#idolish7 spoilers
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[IDOLiSH7] [Part 6] Chapter 14: To the Challengers [2/2]
6.14.4 - Always by your side
Audience G: Next is the last one… It's Re:vale's stage....
Audience H: It went by so quickly...! I can't believe it's already over…
Audience I: I still want to see more...!
Audience H: The champion has finally appeared.... Are Re:vale's lives really that amazing...?
Audience H: ŹOOḼ, IDOLiSH7, and TRIGGER were all amazing, but…
Audience G: Have you never seen Re:vale live?
Audience H: No… What is it like?
Audience I: It's really amazing.
Audience I: It's like seeing a movie, a live, sports, an art museum, and a variety show all at once.
Audience G: Invincible heroes appear there, like a concentrated version of every star in the world…
Audience H: Really? Don’t you feel like you're exaggerating too much?
Audience G: It's true! Even if it's an act…
Audience G: The lies that Re:vale create are the ultimate entertainment.
Audience H: Ah...! Something appeared on the screen again!
Audience I: It���s the latest interview footage...!
Audience: Kyaaaaah...!!
Momo: Everyone at the Black or White venue!
Momo: Yay! It's Momo-chan!
Momo: Ah… I guess I shouldn't be too excited. This seems like it's a serious interview.
Momo: Okay. ...Well, that's right. If I warm up the venue as the MC, it'll be a disadvantage for my kouhai.
Momo: …
Momo: Everyone at the venue~!! I love you…!!
Momo: Sorry, sorry, sorry. I do it like it's breathing. It's so ingrained in me as an idol.
Momo: Or rather, it's the truth. I love everyone at the venue from the bottom of my heart.
Momo: It’s thanks to everyone's support that we are here!
Momo:Thank you always! But even though you are all so precious to me, there is one thing I won’t yield to you!
Momo: To me, the most important person, the most important idol is…
Momo: Yuki!!!
Momo: Only one! Only one special idol! Y・U・K・I! Yuki!
Momo: I said it jokingly, but I'm serious.
Momo: My partner is already eating radish sprouts, after all.* He looks almost like a living sculpture.
Momo: That person is singing, dancing, and giving fan service next to me.
Momo: It’s not like I can see anything else, can I?
Momo: That’s why, only one. Only one idol.
Momo: Hm? Am I just boasting? Is this really going to be shown at Zero Arena? On that huge screen? Right…
Momo: Then, let me say it last more time. To me, an idol is...!
Momo: Yuki! It’s you!!
Audience: Kyaaaaah...!!
Yuki: I wonder what topic I should choose.... Talking about music would take too long.
Yuki: ...Let's make it about lives. For me, a live is a time to see Momo having fun.
Yuki: Isn't that the case for everyone? Look, I don't move around much, but Momo is always on the move.
Yuki: He’s like a goldfish in an aquarium. He goes here and there, and just watching him cheers you up.
Yuki: Then, when I looked over, I noticed that the people at the venue were looking at Momo with the same expression as me.
Yuki: At times like that, I think this world isn't so bad after all.
Yuki: Ah... That sounds a bit arrogant. Let me rephrase that.
Yuki: I'm glad there's a place in this world that can forgive me.
Yuki: Thank you for giving me a place to belong.
Yuki: Yeah…
Yuki: I thank both God and the insects.
Audience: Kyaaaaah...!!
Kujou Aya: ...What an incredible cheer.... As expected of Re:vale… Their fans are really fired up...
Kujou Takamasa: That may be the case.
Kujou Takamasa: But they're also trying to protect their idol from threats.
Kujou Aya: Eh…?
Kujou Takamasa: The threats are your brothers and your boyfriend.
Kujou Takamasa: There is no sun that does not experience a sunset. A new star is always born, overtaking the others from behind.
Kujou Takamasa: It's a tough world of competition. That's why their fans want to protect them.
Kujou Takamasa: They raise their voices with all their might, and celebrate the glory of their beloved star.
Kujou Aya: Re:vale-san…
Audience G: Momo-chan, do your best...!
Audience I: Momo-chan…!
Audience H: Re:vale…!
Audience G: Re:vale, I love you…!
Okazaki Rinto: ...Please do your best.... Yuki-kun, Momo-kun…
Okazaki Rintarou: Even though it hasn’t started yet, the atmosphere is so nervous.
Okazaki Rinto: President… Who are you talking about?
Okazaki Rintarou: About everyone here.
Okazaki Rintarou: The battle of the century is about to be decided. But all of this is what Re:vale wanted.
Okazaki Rinto: Eh…?
Okazaki Rintarou: I mean, isn't that it? If they wanted to monopolise victory for themselves, they wouldn’t pay any attention to their kouhai.
Okazaki Rintarou: What's more, they’re people from other agencies.
Okazaki Rintarou: Even if IDOLiSH7 had no chance, and TRIGGER had been left out in the cold, they would’ve been fine just leaving them alone.
Okazaki Rintarou: The reason Re:vale didn't do that was because they enjoyed it.
Okazaki Rintarou: They made the entertainment and idol industry fun, just as they wanted.
Okazaki Rintarou: The ones who are having the most fun tonight are Re:vale.
Okazaki Rintarou: Let's see it through.
Okazaki Rinto: Yes…
Momo: Ha…
Yuki: Are you nervous?
Momo: I’m nervous… But slowly, it’s started to get better.
Momo: My body remembers. That I love this kind of tension.
Yuki: That’s a sportsman for you.
Momo: You, too, though, Yuki.
Momo: When you were at the live house, you always sang as if you were fighting. Like you were trying to overpower everyone around you.
Yuki: That’s right.
Yuki: We don't dislike this sort of thing, do we? It's like a kind of assault…
Momo: Assault? Even though we’re the champions?
Yuki: I’m fine feeling like a challenger. It's more freeing to have nothing.
Momo: That's true. We've had a long time where we had nothing, after all.
Momo: Well, then.
Momo: Shall we do it?
Yuki: Let's do it.
Nanase Riku: Re:vale-san…
Kujou Tenn: …
Isumi Haruka: Re:vale…
Kujou Aya: ...Kujou-san, which group do you think will win?
Kujou Takamasa: It's completely unpredictable. Tonight's stage is really interesting.
Kujou Takamasa: Who do you want to win, Aya? Tamaki-kun? Tenn? Haruka? Or Re:vale?
Kujou Aya: …I don’t want anyone to lose…
Kujou Aya: Not Tamaki-nii-chan, not Tenn-onii-chan, not Haru-chan and not Re:vale-san either.
Kujou Aya: I know that they are loved and supported by so many people...
Kujou Aya: I want everyone’s wishes to come true…
Kujou Takamasa: That’s not possible. Because this is the stage of Black or White.
Kujou Takamasa: The time of ambiguity is over. There is only one who gets the glory.
Kujou Takamasa: It's clearly decided, black or white.
Kujou Aya: ….Black or white, clearly…
Kujou Takamasa: Aya. Go back to Tamaki-kun.
Kujou Aya: …
Kujou Takamasa: Thank you for being beside me until now.
Kujou Takamasa: I was happy because you were there.
Kujou Aya: …Kujou-san…
Kujou Aya: …
Kujou Aya: …I understand. I'll talk to Tamaki-nii-chan about it...
Kujou Takamasa: Yes. That would be a good idea. I've already spoken to President Takanashi about it.
Kujou Aya: ...Thank you for everything. I'm the one who's grateful for all you’ve done for me up until now.
Kujou Aya: I wanted to be by your side forever, Kujou-san, but...
Kujou Aya: ...I had the feeling that you may want to be alone right now, Kujou-san...
Kujou Takamasa: That’s true…
Kujou Aya: But, Kujou-san, can I just say one thing?
Kujou Takamasa: What is it?
Kujou Aya: You wouldn’t reject me a second time, right?
Kujou Takamasa: …I just thought I should make sure…
Kujou Aya: You wouldn’t…
Kujou Takamasa: Uhm.... Oh, look, it's starting.
Audience: Kyaaaaah...!
Audience: The lights came on…
Audience: It’s Re:vale…!!
Audience: Waaah, Re:vale live!!
Audience: Oh my god…! Even if they’re not my oshi, I’m getting excited!!
Audience: The aura of Re:vale live is incredible...!
Audience: Kyaaaah...!
Passerby G: Re:vale's live has started!
Passerby H: I wonder what they'll be playing!? The first song...
Passerby G: “SILVER SKY”...!!
Audience: Kyaaaah...!
Nanase Riku: “SILVER SKY”…
Nanase Riku: The first time I saw them perform, it was this song…
Nikaidou Yamato: …That's true…
Momo: (That's right. I was excited that day, too.)
Momo: (The day I first met IDOLiSH7.)
Momo: (Everyone was nervous, trying their best; they were sparkling and cute.)
Momo: (I was happy to have more friends. Thank you for getting along with me.)
Momo: (Thank you for saving me.)
Momo: (Thank you for letting me and Yuki meet someone important to us.)
Momo: (It's thanks to everyone that I'm here.)
Momo: Everyone~! Are you having fun?
Audience: Kyaaaah...!
Audience G: ...Ah, this is the best...! SilSky was the best…!
Audience H: Both Yuki-san and Momo-chan are the coolest they've ever been...!
Audience I: Don’t lose…!
Audience G: We’ll definitely make them win..!!
Audience H: Re:vale's live is so fun! I wonder what they'll sing next!?
Audience I: Ah, this intro...!
Audience H: It’s ”NO DOUBT”...!
Audience: Kyaaaah...!
Nikaidou Yamato: ...This song...
Nikaidou Yamato: During "Mission", both Yuki-san and Momo-san helped me a lot...
Izumi Mitsuki: Yeah…
Izumi Mitsuki: I'll never forget that time.
Izumi Mitsuki: We were falling apart, but they gave us a place to belong.
Yuki: (I had fun then, too.)
Yuki: (I could never have lived with someone, and yet…)
Yuki: (Looking after someone.)
Yuki: (It was my way of giving back.)
Yuki: (Did I do well?)
Yuki: (Momo.)
Yuki: (Without you, I wouldn't be here.)
Yuki: (I never thought that a selfish person like me could make someone happy.)
Yuki: (You can hear it, right?)
Yuki: (It feels good.)
Yuki: (These cheers.)
Audience: Kyaaaah...!
Yuki: Haha... Thanks.
Audience G: Oh my god…! Re:vale is the best...!
Audience H: Re:vale!I love you, I love you!
Audience I: There's no way they’ll lose this! It's Re:vale again this year!
Audience G: They can definitely win...! Because we believe in them!!
Audience H: Next is…
Audience I: It’s “Re-raise”…!
Audience G: Kyaaah…!They’re singing “Re-raise”!
Audience: Kyaaaah...!
Kujou Tenn: …I remember when I first heard this song.
Kujou Tenn: Just like us, they were exposed to confusion and malice…
Kujou Tenn: I was impressed by how easily they could sing such beautiful songs.
Kujou Tenn: I am truly proud to have been born in the same era as them and to have been recognized by them.
Inumaru Touma: ...I was so happy.... When Re:vale told me they remembered me...
Inumaru Touma: I'm so happy, and I really want to tell them thank you...
Inumaru Touma: I wanted to stop doing the wrong thing.
Inumaru Touma: ..Now… I'm so glad that we're standing on the same stage...
Audience: Kyaaaah...!
Momo: Everyone, sing along...!
Audience: Kyaaaah...!
Audience: Momo…!
Audience: …Yuki…!
Yuki: Louder!
Audience: Kyaaaah...!
Audience: Re:vale…!
Audience: Ah, the lights went out...
Audience: Maybe a costume change?! I’m looking forward to it!
Audience: The stage is beautiful...! Projection mapping!?
Audience: The cloth hanging down from the stage was fluttering like a bird...! Re:vale is even more beautiful than usual...!
Audience: What will the new song be like!?
Audience: Whatever it is, it's definitely a good song! It's Re:vale after all...!!
Audience: Kyaaaaah...!
Momo: …
Yuki: …
Audience: Momo-chan is cute...! His new costume suits him so much...!!
Audience: Yuki-san looks cool...! His hairstyle is great...!
Momo: Last song!
Audience: Kyaaaaah...!
Oogami Banri: …
Orikasa Yukito: I’m sure you’ll like the band name, Ban.
Oogami Banri: What is it?
Orikasa Yukito: Re:vale.
Oogami Banri: I'm really sorry. I'll thank you again...
Sunohara Momose: I don't need any thanks! After all, Re:vale's lives always make me happy!
Orikasa Yukito: …
Sunohara Momose: …Yuki-san…!Please don't stop! Don't let Re:vale end!
Orikasa Yukito: I’m stopping… Re:vale has ended. Nothing you say will change that.
Sunohara Momose: No! Please...!
Orikasa Yukito: …I’m begging you, let me give up…!
Sunohara Momose: I’m begging you, please don't give up…!
Momo: I’m Re:vale’s Momo!
Yuki: I’m Re:vale’s Yuki.
