#“I'm making WAFFLES”
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"You keep saying that word; I don't think it means what you think it means" - Princess Bride
"Let me explain - no, let me summarize" - also Princess Bride
"INCONCEIVABLE" - Take a guess
i love hearing what lines from film/tv people quote with their family all the time because they’re always niche and forgettable to everyone but that specific family
#My family sure has a favorite movie for quotes#Princess Bride#It's not just princess bride though#“I'm making WAFFLES”#from Shrek#is said every Sunday when my dad makes waffles for breakfast
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it's never the last time.
I was trying to justify to myself having Leona know how to use a waffle maker, and. well. sometimes you just gotta go where the flow takes you.
#art#twisted wonderland#twisted wonderland spoilers#tamashina mina#(just because of kifaji)#kifaji: it's four o' clock in the morning why on earth are you making waffles#leona: because i've lost control of my life#anyway i'm trying to be less lazy about my spot-blacking#(because obviously what leona making waffles for a toddler needs is that noir touch)#i know i can still be doing a lot more with it...but it's a start :')
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Here's a stupid meet-the-sibling thing from Portal AU!
Dipper checks his watch for the third time in two minutes, foot tapping nervously against the pavement. Mabel’s usually one to run late, but not this late.
Twenty minutes have passed since they were supposed to meet up at this coffee shop, and between the fact that his twin’s always eager to see him, and the odd magical blips on his radar in the last hour, he’s starting to wonder if she’s gotten herself in trouble. Again.
Driven by worry, he checks his phone again - the regular one. No texts, no missed calls. A second check shows nothing on his other phone either, which is arguably just as worrying but for different reasons.
Dipper slumps back in his seat, rubbing at his eyes.
Great. Exactly what he needed. As if this whole conversation wasn’t going to be weird enough, now he’s got more to stress about. A sister in trouble, maybe, and a magical incident, probably. Not to mention who would obviously get involved with one of those, just to add the cherry on top of a messed up situation.
He’s just about decided to get up and start investigating when he hears the shout.
Jerking up from his seat, Dipper turns towards his sister’s voice.
Mabel runs down the sidewalk, arms raised and waving wildly, sending her bracelets banging against each other as her earrings bounce along with her steps. She doesn’t slow down as she approaches, instead throwing herself forward until Dipper has to catch her hug with an ‘oof’ of effort.
He hugs her back in response and gets squeezed so hard it nearly takes the breath out of him, including a brief moment where he’s worried that her earrings will catch on his clothes.
After a moment he pushes her back, smiling. How long has it been since he’s seen her in person? Four months? Five? From the occasional phone call he knew she was doing well, but it’s good to see her looking so happy in person.
“It’s good to see you.” He gives her a big pat on the back, and gets a ‘bwomp bwomp’ in return.
“You too, bro-bro.” Mabel steps away, then blinks in surprise. “You look great! Is that a new look?” She gives him a once over, then beams, patting her cheeks. “Oh my gosh, that’s perfect timing!”
“Well, I-” Dipper plucks at his shirt - it’s not that different from his usual, just better fitted.
So, he may or may not have gotten a lecture on fashion. A very long one. Followed by several insistent recommendations about his outfits, including having a literal pile of clothes dumped on him out of nowhere. He didn’t think it made that big a difference. But maybe it does?
“Okay, okay, I know you had something important you wanted to talk about, but listen.” Mabel rushes to speak, bubbling over with enthusiasm. Dipper lets her take his hands and clasp them tight as she bounces in place. “I just met. The hottest guy.”
“Ugh,” Dipper groans, shoulders slumping. Not another shitty crush. He thought she was over those by now. Still, if it puts his own thing off… “What kind of jerk is it this time?”
“Okay, one? Not a jerk! And two: He’s not for me, you dork!”
“Wait, what?” Dipper holds her at arm’s length, staring.
“So like I said,” Mabel continues, giving him a Look. “I met this guy, and we got to talking, and he’s, like, super fun - but clearly into dudes. So I sorta mentioned a certain brother, and guess what! He likes magic, and monsters, and he even says he has a thing for nerds!” She lowers her voice to a conspiratorial whisper. “It’s perfect. You’ll love him.”
