#…becoming that person that just negative posts on people’s dashes…
sunlightfeeling · 8 months
I think a prerequisite to feeling loneliness should be actually understanding or recognizing what friendship is even if it’s probably staring at you square in the face
Also, how is it possible for someone to feel lonely when you don’t even know what you really want or need out of a friendship?
Like…are these both things that people innately know typically?
Because I
…really, really don’t….
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orionsangel86 · 1 year
There is a phenomenon happening on Tumblr right now which may be a product of the Twitter exodus or maybe its just modern fandom mentality vehemently rejecting the old, but you guys have GOT to stop being so damn MEAN about fandom.
There are posts circulating on Tumblr right now hating on so many aspects of fandom. Yeah we all know the incorrect quotes format can be cringe and most of the time its the same quotes used for every fandom ever reducing the characters to stereotypes. Yes we know most fandoms scramble to ship the two basic white guys over all the other characters. Yes we know your blorbo probably Does Not Fucking Say That. Yes we know A/B/O is weird AF (especially now its breached containment and found its way into mainstream hetero erotica). Yes we know SuperWhoLock was ridiculous and attempts to make modern shows into a new SuperWhoLock have got old fast.
But do you have to constantly drag these things all the time? Why is it suddenly cool and popular to ridicule and criticise and hate on peoples fun?
Let people be cringe
Let people play in the fandom sandbox
Let people have their fun
Not everything has to be an intellectual critique and it doesn't make you a better person to constantly shit on fandom ON THE FANDOM WEBSITE
Fandoms can be problematic, toxic, and infuriating at times. But all the negativity isn't making things better. Yeah okay some aspects of fandom can be annoying, but must we have so many call out posts go viral on here specifically for hating on parts of fandom culture? Yet people wonder why fandom creators are quitting and there isnt as much art and interaction on here as there used to be.
If you see another negative post shitting on aspects of fandom cross your dash, maybe think before you reblog it. Maybe ask yourself if that post may be hurtful to a mutual? Perhaps youve got a mutual who writers A/B/O or CharacterxReader fanfiction who doesnt wanna see your reblog of the callout post stating reader×character fanfic is gross, or perhaps your mutual creates fun text posts applying quotes to their fave characters and youve just reblogged a 90k+ note post calling them cringy and overdone.
Just THINK please. Its not necessary. We've got to be KINDER to each other. Please don't let this place become like Twitter. Twitter was a toxic cesspool where no one had anything worthwhile to add to the discussion, no one created, everyone was just screaming angry rants into the void. Dont let tumblr become like that, because it will be the death of this place. And where will you go to find fanart and gifsets of your blorbos then?
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familyvideostevie · 6 months
okay. hello! i'm back. :)
maybe you noticed, maybe not, but i have been away for a while.
i wish i could say i've been out living my life, so caught up in happiness and joy and loving each day that i've just not had time for tumblr. but....that is not true. i have been having a tough time! being away has been good, as i've had time to do other things that i like and to put energy into my own well-being, but it hasn't been the best time, I'll tell you that.
i peeked on the dash every now and then to keep my queue full and reblogged soothing things to my main blog and tried my best not to feel guilty about it all (i was also booping on April 1 lol). i just...I really needed a break. i've really enjoyed being here the last six or so months as i've changed my blog and entered the pedro/tlou space but i've also felt so, so alone.
and i know that it doesn't really matter!! like, we should all take breaks and go outside and all that stuff. and I know plenty of people are not very active, but this blog has been such a vital part of my life and happiness since I started it almost two years ago, so any lapse in activity feels like a loss. I've met lifelong friends and flexed my writing muscles and learned a hell of a lot. the fact that I have started to feel isolated and alone on here is a sort of personal betrayal, and there is no one to blame but myself.
So, I’m pulling back.
it means a few things — i don’t know how much writing I’ll be doing from now on. For Joel, especially — it’s been wonderful to meet folks in that community but it has also been really detrimental to my passion for both the game and writing. I’d like to return to some other characters on my masterlist, but we’ll see. I’ve got endless personal projects away from tumblr that I want to pour love and time into (my non-reader fics, my newsletter, a romance novel, a sci-fi novel, poetry, etc). I need to fall in love with my own work again.
it's a me problem, I want to stress that. i'm working on it! irl stuff has been kicking my ass. I've had a really, really hard winter and my mental health has suffered probably more than ever before. i let things I love -- like this blog -- fester and become negative and no longer being me joy. writing became stressful and difficult and I was focused on notes and interaction and looking around me and seeing success and then looking at myself and only seeing lack.
but that's why I took a break! i am getting help and support irl, i am putting in the time and effort to feel better about being alive and to be a better friend and person all around. And I want to tell you all about it because I am so grateful for your time and attention and support, even if we’re just strangers on the internet. i know this probably seems silly -- who cares about a fanfic blog? well, i care! i care a lot! it matters to me and therefore it matters!
anyway. on to the important stuff. here I am! and here's what's going to happen on this blog:
I am working on replying to asks and reblogs and comments I missed. Thank you for being patient with me! I don't know if I'll get to them all but know I see them and I am honored every single time.
I made a totally separate ao3 account with this blog url. I'm working on uploading everything I've posted here onto there and hopefully will continue to crosspost. It is going to take a long, long time, so please be patient! (you can follow my other ao3 here for my non x-reader fanfic).
I posted this fic! Jackson!Joel pulled me back into his world. It’s the first thing I’ve written in ages, so let me know what you think. as of now it's the last planned fic for that series, but who knows!
I hit a milestone while i was away that I am absolutely blown away by. I'm planning a celebration around it sometime this spring (hopefully) and I’d love to see you participate :)
lastly, thank you so much to my friends for letting me complain, whine, winge, etc. I am so sorry for missing all of your work, your celebrations, your bright energies, and all the rest. i am so sorry if it seemed like i was ignoring you. you are my guiding lights, my silver linings, my touchstones. you make me want to be here. i will try to make it up to you!
I want to be online less but make sure I’m connecting more in the moments that i am here. I want to pressure myself to write less and not feel bad that I’m not engaged all the time. I want this blog to once again feel like a place that nourishes me and not sucks me dry. i want to stop feeling like shit about all of it!!!!
so. come hang out in my inbox, my dms, let me know what you've been up to. I am really sorry for missing so much. thank you for sticking around. <3
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nerdynanny · 2 months
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Hokay-- this needs to be said about now, and I'll link this in my pinned post.
I can't follow everyone back. And it stinks when you follow a cool blog but they don't make you a mutual. It's nothing to do with you or your work-- but everything to do with how easily overwhelmed just following 100 blogs can be.
I get super anxious if I follow too many people. I've always been like that, you can look back at my old blogs and see. As much as I hate saying 'no' to people, sometimes I have to.
Please don't reblog my headcanons or IC posts. I don't mind liking a thread, provided the person I'm writing with is also cool with it. And y'all can reblog out of character stuff as much as you want. But my headcanons and in character dash comms are just meant to be on here.
Positive vibes are my goal. The world is a hella negative place-- there's a lot of bad stuff going on. If you need sagely old man advice, or someone to help you workshop stuff-- I'm open to it. Non mutuals are welcome to ask for advice as well, or send asks for characters [that do not involve roleplaying via the askbox cuz that's not a loophole].
At the end of the day I am just a disabled guy trying to write to relax. If an interaction becomes too stressful, I will stop it. I'm not a writing machine, I'm a person. We all are.
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bizarrelittlemew · 11 months
hello i love ofmd but im not in the fandom (i log onto tumblr every few weeks and see some fanart but that’s the extent of it!). my partner and i loved izzy and were sad when he died but thought it made sense. i am so curious: what is the discourse about??
oh boy. i am probably not the best person to explain this, but i will try to do so very, very briefly.
since season 1, Izzy has been a controversial character in the fandom and the central point of a massive amount of discourse. others (who have actually been involved, which i wasn't) have written much better posts about this.
in any case, this resulted in a bunch of Izzy fans sort of isolating themselves from the rest of the fandom, and somehow coming to believe that Izzy was the true protagonist of the show, plus some mind-boggling headcanons, ignoring what actually happens in the show and throwing away any reasonable character analysis (again, won't go into details here). very delusional. hearing these people talk about ofmd, it felt like they were watching a completely different show than everyone else.
so when Izzy died, these people did not take it well (<- understatement). some of them spewed vile shit at the showrunner, David Jenkins, and around social media, generally throwing a tantrum. the discourse took off when allegations started coming out of it being "bury your gays" and queerbaiting (and worse) to have Izzy die, which are bizarre claims in a show with a majority of queer characters (and when every other marginalizing attribute Izzy had was shared by at least one other character, who didn't die). i keep my dash pretty curated but have seen some truly rancid takes. i suspect that it's just a small number of people being extremely loud, and algorithms promoting controversy, but it set a negative tone right after the finale. my impression is that it's largely died down by now, and there are still far more people loving the show.
just like for you and your partner, it is possible and extremely valid to be sad that a favorite character died (and yes, his death does make sense for the narrative!). but it can never justify the amount of vitriol and hate that has been thrown at real people. i'd say the discourse about Izzy's death is not due to anything the show itself did, but because it didn't magically become the made-up version that a group of people had convinced each other it was through more than a year of staying in an echo chamber.
anyway i hope this answered your question somewhat and that you and your partner continue to enjoy ofmd!!
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yusiyomogi · 23 days
I wanted to say, especially after reading your latest post about him, I love your analysis of Mithrun as a character. To me he has been one of the most intruiging characters in the whole story since I laid eyes on him, amd getting to see all your thoughts on him as well is delightful. I have always thought of him as a pretty simple and forward character and I feel that your more in depth exploration actually back up and reaffirm most of those feelings I have. It is equally interesting, as someone who does not engage much with the fandom outside of the few creators I follow on here, that there are such conflicting and negative feelings about him. He is such a complex character with lots of depth, so its wild to think of people taking such a simple view of him. Really I just want to thank you for your continued anaylasis of him, and always look forward fo reading them when they come across my dash. Cheers!
P.s, I have always loved your art as well ever since your homestuck days, and it is just as much a treat to see every new piece you make as it is to hear your thoughts.
thank you so much for this, i really appreciate your kind words! :')
like i've said before, i wasn't really gonna spend a lot of time in dunmeshi fandom originally, because the story felt conclusive and satisfying to me. i really liked mithrun as a character (along with kabru and marcille) and, unfortunately, what really made me stay in the fandom was not the positive impact of his story, but the way many people in the fandom treated him: not great. i've never felt such a disconnect before. i soon found out that the reason behind this were some big dunmeshi blogs, but the damage was done.
since then it's pretty much become my mission to analyze him as a character :D i'm not that great at analysis, but my goal is to make people understand him better at least or inspire people to see him as a person instead of dehumanizing him even more. the way some people look at mithrun as a character unfortunately also reflects how they look at real disabled and/or mentally ill people and. it makes me too upset to think about this.
anyway, i'm very happy that my posts aren't a waste of time! even though i always try to make them look casual, they actually require a lot of effort from me. i try to write them all in english, despite struggling with it (still) and then i have to spend a lot of time looking for mistakes, rewording sentences etc. then i put them into google translate to my native language to see if the text i wrote even makes sense :D and after i post it i still reread it multiple times to catch mistakes i didn't notice (and silently panic that the text still doesn't make sense).
and thank you so much for loving my art! it's important to me!
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inchidentally · 9 months
Ngl little bit sad that you're becoming kinda negative on here. I miss when you used to post those super cool thoughtful discussions and analyses, without the need to trash talk or bash on other ships.
(just to say, I'd normally post something like this behind a cut and I promise I always will in future. it just feels like today in particular is a good moment to state a few of these points. I'm not normally this serious lol I just want to kind of mitigate any more drama.)
I've always posted about wanting rpf to be kept out of the drivers' and teams' public spaces and I've always said it's stupid/unnecessary drama when fans of certain fictional ships get genuinely loudly "competitive" over other fictional ships and I've really always been against people hating on the girlfriends who get caught in the crossfire of the fans who truly believe their two drivers are in a secret gay relationship. it's how I've always personally felt and apart from it being my opinion (which is fair for my blog) I also feel like having even a smidgen of traction on my posts means I can potentially prevent landoscar going down the road of certain ships that have fans who've fully crossed over into aggressive/publicly disturbing territory. and who've been doing so for years and only gotten worse.
hell, I've even always openly hated when Lando's individual content gets taken over by people bringing up Carlos or Daniel or even sometimes Oscar or Max F. the man has a life beyond all of those friendships and he very much deserves for his content to sometimes stay just about him. only people like his family or Jon/Lando's team of 10+ years deserve any significant share of credit for Lando's successes but no one's bothering to bring them up in the comments etc.
also, it's still very early days for landoscar as a ship and we have at least two more years of Lando and Oscar as teammates (fairly likely more) so if we can keep out the element of fans who take rpf into widely public spaces/directly to the people involved, then I'm going to continue to occasionally post about it. those types of fans absolutely hate reality intruding and they hate real life partners even more so I'm absolutely going to post about reality and girlfriends regularly. even apart from the fact that I'd feel weird excluding girlfriends, there's a solid reason to do so.
especially when even apart from rpf, the girlfriends always get shit from people who want the guy for themselves or who have decided they get a say in who he dates. I'm not going to pretend like all of that doesn't happen just to avoid all negativity.
as far as the tricky/controversial asks I get, I always put them fully under a cut and tag appropriately so they're incredibly easy to skip. I also batch them up so one of those posts happens maybe once every couple weeks - if that. my content has always been massively on the side of fun content vs anything drama/wank related.
the one thing I will say is that I'm getting a lot of repeat anons about ship drama that I would otherwise not hear about (I rarely look at twitter and my tumblr dash is lovely and tidy with just a few things blacklisted) so I'm going to write one sort of roundup post to cover any more of those and not answer any more. I'm just repeating myself atp.
I also went on my first ever blocking spree in this fandom today when a post I'd rb had a bunch of ragey hardcore rpf people jump onto it and I also blacklisted a few more things. so that's the last I'm personally ever going to see of that drama myself. I still casually ship carland0 and dand0 as well and a whole lot of us are nothing to do with the people publicly pushing shippy shit or doing the whole - god I cannot believe this still happens - 'my rpf ship is real and yours isn't'. they're also the people who call all girlfriends "escorts" and "beards" so they're easy to identify.
one last thing anon is that I hear you but I've got to mention I delete a LOT of borderline hate asks and I leave a fair amount of trolls frothing by refusing to respond to their asks. so I'm very much always trying to keep the content on my blog free of useless drama or negativity.
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gaywatch · 2 months
hey, it's the 911 anon
i just wanted to thank you for actually reading that whole thing, I know it was a lot
and I really hope you know that I didn't mean it in any kind of negative way
I don't know how to explain it exactly, but the whole thing with that character/actor and his fans has been making me really upset, and I see you as sort of a comfort person and a big part of my fandom experience in general so I guess I just wanted to know you would be on my side
(I'm answering this one in particular because it's shorter+easier on people's dashes but I've read the other two, no worries.)
Pinch of salt because I haven't seen the show and I'm not part of the fandom, but it seems like this is the situation: Buck came out, Tommy came back to the show as Buck's romantic interest but has a history of behaving badly (and still isn't behaving too great), meanwhile Eddie has been Buck's friend from the beginning and there's even been a lowkey outside-the-show confirmation that he's getting his own queer arc while Tommy was never meant to be a regular--which most likely means Buck and Eddie are headed towards canon.
Around all of this is a pretty intense ship war with a lot of people on either side saying all kinds of ridiculous, sometimes even harmful, things and generally talking past each other while making bad faith/reductive arguments. (Not saying you were, this is what I've seen from other posts from my dash since I follow people from both camps.)
