. Dark: Apocalypse War - Constantine! Boomer! GIRLS! GIRLS!! ILL SLEEP WITH BOTH OF YOU!!! I was not expecting him in this movie so I started to freak out when he showed up DUDE. PLEASE LET ME SIT ON IT
4. Suicide Squad: Hell to Pay - I'm a ride he wouldn't survive… I DONT HAVE WORDS TO DECRIBE HOW I FEEL DUDE… I WOULD DO ANYTHING HE ASKED FOR NO JOKE. Dead on the floor
3. Justice League Unlimited S2 - The glow up in REAL... had me on my hands and knees as a 3rd grader… and still on my knees today. I have never wanted someone to fuck me in the back alleyway of a shit bar so bad in my life
2. Batman: Assault on Arkham - The one that started it all… he is the reason I am this way. no lube, no protection, all night, all day, from the kitchen floor to the toilet seat, from the dining table to the bedroom BUT GREG ELLIS IS PUBLIC ENIME NUMDER ONE. YOU KNOW WHAT YOU DID!!!!
1. Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League - I AM GNAWING ON THE IRON BARS OF MY ENCLOSURE!!!!!! He has it all, the face, the VOICE, the look, the character!!!!! It is hands down the most consistently good representation of captain boomerang out their… and its canon that's he has a big dick :D I would sell my first born to get one night…
Thank you all for reading this word vom, I am sick in the head <3
if any of the comic issues are off or something please let me know :)
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE make your our and tag me!! i need to see them <3<3<3
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peargor · 2 months ago
Not quite sure if sent the message cause bad internet connection so i'll just paste the whole thing here again incase:
Hey peargor!(donno if you're still using tumblr bt whatever) Let me Congrats ya for your coming completion on Touhou project first (yay恭喜)
Here's the wandering dude from mainland china(typical netizen lol)and randomly clicked into ya website while visiting webrings & link collections.Lotta ideas jump through my head and letme say a few words below: BoTWR's really a good series from my perspective,like,Dispite having gaps when understanding the lore,i still can kinda understand the characters,from core to spirit(Cantonese's partly cognizable for mandarin viewers so it kinda fun when lookin' zoey swearing lol)I guess a variety of mainland audience would like it too.Like,it even inspired me to have a look back into the history and mess 'n hongkong on the "great firewall" and made me sorta think deeply about all these mess……but anyways,here's imaginary non medal stickers:
"Mandarin approved"and
"i concerned for la nation"(just kidding),
and i'll keep focusing on the series(actually the others' quite adorable too,sure it took me a while to realize that you actually deeply involve in internet meme culture,after the shock when i found you do made the pogchamp meme gosh)
Btw Just wondering,did the reading disorder cause you to use more english in written form stuff?
Looking forward for the upcoming new chapters yet a few more words:
Poor tommy,hope he 'll get a chance to be a man
2:mmm how and what would zoey's dad be…… He's sorta a villain for now but i hope he's just a dude who failed to correct his own fault by force or "internal error"?
3:that color can be some exposure of one's emotion thing.yeah classic "into head" thingy but perhaps it means more deep than what it seems?Maybe Blue represents the sadness,niche thoughts,hopeless rational thinking,Yellow's cheerfully craziness,Red's cruelly dialectical greedin' justice,and BLACK's something unresist-able unless you learn some real floyd's philosophy thing?
You can get some new referencing idea from the old HK's TVB show like "大时代"(The Greed of a man),also some new from mainland that accidentally have more coverage report on hk which apple dailys' doesn't(?),Trust me,gotta be good for setting both character and lore
Whatever,Best wishes on not getting perished by cops!(pretty sure you won't be cause you probably haven't spoke something politically for at least 2 years on the public internet and you won't be caught for drawing "china virus girl?" and political comments too early haha)
PS:Try to get yourself a fan-base besides the old social meida the X,patron,like a mewe,discord group somethin' alike for a better place for talks 'n discussion i suppose?
Hi fellow netizen! I'm sure the mainland would like to read the comics but that really opens up a can of worms that I'm not prepared to deal with yet, so for now I'll refrain from translating the comics.
1: Tommy has the happiest life compared to the rest of the main cast I wouldn't worry too much about him lol
2: mm it's much more complicated, I also think my audience expects a political opinion from me. It ties to my own experiences with asian culture in general. I am very critical, but I think the public expectation to what I'm critical of is kinda skewed at the moment. There's so much nuance to this story I hope people have a healthy discussion over the conclusion of Zoey's arc in the future.
