#“restaurant cleaning in Phoenix”
system4ofphoenix · 4 months
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System4 of Phoenix
Operating out of Phoenix, AZ, System4 of Phoenix is dedicated to keeping businesses shining. Whether it's restaurants, medical facilities/offices, or auto car dealerships, they deliver expert cleaning services to maintain pristine environments conducive to success in various industrial and commercial facilities. Visit: https://system4phoenix.com/
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dearsnow · 13 days
- headcanons for how the top gun maverick characters react to you, their s/o, being wounded. (top gun maverick x gn!reader, fluff, slight suggestive sentences but you can ignore them)
a/n - bob kisses your wounds because he’s a sweetheart, the rest kiss your wounds because it’s an excuse to kiss you— they are not the same!! but anyways enjoy this silly set of headcanons <3
INCLUDES: Robert “Bob” Floyd, Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw, Jake “Hangman” Seresin, Natasha “Phoenix” Trace
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For the first time in a while, BOB is furious. At himself, but furious nonetheless. When you were walking around town, hand in hand, he accidentally tripped you, sending you knees-first into the pavement. He immediately dropped down on his knees and made sure you were okay. When you assured him you were, he gently helped you to your feet and wiped the stray gravel away from your legs. They were a bit skinned and raw, bleeding just slightly, and he mentally punched himself. “I’m so sorry! I never meant to do that, geez, I’m way too clumsy.” Ever the caretaker, though, he has a solution. “Here, get on my back, honey. Don’t worry, I got you. Let’s go home so I can get you some neosporin and band-aids.”
ROOSTER is always careful yet confident with his movements, so when he feels your foot under his after he steps down unnecessarily hard, his eyes widen and he pulls back. “Did I just step on you? Shit, baby, I’m sorry.” Your wince is the only thing he needs to see before he’s kissing you on the forehead and apologizing more. “Sorry,” kiss, “sorry,” kiss, “really sorry,” kiss, “even more sorry,” kiss. He gets you giggling before you can even think to be mad at him— not like you ever could be, anyways. He always treats making you happy like his life’s only goal, not that you mind. You especially don’t mind when he presses a final kiss to your forehead and promises to make it up to you later.
When you show up to your date with HANGMAN, you have a slight limp, which he notices immediately. “What happened to you, hot stuff?” When you explain that you twisted your ankle while walking from your car to the restaurant, he almost laughs. “Really? Well then, that’s just an excuse for me to do this,” he grins, picking you up bridal style. He’s not too worried, because in the ten seconds you spent explaining your predicament to him, he noticed that your ankle was neither red nor swollen, most likely just tender. And yes, he does carry you for the rest of the night. Both of you can feel people staring at you, but when his strong hands are holding up your body and his lips are on yours, you can’t find it in yourself to care.
You’re stirring pasta sauce on your fresh, clean stovetop when your pot slips in your grip, causing the side of your hand to directly touch the scorching metal. You pull back immediately at the pain, hissing slightly. PHOENIX looks over her shoulder, putting down her knife. “You good?” When you tell her you are, in fact, not super good, she immediately turns the sink on cold and holds your hand under the running water. She presses a chaste kiss to the side of your head. “Got too hot, hm? That’s how I feel when you’re next to me.” You laugh, and she intwines your fingers with hers, still in the sink. “Keep it steady for me while I finish up the cooking, got it?” She whispers in your ear. You give a mock salute and she shakes her head, still smiling. Despite your best efforts, she doesn’t let you do any more work for the rest of the night; not even when the cooking is done.
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ddejavvu · 1 year
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Thick Thighs Save Lives - Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw x Reader x Jake 'Hangman' Seresin
Summary: Being the only aviator with meat on your bones is tough. It's even more tough when you're stuck showering with two of your teammates.
Contents/Warnings: smut (minors dni), double penetration, fingering (vaginal and anal, f receiving), oral (m receiving), dirty talk, shower sex, protected sex, spit kink, body insecurities, mid/plus!sized reader, self-deprecation, arguing, angst with a fluffy/smutty ending
WC: 5.5K / navi
feedback is greatly appreciated! comment, reblog, talk in the tags, send me a message, tell me what you think!
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If there’s anything you don’t want to hear during a not-so-friendly game of beach football, it’s ‘shit!’. The exclamation comes from Coyote who’s branched off to your towels on the sand, fingers curled around his watch, “We’re late.”
“How late?” Phoenix is already adjusting her ponytail, as it’s frazzled from the action. She’s squinting in the sun and remedies it by knocking her sunglasses down off of her head and onto her nose. It’s smooth, and she knows it by the soft smirk that curls at her lips.
“We have twenty minutes to get on the road.” 
“Shit,” Rooster parrots, dropping the ball where he stands, which is how you know he’s panicked too, “We all need showers. Penny’s gonna kill us if we stink up the restaurant.”
“We can go in teams,” Fanboy decides, already sprinting over to his towel, “We don’t have time for individual ones.”
Before you can get a word in edgewise Coyote and Phoenix are rushing to join him, Bob hot on their trail. The showers are spacious, sure, but you wouldn’t exactly volunteer to share them with anyone. 
With a terrible sinking feeling in your stomach you realize that the only three left are you, Rooster, and Hangman. That means the only way you’ll get to Penny and Maverick’s engagement party is if you shower together.
They’re already at their towels, scrubbing sand out of their hair and strapping their watches back on. Hangman’s is a thick, black leather band, and you can see flecks of sand marring the sleek strap from where it laid on the towel. Rooster’s is thinner, brown in color and gold around the rim. His is clean, but he puts it on his sweaty, sandy wrist. It won’t be for long.
Both men are shirtless, too-tight jean shorts squeezing their waists. You make a point not to stare as you trek back to your towel, already picking up on their competitive banter before you’ve even stood beside them.
“-probably use all my shampoo,” Hangman scoffs, clenching his towel tight in his fist, “You always steal my shit, Bradshaw.”
“I think it’s only fair seeing as you steal my gel!” Rooster quips back, gesturing to Hangman’s stiff, shiny hair, untouched even after your game, “Isn’t it fucking weird, Y/L/N? How much he uses?”
Rooster looks back at you for confirmation, someone on his side. But you’re too disheartened to respond, dreading your impending doom. All you offer is a meager, “Yeah.”, that curls a frown under Rooster’s mustache.
“You hurt yourself or something?” Hangman raises an eyebrow, stunned by your lack of teasing, “I think we need to call the doctor, you didn’t just insult me.”
“I’m fine.” You grumble, towel held around your waist despite the presence of your rash guard, “Just tired from football.”
“Well get ready,” Rooster warns you, “Mav’s gonna have to tell us all about how he and Penny met, and I’m really hoping he withholds the details on the little rendezvous that got him in trouble with her dad, but I know he won’t.”
You shudder for a moment, if only to please him, to throw him off your scent. You’re tired, there’s not any other reason you’re in a funk. You’re tired.
You are tired. You’re tired of caring, of constantly thinking about it. You’re tired of wearing a rash guard to the beach instead of a swimsuit, because everyone else is smaller than you. You’re tired of watching people’s eyes, tracking them to make sure that if they ever dip below your chest there’s something in front of your stomach to block it from their view. You’re tired of adjusting your uniform to make it looser, you’re tired of leaning against the bar instead of sitting at it, you’re just tired.
You are tired. You’re tired of caring, of constantly thinking about it. You’re tired of wearing a rash guard to the beach instead of a swimsuit, because everyone else is smaller than you. You’re tired of watching people’s eyes, tracking them to make sure that if they ever dip below your chest there’s something in front of your stomach to block it from their view. You’re tired of adjusting your uniform to make it looser, you’re tired of leaning against the bar instead of sitting at it, you’re just tired.
“Hey,” Hangman’s voice breaks you out of your thoughts, admittedly less grating and irritating than it normally is “You sure you’re okay?”
You blink and they’re staring at you, brows furrowed and limbs frozen in place. You wish that the waves lapping gently at the sand would crash onto shore and swallow you whole, sweep you up in a tidal wave of salt water and seaweed so that you wouldn’t have to answer.
“I’m fine,” You grit, slipping your feet into your shoes and rushing to stand outside the showers, “C’mon, we’ll be late.”
You had hoped that they’d get too busy bickering with each other to ever find you. But here they come, not five minutes later, just as Phoenix steps out of the steamy bathroom. A towel is wrapped around her torso and Hangman exaggerates his ogling of her, only turning your stomach further.
“Perfect timing,” He drawls, and she rolls her eyes. 
Bob steps out next, taking one look at her face and stepping in front of her, “Your turn, Bagman. Try not to use all the gel.”
“See?” Rooster nudges you, his elbow against your arm as Bob and Phoenix walk away, “I told you! It’s absurd, he slathers it on like cement.”
“He’s gotta,” Coyote drawls, reaching over to knock on Jake’s head, “Otherwise his head’d sound as empty as it is.”
The two engage in a good-natured shoving match, but it’s one that nearly sends Coyote’s towel cascading to the ground, and you keep your eyes firmly on the tiny bottles of shampoo and conditioner that you’d brought. You read over the ingredients, as if sodium laureth sulfate and glycol distearate will keep your mind off of your humiliation.
“You said you’re fine,” Bradley murmurs from beside you, “But if it’s something you just don’t wanna say around Hangman, he’s not listening.”
Part of you is less embarrassed to be honest and exposed to Rooster than Hangman. But he’s still a man, an incredibly fit one at that, and you’re not sure you’d ever want to reveal it to either of them.
“I’m just nervous,” You tell him the only part of the truth you’re willing to admit. I’ve never... showered with a- a boy before. A man.”
You cringe at your misstep, but if Bradley’s amused by it, he doesn’t show it. Instead he hums, sympathetically so, “We’ll turn around, honey. Don’t worry about it, okay?”
“You’ll turn around,” You mutter, “I think it’ll just egg Jake on further.”
“What’s this I hear about eggin’ me on?” A familiar southern twang makes you tense as the man it’s coming from appears by your side, bumping his hip into yours, “You ready for our steam session, sweets?”
“Leave her alone, Hangman,” Rooster groans, feet slapping against the tiles as he goes to adjust the water. He shoves at Hangman’s back as he passes, and you stifle a giggle as the man nearly falls over.
“Hey, she’s the one that chose to shower with us,” Jake insists, and Bradley’s scoff is enough for you not to fight back, “And I would, too, if I were you, darlin’. Do you know how many ladies are lined up to see how hung Hangman is?”
You force a gag, “The only lady I see here is myself, and I’d rather smear wet sand in my eyes.”
“That’s what I’m gonna do to you if you don’t turn around and shut up,” Bradley speaks through the roar of the shower water, steam already rising from its fall, “Just drop your pants and wash your ass, so Y/L/N can shower to herself.”
“Well, well, well,” Jake smirks, towel cinched around his waist in only one hand as he stalks for the showers, “Looks like one of the ladies lined up is Bradshaw himself. Wanna see it, Rooster? Here it is.”
Jake drops his towel ceremoniously, and Bradley’s face morphs into a grimace as he turns away hastily.
“My fucking eyes,” He laments, and you pause in gathering your toilettries to laugh, while also trying very hard not to stare at Jake, “Oh my god, Y/N, you won’t have to worry about me seeing you. I’m going to pour shampoo into my eyes until I go blind.”
Jake realizes you’re taking a little too long getting ready, cocking a hip as he leans his head back to stare down his nose at you, “So what, you gonna ditch dinner, Y/L/N? Whatcha waitin’ for?”
“She’s waiting for you to stop being a perv and turn around,” Bradley comes to your rescue once again, and thankfully, Jake seems to realize it’s a real issue, pivoting until he’s facing the shower wall.
“I think she just wants a nice view of our asses,” Jake theorizes, standing with his clear on display, “Which is better, Y/N? Mine or Chicken’s?”
“Chicken,” Rooster grumbles under his breath, and if you were brave enough to actually declare a winner, you’d give it to him just for that. But, Hangman’s form is rather impressive, all tight curves and tan skin and-
And you shouldn’t be looking. You clear your throat awkwardly, peeling off your rash guard as Jake sponges his side down. There’s sand running thick down the drain and you hope it doesn’t back up, something you’d feel terrible for Penny to have to clean up.
“Uh,” Bradley stills in his place, “Shit, I think I left my shampoo over there. Y/N, could you…?”
“I got it,” You hum, reaching over for the blue bottle and tucking it in his carefully, blindly outstretched hand, “Thanks for, um- here.”
“Yep,” He nods, smearing a dot of the substance on his palm and lathering it through his hair.
“Oh no,” Jake mimics Bradley’s previous predicament, dropping the bottle in his hand so that it rests between his legs, “Y/N, could you-”
“Ass,” You drawl, reaching forwards to butt your palm against his back. He stumbles forward with a laugh, catching himself on the railing. He bends down to reach for it and you’re nervous he’ll peek at your body from between his legs, but he stays respectful, something you know he is at his core even if he pretends differently.
You find yourself relaxing against the tiled floor of the shower, feet firmly planted instead of poised to run. As much as you know neither of the men in front of you would make any rude comments about your body or your weight, there’s still the nauseating fear that they might think differently of you having seen you completely unobscured. So you’re thankful for the privacy, that lasts… well, until it doesn’t.
