#—Titans War
trevorxparrish · 1 year
As a Covaire supremacist, running away has never been an option for him. And as he's not stuck inside the Dominion, he does his best to help and fight the invaders——fucking supernaturals! Of all people... their own kind! And for what reasons?! He has no clue. But as he's running through the park downtown, he feels his heart beating loudly in his chest... wait, that's not me— he thinks. But then, what follows is terrifying to say the least.
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Once it clears out, Trevor can hear people freaking out about their eyes, or mutes trying to cry for help, and the more he checks, the more he sees that people's senses have been affected. And for a moment, he celebrates too early, because everything seems normal, but then... it hits him... hard.
Anger mixed with failure——— how strange.
And it comes from all side, wave after waves, but from hundreds of people at the same time. Trevor vomits, before he starts to scream, holding his head as he stumbles to the ground; unable to move from the spot, as his sixth sense overloads him with everyone's feelings in the damn park.
"H-help———p-please..." He whimpers. Make it stop... please... just... "STOPS!"
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mysterycitrus · 5 months
also physically dick grayson should be (at absolute max) 5”7 as a male gymnast who can still actually do aerial work. however for maximum pain i put him closer to 5”10 so he constantly has to reckon with the fact that he’s taller than his father was and has now been changed irreversibly by leaving the circus
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radicalgraff · 1 year
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"The rich are good people deep down"
Seen in Seattle, Washington
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creepst-crypt · 2 months
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I got it all fixed up
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Serious note:rest in peace to the victims of the sub implosion and titanic sinking.
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ralucafarcas · 2 months
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I ended up picking Levi today! He was a tough one, and might look a bit out of place vs the other ones because I had to do a different proportion to fit his chair in too. Anyway, I hope you like how he turned out!
He's waiting for Gabi and Falco, who are LATE. UGH.
Ps. Levi in a cute hat😭
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rosekiller-addict · 10 months
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This but it's people talking to Percy about how he had to kill demigods in the Titan War
(specifically Jason but i'm a Jercy addict)
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zoozvie · 2 months
My favorite Levi pics
Part 2 . Part 3 . Part 4
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jiabeewrites · 1 year
so this is what i've gathered from the memes and tumblr posts:
(please do not take this as 100% accurate. it's probably only like 78% accurate)
a few billionaires + a 19 year old + one other person(?) went into a "submarine" that wasn't actually a submarine
it was controlled by a VIDEO GAME CONTROLLER
and they were supposed to explore the titanic
and the submarine thingie didn't actually work and they KNEW THAT before getting on
and it imploded
and they all died
the only person anyone has sympathy for is the 19 year old bc he didn't wanna go on but wanted to make his dad happy
also celine dion is trending lmao
and fanfic is being written for the submarine (im slightly concerned)
oh and the company who made the submarine is called oceangate
this link. that's it, that's the addition.
oh yeah and @hkayakh said that a documentary is being made about this???
there's a coup
and there's basically a civil war
and the person in charge of the coup said that he's trying to topple russia's military leaders
and ukraine just took back some of their land
also the troops stopped for coffee before fighting
important addition by @chimp-prolly-not-typing-hamlet: the rogue battalion that rebelled against Putin is a private paramilitary organization called Wagner’s Group which has been linked to far-right extremism and neo-nazism
the greek coast guard capsized a boat full of hundreds of migrants, killing 80 with over 500 people still counted as missing, and the eu won't even investigate (according to @socialist-microwave-laser, please go check this post for more info)
so yeah fuck capitalism actually
logitech is NOT suing oceangate, that was a fake post
andrew tate is being charged for rape and human trafficking
and apparently elon musk challenged mark zuckerberg to a jiu jitsu cage fight
and andrew tate offered to coach elon musk
the season finale of helluva boss came out!!! (s1e8)
the season finale of helluva boss is coming out only right now because of some legal issues that vivsiepop + spindlehorse had. i think it had something to do with working with kesha and her label
yeah the world just decided to speedrun history today
(pls tell me if there's anything to add to this in the replies!!!)