Audience: Kyaaaaah...!
Momo: (Hey, Yuki.)
Momo: (The guests often tell us that it feels like a dream.)
Momo: (For me, it’s been that way ever since I became part of Re:vale.)
Momo: (In return for this wonderful dream, I want Yuki to remain king forever.)
Momo: (Please, God.)
Momo: (I want victory.)
Momo: (Defeat doesn't suit Yuki, does it?)
Momo: (I’m begging you, God. )
Momo: (Let me stay here just a little longer.)
Audience: Kyaaaaah...!
Audience: Momo…!
Audience: Momo-chan…!
Yuki: (Momo's wish.)
Yuki: (I want to make it come true.)
Yuki: (Please.)
Yuki: (I don't want to make him sad.)
Yuki: (Because there's no one else as good as him.)
Yuki: (I hope I can grant his wish.)
Audience: Kyaaaaah...!
Audience: Yuki…!
Audience: Yuki-san…!
Audience: Re:vale…!!
Audience: Kyaaaaaah...!
Momo: …Ha… Haa…
Momo: Thank you…!
Yuki: Thank you!
Audience: Kyaaaaaah...!
Momo: Yuki…
Yuki: I’m fine.
Yuki: Thank you!
Audience: Kyaaaaaah...!
Okazaki Rinto: …(sobs) Momo-kun, Yuki-kun… (sobs)
Momo: Waa…!Okarin, are you crying!?
Okazaki Rinto: (sobs)...Thank you for your hard work! It was really good...! It was the best…(sobs)
Yuki: Rintarou, you… Don't make Okarin cry while the others are singing.
Okazaki Rintarou: He wasn’t crying at all. He was just moved by your performance. You know that, right?
Yuki: Is that so?
Momo: Waah, I’m happy!!
Okazaki Rinto: (sobs) ...I don't know why… I'm remembering everything that's happened up until now...
Momo: After we win, after we win! We’ll definitely win, so cry at the after-party! Give an emotional speech!
Yuki: Nice, I want to hear it, too.
Okazaki Rintarou: Me, too.
Yuki: What?
Okazaki Rintarou: I was moved, too.
Yuki: …Haha…
Momo: President! Tell us more!
Okazaki Rintarou: After you win.
Okazaki Rinto: ... Whether you win or lose...
Okazaki Rinto: Re:vale are my heroes…!
Mr. Shimooka: Well, all the lives are over now!
Mr. Shimooka: Will the one to seize the glory be ŹOOḼ, IDOLiSH7, TRIGGER or Re:vale!?
Mr. Shimooka: With everyone’s help, let’s have everyone lead their favourite group to victory!
Mr. Shimooka: “New Black or White”... Also, there’s only so little time left in this year!
Mr. Shimooka: Everyone, please look forward to it!!
~ to be continued ~
6.14.5 - And the crown goes to...
Mister Shimooka: Everyone, I’m sure you’ve been waiting for this!
Mister Shimooka: It’s time to announce the results!
Audience: Kyaaaah...!
Kujou Aya: …
Kujou Takamasa: …
Mage Takara: …TRIGGER…
Sunohara Ruri: Momo…!
Woman: Riku-kun! IDOLiSH7…!
Ousaka Soushi: …
Chiba Shizuo: …Yamato…
Thorvald: …
AudienceA: ŹOOḼ…!
Mister Shimooka: Now before unveiling the final result - let’s introduce the idols who showed us their amazing performances tonight again!
Mister Shimooka: ŹOOḼ…!
Audience: Kyaaaah...!
Audience: ŹOOḼ…!
Audience: Touma…!
Audience: Haruka…!
Audience: Minami-kun…!
Audience: Torao-kun…!
Mister Shimooka: IDOLiSH7…!
Audience: Kyaaaah...!
Audience: IDOLiSH7…!
Audience: Iori……
Audience: Yamato-san…!
Audience: Mikki!
Audience: Tamaki…!
Audience: Sougo-san…!
Audience: Nagi-kun…!
Audience: Riku…!
Mister Shimooka: TRIGGER…!
Audience: Kyaaaah...!
Audience: TRIGGER…!
Audience: Gaku-san…!
Audience: Tenn…!
Audience: Ryuunosuke-san…!
Mister Shimooka: Re:vale…!
Re:vale: …
Audience: Kyaaaah...!
Audience: Re:vale…!
Audience: Momo…!
Audience: Yuki…!
Mister Shimooka: Please greet them with a big applause!!
Tsukumo Ryou: …
Mister Shimooka: Well, let’s hear how they are doing right now.
Mister Shimooka: Could you say something on behalf of your groups?
Mister Shimooka: Let’s start with ŹOOḼ.
Inumaru Touma: …Uhm… so I’m starting, huh…
Inumaru Touma: We did our very best. We were able to deliver our best live.
Inumaru Touma: We were all very nervous but… we have no regrets. Right, everyone?
Isumi Haruka: True…
Natsume Minami: Indeed.
Midou Torao: Ah… yes.
Inumaru Touma: C’mon, everyone!!
Midou Torao&Natsume Minami&Isumi Haruka: Yeah!!
Audience: Kyaaaah...!
Mister Shimooka: Thank you. Now, let’s hear from IDOLiSH7.
Izumi Mitsuki: Your turn, leader.
Nikaidou Yamato: Yes. Uhm…
Nikaidou Yamato: ŹOOḼ, TRIGGER, Re:vale… Because we were able to be on stage together with all these amazing groups…
Nikaidou Yamato: We could be even stronger than we usually are. This last IDOLiSH7 live of the year is the best memory we could have.
Nikaidou Yamato: Thanks for kindly cheering us on.
Audience: Kyaaaah...!
Mister Shimooka: Thank you very much. Next up is TRIGGER, please tell us your feelings.
Yaotome Gaku: Yes.
Yaotome Gaku: The three of us prepared for this day, so we were able to deliver a performance that leaves no regrets behind.
Yaotome Gaku: Seeing the scenery from here for the first time in such a long time felt amazing.
Yaotome Gaku: Thank you for having us.
Audience: Kyaaaah...!
Mister Shimooka: Thank you. The last one is Re:vale, can you give us a quick statement as well?
Momo: Everyone, did you have fun?!
Audience: Kyaaaah...!
Momo: That was soooo exciting, right?! I felt it too! My heart is racing even now!
Momo: Being able to spend such an exciting time with the fans we love so much makes us the happiest!
Audience: Kyaaaah...!
Mister Shimooka: Thank you very much. That was an exciting time indeed.
Mister Shimooka: Well then, finally…
Mister Shimooka: It’s time to announce the winning group of the male idol category!
Audience: Kyaaaah...!
Mister Shimooka: Everyone, who do you think manages to rise to glory in this new era!?
Audience: IDOLiSH7…!
Audience: …ŹOOḼ…!
Audience: Re:vale…!
Audience: …TRIGGER…!
Utsugi Shirou : ŹOOḼ…!
Anesagi Kaoru: TRIGGER…!
Okazaki Rinto: Re:vale…!
Oogami Banri: IDOLiSH7…!
Takanashi Otoharu: IDOLiSH7…!
Yaotome Sousuke: TRIGGER…!
Okazaki Rintarou: Re:vale…!
Takanashi Tsumugi: IDOLiSH7…!
Audience: Kyaaaah...!
Mister Shimooka: Oh dear, looks like everyone is really pumped up for this! With all that heat, it almost feels like it’s summer already!
Audience: Kyaaaah...!
Mister Shimooka: Finally, here is the announcement!
Mister Shimooka: The winner of the renewed “Black or White Live Showdown” in the male idol category is….!
Re:vale: …
Mister Shimooka: IDOLiSH7…!!
Nanase Riku: …We did it…!
Yotsuba Tamaki: Yeah!We won…!
Ousaka Sougo: …We…
Izumi Iori: We’ve done it…!
Nikaidou Yamato: We did it…!
Izumi Mitsuki: …(crying)…We really…ah…
Rokuya Nagi: Yes! We won!
Ousaka Sougo: …I’m so happy… All of us, IDOLiSH7, with my song…
Izumi Mitsuki: We won!!… Ah…w-we did it…
Nikaidou Yamato: Don’t cry you guys!.... You’re making me cry too….
Nanase Riku: Everyone… we…
Mister Shimooka: IDOLiSH7, they’re hugging and sharing in their joy already…!
Audience: Kyaaaah...!
Kujou Aya: …Tamaki-nii-chan…!IDOLiSH7 is amazing…!
Kujou Takamasa: So IDOLiSH7 takes it home…
Kujou Takamasa: Well done, highschooler.
Mister Shimooka: Congratulations, IDOLiSH7! Congrats…!
Izumi Mitsuki: …ugh… Ah…we did it…! We won…!
Rokuya Nagi: I love you, everyone! Thank you…
Rokuya Nagi: …Thank you…
Nikaidou Yamato: …Nagi, don’t cry… You’re happy, right? Right?
Rokuya Nagi: …Y- yes…
Izumi Iori: …We won…
Izumi Iori: See… See, I told you. One day we’d make it.
Nanase Riku: Making me a superstar…!Thank you for always… believing in me��
Izumi Iori: …No, I’m the one who should be…
Ousaka Sougo: …Uh… ugh…Ah…hhh…
Yotsuba Tamaki: Ahaha, Sou-chan you’re ugly crying! You can’t even breathe properly like this!
Ousaka Sougo: I’m just… so happy.
Ousaka Sougo: That something that I made… and worked so hard on… gets recognized like this. I’m so happy.
Yotsuba Tamaki: …Yeah… That’s true…
Yotsuba Tamaki: Ha… …I’m so glad…
Yotsuba Tamaki: I’m… I’m glad we could give it our best.
Audience: Kyaaaah...!
Mister Shimooka: Nanase Riku, you as the center, please tell the audience how happy you are right now!
Nanase Riku: Thank you so much for your support! Thanks to everyone, we were able to take this victory together…!
Audience: Kyaaaah...!
Nanase Riku: Really… thank you so much!
Mister Shimooka: Iori-kun.
Izumi Iori: …Thank you very much.
Izumi Iori: This is a longtime dream come true. I don’t think I will be able to sleep tonight.
Mister Shimooka: Now Yamato, the leader.
Nikaidou Yamato: Leader, eh… I didn’t even…
Nikaidou Yamato: I’m very happy… So happy I can’t put it into words. IDOLiSH7 is the best group!
Mister Shimooka: Your turn, Mitsuki-kun. Wait– Mitsuki-kun, are you okay?
Izumi Mitsuki: Uhh… hhh… I’m sorry, I just– I just got really emotional.
Mister Shimooka: Haha, you sure did! It’s nice, right?
Izumi Mitsuki: Thank you so much! Thank you, everyone! We won!
Mister Shimooka: Well then, Tamaki-kun.
Yotsuba Tamaki: I’m super super happy! It’s thanks to all our group members, and all the fans..
Yotsuba Tamaki: And ŹOOḼ and TRIGGER and Re:vale. Thank you all!
Mister Shimooka: What about you, Sougo-kun?
Ousaka Sougo: …Yes…I’m overjoyed…I ended up crying so much…
Ousaka Sougo: …Thank you very much… I’m so glad to be alive right now. I love you all.
Mister Shimooka: Now, Nagi-kun.
Rokuya Nagi: Alright! Everyone!
Rokuya Nagi: Are you happy?
Audience: Yes!!
Rokuya Nagi: Okay! Beautiful! I’m also very very very happy!
Rokuya Nagi: Thanks to our many friends who always looked out for us...
Rokuya Nagi: I was able to discover a new polaris. Thank you. I love you…!
Audience: Kyaaaah...!
Mister Shimooka: Congratulations! IDOLiSH7!
Mister Shimooka: Please give a big applause for the winners of this new era!
Takanashi Tsumugi: …IDOLiSH7, they… Everyone won…
Takanashi Otoharu: Amazing… Everyone really did their best.
Oogami Banri: They’re the best idols! IDOLiSH7…!
~ to be continued ~
6.14.6 - Our thanks to you
Woman: Congrats, IDOLiSH7!
Woman: …Seriously… congratulations!
Thorvald: Nagi-sama! Congratulations!
Chiba Shizuo: Ha…
Chiba Shizuo: You did it, Yamato…
Sougo's mother: …(crying)…
Ousaka Soushi: …
Sougo's mother: I'm sorry… I just couldn't contain myself…
Ousaka Soushi: No, it's…
Girl: They did it! Congrats, Riku-kun.
Older sister: That’s great, right.
Girl: Yeah…
Older sister: …ŹOOḼ…
Mage Takara: …TRIGGER…
Sunohara Ruri: …Re:vale…
Tsukumo Ryou: …ŹOOḼ…
Tsukumo Ryou: Momo…
Isumi Haruka: …Ha…
Inumaru Touma: …
Natsume Minami: …
Midou Torao: …
Yaotome Gaku: …
Kujou Tenn: …
Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: …
Yuki: …
Momo: … (crying) ...
