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hiddenonigiri · 6 months ago
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we are — favorite friendships | fai, q and peem 
“This is our lives as second-year Fine Art students.”
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the-noneblog · 2 years ago
(mau5trap) WAF Vol. 11
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levitheeldritch · 2 years ago
All guestbook png names
Figured I'd compile all these for people who don't want to read them or can't. Tell me if they add any, or if I missed any! Excluding the ".png"s pr the ".webp"s. The numbers will stay, they might be able to be translated (hint hint, those who are up for it)
Tell me if I should add the message they are responding to as well!
And lastly, If you're having trouble reading a file name fully and the tab cuts it off, right click, hit "Save image" and it will give you, hopefully, the full file name.
(Long post warning) (sorry if someone already did this)
(Page 1)
Heart on Grace's message: Thankyou
Poppy on Waltz Fantasy's message: Ilikepoppytooneighbor
Barnaby on Doinktv's message: honk honk haha
Smiley on Scott's message: with me neighbor
Flower in between Mar, Gremmie, Cal, and Faerie's messages: Thankyouihopeyouthinkititsbeutiful
Smiley on Ramsey's message: hello_whyareyousmilingthisway_illkeepyoucompanyneighbor
Bug(?) on Facefullabug's message: ilovebugs
Stars around Sally's name: sallyisthatyou
Hearts in between CajamaPat and Friendly Frankenstein's message: ourneighborsarehere!thankyoutooneighbor
Crying smiley on Watchy's message: youdontlikemeneighbor
Apple on MaddieC's message: itsaaple!
Rainbow on equation's message: hereyougo
Spiral over Judy's message: helloneighbor
Poppy over Westbrook's message: poppyisbigilovehertoo
Big nose smiley over Roger's message: ilikeyournose
Frank over bittern's message: ilovefranktoo
Four leaf clover over Marisol's message: youarelucky!comebyoftenneighbor
House around Froot's name: homed!
Clown face over Infinitestyle's message: itsoktofrownyouarestillmyfriend
(Page 2)
Howdy caterpillar over Mocha's message: doyouseehowdynow_
Julie over Eli's message: juileismyfriendtoo
HELLO over Jacky!'s message: icanhearyouneighbor
Butterfly over bugman's message: hereisabugforyouneighbor
Envelope over Seb's message: iwillmailhimaletterforyou
Flower over Rhia's message: ipromiseiwilltellher
Worm over worm's message: idonotknowwhatwiggles_barnabysaiditwasthis
Sally over Bird's message: iknowsally
Spiral over Emily's message: soyouwillknowiamlookingatyouneighbor_iamtalkingtoyou
Heart's over Vespi's message: iloveyouiloveyou
Smiley over Hopper's message: wearehappy_doyoulooklikethis_
Barnaby over Cloud's message: idonotknowwhatclownis_iaskedfrank_hesaidbarnaby_hereisbarnaby
TV over Cyborg's message: youareontv!
Home in between Milly and Amy's messages: ilovehome_homeismyfriend
Eddie over Tobijam's message: eddieisafriendilikehimtoo_herunstoomuch
Pig over PiggyPie's message: iamapuppet!iamyourfavorite!
Star's and a horn(?) over Star's message: goodnightneihbor
(Page 3)
Hello in between Curbin and Bio's messages: hello_youseethis_
Heart over Peony's message: thisisaheart__
Tv over TeeVee's message: tvtvtv
Bug over Alucard's message: iwilltellfrankforyou_thebugwilllooklikethis_''
Flower in between morqua, Keeper, Cloudy(again?), and MisterJi's message: youwillcomewithme_
Butterfly(?) over B's message: frank_ i will tell Frank_
Pufferfish over Katie🐡's message: thankyou_Katie!
Home over nenkaii's message: howse_howse
Hand over Teresa's message: iwillhelpyouneighbor
Smiley with flowers over jojo's message: whoisthis
Grocery bag over hal's message: dohesellhisheart_
Wally over Cherry's message: thankyouCherry!IthinkIamprettytoo!
Doormat under Buttercream's message: youwipeyourshoeshere!
(Page 4)
A pair of Julie's horns over Julie's message: share_OhyouarenotJulie_IwilltellJulie_Somuchfamily! (I speculate that the character Julie was not as caring as her page made her out to be...or I'm misreading it)
Cat over Pearlie's message: Kittycat_famous_tv_
Band-aid with heart over Nick's message (you good, Nick?) : youllbeokay!