The snap of your conditioner cap catches the skin of your pointed finger in its jaws and a gasp clutches tight at your lungs.
“Son of a bitch!” You cry, waves of pain flowing through your finger and out towards the rest of them. On cue each man turns, eyes wide and fear-stricken, without thinking.
You know they didn’t do it on purpose. You know they instinctively thought you were hurt, and wanted to help. You know they didn’t mean to look at you. But the withering feeling in your guts knows no logic, only fear.
They’re looking, it hisses, They’re looking at everything. The way your stomach pudges into a roll at the base. The way your breasts sag. The way your thighs stretch, marks littering their stems, and present no gap.
“You’re bleeding.” Bradley observes, eyes trained faithfully on your finger, “I’ll get a bandaid.”
He rushes for the cabinets outside the shower, dripping water over the floor. Jake stands, staring, but you’re too humiliated to glance at his face and notice the soft pinky blush on his cheeks that’s spreading to his ears. 
“Here,” Bradley speaks from behind you, though he molds himself to your side when you’re still frozen in fear. He brushes a towel over your cut, the turquoise material staining red. He then undoes the waxy paper wrapping from the bandaid, sticking it tight to your skin.
“It’ll get wet,” He reminds you, “But it’ll stop soap from stinging it.”
You don’t even thank him. At your prolonged silence he glances up at Hangman, intent on giving him a concerned glance, but he sees the man’s eyes rove over your form and snaps.
“Dude,” Bradley utters gruffly, “Don’t be a perv. Come on, turn around.”
When Jake stays just as still as you, he reaches for him, shoving hard, “I said turn around!:
“Please, Jake,” You whimper, tears brimming in your eyes, “Turn around.”
“You’re crying.” Jake snaps out of his trance to frown up at you, and Bradley keeps pushing, an insistent thorn in his side, “Why are you crying?”
“Because you’re-!” You gush, lip wobbling, “You’re looking at me, and- and judging me, and-”
“Judging you,” He scoffs, eyes nearly bugging out of his head, “Best body I’ve ever seen. Case closed. Court dismissed.”
“Shut up,” You seethe, tears finally dripping down your cheeks, “Just shut up! You think this is fucking funny? You don’t think there’s a reason I didn’t want to shower with you?”
“You’re private, I get that.” He scoffs. “But if you think I’m judgin’ any part’a that, then you’re stupid, too.”
“Not the compliment you think it is,” Bradley mutters, hands still prying at Jake’s shoulder, “She told you to turn around, just do it.”
“No,” Jake doubles down, pushing Bradley away and stalking towards you, “I wanna know why you think so goddamn low of me. You really think I’d rope a woman into a shower and then pick apart what she looks like? You think that low of me?”
“It’s not about you,” You gush, hands at your sides in frustration, “It's about me! And my fucking body, okay? I’m not calling you a dick for judging me, I’m calling myself-”
“What?” Jake’s head tilts to the side, eyes glinting dangerously, “What are you calling yourself?”
“....Gross.” You finish lamely, the fire in your chest extinguishing with the poof of a sigh that escapes your lips.
He’s grabbing your hand without thinking about it, gentle but firm. You stare at him, anxiety-riddled.
“Listen here, girly. I’ve let you get away with sayin’ a lotta things about yourself. Dumbass I agree with, especially considering these circumstances. I’ve heard clumsy and stubborn, those I don’t have an issue with either. But don’t look me in my fuckin’ face and tell me you’re gross, ‘cause it’s an insult to me and my tastes.”
He squeezes your hand once before releasing it, and it feels more now like a heartfelt gesture than a threatening one. You’re breathing heavy, lungs cut short from the adrenaline of the moment, Even though Bradley isn’t pushing him anymore, standing on the sidelines waiting, watching, Hangman turns around without another word. He scrubs aggressively through his scalp and you’re almost surprised nothing bleeds, your mouth hung slightly open and your tongue leaden over your teeth.
“I’m not your type.” You finally manage to mutter, voice taut.
“Yes you are,” Jake scoffs, “How would you know?”
“I saw you eyeing up Phoenix earlier.” You roll your eyes, and if Bradley hadn’t turned around again you’d have flashed him an exasperated look.
“So? A man can like several shapes,” Jake boasts, voice losing venom, “Plus I ogle Phoenix just to piss her off.”
“It works.” Bradley cuts in, and you snort.
“Point is,” Jake drawls, and you’re sure if Bradley was in his line of sight he’d have been the victim of a very withering stare, “Don’t discredit yourself. You’ve got sexy ass thighs, woman.”
“Jesus, Jake,” Bradley sighs, “Can you just hurry up, already? I’m sure there’s nothing more Y/L/N wants than to get rid of you.”
“Oh, shut up, lapdog,” Jake deadpans, “You can’t tell me you don’t agree.”
Bradley’s silent for a moment, and your gut churns.
“Whether I do or don’t is irrelevant,” He chooses his words carefully, “Let’s just leave Y/N alone.”
“He totally does,” Jake snickers, “Hear that, Y/L/N? It’s his blush.”
“Like you weren’t blushing!” Bradley scoffs, “I looked up at you and thought you’d been temporarily replaced with a baboon’s ass.”
“Oh, that’s funny,” Jake drawls, “That’s what I think every time I see you, porn stache. Then I remember it’s just your natural charm.”
The crisis has been averted enough for you to let out a shaky laugh at their insults, and the sound catches both men’s attention.
“Listen, Y/L/N,” Jake starts, voice much kinder and softer now, “The point of this isn’t me telling Bradshaw he’s got the face of an ass. The point is to get it through your thick fuckin’ skull; you’re pretty damn sexy, y’hear?”
You snort at his callous nature, “No one’s ever told me anything like that before.”
“Yeah?’ He pauses,towel in hand that he nimbly swings over his shoulder, “Well, pardon me for lookin’, and even more for touchin’, but everyone else is fuckin’ insane.”
Before you can process his words he reaches down to palm at your thigh, a hefty squeeze that sends your flesh spilling against his palm. You stiffen, even though he stays politely away from your ass, encroaching only on territory he could also grab while you’re clothed. The feeling of his touch, no matter how chaste, elicits a noise from your throat that you wish you could pass off for a scream.
It’s not.
It’s a moan.
He stops where he’d begun pulling away, eyes sharpening slightly. You don’t dare look at Bradley, but if you did, you’d see his cock twitch.
“Did I hurt you?” Jake asks, voice low.
All you can do is shake your head, teeth digging into your lower lip helplessly.
“Did you like it?” He tries again, but this time he doesn’t accept body language as an answer/ Still hunched, he ignores your nodding and reaches up with his free hand to tug your bottom lip out from under your teeth.
“I asked you a question,” Jake croons, voice smooth and soft, “Did you like it?”
All you can whimper is a meager ‘Yes’.
Do you want me to do it again?”
“Yes.” Stronger, this time.
His hand plants itself firmly back over your thigh, thumb stretching towards the curve of your ass this time. It’s a little more suggestive, and a lot more alluring.
“Jesus,” Jake groans, kneading the soft flesh of your doughy thigh between his fingers, “Bradshaw, c’mere for a second.”
He hesitates, “Do you want me there, Y/N?”
“Yes,” You nod once more, legs stiffening and thigh tensing against Jake’s palm, “I- I do.”
“You take front,” Jake instructs, falling into place behind you with his hands now greedily prying at your ass, “And I’ll take back.”
The smile that Bradley offers you when he steps in front of you is nothing short of dreamy. It’s enough to make you blush, and he lets out a soft, breathy laugh at how forward Hangman is being while he stands giddily in front of you.
“If you say hi,” Jake drawls, hooking his chin over your shoulder and reaching around your front to grip at the seams of your inner thighs while glaring at Bradley suspiciously, “I’m going to slap you.”
“I wasn’t going to say hi,” Bradley scoffs, and you can tell by his blush that he totally was.
“Jesus, enough yammering,” Jake scoffs, turning his head to press his dewy lips into your neck, “We’re gonna be late for dinner.”
You worry, for a moment, that he’ll let go. That he’ll walk away, get dressed for the restaurant, and pretend nothing ever happened. But that’s not what he does, of course. Instead, you feel the hard press of his cock against your ass.
“I’ll be gentle,” Jake croons, feeling you tense as his hands smooth over the dip of your ass, “We’ll go slow, okay?”
“Real slow,” Bradley murmurs, and it catches your attention, reeling it back to him. You realize he’s standing much closer to you now than he had been before, lips nearly brushing yours.
The second your lips meet his in a kiss, Hangman smooths his hand between the globes of your ass. You squirm at the sensitive feeling, foreign as his fingertip brushes against your hole. But he doesn’t let up, and neither does Bradley.
Rooster’s tongue slides against your bottom lip, warm and wet. At the same time Hangman’s hands squeeze your ass, pulling apart each side and smoothing down the skin between. It sends a shiver up your spine that escapes in a puff of air between your lips, one that Bradley eagerly swallows.
Bradley’s hands grab your cheeks, thumbs brushing near your eyes and yanking you closer. You can feel Jake’s fingers carefully prodding and pressing at the tight ring of your asshole, a hitch in your breath causing you to bite down on Bradley’s lip.
“Fuck,” He hisses, coming away with a red lip and a guttural groan, “Jake, just- let up. Me first, she’s obviously sensitive.”
“She’s just tight,” Jake murmurs, lips pressing to the expanse of your shoulder, “Nothin’ I can’t fix.”
“You’ll have plenty of time to fix it,” Bradley grumbles, tearing a condom open with his teeth that he’d snagged from his wallet, “‘Cause I’m going in first, and you- shit!”
His fingers, slippery from the water and probably excess soap, drop the condom. The way that you’re arched into Hangman’s touch means that your thighs are squeezed together and bent slightly, and there’s no better way to catch a condom than between your thighs.
The foil wrapper sticks between your legs, making it easy for Bradley to pluck it out and toss the wrapper aside. Penny will find it tomorrow, because you’re sure as hell not gonna remember to get it.
“Well, whaddya know,” Jake drawls, grinning against the skin of your neck so hard you can feel it, “What they say is true. Thick thighs save lives.”
You face-plant into the water-dropped skin of Bradley’s neck, ignoring the way Hangman snickers.
“Actually, I think they just stopped a life from being conceived,” Bradley reasons, only a few sloppy strokes of his cock needed to easily slip the condom on, “But that probably saved my life, ‘cause if I got you pregnant in Penny’s bathroom, she’d slit my throat.”
The tip of Bradley’s hardened dick presses to your inner thigh, skin seldom touched and sensitive. You lean into it, but Hangman’s fingers follow, gently stroking over the rim of your ass. It’s starting to feel less foreign and more pleasurable, a twinge of something sweet licking at the underside of your belly like a rogue flame.
Bradley gently presses two fingers against your slit, ever-considerate in making sure you’re sufficiently prepped, but his eyes widen at how much slick he’s greeted with just past your folds.
“Holy shit,” He breathes, nose nudging yours as his lips brush with your own, “You’re wet.”
“Duh,” Hangman scoffs, and one of his hands abandons your ass to slip between your folds, collecting slick on their tips and dragging it back to your ass, “I’ve been touchin’ up on her for a while now.”
“Pardon me for thinking that’d work like an umbrella on a rainy day,” Bradley bitches, but you cut him off with a kiss before he can spout any other mildly insulting metaphors for how bad he thinks Hangman is in bed. You’ll vouch if you have to, he knows what he’s doing.
With each slow circle that his fingers trace around your rim, you bend back into him. Until you can feel his cock pressed stiff to your backside,just as Bradley presses his tip flush with your clit.
“Oh-,” You gasp, clit sending a shockwave of electric lust reverberating throughout your body, “Bradley, I- Inside, please, now!”
“I’m coming, sweetheart,” He croons, speaking in a velvety soft hum against your lips, “Don’t worry.”
He holds to his promise, sliding his dick down from where it’s pressed to your clit and easing it between your folds. You heave a blissful sigh at the feeling of being full, and it makes you rock backwards into Hangman’s fingers.
One breaches your hole, slipping inside with an agonizingly pleasurable burn. The stretch feels heavenly, especially because your cunt is already stretched to accommodate Bradley’s cock that slowly bottoms out inside of you.
“Good,” Jake praises, kissing beneath your ear, “I knew you could do it.”
Rooster lets out a groan at the feeling of your involuntary clench around him, eyes screwed shut. His forehead is braced against yours and you take the liberty of engaging him in another kiss, letting the pleasure of Jake’s fingers at your hole compel you to lick into Bradley’s mouth.
Being pleasured from both sides is too overwhelming. You feel yourself already rising to a climax, pressed on by both Bradley’s thick cock grating against your insides and Jake’s fingers.
You smooth your tongue over Bradley’s, gripping his shoulder when he increases his pace to be steadily fast. He’s not speeding through anything, but he’s not slow either, and it makes your insides burn.
The feeling of his cock ramming over and over and over against that spongy spot deep within you is too much, especially when Hangman slides a single, thick finger into your ass. You can’t help it, your orgasm hits you like a freight train (or perhaps a fighter jet), and you clench sporadically around Bradley’s thick, hard cock.