3: Yellow, Blue and Red are the key colours. What they represent is up to your own interpretation. To me yellow is the self/your values, blue is career/ambition, and red is religion/community/family. There's more colours down the road but these are the most important ones. If there's going to be discussions over the story please feel free to create those spaces! I haven't done so because I am the main writer and I would like these things to happen naturally in the future. It feels wrong for me to create a space as someone with complete authority over the story.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts on IWBTWR! Sorry it took so long to respond, I've been trying to find the words to convery my thoughts properly.
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some-pers0n · 11 months ago
Hi I made a crackfic for Arctic's death because I had a terrible, horrible idea inspired by that old fandom meme. I don't regret anything <3
"Aaannnddd...perfect!" Darkstalker stepped back. "All set and ready to go. Haha! Look at him! Clearsight, look, c'mon. Come see."
"Darkstalker, I don't think this is a good idea–"
"Shut up woman and come look," he bluntly said. "Come on, it's not like the camera's gonna bite you or anything. Neither is Arctic, but, eh, maybe that'll add to the drama. The kids love it when people get hurt, it's why they watch it."
He grabbed the camera again and pointed it at Clearsight. "It's rolling. Come on, babe, don't you wanna do it? For the bit? Ohhh it'll be such a funny thumbnail. Everyone's gonna click on it. Just stick your head near him."
"I'm not going to bite an innocent dragon..." Arctic muttered.
"HA! Oh but it's okay for you to do that to me. Not cool dad. Mid dad behaviour, tee-bee-haitch. To be honest. Tee-bee-haitch– you get it."
"Back in my day we just called somebody a 'loser' if they were a bad parent. Like, me? I'm a dead-beat dad."
"Yeah, that's true." Clearsight nodded.
"But I'm not...mid? What does that even mean?"
"Mannn you so did not cook. 'Dead-beat'? Yeah, you're gonna be dead as hell once I'm done with ya. Like for real done. Dead. Deceased. Ain't coming back from that."
"God just kill me now," Arctic grumbled.
"In a minute! Me. I'm God. It's me. Get used to it :)"
"What was that sound you just made with your mouth--" Clearsight began but Darkstalker cut her off. He couldn't bother to hear such a whiny, woman voice. He needed to pay more attention to the crowd that gathered.
"Hey, hey! Guys! Check this out! I'm a livestreamer. I do all of these cool things on Twitch and YouTube. Follow me! My handle's Darksalter. Like Darkstalker, but salty, cause of all of the noobs I own on my daily League of Legends streams."
The surrounding NightWings just blinked at him.
"Ughhhh. How about you guys being recorded, huh? You get famous! Right here, right now, this is a big deal. No cap, this is serious. This is gonna be a livestream to end all livestreams. There's gonna be like at least ten dragons watching!!"
"OH MY GOD!?" One dragon shouted. "TEN??? I've never seen anybody have that many, hold on! We gotta watch this guy!"
Immediately, the entire population of the Night Kingdom arrived. Even the queen (a closeted Darksalter fan, who was wearing all of his merch) was waiting for him. They all cheered and clamoured for him.
"Settle, settle! I know you're all such adoring fans. Believe me, I would love me too. Already do! Such a great, handsome, all powerful animus." He flexed his muscles. "Plus, the ladies love me." He glanced back at Clearsight, who had the most aggressively unenthusiastic frown he ever seen.
"But, but, we gotta wait a minute. First, I gotta mew."
"What does that even mean?" Clearsight asked.
Darkstalker did not answer. He brought a talon up to his snout and then traced the outline of his perfectly gorgeous jawline. I mean just look at that thing. Downright beautiful. Like, come on now. Look him up right now. Yeah, yeah! The thang of all time! That sweet, succulent jaw. Bro's been mewing since the day he was hatched.
[A/N: it is a pretty cool jawline]
He cleared his throat. "Anyways, enough talk. You had your shot for the thumbnail, so now it's all about me." He looked at the camera and enchanted it to float. It hovered above, pointing at him. "Three, two, one..." He clapped. "And we're live!"
The crowd cheered and roared as he did so. No omegaluls. No minus ones. He was an unboxing andy just about ready to tear open into his best work yet.
"Hey what's going on Stalker Gang! How are the stalkers in chat going? Can we get the hype train going?" He gestured to the crowd, which yelled and screamed louder. "Yeah!! Let's go Stalker Gang!!"
"Darkstalker...this isn't you." Clearsight sobbed. "You don't do this. You aren't like this!"
"Baby, I'm an influencer. It's my duty as Twitch's No. 27 streamer of all time!"
