#‘Ima cat :3’
Happy Pride Month Tulgey Wood Watchers! 😸🏳️‍🌈
So, I was inspired by @b0njourbeach’s current Pride series and decided to to treat you all to two edits today! One of Che’nya and one of AR.
This is with their permission, I asked and they gave the go ahead. They made a nonbinary Che’nya edit for their still on-going series, and they also make other very fun/funny twst photo edit series. I def recommend checking out their blog. I adore Che’nana. 🤣
I chose to do two different edits. One focused on sexuality and one focused on gender! Also, I did both these photo edits on my phone so please forgive me for them being not as good as they could be, especially Che’nya’s hair and earrings. 😭
I will also preface this by reminding everyone this is just my headcanon for the Che’nya on this blog!
Putting this under a cut because explaining my headcanons for Che’nya got a little long! 😁
Anyway, I think we all know at this point that my Che’nya is not heterosexual. Neither is AR! However, while Che’nya is pansexual, AR could almost be considered the exact opposite, hilariously enough.
AR is asexual!
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What you didn’t think I would be doing a face reveal for this did you? 🤭
If I had to decide which kind I am out of space, cake, dragon, and garlic bread… I would probably go with garlic bread ace tbh. Dragon ace is a very close second though. 😂
Now, while AR considers themselves cisgender but goes by they/them on this blog (but is also just ????? on their gender overall because gender is hard wtf 😵‍💫) Che’nya is not cis!
Surprise! It’s a he! It’s a she! It’s a they! It’s a zey! It’s a cat!
It’s Che’nya! And he is genderfluid!
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And yes, the flag is represented a bit upside down… well that would be because Che’nya got dressed in the Looking Glass world. Whoopsies! 😹
Now, you may be wondering, if Che’nya is genderfluid, why does he use he/him pronouns basically all the time? That’s because, while I chose to edit him as genderfluid, his identity actually goes a bit deeper than that.
See, Che’nya doesn’t care what gender he identifies as, or what he is perceived as, or what pronouns are given. If you address Che’nya as her, then she’ll roll with it. She doesn’t care. Why would she? She’s still Che’nya. The same applies if you address her as them. They simply continue as they were - which is usually causing mischief and trouble. They do tend to do that. Call zem out on something? Do you really think that will stop zem? Zey could not care less.
However, while Che’nya is genderfluid, his identity could be further classified as a subset of genderfluid - demifluid. Meaning, one part of his gender is static while other parts are fluid.
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Now, generally this static part is nonbinary, but it can be binary, and for Che’nya it is. Because, going even further?
Che’nya is a demifluid boy.
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Which means the one part of his gender that is static, that sticks with him more, is his more masculine side.
Basically, to put it simply, he’s genderfluid, but masculine leaning.
Which is why, most of the time, he goes by he/him pronouns and that is what he defaults to. But for the most part?
Che’nya is just vibin and having fun! 👍
Happy Pride everyone!
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sleepyyghostt · 8 months
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My family members all think im a normal and well adjusted human being and are not worried at all. Also known as this post in real life ;D
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magickpancakes · 3 months
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"alr fine, ill just do a quick lil drawing. just so i dont forget how to draw"
(dinnt spend a whole lotta energy refining and fixin this, so if ya see colors outside their spots congrats ya did it)
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catinasink · 2 months
ima go . write now 
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bluntloyalist · 2 months
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baby abeno was ADORABLE and also where tf were his PARENTS
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Does anyone else also have almost thirty cats….? I’m like at 31- I’m gonna have to recount cuz Trixie gave birth to six-
anyways he’s some of my babies (*^▽^*)
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*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*
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ferrn-draws · 8 months
got to we’re my silly little clip-on tail on a walk for the first time !!
i remember someone said that they love being in college bc no one cares if they wear their dog ears/tail around campus
that reminded me that i’m not in high school anymore, and that most ppl (i hope) don’t care that much
like they might think i’m weird or smth, but most ppl my age or older don’t seem to want to bother me about it
by bother me i mean no one has mentioned it at all lol, but it’s not like i’ve worn it on campus yet so who knows, maybe i’ll get compliments :]
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catparty41 · 6 months
can you draw a tiny mouse with a daisy in their paws preferably in tall grass?
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This was actually so much fun to draw, thank you!
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nordicbananas · 7 months
did you miss me
(hint: timezone stealer)
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liverpool-enjoyer · 1 year
This is for the Spotify thing, 4! :>
IMA HIIIIIIIII sorry this is super late i had an exam to study for anyway uh
4. which is your third liked song?
ok idk if this is like the third song i ever liked or my third most recently liked song so im doing both
third song i ever liked:
third most recently liked song:
spotify ask stuff :D
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wtf is tmnt 2012
I was just having a casual conversation with my little brother, talking about 2k12, when all of a sudden I see him watching an episode from season 3. I ask him, "What's going on in this episode??? Why is Raph's mask just there? WHY IS MIKEY CRYING AND SCREAMING???????" And he responded with:
"Raph got turned into a plant dog."
