#‘but I can get it cheaper-‘ cool! go and buy it then! I’m not saying everyone has to buy hand made!
sparklecryptid · 2 years
Absolutely exhausting talking to people who don’t understand why hand made things are more expensive than mass produced items
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okay I was sorta lurking but I actually have a confession after reading that one about the rp servers because oh my god I had a TERRIBLE experience with an rp server. It’s so bad that it is literally the reason I have such a burning hatred for Pyrite the Skywing.
it was based extremely on wof (with some focus on the legend of Spyro, of all things) and it was called something like “WoF: Talon” or something like that; it had this edgy Bloodclan-esque dragon tribe but that’s beside the point. the server had this economy where in order to get like anything mildly special about a character you were going to play (hivewing abilities, Nightwing being born under any moons, firescales, etc.) and animus magic was the second most expensive thing, only being cheaper than literally buying moderator role. I’m dead serious.
Anyway, I decide to submit my personal animus character, a Nightwing named Gemcarver. basically he makes jewelry and sometimes puts enchantments on it of various usefulness. It gets accepted, I look for someone willing to rp. Lucky me, I guess; the owner of the server wants to rp. The owner, as a side note, literally idolizes Pyrite and unironically says that he “simps for her” and calls her “his queen.” I’ve never liked Pyrite as a character; she’s like a stereotypical shy girl who turns out to be like very overt TF bait? which is like not bad in itself, but it feels so over the top in the books. Anyway. Owner of the server decides to rp with his version of Pyrite, who is this more confident version of herself who has a husband and children, and also animus magic for some reason. We start rping, I’m having a decent amount of fun, and then he decides to do something…funny. pyrite decides to take a little piece of jewelry that Gemcarver bought just to be nice, and enchants it to basically have a second pyrite; Flora the Rainwing was born. And I was having fun with that too for a bit, until pyrite started making the spell more complicated, with ideas such as:
-flora being unable to get mad at pyrite for ANYTHING.
-flora being obsessed with Skywing culture and just Skywings in general, to the point of wanting to be one
-flora being obsessed with Pyrite specifically, romantically. Despite her having a husband.
And frankly I’m getting sort of annoyed, and want to play Gemcarver again (maybe there could be some like plot where he starts hating pyrite as he crushes the jewelry? I thought it would be cool) and saw my opportunity to get rid of it and made my shot, twice….and the owner didn’t let it happen. So I voice my complaints, like “so did I pay all that currency for nothing? the character I made is just dead now, for no reason?”
“Essentially, yes.”
this pisses me off, and I tell him that this is shitty, and he essentially just says “nuh this isn’t bad pyrite just wants attention uwu” and I just eventually dropped the conversation. and to this day I hate Pyrite with a burning passion.
Fuck that guy.
I can definitely understand why you hate Pyrite after that encounter.
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gremlingottoosilly · 7 months
Not a request just wanted to say I went to emerald city comic con and it was cool and there were lots of cool COD cosplayers. I only really told one I liked there cosplay but they all looked super cool!
Also if I may ask do you tend to buy or make cosplay? I’m an amateurish cosplayer and I’m planning on making a genshin cosplay but just figuring out how to get all the little pieces and details is difficult.(honestly I’m more making it for the validation of other cosplayer since most cosplays I’ve worn have been more or less pretty simple). Anyway thx for reading :D
(don't forget my insta - @captaingremlin) Hello!! I used to sew my own costumes(for Madoka and BlackCat!Diva), but I moved out of my parent's house and out of the country after I finished school, and I didn't want to bring a sewing machine to a rental apartment, so I'm buying costumes now. I usually just tailor them to my needs and do renovations that don't require a lot of manufactured stitching. For example, for my Kokomi dress from DokiDoki cosplay, I sewed another layer of sparkly fabric underneath to make it more sparkly, I reinstalled all the furniture(because the stitches from the seller tend to be kinda flimsy and you need to resew them so nothing would get lost) and added even more crystals and sparkles all around. I tend to be a maximalist cosplayer, so this is my style - as many jewels on the face as possible, ton of wig accessories and reusable details from other suits. It's easier when you have a ton, so if you're going for your first ever cosplay from Genshin, I'd recommend either getting a cheapest possible version(if you're on a budget) and do renovations on your own, OR go for Uwowo and DokiDoki. Uwowo is a bit cheaper if you're living in Europe, and it's much faster than DokiDoki. Just don't order Uwowo from their store at Aliexpress, they are usually 30-40 dollars more expensive there. Genshin is really hard to make on your own, with all tons of details, so you can invest in the wig instead. For wig styling, I just the tiny crimper and a hair straightener, and that's it. Just crimp the wig with tutorials and then decide if you want it to be super fluffy and curly or more canon. I go for curly and fluffy style, since it can cover a lot of imperfections in the wig material, and I cover it even more with accessories. I usually go for non-canon Genshin cosplays from Uwowo and DokiDoki since I don't really like canon designs, so I can only give advice on limited number of characters( I tend to buy every possible costume for the wig that I own, so now I have 5 Kokomi costumes in my closet and another 3 in plans. Also, don't be afraid of using tape!! For my Ganyu cosplays, since I'm barely a B size, I used a lot of push-ups just kinda sticking to the costumes with medical tape, so the costumes would fill up a bit. Also, about the sizes - if you're ordering from a Chinese brand, they tend to be smaller than American/European ones. I'm 47 kg and I usually go for S/M(even though I'm XS in European size) but if you're having doubts, it's better to buy a bit larger and just sew it yourself. Also - petticoats!! You don't have to but a fancy one, just buy some petticoat skirts from party shop, it's literally makes any dress better...and also, please don't forget safety shorts if you're wearing skirts. I was wearing a schoolgirl Kokomi with extremely short skirt while bending over an aerohockey stand and then I didn't understand why there was a line behind me made from teenage boys.... Also - just use lash glue for everything, even if you're sticking something on a wig. It's better than superglur if you want to restyle it later.
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safety-pin-punk · 1 year
Hi there!! So uh, i was wondering (as a baby punk/goth) if you have any suggestions as to how to subtly dress more punk?? I would love to go full out with it, but i couldn’t without getting into an argument, so if you have any tips, let me know :] thank you!!
Ideas for subtly adding alternative elements to outfits:
Safety pins. Add them any and everywhere. I have them on the lapels of almost every jacket I own, and up the back of a pair of converse (possibly being used to keep said pair of converse together). But adding them to bags or as earrings (or hanging from earrings) works just as well!
Band t shirts. You can buy them anywhere and pair them with anything. Simply jeans and a band t shirt are fairly common even for non-alt people
Start adding some black and other dark elements to your outfits. Even if its just a black friendship bracelet. Maybe it has beads on it that spell out a band name?
