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cool-mimi-benadiba-blog · 8 months ago
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(via Mark Allan Hampton, an inspiration to all Handgun Hunters, has passed.)
Mark Allan Hampton from Missouri, an avid exotic animal hunter passed away from a heart attack, while on his latest safari with Bushman Safari Trackers in Tanzania. Mark Allan Hampton loved handgun hunting and he supported handgun hunting at every event possible. Mark’s passion for handgun hunting never wavered. He attended multiple handgun hunting events around the United States. One of these events was just one week ago, Handgun Hunter’s Competition in Newcastle, Wyoming. hashtag#BanTrophyHunting hashtag#stoptrophyhunting hashtag#ExposeTrophyHunting
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cool-mimi-benadiba-blog · 10 months ago
10 Worst Zoos List Saves Elephants
Today is World Elephant Day. For nearly two decades, In Defense of Animals has published its renowned 10 Worst Zoos for Elephants list. The aim of the list is to enlighten the public about the way elephants suffer in zoos and to help release as many as possible to sanctuaries. Despite enormous resistance from zoos and the Association of Zoos & Aquariums (AZA), we have had some remarkable successes. Some former zoo elephants are now living the good life in sanctuary, and 34 zoos have closed their elephant exhibits. We are dedicated to continuing this important work, and we deeply appreciate your support for our efforts. Support our work for elephants:
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cool-mimi-benadiba-blog · 10 months ago
BREAKING: 2nd Pig Gas Chamber in UK History EXPOSED (Cranswick Foods)
Since around 6 am this morning we’ve been occupying the top of an active pig gas chamber owned by Cranswick country foods. This action follows my latest investigation, featured in the independent, which found pigs being hit in the face before being gassed to death in horrific torture. You can find the full cranswick investigation on my YouTube channel now. Today’s action is part of a wider campaign to raise awareness for the plight of pigs after my feature length documentary Pignorant was released on Amazon prime.These disgusting torture chambers are currently operating all over the UK and the world. This is the horror that is legally allowed to take place, when animals don’t have rights protecting them.Please don’t support any industry that exploits sentient animals, help us share the truth and live vegan!
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cool-mimi-benadiba-blog · 11 months ago
Beautiful Young Elephant Puthenkulam Ananthakrishnan in Sakthikulangara ...
#BreakTheChains #Elephants are highly social animals who form strong, lasting bonds with their family members. They work together to solve problems and rely on the wisdom, judgment, and experience of their eldest relatives. In their natural homes, elephants spend their days socializing, swimming, browsing, and playing. These mammals are one of the few animals that are capable of displaying emotions, empathy, and emotional intelligence. We say that #elephants have big hearts because they are capable of expressing emotions. #elephant empathy and their emotions may be easy to understand because the emotions felt by elephants resemble those felt by humans. #Elephants protect their babies #elephants are very protective of their young and will use their bodies to shield them from potential threats. They will also use their trunks to create a barrier between the calves and any perceived danger. If an elephant feels that her calf is in danger, she will trumpet loudly and may even charge at the perceived threat. Though exploiting elephants for entertainment has fallen out of favor with compassionate consumers, some circuses and other traveling shows continue to profit from the cruel practice. Handlers beat, shock, and whip them until they learn to perform meaningless, confusing tricks that have no connection to their natural instincts and behavior. #Elephants in #Circuses/ #captivity are beaten and #chained for years. They only get food when they proform a trick that is not Natural to them. #wildanimals are stolen from their #wildhabatts and families they are placed in small spaces. Then they are beaten to break their #Spirits, not allowd rest, food or water. #elephants are kept alone in short chains around their ankles all for soul called #humanintertaiment. At tourist traps around the world, elephants who are made to give rides to humans are chained and beaten into submission. Many exploiters hold them in isolation from other members of their species. The boredom, stress, and trauma of #captivity can lead elephants to exhibit abnormal and harmful types of behavior, such as constant swaying and increased aggression. Most captive ones die decades short of the natural life expectancy of their species. #Elephants Used for Tourist Rides: Elephants are forced to give rides through violence and domination. Training begins early on. Young ones are taken from their frantic mothers and are then tied down and beaten with bullhooks and other instruments. The process continues until their spirits are broken and they’re fearful enough to obey their trainers in order to avoid pain. Elephants made to give rides are routinely denied nutritious food, adequate water, and needed veterinary care, especially for their feet. Countless humans and other animals have sustained injuries and even been killed when captive elephants have snapped and struck backs. Because every rider they are forced to give rides to who pays an excursion involving captive elephants has a hand in supporting this merciless cycle of abuse. #Elephants used in circus acts: Elephants used in circus shows live a dismal life in which they are dominated, imprisoned, and violently trained. Held like prisoners, those made to perform are often stuck in cramped trucks, shackled in barns, or forced to do tricks, and each wrong move leads to a painful strike from a bullhook. In order to train them, still-nursing baby elephants are roped around all four legs and dragged away from their mothers. From that point forward, they’re punished every time they attempt to engage in any type of instinctive, natural behavior until they become submissive and obedient. Most elephants used by circuses and zoos were captured in the wild and forced to leave their freedom and families behind. These industries spin captive breeding as a way to help prevent elephants from going extinct, but it’s bad for the captive animals who need more than a patch of dirt and food to thrive and accomplishes nothing for the species in the wild.Not to mention Elephants are highly intelligent and social animals, and their well-being can be significantly impacted when they are forced to perform in captivity. Let’s explore some of the challenges they face:   1.  Social and Emotional Challenges: In the wild, elephants live in large family units, forming intricate social networks. They mourn the loss of family members and rely on constant companionship. However, in captivity, elephants are often isolated or placed in artificial social units. Bonds are frequently broken due to shuffling between facilities. This lack of socialization and companionship deeply impacts their well-being. Ethical alternatives such as elephant sanctuaries prioritize natural social structures, allowing elephants to form meaningful relationships and engage in natural behaviors. 2. Physical Health Issues" Captive elephants suffer from foot disease, a major contributor to their early demise. Foot problems lead to systemic infections and joint issues. Limited space and inadequate habitats in captivity/zoos exacerbate these challenges. 3. Training Techniques and Stress:: Punishment-based training methods, such as beatings and shocks, cause stress, fear, and aggression in elephants. This also can lead to physical health issues as in trauma and social deprivation, exhibiting effects similar to post-traumatic stress. Stereotypical behavior, such as repetitive movements, is their way of managing stress and creating soothing endorphins. In order to keep exhibits stocked, facilities have turned to experimental artificial insemination procedures that involve inserting probes, catheters, and scopes into an elephant’s rectum and reproductive tract. These highly invasive procedures can take hours to perform and are typically repeated many times each cycle, often for years, before an elephant ever conceives. Rates of stillbirths and infant mortality are extremely high in captive elephant populations. Exhibitors spend millions of dollars to keep a few elephants on display, when that money could go so much further if spent on conserving habitats and protecting the species in the wild. This can lead to economic downturns, pandemics, or war. It destroys the lives of not only