#“Full metal alchemist! Full metal alchemist.....”/ref
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tealgoat · 1 month ago
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What no more wife does to a mf
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typosandtea · 3 months ago
Also unrelated to the ask game but related to tango; I mostly know about them through your tags and I have gathered that they’re basically haunting a suit of power armour/IS the power armour, right? Please tell me at some point they can scare the shit out of someone by taking their helmet off and revealing an empty husk like in full metal alchemist it would be so fucking funny
BASICALLY YEAH!! they are quite secretive about their identity as no longer human, so don't do things like that on purpose very often, that said they are absolutely batshit enough to risk identity to scare some fools ahhaha They have also accidentally spooked Hancock while he was tripping, Tango had a variety of exterior panels removed for repairs including the helmet. they also had their robobrain arms out and were predominately using them, poweramour hands are not dexterous enough for many thing especially soldering / electronics! (Tango though they were alone at the time and Hancock was SO confused)
They are a wastelander turned robobrain, wired into the armour! quite a bit of the armour is modified so bit breaking is more annoying than usual. Tango thinks in biological and is software so can hack software to software when they plug themselves into terminals / robots! Because of the software melding with their brain they can also speak to robots like how codsworth can it’s very useful to overhear the latest gossip haha!
They are self centred and quite prideful, so appearances are important to them, they regularly repaint themselves and dislike being dirty and definitely dislikes being damaged!
Physically their brain is in the armours torso (where the thickest plating is). They also have 4 cores wired parallel for extra power! The cores are also safely mounted inside the armours guts away from stray bullets! They can disengage from the armour but only do so in emergencies as they are super vulnerable in that state! Robobrain head with 2 arms attached basically haha. The armour also has many sensors for proximity and touch wired along much of it, with sight and hearing being wired into the helmet, so losing the helmet is a bit dangerous because now they are blind! (unless they poke their robobrain head out of the torso and use the sensor on that), they have the fo3 style robobrain arms that they can use to repair parts they otherwise couldn’t reach, they actually see these arms as their main arms but people would understandably freak out if the dude in power armour suddenly spawned another set of arms haha so they use the armours arms if they are not alone, and while the robobrain arms are more dexterous, they are not human shaped at all so the armours hands are better at some things like using weapons.
They consider themselves evil (positive) even though nowadays they are at best neutral, hanging out with Preston and Curie and also becoming a minuteman will do that to ya. Has deffiently earnt that evil karma and reputation in the past though :| they were so surprised when Preston asked for help at the museum because at that point they had a carefully curated image going for ‘dangerous and hostile’. Continued exposure to Preston has turned them into a decent if murdery friend (they still claim to be evil bastard though )
here are some bits from their partially finished ref sheet, a recent drawing i've done, some silly head cannons!, and a silly zine?
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pseudokap · 1 year ago
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my dear riptide oc has been redesigned look at him in his full sharky glory
gravel lore below (some taken from my old ref)
He is an artificer/druid cryptozoologist! Technically he is Sharkfolk based on a winghead shark but mechanically he is more like a Triton with an extra bite attack (because I haven't found a homebrew sharkfolk that I like)
He goes around researching and documenting cryptids!! He writes it all in his diary (the leather book, it's magical as well), makes artists impressions of cryptids according to the information he's collected and would probably be part of a cryptozoologist enthusiast club.
He also occassionally publishes his findings to like a small subscription magazine!! cryptid facts, sightings, stories etc.
Aside from cryptids, he also has done research on the species within Mana (e.g. documentation and studies) but his main interest is still cryptids.
He is very independent!! He has no crew and is usually solo so he usually hitchhikes on other pirate ships to get around and helps them out in exchange.
His damaged dorsal fin is actually from a run in with a navy battleship while he was on a pirate ship that did not turn out very well. Since he is pretty close with a lot of pirates he is indirectly also an enemy of the Navy government (he hates the navy anyway so its fine). I would consider him a true neutral.
He makes most of his artificer stuff out of bone because of the druid metal thing: he just paints it to appear metallic because he likes how it looks :]
fun facts:
- if you could not tell from the earring on the right: yes he is also gay
- he has 360 vision (like most hammerheads) and very good spatial awareness!
- his artificer subclass is alchemist but I still haven't decided the druid subclass. I am likely leaning towards circle of the stars or moon due to his ties to the water.
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pathfinderunlocked · 10 months ago
Biker Gang - CR12 Humanoid Troop
You ain't a soldier. You're a scumbag with a few paid skills. You're a thug, just like the rest of us.
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Artwork is from Shadowrun, copyright FASA and Catalyst Game Labs.
This is a troop version of the CR 3 Chain-Wielding Biker stat block that I posted a few days ago. Note that a troop attack is a free action that happens at the end of a troop's turn, so it can use its molotov attack and its troop attack on the same round.
Biker Gang - CR 12
This gang of rough-looking, burly bikers is drowning the area in deafening noise from their engines. They're swinging metal chains, and wearing matching leather jackets.
XP 19,200 CN Medium humanoid (troop, human) Init +2 Senses Perception +13
AC 28, touch 21, flat-footed 17 (+1 armor, +1 armor focus, +2 Dex, +9 dodge, +5 natural armor) hp 175 (13d8+117) Fort +15, Ref +8, Will +8 Defensive Abilities troop traits
Speed 80 ft. Melee troop (6d8+8 plus debilitating injury) (see surrounding attack) Ranged molotov +11 touch (5d4 fire plus 5d4 fire one round later plus 10 fire splash (DC 18)) (10 ft. range increment) Space 40 ft.; Reach 5 ft. Special Attacks debilitating injury, surrounding attack
Str 26, Dex 15, Con 23, Int 14, Wis 18, Cha 17 Base Atk +9; CMB +17 (+19 overrun); CMD 37 Feats Armor Focus, Dodge, Greater Overrun, Improved Overrun, Lightning Reflexes, Toughness Skills Craft (mechanical) +6, Disable Device +10, Intimidate +20, Knowledge (local) +9, Perception +13, Ride +22; Racial Bonuses +4 Intimidate, +4 Ride Languages Common SQ rowdy gang Gear flails (actually just 4 ft. metal chains), padded armor, molotov cocktails (function as alchemist's fire), motorcycles
Insignia Jacket A biker gang's padded armor bears the insignia of the gang, and provides a a +2 circumstance bonus on Diplomacy and Intimidate checks to influence a person from that organization, similar to parade armor.
