#‘today’ lol it’s tomorrow now
thatswhatsushesaid · 2 months
words can't express how excited i am to see you get into book 4 (aka second? part of volume 6) of tgcf. nothing makes a girl happier than seeing fellow fans suffer.
i am already suffering and i just started vol 6!!! hualian kissed, but now xie lian is in the kiln with white no-face and another flashback arc with the xianle trio just started 😬 xie lian you’re in trouble girl
also i think i know ruoye’s origins now and @lansplaining you were absolutely right, i DO desperately wish i could part myself from that knowledge.
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expelliarmus · 6 months
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ariadne-mouse · 5 months
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"My hair is longer and so is my list of grievances. Your ex says hi by the way."
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buttery-chaos · 18 days
happy birthday to the best boy in the world ✨
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some memes to help me cope because i am god's strongest soldier
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hiddenonigiri · 3 months
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we are — favorite friendships | mick and pun
“Are you thinking the same thing?” “Definitely, I feel we can get along, Pun.”
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never lay down in bed right after eating. don't think about staying on your phone for nearly two hours in that position. don't sleep either. acid reflux is real and i hate that guy
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duskyashe · 2 years
NaNoWriMo Day #11
Today's prompt isn't a Harry Potter one like I said it would be yesterday, but that's because I'm sick and writing makes my head hurt (⁠٥⁠↼⁠_⁠↼⁠) so instead, I grabbed one of @stealingyourbones prompts off the @batpham-discord-highlights server and ended up drawing it! Now, for it to count per my own rules, I have to write something to go with it, so I will, but it will be short (⁠^⁠~⁠^⁠;⁠)⁠ゞ
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Jason didn't set out to adopt two traumatized teens with super powers, but then, he'd come to realize that Bruce, for all his faults, had been the same way. The difference was, Jason refused to fail his sons the way Bruce had failed his own kids. While Jason's new biggest fear was turning out just like either of his fathers, his kids constantly reassured him he was doing pretty well.
He did his best to train his kids, both in and out of suit, helped them with their homework, and made sure they spent time being kids instead of fighting crime (if Captain Marvel suddenly started taking more days off from the League, well, the big three could only feel relief). He also did his best to keep his kids off the Bat's radar, at least until they were both sixteen and could use their powers competently in either of their forms. He'd almost succeeded in that last one when a mass Arkham breakout had called for all hands on deck. He had tried to leave his kids behind, but Danny and Billy were insistent. Thus, Hood's Ravens, named after Odin's own raven companions, Hugin and Munin, took flight through Gotham.
Through the mission brief and the first part of the roundup, Hugin and Munin stuck close to Red Hood, keeping their powers mostly under wraps. They were doing surprisingly well in such a large scale mission, in Jason's opinion. Sure, they'd both had previous experience with fighting large groups or for long periods separately, the kind of teamwork they were displaying, working as two parts of a whole, brought Jason a sense of pride. He'd been the one to teach them that, after all.
Suddenly, Babs let out a frustrated growl over comms. "I just lost connection to half the cameras in the city, I'm nearly as blind as you guys. You're going to have to do this the old fashioned way until I can figure out what happened," she said.
Jason shared a look with his sons and sighed, silencing whatever protest or reassurance the others were flooding the comms line with. "You two sure about this?" He got twin nods. "Alright. You know the rules. Stay out of sight, don't engage if you don't have to. Hugin, you take East side, Munin, you take West side. Go." Both boys were suddenly airborne, one flying East and the other flying West. He watched them fly for a bit before getting back to work. He trusted them to follow his rules and to know their limits. They could do this.
Soon, nearly identical voices were feeding real time information directly to the bats, each raven playing the role of "eye in the sky" surprisingly well for fifteen year olds. They directed the closest free bat or bird to problem areas, they rescued trapped or injured civilians, and most of all, they listened to any suggestions or corrections Babs gave them and adjusted accordingly. Jason was so unbelievably proud of his sons, he was fit to burst from it all. He couldn't understand how Bruce had never buried them all under mountains of praise if he'd ever felt even half as proud of his bats and birds as Jason was of his ravens in that moment.
Eventually, things calmed down enough that Jason wasn't exactly surprised to sense the big man himself dropping onto the roof behind him. Jason let Bruce watch him as he continued to watch his sons flying over and through the city, giving directions and helping when needed. They stood there like that for a few minutes before Jason sighed. "What is it, old man?"
"Those kids, Hugin and Munin. Who are they."
Jason felt the pit rise up at Bruce's tone, feasting on the riot of pride, anxiety, joy, fear, and anger. He wondered if the green he was seeing was real or imaginary as he turned to look over his shoulder at his adoptive father. "Those are my sons," he growled.