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demigods-posts · 10 months
one of my not-so-favorite things about rrverse fanfics is how often percy is described as clueless. like, i know it's all in good fun and for comedic value, but percy is incredibly perceptive. for the first twelve years of his life, he was raised in an abusive household and was consistently surrounded by people who would belittle him for shit he couldn't control. so being perceptive was likely a defense mechanism. then he was immediately thrust into a world with threats of godly proportions and monsters with the intent to kill. so it quickly became a survival tactic. the only time percy has ever been clueless was about people being romantically interested in him, which could definitely be chalked up to low self-esteem.
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nelapanela94 · 11 months
“I still think this is a terrible idea,” Levi spews in a sour grumble as you finish trimming the ends of his hair, little blades falling on the shoulders of an old t-shirt.
“I’ll clean it up.” You ruffle his hair, smiling at your work as Levi’s personal stylist. “You look handsome, Levi.”
Blushing, he mumbles thanks, folding his arms over his chest. “If you say so.” Maybe your eyes or brains were damaged during the war.
“Stop acting like a brat. It’s a beautiful day.” The window sash rattles before it yields, and the cool late summer breeze reinvigorates the room. “We can’t miss it.” You look back over your shoulder. “We can’t stay here while life is happening out there.”
Your eyes beam like a child’s, and he can’t say no. Your cajoling smile pulls at the strings of his stubbornness, sanding his rough edges.
A mightier force than himself.
Levi sighs in surrender, tilts his head and a small smile curves his lips.
“Let me fill the tub.” You make way straight to the bathroom while Levi shuffles around on the wheelchair. Doctors still harbor hope that one day he will be able to use his legs again. Scars gnarl one side of his face, the bumpy tissue harsh under his fingertips.
Water gurgles, and you reappear before him in a tank top and underwear. You bring Levi to the narrow door, loop your arms under his armpits, and heave him on his feet. “Easy.” Your muscles strain. He’s lost weight, but you’ve lost strength as well. You sit him on the stool and peel off his clothes.
“You should undress too.”
“If I do that, we won't get out of the bathtub all day.”
Levi grunts.
You place a finger under his chin and lift his face. A cloud of freckles pinpricks his nose. “You’re beautiful, Levi.” You drop a soft, slow kiss on his lips. A tear runs down the curve of his cheek, the gold band around your finger touching his skin.
The blood, the wounds, the broken bones. Two fingers down, a leg that doesn’t work.
And you chose to stay.
maybe that's the love everyone's talking about.
You are the peace, the haven he craved.
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lowkeyremi · 8 months
adding to this post!
Post-war Levi has no clue what to do when it gets too quiet. All his life he's been used to loud noises, laughing, screaming, crying, any and everything.
So when there's complete silence he gets caught up in his thoughts. You bring him over a mug of tea, and join him on the couch. "What's on your brain, Honey?"
He hesitates for a second, but he knows he can tell you anything, so he takes in a deep breath, "Sometimes I wonder what Isabel and Furlan would pursue if they had... had survived." He says quietly staring off into space. You grab his hand giving it a small squeeze. At first you were intimidated by his missing fingers but it doesn't bother you anymore.
"According to what you've told me about Isabel I think she would have been veterinarian or something of the sorts, I'm not sure about Furlan though."
Levi almost swallows the words back down but he allows them to be said, he can finally admit them, "I miss them, sometimes."
"That's completely normal, Levi. They were your family."
"You're my family now. You're also not allowed to die before me. I don't know what I'll do when I'm completely engulfed by the silence." He murmurs quietly to you.
"I can't make any promises, but as long as I live, I'll make sure the silence never takes you." You tell him and this time he squeezes your hand, his dark eye stares into yours and you see a trusting smile take over his face.
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madame-helen · 1 year
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shakespeareallanpoe · 5 months
This is Literally Damirae
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Legit the world is ending and they've both suffered too much for any teenager to ever have to go through but hey, if this timeline is going to be erased, might as well kiss the cute girl/guy you've been crushing on for two years and just so happen to be sitting next to.
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yandere-wishes · 6 months
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Has anyone ever noticed how the fandom interpretations of Anakin Skywalker, Eren Yeager, and Paul Atreides are exactly the same? They're all reminiscent of your typical 70's dopeheads but in a cuter more endearing kind of way. Oh, also they've all committed genocide...
