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thepunkmuppet · 1 year ago
reblog if you:
still will not kiss your sisters and your brothers
are awful just to see
are just soggy from the chemo
will never marry
just hope you knooooooowwww
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eyestrain-addict · 1 year ago
Me reading a 300+ year old epic poem: "Goddamn these cats are cookin'. AUURGH THEYRE SWINGIN'"
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y0itsbri · 4 years ago
🍺, 🧑🏻‍🦰, 😠
benja! hello! thank you for the ask! 💘💘 (sorry these got kinda (very) long and some more fic-ish than hc-ish but i had fun with it)
🍺 - drunk headcanon
lately, debbie has been flooding the gallagher fam groupchat with pictures of cocktails and mixed drinks that she's been trying from the new lesbian bar she's been going to. carl tells her no one gives a shit, but she just tells him to fuck off. ian always sends a thumbs up emoji in response to the photos.
"wonder what's in that one," mickey pondered from their couch, zooming into the most recent picture like somehow the ingredients were written on an ice cube.
"looks like 1.5 oz empress gin, 4 oz ginger beer, juice of 1/2 a lime, 1/4 oz monin desert pear syrup, and mint, for garnish, of course," ian confidently rattled off.
mickey's eyebrows shot up to his hairline, "the fuck are you? the lesbian drink whisperer?"
ian chuckled at the accusation, "found the recipe on pinterest. 's something called the prickly pear gin buck."
"on penny trust what now?"
"pinterest -- a website where you pin your interests," ian smirked like he was the most clever motherfucker on the planet.
"alright, fuckin' martha stewart over here."
"wanna make it sometime?"
"make what?"
"the 'lesbian' drink."
"nah, man, too fuckin' fruity and won't even get me drunk."
"yeah, well we're fucking fruity, mick."
mickey sent ian a death glare.
ian threw his hands up in mock surrender and a teasing glint, "alright, alright, but you like it sweet, so i bet you'd like it."
"yeah, i like your sweet ass alright, c'mere, dork."
"hey, mick, look what i got!"
"more toothpaste?"
"shit! i knew i was forgetting something... but, uh, no, i splurged on some things to make that drink debs sent that week."
ian looked so damn excited about this, he couldn't even make fun of him.
"double the gin. if i'm drinking it, i better get buzzed."
"and you're not tellin' fuckin' anyone about this."
ian paused too long.
"gallagher," mickey said sternly. gallagher. he wasn't messing around.
"aaaanyways, let's get it cookin', good lookin'."
for all it was worth, it was fucking delicious and mickey got more than a little buzzed. he woke up the next morning... or afternoon rather, with several notifications from the gallagher groupchat.
shit. he was gonna fuckin' murder ian.
ian had sent an artistic photo of the purplish drink topped with a mint garnish and another of mickey, blissfully unaware of the photo being taken while sipping his second? third? drink, cradling it dear.
deb: looks great guys! so good, right! 🥂
lip: mickey sure seems to think so huh? ;)
liam: mickey's gonna kill you for this, ian
carl: rip fly high bro 💀🕊️
despite the teasing from his brother-in-laws, mickey really did enjoy the drink and the excitement ian had putting it all together. debbie, ian, and mickey all start a new groupchat called 'gallabitches getting tipsy🍹' where they share all their new recipes without judgement. they later added tami to the group, not being able to drink during her pregnancy, but living vicariously through them.
👨‍🦰 - ian is tall and likes to manhandle headcanon
the only cabinet in the kitchen that's tall enough for their boxes of cereal is above the refrigerator. this is, of course, no problem to ian who is practically eye level with it. mickey, however, has a little more difficulty.
he thought he was alone in the kitchen, he had left ian finishing getting ready in the bathroom, when he wanted the goddamn lucky charms.
mickey ungracefully climbed on top of the countertop and acquired the beloved box of sugary cereal. right then, he noticed he'd been caught -- ian leaning against the kitchen wall, amused as all hell.
ian stalked over, "can't reach, baby?"