Learn how to do simple sewing and mending. The more times something is repaired, the cooler it looks in my opinion. AND thats something that is honestly a life skill and everyone should be able to do if they are physically able
Ladder lace your shoes (I have a how to here), its subtle but can tell someone who knows what they are looking for a lot
Ripped jeans are in fashion. Just make your own out of an old pair, it will look more alt and be cheaper. And you can tell your parents that you were just saving money and making ‘cooler jeans than the people who get them pre-ripped’ should work cause a lot of older people seem to have beef with pre-ripped jeans
Go just a *little* heavier on the eye make up (but not so much you get in trouble). And if anyone says anything about it, there are plenty of more mainstream artists you can say you drew inspiration from (Kiss, Mick Jagger, Prince, David Bowie. All musicians that parents are likely to have listened to)
Choose boots, converse, or vans over other options if you have the choice. Other options are fine (and probably cheaper unless you thrift them) but it’s undeniable that those shoes are staples of alt fashion
Simple chain necklace. Get it from a craft store. Its small, its subtle, it can be hidden under your shirt
If you or your family is religious (specifically christian here), get a stylized cross to wear. I have a cool looking metal one made out of nails. You could always claim that it represents something about Jesus’ suffering or something
DIY in general, even if it doesn’t look punk/alt. The fact that it was DIY basically makes it punk/alt
I’m not Goth, nor do I know *much* about Goth fashion, BUT, I think lace is pretty common? And not exclusive to alt spaces, soo you can just say you think its pretty
Any other ideas or tips for anon are welcome of course!!! (Especially on the goth stuff here lol)
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puppy-fae · 2 months
Last night I finished my 2nd time playing through Life is Strange 2 and I got the blood brothers ending(intentionally). I have a few thoughts about this ending and I’m pretty confident this is my favorite ending.
Here Are My Reasons Why:
Whenever I play a decision making game, I’m always a goodie two shoes and try to pick the best or “good” person decisions. To get this ending you had to corrupt Daniel and it challenged me to not just go for the good person options.
Continuing off making Daniel corrupt, I felt this made the game way more interesting than my first play through. I actually found the game quite boring my first time around but I think making Daniel corrupt made me excited to see what the consequences were.
I love that you still have to build up brotherhood for this ending. (Because honestly it would kill me any other way.) I loved seeing their relationship build overtime and even this doesn’t mean I have to choose the good options all the time. I let Daniel do what he wants and at times it was hilarious. (I couldn’t stop laughing every time he swore throughout the game.)
In the end, Daniel turns into a total badass. The way he kills the vigilantes and the cops is just so cool. I think the worst part is not letting the immigrants go. (Though I’m not sure if you have to do these things or not but I saw it say you have to online and I didn’t want to risk it.)
Now to the actual blood brothers ending. It made me happy to see the boys together because that was the goal all along. There was no one who cared more for each other than them. They even looked happy sitting outside together.
Now you might say, Sean never wanted to repair cars for a living there fore this is a bad ending. I argue that if Sean didn’t want to repair cars, why would he have bought a repair shop? Wouldn’t it have been easier and cheaper for him to just work a nine to five job. People change. I don’t think he would have went through all the effort to buy the shop if he didn’t want to. Also a lot of people hate their jobs. I’d rather be with someone I trust and care about and work a crap job than to lose my brother.
I know I know. “But they have get into gang stuff in this ending and are bad people now.” Well who knows. Throughout this whole game they do things to protect each other and it leads them into more and more trouble. We’ve also seen how the police fabricate things. Who’s to say they’re not actually bad people, maybe the bad people come to them? Either way they can hold their own because of Daniel’s power I have no doubt about that.
There’s this theory that because Sean has a black glass eye, this ending is meant to be a bad one and as much as I think that’s a cool theory, maybe he just wanted a black glass eye. Plus I think it makes him look cooler.
That’s what I love about the Life is Strange games so much. Any ending can be a good ending and it’s all up to interpretation. This isn’t to say blood brothers is the only good ending either. For me it’s the best one but that can be different for you and that’s ok.
If you found Life is Strange 2 to be boring the first time you played and you didn’t get the blood brothers ending I encourage you to try it. I got so much more invested in the story corrupting Daniel and building brotherhood between the two brothers.
Feel free to reply with your favorite ending as I’d love to hear others thoughts on this! No hate💖
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maggie-004 · 1 year
(Un-) Lucky coincidence - 3
Jenna Ortega x Fem reader
Summary: After helping Jenna Ortega, Y/N invites her to stay at her apartment when Jenna's hotel reservation is canceled. Jenna accepts the offer, and they bond over music and their shared vegetarian lifestyle while enjoying Chinese food and planning Jenna's stay in Austria for another 1 and a half weeks.
Words: 2155
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“Oh, cool cool, I’m here with my car soo uhm do you need a ride?” I asked Jenna, trying to not freak out. “Uh yeah that would be great. Where do you even live, like do you have a house or-“, “What a house, you’re funny, no I have an apartment nearby. Houses here in Innsbruck are very expensive, if you wanna buy a house, that’s not the size of an shoe box you’ll have to pay at least 5 Million euro. Even to buy an apartment is really expensive. Mine costed around 500.000 euro.” I nearly cried out of laughing “Come on let’s go to my Car, and maybe close your mouth on the way there, Innsbruck is a very expensive city” I laughed at how shocked she was, it really is normal around here. “Yeah let’s go, sorry. I am really shocked right now your apartment is just a little less worth than our house in Coachella and my apartment in LA is way, WAY cheaper than yours” Jenna explained while we went to my car. “Oh really I thought America is more expensive than Austria.” I said while unlocking my car.
“apparently not, I really thought Austria would be very cheap, well I thought wrong. Oh is that your own car or is it your parents?” “No it’s my own, I love this car” I proudly said while getting in to my Ford mustang Mach-e. “Wow I thought you were a nursing student, by the way how old are you?” Jenna glanced at me while I connected my phone to the car.  “I’m 19 (feel free to put in your age) how old are you?” I asked Jenna. “Woah how do you have an own apartment, a car like that and your job at the age of 19? Oh yeah I’m 20 but I’m turning 21 this year” she said and smiled at me. “Oh you’re not old yourself, you know for what you’ve reached so far. Well I started to study at 16, I skipped a few classes and I wanted to move out from my old home so I started to save money and I do make money besides school so yeah that’s pretty much it.” I just explained when we drove off, I played some music and I could see from a side eye that Jenna was enjoying it. “wow so you are the youngest in your class, at least I suppose? And how do you manage to make money, well enough money for all that while still going to school. I know that my sister, Mia she is 2 years older than me, is now nearly done with nursing school and she barley has time to work a part time job and make enough money for anything like this. Oh yeah before I forget to ask, where do you find those remixes we’re listening right now” She asked me and started to get into the music even more. “Oh she’s a nurse as well? That’s so cool, but it’s true. When you’re in nursing school you don’t have enough time to make some Money, except you are lucky enough, like me, to make your money doing something you love, for me it’s DJing. I have my YouTube channel and I have now nearly 5.5 Million subscribers, that’s where you can find those remixes by the way. That’s how I make my money. I’ve never shown my face though so I live a normal life. I collaborated with one of my best friends I met online her name is Antonia aka. RevedTV, I really got a lot of subs from her community. All in all I’m just lucky” I explained smiling because that really is just luck and it’s so cool to receive so much good karma. “Okay, wow yeah I don’t really know what to say here, I’m flabbergasted. Congrats on that and you got to tell me your artist name, I really want to listen to more of your remixes.” Jenna said, and to be honest that made me so proud of myself because everyone knows that Jenna is addicted to music and that she has a certain taste of music, I think she has a really good taste in music, but I got ripped out of because we were already pulling up to my garage.