"And then he comes back."
"The mutation gets sucked out of him."
Yeah okay so what in the actual flying fuck is up with the 2012 show?
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cosmicdream222 · 5 months
DMT breathwork video to enter the void
This morning after I got up and fed the cats, I felt like going back to bed to meditate. I looked through some of my saved videos for inspiration and decided to do a breathwork video. I have practiced breathwork on and off since around 2018 and I highly recommend it for overall wellness and nervous system regulation, but in the past few months I’ve seen it recommended many times to enter the void or shift.
Wim Hoff style breathwork is the one I’ve seen recommended, but I just could not get over the guy’s overhyping cartoonish-sounding voice 😭 So a few months ago I found this YT breathwork teacher Breathe with Sandy who has Wim Hoff style guided videos. His voice is sooo soothing, his audio/video production and sound mixing are top quality, and the dude really knows what he’s doing!
He published this DMT breathwork video on Christmas and since then I had tried it a few times and enjoyed it. I figured I would do the video and then queued up something to chill out to afterwards.
This kind of breathwork is pretty intense tbh, and I thought there were only 3 rounds, but there are 4. When he said we were starting the 4th and final round I thought omg another one 😭 I need a break for a sec. So I just stopped the breathing pattern for a min and zoned out.
Next thing I know I can’t feel anything, can’t hear the music or Sandy’s voice, can’t hear the loud brown noise I have playing in my room. Holy sh!t did I really just enter the void that easily!? Yes, yes I did 😭 I was so startled and surprised that I couldn’t even feel my headphones or hear anything that I snapped my awareness back to the room to hear the video again.
But omg y’all I wasn’t even trying or affirming for the void cuz I figured I would after the video ended. I’m so shocked it happened so quickly and easily. Next time ima not be so shocked and actually affirm for something 😭
So my fellow void seekers, give this video a try and see what happens. If you’ve never tried breathwork before it can be really intense, and you might need to practice a few times before you get the hang of it. But if you’re someone like me who overthinks and gets too impatient with traditional mediation, breathwork might be the way to go ✌️
Note: “breath retention” means holding your breath. Wim Hoff style breathing, what Sandy uses in this video, does the breath retention on the exhale - when the lungs are empty. The style of breathwork I learned from Tony Robbins and a trauma-informed breathwork coach Samantha Skelly does the breath retention on the inhale - when the lungs are full.
I don’t know the reasoning behind either style, but I prefer to do the breath hold when my lungs are full and that’s what I did this time too.
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rat-cannibal · 6 months
can you do something like the VVVs love languages? like, how would they treat you?
(ima be 📱 anon :3)
tysm for the request!! i wont be doing valentino because he is Not My Cup Of Tea™ but i love this idea so much!
Vox's Love Language: Touch
this man absolutely LOVES to touch you
not necessarily in a sexual way (though he likes that too) but just in little ways
like holding your hand under the table while in a meeting
or having you sit on his lap while watching the extermination
at first, i feel like he'd be a bit shy about showing it
after all, you two just started dating, and he doesn't want to scare you off
but then you initiate physical contact and his brain starts to fry
You place your hand atop his, squeezing it gently. His hand is warm and calloused. Touching it sends a jolt of electricity through you, and you're not sure if it's prompted hy your feelings or his powers.
Glancing over at his face to gauge his reaction, you notice his screen has turned blue.
You frown. This is the first date, maybe he's not comfortable with touch?
As you move to remove your hand, though, he stops you, squeezing your hand firmly.
You look over and see his head turned, a slight blush on his screen.
assuming you're alright with PDA, vox would be all over that
always having a hand around your waist/shoulders in public
he wants to let people know you're his
not in a creepy way, you're your own person and he respects that, but he is really not a fan of the catcalls you sometimes recieve
so much so that he electrocuted a cat caller one time
nobody dares fuck with him, and hes going to make damn sure nobody dares fuck with you either
Velvette's Love Language - Gifts
we've seen velvettes powers and how she can materialize fashion out of nowhere
she would definitely make you an entire ass wardrobe full of new designs
even before you start dating, she'd always leave little presents for you
like penguin pebbling
maybe a ring that reminded her of you, or a bracelet, or a necklace
ok maybe she just likes seeing you wear her jewelry
but can you blame her? you look so cute in it
she'd make clothes specifically for you, too
You open your wardrobe to find that your usual attire has gone missing, only to be replaced by a plethora of new clothes.
Velvette had been complaining for a while that your clothing choices were too bland, but you never thought she'd do anything about it.
