#‘if you don’t’ and ‘if you do’ mean very different things
luminiamore · 3 days
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older brother choso x babysitter reader
a/n: this was for someone who requested a reader with waist beads. had such writers block with this omg
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warnings: sub choso, he says mommy like once
Homeless. The word never came to mind when you juggled around the possibilities of moving out of your parents’ home. You worked a decent job; it wasn’t much, but it was enough to pay the rent and small utilities. You never thought about what you would do if you happened to not have a job anymore. It never seemed plausible.
But unless this was some elaborate prank from your forbearing boss, you’re staring at a termination letter in the darkness of your room. You’re fired. There’s the proof right there, written in a fine, bold red print. They needed to cut budgets- they had to let a few people go. There’s also the fake sympathies of ‘We’re sorry to let you go’ and ‘You were a great employee’— all bullshit, really. A poor attempt at making you feel better.
You should’ve prepared for this, should’ve saved for more than a month’s rent. But you didn’t, and unless you find something in the next two weeks, you will run out of food. You had little experience, you had only been working at that café shop for three months. You try to find the same position at a different place, a little bit further from your place.
“Why do you want to work here?” A sharp feminine voice blinks you of your thoughts. Your eyes swiftly turn to the lady recruiter, but you frown when you realize hers were shifted downwards— on her notepad.
Because ya’ll are hiring?
You decide to take the honest route. You need to pay rent; you don’t have the capacity to come up with a lie. Maybe she’ll take pity on you.
“.. I- Uh. I just got fired from my previous job and only saved one month’s rent- I like the peacefulness of working at a local café since that was what I used to do. Your company also promotes natural and healing ingredients; that’s admirable.” You choose your words carefully.
You hear a hum, “Do you like these things?”
“I do. I like taking care of myself in and out, even energetically. It’s why I have these waist beads. They’re stones each have different healing properties.” Should you have rambled like that?
Your waist is a target of her attention, and as you mentioned, a collection of colorful, small, spherical stones adorn your waist. At least seven of them sat snugly under your slender stomach.
You piqued her interest because the next twenty minutes of your interview were a deep conversation about the different meanings held by the stones you wore. Maybe you’re reading too much into it, but her tone made it seem like she was impressed.
She dismisses you with a, ‘Expect a call in two weeks.’ and a smile. The only one she’s given you since you got here.
The wind in New York was quite strong, so when your shoes clattered on the cement beneath you, you were surprised when a paper hit you right in the face. Your lipgloss held the paper in place. You pull yourself to the side after moving the paper, and you see something just as you’re about to crumble it up.
babysitter wanted asap, will pay $50 an hour!
And just under that, his Instagram and a small description.
my name is choso, and i need some help looking after my little brother. he’s 5 years old, very cheerful, and generally well-behaved. i’m only 20, and if i continue taking care of him alone, i’ll probably fail my classes. it’s just the two of us, so if you’re interested my ig is @c.kamo
In all honesty, you were already hooked when you read $50 per hour. Is he rich or something? When you type in his Instagram, you’re taken aback.
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The man you see now is dangerously attractive, making you wonder if this is a prank. You click on his story and- how lucky are you? The piercings on his eyebrow, nose, and lip were a striking contrast to his pale white face. His jaw is exceptionally sharp, his lips are pink and full, and his hair is styled into two adorable pigtails.
When you press your finger to show the following picture, you audibly gasp. His abs were pushing through a tight black compression shirt. His arms are veiny, firm- big. Your Uber almost left without you because of how struck you were.
You fold the paper stu, put it in your purse, and follow him, deciding to text him when you’re home. You just hope he’s still looking for a babysitter, you don’t know how long this paper has been rolling around the streets.
As usual, the doorman greeted you happily when you arrived after a short ride to your apartment. The constant buzzing on your phone since you got here has reminded you of the potential job offer that came to your attention a few moments ago.
You’re pushing your pants down when you go to his profile again, and you stop abruptly when you realize the man who followed nobody followed you back, and he sent you a message. A smile slowly creeps onto your lips, making you feel giddy.
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That was easy, you think. If you had known how easy it was to earn money elsewhere, you would have quit ages ago. It makes you overthink, worrying that this was another one of those sex trafficking schemes you haven’t heard of yet.
Choso sends you his number afterwards and instructions for tomorrow. You feel at ease knowing that the address he sends you is in one of the skyscrapers in Long Island City. He even sent you the apartment number and told you to use his full name so the doorman could ring you up.
That morning, he informed you of a few things about Yuji. He may be reserved because his previous babysitters didn’t appreciate his energetic personality. Though, Choso assures you that once he feels comfortable, it won’t be long until he opens up. You’re a bit sad to hear that those who looked after him before weren’t very kind and that Yuji would often complain that he would have to play alone.
You figured they only mentioned babysitting to get Choso. When you told him this, his only response was,
‘get with me? i don’t see why, is there something in particular they want?’
Yeah, what’s in your pants. Is what you wanted to say.
Yuji leaves you feeling surprised when you meet him. This boy wasn’t anything like a reserved one. You don’t believe he could manifest such a thing. When he came to greet you, he jumped on you, and you had to quickly pull your hands from your pockets and catch him so he wouldn’t fall. You’re chuckling, and your voice is comforting the little boy when you speak,
“Oh! Hi, sweetheart. Nice to meet you, Yuji.”
His smile is blinding when he looks up at you, “You’re pretty! What are those beads for? Are you my new babysitter? Will you play with me?”
Choso observes your interactions with his brother and how you answer his questions as if it’s second nature. The beads that his brother mentioned caught his attention the moment you stepped through his door. He’s ashamed. He feels utterly ashamed to admit that he’s been gazing at them.
Out of curiosity at first, but then he noticed the way they moved whenever you did.
Choso was not the type to indulge in lustful thoughts. He didn’t have trouble keeping his eyes away from the previous babysitters who arrived at his house in the shortest skirts ever made.
So, why is it so hard to look away from you? From your waist?
There’s nothing revealing about what you’re wearing. Your outfit consists of a flowing white skirt that touches the ground, and he noticed that a black tank top keeps bouncing up no matter how many times you try to pull it down. Despite this, he is still unable to look away. You look soft, the beads are loosely adorning your hips, and suddenly, he can’t help but think of how his hands would look there.
Choso blinks. Where did that come from?
He shakes his head, attempting to shake himself away from these fantasies. He has to leave. He will miss his class if he doesn’t leave his seat on the kitchen counter.
He clears his throat, “He seems to like you already. I have to leave now.. for class. I’ll be home in 3 hours, and there is money on the counter if either of you gets hungry.”
When he speaks, you notice the uncomfortable look on his face. Does he not want to go? Is he worried? Although you hope not, you are questioning yourself when he walks towards you on the floor and gives his brother a kiss, but then passes you without even giving you a glance.
Well... That was uncalled for. Yuji takes hold of your hand and leads you to his LEGO collection, preventing you from pondering it.
Choso doesn’t come home in three hours like he said. Rather, two hours later. He did let you know, though. He really wasn’t the type to do this, so it wouldn’t be fair to you if he didn’t. He tried his best to delay as much as possible because he wasn’t ready to see you yet. He was afraid of those thoughts from earlier and wasn’t prepared to come face-to-face with them again.
Alas, he had to. He closes the door to his apartment with a smooth click and is greeted with the sound of TV. He doesn’t hear much, but what he thinks is.. light snoring?
He makes a slow walk to the living room, and there you both are. You’re lying on your back, your mouth slightly open in a light snore, and your left arm is dangling off the corner of the cushion. Yuji is on top of you, also on his back, and is practically in the same position as you.
Choso’s instincts drive him to walk towards you both, and what he does next is entirely natural. He lightly ruffles Yuji’s hair to avoid waking him and kisses his forehead. He thinks you’re the most beautiful thing he’s ever seen, even with the few hairs on your laid black lace that covers your right eye when he looks up at you.
He brushes it to the side, immediately flinching back when you move your head in your sleep. What the fuck is he doing?
He rushes to get a glass of water, taking care not to make any abrupt sounds. He wants to let you sleep a little, he reasons with himself that he’s just being a good person. In reality, he doesn’t want you to leave yet. He refuses to believe he does not want to wake you because of his selfish motives.
He jumps, almost dropping the glass in his hand.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you. Yuji-” When he fully faces you, he stops short. The pictures on your Instagram had nothing on you, honestly. Both your skirt and tank top are now lower than when you came here, and he can clearly see your voluptuous tits. The cute pudge of your stomach wrapped by those fucking waist beads is also visible to him.
You’re still half asleep when you notice he’s not talking, so you don’t care much to interrogate him. Your tone of voice is one of concern when you say, “I put Yuji in his room, don’t worry. You okay?”
No. Far from it, actually. That is what he desperately wants to say. But how could he explain what it is that’s really wrong with him? He’s having unnatural thoughts about you, including your body and face. You might think that he’s a creep. Yuji seems to have a good relationship with you. What is the probability that he will find someone like you again?
He doesn’t want to risk it; he doesn’t want to take that chance. So, he answers you, “I’m great. Nothing is wrong at all. Did you, uh, have fun with Yuji?”
“Oh, yeah! He was great, he always had something new for us to…”
Whatever you’re talking about gets tuned out by Choso. He hates himself for it. He’s sure what you’re saying is important, he doesn’t doubt it for a second. But did you ever notice that your lips twitch whenever you speak? That you start playing with the ends of your hair when you suddenly become hyper-aware that his eye contact is unwaveringly on you.
He’s not looking directly into your eyes but rather at your entire body. His eyes would shift from your lips, then to your chest, but they would always find their way back to your hips. You had a hunch that he wasn’t really listening to what you were saying. And you catch on quickly, so you decide to tease him.
“I think if I keep stretching, I’ll be able to do the splits in a week. Don’t you think so, Cho?”
“Huh? Oh, yeah.” Cho? You already gave him a nickname?
Even though you stifle a giggle, it eventually becomes a full-blown laugh. The mere sound brings Choso to a smile before he covers his face sheepishly.
“I didn’t mean to zone you out, I just had a long day.”
“I can see that.” You finish your fit of giggles and move over to his fridge and check to see if you have any leftovers from earlier, “You should eat. There’s some leftover Chinese in the fridge, I can heat it up for you?”
He hurriedly takes his bag off and drops it on the ground before sitting on the countertop. “I’d have to pay you more for your services.”
“You don’t have to pay me, I can’t in my good conscience leave you alone like that. You can barely stand up.” As you microwave some leftover fried rice, you can hear him hum. All the while, his eyes never leave your frame- waist.
“This is actually the first time I didn’t have to rush home early.” He murmurs, his hand holding his face up while he admires you.
As you wait for the timer to end, you turn your attention towards him, “Really? Is that why you took your sweet time coming home?”
He likes how you say ‘coming home’, as if he’s coming home to you. As though you were living together. When he detects the annoyance in your tone, he frowns, “I apologized.”
You notice his pout as you hand him the hot plastic food container. “It won’t happen again if that’s what you’re worried about. Please don’t quit, I really-”
“Woah, I’m not quitting.”
You cut him off, and he can reply with nothing but an “Oh.”
When you gather your purse and keys, Choso watches- You’re leaving already?
“Yeah, you pay really well, anddd I like Yuji.” You were sincere. A salary like this shouldn’t be wasted because of a delayed arrival. At least he informed you that he would be late; that’s better than nothing. And it’s true, you really liked Yuji. It was natural for you to get along with him as if he was already a family member.
It’s endearing how Choso abandons his food to follow after you as you walk towards his door. “It was fun babysitting, Cho! Text me when you need me-”
“Tomorrow? Could you come again tomorrow at the same time?”
You’re momentarily speechless, but remember he’s waiting for a response, “Tomorrow?”
“I might need you for the rest of the week actually, I have a few finals coming up.” Choso is smart. He doesn’t really need to study for these finals, but he figures he can use that as an excuse to have you here, with him.
You stutter out, “Well- Well, I still have to go job hunting..”
“I can triple your pay. Quadruple it if you want.” He said without delay as if he hadn’t offered to pay you more than $500 daily just to spend some time with his brother.
“Is money just not that big of an issue for you?” You laugh, perplexed as to why this man is just throwing money at you like you’re a common whore.
Not when it comes to you, no. “No. Will you come back for the week?” His answer is blunt, honest, stoic even, like he doesn’t catch on to why you’re in such disbelief.
“I- I guess.” At that moment, he offers you a lazy smile and wishes you goodnight. He complemented his words with a sweet ‘You looked very pretty today, by the way.’ Allowing you to drive away in the Uber flustered and thinking about the entire interaction on your way home.
The next four days were the same: Choso left for class, you spent an afternoon with Yuji, and a small conversation and meal between you and Choso happened right before you left for that night in the kitchen. You assumed it would be the same when he asked you to take care of Yuji while he was studying at home.
As you neared the end of the week, those conversations grew longer…and more secluded. Choso is usually found in his room with his face stuffed in a big textbook and his notes. When you sat on his bed, he would move them to the side and give you his full attention.
“So, you’ve never had a girlfriend?” You repeat his statement back at him with a look of apprehension. How is that even possible? He’s hot, rich, and really smart, too. How come he’s not taken?
When he answers you, he doesn’t seem embarrassed, “No. I haven’t met anyone.. interesting, yet.”
You stare at the ceiling as you take in his words, “Are you saving yourself for marriage?”
“I’ve had sex once. It wasn’t memorable enough for me to do it again.” Choso’s face becomes warm when he responds to you. Is it even right for him to share these things with you? He is curious about your thoughts when you don’t speak for an entire minute. His body is shaking in anxiety while he is in his gaming chair.
You huff, sprawled out on his bed, “I don’t think anyone’s first time is the best.”
He raises a brow, making a sound that urges you to finish, “You need experience to figure out what you like and don’t like.”
“Do-Do you have experience?”
You smile and finally turn to look at the pale man, “Why, yes, I do.”
“…Could you teach me some things?”
Silence. Choso doesn’t know why he said that. He’s not sure why you guys are even talking about this. Maybe it was too soon? Maybe you didn’t see him that way? What if you decide to leave?
“M-Maybe I shouldn’t have said that. You don’t have to-”
“Sure, I’ll teach you.” Lifting yourself off his bed, you stop in front of the space between his legs. The physical struggle he’s facing to not grab you can be seen as he repositions his eyes on your waist again.
Leaning close to his lap, you place your hands on his shoulders, “If that’s what you really want.”
Your movements are slow, particularly when you put your ass right on his bulge, which has been there since you entered his room. Choso is at a loss with his hands, so you help by positioning them on both sides of your hips. He instantly squeezes and you can’t help but notice that small mewl coming from his lips.
“Is that what you want, Cho?”
His nod is swift and desperate even as his mind starts to get hazy. You smell really good, and the feeling of you on his lap is quickly becoming something he wants more of. His head is already in the crook of your neck, and his soft lips touch you before he tentatively sucks.
You gently pull his head back by his hair, and the sound that comes from his lips is raw and deafening. “Don’t go mute now. Use your words.”
“Yes.. please.” He’s panting, his eyes hooded and low as he gazes into yours. His words prompt you to gently press your lips against his, proving his resolve. He didn’t have much, or any at all, because he snatched your lips harshly. You’re gasping because of the sensation of his hands gripping your waist and pulling at your waist beads. He’s grumbling about how you taste and how you feel so much softer than he could ever imagine.
Choso’s breath becomes choppy when you start grinding against his bulge, and he can even detect your swollen lips through your shorts. His hands begin to creep up your body, and his fingers immediately pull down the top of your tank, exposing your tits. You weren’t even wearing a bra.
You swallow loudly when he releases your lips and lowers his head to wrap them around your dark areola, squeezing the other hand to ensure it’s not neglected. Choso gets lost in your taste and hypnotized by how you twitch and buck whenever he bites gently. He withdraws with a pop and swiftly leans down to fill his mouth with the one his hand was holding.
You gasp out, “Since this is a lesson, I should teach you how to-”
“Eat you out?” Although his words are muffled, you can still hear them clearly. You make an effort to chuckle, but he bites your nipples again, making you release a small moan. There’s no chance to react because he suddenly lifts you up, takes two steps from his chair, and sets you down on his bed.
Choso is prompt and hurries you out of your shorts and panties. The lace pair is flimsy and rips easily due to his strength- his eagerness. His face is flush against your cunt as he forces your legs apart. Even if you tried, you couldn’t move because of his firm clasp.
Your lips are gleaming and dripping on his lips, you are so wet. When he finally drags his tongue between your folds, he can feel your throbbing, “You taste amazing.”
His lips wrap around your clit and suck harshly, causing slight twitching and cross eyes. It’s impossible to think he only did this once. He’s sucking so obscenely and poking at your quivering hole incessantly. Choso is moaning against you like he’s been dying to do this. There’s no way he only did this once. You’re overwhelmed by the way he’s making you feel,
“Right there! Shit- Oh! You’re doing so- so good.”
At the praise, his eyes roll back, and his cock throbs against his boxers. The way he slowly pushes his middle finger into you is riveting, stretching you better than your fingers could ever. Your breath staggers as you let out a sinful moan.
Your hips begin buckling, your beads thrash as you move, and Choso has to put a heavy hand on your stomach to prevent you from running away when he accelerates his ministrations. He’s keeping you steady while curling his finger upwards and punching your G-spot over and over again. He adds another one and twists them, hoping to receive your praise again.
You wail out a beautiful symphony, “Yes- fuck! M’gonna cum. You’re gonna make me cum, baby.”
He loves the way you make dirty words sound angelic. He’s the one who’s going to make you cum, he’s the one making you tremble and cry out at the mercy of his tongue and two fingers. The pressure in your stomach is so intense that you feel like you’re on fire, like a dam is about to burst.
“Cum. Please, please. I want it so bad, want you to make a m-mess.”
Your head is turning as he continues to make love with your hole, kissing the hood of your clit with his rough passion. An earth-shattering orgasm rips through you, and your chest rises up and down as your back arches without much help. With your head thrown back, your hands scramble to grab his hair to keep him where he is. He was too determined to savor every last bit of your sweet essence, so he wouldn’t even dare move anyway.
As you stumble out, your body shakes violently, “Ah! You’re such a good boy, Cho.”
Low whimpers vibrate against your core, and you don’t delay in pulling him up your body and kissing him, moaning when you taste yourself on his tongue. He’s becoming needy once more and doesn’t hesitate to start grinding his fat cock against your thigh- his boxers being long gone.
He doesn’t pull away from your lips when he speaks, “Can I put it in now? Please?”
The way he begs is so sweet, and it makes you coo as your soft hand grabs his length to lead it to your sopping cunt. Jesus, he’s big. Abnormally big, how did he hide this?
You’re teasing him by slowly sliding his flushed tip between your lips, never going in. His moans are whiny, and his hips twitch every time he goes over your tight hole. Choso’s balls are churning, he might just cum like this.
“Please- wanna fuck you. Just put it in, p-put it- Fuck.”
His lips swell with a deep moan as you finally push his tip in. You’re so wet, so warm. He has to push the rest of his thick cock inside to feel you clench on him entirely, and he does. He bucks instantly, forcing almost half of him inside your dripping mound, and the stretch he’s giving you is painful but euphoric.
You have to silence Choso with your lips against his lips after he releases another pornographic moan, “Shh, baby. Don’t- Don’t wanna wake your brother up.”
You move your hips, causing him to slip the remaining inches inside you. He’s speedy in pulling back, bringing his tip to your entrance, and then slamming his hips against yours. You’re groaning against his lips, gasping every time you hear a slick noise coming from between your legs.
The sensation of your cunt being so warm and suffocating him back inside with a tight grip is making his mind go into a coma. As Choso gives you deep, sweet strokes, his hold on your waist is harsh, and you anticipate feeling sore tomorrow. He’s not going to last long, you feel too good.
“You’re fucking me so good, Cho! Harder, baby. Just like that, fuck me harder.” He follows your instructions swiftly as if he’s afraid of disappointing you. Your words are motivating him to work harder, to make this experience perfect for you.
He’s whimpering pathetically above you, his thrusts getting harsher and deeper when he fucks into you. “M’gonna cum. You feel so- Shit. Please- Please let me fill you up.”
“Yeah? Wanna fill me up? Beg a little more.” As you whisper in a daze, you’re spent and almost at your peak.
“Pleasepleasepleaseplease- Ah shit! Please, mommy!” Choso moans into your neck while his hips bump into yours in uncoordinated movements. Your cunt is a perfect fit against him, he can’t get enough of it.
You were surprised by the impact a single word had on you. You’re wrapping your legs around the man above you, arching your back off the bed as your fat pussy squeezes his cock, releasing your juices all over his body. That’s all Choso needs to dump his seed inside of you, having to bite your shoulder to not release a loud moan that would surely wake Yuji up.
Choso falls onto you, both of your movements still, as your breaths are heavy and your bodies are dripping with sweat. You don’t speak but rather sink into his embrace and the aftertaste. He finally ends the silence,
“I think I know what I like now.”
You make a confused sound, “What’s that?”
“..You. I like you.”
As you prepare to respond, a faint snoring noise interrupts you. He fell asleep. You chuckle and stroke his hair in a comforting motion before kissing the side of his head. Your mind is brimming with unspoken thoughts of,
I like you too.
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soobnny · 3 days
dating him | bang chan
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❝ have i told you how beautiful you look this morning? ❞
CHAN | lee know | changbin | hyunjin | han | felix | seungmin | jeongin
chan as ur bf wow congratulations
it’s giving strangers to lovers if i’m being fr
u just meet on a random tuesday like nothing out of the ordinary
conversation is made and for SOME reason, chan always feels the cogs in his head stop turning when he’s talking to u
like it feels like he’s constantly on the run all the time so how come with u it’s so different
what did u do to him
well wtvr long story short, he FELL
fell hard
now he’s ur bf
ok hear me out
perk #1: unlimited supply of his hoodies
he’d love it too .. when u wear his hoodie
doesn’t even try to act upset or bothered that u’re stealing his clothes
sometimes he’s the one to even put it on ur bed so u can wear it after u shower
or when u’re coming home from the dorm and when u open ur bag .. oh! his hoodie!
“ah, i must’ve misplaced it 😅😅😅”
yeaaaaaaaaah sure
sure u misplace the hoodie in ur very pink bag instead of his black bag
u’re not very slick christopher bang
u don’t mind tho
his hoodies are always xxxxl in size and it smells like him
perk #2: u have ur own man wife
that man knows how to do everything
he can fix ur sink, build u a table, put oil on ur doorknobs so they don’t harden, can clean, like what can’t he do
have u seen hometown cha cha cha? he’s giving very Chief Hong in his skills
(minho does too but we’ll talk about him in his post)
oh, did i mention he can cook too
one of his favorite little mini dates is when u just go thru cookbooks together
and then … cook
i’m sorry this man is a sucker for domestic things like this
and cooking together means u also grocery shop together
a fun challenge he made up is where u pick up random ingredients and try to make something decent out of it
maaaaaan he’s just giving husband
anyways back to cooking
imagine him in the kitchen right
and he’s tasting something new he made
ofc u’re curious too cos wow whatever the hell he’s making smells and looks good
when you try to ask him if you can taste it, he’d KISS you
“how do you like it? 😏😏😏”
he’s getting bold
he does strike me as shy at first in relationships
and then when u’re together for long, u’re like damn this man kinda freaky
perk #3: his dog
berry loves u
like sometimes even more than chan
(it’s bc u give her extra treats when u can)
u walk his dog together early in the morning
it’s kind of become routine
u’d just get out of bed with messy hair and still in ur pajamas while chan is perfectly ready bc he loves waking up early when he can
u don’t even care that u look like a mess
bc chan always reminds u how beautiful u are every morning
so … messy hair and pajamas … putting the leash on berry and walking outside
it’d just be quiet mostly on the walk
there’s no need for conversation with chan sometimes
chan would say he finally knows what peace means after meeting u
his favorite scene ever is coming home and finding u asleep on the couch with berry
he has a million pictures of that on ur phone
like different days, same scene
sets it as his lockscreen even
on nights u can spend together, u enjoy watching cringy christmas movies w him
cue recreating the scenes
except it’s a massive failure bc both of u just can’t stop laughing
u especially love those christmas movies one
u end up just falling asleep together
ofc not without cuddling and intimate kisses
chan finds he sleeps easier bc of u
he used to always find it so difficult to fall asleep before
so how come it’s as easy as closing his eyes now
btw u two most probably have promise rings
and he most probably wears it as a necklace
and he loves hugging u from behind
chan loves being able to nuzzle his cheek on ur back and hold u
he’d probably do that thing where u’re unaware and then BAM a pair of arms around ur waist
his chin on ur shoulder
oh Wow….. wow i just made myself crazy thinking about that
he’d lean in to kiss ur neck or ur chin bc it’s closest access
and he’d just look at whatever the hell u’re doing
chan loves looking at u
does that sound creepy
he just loves observing u ok !!!!!!
esp when u’re doing something u love
his heart goes 💗💞💕💕💝💘💖💞💓💓
bc that’s his baby
he just adores u tbh
u could just be standing there and chan’s looking at u with heart eyes
anyways whatever CONGRATULATIONS
u guys will probably last forever bc he’s whipped and so in love
he’s giving me the More In Love vibe
like when he falls, he FALLS
happy 4 u
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note. credits to user @.luvknow for the layout of this post! let me know what you think! please discuss these with me i’m crazy
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bombuni · 3 days
the post-show high
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summary: Jongho spots you in the crowd once and can’t let go of you. Unfortunately, so does Yeosang. Good thing they don’t mind sharing. (Or Seonghwa and Hongjoong are terrible wingmen, but they get the job done.) genre/pairing: lead singer!jongho x reader x bassist!yeosang, smut, band au, ft. drummer!mingi, guitarist!hongjoong & seonghwa’s there for vibes wc: 4.8k (i have issues when it comes to jongsang) warnings: SMUT MDNI, threesome, cursing, mentions of drinking, mean!dom!jongho, soft!dom!yeosang, sub!fem!reader, fingering champions jongsang, box munching king jongho, name-calling (jongho loves sluts), edging, creampies, spit kink, degradation, finger sucking, sloppy seconds, sort of cum-eating, aftercare, idk why it gets so soft at the end bom note: i had this thought and i said ‘i must bring chino moreno jongho to life’ jongsang stans pls fw my vision. also here’s a playlist i made! i think the music they’d make in this au is very much deftones style. lmk if i missed anything for the warnings!