Three layered hearts over Milk and Zeke's message: wearefriends!
Wally-themed smiley over falling's message: no_Iamwally_Iamyourfriend
Home with rain over it over Morning's message: ihaveseenthembefore_dotheylikeeachother (Note that Morning's message was two ladybug and butterfly emoji's next to each other, in the house)
Tic-tac-toe board without any Xs over Ant's message: youdo_iamsohappy_
A net over a bee's message: ohIunderstand!weareplaying!ihaveyou!
Hearts and a wally-themed smiley over Watchy's (again. I think they're replying to wally after their last one) message: Imthemostmost
(Page 5)
A flower over Flower's message: YahooYippeeYahooYippee
A snail over Snail's message: doyoulikefrank
A red phone over Nastolgia's message (same, same, I also simp for wally) : thenanswerme_ (I'm guessing this is a reference to the phone error page secret)
Music notes over ByeClownGuy's message: areyousinging_
Heart with Wally-themed smiley over Cici's message: youwill_
Red eye over Savanah's message: no_apuppet_
Scribbles over Alex' message (which, btw, says "this website has secrets I know it"): (No message, only png numbers)
A bunch of "Hi"s over It's me Siri, RiverrPlanett, and Kris' messages: 69154f_9adc1a2762974387967d98d074560168~mv2
Music notes over Newt's message: 69154f_c577f54056fa411199f3f1b28a57957c~mv2
A storm cloud with rain over Almost's message: 69154f_5b50ad1bebc74fcbb501af3902484e16~mv2
Spiral over Mars' message: 69154f_61faea92980241f9bf0f0b67a4725382~mv2
"I love you" and a heart over Silly mc Billy's message: 69154f_0ae04f8b5a4941bda9a9b9e03362b16c~mv2.webp
Howdy caterpillar over Katey's message: 69154f_86c3037996bd48448d170a21076ee2b5~mv2
Envelope over Eddie's message: 69154f_b5c1f5d5e55e4f21bc5ab60d0d5b4583~mv2
(Page 6:)
X over a cutlery set in between Tott and Theo's messages: 69154f_96b95189ac3c4c1b85162fe609288392~mv2
Thought bubble around Maxie's message: 69154f_eb151a6f4d564f0f8f15af805679154a~mv2
Flower with a smiley over Scaredy cat's message: 69154f_57b837118d9642e2adcb0c4529c451d7~mv2
Drum (Bongo?) over Mars' message: 69154f_785c6d84057d4203b2d87aad06090231~mv2
Heart around Fynn's message: 69154f_d22bd57dbe6f49f3a2d9aadedf3dc23f~mv2
Barnaby's hat on Mr. Teddy's message: Lovehim_Youremember
Clock face (Yes, a clock. Look around on Clown's tumblr if you're curious) in between Rhiana, Ani, Kimchi, and Loom's messages: Itsnottimeyet_imlooking_
X's and question marks over ...'s message: whyareyoufibbing_youarenothere_idontseeyou_pleasedonotlietome_
Yellow flowers over B.L.P e Issac.'s message: ilikeyellowtoo_imyellow_sallyisyellow_franksnoseisyellow_
Butterfly over Thomas Hingle (Thinglet247)'s message: Idontknoweither_
Red spiral over Jackob's message: Scratchharder_
Envalope over minaaaaa's message: Valentine_Iwilltellher_
Fish...thing...??? over Roro's message: rat_ (Wally, that's not a rat.)
Wally's signature over Wally's message: Ourname_
Scribble over Nosipho's message (The crossed out words say "Hiya Wally! You and-"): nomemory_
Clouds and sun over Dark's message: everyoneishappy_
Box with an X over Elliott =)'s message: icantreachthem_imsorry_
(Page 7)
Confetti (Or rainbow gummi worms :D/hj) over Tommy's message: imyourfavorite_thatmakesmehappy_thanyou_
Hearts over Ana's message: iloveyoutoo_ (Awww :,3)
Bucket of paint over Cuantum's message: paint
Barnaby over Kala's message: whatisyourfather_
Flower under Iris' message: dontbeafraid_
Cookie next to Rocky's message: icouldnotfindthem_iwilllookharder_
Eyes (specifically Wally's eyes) over gigi's message: hahaha
Tv over Soph's message: isitme_
(Page 8)
Blue, untied shoe (Probably Wally's) On The Lost red shoe's message: itsveryhard_
Hearts on Kazoo's message (Same. He's cute): itoldhim_hesaidhesflattered_idontknowwhatanyoneistalkingabout_
Birthday hat on Charlie :)'s message: iamyourfavoritetoo_imveryhappy_
On two of the empty boxes on page eight, there's two sectret messages from Wally! (They're near each other!)