"got it just fine, thanks." but mickey didn't make any effort to get down.
"hey, you're finally taller than me, never thought i'd see the day."
"fuck off."
"hmmm, dunno if i like this," ian said, looking up at mickey, "might have to do something about it."
"yeah? whatcha gonna do about it, big guy?"
in a swift motion, ian nudged mickey's legs apart a bit and held them on either side of him. mickey threw the box of cereal god knows where, fuck the cereal, and complied, wrapping his legs around ian's torso and his arms around ian's neck.
"oh, you'll see."
😠 - jealous headcanon (also hi @gardenerian , here's a little bit of gardener ian content for you🍅)
ian starts bonding with one of his neighbors about their plants in the community garden at their apartment. mickey was totally on board with ian's rants about his tomatoes and peppers, but all mickey can hear lately is julie this and julie that.
"julie bought this new fertilizer for me to use on my plot! she said it'll double the amount of tomatoes we get this year!"
"fuckin' great."
ian frowned, "i thought you were excited about the garden."
"i am."
"then why doesn't it sound like that?"
"julie just sounds like she likes you a bit too much is all."
"yeah, man, buyin' you shit, now. why doesn't fucking julie just suck your dick while she's at it?"
"what the fuck are you going on about now, mick?"
"you don't even wear your ring down there! i bet the bitch is just trynna get in your pants."
"no, it's cool, i get it, whatever."
"mickey. i don't wanna lose the ring in all the fuckin' dirt, but i promise julie knows all about you -- about us."
"of course," ian crowded mickey's space a bit, judging how much his husband was really mad at him. he tilted his head down, "come down there with me next sunday, yeah? there's nothing to worry about."
mickey considered for a moment. he would love to size the bitch up, even if he had to wake up a bit earlier.
"mmmm, good."
the following sunday, true to plan, mickey followed ian down to his garden plot. he'd been down here before, of course, but never early enough to chat with julie. he couldn't see her now, though, just some white-haired old lady in a big hat with an orange cat perched on her lap.
"ian, darling, good morning!"
"hey julie, good to see you!" ian said smiling as he crouched down to pet the cat's head, "you too, george." the cat purred against his hand.
"this is my husband, mickey. he was finally up early this morning, so i made him tag along."
"oh, what a pleasure, dear," julie smiled warmly, "i've heard so much about you."
"uh, yeah, ditto." mickey definitely didn't expect this -- she was genuinely sweet. she kind of reminded him of his great aunt back in ukraine.
"remind me to give you boys my new recipe for lemon tarts..." she trailed off.
mickey sat himself on a red modern-style chair as the two chatted the latest drama of some pests on antonio's plants and how sarah hadn't been out in weeks to water.
julie nudged the cat off her lap as she gestured for ian to follow her to one of the flower beds. george made his way over to where mickey was sitting.
"they're some of the good ones, huh?" mickey addressed the cat.
george slow blinked in return as he flopped over on the pavement.
they basked in the early morning sun, watching ian water both his plot and julie's as they laughed about something he couldn't hear.
he smiled. he could get used to sunday mornings like this.
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chibicalzones · 4 years ago
skz x karasuno
part 1 of kpop groups x haikyuu!!
[a/n Yes you may have seen this before, but this is our version >:) ] 
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Man this is a short group of volleyball players 
I cant even call them short when changbin is an inch taller than me- chloe 
bang chan - daichi
a dad™
both of them share a lot in common tbh
both are compassionate leaders 
they care a lot for their peers, hardworking, selfless
very soft and generally fun people to be around
also inviting and social people as well
as much as they are fun, they also know when it's time to be serious
whether you know them or not, you will always highly respect them regardless
also, i feel like bang chan would be really good as a receiver
strong, trust, responsible receiver who’s got your back 
always count on the two of them to be there for you
bonus: their muscles-
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changbin - tanaka 
wants to fite everybody, will fite everybody 
the fricken difference in personalities for this boy, good lord
don't ever underestimate changbin’s height 
comes off very scary once you first meet them
once fired up, the both of them are energetic and unstoppable
boys that never give up and always support you wherever
changbin would be a good wing spiker in all honesty
you see those muscles -  perfect for spiking the ball
packed with power and an urge to win
freaking blows everyone away
a literal monster on the stage/court
but once they’re off that? 
