#…i think it was because they thouht i had food
emberz7 · 2 years
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koi pond
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at1nys-blog · 6 months
Please may I have a Blue exorcist angst headcanon of unfortunate circumstances of how Rin would react when he finds out that his girlfriend's parents were victims of the illuminati experiments and they were zombies and dead and she took it pretty badly..they died when she was 6 and it turned out they were experiments in the illuminati organisation and they died as a result as their lab rats. She just cried in Rin's arms at the death of her parents and the unfortunate circumstances surrounding this and it was unfortunate and a horrible circumstance in so many ways.
The characters from the pervious request I sent..who would react quite badly as well to her tears and the unfortunate circumstances surrounding this..(excluding Renzō).
https://youtu.be/qoz3kBxdsPk?si=_GCDGJ_giY7nazoX (go to 0:47 of when she cried)
Making this when they get to Peaceful Inari so Izumo's gonna be different. Fun fact I never learned the Illuminati's scientist's name and I had to open another tab so I can check when I need to use his name.
A/N: I wrote once a hc for OP because I kept talking about it with a friend and I thouht that would be the last time I wrote such a thing but now? Why is so fun writing those????? Also, feedback is appreciated :)
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Mission is easy: Saving Izumo Kamiki and Shima Renzo from the Illuminati
What to expect: enemies to attack you
What not to expect: past traumas punching you in the face.
The second you enter the Illuminati's hq you are surronded by human zombies
and while everyone fights you just... drop on your knees because of the magic of ✨Trauma✨
Everyone is confused why are you doing NOTHING when you are supposed to either fight or find a way to survive this
But... you are crying???
Yukio Okumura's HC
Yukio knows
Of course he does. You have told him about it he asked you why you wanted to become an Exorcist
Yes, he didn't know the details of how your parents died but still
drops in front of you because he wants to hear what you have to say
Shoots at some zombies in the meantime
When you tell him about your parents he is furious????Like who would do such a thing????
But doesn't show it much on the outside
When you cry into his arms makes sure the two of you are safe and let's you a couple of minutes before reminds you about the mission
doesn't leave your side
Not even when they try to seprate you
Rin Okumura's HC
Boy is as confused as everyone else
Why are you not fighting????
Every zombies he "takes down" he checks up if you are fine, spoiler: you are not
Comes closer to make sure the zombies don't get at you but still stands up to fight a couple of them
Bon assures him he can talk to you, he will protect you
doesn't know if to ask you what is happening or wait for you to talk
when you tell him his blood is boiling and he wants nothing more than to find this Gedoin and tear this place down
You have to stop him because now the only thing you want to do is crying in his arms (he gives the best hugs not gonna lie)
He let's you be
As Yukio would never leave your side but manages to fail when you get separeted
Hopes you are doing fine and that Kuro gets to you first (Kuro does)
Ryūji Suguro’s HC
He wants to scold you so bad because you can't do that RIGHT NOW you are on a mission for God's sake
But at the same time wants to know what the hell is going on. Asks Rin to protect you two.
He doesn't know what to say, nor think for that matter, when you tell him about your parents
When you start crying he is more lost
He doesn't know how to comfort you, he never did it before
Keeps silent while you cry in his arms
Mentally noted to take special care when fighting this Gedoin
Checks up on you and smiles when you are back into "badass Exorcist" again
Promises you, he is treating you to your favorite food/resturant
Konekomaru Miwa’s HC
Very confused and it shows
Kinda forgets about the zombies
Asks you why aren't you fighting, goes :O when you tell him about your parents
Lets you cry in his arms while the fight is going on around the two of them (I totally pictured the scene in my mind through a meme...)
Asks you if you can fight. If yes, makes sure you are doing fine; if not makes it his personal mission to keep you safe without too much help from the others (my hcs is that he isn't as weak as he think he is)
He finds it hard to attack them now because what if they are your parents?
When he gets out of his prison his first thought is to find you
He might not be able to comunicate with Kuro but tries his best to make him understand that he HAS to safe you first
Hugs you when he sees you because he is glad you are fine (he is pessimistic at heart and might or might not have thought you lost all hope to survive)
Try and leave his, or Kuro's side. No, I am serious good luck. He won't let you out his sight nor anywhere away from that cat
Shiemi Moriyama's HC
Realizes something is off before everyone elses
The second she sees you on your knees tell Nee-Chan to create a protection field so you aren't reached from the zombies
Gives you time, but the second you start crying?
She is next to you immediatelly
Unlike the others she is focused on you and only you, forgets where you are honestly
When you tell her about your parents, starts crying with you
Strokes your hair and back whispering that everything is okay
Might start singing or reciting a poem because that is what her mother does when she is sad
Wipes away your tears
Shiemi: I like you better when you smile, even though when you cry you are cute too
Kamiki Izumo's HC
She finds out about your parents at the hospital
She is mad at Shiemi because she is crying
And confused at your lack of interaction.
You tell her you feel sorry for what happened to her mother
Oh now she is mad again because how can you understand what she is going through, uh?
Back at crying because now you have to relive that day AGAIN
Izumo is taken aback, she never saw you crying before. She doesn't know what to do.
She finds herself in your bed, holding your hand while you tell her your story
Looks at Shiemi for advice but she just tells her to be there and listen
“😳” at first when you cry on her arms but then she would loosen it up and stroke your back
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twdeadfanfic · 3 years
You say that you don't want to be on Leah's shoes and that you try to see her side but you would choose Daryl and why to see her side, when she's hateful, made Daryl choose her over his family (when she won't do it for him) and tortured him, and she and her people are murderers, so why you keep writing that you hate her yet then you write you see her side and you blame Daryl.
I'm going to start this with a DISCLAIMER because I've experienced firsthand what is to get on the bad side of both people that hate and that love Leah: I do not like her relationship with Daryl, I hate it and I hate even more the way it was written, so I am in no means trying to defend it, or her.
So, with this out of the middle, I' want to answer in two parts.
It got long because I tried to just not hate just for hating (because when I'm mad and heartbroken I am...really not nice) but actually give my ideas and thouhts on her and her relationship with Daryl, so I'm going to put it after read more.
I said I wouldn't like to be in her shoes. Yes, I mean it, I don't need to like her for that (And I don't hate her per se, more the writing, and her relationship with Daryl.)
Why? She will probably have to choose between Daryl and her family. Of course I can go and tell you, oh, of course I'd pick Daryl over anything else. And in my heart it'd be truth. But the thing is, I don't know and I can't know. Because I love Daryl, but I've never had a family the way Leah does, so it's not the same for me to say that of course I'd pick Daryl.
On one hand, Daryl. She loved him and she still does, and can't you blame her, he is Daryl Dixon after all. On the other, her family. It's clear how much they mean to her and how strong their bonds are, not to mention she's brainwashed by Pope, and even with that, she's protective of her brothers and tries to stop Pope from hurting them or yelling at them.
So, yes, even if her family is bad and murderers, they're still her family, she still cares for them, she can't see them as murderers, much less brainwashed like she is...and she still cares for Daryl, because he is Daryl. So, I believe that it's a very hard decision to make, if she has to, and that's why I'm always so on the fence as to what will happen and what she will do.
Second part, Leah being hateful and all that. Again, disclamer, I don't like her and I hate her relationship with Daryl, but...
Do you know why I think she's so unlikeable and such a dull, uncharismatic character and an awful love interest?
Bad writing. It's not her, per se, it's bad writing, and unreliable writing. (Also, of course, their relationship having no base and no build-up...despite the chance to have done it right).
Her relationship with Daryl, their backstory, changes every episode, and so does her.
Her first episode. We have a woman in the woods who meets Daryl, they barely have any interaction or connexion, but suddenly they're close. She tells him a sobbing story about her family, and they're in shagging terms and in love, without us knowing how or what, and never showing their love, trust, intimacy, nothing, what for.
Next scene, again without build-up, their relationship seems very consolidated.
