#Ōtsutsuki ashura
phlebaswrites · 1 year
The Ones Who Walk Away from the Ōtsutsuki
Ashura listens.
And learns.
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Rating: Teen And Up Fandom: Naruto Relationship: Ōtsutsuki Ashura & Ōtsutsuki Indra Word Count: 1,882 (Complete)
Entry for @otsutsukievent
Day 7 - August 12: Karma
This story is for @momo-ceros who shared the art which inspired this story, and for @malakia215 who helped me search for it.
Since I have not been able to locate the artwork or attribute the artist, I cannot post a link to it. However, it's a picture of an adult Indra scruffing Madara and Sasuke, both children, who are fighting. Ashura, off to one side, carries child versions of Naruto and Hashirama as he looks on.
If it sounds familiar to anyone, I'd welcome any information about it!
This story is also for @dominaaurum and @kurakura0-0 who have discussed the sage's teachings with me many times, discussions which have now borne fruit.
Hopefully it's not poisonous!
The title is, of course, an allusion to The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas by the incomparable Ursula K. Le Guin.
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Ashura watches as his brother kneels on the grass, patting the head of one of the young boys from the future.
"You see how the chakra moves inside your body? Do you feel it?"
The boy, Sasuke, nods. "Yes, inside of me, when I breathe."
"Exactly!" Indra sounds warm, approving, and Ashura wonders how long it's been since he heard that tone. "But chakra does not only come from your body, it comes from your spirit, the intangible thing that makes you an individual."
And that's new as well.
Of all the people that surround them, Indra would have been the last person that Ashura would expect to teach the spiritual aspects of chakra. Is it only that all of their father's students already know it and no longer need to be taught the basics? Or has Indra truly had a change of heart?
Ashura cannot tell.
He only knows that his brother smiles, laughs, and shares the thoughts of his mind once more, something that Ashura is deeply grateful for.
Read the rest on AO3.
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bunniefaery · 6 months
I saw this article calling Sasuke a Villain and how the live-action shouldn't include his "villain" arc, because it "felt tedious and too convoluted to the bigger narrative" and instead they should make him a pivot for the fight against the Otsutsuki...
Did this person watch the anime or read the manga?
Article from CBR, Title: The Naruto Live-Action Movie Doesn't Need To Adapt This Villain Arc
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1. Protect Konoha from what? The Uchiha wanted to end the decades long discrimination and oppression they were facing at the hands of the higher ups... (Not to mention that when Kurama attacked the village (under genjutsu, when Naruto was born), and during the konoha crush, no other villages went to attack the Leaf after the events), not even after the Pein arc...
2. Most people would hate growing up alone, and why was that sentence in bold?
3. Sasuke didn't find out about the true reason Itachi did what he did, until after Itachi died, as well as the real reason behind said Coup... as far as I am aware. And why wouldn't he want revenge against Konoha (specifically the 3 people who are left that caused all of his trauma and the uchiha genocide, it'd be 4 but the Sandaime Hokage was already dead by this point in the story)
4. What "wars" against Madara and Obito? There was only 1 War against them, the 4th great ninja war, that lasted 2 days a.k.a. approximately ~212 episodes, including filler (volumes 55 through 59 in the Manga, according to google)
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"Naruto and Sasuke were reincarnations of her sons (Ashura and Indra, respectively)"
Okay, so the author didn't watch nor read Naruto...
Indra and Ashura Otsutsuki are not Kaguya's sons... they are her grandsons 👁️👄👁️ Homura and Hagoromo Otsutsuki are her sons... and Hagoromo is Ashura and Indra's father…
I feel like the author doesn't know much about Kaguya either, if they did they'd know her story.
"The advantage of Sasuke being a rebel without defecting from Konoha is that Naruto would have the help needed to fight the big villains of the franchise: the Ōtsutsuki."
When the time came, was Sasuke not helping Naruto with that? 🧐 And why shouldn't he have defected from Konoha? What good could they do for him?
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Why does Sasuke need to be convinced to return home, when his home was taken from him by this "home" the author speaks of, that "home" being Konoha? Why should he return to the place that treated his people so poorly that they felt they no other choice but to do a coup against the people in charge of Konoha only to be wiped out for daring to stand up for themselves after years of oppression...?
Konoha, specifically Danzo, the third hokage, and 2 hogake advisors, Homura and Koharu (3 of which where Tobirama Senju's students and all 4 of which were on his personal team, and we all know what Tobi thought of the Uchiha) forced Itachi to wipeout his whole clan, excluding Sasuke, and then blamed him for it. They swept what they did under a filthy rug, that already had many skeletons piling up, and acted like he was the most evil person... He was a child and he was forced to do that and to become a fugitive by the old people in charge, who had no business being in charge of Konoha since there should've been a 5th Hokage by then... (regardless if Itachi regretted it or not, which he never really does)
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I won't say it...😇
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"Sasuke could learn more about how Indra developed a dark side, which passed down to the Uchiha, while Ashura's light gave way to the Senju and Uzumaki (Naruto's family) clans"
1. While I do agree that Naruto should've learnt more of the Uzumaki (and the Namikaze), besides finding out they excelled in Sealing Jutsus, had very long lives and were a bit savage (it wasn't in-depth at all, and there is no one to teach him, since the Uzumaki are also victims of genocide (in which Konoha did not help protect them) and well, I don't know what happened to Minato's people)
2. And that Sasuke should've learnt more of his people (but how was he going to, when he was the only one left at age 7/8?)