With another groan, Dipper drags a palm down his face.
Damn it. He knows that she worries about him finding someone since he’s always on the move. Between trying to keep up with the jobs, and tracking monsters, and everything else in his life, he rarely has time for a break. Mabel playing matchmaker isn’t new. Only her choice of candidate, which sounds strangely.. On point?
Hell, a while ago - less than two months, at that - he might have welcomed an intro to this guy, whoever it is. It wasn’t like he was meeting a lot of people himself.
But oh god. The timing.
“Look, I’m glad you thought of me, but-” Dipper starts, holding up his hands in defense.
“Oh no. Nope! No more of this ‘too busy’, or ‘probably not my type’ stuf. I vetted him Dipper,” Mabel insists, lower lip pouting out - oh god, the puppy eyes, he has to turn away - “You’re on the road all the time and all alone all the time. So if you aren’t gonna try and meet someone, I gotta have your back.”
Dipper tilts his head back, shuts his eyes, and prays deep down for strength.
He didn’t want to open with this information. It’s a pretty long story, one with a lot of twists and turns, even some bits that she’s going to feel very ‘I knew it!!’ about. But a little sisterly smugness is way, way better than getting dragged into a date with some guy.
Even if Dipper turns it down first thing, it could end… Pretty badly.
He opens his mouth to say so, and gets interrupted by hands clapping on his face, forcing him to meet her eyes.
“Oh my god, don’t look now.” She whispers, turning him back to look at her when his head instinctively swivels. “But he’s right here. I didn’t think he’d show up this soon!”
“Why shouldn’t I look at the guy you’re trying to hook me up with.” He says, flat. It comes out a bit garbled from the pressure on his cheeks.
“Because you’ll freak out thinking he’s out of your league! And he’s not!” Mabel insists, shaking him urgently. “Just be cool for once, okay?”
Dipper has never, ever been cool for a single instant in his life. He doesn’t know why his twin thinks he’s even capable of it. Add on the multiple reasons he can’t exactly flirt with some random dude that Mabel met on the street, and it’s a recipe for infinite awkwardness.
Before he can explain why this is a bad idea, on so many levels, Mabel straightens up.
“Hey, glad you made it” She beams at a point over Dipper’s shoulder. “Let me introduce you to-”
A cheerful laugh interrupts her, high and bright. It lingers longer than it should, seconds past the point where it’d be appropriate - then two firm hands clap onto Dipper’s shoulders, squeezing tight.
“Well, well, well, well, well!” The voice behind him oozes smug pleasure. The grip on his shoulders tightens briefly, then slides down to his biceps in a slow, appreciative stroke. “So this is the famous Dipper Pines, huh?”
The voice, the touch. The smug, amused tone of someone pulling off an amazing joke that nobody’s caught onto yet-
Yeah, that all tracks.
Dipper doesn’t resist when the man whips him around, frowning up into the beaming face of Bill goddamn Cipher.
“Boy, you weren’t kidding! He is cute!” Bill exclaims, expression perfectly surprised and delighted. Like he’s never seen this face before in his life. He turns towards Mabel. “And you say this guy’s single?”
“Yep!” She gives a big double-thumbs up. Another person might mistake the way her eye’s moving as a twitch, but it’s just a million winks at Dipper, packed into too small a space.
Bill lets out a low whistle. “Dang, that’s a shame.” The grins creeps up another fraction. “A smart guy woulda snagged him up the moment they saw him in person!”
Dipper lets out a strangled sound from his throat. Despite the… everything, his face feels hot, turning pink with embarrassment.
He glares at this smug, double-talking jackass. Bill beams back at him with unashamed delight.
From the side, Mabel hisses in annoyance at his reaction. She gestures towards Bill insistently, waving over his body, his arms. She points at his face twice, eyes wide like Dipper hasn’t seen it yet.
But there’s no point in her pointing. Dipper’s well acquainted with every part of his boyfriend.