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caffeinateddino · 6 days
Post-Rumbling! Levi Ackerman x reader [18+]
title: i hit my toe pt. 2
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♡ warnings: sexual content, afab reader, gender neutral pronouns, oral sex, Gentle, soft Levi
A/N: i was sleepy writing this so it could be too emotional or bad idk
summary: You, a former squad leader in the survey corps luckily survived the rumbling and now you're staying with Levi in Marley, attending him and keeping him company
after catching him masturbating, you two end up on his bed
first par is here
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The room was dark, save for the faint sliver of moonlight that crept through the small gap in the curtains. You and Levi sat naked on the edge of his bed, an awkward silence filling the space between you. The tension was thick, not born of discomfort, but of hesitation—neither of you sure who should make the first move.
You glanced at him, catching the way his hands rested in his lap, fingers slightly trembling. His gaze was downward, avoiding yours, and his breath was slow but uneven, betraying the conflict raging inside him. Your own heartbeat thundered in your chest, your skin prickling with both nervousness and anticipation.
It hadn’t been planned. Not really. But here you both were, caught in the fragile moment before one of you finally decided to break the silence.
Your mind drifted back to earlier that evening, when everything had still felt simple. Dinner had been quiet but comfortable. The kind of quiet where words didn’t need to fill the air. Afterward, you had insisted on doing the dishes, and Levi, true to his nature, had insisted on helping, drying them as you washed.
That’s when it happened.
He cleared his throat, breaking the peaceful silence. “I know… you lied,” he said, his voice barely audible over the running water.
You blinked, caught off guard. “Lied about what?” you asked, glancing at him. His expression was unreadable, but the way he gripped the towel tighter gave him away.
“About earlier,” he continued, still not looking at you. “When you said you didn’t see or hear anything. I know you did.” His tone was flat, but there was a flicker of vulnerability in his eyes when he finally glanced up at you, searching for a reaction.
You froze for a moment, but then let out a light laugh, hoping to ease the tension. “Okay, fine. You caught me,” you admitted, rinsing the last plate. “I saw. And heard. But it’s not a big deal, Levi.”
His eyes darkened, and his lips pressed into a thin line. “I’m… sorry,” he muttered. “For thinking of you like that.”
You turned off the tap, drying your hands before stepping closer to him. “You don’t have to apologize for that,” you said softly, hoping your voice would reassure him. “It’s not a bad thing, Levi. Honestly, it’s flattering.”
He looked at you then, really looked at you, as if trying to gauge whether you meant what you said. And you did.
That’s how it started. One minute, you were talking by the sink, and the next, the unspoken tension between you two finally gave way. The careful distance you had maintained for so long crumbled as you both acknowledged the feelings that had simmered beneath the surface. It was quiet, delicate. A kiss here. A touch there. Until, somehow, you found yourselves like this—sitting on his bed, waiting.
Back in the present, you swallowed the lump in your throat and took a breath. The silence had stretched long enough. Tentatively, you reached out, placing your hand on Levi’s bare chest. His skin was warm under your palm, his heartbeat steady but a little faster than usual. You felt him stiffen slightly, but he didn’t pull away. His gaze remained forward, though you could feel his vulnerability radiating through every tense muscle.
“Levi,” you whispered, your voice soft as you slid closer to him.
He closed his eyes for a moment. When he opened them again, they were softer, more open than you’d ever seen them. “I… care about you,” he finally admitted, the words quiet, almost fragile.
You smiled gently, your hand moving up to cup his cheek. “I know,” you replied, leaning forward to press a tender kiss to his lips. He returned the kiss, hesitant at first, but gradually deepening it, as if slowly letting go of the walls he’d kept up for so long.
Your hands wandered down his chest, tracing the scars that marred his skin, each one a reminder of the battles he had survived. But right now, there was no war, no death, no destruction, no titans. Just the two of you, sharing something that felt… safe.