3. Indra's dark side... it wasn't passed down, nor did it emerge until his father gave his little brother the title of successor and expected him to follow without questions, having his birthright taken away because he was more introverted than his little brother whom their father called "the flunky useless dropout younger brother" (according to a panel I saw). And implied, at least to me, that ninjustu was created for wars and all things evil (Indra created ninjustu when he was just a child). ah yes his dark side the Uchiha inherited, that darkness of wanting to be treated like people and with respect in the village they helped make.
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4. Kushina calls the Uzumaki, among other things, a bit savage. Batsuma Senju punched Hashirama, a child at the time, for being angry/sad that his little brother died, saying he was disrespecting his brother (and him) by basically questioning the system. Tobirama is a Senju, who was not shy about his hatred and prejudice against the Uchiha Clan (he is after all the founder of the bigoted psuedo science that was the "Curse of Hatred" the Uchiha are supposedly afflicted by, a clan that according to him is cursed and called Sasuke "a brat possessed by Uchiha evil") and that's on Ashura's "light" that gave way for his descendants, the Uzumaki and the Senju, "a clan of love~"🥰
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Right, because he wasn't a pivot to the story, nor did his and naruto's story have any "heart and impact"... Right...
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At some point, I wonder if some of this article is just satire 😅
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madmaenad · 1 year
What canon says about Indra Ōtsutsuki
Indra Ōtsutsuki is the inventor of ninjutsu and the first human to bear the Sharingan, making him the ancestor of the Uchiha Clan. 
He has just three appearances in the entire manga, all of which are from secondhand sources.
1. Our most direct source on Indra is his father Hagoromo, the Sage of Six Paths, in chapters 670-671:
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Hagoromo goes on to talk about the beginnings of his sons’ reincarnation cycle:
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As well as the prior generation of incarnates:
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He also makes one intriguing mention of how Indra anticipated the reappearance of the Rinnegan, which requires Indra and Ashura’s chakra to fuse together in one vessel:
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Since we have no corroborating testimony elsewhere, assessing the accuracy of Hagoromo’s story requires us to examine it for bias.
It is worth mentioning that Indra shares the Sharingan with his grandmother Kaguya, who was sealed away by Hagoromo and his brother. This likely had a negative effect on Hagoromo’s view of his son, as he seems to distrust the Sharingan’s power:
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Hagoromo connects his mother and his son in other aspects, as shown in the panels below where Hagoromo describes his own views on power compared to Kaguya's. His description of Kaguya’s hunger for power resembles his earlier description of what he claims are Indra’s views.
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If you need further proof that Hagoromo negatively equates his mother and his son, despite the two never having met, look no further than the panel below:
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In short, Hagoromo says the world of the Fourth Shinobi World War is Indra’s (and Kaguya’s) world. Hagoromo blames his son, and his son’s refusal to accept Ashura, for the current war. This seems a curious thing to assert, since Hagoromo never states outright that Indra killed or even harmed anyone, despite the panel of Indra in armor. He only says that, “Indra turned upon Ashura.”
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One final note on the Sage’s story. In a great irony, at some point the historical record credited Hagoromo with the creation of ninjutsu, instead of Indra himself:
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Once more, Hagoromo outright equates his son with war, and accuses his son of being a warmonger. 
We have to question Hagoromo’s knowledge of his son’s internal motivations, especially since we have no evidence except Hagoromo‘s own testimony. Inventions can be used outside of their inventor’s intended purpose. Ninjutsu being used in war does not automatically mean it was made to create war. Was this really what Indra intended, or is this Hagoromo‘s own assumption after the fact?
2. Black Zetsu also knew Indra firsthand, and briefly mentions him in chapter 682.
Despite being an enemy, Black Zetsu can be considered a fairly reliable source. He recounts his story to Naruto and Sasuke while Kaguya is draining their chakra. With the two already immobilized and helpless, there’s no need for manipulation. Zetsu gains nothing by lying to them.
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Crucially, Hagoromo’s story never once mentions Black Zetsu. Hagoromo appears to know nothing about Zetsu’s influence on Indra and Indra’s descendants. Hagoromo claims to have precognition and the ability to read signs (670) and also claims to have watched his children fight throughout history (671), but Zetsu gives us direct evidence that Hagoromo’s omniscience is fallible, and his story is far less authoritative than it seemed on the surface. 
Hagoromo is missing important pieces of the narrative, though he is not aware of it. His ignorance calls his testimony about Indra’s nature, Indra’s motivations, and the true sequence of events further into question.
3. Our last source is Obito, who tells a mythologized version of Indra’s story in chapter 462.
This version has the most questionable accuracy. Rather than direct testimony by someone who knew Indra, it’s a story passed down over generations. 