The first says
"W a L L y
You won't write back."
And the second,
You're looking for me. Silly. Silly."
Hope this helps, this took a very long time to do, and it was kinda tedious.
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defnotrat · 1 year ago
Everything I've found in the welcome home website so far:
Sorry if anything is missing or written weird, I did this in one sitting and is just a barebones reading (side note: oopl stands for out of place letters)
Hidden link: /i
Oopl: y
Hidden link: /help /will-2 /4-14-bf
Oopl: w
Hidden link: /11-14-jb /i-2
Hidden links: /so-below -/neighbor /you -/you-1 /9-14-fp /8-14-ef
Oopl: x
Hidden links: /12-14-hb
Oopl: e
Hidden links: /13-14-he /find
Hidden links: /7-14-ej
Oopl: v
Hidden words: W a L L y You won't write back. Wally You're looking for me. Silly. Silly.
Hidden messages (the drawings): ilikepoppytooneighbor thankyou honkhonkhaha withmeneighbor thankyouihopeyouthinkitsbeautiful hellowhyareyousmilingthisway ilovebugs sallyisthatyou ourneighborsareherethankyoutooneighbor youdontlikemeneighbor itsaapple hereyougo helloneighbor poppyisbigilovehertoo ilikeyournose ilovefranktoohefrownsithinkheisfunny youareluckycomebyoftenneighbor homed itsokaytofrownyouarestillmyfriend doyouseehowdynow julieismyfriendtoo icanhearyouneighbor hereisabugforyouneighbor iwillmailhimaletterforyou ipromiseiwilltellher idonotknowwhatwigglesbarnabysaiditwasthis iknowsally soyouwillknowiamlookingatyouneighboriamtalkingtoyou iloveyouiloveyou wearehappydoyoulooklikethis idonotknowwhatclownisiaskedfrankhesaidbarnabyhereisbarnaby youareontv ilovehomehomeismyfriend eddieisafriendilikehimtooherunstoomuch iamapuppetiamyourfavorite goodnightneighbor helloyouseethis thisisaheart tvtv iwilltellfrankforyouthebugwilllooklikethis youwillcomewithme frankiwilltellfrank thankyoukatie iwillhelpyouneighbor howsehowse dohesellhisheart whoisthis thankyoucherryithinkiamprettytoo youwipeyourshoeshere shareohyouarenotjulieiwilltelljuliesomuchfamily kittycatfamoustv youllbeokay wearefriends noiamwallyiamyourfriend ihaveseenthembeforesotheylikeeachother youdoiamsohapoy ohiunderstandweareplayinfihaveyou imthemostmost yahooyippeeyahooyippee doyoulikefrank thenanswerme areyousinging youwill noapuppet lovehimyouremember itsnottimeyetimlooking whyareyoufibbingyousrenothereidontseeyoupleasefontlietome ilikeyellowtooilyellowsallyisyellowfranksnoseisyellow idontknoweither scratchharder valentineiwilltellher rat ourname nomemory everyoneishappy icantreachthemimsorry imyourfavoritethatmskesmehappythankyou iloveyoutoo paint whatisyourfather dontbeafraid icouldnotfindthemiwilllookharder hahaha isitme itsveryhard itoldhimhesaidhesflatteredidontknowwhatanyoneistalkingabout iamyourfavoritetooimveryhappy howdyistootallicantreach yesturnthedial koalathiaiskoala dreamyouneedahatforthat itisgoodtocomehome comebackhaha idontknowwhatavideisthisisahat bloomiknowwhatthatisneighbor iwillcountonyou ojos(eyes) eunãoseiondeestamos(idontknowwhereweare) themost homeisreal youareanapplenowhaha ilikethemall ithinksotoo
Hidden links: /1-14-ph
Hidden links: /6-14-jf /phone
Hidden links: /2-14-sp /understand /crack-the-code -/password-please -/staff-only -/error404 -/soon
Hidden links: /10-14-js /a
Oopl: o
Hidden words: But it hurts. When I unwrapped the first letter, I felt it. I heard it. Open. Open. Open. I want it out. I'm going to get it out. Does it hurt? The numbers are so hard to read. Sometimes I can't see them.