Shipping-wise, I don't know which one I'd go for but I see the appeal of both on paper. I'm down for a good Friends To Lovers, and I also have my fair share of ships where one (or both) of them has done or said harmful things in the past but could be great with their love interest after some redemption.
Fandom-wise, all I can say is: don't engage. There are unhinged people in every fandom, for every ship, even if some have more than others. Ridiculous, unfair, nonsensical opinions are everywhere online and it's not up to other people to fix them (I say after many years of thinking they might see reason if I explained will enough). If they're ruining the experience--fandom and shipping should be fun, full stop--then it's time to curate your experience and start blocking people/tags and following people who are on your wavelength. This even applies to people who should technically be on your side, I can't tell you how many time I've had to unfollow someone who likes the same character I do but in a really weird, distorted way I simply don't understand.
It sucks that you've got a lot of fandom drama going on around you, I've totally been there. I haven't seen it first hand but I've seen posts recounting it like your asks do and it's still exhausting me so I can only imagine what's like to be in it. When the drama gets to these levels of absurd it all becomes one big game of 'my toys are better than yours' and all you can do is hope they're like thirteen and will grow out of it while you're over in your corner being sane and having fun like the fandom gods intended.
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twilightarcade · 3 months
Addressing the Allegations.
[This is a JOKINGLY serious post. Some say announcing that before letting you read it ruins the fun but Oh Well!]
Hello, my esteemed tumblr followers. Surely you follow me for silly, nonsensical at times, posts, and the occasional drawing or two. However, I must acknowledge the elephant in the room. Recently, or rather, a literal year ago, a crude post accusing me of things was posted. This post, nothing much to take note of, was surely made in good fun. But it quickly gained traction, acquiring nearly 5 total notes, rife with discourse and dismay. This activity quickly died down, as with most worthless internet discourse, but the ghost of it haunted me to this day. Quite recently, I received an ask. A harmless ask, as surely the asker wasn't aware of what weight such a simple question carried. I, the receiver of such an ask, however, was nothing short of horrifically aware what that ask meant for me and the askers future.
Now of course, I can't simply address this ask without first addressing our lovely blogs history. First created in 1973, twilightarcade has become nothing if not a household name. Whatever that means. This humble blog brings joy across generations, and, if you don't mind me tooting my own horn a bit, brings quality content to dashes across the world. This all goes without saying. However, some individuals choose to look past this joy we bring others. Instead of looking at the good, they choose to focus on the negative, as if the positive doesn't completely negate any possible wrongdoing on my behalf. And thus, a post was born.
The posters url will remain anonymous, as to preserve both my and their safety and security. As there are two anonymous parties in this situation (or, allegedly 2 different parties,) the asker will be renamed
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Quest. Because apparently people are naming their kid that now. And the poster will be referred to as The Posterrrrrrr
The Posterrrrrrr made a simple, harmless remark similar to Quest. However, when taken into context, it was an accusation of the highest caliber. Now what was this accusation you may be asking? Well you'll just have to wait and see as this post drags on and on and on and on for no good reason. Perhaps I'll even fake some discord screenshots? Anyhow, The Posterrrrrrr. Their post accused me of manipulating a bigger scenario, as if I thought it was a game, hiding in the shadows as to avoid detection. Now I'm not going to deny any of this as this would be absurd, but instead I'm going to bully The Posterrrrrrr. And oh man I am not committed to this bit enough. I have worked on this worthless excuse of a post for like an hour. If I was stronger you would have the worst best post on your hands but I am merely human. Whole ass writing project I didn't anticipate. I swear I didn't do it!
Anyhow blahblah discord screenshots
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um. Tags for all my mutuals so they can come back me up and spread this post @twilight-arcade @twilightarcade @twilightarcade @wedonthaveanyotherblogsdowe???
thank you for reading and PLEASEPLEASE don't witch hunt The Posterrrrrrr. I merely want to spread awareness of this toxic individual in our community. I'm going to sleep now and it's gonna be the best sleep you have ever seen. I will be the most well rested person out there. You'll all see.
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hey-august · 10 months
Writing in to say that I truly adore your “Buggy reacts to you getting piercings” headcanons as someone who has a ton of them themselves. It just made me feel giddy and good about myself because of course the genius jesters would be all “Yes! Look at my flashy,priceless,shining TREASURE! They sparkle like the ocean and they shine like the sun and are tough as nails and it anyone says different they are gonna make like me and get chop chopped!!”
Also makes me think of him discussing piercings with reader insert and thinking about them saying sometimes piercings make a person more confident about parts they don’t like about themself. Cue him sneakily bending one of his partners old piercings to see if clipping it onto his nose would make him feel better and maybe he should get the real thing…. Ah. Of course not. He looks even more ridiculous. This works only on people who are already stunning like you are and not for sideshow attractions like hiiiiiiiiiiiii-h-hiiiiii! He wasn’t doing anything! Especially not trying to make himself feel better about himself! He just put this on as a joke! A gag! Classic Buggy! Only to then be surprised by his partner not making fun of him but actively complimenting him. He looks good with a little ring like that! Fierce! Pretty! Rough! Maybe he’d like to try how a little stud would look there? They are quite sure they still have a little makeup glue and a blue gem somewhere that matches his hair perfectly… and while Buggy watches them dig tough their drawer he’s just…. So full of affection right then and there. In the end decides a nose piercing wouldn’t make him feel better the fact that his partner is just so accepting of the thing he’s so insecure about while also being so willing to help him find something to make him feel better about it if he wants to just warms his shriveled little heart.
This has gotten long but as you can see your writing inspires by brain by going “Okay but what if then this:” as well. It’s so fun
Oh anon, thank you SO MUCH for this! I was having a low day and this honestly made me feel so much better!! ♡
I’m so glad that post found the right audience and that it made you feel like the special, sparkly, amazing treasure you are!! ✨
I also like to imagine that if the reader has multiple piercings that they like to show off and/or stretched piercings, Buggy would suggest that they become an attraction - a human curiosity exhibit. Jokingly at first, but he would absolutely make it happen if the reader was interested. See how they shine! Look at how much metal! He’d also get you custom jewelry to match the vibe of your exhibit. Have angel fangs or spider bites? He can get you jewelry that actually looks like fangs. Industrial or upper helix? Maybe jewelry that mimics pointed ears. Also, some fabulous diamond studded chains to dangle between different piercings.
Ugh and YES to him wanting to try out a nose piercing. I was imagining a simple septum, but I’m in love with your idea of a blue stud gemstone! He really would look so beautiful!! 😭 Dashing, badass, gorgeous. He would love it more than anything pricier or flashier, because it was his partner’s idea. If he did go through with the piercing or wore the faux stud out (just for a little bit since his partner did go through the effort to put it on him), and anyone said something even moderately negative about his nose, Buggy would take it as the greatest insult to himself and his beloved partner and wreak absolute havoc.
Thank you thank you again for this! I loved hearing how it made you feel and where the inspiration took you!!
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somuchyoudontknow · 1 year
Sorry I got fever so I had to slow down again. Sorry if I haven't replied to dms yet and done the readings. I need a few more days, I guess.
One thing I have noticed, I am not accusing anyone directly but the fandom has become very very toxic and negative. It used to be but now people are unknowingly amplifying by reblogging that stuff. If someone is negative, it can be a good idea to leave them be. I just keep seeing rude posts on my dash being reblogged by so many people over and over again. I am sorry to say many people just dont care anymore. I used to follow everyone who follows me, I like to interact with everyone I consider my followers as my mutuals and friends but now it has become very difficult so I am going to unfollow everyone except a few gossip and content blogs.
I am sorry but my energy is getting affected very badly. I come here and after a while I can't do readings or just can't post. I think this toxicity has gotten to me. Maybe people feel comfortable with this kind of behavior but I don't. People are free to do whatever they want, everyone has right to do whatever they like but I can limit the content for my own sanity.
Sorry it's not personal and I don't want to disrespect anyone. I just can't function like this. Hopefully everyone would understand my decision. Thank you so much. You all are lovely ❤💙❤💙❤💙
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simlicious · 1 year
I am not posting much atm, here is why
heya, I'm pretty quiet on the posting front at the moment. This has several reasons. Since this might come across as a bit whiny, feel free to skip this personal ramble.
The good stuff first: I made a pact with my best friend and now we take a long walk together every week to increase our fitness levels. It encourages me to leave the house and get some fresh air and be in nature and it feels very good! We actually did a lot more together in the last months than just the walk, so I am quite busy and also often exhausted from the activity. I have also gotten back into Anno 1800 now that the game has reached its final state, and I am fixing some old mods that are not available anymore but I cannot live without, and I am also working on some of my own mods. The reason why I am taking a break from making patterns has mainly to do with the negative feelings I developed in the last months. I have been putting off writing this post for weeks, but my feelings have not gone away and I want to address this particular issue. Tbh, I often get aggravated when viewing my dash these days. I'm not the most emotionally stable person and my self-worth comes also from external sources, like feedback for my patterns, which is not ideal, but it is what it is right now. Lately, I feel that as a creator of recolorable patterns, I am being pushed deep into a corner. I've always considered myself a niche creator, catering to patterns kinda does that! But I feel like I am becoming obsolete, now that a lot of creators only make Sims 4 conversions and are usually not fully recolorable. I also fear that more and more creators will forget/will never learn how to make clothes and objects recolorable if all they do is add non-recolorable Sims 4 presets. I consider the Create-A-Style tool to be the most important feature of TS3 (together with open worlds). It is such a unique feature, and it breaks my heart to see that not being valued as such. I feel like we should celebrate that, and I try to with my patterns, but it's just so hard to keep it up when most creators do not seem to particularly care anymore. I wish more creators would make the good old Frankenmeshes 😥 I would love to see more ts3 and ts4 frankenmesh mashups. Creators would need to learn how to turn Sims 4 textures into greyscale ones and step up their uv-mapping game a bit, and then it could be a thing... There could even be an open library of recolorable sims 4 textures and remapped meshes that all creators could contribute to. That way, creators could use them and would not need to remake every texture from scratch by themselves. Over time, that would greatly decrease the effort that would need to be put in to make new creations this way... I know that most of you follow me because you really value my patterns and use them in your games, and I know that people who play mainly with vanilla content won't have that problem at all, as 99% the EA stuff can be recolored. But it's just that I see those non-recolorable conversions everywhere on my dash, and it is so disheartening. I guess as a creator, I want to feel welcome in the TS3 creator community, and lately, I do not feel particularly seen or valued as a member of that group. Maybe my Tumblr bubble has shoved me somewhat outside of the group that I would feel more valued in? Maybe I need to adjust my dash. But I do not want to unfollow everyone who posts these conversions. They are nice in their own right, it's just that I can't handle them very well right now. How do you deal with stuff that you do not want to see? do you unfollow people, do you block tags? I've been mostly avoiding my dash, but that does not seem like a good solution. If you post gameplay pics with my patterns or are a creator that makes their stuff CAS-Tool compatible, feel free to tell me below so I can follow you. Just seeing more people use my patterns would probably lift my spirits!
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wild-wombytch · 7 days
Ok, I'll pin this before shits go insane. The TL;DR is that I'll be temporarily uninstalling social medias so I have no idea whether I'll reply to about everything or when. All the following posts on this blog are queued. I'm probably not leaving radblr, just going on hiatus.
Putting the rest under the cut because I feel the best thing to do is being open-hearted and honest. I want to explain the reasoning nobody cares about behind it and I don't want to spam everyone's dash about this : (TW negativity, mental health, trauma dumping?, personal, pretty lengthy, blah)
I'm definitely overdramatic due to my own mental shits, but I'm getting SERIOUS anxiety from my reply to this post about poverty and middle class.
I don't regret it per se. I almost chose to ignore it because this is a painful topic and those who never experienced it wouldn't believe the amount of spits in the face you get from the middle-class as someone poor in the form of about daily microagressions and what trash you interiorize from it (you don't get much from billionaires because they don't even know we exist and they clearly don't frequent us, they fuck with us as a class but not on an individual level). As everything engaged with emotionally, it can quickly become a bomb. Yet, radblr has made (and still makes, we're all WIP after all) me someone less passive and more inclined to speak up. I'll never be grateful enough for that. So I chose to "woman-up" and make my voice heard. As insignificant as it seems. Because no one can talk for me better than myself.
Maybe it's absolutely nothing for a lot of people (and I guess it objectively IS nothing) but it is ENORMOUS for someone battling crippling anxiety (and I'm not choosing the word "crippling" lightly. My mental health literally gives me such tangible physical pains, gluing themselves to my already existing back issues/arthrodesis that I am physically disabled. I am heavily medicated. I am in a day hospital. I recently genuinely considered asking for a full-time internment in a mental hospital for maybe a month or two because I am becoming dangerous for myself and a burden). I used to be so passive, shy and anxious that I wouldn't voice my opinion at all in fear, that's how I got into the TRA movement so obediently. Exactly the example of Solanas about women completely conditioned out of their female power and inner worlds by their fathers, then becoming the emotional rags and handmaiden of every other men. I'm slowly unlearning that. Participating in something like that was part of the process. I don't know if I dose well. If I should dose and not be too "spicy" at all. Probably not. Radfems showed me the key to my shackles and I'm just starting to understand how it works. Yet, now I'm projecting all of my past experiences on this and fear I'm from one hand encouraged in a direction and going to get my neck broken for it from the other as a punishment. I shouldn't care, yet I still do at this point of my journey.
Again, I'm a mental mess. All is a bit blurry and unreasonable when we talk about anxiety/ptsd. I fear I'm going to get terfed out the terves and cancelled, do to speak. And it is oddly terrifying due to the mess I internalized and how highly and gratefully I look at radfems, with my tendency to idealize.
So when I was about 70% of my reply and I rechecked the whole thread to see it was Tepkunset out of all the Tumblr users I was "siding with"...fuck, did I stutter a nervous laugh. When I made this blog, I made a point to avoid interacting with hers, because I also used (and still do, to some degrees) highly look up to her. Like radfems, she is smart, brave and outspoken and I was all starry-eyed for her. She doesn't know of me and would probably block me on sight now (and probably will if that's not already done by seeing my reply), but she had genuinely been a model to me and got me in social justice and to think deeply about a lot of things, including myself as someone existing within bigger systems. I'm not making shits up when I say she changed the course of my life and I wouldn't be here in my journey if it wasn't for her. It was a process for me to actually embrace "heresy" and accept that I disagreed with her, my icon, about gender issues (which is a shame, because I think if cancel culture wasn't such a thing, she would genuinely be an amazing person to debate with). I've never been into celebs cult but that definitely was a close one. That's why I didn't interact with her blog, other than sometimes paying a visit and reblogging through other blogs as to not be blocked by her. Because I genuinely still respect her and want to hear about her thoughts even if I don't necessarily agree with them anymore, and want to see if she's okay and sometimes I rake my drawers to send money her way when life gets Bad™.
So that's some bullshit irony there that I feel torn in my "loyalties" among people I deeply admire yet disagree with and who themselves probably only intereacted with me anecdotally and know of me as much as they know of the flies in their kitchens. So essentially all that noise is in my head only yet what if I told you my back pains that almost miraculously vanished after seeing an osteopath yesterday just came back and now I can't lay on my back at all, no matter how many painkillers I take? Yes, I'm stressing out that bad over a Tumblr post no one cares about. If it was a telenovela it would be one of these scenes where a character is caught between a fight between their current crush and ex and has to pick a side and gets rightfully dumped by both.
So yeah, it also stirred a lot of things I haven't processed yet about my TRA days and even shittier moments of my life. I definitely wasn't ready for that.