Including his tendency to not mention important facts.
So there’s the reason she was late. The reasons for the magic pulses - of course his stupid demon wouldn’t give him any heads up that he was already planetside. And the reason why the guy she met was oh-so-conveniently into nerds, especially ones related to Mabel friggin’ Pines.
Why did Dipper think mentioning his family was a good idea? It’s only given Bill more chances for chaos.
Or in this case, a really stupid prank.
“Now let’s see,” Bill says, more contemplative now. His eye roves over Dipper, head to toe. “What else you got going, kid?”
But. Okay, the attention’s nice. It’s never not been nice, even when it’s been creepy and strange and inhuman.
Maybe playing along a little couldn’t hurt?
“I-” Dipper starts rubbing the back of his neck. If he looks his boyfriend in the eye while lying like a rug, he’ll never pull this off. “Well, I-”
“Oh! Like I said, he’s really into magic. Like you!” Mabel interrupts, bouncing in place. Her voice lowers, as if sharing a secret. “He does freelance work, y’know?”
“Is that so!” Bill’s mouth forms a perfect ‘o’ of surprise. Dipper half expects him to clap a hand to his cheek in astonishment. “Why, I never! A monster hunter? Right in front of me?”
“You betcha!” Proudly, Mabel sets fists on her hips. All too eager to hype man her brother before he’s said anything himself. “On the track of a dangerous criminal and everything!”
“Wow!” Bill, looking suitably impressed, somehow avoids having his pants set aflame from the sheer force of lying. “I bet he’s a nasty customer, too! A real devilish fellow!”
God, the puns hurt. Dipper can’t help but make a face, which gets another disappointed look from his sister, and a sinister gleam starts building up in Bill’s eye -
Alright, that’s enough.
Lying to Mabel would have been bad enough - but between their discussion and Dipper not getting a word in, Bill’s getting so full of himself that he might just explode. And that needs nipping in the bud, immediately.
Dipper shoves Bill back a pace, brushing off his shirt. He gives this asshole the full narrow-eyed glare and, ignoring the aghast look from his sister, flips his asshole boyfriend off.
“Hey!” Affronted, Mabel takes a step in, taking his arm. “What the heck, Dipper?”
“Mabel, listen,” Dipper starts, only to get shushed by his sister and turned to face Bill by said asshole.
“And you’re feisty as well? Jackpot!” Bill beams, taking his head in his hands. “Now, let’s see about the rest of ya.”
Before Dipper can guess what that means - or even ask - Bill tugs his shirt up. The only reason it doesn’t come completely off is because Dipper recognizes the motion and jerks his arms down in time.
“Hey!” He struggles with Bill’s grip on his shirt, planting a palm on Bill’s face as he leans in for closer inspection. “What the hell, man?”
“Yep, that’s a fighter alright! Real nice view!” Bill says, after lingering too long ogling unwillingly exposed flesh. He lets the shirt drop - Dipper spends a second straightening it out - only to grab onto his butt next in a full-palm fondle. “Aha! Now that’s where it’s at!”
It’s so like Bill to start flinging compliments while completely breaking every polite convention known to man. He can never do anything straightforward. Possibly he’s allergic. With a swear, Dipper grapples with his jackass boyfriend again, trying to retain some semblance of dignity.
Mabel stands off to the side, mouth agape. Silently staring between the two of them, too stunned to react.
Clearly she wasn’t expecting this kind of crap. And honestly? Dipper can’t blame her. Bill’s pretty good at covering his asshole tendencies when he wants.
Dipper can handle it, though. He’s already halfway pried the groping grasp off his butt when Bill’s other hand rotates to the front, taking hold with alarming swiftness. The high-pitched yelp he lets out is, thankfully, only from surprise.
“Hey!” And that gesture must have finally shaken Mabel from her shock, because now she looks offended. “Bill! What are you doing?”
“Cute, smart, decent body - he’s just like you said! The whole package!” Bill gives his handful a friendly jiggle, looking thrilled to have found a part to grab where he can’t get smacked away lest there be collateral damage. He turns towards Mabel with a grin. “How’s twenty bucks sound?”
