#––– ❛ about 【 fletch. 】
picspammer · 8 months
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never let me down
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adlamu · 1 year
fletch being depechay mode's number one fan, as often as it's stated, is not respected anywhere near enough imo. like, he wasn't just 'happy to be a member of the band'... he actually liked the music, he knew every lyric, he had favourite songs on each album, and he enjoyed being part of every little insignificant process that related to and represented dm. my mans would have had (very loud + proud) opinions on memento mori, he would have loved the response to it (+ the tour), he would have relished, basked, even, in the glory of NLMDA becoming a popular song online for that short period of time, and would've absolutely laughed his arse off at the use of jcge in cocaine bear. that man is, was, and always will be dm's number one fan and no one can ever take that title from him.
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pfctipper · 3 months
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explain to me how we as a society have this description of john keats and yet only let tiny baby cockney dexter fletcher play him once in a 1992 bbc short film about benjamin zephaniah that no one saw. explain
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subsequentibis · 7 months
i have some characters im struggling to design but they are mostly older heavyset men with beards so i sadly cannot fuck around in picrew to make them
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rhinco · 8 months
a fun type of character to me is characters who are intensely suicidal or reckless without caring about their own survival but for whatever reason they can't die. maybe they keep getting brought back, maybe they're immortal, maybe they keep getting saved. the narrative just won't let them die.
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fletcher-braley · 7 months
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Fletcher Braley He/Him. Cis Man. Thirty Two.
full name: Fletcher Owen Braley nicknames: Fletch birthday: Twenty Third of March, 1992 current residence: Bighorn Hills time in providence peak: about 5 years 5 months - arrived October 2018 sexuality: Bisexual occupation: Bartender at Crane Bros Distillery face claim: Logan Lerman
positive traits: observant, intuitive, down-to-earth, amicable, supportive, compassionate negative traits: passive, melancholic, indulgent, compulsive, insecure, pushover
reading comics - fletcher doesn’t have a favorite superhero or anything of the sort, it was just how he passed time before he made his friends in Philly. If he finds any now, he still loves to indulge on the colorful pictures and art-based storytelling. hiking - the woods and mountains always feel like home, and that’s probably because when he was out there, he felt unseen by society. the only people who mattered were the friends he was with. jogging - it’s a calm activity to do that helps him to blow off steam when he is particularly stressed. cooking - this goes back to him learning from his mother, who he was close with. he loved cooking with her, and that love for the activity lives on to this day. he isn’t gordon ramsey level by far, but he can whip something decent together on a whim.
food - scrambled eggs with tobasco and breakfast potatoes drink - tito’s & cranberry juice (alcoholic) & sweet tea pink lemonade (nonalcoholic) movie - the never ending story song - all these things i’ve done by the killers color - forest green
social smoker after a few drinks [cigarettes] / likes a good weekend bender [alcohol] / occasional consumption of anything that comes from the earth [drugs] nervous ticks include chewing on his bottom lip, wrinkling his nose, and shifting from foot to foot, subtle stutter if he’s nervous
height : 5′9" tattoos : n/A scars : small one on the left side of his chin from stitches, surgical scar in his right wrist from surgery after a nasty break piercings : n/A hair : dark brown with a wave, if it gets long enough (and it often does because he gets lazy about trimming it) it curls on the ends, around his ears and at the base of his neck
clothes - simple t-shirts, hoodies, long-sleeve baseball tees, sweaters, straight-leg jeans, bomber jackets, jogger sweatpants for lazy days, nothing attention grabbing or flashy, absolutely no tank tops ever shoes - vans or work boots accessories - simple industrial bracelet bought from a tourist shop
(car accident tw, alcohol mention, drug mention, teenage pregnancy, abortion mention, loveless marriage, unhealthy family dynamics)
Fletcher had been the fourth son born to a couple in Blooming Glen, Pennsylvania. With a seven year gap between Fletcher and the last born boy it led to him being excluded from older activities as well as taunted by the two middle sons just all for the fun of it.
His only solace was his eldest brother who had matured faster than the other two, and his mother. And oh, Fletcher most loved his mother, who was soft and tender and was the only one who would focus on him when he tried to talk at the dinner table. He did his best to linger behind to help clean up after meals and stick by her side because she made him feel known. Every day his father had to come look for him to try and put him to work around the farm.