You wrapped your arms around him, pulling him close, his body fitting perfectly against yours. You could feel the tension in his muscles, the way he held himself back even now, so afraid of losing control. You gently stroked his length, and he gasped, a quiet, breathless sound that sent a shiver through you.
He buried his face in your shoulder, his breath hot against your skin as you continued to stroke him, slowly, tenderly. “You don’t have to hold back,” you whispered, pressing a kiss to his temple.
His hand clutched your side, his grip tightening slightly as his breath hitched. “I didn’t expect this,” he murmured against your neck, his voice strained. “I didn’t expect to feel this way about you.”
You smiled softly, resting your forehead against his. “Me neither,” you admitted, your hand moving at a gentle, steady pace. “But I’m glad.”
His lips brushed yours again, and this time, the kiss was different. There was no hesitation, only quiet acceptance and need.
you felt him shiver agaisnt you as you continued to slowly stroke him. his back arched slightly, his scarred chest getiing pressed to your breasts harder. another gasp of soft moan and he pressed his face into your neck. you felt his soft moans vibrating through your skin as you continued to stoke him. did handjob even felt that good? maybe. what was making him feel better was the fact that it was your hands on him, gently guiding him to his climax.
"Fuck" he groaned, lifting his injured hand and craddled your cheek as he pressed his mouth on your neck. his grip on your hips hardened. you felt his neatly trimmed nails digging into your skin. you moved your hand from his back and reached for the one that was holding your hips. you felt is whole bodyshiver as you gently moved him to lay him down. He loved it. He loved the way you lead it, the way you take care of him. with a smile you psotioned yourself between his legs, your hand still on him
He watched you with his hooded, steel-grey eyes, his breath ragged, yet steady as you took him into your mouth slowly. he let out a needy moan as he felt the wet heat wrapping him up deliciously, his back arching off of the bed.
Mind you, this man had no experience with someone, this was all too new, too intimate for him. he dangled his uninjured hand into your hait, gently holding it, as if afraid to push too far.
You kept your pace slow, savoring every reaction, every soft moan that escaped him. The vulnerability in his voice, in his touch, made the moment feel more intimate than anything you had ever shared before. you felt your own arousal building upmore and more with each whimper of your name spilled from his mouth.
When he finally reached his release, it was quiet. you felt it coming as his grip tightened around your hair for a second. His body tensed beneath your touch before he relaxed completely, sinking into the bed with a soft, contented sigh.
gulping everydrop of his release, you licked your lips as you locked your eyes into his. he continued to pant, chasing his breath, drinking every move of yours. you leaned down, pressed a loud, playful kiss to the tip of his cock, eliticing a huff of smile from him. You crawled back up to him, rested your face agaisnt his chest. instictively, his arms came to wrap around you. For a while, neither of you spoke, simply basking in the warmth and closeness of the moment.
And for the first time in a long time, Levi felt… at peace.
As you nestled against Levi’s chest, feeling the steady rise and fall of his breath, you couldn’t help but notice how relaxed he seemed, his earlier tension having melted away. For a while, you both simply enjoyed the closeness, the quiet intimacy that had developed between you.
Levi shifted slightly, his gaze fixed on the ceiling. Despite his relaxed demeanor, there was a noticeable hint of shyness in his eyes. His uninjured hand gently caressed your back, as if he was contemplating the right moment to say something or do something more.
You looked up at him, meeting his eyes with a soft smile. “If you’re up for it,” you murmured, your voice gentle, “I’d love for you to return the favor.”
He met your gaze, a mix of desire and uncertainty in his steel-grey eyes. He hesitated, then nodded slowly, his expression turning serious as he considered his movements carefully. Despite the warmth in his eyes, he was mindful of his injured leg, which he kept carefully positioned to avoid any strain.
With a deliberate and cautious movement, Levi gently guided you onto your back, his touch feather-light. His hands were tender as they explored your body, tracing along your sides and settling on your hips. He took a moment to adjust his position, ensuring he was comfortable and that his injury wouldn’t cause him any pain.
He leaned down, pressing a soft, affectionate kiss to your lips, his touch delicate but filled with longing. His lips traveled from your mouth to your neck, leaving a trail of gentle kisses that made you shiver with pleasure. As he kissed and nuzzled your skin, his uninjured hand slipped between your legs, his touch warm and reassuring.