Momo: … (crying) …
Yuki: …Momo…
Utsugi Shirou: …Ah…
Anesagi Kaoru: …No, that's… TRIGGER…
Yaotome Sousuke: …
Okazaki Rinto: …Momo is crying so much…
Okazaki Rinto: …Momo-kun… Yuki-kun…
Okazaki Rintarou: …
Okazaki Rintarou: …So that’s the end of Re:vale's winning streak…
Oogami Banri: …
Okazaki Rintarou: Banri-kun, you're probably pretty torn.
Oogami Banri: …That's true… But I already decided I wouldn’t support Re:vale anymore.
Oogami Banri: So right now I’m celebrating IDOLiSH7’s victory.
Oogami Banri: Re:vale will definitely climb back up again. As long as they're together, they won't let it end like this.
Mister Shimooka: Ahh, that was close… The crème de la crème of artists, defeated…!
Mister Shimooka: And among them, Re:vale, the overall champion of the old Black or White! This really is a moment for the history books!
Mister Shimooka: …Momo-kun, that's a frustrating loss, isn't it?
Momo: …(crying) Everyone… I… I'm so sorry to everyone who supported us.
Momo: Even though we're Re:vale, we ended up losing… I'm so sorry…
Momo: …(crying) It's so… so frustrating… (crying)
Nanase Riku: …Momo-san…
Yuki: …
Yuki: Um… Since Momo can't do it right now, let me say a word.
Mister Shimooka: Thanks a lot... Yuki-kun, you put up a great performance.
Momo: … (crying)
Yuki: It'll be fine.
Yuki: We're just lending the throne to them for a bit.
Audience: Kyaaaah…!
Momo: …Y- Yuki…
Yuki: Well, I can't just stay silent if they're making Momo cry like this, right?
Audience: Kyaaaaah….!
Yuki: We'll take our revenge next year.
Audience: Kyaaaaaah…!
Izumi Mitsuki: …As you'd expect of Re:vale…
Nikaidou Yamato: They're so cool…
Yuki: Aren't we, Momo?
Momo: …Y-Yes…!
Momo: We can't just let things stand like this, after all!
Momo: Re:vale will take their revenge!
Audience: Kyaaaah….!
Sunohara Ruri: … (crying) …
Man: Are you okay…? That was definitely a shock, right? ...Seeing Momo-kun like that…
Sunohara Ruri: …That's not it… Hearing the loud cheers for them makes me feel happy and warm…
Sunohara Ruri: I could feel that Momo has all that support. I'm sure it will be alright…
Sunohara Ruri: …Good luck with your revenge…!
Okazaki Rinto: …That's it…! That's the right spirit…!
Okazaki Rinto: Let's take our revenge next year! For sure!
Okazaki Rintarou: Since it's Re:vale, they'll definitely do it. There's no one who hates losing as much as them.
Okazaki Rintarou: Starting tomorrow, have their backs for another year while they rush ahead.
Okazaki Rinto: …Yes… It's really frustrating that they had their crown taken from them but…
Okazaki Rinto: Thanks to that, we got to see Momo-kun crying like that and Yuki-kun vowing to get revenge for doing that to him.
Okazaki Rinto: That was more dramatic and got me rooting for you more than any movie. Re:vale's story isn't over yet!
Okazaki Rinto: Momo-kun said he's sorry for losing even though they are Re:vale…
Okazaki Rinto: But it's not like they were Re:vale because they were the champions. On the contrary, because they’re Re:vale that they were able to become champions at all.
Okazaki Rinto: We'll get to see Re:vale as challengers again next year! And the one after that…!
Okazaki Rintarou: Right.
Okazaki Rintarou: Re:vale taking revenge - that has to be the best entertainment in the world.
Okazaki Rintarou: Let's support Re:vale and see what their future brings.
Okazaki Rintarou: Yuki, Momo, you were the best.
Audience: Kyaaaaah...!
Mister Shimooka: They were also closely defeated but… ŹOOḼ, how are you guys doing?
Inumaru Touma: …Yeah.
Inumaru Touma: It's really, really frustrating, but we just want to accept the result and move forward.
Inumaru Touma: Thank you so much, everyone!
Audience: Kyaaaaah...!
Natsume Minami: Thank you so much to everyone who supported us through this. Unfortunately we were not strong enough…
Natsume Minami: Personally, I think we put on our best show.
Audience: Kyaaaaah...!
Natsume Minami: We will return once we have the power to bring the world to its knees and make them acknowledge us.
Audience: Kyaaaaah...!
Midou Torao: Thanks for your support. It's true, this is really disappointing… I don't want to believe it….
Midou Torao: But I'll try to remember the words someone I really respect said to me.
Midou Torao: “Being frustrated by a loss means that there's something you want to do and that you believe in your own power to make it happen. That's really cool.”
Midou Torao: Right, Haruka?
Audience: Kyaaaaah...!
Isumi Haruka: …(crying)… D-Damn… Yeah, right…!
Isumi Haruka: I'm never ever giving up!
Audience: Kyaaaaah...!
Isumi Haruka: We will be the ones taking revenge! …Sorry, Re:vale!
Momo: What?
Isumi Haruka: The throne is gonna be ours next year!
Audience: Kyaaaaah...!
Yuki: Ahaha. Confident, aren't you?
Momo: That's cool, Haruka!
Yaotome Gaku: Uh, sorry to barge into the conversation like that, but…
Yaotome Gaku: We'll take the throne.
Audience: Kyaaaaah...!!
Kujou Aya: …Amazing…! Aren't the cheers tonight the best?
Kujou Takamasa: Well, everyone is really happy. Even the losers put on a great performance.
Kujou Takamasa: Scenes like this are why I believe in entertainment.
Mage Takara: …TRIGGER…!!
Mage Takara: They're so cool…! Even though they lost, they're the greatest...!
AudienceA: ŹOOḼ are the best…! It’s frustrating that they lost, but I’m still excited!
AudienceA: I'm excited for next year…! I can't wait to see the next thing my favorite idols have in store…!
Audience: Kyaaaaah…!
Audience: IDOLiSH7…!
Audience: Re:vale…!
Audience: ŹOOḼ…!
Audience: TRIGGER…!
Mister Shimooka: TRIGGER, you were also narrowly defeated…
Mister Shimooka: But you were quick to let us know your certain plans for revenge as well.
Yaotome Gaku: Sorry for interrupting. The words just came out on their own…
Yaotome Gaku: But we will stand by them. Next year, we will take revenge.
Yaotome Gaku: Please keep supporting us until then!
Audience: Kyaaaaah…!
Kujou Tenn: It's sad we weren't strong enough this time, but we showed you the best we could. Tonight was really fun.
Kujou Tenn: Next year I'd like to see this view from the champion's throne.
Kujou Tenn: Thank you all!
Audience: Kyaaaaah…!
Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: To everyone who supported us: I'm sorry we couldn’t live up to your expectations.
Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: But let me promise you this: Next time, we will definitely take it home.
Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: TRIGGER will win!
Audience: Kyaaaaah…!
Anesagi Kaoru: …Gaku, Tenn, Ryuu, that's the spirit…!
Anesagi Kaoru: Let's win this next year! You three truly did your best…
Utsugi Shirou: All of you put up a great fight, ŹOOḼ! …You may have lost, but you moved me a lot.
Utsugi Shirou: Thanks for showing us this amazing stage today.
Audience: IDOLiSH7…!
Audience: Re:vale…!
Audience: ŹOOḼ…!
Audience: TRIGGER…!
Mister Shimooka: Thank you very much! The cheers just won't stop…!
Audience: Kyaaaaah….!
Mister Shimooka: Just a little bit until we are starting into a new year!
Mister Shimooka: Can we have IDOLiSH7 as the winners do a countdown for the last 10 seconds?
Nanase Riku: Sure…!
Mister Shimooka: Re:vale, TRIGGER, ŹOOḼ, you are in charge of greeting the new year!
Momo: Alright!
Kujou Tenn: To everyone who supported us through this year…
TRIGGER: Thank you!
Audience: Kyaaaah…!
Re:vale: Have a happy new year everyone!
Audience: Kyaaaah…!
ŹOOḼ: Please keep supporting us next year, too!
Audience: Kyaaaaah…!
Mister Shimooka: Thank you all! Now it's IDOLiSH7's turn, let's hear it!
Yotsuba Tamaki: Happy new—...!
Ousaka Sougo: Not yet!
IDOLiSH7: 10!
IDOLiSH7: 9!
IDOLiSH7: 8!
IDOLiSH7: 7!
IDOLiSH7: 6!
IDOLiSH7: 5!
IDOLiSH7: 4!
IDOLiSH7: 3!
IDOLiSH7: 2!
IDOLiSH7: 1!
IDOLiSH7: Zero!!
IDOLiSH7: Happy New Year!!!
Audience: Kyaaaaah….!
Momo: Happy New Year!
Isumi Haruka: Happy New Year!
Natsume Minami: A happy new year to all of you!
Midou Torao: Happy New Year!
Rokuya Nagi&Yotsuba Tamaki: Happy New Year!
TRIGGER: Happy New Year!
Inumaru Touma: Congrats, IDOLiSH7!
Izumi Mitsuki: Thanks!
Nikaidou Yamato: Thank you all!
Yuki: Congratulations.
Ousaka Sougo: Thank you so much!
Izumi Iori: …This is the best view in the world…
Kujou Tenn: Congrats, Riku.
Nanase Riku: Thank you!
Nanase Riku: (As everyone exchanged their blessings for the new year, my gaze went to the audience rows where lightsticks in seven different colors mixed and sparkled.)
Nanase Riku: (Looking at it from here, I felt all kinds of memories welling up inside me.)
Nanase Riku: (I'm sure everyone else was like that too.)
Nanase Riku: Let's sing our new song one more time! I'm sure you've already remembered it! Let's sing together!
Audience: Waaaa…!
Nanase Riku: Let's go! Three, two, one..!
Kujou Tenn: I'll make all of you smile, too! Putting all our feelings of how much we wanted to see everyone into it! (how to make this sound less weird)
Kujou Tenn: Here's “SECRET NIGHT”!
Nanase Riku: Ha… Please listen up! This is “Joker Flag”!
Ousaka Sougo: This is MEZZO"’s debut song. It's called…
Yotsuba Tamaki: “miss you…”
Nanase Riku: I've always dreamed of standing on this stage.
Nanase Riku: Please enjoy “MEMORiES MELODiES”!
Audience: Kyaaaaah...!
Yuki: We put our gratitude for the past five years into it.
Momo: This is Re:vale with “SILVER SKY”!
Izumi Iori: This time we also have an amazing new song with us so we really want you all to hear it quickly.
Mister Shimooka: After having changed their center to Izumi Iori, here's a new and fresh IDOLiSH7! This song is called “Perfection Gimmick”!
Mister Shimooka: Now then, let's hear it!
Nanase Riku: I will continue to sing with all my might now that I’ve returned to this important position as a center that I love so much! This is IDOLiSH7's new song, “RESTART POiNTER”!
Isumi Haruka: Forget all the things you've seen before! Everything that's been until yesterday - destroy it!
Audience: Kyaaaaah…!
Isumi Haruka: All you need to remember is this name: ŹOOḼ with “Poisonous Gangster”.
Audience: Kyaaaaah…!
Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: I’m sorry for standing here alone but still please let me sing TRIGGER’s new song for you.
Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: This is TRIGGER’s “Negai wa Shine On The Sea”…
TRIGGER fan: Ryuunosuke-saaan!
TRIGGER fan: You can do it…! Ryuunosuke…
TRIGGER fan: Gaku-saaan!
TRIGGER fan: Tenn-kuuun!
Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: …Thank you…
Nanase Riku: The other day, we sang TRIGGER’s song. And today, we have become TRIGGER’s rivals.
Nanase Riku: But… Our feelings about singing haven’t changed. We’ll keep looking forward and singing.
Nanase Riku: We’ll keep our heads up high, looking straight ahead while we sing. …Please listen to our song.
Nanase Riku: “Nanatsuiro REALiZE”!
Kujou Tenn: I promise. This dream won’t end.
Kujou Tenn: Let’s go! We’ll catch their eyes and take them into their dreams!
Isumi Haruka: Hey! Call our name guys! We're ŹOOḼ!
Audience: Wooooo!
Inumaru Touma: “ZONE OF OVERLAP”!
Nanase Riku: Thank you so much as always! Please keep supporting us forever and ever!
Audience: Kyaaaaah…!
Mister Shimooka: And now, it’s time to sing!
Mister Shimooka: Here’s IDOLiSH7 with ”Mr.AFFECTiON”!
Natsume Minami: Thank you for supporting us. Let’s change the world with our own hands. Right here, right now.
Audience: Kyaaaaah…!
Mister Shimooka: Time for another song!
Mister Shimooka: Here’s ŹOOḼ’s ”Bang!Bang!Bang!”!
Yuki: And now we’re going to sing our new song that Momo and I made together.
Momo: What if we say the name together?
Yuki: Let’s do that. We’ll go with the one we decided on at last, right?