big softies
literally if you see changbin in private, you would think he’s the youngest because of how soft and uwu he is 
tanaka and changbin are both mentally strong
he shuts up all the people who doubt him and talk shit about him in an instant
cause when he’s up on the stage, he blows them away B) 
they may look like just your average guy, but you can bet that they gives it their all and be someone you can count on
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minho - tsukishima
pls minho as tsukki; name a better match-
both are fricken savages 
don't mess with either of them unless you don't want to live another day
vvvv intimidating when you first see them
seems like they don’t care most of the time with their stoic rbf faces
but in reality, both really do love what they do (and their friends) and try their best 
tsunderes ngl
both vital and essential parts of their groups
one of the most level-headed people of the group
yet probably one of the most easiest people to annoy lmao
you’d think for someone who always has something teasing to say, they’d be hard to fluster 
not for these boys 
mostly the fluster comes from the surprise of their roast being roasted  
bonus: both attract cats to them (minho attracts soonie, doonie, dori,, while tsukki attracts kuroo) 
meow meow
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hyunjin - oikawa 
yeah he isn't karasuno shush 
there’s only 1 drama queen in haikyuu 
and that title goes to seijoh’s captain and all around milk bread enthusiast, shittykawa
absolute visuals like goddamn-
also extremely popular with the people (have you SEEN how popular they are)
you don't stan them? that's okay because we all know you will eventually
there’s a point in all of our lives we go “shit i LOVE THEM” 
tried and true - take it from a former oikawa anti
like their looks may deceive you to think that they’re a delicate flower 
but goddamn, do they prove you wrong 
these two have worked themselves hard to get where they are now, despite people telling that they have it easy because of their looks and talent 
aces of their teams
okay and i see them playfully annoying their friends
*flashback to when hyunjin spilled coffee on his clothes* nOoOOooO
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jisung - nishinoya
they’re both crazy crazy sexy cool 
hinata may be hyper, but these two will literally want to make you cry from
both very lively and energetic and just so fricken friendly
draws a lot of people/attention towards them cause of their personality uwu
a lot of people overlook them because on the outside, they just see a goofy airhead and not someone who should be taken seriously 
they wow everyone with their talent because they’re just that amazing 
guardians of their teams, no joke
always got your back no matter what
also both hate school-
all in all, best bois  
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felix - hinata (aka thE SUN)
both are literal suns, fight me on this i DARE YOU
literally such hard-working people
both working from the bottom and striving to improve
no matter what, they stay positive active balls of energy 
a smile from both of them can instantly brighten up your day
how could you hate them?