You whine relentlessly into his mouth, fingers clawing and prying at his damp skin as your knees go weak. You’re surprised you stay standing at all, but you funnel all of your orgasmic vigor into the kiss that Bradley eagerly licks out of you, and clutching his shoulders is enough.
Coming down from your high is jarring, especially when you realize that the steady pressure against your clit had been Bradley’s thumb the entire time. The pleasurable sensation is starting to sour with the unpleasant sting of overstimulation, and you tear his hand away eagerly, “Too much.”
“Sorry,” Bradley grunts into the kiss, the bristles of his mustache grating at your lip. 
Bradley pulls out of you, still hard and red-tipped. 
Jake takes one look down, his free hand sliding up your back while his other stays firm at your ass, “Those were pretty sounds. Look’t what they did to Bradshaw. See that, honey?”
You nod, breathless as you stare at Bradley’s impressive length.
“I think you should return the favor,” Jake muses, putting pressure against your back so that you bend in half, “Suck him off, darlin’.”
You land at eye-level with Bradley’s covered cock, and you can’t get the condom off fast enough. You drag your tongue along the underside of Bradley’s hard dick, taking the heated length into your hands and squeezing fondly at his balls. He swears low and gruff under his breath, watching your tongue snake against his slit.
Your lips curl around the head of Bradley’s cock, and the way that Jake adds a second finger to your ass makes you suck hard. You feel Bradley’s cock twitch on your tongue, and you scrape your teeth feather-light along him as you take more of him into your mouth.
He tries to keep himself still, tries not to face-fuck you, but he’s hopeless. His hips jolt forwards and you gag at the feeling of his dick hitting the back of your throat. It makes him groan, fists clenched at his side.
You bob and suckle along every inch of Bradley’s dick, licking up the vein that runs along the side and hollowing your cheeks while Jake fingers you open. When there are suddenly no fingers in your ass anymore at all, you whimper, taking Bradley’s cockhead into your fist while you try craning your neck to look back at Hangman.
“Keep going,” Jake directs you, nodding his head towards your fist, “He’s not done, and neither am I.”
You slip the hand that’s curled around Rooster’s dick and slide it up his length, rubbing gently at the base while you kitten lick the head. He pants and groans, bucking into your fist and subsequently your throat. The feeling of Jake’s dick pressed tight to your stretched hole makes you jolt forwards, and you face-fuck yourself on Bradley’s dick.
“Jesus,” He hisses, “You’re- you’re good at this, baby. C’mon, a- a little more, now.”
You let out a scream muffled by Bradley’s cock as Jake slides himself into your ass, dick grating delightfully tight against your rim. Once he bottoms out he sets a merciless pace, giving you no time to adjust before you’re being hammered into like he’s a feral animal.
“See that, Bradshaw?” Jake boasts, sending a hefty slap to your ass, “Told you she could do it. Perfect ass.”
“I see,” Bradley pants, hands tangled in your hair while you bob on his cock, “I- I’m gonna cum, honey.”
There’s barely any warning before the sight of Jake’s cock ramming into your ass gets to be too much for Bradley, but you don’t need it. You’re perfectly content to welcome his warm seed down your throat, letting it paint the inside of your mouth as you tongue him dry.
You don’t realize you’re using Bradley’s cock as a pacifier until he pushes at your forehead, hissing in oversensitivity, “Okay, okay! It’s too much,” He soothes you by sticking two of his slick-stained, thick fingers between your lips instead, “Here, honey. There y’go.”
Drool gathers at the seam of your lips and Bradley smears it away from your mouth, gathering it on his palm and licking it away. He groans at the taste, his own seed permeating your saliva, “Messy girl.”
Jake isn’t satisfied with his lack of action. Apparently, jackhammering into your ass isn’t quite enough for the guy, and he fists a hand in your hair to yank you upright with a grunt.
Bradley’s fingers slip from your lips with a pop and you cry out as Hangman manhandles you, pleasurable pain flooding your senses from the hair-pulling that start waves of a second orgasm swelling below your belly.
“Open,” Jake commands, keeping your neck bent backwards so that his face hovers over yours. You open your mouth without hesitation, and he spits inside.
Warm saliva, cooling quickly the more you stick your tongue out, pools by your throat. You eagerly swallow without being told,drool now seeping backwards down your face and towards your eyes. Jake licks it off with a broad, wet swipe of his tongue, and smears it against your lips.
The kiss is messy, upside-down and drooly, but it’s hot. Jake’s tongue licks against yours and his teeth nip at your bottom lip, a real spider-man style porno.
Your spine aches from being bent like a curly-q, but the ecstasy bleeding into your core is enough to push it to the back of your mind. You reach down to finger your clit, a whimper bleeding into Jake’s mouth at the action.
“Gonna cum, honey?” Jake drawls, “Sweet pussy’a yours gonna clench around nothin’?”
His southern drawl is stronger when he’s fucking, you note. It’s attractive.
“Not nothing,” Bradley volunteers, sticking his spit-soaked fingers up into your gaping cunt, “Cum, baby.”
You’re very good at following orders.
Your second orgasm hurts, in the best way. It tears you apart from the inside out, cunt clenching tight at Bradley’s fingers as he curls them inside of you. Jake bites hard at your lip as you ride out your second orgasm, and his dick twitches inside of you once, twice, three times before he’s letting himself go in tandem.
He fills you with warm cum, the substance gushing out of your gaped hole and oozing out around his own cock. 
“Jesus fuck,” He snaps, the words an unintelligible grunt against your lips, “So tight, and so sexy.”
Bradley’s free hand braces itself on your stomach, and the touch doesn’t make you recoil like it normally would. It’s lewd, but being splattered with their cum really makes you believe that they’re not going to judge your body.
Instead you lean into the touch, letting Bradley embrace you as you come down from your high a moaning pile of mush.
“Slow,” You warn Jake, who’s never heard the word a day in his life. He follows directions, though, easing his dick out of you and making sure it doesn’t burn.
“We need another shower,” Bradley pants after a moment of fucked-out silence. 
You nod, brain foggy, “Yeah. We- we can’t show up to the restaurant smelling like sex. They’ll know.”
As it turns out, you don’t need to smell like sex for everyone to know you’ve just had it. You show up forty-five minutes late, sweaty-faced and rosy-lipped, all slightly out of breath. Your dress is rumpled, and Bradley’s tie is haphazardly secured.
“Oh,” Phoenix grimaces, nose scrunching in disgust, “Gross, guys.”
“In my bathroom?” Penny looks aghast, “You better not have clogged the shower drain.”
“Easy,” Maverick throws a hand out over her own, “We’ve done it in there one too many times to judge.”
“Gross!” Payback rears away from the older pilot sitting next to him, “Everybody needs to stop getting laid, but if you do, don’t tell me about it!”
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wisteriaiswriting · 6 months
Hello! I hope you're day has been going well! Could I request for Sova, Phoenix, Cypher, and Chamber x reader with a fear of needles. As in if they're about to get a needle they'll grab whoever's hand or arm and attempt to squirm away? Thank you and have a good week!
𝔽𝕖𝕒𝕣 𝕠𝕗 ℕ𝕖𝕖𝕕𝕝𝕖𝕤:
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When you start squirming | Squeezing his hand | Aftercare
Words: 604
Not sure if you wanted headcanons or a fic so there are both.
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When he found out your fear he made sure he was at every appointment, never leaving through it.
Lets you hold his hand, quietly handling the pain from you squeezing.
Afterwards he’ll make sure you are okay. Carefully caring for the area with bandaids and cleaning it.
“Мой голубь,”
It was after your appointment with Sage, one that called for you needing some needles. Sasha made sure to stay with you the whole time, not even his hand left yours.
“Finished, are you okay now?”
He had just applied a fresh bandaid to the area, you weren’t even looking at it. Instead leaning onto him, and he let you. After all, that appointment was full of needles. And anyone who faces their fears deserves some rest, and it was well deserved tonight.
Мой голубь - My Dove
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This man will have to be called in for you, somehow missing this fear completely.
He won’t give you the chance to grab his hand as he will reach for yours first. Joking about the pain to try distract you.
After the needles are done he’s taking you out for anything you want. If you look at something for even a few seconds it is yours, as a ‘Get well gift.’
“Hey hey, Sage! What was so–”
Jamie had to pause when he saw the situation, Sage was holding a Needle in one hand and the other was held out. You were leaning away from her, trying not to run away even if you so wanted to.
“Aw love, c’ere.”
Letting you embrace him as he did the same.
“Sage, the needle?”
He watched as she paused, looking at the one she held before it clicked.
“I’m sorry, but it must be done.”
He pulled you closer, into a tighter hug. Letting Sage inject the needle, when she backed away you both quickly left.
“That’s done now, how ‘bout I take you to the new store, think it was a cafe?”
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He has known about this fear but due to work he wasn’t around. Causing him to rush into the room when you start squirming.
Instantly taking your hand into his gloved ones, using anything he can think of to help you. Although he can’t hide the pain well when you squeeze.
He isn’t the best at comfort, but is pretty good though. Anything that comes to mind will be told, even if it isn’t meant to.
",فراشة صغيرة"
Tilting your head up to see Amir’s mask, due to Sage doing the injections he didn’t remove it.
“You’re strong, don’t let a pesky needle ruin all that work.”
Throughout the appointment he spoke to you, most of the time distracting you from Sage working. And the needles themselves. Soon enough it was finished, and you didn’t realize.
“Look at that, now then, let’s go.”
فراشة صغيرة - Little butterfly
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Medical appointments aren’t his type of thing but he’ll stay for you. Never leaving your sight or the room.
When you start squeezing his hand he will turn so you can’t see him in pain.
He’ll try his best after, so you’re being taken to the best restaurant. Even shopping after, anything you want will be yours.
“That wasn’t so bad was it Ma lumière,”
Even with his comments you didn’t look at him, he made it sound so easy. And it seemed he knew it wasn’t working, soon his footsteps got closer. Suddenly right behind you before his arms wrapped around your waist.
“Je suis désolée, ma chère, let me make it up to you.”
Slowly turning you around to face him,
“Dinner, dancing, I know the perfect place. And a reservation for your brave work today.”
Ma lumière - My light
Je suis désolée, ma chère - I’m sorry, my dear
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count-alucard-tepes · 6 months
How would op hotties react to forgetting their wedding anniversary with their s/o?
Haha oh lord, here comes the chaos!
S/O: “…love, this is what I got you for our special day! What you get me?”
Kizaru ✨: *realizes what day it is and hears glass crack* “…oh I thought we’d go out today…why don’t you get ready, love?”
Akainu🌋: *curses under his breath* “…I took the weekend off for us to go on a trip…what do you think?”
Ryokugyu 🌱: *raises a brow* “…special day? It’s not my birthday…I think”
Fujitora 🐅: *literally has no idea what his S/O is talking about* “…every day with you is a special day, love…which one is this?”
Sir Crocodile 🐊: *smiles nervously* “…it’s a surprise at dinner tonight…” *excuses himself to call his jeweler to get something expensive and pretty for his S/O asap*
Doflamingo Donquixote 🦩: *realizes all hell is going to break loose* “…hehe…shall we go shopping…baby? Anything you want?”
Benn Beckman 🔫: *smiles weakly* “…I was just about to make you breakfast and…clean the entire house…for a week”
Katakuri Charlotte 🍡: *blushes uncontrollably as he foresees what is going to happen* “…I need to head out for a bit…I bring it later, okay? Pinky promise”
Killer🔪: *is literally on the verge of tears because he forgot* “…I’m gonna need a moment, love” *sprints off to town to grab some flowers*
Kaido🐉: “…I’m sorry, honey! Please stop chasing me!!!?!”
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King 👑 : “…dammit…I’m in trouble”
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Queen👑: “…please don’t kill me”
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Izou🔫🔫: *grabs his S/O and distracts them with kisses*
Dragon D Monkey 🐉🐒:
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Oven Charlotte 🍞: “…babe…I’m gonna be honest…I have no idea what you’re talking about….please don’t kill me”
Buggy🤡: “…someone send help please…I’m gonna die tonight”
Marco the Phoenix 🦅: *rubs the back of his neck nervously* “…maybe we could have a picnic on the beach…I’m doing the cooking, love”
Eustass Kidd🤘🎸:
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Rosinantè Donquixote aka Cora-San💕:
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Who’s-Who ❤️‍🔥👹: he gets real quiet, “…uh…oh yeah…the best prize is a surprise…so…you got to wait, kitten…” *internal panicking initiated*
Gecko Moria🦇: he gets paler than he already is, “…what…special day…love?”
Iceburg💜: he’d grabs Tyrannosaurus, “…this is gift…he’s all yours and these are happy tears…”
Gild Tesoro⚜️🏅: he’d grin awkwardly and use his powers to quickly make a unique necklace, “…here you go, love…let me put it on you!”
Rob Lucci🐆: he blushes in response and tries to act cool, “…I made a reservation at your favorite restaurant, of course…for tonight…you’ll get your gift later” *he’ll get an ‘urgent’ call from work and would disappear for an hour or so to organize everything*
Karasu🐦‍⬛: he is beyond upset upon realizing that he forgot their special day. He makes up by getting his S/O’s favorite flowers and writes them a poem.