And, out of the blue, without a reason, she asks Daryl to choose her, meaning leaving back his family.
For what we are told in that episode, she knows that Daryl is looking for Rick, she knows why, she knows what happened, she knows about his family and Daryl's story with them. Then, moving to the new season, when Daryl is the cell, she seems to know him very, very well, like he told him everything about him and everything he's done, when she says that he's done bad shit too, that he's talking to her, that she knows him.
So, what we're left to feel, even since her first episode, is that she's someone toxic that out of the blue made Daryl choose her over his family, despite her knowing Daryl's story with his family...that's bad.
And it's made worse when Daryl Dixon, a character whose main trait used to be loyalty and love for his family, ends up choosing her (without us having seeing why or their love)...but she's gone.
But, what happens now, with this new season? Unreliable writing.
As I said, when Daryl is on the cell, she speaks like she knows him deeply (and that's what we were told in their first episode together too, even if badly written), more than almost anyone perhaps...
...yet, it doesn't seem she knew about Alexandria or Hilltop, despite knowing it all, and knowing about Daryl's family.
I believe this is because, since the reapers were looking for a place to stay and food, for plot reasons the writers needed that place to be Maggie's, not Alexandria or Hilltop, so they needed Leah not to know...but now, it just looks like bad unreliable writing to me.
Might be (but this is mostly my writer mind) that she did know about those settlements but didn't want to bump into Daryl as she felt he abandoned her, or didn't want to have to kill his family and maybe himself, unless she needed to...but I don't see it. The Leah we more often than not see, would have murdered them no question...but as her writing is unreliable, the Leah they tried to sell us in episode 7 for like 3 minutes only, the one Kang says is sweet, caring and protective and Daryl fell for, that one, I guess she'd have tried not to kill them.
Let's assume she doesn't know about the settlements.
Going back to the point, unreliable bad writing, and does she know or not know Daryl so deeply?
In episode 7, she's talking to Daryl, about having a group, yada yada, and she says how Daryl's always on his own, so he can't understand what is like to have a group that relies on you and that you have to provide for.
Leah believing that goes against everything we've been told before. That she knew about Daryl's family and Daryl's time with them, and why he, back when he was with her, didn't dare to face them and felt guilty. She knew he had a group that he lived with, helped, proved for...like, just an episode ago, she knew. Now she doesn't.
The writing is just...why so bad? It baffles my mind.
But, if we look at it that way...if she didn't know Daryl had a group to provide for and rely on him...then it's not that bad that she asked him to stay with her? It'd be understandable, she wouldn't be so hateful, she didn't know... But it's not really the case, it would be if it weren't because when she asks, she uses the word family! She talks about Daryl's family! She does too when he's in the cell! But now she thinks that Daryl never had a group to provide for and rely on him, and he on them? What is his family then???
Seriously, the writing kills me.
They don't know how to write their relationship, just that they want people to support it and ship it, so they try to put everything in it that they think people might like (wrongly), and change it from a scene to another...maybe that's why they never bother to build it up, I even doubt they thought about it, that it was just "Daryl has a love interest now" and didn't care to think why or developed it, it's something that doesn't interest them, as they just want it to further the reapers plot and to make Daryl have a love interest.
They don't know why to write her either, and it looks like they just try to badly make a character that people might seem cool and so they went like: Loner, fighter, strong, loving, sweet, mean, caring, protective, murderer, harsh, family person, loyal...without actually caring to make a person and build her up, to the point she has no personality, no charisma, nothing, and that she changes from scene to scene, unreliable, bad writing.
But they're trying to sell her and the relationship hard.
Even though, each episode, is clear they didn't know each other...because the writers didn't care that they did, because their relationship changes from episode to episode, because it was not important to write it or build it, I guess. And it's a shame that this is Daryl's grand love story, with no intimacy, trust, or nothing, and it kills me.
I don't think that Norman saying that what gets Daryl is sweetness, and Leah actually being harsh and cold at the beginning... and now Kang saying that she's sweet and trying to badly show it for 2 minutes in an episode, is coincidence, honestly, I think she's done it for what Norman said and for what clearly, we all think too.
And you know what Norman said (sure he wasn't expecting this bullshit of a romance for Daryl lol), if Daryl ever fell in love, he'd mate for life...well, there it is, his long live romance, whether she dies soon or lives the whole season.
And it's such bullshit that it's so badly done, and written, with so little care.
Anyway, I've talked enough and I'm going to piss off 99% of you enough without needing to write more lol.
EDIT: I feel I took this anon as an attack and now I think it might not have seen so, apologies, but I still stand with I have written.
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shadow--link · 3 years
List of things that I don't get because Ganon sucked as a 'parent' and I hate humans but the list gets more concerning the more you read it
uh tw this is kinda a vent
1: People liking 'toe beans' What is so cool about an animal's feet grippers. and like, I saw them on a fersona and they had human hands..that is very imprracticall..just..why
2: Calling things cute. it fucking makes me sick. I hear it so much I wanna burn something. Like people calling a shirt cute and the shirt is one piece of a cloth that barly covers their breasts. No. It's not cute, it's gross.
3: Sticking your tongue out trying to be cute/sexy The amount of rage that boils inside me when I see someone stick out their tongue is insane. I feel so fucking pissed and I don't know why. I wanna punch them in the face and rip out their tongue then burn it.
4: People that I look up to liking something I know shit about I feel bad that I don't know this thing you really like and I wanna relate with you but if all you talk about is this thing I know nothing about I feel dumb and stupid like I wanna cry and why am I your friend when we have nothing in common..I just feel bad and I hate it and I don't know why.
5: Not knowing 100% of a hyperfixation Like I kinda enjoy the DreamSMP but there's things in it that I don't know..it took me weeks to figure out what o7 meant (it's a salute) and like EVERYONE knew what it was and I didn't and I felt like a fake fan cause I don't know what this thing is and it's CLEARLY IMPORTANT but I don't know what it is cause I joined the fandom late and now I'm the stupid one
6: any word that ends in 'isum' Like... "oh nooo the people that have more meletonin then me are evil" the fuck. Why is that even a thing. "Oh no, person have boobie and coochie. Person stupid. I have penis. I smart." why. Y'all are all Hylians. Just..fucking GAH stAHP with it. It makes no sense. What's so bad about someone being a different colour then you? IT'S A FUCKING COLOUR GUHHHHHH also "oh no man kissed another man the world is gonna end." Why. THey're just kissing. I don't..H
7: I can't remember shit for shit Why is forgetting things a thing. I hate it. SOmetimes I can't remember what my favorite "insert noun here" is! Like someone will ask me "Hey what's your favorite food??" And I don't fucking know! WHY DON'T I FUCKING KNOW?? IT'S mY FAVORITE FOOD! I SHOULD KNOW THESE THINGS! But I don't.. like, I think it's sushi.. but now that I think about it, sushi is kinda gross. So it could be pizza.. but.. ok there's nothing bad about pizza, but..I sound like a dumb little kid saying that..
8: I'm close to being an adult Ganon forced me to grow up from a young age. I don't remember my childhood..probably because I didn't have one. Man, this thouht hurts the most.. I've been forced to mature far before I'm ready..I'm still 15..I'm still a kid...but no, I'm almost 16 and at 16 I HAVE to get a job or I'll just be sitting around the castle like a worthless sack of fleash... and well, I am in a batter situation now, I'm living in the castle with Link and his family.. no longer with abusive Ganon.. but Link's Dad is still scary when he yells...and he expects me to work when I'm 16 and to stop mooching off of him in my mid 20's...but... I don't feel like I'm ready.. I can't function on my own... I really can't...and..I finally worked up the courage to tell Zelda that.. but Link's Dad heard me say that, and he said "So I've failed you? It's my job to prepare you for the outside world!"..or something like that.. it made me feel so upset.. I ran out of the room and fled to my bed to cry, and wanting to die.. I'm not suicidal. I'm scared of death. But in that moment..I really wanted to die.