The alarmed “What the hell!” from her comes out at the same time as Dipper’s offended, “Only twenty?”
“Oh, no no no,” Mabel waves her hands rapidly, the sleeves of her sweater nearly covering them in the rush. “He’s not for sale, what the heck!”
“Oh, of course!” Bill releases Dipper’s crotch to smack himself dramatically on the forehead, shaking his head. “Because he’s his own person! With his own life decisions and everything!” His expression turns serious, nodding as if he actually cared about that fact. “No problem, Shooting Star! I’ll just kidnap him instead.”
A sudden swipe behind Dipper’s knees sends him into a swearing fall. One that’s quickly interrupted as he’s scooped up into Bill’s arms, startled and staring into an excited smile.
Bill gives Mabel a perfunctory half-bow, bounces Dipper in his arms once - then starts sprinting down the street.
To Mabel’s credit, there’s only a half-second pause before she follows.
“Help! Brother-napping in progress! Stop, you creep!” Mabel shouts, almost louder than Bill can manage. With some effort, Dipper peeks over his shoulder to see a flail of color trailing behind after them, one sweater-clad arm shaking in fury. “You better let him go, or you’ll regret this!”
Bill cackles louder, chest shaking - and one thing about being a demon is that he can really book it when he needs to.
Dipper finds himself clinging to his ‘kidnapper’ tight, just to feel more comfortable about not being dropped. Not that he needs to worry about that. Even sprinting full-out and laughing, Bill’s not even breathing hard as he flees the wrath of righteousness.
Dipper thunks his head against his awful, stupid boyfriend’s shoulder, and rolls his eyes.
Welp. He’s not sure what else he expected.
Bill’s always going to be Bill, after all. An evil, bored, antagonising force, bent on finding the funniest thing to do and jerking people around by it at every turn. And a vengeful, chaotic asshole.
It’s hardly surprising that he and he took offense at someone arranging dates with his boyfriend. Whether or not Mabel knew their situation doesn’t matter in his view. It’s the principle of the thing - and, of course, a chance to be a total dick.
But all things considered, it’s hardly the worst case scenario.
Bill could have laid on the charm, gaslighting her into thinking he was a different kind of guy. Something that would make their introduction easier - and have her totally ignoring Dipper’s warnings about what kind of guy he is.
But freaking her out was too funny, and that showed his true colors. And thank fuck for that. The last thing Dipper needs is another handsome guy charming her into a series of Bad Ideas.
As they round a street corner, Dipper uses the momentum to kick a leg free, planting heel against pavement. Bill slows as he tries to both stop him from falling and continue dragging him along.
“Aw, c’mon,” Bill chides, making a valiant attempt to pick Dipper up again. “Let’s ditch the sibling and get moving! As far as she knows, I’m gonna do all kinds of dastardly things to ya. Terrible ones!” His eye glimmers, briefly unfocused - and Dipper takes the moment of distraction to get both feet on the ground. “Aww, hey!”
“Not a chance.” Dipper says, less annoyed than he’d like. He dodges another grab by stepping neatly to the side. “You’ve had your fun. Now at least try to behave for like, five seconds.”
One look at Bill’s face says that he’s not done with the fun, or at least thoroughly annoyed at its interruption - which means Dipper has to sweeten the pot.
“I’m sure she’s panicking as we speak,” He adds, rolling his eyes at Bill’s look of pride. “And it was kinda funny. But at least try to good impression, jackass.” Resting a palm on Bill’s arm, he offers a shy smile. “Please?”
“Hmmm.” Bill hums thoughtfully. A second later, he shrugs. “Eh, sure! Probably wasn’t gonna get much mileage outta dragging it out anyway.”
Yep. Another win for Dipper Pines. He’s getting good at this demon-wrangling stuff.
“Hey!” Mabel rounds the corner, steps clearly flagging. She leans against he building, then glares at Bill. “You can’t just-”
Then she leans over, bracing herself on her knees as she tries to catch her breath. Dipper’s surprised she caught up this fast, but it wasn’t without effort - he thinks one of her bracelets is missing, and her hair is a mess.