Everything she's made is completely tailored to your style.
As much as you want to be mad at her for messing with your stuff, you can't help the smile that spreads across your face.
You get dressed, eagerly awaiting Velvette's reaction when she sees you in her clothes.
and if you give her a present?
HOO BOY will she go wild.
over time she actually accumulates everything you give her and keeps it in her room, looking at it when you two can't hang out as a reminder of you
she knows it may look a little weird - shes practically built a shrine for you
but she doesnt want to lose anything you give her, she reasons
a reminder of your love for her being the first thing she sees in the morning and the last thing she sees at night is just a bonus
there you are!! my requests are wide open btw ^^
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juaneloriginal · 3 months
The stans :3
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@thechaotichorselord o u g h guy, god i love him so much i want to give him cheese, he so handsome, what do u even feed your characters to make them so gorgeous 🐴
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@catsupport he sillying, omg, he is so me. When i first saw his design i though: "i wonder if he likes cats" love it, the way u draw him makes him look cute jsjs
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@bookshopsandtea bro so tired he just need to lay down and sleep, i love characters with tired faces, its just peak character design. I offer him to sleep on my couch, i can give him a blanket and a pillow for him to rest comfortably ☺️😋.
Aaaaaand thats it! had very few ppl submitting their stan so i decided to colour and kinda render them all this time! i really like how all of them turned out :3
Also sorry for procrastinating this so much 😭😭😭 i literally had the lineart ready a long time ago and said: "hmm ima do the colouring tomorrow!" and never did it, besides with my exams coming up (which im happy to announce that i did well on most of them! :D) i just forgot and didnt had time for it 😔
but anyways, hope ya'll are doing well and good night! (good morning and good afternoon too, depending on where u live)
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power-to-live · 3 months
How I Imagine Fairy Tail Would React to Levy's Pregnancy announcement:
Natsu: Really?? You're laying an egg?? Whose.?? Is it mine? Ima name it igneel 😁
Gajeel: Can't you take a day off at being stupid? The baby is min-
Levy: Guess who the father is!
Natsu: Oh so it is Gajeel. Heh, i remember when you two shacked up 😈
Levy: so uhm yeah...
Gray: Lemme get this straight, you, one of the smartest in fairy tail, is pregnant, and the father is Gajeel, the guy who pinned you to a tree and ambushed you in the dead of night?
Levy: Yeah?...
Gray: (quietly) well I hope your child doesn't have the fathers brain
Lucy: AHH OMG LEVY-CHAN! I am absolutely here to support you in the journey! I mean, I did hear rumors, but I didn't they were true!
Levy: Thanks Lulu! And uhm, could you be a godmother to our child?
Lucy: YESS! Something more to add to my book :3
Erza: A b-baby?
Levy: Yes!
Erza: I didn't know you and Gajeel, did it
Levy: Oh ehehe..heh yeah
Wendy: Did it?.. *turns redder than Erza's hair*
Happy: See? I knew those rumors were true!
Carla: The rumors you spread?
6. (Bonus) JUVIA
Juvia: A baby? Oh yeah ik
Levy: huuuhh🤨 Wydm you know already?
Juvia: Gajeel told me. Who do you think bought your pregnancy test?
Levy: B-but, the test was 2 whole MONTHS ago!
Juvia: exactly! 😉
Levy: *sighs* well, Gajeel does want you to be a godmother along with Lucy..
Juvia: Wait really??? 🥹🥹
Ok that's it!! Should I add more? Like Mira and Cana? These are fun so I probably will 😁🩷
Thanks for reading<33
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chimkin-samich · 3 months
Hiya! It’s been a while since I asked you lot a question. (Also I’m sorry if I ask to many questions. My friends call me Whiskers cause I’m curious like a cat 🐈.)
Anyways, I have two strange questions: 1. In the Mermaid AU, are Sun and Moon more fish-like, reptilian, or mammal-like? Also, how exactly do mer people… breed/reproduce? It’s a weird question, I know. It’s been bugging me for a while. If you don’t know, just say nothing or make shit up.