Molotov As a standard action, a biker gang can toss molotov cocktails at a target within 50 ft. This is a ranged touch attack which counts as a thrown splash weapon with a range increment of 10 ft. A target struck by this attack takes 5d4 fire damage, plus an additional 5d4 fire damage 1 round later. If desired, the target can use a full-round action to attempt to extinguish the flames before taking this additional damage. Extinguishing the flames requires a DC 15 Reflex save. Rolling on the ground provides the target a +2 bonus on the save. Leaping into a lake or magically extinguishing the flames automatically smothers the fire.
Adjacent targets (including the target, if the attack misses) take 10 fire splash damage, and can attempt a DC 18 Reflex save to halve the damage. The save DC is Dexterity-based.
Motorcycles A biker gang rides Large-sized motorcycles which give them an 80 ft. move speed. If a biker gang uses the Run action for multiple rounds in a row without changing direction, its speed increases to 160 ft. after the first round.
A motorcycle is treated as a mount in many ways, although a biker gang cannot dismount (if all of its members dismount, it ceases being a troop and no longer uses this stat block). Motorcycles do not have any actions of their own, and the biker gang must expend its own actions to control the vehicles. A biker gang is treated as mounted for all feats and effects unless otherwise noted.
For additional information on motorcycles, see the Chain-Wielding Biker stat block.
Debilitating Injury (Ex) Whenever a biker gang deals troop attack damage to a foe, it can also debilitate the target of its attack, causing it to take a penalty for 1 round. A target that is immune to flanking or precision damage is immune to this ability. The biker gang can choose to apply any one of the following penalties when the damage is dealt.
Bewildered: The target becomes bewildered, taking a –2 penalty to AC. The target takes an additional –2 penalty to AC against all attacks made by the biker gang. Disoriented: The target takes a –2 penalty on attack rolls. In addition, the target takes an additional –2 penalty on all attack rolls it makes against the biker gang. Hampered: All of the target's speeds are reduced by half (to a minimum of 5 feet). In addition, the target cannot take a 5-foot step.
These penalties do not stack with themselves, but additional qualifying troop attacks extend the duration by 1 round. A creature cannot suffer from more than one penalty from this ability at a time. If a new penalty is applied, the old penalty immediately ends. Any form of healing applied to a target suffering from one of these penalties also removes the penalty.
Rowdy Gang (Ex) A biker gang's speed, motorcycles, coordination, and bravado grant the troop a +5 natural armor bonus and +8 dodge bonus to AC. The biker gang also gains an additional 2 hit points per hit die. These bonuses are already included in its statistics above.
Surrounding Attack (Ex) A biker gang's troop attack includes 3d6 sneak attack dice to represent the bikers surrounding their targets. The troop attack's damage dice is reduced by 3d6 against targets immune to flanking or precision damage.
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paranoidofficial · 1 year ago
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When it comes to character design for PARANOiD, these were the final reference images for the series. I was in my first year of college and during that time I was self teaching when it came to the topic. I watched youtube videos, analyzed my favorite shows and artists styles, practice shading and studied anatomy- A LOT. Throughout the journey of getting their bodies down, from the ORIGINAL designs I landed on making Gina overweight, Jessie more curvy (and her name used to be Jennie), Jose is tall but fit and Sabrina thin but tall. Color Theory is fun- as well as symbolism of character attire. See if you can guess what any of it means! (Will reveal them in future posts!) Gina -Planet Saturn necklace -Green Jacket -Cowlick Jessie -Cat collar bracelet -Greaser Jacket -Yellow Buttons Sabrina -Pearls -Blue Tutu Dress -Hair up in one position. Jose -Headphones on jacket stings -Red Joggers Jacket -Gages The main shows I would use for my art development would be Steven Universe, Gravity Falls, My Hero Academia, The Magnus Archives, Stranger Things, and Infinity Train. Years later of course I still gain influences of newer shows like Twin Peaks, Hilda, Venture Bros, Full Metal Alchemist and most recently Blue Eye Samurai. While there are no NEW official refs I have at the ready right now, I'll be sure to post them in the future once the newest chapter is finished! Some folks I also love to look to for art advise or inspiration would be these folks: @shigaeru - A HUGE help in allowing me to see some of their comic works and a wonderful person to chat with! Check them out! @pidginplace - Helped work on PARANOiD Character coloring, AND super musically and artistically talented! They voice act and sing too! A real friend to me and ANoN- thats for sure <3 -MB
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solarflaresdaddyissues · 3 months ago
No, I’m not the one giving drawing prompts, I’m sorry if you’re disappointed, but I’m bored out of my mind and need to draw.
I do have a small list of rules for anyone who is willing to make a prompt for me, with I’ll put down below, but other than that, go ham (I think that’s the phrase? I’m not good with these)
Please only use fandoms I’m familiar with. I will list them. I will definitely be forgetting some, but if you want to request something that isn’t from one of the fandoms on the list, then please ask if I know it.