Clearsight cried more but Darkstalker did not care. He turned back to the camera. "Ayyy guys!" He clasped his talons. "So, today is a very, very special day, because we have a guest! That's right, my terrible, very uncool, incredibly mid father! Look at him. Blue pilled in every sense of the word. Even his blood's blue, which y'all are gonna see real quick." He pushed the camera directly in his face.
"Hey, hey, everyone!" He gestured to Arctic. "Can I get a 'boo' from you all?"
With his command, the crowd began to jeer at Arctic. A wave of rotting tomatoes came hurling his way, splattering against his face.
"And, with that being said, this stream is sponsored by Glep. Get a Glep. Now. Or else. You don't wanna be there when Glep is upset. That's how the last moon was destroyed." He stared silently into the camera for a minute, as customary with the Glep sponsors.
"NOW!! Let's get this going!" He pointed at Arctic. "You. Unbox yourself."
"Wh–" Arctic didn't have a chance to finish before he clawed at his torso and gutted himself. The crowd kept cheering and applauding and tossing money at Darkstalker.
"Woah woah, pretty messy, huh guys?" He raised an eyebrow. "Totally unpoggers. L behaviour. Boo!!" But when he turned back, he noticed that everyone stopped cheering.
"Bro, dude," one dragon began, "poggers is so, like, old man. That's so cringe, skull emoji."
Then, they began to dissipate. Quickly as they arrived, they left. He was cringe now. So cringe.
"No, NO! Wait! Come back! I'm still relevant! I'm still hip with the kids! I– I..." But it was too late. He was cancelled for being cringe. Everyone was bored by him. He was out-of-touch. He was out of time. He was out of his head when they're not around.
Behind him, he heard his sister, Whiteout, crying. He turned back to see that her favourite stim toy, a rainbow coloured pop-it shaped like a crewmate from Amomg Us, was lying on the floor. Things must be serious.
"Sis, are you upset at me?..." he muttered.
"Yes! You just unboxed our dad! My trauma points are like so high right now. I can't even..." She wiped her tears and kept crying.
Darkstalker looked back at Arctic, who was dead. Very dead. He growled. "When I'm the alpha king of the world, everyone will be my fan. Everyone will follow me! Everyone will like and subscribe! You'll see, you'll all see!"
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loupy-mongoose · 2 years ago
This writing got long, so I'm putting a Read More. There are no content warnings.
This did end up very long for what I normally do, so be prepered.
The Mews and Lavender settled in the shade close to the house. Lavender, still holding her little siblings, noticed the uneasy looks on her parents' faces. It was clear that this story still bothered them.
Randy and Akoya exchanged a lengthy look before beginning.
So... Lavender is a Pokemon known as a Mewtwo. As far as we know, she's the second of two.
There's... not much information out there about Mewtwo as a species. Lav only recently managed to Psychically connect with the first one.
Persim, now bunched up into a loaf with his little daughter nestled in his shoulder fur, tilted his head. So she's not a Mew? I always thought she was. A big one, and kinda weird lookin', maybe, but still a Mew. I mean, she feels like one.
Lav twitched her ears. She had never really thought about how other Mews might perceive her. With how rare they were, she'd never really considered the possibility of meeting another. And Uncle Perzi had never asked, so nobody had said anything.
What we do know about Mewtwos is... They're man-made.
Lavender was... Randy went quiet and grimaced. Akoya gave him a soft look and took his hand in hers.
Lavender was modified while I was pregnant with her.
By humans?
It wasn't easy to get Persim riled up, but he was clearly perturbed by this.
How did you let humans get close enough to do that to you??
Randy winced, and Lav felt a wave of guilt blast from him. Guilt? What did he have to feel guilty about?
Akoya must have felt it too. She leaned her head onto him, and wrapped her tail around him. They seemed to have a private telepathic chat.
Randy nodded, and Akoya met Persim's eyes with a determined, almost defiant look. Randy wasn't always a Mew. He was a human when we met. She smiled a little. Do you happen to remember when our island was visited by a couple of humans?
Perzi appeared thoughtful. A bit? I never saw them, because Mom wanted me to stay out of sight.
They were Randy and his dad. When I left the colony, I went back to the island. I met Randy for real there.
As a human?
Akoya nodded.
And... he didn't do anything to you?
She shook her head. Nope. He was so different from what the colony believed humans to be. He was kind. He was funny! I followed him home from the island and hung around.
You forgot something.
Akoya looked at her mate in surprise. He tapped at his left shoulder with a smirk, and the blue Mew's ears fell back in embarrassment.