I also genuinely internalized that I shine in society by not being very smart or useful or assertive like the women I admire so much. I'm not even sure about what I write, because I have no inner voice, my thoughts happen as I voice them, my brain is barren cotton, a perpetual state of dream. I don't know which of my memories are exact and which are dreams and past thoughts. I have amnesia of full discussions I had and consents I gave and I am completely stunned when people prove me I said something, because, in all good faith, I have not a shred of memory. Maybe a drop of a hazy memory you'd have in a dream. My past self and my current self both seem unreal, like other people. So I stick to ideas I have of my identity, shards of it, labels. I fiercely defend them because they are the only sense of self I perceive at all. Because I don't even feel human outside of thel. So I still have the same fear as during my TRA days that a breeze can make everything crumble. Most women here are very bright, it would take nothing to unmask the lack of ability I have to counter, to emotionally rein myself in, to construct a consistent data-based retort. That's why I was afraid of radfems in my TRA days already.
Anyway, that plus my irl social life being toxic currently makes me cope by going on social medias, which I know are awful for my mental health, yet I persist inflicting that on myself. There are several medical leaves at the day hospital so I'm ~aLoNe~ with my shits. Then you know the shit circle of life it is : not sleeping, not eating, being more anxious, sleeping less, being more anxious, eating less, reflecting too deeply on which way of sabotaging myself is the most reasonable...
So radical times call for radical measures. I'm deleting temporarily all of my apps instead of seeing notifications all the time and obsessively checking if everyone hates me yet or if nobody cares and pondering which is worse by looking at a wall for a whole day trying to not think about SH. That's stupid, and cowardly and pathetic and unfair towards people who reads me and puts thoughts in their replies and it's many other ugly things probably. But if I don't I'll implode. I just want to break the circle of feeling like shit and back pains that ruin my life so I can get back on my legs and maybe tackle one thing at a time. And I quite literally need to touch grass, even if I don't want to see anyone in my irl circles for now.
I don't know if any of this made sense. I'd probably also regret dumping all that tomorrow. Sedation is finally starting to work, so I guess that's why I m so talkative so I'll surf on it, post this, delete everything and pray I'll also forget about this until it randomly pops into my mind and gives me an existential crisis 20y from now. Should I even be given a right to vote and access to internet until I'm fixed? Are those rights part of the reconstruction process and of creating a sense of self?
Idk, I'm just tired. I wish you all well during this time. Radblr is wonderful despite occasional disagreements. I hope we can still be sisters after that and hope you won't think less of me. If you do, well, you're probably right, I also think less of myself every time I dare to exist and open the mouth. I am also the daughter of my father, after all, so I have plenty of reasons to think I deserve my own hatred and other people's.
I said I needed to be honest and open hearted so I've been. That's also why it's the over sharing website I guess? Here's a random gif to conclude this because I don't know what else to say and this is all fairly embarrassing:
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turtlecleric · 8 months
Okay. I'm rereading Symphony after the Chapter 20 bombshell because I am so Very Unwell, and I'm keeping track of my thoughts here. SPOILERS for Symphony, obviously. I quote the fic a lot, and those quotes are in bold.
[I'm making a new post for this so that it's not so obnoxiously long and annoying for everyone's dash after I finish each chapter. I'll just update this one post instead of adding more and more reblogs.]
Last Chapter Reread: Chapter 20!! This post is finally complete!
Chapter 1
I'm just... I can't stop thinking about Violist-chan right now. Even from the very first chapter, it's established that she (in my opinion) is the type of person who really goes above and beyond to be thoughtful and considerate and just plain nice to people (as long as they aren't complete jerks obviously).
She put together goody bags for her neighbors because she was going to be practicing at home for a bit, and these bags had "ear plugs, ibuprofen, a small gift card to one of the local coffee shops, two homemade cookies, and a card with your handwriting on it" as well as her cell number so people could ask her to stop if need be, like???? Are you kidding me???? That's so much effort and time and actual money spent that she put into that, and she wasn't even close to any of her neighbors (at the time) or anything, she was just being considerate. And then at April's door she offers to go get more cookies for them just to prevent any sort of argument over the cookies. Then offers Casey a discount on violin lessons. Then offers to let him use and potentially buy one of her old violins since he doesn't have one. GIRL. LEO IS RIGHT. YOU'RE TOO NICE.
On another note, have we seen the diagonal neighbor yet that wasn't home when Vi was distributing cookies? I can't remember. I wonder if they're going to be important. I'm not dismissing ANYTHING anymore.
Oh my god. Her talking to April about becoming friends -> Quick, what’s something friends do together?! “We can… grab coffee sometime?” Shit, shit, that’s a date thing, right? Fuck!
Then just after, when she's alone -> “…Friend,” you echo stupidly, trying to think of when was the last time someone had called you that. To put it gently, that's not the word most people use to describe you. THIS HURTS ME. VIOLIST DEFENSE SQUAD ROLL OUT FOR REAL, LIKE WHAT THE FUCK?? SO WHAT, HAVE PEOPLE JUST BEEN NEGLECTING AND USING HER HER ENTIRE LIFE??? I'M SO ANGRY. (But also, Grace and Sinclair are perfectly nice and friendly... I feel like Vi really struggles with making and keeping friends? So she just. Keeps herself so busy that she doesn't have time to think about how actually lonely she really is?)
that little mindfulness trip you were pretending you were definitely going to take this year no really this time is also off the books
She straight up does not take care of herself and kind of knows that? She's never her own first priority. God.
A sense of unworthiness slides down your spine like ice; it doesn’t feel proper for you to receive praise for something that should just be normal.
The first time I read this I remember thinking that she was such a good person for this mentality, but now this makes me think of the (Stupid girl. Stupid, Stupid, Stupid) stuff we've been getting lately. I'm so sad for her, I wonder if she's always struggled with negative thoughts and feelings about herself and the relationship with Alopex made it worse?
You look tired, you think, studying the bags under your eyes and the frown on your face. Do you always look this tired? Is this the face everyone sees you wear? Is this how the world knows you?
Once again. I am so sad for her.
When April runs into her and her laundry goes everywhere and she just. 'It's okay, I got it, go on, don't worry' like I'm??? SO????? I'm not mad at April or anything obviously, but this is just another instance of Vi putting herself last, behind literally everyone else. ALL SHE DOES IS GIVE GIVE GIVE.
What an excellent introduction to her character.
Chapter 2
Vi talking about the proper sitting technique with Casey - "You’ll get used to it. Maybe someday you’ll be like me and that’s just how you sit now.” 
This is hitting me because yes obviously she's a professional musician so it makes perfect sense, but also the idea of doing something that starts out as uncomfortable for so long, over and over and over, until it feels natural to you... kind of like how she's made being alone (in the ways that matter), staying busy, and putting others first into her normal.
God. Casey still, even after so long, having to remind himself that his life is no longer a genuine toss up every day. "Plenty of time" must have been such a foreign concept that he still struggles with at times.
Vi is genuinely so funny. I need to shower her in compliments immediately.
Ooh, you misread that one. ... “Sorry, I just assumed-"
GOD. Vi seeing a relationship between Casey and April where there wasn't one (yet). This hits different after chapter 20. Fuck.
you’re kind of desperate for pleasant things at the moment
I'm going to cry. This is literally only the second chapter and nothing has really happened yet but I'm really realizing how much I love Vi and want her to be happy. I want her to be taken care of so badly. My heart aches for her.
Donnie: "I apologize. I misunderstood.” HM. ANOTHER NOD TO MISUNDERSTANDINGS. This has GOT to be intentional. I'm so angry (impressed).
Vi, to Donnie about Casey: "if I find out that you’re being a dick, we’re going to have words.” She's so fiercely protective of others. But for herself??? Nah. Let it go, be the bigger person, blah blah blah. I'm going to fling myself into the sun.
Chapter 3
Baking apology cookies for April and Donnie. ONCE AGAIN. VI IS TOO NICE. GOD.
“Typical Donnie stuff,” April says, opening the oven to check on whatever smells amazing inside. “Being a smug little buttface. Jumping to conclusions. Running his big mouth.”
Vi just. So easily and quickly forgiving Donnie after their first meeting. Despite her justifiable anger. I'm. Gritting my teeth. (I LOVE Donnie, I will ALWAYS be a Donnie girl, but I cannot help being so, so angry with him after chapter 20.)
Leo's first appearance!! God I love him so fucking much. (I cannot wait for his talk with Vi whenever we finally make it to Saturday in the fic. I'm also slightly terrified that whatever he tells Vi will be some sort of... betrayal? I don't think my heart could take being upset with both Donnie AND Leo... we'll see.)
The pressure that Vi felt while Leo was studying her... I'm still wondering if the pressure was an actual like... mystical thing, somehow? Or if it's just his Presence, if he's just that good, that he can make his scrutiny something almost physical.
him not knowing you well enough to know you don’t normally look this exhausted
Is that even true, though? I feel like Vi IS always exhausted. How could she not be? Literally HOW does she even function, honestly?
"They’d have to get through me if they wanted to do something, and god, April, I was hoping they would, all but begging them to, I was so fucking mad—”
Once again, she is so fiercely protective of others. And I'm almost... worried about it. She really does throw herself in harms way without a second thought. I almost wonder if... some part of her welcomes some kind of... punishment or backlash or something. 'Better me hurt than anyone else' kind of thing, you know? And there was a line a few paragraphs before that - you tug on a lock of hair to distract yourself from getting too worked up - and that, paired with the recent things she's been doing in 20 and 21, gripping her arms and leaving crescent marks, pressing into the bruises Donnie left, only forcing herself to eat in front of Leo so he doesn't worry... all of that is very familiar to me in the worst way. I'm so worried about her.
you look up to see three faces looking at you with various levels of awe. It makes you sick, seeing it, knowing that they think you’re something incredible when you’re just doing the bare minimum. Your arms fold, nails digging into your biceps - again, I remember reading this the first time and thinking she was so great, and she IS, but I'm so so WORRIED about her. Also, once again, the digging nails into her skin thing. Worried. WORRIED.
(I love April so much. God. She deserves more love and attention from me, she really is such a good friend.)
Leo, you note, has been quiet for this entire conversation. You notice it suddenly ... Even when you look at him and his eyes meet your own, staring, staring, he doesn’t say anything, and his face is blank.
I'm obsessed with him. I'm obsessed with whatever is going on in his head. I'm obsessed. I was obsessed then, I'm obsessed now, I will stay obsessed. I love him.
“This was—so amazing, oh my god,” you tell April and Casey. “I’m so glad we’re friends. Can we do this all the time? I’ll bring cookies and bread and stuff.”
Leo saying Vi is good with people. And Casey earlier saying that Donnie is NOT good with people. And just. Chapter 20, with her blaming herself for not seeing what was going on. For thinking she's so stupid and everything is on her. Chapter 21, with the (Did you try?). I'm so so angry. I'm sick with it.
Vi is so smart. Putting things together and making connections and realizing things that others might miss - even Leo acknowledges it. So having the chapter 20 realization... more and more I'm convinced that, yeah sure Vi is an unreliable narrator, but I REALLY feel like Donnie is just a fucking idiot (I mean that so affectionately, I promise).
"I’d… like to have more nights like this one. To. To have a family. If I can.” “You can,” he says, reaching out a hand and laying it over yours...
Then Leo talking about how you're like Donnie, implying how it'd be fun to watch Vi and Donnie get closer... does Leo feel guilty over this now? Now that Vi is so fucking... Hurt? Does he partly blame himself for the pain she's experiencing now?
you do feel a small twinge of sympathy for how easily he dismisses his troubles
Finally, sure you’re alone and no one’s here to ever know, you let yourself cry.
Seriously, I am on the Violist defense squad for life. I would die for her. God.
Chapter 4
Normally you’d ignore it [her phone going off], since it’d be something innocuous like a bank notification, or maybe something as spicy as a wrong number. But you have, like, friends now. 
:( just. Reiterating how goddamn lonely she is. My eyes are actually watering over this. WE'RE NOT EVEN TO THE BIG STUFF YET AND I'M SO FUCKING SAD.
having to do a double-take when you see yourself looking positively ghoulish
Does she ever describe herself as looking good?? I'm thinking back to the aquarium, surely she thought she looked nice for that, at least, but aside from then I can't remember??? Has Donnie even once called her beautiful or pretty or even nice looking? I can't REMEMBER and I'm having FEELINGS about it.
Agreeing to make Casey some bread immediately upon being asked, even though she'd have to go to the store to get everything she needs. I get the feeling she is like 'if I make myself useful, if I pair my presence with things they like, maybe they'll keep me around' and I don't know how unconscious that whole thought process is for her but I'm seeing it a lot.
Now that you’re keeping your window locked pathologically, the old game of sneaking in via the fire escape is off the table.
Wait... did I miss something about the window staying locked? Hang on what the fuck. Is this a throwaway line or does this mean something? HANG ON I'M PANICKING NOW WHY WAS THIS ONCE A THING BUT NOW IT'S NOT????
the more you forget to eat during the season
Do not like this. That it's just normal for her to forget to eat so often during the season. This is probably just me looking into it too deeply, I know people do this all the time, but I Do Not like it and I need someone to take care of her so badly. Like Leo has been doing lately, tbh. She deserves the world. (Am I... falling in love with the fucking insert character? I might be. Dammit.)
(Mikey appears!!! I LOVE HIM SO MUCHHHH)
Donnie to Vi at the store: “You look a lot less like you got hit by a garbage truck."
“I’d been under the impression that you had your feelings hurt by what I’d said,” he says, raising his fingers and curling them into quotes around the word. ... "...apologies are dumb.”
Clenching. My. Jaw. I love him, I find him so charming and funny, but knowing about chapter 20 just has me so full of rage that these little comments are killing me now.
Aaaand Vi agreeing to make Leo cookies now. Once again. Doing things for others. Almost constantly, honestly.
it’s more a stress thing than a hobby [Vi talking about baking]
Hm. Her stress response is to be busy/useful to others. Hmmmmm.
While making bread for Casey, she made a whole other loaf of bread just for Leo. And then when Casey slips up about saying he'd never touched an oven before - you shrug one shoulder to show you’re chill with the secret. “…It’s, uh. Not impossible to believe, I guess?” you say, hoping to comfort. - she is always so focused on making others feel better. Constantly. Repeat after me: trauma.
"You’ve proved yourself to be a capable consultant."
Pursing my lips at this comment from Donnie.
You’re almost certainly projecting, but you tuck away the feeling nonetheless.
Pursing. My. Lips.
Vi: “…Sorry, I’m, uh. Kind of new to the friend thing. I’m still learning.”
Donnie: “Well, that won’t be a problem you’ll have for long. Practice makes perfect, and as a perfectionist myself, I’ll ensure your training will be thorough.”
This just. I. I know I've got a lot to reread before we get to the "relationship" but like??? I can't remember, but is he still under the impression that he's training her in friendship while he's fucking her? Yes, it's an experiment, but?????? Even then?????? I'M?????? I cannot fathom- I just don't- UGH THIS STUPID FUCKER
Chapter 5
God. The insights into Donnie's issues. Hits me just as hard the second time around. It... does soften my anger with him a little. To remind myself how intense his touch aversion was/is.
My heart still aches for Vi, obviously, but my heart aches for Donnie, too. He's doing the best he can with what he's got - like most people. I love him to death and I want him to be happy, too. He's not the villain. He can be a jerk, yeah, but the bombshell in chapter 20 to me really is just a misunderstanding. He's not being cruel. He just doesn't understand. (UNLESS I'M WRONG. IN WHICH CASE. DEATH.) But genuinely... it's just a tragic situation right now. Anyway, back to chapter five.
“…Can you check up on him for me?” you ask Leo, bringing your hands to your chest and curling them together in a self-soothing gesture. “I’m worried I might have upset him, somehow. He was okay until I asked him about it.”