Momo: Yes, that one’s good.
Momo: Now, everyone! Sing with us! Three, two, one…
Re:vale: “Kokoro Harebare”!
Nanase Riku: So you’re gonna let someone like the center of IDOLiSH7 treat you like a mob character?
Nanase Riku: You’re TRIGGER’s center, aren’t you?
Kujou Tenn: …
Kujou Tenn: …Bring it on.
Nanase Riku: That special, miraculous daydream that fell out of our pocket during that time that we just can’t go back.
Kujou Tenn: You mean those lost childhood memories at our personal ground zero from before we became idols.
Nikaidou Yamato: Alright! Let’s give it our all!
IDOLiSH7: Yeah!
Nanase Riku: Everyone, good evening!
Nanase Riku: It’s our dream to look forward and keep running after the future!
Yotsuba Tamaki: That was fun!
Izumi Iori: Yes, it was.
Isumi Haruka: Yeah, sure, you guys can say that.
Yotsuba Tamaki: Don’t be mad, Isumin.
Isumi Haruka: I’m not—.... mad, but until we take you down next year, you’re our enemies. Don’t you dare come talk to me at school like normal!
Midou Torao: It’s not “next” year, it’s already this year.
Isumi Haruka: Ah, true…
Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: I’m also thinking about defeating an enemy and taking back what’s mine this year, outside of Black or White, too.
Midou Torao: What?
Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: The “Thunder Dry” commercial.
Midou Torao: Don’t call me an enemy over that! We can star in it together!
Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: Ahaha. We’ll see.
Nanase Riku: Starring together…
Kujou Tenn: Do you also want to be in the “Thunder Dry” commercial? Aren’t you still too young to advertise alcohol?
Nanase Riku: That’s not it. Contests like tonight are nice but…
Nanase Riku: Getting all the members together but not as rivals and having a live on a big stage… I just think that would be fun.
Yaotome Gaku: That sounds nice!
Momo: Let’s do it! Together with everyone!
Momo: I cried so much and losing was super frustrating, but having a live with everyone was so much fun!
Yaotome Gaku: I want to spend many many more nights like this. There’s so much I want to do!
Inumaru Touma: Let’s go for it! For example, we could plan the entire live around a certain theme…
Natsume Minami: That does sound nice. If we did a live around an overarching theme like that, I think I’d like to write a new song for it too.
Ousaka Sougo: I want to do that too! If we had a song that we all sing, we could also all work on it together…
Yuki: Oh, yes. Let’s do a songwriting camp.
Yaotome Gaku: Nice idea! I’m still inexperienced with a lot of things, so I’ll bring our composer with me.
Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: Do you think he’ll come?
Kujou Tenn: You sure he won’t just faint?
Izumi Mitsuki: I like this idea!
Rokuya Nagi: Yes! There’s still as many things we want to do as there’s stars in the sky!
Izumi Mitsuki: It feels like we’re rushing towards a new dawn.
Rokuya Nagi: It feels like I could just start dancing right now!
Yotsuba Tamaki: Nice, let’s go for it! We also talked to the managers about it.
Yotsuba Tamaki: That it’s about time we did a countrywide tour with just IDOLiSH7!
Nanase Riku: A national tour?
Rokuya Nagi: Please also come to Northmeir. Everyone would be so happy to see you.
Ousaka Sougo: It’s a nice thought. I want to spend more nights like this one. Tonight was the best.
Ousaka Sougo: A lot of moments felt like they could last forever. I don’t think I will ever forget this.
Ousaka Sougo: Never until I die.
Yotsuba Tamaki: I won’t forget it until I’m dead either.
Izumi Iori: We will repaint these vivid memories for you as many times as we can.
Izumi Iori: We managed to overcome Japan’s number one. Next up is the world.
Yuki: You didn’t overcome us.
Momo: You really didn’t. That was nothing but a dream that’s over in the blink of an eye.
Izumi Iori: Our senpai sure are scary…
Isumi Haruka: Also sorry to tell you, but if we’re talking about global popularity, ŹOOḼ is the number one.
Inumaru Touma: Well said, Haruka!
Momo: Let’s do a world tour, Yuki!?
Yuki: Let’s do it?
Nanase Riku: Do a national tour together with us!
Nikaidou Yamato: Ahaha! There’s so much we could do!
Nikaidou Yamato: By the way, did you hear the news from the manager?
Nikaidou Yamato: We might get an offer to do the theme song for the new “Magical★Kokona” series.
Izumi Mitsuki: Seriously?
Rokuya Nagi: Oh my god…!! That’s the first miraculous news of the year!!
Natsume Minami: Congratulations. The year only just started but I hope the miraculous news will continue.
Yaotome Gaku: If you’re looking for miracles, just make them happen with your own hands!
Nikaidou Yamato: As expected of Yaotome…
Kujou Tenn: I’m excited. Let’s try a lot of things from now on. Our legend begins here.
Nanase Riku: Yes! If it’s with everyone I’m sure we can do anything!
Kujou Tenn: Right.
Kujou Tenn: Beyond the dawn, beyond the rainbow and even the ocean our sparkle still continues.
Takanashi Tsumugi: Sorry for making all of you wait!
Isumi Haruka: Ah… It’s IDOLiSH7’s manager. Good job.
Yaotome Gaku: Good job!
Momo: Good work, Maneko-chan!
Natsume Minami: Good work.
Midou Torao: Hey, you did the stage direction today, right? Wanna talk about the details at some point…?
Inumaru Touma: Tora! Stop hitting on her!
Midou Torao: I’m not hitting on her! IDOLiSH7’s stage direction was really good, so I was just trying to ask about that.
Inumaru Touma: Really? Ah, sorry, Takanashi-san! Good work! And congrats on winning!
Takanashi Tsumugi: Thank you very much!
Kujou Tenn: Well done, Takanashi-san.
Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: Great work! Today was amazing! Did you have fun?
Takanashi Tsumugi: Yes…!
Yuki: Let’s work together this year, too.
Takanashi Tsumugi: Of course! I’m looking forward to it!
Izumi Mitsuki: We were waiting for you, manager!
Yotsuba Tamaki: We were just working out a new plan!
Takanashi Tsumugi: A new plan?
Rokuya Nagi: It’s a special vision! We’re so grateful, manager!
Takanashi Tsumugi: I’m excited! Please let me hear it!
Izumi Iori: Let’s talk about it later when we have time.
Nikaidou Yamato: I’m sorry, I know you just finished working, but you’ll keep being busy from here on out.
Ousaka Sougo: Let’s all do our best.
Nanase Riku: Yes! Let’s start all kinds of projects! It’ll be amazing!
Nanase Riku: With our hearts aflutter and that melody that came from it, let’s travel the whole world!
Nanase Riku: Manager, thank you for everything until now. We’ll be with you from this point onward, too.
Nanase Riku: Please always, always keep watching over us!
~ fin ~
TL note courtesy of Haruka-kun: White radish is supposed to bring good luck and is often eaten in the form of turnip cake for Chinese New Year because the word for radish is homophonous with good fortune in some Chinese dialects.
Mod Riku here. It's been a ride! A rather long ride, mind you, but hey, at least it's done.
It's time for special thanks to our mysterious benefactor Iori-P - it wouldn't have been possible without you! Also, thanks to everyone who supported us and was patient as we translated this. x)
Frankly, we started this project for a stupid reason, but I'm glad we did it. It beats complaining about P6 being untranslated.
I should mention that we probably won't translate more from here on out. and now to be cute again: join us on discord (click!)!! we're a proship general i7 discord and, until today, used to have TL updates! now we just vibe. cheers!
Finally, here is a special message from Mod Haruka:
just: banri give us the next season of the anime. and more utsugi-san
Have a good rest of the year!
#idolish7#idolish7 part 6#idolish7 spoilers#idolish7 translations#idolish7 translation#i7 translation#if i see one more audience or passerby i might have to unexist! hello this has been mod riku and mod haruka's personal hell. seriously.#we had to find and replace the kyaaaah to not go insane! anyway enjoy the rest of the year
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#ohhhh I made this post Dec 11 and saved to drafts... forgor to post... Momo...#the context too from the comics that momo was known for partying hard at events.... cries....#idolish7#momose sunohara#ryo tsukumo#idolish7 spoilers
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Because i saw someone on X putting these two pic next to each other, and i couldn't stop thinking about it all day and had to write a loooonnngg paragraph to explain how beautiful and well considered these covers are
i see hidden meaning all over it, and im screaming!
In the first one (Mimir Yamato), all the other members are awake, some are chatting , some are just staring at the camera WHILE two members are looking else where, which is the sleeping Yama, and as u can see in the pic up there, These two are Riku and Mitsu
And this is insane cuz u know well my fellow i7 lovers how important Mitsu was in Yamato's character development, so it makes a lot of sense that he is genuinely worried about him (BESTIES FR)
As for Riku , im not so sure about it, so feel free to correct me if it's wrong
Riku has always received some kind of different treatment from Yamato , and we see that a lot if u rewatch the series like me for 1000 times
So naturally, Riku would also feel the same way as Yamato does toward him !
Another thing to add about Riku is that both he and Yamato are VERY important members to the group
Riku being the center - Yama being the leader
Hence, they both burden a lot of pressure in keeping the group together
As for the second pic, the memebers are all asleep while Yamato is wide awake (being silly and bad boy)
Refrencing how serious he is in keeping his friend protected, away from harm even in their weakness (sleeping)
Not to forget
That Yamato indeeed was ready to leave the group behind just to keep them safe from all the bad gossip and reputation they would gain if his "secret" was to get exposed
Last point I would like to add,and it is more like a simple comparison
In the first pic the colors are soft and pastely
Showing i7 idol image of being a lively fun and innocent group
However, in the second one (Yamato's center song album pic), it has Yama own characteristic in it only, which is a dark gloomy adult like theme
I don't want to go into too much depth into the colours cuz i won't shutup then
But to keep it short , dark colors tend to have some heavy meanings to them
And from the way i analyse this , isn't this how Yamato views celebrities, unpure fake, and complete liers...
Btw im very normal about Yamato
Don't mind me , just a humble designer passing by
#idolish7 spoilers#idolish seven#idolish7#i7#ainana#idolish7yamato#yamachan#nikaido yamato#yamato nikaido#mitsuki izumi#riku nanase#アイナナ
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posting my idolish7 rambles (mostly ZOOL) I need someone to hear my thoughts
excuse my bad grammar in some of these

#zool#idolish7#idolish seven#idolish7 zool#haruka isumi#inumaru touma#torao mido#minami natsume#they make me so sad#they make me ill brooooo#ramble#rant#ramble post#I’m not normal#idolish7 spoilers#i7#i7 zool
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This is actually the most important panel ever
#idolish7 spoilers#idolish7#fandom spamdom#note's notes#LOOK AT HER IM CRYING#now that the story is finished and she is still 15 im gonna headcanon that she has a growth spurt and is pretty tall for a woman#just because look at her vibe!!#she really does have tamakis cool vibe#can definitely imagine her having a cool female idol image and people being thrown off when she is violent and unhinged...#...and like doing cute things like cooking except they turn out to be like sogos spice nightmares#also once again im in love with her and isumis friendship#they are like sangah and dokja to me in some ways
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IDOLISH7 THIRD BEAT! #014 — Threat mr. shimooka referencing trigger's scandal + mitsuki's nice save
#i7edit#idolish7edit#idolish7#i7#anisource#izumi mitsuki#yaotome gaku#idolish7 spoilers#sort of#*mine
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the best part of zool’s dynamic is how they all become incredibly clingy about touma but the second best part is that whenever torao tries to say anything he instantly gets destroyed on three sides
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part 3 summary
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nanase twins my beloved
#MY BBYS#currently catching up with main story part 5 im in tears#they hold my heart hostage#idolish7#idolish7 spoilers#i7#akii.txt
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Spoiler alert 😭
- y'all saw Iori smacking Riku's ass?
- Generation Monster with umbrellas was just perfect
- can't say the same about the other songs...
- nothing crazy about a performance
- They didn't perform a single hit song besides Crescent Rise (?)
- I didn't enjoy it much
- Gaku saying that Tenn was excited to perform the night before was so adorable 🥰
- Perfect (might be biased)
- I loved their performance and their dance
- kinda sad they didn't perform Tayou No Esperanza with Trigger
- I love No Doubt but I like the extended version (album version) better
- Yuki's first night fan service had me screaming. Something like "I can't remember where [first outdoor activity] was but as long as it was with Momo I'm happy"
- Second night. Yuki saying that he usually sings Re:Rise for Momo THE LYRICS ARE LITERALLY "SHALL WE LOVE?!"
- have you noticed they had their other rings besides the black ones? They are so canon at this point. Yes. Yukimomo is real.
- Amazing I wanna cry!
- everything was perfect
- Torao mentioning Touma's old group after performing Sasagero You Are Mine and saying they will never leave him was just so adorable
- how can Minami sing that song with a straight face?