the animals but the whole world. The next pandemic we have might just wipe out all life. Please don't be apart of this distraction be apart of the solution #DontBuyATicket to see #wildanimals in #CaptivityKills In summary, elephants experience significant stress and physical health challenges when forced to perform. Ethical alternatives that prioritize their well-being are crucial for their conservation and humane treatment. Thought for the day One must not like animals to visit a place like this because if one does love animals. Why would they pay to see a #lions, #tiger, #elephant, take a #selfie or ride a wild animal & or perform tricks kept in captivity? When you buy a ticket, they suffer. #wildanimalsarenotslaves #breakthechains! #Elephants reveal a creature that weeps, revels, rages, and grieves. One can only believe that the depth of an #elephant’s emotional capacity knows no limits. When you buy a ticket They suffer. If you love animals, #DontBuyATicket for #dontideelephants #saynotoelephants elephantrides…#bornwildandfree Animals deserve the freedom that we #humananimals have. #keepthemwildandfree #CaptivityKills #breakthechains #dontrideelephants #banelephantrides #BanZoos #banselfieswithwildlife #bananimalcurcuses #bancaptivity #WildAnimals were #bornwild for a reason #LeaveThemWild You have a choice they don't #bethechange #liveandletlive #savewildlife #Elephants Abused for Tourists’ Cheap Photos/#selfies and #Entertainment #BreakTheChains #ElephantAbuse #PleaseSign #AnimalPetition #PleaseShareToMakeTheWorldAware #SpeakUpForElephants #AnimalAbuse #BoycottTheCircus #BoycottElephantRides #BreakTheChains
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cool-mimi-benadiba-blog · 11 months ago
Caviar Cruelty: Sturgeons Stabbed & Slaughtered
BREAKING: Animal Justice unveils an incredible caviar exposé. Extensive undercover footage shows endangered sturgeons suffering in tiny tanks for 10+ years, enduring repeated abdomen stabbings through which their eggs are sucked's horrifying to imagine, isn't it? Even moreso to see, but we must see! This is all for an unnecessary luxury garnish. It’s time to ban caviar! I'm so grateful to the investigators who pulled this off.
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cool-mimi-benadiba-blog · 1 year ago
Mother Cows and Calves Separated Forever
#Cows suckled as if they were criminals/properly. FYI animals are not criminals nor property. The only criminals are the ppl who let this happen I'm sure they know who they are! Starting with the #Meat/#Dairy & #egg #Industry Then Our #CanadinPrimeMinisterOfCanada Justin Trudeau #ShameOnThemAll justin Trudeau #ShameOnYou for #Raping Mother cows and #Ripping #newborncalves away form thier #Mother's and chaining babies to what looks like poorly make shift dog houses. THIS IS WRONG! Some calves don't have the opportunity to have the chance to even try to stand on their own befere they are brutally taken from thier mother's. Mother cows shuckled as if they were criminals/property. And if your wondering why cow;s have  pierced noses is becuase #Farmers don't want baby #Calves to suckle on their mother's teat like nature intended. Becase the milk cows produce farmers steal for #HumanConsumption. #Cows produce milk the same way human women do when they get pregnant. And cow's milk should be for calves the same way human breast milk is for human babies. #ShameOnYou Justin Trudeau FOR SUPPORTING #Rape, THIS VIOLATION OF WOMEN'S BODIES!! YOU HAVE NO RIGHT! The #diaryindustry is the #meatindustry, there is no difference between a "Family owned Farm" to a industrial farm. or an organic farm, they still get abused & Their animals will still get sent to thier brutal slaughter. And No there are no hamaine ways to slaughter someone if they don't want to die. FYI The #dairyindustry is the #meatindustry. There’s a crisis of cruelty in Canada’s rotten #dairyindustry . In recent years, multiple undercover exposés have revealed relentless abuse and heartbreaking suffering of #raping #cows yet, the government of #Canada Justin Trudeau refusing to act. THIS MAN Justin Trudeau WHO WE ALL #Canadian's LOOK UP TO IS #RAPING #cows AND LETTING IT HAPPEN!! Would you be happy if you got violently beaten day after day?? And #Raped and the one person being our #Canadian Government Justin Trudeau who can #stop this is refusing to do absolutely noting. Is this the life you, yourself would like to live?? FYI #raping SOMEONE WITHOUT