Sorry I'm back on my "Vi deserves the world, she cares so much about others, always thinks of others and tends to blame herself for things too often, I'm going to lose my mind" bullshit.
"…He seems lonely.”
Chapter 6
You, for one, are still feeling a little awkward from whatever hot mess had happened over dinner last night and hadn’t felt comfortable being the first one to reach out despite Leo’s wordless promise that things were fine.
Donnie, it seems, does not share the same issue, or at least has overcome it. …Then again, it’s completely possible that you’re overthinking all of this, you suppose, texting him back as if nothing had happened.
I can only wonder about the difference we'll see between this and what happens when Vi and Donnie talk now (after the incident in Chapter 20). I'm HOPING there is open and honest communication... but we'll see.
You’re not exactly sure what’s going on between your ears, but it’s starting to leak out and project your thoughts onto others, making you see things.
:( so mad at myself. So goddamn mad I never saw the unreliable narrator thing coming. She WASN'T just seeing things here, but still. Little hints here and there like this are slapping me in the face now.
"I don’t want you to hurt your hand.”
Your chest squeezes a bit at his care
The bar is on the floor honestly. She needs someone to care about her enough that something like that doesn't give her that kind of reaction.
(Even with my anger and sorrow for Vi, Donnie still has me falling for him as I reread this. God.)
[April talking] “…I knew you were a good one,” she says, causing you to scoff and turn your face when you feel it warm. “Nuh uh, you’re gonna take the compliment this time, girlie.” Yes April!! My girl!!! She really is so amazing.
“Wow! I see no one but Donnie loves me,” you gripe
Hey what's up I'm crying
Vi making a mental note to make everyone a batch of cookies... I won't repeat myself. Okay, fine, I will - if I can manage to stay useful, if I can pair myself with things they like, maybe they'll keep me around.
(On a side note........ Mikey refers to Leo's thirst traps on his So-Shell account...... I would like to see them)
“Any idea why Donnie’s looking at you like you’re the first slice of pepperoni pizza from a particularly yummy-smelling box?”
Leo once again teasing you about Donnie...
[Vi Talking] "This is so nice. I like hanging out here.”
Jeez rereading this reminds me just how much Leo was sort of playing matchmaker between Vi and Donnie. He HAS to feel guilty now. Mad at Donnie, yeah, but also so guilty over all the things he did to push and encourage and tease.
You’ve been hugged more in the last few days than you probably have your entire life, and it feels so, so good, like you’re loved and you belong and they’re telling you that with their bodies as much as their words.
ONCE AGAIN. MAY I PLEASE HUG HER. That section is about how Donnie hasn't had that in a really long time, and that is heartbreaking, but I'm still really focused on Vi. Please let me hug her. Please.
Chapter 7
It’s tempting to think about the small things he’s done that could be him reciprocating your feelings; how he lets you into his lab, how his eyes consume you, how he lets you touch him, seems to crave it even.
[Through tears] yeah. Easy.
he’s an attractive genius ninja who could have anyone he wanted. And you’re just… you.
Vi is so fucking funny. And smart. Well, of course, she's a perfect match for Donnie, and I love Donnie, so it makes sense, but still. I hate that she thinks so lowly of herself.
“Challenge? Absolutely not. I’m not even remotely dressed for that,” you deny, hesitating when Leo rolls his eyes. “…But I guess I can do one song.”
She sees Leo roll his eyes and relents. ONCE AGAIN I may be reading too into things, but I'm getting this... feeling about that. Idk. She WILL chew you out if you're an asshole. She WILL bicker and banter and razz. She isn't a pushover or anything at ALL, but... idk what I'm trying to say. This is making me think that, at least with people she really wants to like her, any sign of them being annoyed or upset by her has her internally scrambling to fix it. I'm probably just protecting here but. Idk.
Leo winking when you go off with Donnie. :(
“I don’t… like it when people touch me,” ... “—but it feels different when it’s you,” he says, and this time when his gaze meets yours, your breath latches in your throat like a lock and his eyes are clouded with a hesitant clarity, like he knows exactly what he’s saying but he doesn’t understand why he’s saying it.
Come on. Come ON. He doesn't understand. This HAS to mirror him not understanding the nature of their relationship later on, right??
It’s possible, you suppose, that you’re misunderstanding what he’s implying—again projecting what you want to hear on his words.
Flinging myself. Into. The sun.
[Donnie's] tone tucking into a more clinical tone like a safety blanket
Just like how viewing the relationship from a strictly clinical, experimental point of view protects him. Am I reading into this right? This is still early, before Vi sees them as having gotten together, but it mirrors what happens later, right? It's a defense thing for him, to see their activities as strictly an experiment and to not let himself look any closer whether he realizes it or not?
“What? I can’t compliment my bestie and her fine legs?” Leo coos, reaching over and flicking your nose gently.
“Leonardo,” Donnie warns, folding his arms.
I'm sorry. What other way is there to read this aside from Donnie already feeling a little possessive over Vi? Also I'm glad Leo is giving her compliments pretty often. SOMEONE needs to.
So many little things that indicate Donnie likes her, really truly likes her... HOW COULD YOU POSSIBLY BLAME VI WITH ALL THIS BUILDUP AND EVIDENCE. I'M FUCKING. UGHHHH
Chapter 8
Having such amazing friends wants you to reach out and have a little piece of that, maybe learn how to be a little amazing yourself, too.
You ARE amazing. I'm crying in the fucking club over Vi. What the FUCK.
God. The anti-mutant guy in the coffee shop. Once again she so easily sticks up for others without a single thought to her own wellbeing. Also, the random guy that stepped in and started beating that fucker... again, I'm not letting anything go. I wonder if he's actually just a random guy or if he's important/will come back into play. Also, Vi getting hurt and thinking "it better not stop me from practicing" like??? I SWEAR. (Workaholic. Must be useful. Must keep going so I don't have time to wallow in loneliness. etc.)
Just noticing, again, how Vi tries so hard to respect boundaries. Not asking April about Casey's past while she talks with April in the coffee shop, even after April lets a little comment slip. She tries to respect boundaries so hard and takes on so much emotional labor. That's not nothing.
Donnie tells her to send another pic of herself in the bath. Says he noticed she wasn't wearing her perfume recently. I'm sorry. WHAT is platonic about that. Literally I do not fucking understand. God. Just fucking shoot me.
Irritable, you at least make yourself useful and clean your apartment
The way she phrases that. Make yourself useful. I'm. SIGH. I need to hug her. It's not a want, at this point, it's a need.
you watch as his brows furrow again, his lips pursing. “…I don’t like this.”
“The bruise? Me neither. It fucking hurts.”
“Someone else’s handprint on you,” he specifies.
Come ON. And then saying he enjoys touching her. COME ON. How is he not in love with her? He's GOTTA be.
She calls him beautiful. He. He doesn't say it back. This kills the man (the man is me). He does say he's enjoying holding her hand, but that's tied back to the experiment. I'm so sad.
When Leo accidentally hurts Vi by pressing the bruise and she is like "it's fine I'm fine" AND moves away so Donnie doesn't touch her because she's hyper aware that Donnie doesn't want Leo to know about the touch thing?? CONSTANTLY. THINKING. OF OTHERS.
“…You don’t even get how incredible you are, do you?” he asks, causing you to roll your eyes. “You seriously don’t see it.”
Chapter 9
Wearing a line into your rug, you shake your hands as you fret, brain racing a million miles an hour while your muscles buzz with the need to be productive.
I know I'm repeating myself, but I'm so sad for her. This is one of the million little things that makes me worry so much over Vi. The need to be productive, the anxiety over it even when she has a legitimate reason to take it easy.
[Leo] His frown deepens, eyes going a little dark with anger. It reminds you, a bit, of the energy you’d felt before he’d known you; when a simple stare had all the hairs on your body standing on end, paralyzed, a rabbit before a stalking wolf.
Sorry, wolf Leo? Sorry, villain au? Hhhhhhhhhhhhhh OK ok sorry I'm back to normal Sorry
You swallow at the sight of it, and, needing to soothe, change the subject before he can really engage with it
Needing to soothe. God. GOD. Seriously, I cannot stop thinking about how this might be a result of trauma just because I see it so often with Vi. Like she's... taking responsibility for other people's potential negative emotions/reactions when it's people she's close to. Feeling the need to do anything she can to prevent a blowup or whatever. I'm unwell.
Leo may be better at reading people than you, but you’re still really good.
This kills me. I'm TELLING you, man, Donnie is in love with her and she thought it was a relationship because it SHOULD be, it WOULD be if Donnie wasn't oblivious to his own feelings (or maybe he has different views on what a relationship is? Maybe there are unspoken laws in his head about what constitutes this sort of relationship vs that sort of relationship? Idk I'm honestly sort of an idiot so I'll just have to wait and see what Sam reveals about all this, but I can't help reeling all over again when lines like this pop up).
[Helping Leo relax and sleep] It’s not practicing, but it is something productive you can do, in a way. The need to be useful. Again. I'm crying.
“Want some water? I’ll grab us something.” ... “Sure,” you tell him, knowing he needs to take care, to provide in order to feel in control,
Even letting someone else do something for her is framed as her trying to be useful. I'm FUCKING crying.
So you sit, quiet, letting him use you,
That wording. Letting him use you. God. GOD. I'm not joking when I tell you my heart fucking aches for Vi. This isn't anything bad - she's just helping Leo get some sleep - but the phrasing of letting him use her. I'm so deeply unwell.
[Leo says] “You n’ Donnie really are perfect for each other.”
Yeah. Fuck.
“You work too much, you know that?"
...peering into the plastic bag to find a sweet spread of sushi. Wow, Leo really felt bad about the drool thing, you muse.
Alternatively, he appreciates the fuck out of you. Hang on I'm gonna look Too Hard at this real quick. The idea that Vi naturally defaults to Leo getting her nice sushi because he feels guilty rather than thankful. The idea that she isn't doing anything worthy of appreciation or praise, but rather that he mostly just feels obligated to make up for drooling on her. I need to hug her please. I'm actually begging at this point.
[Thinking about Donnie] It’s ridiculous how he can be so smart and so stupid at the same time
“It’s just so funny to think of him apparently hating classical music now, because before, he always used to listen to—” Casey starts lightheartedly, though his jaw snaps shut and his face goes very, very still. Terrorized eyes snap wide on your face like he’s seeing you for the first time, like you’re a myth come to life. ... “…Oh, no,” he warbles, his lips quivering as he looks at you like he’s seen a ghost. Then, with a jolt, he shakes his head, clutching at the back of his nape hard and looking off to the side, a tormented fake smile on his face that looks sharp as a knife and like it’s cutting him just as much to hold it. “I-It’s nothing, just… Just thought about something I’d heard when I was a kid, once. I just… suddenly realized something, is all.” ... He looks like he has War and Peace on the tip of his tongue as he nearly consumes your face, memorizing it even,
It makes you clutch your biceps, nails digging into your flesh, muscles pulling tight as you fret, fret, fret.
There it is again, the nails digging into skin. A little thing, but it has the potential to be dangerous, or even to hint at something dangerous being a possibility in the future. (Me projecting, projecting, projecting, always.)
God. I'm falling in love with Donnie once again. When will I be stopped.
“You—I’m so mad at you for doing this when I told you not to, but also this is the most amazing thing anyone’s ever done for me, and I want to thank you but I don’t have any cookies on me at the moment.”
Hey look I'm gonna Read Way Too Into Things again. She says this as if her words mean nothing. As if saying thank you and verbally expressing her gratitude is not enough, so she has to do something (be useful be useful be useful) to really be expressing her gratitude. (I get that sometimes words don't feel like enough, especially when we're so overcome with gratitude and we want the other person to REALLY get how thankful we are, I promise I get that, but it's just all these little tiny constant bits that have me seeing innocuous things like this as so much more. I'm sorry, again, I'm probably projecting.)
Also, just saying this so I have it on record, but Donnie has very firmly confirmed that he has befriended her, here. Just saying. For my sanity.
(The touch stuff. I'm on fire. I am burning as I type. God.)
[Raph] “Don’t mention it. Worrying is what I do."
That comment makes me so sad. Everything makes me sad. I'm a sad sack over every single person in this goddamn fic.
(Third Law. I'm soft.)
Leo calling Vi a "lovely lady" - once again, thank God someone is complimenting her.
Leo giving Donnie a flat look... I need to know what is going on in his mind like I need air.
Chapter 10
Mikey is so!!! I love him I love him I love him I-
(Mikey calls her cute in the group chat 💕 sweetest boy)
Vi making more cookies for the boys. Again. (Useful useful useful)
Huffing out in relief, you smile and nod, showing him the ulnar flossing exercises
Vi feeling relief that Mikey asks to see the wrist stretches... relief that she is being useful. Relief that she can help. Sigh.
When Donnie is laying on the cot, he asks Vi to stay and: the angle he’s using to tug on you is encouraging you to lie down instead. You hesitate, swallowing thickly, causing him to huff out an annoyed sigh, his eyes falling shut into a frown.
“If you’d rather go find Leo—”
“What? No,” you say, baffled he’d even think that. You try to remember the words he’d used yesterday, when you’d asked for a hug, ready to use them against him. “It’s just that this is a… a rather large escalation of contact.”
“Oh,” Donnie says, his frown smoothing out a bit. “Not really? It’s essentially the same thing?”
“…But in bed?” you clarify, wondering if maybe there’s some kind of turtle-brained thing that makes horizontal touches no different, or if you’re just overreacting.
he starts the music and then tucks back into you like that’s just what the two of you do.
...Donnie doesn't have a lot of friends, either. Do you think he really doesn't see the stuff that's happening as romantic? Does he think, even once the sex starts, that it's not unusual for friends to engage in that sort of thing as long as they agree to it beforehand? Or is he so deluded into thinking she wouldn't want him romantically that HE'S thinking she sees the experiment as the only reason to do that stuff with him, so there's no way they could really be together in a romantic relationship? (I'm trying so hard to understand and give him credit here. I'm gonna have to reread chapter 20 again for what he says exactly because I feel so stupid.)
Eager to stop what looks like an imminent meltdown from Mikey, you step forward first and start piling food onto your plate. “It looks great, Mike,” you tell him, both out of honestly and also to get him to look at you and smile instead of glaring at his brothers.
Once again Vi is taking responsibility for preventing conflict/negative emotions between people she cares about.
You’re glad your back is turned on the way to the table when he says that, as none of the turtles see the way your face crumples just a little at the wave of emotion that grips you when he calls you family.
(Lonely lonely lonely) let me hug her!!!!
Leo calls her a pretty girl when he's on the phone with Donnie in her apartment. Once again, I love him SO MUCH for being loose with his compliments, because Vi deserves people who will make her feel good about herself, but also he's clearly riling Donnie up with comments like that - what way is there to read it other than Donnie liking Vi romantically and feeling possessive over her? Everything points to Donnie either just being dense about his own feelings or not fully understanding what a relationship IS if he really doesn't see them as in a relationship by chapter 20. Unless I'm so incredibly missing the point, which is always possible because I am, in fact, an oblivious idiot most of the time.
Chapter 11
("lbjean_87’s Insta profile" is a reference, I'm sure, but idk what exactly other than the "87" for the 87 tmnt cartoon)
The whole interaction with Barry where he says Vi is having a positive impact on the boys... and she's uncomfortable with the implication that she's doing something special, struggling with someone pointing it out, struggling to accept that she is a special person who positively impacts others...
Barry hums thoughtfully. “I see. It is not that you are self-depreciating. You are, in fact, just an idiot.”