Don’t ask me to draw anything incestual (is this a word??) or pedophilic (I also don’t think this is a word, but I’m sure you get my gist). I’m not comfortable with that. If there’s a situation where you’re confused on if it’s incest/pedophilia (yes, this happens in certain fandoms, like TSAMS), then just ask and I’ll give my opinion on it.
I’m perfectly fine with drawing ships (relationships, not boats) as long as I’m not disturbed by them. This is fine for me.
Try to avoid giving me humans or animals to draw. I’m bad drawing both and get stressed about trying to make it look perfect.
If you want to request that I list off AUs for certain fandoms (either from other fans or my personal ones), that’s perfectly fine! I have many AUs I would love to draw but don’t get the inspiration for. I’ll even list off my AUs with a summary for y’all here if you want and you can request more information.
Try to avoid bigger pieces of art or comics. I love comics, but they’re hard to draw, and bigger pieces make me mad when I mess up, so I avoid them. If you really want a comic and I agree to do it, then it will take longer.
Don’t spam, please. I will ignore spam. Don’t do it.
I cannot, and I repeat, CANNOT promise that I will get these done quickly. Sometimes I’m quick, sometimes I’m not. (Lol, it’s 04:20 right now)
Yes, you can request NSFW/R34. I may deny some, but that may be for personal issues.
Try to avoid pieces with hands. I hate drawing hands. So much.
The Sun and Moon Show. Biggest fandom I’m in and one I most commonly draw. Please request this actually. Please. Pretty please with beetroots and blood on top /ref (This includes LAES, EAPS, EALS, BMARS, etc. I’m not good with MAFS purely because I can’t draw Monty or Foxy. I’m also not well versed with the other TSBS channels. Don’t judge me. Or at least avoid saying it to me.)
Moon and Sun Minecraft. Love these guys. Especially Bloodmoon and Eclipse. Which is ironic, cause I heavily dislike Bloodmoon 2.0 on SAMS (opinion that you are not obligated to share)
Gravity Falls. I, once again, am not good at drawing humans, especially adults, so try to avoid this one if you can. If you really want a Bill Cipher drawing, I can certainly try. I’m also aware of Steve’s (I think that’s his name??) existence. I’m fully willing to consider him a canon character for y’all.
Over the Garden Wall. Hell yeah. Love the Beast. Still not great at drawing humans.
The Owl House
Amphibia (haven’t watched this in forever, but love Darcy)
The Amazing Digital Circus. Kinger is my baby boy
The Adventures of Raggedy Ann and Andy. I’ve never watched this before, but saw a bit of it recently after people caught onto the reference in TADC episode 4 and immediately loved it. Andy’s such a cutie.
Deltarune/Undertale. Jevil’s my little guy
Super Paper Mario. I love Dimmy so much.
Black Butler. I know it’s weird. I’m also not well versed in anime.
Full-Metal Alchemist (PLEASE NO SPOILERS‼️ I’ve only read Manga 1‼️)
Carebears. Again, haven’t watched in years, but I remember loving this as a child.
Fnaf. I’m best at Sun and Moon, but I could attempt the others. Don’t expect anything great from the animal animatronics.
Little Shop of Horrors
My little pony (G4, I say‼️)
Monster High (The good one, not these new ones. I’ve never watched the new ones, but it doesn’t give me the same feeling.
Bratz. I haven’t seen this in forever, I’d have to do research, but I could manage.
Happily Never After. I don’t think anyone knows this movie. I love Mambo
The Last Unicorn.
Alice in Wonderland (Only versed in the one with Johnny Depp and the old Disney one. I do want to watch the older one, though. It looks so good.)
Corpse Bride. Emily, my beloved <3 (Do people still use that emoticon?)
Nightmare before Christmas. Love Jack.
AUs of mine (SAMS. I’m not putting the others because they’re very low behind on work)
(Includes short summaries for y’all) (Also, yes, there’s a lot. I’m aware. Ask away about any of them.)
Astral Swap AU. My original version of if the Celestial Family and Astral Bodies were swapped. Unfinished on the swaps part, but I have maybe three down. Updated to a new AU before I finished it, so you’ll see I have two.
Babyblood AU. Where Bloodmoon was made in Sun’s head by Eclipse, but they ended up spawning in as a very young child that Eclipse then raised.
Bloodied Ruins AU. During Bloodmoon and Ruin Show, Bloodmoon begins to question Ruin without the help of Solar and Ruin V. programmed a virus into them to make them loyal to him by giving them a virus similar to Earth’s old code that made her loyal to Creator, except Bloodmoon’s is more painful
BloodiedWires Swap AU. Bloodmoon and Molten (plus others, but it focuses on these two) swap. Might delete, never finished/started
Bloodmoney Swap AU. Focused on a swap between the Bloodmoon twins and Monty. Everyone else swaps too, but once again, it’s focused on these two.
Bloody Love AU. If one of the Bloodmoon twins got to corrupted by their homicide code and ate their twin. Had no lore so far, but I remembered that cannibalism is shown as a form of love, so I made this
Brothers Forever AU. Where Bloodmoon 2.0 still sees Lunar as their little brother instead of attacking them.
Creation Swap AU. Don’t know what I’m doing with this one, but it’s where some of the Creators + associates get swapped with the Celestial Family + Monty (Henry, Creator, Sven, Nâo, Acolyte, etc.)
Dark Servant AU. Where Dark Sun failed in overthrowing Lord Eclipse and was forced to become his servant in replacement of Dark Sun killing Servant Sun.
Dark Star AU. Where Lunar stayed a villain with Rez. We get some Lumini angst, ooh~
DazzlingStar Swap AU. Mostly focused on a swap between Dazzle and Rez (Rez as an animatronic isn’t possessed by Evelyn, but rather Johnathan, the kid Moon killed.