It’s hot.
You don’t mind supporting Hongjoong and Mingi in their musical escapades, but it’s crowded. When they’d told you they were in a band, you half-expected them to be playing in a low-down unknown bar with 2 patrons. You hadn’t expected to be crowded by fans, all (not) patiently waiting for the set to start. Seonghwa stood beside you, pouting every time he was shoved into. He looked out of place, elegant and prince-like in a sea of punk-rockers wearing crust pants and in yesterday’s makeup.
He seems at ease, though. Having been to multiple of Hongjoong’s shows at this point, he’s become accustomed to the intense pits, the broken noses, and the lingering stench of weed. The multitudes of drinks he’s been having seem to help too. You stand by and watch as his cheeks get redder and redder throughout the night.
He points his drink at you while he speaks, “You know, Hongjoong wants to set you up with the singer, Jongho. Said he seems like your type,”
You scoff at that, “No way! The last guy he tried to set me up with ended up being a total weirdo,”
Seonghwa rolls his eyes, “A foot fetish isn’t the weirdest thing out there. Besides, Yunho’s actually pretty cool,” he raises his brows at you, but continues when he sees you’re not changing your mind, “Fine. Go with my option. I wanted to set you up with their bassist. You like nice guys, right?”
The lights dim, giving you an easy out to Seonghwa’s terrible match-making ideas, “The fact you think I’m ever trusting you or Hongjoong again is laughable.”
Seonghwa can’t respond as the band steps on stage, a rush of excitement flowing through you when you see Hongjoong and Mingi in their spots. They both wave at you in the front row, Hongjoong’s smile growing extra wide when he sees Seonghwa. The bassist smiles at the crowd, his pink cheeks shining in the light. You wonder how such a cherub-looking guy ended up in a hard band like this. Though, his black tank top revealing his muscular form makes your head spin from how different his body is from his innocent-looking face.
Hongjoong seems at home on the stage, “How we doing tonight?” His hype seems to work as the crowd cheers loudly and unapologetically, “Thanks to KQ bar for having us. I’m Hongjoong, that’s Yeosang, our bassist, and we got Mingi on drums. Seems like we’re missing someone, though,”
Mingi’s voice rumbles through the microphone, “Bring Jongho out!”
The crowd seems to squish you impossibly more, their screams nearly drowning your own thoughts. Rightfully so, as the lead singer walks out with a confidence that you envy. His leather pants shine under the stage lights, and he seems to bask in the attention he gets. His smirk grows with every step he takes towards the main stage. You feel he’s cocky, and you hate that you like it.
“Hello, KQ,” He seems to command the room, silence enveloping the crowd when he speaks, “I’m glad you could make it tonight-“
Jongho scans the crowd, but he seems to pause at the sight of you. He still wears the smug look, ego wafting in the room and getting under your skin. It’s a smaller venue and you’re somewhat close, so it’s easy to tell that he’s staring at you and no one else.
He points directly at you, finger seemingly digging into your soul, “Let’s have fun tonight.”
With that, the set starts. Mingi’s drums burst through your chest, the slow start to their first song hypnotizes you. The sound of the bass is what draws you in, and you look towards Yeosang, who’s putting his entire heart into the sound. His fingers are delicate and pretty, the complete opposite to most bass players you’ve seen. They strum expertly, long digits reaching to find the right note every time. You figure they could reach anywhere.
He must feel your eyes on him. Yeosang looks up with a focused, stoic look plastered on his face as he watches the scenery. As he looks around you lock eyes with him, a shy smile growing on his face when he realizes you aren’t looking away. It seems to fuel his performance when he goes back to looking down at his bass.
The music is intense, Hongjoong and Mingi clearly pouring their passion into it. You know them and expected this fervor, but it surprises you when it comes from Jongho and Yeosang too. Jongho’s voice sends chills down your spine with every high note sung. It reaches out to you, pulling the passion and feeling from you and taking that energy for his own growth. Watching him is watching art being made.
The set ends, and the 4 sweaty men on stage bow and thank the crowd. You feel Jongho’s eyes on you again, that same soul-marking finger calling your attention to wink at you before he walks off the stage. Yeosang seems to call your attention too, a subtle wave landing your way before he too disappears behind the curtain.
As the lights flicker back on, Seonghwa turns to you with a sparkle in his eye, “That was amazing! We need to go buy them drinks,”
You shrug, imposing nonchalance even though your face is turning red at the thought of meeting face to face with them after that, “Sure, sounds good.”
Seonghwa raises a brow before laughing at your reluctance, “Don’t think I didn’t see that by the way. Yeosang was totally into you,”
You scoff and turn to walk towards the bar, “Shut up, Seonghwa.”
Seonghwa harrumphs, but follows behind you. It’s easy to spot Hongjoong’s blonde head of hair among the sea of people, “Joongie, stop hogging all the talent,”
He turns laughing at you, his warm arms wrapping around you, “Can’t stop, won’t stop, baby,”
“Hongjoong! That was your best performance yet. But can we talk about how Yeosang was totally eye-fucking Y/N the entire time?” Seonghwa’s somewhat tipsy, you conclude.
Hongjoong leans on the bar, “Uh…no. I’m still betting on Jongho and her. You know he was asking about you?”
You roll your eyes at their insistence, “You just finished a set, why're you worried about my love life?”
Hongjoong rolls his eyes at you as he’s given a tray of drinks, handing some off to you and Seonghwa before walking ahead, “Come on, Jongho wants to meet you.”
He leads you towards the backstage. Hongjoong opens a door marked with a flimsy sheet of notebook paper, their band name written in purple marker. You hear Jongho’s voice before anything else. It’s embedded in your brain at this point. As you walk further in, his large frame and slicked back hair intimidates you. You fear you’ve fallen for him already. With his hands in his leather jacket, he greets you with a lazy smirk. You can feel the stardom radiating off of him. It lets you know that whatever arrogance he has is completely warranted.
Before you can even say anything, Hongjoong makes a dumb excuse about forgetting something that requires him, Seonghwa, and Mingi. They leave quickly, knowing your protests would come faster.
You sigh inwardly to yourself, but Jongho seems all too pleased to be alone with you, “How ‘bout a drink?”
He sits on the battered leather couch, legs spread and waiting for you to sit next to him. He raises a brow when you sit on the seat opposite him before handing you a shot glass, “Hongjoong said you’re looking for a date,” His voice is quieter, softer now. There’s certainly a step down from his stage presence to the Jongho you’re talking to now. Maybe you were just being harsh in the assumption he’d be a pompous asshole earlier. You don’t let yourself soften, though.
You snort, “Well, Hongjoong doesn’t know what he’s talking about,”
Jongho downs his glass in a flash, turning to you with a charming smirk that makes you want to kiss it off his face, “So it’s off the table?”
He says this like it’s an easy, everyday question. His poignant flirting sends a blush to your cheeks that glows under the dim lightbulb of the broken down room. Jongho thinks it’s the cutest thing he’s ever seen. You down your shot and he’s ready to up the ante on the flirting before Yeosang appears, wiping a towel over his sweaty face and greeting you with a soft smile that sends butterflies down your tummy.
“Yeosang, this is-“
“Y/N, right? Seonghwa told me about you. How’d you like the show?”
God, you did not expect a voice like that, to come out of a face like that. His brown hair sticks to his forehead and his pale skin glows under the light, those same fingers you were admiring on stage are much more daunting close-up. They distract you as he taps on the arm of the seat across you, almost tauntingly.
“Oh-um, it was great. You guys seem to really enjoy what you do,”
They stare at you with half-lidded gazes, like they’re chewing on your words in their heads and analyzing you as a person. You’d believe they hate you, if it weren’t for the teasing, venemous grins they wore on their faces. They’ve been around groupies long enough to recognize them, and you might not be one of them, but God, Jongho wants to train you until you only remember their names.
Jongho doesn’t take his eyes off you, but he addresses Yeosang, “Y/N was just telling me about how much she loves the band,”
Yeosang leans his head on the palm of his hand, his biceps popping in the lighting, “Hmm, do you?”
You scoff to try to shake off their gazes, reaching for another glass, “You guys believe Hongjoong way too much,”
Jongho grins at you like a predator, “I heard it from Mingi,”
Yeosang’s smile is teasing, “I heard it from Seonghwa,”
You’re outnumbered, so you don’t even bother saying anything about the teasing. The overflowing chatter outside and booming music drowns out any thoughts you attempt to have. You fear they can somehow hear your beating heart, like they’re zeroing in on you and preparing to eat you alive. Yeosang’s hands tap against the chair again, your eyes flying to study the way they flex.
Jongho pipes up again, “You seem to like Yeosang’s hands a lot. You know, he’ll play whatever song you like.”
Yeosang stretches his fingers, watching the way your blush grows and the way your grasp tightens against the glass in your hand, “I’ll do whatever you want,”
Yeosang stands from his seat and moves to stand in front of you. It forces your eyes upwards, his body heat and proximity turning your entire body into jelly. Suddenly, Jongho speaks up and his soft voice is the worst vice you’ve faced yet, “Why don’t you let us give you a private show? Hmm?” His head tilts softly, the smug smile on his face as he leans back into the couch filling you with annoyance and desire.
You nod softly, mind a haze and heat pooling inside you. Yeosang reaches his hand up to your chin, pulling your mouth open with his thumb before pushing it between your lips. He watches with rapt interest as your tongue swirls around his digit, lips fighting to pull all of the sweat clean off his hand. The sound turns them on more than ever, the feeling of your saliva coating his fingers fueling the fire in his gut. He removes his thumb, playing with your lips as you leave tiny kisses over his fingers before he inserts his forefingers. You work on them again, saliva strings building between his hand and your mouth every time he pulls away.
“You’re nasty, baby,” Jongho’s smug voice pipes up.
Once Yeosang deems his hand wet enough he sits down next to you, slowly trailing his hand down your tummy and into your jeans. It’s a tight fit, but Jongho reaches over to unbutton your pants for him. As soon as he does, Yeosang’s hand slips into your panties and finds your clit, rubbing gentle circles over it and groaning at the wetness that grows underneath his fingers.
Jongho seems content with watching you break. You writhe underneath Yeosang’s fingers as he expertly finds just the right spot and abuses it. You feel dirty with the wet spot that continues to grow on your pants, quiet moans filling the room alongside Yeosang’s panting breaths. Your hand grasps Yeosang’s when he runs his fingers along your folds, spreading your wetness against your skin and moaning at the feeling of you so turned on. He takes his hand out of your pants, the shine of your slick glistening in his eyes. He brings his forefingers to his lips, running his tongue along the length of them before he sucks them clean. He makes sure to be lewd about it, licking every single drop of your juices and smiling at you with your slick on his lips.
“Hmm, you liked that didn’t you?” Jongho hums as he stands to you, pulling your pants off in one swift motion. He kneels in front of you, running his palm over your wet panties. His large hand is different from Yeosang’s delicate fingers. He has a domineering touch that doesn’t stop as he holds your thighs over his shoulders, pulling your panties down. His hands send tingles of pleasure down your spine when he kneads your skin, taking his time to feel and memorize every inch of you.
Jongho’s fingers run through your slit, smearing the wetness that drips out of you. He teases you, watching as your impatience grows while his fingers stray from where you want them most. Suddenly, his lips are on you. He devours you like you’re the first meal he’s had in days, a man starved of the fruit between your legs. His tongue slips inside you and over you, tracing every inch of you and leaving a path of pleasure. He ravishes you while Yeosang watches beside you, his hands making quick work of your shirt.
They seem to have developed a system. They’re far too comfortable with sharing. The thought doesn’t really form in your head as Jongho keeps marking you with his mouth, small kisses landing anywhere he can reach. He smirks at you when a whine slips from your lips when he spreads your thighs further, a glob of spit flowing from his pouty lips and onto you. He hisses at the sight, the shine of your pussy filling his gut with desire. His lips latch back onto your clit, his forefingers making their way inside you. He curls them ever so slightly, fucking you over and over again as his tongue flicks your button. Jongho’s already figured out how you work, destroying you with a smile and a glint in his eyes from below.
Yeosang giggles when he sees you aren’t wearing a bra, “You got a nice rack.”
You admit if anyone else spoke those words to you, you would’ve found it demeaning. But the way Yeosang’s soft voice compliments you sends a new wave of flames over your body.
Jongho grins and removes his lips from you, “Knew you were a fucking slut,”
You shake your head, but Jongho’s got you pegged. The feeling of having two men’s attention on you at once is exhilarating. It has you on cloud nine. Jongho raises the speed of his fingers, the squelch of your pussy sounding out into the room. Yeosang’s hands fondle your tits, his thumb brushing over your nipple and bringing a sigh out of you.
He sends butterfly kisses down your jawline, “Hmm, she’s a nice slut, though. The prettiest one I’ve seen,”
He’s too angelic. Everything about him is elegant and graceful, even the way he touches you. His low tone vibrates through your body, clashing with the harsh way Jongho keeps fucking you. He dominates the lower part of you, as if his hands have found their home. The juxtaposition between them sends your system into overdrive.
“You wanna cum?” You nod frantically, “Use your words, slut.”
“P-please, Jongho…”
Yeosang coos, “Even the way she begs is cute,”
Your legs are shaking at this point and Jongho’s cock is leaking in his pants, weeping to be let out. Still, he lives to torture, “You can’t cum without my permission,” Your leg muscles clamp up, pouring all of your energy into not letting your orgasm slip out of you. Jongho notices your strain, “Look at you. What a good fucking slut you are.”
His fingers slip out of you and you whine at the loss, Yeosang’s gentle fingers playing with your nipples is simply not enough friction. Jongho stands, pulling you up with him, “If you can take Yeosang’s cock, I’ll let you cum on mine. Deal?”
You don't even understand what you’re agreeing to, but you follow Jongho’s orders. You feel Yeosang stand behind you, his arms wrapping around your torso and walking you until you’re in front of the coffee table in the middle of the room. He bends you over it, your knees knocking onto the soft carpet underneath. You don’t think about how long ago it must’ve last been cleaned. You just think about Jongho sitting cross legged on the couch in front of you, his hand resting on his hard cock in his pants. He’s eyeing you like a piece of meat as Yeosang leans over your back, his nose nuzzling against your hair. His long fingers run over the expanse of your back, the cold feeling sending shivers down your spine.
He leans back and spreads your ass, groaning at the sight of you dripping. You hear the sound of his belt buckle dropping and your nerves rise before a soothing hand drops onto your hips, massaging your skin. His voice rings right into your ear, “Don’t worry, angel. I’m not as mean as Jongho,” Said man scoffs, the slightest hint of a blush noticeable under the light. Before you can say anything, Yeosang’s cock teases your entrance, playing with your pussy with his tip. The feeling makes you whine, already edging into dangerous territory.
Yeosang slides in entirely, his long cock reaching the deepest parts of you. Your entire body goes numb as he gently thrusts, bouts of pleasure rising through every part of your body. He’s whining pathetically, trying not to lose his mind and keep control at the feeling of your pussy squeezing him, “S-she’s so tight, Jongho, shit.”
Jongho’s fidgeting in his seat, palming himself like there’s no tomorrow and attempting to hide how weak he is already, “How tight, Yeosang?”
Yeosang steadies himself on your hips, the speed of his thrusts increasing. He’s like a desperate puppy trying to get his rocks off, his sweaty shirt on your back as he leans his head on your shoulder. He’s lost himself to the pleasure. He moans into your ear, his heavy breaths a performance made just for you.
“This is the best pussy I’ve had. Right, angel? You’re being good for me?” he pants out.
You moan at the praise, “Y-yes, Yeosang, all for you,”
Jongho’s restless now. Watching the way the table shakes from Yeosang’s thrusts and the way you take it so well has him anxious to get inside of you. His cock strains in his pants, but he’ll wait until Yeosang’s had his fill. Yeosang’s balls slap against your ass, the lewd sounds of his cock ramming in and out of you filling Jongho’s ears. You feel yourself dripping down your thighs as Yeosang’s hand comes down to your clit. That seems to reignite you, an unbeatable wave of pleasure flooding over you. As Yeosang rubs circles on you, you clench down on him. He moans at the tightness, his hips and hand stuttering against you.
Jongho senses your struggling, “Remember what I said, slut,” your thighs tremble, “Or are you too cock-dumb right now?”
You shake your head but quickly fix your mistake, “N-no, Jongho,”
Your voice shakes against Yeosang’s hips pistoning into you, all rhythm lost as he chases his high. He’s practically breathing for you now, his arms wrapped around your chest while his head rests on yours. He exerts all of his power, which is quite a lot surprisingly, into making you feel every inch of his cock. Jongho’s eyes bore into yours as he watches you unravel, your glistening skin and teary eyes making his cock jump.
Just to make your torture worse, he leans into your face. His thumb pries open your lips, inviting itself into your mouth and taking control of you, “You’re the best cock-slut I’ve seen. Taking Yeosang so well. Is he making you feel good?”
His voice is silky and entrancing and you can’t help but give an honest answer, “S-so good, Jongho. Can I cum? Please?”
His sick smirk grows, “Nope.”
A desperate whine drips from your lips, the burning desire bursting through to Yeosang’s cock as you squeeze him again. This time, a myriad of beautifully pathetic whines fall from Yeosang’s lips as he’s drained by you. He stills deep inside you, letting himself fill you and mark you as his property. He watches it drip down your thighs, the pearlescent liquid falling in droplets as you tremble.
Yeosang catches you before you can fall onto the table, “I think she’s broken,”
He carries you, again with surprising ease, onto Jongho’s lap. You lay limp against him, the leather of his jacket waking you slightly as he wraps his arms around you, “Already? I haven’t even fucked you yet,”
You nod your head, “I-I can take it, I wanna cum, Jongho,”
He laughs at you, head tipping and revealing the kissable dot on his neck, “See? You’re a fucking slut, baby,” his arms wrap tighter around you, one of his hands coming down to your clit and rubbing lazily, “Don’t you worry. I’ll take care of you,”
Yeosang sits next to you, sitting and watching the way your pussy tries to keep his cum inside. Jongho’s fingers stuff it back in, catching any that’s still stuck on your thighs and putting it back where it belongs. He brings his hand up to your lips, your mouth opening automatically and accepting what he gives. Your tongue swirls to clean every inch of his hand, licking the sweat and cum off of his skin. Jongho lets out a shaky breath behind you.
Yeosang feels his cock standing again, the sight of you so easily submitting to Jongho getting him ready to go all over again, “Fuck, I need to feel that pussy again.”
Jongho unzips his pants underneath you. You feel his cock at your entrance as he slides it in between your folds, wanting to torture you even more. He’s smaller than Yeosang but much, much thicker. Yeosang’s cum lets you take Jongho’s cock much easier, the stretch from before easing him in. You moan at the feeling, the fullness overtaking your senses.
Jongho leans back and stables himself on the floor. His voice is powerful against you, the sound of it alone making you shake in anticipation, “I’m gonna fill you up with my cum, and then you can cum all over me. Understand?”
He doesn’t even let you answer before starting a wicked rhythm. He claps against you with no mercy, his grip on your hips holding you steady on his lap. It’s delicious, the way he bounces you up and down on his cock and thrusts up into you at the same time. Jongho growls as your cream and Yeosang’s cum makes a mess of the both of you. Yeosang watches your tits bounce. The stench of sex fills the room and depravity fills his senses.
The power of Jongho’s thrusts almost has you toppling over. He’s ravenous with the way he fucks you, thick cock ramming into you over and over from below. Jongho fucking loves the feeling of having you broken atop him, having you at your most vulnerable and sensitive right under his fingertips. He squeezes your hips, groaning when you squeeze back.
His head drops to the couch, letting you drop and feel every inch and vein of his cock. The stretch of him is painfully delicious. Yeosang takes this moment of pause to snake a hand to your clit, causing you to jolt when he begins rubbing circles.
“Y-yeosang…” you plead as you feel a tsunami of pleasure coming closer and closer to falling atop you.
He kisses along your neck, the ticklish sensation sending you into overdrive. Along with Jongho’s cock filling you and taking over your very being, you feel like you’re fighting a losing battle. You’re determined to follow Jongho’s rules, though.
Yeosang chuckles into your neck, “Just let her cum, Jongho,”
“Yeah, baby? Do you need to cum?” He asks flatly, slamming you down harshly onto his cock again.
“P-please, I need to cum so b-bad…”
You feel like you’re about to burst and you’re sure Jongho can feel it too. He doesn’t care, laughing as you continue to writhe and moan against Yeosang’s fingers, “I told you I’m gonna fill this pussy with my cum first, okay? Stop being so fucking cock-dumb already,”
He leans back further into the couch, bringing your back to his chest as he gathers his last bit of force to fuck up into you. He hangs off the edge of the couch slightly, but that’s not even a thought in his head as he continues to ram himself into you unforgivingly. Yeosang continues to tease and probe your bud, an evil smile forming on his face the longer he watches you unravel atop Jongho’s rabid hips.
Jongho hisses when he feels you tighten. Your hole is too fucking good, draining him for all he has. He gives one last powerful thrust before releasing his load inside of you, his balls tightening up against you as he jolts and spasms underneath you. His cock twitches inside of you and with the feeling of him finally filling you and Yeosang’s relentless fingers, you come undone. The pleasure that’s been building this entire time finally releases like a broken dam. It washes over you, unabated even after all this time. You feel every single one of your nerves explode inside you, your body seizing up against Jongho’s as your pussy tightens impossibly more to take all Jongho has to give.
Yeosang sighs against you, “Oh, angel, you take us so well,”
Just knowing that you have Yeosang’s and Jongho’s cum flowing inside you has your entire body tingling. It sends you into an even higher tier of gratification, your orgasm prolonging every time Jongho spurts another shot of cum into you.
Jongho’s voice is strained as he speaks, “Fuck, look what a fucking dirty cum-slut you are.”
It’s hard to get off of cloud nine once you’ve reached it. You can distantly hear their soft voices in the back of your head, vastly different from their tones before. You feel the leather couch underneath your back, their cum dripping out of you, and Yeosang’s hand gently running through your hair.
He tries to lure you fully awake, but that doesn’t happen until Jongho brings a warm towel to clean you. Your teary eyes squint under the light and you’re surprised at how weak you feel. Your body feels like jelly as Jongho hands Yeosang a towel to clean up the sweat on your upper body.
You’re not entirely sure what’s happening, but a blur of emotions is still flowing through you, “Hey…you don’t have to…” you sleepily let out.
They don’t say anything in return so neither do you. Jongho slips your panties back on, Yeosang pulling you softly upwards to put your shirt back on. You feel surprisingly cared for after getting your brains fucked out. You hadn’t expected it from two guys who probably do this every night.
They sit with you as you gather your bearings. Jongho traces patterns onto your legs, mindlessly staring at you. It sends a different kind of heat to your body. The kind that has you shrinking into yourself, blushing and hiding your face in your hands. You pretend it’s from sleepiness, but Jongho knows better. Yeosang hums beside your head, still running his hands through your hair delicately.
You feel more alive after a while, finally gathering the energy to sit up, “This doesn’t mean I’m your groupie now, by the way,”
“You would’ve been my favorite,” Jongho grins.
Yeosang pouts, “I don’t think Hongjoong would approve,” You both raise a brow at him, “What? He has the power to kick me out of the band, I have to be careful.”
Jongho laughs aloud as you giggle alongside him. You sort of feel at home with them, and not just because they rearranged your guts. They touch you softly, in ways that say they know everything about you. You’d rather not fall into that hole. Right now, you lay content in the moment in between them in this dingy room with their hands on you.
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mcu-coworkers · 2 days
Exploring The Prince
Summary: Seeing Aegon again brought something new out of you.
Pairing: Aegon ii Targaryen X Targaryen reader
A/N: This is a part 2 to A Weeks Time which can be read here I plan to continue this series as season 2 goes on so I will tag those parts as I go. I hope you like them and enjoy. :)
(As always I do not own the gif or the characters involved :))
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You had traveled from Dragonstone to Kingslanding countless times before this.
But back then it was different, back then you were going to visit your grandfather and cousins nervous for what would break out in a fight first.
Between your cousins and brothers there was always something.
You were lucky to have Helaena in all of this. If not for her they would have driven you to insanity.
”Are you ready my dearest sister?” Lucerys asked as he crept up behind you.
The three of you decided to ride on a dragon back to Kingslanding while your mother and Daemon rode with your younger siblings.
This only meant you would arrive some time earlier than your mother and Daemon, luckily you have your brothers by your side.
” I am as ready as I can be brother.” You answered with a soft smile.
”My sister, do you want this? This marriage to Aegon?” He asked.
Turning to him I noticed his look of confusion.
”It was not an idea of mine, but it is my duty if it is requested by the king.” You answered as you walked closer to him. “Does it bother you Luke?” You asked, looking at his face for an answer.
Although a blind man could have seen it from miles away.
”They aren’t very fond of us, they never have been. I just don’t want him or his brother to take it out on you, I worry for you my sister.” He said taking your hand in his.
”Luke, you are an angel sent from the gods themselves.” You exclaimed as you hugged him tightly.
Moments like this made your eyes tear up, Rhaena was lucky to be his betrothed.