Hm. Just pointing this out because I forgot about it. It's so ingrained for her to diminish what she does for others, and he sees that I think... but also. This line from Barry being in THIS chapter, where the whole misunderstanding STARTS.
“Why are you sorry?”
You exhale a sharp breath, running a frustrated hand through your hair. “I’m sorry he found out? That I didn’t keep our promise not to let anyone know? That he tried to hug you and you freaked out? That I haven’t been helping you with your touch thing as much as I’d hoped I was? I mean, fuck, pick one, dude.”
Again, she takes on so much responsibility and guilt. I'm SO interested in learning more about her relationship with Alopex (and any other trauma that may have contributed to all of these things I'm noticing that she does).
Okay nobody panic but I'm finally to The Point where they establish some things and set up for the bombshell.
“…Intimate touches,” you repeat, turning back to look at him once you’ve pulled yourself away from the brink of flying right out of your own skin. “Like… what, petting? Kissing? Sex? What are we talking about, exactly?”
“All of it, ideally,” he says. “I’m quite curious to study how I’ll react, especially considering the whole touch aversion situation.”
Curious how he'd react... oh my god. He doesn't say anything about a relationship at all. This is killing me. It's all focused on the experiment. I'm a fucking fool.
“…Do… Do you wanna try it?” you ask, a tiny glittering light threatening to bloom like a sun in your chest. “…Us, together, I mean?”
Okay yeah. "Us together" could just be read as "us doing those things together" rather than "us being together in a romantic relationship." Goddddd.
Giddy excitement spreads over his face unlike what you’ve seen before. “Really? With… With me?” he asks, and god, the sight of him so openly happy makes you fucking ascend.
So the first time, I read that as 'you're really open to dating me (and all the things that come with that)?' But now it's ONLY 'you're willing to do sex stuff with me/to help more with my touch thing and sate my curiosity?' SAD. DEVASTATED. EMOTIONALLY DESTROYED.
“Of course, I—” ... “Donnie, I… of course. I’d be stupid to say no, right?”
“Oh, that’s such a relief,” he says, closing his eyes and sighing into your palm. “I’ve been making spreadsheets of things I’ve wanted to try for several days and wondering how best to bring it up, especially considering—well. It’s quite helpful that you did so yourself. Excellent work, consultant.”
Fuck. FUCK. Consultant, he calls her. It really is still an experiment to him at this point. And the first time I thought it was just a cute tease, a bit of funny flirting, but it WASN'T. FUCK. Sam is a genius. I hate myself. He's focused on the spreadsheets and things he's been wanting to try for his touch aversion. He's giddy because of that, not because he's getting into an official relationship with her. (I still think he's in love with her and maybe just doesn't realize it fully, but holy God his words are actually focused on the experiment here.) What would he have said after "especially considering" if he hadn't cut himself off??? FUCK.
[Vi talking] "We’re partners, now, so we have to take care of each other."
Partners. Still worded to fit with the experiment mindset, so of course that wouldn't tip off Donnie. Fuck.
[Donnie talking] “I’d… like to keep this between the two of us as well, for now. To the confines of the lab. While we establish the parameters.” ... “I have no interest in keeping anything a secret. I only want to improve the quality of our partnership's results before sharing, nothing more."
Again, it's not named as a romantic relationship. He just calls it 'this' and a 'partnership' when he talks about their arrangement. (The clinical talk... 'improve quality of results before sharing.' Fuck. FUCK.)
Rereading the sexy stuff is fucking PAINFUL now. Oh my god.
“Don’t move,” he growls, making you freeze in place even as his brows furrow hard and his grip loosens almost immediately. “I—Sorry. Sorry, I—I don’t know where that came from.”
Stuff like this has me wondering again if he really doesn't understand what he's feeling with Vi. And that lack of understanding is reinforcing his focus on it being an Experiment, because he wants to understand how he's responding and why, to understand what he's feeling, and to do that he needs to gather and study data.
Donnie goes stiff when April calls and asks if Vi is with Leo. That's not the first time Donnie does something that indicates jealousy or possessiveness over Vi, but what if it's something else? It's only with Leo that I can remember, but I thought that was because Leo is the only one constantly hanging out with/touching/complimenting Vi, but what if it's something else regarding Leo? I really do not know what else it could be, but... I'm trying not to assume things anymore that aren't confirmed through dialog.
you sigh, turning your face into the pillow and inhaling deeply. It smells like Donnie, making your toes curl in delight. Pulling away, you look over to see him sitting on the edge of the bed, studying you. “…What are you doing?”
Yeah if they're not in a relationship it makes sense for him to react like that. (I'm so goddamn sad)
“You… promise you’ll tell me if you change your mind about this, right?”
“About… us?” you ask, and when he nods, you sit up, pressing your forehead to his. “Donnie, I—”
“—Promise?” he interrupts, making your mouth close.
“…Promise,” you tell him. And, since it’s clearly so important to him, “You promise? You’ll tell me?”
“I won’t change my mind,” he assures, making you shake your head. He sighs. “Yes. I promise.”
Hits different. God. I need to be in this fucker's head. I need his exact reasoning for thinking he won't change his mind. Is it curiosity regarding the outcome? Is it because he really likes her (and recognizes that)? I don't know!!
D - Just informing you that the nap did indeed take place.
V - i’m so glad!! thanks for letting me know
D - It would be a poor business exchange if I didn’t.
[Through tears] Chapter 12
Vi is so happy. So happy that she's helping Donnie with touch, Leo with sleep, Mikey with his hands (useful, useful, useful). So happy to be in a "relationship" with Donnie. She is so happy, and I am so, so sad.
Sinclair (I think it's Sinclair, Vi doesn't know/remember her name yet and I'm just a terrible with my memory) refers to a Ren. Renet, maybe?? 👀
You leave a little bit earlier than you usually do since you’re meeting Leo for lunch
YES there's a little bit of that positive influence on Vi bc of the boys! Leave practice early baby!!
Drinking with your neighbors, a boyfriend, lunch with your best friend… It feels like you’re cheating, a little. Like you’ve gotten something you don’t completely deserve.
[Clutching heart] that's a one-two punch. Vi calling Donnie her boyfriend in her head, and then Vi feeling like she didn't EARN the happiness she's feeling. OUCH.
Oh FUCK. The whole interaction with Leo in the kitchen. So many things. Leo's reaction to you confirming that you touch Donnie and that Donnie touches you. Vi doing that thing again where she digs her nails into her skin. Comparing Leo to a wolf and Vi to a rabbit (stop it blurple villain au, STOP IT, I'm trying to focus). I'm not gonna copy paste the entire section, but Leo's reaction is SO.... hang on
“Him wanting to put his hands all over you? Wanting to touch you? Mark you up? How far have you two gone, huh? Should I just pick a place on you and see if he’s touched that, too? Or is that another thing I’m not allowed to know?” ... “Why are you the one he—” Leo snarls
Is he really just that angry and bitter because Donnie hasn't let his family touch him in so long? Because Donnie hasn't let LEO touch him in so long? Because, relatively quickly, Vi has managed to push past that barrier when Leo couldn't? Or is he mad because it's intimate touches, specifically? Why exactly? Because Leo likes Vi? I don't think that's it, but again I'm trying not to assume or overlook things. Leo was playing matchmaker with them so hard toward the beginning, and now he reacts like this? What did he think was going to happen? Do you remember him asking Vi if she was single and saying she and Donnie were perfect for each other? Because I do. Did he want them together but assumed they wouldn't be touching no matter what since that's been Donnie's default mode for so long? I'm so dense I do not understand. LET ME IN YOUR HEAD. LEOOOOOOO.
Your back hits the wall behind you hard as you flinch away instinctively. ... Your arms have covered your face, your whole body quaking as you fight to make yourself as small as possible. ... when you don’t move, when you can’t speak ... taking in your terrified posture ... You close your eyes, feeling the tears continue to stream down your cheeks. Clenching your teeth, swallowing the adrenaline rushing in your veins screaming for you to stay still and not move ... He’s safe! you scream to yourself, trying to remember that it’s gospel. He’s safe! He’s safe! He’s safe! ... Sobs tear out of your lungs in massive heaving rolls that leave you shaking against him.
Is Vi's visceral reaction of fear ONLY due to Leo being Just That Scary? Or has she experienced physical violence from someone close to her before? She can stand her ground against asshole strangers that actually try to hurt her (for example, the guy from the coffee shop and guy in the park - or wherever it was, I don't remember and I'm not there yet, but it was when she fell in the water sticking up for Raph), chase after mutant silverfish with a music stand, react quickly to protect the kids when shots are fired, run to Dakota after the bomb goes off, etc. etc. And those were Real Dangerous Situations, too. The difference here is it's Leo. Her best friend. Someone she's close to, someone she trusts. When it's a person like that, she freezes in fucking terror... and remember the other times she's tried to step in when someone close to her starts getting angry? To soothe, to deescalate...
He’s safe. He’s your best friend. He’s family. He’s Leo, and the fact that even a tiny piece of you was afraid of him—it horrifies you. ... “I-I’m sorry, too. I-I didn’t mean to—I don’t know why I—I know you’d n-never—” “Instinct,” he cuts off clinically. Hollowly. “You were scared. I scared you.”
I think I'm looking too hard at this maybe. She's horrified that she was scared, and she says "I don't know why" she reacted like that, and if she'd experienced violence with someone close to her in the past surely she would've thought something about it, connected those dots in her mind at that point? I don't know. I suppose we'll have to wait and see what Sam reveals, if anything. Like I said, maybe I'm reading too much into this.
“…Donnie and I are dating,” you tell Leo, feeling him go rigid against you when you tell the secret that feels so stupid to keep if it means losing him. “I… I asked him out yesterday, and he said yes. But he wants to keep it quiet for a while, while we figure everything out, so…”
Pain. Pain and agony and suffering. She says this to Leo in no uncertain terms about what she means, whereas with Donnie it could have been taken a different way and apparently WAS. Fuck.
“He… he talked about missing hugs?” Leo echoes, sounding a little broken.
This Whole Thing hurts just as much the second time around. Ouch. Owie.
"I have no idea what’s safe to talk about with you people, so I just assume everything’s off limits until I hear otherwise!”
Again, she's so careful to respect boundaries.
[Leo] He tilts his head when you come inside, grinning at you and patting the ground between his legs as he spreads them and wiggles his feet like he thinks he’s adorable.
“Don’t be mean to me, I’m just a little meow meow.”
“…Don’t tell him,” Leo pleads quietly, making you pause where you were reaching out to grab your laptop. “Tell who what?” “Donnie. That I know. …Don’t tell him.”
Do you think Leo remembers saying this and feels guilty now? Do you think he wonders if you had been given the green light to tell Donnie that Leo knows you two are "dating" that maybe the whole miscommunication thing wouldn't have spiraled and gone on as long?
“Just kidding. You’re so gullible,” [Donnie says]
Just. Just putting this here. For the record. For future reference.
“…Does Leo do this to you?” he whispers, entranced. “…Does he make you have goosebumps, too?” His thumb finds the edge of your nipple through your bra and shirt,
God. Hits different. He's actually fucking yearning here isn't he. Yearning for her and not even realizing he has her?? Again, does he think this is something friends just do? Was he wondering if Leo touches you intimately, as well??
(The kissing is so fucking hot. A wordsmith as always, Jesus CHRIST, Sam. But also reading it with the constant voice in the back of my head saying "he doesn't see them as dating" over and over and over IS SO. I don't have a word for it but it's killing me.)
[Donnie, after you stop kissing] “Sorry. I suppose I did, uh. Get a little over-eager there.”
the silent promise you made to one turtle versus the explicit one you made to another and how they stand at odds with the other.
^So many lines now are hitting me differently. God.
[Donnie talking about Leo sleeping on Vi and therefore making her smell like Leo] “I really don’t—I’m starting think he does it on purpose to irritate me, specifically.”
So if Donnie doesn't see them as together, doesn't see Vi as his... what does he mean here? Does he recognize that he feels possessive but doesn't fully understand why? Or does he really just not like the way Leo smells???
Donnie talking about how he smells that she's aroused, admitting that he is aroused... taking about it so matter-of-factly. He's separating romantic and sexual feelings so completely in a way that Vi doesn't, in a way that the reader wouldn't. (Is that the whole point that I'm missing here? That he DOES separate sexual and romantic relationships so CLEARLY in his mind? And that's why he can yearn for her, think he doesn't have her even while they're fucking and spending so much time together and doing things that couples DO?)
Donnie referring to the Third Law as the reason that he gets to learn how to make her feel good... almost like that's his sole reason or like that's his excuse for doing so...
“…I’m not particularly interested in my brothers smelling you like this,” he mutters
Because it would cause a stir? Because he wants the experiment to continue without outside influence? Because he simply doesn't want them to know his business? Because he knows she would be embarrassed? LET ME IN YOUR HEAD. YOU AND LEO BOTH ARE KILLING ME.
Chapter 13
Goddammit I lost my notes for this chapter and had to try and remember what I had already written TWICE because I'm a mobile user who is also an idiot. Anyway.
The beginning of my notes for this chapter was mostly me gushing about how much it made me smile. It's the one where Vi gets sick and goes to the store to get cat food for the neighbor. (Basically - I love Vi, I love the boys, I love the group chat.)
When the neighbor gets mutated, Vi pushes Leo out of the way so that she is the one pounced on instead of Leo. There was no real danger, but she didn't know that when she reacted. It kills me that in her delirious, can barely think straight, actually thinks she's hallucinating state, her instinct is to take the hit for Leo. (Better me than you, you're more important, I can be useful, I'm useful, useful, use me use me use me FUCK)
So many lines hit different with Donnie... she's sick and going to sleep in his room, and them interacting alone here (with my knowledge of chapter 20) makes my chest ache.
She says she missed him -> For some reason, he laughs a little at that. “Is that so? What prompted the thought?”
Her shirt is all sweaty and he tells her to just take it off, but then -> “I’m curious to see if my body temperature will help with your fever.”
They're in his bed, lying together, and she kisses him -> “D-Don’t do that here,” he stutters, sounding a little like it’s a significant effort to tell you. “I don’t want to start something we aren’t—aren’t planning on—”
A little later -> “…I want to…” he trails off in a breathless tone, pressing into your throat a little harder than usual. ... “Wanna what?” you ask, prompting him to shake his head. “It’s nothing. Get some rest. I’ll be here until you fall asleep.”
I'm in so much fucking pain.
Vi goes to the library for books on PTSD to help the fam. She spends time reading and taking notes and just. God. She's such a good friend. (Use me. I need to earn this love. I need to be good and useful.)
Leo has his insomnia. (He has something else, you know, you just know, but until he decides to do his little secret-spilling venture he told you you were due, you’re in the dark on that.)
Is this something we might find out about during their talk on Saturday??? I hope so.
You don’t know anything about Raph, you mourn, underlining his name twice on your notepad in a bit of self-loathing. So much for him being family, you think sourly.
It's hardly her fault, but again she's putting it on herself.
At the end of the chapter, she wakes up to realize that Leo saw the evidence of her reading those books and taking notes and working to make herself more helpful (USEFUL) in her free time. He knows how hard she's trying to help. So you think he feels guilty over that, too, now? Again, all she does is give give give, and even when she does allow herself to take she feels that need to earn it, that need to be worthy of it.
Chapter 14
Yeah there it is! The confrontation with the guy in the park. Raph is so right to be worried because she IS going to get hurt if she keeps this up.
[Raph talking] "you can’t be stupid like that,” he says, making you flinch. 
Time for me to Read Too Much Into Things again. I've noticed, even before chapter 20 when it gets really really bad, she often refers to herself as stupid or uses stupid as an adjective when describing what she's doing. Her flinching when Raph uses that word specifically has me wondering if that word was used against her a lot in the past (by Alopex maybe?) or if she's always had A Thing about thinking she's stupid.