Dipper offers her a hand, but she waves it off. There’s a thoughtful sound behind him, then arms circle his waist and drag him back into Bill’s grasp.
“So. I see you’ve met Bill.” Dipper says, finally. He glares a bit over his shoulder as Billtugs him closer to settle in, chin tucked on his shoulder. Probably wearing the very smuggest smile he owns.
“Dipper, I’m sorry,” Mabel blurts. She’s still catching her breath, face red as she flails her sleeves in inarticulate protest. “I didn’t know-”
“That he was an asshole? A jerk? A totally weird creep?” Dipper holds up his hands before she can apologize again. “No, it’s fine. I already knew that. He’s… actually what I wanted to talk to you about.”
She pauses, taking in their position. How Dipper’s not struggling, or swearing, or hexing the shit out of his ‘kidnapper’. The worried frown turns more… contemplative. The lightbulb flickers.
Dipper takes a steadying breath.
Here goes.
“Mabel, this is… Bill Cipher.” He gestures at Bill, then shoves his head away from his neck before he can leave a hickey. “He’s my boyfriend.”
Mabel boggles at him. There’s no other word for it. Eyes wide, mind clearly racing as she ties in what just happened with how Bill looks and what she thought everything was like just five minutes ago.
She takes a second, before finally landing on, “What?”
Yeah, that’s a reasonable reaction.
But if they got along earlier, they’ll… probably get along okay, right? Now that Bill’s got the initial bullshit out of his system, they might even have stuff in common.
Thank hell for that. Romance is kind of her thing, of course she’s interested. Good thing too. Compared to the rest of his family, Mabel is easy mode.
Only a second later she claps her hands to her cheeks, gasping hugely. Dipper can almost see the questions about to burst out.
“Let’s go back, get some coffee, and I’ll tell you everything.” Dipper smiles, but speaks before she can start interrogating them on the street. He shrugs Bill off, getting his hand seized in the process. He squeezes it back. “Trust me, it’s a long story.”
#Okay now I'll work on something serious#Or rather something longer#But anyway here's a short thing!! It coulda been longer but I kind of waffled on whether or not it makes sense#See there's a big question I'm not entirely certain about#And it's 'can Portal Bill be a triangle on earth'#Because I 1000% believe he'd freak Mabel out a second time with the reveal while Dipper's just 'damn it Bill' about it#Another anecdote that didn't get in here#Mabel just lost a bet#See *she* thought Dipper would end up dating a vampire or a werewolf#And Soos bet it would probably be some kinda fish-man or whatever#But Wendy had her money on 'something *way* weirder than any of those'#And what do you know! She was right
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#why's this so cute.......#they're having a little waffle date and dean is giving sam his waffles because he has to make sure sam eats!!!#(he's got a man who needs waffles! 😤🥰)#sam winchester#dean winchester#spn 12x11#wincest#samdean#married#.anna#(hii everyoneee - i'm still here even tho i'm always really busy irl!)#(some of you have tagged me in things these past few weeks and i'm so sorry for not replying 😭 but i really appreciated it!!! <3<3)#(i also got a new computer monitor which is why these gifs could be too bright? too red? yellow? i have absolutely no idea :| )
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Palisman Pops
What's your favorite flavor?
Bonus for my au ppl:

pngs under cut
#i made these with the idea of maybe making them into popsicle keychains#especially since i'm finally gonna get those keychains and standees made for the wittetrio#my art#the owl house#toh#luz noceda#amity blight#lilith clawthorne#eda clawthorne#eda the owl lady#gus porter#willow park#emperor belos#philip wittebane#a reverse of feathers and mud au#areverseoffeathersandmudau#a reverse of feathers and mud#hunter toh#hunter wittebane#hunter deamonne#hunter noceda#flapjack#ghost#clover#emmiline bailey marcostimo#owlbert#waffles#golden guard#the golden guard#popsicle
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Close ups!