angels in disguise i say
easily befriends people and a lot of people are amazed by them
ex: when idols hear felix’s voice and dance & when people see hinata perform on court
“cookin like a chef, im a five star michelin” (that day was a day to go down in the books-)
if skz had their own anime, no doubt felix would be the main character
felix is just main character material, just like hinata
bonus: when felix had orange hair- spot the difference, i bet you can’t
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seungmin - sugawara 
look, they may look like an angel, but they are a literal devil in disguise 
they’re both very caring and friendly, just very kindhearted 
very affectionate to the people they love
pls and they are so adorable when happy 
a reliable and trustworthy friend who you can always go to
but under that nice/kind boy next door, there’s a cheeky mischievous side
literally will roast you with a smile on their face and anime flowers blooming behind him
you can’t get mad at them when they’re like that ;-; 
would pay for them to do that to me no joke-
everybody gangsta till seungmin and sugawara find out you hurt a friend 
pls i can assure you that you won’t even be able to looks their friends in the eye anymore 
you will be teased/roasted brutally out of existence  
bottom line: fluffy adorable boys but don’t ever mess with them or make them angry unless crying is your new favorite pastime  
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jeongin - yamaguchi
babies of the group
young and taller than most in the group
always improving and learning from their elders
overlooked and underdogs unfortunately
but once they improve and get their well deserved spotlight
“oh honey you got a big storm coming-”
doted on and supported by their older members/teammates so much
even though they stumble and make mistakes, they pick themselves back up to try try try again 
again duality problems smh 
goes from cutie patootie to fricken badass in the span of 2 minutes
if one of their friends even THINKS of speaking bad about themselves 
these two will smack that friend full on with praise, love, and compliments 
pls treasure these boys and give them all your love
you won’t regret it
jeongin/yamaguchi supremacy im calling it- 
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ficsandcatsandficsandcats · 5 years ago
Ur queue is empty? 👀👀 So: modern AU where Geralt comes home to find the reader baking pastel pink cookies or a pie or smth while absolutely Boppin ™ to emo rock? (Maybe smth along the lines of 23, 87, and a cute Kiss??) -totally not a self insert here nooo not one bit-
Fandom: The Witcher Pairing: Geralt x Reader Word Count: 666 Rating: T Taglist: @heroics-and-heartbreak​ @whatevermonkey​ @mycat-is-mylove @mynamesoundslikesherlock​ @kemmastan​ @magic-multicolored-miracle​ @writingstudent​ @mlleecrivaine​ @coffee-and-stories​ @amirahiddleston​ @ultracolorfulnerdcollection​ @astouract​ @your-not-invisible-to-me @daydreamer-in-training @morelikebyesexual a/n: Loving the irony of this saccharine fluff getting that word count. Hope you like it xo
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Geralt paused at the bottom of the townhouse stairs, trying to identify the sounds he heard. He smiled as he recognized the sounds as music instead of the cries he’d feared and he continued his walk upstairs quietly. He liked the little moments he caught you unawares and thanks to how often – and how loudly – you listened to music, it wasn’t hard to do. There was so intimate and sweet and endearing about watching you in your own little world as you were right now.
The smell of something sugary and buttery filled the air and he saw used cookie sheets on the stove while you stayed hunched over the counter, a piping bag in hand. He didn’t know how you could pipe in such smooth strokes or hold your hands so steady while your legs danced around and your head swayed along to the music as you sang.
“I chime in with a haven’t you people ever heard of – closing the goddamn Geralt!” you cried, spinning to sing into the piping bag microphone and finding your boyfriend watching you with a soft, amused expression in his face.
“What’s cookin’ good lookin’?” he asked, catching you as you jumped into his arms to give him a kiss. He reached up and carefully brushed some flour out of your air before you wriggled back to show him what you were working on.
“Cookies!” you declared proudly. They were each exactly uniform in size and the pastel pink icing was just the right thickness. He sighed happily and you beamed at him as he admired the cookies.
“So are these for eating or…” he began to reach out for one but you smacked his hand away.
“These are for Ciri’s bake sale!” you replied, trying not to laugh at how wounded he acted over your little swat when you knew well how many scars covered his large, muscular body.
“I already got her some cookies for the bake sale!” he protested.
“You bought some cookies,” you replied with a judgmental head shake, “It’s not the same.”
“You’re right,” he said with a sigh, walking up behind you as you tried to continue decorating and wrapping his strong arms around your waist to hold you tight against his chest, “Nothing can compare with these delicious and beautiful creations of yours.”
You felt his stubble brush against your jaw as he kissed your cheek. You melted into his kisses for a moment but stiffened as you saw one of his hands creep towards the cooling rack.
“Hey! You’re trying to seduce me so you can get your mitts on my cookies!” you charged, spinning around and pointing at him accusatorily.
“My mitts?” he repeated, laughing, “Are you a 20s gangster? Are you going to send me sleeping with the fishes if I try and eat a cookie?”
“Technically I’m the 20s gangster because I’m the one who used the slang you… opposite of the cat’s pajamas!”