“ I promise you, If I need your rescue I will fly back to Dragonstone at once.” You said smiling at him hoping to ease his conscience.
Before he could say anything else Jacaerys interrupted you both by joining in on your hug.
”Will the two of you wrap this up? We must get on with it if we want to deliver our sister to the wolves by the end of day Luke.” He said attitude dripping from every word.
Deadpanning and looking at Jace he ruined your efforts to ease Lukes mind.
”Jacaerys! I am not being fed to the wolves and if I were I have my dragon I can come back at anytime.” You responded annoyed with your brothers sour mood.
”Besides, Aegon has yet to cause me any discomfort.” You said as a matter of fact.
”That’s because out of us four,” he said pointing at us, “You are the only one who resembles them.” He said, swirling a strand of your white hair in his finger.
”That is not my fault Jacaerys. I wish it were different.” You said feeling a sense of guilt.
You didn’t know why things happened the way that they did but they did and you had no choice in the color of your hair.
Only the gods know why you did.
Sighing, Jacaerys knew he let his mouth go too far.
”My apologies my sister, I did not mean to upset you.” He said this time with a genuine tone in his voice.
Grabbing both of their hands you made them look at you.
”This moment in my life is meant to bring peace between our families, promise me you won’t do or say anything to ruin that? Please.” You begged.
You couldn’t live in a world where you had to choose between your brothers and your betrothed.
You wouldn’t.
Looking at each other your brothers sighed as a form of acceptance.
”You have our word sister, we will not start anything, we will only defend ourselves should they start it first.” Jacaerys finished.
You couldn’t win with these two but you’d take anything at this point.
”Thank you,” You said as you hugged them both, “Now shall we get going? We have a long day of travel ahead of us.” You said as you led them to your dragons.
While you rode through the sky with your brothers Kingslanding prepared for your arrival.
Among them was Aegon.
Last he saw you, your brothers had taken Aemonds eye and your mother married Daemon.
All of these years and just now he wondered what you might look like now.
He wondered if you were still and kind and gentle as he remembered.
If your hair was still as soft as it felt when he’d play with it while he told you stories of all the dragon riders he read about.
He knew one day you’d grow to be a beautiful young woman and any man would be lucky to have you at his side.
Little did he know that when that day came he was to be that man for you.
And he only hoped to be enough.
”Lost in thought my brother? I don’t believe I have ever seen you this silent.” A voice said behind him.
Turning to reveal Aemond as the voice to startle his thoughts he turns back to his view of the city.
”That’s because I ’ve never been my dearest brother.” He said, admitting to his change.
”And what’s brought this out of you?” Aemond pushes, although he already knew the answer.
The truth is Aemond had known for years, no one calmed Aegon the way your presence did. It surprised him that Aegon didn’t realize this in the years you two lived under the same roof.
He questioned if Aegon himself even knew it now. How could one be so blind yet have both eyes?
He’d never understand.
“Just saving my energies for Jacaerys and Luke, you know they can come in quite strong sometimes.” He said absentmindedly.
Aegon didn’t want to let Aemond in on his thoughts.
They were of you, and you were pure, he would not let his brothers hatred for yours damage that image.
Chuckling at Aegon Aemond smirks, “And there he is.”
”Now that I see you are well and intact, I should have you know that she arrived quite some time ago.” Aemond said, unable to hold back his amusement at the way his brother's head whipped in his direction.
“What? How long ? I didn’t expect them so soon.” He said standing to walk past his brother.
”They rode on dragon back, seems its only her and her brothers.” Aemond said with mischief in his tone.
Aegon stopped in his tracks upon hearing it.
”Listen to me brother, any ideas you may have, rid yourself of them. If not for her sake then mine. She deserves none of it.” Aegon said, “Give me your word Aemond.” He finished forcing his brother to look him in the eyes.
”Fine, you have my word. But do not waste your time looking for her now, the queen has taken it upon herself to receive them. You won't see her until dinner tonight.” Aemond said, walking past his brother.
Damn my mother and her ways.
Dinner could not have arrived soon enough for the both of you.
The Queen managed to keep you quite “busy” for all those hours with her rant of her new found religion.
Aegon on the other hand was forced to pace in his quarters, too annoyed to deal with anyone yet too impatient to sit still and read one of his books.
He wondered if you’d still like to listen to the stories he read like before.
Or if your brothers had poisoned your mind with whatever distasteful thoughts that came out of their mouths.
The thought angered Aegon.
Before he could indulge in such poisonous thoughts a maid knocked on his door.
”Dinner is ready to be served my lord.” She said quickly before turning away.
Finally, Aegon thought.
Aegon all but barged in into the dining room expecting to see everyone but finding no one.
”Dammit.” He cursed as he grabbed a cup and served himself a large amount of wine.
Sitting himself in his assigned seat he waited for the rest to follow.
After your afternoon with the queen you had only a few moments to ready yourself for dinner before your brothers came in to walk you down.
As the three of you walked down the halls you began to fiddle with your fingers.
What if he changed? What if he really was all that you heard and worse?
Standing at the doors of the dining room you took a deep breath and prepared yourself.
Whatever he was now, he was to be your husband and only that could you be sure of.
As the doors opened you put on your gentlest smile and prepared yourself for whatever greeting you’d be given.
”There they are, come my grandchildren.” Viserys said as he waved for you all to join his side.
Quickly you did as he asked joyfully to hear his voice.
”Hello grandfather.” You said as you bowed to his grace.
“My dear y/n how beautiful you’ve come to be, come sit next to your betrothed.” He said, turning to Aegon.
You could feel your brothers stare at the back of your head as you turned yourself to face Aegon.
Walking towards him you bowed your head slightly, “My prince.”
“My betrothed.” He answered with a quiet smile.
Offering his hand to you, taking his hand you walked with him and sat by his side.
Sitting down you began to feel how different things would be.
Your brothers across from you instead of next to you and you next to Aegon.
“Lost in thought?” You heard from next to you.
Turning you came face to face with Aegon.
“My apologies, This is the first I have a second to do so.” You said, taking in his features.
Blue eyes, soft skin. His hair was shorter.
His shoulders more broad, jawline sharper. It was no surprise to you that Aegon aged well.
“Tell me.” He requested softly.
“May I be honest, my prince?” You asked.
My prince, Aegon thought. In that you were right. From the moment he saw you walk in those doors he was devotedly yours.
“ If I am to be your husband, we must learn to trust each other so please, be honest.” He said, watching your eyes soften sensing your relief brought him happiness.
Smiling, you talked to him about your day with the queen and how little interest you truly had in the faith of the seven but listened to her out of respect to your queen.
It wasn’t until you began to talk about your ride here that he finally saw your features light up.
The way you spoke of your dragon, the smile you carried, the glimmer in your eyes.
He only hoped you’d glow like this at the mention of his name some day.
Eventually dinner came to an end and your brothers stood to walk you back to your room.
“ I can walk her back to her room, Jacaerys.” Aegon insisted on wanting to have more time with you.
“Don’t be mad, it is not custom for you to be alone until you wed, come sister.” Jacaerys demanded for your hand.
Wanting to avoid a fight, you took your brother's hand and bid Aegon goodnight.
You enjoyed your time with him and could only wish it lasted longer but for now you’d wait until tomorrow.
Aegon watched as your brothers whisked you away to your chambers only wishing he could follow.
Instead he found the nearest bottle of wine and his glass and took himself to his chambers to await for the next day full of you to come.
After some while of not being able to find sleep you debated finding a maid to bring you tea or just simply taking a stroll in the garden to bring you peace.
Deciding for the ladder you grabbed your robe and made your way to the door.
Opening your door you stopped in your tracks when you came to face with Aegon back facing you.
“Aegon.” you said gently.
Turning to face you Aegon tries to make up an excuse as to why he was at your door late in the night.
Not finding any he decides to allow his mind to speak freely.
“ I couldn’t sleep, I needed someone to talk to. Is that alright?” He said, taking steps towards you.
“ I am your betrothed Aegon, it is my duty to tend to you now.” You said as you looked into his eyes a dark blue you had yet to witness from him.
A look you didn’t recognize just yet, but you would soon.
“May I come in my dearest?” Aegon asked looking down at you too close for temptation.
Giving it no second thought you stepped aside allowing him the space to come in.
Smiling at your invitation he walked in and settled for a couch at the foot of your bed.
Only then as you walked towards him did he notice your attire.
A silk gown covered with a silk robe, your hair brushed out and beautiful.
You made it difficult for him to respect your virtue and you didn’t even know it.
Sitting beside him you waited for him to speak.
Too distracted in his own thoughts you decided to interrupt.
“So what was it?” You asked breaking the silence.
“Hmm? What was what?” Aegon asked being brought back to reality.
You smiled amused at his ability to get lost in his thoughts just as easy as you did.
Realizing what you meant he quickly worked to find the words.
“Right well,” he paused turning to look at you unsure of how you would feel by his question, “What is the craziest thing you’ve done?” He asked.
Slightly taken aback by his question you took a second to think.
“ I - I am not sure by what you mean, the craziest?” You asked hoping he’d clarify.
Turning his full body to you he clarified, “When your mother was younger I heard of the stories where she’d sneak past the walls of the castle and sneak off. Have you ever done such a thing?” He asked curious to know how much you resembled your mother.
This statement made you timid toward the prince.
You’d never even thought to do such a thing. Maybe he’d find you too innocent for his liking at the revelation.
Sensing your answer in your silence Aegon reassured you by putting a hand on your lap.
“It’s alright if you’ve done nothing of the sort, we'll soon have our chance to do all sorts of things. The castle will be yours to do as you please.” He said rubbing his hand on your thigh not realizing the touch as innocent as it was left you feeling hot.
This was new to you.
The thoughts that ran through your mind as he continued to lay his hand upon you so gently.
“All sorts of things?” You asked barely above a whisper as you inched yourself closer to Aegon.
Any kind of sense leaving your mind.
“Yes, we can start exploring tonight if you’d like. Is there something you would like to see?” He asked, noticing your sudden closeness again reminding himself of his need for restraint.
“Anything?” You asked, a look of innocence in your eyes.
“Anything.” He whispered, kissing your hand.
Observing the act you pondered your next move.
On one hand you knew this was wrong on so many levels on the other hand you were losing sight of that mentality the longer his hand stayed in place.
Letting temptation win you take a hold of his hand as you look into his eyes and move his hand to the place where you need him to explore.
You know he’ll be able to help you with this temptation, after all he was to be your husband.
Looking down at the new location of his hand he clenched his jaw fighting for what little restraint he had left.
“My dearest-“ he tried but it only brought you closer to him as he began to lose what little control he had over himself.
Close enough to close the gap with a kiss. But Aegon knew it wouldn’t end with that if you allowed him.
“We are to be wed. Why not explore me?” You asked looking down at his lips wondering how it would feel to be kissed.
His breath hitched in his throat at your words.
“Why must you make it so hard to respect your virtue?” He asked, feeling your hand on his face.
“Then don’t my prince.” You said pulling him to you and closing the gap with a soft gentle kiss.
Pulling away to look into his eyes you saw the darkness behind them now understanding what it was.
For you felt it for him too.
Pulling you back to him this time Aegon grabbed you by the waist and put you on top of him as he kissed you deeply with passion as you tangled your hands into his hair.
Groaning at the sensation Aegon pulled your hips down to meet his, your heat only growing at the sensation of his cock.
Gasping as he moved your hips together, “Aegon,” you moaned into his ear needing more.
Quickly Aegon picked you up and moved you both to your bed.
“This is what you desire?” He asked, looking into your eyes and seeing them filled with lust.
“You are what I desire.” You said breathless and eager.
Those words were all Aegon needed before taking off what was left of the clothing you two had.
kissing your stomach he gently made his way up to you breast massaging your nipple gently whilst peppering kisses on the other sucking lightly on your nipple.
His touch brought quiet moans out of you as you indulge in the pleasure he gave you.
“Aegon please.” You moaned, pulling his face up to meet with yours.
Hoisting your leg onto his waist he lowered himself to kiss your lips.
“You’ll tell me if it's too much?” He asked wanting to hear your reassurance.
“Yes.” You whispered as you kissed the surface of his face not being able to get enough of him.
Kissing your lips once more this time he gently pushed himself in groaning at the sensation of your tightness.
Gasping at his size you looked down as you saw him slowly entering you, stretching your walls the deeper he went.
“Just a little more y/n, that’s it.” He said trying to focus on keeping it slow for you.
Once he was fully inside he gave you a moment to adjust before pulling himself out entirely and thrusting back in gently this time forming a pace you could grow used to.
Slowly the pain of the stretch began to turn into pleasure and your gasps turned into moans needing more
“Aegon,” you moaned into his ear, “Faster please.” You said as you wrapped your other leg around him.
“Fuck,” he said as he tried to hold on to what control he had from releasing into you too soon but your words only brought him closer.
Quickening his thrusts he grabbed a hold of your hip with one hand and held himself up with the other.
Looking down at your face almost brought him overboard as he saw the look of pleasure in your eyes.
His innocent betrothed lying beneath him as he plunged his cock deep into her soaking wet pussy.
And it was soaking wet for him.
“Aegon I - I’m-“ you tried to say but you were cut off by another moan yet he knew what you meant.
“ I know my darling, together.” He said as he rested his forehead on hers closing his eyes as he felt her tightening around him.
“Aegon!” She moaned, getting louder by the second.
Quickly Aegon kissed her to cover the sound of their climax until she came back down.
Kissing her forehead one last time before pulling out of y/n and falling to her side to catch his breath he thought about what just took place.
As did she.
Until this day she had never even had such impure thoughts.
She’d never understood what it was that came over her but the look in Aegon's eyes in that moment told her she wouldn’t need to.
Turning to face him she met him face to face with her innocent smile once again.
“For someone who said they needed someone to talk to, you didn’t do much talking,” you said, smiling.
“ I will have you all of daylight to listen to me talk tomorrow will I not?” He asked moving the few stray hairs from your face.
“You will, my prince.” You whispered as slumber began to consume your body.
Pulling you to his side Aegon kissed your head one last time before closing his eyes as well.
“Then until then my dearest.” He said as he joined you in slumber feeling a sense of fullness with you in his arms.
At Least until morning came.
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jiniretracha · 3 days
~ Y/n is a "nerdy but hot" type of girl whos also rlly smart. The bad boy hyunjin has secret eyes for her. Shes always alone in class and doesnt talk to many ppl so basically shes mysterious ooo. One day hyunjin finally asks her to tutor him and she gets surprised knowing he knows she exists. Hyunjin has hooked up w many other girls but y/n is different as shes not despo like them and thats what attracts him to her. They both meet late night at a cafe and y/n is wearing a black tank top which has her neck and chest exposed and her lacy bra straps can be shown as well. She covered herself w a fuzzy jacket before entering the cafe but eventually took it off whilst tutoring hyunjin. Hyunjin feels lusty looking at y/n being so effortlessly hot and unknowing of it, he also gets turned on by the way she sucks her frappe straw etc. But he controls himself and after their study session ends hyunjin offers to drop her home on his bike and somehow enters her apartment as well where she lives alone and cozy with a good view of the city. They both have a deep convo before it turns into hot late night sleepy smut fr (also unexperienced y/n doing things with the guidance of hyunjin) tysmm
A Shakespeare's Sonnet - Hwang Hyunjin
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Pairing: Hwang Hyunjin x fem!reader
Warnings: smut!!, fluff, minho's mean but he's just an overprotective little shit, minsung exes to lovers, slight angst, felix and jeongin being supportive besties
Summary: The one where Hyunjin needs tutoring literature sessions, you are a smart hot student and Minho almost faints.
Word count: 9,3k (i went too far i fear)
PS: This was sent in April, i apologize for being so late ☠️. i've been working on a felix smau so forgive me 😭
Hyunjin walked the halls of uni, his lazy walk attracting countless girls who would squeal under their breaths as they watched him pass across them, hoping silently one of them could end up being another notch on his bedpost. 
Hyunjin would be lying if he said he didn’t notice. Or that he didn’t love it. He was never one to take advantage of it, but having that feeling around him, of being wanted, was awesome. 
His friends also loved the attention people always had projected on him. It meant being invited to frat parties every single weekend, the coach calling them to the football team, and obviously, having girls flutter around them 24/7. 
What wasn’t something that was guaranteed by Hyunjin’s popularity, was having good grades. 
Hyunjin didn’t really study much, but he considered himself a smart person, so overall, he was a pretty good student. 
Until literature happened. 
He was so sure he was going to ace it, until a new professor, Mr. Jackson, came to uni and started giving out homework and assignments that were hard as fuck. 
The boy couldn’t believe his bad luck, as every single assignment he handed in, returned with a very angry red mark in the shape of an F. 
It was a Wednesday, when Hyunjin sat by the last seats of literature class, knowing how it was going to go down. 
“Do you think you passed?” Changbin asked Chan. 
Chan only snorted. “No way, man. I actually read the book he gave us last time, like 3 times, and the fucker still gave me an F” he rolled his eyes. 
Hyunjin sighed. “I think I failed as well”
“Yeah, dude, you’ve been failing all of yours. What’s up? You never go on a streak” Jisung says next to him.
He shrugs. “I guess it’s this fucking dude that apparently has a thing against me”
“Nah, I don’t think so” Changbin said. “I mean, he has a thing against you, but I think it’s against all of us”
“Thank you” Hyunjin said with sarcasm.
“Yo, this friday we’re going to Seungmin’s, okay? He already gave me a preview of the place and it’s going to be big” Jisung said excitedly. 
“I don’t think I’m gonna go” Hyunjin said.
His three friends went silent.
“Excuse me?” Changbin asked. 
“Yeah, I’m failing literature way too hard and without a reason. And, I don’t know about you, guys, but I really want to get my degree. And literature won’t stop me from getting that” He told his friends. 
“But mate, it’s literally one party” Changbin said.
“No, it’s one party every week” he told him. “Maybe that’s why I’m failing. Because I’m not trying hard enough”
“Well, it won't be the same without you there, mate, but it’s your call” Chan smiled slightly.
“Thank you!” Hyunjin said with a high pitched voice. 
Mr. Jackson’s unwanted presence walked into the room and Hyunjin sighed in disdain. He wanted earth to swallow him up already. 
“Okay, class, I’m handing you today your assignments from last class. I am… disappointed to say the least” the professor said and Hyunjin inwardly rolled his eyes. “Only two people passed, and that’s Mr. Lee, and Miss Y/L/N. Congratulations” the man smiled at two students who were in front of him. 
Hyunjin frowned. He had to get the number of either of those people to help him pass this fucking subject. 
“Oh, of course Minho passed. Ugh” Jisung faked a gag.
Hyunjin smiled. “What’s the matter?”
“See that guy over there?” he pointed at a guy with slight orange hair going on black, talking to a girl. “That’s my ex”
“Oh God, that’s your ex! Minho goes here? Since when? How did I not notice?”
Jisung frowned. “Why do you say that?”
“I was going to ask him to tutor me, since I suck” 
“No! No, no, no. You won’t ask Minho to help you. No way. Ask Y/N, his friend” Jisung shook his head. 
Hyunjin frowned. “O…kay” he said slowly. “I will. Y/N… I think I know her. Her hair… sounds familiar”
“Yeah, we went to high school together” Jisung replied.
Hyunjin’s eyes widened. “That’s Y/N?” he asked. 
“Yeah” He nodded. 
“I didn’t… I didn’t even know she went here” he said with a confused tone.
“Why do you sound disappointed?”
“I… okay, I used to have a crush on her when we were in like… third year? And, well, apparently she didn’t like me” Hyunjin shook his head.
“You’re lucky I liked you in secondary. You were an ass” 
Hyunjin straightened up his position when Mr. Jackson walked towards him and put the paper on his desk. 
“Disappointed in you, Mr. Hwang” Mr. Jackson told him.
When he walked away, Hyunjin turned around. “He always says that” Hyunjin spat. 
Jisung smiled. “I actually got a D this time”
“Yeah, I got an F like always”
Jisung pressed his lips together. “I really think you should consider talking to Y/N to help you” he told him. “She’s a good girl. And she’s super smart”
Hyunjin chewed on his lip. “Okay…”
. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁༉‧₊˚.
You put your paper away inside your bag and smiled at your friends. 
“Okay, I am, like, so jealous you guys passed” Jeongin sighed. “I’ve only passed two of his assignments. And this is like the eighth!”
You smiled with a giggle. “It’s only reading and rereading the texts. This one was really tough. I’m lucky I got a C” you said. 
“Yeah, I got a C-” Minho said. 
“Yeah, sorry, why was Jisung staring at us?” Felix asked, nudging his forehead towards him. 
You all turned around and saw Jisung talking to his friend. 
Minho sighed. “I don’t even wanna know, honestly” he shook his head. “I can’t believe he’s still friends with that asshole, my God”
“Who? Hyunjin?” Felix asked.
“He’s… not that bad” Felix scratched the back of his head sheepishly. 
“Yeah, no. He’s horrible” you sighed. “He was always staring at me with a scowl on his face and being witness of his bully friends back in high school”
“Thank God those fuckers didn’t apply to this one” Jeongin sighed. 
“Yeah. Unfortunately we got the worst. The witnesses” Minho said. “And of course, because the universe couldn’t have conspired enough against me, my ex”
“I still don’t know why you guys broke up” Felix said.
“Yeah, me neither” Jeongin shook his head. 
“I just got tired of the people surrounding him. And the way they influenced him. He was one thing with me and a totally different one when he was with his friends. It was like he was embarrassed of me or something. Like they didn’t know he was gay” Minho explained.
“But they knew” You deadpanned.
“Yeah” Minho nodded. “And cherry on top, he cheated on me”
“He did?” Felix asked.
“That’s horrible… well, good riddance, right?” You smiled at him.
Minho forced a smile, “Yeah… good riddance” he chuckled, unsure. 
. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁༉‧₊˚.
You grabbed your stuff and quickly pushed it inside your bag as soon as the bell rang. 
“See you next week, class. Don’t forget to bring your assignments” Mr. Jackson said and left. 
“Hey, do you want to go to the coffee shop next to our dorms?” Jeongin asked next to you.
“Hey, Y/N” a masculine voice said behind you. 
You frowned as you turned around, only to find none other than Hwang Hyunjin in front of you.
You arched your eyebrows. “Uh, hello?” you said unsure. 
“Can I- Can I talk to you for a sec?” he asked, fidgeting with his hands.
The man was nervous. 
You turned around and looked at your friends. 
“Call us if you need us, Y/N” Felix politely smiled at Hyunjin and winked at you.
“Yeah, you guys go. I’ll catch up” you nodded. 
“Okay…” Minho said unsure, grabbing Jeongin’s arm and pulling him with the rest. 
You turned around and looked at Hyunjin. “…What’s up?” you asked.
“I- I was just wondering… you know, since you’re basically rocking this subject and well- you and Minho are the only ones who passed the last assignment… I was- just… wondering if you could- I don’t know, tutor me or- or something?” he asked. 
You snorted, unable to help yourself. “I didn’t know you knew my name”
“Yeah, I do. We- we went to high school together” he frowned. “Why?”
“Well, you basically ignored me in high school” you shrugged. “Figured we aren’t as cool as your wolf pack over there” you nudged your head towards his friends. 
Jisung smiled and waved, while Chan and Changbin made a peace sign with a nervous smile. 
Hyunjin sighed. “Yeah- well, I was an asshole in high school”
“I know”
Hyunjin inwardly winced. “So… about tutoring…”
You snorted and grabbed your stuff. “Goodbye, Hyunjin” you said and left the classroom.
Hyunjin stood there, watching you walk away while his friends snorted and laughed. 
“I think this is the first time I’ve seen a girl reject you” Chan laughed while Changbin cackled with his infamous laugh. 
“Ha-ha” Hyunjin said humourlessly. “That wasn’t funny”
“Oh, it was” Jisung laughed. “She literally laughed in your face”
“I’m gonna fail literature and never get my degree. I wanna die” he whined dramatically as he plopped down on the chair. 
Changbin rolled his eyes. “Be persistent mate. Come on. You have that charm and effect on people. Use it”
Hyunjin opened his eyes and looked at Changbin. “You say I should- like- follow her around and-“
“Yeah” Changbin nodded. 
“I never beg” Hyunjin shook his head. 
“Well, mate, you gotta push your ego aside if you wanna pass literature” Chan shrugged. 
Hyunjin nodded. “Yeah, I know. The girl hates me though”
“I wouldn’t blame her” Jisung shook his head. 
“Why’s that?” Changbin said. 
“Well, me and Hyunjin were with the popular group. Who were straight up bullies” Jisung explained. 
“You guys bullied Y/N?” Chan asked, his eyes widened. 
“No!” Hyunjin said loudly. “No, we didn’t. I don’t want to talk about high school. It’s been ages. Let’s just… move on”
“Okay…” Chan said unsure. 
“Well, what are you gonna do, Hyunjin?” Changbin asked. 
Hyunjin sighed and looked at the ceiling. “I think I’m gonna continue asking her”
“Yeah, figured” Jisung nodded.
Hyunjin looked at him with a frown. “Why’s that?”
“Well, you couldn’t stop staring at her ass, for all that matters”
“Hey! I’m not attracted to her, and I’m definitely not sleeping with her” Hyunjin whined. 
“Sure” Jisung nodded with a smirk. “So, about Seungmin’s…”
. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁༉‧₊˚.
You opened the door of the café and walked inside with a scowl. 
Minho looked up from their usual table and his eyes softened. “What’s up, Y/N?” he asked you. 
You sat down with a huff and left your bag hanging on the back of the chair. “Nothing. This fucker just asked me to tutor him”
“The audacity” Minho rolled his eyes. 
“Why’s that bad?” Felix asked, sipping on his iced tea. 