- Bang Bang Bang
- That's all.
- no it's not, I just remembered Minami saying that we baby Haru too much and this might be a mistranslation, but the translation I saw while watching it, had Touma answering him "you are the baby"
- I really think that it was supposed to be "you are the one treating him [Haruka] like a baby"
- anyway, correct me if I'm wrong but either way it's adorable tho I would rather have the version where Minami treats Haruka like a baby.
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[IDOLiSH7] [Part 6] Chapter 14: To the Challengers [1/2]
6.14.1. - With everything we have
Audience A: Ah… Something appeared on the screen…
Audience B: Last minute interview footage…?
Audience A: …What’s an idol…?
Audience B: …What is music…?
Audience A: …What is the greatest live…?
Audience B: …Ah, Touma is on the screen…!
Inumaru Touma: The greatest live...
Inumaru Touma: For me, the greatest live is the moment when I can make everyone the happiest.
Inumaru Touma: Everyone's feelings become one, no one gets left behind, and there’s just one great moment after the other.
Inumaru Touma: At first, the audience is well-mannered and just watches, but they gradually get into it…
Inumaru Touma: That feeling of them leaning forward and joining in the fight... It's like everyone is standing up and roaring.
Inumaru Touma: I love that moment when it feels like it's us, not just customers.
Inumaru Touma: I want to create a space like that... I think I can create it.
Inumaru Touma: Let's create the greatest live.
Audience: Kyaaaaah...!!
Isumi Haruka: Uhm, what is an idol. An idol is…
Isumi Haruka: Coming from someone like me, what I say might not be very persuasive… But I think it's pretty accurate.
Isumi Haruka: It's someone who wants to be loved.
Isumi Haruka: Someone who wants to be pampered a lot. Someone who wants to be praised a lot.
Isumi Haruka: Like, “Ahaha, I love myself”. Without that, I don't think I'd want to be on stage.
Isumi Haruka: But while I'm doing it, I start to think, "Oh, I'm not good at this," or "I messed up," or "I wonder if I can do it well.”
Isumi Haruka: So many things I hate about myself and the things I'm anxious about come out, it's like I can't take it anymore, I want to pull away…
Isumi Haruka: But when the fans call out my name, I can really step forward. I'm sure it’ll be the same this time.
Isumi Haruka: I mean, we're first, right? Normally, I'd say we can't do it… That's why…
Isumi Haruka: Call for ŹOOḼ, call for Isumi Haruka. I’m counting on you.
Audience: Kyaaaaah...!!
Natsume Minami: What is music…
Natsume Minami: That's right. Music can become anything.
Natsume Minami: It can be a weapon, it can be armor. It can be a blanket, it can be fashion, it can be a blood oath.
Natsume Minami: With that in mind, if I were to speak only about ŹOOḼ and ŹOOḼ's fans…
Natsume Minami: I think it's like chains.
Natsume Minami: There’s the chains that bind us, and the chains that we seek to destroy.
Natsume Minami: Feelings and pain that could not be put into words are connected through music…
Natsume Minami: It is as if blood flows through the community known as ŹOOḼ. That's right, it may be like blood vessels.
Natsume Minami: Let the blood flow, cut the chains we want to break, and connect with each other through new bonds.
Natsume Minami: Fufu… These may be chains that are a little exciting, a bit dangerous, but…
Natsume Minami: Please, let yourself be caught up in them.
Audience: Kyaaaaah...!!
Midou Torao: What an idol is?
Midou Torao: An idol is… That's right… This might be a no-go thing to say.
Midou Torao: But at first, I thought it was shady.
Midou Torao: You get pampered, but they treat you like a toy, and you laugh it off…
Midou Torao: I was thinking, that's supposed to be fun?
Midou Torao: …Then, “Ah, this is a bad idea”… “It’s a bad idea, right?”, “Huh? We're gonna keep going like this…?”
Midou Torao: …That's right… Well, those were my first impressions anyway. Probably because I was like that at the time.
Midou Torao: Yeah… I thought it’d be nice if it was just for decoration.
Midou Torao: But after meeting a lot of different people, I realized I was wrong.
Midou Torao: Chasing their dreams even when they fail… Going out alone to places where there are only enemies… It's not shady at all.
Midou Torao: These guys… I thought these people were heroes.
Midou Torao: I want to be like that too. I'll do my best.
Audience: Kyaaaaah...!!
Inumaru Touma: Listen, you guys! We've come this far, so believe in yourselves!
Inumaru Touma: At first, we were kind of an odd mix! But aren't we the real deal right now!?
Midou Torao: Of course. There's no other place I’d rather be.
Midou Torao: You guys are the best!
Inumaru Touma: I told you, didn't I! Don't forget!
Natsume Minami: That's my line, Inumaru-san.
I won't let anyone, including you and everyone here in the venue, get distracted from us.
Natsume Minami: We are the one and only.
Isumi Haruka: That's right! Let's destroy everything! Let's show them all we got!
Isumi Haruka: Ryou-san and Utsugi-san… Let's take the people who have become our fans with us!
Isumi Haruka: To a view even better than the one at RedFes! Tonight! Here! Right now!
Midou Torao: Alright!
Natsume Minami: Let's go!
Inumaru Touma: Let's go!
ŹOOḼ: Yeah…!!
Audience: The lights came on…
Audience: ŹOOḼ are over there…!
Audience: Kyaaah…!
Passerby A: ŹOOḼ's live has begun! The first song is "Poisonous Gangster"!
Passerby B: The set is amazing…!! It's so ŹOOḼ! Cool…!
Passerby A: I happened to be there during the debut event! The place where ŹOOḼ began…!
Passerby B: I hope ŹOOḼ wins…!
Passerby C: The big monitor over there is broadcasting ŹOOḼ's live!
Passerby D: It's true…!The atmosphere is insane...! I wish I could have gone to the venue…!
Passerby C: Everyone looks so cool! Do your best, ŹOOḼ…!
Oda Hiroto: …
Oda Hiroto: Touma…
Natsume Minami: (It was with this song that I started working on together with Sakura-san, that I met ŹOOḼ…)
Natsume Minami: (At first, it was a song sung by just two of us as the main vocals.)
Natsume Minami: (But before I knew it, I was singing as well, raising my voice and screaming with ecstasy.)
Natsume Minami: (I tried to remain a spectator, but I got more and more involved as myself…)
Natsume Minami: (Once destiny has started, it cannot be stopped. )
Natsume Minami: (Sakura-san, I’m enjoying myself a lot right now. Aren't you envious?)
Natsume Minami: (The allies and friends you lost, I have them all.)
Natsume Minami: Come on, please…
Natsume Minami: Desire me more.
Audience: Kyaaah…!
Audience A: PoiGang is the best! I knew they were definitely gonna sing it…!
Audience B: All four of them look super cool! (crying) ...I love ŹOOḼ…
Audience A: Ah… the second song…!
Audience B: It's “ZONE OF OVERLAP”…!!
Audience: Kyaaaah…!
Audience: The best, the best…!!
Audience: Kyaaaah…!
Midou Torao: (RedFes… I remember the fear of that stage.)
Midou Torao: (I wanted to run away. I wanted to pretend like it wasn't serious and make it a laughing matter.)
Midou Torao: (But I met others who were just as scared, yet didn't try to run away.)
Midou Torao: (So I put down my feet and moved forward with my heart and soul and I was able to change, so that I could protect them without running away, .)
Midou Torao: (I overcame something that seemed like it could never be overcome.)
Midou Torao: (May I have the same pride tonight as I did then.)
Midou Torao: (Whatever it is, I'll do it!)
Midou Torao: Don't look away!
Midou Torao: We'll make you crazy about us to the point of breaking!
Audience: Kyaaaaaah…!
Audience A: From "ZONE OF OVERLAP", they started singing as a group of four!
Audience B: Yeah…!
Audience A: I wasn't able to go see RedFes, but I feel like the atmosphere at ŹOOḼ has changed since then…!
Audience A: They're no longer awkward around each other and they often look at each other with smiles on their faces, it makes me happy…
Audience A: I always was and still am so lucky to be a ŹOOḼ oshi…!
Audience B: Ah... the third song is coming!!
Audience B: It's “Bang!Bang!Bang!”...!!
Audience: Kyaaaaaah…!
Isumi Haruka: Come on, come on! That's not all you got, is it?
Audience: Kyaaaaaah…!
Isumi Haruka: Shout…!
Audience: Kyaaaaaah…!!
Isumi Haruka: (Hey, are you watching? Ryou-san.)
Isumi Haruka: (Are you watching? Kujou.)
Isumi Haruka: (Aren't I amazing?)
Isumi Haruka: (Aren’t we the best?)
Isumi Haruka: (Fufu… You thought I was a waste, so you let go of me.)
Isumi Haruka: (But it's too late to regret it now. I'm no longer controlled by anyone.)
Isumi Haruka: (The only path we walk is our own.)
Isumi Haruka: (Just watch from there. I'll take you with me. I'll show you, as well.)
Isumi Haruka: (We will carve out our future.)
Isumi Haruka: We can still keep going…!
Audience: Kyaaaaaah…!
Audience A: …ŹOOḼ is amazing! (crying) …I love ŹOOḼ…
Audience B: If you cry, you won't be able to see it properly! It'd be such a shame! It's so amazing…
Audience B: Since it's people around the same age as us putting on such a cool, powerful performance…!
Audience A: Yes, yes… (crying).
Audience: Ah, the lights went out…
Audience: What!?A costume change…?!
Audience: …!This intro…!
Audience: It's the new song…!
Audience: Kyaaaaaah…!
Isumi Haruka: …
Natsume Minami: …
Midou Torao: …
Inumaru Touma: Last one!
Audience: Kyaaaaaah…!
Inumaru Touma: “Utopia”!
Audience: Kyaaaaaah…!
Inumaru Touma: (I thought I'd never stand on stage again.)
Inumaru Touma: (I thought I’d never sing seriously again.)
Inumaru Touma: (The only way I could protect myself was to hate someone, to laugh at someone.)
Inumaru Touma: (However, as I met important friends and spent irreplaceable time with them…)
Inumaru Touma: (I met people who care about me more than I care about myself.)
Inumaru Touma: (I want to make them happy, those people who always support us.)
Inumaru Touma: (Beyond the dazzling lights, I can see their smiles. They're calling our names. For their smiles, I want to create a miracle.)
Inumaru Touma: (I want to promise them eternity.)
Inumaru Touma: (We won't betray you. We know better than anyone that things like that are crap…)
Inumaru Touma: (I want to promise you that I will never betray you.)
Inumaru Touma: (That I'm never leaving the stage again.)
Inumaru Touma: Let's go together! Follow us to the very end…!
Audience: Kyaaaaaah…!
Oda Hiroto: …Touma…
Oda Hiroto: …Do your best, Touma! Don't lose…!
Oda Hiroto: Destroy the others and make it so that you…. that ŹOOḼ become the best…!
Audience: Kyaaaaaah…!
Inumaru Touma: This is the best…!
Isumi Haruka: Aah, we're done already…!
Audience: Kyaaaaaah…!
Natsume Minami:: Thank you very much!
Midou Torao: Thanks! I sang with all my power!
Audience: Kyaaaaaah…!
Inumaru Touma: Thank you!
Isumi Haruka: See you…!
Audience: Kyaaaaaah…!
Isumi Haruka: Ha… haa…
Utsugi Shirou: Welcome back! Thank you for your hard work…!
Isumi Haruka: …How was it!?
Utsugi Shirou: It was amazing! The best in the world!
Inumaru Touma: Utsugi-san, did you see it?! A sight better than RedFes!
Utsugi Shirou: …
Utsugi Shirou: Asking that first thing after coming off such a big stage…
Natsume Minami: We are asking that! After all, we're quite stubborn!
Midou Torao: You're a part of ŹOOḼ too. We wanted to share the best sight with you.
Isumi Haruka: So!? How was it?!
Utsugi Shirou: …It wasn't just beyond RedFes, it was a performance like it has never been done before!
Utsugi Shirou: On such a big stage, not to mention as the opening act, with that kind of quality. With that kind excitement.
Utsugi Shirou: Only ŹOOḼ can do this. You are the best…!
Isumi Haruka: We did it! Ya~y!!
Inumaru Touma: High five, high five!
Midou Torao: Alright! Yay!
Natsume Minami: Ahaha! Ya~y!
Utsugi Shirou: Yay! Thank you for your hard work!
Utsugi Shirou: Let's win this Black or White and go to RedFes again next year!
Utsugi Shirou: We'll show ŹOOḼ to the world once more!
ŹOOḼ: Yeah…!!
Tsukumo Ryou: …
Tsukumo Ryou: Haha… You can do it, after all.
Tsukumo Ryou: Thank you, ŹOOḼ
Tsukumo Ryou: I'm glad I created you guys.
Audience A: Haa…!ŹOOḼ’s live was great!
Audience B: I was so moved.... (crying) I got to see it live.... I'm so glad I was able to come to the venue!!