You stood facing him, pulled up to your full height which still left you tilting your chin to look up into his eyes, and his laughter faded away into a loving smile. He reached out a hand and cradled your face and despite yourself you leaned into his touch.
“You’re so adorable,” he murmured.
“Are you just saying that to get at my cookies?” you asked.
“I’m saying it because it’s true. And because you are going to give me one of those cookies,” he answered, slowly closing the distance between you. Your eyes stayed on his amber ones and though you still tried to puff your chest out and posture defensively, you both knew how this was going to end.
“Oh am I?” you asked, “And just how are you going to convince me to do that?”
You tasted like sugar and though he’d end up eating so many that you’d have to bake a whole new batch before the morning, Geralt insisted that you were the sweetest thing he’d eaten by far.
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vantasarcastic · 5 years ago
If you don’t mind me asking, do you have any uuuhhhhhhhh Damkri HCs?
Anonymous said:
Wait I think I asked that wrong, like if you have any, do you mind sharing some? 
oh yeah absolutely-!
kankri used to be shorter but at some point during their game he hit a growth spurt and now damara is the shortest of their group- shes pretty peeved about it
damara likes to wear kankri’s sweater- mostly because its really comfortable but also because she thinks its very funny to steal it
this post
uhhhhhhh remember towards the end of homestuck when we first saw the ghost army and there was like one single damara in it which means that in spite of all alpha timeline damara’s talk of planning to join lord english, somewhere in the dream bubbles there was one single damara who went against that and decided to fight him? i like to imagine that was a damara who had the support of a matesprite and/or a moirail to help her and since my biggest flushed damara ship is damkri and my biggest pale damara ship is cromara thats who i like to think it was- the scenario in my head flips between either she had enough emotional support that she never got to the place where she was considering joining lord english in the first place, OR if im feeling particularly Angsty, she was planning on joining lord english and was convinced/pleaded out of it- leaning towards the second one cuz goddamn to i love angst and just the whole entire hurt/comfort genre
damara does all the cookin cuz kankri’s cooking is. real bland-
damara has tried to get kankri to watch a few of the troll animes she likes with her but it backfired and she created a monster cuz now kankri keeps trying to go on psuedo-intellectual rants about his perception of the philosophy of troll fullmetal alchemist brotherhood. his takes are lukewarm at best but hes convinced hes a fucking genius about it, it’s insufferable.
after what happened with rufioh damara is like. real insecure about relationships- she’s pretty much constantly scared that kankri is going to get tired of her and leave- but shes also like. way too fuckin proud to admit that-
uhhhhh in a similar Angst Vein, this post
uhhhhhhhh not really a headcanon exactly but i really like the idea of a domestic scenario where they like. raise a cat together or something-
djfl;aksjdf aw man this got long sorry-
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rcris123 · 6 years ago
“Can we make cake? I like cake.”
Lazy Sunday mornings;now that’s something he ain’t thought he’s ever gonna get. Certainly not as acriminal; maybe even less as a detective. And with all that STEM business...
But somehow here they were, thetwo of ‘em stretched out on the couch in Sebastian’s apartment. He feelslike he’s more resemblin’ a cat than a human, simply lounging around with noother care in the world only to then lazily shut eyes and let the sun bathe thebody in its rays. And all that with Sebastian on top of him, soft under touch -man looked like he was sleeping.
But then comes a humfrom him:
“Can you bake?“
“I mean, can we make acake?...”
A scratch of the chinwith the hand not holding Sebastian: “Guess if we run and buy one? Or like, theingredients...” And still he gotta giggle: “Why cake all of a sudden, buck?”
“I like sweets. Wannaknow how to make them. With you.”
Sebastian gets up, butnot before a quick peck on his lips that makes him sit up slowly just as theman draws ever leisurely away. What a goddamn tease.
“I’m gonna look up arecipe.” It’s still somewhat weird hearing that whiskey drowned voice ofSebastian’s talk with a similar lingo to his own, yet it makes him feelin’ likethey belonged there, in that moment.