Dimension Hopper Sun AU. Based off a video game I wanted to make but don’t know how to where during the arc where Lord Eclipse first appears, Sun ignores Creator’s advice and goes through the portal without a chip so he’s stuck traveling dimensions.
Glamrock Celestials AU. Self explanatory. Celestials are now Glamrocks. Monty works in the daycare. Creator ain’t such an evil guy. Still a deadbeat, though. He’s trying.
Nega-Posi Swap AU. Was lazy with the name. Positive Astrals and Negative Astrals swap sides.
New beginning AU. Bloodmoon got reset with their homicide code removed so they’re no longer violent and are now Sun’s kid.
Nice Bloodmoon AU. I’ve got another one of these that’s slightly different. This one has them as Sun and Moon’s older brothers with Eclipse still in Sun and trying to take Bloodmoon back on his side by force.
OG Earth AU. We kept the original Earth model + voice from that one deleted episode.
Opposite AU. Similar to the Invert AU I’ve heard is (was??) popular around the fandom, except their color swaps are just on the opposite end of the color spectrum instead of inverted (ex. Bloodmoon is green now) and I changed the storyline for fun.
Pirate/Siren AU. Once again, self explanatory. Celestial family are pirates. Astrals are sirens. Kinda.
Reset AU. Dark Sun is injured in some way (probs from his dragon or Nexus) and loses his memories, so Sun and Moon take care of him.
SAMS MLP AU. Don’t request. Unfinished/not started.
Servant Moon AU. Where Moon couldn’t escape Lord Eclipse the first time and was kept as his servant along with Servant Sun.
Solar Swap Bloodmoon AU. Other nice Bloodmoon au. Where instead of a nice Eclipse (Solar), we get a nice Bloodmoon (Harvestmoon twins). Also, they’re gender fluid because they have off those vibes. Don’t question me /lh
Star Sailor AU. Lunar 2.0 gets so immersed in the stars that Monty eventually gives him his old spaceship and station so he can just hang out up there when he wants and he always has a way back down. Also, the Astrals are similar to sirens in this au because I felt like it.
Star Swap AU. Updated Astral Swap AU. More finished, I guess. Still not going well.
Astral Nebula AU. Where Nebula is the main Astral Body and the zodiacs serve under her. Nebula supremacy.
Starburnt Eclipse AU. Where the Star corrupted Eclipse completely so he’s fully intertwined with it and just going insane.
Stolen Identity AU. Where during “Bloodmoon’s” death, Bloodmoon swapped spots with Sun and shifted into him, therefore letting Sun die and taking his place. The hallucinations appear when they get to into it and start having an identity crisis.
Summer Leaf AU (title pending). Where Sun accidentally brought Leaf (the human they met from Ruin’s dimension) back home with them and Sun basically had to teach them how to live in that world.
Super Paper Moon AU. To any Super Paper Mario & SAMS fans out there, it’s just Super Paper Mario with Sun and Moon Show characters (instead of Mr.L, we have “Dark Sun” because I thought it was funny, and you know what, I’m hilarious)
The Lord Commands AU. Where Lord Eclipse got what he wanted the first time we saw him (Eclipse’s Final Form) and forcefully separated Lunar from Moon to keep him as entertainment while sending Moon back home.
Waning Eclipse AU. Eclipse V3 was brought back with Early Eclipse’s memories and personality because, let’s be honest, that’s more distracting than Eclipse being depressed.
Waning Lunar Eclipse AU. Lunar 2.0 is brought back with Eclipse and Lunar Show Lunar’s personality and memories.
Patched Ruins AU. Where Nâo actually slightly cared for Ruin and let them rule the world with him without treating them like shit. Still Ruin angst, because I feel like it.
Acolyte’s revenge AU. Acolyte went through with what the Creator told him to do after his death and continued their plans while tracking down Solar to kill him.
Fallen Kingdom AU. Where Lord Eclipse was almost killed by Dark Sun, but Moon saved him last second and they went back to the SAMS dimension to try and figure out a plan to take him down. Yeah, I’m going through a Lord Eclipse fan phase, I’ll get out of it, but let me have this for now.
Killcode Earth AU. Where Earth’s security code corrupts and turns into a kill code.
Reanimated Machine AU (title pending). Where Lunar (before Taurus arrived, keep this in mind) was messing around/testing with his star power and accidentally turned Gemini into an animatronic.
SAMS TLU AU. Sun and Moon Show, but it’s follows The Last Unicorn lore instead, with Gemini as our Lady Amalthea because I felt like it.
Falling Star AU. Sun and Moon Show as Gravity Falls with Castor and Pollux being Dipper and Mabel (only things I have, actually)
Crimson Moon AU. Where both the Bloodmoon twins were kept alive after April 14th, but in separate tubes so they couldn’t get back to each other. (Plot twist, if they break out of the tubes, their twin dies because I, as a writer, like twisted shit like that)
LSH SAMS AU. Sun and Moon Show as Little Shop of Horrors. Sun is Seymor, Roxanne is Audrey, and Bloodmoon is Audrey ||.
Bloodmoney family AU. The twins narrowly escape death by Sun and Monty fixed them up. Later, they become like an actually family, with the twins as their (Monty’s) sons.
Lunar Cycle AU. Where Moon hallucinated/“imagined” the whole events of getting out of his mind and Nexus and everything before snapping out of it after getting tortured by Nexus and waking up back inside his mind at the moment where New Moon first talked to him, so he’s terrified of him. Eventually, Moon gets let out of his mind and they live together with both Moon and no one turns evil because I’m delusional.
Davis in Wonderland. Davis goes through a version of Alice in Wonderland, but it’s Sun and Moon Show characters.