She bit me. As a Mightyena.
I thought he might be a threat.
I mean, he was a human. I'd say you had that right.
But I was wrong. The colony was wrong. Humans aren't all the threat they make them out to be.
Randy's expression turned hard. But the ones who are sure know how to make a show of it. His voice was drenched in hatred.
Akoya gave him a tail hug. The humans that wronged me wronged him as well. Randy only ever wanted to do good for our species. He put in years of research for these people, thinking that they wanted the same thing. To help us repopulate.
Persim narrowed his eyes. When exactly did you decide to become mates?
This time it was Randy's turn to shrink in embarrassment. Akoya rolled her eyes. It wasn't like that, Persim.
We tried several times and ways to get her pregnant. His voice cracked. But not that.
I won't deny that I was in love with him.
Persim's ears flicked. You do realized that the colony would flip if they knew that, right?
I'm sure they would. But they can stuff it. Our life is our choice.
To their surprise, Persim smiled. Well, it's clear that you two are very close. Much closer than Dad and any of his mates were. Then he grew serious again. But how did you go from human to Mew? Did those bad people do that, too?
This was the part Lav knew her dad had the most trouble with. It plagued him constantly, even when she was a kid. Not that she'd known it at the time. She never got the full story from them. By the time she learned the rough idea of what had happened, she also knew how much it had hurt him. So she didn't want to cause him any more grief...
Maybe this time...?
But as she'd expected, neither of them spoke immediately. Randy's hand moved up to his shoulder, where the scar would be if he were in human form. Akoya placed her hand on his.
We... He sighed, seemingly trying to calibrate himself. We knew another Mew, named Mo. H-He and I, we... He gritted his teeth.
We went to destroy the computers... It... It was my idea, but he came along... We lit the room on fire, and teleported out... But it exploded.
I... I don't... very well remember what happened after that... I was... trapped. Pinned under burning debris... Mo was with me, and I know we talked some, but... I don't remember what was said...
And after that... I woke up in Sinnoh. Lav was three weeks old at the time, and... somehow I'd ended up bringing her with me. And years later I learned, with Akoya's help, that...
That I wasn't Randy. At least, not the way I'd thought I was...
He went quiet, and they sat in silence. Randy was shaking.
I don't know what he did, for sure. I... My guess is that... somehow he took my memories.
The... The actual Randy didn't make it out of the fire.
Again, silence. Persim had a look of contemplative horror on his face as he processed what had been said.
After a while, he spoke. So... so this human form you take... is it the same as the... the one who...?
Randy nodded. He appeared fatigued. Well, more so than usual.
Right down to the scar, which Mo didn't know about. And he remembers his childhood as Randy. So we know that there are memories beyond what Mo could've known. She paused for a moment. And his energy is the same as Randy's.
In all ways but his eyes, he's the same man.
Perzi narrowed his eyes again. Let me get this straight. You fell in love with a human, but didn't become mates until he was a Mew? He turned to Randy. And what about you? When did you fall in love with her?
Randy fidgeted a little, and mumbled his answer. After she fell for me, but before I was a Mew.
He didn't want a Human-Pokemon relationship, so we never were more than friends when he was human.
Perzi smiled warmly. Well there you go! Him becoming a Mew was a good thing for you guys.
Randy and Akoya looked at him, shocked. You're not... That's not weird at all to you?
What I see is two Mews who love each other very much. I don't know how I'd feel if he were still human. But as it is, I'm happy for you guys!
I know that Akoya wanted more than the colony could offer her. So to see that you found it, it really warms my heart.
Lav's parents were quiet for a moment. Akoya smiled back at her brother. Thank you, Perzi. Your support means a lot to me.
Persim shrugged, jostling Rosemary. She had fallen asleep, and gave a sharp shrill in protest before resettling.
Honestly I don't think I fully understand it all. But you two seem happy in the now, at least mostly. And I don't have a problem with that!
The Linden parents smiled. But soon Randy became serious again. You should know, though... My mom is a human.
Perzi flicked his ears again. So I'll occupy my time elsewhere. I can show Rosie the Hoenn sights!
Randy's face took on his typical look of concern. Are you sure she'll be safe?
I spent a long time before meeting up with you guys floating around. I'm capable of protecting myself. How much harder can a kit be? Besides, you guys'll be nearby if I need help.
You bet! You can always give a telepathic holler for us!
So it's settled? We're all going?
Great. I'm going to take a nap.
Randy stood up and began to float away. But he stopped a good ways out, and turned to look at Lav, who was sitting quiet and thoughtful with the twins sleeping in her arms.