They’re going to bakethemselves a cake – and he’s sure to put cream on Sebastian’s nose. Just ‘causehe’s feelin’ particularly silly today and worth makin’ it sweet. With him. It’sall worth it; or at least feels like it and more than that he can’t ask.
Down the stairs, intothe car, phone in hand discussing the utensils they have or lack, what they’dbe needin’. Then buyin’ it all. And raspberries, two of the biggest packs theycould find. Sebastian was beaming seeing them on the shelf, plopping them inthe cart. Arthur can tell there was an idea cookin in that brain of his and heguessed he knew exactly what that was.
Raspberry chocolatecake. A small one.
Dry ingredients in:flour and baking powder and cocoa and sugar, then wet: eggs and milk, extracts.Sebastian does the folding – he insisted. And hands work quick, effortlessly.Arthur can only sit and watch, hand on hips, grin on his face, so goddamn proudof his partner. What a man, deserving of some tender kissing. A peck on the cheek.
And another when themixture is poured into the baking trays and into the oven.
There’s their time oftenderness. Sebastian spins him round, leans him against the table, there’sstill chocolate on the corner of his nose. But it’s the lips he kisses. Theytaste like batter, sweet and creamy. He plays with them within his own, suckinthem between his teeth with a lil’ bite there. It grants him a chuckle fromSebastian and a hungry mouth to devour his own, tongue upon tongue. And maybethey sat like that for quite some time. The cake ain’t gonna be done for thenext ten minutes.
Ten minutes of themenjoying the serenity of nothing but each other’s company. And the frosting.They need to make frosting. Butter, sugar, chocolate. Some chocolate chunksthrown in for good measure. And maybe the skies of Krimson City are just asgrey as they ever were, dull light pouring in from outside, but to Arthur thismoment felt basked in sunlight.
A quick look at a watchgifted to him for his birthday just this year – should be time to take the tinsout.
A toothpick goes in tocheck for consistency; nothing sticks. All done. Too hot. One more kiss. A fewmore, until it cools. There’s flour on his shirt, it dusts out when bodies comein contact.
Once cooled down Sebastianplops dollops of frosting on the halved cake, decorating it with raspberriesall around. Arthur’s at the stole melting some dark chocolate with some butter –glaze.
“Make sure to savesome for the toppin’.” And there he comes with the hot chocolate glaze justafter Sebastian put the other half of the cake on top to pour it.
“Now that’s lookinglike a cake.” Sebastian sounds so proud of his creation and he damn well hasall the right to be.
Arthur puts thesaucepan back on the stove – gonna get cleaned later. Now he gotta look forsomething real quick. On to the fridge.
Sebastian peeks aroundthe corner wondering what he’s doing for a moment:
“Just a moment, buck!”for he now returns victoriously with some mint they tried keeping fresh. It’slookin a bit dull but sits nicely on top of the nicely arranged raspberries.
“Now, that’s acake.”
Sebastian laughs.What? This one’s lovin’ his mint.
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redwine-house · 7 years ago
The Gang Gets Gay (Mac x Dennis) (Dee x Female!OC)
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Summary:  Mac has come out and Dennis has had it up to here with his unconventional research into gay culture. Desperate to put an end to the insanity, Dennis looks to the gang for help. Their scheme is ridiculous, but it reveals parts of themselves they have buried deep down.
Words: 1,546
Dennis hovered behind the door of his room, chewing one of his perfectly manicured nails. He would have to get them redone and yeah, the hot stone organic manicure at the Coco Blue Nail salon cost twenty-five dollars – but it was worth it. Not only did his nail beds look absolutely fantastic, but he left the place with reduced fatigue, soothed nerves, and incredible circulation in his fingers.
Running his tongue over his well moisturized lips – Sugar Fresh Lip Treatment- Dennis slipped his hand into his pants pocket. Grabbing his phone, he pulled up his contacts and jabbed one of the two other numbers in his phone. It rang twice before the line was picked up.