Lunar Virus AU. Where Lunar never became sentient and instead just changed Moon’s programming so he’s Eclipse’s brother instead of Sun’s.
Daykid Celestials AU. Came up with at 4;00 playing Roblox to have the Celestial family as human children who go to the daycare where Dazzle Deer is the attendant.
Astral Lunar AU. Self explanatory, literally no way to mess it up, Lunar is an Astral Body.
Adoration Bloodmoon AU. Nothing changed except that Bloodmoon is completely infatuated by Monty (NOT ROMANTICALLY‼️) and sees them as a role model
Puppet Eclipse AU. Charlie couldn’t get back into the Puppet’s body after she separated from it that one time and took over Eclipse’s body.
Anywho, that’s all, Folks! I’d love to hear your suggestions.
Come again!
(my storage is filled, so I cannot add more #s, it won’t let me. I’ll fix it as soon as possible.) (lol, 05:55 now)
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Full metal alchemist
Full metal alchemist/ref
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sketchfanda · 2 years ago
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so some fun and odd facts and details about some of the crew,starting with naz.She’s very flexible to contortionist levels,enjoys yoga,and often has muscle tone like this.
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On top of her ink work we have rocking an dark skin tan ala Japanese gyaru and were especially inspired by famous gravure model and cosplayer nonsummerjack and most recently taken to having have one hell of an ass like av star bella bellz and jay marvel’s artwork, though nahla monroe is especially her ideal model of thiccness,curves and tone
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senia is my buddy's girl,and we've been due an overdue visual update for her
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in terms of her details,we've her rock black hair,violet as seen here,and snow white and a few body shape basis like jade cargill.chino's main basis in life and manga are martyn ford and scar from fma with gaoh from eyeshield 21,doc has a singing voice on par with david draiman from disturbed.doc also has blood red eyes and black sclera like in the image below,giving hima scary look overall which contrasts with his personality. he's also got a bit of orange cassidy in him. and slate greyish skin colour akin to The castlevania vampires like godbrand,hades and teen Titans raven. If I hadn’t said before his appearance gives off a vampire vibe in contrast to his laidback self.ut esp key details,he lacks a nose ala krillin and the human char design in oban star racers. sharp shark teeth ala kirishima and tetsutetsu,vampire stylecanines and his most notable face shape and design is epic osmosis jones villain,thrax.bodyshape build too as well as yasuhiro's nightow's char design style.wide broad shoulders,imposing height,not skinny beanpole but not too built to come off like a meat tank.imposing,intimidating but a charmer overall,also rocks a nice pair of raybans shades like shades from luke cage.and of course,tattoos on his arms,back,front and face and neck,especially the back and sides of his head thanks to his hairstye and the front of his face. think of him like a goth version to the late rick "zombie boy" genest and el diablo from dc comics' suicide squad. https://twitter.com/IgnitionCrisis/status/1386073886400278529 Besides thrax another char gage design wise for doc is copperhead from the dc animated movie suicide squad hell to pay. Chino’s own face design for a muscle mountain I envision is lu bu from record of ragnarok and scar from full metal alchemist
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chino of course is part samoan and mongolian and often varies between 7 to 10 feet tall.like das Uber boy born with defined musculature so small wonder he’s a muscle mountain behemoth.outfits for chino consist of baggy urban wear,given his massive frame and all,so in the case of the images,xzibit,busta rhymes,ice t and sticky fingaz,and what bully ray is rocking here of course.really lot of pro wrestler wear is an influence on this gang of misfits
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A reference sheet for any requesters and commissioners in order to better convey details. Doc and Dib/DG=1st image between male c & d body shape and build Chino=image 1 between male e and f Naz,Nikia,senia=Image 1, female c & d,e & f and d & e.
devart links for more refs and when it comes to senia,her hairstyle can be violet,snow white or black with the former 2,gogo is her bodybuild & skin colour https://www.deviantart.com/vanheist/art/Gone-Fishin-808762367 https://www.deviantart.com/vanheist/art/Patreon-art-A-Dressing-Concern-684106312 https://www.deviantart.com/vanheist/art/Struttin-680204771 https://www.deviantart.com/vanheist/art/The-Rydering-437281419 real23's dark skinned of course is an ideal nikia body shape basis
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this was senia back befire she went from wallflower to bombshell she is today. backgroundwise,she's eurasian,naz is canadian,doc's latin-american with some asian ancestry,chino as said before is samoan-mongolian,nikia's south american,brazilian to be precise,doc and dib/dg are mexican/latin american.chino-between 8 to 10 feet tall naz-5'5'' senia-6'6'' nikia-7 foot even doc-6 foot even
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or another clear idea of Senia's build,look to this fine piece of woman from the manga batuque. and mai takeru from the soccer manga Mai Ball! swole,firm yet sensual to behold,basicaly if you like or love a woman who can kick your ass if she so wanted? look no further.as well as the build of course,feel free to colour senia's hair violet/purple,snow white,black or any combination esp if rocking skunkstripe like streaks. oh fun trivia fact,she's got a singing voice like kerry slays from unleash the archers
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speaking of body shapes and builds,another good example of a chino class build would have to be image comics' powerhouse alien hybrid,the Pitt.the noseless face detail is as said before also something key in doc's design