“Thank you” I just realized that Jenna was talking to me earlier, I kind of zoned out, I still got to tell her about my ADHD otherwise she might thinks I’m rude. “Sorry for not talking to you sooner, I kind of zoned out, you know I have ADHD just wanted to clarify so I don’t come off rude. Sorry”. “Don’t be sorry, that’s ok you don’t seem rude, I know how it feels to zone out, happens way to often to me too” She just giggled at me. “Oh thank god you can relate to the zoning out, hey believe it or not some people don’t zone out at all. It really shocked me to learn about that” I explained living through the exact same feeling as I did when I first learned about that. “Yeah no way, you’re kidding right?” she asked me “Nope. I’m not kidding I swear”. “Wow second time you made me speechless today, just for your information, normally that doesn’t happen to me and certainly not twice”, “ Okay and what exactly does that mean?” I asked her while we got in the elevator I live on the 3rd and 4th. I jokingly started to tease her “Do I make you nervous … nahh just kidding” I laughed and I’m not sure but I think Jenna blushed a little but maybe it’s just my imagination. We arrived at third floor and I unlocked the door, holding it open for Jenna “Milady, after you” “Thank you”. “You can keep your shoes on or how ever you like, feel comfortable, do you want a little tour so you see how we Austrians live” I asked her. “Yeah sure I’d love to” she said while she took off her shoes. “ Okay first room to your right is my guests bath, next to it the guests  room and a little storage room” “Mhm oh the furniture is soo cool” Jenna said. “Then you should wait until you see my room, anyways around that corner is my kitchen and the eating era, come on.” “Woah I definitely wasn’t  expecting an all-black kitchen it’s so cool and so big. Y/N you have a really nice furnishing style, I love it here.” Jenna said. “Thank you so much yeah I really took my time because I want to feel at home here so no compromises with anyone, you won’t believe me how many people said ´oh no black kitchen… don’t do this… don’t do that- bla bla bla` but as already said no compromises. Okay come on we have another floor to look at” I just said. “Another one? Wow cool you really hyped me for your room.” “Okay then come on, soo here is my bathroom, I really needed that freestanding bathtub and again a lot of black elements I love it looks so  fancy. Next to my bathroom I have my laundry room nothing special in here. But now my second favorite room, my studio. Here happens all my ´Musical magic´” Jenna looked stunned at me and I just had to laugh at her face and about myself, calling myself magical. “Well I guess we make it a third time that I don’t know what to say wow, this is all so cool, amazing is that your DJing controller?” Jenna asked me. “Yeah it is if you want I can show you a few things on it later” I suggested. “I’d love to, maybe you can teach me a little bit” she smiled like a little child when I nodded at her request. “Okay now come ooonnn I am so hyped to show you my room, I really love it so let’s gooooo.” “Oh my god you’re hyping me up so much don’t hype me anymore I don’t think I could that you know… emotionally” Jenna laughed.
“Well then we’ll make it short and painless. Here take a look.” I said with the biggest grin on my face, because I know we can add another speechless Jenna moment to our list. My room is the biggest of all my rooms, it has 2 black Walls on which my Californian King sized Bed is, also it’s slightly higher than everything else because it’s build on this platform thing, where I have two huge drawers, I know I don’t need bed this big alone but I really fell in love with it, I think its needless to say that I wouldn’t spent so much money on a bed I don’t need, but I got it as a gift from one of my advertising partners. I also have a lot of plants and little decoration things, Pictures and a few fan gifts, a big ass aquarium, way too big tv, but again it was a gift, my beloved Book shelf, next to it a tiny two person couch and a desk for schoolwork and editing. But now my favorite part, my walk-in closet. “So Jenna what do you think” I grinned. “Wow this room is amazing, how long did you spent to make it look like that, and that bed oh my god can I sit on it, it looks sooo comfortable” Jenna said. “Yea you can also lay in it if you want, it was a gift from my advertising partners. I think I’ve spent one and a half months on this room, but only because I didn’t accept any help in this room, I really wanted it like I imagined. So I build that platform for my bed myself and lowered the ceiling for the LED’s.” I explained “How’s the bed?” I laughed at how tiny Jenna looked in it. “It’s amazing but I am a little scared that I’ll get lost in it.” We both started to laugh like crazy. My stomach started to hurt out of laughter I threw myself on my bed next to Jenna and tried to calm down. Needless to say we pushed each other even more and only after 10 minutes we started to calm down. “Uhg now my stomach hurts, Jenna do you still want to drink a coffee” I asked her still giggling. “Yeah sure, can you help me up” “sure her you go, we gotta go downstairs for coffee, or are you hungry?” I asked Jenna now. “Well yeah are you?” she asked. “I am so hungry right now, do you wanna order something or should I cook?”, “Uh we can order something and I pay for it you know as a thank you” Jenna suggested. “Oh Jenna you really don’t have to that’s fine you’re my guest so please let me- “ Jenna interrupted me “Yeah and you helped me when no one did so please I insist.” “Okay thank you” I gave up I didn’t stood a chance. “What should we order?” I asked Jenna. “Well I’m currently chancing my diet for Romania so something vegetarian, do you like Chinese?”, “Oh I love Chinese food and btw I’m vegetarian too, had to change from vegan to vegetarian because of the nutritious, kind of sucks” I explained to Jenna whom nodded at what I was saying. “oh my god same, I was so devastated when I found out I had to change that.” We both ordered some spring rolls and those lobster chips the white ones. “So should we look for places you could stay, or do you maybe wanna stay here, I mean only if you want to and feel safe and everything” I offered her, not really knowing what she’d say and hoping to not scare her away. We sat in my 2nd floor and before she could answer the doorbell rang. So I had to run down and get the food. “Hey Jenna do you wanna eat in the living room or down here?” I yelled up. “ Uhm however you want” she yelled back. So I got everything we need form the kitchen and got back up. “ I think it’s more comfortable if we stay here. Well about my offer-“ Jenn a cut right in “Uhm I’d love to but only if you’re really fine with that.” Oh my god, I think my heart is about to stop. Jenna really is going to stay at my place. “Yeah totally I can set up the guest room, you can stay as long as you want. I really mean it. How long are you staying in Austria anyways?” I asked her. “for another 1 and a half weeks, we are going to start promoting Wednesday, so the rest of the Wednesday cast comes here tomorrow, and thank you for everything”
A/N: Wow these are getting longer, fyi English is not my first language. Still hope you like it :)
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tigreblvnc · 8 days
Your match is...
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— Meguru Bachira
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✦ Yes, what is Bachira doing here?