Raph gives you a small crooked smile. “Well, it sure made him mad thinkin’ you was my girl. So maybe you should just start datin’ a mutant real open-like.” 
You give a wet laugh, rubbing at your eyes hard. If only he knew. “Yeah. That… That sounds like something I’d like.” 
Hey what's up I'm CRYING
(Also, once again, every time Vi refers to Donnie as her boyfriend in her head, I suffer)
[Leo talking about Vi having no self-preservation instincts] “Oh yeah? Looks to me like you wouldn’t know fear if it—” he starts, only for his jaw to clamp shut and a stricken look to cross his face.
I know this is him remembering when he scared Vi in her kitchen, but JUST IN CASE their talk on Saturday reveals anything I'm keeping this here for my own future reference.
Not helping the desire is that he’s wearing those fucking sweatpants again. If he were any kind of perceptive, you’d wonder if he didn’t know exactly what he was doing when he put those things on his ass
First of all, SWEATPANTELLO SJSJZBAKXH. Second of all, "if he were any kind of perceptive" has me eating through the drywall.
Oh my god. When Donnie brings up what happened in the park, he just says he made her a new phone and then "There was mud all over the processing board, which, speaking of, I hope you weren’t injured?” I'm getting a little bit of whiplash here. He was so angry over the bruise she got, but with this his reaction is less intense. And I'm remembering after one of the attacks with Dakota that his reaction wasn't as intense as I expected, either. But then with the guy on their aquarium "date" the reaction was WAY more intense. Hm. I almost need to look at those instances side by side once more after I catch up to 20 on this reread.
Also idk why this popped into my head just now, but I'm wondering if something happened between Leo and Donnie in the past. Something more than just the fact that Donnie doesn't let Leo (or the rest of the fam) touch him. There are so many times where Leo like... gives Donnie a blank/weird look or reacts a certain way when Vi talks about Donnie or even riles Donnie up by making Vi smell like him, making little comments about her being pretty or him being her favorite or whatever... a bunch of things that COULD just be Leo being a little shit but could also be something more (something like Leo liking Vi, sure, but I really don't think so??? More and more I wonder if it could be something that's related to an incident in the past between the twins??). God I cannot WAIT for Leo and Vi to talk on Saturday.
Vi says she doesn't talk to her family anymore because they're so anti-mutant and they had a huge falling out. I'm still wondering if there was some kind of abuse she suffered from her family, as well, even if she doesn't recognize it as having been abuse. (Racist family members being cruel to you hits close to home, I'm almost certainly projecting.)
“A mutant? You?” Donnie gapes, looking shocked. “You dated a mutant?” 
You bark out an incredulous laugh. “How are you surprised by this?” 
You haven’t thought about Alopex in years; it’s odd, now, how you finally feel able to do so without pain.
Ooooh boy. I CANNOT WAIT to find out more about the past relationship with Alopex. And if I recall correctly Sam has said Alopex will make an appearance and I am SO EXCITED.
[Vi talking] "I have a family again, and I have you. That’s all I need.” 
Donnie frowns, but whatever machinations are in his head are tabled when instead he just sighs
She makes that distinction here between the fam and Donnie. Specifically says "I have you" and he frowns. During my first read I thought he was frowning at the whole estranged family/Alopex breakup thing. Now I'm wondering what he thought about that comment "I have you."
Engage alarm 16-44-SD - I wonder what the significance of the numbers and letters are. Do you think we'll find out?
[Vi asks Donnie to cuddle and they're getting situated on the cot] “What are your goals for this evening?” he asks, using his hand to glide along your jaw, cupping your nape to turn your face to his. 
“With you?” you ask to clarify, and when he nods, you hum. “Don’t really have any. Just want to feel good with you.” 
Donnie studies you for a moment
Fuck. FUCK. "What are your goals" I'm pacing like a madman. WHAT IS HE THINKING WHEN HE STUDIES HER AFTER HER RESPONSE. FUCK.
“…Actually, I changed my mind. I wanna kiss you again.” 
Donnie’s smirk is a little lazy. “That was quick. I was expecting to have to work on you a bit longer for that.”
“Yeah, well, I’m easy for you. Sue me,” you tell him ... “That you are,” he agrees ... “…Want to feel good,” he murmurs against your mouth, repeating your request of him like he’s contemplating it, still. When you nod, he dips down, his second kiss a bit more
This Whole fucking interaction. My heart is shredded. Him thinking about her saying she wants to feel good, taking that as her saying the 'goal' of today's 'session' is that and then having her come using his thigh so they can achieve that 'session goal' and collect data.
[Asking if she's sure he has to touch somewhere first before she'll touch him there] “Though I suppose it’s fine. Just more data. And I’m hardly opposed to making you feel good first.”
[Donnie tells you to take off the clothes Leo lent you] Vi - “Donnie, I’m not wearing anything under this.” 
“…Okay?” he says, looking at you like he doesn’t understand the problem.
This is SO. I JUST. FUCK. Sex and nude intimacy is all part of the project. Why WOULD it be a big deal? They agreed that the experiment would include kissing, petting, sex, etc. There's no feelings involved, it's just necessary for the session, for the data. I'm Unwell.
(The sexy stuff is, once again, SO HOT but SO PAINFUL to read)
[After she comes using his thigh] “Oh, yeah. I’m gonna remember that for a long, long time. Until you one up yourself, of course.” 
“A good scientist is always seeking to extract better results from his subject matter,” Donnie agrees. 
I wonder if Sam was writing this and smirking evilly the entire fucking time. Evil. EVIL. EVIL EVIL EVIL EVIL E-
Chapter 15
Vi making cookies again for the 4th of July party. Then in the shower, talking to Leo about it.
“I was thinking I’d make enough cookies for you guys to have left over, since I know you like ‘em a lot. Plus I feel like I kind of owe Raph for the whole, uh, making him fish me out of the pond thing.” 
Leo doesn’t answer, you think, though you might have missed it as you duck your head under the water to get rid of the shampoo.
I was so distracted by blurple symphony au thoughts the first time I read this, but now I'm just thinking about how she worded that.
“I was thinking I’d bring him [Raph] by some bread later, too. I know we kind of worked it all out, but I’d feel better if I really had a good apology. He was pretty upset. And Donnie, too. I need to make him something. Not that he, uh, did anything. But the thought was there, I guess."
Once again, she feels the need to DO something for others. As an apology, as appreciation. Thoughtful to the point of making me worry.
(Also, I wonder if the talk with Leo on Saturday will shed light on what he was doing/thinking here while she was showering)
“Glad to be of service,” you laugh
[Vi says she'll try to get Donnie to come to the party] Casey stares at you with eyes that see a little too far into your soul for your liking, but then he pulls them back and laughs like he didn’t just sear your bones. “Well, if anyone could, I bet it’d be you.”
:) pain
“He’s got me on security protocol 27-L-Alpha, but family’s allowed through on that one, so you can go ahead in,” Shelldon says
Again, I wonder about the significance of the numbers and letters. Also, FAMILY IS ALLOWED THROUGH. So Donnie sees her as family? I need to be inside his head.
She gets him to go to the party and he says she'll owe him. Is that the only reason he agrees? Because then she owes him something? Is he just hungry? Is he soft for her without realizing?
When the yokai is flirting with Vi at the party, WHAT is Donnie thinking? I must know. Vi looks at Donnie and thinks that he's 'too traumatized, probably by those fucking brain aliens, to fish you out.' If Donnie thought they were dating, would he have stepped in?
Leo hooks his head onto your shoulder, nuzzling his beak into your throat and humming like he does when it’s just the two of you. ... his fingers fluttering on your stomach as his eyes cut off to the side. He has a sharp look to his features that you’re a bit too drunk to dissect, so you just ignore it. 
I'm squinting so hard at this. This is at the party in front of everyone, but it's GOTTA be another attempt at riling Donnie up, right? UGH
“Gonna kill him,” Donnie growls against your skin
Is he talking about Leo? WHY DOES IT BOTHER YOU SO MUCH, HUH DONNIE? Seriously, did something fucking happen between him and Leo in the past that's related to all this? Or is this just Donnie being jealous and possessive over Vi despite them just being "partners" for the project??
He grabs your chin, holding your face to his, and you open your damp eyes to see that he’s staring at you, cataloging your every move. 
Data collection. I know I'm repeating myself here, but this is so so painful to read.
Pulling away, Donnie groans, his forehead finding your shoulder. “Fuck. I can’t believe I did that. I’m sorry,” he says, causing you to laugh. You sink your fingers into his nape, stroking long lines against worried flesh. 
“How are you apologizing right now? That was incredible,” you promise. 
“It—It was outside the bounds of our agreement. We both stated that my lab was the only place where we’d—” he starts
:( that's all I can say. Just. :(
"I’m going to go to my lab and make sure this obnoxious music didn’t ruin anything.” 
Vi asks for one last kiss and then -> “…You’re getting good at that,” you murmur against his mouth when he pulls away, opening your eyes to see him staring at you with lustrous eyes. 
“Third Law,” he says
Third Law. Something I want (your help with this project) for something you want (to feel good). Fuck. FUCK.
You turn your head, seeing that he has something to say on the tip of his tongue, but he shakes it off, looking off to the side. 
“…Text me when you get home,” he says instead, making you smile and nod. 
Vi tells Mikey she and Donnie are dating. Once again it's explicit when she tells others but not when she's with Donnie. Kill me. Kill me.
Again, Vi worrying so much about the boys. Wishing she could help more. Sigh.
“…Yeah. Pretty,” he [Leo] agrees, voice quiet. ... you feel a beak nuzzle gently into your hair, inhaling softly to find your scent, before he goes carefully, painfully still; and just before you finally drift off to sleep on his shoulder, you imagine, you think, the sound of creaking wood beneath a tight, gripping fist. 
Once again the first time I read this as Leo maybe liking Vi or being upset that Donnie touches her when he hasn't been able to touch his brother in so long, but... Does Leo... does Leo know that Donnie doesn't see their partnership as romantic? Does he KNOW?? Is he letting this go on because it's helping Donnie and he wants his brother to get better???? HANG ON. HANG ON. IT BETTER NOT BE. IT BETTER FUCKING NOT. PLEASE TELL ME I'M WRONG. Is this Leo realizing that the partnership has become sexual and that this is so much worse for Vi than he thought? MY HEART IS BEATING OUT OF MY CHEST. (I'm wrong. I have to be wrong. I have to be reading too much into it, right? Please tell me I'm wrong I'm on the verge of tears.)
Chapter 16
Sinclair recovers quickly, waving her hand. “Yo. Introduce us to the cutie?” 
“C-Cutie?” Raph repeats, flustering quickly.
Sinclair (June?) has a girlfriend I know but this little interaction makes me wish Raph could get someone, you know? I wish all the boys could get someone (if they want someone, that is). I want them all to be happy so badly :(
Also Sinclair's girlfriend is a mutant. Are we gonna meet her?
You dig your nails into your biceps hard. 
I worry. I fucking WORRY.
First mention of Scheherazade - oh my god. Forever sobbing.
Leo hasn't texted you today.
Sinclair calling Vi her friend :') getting her number :') I love her
Vi is so anxious over the thought of Leo being upset with her. And then there's a line when she goes to the lair to see him - hoping you’re not being too overbearing - that has me once again wondering if she had past experiences where someone got upset and reacted badly and blamed her, or maybe if she just internalized the bad reaction as her fault and now she's always scrambling to soothe and fix? Thinking of how toxic relationships can have that affect on people, you know?
He isn’t Alopex, you remind yourself. It’s cruel to impose upon him the damaged expectations from the last relationship you’d had. Cruel to yourself, seeing darkness where there isn’t any to be found. You’re letting old insecurities seep in, you think, feeling your eyes burn a little.
Yeah, this. I wonder if we'll find out about the exact details of everything that happened? I think we will, and I'm excited.
[Leo talking] “I’ve just been… tired. Thinking about things. About what I want.” 
Tilting your head, you ask. “…What you want?” 
Leo nods, bringing your hand to his mouth to brush a kiss to your knuckles, staring at them as he brings your hand to his lap. “I’m. I’m still thinking about it. If I promise to tell you, can you give me time?” 
If I'm right. And I pray that I'm wrong. But. If I'm right. He's thinking about what's more important to him, about what he wants more - truly being a good friend to you vs. using you to help Donnie with his touch thing even though he knows what's really going on, even though he knows you think something else is happening when it's not. (If I'm right... he's using her. He's using her, after seeing how lonely she was, how willing she is to help, how desperate she is to be useful, manipulating that, taking advantage of that. Please God let me be wrong.)
Upstairs, you find Donnie sitting in front of his wall of computer screens, each plastered with an ocean of diagrams and spreadsheets. Deep in thought ... “Oh, good. I was just thinking about you,” he says
He's looking at the spreadsheets for the project. Of course he'd be thinking of her. Sobbing. Screaming. I hate myself.
[Donnie smells Leo on Vi] "Really pisses me off,” he grumbles
Again, why does it make him mad that Vi smells like Leo?
“Hm. I promised you a lesson on my anatomy. Considering I explored your genitalia, unintentional though the moment was, that does, as per our arrangement, clear you to touch mine.”
Arrangement. ARRANGEMENT. And the clinical discussion, of course. Naturally. No feelings, just a project, all part of the experiment.
“Experiential learning. Excellent. I knew you were the one.” 
The one. The one to choose as his partner on the project. Goddammit.
(God. The smut. It's so hot. I'm swimming in lava.)
“All right. Take off your pants and lie down. My turn.” 
Startled, you just blink at him for a moment. “W-What?” 
“Third Law. And I want to taste you. See if it’s different from mine. I’m very curious about the tactile nature, since it was quite pleasant on my fingers. Plus, you didn’t come. I’m not a barbarian. Now, chop chop.” 
Third Law. You did this so now I do that. It's a transaction. And he's curious about the taste and feel compared to his own. Data data data.
“…Very, very pleasant,” he murmurs to himself more than to you, 
Data. Notes. For his own future reference. Fuck.
“Only the best for my favorite turtle,” you promise, laughing and pulling away, spinning in place with your arms spread wide. “Now. Shall we work on the Turtolin while waiting for the smell of sex to dissipate? I’d rather not scar poor Leo if I can help it.”
Donnie looks like he’s contemplating something hard, but he pushes it away and nods. 
What is he thinking here? Does it have anything to do with Leo? Or the favorite turtle line?? UGH
[Vi sends Donnie a pic of her in the bath with the bath bomb he gave her and he calls] “Good girl,” he says easily, making your skin burn hot. “Now, I’m going to put you on speaker and listen as you make yourself come.”
Jaw dropping, you stutter, “R-Right now?”
Donnie hums. “Then send me another. One before. One after.”
You hear the soft click of him putting his phone down, and the familiar sound of him fiddling with his tech. ... “I’m waiting,” you hear him say.
This is SO PAINFUL now. FUCK.
Chapter 17
(My notes after this point include knowledge of chapter 22 aka the chapter that made me physically ill)
You find him [Donnie], as you expect, pouring over some spreadsheets. 
The spreadsheets again :(
[Vi talking to Raph and Mikey about Donnie] "You wouldn’t expect it. But he’s—he’s so kind. Always thinking about how he can help others, always looking to make their lives easier. It’s—It’s really admirable. I respect him a lot.”
Vi you're literally describing yourself.
“You had a problem. I solved it,” he says, like it’s that simple. And you suppose, in a way, it is. He just… doesn’t see it as his love language, even though it so, so clearly is. 
I feel like this is a nod towards Donnie actually being in love with Vi but not realizing it.
So. Leo shows up during turtle time.