Another complicating factor is the context in which this story is told. Obito (pretending to be Madara) tells the story to Naruto and Kakashi with the aim of convincing Naruto that Sasuke’s desire for revenge is genuine. Obito is lying about his identity; it is possible that Obito is further altering the story to manipulate his listeners.
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Hagoromo made no mention of any curse in his story. Did he just leave it out? Is this a misinterpretation of Hagoromo’s belief that power drives people mad? Or did later generations invent the idea of a curse? 
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Obito, in his Madara persona, claims his battle with Hashirama was destined and that Naruto and Sasuke are equally destined to be enemies. Obito’s intent to influence Naruto makes the way he also casts Indra and Ashura as implacable enemies somewhat suspect. But that doesn’t mean Obito’s version is a complete lie; there’s probably a grain of truth in the basic events.
One question worth asking: who does the seed of this myth belong to? Is it from Konoha? The Uchiha? 
Consider instead: who is famous for calling the Uchiha a cursed clan? 
Senju Tobirama. He is the oldest character to call the Uchiha cursed; a manga chapter is even titled after this exact quote from him (619). The way Obito’s story equates the Uchiha with hatred resembles the rumors Tobirama related to Hashirama prior to the Hokage election (625).
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This fact, plus the unflattering portrayal of Indra, makes me believe Obito might actually be telling the Senju version of events.
4. What final conclusions can we draw about Indra’s character from these three portrayals? 
The narrative insists Indra believed in power and blames him for the current war...but we have little to no corroboration for this. The only crime directly attributed to Indra was from Obito’s mythology version, where he attacked his brother after being passed over for inheritance. 
The anime chose to make Indra into an a villainous character, but without much basis. There’s a lot of room for fandom to question, re-interpret, and develop new portrayals. 
His invention of ninjutsu, for example, must have been extraordinary for its time, but is consistently cast as a negative achievement. His relationship with his father is another point worth re-examining.
In the end, what do we know? 
Indra was born with strong chakra to a father who believed no one person’s chakra should be much greater than any other's. He was hailed as a genius and inherited the power of his grandmother’s eyes, which his father distrusted, but still chose to create his own techniques. Ninjutsu was Indra’s most lasting legacy, but one he never received credit for. He became a ghost in Shinobi history - and also a ghost of the narrative.
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louminescence · 1 year
So I was just going about my day when I found this news article about "possible actors to play the Naruto characters" or some bullshit and, upon further research, I discovered that there are apparently talks of a live-action? Like, it's back in production at Lionsgate?
At first, I was mostly confused, so I clicked the article and, lo and behold, Western actors are their picks for the Naruto characters. Lana Condor as Hinata Hyūga, Maddie Ziegler as Ino Yamanaka, and some dude with the name Oakes or something for Naruto. These are some of the actors I recall from the list off the top of my head and, as I scrolled down the list, I grimace.
Naruto is very clearly inspired by Asian culture as a whole. Its lore and characters are proof of the inspiration that Masashi Kishimoto took. Like, the fashion (of the women) is very much inspired by the qipao or cheongsam. The sons of Hagoromo Ōtsutsuki, Indra and Ashura, are inspired by Hinduism. I won't even point out the super obvious matter of Naruto Uzumaki, Sasuke Uchiha, Sakura Haruno, and the many characters being very clearly Japanese.
Making it Western just sort of erases the fact that Naruto is an Asian thing. Making the characters Western is a little disgusting, in my opinion. Also, what the hell are their names even gonna be? Cause in Western adaptations, they change the names to fit like when they changed Light Yagami to Light Turner in the live-action adaptation of Death Note. What, is Naruto going to be Brendan Spiral? Ew.
Not only that but I feel that shōnen manga do not fit the live-action format. It would cheapen the experience because imagine the epic, fast-paced fight scenes of the stories being done in real life. There would be a struggle there that would be evident. It would probably also look strange.
I don't know where I'm going with this. I just know that I think this entire thing is a ridiculous, preposterous idea that Western companies think they could keep adapting media that doesn't fit their culture.
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ultimateanna · 1 year
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NARUTOP99 was a worldwide poll to determine the most popular character of the original Naruto manga. From December 17, 2022 through January 31, 2023, fans of the series could vote once per day for one of 488 possible characters. The results were announced in April 2023. A special manga omake featuring the most popular character, illustrated by Masashi Kishimoto, will be released at a later date.
The 488 candidates are seemingly compiled from the four supplementary databooks: Rin no Sho, Tō no Sho, Sha no Sho, and Jin no Sho. As such, characters that were not featured in any of the databooks, notably Boruto Uzumaki and his age group, are not included. This also means that some characters are listed twice, notably "Tobi" and "Obito Uchiha".