I also created characters inspired by your artwork for my fanfic The Royal Blooded Assassin. Thank you for creating such amazing artwork and stories, I really enjoy them 🫶
Aaaaaa so happy you asked since we got into the deep world building of this not long ago, ima put it under a read more cuz it’s prob gonna be long lol
Also added some merboys lore at the end of how they met since with the world building it makes more sense
The merboys are a combination of fish and reptile, their skin is more reptile scale like (think of a shark skin but not as sharp) since it helps them cut through the water much easier which allows them to be able to shoot through the water with a sudden quick flick of their tail (especially Moon since he hunts like a great white, attacking with a burst of speed from below)
Although there are mammal like Mers based on whales and dolphins that have blubber like skin, mers come in large variety’s just the boys are in the similar subspecies Sun is a lion fish, moon is an angler and eclipse is a hybrid of a non-venomous lion fish (that’s why he doesn’t have spines like sun) and angler
As for mating and breeding, fish like mers like the boys are polyamorous, they tend to mate in groups of 3 and more with usually 1 female and multiple males, the males aren’t always mates with each other but it’s not a must, it’s usually done since it allows them to provide for their young and the female more efficiently as well as genetic diversity (a mer can genetically have 3-4 parents)
They are able to change their sex so if their are say 2 females and 1 male one of them will change to make the ratio be 1 F and 2 M and vice versa If say it’s 3M one of them (usually the most dominant) will become the female, the only difference is those that swapped sex aren’t as fertile but it’s not a major issue just a bit more difficult to conceive (females that were originally male do have smaller clutches tho so instead of the usual 5-6 it’s 2-4)
Mammal like mers are the opposite but they do have larger family pods with more generations, they are also matriarchal like the boys pods (it’s the majority but not the rule that all mers are matriarchal)
Fish mers either group in just mated partners like Moons pod was only his parents and siblings, but sometimes another group will be in the same territory, its never more than 3 family groups to a pod, Suns pod was the opposite being a much more social species they group into large groups of up to 3-5 family groups
Gonna add some more stuff like their habits and such since ima already typing lol,
Mers stay in their pods up until their about 12, once they reach that age their forced out to prove themselves in the wilds on their owns, and they can’t attempt to return until their at least 18, it’s a way of both making sure the most adaptable make it to adulthood and population control, they want to make sure the mers in the group are able to help sustain the group, but most mers usually end up forming their own groups since it’s also a period for them to find possible mates, sometime (in Suns species case at least) mers will return with their partners to add into their original family group, making the pod a bit bigger but it’s not very common
Mers also begin having heats near the age of 14 so that’s where the mate finding part comes in
And for a bit of lore with the boys now that y’all know this
Eclipse was a hybrid, his mother (sun sub species) was attacked by a lone desperate mer (moons species) in heat and eclipse was the only one to survive in the clutch, he stuck around until the age of 10 due to his mother protecting and teaching him, but when she was killed in a hunt he was casted out by the dominant male (rare but it happens that a male can lead the pod), he was already nearing the size of an adult (he has gigantism and double arms due to being a hybrid) at that age so it felt like a threat to them, so off he went into the wild until later finding Sun at the age of 15 and Moon at the age of 17
Sun was separated from his pod during an attack when he was about 10 and was on his own for a few months before Eclipse caught him snooping around his territory, Sun would have been terrified of Eclipse if weren’t for the fact that the fins around his head look similar to his own, so he figured it was someone of his species and latched on immediately, Eclipse being lonely and a complete sweetheart adopted him into his solo pod on the spot
Moon joined the group at around 13-14, he had been having a horrible time during his coming of age trial since he was a bigger loner than his species already once and refused to really sit down and listen when his parents tried to teach him survival skills, He meets sun first when he enters their cave looking for food, which Sun was eating, Sun seeing him starving hands it to him and once he’s finished Moons exhaustion and loneliness catches up and he cuddles up to sun, Eclipse finds them and just adopts Moon on the spot as well
Their ages go (at least once they mate with Tari)
Sun:32 Moon:33 Eclipse:37
Sun and Moon were separated from Eclipse when they were 15 and 16 when they were captured, Eclipse does end up finding them since a few years after they disappeared he goes back to his nomadic lifestyle of before, so they rejoin together when sun and moon are about 30-31, Since he caught their scent when they went back to their old cave hoping eclipse would be there before beginning to look for Tari after she helped them escape the aquarium
Eclipse does end up trying to kill Tari when he sees her for the first time cuz he smells their scent on him and assumes she did something to them, she blinds him for a few days cuz she pokes his eyes escaping his grasp before getting attacked by Sun and Moon, Hes cold towards her the first few months but warms up as he sees the interactions between her and the other 2, his hard shell fully cracks tho when she first says she thinks he’s pretty
The only others that had called him pretty were the researchers constantly searching for him (he has forums dedicated to him cuz of how unique he is) but it felt detached like just saying a painting is pretty, and Sun and Moon but they preferred calling him cool, so when someone hes starting to get along with calls him pretty that hard ass attitude basically disappears and he begins his own courting not long after lol
Eclipse isn’t considered attractive by his species standards because of the discoloration and double arm mutation so he has some self esteem issues in that regard, they went away when Sun and Moon were in his pod since they never judged him but came back in his isolation, Tari helps to ebb that away again once they start getting along and more when he begins his courting
Also Their basically immortal (like lobsters) but it’s really rare to find one that’s lived longer than 2 centuries most tend to die at the age of 70-90 due to you know living in the wilds
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