The Moonstone Grimoire
7 posts
The E-Grimoire of Morghan Moonstone
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grimoiremarcio · 5 years ago
To Bind A Storm
aye, it's no secret, and everybody's got their methods. but if you're in a pinch and need the storm gone fast, or if another witch is callin em up, this is a tried and true way to put em down.
take twine twice the length of your arms outstretched, and cut with a personal knife--for those who're particular that'd be a boline or an athame. i used a swiss army knife.
Stand before the storm, arms outstretched with your twine doubled up, so you can hold it. at the bend in the twine, tie a knot. recite the line:
"i bind thee here in this knot, you'll be gone but not forgot, i bind thee here quick and fast, so the sunshine shall last"
then, tie another knot, a bit away from the first. repeat this line:
"i bind the wind, i bind the rain, i bind the clouds, i bind the thunder"
then two knots repeating the first, then two knots with the second, and three knots with the first, and three with the second. until you reach 6. at six, the storm shall end and be bound up in twine.
(the pattern looks like this:
1 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2)
should you need to release the storm, untie the knots. if that is not possible -- as it wasnt for me -- cutting up the knots worked just fine. use some scissors for this, and say "I release you!" and the storm shall come.
the storm twine can also be used as stored power, or in storm-related workings.
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grimoiremarcio · 7 years ago
Memento Mori
“Remember you will die.” Powerful, isn’t it? The force of death. Ever lingering in the backs of our minds, affecting all of our actions, whether we acknowledge it or not. However, it seems to lie on the fringes of society, and never in the forefront of our observances. We strive, everyday, to change our realities and carve our paths to something better, more enlightened, but we forget one thing: All roads lead to the end. All roads lead to death. This is why Necromancy is important. Not only should we remember our imminent deaths, but we should remember our dead. The next posts you will see in my grimoire, Wytches, are those of Divinatory Necromancy, or communicating with the dead. Through this, we can not only achieve enlightenment and gain access to knowledge unbound, but we can also hear from our other lives and Those who came before. We can ask the dead to perform works for us. We can alter our perceptions, and our realities. Best of luck, my lovelies. My darkest blessings to you.
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grimoiremarcio · 7 years ago
I want to apologize to my followers; it has been a rough couple of weeks. Between home and work, life is getting complex. Rest assured my faith and practices are unwavering. I will be trying to update this grimoire and my companion blog as much as possible, it is just complicated not having access to the internet and no longer having my house. Things are tough, but I’m going to be tougher. Thank you guys for hanging in with me here. Many Blessings to you all, and stay strong!
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grimoiremarcio · 7 years ago
A Wytch’s Veil
In my time working in the Craft, I’ve found a few odd methods to bring oneself to meditative and trance states. Drugs, props, dancing, music...they’re all tools for ascertaining an altered state of consciousness. My personal favorite is the donning of a veil. The veil can be made from any material, as long as it allows for filtered sight; mesh, loose knit scarves, thin cotton, and the like. I personally use my grandmother’s old black scarf. By donning it in a circle of candles, I filter my sight and begin to slip away, into another realm. My method is simple: light the candles, burn some incense, and don the veil. After I arrange the candles, occasionally in an arc and occasionally surrounding, I light some incense to create atmosphere. I prefer opium; it’s very musky and gives an ambience of mystique. I play in the smoke and get some nice music going. Slipping into that initial state of catharsis is key. I then meditate either on my knees or cross-legged for a few brief moments, then open my eyes to play with the smoke again. As I feel the charge within myself, in my core, I reverently unfold my scarf and slowly draw it over my head, my face still exposed, and, as the moment comes, lower it in front of my face. The transition is complete, and I find myself outside of reality. By working in this method, one can easily work with the eyes open while in a deep trance, and connect with that which is beyond the Veil between Worlds. Try this for yourself! Experiment with different items. Topicals, oils, herbs, potions, crystal grids...the process is customizable! Feel free to explore the Veil, and the experience will change your perceptions.