9: Talking about feelings I never vent. This is like the 3rd time I've vented. Besides in Among Us. hheh, sorry. I couldn't help myself..humor is how I cope with stuff. Guess I now understand why the 'funny friend' in memes is portrayed as sad when alone..cause at the end of the day, that's what I am. Alone. with no one to talk too. Guess that's why I went back to this blog to vent.. Link might see this and talk to me, though. And I know Vio will be talking through him. Just hope he doesn't scold me about putting this on Tumbler lol........what was I saying.. oh right.. talking about feelings is hard for me. When I was young, before Ganon stole me from my homeland, I was always an outcast. The one time I went to school, everyone hated me. Now that I look back, it's probaly cause I have autism and ADHD. Well, I might have them. Not diagnosed yet. But Me and Zelda have done the reasurch. A tone of it. And there's no way I'm nerotypical. But anyway. No one wanted to be my friend when I was a child. Probably why Ganon took me away. I wouldn't be missed. And I wasn't. Only a few remembered who I was when I returned to Lorole after breaking the mirror. I spelled that wrong but don't care. And the friends I made as a kid...I couldn't find them..and any friends I did make...man..I was such an asshole towards. I.. was transphobic towards this one friend...I feel so bad about it. I hate how I used to act. I hate it. I fucking hate it so much I just wanna- no. that's not me anymore. No more killing.
10: The medical system Why do ya gotta wait years to get diagnosed for mental disorders. WHy do you gotta be an adult to get trans uh helping surgery. Why do ya gotta wait till 16 to get on hormone blockers. THEY AIN'T GONNA BLOCK SHIT NO MORE, I ALREADY WENT THROUGH PUBORTY AND IT ENDED AT LIKE 14 FOR ME!... at least my chest is small. I am so greatful that my chest is small and can be hidden in a bif shirt. "bUt ShAdOw LiNk, YoU'rE a BoY" well I'm glad you think that, asshole. SOmetimes, when a Lohian/shadow/shade is born, they're the oppaside of Hylians, right? Well, sometimes the gender is reversed as well..so...Link is male, I was born a female. Hada stupid ass name that sounds like raw-vio lmao. But I didn't like that. So I changed..I.. wanted to be Link, but different.. so I called myself Lync, cause that looks cool. But Ganon was like "No, that sounds like Link, and he's an asshole. Don't call yourself Lync." So he called me Shadow Link.. and well, that's the only thing Ganon has done to me that I don't hate...but now that I think about it, I kinda relate to the Lohian god Loki and wanna call myself that instead. But anyway..when I failed at anything, Ganon would call me by my deadname. I hated it.. when I would win, he would call me Shadow Link. And I started to hate my deadname...now I hate it cause it's too girly. Reminds me of the old old me. I think I got off track. oh well.
this had been a list of shit that pisses me off. There might be more to add to this but I'm sad, it's late, and I don't want Link yelling at me. Goodnight.
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another-om-mc · 4 years
prequel to [this] @himbo-beel
That stupid fucking kid! Fuck angels and fuck Luke in particular. I hope he can hear me damning him to hell. Lucifer in his demon form is a sight indeed, should he have been any other, personality wise, it would be potentially a beautiful figure, but the mutual animosity taints the image. Well, that and the fear of death.
Magic. We learned a spell for this! He’s attacking and hes coming for us! The adrenaline has already kicked in and everything is moving so slowly, but even then hes so fast. This stupid angel kid is going to be the death of us, my dumb brain is going to be the death of us, Mammon, and Beel, and fucking… Lucifer is going to be the death of us!
It worked! It’s working... It’s not fast enough! Everything is so slow, and I can see the shield of magic forming, its gold... that makes sense. I want to protect them, it’s a desire so therefore a greed in a sense, so it makes sense. It’s so weird to see it; I’ve never used this kind of magic; I’m not that brave. My hands sting like burning grease is poured on them, the pact with Mammon probably giving strength to the magic itself; but it’s so thin. Maybe if I want more? Please, make it thicker! He’s so close! I want to protect them, I want to help, I want to live! I want I want I want I want I want I want I want – WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!
Why did she step out! Mammon is so fast, why didn’t my shield spread fast enough?! Shannon is already stepping out; she didn’t see me, or didn’t know what I was doing, or- who cares it doesn’t matter, I want to protect her most and she’es not behind the shield!
Shes yelling at him, and everything is so fast now! The tint of gold between us is gone faster than it appeared and I need to catch her. Beel and Mammon are moving so much faster than me. I’m no good at this. I’m so useless useless useless useless -CRACK.
Oh no.
Seconds. Seconds out of my grasp and I don’t know if she’s ok! I’ll kill him if she’s not ok!
I know I’m scrambling and fumbling and not very coordinated; it’s hard to see, my fingers are numb, my blood feels like ice, my hands hurt. My hands... they’re in her hair and its so slick. I don’t need to look at it to know it’s blood; what else would it be, but it isn’t everywhere, so she must be ok? “PLEASE!” I don’t want to shake her but she isn’t responding and I don’t know enough! I don’t know any healing magic yet! They didn’t cover it! “Wake up!” I can’t see, and I can’t help, I can hear them all arguing and fighting, and things are breaking. She’s so much taller than me, I can’t pick her up to leave with her. Useless. All I can do is fucking cry and wrap around her so no one can touch her. Please wake up. Please wake up. Please wake up. Please wake up. Please wake up. Please wake up. Please wake up. Please wake up. Please wake up. Please wake up.
Someone’s touching me!
I whipped around so fast, teeth bared and snarling too much like an animal. I still can’t see, even when I try to blink away the stinging moisture, its still so blurry, but I can see orange, and it’s fine. It’s Beel. I can trust him. Is he ok? I can’t even tell.
“Please?” I don’t even know what I meant but that; please help? Please just pick her up for me? Please don’t let her die because I’m selfish... I don’t even know if he heard me, I couldn’t even hear myself, but he picked her up any way. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. He’s walking away with her and I scramble after them, digging the back of my hands into my eyes so I can see. I don’t what to look at the blood. Normally I don’t care about blood, but right now isn’t normal. Nothing about this place is normal.
I had a thought to look around, see who else was still here, what was going on, but I didn’t. I just watched my best friend lay like a corpse in Beel’s arms as he carried her to who knows where and followed like a kicked puppy.
Guilt. My fault. I did that to her. She wouldn’t have been hurt if I wasn’t so nosey. I keep hurting her.
We’re in ... a room? Who’s room is this? It’s cute.... There’s two beds? Beel. It has to be his room.
He’s setting her on his bed and I still don’t know what to do... “Thank you.” It’s still a whisper, but he nodded, so I know he heard me. I wonder if he thinks it’s my fault too. He should.
I keep wringing my hands; I didn’t even notice I’d been doing it. I hope Mammon doesn’t feel how gross it suddenly feels. The smeared half dried blood. The guilt. ... He doesn’t need to feel more guilt.
What if I had used my pact? What if I had told him to protect her? Would that have been better?
Theres a loud growl and I jump out of my thouhts and snap my attention to it and sigh; It’s just Beel. He looks so uncomfortable. I’m sorry.
“I’ll make food, if you stay with her.” He looks at me, a lot less hate than I expected. I show him my hands in the most minor way; I realy want to wash them. Please know I want to wash them. “She would mush rather wake up to you, I’m sure.” The smile is so forced, I don’t even have to see it and I hate it, but it’s true. She probably hates me now... that’s fine though, I hate me too... “She likes you, it’d probably help.” I failed, I failed her specifically even, why would she wanna see me first thing?
“Can you make that much?”
I laughed a little; I don’t really know why. “Yeah.” I nod.