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inkwolvesandcoffee · 1 year
A Possible Crossover?
Okay, so I have a huge crush on Charlie Hunnam and watched The Gentlemen for the nth time (brilliant movie, highly recommend it). And it got me thinking about a crossover with Peaky Blinders.
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Totally not only watching it for him… no, really! I seriously love it.
Anyway, what about a little rivalry between two wolves, the Wolf King of Camden and Law of Hammersmith and The Blood Hound of Kensington and Chelsea?😏
Just imagine being courted by Raymond Smith, Micky Pearson’s right hand, and him trying to not let his world interfere with yours. Bottles of fine whiskey, luxurious dinners at restaurants that leave you wondering how the hell he’s able to pay for them or at his estate (which is oddly large for a man living alone), trips around the UK and Ireland (often he’ll rent a holiday home outside the city or in the countryside, preferably the latter so you’re safe and he can let his inner Wolf out without anyone seeing him).
Since meeting you, Raymond is trying to get clean entirely. No more White Widow Super Cheese. He’s asked Bunny for help and together they’re working on it.
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Alfie, on the other hand, courts you the old-fashioned way by leaving you flowers, handwritten notes, and homebaked goods. He especially prides himself on his soda bread, made according to an old family recipe. There are very few people who know about it and its exquisite taste because he doesn’t sell it at his bakery. However, each time you drop by, he makes sure to serve you a sandwich made from it and give you a loaf before you leave.
Though he knows he has his own vices as well, drugs is one he’s never meddled in. Nevertheless, that’s not to say he doesn’t know about the dangers of the criminal underbelly dealing in them. As such, it makes him highly uncomfortable you’re associating with one of the top dogs (no pun intended) in the industry. Henceforth, it requires a lot of patience, suppressed growls and snarls, and hiding of fangs whenever you drop by with Ray at your side.
Alfie’s well aware you adore his bakery and he makes you your coffee exactly the way you like it. So the last thing he wants to do is ruin the time you spend there, in his most personal part of London. But whenever the other Wolf is at your side, his own floats to the surface enough to be unleashed if he loses his composure for even a split second. He’ll try his best to keep his temper in check, but the seething violence mixed with jealousy will show in how he’ll grumble his way through the conversation, shorter than usual, and avoid your gaze. Ray he just completely ignores.
Fortunately, you never fail to catch the apologetic glances in your direction nor turn a blind eye to the way he hangs his head as he offers you a basket with baked goods before you head out.
Each time it happens, he hopes you’re alone next time.
Because then he might finally have the courage to sit down for a cup of coffee with you.
Ngl, I’m kinda here for this concept. Might have a crack at it sometime soon.🤔
Tag list: @buttercupsandboys @hecatemoon87 @potter-solomons @zablife @liliac-dreamer @babaohhhriley @dreamlandcreations @wandawiccan60 @solomons-finest-rum @alikaheroes @rose-like-the-phoenix @vir-tual
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harlowsbby · 2 years
what about an off day on tour and you, urban and phoenix go exploring in whatever city you’re in and have a little family day just the three of u 🥺
Just the three of us 💕
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Sweden it’s a whole different country you never thought you’d see in your lifetime but yet here you were with your baby boy and with the love of your life.
Jack’s show in Sweden wasn’t till the following day which meant you all had the day to yourselves so Urban thought why not explore all the different things Sweden had to offer.
“Daddy what’s this place? It’s a lot of buildings here.” Phoenix’s eyes widened in wonder and awe as he took in everything being six and being able to travel the world with your parents was something that definitely a core memory.
“We are in Sweden bubs.” Urban smiled down at Phoenix and squeezed his hand softly.
“Why are we in Swa..Sweden in daddy.” The two of you laughed at how he struggled to pronounce Sweden.
“Well you know how I told you Uncle Jack is a really big rapper now he goes around the entire world and performs for all his fans and daddy which is me gets to take all his pictures and bring mommy and you along.”
“Daddy can I be a rapper too?” Urban laughed but nodded his head before all three of you turned into this restaurant.
“You can be anything you want baby boy I’ll support you no matter what.” You coo’d at Phoenix.
Looking over the menu you just decided on Swedish meatballs with pasta for Phoenix and You, it’s something you never tried but you’ve heard how good they taste and you definitely weren’t missing an opportunity to pass this up.
Once the food came Phoenix’s eyes widened at how big the meatballs were he loved food just like Urban those two could eat entire buffet if you let them.
You laughed as you cut up his food for him before handing him the fork, Urban pulled out his camera and caught the moment Phoenix put the food in his mouth, his eyes lit up like a Christmas tree as all the flavored exploded in his mouth, you stiffed a laugh and cleaned off the corner of his lip that had sauce on it.
“Is it good bubs?”
“It’s super good mommy I love this!!”
“I’m glad you love it bubs now let’s eat and go shopping after yeah?” Phoenix nodded his head before stuffing his chubby cheeks with the food.
After dinner the three of you kept exploring Sweden it was honestly such a beautiful country you were just so in awe at all of the art and the beauty Sweden had to offer.
After a while you noticed a little certain somebody has been quiet and bit too quiet might I add. Looking down at the stroller you noticed Phoenix was fast asleep head rocking back and forth and all.
“Looks like our little traveler is out for the count.” You told Urban who stopped pushing the stroller and smiled before pushing Phoenix’s head back softly so that way he wouldn’t get a crook in his neck.
“Guess all that good food and shopping knocked him out, I’m so happy we get to experience this all together ma it’s truly amazing.”
Urban took your hand in his and squeezed it three times it was his code word for I love you, whenever the two of you were getting out of larger crowds he’d hold your hand and squeeze it three times so you knew he loved you and was there.
“It is amazing I’m so happy this is my life I wouldn’t change anything I love our little family.”
“I love our little family too ma.. I’ve been thinking what if we give Phoenix a brother or sister.” Urban wiggled grinned and you rolled your eyes.
“I suppose we can think about that once we get back home.”
“Sounds like a plan baby.” Urban grinned and you couldn’t help but to laugh he was such a fool sometimes but he was your fool.
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teddy06 · 1 year
The Dagger Squad as things my dad actually did while being in the Navy
(In no particular order)
Rooster: Break into a closed zoo during a sixteen hour stop over in Australia because he and his friends had no where else to be and they wanted to see kangaroos but the zoo wouldn’t open before they left
Phoenix: Ate a live dragonfly to prove a point to a group of recruits he was training, then denied it any time a recruit that hadn’t been in the group asked if it were true, like “where do these rumors even start”
Coyote and Hangman: won too many free pitchers of beer during a competitive darts competition at a bar in the Philippines, to the point where the restaurant ran out of pitchers, they had to start giving away beer to random people, and were forcibly separated and put into new teams
Fanboy: stuck the end of a broom to the back of his helmet, put on a red shirt and painted his face to go to a Halloween party thing with his squad as Marvin the Martian, and ended up being the only person with a real costume
Fritz: Was out too late with a group of friends in San Diego and had like forty minutes to get back to his ship before curfew, but the taxi they called could only fit so many people so he opted to run back, ended up on a random trail going in the wrong direction and almost got caught by boarder patrol trying to get back into the country because he’d gone to far and ended up in Mexico
Yale: peeled an orange so that the peel was all one long piece, ate the orange and then spent several hours crazy gluing the peel back together because he was bored
Bob: was the only person to think to bring a change of clothes in his carry on whilst leaving for a deployment, and when commercial planes ended up getting their luggage mixed up and lost was the only person in his squad to have clean clothes for two weeks
Omaha: was approached multiplie times in multiple different countries by civilians speaking the native language because they had assumed he’d been from there
Payback: got into the officers line at dinner, filled a soup bowl with shrimp and a soup bowl with cocktail sauce and then went and sat with a group of recruits and kept telling them they needed to go up and get some shrimp just to fuck with them
Harvard: meticulously collected sand from ever beach his squad landed on a in little Tabasco bottles only to give up and throw them away because he decided that it was too much work and that he didn’t like Tabasco enough to keep finishing bottles of it
Halo: got so drunk at a bar in the Philippines that he started doing karaoke to a song in Tagalog; he does not speak Tagalog nor has he ever done karaoke since
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sanjuwrites · 1 year
WIP Wednesday
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aand here's chunk from my AU that i've dubbed agent reyes, and that i'm very much in love with! this baby is now 12.2k and is officially on track to be the longest thing i've ever written, and i'm so excited to share snippets with you guys <3
TK scoffs, “I should have known that you set us up, it’s so typical of gover – ow, Judd, what the hell?” TK’s rubbing the back of his head where Judd smacked him. 
“Just shut the hell up and listen to the man, will you? You’re startin’ to royally piss me off, kid.”
Carlos lets TK’s words roll off his back and flashes a smile at Judd. “It’s an amnesty deal,” he says quietly. He looks everywhere but TK’s face as he continues. “You help us use the sarcophagus to capture the head of the Cunningham crime family, and the Pheonix’s entire case file disappears – across all intelligence agencies. The CIA, FBI, MI6, the Greek NIS, and Interpol are all on the same page here. You sign this and agree to help us, and you’re a free man. Any crime you commit after the deal will go back on the record, but not as the Phoenix – but with this deal, they’re agreeing to stop monitoring hits on aliases they’ve connected to you. Like I said, clean slate.”
“I can’t – I can’t be the only one that gets off scot-free, not when I was the one that dragged everyone else into this. Nance, Marjan, Mateo, they were all just normal people until I dragged them into this – I can’t just abandon them.” TK looks flustered, waving his hands around to point at the team behind him. 
Marjan steps forward and squeezes his shoulder, “Nancy and I already signed it, TK.”
Nancy picks up when it’s clear Marjan doesn’t seem to be able to continue. “We’ve been talking about getting married, and maybe being able to have a kid or two in the future. We can’t morally bring a child into a life that has so much uncertainty, and there are a lot of hoops Marj and I have to jump through before we can even begin to try. And I love you, TK, but I want an out.” Nancy’s voice wavers as she speaks, and Carlos remembers her saying she feels like she’s betraying TK by taking the deal
“Gracie and I already signed it too, T. We have someone else to worry about as well now, and I don’t want to raise this baby in a life of uncertainty like Nance said. Tommy’s been askin’ us to move down to Austin and help with Charles’ restaurant for years now, and we think it’s for the best.” Judd’s voice is quiet but full of conviction.
Mateo’s quiet and TK looks at him. “Mateo?”
“I haven’t signed it yet. I told you when you and I first started this, I was with you till the very bitter end, whether it ends like this, or with us in a supermax prison. I’m not signing if you’re not.”
Carlos hates himself a little for the way the jealousy curls her tendrils around his bleeding heart.
i'm going to tag @chaotictarlos, @detective-giggles, @alrightbuckaroo, @decafdino, @theghostofashton, @bonheur-cafe, @lemonlyman-dotcom, @taralaurel and @catanisspicy
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This might be the summer heat.. part 3
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Hangman x Female!reader
Warnings: smut. 18+ If you continue on reading you consent to being over 18. Unprotective sex. Health code violation.
Y/n Mitchell joins her father at Top Gun for the summer, as she is flirting dangerously with Hangman.
Part 1, Part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5
He had left before you woke up. The soreness of your body left you staring at the rays of sunlight that came in through the opening of the curtains. You scrunch up the blanket under your head. The soft material gliding against your skin, as Jake’s scent ast your nostrils. His scent smelled like sweat, cologne, and it created a fuzzy feeling. “Oh god.” You spoke to yourself as you remember the things he did to you last night. Hangman got his way in the shower, and made you cum for the third time, and then in bed another time. Causing you to now want to stay in bed forever. You wished Jake was here to cuddle you, and kiss you. Though you snapped out of your thoughts by a text message that came in.
Rooster: Can we talk about that kiss?
You were serving dinner to people that came in after dinner time, the Hard Deck was more a bar than a restaurant but simple meals, and sandwiches were on the menu. The bar was slowly getting busier with people getting off work. Including the aviators. Phoenix and Bob had been sitting at the bar for the past half hour nursing their beers, and chatting. “So Y/n, we heard about you and Rooster kissing the other day.” Phoenix said, her gaze followed your movements as you were cleaning pint glasses. “Does nothing stay private around here?” You grumble. Bob shook his head. “Not when you make out in the middle of this place.” He said, taking some peanuts in his hand to eat. You just shook your head in disappointment not looking at them. “I don’t know.” You said, Phoenix raised her brow. “What is not to know. It is Rooster, you guys would be perfect.” She said, Bob nodded in agreement. You just focus on your job. “You see my dad said the same.” You said, pointing the sponge at them. “You’re not convinced?” Bob questioned. You let the sud, and everything in the sink, dry your hands. “I’m kind of seeing Hangman.” You said, quietly to just the two of them. Others at the bar were not in ear shot. “What?” She responded. Visibly shocked. “No, Y/n” Bob said, taking your hand in his. “Blink twice if you need help.” He asked seriously. You pull your hand out of his, and tell him to stop. “I’m sure he is great in bed. But, he’s a dick.” Phoenix tells you. All you could do is nod in agreement. “Like four times.” You said, with a smile. Bob groaned, and Phoenix just shook her head in disappointment. “Y/n, don’t be so dick whipped and focus.” She said she was always this direct. Which is why you two got along so well. “Rooster is funny, charming, and he is responsible.” She reminded you. Nothing she told you about Rooster was new. You had practically grown up with him. “And Hangman is funny, narcissistic, and an asshole.” Bob added. They just made things even more confusing. Luckily a customer on the other side of the bar called for you.