Now his father wasn't a kind man. Not to him nor to his mother. Never was domestic violence an issue in the household, but even at as young as five years old Fletcher understood an absence of love in their marriage. His mother was a quiet and timid woman so looking back it made sense why she stuck around, but then he'd always wondered and he'd wonder more so when he got the brunt of his father's nasty side brought out by his habitual drinking.
(One of his brother's would say it had been because Fletch had been the son of the milk man. The other would insist he’d been dropped off in a FEDEX package. He never understood either at that age.)
It was when he turned twelve that he decided he was fed up with how things worked in his house. He packed his duffel bag and walked off the farm to never look back, finding a bus stop and taking on to Philadelphia. His father lividly reminded him their house didn’t have a revolving door despite his mother’s pleading to get him to come home. As much as Fletcher missed her, he had no intention of returning ever.
In Philadelphia, Fletcher’s aunt of his had a spare bedroom - his mother had contacted her sister to ensure he had a roof over his head. Fletcher always knew even if it wasn’t said that she was doing her best to keep him taken care of, and he had a good relationship with his aunt anyway. This opportunity granted him the chance to build life in a busier city, immerse himself in public schooling, and to finally seek out his purpose.
Fletcher wasn’t a star student with a low G.P.A., struggling with Cs and Ds (his only A being his phys. ed. class), which left him unqualified to join any after school sports. Instead, he spent most of his time sitting on the floor of a local bookstore reading comic books. Socially withdrawn, it took almost a full school year until he made his first friend that introduced him into a bigger circle.
Fletcher found he adored each and every one of them, hanging onto every detail of the stories they told and admiring the caliber of life they all experienced. Aside from that they also brought adventure into his life in the form of spontaneous late-night drives, getting drunk on hiking trails outside of the city, and eating their weight’s worth in fast food after midnight. It was all simple, but it was more than he got to be involved in while in Blooming Glen.
In that time, Fletcher had also met his high school sweetheart. He may have been only sixteen, but he was sure he found The One. The unraveled around their senior year, when they were both eighteen and a positive pregnancy test brought two very different reactions from them. Fletch, wanting to keep the baby, and his partner wanting freedom in her future. Her decision to go through with a medical abortion clashed with his excitement turned disappointment, and it created an irreparable rift. They didn’t last long after graduation. 
Fletcher aimed for community college, but that lasted about a year before he dropped. He lost his drive and immersed himself in the same late nights filled with drunken antics that he indulged in while in high school. At twenty, he saved up enough money to get a snug studio apartment outside of West Philadelphia. He sought employment at the nearest tavern and started as a dishwasher, then moved up to bartender within the year.
With no goal in mind, Fletcher stuck it out there. It wasn’t until a late night out resulting in a car crash he was involved in that he figured out what he’d want to do. 
Someone ran a red light at an interaction and t-boned the car his friend had been driving. Fortunately there were no fatalities, but the car was a goner and one of his friends in the back seat sustained injuries that required a trip via ambulance to the nearest hospital. Firefighters needed to pry open the door as they had been pinned, and the EMTs rushed around everyone to make sure each and every person involved had been taken care of. Fletcher had nothing but a wrist sprain and bruised ribs, but watching them work inspired him to pursue that field. He wanted to help people.
Volunteering on the local EMT squad confirmed that idea, and then Fletcher began paramedic school. For a few years he managed to keep a job on the rig where he happily pulled long shifts even over holidays. Weekend social outings put a stop to that plan when eventually his irresponsible behavior led him to showing up to paramedic school hungover one too many times, and he was expelled from the training and released from the EMT squad at the age of twenty four after testing positive for marijuana consumption due to the use of it being illegal at that time.
He was back at square one and stuck it out as a bartender. It wasn’t all that fulfilling, but the money was good enough. The restlessness inside of him had to be ignored when responsibility was needed to keep off the streets. Fletcher just found value in his friendships and the experiences shared with them for the time-being.
However, he began to feel stagnant, and in due time Fletcher decided to make a move. Before his thirties, he decided. It would be worth it to experience other parts of the world. First he tried Colorado for a couple years when he was twenty seven, the nature and entire vibe something fun. He’d been there before, visiting a friend, and settling down in Providence Peak had been the perfect opportunity for a fresh start.