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There (⁠;⁠^⁠ω⁠^⁠)I hope that satisfies! It's only thanks to ibuprofen that I was able to get through writing that much, so thank you modern pharmaceuticals ✧⁠◝⁠(⁠⁰⁠▿⁠⁰⁠)⁠◜⁠✧
Whether or not Danny and Billy are actually related (ie long lost twins, cousins, clones, brothers really close in age) or just doppelgangers is up to the reader, but the point is they're practically identical when just standing next to each other, but suit them up as Red Hood's Ravens, Hugin and Munin, they're indistinguishable until one goes invisible and the other starts shooting spells at things. In fact, Danny and Billy regularly "switch" who is Hugin and who is Munin. They usually discuss beforehand who is going to be who for a given period of time, but sometimes one of their power sets is better suited for a situation and they'll switch on a dime. Of course, this is only possible because their suits are identical in every way, being based heavily on Dick's Nightwing costume (specifically the Young Justice version) with red ravens on their chests instead of the bat on Jason's. Neither has a preferred weapon to deal with as they're both hand to hand fighters when they're not using their powers (Danny's ecto/ice blasts and Billy's spells), either. They do both still show up as their first alter egos, Phantom and Captain Marvel, fairly regularly, but Jason ensures they get plenty of rest and down time while still doing their school and homework.
I might have more to add later, but I'm drowning in snot and the ibuprofen is trying to wear off, so I'm going to leave it there. If anyone wants to continue this, please let me and @stealingyourbones know so we can enjoy it, too! (⁠◠⁠‿⁠・⁠)⁠—⁠☆
Have a good morning/day/night!
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mossy-paws · 6 months
Bio oc doodle requests
okay so! I am very bored and my motivation to finish other projects is kind of down BUT!! I really wanna draw my biograft oc’s more so I’m looking at all of you to give me some :3
aaaaa it’s preferred nothing big but if you ask any specific questions (specifically about lore) I may draw some somewhat bigger stuff depending on what it is! Preferred that these are just small low effort doodles though :3!
these are my bio oc’s btw- ask away :3 (Their names are Clementine, Mossgraft, and WALL-E btw! Mainly looking for Clementine requests though at the moment (he’s the bio in the last image))
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burning-academia-if · 21 days
:o could we get beck + longing?
Beck + Longing!
(PS got a lot more of these than I was expecting lol, so it'll take a few days to get through all of them! I promise I'll get to all the ones sent in today though!)
At some point, after the confessions of feelings and the overflowing warmth of a newfound connection, you’d catch glimpses of it. In moments Beck thought he was alone, his eyes would go vacant, lost in thoughts you couldn’t begin to fathom. He’d stare out, the ghost of something darkening his form.
            You’d linger, just a moment, before he’d notice you and his ever present smile bloomed in place. You didn’t think this smile was false, but you weren’t sure what those previous moments had been.
            In retrospect, you knew little about Beck. For all the words he’d say, very little was truly about him. You didn’t think he’d meant to, and you were sure if you asked he’d tell you anything. But were you ready for that conversation? Everything was still so much, and the relationship still so new. When was the right time to dig deeper into someone? It was a question without answer.
            At some point, it clicked into place exactly what you were witnessing.
            You’d found him at a table outside, near the dorms. His headed rest against his hand, his other hand holding his phone. The screen of it was dark, reflecting his unfocused gaze. He looked like he was waiting for someone’s call or text. His thumb hovered over the screen, but didn’t press down. You watched only a second, but that second was enough for a seed of understanding to form.
            “Are you waiting for someone?” You slid into the seat across from him, and he straightened himself just a moment too quick.
            He lets his phone rest on the table, “I’m not waiting for anyone, really. I’m more…hoping for it, I guess.”
            Normally, the ghost of whatever he was thinking about leaves him the moment you arrive. It remains this time, swirling around in his eyes. You don’t know a lot about him, and maybe this is too much too soon, but he isn’t hiding this from you or pretending it isn’t there. You don’t even think he meant to before.
            “Hoping for what?”
            He laughs, more a breath than anything, “For my aunts or uncles of cousins to text me back. To forgive me, or to let me explain the past.”
            “What…what happened?”
            “A lot, I guess. I don’t mind telling you but can I…can I have time to think about how to say it?”
            There’s an apology ready but you beat him to it, “Of course. You’ve always waited for me, I can wait for you. Whenever you’re ready.”
            The ease of his shoulders and the spark of light back in his eyes squeezes at your heart, “Thank you.”
            “Of course.”
            “I love you.” You would never understand how he could say it so easily, even right at the beginning. The words are still hard for you now, so foreign in concept.
            But you know you mean it, when you say it back. And you’ll wait for the answers, of whatever exists under the softness of Beck’s heart.
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chairofchaos · 1 month
them: is this the hill you want to die on?
me: no, but it’s where I’ll leave your corpse
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it my birthday
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happ birthday
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queer-vampire · 11 days
paige either has cancer or is in advanced stages of heart failure. tomorrow they're gonna drain the fluid out of her abdomen, and her blood work will be back tomorrow so we can get a better idea if its one or the other. of course i knew this day would come, but it still hurts to be dealing with this.
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shalpilot · 4 months
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temporary buddies
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raiiny-bay · 4 months
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cheriboms · 11 months
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doctober day 20: rear-view mirror
the REAL reason that the cops and jennifer got to the house before they did is bc they were stuck circling the block for like ten minutes ://
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