#music industry stuff
soiruntotheriver · 2 years
Re Touring & the Industry
Just a little something for folks that are disappointed about the US Ghost tour announcement. First of all, I 100% get it. You love this band. You hate not being close enough to see them live. Yes, it *does* suck ass that they’re not coming to your country and/or town. And if you’d like to continue to mourn and dgaf how the industry operates, that’s cool - read no further!
But all that said, I do hope you understand that while Tobias is the boss on stage and in the studio, he has a lot of people to answer to when it comes to touring. Bands generally have *very* little control over where they play. The people who actually call the shots are the booking agents/managers/promoters, etc.
The major deciding factors when scheduling a tour are how to make it  A. possible and B. worth it. This means do we have the resources (money, time, transportation, lodgings, crew, etc.) and can we make money doing it (to pay everyone, to feed them, to build and maintain sets, to make costumes, to buy gas, and airline tickets, and gear, and insurance, to make future albums, to finance future tours, etc. etc.). And yes, some of it ends up being about what will make a profit for the agents/managers/evil big-name ticket sellers.
Essentially, bands go where it’s cost effective to go and where they know people will show up. Touring is expensive and complicated. With this current tour as an example - Why are most of the US venues on this current leg amphitheaters? Probably because those are often easier to sell out than stadiums. Why are some of them being held a few miles outside of town instead of in major city centers? The venues are probably cheaper there. Why do they sometimes follow weird routes? Like Pennsylvania to Virginia and then back up to New Jersey? Those are most likely the venues that had the capacity, availability, and most decent revenue cuts.
I’m just saying, it’s not all about greed and it’s certainly not about whether or not a band wants to go to a place. If it was up to them, they’d play everywhere. The best thing you can do as a fan is keep streaming their music, buying their CDs/vinyl from your local sellers, asking for radio play in your town, sending requests to venues for Ghost to play there (this is especially helpful for festivals), and trekking out to shows whenever possible, even if they’re a little farther away than you’d prefer. 
I’m super sorry for all those who’ve had to wait and are still waiting to see Ghost live. I hope they’ll be able to expand their reach in the future 🙏
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starrysharks · 1 month
i want to delete my twitter account so fucking bad
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harbingersecho · 3 months
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countless days pass by immeasurably;
anniversaries gutter in the maelstrom
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lazycranberrydoodles · 11 months
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freehand doodles from the sodom & gomorrah music video because i’m fucking obsessed with fanfare (dorian electra’s new album‼️)
and it is a coincidence that i drew this today but
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cyb3r-g0thic · 1 year
do u get gender euphoria when u look at photos of ur favorite goth/metal/industrial musicians or are u normal?
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synthfagz · 18 days
first day of school successful i didnt die i didnt get a swirlie my teachers seem chill my friend is in my band class after all he just has a different course code so killing myself postponed my ap math and history classes seem evil but fuck it we ball my careers class seems like a total "basket weaving class" as my parents say and i didnt faint or have any visceral gory transformations
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viksalos · 1 year
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Lana Del Rabies at Cattivo, 7/28/23
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klapollo · 6 months
dont wanna name my new employer but it's a somewhat notable company in the music biz and it feels very full circle bc about 2 years ago i started trying to become more of a real musichead (broadening what i listen to, learning theory, learning more music history) and despite being utterly talentless at playing/making music it's become a huge passion of mine so it's so exciting to move from more television-focused entertainment to that specific sector. like i'm soooo fucking hyped to be a part of the industry.
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strixessabre · 5 months
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PRIDE BUTTON ARE HERE! Snag them until the end of June!
I found some neat vintage zines. Also the dynamic duo is here! You can get one or both of the babes from Coil!
( Strixes' Sabre )
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daughterofcainnnn · 7 months
no thoughts just gwen stefani
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lycankeyy · 6 days
Instead of drawing like I was supposed to I started working on a music headcanons doc
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All these songs make my head hurt which is how I know they fit him /silly
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jess-frances-b · 15 days
I've been wondering about why I'm so bothered about the music industry being so male-dominated even today and I realised: It's because it makes it look like women are less musically talented than men are. I mean, the majority of female pop groups and solo artists have their music written for them by men, they're just the ones performing it. A lot of bands with female singers have no other female members, and the singers don't usually play their own instruments. That's not to say that women who only sing or perform songs written for them should be looked down on, I just wish there was more representation for all kinds of skills in music and performance.
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Halo 4 has such an overlooked/underappreciated score its almost baffiling.
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Yall the 80s rock au has not left my brain so here’s some random ideas:
Dorian is a rising pop star (possibly even moving away from being a child star) who meets Basil in the same way he does in the book. Basil paints him and then introduces him to Henry. The only difference is that Basil does this out of the belief that Henry might be able to talk Dorian out of becoming a full pop star. Obviously, that doesn't happen. Henry becomes Dorian's producer/songwriter while also taking on a more mentor-like figure for Dorian. A lot of the songs Henry has Dorian perform are much more provocative and explicit than what Dorian used to do. 
Basil is still an artist, just with a small expansion from portrait painting. He still does that, but now he also doubles as sort of a talent scout/Henry’s designer/muse (he doesn’t know, but all of Henry’s songs are complaints about/odes to him and their relationship).
Henry was specifically a punk rock star in the 70s, in lieu of the Sex Pistols and the Clash. Henry was popular because he was controversial, charismatic, and pretty, all things that captured the hearts of the UK. However, much of popularity was contained in the UK, though he had like one or two world wide hits. Still his name is still considered legendary for the time. 
By the time Dorian meets him through Basil, Henry has long stopped performing his own songs, more or less writing and producing them for other stars. He despises Pop as a genre but since that is what sells now, he has had to pivot away from punk. Dorian becomes a sort of new hope for him because Dorian, being pretty and charismatic, could be the mix for the two genres.
Also this AU/Adaptation would take more of a focus on the complicated rivalry/relationship between Dorian and Henry. Because Henry, despite being hopeful of what Dorian could be, is also very resentful for the fact he is basically making his own replacement. I am using the “Henry as a bitter ex” characterization, so, along with that whole thing regarding Basil, now Henry literally has to watch Dorian reach higher heights in the same career he had. I think that conflict would take mainstage in the third act, replacing the Hetty Merton thing.
Dorian's corruption is a mix of the og book’s and 80s entertainment industry. While some stuff is definitely Henry’s fault, a whole lot of it is also just the entertainment industry being an exploitative place in general. Dorian grows worse as the years go by and Basil’s portrait of him does its usual thing.
CW: for mention of false accusations and grooming
Also, I think I figured out a way Basil doesn’t die! So England in the 1980s also had a moral panic regarding the LGBTQ+ and grooming (exactly like the ones of today). When Basil finds out about the portrait, Dorian doesn’t get the chance to murder him (for reasons) so instead, he outs Basil and falsely accuses him of grooming him, Basil’s rep is shot to pieces and he has to flee from his home country because no one is willing to believe his side of the story (except Henry, but at this point he is far too involved with Dorian to make a difference. Maybe this is the point where Henry’s dream breaks or something else which transitions into the third act.)
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whiteboycoolin · 3 months
okay i'm having so much fun going through their spotifys and what i have learned is that they are all somehow even more uncool than i previously thought
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