“Why don’t you let Rooster take you out?” Phoenix said when you came back. “You know dinner,and sex, and afterwards you can make a decision. Let it be fair game.” You look at her with so many questions rattling through your brain. Even Bob looked at her with questions. “I couldn’t.” You said, you shake your head. Phoenix already determined this was the best course of action. Talking her out of it would be harder than for her to talk you into it. “Did Hangman say you were his girlfriend?” She asked. Knowing damn well he didn’t. You shook your head. “Then what is stopping him from getting it somewhere else?” She asked. You shrug. The two of you really hadn’t the type of relationship that discussed that.
You knew that she could easily talk you into it. Grabbing your phone from behind the bar she texted Rooster to pick you up after your shift. Though the shift took longer than expected it ended up being past ten when you finally walked out of the Hard Deck, and the bar was still crowded. You hadn’t spoken to Hangman that day. He hadn’t stopped by the Hard Deck either. Which was strange for him. Rooster had asked if you wanted to go back to your house. Which is something you didn’t want, and came up with the excuse your dad was home. It was also kind of late for dinner. Which left the two of you walking the pier. “I want to apologise. I shouldn’t have kissed you like that.” He said, you nodded. “Did you tell Hangman?” You asked. He looked at the ground. That’s the answer. “Is that what this is about? Your competition with him?” You ask, he profusely shakes his head. “Of course not.” He answered. You nodded as you believed him. “I have to be honest.” You said: “ I slept with Hangman last night.” He stopped in his step. He looked mad, like he was about to leave, find Hangman, and hit him in his face. “Why?” He asked. You look him in the eyes. You could tell his brain had hard wired you into his being, and you were about to break it. “I think I might love him.” You said, you hadn’t thought about it like that. You didn’t even know if it was love. Probably not. Sex once, and knowing each other a couple of weeks wasn’t enough. But, you felt connected after the storm. After he told you about his family, and everything, he shook his head. Like he didn’t believe you.
“What happens now?” He asked. Confusion rose in his voice. Seems like everyone around you was just as confused as you about it all. “Phoenix suggested we have sex.” You said, not really knowing what to tell him. You meant it as a half hearted joke. Although then his face lit up. “I like that idea.” He said, you nod. You weren’t sure but Phoenix was right. What was stopping Hangman. What has he been up to all evening anyway. He went in for a kiss placing his lips on yours. You couldn’t picture yourself getting used to his moustache scratching along your face, and the feeling of your stomach turning rose inside you. You stop the kiss, and look Rooster in the eye. “I can’t” you said, he nods. “I can wait.” He said, you give him a confused look in your eyes. “Wait for what?” You ask him. He just bobs his head. “Yes, I can wait for him to break your heart.” He said, you just stood there perplexed about what he said. What on earth? what a dooms thinker. Jesus.
You had made your way home. Tired of the day you had, and mentally hitting yourself against your head for your interaction with Rooster. When you reached your dad’s house you saw that the lights were still on. You enter the house, and the smell of alcohol enters your nose. Hearing familiar voices laugh you enter the kitchen and there your dad and some older aviator buddies are playing poker. Your eyes also fell on Hangman with a small stack of poker chips. He wasn’t the only one of the current Top Gun aviators to play. Payback was also playing. “ Do you want to play?” Your dad asked, as he shoved more chips to the center of the table. “No, I’ll let someone else bring home bacon tonight.” You said, though you did make your way over to the kitchen grabbing more beers for the men at the table before sitting down at the table with your own beer. You had placed your chair next to Hangman’s as he had made space for you. You looked over to Hangman’s cards to see how he was doing, he had almost the cards for a full house. You’d bet your money on it that he could win the game with his cards. You look around the table, and see your dad was staring at your reaction towards his cards. But, he had taught you how to play poker after all, and you knew how he played the game. After a couple of rounds. Blaze, who was one of your dad’s old coworkers, folded. Throwing his cards to the middle of the table. One pair. You place your hand on Hangman’s thigh to let him know to go all in. Not being visible to the other players, you quickly take off your hand. Payback, Coma, and Danger zone played along in raising. Till it reached your dad. He had his suspicions and was looking across the table to all the other players. His eyes landed on you, and as they shifted to Hangman’s. Even Though he had been losing this game he still had that same cocky look on his face. “I’m calling your bluff, Hangman.” You dad said, he put his cards on the table. Placing a flush. The others had worse cards than a flush. Finally Hangman put his full house down. Hangman laughed, and with one hand he squeezed the inside of your thigh to thank you, afterwards he pulled the chips towards him.
A couple of games went by and Hangman went from the worst player to one of the best. Though your dad won the last match. “Another one?” Danger zone asked. Hangman shook his head. “We should head out.” Hangman said to Payback. You look at the clock, and notice it was already past 1. Training started in a couple of hours. “Thanks, Maverick.” Hangman said, gulping the last of his beer. “Good game, lieutenants. See you tomorrow morning.” He added. The Aviator buddies who had been anything but quiet all evening. “Next time you are in Lakehorst. Come play me.” Blaze said, you could tell Hangman appreciated that. You fake a yawn, and get up from your chair. “I’m also calling it.” You said: “ It was nice seeing you again, Captain’s.” With this you left the room, and made your way towards the bathroom to brush your teeth.
The next day you were back at the bar helping Penny prep for tonight. There was some kind of bachelorette party happening. There were a couple of people already present having a drink, people that came from the beach, and had gotten hungry. You had been restocking the bottles of liquor that were delivered that morning when you heard the doors to the storage open. “The crowd coming in?” You said loudly. Thinking Penny had walked in. “I can’t tell.” A voice said, spooked, you turn around, and almost knock over a bottle in the process. “What are you doing here, Hangman?” You asked. “Oh it’s only Jake when my cock is in you, is it?” He asked with a smirk. You roll your eyes at him. “I came to say thank you. I won three hundred fifty dollars last night.” He said, you raise an eyebrow. “What percentage do I get?” You ask him. He shrugs. Putting his hand against the scaffolding locking you in one side. Your back pressed against the cold wall. “I was hoping I could take you out for dinner?” He asked. He gave you that look. The look that said he wanted sex. He gave you that look a lot. “Oh you think dinner and that stupid smile can distract me from money?” You tease him. He shrugs. His other hand slid down ypto your waist. “That and my cock.” He said. You just shake your head as you try to hold in your laugh. “At Least you are cute.” You said, moving your hands to the base of his neck. You scratch his hair for a bit. He started placing kisses under your ear moving slowly down your neck. “ There are people on the other side of that door.” You said, this didn’t slow him down whatsoever. Instead he started sucking hard enough to leave a hickey. “Penny or any other staff member can walk in any second.” You said, he stopped for a second. “Better be quick then.” He said, as he started to unbutton your white blouse, exposing your bralette to him. He had a giddy look in his eyes. You tried to unbutton his blouse as well. Instead he took both your hands and held them above your head. Him taking initiative made your knees weak. He peppered kisses along your collar, and he one hand to your pants. You could feel him move your underwear to the side, and started moving his thumb over your clit rough. He let your hands go, instead he moved that hand to your breast, circling his thumb over your nipple. He inserted two fingers inside of your wet cunt. You almost let out a moan but he bites your lip to silence you. “So wet already.” He said: “Does almost getting caught turn you on?” If it wasn’t the act itself then it was the way he said it. “I want you, Jake.” You said, your breath getting shaky. “Hm. It is also Jake with my fingers in your pussy. Noted.” You reach for his belt, and start to unbuckle it, undoing his button, reaching for his hard-on in his pants. You start to stroke his penis as he moves his thumb harder over your clit, projecting his desires unto your bud. He was struggling to keep quiet, and not moan. Instead a huff came out of his mouth. You gasp when he removes his fingers out of your pussy, and start pumping. You moan quietly into his neck, as you softly bite his skin to control yourself. His fingers started to knot in the pit of your stomach, edging yourself closer to an orgasm.
He stops activities, removing his hand from your underwear. He pulls your underwear and pants down, unzipping himself as you let go of him. He lifts your leg up, propping it up on the scaffolding as he slides himself into your wetness; his lips meet yours, hiding your desperate moans. With one hand still holding on to your thigh, and the other against the wall for his own grip. Slowly he inserted his cock into you giving you time to adjust. “Jesus, you take me so well.” He hissed. You once again move your arms around his neck to pull you close. He begins to slide out of you, quietly and painfully slowly, and you cling to him, shivering as he slowly fucks you. You were struggling with keeping quiet. So he pressed his lips against yours to try and keep you quiet. “Touch yourself for me.” He said, the hungry look in his eyes caused you to buck your hips. You move one hand from his neck,and start rubbing your clit. Jake’s trust becomes more sloppy. “Such a good girl.” He mumbled. You could feel his breath in your neck, and you could feel your orgasm wash over you. To muffle your moan you bite into his shoulder, as he continued to fuck you through your high. You could feel Jake thrust one more time as his hot cum filled you up.
The two of you made your way out of the storage room, your panties still dripping with Jake’s cum. The two of you tried to pull yourselves together. But, raking your fingers through your hair could only do so much. The moment you stepped outside of it, you made eye contact with your dad who was sitting, talking to Penny at the bar. In that exact moment, you knew that he knew. “Hangman, I am going to murder you.” Your dad yelled as he made his way over.
(I had intended this to be the final part. However, if anyone is interested in Maverick’s reaction I might write another part.)
Tagged: @18crazybutcutealsopsycho
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snezfics-n-shit · 10 months
Sicktember Day 4: Hiding An Illness
Fandom: Ace Attorney Characters: Phoenix Wright, Miles Edgeworth Notes: Phoenix and Miles are busy men. As cases pile up for both of them, their married life seems to have switched to autopilot. Going so long without time alone has them both eager for a real date night, and this Saturday happens to be completely free on their schedules. Neither of them have any intention of letting anything get in the way of that, even if it means hiding a slowly blooming cold from an equally unwell husband. As far as the timeline goes, all you need to know is the Wright Anything Agency is very much back on its feet, almost too much. 
That was the only thing Phoenix could say as he stared at his reflection in the master bathroom mirror. He looked just awful. A pink gradient dusted across his cheeks, being the most intense as nearly red on the rims of his nostrils. He was supposed to look and feel irresistibly attractive for his husband on their date tonight, and here he was doing neither. Now, if it was Miles… No, no, that would be downright mean on today of all days, albeit still providing an incredibly sexy mental image.
He exhaled slowly. Surely he could do something about this.
He started with lightly applying petroleum jelly on the most obviously chapped parts of his face. He was careful not to use too much, of course, to avoid looking suspiciously oily. That alone did a lot of good, and provided welcome relief… He just had to be careful when blowing his nose, which could easily undo all this effort.
“Love? Are you alright?” Miles’s knock and calling through the door snapped Phoenix out of his silent fretting. “You’ve,” a curious pause, “been in there for quite a while.”
“Yeah, I just… I just noticed the toilet looked like it needed another cleaning!” Phoenix cleared his throat. “I’ll be right out.” He quietly slipped a travel tub of the same petroleum jelly in his suit pocket.
There needed to be an awful lot of spare cleaning supplies in the restaurant bathroom if he didn’t think of another reason for frequently sneaking off soon. 
. . .
Miles was quite proud of himself once it was his turn to assess his appearance at the same mirror. He still could only barely comprehend Phoenix’s reasons for his frequent toilet cleaning; after all, he did say it came from an old habit that ran in his father’s side of the family for generations, but was no longer needed at home now that there were no worries about making good impressions when providing a place for some kind of “overseer” to stay. Unneeded or not, this habit afforded Miles with time to sneak away and make use of some stage makeup Trucy left behind after moving into her new college dorm. No, he was not going to ruin all the effort he put into looking like the picture of health by crying over the thought of Trucy no longer being a little girl. 
Miles was absolutely sure Phoenix wouldn’t even notice the heavy bags under his eyes, and if he did, he would at least conclude they came from a long week of sleepless nights spent staring at his work computer. If he wore his glasses right, Miles hardly caught a glimpse of said bags in his reflection. 
He had this, as he once heard Larry say, “in the bag.” He had the spare makeup in the bag, too, or rather, his suit pocket. 
. . . 
Well, this was going to be a disaster. 
At least, Phoenix felt like it would become one as soon as he could feel his nose running just as he was settling into the surprisingly uncomfortable chair facing his husband across the white-clothed table. Miles was looking right at him, and it was too early in the date to excuse himself to the restroom yet. With how the establishment seemed to pinch pennies on these chairs, he wouldn’t be surprised if the paper towels provided would make him look worse than he felt. 