She looked up at her dad, startled by the word in her head. He motioned with his head for her to come with him.
Lav handed the twins to her mom, and went to follow.
Once they were alone, Randy sighed.
I'm... I'm sorry it took us so long to tell you all that. I don't like keeping things from you, but... it's... hard for me to talk about.
Lav smiled at him. You don't need to apologize. I get it. That's... why I never asked. She tilted her head, thinking of something. You never told Uncle Perzi about Mom getting sick.
I can only handle so much of it at a time, Lav. If she wants to tell him, she can. But I'm not ready right now.
His voice sounded so beat. Lav's heart ached for him, as well as her mom. Her parents had been through so much, in such a short span of time. And the waves of guilt she'd felt from him earlier crossed her mind. He must feel like it had all been his fault...
She walked up to him and pulled him into a tight hug.
I'm proud of you, Dad. I know that time is hard for you, but... You've come a long way since it all.
He didn't respond, but she could feel him shivering. Soon she heard him sniffling, which turned into weeping. She didn't know if it was tears of guilt, or sadness, or relief, but she wanted to let him get it out.
Akoya checked their bedroom, her twin children asleep in her arms. Hoy, you guys are getting big. And heavy.
She left the room. Randy hadn't gone to the bed to sleep, so he was likely in his other spot of choice.
And there he was.
Cozied up in the corner of the couch with Lav's arms around him. The blue Mew gently set the sleeping kits down before turning to her mate and daughter. Akoya smiled as she approached them. She leaned in to give her mate a kiss, when she heard it.
The elusive but oh-so-wonderful sound of his purr.
She gave him a soft peck on the head and, purring herself, attempted to squeeze into the sleep pile. Randy woke a bit, and met Akoya's eyes. In that brief moment, they felt the pain of their past fade in the strength of their unity, before settling down to sleep.
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betterthanpekej · 2 years ago
How Could You Say No?
Summary: Your boyfriend, Chifuyu, gets home from work and has a surprise. Just don't be mad at him, okay?
WC: 985 Tags: Chifuyu x reader, gn!reader, fluff, established relationship, Chifuyu is your pure of heart cat dad boyfriend
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The clock on the wall ticked away as you wiped down the countertops, your final task for the day out of the small list you had made. You wiped your brow and tossed the rag into the dirty clothes in the laundry room as you heard the front door open. You poked your head around the corner, smiling at your boyfriend as he walked towards you. Something about the look on his face was troubling though, he looked puzzled, almost frantic but trying to keep himself together.
“Fuyu, is something wrong?” you said, frowning and making your way into the hallway. He was looking at you directly as he came down towards you and put one of his hands out, keeping the other behind his back. “Before you say anything, don’t be mad, okay?” he said nervously. Confused, you cocked your head to the side and gave him a weird look. “What are you talking about?” you said. As soon as the words left your mouth, you heard a small mew from behind him.
“Chifuyu… What is that?” you asked in a low tone. He gave you a sweet smile, trying to feign his innocence so you wouldn’t stay mad at him. He brought his other hand from around his back, holding a small kitten. It was roughly about 2 months old, small enough to fit in just one of his hands. He brought the kitten up to his face, putting his cheek against the small orange creature’s tiny face. “Pretty please,” he asked adorably as he gave you puppy dog eyes.
“Oh, come on?! How am I supposed to say no to that?” you said playfully. “Give it to me, give it to me now.” You took the kitten from his hands, letting it nuzzle up around your neck as it gave little mews. Chifuyu just stood there, pleased with himself. “Isn’t he cute?” he said as he rubbed the little kitten’s head softly. “I mean, yeah, he is. But where did you even get this little thing from?” you asked. He smirked as he kept petting the kitten. “Some couple found it and brought it to the pet store, but he’s so small I couldn’t put him with the other cats up for adoption. So I just had to bring him here… for work, y’know?”
His smile was beaming as he spoke. You knew going into this relationship that there would be a day that your soft-hearted, cat-loving boyfriend would bring a small critter home to you. He acted as though you would be mad, but in truth, there was no way you could be mad at him for this- especially when the little kitten had no real place to go. Rescues and shelters in the area were filled to the brim with pets looking for homes. Even if one had agreed to take him, you’d still have to wait a month or two before he could even go to them due to space. Chifuyu’s heart was one of the reasons you loved him so. His intentions were always pure, and when it came to animals, there was nothing he wouldn’t do to help them.