You moaned softly as he began to gently explore you, his touch careful but confident. His fingers moved with a practiced grace, and he seemed to intuitively know just how to bring you pleasure. The way he focused on you, his gaze never leaving your face, made the experience all the more intimate.
Levi’s breathing became more labored as he continued his attentive exploration, his fingers working in rhythm with your responses. You could feel his care and affection in every touch, every movement. Despite his own vulnerability and the pain from his injury, he was determined to make you feel cherished and adored.
When he finally positioned his face between your legs, she looked up at you for your reaction. hearing no complaints, he spread you with his thumb before getting to work. he took his time, his movements tender and deliberate. His tongue danced along your sensitive areas, and he was gentle but insistent, drawing out your pleasure with every flick and swirl.
You gasped and moaned as his warm breath and skilled touch sent waves of pleasure through you. It was like he knew your body better than you did. His uninjured hand continued to caress your body, his touch both soothing and electrifying. His other hand was on your clit. his thumb drew slow circles, accompanying his tongue.
this was a side of him you couldn't even imagine to see. So gentle, So careful. you wondered if this is the same man who told you about his childhood in the underground, the same man ruthlessly sliced titans one by one.
As his touch heightened your arousal, your breathing grew more erratic. “Levi… I want you,” you whispered, your voice quivering with need. you pushed his now messy hair away of his face to look into his ehes “Please…”
Levi’s eyes fluttered open at your words, their steel-grey depths darkened with a mixture of surprise. The sincerity in your plea was met with a look of determined affection. He paused for a moment, taking in your vulnerability and the desire that shimmered in your eyes. it felt goodー to be wanted like that. to be wanted by you.
He positioned himself carefully between your legs, mindful of his injured limb. His fingers traced along your inner thighs with a deliberate slowness, causing your body to tremble in anticipation. His gaze locked onto yours, holding your stare with an intensity that made your heart race and your body wanting to squirm away
With a deep, steadying breath, he aligned himself on to your enterance. With one slow thrust, he entered you, placing his hands on your hips to keep you close. The initial pressure was a sweet, intense sensation, stretching and filling you in a way that made you moan softly. Levi’s movements were slow, measured.
His breath hitched slightly as he adjusted to the sensation, his eyes closing momentarily as he found his rhythm. He leaned in, his lips brushing your neck with soft kisses that was sk different from the firm, steady thrusts of his body. He leaned to your ear, his lips pressing against your skin “Tell me if it’s too much,” he murmured, his voice a soothing, hushed rumble against you. it made you shiver and reach up to his neck
You wrapped your hands behind his neck, legs around his waist, pulling him closer, and whispered back with a breathless urgency, “It’s perfect. Just… don’t stop.”
Levi’s pace grew more assured, each thrust a deliberate and steady rhythm that pushed you closer to the edge. His touch was both reassuring yet firm and electrifying. The way he moved inside you was a careful blend of passion and tenderness, each motion a testament to his desire he felt towards you.
As you approached your climax, Levi’s movements became more urgent, though still controlled. holding your hips, he lift them slight up, off of the bed as his body pressed deeper into you and he found a rhythm that drove you to the brink. The pleasure was overwhelming, making you cry out his name in a desperate, breathless moan.
Levi responded with a soft, reverent groan, his own release building. His thrusts grew more intense, and with a final, shuddering breath, he reached his peak. His body tensed, then relaxed, and he let out a deep, satisfied groan. You felt his warm release fill you up as he let your hips down again
Afterwards, Levi withdrew, his movements careful and gentle. He lay beside you, his breath heavy but content. You felt the warmth of his body as he reached and pulled you to his chest, placing his chin to your hair
The room settled into a peaceful silence, the intimacy of the moment lingering in the quiet- though he break it after a moment
"Alright, lets go take a shower we're sweaty" he said in his usual deadpan tone. "also we should take a piss. no need to get an infection" okay, Levi was still Levi at least.
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Celebrations of life are reserved for those who lived lives that should be celebrated.
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