✦ He's here for the sake of the Sunshine x Grumpy trope, of course.
✦ Happy bee and jaded black cat.
✦ He doesn’t get sarcasm. He always falls for it when you tell a joke, and you know you can go really far with white lies; every time you start again, he still believes you.
✦ People say you're pretty, but Bachira says he thinks you're cool.
✦ "It’s funny, you manage to seem confident even when you’re not! How do you do that?"
✦ Listens attentively to your stories, sitting cross-legged, even if he's unable to sit still.
✦ "Are you good at poker? How do you do it? You must be great at bluffing? Do you think like Isagi and come up with multiple scenarios at the same time?"
✦ "I sometimes stare out the window like I’m in a sad MV, but really I’m just looking at the scenery/sky." Bachira is a pro at bursting your emo bubble with some out-of-nowhere comment or a random question that has nothing to do with what you were just talking about.
✦ Purple and yellow :)
✦ "I’ve been to so many extreme parks that flying foxes are boring to me now." >>>> Classic duo with the one who screams their head off and the one who doesn’t say a word during all the loopings.
✦ And it's even more visible in the wild picture taken at the end of the ride.
✦ Bachira buys them all, even the bad ones.
✦ "I don’t like bugs."
✦ "Yes… But you like bees, don’t you?"
✦ "I can’t design things because I don’t know when to stop/where to place things to make them look pretty." I headcanon Bachira as a guy who's good at art, though not necessarily visual arts. He has a good eye, and honestly, he dresses well? With his cute overalls and sweaters knitted by his mom (still headcanon). Without outright helping you, he opens your eyes to artistic possibilities and pushes you out of your comfort zone, which you desperately need.
✦ His stories are way more intriguing than the books you read that don’t even surprise you anymore. At least with Bachira, you get the audio, too.
✦ I imagine he’s the kind of guy who buys accessories to pimp out his phone case and gives people little trinkets to hang on their bags, to slip into the photo slot in their wallet, etc.
✦ A pen with his face printed all over it.
✦ He knows you love writing, so…
✦ "Think of me when you write your stories!"
✦ He thinks your cooking is healthy and balanced and really tries to adopt a good diet like you, especially for sports. But after a while, he gives up on his cooking attempts and sticks to canned pineapples. It’s quicker and cheaper.
✦ "I admire activities that require specific movements like playing instruments and ballet that I can’t do because my spatial awareness/motor skills are trash." I headcanon this in another matchup, but to me, Bachira's football style could almost be compared to breakdancing/hip-hop on the field, especially after his affiliation with FC Barcha. So let’s just say he’s kind of your poster child when it comes to movement and being able to pull off cool tricks.
✦ My little moon, my big sun.
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A word about your match: I really like this pairing. You know what I like most about this new matchup format? It's the fact that I can assign a totally unexpected character to someone.
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inkofamethyst · 1 month
August 7, 2024
Feeling a little frustrated with lab stuff this past week.  It feels like everytime I take two steps forward in lab, I immediately encounter some issue that renders those steps, in some way or another, missteps.  Not exactly two steps back, per se, but imperfect in some way.  Potentially salvageable, possibly not.  And I know that it’s a learning process, and that even missteps are learning experiences, and that I can’t be perfect all the time (or any of the time), but like..  I saw somewhere that doing a PhD is like doing a group project with your past self.  And I’m really trying to do all I can to make it so me, the past self, is not the one holding the project back for my future self.  But I can’t help what I don’t know :/
And the worst part is that what I'm doing seems so easy! I follow the same set of instructions practically daily, so why do my stains look drastically different all the time :((( And don't even get me started on microscopy.
Went randomly scrolling on craiglist and thought I'd found the exact bass case/gig bag I was looking into getting but secondhand (and cheaper hehe). The only bass case currently for sale, and the exact one I was favoring, it's gotta be a sign, right? Reached out to the seller with a super reasonable question to feel out for scammy vibes, and they deleted then reposted the listing!? Wild.
Anyway I now think I've found a cheat code to get money out of my dad: suggest that I am going to do something slightly risky in order to earn or save extra money. He's now offering to cover the difference between what I'd planned to pay for the case and what it goes for new to just buy a new one lol. I explained to him that a big reason behind using secondhand sites was a personal desire to not contribute to overproduction when there are certainly plenty of cases already in the world. And he was like "...okay, and?". Anyway I guess I'm buying a case.
On a different random scroll, I realized that a pair of basic brown trousers are an integral piece of what I want my aesthetic to look like, but after four years of searching I have yet to come across the perfect pair: deep brown, deep pleats, button closure, medium weight wool, deep pockets, high waisted, snug at the waist, and the perfect length. So I am taking it upon myself to make them. I'm working on a mockup, and I'm headed to the library on friday to sew up what I've basted for a first fitting. I also intend to make a waistcoat out of the same fabric for a matchy-matchy look, but I'll need to find a well-fitted waistcoat pattern first :/ (but when I do I'm sure I will be pumping those guys out like once a month or something)
Today I'm thankful that the weather has cooled down! I would even go so far to say that it's.. chilly. And has been all week! I LOVE IT! This is what I wanted when I moved here!
[edit: a year ago today I was altering trousers. I certainly am who I am, always and forever.]
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staceymcgillicuddy · 2 years
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Day 20: Gift Wrapping
December 1996 Indianapolis, Indiana
There are certain undeniable perks to being a backing musician for a moderately successful rock band. Seeing the world from the back of a tour bus? Check. Doing what he loves every night while having the freedom to plug away at his own music? Double check. Getting a more-than-decent paycheck every month, plus bonuses? Triple check. Perks all the way down.
Of course, the travel doesn’t leave much time for home, family, or shopping for Christmas presents, which is how Eddie ends up at Macy’s in Indianapolis on December 24, along with every other poor schlub who put off shopping until the last minute. 
Money helps, though. He’s got a definite idea of what he wants to buy his uncle, and while it’s not a Rolex, it’s a nice fucking watch. Nice enough that it’s not sold out like the cheaper models. The salesman is more than happy to box it up and run his charge card while looking at Eddie in abject confusion, like he can’t quite figure out how this punkass in a denim jacket and ripped jeans can afford to spend five hundred bucks on a timepiece. 
Let him wonder. 
“Any chance you can gift wrap it?” Eddie asks. His fingers are nimble on frets and strings, less so with paper and tape. Yet another perk of a disposable income—he doesn’t have to worry about shit like that anymore. 
“Yes, sir. Our wrapping station is just behind the escalators. You can’t miss it.” 
The man is right—there’s no missing the gold-and-silver station, which looks suspiciously like a customer service desk covered in foil. There’s no one manning it, but there’s a bell and a sign requesting he ring it for service, so he does.
There’s rapid movement from behind the partition, and a slim, blonde woman in a black dress emerges. 
“Hi, sorry,” she says, and Eddie knows her instantly.
She blinks, and he’s prepared to be mortified. Ready to have her look him up and down without that same spark of recognition firing in her brain. But then, her eyes soften, and she laughs. “Eddie Munson?” 