THIER CONSENT IS A CRIME! So #ShameOnYou Justin Trudeau HOW THE HELL CAN #FARMERS SAY THEY LOVE THEIR ANIMALS. BUT YET TEAR THE BABY CALVES AWAY!! I just don't get that concept. And yes I know it's all about the money but come on where the H is our humanity?? Don’t kid yourself thinking that #farmers love their #animals. If they did, they wouldn’t raise them for slaughter. Besides wanting to make an attention getting video, they’re protecting they're profits. "What's in a glass of milk?? Feces, 135 puss cells and blood whew, Doesn't that sound like a healthy glass of milk?? NOT! Treat others the way you want to be treeted. And it will come back to you in Spades be kind. For those who think animals are here for us to eat or wear. why not ask yourselves why would our maker give animals a nervous system if they were meant to be brutality #murdered for us humans??. And NO there are no "Humane" ways to brutelly abuse or murder some one if they don't want to die!. All #animals want to live they are all #sentient beings just like us humans.🐄 #ShameOnYou Justin Trudeau Please #Email Justin Trudeau and tell him to regulate #slaughterhouses better. And protect the most valuable. Two #emails for him just in case one bounces the other won't [email protected] Tell him to regulate #slaugtherhouses and protect the most vulnerable better by installing camras. PM Justin Trudeau at his FB page TY🙏 #goveganfortheanimals 🐴 Try the 22 🌱🌎 PLANT BASED MEAT:
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cool-mimi-benadiba-blog · 1 year ago
Rider caught on camera beating horse !
Caught on Video: Olympic Trainer Apparently Whipping, Hitting Horses
Video footage showing Olympic dressage rider and trainer Cesar Parra apparently abusing horses is yet another graphic example of horses being harmed for the show ring. Parra can be seen whipping horses and engaging in a practice known as “rollkur,” which is so cruel it has been banned by the International Federation for Equestrian Sports (FEI). The United States Equestrian Federation and FEI have suspended Parra while they investigate the allegations.
PETA is calling on the International Olympic Committee (IOC) to ban all equestrian events. Watch the entire video of Parra here, and then please ask the IOC to ban dangerous equestrian events:
Take Action for Horses!
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cool-mimi-benadiba-blog · 1 year ago
DISTURBING undercover animal blood bank investigation
An operation in Indiana that keeps nearly 900 dogs and cats perpetually confined to barren kennels and crowded pens and sells their blood to veterinary clinics will you Your support today will strengthen our work to expose such horrid places and prevent even more animals from suffering?
here's a link you can #Sign #RT and #Share and  also read and inform yourselves on these deadly blood banks which I like to call them #VampireLabs
PLS take action #Sign #RT and #Share TY🐈🐕🐾
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cool-mimi-benadiba-blog · 1 year ago
‘Don’t Take My Cheese’ Starring Edie Falco
Big Dairy doesn’t want you to see this! Edie Falco, the iconic Carmela Soprano, shines in PETA’s new Super Bowl ad, “Don’t Take My Cheese.” The piece will air ahead of the big game on YouTube Sports and on TV so millions can see the heartbreaking “secret” the dairy industry tries to keep hidden.
Every cow is someone who deserves kindness and respect. Spread the word, share the ad with everyone you know, and let’s ditch dairy.
Watch the Ad Now
My comment on You Tube supper Bowl #ShameOnYou for supporting  #Raping Mother cows and #Ripping #newborncalves away form thier #Mother's and chaining babies what looks like poorly make shift dog houses. THIS IS WRONG!. #GoVegan #Stop #Supporting #Violence  Try the 22 🌱
And if your wondering why some #cow's  have pierced noses is becuase #farmers don't want baby #calves to suckle on ther mother's teat, because the milk cows produce farmers #steal for #HumanConsumption. #Super #Bowl  Every cow is someone who deserves kindness and respect. PPL who eat meat are so full of themselves and so  pathetic. (An opend mind is a window to a soul)
Take action now, and then order a vegan starter kit for a friend, a family member, or yourself. #Sngn here
Order your starter kit here
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cool-mimi-benadiba-blog · 1 year ago
Dog Meat Farmers LOSE IT, SWARM Streets & Cause CHAOS (You wont believe ...