✧ Fletcher does know how to ride a horse, and he knows basic homesteading. Very very basic, as he'd been young when he dipped out on the cattle farm. I.e. canning, making dummy pickles, growing a small herb garden over the back of his kitchen sink. ✧ One of his favorite places to visit in Philadelphia was the Mutter Museum. ✧ Fletcher is a very enthusiastic Philadelphia Flyers fan, and he loves Gritty — as can be seen in the various bits of Gritty apparel in his closet, the coffee mug in the cabinet, and the sticker on the back of his car. ✧ Fletcher is allergic to strawberries. ✧ He will only drink Fiji water. No Smart water, no Dasani, no Poland Springs or Deer Park. None of it. He wants Fiji. ✧ He's terrified of spider crickets (or camel crickets, whichever is the name you know them by). ✧ Once he moved out to Providence Peak, he sold the compact car he arrived in to replace it with 1990 Toyota Land Cruiser for, you know, woodsy things. And he liked the old vibe of it being an upkept, thirty year old vehicle. That being said, the hood doesn't match the rest of the car in color, and it isn't great in terms of gas mileage, but hey. ✧ He has a three year old German Shepherd mix named Boone that he lets roam the property of the cabin he lives in. Being he chose one closer to the hiking trails, it is more secluded, and he figured a dog for protection would be wise.
I am down for most connects. Fletcher can use any friends from the last five-six years he has been in this town, and as much as I think the boy can't have a malicious bone in his body, I am down for any negative connections. I am not looking for any endgame romantic connections at this point, like to work on natural chemistry. I also don’t do any sort of pregnancy plots - scares, accidental, etc. - on a whim. For anyone looking for messy, he might not be your boy, but we can see what we work out.
Loose ideas for connections:
- Any new friends he's met over the years since he's moved to Providence Peak. - Neighbors in Bighorn Hills. - Someone Fletcher simply tolerates - whatever has caused disdain between the two would be talked out. (1/1) ** taken by @foster-notmatty - Almost maybe in terms of dating. Maybe he'd met someone, and it teetered close to something but ended up being nothing. this is not an end game scenario in the works (1/1) **taken by @deanchaiyachet - The one off hook-up. Limited spaces for this as he is more of a commitment guy, sleeping around isn't something he aims to do. I'd say (0/2). - Regular patrons to the distillery he works at, the sort he knows all the fun background details to as those who drink tend to talk. A lot.
♡ @reggiefalvey - friend met by chance in reggie's travels, now current roommates in bighorn hills. reggie is a breath of fresh air, and a constant reminder to fletch that sometimes he needs to just live. aside from the ever running tap contributing to the growing water bill, and all the bruises he's gotten walking into cabinet doors left open, reggie's been a welcomed addition to his home. ♡ @sagefranklin - tbd. ♡ @estherclements - met through reggie, current friends and a fellow experimental cook in the kitchen. ♡ @theaxharris - met through his patronage at holy spirits, built a repertoire. ♡ @dylan-westwick - fellow nature lover, hiking buddies, and adventurers of the Colorado wilds. fletch adores the twins just as much, and he likes to steal her away for the usual activities as much as time permits. ♡ @dilanxbarak - met her through a dog park, though he learned her dog's name first (woops), and makes time for doggie playdates around town and on the hiking trails. ♡ @emelinecormier - what started as simply bumming and wagering pool bets for a cigarette outside the various bars in providence has turned into emeline being one of the first people fletch sends a text out to if he's wanting to go out for a few drinks. ♡ @rachelhargrove - boone menaced walter as a puppy, and now fletch enjoys bringing (a much larger) boone back around so he can chat with rachel and be a fellow proud dog parent with her. ♡ @foster-notmatty - kinda sorta ran in the same circles in philadelphia, but didn't necessarily get along. it wasn't that they hated one another, they just rubbed one another the wrong way. so fletch simply tolerates foster. ♡ @cynthiafalvey - it's less about the fact they shared a kiss and more about all the little moments that built up to it happening. more the, the fact that after it happened, it's seemingly been swept under the rug. fletch doesn't know where he stands with cynthia at this point, and it isn't like he's hopelessly wishing for something to come out of it, but he just wants the weird dance they do to end so they can be back to normal.
pinterest: [ link ] soundtrack: [ link ] personal playlist: [ link ] inspo tag: [ link ]
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fletcher-bailey · 3 months
👄 + leo
“If it wasn’t for Leo, I might’ve given up and gone back to Philadelphia. I wanted to come to California to get away from all the dead ends I kept hitting out on the East Coast. But if nothing was going to pan out, I thought it would’ve been necessary just for the sake of my kid.”