“Because he’s literally the guy who made my high school life miserable!” you whined. “My life and Minho’s life”
“Oh, well, maybe he’s- you know- changed” Felix tried. 
“Could be. The guy was staring at you like he was terrified” Jeongin said. “It was laughable”
“Maybe because he knows what he did” Minho added. “Typical bully attitude to get what he wants”
“I don’t know. He looked weird, though” You confessed. “Like he was nervous. He was all fidgety and awkward about it”
Felix hummed and looked down at his beverage. “Don’t worry about it, okay? It will be fine”
“Yeah, thank you, guys” You smiled at your friends.
“Don’t worry, Y/N. You got us” Jeonging winked, poking your cheek with his finger, making you laugh. 
“I know. That’s why I love you guys” you smiled. 
An hour passed and you and your friends were having fun, as Jeongin was telling you about his date last night. 
“And then she laughs in my face, like- fully in front of me and I feel the stink in her breath. She had ordered ravioli with a cream cheese sauce that was showered with garlic” Jeongin said while you all cackled. 
“Oh my God, and what did you do?” You asked. 
“Nothing, I just contained my breath in and nodded at everything she said” Jeongin said. “Near death experience”
“And do you plan on texting her or something?” Minho asked.
“No, I mean, she was really cute but other than her attempted murder, we did not connect in the talking at all” Jeongin shook his head with a frown. “No way” 
“Okay, let’s all look down or look like we’re in a deep conversation” Minho said, suddenly.
“What?” Felix asked, confused.
“Hyunjin just walked in” Minho replied. 
Your eyes widened and Minho grabbed your arm when you were about to turn your head. “No, no, don’t turn around” he said, in front of you. “Okay, so my mother just died and we’re like- mourning or something”
“Good grief” Felix shook his head, biting on a muffin. 
Hyunjin, as soon as he stepped in, started whipping his head around, trying to look for you. He saw the back of your head while you were engrossed in a conversation with your friends. He took a deep breath in and tried to collect all the courage he could muster and walked towards you.
“Oh, no, he’s coming” Felix whispered.
“Act normal” Jeongin said.
“Hey, Y/N” Hyunjin said standing in front of you.
You looked up and blinked. “Hyunjin, what are you doing here?” 
“Man, my mother just died. Could you have some-”
“Minho!” Felix said, slapping his arm. 
Hyunjin looked at them curiously and you huffed. “Don’t mind them. What’s up?”
“I know you said no already, and you probably don’t like me at all but I seriously need your help” Hyunjin pleaded. “You see, I need to pass literature to get my degree. Please, I’ll literally pay you, whatever you want”
You chuckled and you moved your head to the side. “Hyunjin, are you serious right now? You’ve ignored my existence since we’ve met and now, when you need something, you acknowledge me?” you snort at the end. “Sorry, not happening”
Hyunjin let out a whine and out of literally nowhere, the man dropped to his knees.
“Oh my God” Felix mumbled and looked away.
“Y/N… I’m begging you. Please, please, please. I’ll literally clean your dorm, pay for your food, I’ll buy you whatever you want, just please, please tutor me” he asked, giving you puppy eyes.
You looked into his eyes and let out a frustrated sigh.
“What?” Minho asked, in a high-pitched voice.
“Yeah, what?” Hyunjin asked, surprised as well.
“I’ll tutor you, just please get up. You’re embarrassing me in front of everyone” You said with a grimace.
Hyunjin quickly scrambled to his feet and nodded. “Okay, thank you. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Here’s my number” he said, grabbing a pen and scribbling the number into a piece of paper and handing it to you. “Text me. We can meet tomorrow”
“Yeah, okay” you nodded slowly. 
“Thank you, again, Y/N. I really appreciate it a lot. Sorry for bothering” Hyunjin said and quickly walked away.
You looked at him with a frown as he walked out of the café and then turned to look at Minho who was glaring at you. 
“What?” you asked him.
“I’m just gonna ask one simple question. Are you playing stupid? Or were you just born with it?” 
“Oh my God-”
“You just accepted tutoring the devil incarnate, Y/N!” Minho said dramatically.
“Did you see how he was begging on his knees? I don’t want to be as cruel as he was” you argued.
“The guy is the worst, Y/N. Come on” Minho insisted.
“I don’t know, Min. He really needed help” Felix tried. “I think it was sweet of you to give in” 
“Thank you, Lix” you said sincerely. 
“What if he just wants to sleep with you?” Minho asked.
“God, Minho! Hyunjin does not want to sleep with me” you laughed. 
“Yo, why not?” Jeongin asked. “You would make a hot couple”
Minho faked a gag. “Please no”
“You’re into guys, wouldn’t you say he’s hot?” Jeongin asked.
“Yeah, he sure is. But he’s a horrible person so no. I don’t like him” Minho spat, shaking his head in disapproval.
“Okay. Why don’t we all calm down, hm?” Felix asked. “Y/N’s gonna be tutoring Hyunjin and we’re all going to be supportive friends and be there for her if she needs anything”
“Thank you” you mouthed and he winked. 
Minho sighed and looked away. 
“Just trust me. You know I wouldn’t do anything” you told him.
“Y/N, it’s not you I’m worried about. I know you’re not going to do anything. But him? Yeah, I don’t trust him” he said. Felix gave him a look and he let out a breath. “But… I’ll give it the benefit of a doubt”
“Great” Felix clapped. “Everything’s solved. Can we please go back to talking about Jeongin’s horrible date with the garlic breath girl and all?”
“Yeah” you nodded. 
. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁༉‧₊˚.
You dropped your bag on the chair next to the door of your room and sighed. 
“Wanna order take out?” Minho asked from the kitchen. 
“Yeah, chinese, please” you called out.
“On it!”
You dropped your body on the bed and felt the purring of one of Minho’s cats next to your head. 
“Hey, Dori” you cooed, brushing your fingers across the cat’s soft fur. “You missed me?” you asked and the kitty purred. “Yeah, you did” 
You grabbed your phone from your jean back pocket and the piece of paper with Hyunjin’s number fell out. 
Sighing, you picked it up and after a while of thinking, you added him into your contacts. 
Y/N: hey, it’s y/n
You texted him and left the phone on the bed, to stare at Dori.
The phone vibrated and you grabbed it.
Hyunjin: oh hiii
You frowned. “A hi with three ‘I’s?” you asked yourself in a whisper. 
Hyunjin: what’s up?
“What’s up? God, we’re just gonna be having tutoring sessions. You don’t wanna know how I’ve been” you harshly whispered to yourself.
You: fine. Do you wanna meet tomorrow at the café me and my friends were having a hangout until you interrupted-
You sighed and pressed the delete button. 
You couldn’t send him that.
You: i’m ok. you wanna meet at the same coffee shop tomorrow after english?
Hyunjin: yeah, i’m okay with it.
You: great. 
You left the phone on the bed and went to help Minho while he put on the plates and silverware on the table.
“Everything okay?” Minho asked.
“Yeah, yeah. I was just texting Hyunjin” you told him. “I told him he could meet at the coffee shop from today”
“The one where he rudely interrupted us?”
“Yeah, the same one” you laughed.
He smiled and then looked down. “I’m sorry if I was harsh with you today” he said quietly.
“Oh, don’t worry, Min. I know you’re just looking out for me” 
“I know. I just… we suffered a lot in high school and- well, I don’t wanna go through that again. Neither of us” he shook his head.
“Aww, are you sweet talking to me?” you cooed.
Minho dropped his soft expression and rolled his eyes. “Man, you ruined the moment. I hate you”
“No, you love me” you said and wrapped your arms around him.
“Get off” Minho said.
“You love me” you said louder.
“Yeah, yeah, whatever” he said. 
The bell rang and he looked at the door. “That’s the take out. Be right back” 
“Go ahead. I love you too”
“Shut up”
You giggled as you made your way back to your room and grabbed your phone. Your heartbeat started beating faster when you saw the notification from Hyunjin.
Hyunjin: see you tomorrow, y/n :)
“Fuck, you stupid heart. Stop doing that!” 
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You sighed as you tapped your nails on the wooden table from the café as you waited for Hyunjin. 
He was 10 minutes late and you were so close to grabbing your stuff and fleeting out of there. 
Suddenly, your eyes caught his figure being followed by a girl who was looking at him with a smile while he had a frown on his face. He said something, making the girl’s smile drop and walk away embarrassed. 
You looked down and felt a weird feeling in your stomach.
Hyunjin, with a sigh, sat down on the booth bench. “Hey, I’m so, so sorry Y/N” he said, sounding tired.
You didn’t even have the heart to say something rude to him because he was late. “No worries” you breathed out. “Did something happen?”
“Oh, uh… no, it’s just this-”
Hyunijn looked at you, wide-eyed and then let out a laugh. “Yeah, kind of”
“You slept with her and she wants more but you don’t want more?” you asked, feeling that curious, annoying thing on your stomach.
Hyunjin shook his head. “No, she’s uh… my ex-girlfriend” he said.
“Yeah” he nodded. “We broke up a long while ago but- well, I broke up with her but she didn’t take it well”
“How long ago was that?”
“Four months ago”
“Four?” you asked and he nodded. “Fuck, that’s a long time”
“I know” he sighed. 
You chewed on your lip. “Okay, we can start now. I’m sorry I asked, I just- well, you looked kind of bothered” you said.
“No, it’s okay. Y/N, thank you” he said with a little smile.
Those damn butterflies kicked inside your stomach and you inwardly rolled your eyes. You hummed and looked down at your computer. 
“Right! So, the next assignment is to choose a sonnet from Shakespeare and analyze it. That means we’ll have to search, read some and well, choose the one we like the best” you told him.
“Oh God, I hate this already” he said, pressing his forehead against the table.
You giggled. “It’s not that bad. I collected a bunch for you to pick” 
He pulled his head up quickly and smiled. “Really?” 
“Yeah” you nodded.
“You’re the best” he smiled wider. 
Fuck, that’s a pretty smile- FOCUS. “It’s nothing” you scoffed with a little smile too.
“No, really. It’s a lot. Let me see” he said and you pushed your computer towards him.
As he started scrolling through the different sonnets, his eyes couldn’t help but wander towards your face. You were looking out the window while sipping your pink drink with a sense of tranquility, something that was definitely lacking in his life. Hyunjin couldn’t help but feel his heart hammering in his chest as he admired your pretty face. He paid attention to the way you sucked on the straw of your drink and he bit his lip. 
You were so attractive to him and you had no idea. 
How didn’t you see it? How didn’t you notice him staring at you in high-
“You picked one yet?” you asked him, turning your head to face him.
He blinked a couple of times and nodded. “Y-yeah” he lied. “I picked one” 
“Let me see” you said, grabbing the computer. Your eyes lit up and smiled at him, making him feel a flutter in his chest, something he hadn’t felt till now. “Wow, Sonnet 116. Good choice. You are one romantic guy, never thought of that” 
His eyes narrowed, confusedly and then nodded. “Yeah… I guess you didn’t know that about me, huh?” he joked.
Hyunjin was in fact a very romantic guy himself, he loved cliché stuff and, whenever he painted, he tried to symbolize love as much as he could. He would paint red roses very often, thinking they symbolize an act of love, sensualism and mysticism. Hyunjin loved romantic comedies and he always cried with them.
But that was a secret he kept well hidden.
“Well, this one you picked is very beautiful” you said with a smile and he couldn’t help but reciprocate it. “Let Me Not to The Marriage of True Minds is one of his most famous works” 
Hyunjin immediately took out his computer and started typing whatever you said. 
“We can read it together” you said, pushing the computer so he could see it.  
He nodded and you started reading some lines and explaining them to him.
Hyunjin stared at you attentively and tried to focus, he really did. But his stupid brain and heart had teamed up to sabotage this study session, because they were focused on you. You, you, you. Then, his eyes couldn’t help but go down as he took in what you were wearing. 
Fuck, how did he not notice? You were wearing a black top that had a low cut and it gave a good view of your breasts, as your arms pushed them together due to your inclined position on the table. His mind started racing with different dirty thoughts of what he’d do to you if they weren’t in a crowded café. Hyunjin noticed you were wearing a lace black bra and it made him wanna grab-
“He’s basically saying that true love is not changeable, no matter the length of time” you explained, bringing him back to earth.
Hyunjin quickly typed, trying to convince you he was paying attention. 
“He is so certain about his definition of love that, if proven wrong, then he was sure he had never loved anyone” you finished.
“Wow…” Hyunjin said. “That’s… beautiful”
“I know” you giggled. “Well, we have to, basically, do an analysis of it”
“Okay, how do we start?”
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Hyunjin pressed the point button on his laptop and sighed. “Fucking finally” he said.
“It wasn’t that bad, you gotta admit that” you smiled.
He had to admit, he did enjoy literature after all. “Yeah, it was actually interesting. Maybe I should’ve asked you for help a long time ago” he confessed.
“Well, that means you would’ve acknowledged my existence, which you didn’t until… yesterday” you said with a shrug.
That’s a lie, Hyunjin thought. “I… I’m sorry” he said and he mentally slapped himself.
“It’s okay. I’m used to it. Really” you said.
He frowned. He didn’t like the sound of that. He was about to open his mouth when you cursed.
“Fuck! Look at the hour, it’s almost eight” you cursed.
Hyunjin looked out the window and noticed how dark it had gotten. “Right, wow. I didn’t even notice” he mumbled as he looked at his phone. 
“Yeah, me neither” you chuckled, putting all your stuff away.
Hyunjin frowned as he didn’t like the fact that this session was over and you’d probably go back to ignoring each other like you did. 
“Hey, uh… do you wanna go back to my place? Like… to hang out” he said.
You arched your eyebrows. “Why?”
“Well, to be honest, I could pay you back with some take out. Whatever you want. My roommate, Chan, is out for the day with his girlfriend so I'm gonna be home alone” Hyunjin explained. 
You leaned your head to the side.  “Are you inviting me because you feel bad for me or because you don’t wanna be alone?” 
None, I just wanna be with you. “Both, I guess?”
You chuckled and looked away. “Hyunjin-”
“Please?” he asked.
You looked at him again and then sighed. “Fine. But we’re ordering chinese”
“Deal” he smiled, satisfied.
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“She did that?” You asked him as soon as you and him walked inside his dorm.
“Yep. And then she basically threatened Lily, my friend’s girlfriend, to stay away from me because she was jealous” Hyunijn explained.
“Oh my God” you mumbled. “That’s borderline obsessive”
“Yeah, I know” he said, dropping his stuff on the couch, “You can drop your stuff  and sit here, I’ll order take out” Hyunjin whipped his phone out and started clicking on the delivery app.
You did the same and noticed there were a few notifications from your group chat with your friends.
Min 🐈: hey, you alive bestie? 
Min 🐈: did you kill hyunjin? I’d be delighted if your answer was yes. I’d even help you bury the body
Innie 💛: min shut up
Min 🐈: what?
Lixie☀️: i think you’re overreacting a little
Min 🐈: i think i’m not
You chuckled and quickly typed your answer back.
You: I’m okay, you guys. calm down!! 
You: i’m at his place.
Innie 💛: excuse me?
Lixie☀️: say what?
Min 🐈: oh my god, I think i’m gonna faint
You: shut up. he invited me and ordered chinese as my payment, i happily accepted bc u know i’d never decline chinese 😀
You sighed. You knew Minho would never approve of this, he’d scold the hell out of you. 
Lixie☀️: okay, take care y/n. 
Innie 💛: pls text us if anything happens!
Min 🐈: yeah that
You: i will, thx! love u guys
“Okay, it’s on its way. Want a drink or something?” Hyunjin brought you back to reality and you quickly turned off your phone.
“Oh, uh… what do you have?” you asked him.
“I have wine… coke, water”
“I could have some wine” you smiled.
“Great” he said and took it out from the cupboards. 
You walked towards the kitchen and sat down on the stools, feeling your hands get sweaty from the nervousness you felt. 
“So… did your friends roast me via text?” Hyunjin asked. You pulled your face back and he chuckled. “I know you were texting them. You looked really stressed out explaining this situation to them”
You sighed and looked away. “Yeah, uh… I think it’s not news that they don’t like you” you chuckled humourlessly.
He nodded. “I don’t think you do either” he said. He hoped that was untrue.
“Well. I had my reasons” you said.
Hyunjin frowned. “Had?”
“Yeah, well, I think you weren’t just as bad as I thought” you confessed.
“Why’s that?”
“Well, you did ignore me in high school” you told him. “And you were friends with the people that made my life a living hell, while you stood there, watching”
He was about to say something but the bell rang. “That must be the delivery guy. Be right back”
He walked away from the kitchen and you put your head in your hands. What were you doing?
Hyunjin came back really fast and he placed the food on the plates, wordlessly, while you just stared.
Great, you ruined the whole mood. 
You started eating and the silence was so loud, you wanted to fleet out the door. 
“I didn’t ignore you” Hyunjin suddenly spoke. 
You looked up and gave him a confused look. “What?”
“I didn’t ignore you. In high school, I mean” he repeated himself. “I was just hanging out with the wrong crowd, and I admit that. I just wanted you to know that I did know you who you were. I didn’t know you attended this uni, though” 
You analyzed his words and expressions. He sounded sincere.
“I… it’s funny, actually. I had a huge crush on you” he said in a small voice.
Now, hold up.
“What?” you asked him with a frown.
“Yeah” he laughed. “You were really cute and just my type. But as I said, I hung out with the wrong crowd and it repelled people like you, fairly. And I wanted to be popular, because it was like a dream and it felt like being powerful but then I understood that it was stupid and there’s literally not a day in which I don’t regret hanging out with those people” 
You blinked a couple of times, trying to figure out if this was a figment of your imagination.
“So, I deeply apologize” Hyunjin said in a small voice. 
You nodded. “Okay… I uh… I did not know that” you chuckled nervously.
“No, you didn’t have to,” he said. “Really, I’m sorry, Y/N. If it… helps or whatever, I did want to defend you when they said those things to you and your friends. I was just too afraid to say anything, honestly”
“Afraid they’d do it to you” you said.
“Yeah, basically”
You hummed and licked your lips, deep in thought. “I had a crush on you too back in high school” you suddenly said.
His eyes widened. “Really?”
“Yeah” you chuckled. “Even if I hated you, I couldn’t… help it” 
“I never told anyone about this” you chuckled. “Not even Minho”
“Oh God, he hates me so much” he said, making you laugh.
“Yeah, well, you’re friends with Jisung, so…” you said.
He frowned. “What’s up with him anyways?” 
You looked up in surprise. “Jisung cheated on Minho”
He looked really surprised to hear that. “What?” Hyunjin asked in a high pitched voice. “No, that’s not it. I mean, yeah, he accused him of cheating but Jisung didn’t do that”
“Yeah, well, that’s what Minho told me. Back at prom” you told him.
“Okay, that’s weird because Jisung did not attend prom” he said.
Your eyes widened. “What do you mean he didn’t go to prom? He said he found Jisung kissing other guy” you frowned.
“Yeah, no. Jisung’s grandfather had passed away the day before so he had to travel overnight to his hometown” Hyunjin said.
“Oh wow” you mumbled. “Well, then we’ll have to tell them and maybe…”
“Get them together again?” Hyunjin asked, with a little shrug.
“Yeah” you giggled. “You know, as much as Minho talks about hating him and all… I think he’s never really gotten over Jisung. He still keeps the necklace he gifted him and the collar he made for Soonie” 
“Jisung’s never gotten over him either. He likes to gag at the mention of him but he still has that shirt, you know, the one they shared of-”
“Oh my God, from that Cat Café? The one that says-”
“Cat Café Lovers? Yeah, that one” Hyunjin laughed.
You chuckled and looked away. “Gosh, that was peak cringe from them”
The chatter continued. You talked about everything and anything. It was like you both needed this talk from a long time ago, and you didn’t know it. 
After eating everything and helping him with the dishes, you looked at the clock and gasped.
“Oh shit, it’s eleven. Fuck” you whispered. “I gotta go, I’m sorry”
“Oh…” Hyunjin said, sounding disappointed. “It’s okay, don’t worry”
He walked you to the door and opened it. He leant against the frame and watched you put your bag on your shoulder and look up at him.
“Thank you for the food… and the talk” you smiled.
“No, thank you. I’ll probably get an A from what we did” he chuckled. “You’re very smart and very kind to help me… even after everything I did”
“It’s alright” you nodded. “And you apologized, so, we’re good”
“Yeah…” he said. “I actually lied” he suddenly blurted.
You frowned. “What… did you lie about?” 
He swallowed nervously and looked down at his feet. “I did like you in high school but… I didn’t stop” 
You pulled your face back in utter shock.
Say what?
“I… seeing you the other day. It made me realize I didn’t stop liking you after all” he chuckled nervously. “Yeah, I thought you were really cute back then but, seeing you now, I see you got even more beautiful and it kills me that I did what I did. And I’m sorry if I’m making you uncomfortable by saying this but- well, I just thought I could tell you because-” he started rambling and you felt a rush of confidence to shut him up.
Shut him up by kissing him. Hard.
Your kiss shocked him but he was quick to grab your waist and pull you against his chest. 
You pulled away and smiled at him. “I like you too, Hyunjin. Even if you suck at literature and stare at my tits the whole time I’m explaining a Shakespeare sonnet to you” you told him against his lips and he blushed. 
“Okay, that’s-”
You giggled and pressed your lips against his once again, making him groan. He pushed you inside his dorm again, closing the door with his foot. Your bag dropped to the floor and he put his hands under your legs, hoisting you up in the air, making you wrap your legs around his waist. 
Hyunjin led you to his room and then laid you down on his bed, all while literally devouring your mouth with his tongue deep, stroking yours. 
He pulled away to kiss your neck and you arched your back, mewling and clawing at his clothed back. 
“Hyunjinnie…” you sighed, combing your fingers through his hair.
“Fuck, Y/N” he whispered, biting on your skin. He pulled away and stared at you. “You are so beautiful”
You smiled shyly at him and when he went to kiss your neck again, you stopped him by pulling his hair. 
“What?” he asked, caressing your waist.
“I just uh…”
“You a virgin?” he asked.
“No! No, no. I uh had my fair share of hook ups… but I am not like the most experienced so please-” he silenced you with a kiss, moving his hands under your shirt.
“You-” kiss. “-are perfect-” kiss. “Don’t worry, baby” he whispered and went to kiss you again. 
Hyunjin pressed kisses on your neck down to your stomach, over your shirt until he reached the belt of your jeans. He made quick work of taking off your shoes and your belt. 
You helped him kick your jeans off and he stared at your panties. 
His eyebrow arched, as he looked at your laced black panties. “I wanted to feel sexy” you shrugged innocently. 
He tugged on your legs, making you yelp. “Come here” he growled, kissing your lips as his hands groped your breasts through your shirt. “I’m gonna eat you out until you’re shaking, is that okay?”
You shivered at his tone and his honesty. “I…”
“Has anyone ever done that before?” he asked. You shook your head ‘no’, giving him doe eyes. “What kind of dumb men did you date? Who wouldn’t want to do that?” 
He didn’t even give you time to answer, because he took off your panties quickly and shoved your legs open. 
“Fuck, look at that. You’re so wet, baby” he whispered, smirking at you.
“God, do something, Hyune” you moaned, arching your back.
He chuckled at your desperation and swiped his fingers over your drenched entrance, making you whimper. He dragged those soaked fingers over his tongue and sucked them clean. As soon as he finished, Hyunjin crawled over you and kissed you, inserting his tongue inside your mouth, making your nails dig into his shoulders as you tasted yourself. 
He pulled away and panted as he looked at you. “Do you feel how good you taste?” he asked and didn’t even give you time to answer as he dropped a quick peck on your lips and went down to eat you out. 
Hyunjin’s tongue dragged over your core over and over and all you could do was hold onto the sheets desperately. He inserted his fingers and scissored them as he licked over your sensitive clit in a circle motion. 
Your hands went to his hair and started pulling, making him mewl against your cunt. You pushed his head against your cunt, making his nose press against your clit as his tongue licked over you. 
He had you cum on your tongue two times and then, he pressed a kiss over your pubic bone when he was finished, definitely leaving your legs shaking in pleasure, just like he had promised. He wiped his face with his sleeve and then grabbed the back of his tee, pulling it over his head, letting you admire his toned body.
Your hands immediately brushed over his torso and his abs contracted, feeling the goosebumps run all over his body. He pressed his chest against yours and kissed you again, really soft and sweet. 
“How was that?” he whispered against your lips.
“Fucking mindblowing” you whispered, making him smirk.
“Can I take this off?” he asked, fidgeting with the end of your shirt.
You smirked. “I think you tortured yourself long enough at the café staring at me. Go ahead” you giggle.
He giggled back and pecked your lips and then pressed a kiss to your cleavage. “I couldn’t help it” he murmured and then grabbed the hem of your shirt and pulled it over your head. He stared at your black lacy bra, his hand going under you to grab at the clasp.
You didn’t let him, arching your back at taking it off yourself, exposing your tits to him. 
His hands immediately grabbed them and pushed his face towards them, enveloping one of your nipples inside his mouth and sucking. You arched your back and moaned, gripping his hair tightly with your fingers. He sucked one and then another, then, pushed them together and licked over them.
“Fuck, Hyunjin, I need you to fuck me” you whispered.
“Okay, okay, fuck” he said, giving one of your tits one last suck and then leaned up on his knees, trying to take off his belt as fast as he could. 
You helped him kick off his jeans and saw his erection straining against the fabric of his Calvin Klein’s. It was big already and when he hooked a finger on the hem and pulled them down, your eyes widened. 
His dick slapped against his stomach and his hand went down to stroke himself. 
He knelt on the bed and pushed himself to brace himself over you while looking for a condom. Hyunjin took it out and put it on quickly, and then went back to brush the tip over your entrance, making your nails dig against his forearms. 