Audience A: It's true…!! I will tell this story for the rest of my life...!!
Audience B: Ah… There's a break until the stage set is changed. I think I'll head to the washroom.
Audience A: There'll be a message video too, so come back soon!
Audience B: I know!
Audience B: Ah… I'm sorry.
Ousaka Soushi: No, I have to apologize.
Ousaka Soushi: …
Ousaka Soushi: It looks like the seats are around there.
Sougo's mother: Yes…
Ousaka Soushi: Let's go.
~ to be continued ~
6.14.2. - Wishing upon the sparkling stars
Audience C: It's about to be IDOLiSH7’s turn, isn't it…
Audience D: Yeah…! I'm really excited…!
Audience C: Ah...! Something is being shown on the screen again!
Audience D: This is the last-minute interview footage…!
Audience C: Kyaaaah...! Iori-kun...!!
Izumi Iori: The greatest live… To me, the greatest live means showing off the best IDOLiSH7.
Izumi Iori: Nanase-san, the unrivaled center.
Izumi Iori: The elegant and cute Rokuya-san who supports the hearts of IDOLiSH7.
Izumi Iori: Ousaka-san who changes his colours freely, both as a "MEZZO’’" member and as a rock musician.
Izumi Iori: The lawless Yotsuba-san who does whatever he wants, acts spoiled whenever he wants, yet for some reason we always forgive him.
Izumi Iori: Nii-san who leads the atmosphere of the live and keeps it going with his cuteness and energy.
Izumi Iori: Nikaidou-san, our reliable leader who’s got our backs any time.
Izumi Iori: As well as the perfect me.
Izumi Iori: We will definitely deliver. Please trust us.
Audience: Kyaaaaah…!!
Nikaidou Yamato: Good evening, it's Onii-san. To me, an idol is, well…
Nikaidou Yamato: I guess it'’s a being that makes people happy.
Nikaidou Yamato: That might makes me sound like I'm saying I'm a person who's really kind to people, though.
Nikaidou Yamato: I'm not that type of person, actually.
Nikaidou Yamato: But those guys… The other members work so hard and always make me happy.
Nikaidou Yamato: They gave me so much, it's spilling out of my hands, I have so much happiness left over.
Nikaidou Yamato: By distributing that one by one to everyone, I can do my job as an idol.
Nikaidou Yamato: I'll be handing out lots of it at Black or White, so please be sure to get some. ‘Cause those guys are really amazing.
Nikaidou Yamato: I'll give it my all, too. Yeah…
Nikaidou Yamato: When I do things properly, I can be pretty amazing, too.
Nikaidou Yamato: Just kidding.
Audience: Kyaaaaah…!!
Izumi Mitsuki: To me, idols are something I’ve always admired!
Izumi Mitsuki: I loved Zero, you know. I was thinking I wanted to be like him, and I thought he was really cool.
Izumi Mitsuki: Yeah… It felt like I was looking up at stars high up…
Izumi Mitsuki: Even after I decided I wanted to be an idol, even after I debuted as an idol, I was looking up at them.
Izumi Mitsuki: Ah… It was like, “that one is good, and this one is good too. This one is amazing, and I want that one too.”
Izumi Mitsuki: Ahaha, I must sound really greedy, right? I mean, they're all really amazing people. They're all really cool.
Izumi Mitsuki: But recently, I finally… I've stopped looking up at high places.
Izumi Mitsuki: To me, I myself am an idol. I want to be an idol that only Izumi Mitsuki can be. I don't just want to be, I will be.
Izumi Mitsuki: See, how I’ve become able to say something that bold?
Izumi Mitsuki: There were some really cool guys that I was jealous of. They gave something to me, little by little.
Izumi Mitsuki: “That's great.”, “That's amazing.”, “I love you.” They kept going like that, and they gave me lots of little stars.
Izumi Mitsuki: That's why I… That's why I became able to say that to me, my idol is myself.
Izumi Mitsuki: Tonight, make sure you look up at us! We'll make lots of stars fall too!
Izumi Mitsuki: Let's have a blast on the last night of the year!
Audience: Kyaaaaah…!!
Yotsuba Tamaki: Yo. I'm Yotsuba Tamaki.
Yotsuba Tamaki: For me, the best live is when everyone's like, “Whoa!”.
Yotsuba Tamaki: A time when even if there's nothing special going on, us and the audience are having fun.
Yotsuba Tamaki: I think things like, “I'm going to entertain you!" and "Please get fired up!”.
Yotsuba Tamaki: And then, somehow...it starts to feel like the people in the audience are thinking the same way.
Yotsuba Tamaki: It's as if they're also saying, “We’re gonna entertain you! Please get fired up!”.
Yotsuba Tamaki: And we’re interacting like, “Yeah~!”, “Let's do it!”. How do I put it? You do this and that, and then…
Yotsuba Tamaki: Interaction, interaction. Ah... It’s like I’m calling my partner’s first name. Haha, that's a different kanji, though.*
Yotsuba Tamaki: I like the feeling of interaction between here and there, when everyone’s like, “Whoa”.
Yotsuba Tamaki: It's hard to grasp that moment, and even if you think, "Whoa, here it comes!", it's gone in an instant.
Yotsuba Tamaki: So when I think , "Ah, that's the moment!", it hits me so hard I almost start crying.
Yotsuba Tamaki: Why? ...Hmm… I wonder why it makes me feel like crying.
Yotsuba Tamaki: Maybe it’s because I’m not alone. Haha… Let's all seize that moment together.
Audience: Kyaaaaah…!!
Ousaka Sougo: For me, music was my hope for living.
Ousaka Sougo: It is proof that I'm alive right now. I never thought I'd be able to write songs with my own hands.
Ousaka Sougo: For a long time, I couldn't love myself; I denied my own potential, and couldn't believe in myself…
Ousaka Sougo: My love for music made me believe in myself.
Ousaka Soushi: …
Ousaka Sougo: The new song we’ll be singing tonight.... I wrote it.
Ousaka Sougo: I've written songs for "MEZZO" before, but this is the first time I've written a song for IDOLiSH7.
Ousaka Sougo: I'm really nervous, but it is a song I really like. And also...
Ousaka Sougo: I feel like Tamaki-kun might be too embarrassed to tell you , so I'll tell you secretly.
Ousaka Sougo: The choreography was done by Tamaki-kun.
Ousaka Sougo: He’s incredibly talented. Everyone, please take the time to look at it.
Ousaka Sougo: I've gotten off topic, but I am very happy to be able to sing my own songs on this big stage.
Ousaka Sougo: I would like to dedicate this to all the people who it possible for me to have music in my life.
Ousaka Sougo: Thank you.
Audience: Kyaaaaah…!!
Ousaka Soushi: …
Ousaka Soushi: …Sougo…
Rokuya Nagi: Hi, girl.
Rokuya Nagi: For me, music is something that changes the color of the heart.
Rokuya Nagi: When I listen to a sad song, it paints my heart a sad color.
Rokuya Nagi: When I hear a kind song, it changes to a kind color.
Rokuya Nagi: That's how we've lived our lives with the music we love.
Rokuya Nagi: On nights when you can't cry, it helps the tears flow.
Rokuya Nagi: When we need courage, it strengthens our hearts.
Rokuya Nagi: Music is magic… it’s magic.
Rokuya Nagi: I'll gift everyone a special magic.
Rokuya Nagi: We will paint your hearts in IDOLiSH7’s colors.
Rokuya Nagi: Please do not forget. That tonight, we spent a special time together.
Rokuya Nagi: That we are always in your heart.
Rokuya Nagi: We love you.
Audience: Kyaaaaah…!
Nanase Riku: Uhm… To me, idols are like light.
Nanase Riku: The first time I met an idol I liked, I was a kid.
Nanase Riku: When I was lonely, when I was feeling unwell… having that idol around helped me forget about all the hardships.
Nanase Riku: It was just fun, I got carried away watching and lost track of time.
Nanase Riku: I'm sure even if I was in complete darkness, I wouldn't have noticed.
Nanase Riku: I want to become that kind of person.
Nanase Riku: When your beloved idol is there and you’re getting carried away having a good time…
Nanase Riku: It doesn't solve the problem. It doesn't cure the illness.
Nanase Riku: Complete darkness remains that way, and nothing changes. ...I knew that.
Nanase Riku: But still.... If I could see that wonderful thing once more....
Nanase Riku: If I could see that idol once more, and laugh wholeheartedly and happily.
Nanase Riku: I feel like I can bear the pain I'm feeling right now just a little longer.
Nanase Riku: That's what I thought.
Nanase Riku: I was thinking there might be people here at the venue today who feel the same way.
Nanase Riku: So: Good job, everyone! You all did really well!
Nanase Riku: It’s alright now! There's only fun to be had from here on out! Have fun and show me your smiles!
Nanase Riku: Let's play together!
Audience: Kyaaaaah…!!
Kujou Tenn: ……
Kujou Tenn: Riku…
Izumi Mitsuki: …Alright! Alright, let’s go, everyone!
Yotsuba Tamaki: Yeah!
Rokuya Nagi: Yay!Let’s have fun!
Nikaidou Yamato: Don't be nervous! Let’s just do what we always do! Relax, relax!
Ousaka Sougo: Yes!
Nanase Riku: …Ha…
Izumi Iori: …Nanase-sa—
Oogami Banri: Sougo-san!
Ousaka Sougo: Banri-san…
Oogami Banri: The seats were filled.
Ousaka Sougo: Eh?
Oogami Banri: The seats were filled. I don't know if it was them, though...
Ousaka Sougo: …
Ousaka Sougo: Ha…, I think it was them. They’re not the kind of people who would give up their reserved seats.
Ousaka Sougo: That’s what I think… But… I wonder…
Yotsuba Tamaki: Is it about that?
Ousaka Sougo: Yeah…
Izumi Mitsuki: What happened?
Yotsuba Tamaki: Sou-chan's mom and dad came!
Nikaidou Yamato: Really!?
Izumi Mitsuki: I’m glad!....It's okay to be happy about that, right!?
Oogami Banri: Of course. Sougo-kun called them.
Oogami Banri: That’s a relief, isn’t it, Sougo-kun. It wasn't over, after all.
Oogami Banri: They believed and acknowledged the accomplishments you had made.
Ousaka Sougo: …
Oogami Banri: Good luck on stage! I'll be watching it with Takanashi-san from over here!
Ousaka Sougo: Yes. Thank you for letting me know.
Ousaka Sougo: …
Izumi Mitsuki: What's wrong, Sougo? Are you unhappy?
Ousaka Sougo: …That’s not it, but…
Ousaka Sougo: I didn't expect this, so I don't know what to think…
Yotsuba Tamaki: Isn’t “finally” fine?
Ousaka Sougo: …Tamaki-kun…
Yotsuba Tamaki: So they're finally willing to listen. They’re late. But we’ll let them listen anyway.
Yotsuba Tamaki: Because that's our job. Right, Sou-chan?
Ousaka Sougo: …Yeah… Yeah, that’s right…
Nikaidou Yamato: As their child, you’d want to be acknowledged right away, though.
Nikaidou Yamato: It's very businessman-like of him to only nod his head once you have the accomplishments and the recognition to back it up.
Ousaka Sougo: My father has only just taken his seat. He hasn't acknowledged me yet.
Ousaka Sougo: But if I can get some good results on tonight's stage, then I…
Ousaka Sougo: More than anything, my uncle who loved music throughout his life... I feel like he'll finally acknowledge him…
Nanase Riku: ...Sougo-san's uncle…
Rokuya Nagi: Let's win, Sougo. For the glory of someone important to you, too.
Yotsuba Tamaki: Let’s do this! Let's show them...!
Izumi Mitsuki: Yeah! We’ll make him ask us to appear in an FSC commercial!
Nikaidou Yamato: That's right! Hey, Riku...
Nikaidou Yamato: Riku…?
Nanase Riku: …(cough)… Ha…
Izumi Iori: Nanase-san…
Nanase Riku: I’m fine. I'm just a bit nervous.
Yotsuba Tamaki: Is it an attack!?
Nanase Riku: No. I don't think so…
Ousaka Sougo: The medicine… You said it makes your throat hoarse, right?
Nanase Riku: I’m fine. I don’t feel like it’s getting worse. …It’s fine.
Nikaidou Yamato: I’ll report to our manager.
Nanase Riku: I’m fine, Yamato-san!...(coughs)...
Nikaidou Yamato: Riku…
Yotsuba Tamaki: Rikkun. Shouting too loudly is bad…
Nanase Riku: I know. I’m fine. Once I calm down a bit...
Rokuya Nagi: Let me get you a hot drink. It's okay. Everything will go well….
Nanase Riku: …Yeah…
Izumi Mitsuki: Can we delay the start...?
Nikaidou Yamato: I'll try to negotiate, but it won't last long…
Nanase Riku: …(coughs)...
Nanase Riku: No way. Not at such an important time...
Nanase Riku: The victory of the new Black or White is at stake. It's a chance for Sougo and his uncle to be recognized.