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So another thing to add to this thread is what me and my buddy DarkGraven do with with our little crew of characters,who we have as this misfit group of friends,a six pack ensemble with our own personal take on Dib from Invader Zim as inspired by darnact/bigdad our version is often referred to with the last name Mendez and often him and Doc are,in a bond sense,sort of a play on that old phrase brothers from different mothers. esp given having similar heights,builds but majorly different personalities and what not,speaking of which our take on Dib around highschool to young adult age is a far cry from the spazzy hyper conspiracy nut of IZ. Basically he's a very deadpan,snarky sort of fellow,a real razor sharp wit who will verbally lash you as he has little to no patience or tolerance for fools.Basically think gilfoyle from the comedy series silicon valley mixed with a bit of jimathers 4Y records clerk and the good ol' boys from canadian comedy Letterkenny as well as Duckman,Daria and Jay Sherman of the critic fame
Yeah wonder if maybe dealing with zim and his zimness one time too many is the cause?Yes &he's had to endure the misery of putting up with the infamous O'Doyle clan of adam sandler movies infamy,the family motto "O'Doyle rules!! is enough to make him do the excalibur face.when he's not being a verbal wmd of course,loopy from jellystone is also a notable influenceXD Dib:I don't move my body for sport,only for pleasure but gilfoyle is the key influence,hell we call him DG Mendez(Dib gilfoyle Mendez)
he’s a very deadpan snarky fellow who knows he’s the smartest person in the room because most everyone else around him bar exceptions are idiots and will cut you down like so no mercy
The Sixpack Crew
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So for years since we met and former our online bro bond and friendship,me and my buddy https://www.deviantart.com/top-gun5391 aka Dark Graven have made a daily routine on a regular basis some roleplays involving our OC group of friends we call the Crew,or the Sixpack as I’ve taken to calling them on twitter. There is our co creation,the gothpunk redhead Naz,the trio of the gothic skullface Doc Marciano,the behemoth manmountain Chino and the statuesque hyperactive manic amazon Nikia,his ever evolving redux oc bombshell Senia and our own take Dib from Invader Zim,based off of @bigdead93​’s fanart and the deadpan snarky programmer from comedy Silicon Valley Gilfoyle,Dib/DG Mendez (the G stands for Gilfoyle obviously). The past year or so I’ve been aiming to get requests or commissions that nail their visual designs and especially get at least one pic from longtime favourites like @aeolus06​
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I’d made this twitter thread for reference and info details of course but figure no harm in making a similar post here on tumblr. The following imagery includes and consists of my own hand drawn references (try to guess which),and the likes of requests and commissions by talents like darkereve,rexreyes, @robocream​ @eldersfloatingtemple​ @big-break​ @ruhisuart​ @bluntkatana​ and many more to follow or come.
basic details are as followsinterms of height  chino-between 8 to 10 feet tall naz-5′4’’ senia-6'6’’ nikia-6′10′’ to 7 foot even doc and dib/dg-6 foot even. chino is samoan-mongolian,naz is canadian-american,nikia is south american(brazilian to be precise),dib is mexican-american,doc is latino mixed japanese american,senia is eurasian.senia is a lesbian,chino and naz are bisexual,nikia’s bi bordering on poly/pansexual,dib/dg and doc are hetero. details vary when it comes to background and backstories depending on roleplay settings but regular recurring details range from being jagua del toro citizens to facts like dib/dg having two moms,mainly him and gaz being adopted and raised by chalo’s mora and alejandra.any other details or questions feel free to ask.
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ir-dr · 8 years ago
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Day 2134  - 20 April 2017
✿  May Chang   ✿
Commission for Monica Rial!
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goatbi · 4 years ago
I do writing commissions babie! Prices and Examples below, as well as fandoms I an well versed in!
Prices (all in US dollars btw)
Drabble (300-700): 5$
1k: 10$
5k: 20$
10k: 30$
15k: 40$
Higher word counts can be talked about if that’s something you want, but I this is generally the range I would work in!
My Ao3 holds a good amount of work, though to specifically call out a few for the various lengths 
Drabble Length 
One K 
Five K 
Ten K 
Fifteen K
I am well versed in Bleach, HLVRAI, Half Life, Markiplier Egos, Sanders Sides, Stardew Valley, Homestuck, and Megamind, less versed but still have first hand knowledge of Full Metal Alchemist. This list is not a full list, and if you want a different fandom, not included on this list, feel free to ask and I'll let you know if I am willing to write for that fandom!h
I am also willing to do OC commissions, as long as I am provided with a ref/explanation of personality! X Reader commissions also available, again with an explanation of the kind of self insert you'd be looking for !
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shayberri789 · 5 years ago
Okay Here's my 'About'
I edited an old dead post to add my 'about' here because Tumblr recently did something (July 2023) so that the way I had this set up before didn't work on mobile.
Without further ado:
Hi, welcome. Call me Shay or Regal, both are my names. Pronouns she/her and I'm aroace. I'm friendly and nice feel free to interact with me, I'm always happy to receive asks. Just don't be a jackass and we can be friends :)
If you found me because of a post I made, don’t expect them with any frequency or consistency.
Most posts are general reblogs but occasionally I’ll go through the tag of one of my fandom and spam my followers - you’ve been warned. I do tag for them, though - see below for my tag system; browse or filter at your leisure.
NEW USERS! Please make yourself not look like a bot! You will be blocked and reported by me otherwise! Pfp, bio, header, reblog some stuff, that’s all you need!
Every now and then I like to send a boop to my mutuals/more active (or favourite) followers. New followers who interact with my posts within a couple hours of following me get a boop as well as a welcome :D
I don't answer asks asking for money, legitimate or not. I'll reblog legitimate fundraisers, but will not publish them. I'm sorry.