Merpeople won't leave my mind but I can live with that
#merpeople#hermitcraft#grian#mumbo jumbo#mumbo fanart#grian fanart#waffle duo#wanted to make grians closk red but red isn't realy a thing in deep water so pruple will have to do#*cloak#I'm not willing to compromise on the pink tho HAHA#also. mumbo greying is the sexiest thing he could've done send post
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This one was called excalidraw.com :)
They're also big fans of ddvau (real(not lying)canon)
#bandit's doodles#grian#mumbo jumbo#waffle duo#ddvau#<-I guess?#mumbo introduced grian to it and that's real and not me smashing 2 special interests into each other#mumbo is one of those guys who analyzes and makes theories about every panel#you know who you are#i love you#and I'm one of you too#the website was whatever!!!!#it was like one of the other ones I did#i forget the names but yeah#5/10 it wasn't anything special :D
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in lieu of having posted any writing/headcanons/asks in the past few days because i have been *so* busy and unable to do anything fandom-related which is terrible and evil, i have a poll out of morbid curiosity and self-indulgence. i've been meaning to ramble here about how i feel about DC's lack fo Deaf representation and which Batfam members i would personally make Deaf, but i am mildly curious about the larger opinion and now i will subject you all to the question, i would love to hear thoughts/opinions/headcanons on any specific choices. (would love d/Deaf/HoH opinions esp but i'm mostly expecting this to reach the hearing crowd, so opinions from hearing ppl are ones i'm very curious about. if you've never given it thought before you are going to now or else /lh)
#necrotic nuisance#<- new tag for nonserious shit like this#batfamily#batclan#deafculture#i think not including bruce in this poll bc i ran out of options is *so* fucking funny so i'm keeping it#bc realistically i could bump off more tertiary characters like harper or jpv to include him#but i won't.#hearing people are seriously invited to reblog and share opinions or headcanons i'm so genuine#just like. behave about it.#i have personal headcanons but i will save sharing them until the poll is finished#as not to skew results#i also have a hunch on who will lead. based on popular headcanons i see#but i will also not share that as to not skew it#i'm using the Deaf identity as an umbrella term that can include Hard of Hearing as well btw#so if your headcanon is more HoH leaning it is counted#i do believe this is something most fans haven't rlly thought about#but i *really* want to write fics with Deaf rep and i have been waffling on who to make Deaf#so. this poll is also a field test of who you would like to see me (a Deaf bitch) write as Deaf.#and i totally pinky promise not to project super duper hard on them. (i'm so lying)#i will get back to writing and the ask games i promse!#tomorrow i have the day off after 4 bc someone else is watching the baby so ic can just chill#also *please please* if you have disabled headcanons for any batfam (or DC in general) character#send them to me. i want to see them. i would love to talk about them with you.#as an anon ask as a message as a reblog idc#gimme.#this isn't my usual content but shhh lemme be self indulgent.#both bc i'm curious and bc i wanna write Deaf shit so. we take a break from my usual nonsense for this.#i'll post writing tomorrow to make up for it#also i have to remind myself this is my blog i can do what i want with and not just be a content machine. yk
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#i am so thriving. God's present to me today was I woke up before the dawn and did yoga when the sun came up#and then i ate hash and opened presents and went to EUCHARIST at a lovely anglican church#and now i'm going to make WAFFLES and watch narnia while i eat second breakfast#oh and bake cookies to bring over for christmas dinner at my professor's#and focus on the joy of the day instead of on how to help everyone else experience the joy of the day (for once in a decade)
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Everything is changing and my face doesn't look like my own anymore and there are strangers in my blood and bones but, no matter what, the sun will rise and we will have breakfast as usual. The birds are out and everything is singing.
#'I'm so excited for the new year! this one's gonna be great!'#little did she know all her teachers would degrade her and her friends would come out of no where saying she was boring and she ->#shouldn't care that she's the second choice to everything#who wants to join me for breakfast? I'm making waffles and toast and maybe a fruit and yogurt thingamamix#semi-vent-semi-'I know it'll pass and everything is gonna be fine'#mel's thoughts#my own version of 'fuck it we ball (actively sobbing)'
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Sometimes I try to write down thoughts about this campaign but I admittedly have not been paying enough attention to feel confident in my character analysis so I write an incoherent text post and then delete it because I don't know if I'm actually making the correct judgments.