Minato Namikaze (Fourth Hokage) - 792,257 votes
Itachi Uchiha - 505,014 votes
Sakura Haruno - 489,619 votes
Shisui Uchiha - 279,062 votes
Kakashi Hatake - 212,403 votes
Naruto Uzumaki - 182,911 votes
Sakumo Hatake - 170,940 votes
Sasuke Uchiha - 170,665 votes
Madara Uchiha - 144,947 votes
Hinata Hyuuga - 144,484 votes
Obito Uchiha - 132,252 votes
Jiraiya - 117,825 votes
Shikamaru Nara - 87,838 votes
Tobirama Senju (Second Hokage) - 87,442 votes
Gaara (Fifth Kazekage) - 70,557 votes
Hashirama Senju (First Hokage) - 66,519 votes
Deidara - 56,320 votes
Neji Hyūga - 49,526 votes
Sasori - 40,732 votes
Rock Lee - 39,325 votes
Might Guy - 37,391 votes
Kurama (Nine-Tails) - 35,017 votes
Orochimaru - 29,323 votes
Hidan - 28,910 votes
Kushina Uzumaki - 27,334 votes
Iruka Umino - 26,628 votes
Tobi - 22,096 votes
Fugaku Uchiha - 21,541 votes
Tsunade (Fifth Hokage) - 21,362 votes
Ashina Uzumaki - 20,875 votes
Nagato - 19,221 votes
Zabuza Momochi - 18,498 votes
Kaguya Ōtsutsuki - 17,553 votes
Haku - 16,728 votes
Tenten - 16,693 votes
Teuchi - 15,590 votes
Konan - 14,322 votes
Temari - 13,044 votes
Yamato - 10,891 votes
Kisame Hoshigaki - 10,577 votes
Mito Uzumaki - 10,547 votes
Sai - 10,346 votes
Deva Path - 10,287 votes
Ino Yamanaka - 10,276 votes
Hiruzen Sarutobi (Third Hokage) - 9,639 votes
Kakuzu - 9,338 votes
Kimimaro - 8,785 votes
Izuna Uchiha - 8,546 votes
Might Duy - 7,990 votes
Indra Ōtsutsuki - 7,206 votes
Kiba Inuzuka - 7,051 votes
Killer B - 6,499 votes
Rin Nohara - 6,496 votes
Asuma Sarutobi - 6,395 votes
Hagoromo Ootsutsuki - 6,023 votes
Shino Aburame - 5,959 votes
Genma Shiranui - 5,728 votes
Tayuya - 5,449 votes
Kabuto Yakushi - 5,082 votes
Suigetsu Hozuki - 5,000 votes
Konohamaru Sarutobi - 4,724 votes
Kankuroo - 4,466 votes
Kagami Uchiha - 4,061 votes
Mei Terumi (Fifth Mizukage) - 3,843 votes
Karin - 3,192 votes
Hamura Ootsutsuki - 3,161 votes
Akamaru - 2,926 votes
Ashura Ootsutsuki - 2,871 votes
Danzo Shimura - 2,859 votes
Darui - 2,849 votes
Samui - 2,746 votes
Yagura (Fourth Mizukage) - 2,700 votes
Utakata - 2,660 votes
Hayate Gekkō - 2,657 votes
Zetsu - 2,654 votes
Yahiko - 2,556 votes
Shikaku Nara - 2,553 votes
Hikaku Uchiha - 2,545 votes
Anko Mitarashi - 2,477 votes
Mikoto Uchiha - 2,378 votes
Ten-Tails - 2,366 votes
Hanabi Hyūga - 2,153 votes
Shizune - 2,078 votes
Gamabunta - 2,078 votes
Otoha - 2,045 votes
Chōji Akimichi - 2,003 votes
Pakkun - 1,958 votes
Chiyo - 1,872 votes
Hanzo - 1,808 votes
Omoi - 1,780 votes
Tonton - 1,667 votes
Fu - 1,598 votes
Mu (Second Tsuchikage) - 1,523 votes
Gengetsu Hōzuki (Second Mizukage) - 1,488 votes
Yugito Nii - 1,458 votes
Monkey King: Enma - 1,440 votes
Gamatatsu - 1,408 votes
Ninneko - 1,300 votes
Kohada - 1,296 votes
(My reaction after learning that Sakura has surpassed Naruto) Although this is not surprising, because in the manga, thanks to Masashi Kishimoto, the image and character of the heroine is better than in the anime, as I felt) The actress voicing Sakura is wonderful, but I like her voice in real life. Her voice is very beautiful, smart and serious and I dream that in the future she will voice Sakura like that.)
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thehunterstars · 7 months
ㅤㅤㅤㅤmasterlist of drabbles ૮₍ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ₎ა
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outrageous fortune. Luce Giglio Nero-centric.
She could never be ready, not for this. Luce had stared at Checkerface in the eyes and accepted the Pacifier with both hands.
reflect this love. OC-centric. – Ben & OC.
The sun loved the moon so much, she died every night just to let him breath.
and my soul weeps. Danny Fenton-centric.
In his quest to ignore the encroaching feeling of loneliness, Danny ended up throwing himself into something he'd been ignoring for some time: picking up the slack on some Ghost King duties. There was so much paperwork. Disgusting. Someone still has to deal with it. Despairingly, that someone happens to be Danny.
JUMANJI (2017)
we could be stars. OC-centric. Alex & OC.
knock on my door, boy come home you stay in my head lay in my arms, why won't you?
garden of eden. Sally Jackson-centric. part ii. Sally Jackson-centric. Angst.
to leave a mark. Uchiha Fugaku-centric. Uchiha Mikoto-centric.