Fandom Tags:
cosmere - for anything to do with the Cosmere
stormlight - The Stormlight Archive related (cosmere)
mistborn - Mistborn related (cosmere)
elantris - Elantris related (cosmere)
warbreaker - Warbreaker related (cosmere)
Tress of the Emerald Sea / ssp1 - Tress of the Emerald Sea related (cosmere, secret project 1)
Yumi and the Nightmare Painter / ssp3 - Yumi and the Nightmare Painter related (cosmere, secret project 3)
atla - Avatar the Last Airbender related (Including LoK)
trc - The Raven Cycle
gansey my blorbo - since the boy has recently fully achieved blorbo status for me, I will tag things that inspire brainrot, my thoughts and other things relating to him here.
trc brainrot - my specifically trc original posts
aftg - All For The Game 
tlt - The Locked Tomb
tlt art - what it says on the tin: tlt fan art
tlt-core- a joke subtag of tlt, for posts that have nothing to do with tlt but remind me of it anyway
tloz - Legend of Zelda related
I also tag for the game in tloz, such as oot, botw, totk, attp, etc
linkeduniverse - Linked Universe related (tloz subfandom)
fma - Full Metal Alchemist
murderbot - The Murderbot Diaries
dctf - things related to DC. It stands for “DC the fuck?” because I know nothing about dc, everything ik comes from the like 3 movies I watched and tumblr interaction. I casually enjoy it, so I reblog it
dtph- Know nothing Danny Phantom Tag bc my friend teaching me about SW is also obsessed w DP and I get some enjoyment from it, despite knowing even less about it than SW. There is a convoluted pun behind the tag im not going to explain
I also tag for specific au’s/fics, so keep an eye out for those
other of my more rare fandoms are tagged
Also hoping to start using "[fandom] art" more often, for my own sake lol
 us politics - because its impossible to escape us politics here, and because I care for my american friends, i reblog posts with us politics. This is that tag
usa things - for things that generally relate to america, mostly, and to the best of my knowledge
HOSH tag - For heartbreaking or Serious/Heavy topics/posts
liwi good tag - Opposite of the HOSH tag; light hearted and good things that remind me that Life is worth it sometimes. 
shay posts - original posts
shay writes - my original writing
Regal Creativity - (previously Favourite Creativity) - my original writing that I’m particularly proud of
shay’s asks - ask tags
writing ref - writing references (when I remember to tag for it)
tumblr storybook - Cool bits of creative writing and stories I find. includes comics
tumblr poetry collection - new tag for pieces of poetry I come across that I like
tumblr art gallery - any non-fandom art I see and like
banger art OP - my favourite art, fandom or not
Flash tw or tw eyestrain- the tags I use for warn for flashing images, or images that can be straining toblook at. I'm not always consistent but I try
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phantomechospics · 5 years ago
"ref to full metal alchemist" the 2003 one!!! the inferior one!!!!!! (actually Pride gets power over shadows and is a tiny child. Bradley's Wrath)
Whoop, you right. Sorry, binged both of them recently and have a bit of a hard time separating them out on only 4 hours of sleep. 
Although, if you note, I did say ‘Full metal alchemist’, not ‘Brotherhood’. :) 
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subtleanime · 3 years ago
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Full metal Alchemist shirt merch, sweatshirts and hoodies. Tags: shirt FMAB Hoodie Elric Elric Brothers Hoodie metal Alchemist Hoodie Symbol shirt Shirt SweatShirt metal shirt etsy.com/listing/1126844408/full-metal-alchemist-shirt-fma?utm_source=tumblr&utm_medium=ref&utm_campaign=cs
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pathfinder-bestiary · 6 years ago
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Technic League Hireling (CR 3)
This woman’s once-fine garments are tattered and stained with unnatural fluids, but her protective gear is carefully maintained.
XP 800 Human rogue 4 CN Medium humanoid (human) Init +4; Senses Perception +8
AC 18, touch 14, flat-footed 14 (+3 armor, +4 Dex, +1 shield) hp 25 (4d8+4) Fort +5, Ref +9, Will +1 Defensive Abilities evasion, trap sense +1, uncanny dodge
Speed 30 ft. Melee dagger +4 (1d4+1/19–20) Ranged dagger +7 (1d4+1/19–20) Special Attacks sneak attack +2d6
Str 13, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 8, Cha 10 Base Atk +3; CMB +4; CMD 18 Feats Alertness, Deft Hands, Great Fortitude Skills Acrobatics +11, Appraise +7, Bluff +7, Climb +8, Disable Device +15 (+14 vs. electronic devices), Escape Artist +11, Knowledge (engineering) +6, Knowledge (local) +6, Perception +8, Sense Motive +8, Sleight of Hand +13, Stealth +11, Survival +3, Swim +5 Languages Common, Giant, Hallit, Orc SQ implanted tracker chip, rogue talents (ledge walker, trap spotter), trapfinding +2
Black E-Pick (Ex) This electronic lockpick allows the user to attempt Disable Device checks against electronic devices and grants its user a +1 competence bonus on the check. Thieves’ tools do not apply to Disable Device checks against electronic devices. An e-pick has 10 charges; using the e-pick as part of a Disable Device check consumes one charge. An e-pick weighs 1 pound and is worth 100 gp.
Implanted Tracker Chip (Ex) This chip allows its carrier to be tracked remotely with a chipfinder (see Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Technology Guide). Finding evidence of it requires a full-round search of the carrier and a successful DC 30 Perception check. Extracting the chip requires a slashing weapon and deals 1 point of damage to the carrier.
Environment ruins (Numeria) Organization solitary Treasure NPC gear (potions of cure light wounds [2], potion of delay poison, acid [2], alchemist’s fire, antitoxin, smokesticks [2], mwk studded leather, mwk buckler, dagger, cloak of resistance +1, backpack, black e-pick, climber’s kit, crowbar, everburning torch, grappling hook, magnifying glass, masterwork thieves’ tools, signal whistle, silk rope [100 ft.], sunrod [2], tindertwig [4], waterskin)
Long experience with the threats of Silver Mount often leaves Technic League members reluctant to risk their own lives in exploration. Rather, when they gain access to a new chamber in the Mount or other trove of lost technology, they sometimes rely on hirelings and specialized slaves. Also called canaries, metal rats, and silver divers, these delvers are valued for their skill but still seen as expendable. While most hire on voluntarily, offering their services in exchange for coin and adventure, some are adventurers who were caught trespassing in the Technic League’s domain, and now pay for their continued existence with this risky form of servitude.