“I’m sure it’s only for business, mhmm,” you said with a playful eye roll. He snickered at your words. “Okay. give Baked Beans back to me,” he said, reaching for the little kitten at your neck. You turned yourself away from him and dropped your jaw. “No, this is my baby now. And did you just call him Baked Beans? Is that supposed to be his name?” you teased. “Uh, yeah? I took him in, so I get to name him. What- you don’t like it?” he said sarcastically. You took the little kitten from your neck and held him out in front of you, looking him over for a second before cuddling him once more. You turned around and started to walk down the hallway.
“Y’know, Peke J isn’t going to be too happy about little Baked Beans here,” you called to Chifuyu with a chuckle. He came up behind you, wrapping one of arm around you as you both walked into the kitchen. “Yeah, well I think he wants a new friend anyway,” he said. Peke J was sitting in his cat tree by the bay window. He perked up and gave a little stretch and yawn as he heard Chifuyu’s voice. “Look dude, we got you a little brother,” Chifuyu sang as he took the kitten from your hands. He bent down beside the cat tree, holding Baked Beans in one hand and petting Peke J with his other.
“See, they’ll be fine,” he said with a smile as he turned and looked at you. Baked Beans gave a little mew, making Peke J hiss and jump back onto his tree. You laughed as Chifuyu’s eyes met yours, his eyes wide with concern. “Chifuyu, it’ll be fine. Peke J is just used to being alone with you, give it some time,” you chuckled. Chifuyu got up from the floor and came over to the counters. “So.. what do we do about food for this little guy?” He looked to you for insight.
“Well, lucky for you, I have something just for this.” You looked in one of the back cabinets and pulled out a small bag of kitten food. “We just have kitten food laying around?” Chifuyu laughed. You poured a small scoop into a saucer dish and put it on the counter. Chifuyu put Baked Beans onto the counter with the food. The little growls coming from the kitten as he ate was adorable. He was so small, yet so ferocious in his own right. “We have kitten food because I knew one day we would need it,” you said softly as you looked at Baked Beans and then at Chifuyu. Chifuyu smiled widely as your eyes met his. “You know me too well.”
Cat Divider | © please do not copy and or repost my work as your own, my brain is massive and these are my thoughts.
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pokemon-card-of-the-day · 5 months ago
Pokemon Card of the Day #3271: Muk & Alolan Muk-GX (Unbroken Bonds)
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Muk & Alolan Muk-GX was all about Poison. It had very strong versions of Poison, with the caveat that it needed a decent bit of Energy or that plus use of a GX attack on attacks that otherwise did no damage to work. It could also try to work as a tank and heal against Poisoned Pokemon. These on their own, while different, didn't really look like the best moves in a format with all the big, powerful hitters mixed with control decks out there, as this strategy tended to be best against things in between those two extremes. But despite this, Muk & Alolan Muk-GX had a second chance as it was a Pokemon that could have attacks called by Mewtwo & Mew-GX, and since the attacks on the card didn't overlap with other options it was the type of GX that could sometimes take advantage of that.
270 HP was very typical for a Tag Team, and could be rather annoying to take down if you did let it actually make use of Poison Absorption. The Psychic Weakness was a problem, however. Mewtwo & Mew-GX, various Malamar partners, and even Dragapult VMAX could take advantage of it to a good extent. The Retreat Cost was also very high at 4, making switching cards basically required for use. This all being said, the stats only mattered if you were building around this and not using it as fodder for something else to gain its attacks.
Severe Poison needed a Psychic and 2 Colorless Energy to use, and Poisoned the opponent's Active Pokemon. That Poison set 8 damage counters instead of 1 between turns, and that was very cool if the opponent couldn't switch out and still kind of sad if they could.
Poison Absorption did 120 for a Psychic and 3 Colorless, which was a bit low. It did, however, heal 100 damage from Muk & Alolan Muk-GX if it hit a Poisoned Pokemon. The obvious plan when they made this card was to use the two attacks in order, getting a KO on anything with the combo with extra healing. When it worked and facing a Tag Team, it was actually quite good. It probably would have been very cool as a tank if really good auto-Poison Abilities were around. There were consistency issues here because the opponent could dance around the combo with the very common switching cards available, so you had to hope they didn't pull one. If they didn't, this had some real moments.
Nasty Goo Mix GX was absurd in theory. Setting Paralysis and Poison for no Energy could stall but did little damage and since it was on a GX attack you only did it for a turn. The magic was if you had at least 4 Energy attached, in which case the Poison set 15 damage counters between turns. Imagine if the opponent couldn't switch out, lost 3 Prizes on the turn switch, and right after it was your turn again due to the timing. Quite devastating indeed. Of course, the old "switching cards were popular" thing popped up once again, so it had its moments but you had to find the right one.