By the vicious cycle Ōtsutsuki Indra and Ashura started, the older brother's descendants must succumb to their pained rage and, one day, be saved by the compassion of one of the younger brother's scions. Maybe. Well... No thank you
hear no evil, speak no evil. Jeremy Gilbert POV. Jeremy & OC.
If he allowed the world to fall back into quietness, from this distance he could vaguely hear the flow of the river. There had to be a joke or something, out there, that could encompass the situation. Standing in these woods, so very close to the bridge that claimed his parents lives. Admittedly, Jeremy thought it was a little funny.
this is not your grave. Female Harry Potter-centric.
There was one thing she wholeheartedly believed from Severus Snape. “You tell me you have been raising her like a pig for slaughter–”
you who breathed new life into my lungs. Steven Grant & OC.
She resists the urge to fidget. It feels like it's too much. It feels a little like he'll finally crack, come to his senses, and snap at her to leave. Which is ridiculous, because Steven would never do such a thing.
courage often walks in silence. OC-centric. OC & OC.
[untitled track – 2010] OC-centric. OC & OC.
[untitled track – 2010.5] OC-centric. OC & OC.
if i had a flower. Flash Thompson POV. Flash & OC.
if there's a light at the end. OC-centric. Peter Parker & OC.
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depo88-world · 8 months
Asura Ōtsutsuki
Asura Ōtsutsuki (大筒木アシュラ, Ōtsutsuki Ashura) adalah putra bungsu dari Hagoromo Ōtsutsuki. Meskipun bukan pilihan yang tepat bagi kebanyakan orang, ia pada akhirnya mewarisi ajaran ayahnya, sehingga harus menjadi musuh kakak lelakinya Indra. Asura juga dianggap sebagai leluhur dari klan Senju dan Uzumaki.
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demifiendrsa · 1 year
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Top 99 worldwide character popularity poll results:
Minato Namikaze (Fourth Hokage) - 792,257 votes
Itachi Uchiha - 505,014 votes
Sakura Haruno - 489,619 votes
Shisui Uchiha - 279,062 votes
Kakashi Hatake - 212,403 votes
Naruto Uzumaki - 182,911 votes
Sakumo Hatake - 170,940 votes
Sasuke Uchiha - 170,665 votes
Madara Uchiha - 144,947 votes
Hinata Hyūga - 144,484 votes
Obito Uchiha - 132,252 votes
Jiraiya - 117,825 votes
Shikamaru Nara - 87,838 votes
Tobirama Senju (Second Hokage) - 87,442 votes
Gaara (Fifth Kazekage) - 70,557 votes
Hashirama Senju (First Hokage) - 66,519 votes
Deidara - 56,320 votes
Neji Hyūga - 49,526 votes
Sasori - 40,732 votes
Rock Lee - 39,325 votes
Might Guy - 37,391 votes
Kurama (Nine-Tails) - 35,017 votes
Orochimaru - 29,323 votes
Hidan - 28,910 votes
Kushina Uzumaki - 27,334 votes
Iruka Umino - 26,628 votes
Tobi - 22,096 votes
Fugaku Uchiha - 21,541 votes
Tsunade (Fifth Hokage) - 21,362 votes
Ashina Uzumaki - 20,875 votes
Nagato - 19,221 votes
Zabuza Momochi - 18,498 votes
Kaguya Ōtsutsuki - 17,553 votes
Haku - 16,728 votes
Tenten - 16,693 votes
Teuchi - 15,590 votes
Konan - 14,322 votes
Temari - 13,044 votes
Yamato - 10,891 votes
Kisame Hoshigaki - 10,577 votes
Mito Uzumaki - 10,547 votes
Sai - 10,346 votes
Deva Path - 10,287 votes
Ino Yamanaka - 10,276 votes
Hiruzen Sarutobi (Third Hokage) - 9,639 votes
Kakuzu - 9,338 votes
Kimimaro - 8,785 votes
Izuna Uchiha - 8,546 votes
Might Duy - 7,990 votes
Indra Ōtsutsuki - 7,206 votes
Kiba Inuzuka - 7,051 votes
Killer B - 6,499 votes
Rin Nohara - 6,496 votes
Asuma Sarutobi - 6,395 votes
Hagoromo Ōtsutsuki - 6,023 votes
Shino Aburame - 5,959 votes
Genma Shiranui - 5,728 votes
Tayuya - 5,449 votes
Kabuto Yakushi - 5,082 votes
Suigetsu Hōzuki - 5,000 votes
Konohamaru Sarutobi - 4,724 votes
Kankurō - 4,466 votes
Kagami Uchiha - 4,061 votes
Mei Terumī (Fifth Mizukage) - 3,843 votes
Karin - 3,192 votes
Hamura Ōtsutsuki - 3,161 votes
Akamaru - 2,926 votes
Ashura Ōtsutsuki - 2,871 votes
Danzō Shimura - 2,859 votes
Darui - 2,849 votes
Samui - 2,746 votes
Yagura (Fourth Mizukage) - 2,700 votes
Utakata - 2,660 votes
Hayate Gekkō - 2,657 votes
Zetsu - 2,654 votes
Yahiko - 2,556 votes
Shikaku Nara - 2,553 votes
Hikaku Uchiha - 2,545 votes
Anko Mitarashi - 2,477 votes
Mikoto Uchiha - 2,378 votes
Ten-Tails - 2,366 votes
Hanabi Hyūga - 2,153 votes
Shizune - 2,078 votes
Gamabunta - 2,078 votes
Otoha - 2,045 votes
Chōji Akimichi - 2,003 votes
Pakkun - 1,958 votes
Chiyo - 1,872 votes
Hanzō - 1,808 votes
Omoi - 1,780 votes
Tonton - 1,667 votes
Fū - 1,598 votes
Mū (Second Tsuchikage) - 1,523 votes
Gengetsu Hōzuki (Second Mizukage) - 1,488 votes
Yugito Nii - 1,458 votes
Monkey King: Enma - 1,440 votes
Gamatatsu - 1,408 votes
Ninneko - 1,300 votes
Kohada - 1,296 votes
Masashi Kishimoto will draw an original short manga following the winner of the poll, Minato Namikaze (Fourth Hokage).