Nanase Riku: I don't want to repeat the same thing. The concert tickets are a promise to everyone. Even though I came to see everyone…
Nanase Riku: No. If I think pessimistic thoughts— Calm down. Calm your mind...
Nanase Riku: Sakura-san said this before going to heaven.
Nanase Riku: Even if I lost everything, and still wanted to sing...
Nanase Riku: Would there be someone who can help me?
Izumi Iori: Nanase-san.
Nanase Riku: …Ha…
Izumi Iori: You can sing.
Izumi Iori: Please sing, Nanase-san.
Nanase Riku: …Ha…
Nanase Riku: Ha…
Nanase Riku: …
Rokuya Nagi: Here you go, Riku! This is magical hot tea. You'll feel better soon!
Nikaidou Yamato: If anything happens, I'll cover for you! Leave it to onii-san!
Izumi Mitsuki: Riku, don't worry! Let's go on stage together all seven of us!
Yotsuba Tamaki: Let them listen to Rikkun's singing! If you can't stand up, I'll carry you on my back!
Ousaka Sougo: Let's go together! Let’s sing my song together!
Nanase Riku: …Ha…
Nanase Riku: No way... It stopped...
Rokuya Nagi&Ousaka Sougo&Yotsuba Tamaki: I’m glad…!
Izumi Iori: Fufu. I told you I’d control you.
Nikaidou Yamato: What’s up with this, that sounds deep…
Izumi Mitsuki: Don’t misunderstand. There’s a lot of reasons for this.
Izumi Iori: Let's go, superstar.
Izumi Iori: To create a rainbow.
Nanase Riku: …Yeah…!
Nikaidou Yamato: Let's go, you guys...!
IDOLiSH7: Yeah!!
Audience: The lights came on...
Audience: It’s IDOLiSH7…!
Audience: Kyaaaah…!
Mother: IDOLiSH7’s live has begun! What a pretty stage! It's like a planetarium...!
Father: Are the kids at the venue right now? I wonder if they'll be shown on TV?
Mother: The first song is "MEMORiES MELODiES"! How nostalgic...! I'm really looking forward to the other three songs, too!
Father: Aah, I see. This song is the one from their first Black or White…
Mother: That’s right! This is the song that beat TRIGGER!!
Audience: Kyaaaaah...!
Izumi Iori: (I was able to get this far because I had friends.)
Izumi Mitsuki: (This has been my dream since I was a child.)
Izumi Iori: (I found such a wonderful pastime that makes my heart beat faster.)
Izumi Mitsuki: (I wanted these cheers too much, there were times when I felt like my heart was going to break…)
Izumi Mitsuki: (I feel so reassured now.)
Izumi Iori: (We can go as far as we want)
Izumi Mitsuki: (We’ll go as far as we can!)
Izumi Iori: (Leading our teammates and our fans.)
Izumi Mitsuki: (To views they’ve never seen before!)
Izumi Iori: (We can do it.)
Izumi Mitsuki: (We should be able to do it!)
Izumi Iori: (That’s tonight!)
Izumi Mitsuki: (Well then, let’s go!)
Izumi Mitsuki & Izumi Iori: (To reach for our dreams!)
Izumi Mitsuki: Let’s go…!
Izumi Iori: Let us win!
Audience: Kyaaaaah...!
Audience C: Aah… Everyone is so awesome!!
Audience D: Look...! The planetarium on the stage changes from a blue sky to a night sky...!
Audience C: Pretty...! The aurora is shining...!
Audience D: The second song! It’s "Mr.AFFECTiON"...!!
Audience: Kyaaaah…!
Audience: Kyaaaah…!
Nikaidou Yamato: (I had lost track of my own existence.)
Rokuya Nagi: (I was losing track of where I belong.)
Nikaidou Yamato: (Whether I am loved.)
Rokuya Nagi: (Whether I am being used.)
Nikaidou Yamato: (Lying, dishonest people, the objects of our admiration.)
Rokuya Nagi: (But still, we wanted to be grateful and love them.)
Nikaidou Yamato: (In that case, being alone is better.)
Rokuya Nagi: (Because I loved them.)
Rokuya Nagi: (The hands that pet my head that day…)
Nikaidou Yamato: (In truth, I wanted to believe it.)
Rokuya Nagi: (Over a long period of time. Through many encounters.)
Nikaidou Yamato: (Now, I’m here with my friends.)
Nikaidou Yamato: (Well, are you watching?)
Rokuya Nagi: (Are you watching?)
Nikaidou Yamato: (I couldn't love myself, and I struggled desperately.)
Nikaidou Yamato: (I'm going to make all the other members, the guests; everyone here happy.)
Rokuya Nagi: (And I will be happy too.)
Rokuya Nagi: (I’ll live a rich life filled with love.)
Rokuya Nagi&Nikaidou Yamato: (With my friends.)
Rokuya Nagi: Beautiful! Everyone, laugh more...!
Nikaidou Yamato: There's still more to come! Let's get fired up...!
Audience: Kyaaaah…!
Audience D: IDOLiSH7 are the best! I'm happy to be able to listen to my beloved songs...!
Audience: Aah...! The lights have gone out...!
Audience: A costume change?! Maybe it’s the new song?!
Audience: Kyaaaaaah...
Audience: The sky is like the morning light…
Audience: Look! New costumes...!
Izumi Iori: …
Nikaidou Yamato: …
Izumi Mitsuki: …
Yotsuba Tamaki: …
Ousaka Sougo: …
Rokuya Nagi: …
Nanase Riku: …
Audience: …That intro...! It’s a melody I've never heard before...!
Audience: It's a new song...!
Audience: Kyaaaaah...!
Ousaka Sougo: (I was unable to like myself.)
Yotsuba Tamaki: (I didn't care about anything except my own important things.)
Ousaka Sougo: (It was only when I was in contact with the things I loved that I was able to love myself.)
Yotsuba Tamaki: (Because I'm the only one who takes me seriously.)
Ousaka Sougo: (But little by little, I've recovered my wounded heart, and now…)
Ousaka Sougo: (I was able to create what I liked.)
Yotsuba Tamaki: (I've come to understand that I am being watched over.)
Yotsuba Tamaki: (Hey. Thank you, everyone.)
Yotsuba Tamaki: (Thank you for waving at me, for calling my name.)
Yotsuba Tamaki: (Every time someone did that, I felt like I wasn't alone.)
Ousaka Sougo: (I couldn't have done it alone.)
Ousaka Sougo: (I was able to do it because I wasn't alone.)
Ousaka Sougo: (I'm living my own life.)
Yotsuba Tamaki: (I’m exactly where I belong.)
Yotsuba Tamaki: (For making me think that…)
Ousaka Sougo&Yotsuba Tamaki: (Thank you.)
Ousaka Sougo: Enjoy the new song!
Yotsuba Tamaki: Everyone! Remember and sing it...!
Audience C: ...The new song was really good...!
Audience D: The choreography was cute as well...! Tamaki is a genius...!
Audience C: What will the last song be!?
Audience D: I want them to sing that song.... I've been supporting them for a long time! IDOLiSH7's first...
Audience C: Aah…The color of the sky is changing into a starry sky...
Audience D: Wow, the song has started...!
Audience C: It’s MonGen…!
Audience: Kyaaaaaah…!
Nanase Riku: ...Thank you, everyone...!
Nanase Riku: The last song is this one! The song that started us off...!
Audience: Kyaaaaaah!
Nanase Riku: (I wanted to be like Tenn-nii. I wanted to catch up to Tenn-nii.)
Nanase Riku: (But whenever things didn’t go well and I felt like giving up…)
Nanase Riku: (The voices of my friends and fans here have given me strength.)
Nanase Riku: (Thank you.)
Nanase Riku: (Thank you for letting me believe that there is something I can do.)
Nanase Riku: (Thank you for piercing through the darkness and bringing your powerful voices and smiles all the way to this stage.)
Nanase Riku: (For loving us…)
Nanase Riku: (And for sharing the same dream as us, thank you so much.)
Nanase Riku: (I want to go even further with everyone.)
Nanase Riku: (To a new place where no one has been before.)
Nanase Riku: (To break away from common sense and familiar sights.)
Nanase Riku: (We want to create a new era that none but us can.)
Nanase Riku: It won’t, won’t end yet.
Nanase Riku: Let’s go to a seven-colored future!
Nanase Riku: Everyone, thank you…!
Audience: Kyaaaaaah…!
Woman: …Riku-kun…
Woman: I'm glad I came here...
Woman: I started to become curious about them, and then I started to like them more and more.... I took the plunge and ordered tickets....
Woman: I'm glad I came here... I'm glad I got to see IDOLiSH7!
Woman: I'm glad I was able to shout out how much I love them in the venue the people I love are at!
Woman: IDOLiSH7, I love you…!
Audience: Kyaaaaaah…!
Audience: Kyaaaaaah…!
Yotsuba Tamaki: Everyone, thank you!
Izumi Iori: Thank you very much!
Rokuya Nagi: Thanks!Happy, I’m happy!
Audience: Kyaaaaaah...!
Ousaka Sougo: Thank you very much!
Nikaidou Yamato: Thanks!
Izumi Mitsuki: Did you enjoy it? See you later, everyone!
Audience: Kyaaaaaah...!
Nanase Riku: Thank you so much!It was the best...!
Audience: Kyaaaaaah...!
Nanase Riku: Ha… Ha…
Yotsuba Tamaki: Are you alright, Rikkun!?
Nanase Riku: Yes…! I’m alright! We did it…!!
Izumi Mitsuki: We did it! We did it! We were the best...!
Rokuya Nagi: Fantastic! Our hearts were as one! It was an amazing experience!
Izumi Iori: It was a truly amazing experience.... My heart is still....
Yotsuba Tamaki: Pouding?
Izumi Iori: It is.
Nanase Riku: Mine is, too!
Ousaka Sougo: ...I really… thought my heart was going to break...
Nikaidou Yamato: Sou, did you see the audience seats?
Ousaka Sougo: Yes…
Ousaka Sougo: I couldn't see their faces, but I could see that the seats were full.
Ousaka Sougo: At that moment, I kind of… almost started crying...
Ousaka Sougo: Even though I pretended to be fine, I realized I had always wanted them to understand… I realized I wanted to be acknowledged...
Nikaidou Yamato: Sou…
Nikaidou Yamato: Of course. That's just how it is.
Yotsuba Tamaki: I’m glad for you, Sou-chan.
Ousaka Sougo: Yes… I never thought I'd be happy like this, though...
Yotsuba Tamaki: It’s fine. I'm glad you can cry in front of other people now.
Ousaka Sougo: …Tamaki-kun…
Yotsuba Tamaki: Ehehe. I’m glad, I’m glad!
Takanashi Tsumugi: Thank you for your hard work, everyone! It was a fantastic performance...
Izumi Mitsuki: Manager!
Rokuya Nagi: It's all thanks to you. Your stage direction made us shine!
Nanase Riku: Manager, thank you!
Takanashi Tsumugi: No, thank you all for putting on such a great show!
Takanashi Tsumugi: The outcome is still unknown, but IDOLiSH7 are the best idols in the world!
IDOLiSH7: Yay…!!
Oogami Banri: Good job everyone! It was great! It was the best!
Takanashi Otoharu: It was truly wonderful! Everyone gave it their all!
Takanashi Otoharu: It was great working with you guys! Now, get some rest! After that, it's time to keep an eye on your rivals!
IDOLiSH7: Yes…!
Takanashi Tsumugi: Thank you so, so much!!
~ to be continued ~
6.14.3. - The door to happiness
Audience E: It’s about to be TRIGGER’s turn soon…
Audience F: Ah, I'm getting excited...! I want TRIGGER to win…!
Audience E: Ah...! Something appeared on the screen...!
Audience F: It’s the latest interview footage again...!
Audience F: Kyaaaaah...! Gaku-san…!!
Yaotome Gaku: The greatest live?
Yaotome Gaku: Up until now, there hasn't been a single live that wasn't the greatest.
Yaotome Gaku: Each one has a special memory to it. They’re burned into my mind like a photo in an album.
Yaotome Gaku: The audience seats bathed in light and, illuminated by the stage lights, Tenn’s profile…
Yaotome Gaku: The audience seats, bathed in intense sunlight, and Ryuu’s back, glistening with sweat.
Yaotome Gaku: Every moment was amazing. For me, and I'm sure for my friends and fans as well.
Yaotome Gaku: Sharing the best moments. Everyone here is sharing a special moment in life.
Yaotome Gaku: You love me, don't you? Us, TRIGGER, that is.
Yaotome Gaku: We love you too. So, even if it's just during the live, we want you to forget everything and become one.
Yaotome Gaku: We'll take you to the end of the world.
Audience: Kyaaaaah...!
Kujou Tenn: To me, idols are the magic that makes someone happy.
Kujou Tenn: I'm a charming magician.
Kujou Tenn: Isn’t that right?