One of his big hands gripped your thigh and the other one held his cock to push it inside you. Once he did, you arched your back and he let out a choked moan. 
“Fuck, you’re so fucking tight, Y/N. And so wet, shit” he whispered against your neck and then he kissed the hot, sweaty skin. 
“Fuck, Hyune” you moaned. 
“Yeah, keep chanting my name like that” he whispered, moving his hips as he hit your cervix over and over. 
You let out a little yelp every time he hit that sweet spot and one of his hands went to one of your breasts, brushing over your nipple and pinching it every now and then.
He licked over your ear and pulled on your earlobe. “Do you know how long I’ve waited for this?” he whispered. “So fucking long, baby” 
You put your leg over his shoulder, making him go deeper and pulling a moan from both of you.
His fingers found your clit, and as he rubbed it in a circle motion, it made you get closer and closer towards your orgasm.
You bit at his neck and moaned. “I think I’m gonna come, Hyune”
“Yeah?” he groaned. “Fucking come, then”
Your cunt gripped him tightly, making him groan and thrust even harder. You arched your back against Hyunjn’s chest and came around his length, feeling your vision go white and like you were about to pass out from the amount of pleasure the man on top of you was making you feel.
You barely noticed how he was losing control, as his thrust became sloppier. With a choked moan, he emptied himself inside the condom, his hands gripping the mattress tightly and then with a sigh, he collapsed on top of you, completely spent and satisfied.
Your arms wrapped around him tightly as he panted against your neck. 
“That was-”
“Amazing, fucking amazing” he whispered against your neck. 
You giggled and combed your fingers through his hair, caressing his scalp. 
Hyunjin lifted his head and smiled at you. “You are so pretty”
“Thank you. You are very pretty, too” you said shyly and he blushed. “You blushing?”
He let his head drop against your chest and mumbled, “Shut up”
“You definitely are” you giggled.
“Shut up!”
. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁༉‧₊˚.
After he let you use your shower (in which he may or may not have sneaked in and ate you out against the tiles), you changed into one of his shirts and wandered around his room. You saw the canvases that laid on the desk and smiled as you saw the amazing drawings and paintings he did.
“Wow… you did this?”  you asked him over your shoulder.
“Yeah” he said shyly, brushing the towel over his wet hair. “They’re not the greatest-”
“They’re not? I think they’re museum-worthy, are you kidding?” you chuckled. “The way you painted that rose, wow” 
He chuckled and walked over to you, wrapping his arms around you. “I feel so at peace with you, Y/N” he whispered against your neck.
You smiled and put your hands over his arms. “Me too, Hyunjin” you whispered, kissing his skin. “Me too”
“You have practice tomorrow at the studio right?” he asked. 
“Yeah, we have that super difficult R&B choreo” you sighed. 
“Really?” he asked. 
Hyunjin started thinking about a little something in silence and then spoke up. “Do you want me to change classes?” 
You frowned and looked up at him. “What do you mean?”
“So that we can practice together. Maybe that’s the reason I never saw you here. Because we never got to practice together” 
You let out a little laugh. “You’re crazy, Hyune” 
“Yeah, crazy about you” he said and kissed your cheek with a loud kiss sound. 
You giggled and shook your head. “Oh, fine. Change classes”
“Yay” he whispered. “What do you usually wear for practice?” 
“Oh, it’s gonna be amazing, I’m so sure of it. I’m gonna have so much fun” he smirked.
. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁༉‧₊˚.
You and Hyunjin woke up with a loud buzzing noise coming from the night stand. 
Hyunjin from behind you groaned and pressed his face harder against your neck. “What’s that, babe?”
“It’s just my phone, hun” you whispered as you grabbed it and looked at the ID of the call. “Hello, Min?”
“Where are you, bitch?”
“Huh?” you asked, surprised at his tone.
“You don’t come home, then you don’t show up at history, and you’re not here at the cafeteria” Minho said.
Your eyes widened and you sat up, looking at the hour. 10:04.
“Shit!” you yelled. “Hyunjin, we overslept!” you yelled, grabbing at his arm and shaking him.
“Hm?” he asked, confused.
“Hyunjin, wake up! We need to get to my dorm to change and then go to the studio! Come on!” you yelled, jumping off the bed and searching for your clothes frantically. “Where the hell did you throw my socks?” 
Hyunjin took his sweet time sitting up on the bed and stretching his muscles. He scratched his eyes and blinked a couple of times. His head turned to the clock on the nightstand and his eyes widened. 
“Holy shit, it’s 10 AM” he said, and jumped off the bed.
“That’s what I’ve been trying to tell you!” you yelled back as you ran towards the bathroom to brush your teeth in your bra, jeans and only one sock on your feet.
Hyunjin quickly dressed while you brushed your teeth. He combed his hair with his hands quickly and saw you get out of the bathroom, looking around for your shirt.
“What are you searching for?” he asked you.
“My shirt! I don’t know where you threw it. And my socks” you said, looking everywhere.
“Here, use one of mine” Hyunjin tossed you a shirt. “You look better in them” 
You grabbed it and looked at it. “Thank you” you said in a small, shy voice and quickly pulled it over your frame. “My socks” 
“Oh, here” he said. “I found them” he smiled.
Hyunjin grabbed his stuff and smiled at you again. “Let’s go?”
. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁༉‧₊˚.
You and Hyunjin ran through the hallways, panting.
“To the right!” you yelled and quickly turned with Hyunjin following suit. 
“There you are!” Minho suddenly appeared in front of you just as you turned the corner, with Felix and Jeongin behind him.
“FUCK! Minho!” you yelled. “You scared me!” 
He was staring at you and Hyunjin with a frown. “Okay… please tell me that you are wearing his shirt because he clumsily dropped wine on it and those marks on your neck are just mosquito bites” he said calmly.
Your eyes widened and quickly slapped your hand over your neck, as you looked at Hyunjin with a glare. He just shrugged.
“I think I’m gonna faint” Minho said, grabbing his heart, dramatically.
Felix rolled his eyes and sighed. “Let’s go, guys. We have practice in two minutes” he said with a smile.
You followed them and Hyunjin did too. “I’m gonna ask my professor to… do what I told you, okay?” he asked, grabbing your shoulder.
“Okay” you nodded. 
Hyunjin pressed a kiss to your lips and walked away the other way. You stared at him and then your eyes darted to your friends who were wide-eyed staring at you. 
“No comments, okay?” 
“Oh, no, you come here and tell everything!” Jeongin giggled excitedly.
. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁༉‧₊˚.
After practice, you sat with your friends at the café, telling them everything.
“It was like I had been wrong about him my whole life” you told them, after you finished. 
“Wow, Y/N, he sounds like he really likes you” Felix smiled.
“He does” you nodded. “Hell, he liked me in high school? I did not expect to hear that” 
“Yeah, no one did” Jeongin shook his head.
You looked at Minho and sighed. “Could you be supportive about this?” you pleaded your friend, pressing your hands together.
“What happened with the I’m not gonna sleep with him, he doesn’t wanna sleep with me thing? You bumped your head against a wall and forgot about it?” Minho asked.
“No, we just had a really good conversation in which he apologized and well… I kissed him” You confessed. 
“Hold up, you kissed him?” Felix asked.
“Yep… oh! I have news about Jisung” you gasped, looking at Minho.
He looked up and his eyes widened. “What? What do you know?” he asked.
You smirked. “It was a misunderstanding, Min” you told him. 
He scoffed and rolled his eyes. “Of course he’d defend his friend. I mean, what can you expect from him?” he laughed, humourlessly.
“He told me that he didn’t even attend prom” you told him and Minho pulled his face back.
“Uh… a little context please?” Jeongin asked.
“So, basically, Minho saw what he thought was Jisung at prom kissing some other dude. They fought, they broke up, the end. But Hyunjin told me that Jisung did not go to prom, his grandfather had died the night prior and he had to rush to his hometown” you told him.
“Wow…” Felix said. “That’s- Minho, what do you think?”
“I think I need to go” he said and grabbed his stuff quickly. “Uh, sorry. Thank you for telling me, I’ll be right back” 
You three watched as Minho left the cafeteria in a rush and then looked at each other.
“You think they’ll get back together?” Jeongin asked.
“I think so” you smiled. “They aren’t over each other. At all” 
Felix smiled. “I can’t believe he has refused to date anyone this past year because he is still hung up on him” 
“Yep. Their relationship was really intense and they loved each other very much” you smiled. “Hell, he still keeps lots of things from him at the dorm. I just pretend I don’t see them but they’re there” 
“Like what?” Jeongin asked.
“You know that necklace Minho always wears?” you asked.
“Yeah, the one with the cat- No!” Felix suddenly gasped.
“Yeah, that one was a gift from Jisung” you giggled. “And then the collar that Soonie has, is a gift from Jisung as well”
“Oh my God” Jeongin said. “He talks a lot about hating him and now I realize he does not hate him at all”
“No” you chuckled. 
“Okay, I’m having a deja vu” Felix sighed.
You frowned and turned around, finding Hyunjin running towards you. You couldn’t help the smile that ran across your face. “Hey!” 
“Hi, good news!” he smiled and sat down on the empty seat where Minho was. “Where’s Minho?” he asked, realizing he wasn’t there anymore.
You and your friends smirked. “He went to search for the love of his life” Jeongin said, arching his eyebrows.
Hyunjin looked confused and you just chuckled. “I’ll tell you later”
“Okay” he nodded. “They let me change classes” he smiled.
“Really?” you gasped. “That’s great!” 
“You’re practicing with us?” Felix asked.
“That’s awesome, man” Jeongin smiled.
Hyunjin smiled. “I know, I’ll get to practice with my pretty girl” he said, smirking at you.
You groaned when you felt your friends starting to poke at your sides and make annoying noises at you. “Stop it!” You groaned.
“Y/N’s in love” they started singing. 
Hyunjin could only chuckle and shake his head. 
He felt his phone buzz and he took it out. He read the message on his phone and frowned.
You noticed his expression. “What’s up, hun?” you asked.
“Why is Jisung texting me: Minho just kissed me?”
. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁༉‧₊˚.
Two weeks later…
You and Hyunjin sat next to each other and he fiddled with his hands nervously. You put your hand over his fingers and smiled, with a chuckle. 
“Hyunjin, oh my God, calm down! It’s just an assignment” you told him.
“Yeah, I know” he sighed. “It’s just that I need to pass literature or-”
“You won’t get your degree, you told me already, yeah” you giggled. 
Mr. Jackson came over with the assignments and stared at Hyunjin. He gave him a curious look adn then left the paper on his desk with a sigh. 
“Here’s your work, Mr. Hwang. And yours Miss Y/L/N” he said, dropping yours on your table. 
Hyunjin took a look at the paper and gasped. “I got an A!” 
“Me too” you smiled excitedly. “See? I told you you were going to pass”
“I know, but it’s all thanks to you” he said, grabbing your hand and kissing it a couple of times. “Honestly, I don’t know what I’d do without you now”
You looked at him and pressed a kiss to his cheek. “You won’t have to wonder now” you said and giggled. 
Your eyes darted to the couple in front of you and sighed.
“Ever since they got back, they won’t stop making out, it’s disgusting” you said to him.
“Hell, we are clingy and we don’t go making out like that” Hyunjin said.
Minho pulled away and looked at him. “That’s a lie, Hwang. Yesterday, I got scarred for life finding you naked on top of my best friend”
“Yeah, I got traumatized too” Jisung said next to him.
“Hey, the happy couples at the back!” Mr. Jackson called out. 
“Sorry” you all four said in unison. 
You and Hyunjin turned your head to the side and found Chan and Changbin mocking you, pretend-kissing each other while making faces. Hyunjin threatened to throw his pencil case while you laughed at them. Hyunjin looked down at your smiley face and his heart doubled its size. Maybe literature hadn’t been so bad after all.
Thank you, literature. 
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vivid-dreamscapes · 2 days
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Tw; Sexual mentions, cursing, undressing in front of him Themes; Light angst, comfort, insecurity Summery; You feel insecure and anxious about boring your boyfriend, and he reassures you
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ After a tiring yet fun day at the vacation beach house your were staying at with the bakusquad, you had finished a nice, long shower with your boyfriend Katsuki Bakugou.
Bakugou was now sitting on his bed with a towel wrapped around his waist, leaning against the headboard as he looked over at you. You were sitting on the edge of the bed, also only clad in a towel as you looked for something on the ground. “You know where you even put your clothes?”
“In my bag, but I tripped over it and now they’re spewed about.” You said before smirking. “Aha! Found it!” You grabbed some clothes and made a few outfits on the bed. “Alright. Now you pick.”
Bakugou looked down at the different outfits you had laid out on the bed before looking back at you with a small smirk. “Oh I get to pick now? Why don’t I just leave you naked for the rest of the day? That sounds nice.” He said, a hint of suggestion in his tone, not so subtly covering up a more teasing hint.
Bakugou chuckled at your protest—squeal of flusteredness? Or just an irritated squeal?—and rolled his eyes. He had obviously been messing with you, but he definitely would have preferred to leave you without any clothes.
He let out a small huff before finally looking over the clothing options again and taking a good look at them. “Tch, fine I pick. How about this one?” He said, pointing to the outfit on the far right.
“Alright bet.” You said, dropping the towel to get dressed in front of him shamelessly.
His eyes widened a bit, a small blush forming on his face as he looked at the now fully exposed version of you in front of him. “Damn, just gonna drop the towel like that, huh?” He said, his eyes unable to tear away from you.
“I’m not gonna move to a closet or some shit.” You said simply, getting dressed. You had a point. “I would only do that if I didn’t want you to see me naked. And you’ve already seen that so many times.”
Bakugou huffed a bit, he knew you had a point. But that didn’t mean it didn’t affect him each time he saw you drop your towel or be naked in front of him. “Well, yeah I know that, but couldn’t you at least give me a warning?” He said, watching as you began getting dressed in the outfit he picked out.
“Think of this as a way of entertaining you.” You said jokingly, sticking my tongue out at him before pausing. “…So you don’t get bored of me.” You mumbled to yourself quietly, pulling on the last bit of clothes.
Bakugou raised an eyebrow at you when you very obviously purposefully mumbled something quite enough so that he couldn’t hear fully what you said exactly. Yet he still heard it. Because of course he did. “Hah? What was that last thing you said?” He questioned, now looking at you in curiosity. He had heard it, but wanted to know if you’d tell him anyways.
“…if you ever get bored of me?”
His eyes widened ever so slightly in surprise when he heard what you repeat your previous statement, his expression shifting a hint of annoyance to a slight surprise. He had been hoping he’d hear you wrong, but that was proven to be wishful thinking. He knew for a fact that he would never get bored of you, how could he?
“Who said I’d ever get bored of you?” He said, trying to keep his tone from changing too much, and showing a hint of a slight annoyance.
“I dunno. You just might.”
Bakugou huffed at that answer, now rolling his eyes and giving you a small glare. “As if I could ever get bored of you.” He said bluntly, now giving you a firm look. Did you honestly think that he could just get bored of being with you? He was in love with you.
“People say that and still get bored.” You said with a shrug, sitting down in front of our room’s mirror.
You sighed and started going through your usual skincare routine after a shower—an extremely simple one, but still.
The blonde looked at you with a slightly bewildered and frustrated expression as you shrugged and sat down to start you usual skincare routine. He sighed and rolled his eyes before walking over to you.
“Tch, well I’m not like other people, am I?” He said, now standing behind you and looking down at you while you sat in front of the mirror.
“Well…” You looked down as you unscrewed the lid of your moisturizer cream. “…no.” You said after a moment, looking back up at him in the mirror. “But still. What if you get tired seeing the same face, and eating the same pussy/dick?”
Your boyfriend raised an eyebrow at that, an amused small smirk tugging at his lips as you met his gaze in the mirror. “I’ve had the same explosions for years, and you don’t seem to be getting tired of them.” He said, his voice a hint lower as he crouched down behind you, leaning closer against your back.
“Well…” You paused in thought before looking up at him, open moisturizer still in your hand. “Your quirk isn’t the same thing as my dick/pussy!” You said defensively as he almost snorted in amusement, taking the skincare product out of your hand gently.
Bakugou snickered softly against your ear at your defensive response, now grabbing the moisturizer from your hand gently and starting to rub a bit onto his fingers.
“Oh trust me, I know. Believe me.” He mumbled in a deep voice, his body now leaning against your back, his breath hot and warm against your ear and neck.
“Then why compare them…?”
You asked and he chuckled silently against your neck as he began to rub the moisturizer onto your skin, his calloused hands gentle and firm at the same time as they worked.
“Because they have something in common.” He mumbled, bringing his hands down a bit lower as he began to rub the moisturizer on your shoulders and collarbones, now planting a few kisses on the nape of your neck and your shoulders.
“Psh, like what?” You asked, squirming slightly with a smirk and an eye roll.
He was definitely enjoying the reaction as he continued to kiss along you skin, now working his way onto your collarbones as he answered your question.
“It’s simple. They’re both my favorite things.” He stated bluntly, his words spoken against your skin.
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mortarpestle · 2 days
Short piece with professional chef!sukuna and younger kitchen porter reader. Title taken from the very brutal and illegal French delicacy of the same name, which one must hide their face to eat.
word count: 1.7k
*no curses au, age gap (chefkuna is in his 30s and reader is in their early 20s), employer-employee power imbalance, petnames ("kid", "brat"), Sukuna is intense, reader smokes right off the bat and is…a lil grim and unexpectedly Freudian?? Idk what happened here, suggestive themes ahead.
An angry red flake falls off the tip of your cigarette. It sways and loses some of its brightness on its way to the ground, succumbing to a puddle next to your feet. There's a couple more puffs left before you inevitably reach the filter, maybe double that amount if you're frugal with it. A few stolen breaths to catch until dinner rush.
You hate this fucking job.
You also know that by the time you clock out and return to your apartment, you’ll collapse on your bed with the prospect of a new shift working your nerves into a frenzy. Talk about an abusive relationship. Effectively stockholm syndromed by cutting boards and sous vides—and your boss.
Sukuna seems to have that effect on people.
Behind you, the back door creaks open. Heavy footsteps stamp down the stairs, coming to a stop by your makeshift ashtray. For a few precious seconds you’re content with counting the flour spots staining his black clogs (expensive brand, sleek, better than yours). He smells like his food; spicy, complex and a little smoky. The perks of working 14 hour shifts at a restaurant with high end cuisine and an even higher tax bracket among its customers, is that you’re afforded the luxury of smelling like a human being. No deep frier mystery oil notes clinging onto skin and clothes for you and especially him. You stifle a rather unsavoury thought about his cologne and inhale bitter smoke.
"You'll fry your lungs with that shit, kid."
Despite the distance, he sounds closer than you’d like, closer than you can handle having him. You don’t mean to shiver. Or for him to notice.
"That's the plan."
Every word coming out of your mouth makes you more conscious of your worldliness. Primarily your lack thereof. Speaking to your boss never ceases to make you seem like a peevish child in comparison. The little nickname he insists on using just for you doesn’t help either.
Sukuna doesn’t reply and your stomach churns.
"You don't smoke...why are you out here." You continue, painfully aware of your appearance.
"Don’t get it twisted. I should be the one asking you that. I can think of ten different things you should be doing before traffic picks up instead of getting cozy by the trash.”
The buildup sweat from the kitchen stovetops is slowly settling over your skin. Seated on one of the plastic crates left by your local produce supplier, you feel like a proper rat. What a picture to paint for the man singlehandedly responsible for funding your life.
Getting back to work is the lesser of the two evils you’re presented with. Still, one more smoke before shift's end sounds like a dream. You slip a stick out of the tobacco case tucked inside your apron pocket, taking his silence as permission to light it between your lips.
You smile.
"What's your vice, boss?"
Sukuna clicks his tongue. "Wouldn't you like to know."
He doesn't seem too offended. After working under him for nearly a year you've come to find that Sukuna is a man who is hard to surprise and equally as tricky to offend. Good at hiding it too, when he wants to. Which is why you ask again, be it a bad idea or not.
"Everybody has one. I've never met a professional chef without a few loose screws, so what is it?" Maybe you could've phrased that last better. You're too tired to care.
He mulls over your question without really giving into it. He’s awfully compliant today. Normally he would've chewed your ear off at the second cigarette.
Something’s off.
"I trust you include yourself in that crowd you speak of."
“Not really. I’m not a professional.”
(Ash stings your fingertips, but you refuse to let go.)
"You've got potential." He says, low and succinct.
You choke on your spit, laughing in earnest, "Sure.” Potential for cutting vegetables and cleaning after other people’s messes, maybe.
"I mean it, kid."
Sukuna leans against the railing, arms folding over his chest. One long glance out of the corner of your eye grants you with an intimate view of his tattoos. All these months you've been catching glimpses of the full design, unable to tell where it ends beneath the black fabric. Not a single hair is out of place. His uniform is rolled up just above his elbows, exposing tanned skin with tiny burn marks littered over hard muscle, no doubt from his early training years. He wears them like medals of honour.
The first thing you did after landing a position in his kitchen was googling his name. Ryomen Sukuna is fifteen years older than you and begrudgingly, the only thing standing between you and quitting as soon as tomorrow.
You’re no stranger to unwanted urges, the occasional intrusive thought. It’s human, you are human and therefore unjustly robbed of any sovereignty over your unconscious and its whims. You don’t think much of it. Even when you take your rare bathroom breaks outside peak hours, only to find that you’ve soaked through your underwear just from glances and strict instructions thrown your way. What does that say about you as a person? You don’t intend to figure it out today.
It's a classic case of treating the symptoms and not the source of your disease. Pretending he doesn’t exist outside of the physical place you both work at won’t get you very far. It won’t take long for the tide to turn over. Sukuna doesn’t play with his food. Only with the people tasked with preparing it.
You tug at a stray piece of lint on your chest, playing with the cotton ball over the flame of your lighter.
"If boss says it."
"Don't call me that." he all but sneers at you over your shoulder. His voice is grating when he wants it to be. You don’t flinch, not even when you turn around to catch the stare he’s drilling into your slouched back. On a second thought you don’t think he’s taken his eyes off of it since he he stepped out to join you. His stare is violence. He makes you want to crawl out of your own skin for comfort.
Working within a kitchen hierarchy is much like having a father; you get used to raised voices and empty threats whether you like it or not. With Sukuna creeping around the counters, you also learn to not talk back if you know what’s best for you. You consider yourself lucky to have never stood on the receiving end of anything more severe than a scolding. Then again, you’re not important enough in the grand scheme of it all, and you make a point to take advantage of that as often as you can.
"Are you not?" you sneer back.
"I'm quitting," Sukuna bares his teeth at you, "Expected to be gone by next week."
You bet he’s enjoying the look on your face. Surprised stupid.
"Pick your jaw up off the ground, s'not a good look on you."
You collect your thoughts and try to convince him that this doesn’t change everything for you. "Can I have your knives? The fancy Japanese ones you keep inside the office safe."
"You better keep your mouth shut and listen to what I have to say before I change my mind you brat." His voice commands you to look at him, "I'm not retiring. I'm opening my own joint and I want you to join me."
You feel nauseous.
You've never been one to count your blessings, mainly because it's not worth doing so when you can do it on only one hand. Everyone says your early 20s are hell, the trenches of adulthood. No second-hand warnings and half assed attempts at lukewarm life lessons could've prepared you for the slump you hit after graduating college. Money is tight as it's always been, only now you've got twice the amount of problems and half the support.
The job advertisement was a beacon of good luck amidst a sea of bad decisions.
You had to fight tooth and nail to get through the first week (hell week, objectively the worst time in any hospitality job) without any power or warm water in your apartment after missing the payment deadline. Sukuna noticed—not like it was hard to, given that you looked like shit fresh into your employment—and slid you an early paycheck tucked inside an envelope on lunch break. A week's worth of dailies in an employment contract that only guarantees monthly wages.
You could cry.
(You did. In front of him.)
(He looked so distraught he almost snatched it back.)
"You're good, honest. Smart yet a little stupid, but even that's necessary to get by in the business. Like I said you have potential and I want you in my kitchen when you see it through."
"I think," you start.
Sukuna gives you a sly smile, mumbling a barely audible “Is that so” with his eyes narrowed down to slits.
"—You're only doing this out of spite. Stealing Gojo's staff is dirty work."
"Started that sentence on the wrong foot. You think I’d sabotage my own shit just to get back at that fraud? Most of the guys he's got back there working for him don't even know how to grill chicken without fucking up."
Yes. Yes, you do believe he’d do that, but opt to keep the thought to yourself. You’re sure Sukuna would kill the guy if he were guaranteed to get away with it. Gojo is an angel investor in name and nothing else.
"I'll give you a week, no more no less. Sit on it, let it marinade in that little head of yours and have your answer ready by morning shift." He pushes off the railing to take his leave. Halfway up the steps he backtracks to reach you, snatches the cigarette out of your fingers and takes a long drag, draining the leftover tobacco inside the poorly rolled paper. After he's done, he licks his lips and kisses his front teeth to taste your saliva, humming in satisfaction.
Kicking away the crate, you get up on baby fawn legs, half numb from being folded over yourself for so long. They tremble, a blink and you’ll miss it movement. Sukuna’s limp hand twitches by his side.
He’s about to leave for good when you speak again, moving towards him.
"You never answered my question.”
What's your vice?
Sukuna stumps your cigarette on the brick wall next to your head. His words are low, barely audible over the commotion slipping through the open door.
"Be good and I might just show you in practice."
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Spoilers Elden ring DLC
Thoughts about Miquella's and Ranni's destinies.
I came across a video in Tiktok about how Ranni never had a good relationship with Golden twins because of Miquella's manipulativeness and his ability to enchant people. Well, first of all, this is stupid. We don't know what kind of relationship Ranni and Miquella had, but they definitely weren't full of hatred for each other, on the contrary, there are much more hints that they had some kind of connection, maybe even worked together on their goals.