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'Narutop 99' top 22 character popularity poll results commemorative illustration by Masashi Kishimoto  
Thank you for the incredible amount of votes! It was fun seeing how results varied from region to region. I was shocked to see Minato at the top for all regions, and the fact that Sakura is so beloved by many people around the world made me proud as a writer. To tell you the truth, I was actually rooting for Kurama. I was planning on drawing only the top 20 characters, but I really wanted to add Kurama, who was close at 22nd... So I ended up including him and Guy, who was in 21st place! Sorry for completely ignoring the original plan to have the top 20 characters for the 20th anniversary because of my personal attachment. Right now I'm working on the short manga for Minato who placed 1st. While trying to make a story that would match the expectations of his fans, I ended up with more pages than I had originally anticipated. Please look forward to the secret story behind Minato's jutsu! I want to thank you all very much again for voting!  
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sakuraficrecs · 6 years
Fic rec #50
halcyon days by jaylene
[T] Sakura x Ashura x Indra
Sakura sees dead people. Well, two dead people to be exact. Everything changes. Sakura-centric. Indra/Sakura/Ashura
Complete. Words: 149,506
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Ōtsutsuki clan🌙
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hobakie · 3 years
The Rinnegan: the requirements to awaken the eyes of the Father of Ninshū.
The information presented in this post has been checked and revised. My aim is not to hate or to discredit any of the characters mentioned. Please read about me for further information. 
This post will contain evidence in picture format directly from the manga Naruto (1999 - 2014) created by Masashi Kishimoto and published by Shueisha in 1999. I will also use information from the official databooks of Naruto.
This informative post will show the requirements of the the natural awakening of this dōjutsu, which has been quite misunderstood by some fans since the beginning of the manga and until chapter 699. I will use information present in the novels or the Boruto anime only if it includes character development within canon compliance.
This meta has been crossposted in AO3.
I give my permission to use or share this thread with informative purposes as long as you credit me. 
I will not count the anime in this list because I consider it over exaggerated and beyond biased. Furthermore, these fillers include some actions that these characters are unable to do in the canon according to official sources. These fillers also generate unnecessary debate. I do not support the anime or the work of Studio Pierrot in regards to Naruto.
Please, take this into consideration.
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The eyes of the Sage of the Six Paths, Hagoromo Ōtsutsuki, are known to be the supreme dōjutsu. 
They derive from Kaguya Ōtsutsuki, the Rabbit Goddess, who possessed the Rinne-Sharingan and the Byakugan. 
 The Rinnegan was introduced into the narrative in chapter 238 by Pain:
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From that point on, the Rinnegan went through various changes. It started with a circular motion the size of the iris and ended as we know it today. 
Pain from chapter 428:
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According to the third databook (source), the Rinnegan is a type of Kekkei Genkai: it can only be passed down within a bloodline. 
This is also known as a Bloodline Limit, like the Sharingan or the Byakugan.
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However, in the case of its original user, Hagoromo, it is classified as a Kekkei Mōra, a special bloodline branch exclusive from the Ōtsutsuki Clan. 
Kaguya’s Byakugan and Hagoromo’s Rinnegan are the only known Kekkei Mōra in Naruto.
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Kaguya possessed the Rinne-Sharingan, a Kekkei Mōra, combination of the Rinnegan and the Sharingan. This eye is exclusive to Kaguya. 
Sasuke Uchiha does not possess a Rinne-Sharingan.
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Hagoromo was the first person to awaken the Rinnegan as the variant we know today.
After him, it has only been awakened naturally by Madara Uchiha. A feat only he could do.
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In chapter 670, Naruto meets the Sage of Six Paths. 
And spots the Rinnegan in his eyes.
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He narrates the story of his two sons Indra and Ashura, which holds a strong parallelism with Sasuke and Naruto, as well as Madara and Hashirama.
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The circle of Reincarnation is introduced into the narrative.
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Indra and Ashura are the progenitors of the Uchiha and the Uzumaki & Senju Clans respectively. 