He’s back in high school again. Fighting the urge to fantasize about what’s under her cheer skirt when she passes him in the cafeteria. Watching the way she taps her pencil against her paper during a test. Glaring daggers at her dumb boyfriend across the parking lot. “Uh, hi. Wow. Long time no see.” 
Long time no see? Jesus fucking Christ, man, you’ve slept with models. 
“Gosh, I know. How are you? I, um, I heard you moved to Los Angeles?” 
That she knows anything about what happened to him post-graduation is shocking, and he fumbles out, “I guess. I mean, I did. Just home visiting my uncle. You know. Christmas.” 
So, yeah. Any progress toward being a chill adult can be wiped out by two seconds of mere proximity to his high school crush. Good to know. 
“Sure. Do you want me to wrap that?” 
“Uh. Yes. Thank you.” He pushes the box forward and watches as her hands fly across various accouterments, tearing paper and tape with practiced ease. There are no rings on any of her fingers. “How are… how’s it going?” 
“Oh, you know. Fine.” She cuts the paper in half and then in half again to accommodate the smaller box. 
“Cool. Yeah, cool. Doing anything fun for Christmas?” Never let it be said that Edward Munson is not a cunning linguist, capable of intelligent, suave conversation with all the chicks. 
“Not really. My roommate and I are going to try and make a beef wellington.” 
“That sounds fancy.” 
“Oh, totally. You want a ribbon on this?” 
“Please,” he says because he doesn’t care, but it’ll buy him a few more seconds of awkward small talk. “I’m in a band.” 
Chrissy’s mouth curls into a smile like he’s not awkwardly inserted a Very Cool Fact about himself into the conversation. “Corroded Coffin. I remember.” 
“No. Well, yes. In school. But now I'm with Gravity Well. I do backing guitar. I’m not like in the band…” The verbal diarrhea was a problem, it really was. Someone ought to invent Imodium for the verbose asshole. 
“I have their new album,” she says, putting him out of his misery as she ties the ribbon in place and slides the neatly wrapped box across the counter. “That’s cool, Eddie.” 
Having thoroughly humiliated himself at warp speed, he figures it’s about time to slink out with his tail between his legs. “Um, what do I owe you?”
“It’s complimentary.” She points to a sign that says as much. “Though tips are appreciated.” 
“Oh, sure…” he fumbles for his wallet. 
“Or, you know. You could just take me out for a drink.” 
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soiruntotheriver · 2 years
Re Touring & the Industry
Just a little something for folks that are disappointed about the US Ghost tour announcement. First of all, I 100% get it. You love this band. You hate not being close enough to see them live. Yes, it *does* suck ass that they’re not coming to your country and/or town. And if you’d like to continue to mourn and dgaf how the industry operates, that’s cool - read no further!
But all that said, I do hope you understand that while Tobias is the boss on stage and in the studio, he has a lot of people to answer to when it comes to touring. Bands generally have *very* little control over where they play. The people who actually call the shots are the booking agents/managers/promoters, etc.
The major deciding factors when scheduling a tour are how to make it  A. possible and B. worth it. This means do we have the resources (money, time, transportation, lodgings, crew, etc.) and can we make money doing it (to pay everyone, to feed them, to build and maintain sets, to make costumes, to buy gas, and airline tickets, and gear, and insurance, to make future albums, to finance future tours, etc. etc.). And yes, some of it ends up being about what will make a profit for the agents/managers/evil big-name ticket sellers.
Essentially, bands go where it’s cost effective to go and where they know people will show up. Touring is expensive and complicated. With this current tour as an example - Why are most of the US venues on this current leg amphitheaters? Probably because those are often easier to sell out than stadiums. Why are some of them being held a few miles outside of town instead of in major city centers? The venues are probably cheaper there. Why do they sometimes follow weird routes? Like Pennsylvania to Virginia and then back up to New Jersey? Those are most likely the venues that had the capacity, availability, and most decent revenue cuts.
I’m just saying, it’s not all about greed and it’s certainly not about whether or not a band wants to go to a place. If it was up to them, they’d play everywhere. The best thing you can do as a fan is keep streaming their music, buying their CDs/vinyl from your local sellers, asking for radio play in your town, sending requests to venues for Ghost to play there (this is especially helpful for festivals), and trekking out to shows whenever possible, even if they’re a little farther away than you’d prefer. 
I’m super sorry for all those who’ve had to wait and are still waiting to see Ghost live. I hope they’ll be able to expand their reach in the future 🙏
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anthrofreshtodeath · 1 year
I’m going to Boston in a few months. Any recs on must-sees and food spots?
Hmm, if it’s your first time, do all the touristy stuff. Here’s what I’d recommend sight-seeing/event wise:
1) Fenway Park - no brainer! Even if the Sox aren’t in town or it’s the off-season, take a tour. The history is rich and it ends with a pretty cool museum walkthrough.
2) the freedom trail - this is a lot of fun and some of the tour guides are super funny and knowledgeable. This is a nice primer for the most famous lore of Boston.
3) Boston Public Library (main branch in Copley Square) - the library is huge and the architecture is a lot of fun to look at. Best part? The Triumph of Religion mural by John Singer Sargent.
4) Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum and MFA Boston - the Gardner is great for more Sargent pieces, as well as the heist that took place there decades ago! You can see where the missing paintings used to hang. The MFA has a stunning Kehinde Wiley in addition to lots of great exhibits.
5) the USS Constitution - this is a cool thing to see on a trip to Charlestown, especially if you’re already there to see the Bunker Hill monument. The Consitution has a cute interactive museum that’s pretty informative about the ship and its travels.
6) the Museum of African American History - right in the heart of Beacon Hill! Learn about Beacon Hill’s history as a Black neighborhood and the legacy of Black resistance in the city of Boston.
Honorary Mention: TD Garden - a sports cathedral (go to a C’s game if you can!), a day trip to Salem (I named my kid after the place it’s so much fun!), Jamaica Plain’s Latin Quarter (patronize some local latine businesses and eat some bomb Dominican food), the North End (little Italy - cultural hub!)
And some food places I’d recommend:
1) Archie’s New York Deli in Downtown Crossing (by Macy’s) - go for breakfast. Their deli sandwiches are good, too, but the yahoo breakfast sandwich is like an egg McMuffin on crack. So tasty. They even have homemade ketchups and sauces!
2) Bova’s bakery - I’m a simple bitch for this one but oh god is this place good. Gotta go for: a lobster tail, a cannolu, or ricotta pie. Or if you’re like me, all three and a cookie on the side.
3) Carmelina’s- another famous North End place. What can I say? I’m a sucker for good Italian. Get the Sunday macaroni. You’ll thank me later.
4) Parziale’s bakery - time for more baked goods. And while you’re at it, grab a slice of Sicilian style pizza to go. It’s so fucking good.
5) Zoe’s Chinese Restaurant- go out to Somerville for these bomb soup dumplings.