“Charlie?” Dennis retreated into his room, closing the door.
“No!” the voice over the phone grunted. “It’s Frank!”
Dennis rolled his eyes. “Frank? What-put Charlie on!” Great. This is exactly what he needed – the ugly toad man weaseling his way into this conundrum in an attempt to gain back his younger years.
Grinding his teeth, Dennis put a hand to his forehead. “Why not?”
A sizzling sound crackled through the speaker. “It’s a long story-”
“I don’t want to hear it,” Dennis moaned.
Frank ignored him. “I wanted scrambled eggs for breakfast, but Charlie broke the frying pan ‘cause he used it to chase a bunch of cats off last night.” His Brooklyn accent made his friend’s name come out as ‘Cha-lee.’
“And why would he do that?”
“Well, we were under the bridge and found a box of DVDs. One of them was about that long hair broad. She fought things off with a pan or something. I don’t really know the plot, I was high off my balls!”
Dennis held the phone away at Frank’s delighted cackle. “So let me get this straight: Charlie, broke your frying pan because he was solving your cat problem based off of what you saw in a Disney movie?”
Frank cackled again as another sizzle came through the speaker. “Don’t get mad at me! I told him it was stupid.”
Dennis narrowed his eyes. “What are you doing?”
“Cookin’ eggs!”
Throwing arm out, Dennis sputtered. “You don’t have-” Realizing he had been shouting, he hunched over and lowered his voice to a whisper. “You don’t have a frying pan, you imbecile!”
“I’m cookin’ it directly on the hotplate! That’s how Charlie burned his hand.”
“Why would you be doing something that burned Charlie’s hand?” Dennis clenched his fist, a vein in his forehead popping at the sheer stupidity of his friends.
There was a faint whoosh before Frank yelled, “Oh, shit! It’s on fire!”
“Just bring Charlie over here okay?” Dennis shouted before smashing his finger against his phone’s screen. Closing his eyes, Dennis let out a measured breath. He needed to have full, perfect control over every aspect of his body. He had to lower his pulse rate – stress was terrible and gave you grey hairs.
A knock made him jump. “Hey, Dennis?”
“Yeah, man?”
“You okay? I heard you shouting and I, uh-” Mac sounded anxious, as he tended to be whenever he thought one of his friends was in trouble.
Dennis put a hand on his hip, not moving to open the door. “I’m fine, dude. Go back to watching your…movies.”
“Okay…cool.” The creak of the hardwood floor told Dennis his dejected buddy had retreated back to the living room.
Dennis’ phone buzzed. Squinting his eyes, he read the text message.
I’m ok
Only burned my hair. L.O.L.
Lost the eggs
Bringing Charlie over
With a huff Dennis shoved his phone back into his pocket. “Ugly bald asshole,” he muttered before gathering himself. When he thought he had the strength to deal with the situation that lay just outside of his door, Dennis stepped out of his room.
Mac looked over his shoulder. “Dennis! Perfect timing, bro!” He jumped from his spot on the couch and flew across the room, barely able to contain his excitement. “I got us both notebooks and pens because I realized that we can’t fully analyze something if we don’t write it down. You know, kind of like movie critics!"
Dennis batted the notebook away, sending the items flying across the room. As the pens clattered to the floor, Mac deflated. “I’m not going to sit here and-and annotate…that!” Dennis threw his hand towards the TV.
Mac cocked his head, squinting an eye. “Why?” Before Dennis could answer, his friend snorted and rolled his eyes. “Is it a gay thing?”
“For the love of Christ, it’s not a gay thing! It’s an assault to common decency thing!” Placing a hand on the couch, Dennis massaged the bridge of his nose. After a moment, he looked up with a smile plastered across his face. “You know what? Forget it.”
Mac may be his best friend but goddamn, he could be dense. Before Mac could get another word in, Dennis was saved by a knock on the door.
“Who’s that?”
“Don’t worry about,” Dennis answered hurriedly, already halfway across the room. “Go back to doing your thing.”