Kujou Tenn: We choose to pose pretentiously, we perform provocative dances, we sing songs that seduce everyone.
Kujou Tenn: Sometimes we'll be mean, and sometimes we'll beg. That's how we captivate you.
Kujou Tenn: But in the end, we will always be magicians who will make you happy.
Kujou Tenn: ...Or so I thought. But now I'm thinking something a little different.
Kujou Tenn: That maybe it's us idols who are under a spell.
Kujou Tenn: With sparkling eyes, you’ve always kept dreaming, not giving up and desiring us…
Kujou Tenn: With the magic of happiness applied to us, we started to move upon a brilliant stage. Maybe that’s what an idol is.
Kujou Tenn: Thank you for loving me. Thank you for protecting me so many times.
Kujou Tenn: Desire me a lot tonight as well. Cast a spell on me.
Kujou Tenn: Make me happy.
Audience: Kyaaaaah...!!
Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: To me, music is… That’s right…
Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: After becoming TRIGGER, we sang a lot of songs.
Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: Eventually, I began to feel the special power in music.
Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: It may be because it’s always the three of us singing, but, how do I put it…
Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: Within TRIGGER’s songs, it’s like I can feel Gaku’s and Tenn’s presence.
Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: Even when I was driving by myself, if I was listening to TRIGGER’s songs, it felt like the two of them were there.
Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: Even when I was alone, when I sang a song, I could feel our three souls.
Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: At that time, I thought there was nothing to be afraid of.
Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: There are people who appreciate and listen to the songs I sing with the friends I trust from the bottom of my heart.
Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: These are special, unforgettable moments spent with precious songs.
Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: I have never been happier.
Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: Even when we're old and go to heaven someday, and only TRIGGER's songs remain…
Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: I want anyone who listens to them to think of it this way.
Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: Songs about friends bound by a strong bond.
Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: I am truly grateful to the god of music for giving me such irreplaceable friends.
Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: Gaku, Tenn, let's do our best.
Audience: Kyaaaaah...!!
Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: Gaku, Tenn. Let's high five.
Yaotome Gaku:That's what I was about to say.
Kujou Tenn: Me, too.
Kujou Tenn: We’ll definitely win! I'll make sure you two win. Don't worry, just follow me…
Yaotome Gaku: Don't be stupid! I'll make you win! I'm TRIGGER’s leader!
Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: I'm the most big brother-like! It took a long time, but we finally made it here!
Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: Let's beat Re:vale this year! TRIGGER will take over the world!
Yaotome Gaku: Let's bring in a new era with our own hands!
Kujou Tenn: Of course! But can I have an honest talk with you?
Yaotome Gaku: What is it!?
Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: An honest talk?
Kujou Tenn: I'm just happy to be standing here with you two, to the point where I don't care about winning.
Kujou Tenn: I love you guys. I'm glad I met you. You're my best friends.
Kujou Tenn: Thank you for always being with me.
Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: …(sobs) Tenn…!
Yaotome Gaku: …(sobs) Don't make me cry before we even leave!
Kujou Tenn: Don't cry. Look cool. You're the No. 1 Sexiest Man, after all.
Yaotome Gaku: That's in the past.
Kujou Tenn: What are you talking about? You guys will always be No.1 and No.2.
Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: You got it!
Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: Alright! It's been a while, but let's give them a reason to call me a beast.
Yaotome Gaku: That's the spirit, Ryuu! Let's go!
Yaotome Gaku: Let's pull the trigger!
Kujou Tenn&Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: Yeah…!!
Audience: The lights came on… I wonder what they'll sing for the first song…
Audience: …! This song…!
Audience: “DIAMOND FUSION”……!It's their debut song…!
Audience: Kyaaaah...!
Anesagi Kaoru: …Do your best…!
Yaotome Sousuke: …
Anesagi Kaoru: President…
Yaotome Sousuke: “DIAMOND FUSION”… It's TRIGGER’s starting point.
Yaotome Sousuke: More than I could imagine at that time, TRIGGER has gotten so much bigger.
Yaotome Sousuke: There's nothing that can get in you guys’ way anymore.
Yaotome Sousuke: Run wherever you want to.
Yaotome Sousuke: Like a bullet.
Audience: Kyaaaah...!
Takara Mage: …TRIGGER…!You’re the coolest…!!
Takara Mage: …(sobs) Do your best…! Do your best…!
Kujou Tenn: (Our meeting was the worst.)
Kujou Tenn: (I only wanted the bare minimum of a relationship as business partners.)
Kujou Tenn: (And yet, I wonder when…)
Kujou Tenn: (They became people I didn't want to lose.)
Kujou Tenn: (Gaku. Ryuu. If it's with you, I can do anything.)
Kujou Tenn: (Even the setbacks and downfalls were fun when I think about them now.)
Kujou Tenn: (After all, we are diamonds.)
Kujou Tenn: (Everytime we get hurt, we become more polished.)
Kujou Tenn: (Thanks to falling into a pit, the three of us were able to walk down a path that had never been walked before.)
Kujou Tenn: (I abandoned my old life as ‘Nanase’, and I obtained TRIGGER.)
Kujou Tenn: (I have no regrets.)
Kujou Tenn: BANG……!
Audience: Kyaaaah...!
Audience E: TRIGGER is the best…!
Audience F: ...I’ve been crying since the first song…!
Audience E: After all, the big stage suits TRIGGER! They’re so cool…!
Audience F: The second song is…
Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: (I thought I would live a normal life.)
Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: (I saw heaven and fell into hell.)
Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: (It’s not like it didn't hurt. On many lonely nights I didn’t know how to go on from there.)
Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: (But I realized how unbelievably brave I was.)
Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: (Thank you for giving me such hardship.)
Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: (I was able to gain a strong heart that allows me to protect my precious friends.)
Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: (We know…)
Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: (...that there will be daybreak beyond the darkness.)
Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: (The vividness of indomitable light.)
Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: (No matter how many times our footprints are erased, TRIGGER's story won’t end.)
Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: (I won't let it end!)
Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: Everyone…!Follow us…!
Audience: Kyaaaah...!
Audience: Kyaaaah...!
Audience E: …(sobs) I'm glad, TRIGGER.... Since that day, they’ve finally come this far…
Audience F: Thanks to TRIGGER, I can now trust my own eyes, not someone else's…!
Audience F: Because no matter what anyone said, TRIGGER was the best!
Audience E: I love you, Ryuunosuke-san…!
Audience F: Tenn-kun…!
Audience E: Aah, I wonder what the next song is…
Audience E: …! It's “Crescent rise”...!
Audience F: I'm so happy...!! This song is what made me a fan of TRIGGER and Gaku-san…!
Yaotome Gaku: (I know it better than anyone else in the world.)
Yaotome Gaku: (TRIGGER. This team is the strongest.)
Yaotome Gaku: (We’ve grasped all of our glory with our own hands.)
Yaotome Gaku: (As long as there are people who believe in us and are waiting for us…)
Yaotome Gaku: (We cannot afford to be disgraceful.)
Yaotome Gaku: (It was by no means a convenient way of life.)
Yaotome Gaku: (But we made it through this era earnestly.)
Yaotome Gaku: (So that we wouldn't bring shame on ourselves or our friends.)
Yaotome Gaku: (To repay those who loved us.)
Yaotome Gaku: (To overcome the seven-colored rainbow…)
Yaotome Gaku: (We will continue to fight from here on out.)
Yaotome Gaku: We can keep going…!
Audience: Kyaaaah...!
Audience: TRIGGER…!
Audience: …TRIGGER…!
Audience E: Is the next song already the last one!? I want to hear much more...!!
Audience F: Next is the new song, right…!? I wonder what kind of song it will be?!
Takara Mage: …
Audience: Ah, the lights went out…!
Audience: Maybe it's a costume change…!? I'm really looking forward to it…!
Audience: Waah…! It's like a theatre stage!
Audience: It's gorgeous; perfect for TRIGGER!
Audience: The intro has started...! It's the new song…!
Takara Mage: …!
Audience: Kyaaaaah...!
Yaotome Gaku: …
Kujou Tenn: …
Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: …
Audience E: The new costumes are awesome! Cool!!
Audience F: It's still just the intro, but isn't the atmosphere of this new song great…!?
Takara Mage: …I….I think it's good!
Audience E: I'm getting excited...! It has the feel of the old TRIGGER…!
Audience F: The TRIGGER that everyone fell in love with back then is back...!
Kujou Tenn: Last song.
Audience: Kyaaaaaah...!
Passerby E: It’s TRIGGER’s new song…!
Passerby F: Ah, I've been waiting for this!! A love song with TRIGGER giving it their all!
Passerby E: All three of them look so cool...!! Thanks to TRIGGER, this terrible year has turned into the best...!
Nanase Riku: …Tenn-nii…
Yaotome Gaku: (A song I fell in love with at first sight when I heard it for the first time.)
Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: (With this song, we want to show you our best side.)
Kujou Tenn: (Fall in love with us.)
TRIGGER: Once again, into a dream you can’t wake from.
Audience: Kyaaaaah...!
Audience E: Kyaaaaah...!
Audience F: TRIGGER is the best...!
Audience E: After all, TRIGGER are the ones that get my heart racing the most...!
Audience F: I want to see more and more of TRIGGER! I want to hear more of their new songs!
Audience E: Yeah…!
Takara Mage: …(sobs)... They did it… I’m glad… (sobs)
Takara Mage: ...I'm so happy.... not just about my song, but TRIGGER…
Takara Mage: I'm so happy that everyone is saying that TRIGGER is cool…
Takara Mage: ...It was super cool.... I saw the most amazing thing in the world...!
Takara Mage: TRIGGER, I’m glad I love you…!
Audience: Kyaaaaah...!
Yaotome Gaku: Thank you!
Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: Thank you…!
Audience: Kyaaaaah...!
Kujou Tenn: Thank you so much!
Kujou Tenn: See you!
Audience: Kyaaaaah...!
Audience: TRIGGER…!
Audience: TRIGGER…!!
Anesagi Kaoru: The best…! This was the best…! You guys, you did it…!
Yaotome Gaku: …Ahaha! This is the best feeling!
Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: I sang with the two of you, giving it my all! The venue was so beautiful…
Kujou Tenn: It felt great! Four songs weren't enough. I wanted to sing more...!
Yaotome Sousuke: I'll make you sing.
Kujou Tenn: President…
Yaotome Gaku: Dad…
Yaotome Sousuke: A live at Zero Arena with just TRIGGER.
Yaotome Sousuke: We’re not holding back next year...!
Yaotome Gaku: Really!?
Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: We did it…!
Kujou Tenn: At last, going there with just TRIGGER...!
Anesagi Kaoru: He said we’re not holding back…! Oh my, President! Aren’t you in high spirits!
Yaotome Sousuke: If I’m not in high spirits now, when will I ever be!?
Yaotome Gaku: It's time to become the overall winners!
Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: I want to win! With the three of us…
Kujou Tenn: We can definitely win! We put on a live deserving of it.
Kujou Tenn: IDOLiSH7… We were beaten to it earlier this year, but now we're within striking distance.
Kujou Tenn: This time, we'll shoot you down!
~ to be continued ~
TL note courtesy of Haruka-kun:
The word Tamaki uses is 相互作用, meaning interaction. It’s pronounced “sougo sayou”, so even though the kanji for these words are very different (相互 vs. 壮五), when he says it, it’s as if he is saying Sougo’s name.
mod riku here! this is the last chapter, but we broke tumblr's post limit, so please check out part 2 of chapter 14, too, lol
#idolish7#idolish7 part 6#idolish7 spoilers#idolish7 translations#idolish7 translation#i7 translation
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surely not, right Nagi… Right?? 🤨🤨
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IDOLiSH7 as the seven deadly sins 🌈

You can check out my previous post for the first half of the thread
#idolish7#idolish seven#i7#アイナナ#izumi iori#nanase riku#sogo osaka#idolish7 spoilers#idolish7thoughts#i7threads
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Torao Mido and the Permissive (with some protectiveness) Parenting Style and How it Affected Him As An Adult
I literally rambled about this in a friend group discord server in my channel, I just got bored…
image examples are in this google drive(IN ORDER)(TL CREDIT: sevenboarproductions):

#torao mido#idolish7 zool#zool#mido torao#idolish7 spoilers#idolish7 part 6#idolish seven#I need to be put down#ramble#idolish7#minami natsume#inumaru touma#haruka isumi#natsume minami#touma inumaru#isumi haruka#idolish7 main story#this shit gets serious#midou torao#i7#zool i7
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i think i had never despised a character sm as i hate the entirety of ZOOL and that tsukumo psycho. wdym you’re gonna end tenn and TRIGGER? imma throw hands fr…
#aya.diary#for context#i’m watching idolish7#trigger has my heart#and so does i7#idolish7 spoilers#i guess
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i like beyond the period but imagine if we got a zero the musical movie
#chitra.txt#i7#idolish7 spoilers#IT WOULD BE SO GOOD.#i want it#10 songs… incomplete ruler and a bunch of original ones#a musical is a good structure#And then it would be like a prequel with all that plot but w the current cast
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