“Please, forgive me, darling. I’ll be right back.” Miles excused himself, likely to the restroom that Phoenix was now definitely not allowed to use now, but at least that meant Phoenix could sneakily swipe at his nose with one of the fancy cloth napkins as soon as Miles was out of sight. Thank god, they were actually soft. 
Phoenix perused the drink menu, carefully noting to avoid anything bubbly that might aggravate his already irritated throat. What would he do if Miles wanted a bottle of champagne, though? To turn it down would be even more incriminating, and speaking of incriminating, Phoenix hadn’t even thought of what dish was most accommodating for his lack of appetite. 
Miles’s definition of “right back” seemed awfully loose right now, too. Phoenix worried if his husband didn’t hurry up and return, he may find himself too comfortable not having anyone’s eyes on him, only for that excessive comfort to be the night’s plans’ undoing. 
Come on, come on…
. . . 
“Sorry to have made you wait.” 
“Huh?” Phoenix looked up. “Oh, yeah, it’s all good.”
Miles sighed in relief as Phoenix seemed to forgive his absence. He was lucky to have a husband that hardly ever asked for detailed explanations of any situation outside of the courtroom. What would he have had to say if an explanation was needed, anyway? A true answer would be that Miles had locked himself in a restroom stall to stifle a set of sneezes in a painful fashion until the need to do so finally subsided, but it being the middle of January would make for more questions than answers he was willing to give.
“So, uh, I was thinking we could order the soup first, and go from there.” Phoenix suggested. “I heard it’s pretty filling on its own, and really good, too.” 
Miles squinted. Had Phoenix caught onto him? Soup sounded heavenly, and it was light, too. It was almost too perfect of an idea. Phoenix even started to look nervous just a few seconds into Miles’s evaluation of the potential order. Miles needed to navigate this with great care. 
“I’d quite like that, yes.” 
Judging from Phoenix’s look of relief, Miles had been successful in his carefully worded answer.
. . . 
As the soup was placed in front of them next to glasses of Miles’s miraculous choice of a wine with no bubbles to be seen, Phoenix considered himself to be in the clear. It was a pretty close call, after all, when Miles squinted at him upon making the suggestion of ordering the soup. 
The wine’s alcohol content even seemed to be enough to make Miles cough, which meant Phoenix could easily time his own coughs with a properly sized sip of wine. It didn’t really taste as strong to him, though, but maybe Miles was just that much of a lightweight. Perhaps he could even mask his growing fatigue as a result of the wine as well. This was so convenient.
This was too convenient. 
Phoenix should have known that his husband could likely read him like a book by now. Miles had seen right through his façade and was kind enough to gently accommodate his cold without directly calling him out on being sick on the one date night the couple had been able to plan in almost a year. 
Now he felt horribly guilty to have tried deceiving him. It was now time to come clean, to restore the trust he had surely made a dent in, if not broken.
“Miles, babe, I’m really sorry for—”
“No, no. You don’t have to apologize for figuring me out.” Miles assured him. So he did know Phoenix was sick, huh? “I suppose it’s time for me to come clean.”
“What? No way! I should be apologizing.” 
Why would Miles need to apologize when Phoenix was the one who was hiding an illness? If anything, Miles ought to have been giving him a light lecture on how he should be at home in bed, and he would have been completely right to do so. 
“Please, there’s no need to apologize for figuring out the truth. It’s what you do so well in court, after all.” Miles cleared his throat, far more roughly than he usually did. “I must admit I haven’t been well.” 
Phoenix stared at his husband blankly. The stuffiness of his head did affect his hearing, but this was outside the scope of just some muffling. 
“Wait, you–” 
“It was wrong of me to hide that from you.” Miles looked up to find Phoenix’s face beginning to grow rather pale. 
“So… You weren’t hiding that you figured out I was sick?” 
“I thought you had been the one to catch me in the act.” 
Maybe someday down the line, the two could laugh about this, but for now, the couple’s course of action was just getting home and into bed.
. . . 
The king sized bed that Phoenix and Miles shared was now almost unrecognizable: covered in varying spare blankets, tissue boxes, and the contents of said boxes that neither of the two had the energy to throw into the garbage bin.
“Hey, you know,” Phoenix paused to blow his nose, and it felt so good to finally put full effort into doing so, “this is still kind of a date night.”
“You’re absolutely right.” Miles snuggled up closer to his husband. “If we were both in perfect health, I’m sure we would both be in bed as part of the date by now.” The roughness of his cold-affected voice made that sound even more sensual than he intended, but he didn’t mind that at all. “I hope you’re not looking forward to seeking that kind of decongestant, by the way. I’m far too exhausted.”
“Oh, believe me,” Phoenix laughed as carefully as he could to avoid coughing into Miles’s ear, “I’m beat, too.” 
“How about some sleep, then?” Miles yawned. “That is, as much as we can.”
“You don’t even have to ask.”
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system4ofphoenix · 4 months
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System4 of Phoenix
Operating out of Phoenix, AZ, System4 of Phoenix is dedicated to keeping businesses shining. Whether it's restaurants, medical facilities/offices, or auto car dealerships, they deliver expert cleaning services to maintain pristine environments conducive to success in various industrial and commercial facilities. Visit: https://system4phoenix.com/
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sibillascribbles08 · 9 months
Leonardo slumped against the chair of the two seat table near the back. The restaurant wasn't officially closed, but the only tables occupied weren’t his tables, so as far as he was concerned he was done for the day. Well no, not really. He had to help roll silverware for tomorrow and vacuum the floors and count his tips and— Leonardo groaned.  “Is everything alright, Pepino?”  Leonardo tilted his head up to look at Hueso who carried a stack of freshly cleaned menus in his arms.  He collapsed again. “Is it ever alright anymore?” 
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weasleywinchester · 2 years
Slow Motion - Ch.4
My World is Standin’ Still
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 5
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Who am I updating two fics on the same day?? Hope y’all enjoy this chapter, we get a little serious, a little steamy and a whole lotta cute 💙 enjoy!
Series Summary:
I mean, love at first sight has to exist for some people. Guess you’re one of the lucky ones. Bob had said it so nonchalantly. Like it was a thing that could, did, happen in real life. And yet here he was, Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw, falling for you faster than his plane could take off. But even if everything felt slow motion, was it possible the two of you were moving too fast?
Chapter Summary:
First dates: that thing most people fret about so much they get nervous. But for you and Bradley it’s just something that needs to get out of the way. This feeling like you were made to be together only gets stronger by the day, but it seems like the universe needs you to stand still before you can take off.
We have a smut warning for this one 👀 (hand job, both receiving)
A Week Later
“Talk to me Phoenix.” Mav excitedly whispers as he catches Phoenix walking down the hall. He was so excited when Bradley wasted no time in planning the perfect first date. 
“Rooster had to cancel.” She sighs, opening the door and gesturing for Mav to walk ahead.
“What, why?” He turns to face her, walking backwards down the hall.
“We had to do a diagnostic flight. It took way longer than we thought.” She hands her paperwork off to an officer passing by and gestures for Mav to follow.
“How’d she take it?” He gently puts his hands on her shoulders, looking into her eyes for any hidden answers. Phoenix opens her mouth to answer when Bob walks over.
“She’s totally fine. They got another reservation at a different place for tonight. So, fingers crossed.” He nods.
“Rooster was pretty upset. He had the whole thing mapped out. And he apparently pulled every card he could to get the reservation.”
Mav nods in agreement; dinner at a fancy restaurant by the beach, new suite and a giant bouquet of flowers in your favorite color. Rooster had even roped him into helping clean the Bronco spotless so it was a worthy first date car.
“Small hiccup. It’s the first date, they’ll mosty remember the feelings, not necessarily how fancy the place was.” Mav shrugs it off. “It’s not like lightning strikes twice.
“Bob.” Mav shakes the WSO by the shoulders, his grin wide at the excitement of hearing how your date went.
“Red had to cancel this time.” He sighs. “How do you not get this information from them?” He laughs at Mav’s disappointed look.
“Been helping Penny at the bar. Also afraid that if I ask too much I won’t get any of the good details.”
“The entire time Red’s been here she has never been trapped in a meeting!” Phoenix exclaims as she walks up to the pair.
“How did she get stuck in a meeting? She's the queen of leaving on time, no matter what.” Mav asks. Your philosophy is that you’ll work overtime during an audit, a huge deadline on a project and before major holidays, that’s it.
“Admiral’s putting her on the project we were all called in for.” Bob answers. Mav and Phoenix share a knowing look; you’d do anything to work with the group.
“Well, at least they’ll be on the same work schedule.” Mav smiles. “And Bradley didn’t come home last night…”
“And he wasn’t in the barracks.” Phoenix laughs. They are falling so hard for each other.
“They’re trying again tonight.” Bob smiles, showing the text from you.
“They act like their life depends on this date…” Phoenix shakes her head, letting out a small laugh.
“Think they just want the first date jitters to be over.” Mav smiles.
“If you feel like you can’t keep a clear head on this mission…”
“Admiral, I’ll be fine. If anything, it'll make me work harder.” You smile, gently thumbing through the files of classified information.
“Admiral Cain should be here on monday. You think you’ll be able to have notes for us by then?” He stops in front of his office door, his face neutral but you can see he needs everything to go as smoothly as possible.
“I’ll start my reading tonight.” Well… maybe tomorrow morning. Actually scratch that, tomorrow evening.
“Excellent. Meeting Friday after lunch, before we bring the rest of the team in.”
Tomorrow morning reading it is then. You give him a nod, which he returns and steps into his office. You quickly return to your desk, cleaning up the mess of papers you left earlier.
“Ready?” Bradley knocks on the wall next to your desk.
“Let me send this email and sign off…” You type as fast as your fat fingers will allow and quickly gather your things.
“Ok. Let’s cross our fingers we make it this time?” You  laugh, holding both sets of crossed fingers up and Bradley does the same. 
“Made the reservation for much later this time. We got this Red.” He reassures you, both of you breaking into a smile and taking each other’s hand as you quickly bolt to your cars. The drive seems faster than the last three days, whether that be from the speed you both drove or the lighter traffic… who knows.
“Ooo! I almost forgot.” You shout as both of you get out of your cars. You grab a box off the workbench and hand it to him. The butterflies in your stomach flutter as he carefully slides the lid off.
He smiles down at the garage remote nestled in the box with a note: Left side reserved for Captain America.
“I know we’ve just started dating, but considering we’ve been living at work I thought this would be easier for you to just park the Bronco in the garage. No need to worry about street cleaning or trash day.” You shrug. You don’t want it to feel like it’s a big deal, because it honestly feels totally normal, like when you gave Mav a house key.
“Wow...” He smiles at the remote, gently taking it out. He clicks the button and the garage door starts sliding shut. “No house key?” He shoots a grin at you.
“How about we go on a date first?” You wrap your arms around his middle, tilting your  face toward him.
“That’s fair.” He chuckles, pressing his lips to yours.
“Get dressed… very quickly.” You giggle as you pull away; he hums in agreement, keeping his arms firmly around you as you unlock the door to the house and shuffle the two of you inside. You run to your bedroom and Bradley runs to the guest room. You told him to just leave his stuff here since you weren’t sure when this date would actually happen. And since you both had to be at work at the same time this week, he might as well just stay here. Unfortunately you both have just ended up falling asleep on the couch instead of making it anywhere near a bed. Date, focus on the date first (Y/N). You shake off all the negative energy from the week and walk out into the living room.
“What do you think?” You twirl so he can see a 360 view. You’d had this dress sitting in your closet begging to be worn for something fancy (which you hardly ever did anything fancy), but it makes you feel perfect and judging by the way Bradley is looking at you, it was very much true.
“Babe you look-“ you both frown as his cell starts blaring. He glances down at it and sighs.
“Admiral.” He says curtly into the phone. He gives a few small nods before his eyes shift to you. “Yes sir. Right away.” He hangs up and walks over to you.
“Beautiful.” He finishes his original sentence, gently putting his hands on either side of your neck and pulling you into a kiss..
“You have to go to work?“ You mumble as your phone starts ringing and you quickly answer.
“Admiral.” You nod just the same as Bradley. When you hang up you give him a sad frown.
“Looks like we both get to go back to work, again.” You place your hands on his chest and sigh.
“Can I hitch a ride?” He chuckles, placing a kiss on your temple. “The Bronco looks too nice in its new spot to move it.”
“Ya. And we better change.” You grab him by the lapels of his jacket and press your lips to his for a few seconds before playfully pushing him off. 
“Wasn’t expecting your lipstick to taste so good Red.” He chuckles, his lips chasing after yours. 
“Get dressed Bradshaw.” You push him towards the guest room as you head back to yours.
“We’re late.” Your curse under your breath as you both walk through the door to find everyone there. Rooster can feel everyone’s eyes looking both of you up and down.
“Did we interrupt something?” Admiral Simpson asks, eyeing your hair and makeup.
“Yes, but-” you habitually say, instantly regretting it.
“No Sir.” Rooster says a little louder than you.
“No sir.” You correct, giving the admiral an apologetic nod; you and he have had a good back and forth banter, but sometimes you forget he’s your boss and an admiral .