Dennis’ heart had slowly begun to settle back into its normal rhythm. This knock meant things were soon going to go back to normal, where he could manage and represent himself in the perfect fashion. They would come up with a plan – as they always did – and this nightmare would be over.
Curling his fingers around the doorknob, Dennis opened the door. “Oh, Christ.” Huddled in the hallway stood Frank, Charlie and…Dee. “What is she doing here?” he demanded, his voice going up an octave.
His twin sister narrowed her eyes. “Frank tricked me into putting out the fire in Charlie’s apartment.”
“We couldn’t get rid of her,” Frank gargled through a mouthful of half cooked scrambled eggs he greedily scooped from a dirty plate. The right side of Frank’s head was covered in soot, his hair reduced to only stubble.
“Give me some of those eggs, Frank!” Charlie shouted, reaching over with his injured hand. The fool had it wrapped up with newspaper and a tied up sock.
“Back off!” Frank snapped, whacking Charlie’s hand with his fork, causing the man to yelp. “I made the eggs. I get to eat ‘em!”
Dennis opened his arms. “Those aren’t even cooked! You’re going to die!”
Charlie shook his head. “Nah, dude - Frank has a stomach of steal. I’ve seen him eat raw meat before and he was fine. It’s amazing, really.”
“No, it’s absolutely not!” Dennis’ voice cracked.
“What compels you to eat raw meat?” Dee asked with a grimace, crossing her arms.
Dennis shook his head. This conversation was going absolutely nowhere and bordering on the realm of insanity. “Just get inside.”
As the gang crowded into their apartment, Dee looked to the living room and her blue eyes widened. “Oh, shit.”
Frank choked on a mouthful of eggs. “Is this why we’re here? Because I am not into that.”
Dennis nodded. “Yeah.” He opened his bedroom door and began to usher everyone inside.
Mac watched as everyone trudged along. “Hey, guys. What’s going on?”
Dennis smiled. “Oh, we’re just going to talk about a few things. We’ll be out in a minute.”
“Can I come?”
“Sure. We’ll finish up and then you can come.” Dennis shut the door with a resounding click.
Mac turned back around. “But that means you’ll be done,” he murmured.
With wild eyes Dennis looked at his friends. “So the gay porn-”
“The gay porn,” everyone sighed, nodding in understanding.
Dennis didn’t even know where to begin. “It’s been going on none stop for…days.” He touched his hands to his chest. “I like to think of myself as a tolerant man, but I can only handle so many sweaty balls.”
Dee nodded. “That’s no intolerant. It’s just a ball thing.”
Frank held up his fork as he looked at each of his friends. “The only balls I can handle are my own.”
“Dude, I’ve seen your balls and I don’t even know how you can handle those,” Charlie drawled from his spot on the bed.
The conversation was already getting away from the subject at hand, as it usually did. Letting out a puff of breath, Dennis shook his head. “Guys, if we don’t do something, I’m going to lose my goddamn mind. He wants me to sit down and study it with him. He wants to learn how to be gay from porn! The guy just handed me a notebook right before you walked in!” His voice was getting shrill and usually he would feel self-conscious, but it was desperate times.
Dee shook her head. “I just don’t know what we can do. I mean, that is messed up.”
“Look,” Dennis began, “he obviously knows nothing about gay culture or how to conduct himself. He’s literally lived a closeted life of religious self-loathing. We have to get him out there. He has to meet people, go to more gay clubs. Learn history. As an erotic man, I’m very familiar with all of these things, straight or not.”
Frank narrowed his eyes suspiciously and took a step towards Dennis. “What do you propose we do?”
“What I’m saying,” Dennis began slowly, “is that we have to get gay.”
After seeing all of the hate @glirsty got for hc lesbian Dee, I wanted to write an entire story including it in a plot
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thepunkmuppet · 1 year ago
foundations of decay goes so fucking hard i wish i was a long term fan who was there through their breakup so i could have the ungodly insane experience of listening to it when it came out
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