But this is half of the trouble, in the comments people, as always proved that faith in humanity is absolutely in vain. The best you could hear there was, of course, that Miquella was just manipulating people and that he was the main villain of the story, which we were told from the beginning in the description of the branch. It went on to speculate, or even claim, that Miquella was definitely manipulating everyone around him, especially Malenia and Godwyn (unbelievably how brothers and sisters who for a long time only had each other in an unfriendly and dangerous world, where being different or deviating from the general line meant being an outcast, could sincerely love and understand each other? and of course no way Godwyn could love and cherish his brothers and sisters because he had once lost his younger brothers and did not want to lose these too).
But the funniest and scariest thing for me, actually the thing that pissed me completely off and made me write this post is that people are seriously so praising Ranni. In comments of the video, where they're condemning Miquella’s actions, they’re saying how cool Ranni is. Fuck, seems like nothing in these people’s heads works? I have nothing against Ranni, she is a character with a cool story, motivation, her quest is one of the most interesting in the game, and the ending is one of the most memorable and cinematic. But it’s so hypocritical. Ranni was literally the one who brought all shit into the fan, the Shattering was caused by her, she orchestrated the murder of a member of the royal family with a terrible weapon, the influence of which spread a literally deadly plague across the land, and blessed Tarnished to do whatever it took to help her, including killing one of her brothers.
The best thing to say is that Miquella and Ranni are worth each other when it comes to "the ends justifies the means". But I don’t see the point in saying which one is better or worse, who is kinder or nobler, who has pursued what goals. For me personally, the whole point of Ranni and Miquella is how their stories ended. Because when Ranni succeeded, Miquella lost, but why? They both did some very shady shit, manipulated, killed, etc. but Ranni got what she wanted while Miquella didn’t. I personally think it’s selfishness. There’s a healthy ego and ambition in Ranni. There’s ambition in Miquella too, after all, he is empyrean but the huge difference is that Ranni has all of her ambitions focused on herself. She sacrifices herself, yes, she literally kills her own body, but that’s the sacrifice she was willing to make, just as much as she was willing to give to get rid of the influence of the Great will. Her soul, her heart, her will, her faith and her principles, they all remain the same from beginning to end, she does not sacrifice her personality, she does not change course, even when faced with difficulties or losses in her way. Because she’s doing it for herself first. Ranni does not aim to save the world or make it a better place, or to help all the poor and sick. Her motivation may be the desire of power, revenge for the fate of her mother, hatred for the Golden order - all that you want and all those reasons are deeply selfish.
Miquella doesn’t want to change the world for himself. He thinks about his sister, about his brother, about the people he’s taken under his protection. He wants to create a better world for them. And this is the point. He’s very altruistic and sacrificial. When it comes to sacrificing himself for the greater good, he does it without a hesitation, but if Ranni gives only what she is allowing to give, Miquella gives everything. And it is a mistake, his biggest mistake. He was thinking about everyone else except himself. Pushed himself too far and eventually lost himself completely. He threw away everything that had made him him, on his way to the top and there was nothing left in the end. No heart, no soul, no love, no kindness. How can you create a kind world if there’s nothing kind left in you?
That’s the key point, because he’s changing the world with his kindness and compassion because he’s capable of it. But when he dropped it, it just didn’t make any sense. I think at the end he was nothing more than an empty shell of a man who had only a phantom target on the horizon, he doesn’t remember what he was doing all this for or nobody who he left behind. He chose the path of absolute self-sabotage and this could not have been successful in any way under the circumstances. If Miquella had become a god, he would have simply become new Marika and continued the cycle. By abandoning himself, Miquella became part of this vicious circle and cruel world. His kindness and compassion were very things that made him special and gave him the power to change the world around him.
I think that’s why Saint Trina asks us to kill Miquella. Free him from the cage of divinity and grant him forgiveness. To me, it looks as if Miquella himself asked us to kill him (she is literally a being born out of his discarded parts), because somewhere deep inside, when he had not gone too far, he understood the wrongness of the way, that was chosen, he wanted forgiveness for all that was done, but he had no way back, nothing to go back to.
In the end:
Ranni, being selfish and purposeful, succeeds and breaks the vicious circle, takes away the Golden order and leaves the world that she does not care much about to recover on its own.
Miquella, being altruistic and compassionate, tries to change the world and the cruel system, but completely loses himself and his goal along the way, becomes part of a vicious cycle of senseless cruelty and dies.
Could he have succeeded? Yes, I believe that. He could have succeeded, but not as a god. At least not as someone who would have taken Marika’s place. In fact, the divinity through the Elden ring and the Divine gate are no different, Marika was on both ends and we all know what have happened to her. I believe that Miquella could have achieved so much more without being a god, without becoming a part of this vicious circle. He had already achieved more than anyone could have imagined with his tree, with the Unalloyed gold, against the Outer gods, and he was not god all this time. If he had found a way to break his curse, if he had been able to do it as he had planned through  Haligtree, history would have gone a whole different way.
To me, he was not and will not be the villain of this story. He’s just another victim, from a long list of suffered the cruelty and injustice of the Elden Ring world.
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waterlilyvioletfog · 2 days
Notes on Criston Cole in 2x02
I was fascinated by Criston Cole in this episode. We don’t really see much of him in ep. 1 so I really wasn’t sure what to do with him and his current choices. This episode we see him a TON and everything in it had me sitting up, eyes sparkling, stupid grin on my face like OH HO HO!! We’re doing good tv!!
More below cut.
1- Fabien Frankel’s Acting
So, last episode, many people noted how Criston generally seems completely blank, no expression, dead eyed. I think this episode confirmed for me that this is a conscious choice by Fabien Frankel, not a reflection of a bad actor or director— Jared Padalecki half-acting in 90% of his scenes for the last several seasons of Supernatural THIS IS NOT!! (Sorry, spn is one of my other natural habitats. The comparison is right there for me.)
There are two smaller moments where we see these really interesting bits of physical acting letting us in on Criston’s internal thoughts even while he’s got the dead face on— I think we should be thinking of this as his Kingsguard Face, roughly equivalent to the customer service smile, but for bodyguards— Criston doesn’t want anyone EVER to know what he’s thinking and feeling unless what those things are can be summed up as “bloodthirsty shark dog with knives pointed at you” (more on this later).
These two moments are first, when we see the servants clearing out the bedroom and Criston flinches away from the sight of Jaehaerys’s bloody mattress. It doesn’t look like a flinch in the way that, say, Emma D’Arcy’s flinch when the door slams closed behind Daemon after the fight does, but it’s an uncalculated movement away from something distressing nonetheless. The scene is basically just this— we see the room coming down, we see Criston, we see the mattress, we see the flinch, there’s like one line of dialogue, the scene ends. The scene has very little function except, one, to show us background minutiae and detail that bring the world and the moment to life, and two, to let us see Criston away from Alicent, Otto, Aegon, and Aemond. It’s a moment that lets us into Cole’s interiority, his guilt.
This guilt is articulated clearly later, when he says to Alicent that nothing can absolve him of what he has done. After Alicent closes the door on him, the camera pans back to Criston where we get the second piece of physical acting that fascinated me— Criston is shaking his head ever so slightly, as if trying to push away thoughts creeping in. This is the moment that really sealed for me the idea of Criston’s Kingsguard Face versus the actual interiority of the character as articulated by Frankel. Essentially, just because Criston’s busy not projecting anything doesn’t mean that Frankel isn’t trying to convey something to the audience in that moment. Criston’s dead eyes and stupid face are a front. There are three scenes where we see something other than this front, and I’d like to look at them more closely.
2- Promotion
We’ve all memed hard on this moment— the scene where Aegon fires Otto and says, “oh?? I need a strong hand??? Well!! Guess what!! I’m promoting— him!”
[camera focus shifts to show Criston Cole standing there like🧍‍♂️🧍‍♂️🧍‍♂️]
(I cackled.)
As usual in any scene where Cole isn’t actively radiating malice, he’s mostly expressionless, serving in his capacity as bodyguard. However, if you look at his face, you can see that his expression isn’t actually “blank” so much as it is “poleaxed”— another thing which has been deservedly memed on. It’s still a minute expression, but it’s visibly different from his standard 🫥 face.
Here the significance of the expression serves a different purpose than in other scenes. Here, Criston’s obvious surprise and mild befuddlement function as a way to hammer home Aegon’s impulsivity and irresponsibility. Criston’s been thinking for the last 36 hours that he got a toddler killed by fucking the king’s mom, and now, after ZERO PRIOR DISCUSSION, has gotten his second insane promotion in like three months maximum.
He’s gone from Kingsguard No. 2 to Lord Commander to the fucking Hand of the King. Criston was fully prepared to be LC of the KG— at most, Criston is expecting to be a crucial lieutenant and battle commander in non-aerial combat for the Greens. Now, as Hand, he would get to decide which battles get fought where by who. Oh, and he has zero administrative skills, so jot that one down.
3- Punching Bag
I talked before about how the turn in Alicent and Criston’s relationship left me with mixed emotions. This scene— the ending scene, notably, which I respect as a denouement and to avoid breaking the flow of the Rryk Fight Plot— helped things fall into place for me.
Criston is waiting inside Alicent’s bedchamber, armor off. If I had the time and energy (or if anyone else has the time and energy…? 👀) I would love to do a post looking at Criston with him armored versus unarmored, because I think the pattern will show that, generally, when he is literally vulnerable he is usually also personally vulnerable.
But I digress— the bigger point I’m trying to make is that Criston, who just kind of got a toddler killed by fucking the king’s mom and also just got promoted over said queen’s dad for a position he’s not qualified for, has shown up wearing pajamas in her room. This man is expecting intimacy. He has prepared himself for it by removing his armor before she even enters the room. There can be no pretense for this. This is about as close to reclining naked, oiled up, on a bed of rose petals, as Criston Cole’s gonna get. Alicent initiates the scene by storming over and getting physical, but I think in his own way, he’s asking for it. Criston plays at passivity, but the point of the scene is to show that he’s very much in it with her.
The scene itself is without dialogue, no recriminations. I think Criston and Alicent have said all that can be said earlier— “What do you take me for?” “One who seeks absolution.” “There can be none for what I have done.”— and this is what’s left: guilt and pain, tangled with a desperation for human connection and someone who understands. Last episode, the commentary talked about how Criston functions as Alicent’s punching bag, and in this episode we see that both with her actually hitting him and I think also with the fact that they keep having sex, re-enacting the thing that they’re feeling guilty about. It’s a way to keep self-flagellating, keeping the wound open so they can atone for their sins by constantly feeling the guilt.
If it works for them, hey. Fair enough.
4- That Bitch
This is the scene that had me GIGGLING, eyes sparkling, stupid grin on my face, kicking my feet, THRILLED. Criston Cole, my dear friend, my evil bitch.
What many people who find themselves bewildered by the genuine Team Green fandom fail to recognize is that, apart from Team Black suffering a lot of iffy writing in s1 that made them uninteresting, most people who like Team Green like them BECAUSE they are not nice people (Helaena excepted 🙂‍↕️😌🙏💜). They are not uniform in this un-niceness, either— Alicent pontificates and pines and looks guilty, Otto calculates and schemes in a very Lawful Evil manner, Larys manipulates and schemes creepily, Aegon is taking notes from Theon Greyjoy, Aemond is an anime villain who just wants his mommy to love him and his brother to say sorry and also to bite people in half with his dragon and maybe get his uncle to fuck him idk we’ll get back to that, and Tyland is an Econ Major. There’s a looooot in there!
Criston is a violent person who for about 95% of his time currently cannot express any of the sheer hatred, rage, malignance, resentment, or pettiness that he is feeling, because he is Too Busy Doing His Fucking Job, where such emotions are a hindrance. Set Criston Cole in a battlefield melee, and he’s fucking set. Set Criston Cole in front of a door for six hours and he’s about ready to die.
In season 1, we saw how Criston found outlets for this— beating men to death, antagonizing the Strong boys in the yard, and getting into fights with Harwin. But now, he’s older, and now, he’s the Lord Commander (though soon!! Soon!!!!) and he can’t do any of that because everyone in King’s Landing is, for better or worse, functionally on Team Green and therefore un-fuck-with-able.
So what’s a man to do when he wants to lash out? The old classic— take it out on the underlings.
People have already said this, but the way the light comes into Criston Cole’s eyes when he’s guilt-tripping his brother-in-arms into either killing Criston’s ex or committing suicide by cop is genuinely incredible. Criston doesn’t even really think Arryk harbors any traitorous inclinations— he just has the excuse of it theoretically being a concern and theoretically having a built-in plan if he needs some justification. Aegon swallows the plan easily enough before Otto forces him to think about it.
Criston gets his co-worker killed and he looks ALIVE while he’s doing it.
It’s clear, too, that Criston lashing out like this at the other Kingsguard isn’t unusual. First, there’s how Arryk reacts to Criston initially entering the room like “oookay. Here we go. While I’m eating breakfast. This fucking guy.” which is telling in and of itself, but could have been a personal acting choice from Arryk’s actor. The bigger clue to this being a regular occurrence comes when Criston hits the table and IMMEDIATELY all the Kingsguard FLEE. THE. SCENE. They don’t exchange looks, they don’t say anything, they know that the best they can do is clear out before they get caught in the crossfire. They know, each and every one of them, exactly who Criston is and how he acts, and they are NOT about to get in the way of their evil boss when he’s on a rampage.
Criston, my guy, you are so awful and I love you. Congrats on getting your co-worker killed. It looked like fun.
Looking forward to the next few weeks when we start to see the Criston-Aegon Hand-King duo in action! I’m sure that everything will go SUPER smoothly and no one will get killed and everything will be fiiiiiinnneeee.
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taylortruther · 2 days
Hello, I have a strange question, but since I consider you extremely levelheaded when it comes to expressing opinions on Taylor I think you can give me an answer.
Do you think that Taylor actually resents us fans? I have been ruminating on this thought for quite a while, even before bdilh, but with the release of ttpd and the subsequent promo I lowkey think she does. I think she’s been brewing this feeling for quite some time, and I consider that a sort of “natural consequence” of having such a large and varied fan base, but I think that with bdilh and waolom (and also a gas? a little bit) she made clear how she wants to distance herself from us as much as possible. I don’t know how to explain it, but it feels pretty ironic to release songs calling out fans for their behaviour and made them listen to them (I use “made” in a very broad sense, I know that nobody is forced to listen to those songs). She could’ve chosen a different strategy to tell the fans to fuck off, instead she chose songs through which she can “profit off” of the Sarahs and Hannahs (I’m being extremely crude, I know, I’m acting this way for the sake of the argument). I don’t know I think it could be seen as a revenge?
i just reblogged several asks on this topic that explain some of my thoughts!
the thing is, taylor chooses to go on stage every night and work herself to the bone to make art. she could go into hiding and never release another album or project again. but she loves doing it - and she's learned, over the course of her career and all the pitfalls and peaks, that the best way to enjoy it is to stop sharing parts of herself, set boundaries, and not be shaped by other people's demands (at least, not all of their demands.)
of COURSE she has moments of resentment and pain. i believe all fans are included in that sentiment sometimes. yes, all. and taylor is demanding for that part of her experience to be acknowledged. it doesn't mean she feels resentful all the time but she's very explicitly saying: you all had a hand in making me this way.
this is a really common mentality among famous people. fame is a fickle curse, it's a gilded cage, it's a glass prison. of course she hates it sometimes.
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mj0702 · 4 hours
Here's something for you @tasha95 ... as usual I got carried away 😅😅
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There was something calm in the Bronze-Batlle household this afternoon. Lucy was out for some charity work and Ona agreed to keep an eye on you and you got a VERY strong “briefing” from Lucy to behave for Ona and if you acted out Lucy would take it upon herself to make you pay for it. So you did your best to be as quiet as possible which caused Ona to grow suspicious of your behaviour – every time she came into the room you basically scrambled to get out of said room.
“Okay... what is going on with you today” Ona cut your exit so you ran straight into her
“Nothing” you mumbled quickly trying to push past her
“Bebita... I thought we came to the agreement that we wouldn’t lie to each other... so...” the spaniard raised her eyebrow
“Lucy said I have to stay outta your way and not cause trouble” you mumbled not meeting the spaniards eyes
“Oh Bebita... I know you like to do your own thing and IF Mapí would be here I would agree... BUT... you are always so good for me... you don’t cause trouble with me...” Ona said softly “... don’t run away from me”
“I’m... not running...” you said defiantly
“Bebita...” the spaniard sighed
“I’m just doing what Lucy said” you took a step back from your sisters girlfriend
“Since when?” Ona snorted “Come here... I need some help with my Mandonguilles amb sípia...”
“What’s that?” you perked up always wanting to learn new things
“It’s a Catalonian dish... basically meatballs in gravy” Ona smiled seeing your instant mood change
“Huh... and here I was thinking all you guys eat is fish...” you said skipping past Ona into the kitchen happily “OH EW!!!! ONA!!!”
“Ah... I may have forgotten to mention there’s cuttlefish in it as well” the spaniard sing songed after hearing your disgusted outburst
“Why???” you whined and before you could run off again Ona trapped you between the counter and herself
“It’s traditional...” Ona smiled looking over your shoulder “... you do the meatballs... I’ll prepare the cuttlefish... deal?”
“Yeah deal...” you grumbled quickly retreating to the other end of the kitchen as far away from the offending cuttlefish
“It’s just Fish Bebita” Ona laughed at how quickly you moved away
“It LOOKS at me!!!!” you exclaimed
“Oh you little drama queen” the blonde laughed
“It’s a fact.... it has eyes... it looks at you like Mona Lisa... like it wants to eat your soul” you pointed at the little squids
“Get started on these meatballs..” Ona laughed before starting to expertly starting to clean the cuttlefish
“And now?” you asked 30 minutes later after Ona cleaned the kitchen as good as possible
“Now all is we need to do is fry everything, throw it together and serve” Ona said “... but we’ll do that later when Lucy is back”
“Oh okay” you said a little sad
“What’s wrong Bebita?” the blonde asked carefully
“Can we cook some more?” you asked a little embarrassed
“You like cooking huh?” Ona smiled while pulling out a cookbook
“Lucy always says it’s essential to understand a culture” you shrugged your shoulders
“That’s true... but I think you have a little different reason... you like to cook... you like to create... you are a very creative person and you have a very open and vivid mind” the blonde said the smile never leaving her face “Here... that’s my mamás and abuelas cookbook ... look if you find something you would like to try”
“It’s all in spanish” you whined after you excitedly opened the old looking book
“It’s catalan... I thought you knew the difference by now” Ona deadpanned
“Just because I can talk a little catalan doesn’t mean I can read it” you rolled your eyes
“Come on then... I’ll teach you” the blonde said and pulled you into the living room
“What’s that...” you pointed at a new recipe
“Cargols a la llauna?” Ona grinned “You won’t like it... trust me Bebita”
“But what is it??” you whined getting overwhelmed with all the exciting dishes the country has to offer
“Snails” the blonde spaniard smirked
“Oh you disgusting bastards!!!!!” you exclaimed heaving already
“It’s very traditional... and very tasty if prepared properly” Ona said laughing as she pulled you into her side where you immediately relaxed and sagged against her
“Are you tired Bebita?” Ona asked softly when she felt you getting heavy against her side
“Little bit” you mumbled your eyes already half closed
“Lay down Pequeña” the blonde said her voice low and soft guiding you down so your head was in her lap
You let her do it but whined as soon as you were laying down
“Quin és el problema Bebita?” Ona asked keeping her voice calm
“No cómode” you grumbled trying to get more comfortable
“Want me to lay down with you Bebita?” Ona asked carefully
“sí” you whined and the blonde spaniard maneuvered you around until you were in her arms your back pressed against her front “you comfy” you sighed happily
“Gracias Bebita” Ona chuckled
“Ona?” you mumbled
“sí?” the blonde answered
“I know you don’t know English as well... but the guy who tattooed the “Continue” onto your arm... he ripped you off... or he had dysgraphia..” you mumbled
“Dyswhat?” Ona asked confused
“Dysgraphia... he had problems writing...” you slurred already halfway into dreamland
“He didn’t Bebita... it’s what I wanted” the blonde whispered not wanting to wake you up again
“He turned the i over...” you sighed as Ona started to lightly scratch your head
“It’s a semicolon Pequeña...” Ona said “It has a meaning”
“Whatmeaning” you slurred your breathing evening out
“The semicolon has been a symbol for suicide and mental health awareness, which Project Semicolon initially started. You can get a semicolon tattoo to remind yourself that you’re stronger than anxiety or depression or it can be in memory or support of a friend or loved one...” Ona explained
(I personally thank Tasha for the explanation ♥️♥️)
“You want to end your life too?” you were slightly more awake immediately
“No Bebita... but I struggled with Anxiety when I first came to England” the spaniard answered honestly
“But why??? We’re very friendly” you were awake now
“Not really... English people are very reserved... not as bad as Norwegians but pretty close...” Ona chuckled “... we Spaniards are... different”
“All you don’t know the term personal space... the worst one was Hermoso” you pointed out
“Jenni is... a different level of spanish” the blonde laughed “... but I struggled with the new culture and worse the language barrier...”
“I can see that...” you mumbled deep in thought trying to imagine how baby Ona must have felt
“You really don’t remember do you?” Ona asked
“Remember what?” you asked confused
“You shoulder checked me after the 2021 Derby... and you checked me so hard that my shoulder bruised” the spaniard chuckled seeing how shocked you were
“I didn’t” you said getting stressed
“Calm Bebita... yes you did and no I’m not mad at you” Ona immediately got you to calm down again
“I’m sorry... I don’t remember what I was thinking “ you said very ashamed of yourself
“You mumbled something about stupid reds and stupid spanish and stupid Georgia and bloody last minutes goals” Ona chuckled
“Oh my God... I remember now..” you screeched embarrassed “... you scored in like... 85th...”
“Yeah...” the spaniard laughed as you turned in her arms hiding your face in Onas neck
“It was a mistake from G... she deflected the ball and suddenly you appeared out of nowhere like David fucking Copperfield and scored” you groaned against the spaniards neck
“Yeah... I heard you screaming bloody murder at Georgia over the whole field and I felt so bad for her... she looked so scared and i think Keira had to physically hold you back from not running on the pitch” Ona said her whole body shaking with laughter
“I... I... oh gooooood” you groaned trying to hide even more
“It’s okay Bebita” Ona laughed and started to lightly scratch your lower back “Relax Pequeña”
“I’m so sorry” you whined
“We’re good Bebita... Estabas muy emocionado por perder...” the blonde mumbled feeling how you started relax again “Dormir”
“T’estimo Oni” you mumbled and this time you were out like a light
“T’estimo massa Bebita” Ona whispered noticing you were already dead asleep
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kisses4reid · 6 hours
ruined surprises | ·˚ ༘ aaron hotchner ,,
summary - you accidentally find a small, red, velvet box in aaron’s drawers.
genre - fluff, nonbau!reader x aaron, proposals, engagement rings, happy ending
warnings - mentions of anxiety, mixed feelings, um… being proposed to???
w.c. - idk why i put this here i never check before uploading. it’s only like 1k you’ll be okay.
a/n - hey pia why don’t we edit those drafts for the requests- no. ima do my own thing 😏🕷️also pls tell me abt mistakes i did not proof read this lol!
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You sat at your dining table staring into space, or more specifically the bare wood in front of you. There were mixed emotions coursing through your veins. You felt as if your blood was changing from pink to green in the ugly mesh of conflicting feelings.
While this revelation brought you happiness and immense excitement, it also brought you fear. You were not supposed to find this, at least not now.
It stood prominent in your pocket, a pandora’s box of possibilities on how Aaron would react to your discovery. Would he be scared? Angry? Sad?
Your fingers picked at your nails as you took steadying breaths. The clock read only 5 minutes before Aaron returns from his vigorous job, 5 minutes before you’d have to reluctantly tell him you found the one thing he had been hiding from you.
The front door opens to your apartment and your palms start sweating in insecurity.
He’s tired, he’s worked all day, maybe it’s not the best time to bring it up. But what if he found out you knew the whole time? You’d be lying to him, and he values honesty above all else. What if it’s not for you? A gift, or maybe even an heirloom? Everything in your head started to doubt the one thing you wanted it to mean.
Aaron stood at the end of the table, eyebrows low and eyes squinted slightly in concern. Coming home to your favourite person disassociating rigidly wasn’t a very warm welcome home. He would usually be greeted by a kiss, or the smell of a meal, or a bear hug. This was off, this was different.
“Aaron.” You smile, genuinely. Even with your anxiety raising your heartbeat by the second, there’s nothing that can keep you smiling from the sight of your handsome lover. Though the feeling was not long lived.
“Are you okay?” He asks, placing his bag down on the table and loosening his tie slightly.
“I’m… We need to talk.” You say with a gulp. You lowered your head and glanced at his expression quickly. It came out more serious than it needed to be, and honestly Aaron started thinking the worse.
He sat on the chair next to you and searched your avoiding eyes, “Y/n-“
“Before you say anything, and before I tell you about what,” you waved your hands slightly, “we’re actually talking about. I need you to know that if I’m wrong you can’t laugh at me, and you can’t get angry. Okay?”
He nodded more confused than ever. Okay so, the fact that he could possibly laugh from this ‘talk’ was a sign it wasn’t anything too bad. He only wished you’d stop taking deep breaths and get too it.
You sighed, tired of your own stalling before reaching in your back pocket and putting a small, deep red velvet box on the table. Aaron’s dark eyes latched onto the box and he sighed, bringing a hand up to mess with his hair in shock.