“Sorry for the inconvenience. Wouldn’t call if it wasn’t important.” He says quietly to you.
“I know sir. Just frustrated with timing.” You nod, hoping he understands you’re ready to work.
“Everyone, this is Admiral Cain.” He gestures to the man Hangman was chatting with. All of you nod, and turn back to Simpson.
“The Admiral comes with an updated brief on our current mission. As you are all well aware, you have all been asked here because of your exceptional skills, both as individuals and as a team. Admiral Cain, we're glad you can finally join us in person and earlier than we expected.”
“Thank you Admiral Simpson.” He nods and everyone takes a seat. He begins his slide show, talking through each point on what naval intelligence has gathered.
Out of the corner of his eye Rooster sees Admiral Simpson hand you a packet. Your pen instantly starts moving as you furiously scribble notes. He looks up and catches Bob’s eye, both puzzled by the amount of scribbling you’re doing in a simple debrief.
“And that is our plan of attack. We have two months or less to prepare. We will assume less.” He nods.
The pilots all share a look, it was one thing when Maverick gave an impossible plan, but this seemed a bit out of reach, even by his standards.
“Miss (Y/L/N), thoughts?” Admiral Simpson asks.
“Permission to speak freely?” You ask Simpson, eyes shifting to Cain.
“Permission granted.” Simpson answers.
“It would be a good last resort plan.” You sigh, flipping through your packet, searching once more to see if you misunderstood something.
“It will complete the mission in the timeline we need it to.” Cain strongly states, irritation clear in his voice. Everyone can tell he’s wondering who the fuck you are to question him.
“Yes, I agree.” You state, Simpson opens his mouth to interject, but you shoot him a look. “The current plan puts the plane in a difficult position, banking on the fact that the pilots in this room won’t accidentally put the nose into the ground while inverted.” You hold your hand out for the presentation remote, which Cain begrudgingly gives you. You quickly flip back to the defense system layout, rolling the screen up so you can draw on the whiteboard behind it.
 “If there’s a S.A.M. here on this ridge, then they’ll probably be one here too.” Your marker squeaks in the silence as everyone closely pays attention. “That means your first plane will be easily struck down. And depending on how close and fast the second one is coming behind, it may result in losing the second one.” You turn to Cain waiting for his retort.
“Who are you exactly?” He asks, coming to stand a foot in front of you so he can peer down at you.
“This is Miss (Y/Full/N). She’s been working here as a flight risk analyst for a few months.” Admiral Simpson answers, giving you a silent warning about staying in line.
“Civilian. You think you know combat missions better than the people in this room?”
“No sir. That’s why my opinion has been asked for. I point out things most military personnel overlook.”
“Sometimes soldiers are lost in the line of duty; a concept you should get used to if you plan on continuing to work for the Navy.”
“Sending your soldiers into battle and expecting to lose half of them is not something I will ever be ok with.” You point the edge of your packet into his chest. “You and I, Admiral, we are the ones who die trying to get these soldiers to hit their target and come home.” 
After a moment of staring you dead in the eye he gives a small nod.
“Then what do you suggest?”
“Bring Maverick in. He’s done the impossible over and over. If that plane is going to be inverted for that long, it’s going to have to be a little farther off the ground.” You sigh, looking at the white board. “Like I said, this is a good last resort. But we’re the fucking United States Navy, we will do better.”
“Very well.” Cain concedes, giving you a look of understanding.
“We will reconvene tomorrow at 0900. Get some rest everyone.” Simpson announces, showing Cain out the door. When it clicks shut you can hear someone’s chair roll and spring up as they stand.
“Damn Red, didn’t know you had it in you.” Hangman applauds, gently squeezing you to his side.
“Only for you guys.” You sigh, letting all the tension flow out of your body as you squeeze him back. 
“Or maybe when the Navy keeps screwing with your plans.” He chuckles loud enough for only you to hear. You roll your eyes at him, a smile playing on your lips as you gently shove him away. Rooster walks over and they share a nod before Hangman walks out with everyone else.
“If we hurry we might be able to change and make it to the restaurant.” He whispers. The smile is quickly back on your face as he takes your hand and guides you back to the car.
“Hi, ugh, reservation is under Bradshaw.” Bradley breaths out. His lungs are on fire, but anything to make this date happen, especially after the way you stood up to Admiral Cain.
“Oh, looks like your reservation was for an hour ago…” the hostess sighs. Bradley tries to convince her to let you in, explains that you both got called to work.
Your phone buzzes and you see Bob sent a few texts.
Have fun!! Not too much fun though 😉
You roll your eyes and text him back that it looks like another day will go by without the official first date.
“No worries, we understand.” Bradley tells the hostess, backing away from the counter.
“We’ll try again tomorrow.” You smile at him, lacing your fingers in his.
“I got to see you in that dress twice in one day.” He grumbles into your ear, kissing you on the cheek. Both your phones buzz, Bradley glances to see a text from Phoenix:
Meet us at the Hard Deck?
He turns to you as you turn to him.
“Hard Deck?” You ask in unison. You both laugh, making your way to the car.
“Penny, can we ask you a favor?” Phoenix asks over the noise of the crowd.
“Sure. What’s up?” She looks between Phoenix and Bob.
“Rooster and Red’s date got postponed again. And the restaurant gave away their spot because they didn’t show.” Bob tells her.
“We were wondering if you could help us set up something for them right now?” Phoenix pleads.
“Now?” Penny gasps, shaking her head as she tries to figure out something.
“What about now?” Hangman squeezes between his friends, curious about what’s happening.
“Trying to do something nice.” Phoenix raises an eyebrow at him.
“Care to elaborate Bob?” Hangman’s eyes shift to him.
“Rooster and Red’s date has been canceled every day this week. We wanted to see if we could do something tonight.” He answers, ignoring Phoenix’s glare.
“Tell me what you need me to do.” He grins.
“We can count this as a first date…” you suggest as Bradley opens your car door.
“If we’re going by that standard then it would be our second date.” He counters, throwing his arm around your shoulder, happy when yours wraps around his waist. “The bonfire would have been the first.”
“That means I could give you a key…” you tease. He wraps his other arm around you, giving you a squeeze as he gently shakes you around until you squeal for him to stop.
“Messed up my hair Bradshaw.” You fake pout.
“Good thing you look so beautiful all the time anyways.” He smiles back. The two of you step around the corner and Bob is waiting out front.
“Hey Bobby.” You smile.
“Sorry to hear about the restaurant.” He takes your free hand in his giving it a squeeze.
“No worries. Tomorrow’s a new day and another chance.”
“Well… maybe you don’t have to wait until tomorrow.” He smiles, gently dragging you to the side of the Hard Deck.
“Where’re we goin Bob?” Bradley chuckles. But Bob doesn’t elaborate, just leads you to a little blocked off section of the outside deck. He swings one of the room dividers out of the way to reveal a little table set for two. There’s some fairy lights strung from the dividers, creating a beautiful ambient glow.
“A table for two, at the best restaurant we know.” Bob gestures for the two of you to take a seat.
“How? When?” You giggle as Bradley helps you sit.
“When the Navy is sent on a mission, we make sure it gets done.” Phoenix answers, setting a basket of bread on the table.
“ And we can’t let the only love at first sight any of us have witnessed die down because of a little thing like a government mission.” Hangman adds, handing you both a glass of whiskey. You and Bradley look at each other and then back at your friends. How are we this lucky?
“Penny will be out with food in a minute, but we will make our exit.” Hangman grabs both Phoenix and Bob by the backs of their necks and leads them back into the bar.
“I know work has gotten in the way of everything this week…” Bradley shakes his head.
“But we also have to thank work for giving us the best friends we could hope for?” You finish.
“To family.” Bradley raises his glass.
“Both the ones related by blood, and the ones we choose.” You clink your glass to his. Penny comes out moments later with your usual order, shooting you a wink as she leaves. It may not have been the date Bradley had planned but you both quickly realized it was perfect. The stars will twinkling above, the waves of the ocean lapping at the shoreline and the bar unusually quiet for so late in the evening.
When you both were done Penny and Hangman shooed both of you away, telling you to not worry about a thing and go home. You both give them each a hug, waving to Bob and Phoenix who step outside as you walk back to your car.
“Think my car’s a bit easier to be romantic in.” Bradley chuckles, leaning across your center console to kiss you.
“I agree. Your seats are much more makeout friendly.” You mumble against his lips. Your mouths move lazily against each other until you can feel yourself falling asleep.
“Let’s get home before I knock out.” You whisper, giving him one last peck before starting the car and driving home.
When you open the garage door Bradley smiles at the sight of his bronco sitting in its new home. You both are quiet, trying to keep the dred of waking up early off as you enjoy the last bits of bliss.
“Goodnight baby.” Bradley mumbles as you stand in front of the guest bedroom.
“Goodnight.” You smile, wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him close. Your mouths collide, moving slowly at first; his hands slowly moving away from your waist until each has a handful of your ass. He hums in delight at how soft and squishy it is, he can only imagine what it would feel like without your dress in the way. He slides his tongue into your mouth as he presses you into the wall, hiking one of your legs up onto his hip.
“Bradley.” You halfheartedly push him away. You don’t want him to stop, but you’re dead tired and the stress of tomorrow is already creeping in the back of your mind.
“Bit carried away. We’ll save that for later.” He grins, pressing one more kiss to your mouth before unwrapping himself from you.
“Goodnight.” You whisper, a dazed smile on your lips.
“‘Night Red.” He winks, walking into the guest bedroom. He listens to you pad down the hall, waiting until he hears the shower start before he moves to do the same. He sadly washes the smell of your perfume off and gets ready for bed. As he sets his alarm a soft knock comes from the door. He opens it to see you leaning against the doorway with a sleepy smile.
“You know, I barely make my own bed; and my guest room has looked so nice and clean for only a few months…”
“I can assure you I can make a bed.” He scoffs playfully, leaning against the wall so your faces are close to each other.
“I don’t doubt it.” You gently take a handful of his shirt. “But we can’t cuddle if you’re here and I’m all the way down the hall...”
“And we can’t have that.” He smiles, letting you drag him into your room. You both jump into bed, checking that alarms are set for the morning before settling under the covers.
“Come ‘ere” he whispers, patting the space next to him. You lay your head on his chest, pushing your body flush against his side. You both lay in silence, the gentle whir of the ac mixes with the muffled sound of the ocean and you can’t help but think this is perfect. Dinner was perfect, Bradley is perfect and him next to you is perfect. You can feel his breathing even out, the arm around you falling to the bed. 
“We can’t let the only love at first sight any of us have witnessed…” Hangman’s words ring in your ears. Love at first sight. It’s right here that you decide to stop wondering why it’s happening to you and to just let it sweep you off your feet. 
“I love you Bradley.” You whisper to the dark. You love him. Simple in theory, and impossible to explain.
“I love you too (Y/N).” He whispers back. You sit up so you can look at his face, well try to look at his face anyways.
“You don’t have- I don’t want to freak you out.” You can feel the panic start to rise in your chest.
“I’m not, I promise.” His hand gently cups your cheek, bringing your face to his as he sits up to meet you halfway. It’s a gentle kiss, warm and fuzzy and full of love.
One alarm blaring is bad enough, but two scares the daylights out of you.
“Take it easy baby.” Bradley chuckles as he quickly taps his off.
“Why is yours so loud?” You playfully whine as you shut yours off.
“Sometimes I’m dead asleep so i don't hear it. But I set it early, so we don't have to get up quite yet.” He pulls you to his chest, pressing himself flush against you.
“Dreaming about me last night.” You tease, wiggling your ass against his morning wood.
“Been dreaming about you since that night at the bar.” He mumbles into your neck, placing a string kisses down it as his hand slides under your shirt to play with your boob. He gently kneads it, pinching your nipple until it’s hardened.
“Well, that’s flattering Lieutenant.” You giggle.
“You tellin me if I reach into your underwear right now, you’re not dripping for me?” His fingers softly brush against your side, palm settling against your hip, scrunching your shorts higher and higher until his fingers reach the hem of your underwear.
“Bradley, please.” You whisper, hooking one leg over his so you’re spread open for him. His hand moves your underwear aside, cupping your mound, gently teasing the curls before running one finger through your folds.
“Fuck…” he breathes out, hips automatically bucking into your ass. His fingers start gently rubbing your bud, trying a few different things.
“Like this.” You take his hand and guide his finger around just the way you like it. Your back arches in anticipation, fingers reaching for his hair. He gently rocks against your ass, loving the way you're wrapped around him.
“Faster.” You whisper. He’s not sure if you mean his fingers or his hips so he does both, which by the moan that pushes past your lips he knows was correct. 
Your body jolts as your orgasm hits, the warmth spreading through you like hot tea on a cold winter's day. He slows his hand as he feels you relax. “Bradley…” you croak. 
“Mmhmm?” He hums against your shoulder.
“You gotta finish too.” You smile, grinding into him.
“No, I’ll be fine.” He whispers. You can tell he’s practically willing his body not to push himself over the edge, but you won’t stand for it.