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freckledintrovert · 5 years
anyways lets get raw and vulnerable because that’s what this blog is for and I rarely use it for that. last night was just not good and I'm not exactly sure what brought it about, maybe just the collective buildup of emotions became too much. this social distancing SUCKS. I get my serotonin from my interactions with my friends, just bantering with them and seeing them smile and laugh and getting to hug them. I’ve only been able to see my boyfriend every now and then through this, which of course I am so grateful for and I don't know how I would be able to cope without him, but it’s still lonely. I also have not felt nearly as productive as I would have liked, I've basically been sucked into a hole of scrolling on my phone and playing Minecraft, and I recognize this and still don't make changes. Its also been a month since my best friend, my dear grandmother passed away. its been easier than I expected but I think its because it still hasn't quite hit me ill never see or speak to her again in this lifetime. I also have been getting a lot of notifications from my teachers of upcoming assignments that need to be done at home and its just very overwhelming, especially for someone like me who likes to get things done as soon as they are assigned. 
Theres also the part of me that really wanted to exercise and lose some weight during this break and ive definitely either stayed the same or gained. I don't talk much about my ed anymore on this page because I don’t restrict anymore at all and I've definitely overshot my set point. Im higher than I was when I started this, and even with friends and family telling me I look great I still feel more self-conscious than I ever have. I look back on me at my lowest weight and I just want to grab her by the shoulders and make her realize that she does NOT look heavy in any way. What I wouldn't give to look like that again. For those of you also who have nearly fully recovered, I know I'm not alone when I say there are days I miss being sick. I was never bored, I had a purpose, I was the least self conscious ive been in my life, I never had to worry about what clothes I was wearing, anyone could pick me up, my appetite was small... but I also know it was exhausting, I wouldn't have sleepovers because I was afraid of what they would have to eat, my head was always foggy- and I feel mentally better than I ever did then, and a body I’d prefer is not worth going back to that headspace. So I will continue to eat when im hungry, try to balance treats and nutritious food, move my body in a way I enjoy, and learn to love myself and redefine my definition of healthy. 
This was a shit show of a ramble but its everything Ive been feeling. Thanks for reading if you made it this far. 
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emmettalie · 5 years
I have a twilight blog now, so I’m going to post this (deliberately) bad fanfic that has been haunting me for the last twelve years.
“Oh no BELLA!!” Edward yelled as he ran to her side. “NOOOOOO!!!” He tried to shoke her awake but she was bleed lots of blood.
“Oh my” Carlistle said. “I think she’s deed. We were too late.”
“NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!” screamed Edward as he rocked the dead back and forth and cryed “WHY MUST THIS BEEEE? WHY??”
“Well, this isnt good” emmiet said. Carlistle thouht. “oh well lets move.” He turned around and left.
“NOO BELLLLAAA” Edward clung to the body and tremble. Alice picked him up and threw him outside.
“Were are we going” said Alice.
Carlistlile thought. “I want to sell ivory”
So they went to africa and lived in a tent and Carlistle joined a pack of ilegal hunters and mak more money on ilegal game. He have great fun.
“Business was good” he say happilie to Eseme. He hold up hunting rifle. Then he pick off the competitions.
Rosalie hated africa because it was boring and noone liked her. the storks and beetles and hippos and rhinoes didn’t care that she was pretty for stupid they.
She spend time with gazelles riding as they ran through the prarieies. If she want food it was closes
“NOOOO BELLAAA” Edward would scream as he trying to kill himself. rosalie would ride past as he put himself in gasoline and lit match. He burteded but still did not die. “ARRRRGGHHH IT RESEAMBLES THE PAIN OF MY HARTTT” He screamed when it not work.
One day he to jump of cliffs, trying him hoping it would work and yells out “MY LIFE IS EMPTY LET ME DIEEE!!”and fell. then he tried swallowing forks and knives but it give him indigesition
he flew by the time and he grew psykotic. He freyneded a local tree and named it Bella, that he hugged and cuddled and kissed alls of the time. Rosalie rode on gazelleses shaking her head. tree bella was even ugleir than none one she thought.
“Oh bella” Edward would say as cuddled with the tree “You are my one true love!” he to make out with tree then stopped. “oh sorry have to hold back i dont to accidnetly bite tos kill you!
“edward thats not bella it a tree.” rosalie said. He grew worried but it soon gone. “Oh, don’t listen to her bella she doesn’t know what she’s talking about!”
but one day Bella came and was run a vampire. “Edward im back!” She yeled and to ran in his arms. “What you say and who are you?” He ask going to the tree
“edward, im a vampire! we can be together forever!” Edward looked like at her like she was crazy. “HOW CAN THERE BE TWO BELLAS” he screamed and watched the too bellas “Edward imm not deed”
“WHAT AR YOU TALKING ABOUT” Edward toke hands at his hair and stepped aroudn. “MIE WORLD IS TURNED UPSYDE DOWNNN” He turned arouned and ran away to screaming. Roslaie rode by on the gazelle and watched Bella start crying. Only her vampire powar was to let make things explode so Edward had exploded. his cloths floated down like confeytie.
“look what you did!!!!” carlistle and esme anger. Bella cried and made tree bella explode then explooded herself. rosalie roded back to the tent and takind out a gazelle or two on the way and things was no more sam.
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juminsmysticmc · 6 years
You always say that you cannot post your own writing when request are open. Sp with this request i want you to decide to post your own writing!
RFA + Minor Trio who has pregnancy diabetes 
,,What did you eat today, my love?’’ Jumin asked you after he came home and kissed you. 
You smiled at him and responded what the cook prepared for you. 
,,Uhu? Again…? Shouldn’t you eat something proper, my love? Is this okay? Did you check with the medical?’’ Jumin asked you.
You looked at him, why should you? It was just something sweet! 
,,No, Mc. This is dangerous. I will call someone right away.’’ he answered. 
A few moments later the medical came to check on you. 
,,I think my wife could have diabetes. Pregnancy diabetes.’’ he told them. 
And after a nod, they proceded with the check. 
And Jumin was right, you had a high blood sugar level.
,,I’m sorry Jumin…’’ you cried into his arms. 
,,Don’t be, Mc. You couldn’t know it….but allow me to fire the cook…because he knew!’’ 
,,Ahhh my Mc is so thirsty these days.’’ Zen told a co-worker. 
The young man looked at Zen ,,My wife was like that too! And in the end we found out that she had pregnancy diabetes. If we knew it sooner, we could have prevented the dangerous delivery!’’ he told Zen. 
Zen became pale, was this the same for you? 
He was scared, he didn’t want you to have difficulties during that time. 
He came home sooner and when he found you with a cake, his blood level got high. 
,,Mc! Don’t eat this! This isn’t healthy for you! We need to check you right away!’’he cried. 
Luckily the medical could help you. 
Unfortunately, Zen was right. 
You were out on diet and had to be cautious. 
Zen was happy, that he was able to prevent something dangerous.
It was your future after all, he just had to be like that!
,,Hello, dear!’’ Yoosung greeted you and entered the apartment. 
He kissed you and smiled at you. 
,,Yoosung, I have a check tomorrow. Do you want to come with me?’’ you asked him. 
He quickly agreed to you. 
The next day, he was really excited. 
He couldn’t wait to see the new results. 
But at that time, he didn’t know that he was about to have a breakdown….
,,What? Yes, we have diabetes in our family.’’ you answered. 
The midwife looked at you, she was a bit shocked. 
,,What? Oh my, why didn’t I ask you sooner! You could be affected by pregnancy diabetes if so!’’ she whined and quickly run a lot of tests. 
And she was right-you were affected by diabetes. 
Yoosung was angry with himself for a long time. 
He wished, he had studied medicine for humans instead. 
But behaving like that wouldn’t help him. 
He searched up the symptoms and helped you a lot. 
Luckily there were no problems during the delivery and the diabetes disappeared like the medical said.
,,Saeyoung, we should buy proper food…don’t you think?’’ you asked your fiancé as you looked at the fridge.
,,Nähh. We have HBC and Dr Pepper. Why do you need proper food?’’ he asked you as he typed something into his laptop. 
You on the other side weren’t that sure about that. 
But you let it slide. 
Just when you felt sick and sleepy and felt weak, the both of you got scared. 