Struggling isn’t worth it when it involves someone else, and it was that thought that had Apartments.com open on Fletcher’s phone for a month straight.
“Then Leo strolled right into my life like he was meant to. We were both transplants trying to land on secure ground here in California. Doing our absolute best. He did it better than me, he has ambition and goals, and he just knows what he wants and goes for it. He showed me some of that. He’s pushed me to not let my insecurities get the best of me.
He’s a breath of fresh air.” 
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And the rope that tethered Fletcher down. That kept him from giving up and running back home with his tail between his legs.
“He’s my best friend, I can’t say I’ve had many of those, but I’m glad it’s him. And I’m glad we met.”
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terrovaniadorm · 2 years
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Yuu/MC content from me are you guys shook yet
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majesticwren · 6 months
not me saving dozens of fletch(especially)/billy/aussie open/united empire fan made reels just to have the comfort of watching and rewatching their little faces at work
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sibelin · 1 year
being a depeche mode fan while having to mourn the most important person in your life on the 26th of may is not a good idea though haha
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gahantism · 1 year
The way I wanna my friends w their celeb crushes.
Or just draw their crushes.
HEY FRIENDS IF U SEE THIS AND WANT ME TO DRAW U AND UR CELEB CRUSH, SEND ME AN ASK. Maybe a picrew of what you look like if you're not one to share pics of yourself.
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adlamu · 10 months
interviewer: you guys must be rich, right?! fletch: (mumbles) if only we was. interviewer: pardon? fletch: (louder, more aggressively) If Only We Was. dave, on the other side of the set: o_o;;
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stardustfanfare · 1 year
girls when they remember midori doesnt canonically have dpdr and they just made that up
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starsailorstories · 2 years
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Old Lux & Cephie & the crew sketches. I draw them more than I post them, my New Years resolution is to be more annoying about it lol
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gunmetalgrey · 2 years
H E A D C A N O N | important contacts
These are usually NPCS but some active muses are added to this list. For more information or plotting, please drop me an IM!
Mia ‘Gabriel’ Sigrid Byrne ( Contact : Gabriel )
Member of Alex’s SF Unit / Member of AGRA. - written by @consultingsister
Mia and Alex worked and served together in the same unit of the SRR. Although a little stiff for Alex’s liking, Mia is an expert at her work and a detail driven machine. She’s clever, focused, and Alex even came to admire her. The feeling was mutual enough that when Mia approached Alex with the offer of work after Alex’s discharge that she jumped at the chance. These days, there’s far little camaraderie or friendship between them. Alex believed Mia had died in Tbilisi, instead she found out Mia was having her perfect happy ending the whole time. That’s hard to swallow after spending two years in a hole. Mia and Alex have barely been on speaking terms since 2014, and Alex is currently lying to AJ about the fact Mia is even alive.
Johan ‘Fletch’ Wolff-Fletcher ( Contact : Fletch )
Colleague in SF / Friend
Fletch lived, breathed and loved the SAS. His father was SAS. His brother, a cousin on his mothers side. He knew from the moment he enlisted that it was worth it to get a Sand Beret and wings. Alex worked along side him various times, usually in counter terrorism cases. A bullet to the thigh though ended his elite career after just ten years in his dream job, and no desk was going to be able to cut it. He took retirement, meeting up with Alex again when they were both back in England and looking for work. Once in a while they meet up for a drink, reminisce- but it’s few and far between these days. Fletch is one of the few people Alex would call day or night if she needed help. Where Alex uses private security as a cover, Fletch is a licensed personal security specialist and plays by the book wherever possible. He’s a stickler for rules and regulations, and doesn’t suffer fools. He keeps his private life incredibly private, and won’t work Sundays as a general rule. Sundays are reserved for the one person he wishes he had more time for.
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doctorwhoisadhd · 2 years
wait oh my god i hadnt thought to check if all the fridays ive written songs about have fallen yet. who am i and what have i done with Me
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