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cool-mimi-benadiba-blog · 1 year ago
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) could soon require the use of animals to test certain ingredients in sunscreens, despite not having done so for several years.
Tell FDA: No Animal Testing in My Sunscreen!
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cool-mimi-benadiba-blog · 1 year ago
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) could soon require the use of animals to test certain ingredients in sunscreens, despite not having done so for several years.
Tell FDA: No Animal Testing in My Sunscreen!
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cool-mimi-benadiba-blog · 1 year ago
WHAT?! OHSU Students Are Cutting Into Live Pigs?? 
Physicians Needed to Protect Pigs From OHSU Mutilations
Pigs are carved up and killed at Oregon Health & Science University (OHSU) because the school refuses to switch to modern, human-relevant methods in its obstetrics and gynecology (OB/GYN) physician residency training program.
Hearing from medical professionals could be the wake-up call the university needs to finally step into the 21st century, leaving ineffective animal training drills behind. If you’re an OB/GYN physician or another type of medical doctor (M.D.) or doctor of osteopathic medicine (D.O.), please take a minute to SIGN OUR PETITION urging OHSU to abandon its cruel and pointless training on live pigs.
If you’re not a doctor, you can still help: Please SHARE THIS PETITION with any OB/GYN physician or another type of M.D. or D.O. you know, and then urge OHSU to stop abusing animals.
Not a Doctor? Sign This Petition
Thank you for all you do to help sensitive beings.
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cool-mimi-benadiba-blog · 1 year ago
Video is now on youtube.We cordially invite you
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cool-mimi-benadiba-blog · 1 year ago
Exposé: Dark Secrets from inside the Dolphin Entertainment Industry Part 2
They say that part 1 of our interview for The Rising Lioness of All About Animals Radio was explosive. We say that part 2 of our interview is BRUTAL! Erica Salvemini has given both us and David's Atlanteans a voice - a voice we intend to use to destroy captive dolphin and whale venues globally. We have risked all, so please support us. Together, we CAN make a difference.
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cool-mimi-benadiba-blog · 1 year ago
I just signed Born Free USA's petition calling on the Association of Zoos and Aquariums to ban dangerous touch tanks at all member facilities. Join me by adding your name, too!
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cool-mimi-benadiba-blog · 2 years ago
BFP – Pound Seizure
Help us get these dogs home for the Holidays! Did you know that thousands of laboratories can get dogs from shelters to be their test subjects? This horrific practice is called Pound Seizure and is something I know all too well. Imagin if your dog gets lost and makes it a a pound/shelter he or she can get soled to a laboratory. Here's a story about one beloved dog who got lost/stolen Many years ago, I rescued a beautiful dog named Chula from the shelter who had 11 puppies. One of those puppies, “Leo”, was adopted to a neighbor who lived on a corner of a busy street. I was informed that he had been stolen. Witnesses saw a white van pull up to the house, open the latch to the side gate, and swoop up 3-month-old Leo into the van and take off. Luckily, they were able to get 4 digits of the license plate. Over several days, and constantly calling the police department to take action, the van was found and so was Leo… alive, thank goodness, and okay. But there were so many other dogs there, as this was an illegal business that stole dogs to sell to laboratories. Had Leo been lost and ended up in a shelter (aka pound), he could have been SOLD to a LABORATORY for animal experimentation!! It sounds too disturbing to be true, but Pound Seizure is actually LEGAL in 33 states! RIGHT NOW, we are rescuing 16 dogs from a lab - ALL of them are victims of pound seizure. They were probably once snuggled on someone’s couch, now tortured, but finally almost free. Together we can make sure these sweet survivors, and so many more, never see the inside of a cage again! Here’s how you can help: * DONATE to help with their costly medical needs * APPLY to foster and/or adopt * Help us END pound seizure in 2023! Click here to read more about it and contact your legislator about this cruel practice. PLS #RT and #Share TY,YouTubeTrends,YTCreators
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