,,Mc, why are you that weak?’’ Saeyoung asked you concerned. 
You looked at him ,,I don’t know Saeyoung…but i’m afraid.’’ you confessed. 
Your fear was confirmed at the hospital. 
,,You guys must be crazy!’’ the midwife scolded you. 
,,Do you know that you could lose the baby? That this is a risk for your life? Mc, you have to do a diet. I will send you the plan. I will check on you from now on even more.’’ the elder told you. 
You were sad, that day you cried a lot. 
You put your child in a great danger. 
,,Do I even deserve to become a mother?’’ you asked Saeyoung. 
Saeyoung was speechless. 
Of curse you deserved. 
He was the one who didn’t….. 
And that’s what he told you. 
,,No….we both deserve it..’’ you told him after you listened to him. 
,,We just need to do better.’’
He felt betrayed by his ice cream. 
It was his fault, he thouht. 
He fed you with ice cream three times a day and that every day. 
And now you laid in bed, a bit weak and thirsty.
The RFA of course never stopped to help you out but that couldn’t erase his regrets. 
,,Don’t be like that, Saeran. It’s not your fault I should have said no, I should have rejected the sweets. But don’t worry, I won’t put this child in more danger so please, cheer up and go through this with me!’’ 
Your words made him happier. 
That was what it meant to be a family, right?
,,Jihyun! I want to eat ice cream!’’ you told him when your cravings came up again. 
Your boyfriend looked at you, the problem was, that he loved it whenever you ate something sweet because your eyes began to shine. 
,,Yes, my moon, I will buy it for you.’’ he chuckled. 
If he had known what he did by this, he wouldn’t have bought you all the sweets. 
,,Jumin, I will be gone for a few days. I count on you to look after Mc.’’ he told his best friend and gave him a handshake. 
He then left and kissed you once again. 
,,Mhhh?’’ he answered the phone just a few hours again. 
Someone woke him up. Everything he wanted right now was to sleep. 
,,Mc is in hospital.’’ these few words made him come back right away. 
Jumin told him. But, why where you in the hospital? 
Did you fall? Hurt yourself? Were you about to give birth? 
,,Diabetes?’’ he asked the medical who gave him a nod. 
Jihyun looked at your sleeping figure. 
,,Ugh….’’ he cried beside you when everybody left. 
He didn’t think about that, he really didn’t. 
Since then he looked after you, made sure that you ate just the thing that you were allowed to eat and that something like that didn’t happen again. 
,,Mc! Could you please, for god’s sake stop eating this disgusting stuff! The whole house is sticky because of you!’’ your boyfriend complained after he too care of your sticky hands. 
You looked at him, your mouth full with sweet stuff.
,,I’m pregnant and you’re complaining?’’ you asked him. 
Little did you know, that what you did was dangerous. 
On the next check, you found out. 
,,Your baby is way too big, miss. This can lead to a soon delivery and….sometimes to difficulties during labor. And, you will feel sleepy….this is all because of the pregnancy diabetes.’’ the doctor told you. 
You looked at her and then to Vanderwood who glared at you. 
,,No more sweets for you.’’ he snapped. 
,,Vanderwood I-‚‘’ 
,,That’s not just your life! YOU ALSO NEED TO TAKE CARE OF OUR BABY!’’ 
Vanderwood reflected on the things he just said. 
You were right, he had to takecare of you too, and he failed. 
Since then Vanderwood took care of your food and let you sleep as much as possible. 
He cared for you after all. 
19.11.’18// 21.26 MEST
@foreversunshine-love @giulia2372 @milkyxstrawberry 
@widya345 @remiliadacalde @sailormoonrocks666 
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fictional-guns · 7 years
Edmund Pevensie Imagine AU
There’s a place for us, and I promis you someday we will come to this place
Sorry for any mistakes English is not my first language :/ Warnings: angst, fluff, sadness I am out of the clinic, I had made a withdrawal. And it was now different but I couldn't say if it was better than before the only thing of which I am dependet was cigarettes, but this was not really a drug... The only good thing in my life was Edmund. We was in a relationship while my drug phase and he didn't left me. He was the only thing that keeps me from falling apart. He was o much understanding, lovely and just. Sometimes it felt like he would try to change the world for me or the time would hold still when he was with me. Now we wanted met and I went through the streets always with a glowing cigarette between my fingers. And my mobile in the other hand. I pushed the button fo a memo:"Hey I am on my way so it will not take long. I am not in the mood for waiting, darling." I laughed a bit at the end. Than e text message came from him:"You are never in the mood to wait xD Where are you, or how much time I have. I stand here in my pajamas and my coffee :o." I just shooked my head and made another memo for him:"So in 5 minutes I am there. You have to hurry up. And it is 12 pm why are you still in your pajama?" It didn't took long and my cigarette was now a stub on the ground. And now I get from him a voice message:"Because I just got up a few minutes ago. And 5 minutes...why you hate me so much? Because she know how  to educate an Edmund" I could hear his raspy morning voice and his sister Lucy. They both lived together in a flat. So now that I had both hands free I write to him:"Good I wait but hurry up and no you don't need to eat, we can go in a Café when you are ready xD " So now I waited before the house and looked up to the window where I could see Lucy. She waved at me and I waved back. The time I wait I put another cigartte into my mouth. I know Edmund doesn't liked it but this time it was only cigarettes. He didn't smoke just in stressful situations when he thinks he made something wrong. When my cigratte was burnt out I threw it away and in the same moment Edmund came down the stairs and opened the door. Happy I smiled at him and when he arrived at me, he stand close in front of me ready to gave me a kiss. So I came closer with my lips and gave him a short kiss on his lips that tasted like coffee. "So what are we doing? Expect for go in a café." I asked and tangled his hand in mine while we walked to the café. "I don't know maybe we could went into the library or just hang around and watch something." he said no idea what we could do. "And what is when we would go to a party. It's one by my friend Jim?" I suggested but I knew too good that he wasn't the party guy. "We will see. Without something in my stomach I can't think." he laughed and entered the café when we arrived there. "So for you eggs, bacon, toast, baked beans and water? And for the young lady just a coffee?" she asked and I nodded. "Huh coffee and cigarettes best breakfast for me. When you have no time..." I sighed. ""You smoke more than before, but I think this will be going more less?" he asked while he eat his moutain of food. "I think so. At the moment it's a bit difficult." I meant short, because I hated this topic. But it was clear that it came up, he was careful and didn't ask me after this for weeks after withdrawal. "And you think a party would be good by Jim. Sorry to say this but wasn't he the guy who gave you this shit before...?" Edmund said with a questionating tune. "No Jim was the guy who is helping me. He makes sure that the other ones will never see me again." I meant a bit angry that he thought Jim would be one of the bad guys. "Oh sorry, really it wasn't my attention to make you angry." he apologized. I calmed down and nodded. But you could see the skeptisim in his eyes. "What?" I asked now waited that he will get ready so that I can go outside. "It's just the thing... I don't think that you are ready for a party like this. I know and please don't understand me wrong it's difficult for you you said by yourself. And I don't want that anything bad happen." he finally spoke out. My face felt like it would crumble into pieces. "Do you really think I wouldn't have me under control? It's months ago since I take some bullshit. And you don't believe me..." I criticized him. "No, (Y/N). Please wait!" I heard him yell after me. I jumped out of my seat and went outside. My steps were fast and I wanted to go home. "Please listen to me. Just wait a second!" he meant when he was behind me and truned my body to his. "Listen to you? So you can tell me I am just a helpless girl that can't do anything alone?" I meant but I didn't yell. I hated yelling and screaming. "I am just worried. You didn't spoke about since you are out. You had forbidden me to visit you there. I just won't that something happened so that you have a reason to start it again." Edmund explained and looked down to you. "I always have a reason to start it again, Edmund. I don't care if anything happen, that is not the point why you start those things. And I don't want you to visit me because I was terrible, and weak. I didn't want that you saw me like this, do you understand?" I told him and maybe now he could understand me. "What's was the reason for you?" he asked and his eyes stared deep in mine. Edmund wanted to help me, wanted that I am happy. He always wanted to fight those things that burden me. "The reason to start is that you just live in this fucking world. And the knowlege that you never can leave this place, no matter where you go. You always stay here." was the last thing I said to him before I went home... I know it was not lovely to let him back but when you decide to take life like it is without anything that bring you in another view of the whole thing you just wanted to avoid it, at least for the first time. When I was in my flat I looked at my mobile. Edmund