I’m sure there’s so much more food out there to try! These are the best things I remember eating off the top of my head. And if you’re at Fenway, have a Fenway Frank, please. And a sausage and peppers from one of the carts outside. The guys’ll be sure to tell you how much cheaper it is to buy from them than inside the stadium.
Have tons of fun!
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reshrom · 2 years
So I just finished the New Tales from the Borderlands aaaaaaaand I got some thoughts, some good, a lot bad. I don’t think I regret getting this game, but I do wish that it was a tad . . . cheaper to buy. 
I’ll say this: I played the first Tales before playing this and, no competition, the first one is better by leaps and bounds. Shocker. A lot of what happens in New Tales doesn’t feel as epic as it did in the first Tales. There are story elements that kind of have no meaning or value and just don’t lead to anything. Unlike the first game where nearly everything you did, and almost everyone you meet can come into play at the end. Here . . . it doesn’t. 
Case in point, one of the first decisions you make in the game is what to teleport away in Rhy’s office. None of that comes into play. You send the Atlas bot Timm-E to retrieve the item and other than a few random jokes, this never comes into play. 
You meet a bunch of unique and interesting characters from Octavio’s friends to the half-psycho Staple-Face, and none of these characters matter! And what’s worse, some of them die! And what’s even worse than that is some of them die and you can clearly do something about it, but the game forces you not to for whatever reason! There were literally many things you could do to avoid the characters death and you simply can’t because the game doesn’t want you to. 
Speaking of characters, the main ones I can see being very hit and miss among the fandom. Anu, Octavio, and Fran have a lot of good things going for them, but they also can be really annoying a lot of times too. What makes Tales characters interesting is that they aren’t badass assassins, soldiers, or mercs, they’re normal people trying to survive the bloodthirsty universe they live in. They’re every day people that are cowardly, selfish, and just plain not-badass. That’s what Rhys, Fiona, and to an extent Sasha and Vaughn, were! But they rise above those and work with the skills, abilities and tech they have and become Vaulthunters!
Anu for example is very high-strung and full of anxiety, but she also wants to do good and save lives instead of end them, which is something I don’t think we’ve ever come across in the Borderlands series. It’s very fun to see her go from 1 to 11 in an instant any time GUNS come into play, but it can also get very annoying when she says something cringe or makes super awkward faces. But she can also be badass too! Any time she get s an actual win, it legitimately made me happy. 
Octavio is probably my least favorite and probably going to be the least favorite of a lot of fans, I predict. Most of his dialogue is cringe and annoying, but he does get some fun and funny moments, mostly at his expense. 
Fran I would say is my favorite simply because of her attitude. Probably closest to a badass you can get in this game. She’s trying to do better with her life and improve herself, but the world is constantly putting her down and you can either have her respond with control or violence. Either way can be enjoyable, though personally it was a lot more fun to freeze people. Not to mention it’s somewhat rare to play a character that’s overweight AND paraplegic, so I give them points on that. 
Unfortunately, these characters aren’t enough to buffer a number of the negatives this game has. One of the biggest sins is that, the Opening Music sucks. If you like it, I’m glad, but the first game had such cool and memorable Openings and accompanying music. This one . . . just doesn’t. It just plays some song while the characters do a montage. That’s all the episode openings. It’s nothing special like listening to “Kiss the Sky” while running from a Rakk Hive and Moonshots, while falling out of a speeding, destroyed caravan or listening to “To the Top” while doing a slowmo team walk toward a rocket or listening to “Retrograde” while escaping from a falling space station, your friends either betrayed you, killed or lost to the winds. 
Something boring they added was the Vaultlanders mini-game. Personally, even before the game came out I knew this wasn’t gonna be my favorite because it looked boring to start with, but still. Vaultlanders is stupid easy and really only worth completing for the achievement. There’s also a mini-game for Octavio sequences, but those can at least be skipped. The only fun part about the Vaultlanders minigame is that you are challenged by Badass Superfan who is the weirdest nerd ever because they show up in the weirdest of places to challenge you! You feel sorry for them, but at the same time you can’t help but laugh at them too!
Oh and one other thing! Apparently this game was developed some time during the pandemic, which might explain some parts of the game that are . . . cheaply handled. In one scene Fran fights a tank full of alien sharks, but you never see it because you only see Octavio narrating what happens. Then there’s Fran’s big battle with Sponsorbot. Sponsobot turns into this cool, giant, spider-bot monster and Fran finally uses her chair’s most destructive mode that she’s been teasing at having through the whole game . . . and we only see it in an 80′s eight-bit turn-style arcade game. Fuck me, I feel disappointed again just typing that out. This is a world that can digistruct giant things into existence. Hell, the last game had you fighting in a giant robot, power rangers style, and we couldn’t even get wheelchair robot?! I want to be even angrier about this decision, but again, this was made during the pandemic and people were even more limited than! I don’t know if I should restrain my anger for that reason or not. 
There are some good points to the game. For one, there are many different dialogues depending on what choices you make. No seriously, depending on what you did or said, some characters will have something different to say and completely rearrange the flow of the conversation. Different things will happen if this one character is pissed at you or you made a mistake or you did something right. It was all really fascinating and offers replayability if you want. There’s even multiple endings if you care about that!
The animation is actually really good, I’d even say better than the first game’s. There’s so much detail in every character and the world they walk around in is gorgeous and even more detailed! I really can’t say they were lazy on the designs and animation, because all of it looks really good and smooth. 
Despite the negatives I’ve mentioned, I really feel like there was some love and care put into this game. It wasn’t executed well, but there was effort, and I feel like the developers did what they could with what they had.
Overall, I give this game 6/10 Skateboards! 
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mirrorstone · 2 years
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Today’s tea is blackberry sage, from republic of tea. It’s a black tea, but a rather delicate one, that doesn’t have the robust body of say, a cup of assam or english breakfast. That delicacy is good though, because the blackberry and white sage are also delicate flavors. Not weak, they come through very nicely, but subtle. The blackberry captures that nice juicy, brambley flavor of the berry and the white sage is fresh, like the leafy scent of the woods on a cool dewy morning, with just a little bit of coolness on the tongue like a very gentle fresh mint leaf. (Not dried mint or peppermint. Fresh mint has a subtle sweetness and a much gentler minty flavor.) To be honest, it’s best without milk, since the sharper notes of blackberry and the subtle fresh notes of the white sage would come though better and the milk flavor kind of overpowers the subtleties, but I’m creature of habit and I poured it without really thinking. Still good with or without though. Republic of tea is one of the pricier brands of teabags, at $12-$15 for a can of 36 or 50 teabags, but if you’re going to splurge they’re usually a good bet. (Some pricier tea bags, I think, are just fancier packaging and better marketing rather than better flavor.) Their teabags are definitely a big step up in quality from a cheaper bagged tea, and the flavors always come through. They also sell a number of their flavors as looseleaf teas as well, but I haven’t had the chance to try any yet, though I hope to do so.