“Actually, perfect timing,” Leo says, coming up to you and pulling you into a hug. “I have a present for you.” ... “Yep. C’mon, I’ll portal you back to your place so I can give it to you,” he says, making you look at Donnie, concerned he’s about to crack a tooth.
Even though we know he's not doing these things to be manipulative anymore (assuming we can actually trust that he was being honest about when he 'stopped completely'), it's still tainted, especially since it's in front of Donnie. The casual physical touches, calling her "hermosa." Not only am I reading this and feeling so fucking betrayed, but I'm ALSO sad because he's started feeling guilty and really truly seeing her as his best friend now (if, again, we believe his claims in 22), and the torment he must be going through, despite it being so, so deserved, makes me sad. Actually, sad isn't the right word for it, but the right word escapes me. Whatever it is that I'm feeling about this is gaping and tender and intense.
“The truth,” he says, taking the picture from you and putting it on the coffee table. “About us. About everything.” 
Not about everything, Leo. Not yet. (I think the word I'm looking for is agony. I'm not just sad. I'm in agony.)
[Vi talking to Leo] "So I just tucked it into one of those Leo will explain this someday pile.”
He stares at you for a second, then gets a melancholic smile on his face. “Yeah. That pile’s probably a lot bigger than it should be. I’m sorry.”
“Hey, I told you before. It’s okay if you’re not ready to spill your guts,” you remind him. 
“That was true then. But now, you’re—” he stops himself, looking at you hard, his eyes unmoored on your face. “…It’s different. Now.” 
[Leo talking about the invasion] "Then one day, I—I fucked up really bad. I didn’t even know how bad, but I—” His voice chokes, grip on you going tight. He looks at you, eyes a little wild, and you nod. 
And every time Vi responds so fucking kindly to something Leo says or does... at this point he's truly wracked with guilt. Every kind thing she does is another reminder of how badly he fucked up, another twist of the knife that he unknowingly lodged between his own ribs. For example: Leo stares, soaking you up like you’re water and he’s cracked earth; then, taking in a haggard breath, he continues.
And then Leo asks Vi to help Casey like she helped him and his brothers. And even here, when he's being genuine, that ask is tainted, tainted, tainted by his history of using her for his own desires.
“Thanks,” he says, true and honest in a manner that oh, this entire time, you haven’t really seen. 
God. GOD.
Vi asking Donnie about the aquarium... she doesn't use the word date. I wonder, if she did, would he have locked
There are going to be a lot of moments like that in your near future, you’re guessing, taking a long sip of water and staring at your reflection in the blank screen of the television. Little pieces you’ve seen, little hints of darkness you’re going to understand now.
Vi is referring to the fact that she knows about Casey being from the future and stuff, but this is mirroring what I'm doing. Finding little hints of darkness in Leo on my reread. God. Kill me.
Chapter 18
Vi gushing about Donnie to Sinclair :( and this line specifically -> "He just… gives and gives and gives.” THAT'S YOU, VI. YOU'RE SO ALIKE.
"He’s—brutally honest, but in a way that makes it impossible to doubt any compliment he gives."
Meanwhile LEO-
(I can barely focus. My heart aches so much. I keep having to reread the same paragraph over and over because I keep thinking about Leo. I really do feel so goddamn betrayed. How can Vi go on? How is she going to fucking... I've said it already but if it were me I would spiral really really bad. I was already worried about her before chapter 22. And now... I don't think Sam would do what I'm thinking of because surely there would be tags indicating that already due to their triggering nature, but I just know if it were me... I won't say it.)
Do you think, now that Donnie knows about the miscommunication, he'll go back and review their texts and his recordings to search for hints that he might've missed? Do you think he'll find something and think 'stupid, stupid, you should've seen it then, it was right there all along' like Vi did when she first realized?
I'm realizing, once again, how often Vi uses the adjective "stupid" to describe so many of her thoughts and actions. And I'm wondering, once again, how far back that habit runs. Whether it's always been there or if it started when she was with Alopex.
Oh man... when Vi gets ready for the aquarium... no. She doesn't think "I look nice" or anything. When she sees Donnie, she tells him he looks nice. Like a model, even. And he doesn't say anything about how she looks. I remember being a bit disappointed the first time I read and just assuming that he was too embarrassed or shy or something to comment on how she looked, but no. I'm a fool.
The alligators are so fucking cute, which he finds absolutely absurd. 
“I like their faces, I dunno,” you say with a shrug. “Look at those little snouts! Don’t you just wanna… smooch one?” 
“No, I can definitely say that I do not,” Donnie drones. “And I’m pretty concerned that you do.” 
“I mean, soft shelled turtles are pretty aggressive biters too, right?” you point out, tilting your head and looking at him a little coyly. “Seems to me you don’t mind me kissing one of those all the time.” 
Huffing, Donnie turns his face with a flustered scowl. “Th-That’s different!”
Just putting this section here. Just pointing out how he responds. I'm just casually in agony, right now.
[Vi talking after Donnie asks for permission to kiss her outside of the lab] "Okay. Well. Consider this my blank check of consent to any and all kissing. Inside the lab, outside of it, no matter how many people are around.”
“Hm. Well. Too many people will probably ruin the results. But I’ll take it under consideration,” he says. 
Another comment that I saw as referring to the experiment, yes, but that I also thought was him flirting. Me putting meaning into his words that isn't there. Fuck.
his mouth claiming you like you aren’t already all his
Because she's not. She not his. Kill me.
When they run into the old standmate, Donnie gets so fucking mad that the guy insulted Vi. Another thing that I interpreted as romantic that wasn't.
“I’m—not particularly sure how to do this [have sex] with our current arrangement,” he says breathlessly
Damn. Even the first time they have sex, he tried checking in, tried to honor the rule she set, referred to it as their "arrangement" and everything... he truly did nothing wrong. What a massive misunderstanding. This continues to blow my mind. Damn.
She calls him cute once again, and he doesn't say anything like that back.
(The sex is so FUCKING HOT GOOD GOD)
He asks her to stay. And she does. And she's realizing she's in love with him. And I'm so, so sad.
Chapter 19
[Vi talking to Casey about Leo] "He’s a really good friend. I feel lucky to know him,” you tell him
Every single line where Leo is referred to as her friend has the rage flaring in my chest again.
Oh my god. I've been interested in how the brothers are going to react if/when they find out what Leo admitted (especially Donnie, obviously), but... what is CASEY going to think? He admires Leo so much. Oh my god. Oh my GOD.
man hadn’t that morning sex the other day been something else? Let’s try it again and see if we can replicate it. So your Wednesday is even lazier than usual with just the one lesson after a long morning of Donnie seemingly testing just how well sound-proofed his lab is, or maybe how loud he can get you to whine his name when you come, you’re not really sure which.
Replicate. Test. Kill me kill me kill me
The first shot cracks through the air and makes your ears ring. Without thinking, you move. Your hands clutch Dakota’s shirt, throwing her off the stage to the pit where the gunman won’t have a clear view. A second shot goes off. Before she hits the floor, you’re moving, tackling the other three to the floor underneath you. A third shot.
Again, her instincts are to protect others first.
you see Raph pinning the guy to the floor, a look on his face like you’ve never seen before. 
Actually, you realize; no. You have seen it. Once. In your kitchen. From Leonardo to you. 
Even after almost being shot she wants to rehearse. Be productive. Sigh.
You’re a little surprised to feel that your hands feel jittery at the ends of your arms, a bit like you have too much energy inside still. Your hold on your bow is a little wonky, too.
WHAT YOU JUST EXPERIENCED WAS TRAUMATIZING. WHY ARE YOU SURPRISED. WHY DO YOU NOT SEE- HOW ARE YOU SO- Sorry I'm just. So protective of her. So frustrated that she doesn't care about herself like she should. She's in shock, huh? I'm being too harsh. I'm just so fucking angry because of how GOOD she is to others and how Leo fucking USED that. I can't fucking take it.
She's shaken up after being shot at... on the subway, looking forward to going to the lair -> Gazing past your reflection in the subway window, you watch the lights flash past in little warm blurs, and seek comfort in the knowledge that soon you’ll be with people who love you.
People who love you. Like Leo and Donnie. Pain pain pain. And when she finds Leo sleeping in his room, her softness for him, her fondness and affection... It hurts. It hurts.
She finds Donnie in his lab. I remember thinking it was weird he didn't react more strongly to the fact that she was literally shot at. He just says “I heard you had a fun afternoon,” and that's it. Honestly it still surprises me. I feel like we have seen him be protective over her for lesser incidents... remember the bruise? Remember the standmate? Why, I wonder, did he not react more strongly here? Is it because she wasn't actually shot?
He eases the tension headache she didn't even realize she had. (Vi, once again not realizing how affected she was. This mirrors her not realizing she was sick before, too.)
Turning your head when he slowly releases you, you see an ocean of spreadsheets in front of you that instantly has you looking away in disinterest before you can read a single word. 
I hate myself so much. What would she have seen, what would she have realized, if she looked a little bit closer?
“…No, I just… smelled you,” Leo says blankly, looking between you and where Donnie’s got his arms wrapped around you, and you think—oh. He’s known this whole time, of course, that Donnie touches you; but this is maybe the first time he’s seen it. “You’re… really touching her.”
“I was under the impression you knew about it,” Donnie says, dropping his chin on your shoulder and raising a brow ridge at his twin.
“…I did,” Leo agrees, though his face is still as stone. His eyes focus on where Donnie’s got his arms wrapped around your middle, and for some reason, the intensity of it makes you want to wiggle away and get out of Donnie’s grasp. ... Leo, eyes focused on where Donnie’s beak is tucked into your throat ... “I like it,” Leo says, staring at Donnie.
God. Leo. Still wrestling with his anger and jealousy, trying to be happy about it, but still struggling so much.
The Scheherazade story kind of mimics Leo and Vi. Scheherazade won the kings love over time, while Vi won Leo's true affection and friendship over time. Hm.
[Vi goes] to stand out of Donnie’s lap, only to turn to him and raise an eyebrow when he petulantly keeps you pinned to his plastron, his eyes dark and pouty on his twin. “…Donnie.” ... You bat your eyelashes cutely at Leo, who gets a smug look on his face as he stretches out a hand to the side. His crescents glow prettily, and with a curl of his fingers, he has a sword in his hand to cut a portal. “One ride on the turtle express for mi tesorito.” 
“Turtle ex—?!” Donnie chokes, his fingers going tight in your flesh, his teeth pulling into a snarl. It hurts a little, and you’re kind of mortified when the squeak you make is maybe a little more sensual than it probably should be. Feeling your cheeks flare hot, you press your palms to Donnie’s shoulders, giving him a meaningful look.
“I can come back tomorrow,” you say with gritted teeth, increasingly miffed when he just shoots a glum look to his twin.
Once again, even if Leo is being genuine, this is all tainted, and it fucking hurts to read every interaction they have, especially in front of Donnie. But I also noticed another layer here. Vi is trying to behave as though she and Donnie aren't dating because Leo is there and as far as Donnie is aware (in her mind) Leo knows they touch but doesn't know they're together. Meanwhile things that seem romantic to her are NOT romantic to Donnie, so he's being clingy and she is a little annoyed/confused, because she's thinking 'doesn't Donnie know this is suspicious??' But NO. HE DOESN'T KNOW THAT. AT ALL.
“Fine, fine,” he [Donnie] says petulantly, removing his arms from your waist. 
“Good boy,” Leo says with a widening smirk, squawking when you reach out and flick his beak. 
“And you. I don’t know what your game is, but stop terrorizing him,” you tell him, watching as he rubs his palm over the offended flesh. 
“Me? Terrorizing Donatello?”
This is after Leo supposedly 'stopped completely' and yet.
“He [Casey] has a lot of secrets he’s keeping,” Leo says, softening. “They’re a heavy load. I don’t know how he does it.”
Secrets can be a heavy load, huh Leo? You FUCKING-
Leo sighs, grabbing his katana and cutting another portal back to the lair. Before he leaves, however, he beckons you close. Reluctantly, feeling a bit embarrassed and hoping your lingering arousal isn’t too obvious, you go; only to blink when he reaches out a hand and grabs your chin, bringing your face close to his as his eyes drop to your mouth. 
“…Yep. Thought so. Doesn’t take much to get you going, huh,” he says knowingly
Get your fucking hands off of her and shut your goddamn mouth. I'm so angry. I'm so fucking angry. I've never been this angry in my life. Yes he feels bad. Yes he's suffering now, yes he's going to get consequences that fucking hurt him. But I don't even fucking care right now because I'm so, so angry. What is everyone else going to say? Will Leo even tell them?? I don't know if Vi would tell the fam what Leo did, because she doesn't like causing conflict. But someone needs to tell them. God. What is Donnie going to do, knowing that she's already distraught because of their miscommunication?
Vi talking to Casey, getting him to open up about the future. Taking responsibility for helping him. Even though it's upsetting. Yes, that's what real, good friends do, but it's just another example of her giving, giving, giving. How deeply she cares, how sincerely she loves those in her life, how she would willingly burn herself up for the people she loves to keep them warm. And the fact that she's taking on this burden after LEO had asked her to...
(The lavender mask thing hurts just as much the second time. Ouch.)
[Casey talking] “Apparently, you always were able to get him to do things. I remember Master Leonardo making a comment about it once when he was trying to get Uncle Tello to do something. You’d do it for her, or something.”
You wince. That couldn’t have gone over well.
I can only imagine future Leo saying that with bitterness. Was there jealousy in the other timeline, too? It's easy to imagine since we know what Leo is capable of, now. Easy to imagine a future Leo, run down and exhausted and bearing so much responsibility for the resistance and guilt over the apocalypse, letting it all build and build and build, letting it get to him after Vi's death, even if he loved her too, even if he was grieving too, and being so angry over Donnie refusing to do something, and losing his cool. 'You'd do it for her. Why won't you do it for me?'
I wonder how Donnie would have reacted if Vi HAD told him about what happened with future them. About the lavender mask.
[Vi's bath water] It’s hot when you get in; too hot, maybe. But the burn feels a little good. Tethers you into place where otherwise you worry you’d drift away to a future that isn’t yours. 
See, again, this worries me. Using pain as a grounding technique, almost. This is pretty innocent, but it hints at the POTENTIAL for going further with this kind of stuff. I do nothing but seethe and worry.
Chapter 20
Finally made it all the way here. Sigh. Let's read.
you find yourself drifting off at random moments, haunted by memories that aren’t even yours ... for some reason, you spend most of Friday night sobbing into your pillow ... you spend the morning in your bed, curled around your pillow and staring numbly at the wall ... you’re avoiding Donnie
Vi takes the knowledge Casey gave her so hard. Evidence, once again, of how deeply she cares, how strongly she loves, but I can't help but remember that LEO asked her to help Casey. And she honestly probably would've ended up doing it anyway at some point, even if Leo didn't explicitly ask her to, because that's just how she is and Casey is part of the family and she wants to help... but I can't help pairing her emotional turmoil with the fact that LEO asked her to take that on.
“Donnie said you wasn’t feelin’ good, but you look like shit,” he says, causing you to shoot him a wry smile.
“Thanks, Raph. I feel so beautiful now.” 
Raph shoots you a meaningful look. “I think you ‘nd I both know I ain’t the one you wanna hear that from.” 
“Raph ain’t mad. I’ve been Donnie’s brother for a long, long time. I know he can be a dumb dumb, sometimes.”
Everyone (I think) sees that Donnie loves her EXCEPT Donnie. Raph says he saw Donnie grab Vi at the party... do you think, when Raph finds out about the miscommunication, he might realize that Donnie doesn't understand his feelings and try to help him figure it out?
💜🐢 (6:16 p.m.)