According to the fourth databook, the descendants of Indra, the Uchiha, inherited the power of Yin Release and the descendants of Ashura, the Senju, inherited the power of Yang Release. 
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Sasuke and Naruto have affinities to these two types of release. 
In chapter 671, Hagoromo says that he can see Ashura’s chakra flowing inside Naruto, as well as his elder son Indra’s flowing inside Sasuke. 
 This detail is very important.
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Hagoromo says that, before Sasuke and Naruto, the previous reincarnates of Indra and Ashura were Madara Uchiha and Hashirama Senju, both individuals being direct descendants of the brothers. 
This is the key to awakening the Rinnegan.
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A few panels later, he explains how Madara gained the powers of the Rinnegan. The Rinnegan is only awakened by merging Indra and Ashura’s chakra together, which, together, recreate the chakra of Hagoromo. 
Not combining Uchiha and Senju blood or chakra.
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Madara, who never learnt that he was a reincarnate, transplanted Hashirama’s (Ashura’s reincarnate) flesh into a wound after their fateful fight. 
By the end of his life, he awakened the Rinnegan. He explains this in chapter 606.
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It takes several years to complete this transformation. 
Madara awakened the eye of the myth of the Sage of Six Paths. 
Panel from chapter 425:
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However, there is another way to obtain the Rinnegan: directly from Hagoromo.
Hagoromo bestowed Sasuke his Rinnegan in the left eye only.
Chapter 673:
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Like I said before, even if Sasuke's Rinnegan looks like Kaguya's, it is not a Rinne-Sharingan. Kaguya possessed the Kekkei Mōra Rinne-Sharingan. 
Sasuke has the Kekkei Genkai Rinnegan given by Hagoromo.
In order to awaken the Rinnegan, one must possess chakra from Indra and Ashura Ōtsutsuki. If somebody doesn't have that requirement, they won't achieve the Rinnegan, no matter if they mix blood from the Senju and Uchiha.
I have seen many fans say that Sarada Uchiha will be able to obtain a Rinnegan if she has access to Senju blood from Naruto or Hashirama’s cells. 
This is simply impossible. She does not have Indra’s chakra, the only thing that connects her to him is the Uchiha name, which descends form Indra. 
The last reincarnations to ever exist, as the cycle of “sibling squabbling” ended with Sasuke and Naruto, are those two. 
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phlebaswrites · 1 year
Suns and Sons (Are Not the Same Thing)
Every solar system centers around a star.
But, sometimes, you have a binary system.
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Rating: Teen And Up Fandom: Naruto Relationship: Ootsutsuki Asura/Ootsutsuki Indra Word Count: 244 (Complete)
Entry for @narutorarepairweek
Day 7 - August 5: Free day | Alternate ending
Sequel to Suns and Stars (Are the Same Thing).
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Ashura watches nii-san reach up, beckoning, and Kousei-chan leaps out of the tree into his arms. The little boy giggles madly as he's swung around in a wide circle, and nii-san's laughter joins his.
It's a lovely sight, one that Ashura doesn't want to disturb, but the shifting of the baby cradled against his chest is a warning of things to come.
Read the rest on AO3.
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sidestranger · 7 years
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Ashura ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ "Heir to the Ninja Creed"
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swordrose-fluidflux · 4 years
The “Will of Fire” part 2: Konoha’s Nepotism - the Origin
Definition of nepotism: favoritism (as in appointment to a job) based on kinship / Definition of kinship: close relationship or connection with someone; common ancestry; relationship by marriage 
The inherent nepotism of Konoha goes as far back as Hagoromo Ōtsutsuki, the Sage of the Six Paths. 
He had two sons, Indra and Ashura. Indra had powerful eyes and a strong sense for battle, while Ashura didn’t show any signs of talent.
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Ashura needed the cooperation of those around him in order to be as strong as Indra. Indra was just better at improving by himself. Ashura became as powerful as Indra through harsh training, which shows that they actually had the same amount of strength, just different strength. For some reason Hagoromo doesn’t acknowledge this. 
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Note (above): This is Obito talking to Naruto while he pretends to be Madara.
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As a genius, Indra didn’t need to rely on other people. However, this isolated him from others, while Ashura gained comrades. 
“He came to understand what it meant to care for others.” Does this mean that he didn’t know what it means to care for others before? The sentence implies this. Furthermore, right before Hagoromo says “He also understood that everyone working together to help him is what made him strong.” and he says right after “And he realized that with love, anything was possible.” 
This shows a rather pragmatic view of love, which is based on mutual benefit with Ashura giving back care towards others, who extended care to him first. Also, his realization shows his ambition to keep on getting something out of love.
Unfortunately, the manga doesn’t show Indra’s interactions with other people and if he cared about them, but it can be assumed that he didn’t receive help from other people unlike Ashura because he was able to achieve everything on his own with solely his own power.
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Hagoromo’s reaction to all this was to make Ashura his sole heir, which comprises making him his successor as the next leader of Ninshuu and entrusting all his power to him. 
He gave Indra nothing and expected him to just follow his younger brother, who didn’t have his strong sense for battle and was generally less smart in regard to chakra.