I picked today’s teacup because the mushroom pattern called to me today, and it’s a nice match for the foresty notes of the tea. I got this one when a friend came to visit, and I took her to pike place market (because you can’t visit Washington without going). She lives out of state and I don’t get to see her as often as I wish I did, so I wanted to make sure she got the full experience, as much as a pair of easily tired introverts can manage anyway. There’s a shop at pike place that sells Polish pottery that’s always a lot of fun to browse, so of course we ducked in. Most of my teacups come from thrift shops, but this is one of the handful that I bought new. I fell in love with the pattern as soon as I saw it, and where was I ever going to find something else like it? I’m usually pretty careful about money, so I always second and third and fourth guess before I splurge, and sometimes I talk myself out of things I wish I’d gone for. I’m glad I was there with my friend that day, because she encouraged me to buy it. It makes me happy every time I use it, looking at the cute pattern and remembering spending time together. No other teacup would have been the one I found with her that day.
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starsinthegrimdark · 2 years
To Imperium or to not Imperium
its a new year and i still love playing and building and painting models and i’m come to a realization that i do not have a single Imperium army. now I’ve shown some Space marines in the past but as of right now i sold most of those to a buddy of mine that wanted to start and i used that cash to bolster other forces and fund other hobbies so Im down to my tester models and some rainy day projects. But now that my LGS has a couple of regulars and there has been talks of maybe recording games for fun and stuff i can see myself looking at another army.Im probably going to slowly grow the army over time but after some videos and research i could see myself selling some of my unused models and dropping like 500 bucks to bite the bullet at one time. But i need to figure out what faction to look into, I have Necrons, Tau, GSC, and Death Guard so i have a good amount of midrange horde type armies so branching away from that here are the options i was thinking about.
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GREY KNIGHTS This choice i will admit is the fault of One Last Blade and how fun he makes the army look. no matter how much that man roll batches of 1s he always makes the army look fun and interesting, and being a load of old sculpts the Combat Patrol is filled to the brim with options and dual purpose models.
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Adeptus Custodes The Golden Banana boys themselves or as a friend calls them Kitten and Co. This is another heavy elite army but sense i’m not looking to go super ham on buying at the start thats kinda what i’m aiming for. But on the other hand i do love not getting shot off the board ever and cleaving through nearly anything in my way.
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ULTRAMARINES Ah the Blueberrys have caught my heart if i was to choose a Marine faction, not only because they are cool looking but none of the other SM players around have played them so i can have my cake and eat it to. the other reason is i found a really good deal on the blister box of Papa Smurf and his body guards for like 20 bucks and how could you say no to that so i have the second in command.
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CHAOS SPACE MARINES this is is mainly for the fact that i know a guy that knows a guy and i could get a bunch of CSM for cheaper then you’d expect. price aside I think i work them into a custom army and work on the lore before committing any paint to brush but i will admit the new sculpts are really cool and i’d love to paint up some half demons.
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CHAOS KNIGHTS Do i want to buy four boxes and call it a day ?, Would i want to build and paint up something the size of a toddler ?, Where else can i get skulls that big without stealing from the Khorne man himself ? these are all great questions all with the same answer but again this would be another longer term project and would look Metal as hell im not sure i have the room for and would need to sell finished and untouched painting projects to fund. but giant F off robots are so cool. those are the armies i am thinking of and hell if you have any opinions on other factions i should try then comment them i read all of them and will try to respond
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tacobellpotatotaco · 2 months
God save me 😭😭😭
i’m panicked and i have no idea what to do. i prayed for the first time today i keep wiping away my tears bc i don’t know what is going to happen. i’m literally slamming the brakes on every operation. idk why i’m even going through with wanting to protect him. he said some nice things but he doesn’t want to be my friend or be nice to me he sounded a little like he wanted to save his own ass, i don’t think he really thinks of me. i uh am scheduled to talk to brenda tonight but i literally am terrified. im always pretty halfway about posting. idk to me he sounded like he only said nice things about our time together cause he didn’t want me to hit post. which i guess yeah fair but i can’t say it makes me second guess myself. i think he defo underestimates llamas family alone. they’re capable of a lot. this is fucking crazy
i can maybe buy time to figure something out but it’s not necessarily like i have the control over this. I’m calling off tonight and my day job is asking me if i can do OT next week. i’m fuckedddd
this whole place is wired brenda and jenny already know he knows. THEY can survive without vacationing to puerto rico but there’s a fucking mass in my brain 😭😭😭???!? It doesn’t matter what i think of david because like!!! i’m in deep waters!!!!!! if people know a civilian knows it’s fucking over it doesn’t matter that he said he wouldn’t snitch jesus fucking christ holyyy shit. i know he didn’t know that he accidentally made a lot of enemies rn so i actually sort of really do have to protect him and really go out of my way for this. Like these people DO NOT know him i do not want to see this end in ANYTHING omg. HE is FROM LA WHY WOULD HE SAY THAT 😭😭 WHY WOULD YOU REVEAL YOU KNOW PRECIOUS INFO U COULD HAVE JUST LEFT THAT OUT THE LAW CANT HELP U NOW OMG it’s just ME and u know i’m fucking STUPID!!!!! i can’t breathe. i know his ass can not operate a gun and dood did not even notice when i had bodyguards follow us around. we are so fucked. i barely discovered TODAY i hardly want to help him bc he still just. Still don’t not apologize like dude omg i am trying so hard here can u plz help me out u had every advantage!!!! 😭
the apology sounded kind of harsh is that a word to use? and then legal counsel omg i am not worried they have the world’s best lawyers in several departments and practices 😭 like stupid insane good practices and i know this cause i’m not scared of run ins and neither are they, they got me a Pi fast and a few grand cheaper, and they took care of every single DMCA take down and they can settle things FAST. it’s why i even reached out to jenny in the first place, when he strangled me. i even paid for security in case anything happened while i was still at david’s, and even for a few months after i left.
idk i still have to figure it out it’s confusing. he doesn’t text me cause he would miss or care about me or think of me he just wants to protect himself i feel like. if he was cool and friendly or caring i might feel more harder about completely turning this situation around. i left before and i could do it again. he said he believes in me. i deep down know it’s cause he has his own interests. it’s ok. he doesn’t matter right now. i know he pretends i matter so he can get what he wants which is actually a shittier feeling probably
these people have been real good to me. they bailed me out every time w my stalker they took care of some heavy shit. when i was making videos w brenda and val, and everyone else, they took care of everything. no questions asked. i cook for them, they seem to really like it and they always finish their plates or go for thirds. i remember how sad i was when david left the creme brûlées untouched. they rotted. It’s small things like that i guess. I can’t really see us being friends anymore like i thought i could. i would feel like such a douche to leave them a second time. they’re not bad people. they can be immature and honestly obnoxious. but they never me feel like i was such a burden. they never made me hate myself at all, nowhere near that
this last month man, i don’t know what i’m doing. i think it was hardest when i was in bed with brenda. not a joke cause it sounds like. dumb and sad but i semi hoped the rumors he was talking about was about when brenda and crystal screen recorded his piano playing on his highlights or something and sent to some group chat, and ofc i got mad, because i had still liked david at the time,i think this was around the time we were barely separated. she can be such a dick and idc if she blames her bpd. it was stupid and we fought for a long time and that’s how we got to talking again, she kissed me and it felt nice. i know it doesn’t matter even, about this particular outcome, because if she wanted to, she could do worse damage and convincing her is so hard because she always feels that she’s right. it’s impossible to convince her, and i notice i use that word a lot to describe her. she’s so chill at the start dude but like she is genuinely batshit and man i thought i was batshit.