“Bradley, if you don’t cum like this, I’m going to turn around and stick my hand in your pants.” You feel his smile against your shoulder but he doesn’t say anything. You roll your eyes, unhooking your leg and trapping his hand between your thighs as you flip to face him. “Or is that what you want? To cum in my hand.” You tease. He gives a nervous chuckle as your hand slides down his toned stomach to his very pronounced erection.
“What was your dream?” You whisper into the shell of his ear, your hand slowly working up and down his length. “I want to know.” You hum, kissing his neck. 
“Thought about what it would feel like to be inside y-you.” He groans as your hand picks up speed. “How pretty you’d be when I make you-“ his hips jerk into your hand and you feel the stickiness of his cum cover your palm. “-cum.” He sighs, pressing his mouth to yours. You hear his second alarm go off and unattach your lips.
“Maybe we can find out later?” You smile. He eagerly nods as the two of you get out of bed to get ready for work.
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princesscolumbia · 3 months
Smokin' Hot
Was having an absolutely miserable night last night, so even though I was not planning on posting this one until Monday, I felt like I needed a win so I finished it up early and shot it off into the universe. I'll be posting the next chapter of Double Isekai tomorrow, so stay tuned.
Oh, and if you haven't read the two previous stories in this series (don't worry, they're one-shots), here's the links:
The Joketsuzokunichuaan Saga
What if there was a "Spring of Drowned Warrior Woman?" And what if the Amazon tribeswomen were obligate impression procreators instead of just having a silly law about marrying outsider men who managed to defeat them?
And, most importantly, what if you could write such a series without it being squicky 'bad end' fetish porn?
Like a Cat in Heat
Dragon's Lair
Kasumi doesn't want to remember
This one is...different from the other two entries in this series. If you know me at all, except for certain themes (Celestia is always Sunset's mom somehow, Ranma is always at least NB, if not transfemme, context is king, etc.) I don't like repeating things. Considering I already "repeated" Ranma's curse with Herb for "Dragon's Lair," I didn't want to give someone in the Phoenix tribe a Joketsuzokuniichuan curse and call it a day. A good part of this fic's story and structure can be laid at the feet of Tamsyn Muir and the way she told an absolutely batshit insane, totally off the wall, MAGNIFICENTLY managed Harrow the Ninth. If you haven't read The Locked Tomb yet, you won't have any idea what I'm talking about. If you have, you'll see exactly what I mean fairly quickly.
Preview below the cut:
"This," said Ku Lon to the gathered Saotome-Tendo families, "Is Plum. Yes, like the fruit. Her family have been serving as guides for Jusenkyo for as long as records of the springs have been kept. She took over from her father a couple of years ago and has been doing a far sight better a job than he did...and she's also exceptionally brave."
"Plum not know who to trust. Just know Ku Lon and Xian Pu good to Plum when mother die. So Plum come here when Jusenkyo start to dry up."
Kasumi fidgeted as surreptitiously as she could under the restaurant table. She knew she didn't really have a place at these discussions. She wasn't a martial artist, she wasn't bonded to or wed to one of the Joketsuzoku, and she didn't have any dragon blood in her family line. She was here because she was the 'matriarch,' for whatever that title was worth, of the Tendo family and so honor demanded she attend. She at least had the reassuring company of Hiroshi and Daisuke seated with her at the same table, today wearing some rather silly maid costumes in their female forms. The three of them had bonded over the fact that they had the least ability to do anything for anyone in this rarified atmosphere of condensed power and martial skill.
"Wait, the springs're drying up?" Ranma gaped, "Aint they been around for, like, thousands of years?"
Plum nodded, "Springs guarded by Joketsuzoku, kept clean by Musk, and fed by spring in Mount Phoenix. Three tribes, three legs of stool, is balancing act."
Ku Lon spoke up when confused looks spread through the non-natives to the Juusendo region, "While we don't have records of the origin of Jusenkyo, the legends of our peoples tell of the Amazons, the Musk, and the Phoenix working together in a sort of...mutually assured destruction peace treaty. The Musk would master the springs themselves, the Phoenix keeping the source of the springs safe, and the Joketsuzoku keeping the outside world from discovering the secrets of the springs. And in the middle of it all," she pointed with her cane to Plum, "The guides, only there to observe and to keep wandering visitors safe and direct them to the Joketsuzoku."
"Four months ago we got word of some serious troop movements among the Musk," Nabiki almost unconsciously put her hand on Jian's knee with a gentle squeeze, "They were positioning units in concerning ways, but once it was clear that the Joketsuzoku weren't the target, Ku Lon and I decided to take a 'wait and see' approach. We expected that if this was unprovoked Musk aggression, then the Phoenix Tribe would send someone to the Joketsuzoku to ask for help, part of the balance of power in the region. But instead...?"
"We got silence," interjected Ku Lon. "We, that is, the village sent emissaries, but they were turned away before they even got to the foot of the mountain. We then sent peace envoys to the Musk to see if they were acting on some sort of aggression from the Phoenix people, but our warriors were attacked without provocation. Fortunately, no loss of life, or else this would be a drastically different kind of meeting."
The Elder Emeritus sighed and sipped at her tea, "At least we have an idea why the Musk reacted now, if the Phoenix are interfering with the flow of the water from Juusendo, then the Musk, who use the springs regularly for their...barbaric purposes, would have noticed first. Why they didn't come to us..."
"Because my father is a fool," snapped Jianren. "He believes that men, and specifically the Beast Warriors of the Musk, are all that anyone needs for true power. He will see this as a personal attack against him, specifically, and everyone else is complicit in the crimes he imagines are being committed against him."
"Idiotic old lizard," grumbled Ku Lon, "What is more distressing is the news that the Kaisufuu has been found." At the expected blank looks, she explained, "There are two artifacts that were created to work in tandem with the Springs of Jusenkyo. The Chiisuiton, or Locking Ladle, and the Kaisufuu, or Pot of Liberation. When a silly young prince," Ku Lon nudged Jianren gently with the head of her staff, "So foolishly thought the best way to acclimate himself to the sight of a naked woman was to use his people's traditions to make a mistress of a monkey," Jian had turned beet red and was clasping her free hand over her eyes, her other hand held by an impishly smiling Nabiki, "He, now she, fell victim to the Locking Ladle, which was then lost when Ha Bu fled rather than deal with the ongoing shame of being a princess in a land where women were considered to be barely above animals."
"Legend said that the two artifacts will point the way to each other," Jian interjected, "I thought to take the ladle and pail with me to find the kettle, but then I was ambushed by some highwaymen in the deep backwoods of China. I overpowered them, but the pail and ladle were lost in the battle. That...that was the moment I swore off my birth name and became Jianren."
Kasumi watched as Nabiki leaned into her wife and the two cuddled for a bit. To her left, Hiroshi and Daisuke looked on as well, satisfied smiles like book-ends on their faces.
"Given the kettle was lost centuries ago," continued Ku Lon when it became clear that Jian wasn't going to say anything further, "It is only reasonable to conclude that the pail and ladle were recovered somehow and then used to track down the Kaisufuu. If only one artifact was the possession of either the Phoenix or the Musk, it would be bad. But given the Musk have been behaving defensively and the Phoenix have halted the flow of the springs, we have to assume that the Phoenix tribe has both artifacts and are preparing to use them for some reason we cannot know without more information."
The more experienced warriors, politicians, and martial artists began speculating, though it was clear they were going to be talking in circles. Kasumi looked over to the other two girls at the table and reached out, clasping Hiroshi's hand, "You don't have to do it, you know."
They both turned to her with confusion etched on their faces. In a bit of the puckish karmic humor Jusenkyo was known for among those who studied the magics of the springs, where Daisuke had the more common dark black hair of most Japanese men and Hiroshi had lighter, shaggier brown, almost blond hair as a man, as women their hair colors were nearly exactly reversed, though Daisuke's girl-form hair was closer to dirty blond than light brown. They had similar builds to each other, which had led to some interesting clothing swaps on occasion. Of course, they both had a masculine sense of feminine modesty, which is to say nearly non-existent, a fact for which Nabiki and Jianren had taken shameless advantage of over the years.
"What're you talking about, Kas-chan?" asked Daisuke innocently.
Kasumi just swept Hiroshi's hand into a two-handed grip and bore into the part-time woman's eyes with her own, "You know Jian is capable of taking care of herself, even against her father. Please, you know how much it will hurt Jianren, and Daisuke and Nabiki will be heartbroken."
The two boys-turned-girls looked at each other with sad, defeated expressions. "C'mon, Kas-chan," drolled Hiroshi as she turned to the older woman, "You know that's not how this conversation went."
(Read the whole thing on AO3)
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writingunderclouds · 2 years
WrightWorth Angst
After a long and hard trial everybody gathered at a sushi restaurant. Maya of course ordered a big bowl for herself. Everyone else got normal size. Larry was conversing with Phoenix meanwhile Edgeworth was in a deep conversation with Gumshoe. The defense lawyer kept darting glances at his friend.
"Dude, when will you just tell him?" Larry questioned.
"Huh? Larry don't be a kidder, Miles is just my friend," Phoenix answered.
"Jeez, you're both blind!"
"Larry! Keep your voice down."
Miles took a glance in the two's direction, a frown forming on his face. The detective took notice and tried to reassure the prosecutor. However the gray-haired individual didn't budge.
"E-excuse me," Edgeworth said to the table, then getting up going to the restroom.
Maya was confused and looked at her mentor. Phoenix shrugged his shoulders at her, jumping back into the conversation with Larry. Gumshoe rose to his feet, heading towards the bathroom. Inside he noticed Miles was the only one in there. To the well-built man it was a shock to see his boss in tears.
"Prosecutor Edgeworth, are you okay?" Gumshoe asked softly.
The one with a cravat spun around, tears brimming his eyes. Gumshoe didn't know what to do, except wait for a response.
"N-no, I'm not okay Gumshoe," Miles muttered out.
"Want to talk about it?" The detective queried.
"Just a friend- just a friend! Thats all I ever am to Phoenix!"
"You love him, don't you boss?"
"More than just friends? Of course I do."
Miles slumped himself over a sink and continued to let himself cry. It technically was a good thing since he hardly expresses emotions. Dick couldn't stand seeing his boss cry, making him walk over and hug the other. Edgeworth was taken aback by this, but didn't mind. The prosecutor lifted the detectives hands up, turning to face him and placing his hands back.
"I don't deserve you Gumshoe," Miles whispered, hugging him back.
"Call me Rich," Gumshoe replied back softly.
"My full name is Richard. We're you not there when Mr. Von Karma referred to me as such?"
"I don't think I was- Rich."
"People just call me Dick as a joke or reference to my job."
"If that's the case, I'll raise your salary."
"Really? Thanks a lot Miles! Oh- I mean Edge-"
"No no, it's alright you can call me Miles."
Richard gave a smile and nodded. This hug felt comforting to the prosecutor. The last time he got a hug was from his father so many years ago. He felt that his father and Rich were so similar. Both behaved like kids and adults at the same time. Gumshoe freed himself from the hug and went towards the door.
"Uh- Rich?" Miles asked.
"Yes Miles?" Gumshoe asked back.
"How much do you want on your salary?"
"Whatever you feel is best boss."
"How about- 25 an hour?"
"T-thats way to generous Miles!"
"Take it as a token of my gratitude."
"Alright alright, I won't push you any further."
Richard was about to exit when Miles perked up. "One more thing," the one in a maroon suit added.
"What's up?" The one with a coat asked.
"You remind me a lot of my father and-"
"You're asking me out aren't you?"
"How did you-"
"I mean after all this I figured you wanted some sort of revenge against Phoenix."
"I understand that you probably don't want to-"
"Miles relax, I'll help. I- genuinely like you too."
A sparkle appeared in the prosecutors eyes for a split second. Edgeworth gave a smile and looked away from Richard's gaze. The detective let out a soft laugh going back over to his boss, kissing him softly. Afterwards Miles is a blushing mess while Gumshoe smiled at his expression.
"I hope you don't regret this Miles," the taller one said and exited the room.
The gray-haired man cleaned himself up with the sink water. He went back to the table where Phoenix was finally eating his sushi. Larry's bowl was empty, he probably ate it all. Miles took a small bite of his and pushed it away. Wright saw this and made eye contact with his friend.
"My sushi is cold. Richard, is yours still warm?" Edgeworth said.
"Mine is yes, want a little bit?" Gumshoe questioned.
"Yes please."
Both shared his sushi while Maya was snapping photos. She has a new ship now, hopefully Pearl will be off her back. Phoenix didn't like how they were acting so close. Was he jealous? No way! He couldn't be. The other one with black hair noticed Wright's gaze, then locking his lips with Edgeworth.
After dinner they all exited the restaurant. Most of them were calling for rides. Phoenix turned around to gaze at his friend.
"Miles can we talk?" He asked.
"I don't know Wright. You tell me," Edgeworth replied.
Gumshoe and the prosecutor got into a cab, driving off. Maya got a ride back to her mountain from someone else. Larry and Phoenix were the last one's.
"I have one thing to tell you Nick," Larry started.
"Huh?" Wright replied.
"You messed up."
With that Larry walked away, leaving the spiky haired individual alone. Phoenix stood there clueless of what to do.
"Did I mess up?" He asked himself.
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