Muk & Alolan Muk-GX loved seeing other 3 Prize Pokemon and really hated that said Pokemon almost always ran a good number of ways to switch around. When it came together it was great, but it happened too rarely to make this the star of a deck. A few people did find success as a Mewtwo & Mew deck option, as if you did pick the right spot a Nasty Goo Mix GX could turn a game on its head. This card had that kind of ability but was so inconsistent that it was only sometimes used in that deck. Still had some value if you really wanted to punish specific builds though.
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emberdragon34 · 2 months ago
Day 4: Prank/gift
Hehee different style of writing :D
03:47, 8 / 20 / 24
‘Ok, I think it’s recording… Scar, say something!’
‘Uh- oh- ok- Um- With a woof and purr and baby was born! Catdog! Catdoog! Alone in the world without a little Catdog!’
‘And now let’s see if that recorded…’
02:37AM 8 / 21 / 24
‘This is the first official recording of Cub’s dream journal, kindly gifted to me by Scar uhh… it would've been yesterday at this point, yeah, we spent a little too long on birthday drinks. Scar’s passed out on the bed next to me, he’s not going to wake up for a very long time… you might pick up on his snoring. So, I’m about to start try and fall asleep, but I’ll start recording now so I can hear anything in the night. Scar did say I sleeptalk sometimes, so we can see if he’s lying about that… anyway, I’ll just put the recording stick there, and try to sleep… Scar… move your arm man… dude…’
‘Oh! His new recordy thingy is going- oh, sorry, Cub… excuse me… yes, hello, future Cub, this is Scar speaking and- AH- yep- that crash, future Cub, was me falling off the bed… anyway! I currently feel terrible, but we did have a lot of fun last night. You’re still fast asleep… look at your little sleepy face, you’re so cute, Cubby Wubby, yes you are… look at your sleepy-’
‘Ah! Oh! Good morning Cub! Good morning! How was your sleep? For the dream stick of amoyzingness and wonder?’
‘Dude, I had the weirdest dream… get this, so… there was a space colony, but it was entirely run by space cats. And they were telling me, dude, the space cats in my dream?’
‘They’re real. And they warned me that they’re coming to Earth soon to check out all our stuff. And they were communicating via dream that they were arriving soon…’
‘There are space cat aliens?!’
‘There are space cat aliens… I’ll tell you more over breakfast, once I’ve switched this off…’ 
03:51AM 9 / 15 / 24
‘What is this device here that the Humans have left, my fellow cat alien, Mr Fluffy?’
‘It appears to be some kind of primitive recording device, ship captain Meowy Mews. The humans will be aware of our presence! Including this one here!’
‘Use your magic yarn ball to deactivate it! Quick!’
‘Hello? What’s going on?’
‘Aaaah! The human is awake! Run away! Run awaaay!’
01:35AM 9 / 21 / 24
‘Shh! Quiet Finnie! We don't want Cub to wake up! We’re here to make contact with intergalactic cats!’
‘I know, Finnie! Cub got visited by cat aliens! I heard it on the Dream Recorder I gave him! After he had a dream about them! And we’re here to befriend them, if they're nice alien cats, and let them know they're very welcome here in Hermitcraft!’
‘Ah, there we go, nice and cozy for our lookout tonight… we’ll stay a couple hours, and then leave when it gets early.’
03:51AM 10 / 1 / 25
‘Mr Fluffy! Be careful in there! You may wake the human again!’.
‘The human is deep in comatosic sleepness, Captain Meowy Mews! We will be fine!’
‘Mr Fluffy! You left fur on their paper technology!’
‘The books, Captain Meowy Mews? I’m sorry! We should take some to gain more knowledge! This human must know so much about this land and of the universe than is known in the Intergalactic Cat Empire!’
‘We cannot steal their stuff like evil car aliens! We must leave a gift in exchange. Something they won't notice is alien, like the crystal of infinite cat food! Farewell sleeping human! I hope you use this magic wisely!’
02:27AM 10 / 3 / 25
‘Oh! Look Katy Bee! It’s the crystal of infinite cat food that the cat aliens left as a gift! It’s so pretty! Though… technically the aliens gave it to Cub so he would forgive them for stealing his books. But those books were ones I gave him, and they’ve been here a while… hopefully we make contact with Mr Fluffy and Captain Meowy Mews tonight.  Anyway, let’s snuggle here and wait a bit…’
03:13 10 / 23 / 24
‘We must thank the humans, for these wonderful books!’