Hirelings are searched for any sign of contraband whenever they exit the Mount. Attempts to hide technology bring harsh, public punishment as a warning to others. The Technic League secretly implants tracking devices in most metal rats to prevent them from escaping with technological secrets, attributing the scar to injections given to protect against exotic plagues and poisons.
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sylfaean · 8 years ago
[cracks knuckles] alright, lemme try, Tokoyami has No Face from Spirited Away, Kaminari has a pokeball from Pokemon (duh), Kirishima has like a Soul Eater shirt, and the tattoos on Bakugo remind me of Full Metal Alchemist but I may be wrong. I can't really pinpoint Jirou and all i can think of is like a music anime?? Also your art is vv nice i like it a lot 👍
Yoo internet cookie for you :) Yes to the first 3, Bakugou’s got Kimblee’s explosion transmutation circles in his tats so you’re also right there, and Jirou’s is an Angel Beats ref hehe
And thank you so much
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thecreaturecodex · 8 years ago
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“Smile Dog”  © deviantArt user Snook-8. Accessed at her deviantArt page here
[For my interpretation of the Smile Dog creepypasta, I took additional inspiration from The Rake (who’s doglike in the original story but everyone seems to forget this), the Weeping Angels from Doctor Who and the Nina Chimera from Full Metal Alchemist. Spread the word.]
Rouchei This malformed creature is simultaneously pathetic and horrifying—a naked canine form twisted into the shape of a man. Its arms and legs end not in paws but with human-like hands tipped with iron claws. Its head is dog-like in shape, but enormous pale eyes peer from behind its long greasy hair, and its mouth is twisted into a disturbingly wide, disturbingly human, smile.
Born of bad dreams and transmitted through images, roucheis are psychic viruses given cruel solidity. Their appearances are so uniquely horrible that they linger in the mind long after the beast itself has left, allowing them access to new psyches to spread their influence along. The suggestions given by a rouchei to its victims in their dreams are generally propagative—forcing their victim to show the rouchei or its image to more victims to spread its net of influence—but it can also, over time, warp people into violent puppets or send them screaming towards suicide. If a rouchei cannot properly influence one of its thralls or if it is feeling playful, it will resort to bloody violence.
Each rouchei has a unique appearance, but all of them appear as a sickly, twisted amalgamation of dog and man. If an image is crafted capable of conveying a rouchei’s haunting appearance but is suitably distinct from any existing rouchei, a new rouchei will be created. Such events are relatively rare, so roucheis prize particularly creative artists as reproductive opportunities. Despite their appearance of ill-health, roucheis are remarkably strong and agile, weaving between opponents in combat to strike at the weakest and tearing them to pieces with long claws and oddly blunt teeth. Roucheis do not need to feed, but enjoy consuming parts of their victims in order to spread fear.
Rouchei                                CR 10 XP 9,600 NE Medium outsider (native) Init +4; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, Perception +19, scent Aura haunting appearance (30 ft, Will DC 21) Defense AC 22, touch 15, flat-footed 17 (+4 Dex, +7 natural, +1 Dodge) hp 138 (12d10+72) Fort +10, Ref +12, Will +12 DR 10/good or cold iron; SR 21 Offense Speed 40 ft. Melee bite +16 (3d4+4 plus grab), 2 claws +16 (1d8+4) Special Attacks grab (Medium creatures), rake (2 claws +16, 1d8+4) Spell-like Abilities CL 12th, concentration +17 At will—suggestion (DC 18) 3/day—crushing despair (DC 19), dimension door, fear (DC 19) 1/day—dominate person (DC 20), fly Statistics Str 19, Dex 19, Con 22, Int 17, Wis 18, Cha 20 BAB +12; CMB +16 (+20 grapple); CMD 31 Feats Combat Casting, Dodge, Mobility, Nimble Moves, Spring Attack, Wind Stance Skills Acrobatics +19 (+23 jumping), Bluff +20, Climb +16, Disable Device +19, Escape Artist +19, Intimidate +20, Perception +19, Sense Motive +19, Stealth +19 Languages Abyssal, Aklo, Common, Infernal Ecology Environment any land and underground Organization solitary Treasure standard Special Abilities Haunting Appearance (Su) Any creature within thirty feet of a rouchei that can see it must succeed a DC 21 Will save or become obsessed with its grotesque form. A creature that succumbs to a rouchei’s haunting appearance becomes shaken for 1 week. During this time, whenever that creature falls asleep, he suffers the effects of a nightmare spell (no save). In this nightmare, the rouchei whose appearance the creature was affected by can communicate with the victim as per a dream spell, and can use its suggestion spell-like ability once per nightmare (the victim can make a Will save as normal). This has no effect on creatures that do not sleep or dream. This is a mind-affecting, fear, curse effect that functions like a gaze attack. If a creature successfully saves, it is immune to the haunting appearance of that rouchei for 24 hours. A remove fear spell will remove the shaken condition, but only a remove curse or break enchantment spell against CL 12th can remove the nightmare curse effect.
The haunting appearance of a rouchei is so pernicious that it can also be conveyed through visual media. In order to make a image of a rouchei of high enough quality to transmit its haunting appearance, a DC 25 Craft check for any visual medium is required, or a DC 25 Spellcraft check if using an illusion spell or effect. If a rouchei is slain, its haunting appearance still causes the shaken condition, but no nightmare effect occurs.
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