didn't text me but his sister: "What happened? I thouht you both wanted to do something? :O" My answere was:"Yeah we wanted, 'til your brother ruined my mood..." I put it back in my pocket and didn't know what I should do, In the past I always take some shit at this moment but this wasn't the past anymore. I don't wanted to take ectasy or cocain again. Yeah it made my world I live in better but I have to live here like everybody else... I felt broken like the whole time when he wasn't with me. My hands were weak I couldn't hold a cigaratte between them without shaking. So I just sat down on the couch and smoked without music or TV it was just quiet and the atmosphere was sad and hopeless. I knew I had something under my bed, it was the rest cocain I had bought before I stopped drugs. But when I take it the whole thing was senseless. And it cost me so much work. It was the moment when I only wished to be where somewhere else with Edmund. A world that isn't cruel like this, where there is just and bright. I noticed how my eyes were going to be wet and a tear rolled down my cheek. But then then I noticed that I got a message. I put my mobile out and laid in on the table in front of me. It was Edmund. "(Y/N), I can understand that you are angry but please answere me." At the moment I was too burried in myself to answere him. So he started to spam me. "(Y/N). Please..." "Ok it was not good that I ask but answere me, I am worried." " Please don't do someting stupid." Than he called me and my mobile vibrated. I didn't picked up the call and let it vibrate. Edmund does this 5 times... I went to my room and took the little packet under the bed. My hands shaked and I laid it on the small table next to my bed.... Meanwhile by Edmund: He called her 5 times and nobody answered him, and his messages she ignored. He was so worried about her, he knew that she was a broken soul, that she went through so much things. But what he understand how she felt. The difference was Edmund knew there was another world that was better and prettier, more real for him. He always thought she would love Narnia, when she was there she wouldn't went back, (Y/N) would stay there and she would be happy. Edmund decided to walk to her although it had start raining. His thoughts made him sick and he walked just in shirt and jeans through the streets. When he was there he didn't ring the bell, Edmund was clear that she wouldn't open. So he ringed another bell and explained that he just had to be in the stairwell to come to (Y/N). When he ran up the stairs and stood in front of her door. The door that seperated him from his love. His broken love that sit in there. "(Y/N)." he yelled through the door. "I know you are in there. Please just open the door. I am not here to criticize you." I knocked with his flat hand on the wood. "I know you don't want to talk, you don't want anyone around you at the moment. But I am worried and I am here because I need you. Would you do anything that would hurt you in some way. I don't know if it would be my fault. I love you, I love you so much. And I know it is difficult, more than anything else to live in this world but let me come in. I will try to make everything ok, no matter how much it is." Edmund told her through the door but nothing happened. His head leaned against the white door and his armes supported him. "I am here, I want help you, I always wanted, but believe me I don't think that you are have nothing under control. You are part of my family, part of my heart. And that means you are not weak, you are inspiring me for your strengh. You never denied who you are, you was always honest. Open the door please..." he speaked to her and he could hear how someone came to the door. "(Y/N)?" Edmun asked. "I don't want to let you in...It would break my heart to see you now." she said with a slightly crying voice although she doesn't wanted to cry. "This what you said, sounded so lovely, so good. But this is not the truth...I am not strong, just a coward that running away from life." she said to him. "Let me in." he said again. "No." (Y/N) only meant. (Y/N) wanted that he came in but for her it was to difficult to open the door. "I am here for you, you know I will come in. And I don't care how, and when I have to break in, I just want to be with you." Edmund said. And then he heard how the steps went away. "(Y/N)?" he shouted after her in a worried tune. he hit loud against the door and and slipped down where he sat on the ground. She would fit Narnia so well, she was stubborn perfect for any enemies, she was strong perfect for the realm, she was just herself perfect for this world... And there she wouldn't have a reason to take drugs. Edmund thought with his head between his hands. After long minutes he heard the door from the other side but he didn't look up until a old voice from a old lady spoke to him:"Young man?" Edmund just looked at her. "I have heard you. I don't know what the problem is but when you really so worried and afraid that (Y/N) do something stupid. Take the key, she gave it to me for any emergencies, and I think this is one." the old lady explained and with her shaking hand she gave him the key. He stand up and thanked her, he was so glad that she appeared... He unlocked the door and stormed in, the door behind him, he just shut with a loud noise. He find her in her room. Kneeling in front of the small table next to her bed. Edmund stepped into the room and she looked up. Disappointed from herself that she thought about if she sould take the cocain that laid in a line on the table. And she sat there a long time and thought about it. Edmund came to her and kneeled next to her his hands touched her face what he truned to his. His forehead touched hers and she was glad that he was there. "I am so sorry."  she breathed. "There is a place for us. And believe me when I say this. This place is called Narnia, and I promise you, someday we wil go into this place." he spoke. (Y/N) was confused:"Are you the one who take drugs now?" she asked, not in her sassy tune more in her astonished. "No, this is the truth. I was there, my siblings was there. I promise you this we will came to this world someday, and there you will be happy. We can be the kings and queens of anything that we believe. And I don't talk bullshit, this is real, a real world. Are you believing me?" he asked her. She discovered his absolute conviction about this, it was like he was never been so right with something so she believed him. Edmund know more than anybody she knows, he wouldn't lie to her, he wouldn't talk senseless things if they weren't not true. Not to her, not in this moment. (Y/N) nodded and closed her eyes when his nose touched hers. For this moment they stayed like this just to realize that everything was ok now. "I love you so damn much." (Y/N) whispered and kissed him softly on his lips. This kiss was more intense than any other. He made her feel like she would be in the world he talked about. Edmund was everything she needed. And this kiss gave her hope to get someday in this land. After this kiss they stand up and she hugged him tight. He gave her a kiss on her forhead. "Edmund?" she asked him with a quite voice. "Yeah?" he answered. "Can you take it with you? Do whatever you want to do with it... burn it, put in the garbage, gave it to someone else, throw into a lake...I don't care but take it with you and made it disappear." she asked him that favor and of course he nodded. The last thing what happened this day that they end up in bed and cuddled together he hold her tight her hand was always tangled in his...
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danhpham97-blog · 6 years
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The next thing after pre-service is that using the service James decided to participant in cooking for a cause so the first thing he have to do is coming the event Next, he is grouped and listen to the information about food recycling, the purpose of this event and more And before he cooks in teamwork, he is provided the recipe from the chef and base on that he can make the final meal So what is he thinking about during this service? First, he thinks that this is really fun because he knows he can do something benefit and help other people But unfortunately, he also has some trouble with the time for the cooking challenge Overall, He enjoys but he has a bit uncertain about the process About the emotional experience, he said that he felt glad to have an opportunity to learn about food recycling and worked with his colleagues on something positive for society but he also had some trouble about the cooking time so as you can see, the curve of this experience is not stable, it’s down and up. The final thing is the insight painpoint, Kiwihavest should provide more types of pofessional chefs because the learners feel hard to learn how to cook a meal And kiwiharvest should consider the time management, providing connecting experience and opportunity for teamwork The next picture is my 4th challenge: writing a Haiku poem Actually, I love to write poem but it is Vietnamese culture not Haiku in english. However, I try a lot and here my result. I think that the hardest part in writing a poem is that we have to have the inspired target because any poem is begun by inspiration of the poet. Fortunately, in the hardest time; I found the picture of me and my girl friend who is 9000km from me. Distance love was my motivation and the poem was written by my remembrance. I wanted to challenge myself with using same sound of the final words like “why” and “mine” and “sight” I thouht that it would make my Haiku easier to remember and deeper in poem’s soul.