Hidden links: /5-14-be
/eovwxy /yxwvoe -/singingmp4 /ywxoev -/way /voywex /woxyve -/14-14-bh
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rain-moon-music-design · 2 years ago
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❤ WE ARE FRIENDS, 저의 생각, 말, 행동, 모든 것이 세상에 도움이 되기를! 🌍 May my thoughts, words, actions, and everything I do warm the world. 😊 #우리는친구 #소녀와강아지 #어깨동무 #우정 #WeAreFriends #GirlAndDog #ShoulderToLeanOn #Friendship #BelovedPets
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milkycookiereads · 4 years ago
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#Happy Labor Day weekend everyone ❤️ #COMEJOINUS #DROUGHTLANDER6MOREMONTHS #WEAREINTHISTOGETHER #ITSOKAY #WEAREFRIENDS #FansoftheScottishClansmen: #OutlanderWorldwide🌐 https://www.instagram.com/p/B12KmbnhXUi/?igshid=y1kzdn9000yg
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pandoramsbox · 2 years ago
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An amazing set by @kasablanca. #wearefriends (at Bill Graham Civic Auditorium) https://www.instagram.com/p/CkAHFDSO3Td/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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silentperson00 · 6 years ago
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Doakan kami.. Agar kami kekal dalam perjuangan mencari ilmu.. #takharuj2 #wearefriends https://www.instagram.com/p/BrmIJQhBiru/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1qc42qed2sbpz
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paolazakimi · 6 years ago
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Little pots in my Etsy shop! #ceramicpot #ceramicpots #smallpots #illustratedceramics #oneofakind #littlefellas #setplanter #paolazakimi #wearefriends https://www.instagram.com/p/BrF4pbxhXF3/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1o7wuwc2ro9md
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hg-world-india · 2 years ago
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Friends... Who game together stay together!! 🎮🤝🏻
Tag your best gaming friend ❤️
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hiddenonigiri · 6 months ago
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we are — favorite friendships | mick and pun
“Are you thinking the same thing?” “Definitely, I feel we can get along, Pun.”
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x2ace · 4 years ago
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#브레이브드래곤 x #용용이 #BraveDragon x #MSILuckyDragon #일상 #일상스타그램 #가면라이더 #피규어 #가면라이더세이버 #sh피규어아츠 #우리는모두친구 #ordinary #kamenrider #maskedrider #kamenridersaber #shfiguarts #figure #msilucky #luckydragon #wearefriends #ootd https://www.instagram.com/p/CMUCFfMhVF5/?igshid=1qmj0csc4w8l6
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rain-moon-music-design · 2 years ago
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❤ 저의 생각, 말, 행동, 모든 것이 세상에 도움이 되기를! 🌍 May my thoughts, words, actions, and everything I do warm the world. 😊 #우리는친구 #소녀와강아지 #어깨동무 #우정 #WeAreFriends #GirlAndDog #ShoulderToLeanOn #Friendship #BelovedPets
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animalsoutloud · 4 years ago
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Photo: Ivabalk from Pixabay
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bradeverettyoung · 5 years ago
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@timothygranaderos of @13reasonswhy photographed by @bradley206 in Los Angeles for #DreamLoudOfficial! Stream Season 3 of #13ReasonsWhy along with Seasons 1 & 2 on @netflix! / #TimothyGranaderos #TimothyGranaderosJr #13ReasonsWhy #Netflix #Runaways #Marvel #TheTwin #WeAreFriends #CSI #Rosewood / #BradEverettYoung @TheOfficialDreamLoud DreamLoudOfficial.com /Photo taken w/ the @SonyAlpha #SonyAlpha #SonyA6000 #Photography #Portrait #Camera #Actor #Success #PortraitPhotography / #HappyToBeYear https://www.instagram.com/p/B1zTgt9A4id/?igshid=1ds243rcrg1nv
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