#cr spoilers#in the tags#so i'm going to rant in here instead if you keep reading past this you can't get mad at me#anyway i want to talk about ashton#and how they would have been absolutely intolerable in c1 or c2#where every character was invested in saving the world#for one reason or another#and c3 is just like#orym is the only one talking sense and everyone else is just like 'well maybe?'#but matt also said something about being ready for exandria to shift drastically based on their chocie#and if matt weren't ready for exandria to change ashton would be harder to watch than they are now#idk taliesin does quite often play around with hypocrisy with his characters so i'm not really surprised#by ashton claiming to stand up for the little person and then going and being willing to blow up their entire world#like they're not actually thinking about the 'little person'#they're thinking about themselves and that's really it#but yeah i do keep waiting for someone to say something that gives ashton that realization#that they can't use their trauma as an excuse to blow up everyone else's lives#idk i'm running out of steam#it's interesting to watch taliesin play around with this#but i've got to say that if they don't make a fucking choice about what they're actually going to do#idk i'm just ready for them ALL to stop waffling#okay now i'm done#i still have a lot of thoughts but i'd have to rewatch the whole campaign to feel confident in my talking points#and that's not going to happen lol
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Yuki + the Meikas and friends 🌸🍎
#vocaloid#kaai yuki#vocaloid yuki#meika hime#meika mikoto#meika twins#laika's comet#xin hua#vocaloid oliver#vflower#waffle mars comic and flower are from#june 2024#meika's with flag chibis last panel xin hua and miraculous are from#october 2024#this was too big to scan so I had to take a pic#yaay vocaloid yaaay#I may be too busy with halloween/school to post again until later this week. the hat I bought didn't come in time so now I'm making one#cw bugs#a very simple one
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I know Octobill is super careful to not bite Dipper, but does it ever actually happen sometime in the future? I could imagine the 10 minutes of panic before they realize Dipper kinda built up an immunity lol
Honestly? At some point Octobill is going to intentionally bite his new mate. The only one freaking the fuck out will be Dipper. (Until he realizes)
#answers#I was planning on writing a followup where this happens but I could never get the structure right#Maybe I'll give it another shot sometime!#Octobill is very fun after all#Right now I'm just waffling on what my next project will be#I have too many options and poor decision making
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aaa help me beat the ceramics art block please!!
#CALLING MY PSIONIC WARRIORS. FRIENDS HELP#I need to get back in business sculpting now that I'm home and I just need to stop waffling and Choose Something To Make#I'm nervous about starting again for no explainable reason#oh and by the way I'm making this poll on main and not on my art blog on purpose! it's lower pressure this way <3
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Hiya! I just read your pinned post, i actually didn't know librarby exist in tumblr and honestly- its really helpful for me as someone who often forgive what kinda plot but don't know what its name is. 👉👈 (Ack pardon grammars)
Also- If its still possible for asked this, do you have any completed fic for undertale sans x reader? :0 or deltarune sans is okay too! I've been wanting to read that has most fluff and slice of life with less angst xD i might found something that i haven't read yet, the long chapters the better, altho its actually not necessary, so its up to you!
Take your time and I hope you doing well!! Thank you for exist 💙
Howdy, thanks for asking! Here are some fics that might fit what you're looking for!
Save Point by JuniperJoy101 (Teen And Up, Complete)
Moving from a backwater town to a city bustling with human and monsterfolk alike, some things begin to change both for the better and the worse. What was left behind comes back to bite at you in the most unexpected times, current progress being put in danger as a result. It's hard to move on, though it's equally difficult trying to stay loyal to what you believe is right. With an adoptive seven-year-old son and the remnants of a recent divorce in your hands, your goal is to move on and adjust to life with monsters, these becoming an important part of your life -- one of them in particular reigniting the spark you thought gone with your ex spouse. • • • The following story is a re-write of the first UT fanfic I ever managed to publish on the Internet. Undertale belongs to Toby Fox. You belong to yourself.