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droewyn · 7 years
Give Me a Reason (3/9)
<Part 1>     <Part 2>
March 2013
Celestino insisted on carrying the majority of Yuuri and Phichit’s luggage up the stairs to their apartment.  “You’ve earned it, boys,” he told them.  “I’m so proud of you both.”
Yuuri frowned.  He didn’t want to directly contradict his coach, and it was always awkward feeling bad about his own performance when Phichit hadn’t even made it past the short program, but fifteenth place was not what he’d worked so hard for all season.
Celestino was having none of it.  “Did you skate your best?” he demanded.  Yuuri muttered a grudging affirmative.
“What was that, Yuuri?  I didn’t quite catch what you said.”  Yuuri had hoped that Phichit would be fully engrossed with his hamsters by now, having made a beeline for their habitat the instant the door was unlocked.  Apparently the universe wasn’t about to let him get that lucky.
He sighed heavily.  “Yeah.  I skated my best.”  Maybe if he played along, they’d drop the subject.  There was nothing else to do if they were determined to gang up on him, anyway.
“And did you improve on last year’s performance?”
“Yes.”  Last year it had been Yuuri who had missed being in the top twenty-five.  Phichit hadn’t even qualified for Worlds in 2012, ending his own season after a disappointing 4CC.
Celestino beamed as though that made it all better.  “And that is why I am proud of you, and why you should be proud of yourself.  Keep training as hard as you have been, and next season you’ll be in the top ten for sure.”
“And in the meantime,” Phichit added, “It’s time to start the post-season off right with the ritual Eating of the Carbs.  I’m thinking Pizza Papalis?”
Yuuri shot him a halfhearted glare.  “Your Nationals are still coming up,” he pointed out, but there was little actual heat in his voice.  It wasn’t Phichit’s fault that his ‘freshman fifteen’ had been the opposite of most students’, resulting in a good third of his class plying their ‘precious hamster son’ with varying foodstuffs to ‘keep his strength up’.
“I’ll be good after tonight!”
“You could at least blush when you lie through your teeth like that.”  Yuuri rolled his eyes.  “Fine.  Spinach and mushroom, extra garlic, you’re paying, and you’re handling all of the human interaction.”
Celestino laughed.  “I am not hearing any of this.  Celebrate well, boys.  Ciao ciao!”  He let himself out amid Phichit’s whoop of joy and subsequent call to the pizza place.
Yuuri curled up on the couch and opened his laptop.  For once he wasn’t jetlagged after a competition, this year’s championship having been held a bare two hours’ drive away, in Ontario.  He was still tired – a week’s worth of too little sleep while dealing with far too many strangers was stressful enough even without the pressure of competition – but he wasn’t sleepy.  It was an odd, but not unwelcome, feeling.
*Bad channel key for #therapycouchfort
He blinked.  He’d opened the chat client on autopilot, not really intending to socialize even to the extent of text on a screen, but this was an error message he’d never seen before.
/msg SockPuppet what’s a channel key and why is it bad?
*SockPuppet: no such nick/channel
/msg KingElsa hey do you know what’s going on with the chat
KingElsa>> Mess! <3 <3 <3
KingElsa>> They had to password-lock the channel.  I guess there was an invasion of trolls?
KingElsa>> Password is “nuclearoption” with no quotes.
/join #therapycouchfort nuclearoption
* Joined channel #therapycouchfort
* Topic is ‘If you haven’t gotten the new channel password from one of the mods, msg us asap.  Lockdown goes into effect Thursday night.  Thanks for your patience in the meantime.’
* Set by StevenMultiverse on Mar 12 12:04:17 2013
lukewarm_mess: i can’t leave you guys for five minutes, can i
lukewarm_mess: thanks for the pw king
KingElsa: ♡ \ (  ̄▽ ̄ ) / ♡
mercyslovechild: nope u go away and evrything goes to shit
suicideflirtsback: wait does that mean mess is the reason we can’t have nice things?
mercyslovechild: pls dont abandon us again
StandardDeviation: you wish flirt
StandardDeviation: wb mess how was the business conf
lukewarm_mess: very business much industry so productivity wow
suicideflirtsback: have you leveled up your synergy or whatever?
lukewarm_mess: my boss seems to think so but..
KingElsa: Your boss is obviously full of wisdom and good judgment and you should listen to them.
lukewarm_mess: my boss let Peaches eat himself sick on maple candy that we can totally get at home but apparently it’s different because it’s travel candy, whatever that means
mercyslovechild: i thouht peaches was a babby
mercyslovechild: babbies get to travel for work?
lukewarm_mess: he’s an intern so i guess?  idk
“I’m a what?” Phichit shrieked from directly behind Yuuri, who winced at the sound.
“Quit reading over my shoulder; that’s why I made you get your own account.  Oh, there’s a password to get in now.  Nuclear option, one word, all lower case.”
“Thailand’s Prince, the Jewel of Bangkok, an intern?  Yuuri, how could you?”  He flopped dramatically over the back of the couch.
“Shut up, I panicked.”
lukewarm_mess: anyway why the lockdown?
lukewarm_mess: king you said something about trolls?
*Peaches_and_Dream has joined #therapycouchfort
KingElsa: I wasn’t here either, actually, but that’s what I heard.  Hi Mess’ roommate.
suicideflirtsback: we were invaded by scientologists
Peaches_and_Dream: Hello mess’ self-friendzoning internet boyfriend
mercyslovechild: woa sickburn.gif
StandardDeviation: or at least people claiming to be scientologists
lukewarm_mess: PEACH
KingElsa: GASP
StandardDeviation: like two dozen of them flooding the channel at once
Peaches_and_Dream: I notice you’re not denying it ☆⌒ ヽ (*' 、 ^*)chu
“Shut it, Intern Boy.”
StandardDeviation: all telling us to stop taking our brainwashing pills and read dianetics
suicideflirtsback: p sure they were on vpns because even with the mods ip banning them they just kept coming back
“Still waiting for a denial, Yuu-chan!  Other than the one you’re in, I mean.”
Peaches_and_Dream: Sounds more like bored channers to me
mercyslovechild: whatevs it was annoying
suicideflirtsback: you mean EPIC
suicideflirtsback: socks just about developed superpowers out of sheer rage
StandardDeviation: after two days the mods decided to make the channel private, and we’ve been lockedin our fallout shelter eating k-rations ever since
KingElsa: Wow, it seems it was an exciting week!
StevenMultiverse: It’s not a perfect solution because it means new people who might actually want to join the chat can’t, but there’s not much else we can do at the moment.
mercyslovechild: where where you king?
StevenMultiverse: In a month or two we’ll try and reopen the channel.  Hopefully they’ll have gone away by then.
lukewarm_mess: works for me, glad you found a solution
KingElsa: I went to a family reunion.
suicideflirtsback: good times?
KingElsa: I suppose.  It was… typical.
lukewarm_mess: how so
KingElsa: I don’t know.  The same faces, the same stories, never any surprises.  Lousy food at the big dinner party.
mercyslovechild: potluck  >:P
KingElsa: Catered.  But still not good.
suicideflirtsback: did you have to be nice to Racist Uncle Tony?
KingElsa: (° ロ °) !  How did you know?!  I mean, he was neither a Tony nor my uncle, but….
suicideflirtsback: EVERYONE has a Racist Uncle Tony
*Deltatangofoxtrot has joined #therapycouchfort
KingElsa: “I’m just concerned about the way your *lifestyle*” – he actually made air quotes with his fingers! – “reflects on us…”
Peaches_and_Dream: Ugh, sorry King.
lukewarm_mess: (( ╬ ◣ ﹏ ◢ ))
mercyslovechild: homophobic uncle tony ><
suicideflirtsback: always the highlight of fam functions
suicideflirtsback: hey fox
StevenMultiverse: hi fox
Peaches_and_Dream: Hi Tango
KingElsa: Hello, DTF.