never sleep with your coworkers man 😭 we should have stayed not talking because i am weak. WEAK!!!!!
the phone call w david tho, i did feel complicated and felt some pangs of nostalgia, but i know i am naive to begin with and i have to understand maybe this is something i tried to let go a long time ago, i just have to let go. i have to thank the signs from the universe telling me uriel is good for me, and he is, he is always very happy to see me. and he always wants to see me, and gives me my space alone when i ask, and that’s simple and all i really need. lucky for me he doesn’t run. it’ll just take some getting used to but maybe i’m ready enough. he has a good setup he’s pretty emotionally mature stable and he has a good heart and lives a quiet life. i don’t really feel like andrews the guy. he’s pretty vapid if i have to be honest but he has a good heart and he’s handsome he won’t have trouble finding a nice girl i just can’t hold conversation with him he has no critical thinking bout the world around him 😭 i’m glad that i slept w brenda that one off time though it did semi heal everything i needed it to and brought me to the conclusion that yeah i might like the same things as her and did at some point genuinely like and cared for her but this is too much and i need to step away, without any animosity.
i be like yeah imma not let david manipulate me but imma let brenda manipulate me. it don’t add up!!!!
i can’t think clearly maybe it’s because this BRAIN tumor is still inside my fatass SKULL
breh imma be so fr rn. i know they could make me disappear. 😭 i barely found out i could be redeemed after this brain tumor shrinks. why man. i just wanted like one shot at life
My entire life keeps derailing over and over omg . i changed all the cross streets and everything to avoid him even.
THE most important part used to be the post ppl wanted me to make. now i have to make sure people don’t get scary on him. this is ten times worse omg like when he said he knows why did my dumbass go “know what” AND THEN WHY DID HE SAY THAT!!! fuck holy shit omg. it’s all hands on deck for security by evergreen. i’m scared i can’t buy more time because him saying out loud he knows might have made the fuse way shorter. these people are good people they’re robinhood at times but i guess i did realize i am terrified of them. he was worried about the post idk maybe he saw the groupchat or something when we were all reviewing it together. i guess i’m glad he contacted me instead of anybody else because it would have not necessarily been recieved well and they would have done something way more damaging and i can’t even guarantee that won’t happen!!! fuck the post why would u say that omg dude what!!!! opening up a whole other can of worms and i don’t know how to fix this. AT ALL
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the-firebird69 · 3 months
2008 Johnny Pag Spyder 300cc Motorcycle
I think I'm gonna do this I just gotta burst of energy and it's for my guys and you can do if you wanna I remember when it riding it's like look at 300 for me it has plenty of power my friend says he needs like a 400 that's true this will pull away fast this I can move fast geared a little different and they'll go really good there's lightweight it's a red shape design is low put your head down it goes 200 miles an hour I've done it on this bike no I tell you something it's very hard to find a decent video somebody goes through our videos we have a lot of them The ones that are up are all kind of sucky. He went through a lot to find this one. It shows its decent quality some guy riding around Europe at night splitting lanes and it's good it shows it can handle it sounds like a triumph it's kind of rough and throaty it's gotten the power you can see empowering out empowering in cars can hear you not really that's pretty extreme what he was doing if you're not watching it you're posted people get disappointed but this is a nice bike it'll go allowed to use here on the road then a Kawasaki Enduro them a lot of people bought that I had to lower it change the seat it went pretty good and it's a kawasaki the power band is wrong kind of slow in the uptake and this bike is not. It's very hard this is what happens with Japanese Enduro they just crap the bed like any of them true the Chinese too so we know who makes the motor we don't think they make them but I got a boost energy you said nothing Chinese and they won't they won't send steady made bikes. Then he said there's probably a ton of parts somewhere I know where they are I think I can get to them it's not that hard of a deal. I've been there before and I can do it again these are parts from China and we're making some of the bikes here and I was part of the team and we had a lot of parts I mean there's a ton of parts at this place. And you need the parts he says to make new ones and you can change them a little bit. Note something with the bikes no longer made and the brand name is not owned. And we know what happened to Johnny Peg it was Dave and he went away and he stopped making the bikes does the max told him to stop doing it. So I'm gonna try and find a way to make this happen. I went for my people and really it's not a bad bike and we can manufacture the parts in LA and do what he said you just make shops everywhere they all have an interest and then they start buying them I can do with my guys for awhile as long as I can yeah I haven't make the parts that's right tires I can get rims I can get they make those elsewhere other than China there's a few other things made in Mexico Scooter parts brakes lights seats even that kind of seat hannah bars the fenders and tanks I'd have to make and he says who makes the aftermarket ones because they're like Harley tanks but they're smaller like these and they are and it really is not China so I can get those so it's gonna come down to the same thing the frame and the motor we can make the frame and then it comes down to the motor what a pain in the ****. So we know where we can get motors and he says and we can get motors from it's an ATV Company but they only make so many. And then there's all why and they'll stop sending them they become that way he said there's a couple shops gas gas gas gas and ATK and the motor sounds pretty good when you put the right exhaust and we have done it and it sounds really cool. Those motors are powerful they have a powerful power band. They're pretty big no they're 250 which is better we can make it cheaper or less expensive and the motor is reliable and it's liquid cooled. It's an outstanding idea those engine plants are also in the LA area all I have to do is reopen them. Away to get around and we can get around and we can get around our area. Motorcycles are not safe they say but a lot of people use them and they go back and forth to work and they do Incognito true though people are not very safe about them but it is a transportation and we need it now.
This is awesome it's my project that I'm helping with it. Awesome and I think Awesome and I think that it's a good idea. There's a bunch of parts and he knows where to get him and they're also other motor manufacturers and they do make frames there and he can make the frame there. And he does have a connection and really nobody is using the place it's an awesome idea it will probably work so I'm gonna try and get it going and I'm gonna talk to people I think it's great and I thank my husband.
Hey Wade says did I spend all afternoon in her project the answer is yes so he has to try and figure out what to do about his something he was doing.
yehok buddy well we say it too.  nevermind it then
I can handle my own battles now get off chris get off it and I'm here anyways he says so we're going to start manufacturing hopefully.
He's talking about pulling the parts out we know where they are and they're not in the Midwest or in the upper Midwest but the place is a mess there are people pulling stuff out everywhere and for him to go in and grab those it'd be very dangerous and probably not worth it and we're wondering if he would actually do that.
Thor Freya
I think I might I think I do it's in the movie Prince or deep actually it's purple rain. Kind of the area. What I was doing. It's like it's kinda tough thoughbg
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