A salting feelings by EvergreenEmerald (Teen And Up, Complete)
You cleared your throat loudly to get their attention; they jumped at the sound, turning to face you. You felt just as awkward as they did. “Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you, though I do owe you for the nice trip you sent me on earlier.” You pointed to the disarrayed suitcase that had been tossed around by your stumbling feet. They giggled as you motioned for them to come inside. They pulled their suitcase into the house, but paused in front of you, turning their head up with an adorable smile. You started to wonder if you had seen this kid before, they look so familiar. Maybe they remind you of one of your parents? *You are a family court lawyer with a dark past that caused you to be separated from your sibling years ago. Now they are placed in your care out of the blue because the government didn't like the idea of a monster raising a human, you have to deal with speaking to your sibling about your shared past and lost parents, the courts who make life hard, new monster friends, and this skeleton that won't stop interrupting you and being a nosy jerk
Curious laughter by SpiffySiffy (Teen And Up, Complete)
Sans is just keeping an eye out on his brother's friends. You have a strange personality and he finds it interesting. Suddenly he finds he's getting more and more curious about you and your thoughts on certain topics.
My Princess by Kyra1416 (Teen And Up, Complete)
(Y/N) was always a shy child. She was slowly to trust others and was scared of almost anything. This made it hard for her to form bonds and keep those bonds intact. She lived on Mt.Ebbot with her family. The story of monsters kidnapping children and eating their souls made her to scared to ever leave the house. Her whole life changed forever the day her parents where murdered right before her very eyes. While running from the killer, she fell into the underground. It was there she descovered her stange powers, and meet a certain punny skeleton.
Winter In Your Bones by cryptid_jack (Mature, Complete)
You're a modestly successful fiction writer living in rural Alaska; just you, your dog, and your horse in a small cabin on a large piece of property in the shadow of a mighty mountain range. You're used the the quiet, enjoy it even, but when you start having recurring dreams of a strange skeleton visiting you in the night you wonder if the solitude might be starting to get to you…at least until you realize you're not dreaming at all because Sans is, in fact, a real, live monster. Friendship, romance, and shenanigans ensue.
#i'm so sorry this took so long to get to#thank you for the kind words#please excuse any mistakes you see#i took a break midway through to make waffles#they were very good & now i have waffles for when i get hungry later#fic rec#fic recommendation#ao3 fic recs#undertale#sans undertale#classic sans#x reader#sans x reader#not suitable for minors#ask#mod sleepy
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You know what, in honor of the fact that we're probably getting a canon identity reveal to cap off Tim Drake: Robin, here's a reclist of some of my favorite Timber identity reveals. No more speculation...soon we will know for certain. Hopefully.
a lightbulb moment (the timber identity reveal collection) by @cv-angels
Yes I do in fact recommend the entire series. The works are gold and I love all the various reimaginings of a single concept.
No More Hiding by @junkoandthediamonds
Includes minor Ghostbat. I enjoy the interplay between Tim's secrets being given even weight.
The Real Conspiracy by sajastar
I really like how the moment of realization is for Bernard. It's not one of the bigger things, it's small -- miniscule, even -- and yet impossible to miss.
Don't Freak Out by @batshit-birds
Despite all the blood, it's a fun & humorous read :]
Late June by Anonymous
A take on the classic body swap trope. Come for the Timber, stay for the friendships.
ever had a lightbulb moment? by @mendelnavi
I really enjoy the elaboration on Tim's various relationships and the casual queerness of everyone involved :]
heart like the sea, storms and tides and pearls by CassandrasDream
A fun fic that includes merfolk and a little bit of getting injured first.
#fic recs#dc#timber#timbern#tim drake#bernard dowd#otp: lightbulb moment#hi authors that i tagged here i hope you don't mind!#i always waffle a little bit on whether to tag authors while making reclists. part of me feels like i'm bothering you all#while the part of me that Is An Author loves knowing when my fics get recommended by other people
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