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Hagoromo’s extreme favoritism of Ashura over Indra because of their shared belief in “cooperation” being true power, shows his extreme nepotism. 
There’s no information whether Ashura was nepotistic, too. However, Hagoromo’s account of the events doesn’t mention Ashura offering Indra anything or talking with Hagoromo so that Indra might get at least some kind of heritage from him. Not to mention, Ashura apparently expected Indra to follow him. 
It can be assumed that Ashura followed in Hagoromo’s footsteps including when it comes to nepotism because of the aforementioned reasons and also because the leaders of the Senju clan, one branch of Ashura’s descendants, apparently continued to choose their successors however they wanted to by themselves.
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obitosbabe · 3 years
hey i was bored so here is some indra head cannons and opinions-
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DISCLAIMER: please remember that these are my opinions and thoughts and if you don’t exactly agree or like them your are free and MORE than welcome to make your own- the following headcannons will be based on Indra Ōtsutsuki
Indra is Rikudou Sennin’s Son
He has a brother
( possibly twin brother, because they laying next to each other like hagoromo and hamura, who happen to be twins; along with kishi having a twin brother )
Progenitor of Uchiha Clan
Was supposed to be successor
- very introverted and a little shy
- hates to be touched especially hugs
- very secretive but also open to some things
- a strong hate for his father
- hate for his brother Asura/Ashura
- a wide variety of music taste, doesn’t listen to music often
-will become very tense if you were to hug him and might get angry or even cry if you hugged him for too long
-truly a nice person at heart
-you’d be able to tell if he were cool with you or not
-trains, reads books, or sits in silence a lot; if neither he is sleep, heavy sleeper
- if he didn’t kill you already..
- he’d would rarely pay you attention at all
-if he had the chance hurt you physically or verbally
- if you aggravated him there’s not much escape
-on certain days your get responses from him
-fights from time to time
-you know the basics about him
-he would rarely show you his more talkative and hype side
-you’d hang out sometimes, not in very populated places though
-rare but, when he wants attention he will text to see if your free
-suggests you to train with him
-suggest books to you
-will listen to your stories about your day and stuff
-watch tv with you, zones out sometimes if it’s boring
-he finds peace within himself as he understands him the most
-lost in his mind a lot you would have to call him once or twice or resort to taping him..
and he hates to be touched✨
-similar to being his friend but he will care more
-he wouldn’t mind telling you a few stories on his own
- it would take him a while to still open up but he’d start to tell you his feelings about family and stuff
-tells you about how he wishes he met his mom
- has a high respect for women, takes him so time if he were to snap on one
- zero tolerance for derogatory terms especially towards woman the word- bitch
( the left and right side thing, has a demon and angel)
-his demon is a real shithead so you would see irritation from him time to time
- he’d be ready to confront anyone who harms you
- very truthful..sometimes it hurts but he apologizes for it and takes full responsibility for his actions admitting his faults
- lying is truly a waste of time
-if I lost a fight then so be it, nothing big..i’ll just win next time😈
- competitive, pfft not me
- ashura is so naive and stupid, a real brat if you ask me..so ignorant towards a lot
-i have no dad
-fuck you
-I wonder if i look more like my mom, i mean of course i do..
- i’d hate myself if i looked like that bitch
-oh i said bitch..that’s an appropriate exclusion
- i don’t care anymore..
- everything is really disappointing
-for as long as I can remember I've been praised for my intelligence and accomplishments and, to be honest it killed me, it was kinda annoying it was like extra attention being aimed at me, like you stupid shitheads I'm only ten you had so long..
..to figure this stuff out on your own, “master Indra! You're amazing “ okay thanks you can stop now, it's embarrassing..like now more people is coming over to talk to me..talk about overwhelming- yes my dad admitted that he was foolish but that dosn't fix anything-tbc #like4more
#indra #indraotsutsuki #naruto #headcannons #opinons
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sujiescraps · 4 years
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OCs Aindri and Varuna who are the wives of Indra and Ashura Otsutsuki. Physical traits are loosely inspired by Hashirama and Madara(their descendants, in this case).
Varuna is the name of a god instead of a goddess but Varuna suits my OC well because 1)Varuna is leader of the Adityas who are the ashuras of positive qualities. She marries Ashura who’s name is inspired by those ashuras in the Hindu mythology. 2)Varuna is the Hindu god of the ocean. Her chakra nature is water. In this version Ashura’s chakra nature is earth so his and Varuna’s combined will create the wood release of the Senju clan. Aindri is an alternative name for the Hindu goddess Shachi/Indrani, who is the wife of the Hindu god Indra. Her(OC) chakra nature is fire, origin for the Uchihas famous fire jutsus. Yes I watched the Shippuden filler episodes about Indra and Ashura and yes I know they gave Ashura a wife but that story was awful and it could’ve been written SO MUCH better but SP the studio who animated it sucks at stuff like that! In my AU the story will go different. I headcanon that the physical looks of Tobirama and Uzumaki come later down the line. Also a headcanon for the Uzumaki clan that they’re a clan from Earth but get to be Ōtsutsuki descendants because they mixed in with the Senju.
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