StandardDeviation: Did you just
StandardDeviation: *facepalms*
Deltatangofoxtrot: RDY ANYTIME BAE ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
mercyslovechild: passes out protection
Peaches_and_Dream: Why sir, I hardly know you! *flutters fan*
KingElsa: …
suicideflirtsback: *is ace*
StevenMultiverse: *is married*
KingElsa: …………
lukewarm_mess: at least take me out to dinner first
KingElsa: !
KingElsa: Et tu, Mess???
lukewarm_mess: you’ve been here how long and you still walked into that??
lukewarm_mess: sorry no sympathy, you deserved it
KingElsa: 。゜゜(´O`) ゜゜。
KingElsa: I’m ESL?
lukewarm_mess: no excuse, so am i
lukewarm_mess: it has to be somewhere nice, too.  i don’t put out for qdoba
StandardDeviation: Besides, that’s not english, it’s internet
StandardDeviation: *is helping*
KingElsa: Don’t help.  >.>
Headlights flashed through the window as a car pulled into the parking lot.  Yuuri glanced outside and saw the glowing pizza sign on the roof.  His shoulders hunched involuntarily.
“Go hide,” Phichit told him.  “I’ll bribe them to go away, that usually works.”
Yuuri smiled sheepishly before heading for their shared bedroom.  “Sorry,” he called through the closing door.  “It’s just—”
“—No more strangers for a while.  I know.  I’ll say our goodbyes in chat, too.  It’s BFF bonding time.”
<Part 4>
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sunjaesol · 8 years
Thouhts on Riverdale 1x06
I have a complete seperate post on the Bughead kiss so if you want to check that out click HERE.
- I loved how the theme of this episode was fear. Fear is something we all live with. Some a lot, some rarely. Riverdale really tries to connect with the troubles of real people: family issues, fear of failing and rejection. 
- The breakfast scene GAVE ME LIFE! Also, very stealthy of Betty and Jughead to plan that all out. Jug goes to the bathroom so Betty can find out where Polly is. 
- I felt so bad for Archie. I don’t have stage fright (quite the opposite haha) but I know a lot of people who do and I just wanted to give him a hug. His friendship with Val is something I adore (the fact that they kissed in the end made evrything much cuter)
- It did made me think how fast he... moved on from Grundy. (remember her? Ugh.) Archie is still young, he probably mistook sexual attraction for love. I think Val and Achie together is a fun relationship. Bonus: she is a POC. (with gorgeous green eyes oh my god.) 
- I feel like I pitied Archie a lot this episode because I also felt bad for him when  he tried to converse with Jughead and Betty and they blatantly cut him off. I mean I get it, since he’s out of the loop (and has a completely different storyline now that Grundy is gone) but it’s just sad. A few episodes ago he was still Betty’s best friend. Now she kind of pushes him aside.
- Kevin is so mad because Archie got a spot. I wonder why... 
- Veronica got through trouble to get Archie a spot on the show, even though she angered Kevin with it. I wonder if she likes Archie romantically and if so, I’m curious of her reaction in 1x07 when she finds out that Archie and Val are (probably) a thing. 
- Josie (or Josephine, I might say) has so much weight on her shoulder and I just wanna give her a good hug. Famous jazz singer dad and pressuring mayor mom. Fun...  But, she should not have taken out her anger on Val, that wasn’t right. 
- #ProtectVeronicaLodge Her father is in jail, she needed to start a completely new life with a new view of living (not the rich bitch anymore) and then her mother (who really needs to cut her hair, it looks ridiculous) kisses with the father of her best friend. Her mother is cheating on her spouse and Veronica needs to live with that. Hermione is so sneaky and mean and I do not like her. 
- Also, then Archie drops her for Val like dude you clearly don’t get how this works. 
- But then Veronica walking through the halls like the queen she is and that confidence she oozes is everything I want. I also liked how she calmly said how she was very angry and needed to be put into something positive. Ronnie is smart. 
- Betty tightening her ponytail is something so small but so unique to her and it makes her character come to life. Also, I never realised that Cole Sprouse isn’t really that tall. 
- Elizabeth... l love that name. Better then Polly lol. Reminds me of Polly Pocket, those little dolls for girls. 
- I’m glad they really looked for someone who resembled Lili. The girl who plays Polly is very similar. Same blonde hair, green eyes, not a big height difference. 
- Polly is very... interesting. How she told Betty about their plans and how she freaked out... probably because of what happened to Jason but still, she wasn’t entirely fine as she claims to be. Definitely when we see in the end she broke out of her room and the car was filled with drugs. (From whom it was, we don’t know) I also think Polly put the car on fire. Something tells me it’s her. 
- Betty’s mom is so mean but I do feel like she knows more than she lets on and actually has a valid reason to keep Polly there. Besides her hatred for the Blossom’s. 
- Now that I think of it, Cheryl wasn’t in this episode. 
- That arranged dinner was so weird. It had Archie and Fred, Veronica and Hermione, the mayor and her spouse and Josie all in one room. The combination just made everything so awkward and tight and Josie’s father needs to chill for a second, god damn. Your daughter is a sophomore. She’s 15/16. And Fred was so hopeful to get that contract while Hermione is just sitting there all smug winning over Fred’s heart. Ugh. I think once Fred finds out about everything, he will be completely dismayed by Hermione. Also, I think she has a hidden agenda we don’t know about yet.  
- The bedroom scene with Betty and her parents made me almost cry. Not only because parents in TV-shows usually are put in the back and they never talk to their kids, but because of how they treat Betty. Definitely her mom, laughing and crying at the same time over the fact that Betty thought her dad killed Jason, meanwhile also insulting him? 
- But, that means Betty’s parents are both innocent. Meaning they didn’t kill Jason, but they are definitely not sinless. 
- Betty cannot cry. I can’t handle that. 
- Ronnie and Josie bonding with food in Pop’s is so real and fun and sad at the same time and I love everything about it. 
- Also, (nerd me activates now) the way everything is shot so cinematic (colours, angles) is just so beautiful.
- Yeah, just be a fraud Hermione. Fake your daughter’s autograph. Go fucking ahead.  
- “Hey Juliet”, kill. me. now. There is a ladder next to my window, but does a boy come to my house like that? The answer is no. Jughead is so soft yet only shows it to Betty and it’s just... *sighs*
- I get Betty’s doubts and frustrations. Needing to live in a household like that must be hell. It is hell.  
- Betty’s not crazy but... are we going to forget about that little split personality thing that happened when they wanted revenge on that guy a few episodes back? Was that just for shock? Cause, that was something major. 
- “Also...” had he wanted to something but then suddenly looked at her lips and blanked? I say yes. 
- And then they kiss... I have a post, like I said. 
- “The car!” (yes make out in the car!!!) 
- Kidding, great thought Betty. Detectives Betty and Jughead on the go!
- The dad of Josie can go die in a hole. I’m so salty oh my god. But I mean, this is your daughter’s performance in a school in a small town like WHAT DO YOU EXPECT FROM HER? He is the child here, not Josie. If you can’t sit in a chair for two minutes than you need to get checked up mister. 
- Is that attire... appropriate for school? I mean, Veronica’s boobs were literally on display. Remind you they’re fifteen/sixteen. 
- I’m sorry, Archie’s song was quite lame. (I got the message, don’t worry, but it was just... plain.) With Val’s voice it wouldn’t been better but Archie had to be the good guy here. 
- So, the getaway car story was accurate. But whose drugs was it? And why was Jason’s letterman jacket already in the trunk? Why did he even had it with him? That doesn’t make sense. 
- Someone is spying on them whilst they investigate. Polly? Cheryl? Kevin? A parent? 
- The one that spied on them lit the car on fire just as the cops came... and Polly broke out of her room pregnant. Did she get help? Did she just got out and made it look like she escaped through the window for a diversion? 
Those are my thoughts for this weeks episode!             
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