“Do you know what’s in there?” Maybe you hadn’t-
You nodded. He nodded back and closed his mouth in a tight lipped grimace. This was not how he planned his proposal to go.
You took a deep breath and quickly defended yourself, “I lost my sports bra, and I thought maybe I put it in your drawers accidentally so I opened them and found… that.”
Aaron looked into your eyes, you looked scared but as he watched your eyes soften he knew that you weren’t scared of the implications, you were scared you had done the wrong thing.
“Thank you for not pretending to be oblivious.” He said smoothly, receiving a small smile in return. It warmed his heart. Jesus, he thought you were breaking up with him.
“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have looked through your stuff. I’ve ruined the surprise, your surprise-“
“It’s okay.” He smiled, bringing his hand over yours, pulling it to his mouth and kissing your knuckles. You smile softly and he continues, “Honestly, it’s a little embarrassing.”
“How?” You tilted your head and furrowed your brows, running your thumb over the back of his hand softly.
“Now you know I want to marry you.” Aaron’s cheeks reddened only slightly, and you laughed to bask in it. It wasn’t often you got your lover blushing.
“You told me you wanted to marry me on our fourth date. Trust me, I remember.”
He laughed this time and looked down at the box. “Did you like the ring?”
“I didn’t get a good look because I shut it immediately. I pinched my finger in the clasp.” You displayed your fingertip as proof, “But from what I saw, it was perfect.”
You didn’t ruin his plans at all, he thought. It wasn’t a terrible revelation, you didn’t give it to him and run away, you didn’t let him down easy. You were honest and turned the moment into a core memory. You laughed. Everything was good when you laughed.
Aaron placed a soft hand on your cheek and placed a loving kiss on your lips, you smiled into it. “You’ll just have to wait longer now.” He whispered jokingly, to which you slapped him on the chest and whined, no fair.
No. What wasn’t fair was that he would get the best life, with the most perfect wife in the world, and others wouldn’t.
But it was hard to feel sorry for others when you were in front of him.
About a month later. Aaron Hotchner decided he couldn’t wait any longer.
Aaron’s arm was on the back rest of the couch, legs stretched on a foot rest and you cross-legged beside him explaining the deep lore behind the movie that was playing in the background. You were blabbering on, voice changing between characters that you tried to imitate, and topic lighting up your face more than the TV screen.
And Aaron’s heart just couldn’t take it. He needed to ask you to marry him more than he needed anything else in the world. Those four words seemed to be the only cure to his love sickness (though he knew it would only get worse).
You laughed at one of your own jokes, and started to calm down your explanation.
“And that’s why the first actor got replaced.” You smiled and placed your hands in your lap, face triumphant. Aaron smiled softly, eyes tracing your face with love and adoration.
“Can I ask you a question?” He asked.
You nodded, thinking it would be about the movie, “Of course.”
“Will you marry me?” He took the familiar velvet box from his sweatpant’s pocket and clicked it open, cheeks hurting in a smile as the ring was exposed to you for the second time. Aaron mentally scolded himself for not having a speech ready but seriously, he had not planned to do it tonight. It was a yearning, a need. Everything he would say to you, he promised to say a million times in your marriage as to not feel guilty about the bland proposal.
You held a hand over your mouth. Eyes glistening quickly, heartbeat seemingly still in your chest.
“Yes, oh my god. Aaron- Yes!” You threw yourself on him and squeezed his shoulders and back in a hug so tight he had to pat your back to get you off.
Not that he wanted you to stop, he just wanted to see you with a ring on your finger as quick as he could.
perm taglist (open!) - @jeffswh0re @reap3erslov3 @candyd1es @0108s22m @aurorsworld @theoraekenslover
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How about Typhlosion?
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I’m afraid this one isn’t going to come as much of a surprise for anyone, but a typhlosion would not make a good pet for a vast majority of owners. Like many large fire-type pokémon, Typhlosion require a very specific environment to thrive without posing a threat to themselves or any humans or pokémon around them. As much as I like this pokémon, I can’t deny that it is perhaps the epitome of a walking fire hazard.
Before we even get into the fire risks inherent with adopting a typhlosion, I must address the species’ size. Typhlosions are quite large at five and a half feet tall. These pokémon would not be comfortable in a smaller home where they don’t have plenty of room to run around and play. Typhlosions are able to get around both quadrupedally and bipedally, indicating to me that they like to move around and might behave somewhat like real-world bears, who need large territories to thrive. At over 175 pounds, transporting them might be a little difficult without the use of pokéballs: its not like this is a pet you can easily carry around or even lead with a leash without some real effort. While a pokémon of this size isn’t necessarily disqualified from being a good pet, it will put them out of the running for many owners.
Since the evolution line that typhlosion comes from is commonly used as starter pokémon for trainers in the Johto region, we know that typhlosions respond well to training and are generally friendly creatures. They have a documented history of getting along with humans, which is a huge plus. However, training to take part in Pokémon battles with a trainer and training to live inside a human home are very different things.
This species’ biology, unfortunately, makes them a very poor candidate for pethood. These pokémon appear to have a large, open flame on the back of their necks, which alone can pose a fire risk in a smaller home. This flame is actually blazing-hot fur (Silver), which can, in certain circumstances, burn so hot that “anything that touches it will instantly go up in flames” (Gold). In the wild, typhlosions use this natural heat to hide themselves in battle with other pokémon: according to the pokédex, typhlosions “[obscure themselves] behind a shimmering heat haze that [they] create using intensely hot flames” (Ruby/Sapphire). When this pokémon gets angry, they burn even hotter. In order to safely keep a typhlosion in your home, you will need to invest quite a bit into flame resistance furniture that won’t cause a blaze as soon as an energetic typhlosion rubs up against it, either when play-fighting or agitated by whatever stressors may appear. This is, obviously, beyond the means of some owners.
The danger of keeping a typhlosion doesn’t end with the risk to your home, it includes a substantial risk to you. Keeping a typhlosion requires a keen awareness of their mood. As previously mentioned, when these pokémons’ tempers flare, the heat they generate can be extremely dangerous. In the hopefully low likelihood that your typhlosion lashes out and attacks you, you might be in very big trouble. They can use several moves that could easily pose lethal, like Flame Charge, Lava Plume, Flamethrower, Inferno, and Overheat. Additionally, the pokédex warns of this pokémon having an ominous “secret, devastating move” that may have something to do with their ability to cause explosions by rubbing their fur together (Silver). While there is a way to tell when a typhlosion will attack by observing the way their rising heat affects the air around them (Crystal), the safety risk of living with a typhlosion is simply too great for me to recommend them as a pet.
Safely adopting a typhlosion would require a large living space and costly investment in fireproofing, and the additionally safety risk they could pose to you and others is immense. As popular as this pokémon is, I cannot in good conscience recommend them as a pet to anyone but the most dedicated fire-type carers.
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[IDOLiSH7] [Part 6] Chapter 12: In a quiet night
6.12.1. - The right mindset
Kujou Tenn: Good work. 
Staff: Good work! I’m looking forward to “New Black or White”! Do your best!
Yaotome Gaku: Thank you very much.
Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: Good work!
Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: Tenn, are you going back to Kujou-san’s house today as well? 
Kujou Tenn: Lately, Kujou-san keeps going on business trips. And I can’t leave Aya alone, so… 
Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: She’s a girl, after all. Tell me if there’s anything I can do to help. 
Kujou Tenn: Thanks.
Yaotome Gaku: If he keeps going on business trips, is Kujou working on something big? 
Kujou Tenn: I wonder… He won’t talk to me properly. But it seems that he said the truth about staying home being hard on him, though.
Yaotome Gaku: Why would that be hard? Did he argue with Aya-chan?
Kujou Tenn: Well, kind of… 
Yaotome Gaku: If something happened, just talk to us. Don’t worry about it by yourself. 
Kujou Tenn: Yeah… Well, see you tomorrow. 
Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: I wonder if Tenn will be fine…
Yaotome Gaku: He’ll come to us if things get too out of hand. At least I’ve had that sort of impression lately.
Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: The impression that Tenn trusts us?
Yaotome Gaku: The impression that he’ll let us spoil him. He seems like someone who’s never been spoiled in a non-calculated way. He sucks at giving signs that he wants it, though.  
Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: Aah, I get that… I’m also getting the feeling that cautiously, bit by bit, he’s trying to reach out and join hands with us.
Yaotome Gaku: That was unthinkable for Tenn before. Even when he cried during the street live, he was TRIGGER’s standard. 
Yaotome Gaku: Even right now, he is doing his best trying to get used to being the youngest when he’s with us. It’s different when he’s on stage, though. 
Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: TRIGGER stays TRIGGER but at the same time we continue to change. I think that’s interesting. 
Yaotome Gaku: It’s cool, right? If we keep changing, we’ll never be done.
Yaotome Gaku: If we’re never done, that means that there is no end, either. 
Kujou Tenn: I’m back.
Kujou Aya: Ah… Welcome home, Tenn-onii-chan. Kujou-san said he is sleeping somewhere else tonight again. 
Kujou Tenn: I heard as much. You made dinner, right? Thank you. 
Kujou Aya: You know… Can I ask you something weird? 
Kujou Tenn: Go ahead. You can ask me anything. 
Kujou Aya: Uhm, well… It’s about a friend! My friend confessed to the person they like, and they got rejected. 
Kujou Tenn: I see…
Kujou Aya: But they still love them… How long should they wait so it’s fine to confess once more?
Kujou Tenn: …Like a retry? 
Kujou Aya: Yes.
Kujou Tenn: …
Kujou Tenn: I think that your friend has earnestly confessed, but the person who rejected them also earnestly thought about it before rejecting them.
Kujou Tenn: Wouldn’t that person think that if your friend confessed again, their own earnest feelings weren’t accepted, either? 
Kujou Aya: But… I often hear stories about people getting attacked fiercely, giving in and then going out after all or something? 
Kujou Aya: Retry and retry and retry, and then reaching the finish-mark as a married couple thanks to tenacity!
Kujou Tenn: …That sort of story, well… It does happen, but… 
Kujou Aya: So it might be the same for the person my friend likes! How do I put it, like valuing your own persistence and retrying… a person chasing after their dream… 
Kujou Tenn: Ah— Certainly… 
Kujou Aya: So what do you think? If it was about you, Tenn-onii-chan, how many days of waiting would be the most favourable for a retry? 
Kujou Tenn: …The most favourable retry, huh… 
Kujou Aya: Never give up, never lose, never die. It shows up a lot in the lyrics of love songs, too, so…
Kujou Tenn: …Certainly…
Kujou Aya: Never die. 
Kujou Tenn: Never die, huh…
Kujou Tenn: …By the way, to change the topic, with Kujou-san taking so many business trips like this, aren’t you lonely, Aya? 
Kujou Tenn: Besides, until now, you were with Kujou-san when he moved around, so I think things must have been very hard on you, Aya.
Kujou Tenn: Isn’t it about time we look for a quiet place for you to live? 
Kujou Aya: A quiet place…? 
Kujou Tenn: By your real brother’s side.
Kujou Aya: …
Kujou Tenn: If you want to continue to be with Kujou-san as his daughter, it’s fine for you to continue living like this, too, though. 
Kujou Tenn: If you want to be with Kujou-san for a different reason, it would end up being weird if you don’t get rid of your standpoint as his daughter first, right? 
Kujou Aya: …That’s… That might be true, but… 
Kujou Tenn: Yotsuba Tamaki is still a student, but he’s a kind, cheerful, dependable and reliable person. 
Kujou Tenn: It’s about time you properly talked for once? It’ll turn out alright, you’re siblings after all. 
Kujou Aya: …Did you talk to him, Tenn-onii-chan? Your real brother. 
Kujou Tenn: We talked. On the stage of the “Zero” musical. Bathing in the lights there, we didn’t need any words. 
Kujou Tenn: We were born together. But we can’t keep holding hands. I’m sure we’ll be walking different paths from now on.
Kujou Tenn: Still, we couldn’t replace each other. The same goes for you and Yotsuba Tamaki, as well as for you and Kujou-san. Please have a proper talk with him. 
Kujou Aya: …Yeah…
Kujou Aya: I’ll try talking to Tamaki-nii-chan… 
Ousaka Sougo: Manager…
Takanashi Tsumugi: Yes. Did something happen?
Ousaka Sougo: Regarding “New Black or White”... I was wondering if there’s still open seats for priority guests. 
Takanashi Tsumugi: Ah… Could this be about your parents, Sougo-san? 
Ousaka Sougo: Yes… I want to try inviting them. 
Ousaka Sougo: I don’t think they’ll come. My mother might come, but she’s not the type of person who would go against my father… 
Ousaka Sougo: I’m sorry about wasting the seat space, but…
Takanashi Tsumugi: You don’t know that yet. But regarding the arrangements, I understand! I will get things ready!
Ousaka Sougo: Thank you.
Takanashi Tsumugi: I’ll get in touch with people right away. 
Ousaka Sougo: Please do. 
Ousaka Sougo: …………
Ousaka Sougo: Even though it took a long time, with this, something will finally end… 
Ousaka Sougo: And the life of the new me will start. 
Natsume Minami: This is the demo of the new song. Please listen to it.
Inumaru Touma: It’s finally completed! 
Isumi Haruka: It’s the song we’ll sing as “New Black or White”! 
Midou Torao: What kind of song is it? How did it turn out?
Natsume Minami: Let me just say that I have no intention of being criticized by everyone. 
Natsume Minami: I will not listen to anything but praise.
Midou Torao: You don’t have to be so menacing…
Inumaru Touma: So it’s about building confidence, right?
Natsume Minami: …. Well… That’s true… …
Inumaru Touma: Well, I’m looking forward to it! 
Isumi Haruka: What’s the title?
Natsume Minami: Did I not tell you?
Natsume Minami: It’s “Utopia”.
Isumi Haruka: That’s a nice title!! Ah, it started. …Ooh! 
Inumaru Touma: Aah…!
Midou Torao: Hee…!
Natsume Minami: What is this reaction supposed to be…? 
Inumaru Touma: It’s good!
Isumi Haruka: It’s cool!
Midou Torao: I like it!
Natsume Minami: This is exactly why people who lack vocabulary are so… Praise me more, please, properly. 
Inumaru Touma: The best of the best! Mina, you’re a genius! 
Isumi Haruka: With this song, ŹOOḼ is definitely gonna win!!
Midou Torao: It’s perfect! The entire world will bow to Minami! 
Natsume Minami: …Alright!
Inumaru Touma: You’re unusually excited…
Natsume Minami: Let’s listen to it from the start once more. Please praise the lines one by one. 
Isumi Haruka: It’s super super super cool!! Only Minami can make songs like this! You’re number one! 
Midou Torao: Aah! Now we can't afford to lose. Let’s win with this song.
Natsume Minami: Yes. Absolutely. Since you said that, please put your body on the line, too. 
Midou Torao: Eh?
Inumaru Touma: Like, “show me some bold moves”. What do you think about something like that? 
Isumi Haruka: Isn’t that nice!? Let’s be bold! Torao, can you do it?
Midou Torao: Huh… Who do you think you’re asking? 
Inumaru Touma: Alright, I’m slowly getting the hang of how to get Tora’s motivation.
(door opens)
Utsugi Shirou: Excuse me. 
Isumi Haruka: Utsugi-san. Did you hear the song Minami made?
Utsugi Shirou: Yes. I listened to it a bit earlier. An incredible song has descended upon earth.
Utsugi Shirou: Natsume-san. I cannot express it in words very well, so I will write a 10,000 character report about it later.
Natsume Minami: Fufu. Thank you very much. 
Utsugi Shirou: Since the new song is finished now, there is someone I want to introduce to you.
Isumi Haruka: Someone you want to introduce to us…? 
~ to be continued ~
6.12.2. - Moonlight
Inumaru Touma: Are they coming here right now?
Utsugi Shirou: No. He said he wanted to say hello using a webcam. I’ll set up my computer now. 
Natsume Minami: …What kind of person is it?
Utsugi Shirou: Uhm, wait a second, please. I’m connected to them via this headset right now, so I’ll confirm things before switching to speaker.
Utsugi Shirou: Hello? Did you decide on the settings?
Isumi Haruka: …Decide on the settings…?
Utsugi Shirou: Anything’s fine. Eh? Ah… Ugh, what a pain. I get it, I get it.
Inumaru Touma: That’s a lot of arrangements… 
Utsugi Shirou: Sorry to keep you waiting. I would like to introduce you to a world-renowned event artist teacher.
Midou Torao: I didn’t have the feeling you were talking to a world-renowned teacher, though… 
Natsume Minami: What is the teacher’s name? 
Utsugi Shirou: Ah, that’s right… Please wait a moment.
Utsugi Shirou: What should I do? What’re you gonna do? Did you decide yet?
Inumaru Touma: He said “Did you decide yet?”... 
Isumi Haruka: Isn’t he introducing us to a really shady teacher? This manager… 
Utsugi Shirou: Sorry to keep you waiting. This is Moonlight Ichirou-sensei. 
Natsume Minami: Moonlight Ichirou-sensei…
Midou Torao: Have you heard of him?
Natsume Minami: Unfortunately, I have not, either…  
Utsugi Shirou: Well then, let’s switch to speaker. I’m very sorry, but his camera has a mosaic effect on it… 
Inumaru Touma: Why!? Serious, why!?
Utsugi Shirou: I’m starting.
Isumi Haruka: Ah… it started… 
Midou Torao: Can he hear this already?
Natsume Minami: It seems so… Nice to meet you, Moonlight Ichirou-sensei, I am ŹOOḼ’s Natsume Minami.
Moonlight Ichirou: Yes… Nice to meet you.
Moonlight Ichirou: This is Moonlight Ichirou.
Inumaru Touma: …Ryou-san…?
Isumi Haruka: …Isn’t that Ryou-san…?
Midou Torao: …Is that Ryou-san…?
Natsume Minami: …Ryou-san…?
Moonlight Ichirou: Eeh~, to get right to it, before you take on “Black or White”, I’ll give you some advice.
Inumaru Touma: Wait a minute… you’re Ryou-san, right? 
Moonlight Ichirou: I’m not.
Isumi Haruka: You’re Tsukumo Ryou, right?
Moonlight Ichirou: This is Moonlight Jirou.
Midou Torao: The more I listen to it, the more it sounds like Ryou-san… Also, did you say Jirou? 
Moonlight Ichirou: Tch… That’s why I told you, Shirou. Come on, hurry. 
Utsugi Shirou: Wait a sec, I’m trying right now, so… 
Natsume Minami: What settings are you changing on your computer, Utsugi-san…? 
Utsugi Shirou: I apologize. It might be difficult to hear the audio, but… Ah, it’s working.
Moonlight Ichirou: Yes, I am Moonlight Ichirou.
Inumaru Touma: Ah, what’s this, it’s a voice that’s different from Ryou-san… Is what you thought I’d say!?
Isumi Haruka: Stop blatantly using a voice changer!? I mean, you’re Ryou-san, right!?
Moonlight Ichirou: I’m not.
Midou Torao: You’re Ryou-san! Utsugi-san, take down the mosaic effect. 
Utsugi Shirou: Can I? Ryou-kun.
Moonlight Ichirou: No way you can, idiot.
Natsume Minami: He’s calling him Ryou-kun…
Moonlight Ichirou: Anyway, I’ll give you some helpful advice, so listen to what I’m saying. 
Inumaru Touma: It’s been a while, Ryou-san. How have you been? 
Moonlight Ichirou: I haven’t been fine. It’s my first time meeting you.
Isumi Haruka: Did you see “BLAST”?
Moonlight Ichirou: I watched it. Not to the last episode, though.
Midou Torao: It was good, though! I jumped by myself in that one. 
Moonlight Ichirou: I know. I read it in a magazine.  
Natsume Minami: Wanna listen to the new song?
Moonlight Ichirou: Did you finish it? The one for “Black or White”?
Natsume Minami: Yes.
Moonlight Ichirou: Send me the data. 
Utsugi Shirou: Ryou-kun, can you stop playing Moonlight-sensei yet? 
Moonlight Ichirou: Don’t call it playing. It’s your fault it got ruined.
Utsugi Shirou: I don’t think it’s ruined. You might be able to keep going if you force yourself. 
Moonlight Ichirou: Really?
Utsugi Shirou: Maybe?
Isumi Haruka: No way. Utsugi-san, do you think we’re idiots? 
Utsugi Shirou: No, I would never.
Isumi Haruka: Ryou-san is the one on the other side of the screen, right? 
Utsugi Shirou: …?
Isumi Haruka: Stop tilting your head and playing dumb, you’re a grown adult! 
Natsume Minami: Well, isn’t it fine. So Moonlight-sensei, what in the world could the advice you want to give us be? 
Natsume Minami: We will no longer act according to someone else’s whims. 
Moonlight Ichirou: Hm… Aren’t you cocky?
Moonlight Ichirou: I will give you advice regarding the composition of ŹOOḼ’s mini lives so you can win “New Black or White”.
Isumi Haruka: Don’t need it! Stop messing with us by continuing to pretend. 
Isumi Haruka: Tell us properly. You’re Ryou-san, right? You wanna be involved with us, right?
Moonlight Ichirou: …
Moonlight Ichirou: I’m not.
Isumi Haruka: Utsugi-san! Hang up!!
Utsugi Shirou: Understood.
Moonlight Ichirou: Don’t “understood” me!!
Isumi Haruka: See you! Mosaic filter man!! 
Midou Torao: Hey, hey, hey! Wait! Isn’t Moonlight fine for now?
Isumi Haruka: You’re too soft, Torao! 
Midou Torao: Look, how do I put it, I just experienced wanting to say something but being unable to, so… 
Moonlight Ichirou: Why are you saying, idiot? Weren’t you replaced by some kid at the last second in the action scene? Since you have no guts. 
Midou Torao: …
Midou Torao: Utsugi-san. Hang up. 
Utsugi Shirou: Right.
Moonlight Ichirou: Don’t “right” me. 
Utsugi Shirou: Ryou-kun. If you’re just going to hurl insults at ŹOOḼ, I will hang up. This is an important time for them.
Utsugi Shirou: You said you had something to tell them, so I set up an opportunity to talk. If you have nothing to say, I’ll end it here. 
Moonlight Ichirou: …I get it. Remove the mosaic filter.
Utsugi Shirou: Understood. 
Moonlight Ichirou: As you said, my true identity is the one who scouted you… 
Tsukumo Ryou: Tsukumo Ryou.
Inumaru Touma: Huh…?  The blur on the screen got stronger…? 
Natsume Minami: Utsugi-san, what did you press? 
Utsugi Shirou: Huh? That’s strange… 
Tsukumo Ryou: I had my own reasons for not telling you my name right away. My position is little more than that of an observer, so… 
Isumi Haruka: Wa… Ryou-san, wait with the serious talk for a bit. Since it’s kinda become like an interrogation.
Tsukumo Ryou: What’s that supposed to… What are you doing? Isn’t this an important moment? 
Utsugi Shirou: Hey, Ryou-kun, that thing. The face editing game, where’d you drop that?  
Tsukumo Ryou: Just check your downloaded apps?
Natsume Minami: These old guys seem to play rather enjoyable games.
Isumi Haruka: Even when you become an adult you can use face editing apps. I’m kind of relieved. 
Inumaru Touma: That being said, aren’t those two getting along pretty well? 
Utsugi Shirou: We’re not getting along well. But we’re kind of like childhood friends, so I’ve been looking after him for a long time.
Tsukumo Ryou: I’m the one who looked after you, though. Since you’re from a family of commoners and all.
Utsugi Shirou: No, I’m the one who did. Since you were hated by your family. Ah, it’s fixed.
Tsukumo Ryou: Hello. It’s been a while.
Inumaru Touma: It’s been a while. It would’ve been fine for you to contact us in a non-roundabout way, though. 
Tsukumo Ryou: I was busy.
Natsume Minami: You haven’t met Momo-san, either? Isn’t he your friend? 
Tsukumo Ryou: He’s not my friend, so I haven’t met him. But after “New Black or White” ends, I might go comfort him. 
Isumi Haruka: Comfort him? Why?
Tsukumo Ryou: You know, since ŹOOḼ is going to win.
Isumi Haruka: …Ryou-san…
Natsume Minami: …You said you had advice for us, but what kind of advice is it? 
Tsukumo Ryou: I’ll decide that from here on out. First, tell me the set list. He won’t tell me ‘cause I’m an outsider.
Inumaru Touma: I mean, that’s true. After disappearing like that and then not contacting us, that is. 
Tsukumo Ryou: What’s this, are you mad? 
Inumaru Touma: Yeah.
Tsukumo Ryou: …
Inumaru Touma: It might be a little different from being mad. After all, I feel grateful to you, Ryou-san, so I can't quite hate you. 
Inumaru Touma: But as ŹOOḼ’s leader, I cannot let anyone who might hurt them get close to them.
Inumaru Touma: I think that's also why Utsugi-san called you an outsider. Which is it gonna be?
Inumaru Touma: Are you going to cheer us on and pick up the pieces of our dream together with us? Or did you just come here to poke fun at us on a whim? 
Inumaru Touma: Tell us properly. …I know you disappeared by yourself to protect us. 
Inumaru Touma: Tell us properly if you want to hold our hands once more.
Tsukumo Ryou: …
Tsukumo Ryou: You guys are really stupid. You were used this much, and yet you thought you were being protected? 
Tsukumo Ryou: What's more, “holding hands”? You guys are idols, your image is your trade, right? What a bunch of imbecile idiots. 
Tsukumo Ryou: I was feeling down, so I poked fun at you, but I stopped. Since my identity got revealed, too. 
Tsukumo Ryou: This is the end of it. Shirou, you can hang up now. 
Isumi Haruka: You're the idiot here, idiot. 
Tsukumo Ryou: Excuse me?
Midou Torao: This is really pointless. Utsugi-san, lend me your laptop.