‘Is that why we’re giving them a magic crystal that means all cats will do what you say and love you endlessly, Captain Meowy Mews?’
‘Indeed! And for the human who left the note saying they want to know if they can gift us with an entire cooked fish and a pile of treats in exchange for meeting us with uh- Cub the most wonderful amoyzing human ever-  we must assure them that the intergalactic cat empire graciously accepts this offer and the chance to meet with such a lovely pair of humans!’
‘Now, let’s leave before this one wakes up!’
05:51 10 / 27 / 24
‘Scar? What’s going on?’
‘Uhh- nothing! Nothing! I just uhh… left something here.’
‘Why are you sleeping on my floor- dude, are you trying to prank me?’
‘No! I’m here to meet the alien cats!’
‘The aliens cats?
‘Meow Meow and Furry!’
‘You mean Captain Meowy Mews and Mr Fluffy?’
‘You know they’re here, Cub?! Why haven't you been taking any of your magical cat related artefacts! They’re amoyzing, Cub! Ever since I got the crystal of infinite cat food, I’ve never had to refill their bowls again!’
‘I- uhh, thought you would appreciate them more?’
‘Oh! Why thank you Cub! They also said we could meet them, but they didn’t say when, so I’m upping my efforts to be up in time for them! Do you want to join me, Cub? In waiting for the Intergalactic Cat Empire to appear?’
‘Have you got cake?’
‘Of course I have cake, Cub! What kind of man do you take me for? Not having cake… Jeez Louise…’
‘Alright… I’ll consider.’
‘These are wonderful, wonderful cat aliens, Cub! Why must you sound so uncertain about making their acquaintance? Wait, are they secretly evil? Have you already met them. Wait a minute! Wait just a minute there, mister! Are you lying about the aliens? Did you invent them?’
‘There is a possibility I realised you were listening to me talking about my dreams and decided to start entertaining you.’
‘Cub! You silly goose, I thought it was all real! You mean there's no Intergalactic Cat Empire?’
‘Now, I’m not saying that. The universe is a very big place, Scar.’
‘True true… But- hang on, if there aren't aliens, then why does the crystal of infinite cat food work?’
‘Magic, Scar. Magic. Now, come on. Get some sleep. You’ve lost enough waiting for aliens. The bed’s big enough for two.’
‘You’ve been losing enough sleep imitating aliens, Cub!’
‘It’s not that much. I’m not staying for hours waiting for them to arrive.’
‘Well… shut up! And budge over. You’re hogging all the blankets Cub…’
‘I’m not!’
‘Yes you are!’
‘Hey! Oh, fine… goodnight, Scar.’
‘Goodnight, Cub.’
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heretherebedork · 1 year ago
It's about how Ray can't let go of Sand because his love for Mew was formed in the darkest time of his life and he doesn't know how to say no to him but he loves Sand in the here and now and he knows he does but he doesn't know how to stop what Mew has set into motion and so he is hurting himself and everyone around him in a desperate attempt to keep everything because he knows he doesn't deserve any of it.
It's about how Mew believes that Ray's addictions and seeming happiness are real rather than desperate covers for pain that never left him and is trying to emulate what he sees in Ray as an escape because he thinks Ray is escaping rather than drowning.
It's about how Nick wants Boston's eyes on him and go so far and run himself in ragged circles trying to get him back when the truth is that what they had could never have worked between the recording and his own desperation and that the space happening now had to happen.
It's about how Boston looked at their selfie so sadly but also knows that he can't form these bonds and he can't trust people not to betray him and how he almost smiles and stops himself and how he even looks at Ray with worry when the police have him but would never stop or speak to him and how his biggest worry in life in his father's image because everything else is ephemeral when you're going to leave anyway.
It's about how Top is worried for Mew and has taken up so much of what Mew did in their relationship but also bribes the cops with a giant bag of coke because he is not the dream and fantasy that Mew put on a pedestal but is more like Ray than either of them could face.
It's about how Cheum sees her treatment of Ray as stopping him and taking care of him rather than the mocking she did and the way she's so often laughed at him for his issues and ignored his problems and watched him implode but only cares because of Mew because she doesn't want to share his friendship and misses sharing their disapproval of Ray together.
It's about how Sand keeps trying to remove himself from the drama but cares too much and sees who Ray is when he isn't an addict and cares about Nick and just wants to be able to love without all the pain that comes but also will use people for revenge just as easily as everyone else because he loves but he also hates.
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