Raph said you looked unwell today. Do I need to send Leo over to bring you to the lair tonight?
A tempting offer that makes you bite your lower lip. You turn on the camera on your phone to check your face and see the bags under your eyes, the clear exhaustion, and something else that makes you just look… sad.
sent (6:17 p.m.)
no, but thank you for offering! it’s really sweet of you.
I'm begging you to accept some comfort. I'm begging. She so easily brushes him off so she can hide how she's feeling. Please, man, she needs to be loved.
[Vi talking] "Thanks, Casey. You’re the best, and I owe you.” 
“Nah. People always look after each other,” Casey says easily, and you suppose that coming from an apocalypse-torn world forces that outlook on you pretty bone-deep. 
She's right, but also... I'm having trouble articulating my thoughts about this. Something about her always feeling like she OWES people for the things they do for her. Like she has to earn their kindness, always pay it back, nothing comes for free, not for you... she doesn't have that mentality regarding anyone else. Like, she doesn't expect others to earn her kindness, she doesn't expect any kind of payback or anything when she does something kind or helpful - that mindset only applies when she's the one getting something. It has me wondering, again, about the details of her past. Alopex, yes, but also with her family. Was it pounded into her head that she isn't enough, that she isn't worthy of kindness and help unless she does something useful or tangible in return? Or is this, once again, me reading too much into things and possibly projecting?
Mikey, we’re your brothers. It would make sense for us to go.
It just occurred to me that Donnie uses italics in the group chat. You can't do that in regular text chains, right? Is this like a discord-type situation? Or is it because they're all using phones (most likely) made by Donnie and he somehow added that feature? (This is so not important, I know, I know, but I'm curious okay?)
Every single use of tesorito and hermosa stabs me directly in the heart.
“You look like shit,” you hear a familiar voice call, and you look up to see Leo sitting in a fire escape, legs hanging and his arms resting against the metal. Elegantly, he drops to the asphalt, walking up to you and taking your chin in his hands, tilting your face for his examination. “How are you feeling?”
“Like shit,” you agree, causing him to grin. “Thanks for this, by the way. I really appreciate it.”
“You don’t ask for much. And even if you did, I like showing off for pretty girls,” he flairs. 
Fury. Even now, when he's supposedly being genuine with her, I'm so angry. He even says she doesn't ask for much. He knows how much she gives, how little she takes. How much she cares. The work she puts in for others. You know the (Did you try?) that Vi has in 21? I wonder... ever since he started to really think about 'what he wants' did he have similar thoughts? A constant (Is this worth it? Is this the person you want to be? Now that you see her heart, her soul, are you really okay with being this kind of person?) - or even, as we get further and further into the fic, something like (How could you? How could you? How could you?)
“Best friend ever,” you compliment
Does he feel guilty when she says stuff like this, now? (How could you?)
Oh I forgot that Vi told Leo what Casey revealed to her about the future. Again, does Leo feel guilty? Seeing that Vi was so affected by that knowledge? Knowing that he asked her to talk to Casey, so it's kind of because of him? "I haven’t felt right in days" she says.
"I hate secrets" [Vi says] ... “…Can I ask you something?” he says after a moment of studying your face. It’s a curiously serious expression ... “Why Donnie?” ... "You’re beautiful. Funny. Have a good job. Easy to like. You could have most anyone you want. Any mutant would kill to have someone like you as a partner. So. Why Donnie?” ... It feels, a little, like that day he’d frightened you. A softer, friendlier version of it.
Yeah. Because it is. Leo doesn't hate her anymore, and she picks up on the difference even though she doesn't understand why.
[Vi talking about Donnie] he’s got this—compulsion, almost. To take care of people. He works on his tech so hard so he can be useful. He’s always texting me about not staying up too late. Getting enough sleep. Did I eat lunch. Don’t overwork myself. Take a break. He even got me to take a few days off, just to relax, and I’ve never done that before. Even though he never turns those thoughts in on himself
“Most of all, he’s honest,” you keep going, tangling your fingers together, staring down at the way they knot at your waist. “If he says something, I can take it at face value. There’s no hidden meaning. Nothing deeper. If he says something feels good, I know it feels good. If he says he likes something, he likes it. If he doesn’t like it, he doesn’t like it. If he asks for something, I don’t need to ask if he’s sure. He asks, so he’s sure. It—It’s a breath of fresh air. If I want to know what he’s thinking, really thinking, all I have to do is ask." ... I like him. All of him. Even if I’d never been able to touch him. It would have been him.”
Leo’s still as stone for a few moments longer, looking at you like he’s trying to decide if he wants to say something
Yeah. I can definitely see how this would make Leo really struggle to keep it a secret.
He portals you to just outside Donnie’s lab, and with another flash of blue, he’s gone.
The difference here, with him not even going in with her to see Donnie. Him just portaling her to the entrance and then going off... I can just imagine him spending a long time in his room thinking. Thinking thinking thinking about what he should do, after her speech.
Hearing your footsteps, Donnie turns his head, doing a double-take when he sees you, standing out of his chair and coming to stand in front of you with an anxious energy that makes you feel guilty all over again. 
“You’re here,” he says, and you nod, dropping your bag to the floor and leaning into him. Instantly his arms wrap around you, tight enough to crush the air out of you. 
What are you supposed to do? Sob into his arms about how you’d avoided something terrible? Him? The man who couldn’t even touch his family for years and years and years because of the awful things he’s gone through? The man who goes out onto the streets and keeps people like you safe? Why do you get to cry, and he doesn’t?
Her line of thinking here - that 'my issues aren't as serious, they don't matter, I shouldn't seek comfort, especially not from someone who does so much already' - just. No, Vi. I almost wish she would've told Donnie what she was thinking. Someone needs to help her.
(The sex is so fucking hot. I say that every time but only because it's true every time.)
He’s saying something; his mouth is moving but you’re too fuzzy to think, too lost to hear. 
God. I wonder what he said, here.
Every time she says something or thinks something about how beautiful he is, it reminds me that he hasn't said she is beautiful even once.
“I was hoping to get my mouth on your breasts again. You always make interesting noises when I do.” 
So clinical :( and then more and more until she realizes. I'm not going to put the whole thing, but God. God. It's so painful... acoustics, data, sensors, recordings, sessions, partner, spreadsheets...
“The differential in touch inhibition,” he says shortly, like you’re the one not making sense. “I’m actually quite pleased with our progress. I was listening to one of the recordings the other day, and—”
“I record everything,” he says, smiling proudly.
"This whole time. Have you just been… experimenting with your touch thing?”
Donnie tilts his head. “What else would we be doing?
God, it kills me that he just. Doesn't know. Doesn't understand. And it's not his fault even a little bit. How would he have known otherwise? Honestly? In my reread I didn't find anything he did wrong with the information he thought he had. Unless you count the 4th party, but even then it would be him not following the experiment protocol. It's still not him being malicious in any way (that I know of).
Sheets that smell like a stupid, stupid girl who put her own wishes into someone else’s words yet again.
That's another reference to Alopex, right? Cannot wait to find out more about that relationship.
If Donnie says anything, you don’t hear it.
I wonder if he said anything here. Was he still talking to her, trying to figure out what was wrong? Or watching her in confused, shocked silence? I don't know which is worse.
(It's so painful. It's so fucking painful to read her reaction.)
Tucking your knees to your chest, you sit under the water’s foray, letting it wash over you. On and on and on the little drops hit your skin. They hurt from their fire. On and on and on and on. They hurt from their ice. On and on and on and on. 
Again. Letting herself be hurt. I'm worried.
Then Leo. Covering her with a blanket and holding her. (Does he feel guilty? How could you?)
You pathetic thing, you think derisively, loathing the person you’d become once again.
Another nod to something like this happening with Alopex. Also, the self-hate. I worry worry worry.
Leo is there to see her fall apart. To fully see how the miscommunication with Donnie affected her. I'm worried that, if there's a blowout between him and Donnie, Leo will use his knowledge of how utterly destroyed Vi was against Donnie during the argument.
“What happened?” he asks, because of course he came without knowing, of course he’d seek to solve before he even knew the shape of the problem. Leo, the quiet leader, always watching, always knowing, always helping. So, so grateful for him, you sink your teeth into your lower lip hard and clutch your biceps hard enough to bleed.
"Always helping" and "so grateful for him" make my chest ache. She thinks of him so, so positively and fondly - the betrayal is so deep.
What a fucking roller coaster.
My conclusions: Sam is a genius. I'm a goddamn fool. I'm REALLY worried for Vi. I feel so so so bad for Donnie (looking back, I was so confused and angry with him... and it wasn't his fault. It really wasn't and I can't believe I was so blinded by my own biases that I couldn't fathom him not understanding... I owe him such an apology). I'm so goddamn angry with Leo I'm physically sick with it, but my heart aches for pretty much everyone, including Leo. And, once again, Sam is a genius.
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leolingo · 11 months
what- WHAT happened during the last 5 hours??????? i missed everything and all the posts i’ve seen have been negative so i’m slightly afraid (but nevertheless curious)
sigh hi anon im sorry about the state of the dash its been a really busy couple of hours
my opinion is biased because im currently pretty frustrated as well but i'll try to summarize todays events to you the best i can :)
basically, they carried out the stealth mission cellbit received yesterday. they were told to bring as many people as possible, split into two groups, and naturally remain undiscovered until the mission was complete. they did the first two instructions, then obviously failed the last one. fast-forward, turns out the "thing" they were told to steal from the feds were MINI-MEs. these are little creatures (maybe robots. maybe organic beings. maybe something else entirely) that can be spawned by players and look basically like a miniature clone of whoever spawned them. they need to be taken care of, answer to commands and will level up eventually if certain tasks are completed. this quackity studios video explains it better than i can bother.
if you notice, the mechanic is pretty similar to that of the eggs -- though quackity said on his stream this new feature is NOT meant to replace the eggs, and will later on become very useful on itself. whatever that means!
here's where the negative reactions to this event come in, at least from what ive seen: this feels a bit. useless. it's a whole lot of new information still riding on the pretext of information on the eggs, which we still don't have. PERSONALLY i don't think it adds anything relevant to the story, nor does it motivate players in any way? it feels like stalling, and it doesn't live up to the enormous amount of hype this event was built up on. so i guess its understandable why a lot of people feel a little disappointed right now. it's more of an expectation thing, id say. theres nothing TRULY bad to be said about the admins or this particular writing choice. a lot of us just didnt like it and think its a little bit stupid lol
theres probably more, but i cant think of much else right now. hope the recap was good enough! there are plenty of other posts going around the dash that can probably help you with the finer details
sorry for the negativity in general and i hope you have a nice day anon!
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goddamnwebcomics · 15 days
Worst "Quirky" Characters of GoddamnWebcomics
When it comes to "quirky" characters, I am not really referring to wacky female protagonists of recent mainstream media, I am referring to characters who have one "quirk" and stick to it. And funny enough, the only thing MHA and Spinnerette have in common is the overreliance on Quirks. Kraw has admittedly become the master of writing terrible one-note quirky characters, who sometimes border on the clownshitter territory, but he is by no means the only one.
Yes, there can be a lot of characters who are often introduced as having one note personalities but later are fleshed out into more unique characters, like uhhhhh, Dash from Alien Dice???
Now if their quirk is shown in negative light and is clearly meant to be mockery of someone, then they're classified as strawman characters, I'll make another post highlighting those later.
And at the very bottom of these quirky characters, we have the Worst of the Worst, the character who embodies that disgusting Kraw style quirkiness.
1. Tomboy Soldier (Spinnerette)
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You know a character is a work of quirk when their first line of dialogue has them spout out their specific quirk. Apparently according to Kraw, tomboys do nothing but talk about being tomboys, know what teddy bears young girls prefer, and tend to show off their ass as they talk about saving their asses. There's a reason this character quickly earned my ire, in otherwise decent White Heron comic saga.
"Tomboy" is such a broad and wide term, having a character whose entire quirk is being a tomboy fails miserably, because it is basically like having a character whose entire quirk is having a job. Also, MOST CHARACTERS IN THIS COMIC ALREADY TECHNICALLY CLASSIFY AS TOMBOYS. It's times like these that make me think Kraw is genuinely out of touch with reality. The sad thing is, if she appeared in Monster Girl Academy she probably could have gotten more screen time because many girls in that comic are just as shallow as she is.
2. Tank (Console Girl)
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You know Tomboy Soldier is really terrible despite their limited screen time, when they are even worse than an implied pedophile.
Tank's quirk is in his name, he is a big dude. He is a big dude in a resistance team, but he is an EMOTIONAL big dude. He feels real feelings, especially for his child girlfrieWAIT WHAT.
Yeah, I know Merry Bogard could also be considered a quirky character because of her size, but she is just one of many little people in this comic, but she gets way more screen time than Tank does and as such becomes a real character. Tank...doesn't, but even then I really don't want him to get any more screen time that doesn't involve him being murdered violently. We know nothing about his backstory, we don't know any emotions of his besides his sadness for his child girlfriend, we don't know about his relationships with other resistance members. He is just there to make us uncomfortable and not side with humanity's last hope.
3. Zelda Zansibar (Dominic Deegan)
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Sometimes, a "quirky" character is used to explore an overly specific fetish. Yes, the same argument can be made for Tank, but a more explicit case comes in form of Zelda Zanzibar. Zelda is an old friend of Dominic's who appears only once and never again. Her quirk is playing everything for drama, and also she has big tits and lipstick on.
I remember this character because, their existence just seems so specific. Why else would Mookie introduce this random character and never use them again besides having a woman act overly dramatic, and if you are like "how can that be a fetish?" I tell you "you sweet innocent summer child, EVERYTHING can be a fetish". And why is she named after an island that doesn't exist in this comic's world???
4. Skin (Peter and Company)
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Sometimes, a character may debut without a quirk, but later down the lane get saddled with one, which kind of ruins them entirely. Such is the case with Skin AKA Theodore. Now, if you considered Skin's quirk being a snake because of his lisp, you are proven wrong. Because we learn Skin is EXTREMELY competitive. I feel like his behavior would make him, you know. not desirable for a guardian?
Either way I feel like this bit of quirkiness just made Theodore sink into the background. I can't remember if he even made a single appearance outside of the scene where Peter and Iggy start fighting each other. So that's the moral of the story kids, never saddle your characters with personality traits they didn't have before. At best, you confuse the audience, at worst, you make them...gasp, quirky.
5. Nebbie (Gene Catlow)
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And last but not least, we have a quirky character from the master of hideous characters himself, Albert Temple.
Albert's one note characters are weird, because many of them like Cat Sneed and Patchy start off as very quirky characters, but Albert shows us there is more to them the more screen time they get. There are exceptions however, and the worst one in my opinion is Nebbie, because Nebbie never evolves past the "avian language" phase.
Like hahaha, isn't it cute, the bird talks with chirps instead of English. Keep in mind no other characters besides the frogs have language difficulty. However the charm wears off very quick, especially when this character seems to be dominated and pushed around by Hannah the Beaver. And more you learn about Hannah, the more you wonder just how hellish Nebbie's relationship with Hannah is, or maybe considering what a man child Hannah is, maybe it's better we learn nothing else about Nebbie. We only know that he can speak avian, he will speak English in the Sight of the Soul, and he has a fat ass. And also, he is the second fictional character to be inspired by the biblical king Nebuchadnezzar after Mr. Nezzer from Veggietales.
Now, to give credit to Albert, he did also write the BEST quirky character on this blog. The Otter Who is Not A Doctor. In my opinion he is a quirky character who works just like why quirky characters work in raunchy 80's comedies. He gets limited screen time, and the comedic timing of him is impeccable, and he beats the shit out of a more obnoxious character. If only he beat the shit out of other examples in this list.
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