Utsugi Shirou: There you go.
Tsukumo Ryou: What are you doing? I can only see Torao’s face like this.
Midou Torao: Wouldn't that be lucky? You guys are fine with that, right? 
Inumaru Touma: Sure.
Natsume Minami: I don't mind.
Tsukumo Ryou: What are you even talking about?
Midou Torao: Look, I sent it to you just now. The set list. It's still a work in progress though.
Tsukumo Ryou: …Hmm…
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Inumaru Touma: We thought about it in our own way and did our best.
Inumaru Touma: If you have advice, we'd like to hear it. But don't hurt us for no reason. 
Inumaru Touma: If your words affected us and we couldn't give it our all for the actual thing, that’d be the worst. 
Inumaru Touma: I no longer think you don't like us at least a little, Ryou-san. 
Natsume Minami: But the fact that you left us without saying anything is true, too.
Natsume Minami: Right now, we love ourselves, more than a certain someone who wouldn't take responsibility… 
Natsume Minami: Even if they don't love us, we need someone to take responsibility for us.
Utsugi Shirou: Why are you looking at me like that? I properly love you guys. 
Natsume Minami: If you care about our feelings, then let's play together again. 
Natsume Minami: Ryou-san, you said idols are the best game in the world. 
Tsukumo Ryou: …
Isumi Haruka: It's fine, right? You'll cheer us on, right? 
Isumi Haruka: During last year’s Black or White… Ryou-san, you came to see us. I saw it from atop the stage.
Tsukumo Ryou: …Hmm…
Tsukumo Ryou: I won't cheer you on. After all, I don't like idols.
Tsukumo Ryou: But, every now and then, Moonlight Ichirou might make some nice comments.
Midou Torao: You're going to continue with that character even though you failed that much at pretending? 
Inumaru Touma: …I get it. Then I will say goodbye to you. 
Inumaru Touma: But I'm glad you're doing fine.
Tsukumo Ryou: Yeah. You, too.
Natsume Minami: Contact us anytime. 
Midou Torao: Come see us on that day, too. 
Tsukumo Ryou: If I have free time.
Isumi Haruka: Cheer us on.
Tsukumo Ryou: Do your best.
Isumi Haruka: …
Tsukumo Ryou: Do your best.
Isumi Haruka: …Yeah. Thank you.
Tsukumo Ryou: Haha… …Shirou, this is enough. Hang up. 
Utsugi Shirou: Understood. 
Utsugi Shirou: …I cut the connection. Sorry for taking up your time while you are busy. 
Inumaru Touma: Since we're idols… I hope we can make Ryou-san happy one day, too. 
Midou Torao: That's right… 
Utsugi Shirou: Everyone is very kind. ...Huh?
Natsume Minami: There's a sign of an incoming call. May I try taking it?
Utsugi Shirou: Yes…
Natsume Minami: Yes. Who am I speaking to?
Moonlight Ichirou: It's Moonlight Ichirou.
Natsume Minami: …
Isumi Haruka: You're pretty fast at switching, Ryou-san… 
~ to be continued ~
6.12.3. - News from the country up north 
Nanase Riku: Finally, “Black or White” is tomorrow… 
Izumi Iori: That’s true… 
Takanashi Tsumugi: Everyone, you did your best even though you were busy! I’m sure there will be good results! 
Nanase Riku: Mhm, that’s right. Thanks, manager!
Rokuya Nagi: Iori, Riku! OH! Manager, too!
Takanashi Tsumugi: Nagi-san, what happened? You have your laptop with you…  
Rokuya Nagi: Manager! Please gather the members. He wants to talk to everyone using the internet… 
Izumi Iori: To whom?
Rokuya Nagi: My brother… Seto! 
Izumi Iori & Nanase Riku: Seto-san!?
Nikaidou Yamato: Ah, Bernard-san appeared on screen… 
Izumi Mitsuki: The background is stunningly gorgeous~… I’m kind of nervous… 
Bernard Kenneth: Good evening. Can you hear me? 
Rokuya Nagi: I can hear you.
Bernard Kenneth: Huh…? I think I can’t hear them. 
Yotsuba Tamaki: He said he can’t hear us.
Ousaka Sougo: What’s wrong? Are we muted? 
Yotsuba Tamaki: Bercchi! Bercchi, how are you?
Nanase Riku: Bernard-san, hello~! 
Bernard Kenneth: <Apparently there is trouble with the audio. Can they no longer my voice, either?>
Bernard Kenneth: <That’s troublesome… I can’t type in Japanese, so I can’t confirm whether they can hear me or not via messaging them, either.>
Bernard Kenneth: <If it’s going to be like this, the only thing I can do is to say some risque words and judge from whether his Highness looks shocked or not…>
Rokuya Nagi: <Stop taking dangerous bets, Bernard.>
Bernard Kenneth: OH! Hello! I just heard something! Hello, can you hear me?
Nanase Riku: I can hear you!
Izumi Mitsuki: Hello~! I can hear you!
Bernard Kenneth: OH! Hi! My friends! IDOLiSH7-dono, it has been a while!
Yotsuba Tamaki: It’s been a while! How have you been?
Bernard Kenneth: OH! I’ve been good! I saw “Crescent Wolf” on blu-ray! It was truly wonderful! 
Nanase Riku: I will tell TRIGGER about it! Tenn-nii and the others will definitely be happy! 
Bernard Kenneth: I will invite His Highness Seto. His Highness Seto has been studying Japanese. 
Rokuya Nagi: Japanese! I’m impressed!
Bernard Kenneth: He wants to give an encouraging speech to everyone in IDOLiSH7. Please look forward to it! 
Ousaka Sougo: He said it’s a message of encouragement!
Izumi Iori: I presume he contacted us because we are taking on the challenge of “New Black or White”.
Nanase Riku: Ah! Seto-san is here! 
Nikaidou Yamato: It’s been a while since I’ve seen him, but he is stunningly gorgeous as always… 
Ousaka Sougo: Even though there’s no effects, both the background and the people look like they’re in an MV… 
Seto Ranvalt von Northmeir: He. 
Seto Ranvalt von Northmeir: H e l l o.
IDOLiSH7: Hello~!
Seto Ranvalt von Northmeir: IDOLiSH7, how are you? 
IDOLiSH7: We’re fine!
Seto Ranvalt von Northmeir: I am, Nagi’s brother, Seto. 
Seto Ranvalt von Northmeir: I cannot, come to Japan, on December 31st. In order, to win, I will give you, a hundred, sea breams… sea breams.
Seto Ranvalt von Northmeir: Brimming with happiness.¹
Izumi Mitsuki & Nanase Riku & Yotsuba Tamaki: Ya~y!!
Izumi Iori: …Rokuya-san. Is it alright for His Highness, the crown prince of Northmeir, to memorize bad puns?
Rokuya Nagi: OH… Aren’t Japanese puns a lucky charm, though?
Nikaidou Yamato: Huh? Wait. Did he catch a school of a hundred sea breams? 
Ousaka Sougo: Do you mean a swarm of a hundred sea breams? Sea breams aren’t that big, are they...²
(doorbell rings)
Izumi Mitsuki: Huh? A guest… 
(door opens)
Ousaka Sougo: The lock unlocked before we even opened the door!? 
Thorvald: <As usual, the security of this accommodation is weak…>
Rokuya Nagi: Thorvald!
Thorvald: It has been a while, Your Highness. I came to deliver the sea breams which come from Northern Europe.
Thorvald: They’re stored in a container right now, but is it okay to store them all in your refrigerator?
Izumi Mitsuki: No way it is, no way it is. 
Nikaidou Yamato: Our fridge will be filled to the brim with sea bream! Did you really bring a hundred of them? 
Thorvald: Yes.
Nikaidou Yamato: Why!?
Thorvald:  …So you’d brim with happiness…
Nikaidou Yamato: Are the people of Northmeir that innocent? 
Seto Ranvalt von Northmeir: <Nagi.>
Rokuya Nagi: <Yes.>
Seto Ranvalt von Northmeir: <Is there some sort of trouble?>
Rokuya Nagi: <Yes, uhm…>
Rokuya Nagi: <It’s nothing. Everyone is happy. Thank you, brother.>
Seto Ranvalt von Northmeir: <Is that so? I’m glad.>
Seto Ranvalt von Northmeir: <You, IDOLiSH7, are Nagi’s friends and you saved me. From the bottom of my heart, I am grateful.>
Seto Ranvalt von Northmeir: <I wish for you to attain honor and victory in tomorrow’s battle.>
Nanase Riku: What did Seto-san say?
Rokuya Nagi: He’s grateful to everyone from the bottom of his heart. He wishes for us to attain honor and victory in tomorrow’s battle.
Yotsuba Tamaki: Thank you~! Prince Seto! 
Ousaka Sougo: Thank you very much.
Seto Ranvalt von Northmeir: <One more thing.>
Seto Ranvalt von Northmeir: <I’ll bring this up through the Northmeiran Embassy again, but Nagi’s residence problem needs to be resolved.>
Rokuya Nagi: <You’re saying there’s a problem with my housing…>
Seto Ranvalt von Northmeir: <You may have relinquished your royal rights, but you are my only brother. I want you to live peacefully and safely.>
Rokuya Nagi: <Brother…>
Seto Ranvalt von Northmeir: <But I know that you like living with IDOLiSH7, Nagi.>
Seto Ranvalt von Northmeir: <If your friends are alright with it, I will look after the matter for all of you. The property is secured.>
Rokuya Nagi: <Our residence?  What about our homeland? >
Seto Ranvalt von Northmeir: <Those who left the royal family cannot be supported by the people’s taxes. This a personal loan from me.>
Seto Ranvalt von Northmeir: <I have backed up talented people. I never aimed for profit, there were people who expressed their gratitude to me by giving me some of their privileges. >
Seto Ranvalt von Northmeir: <Those are my personal assets. Do not worry.>
Rokuya Nagi: <Wa… Wait. I will discuss this.>
Seto Ranvalt von Northmeir: <I don’t mind.>
Rokuya Nagi: …
Izumi Mitsuki: Nagi, what’s wrong?
Rokuya Nagi: My brother would like to prepare a new house for me. He’d like to know if everyone else would like to live there, too… 
Nanase Riku: You mean we’d all live in the house Seto-san prepared?
Izumi Mitsuki: All seven of us!?
Rokuya Nagi: Probably. What should we do…?
Izumi Iori: Manager…
Takanashi Tsumugi: …Even at the agency, we were thinking of preparing a new residence for everyone.
Takanashi Tsumugi: The only question is whether you’d live together as seven like right now, or whether there would be a different setup… 
Takanashi Tsumugi: But as for an answer, we don’t…
Nikaidou Yamato: It’s fine to live as seven.
Takanashi Tsumugi: Yamato-san…
Nikaidou Yamato: There might be a limit to living like this someday.
Nikaidou Yamato: But that will be alright when the time comes. Right now, we still want to be together. At least I do. 
Ousaka Sougo: Me, too… I want to be with everyone, too. 
Ousaka Sougo: When I came home fatigued from work, just seeing everyone’s smiles blew away my fatigue. 
Ousaka Sougo: I don’t want to lose this place. 
Izumi Mitsuki: I agree. Until Iori becomes an adult, I think we’ll stay together.
Izumi Mitsuki: So I think staying with everyone is fine. What about you, Iori?
Izumi Iori: …If possible… If I could stay with everyone, I think I’d want to, too. 
Izumi Iori: One day, the time where everyone live on their own will come. But even so… 
Izumi Iori: Right now, I want to be with everyone and still have them be within sight. 
Yotsuba Tamaki: …I… I might not be able to do it…
Ousaka Sougo: Tamaki-kun…?
Yotsuba Tamaki: I can’t leave Aya alone after all. When it comes to living with Aya, it doesn’t have to be right now, though… 
Yotsuba Tamaki: The idea of me being surrounded by people while Aya is alone is… 
Nanase Riku: Tamaki…
~ to be continued ~
6.12.4. - Sea bream
Seto Ranvalt von Northmeir: <What are you talking about?>
Rokuya Nagi: <Tamaki has a younger sister. He would like to live with us, but he says he cannot neglect her. >
Seto Ranvalt von Northmeir: <She should just live with you. If you are concerned about the fact that there are a lot of men, I can hire female staff. >
Seto Ranvalt von Northmeir: <Is there a problem? If there is, let’s resolve it right away.>
Rokuya Nagi: <Brother…>
Yotsuba Tamaki: Nagicchi, what did Prince Seto say…?
Rokuya Nagi: OH, Tamaki… Prince Seto is my pride.
Rokuya Nagi: When the circumstances got bad, he would repeatedly try to escape from reality. For him to say he wants to resolve something right away…
Yotsuba Tamaki: Nagicchi?
Rokuya Nagi: OH, sorry. I was too impressed…
Rokuya Nagi: He said that living together with her is okay, hiring female staff is okay and that if there is a problem, he’ll solve it.
Yotsuba Tamaki: Really…!? Thank you, Prince Seto!
Seto Ranvalt von Northmeir: Y o u ‘ r e w e l c o me.
Izumi Mitsuki: I’m glad for you, Tamaki…!
Yotsuba Tamaki: Yeah! All I gotta do now is convince Aya…
Nikaidou Yamato: Have you not talked to her? If you keep putting off the conversation, you’ll become like me one day.
Takanashi Tsumugi: Since we can’t just keep putting the burden on Seto-san, please let us do something as well.
Takanashi Tsumugi: Which is to say, originally, we should have been the one to secure the property…
Izumi Iori: Isn’t it fine? There probably aren’t that many buildings with security levels that satisfy the royal family…
Takanashi Tsumugi: Seto-san. Please let me consult the President! We are very grateful for your feelings! Seto Ranvalt von Northmeir: <She is IDOLiSH7’s manager, right? What did she say?>
Rokuya Nagi: <She thanked you and said she would like to consult with her boss first.>
Seto Ranvalt von Northmeir: <She can do what she wants. Well then, Nagi and everyone in IDOLiSH7. I wish you great fortune tomorrow.>
Seto Ranvalt von Northmeir: <May the goddess of victory smile upon you. Cheers.>
Rokuya Nagi: <Thank you so much.>
Izumi Mitsuki: Thank you very much! Thank you! Very thank you!
Seto Ranvalt von Northmeir: Thanks. Byebye.
Nanase Riku: Thank you so much! Byebye! See you!
Yotsuba Tamaki: Thank you!! Byebye! See you again!
Izumi Iori: Thank you very much.
Nikaidou Yamato: Byebye~
Rokuya Nagi: Good night, byebye.
Seto Ranvalt von Northmeir: Byebye.
Nanase Riku: …Sending us an encouraging message as we worry about tomorrow… you have a great big brother, Nagi!
Rokuya Nagi: Yes… A day like this coming is like a dream.
Izumi Mitsuki: About the dorm though… Is this really fine?
Thorvald: Next time when I have time, I will show you around the property.
Nikaidou Yamato: Thorvald-san, what are you doing with that penlight turned on?
Thorvald: It’s preparation for tomorrow. I wanted to make sure it shines properly…
Rokuya Nagi: OH… How foolish…
Ousaka Sougo: I didn’t think you were close enough to him to say “How foolish”.
Yotsuba Tamaki: It’s like a manga, it’s cool. Rokuya Nagi: This type only glows for a couple of hours. So there won’t be a tomorrow for that penlight.
Thorvald: How tragic…
Nikaidou Yamato: Shouldn’t we be happy he came to cheer us on? Thorvald-san, thank you.
Thorvald: You’re welcome. Is it fine with you if I distribute the sea breams that wouldn’t fit in the refrigerator among the neighbors?
Izumi Iori: I don’t know about giving out perishables in the current times…
Thorvald: Don’t you give leftover ingredients to the neighbors in Japan?
Nanase Riku: It is sea breams, though… Do you think TRIGGER will eat them?
Nikaidou Yamato: It does seem like they’d eat them, but should we really give sea bream to the people we’re competing against tomorrow…?
Izumi Mitsuki: That’s just how we are, isn’t it fine? I’ll go ask Momo-san, too.
Yotsuba Tamaki: Then I’ll contact Isumin.
Nikaidou Yamato: Riku, will you ask TRIGGER?
Nanase Riku: Yes! I’ll send a rabbit chat right now!
Izumi Iori: Nii-san, our parents might eat it, too…
Izumi Mitsuki: That’s true! I’ll contact them. It seems like we’ll be able to hand out all 100 fish!
Ousaka Sougo: I will ask Touma, too.
Yotsuba Tamaki: Sou-chan, don’t you get along better with Toracchi, too?
Ousaka Sougo: Because Midou-san is the type of person who can eat sea bream whenever he wants…
Thorvald: Eating sea bream anytime… He must be brimming with happiness.
Nikaidou Yamato: Uhm, I don’t think you have any bad intentions at all, but there is a risk of battle occurring here…
Thorvald: Is that so? Are you the type of person who is brimming with happiness without engaging in battles, Nikaidou-san?
Nikaidou Yamato: Yes…? Are you trying to pick a fight…?
Takanashi Tsumugi: Well then, I will go for a quick drive to deliver the sea breams to those we managed to contact!
Izumi Iori: Somehow, it has become a strange evening…
Izumi Mitsuki: Well, isn’t it fine? It’s not like the sea breams are poisoned.
Yotsuba Tamaki: We’re brimming with happiness, after all!
Yuki: What is this, what happened…?
Momo: It’s from Maneko-chan. A delivery of sea bream!
Yuki: A declaration of victory…?
Momo: Eh~!? It’s to make us brim with happiness for sure. Isn’t it like, “let’s do our best together”? 
Yuki: Huh. They’re strange kids. Momo, do you wanna eat some?
Momo: I wanna~!
Yuki: Then I’ll grill it.
Momo: Nice~!
Yaotome Gaku: Takanashi-san just delivered this to us. Ryuu, prepare it!
Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: Sea breams are a lucky charm, after all! It’s a big sea bream, too! What do you want to eat it with?
Kujou Tenn: Sea bream over rice.
Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: That’s good, sounds delicious!
Kujou Tenn: Do we have mitsuba leaves? Maybe I should buy some.
Yaotome Gaku: We got three sea breams, so we could also do grilled fish or sashimi.
Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: I kind of… am starting to feel like we won!
Kujou Tenn: Same.
Yaotome Gaku: Same. I feel like I’ve just scored a goal.
Kujou Tenn: Maybe it’s a strategy to make us let down our guard…?
Yaotome Gaku: IDOLiSH7 will eat it tonight, too, so I don’t think so…?
Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: Let’s be thankful and eat it! Alright, let’s prepare it~!
Isumi Haruka: We kinda got a lot of sea breams from IDOLiSH7…
Haruka's grandmother: My, isn’t that nice, Haru-chan? Eat lots of it with your friends, will you?
Inumaru Touma: Excuse me! Sorry for intruding! I thought since it’s a good opportunity, we could all eat together!
Haruka's grandmother: It’s fine, take your time. The sea bream rice is almost ready, too.
Natsume Minami: I’m happy. I love it.
Haruka's grandmother: My, well, I am glad.
Isumi Haruka: Grandma, you can go now, so.
Haruka's grandmother: Yes, yes.
Midou Torao: Thanks, it will be a feast.
Midou Torao: The sea bream Haruka’s grandma grilled is yummy. But don’t you normally eat pork cutlets³…?
Natsume Minami: Sea bream have a bone called the sea bream’s sea bream because it is shaped like a fish. Supposedly, carrying it with you will ward off misfortune.
Isumi Haruka: Then the leader should carry it.
Inumaru Touma: A fish bone!? Won’t it smell!?
Midou Torao: Won’t it be fine as long as you put deodorant on it?
Inumaru Touma: Then should I hide it in my costume for the sake of victory…?
Isumi Haruka: It’s both surreal and funny that the guy preparing sea bream bones is going to dance in “New Black or White”.
Inumaru Touma: Mina, around where is the sea bream’s sea bream?
Natsume Minami: It appears to be around the pectoral fin.
Inumaru Touma: Then I’ll go find it now…
Isumi Haruka: If you find it, I want to see it, too.
Midou Torao: Me, too.
Inumaru Touma: It’s like a treasure hunt. Fufu, just wait for it…
Takanashi Tsumugi: And just like that, the night before the battle passed―
Takanashi Tsumugi: And December 31st… The day of “Black or White Live Showdown” arrived.
~ to be continued ~
TL notes:
Mod Riku here! I'd actually drafted this ages ago, so going back to do TL notes was kind of a hassle. We started this project over a year ago... Nostalgic, am I right? Two more chapters to go!!
...That being said, expect chapter 13 to take a bit. Both mods are kind of preoccupied.
¹ - I've dreaded this pun for a long time. I managed, though! (Click.)
² - Japanese counting words correspond to the thing you're counting, hence them joking about what counter to use for sea bream. (Click.)
³ - Katsu (pork cutlet) and katsu (to win) are homophones, so you eat katsudon before a competition.
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misfitdollies · 1 day
Monster High G3, disabilities, and consistent representation
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So SS5 was revealed recently and Twyla is one of the ghouls featured in the line up
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As expected, she’s gorgeous and I could honestly rave over how much I love her for awhile, but she is missing something, her bracelet!
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Twyla has had 4 releases so far and of those 4, only 2 have had her bracelet featured, those releases being Fearbook and Creepover
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While the other two releases, Neon Frights and Garden Mysteries both have the bracelet missing from her final doll
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“Why is this important? It’s just a bracelet.”
For most dolls, this would just be a bracelet and wouldn’t really be anything noteworthy, but for Twyla, her bracelet isn’t just a bracelet! Many times throughout various G3 media, it’s made very clear that Twyla’s bracelet is a tool for her to help her in stressful, overstimulating situations. When we first meet Twyla in the series, this is actually one of the first things she’s shown doing and is shown multiple times throughout the episode fidgeting with her bracelet, making it very clear it’s something that helps her stay calm. This is something that remains consistent throughout the series, Twyla being shown fidgeting with her bracelet and wearing it.
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Yet with her doll releases, this isn’t the case. Now, I’m sure a lot of this has to do with costs and wanting to make sure that things aren’t repetitive within the Skulltimate Secrets line so people don’t get bored, after all accessories are a major part of the line and you don’t want it to get boring by having repeats of the same bracelet over and over, but there are ways to combat this. They could give her a different style of bracelet, after all most of the dolls come with earrings and they don’t ever cut those, they just make them different each time. I think the same could be done for Twyla and her bracelet, because it’s clearly an accessibility tool for her, so picking and choosing when to include it feels like it’s an overlooked part of her designs, despite it being a big part of her character.
I love Twyla and think she is great representation, but I think highlighting this is important too. To feature a character who has a disability and uses an accessibility tool, even if it’s something as simple as a fidget bracelet, only to not consistently feature it on her dolls is disappointing. I really hope we see her bracelet featured more often in future releases, because as someone who uses tools to help me navigate the world with my own disability, it means a lot to see a character I relate to do the same.
I don’t think it’s something done maliciously and I love that the team behind Monster High has clearly handled making Twyla autistic with nothing but love, but I think highlighting things like this to open discussion is good too and makes room for improvement and education on things like disabilities, neurodivergence, and the importance of good representation.
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sociopathicartist · 2 days
Heya! I was wondering if you could do UT, US, and UF Sanses and if they would prefer boobs, butts, or legs with their S/O??
Btw I absolutely LOVE your writing smmsjfhfjg
hey! sorry i took longer to get to this. i got another request for this same exact topic a day or two after yours, so to whoever requested the same thing, i’m doubling yours with this one since they were the same request.
also, these headcanons will be short since the request is short. thank u for requesting :3
Headcanons below the cut since this is mature !!
UT, UF, & US preference headcanons
Undertale Sans - (classic) -
So, as for Sans, I feel like despite his love for thighs- your thighs, and how easy they are to hold onto and trace patterns into your soft skin, he’d probably be a fan of boobs. The concept is just so odd to him, almost funny. What do you mean they’re just… there? And what do you mean they can make milk? What the fuck? Besides the funny concept of them, he just likes how soft they are. They’re warm, and he likes to lay his skull on them whenever you guys cuddle since they’re practically built-in pillows. That basically sealed the deal for him. He’s also the perfect height for boob hugs ;3
‘Sans, I told you, breastmilk only happens whenever you give birth, and we can’t even reproduce since we’re different species, so no, they will not leak.’
‘okay. can you shoot the milk out like laser beams?’
Underfell Sans - (fell) -
I feel like it’s almost painfully obvious that he’d probably be an ass guy. They just look nice, they compliment your legs, and holy shit does it look good if you wear any skintight dresses or outfits. He also likes that they’re not painful like he’s heard boobs can be sometimes, so he doesn’t have to worry if he wants to grab onto you or give you a smack anytime you bend over to get something, just to snicker at your scoff and unamused expression whenever you whip your head to look at him.
‘sweetheart, don’t give me that look. i barely touched ya.’
‘Sans, we are in walmart. Control yourself.’
Underswap Sans - (Blue) -
It was an internal battle to think about what this man would like. Unlike Fell where I feel like his preference would be obvious, or Classic where it just made sense since the concept of boobs is funny to him, I really couldn’t tell since Blue isn’t vulgar or suggestive in any way. After a long mental debate, I feel like he’d be a fan of thighs. While he likes every inch of you and thinks you’re beautiful everywhere, he just really likes being able to rest his hand on your thigh whenever he drives, or putting sunscreen on them whenever you both go out swimming. The skin on your thighs just looks so nice, very visually appealing to him for some reason. He also likes that while it can be a bit suggestive for him to trace his hand along your thighs, it isn’t always that way, and he can just mindlessly rub his hand up and down your leg while you’re watching a movie without any further intentions, unlike your other body parts.
‘Did- Did you draw the solar system on my leg???’
‘How do you accidentally draw the entire solar system?!’
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