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grimoiremarcio · 7 years ago
Introduction to Potions
“You are here to learn the subtle science and exact art of potion-making. As there is little foolish wand-waving here, many of you will hardly believe this is magic. I don't expect you will really understand the beauty of the softly simmering cauldron with its shimmering fumes, the delicate power of liquids that creep through human veins, bewitching the mind, ensnaring the senses...I can teach you how to bottle fame, brew glory, even stopper death – if you aren't as big a bunch of dunderheads as I usually have to teach.”
 - Severus Snape
Potioncraft is the science and art of potion-making. These majikal mixtures, commonly brewed in cauldrons or similar vessels, are used to create various effects on the user of said concoctions. Derived from the the Latin “potio”, meaning “beverage”, the majikal and medicinal effects of potions are manifold. The compounds used can cause change, enchant, empower, heal, or even kill. These potions can not only be potable; they are also often topically applied, asperged, anointed, and even carried. 
Bottles, Phials, Jars
Mortar and Pestle
Measuring Spoons
Wooden Spoon
Various Ingredients
Potions are commonly classified into six general categories, as follows:
The Brew is a liquid mixture made by steeping, soaking, or boiling ingredients in water or some other base fluid. This process, while typically lengthy and requiring quite some time for completion, can also be shortened or expedited with little consequence, other than lack of potency. “Brew” is also a general term for potion.
The Concoction is, simply, a “slapped together” mixture of ingredients, compounded rather swiftly, or hurriedly, if such is the case.
The Draught, or Draft, is a single serving or portion of potion, and typically implies being drawn from a cask rather than a closed bottle.
The Elixir is a potion typically administered in a medicinal manner, with a sweetened taste and aromatic body. These are often tinctures.
The Philtre is a potion designed to enchant, charm, or bewitch someone or something, most commonly employed in Glamour majik or works of Love.
Poisons are potions that, though highly frowned upon, are unbelievably common and powerful, intended to cause some form of harm or even death. These are the Curses, Hexes, and Jinxes of Potioncraft.
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grimoiremarcio · 7 years ago
Cupid’s Glamour
A Glamour of Beauty cast on one who drinks it, attracting love and passion.
With effort and determination, one can create and empower this Potion so as to enchant oneself with beauty, attracting love and affection.
Black Tea
Standard Ingredient
Rose Petals
Orange Zest/Extract
The Brew
Bring the cauldron to a boil, then remove from heat. Add seven Rose Petals and allow to steep for seven minutes. Stir thrice deosil, strain, then return to a boil. Remove from heat once more and add one measure of Standard Ingredient and the Black Tea, allowing to brew for two minutes, then strain. Heat once more to boiling. Add one quarter measure of Cinnamon whilst boiling, half a measure of Orange Zest (or two drops of Extract), a quarter measure of Chamomile, and a few buds of dried Lavender. Allow to boil for one full minute. Remove from heat, then add three Cloves, one eighth measure of Ginger, and one eighth measure of Nutmeg. Steep for three minutes, stir seven times deosil, and strain. Add the juice of one Strawberry and half a slice of the flesh. Stir thrice more, deosil. Sweeten with Honey.
*Optional Ingredient: for added Potency; may be substituted with Strawberry flavour or syrup, or omitted altogether. If omitted, skip and simply stir thrice.
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grimoiremarcio · 7 years ago
Be Wise, All Who Enter...
What lies within the pages of this blog are the words, wisdom, and workings of my inner mind - of my psychic self. Dark and Light, Bane and Bright, the words that herein lie are the keys to unlocking Power and Miracles unbeknownst to others. Tread lightly, my dears, and act with caution; do not, however, harbor fear. Fear will undo us. Fear will prevent us from ascertaining these Wonders.
I will try to add content on a weekly basis and maintain this the best I can, both with new creations and ages-old writings. 
Be Blessed, my beauties, and behold the Wonders.
“If I live to see the Seven Wonders, I’ll make a path to the Rainbow’s End. I’ll never live to match the beauty again.” - Stevie Nicks, 1987
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