#Story: The Ones Who Walk Away from the Ōtsutsuki
phlebaswrites · 1 year
The Ones Who Walk Away from the Ōtsutsuki
Ashura listens.
And learns.
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Rating: Teen And Up Fandom: Naruto Relationship: Ōtsutsuki Ashura & Ōtsutsuki Indra Word Count: 1,882 (Complete)
Entry for @otsutsukievent
Day 7 - August 12: Karma
This story is for @momo-ceros who shared the art which inspired this story, and for @malakia215 who helped me search for it.
Since I have not been able to locate the artwork or attribute the artist, I cannot post a link to it. However, it's a picture of an adult Indra scruffing Madara and Sasuke, both children, who are fighting. Ashura, off to one side, carries child versions of Naruto and Hashirama as he looks on.
If it sounds familiar to anyone, I'd welcome any information about it!
This story is also for @dominaaurum and @kurakura0-0 who have discussed the sage's teachings with me many times, discussions which have now borne fruit.
Hopefully it's not poisonous!
The title is, of course, an allusion to The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas by the incomparable Ursula K. Le Guin.
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Ashura watches as his brother kneels on the grass, patting the head of one of the young boys from the future.
"You see how the chakra moves inside your body? Do you feel it?"
The boy, Sasuke, nods. "Yes, inside of me, when I breathe."
"Exactly!" Indra sounds warm, approving, and Ashura wonders how long it's been since he heard that tone. "But chakra does not only come from your body, it comes from your spirit, the intangible thing that makes you an individual."
And that's new as well.
Of all the people that surround them, Indra would have been the last person that Ashura would expect to teach the spiritual aspects of chakra. Is it only that all of their father's students already know it and no longer need to be taught the basics? Or has Indra truly had a change of heart?
Ashura cannot tell.
He only knows that his brother smiles, laughs, and shares the thoughts of his mind once more, something that Ashura is deeply grateful for.
Read the rest on AO3.
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woman-child91 · 3 years
Okaaay, I always wanted to write or for someone to write a fanfic where they change everything in Naruto The Last movie.
Keep Naruto’s hair the same way he had it before the 4th Great Ninja War ended.
Completely erase the NaruHina ship.
Make Toneri Ōtsutsuki be interested in Naruto.
Make SasuNaru the main ship.
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And like, it was 8 years too late. But, if I were to show this to someone who hasn’t seen the time travel arc in Boruto. Well, they’d probably think that this Ōtsutsuki was a pedophile who was after Naruto. Just like how Toneri Ōtsutsuki was after Hinata.
I mean, he kidnapped + bound + chained Naruto up. And will you look at the way he’s touching him? I mean, he even has a nickname/pet name for Adult Naruto, Fox. Can you imagine what the Sasuke from this time period. I mean, 13 year old Sasuke would do if he were to walk in on this?
Say what you want about Sasuke. But, he’s always been rather overprotective and possessive of his beloved loser. If he were to walk in on this scene. I think he’d get the the wrong impression and all hell would break loose.
Sasuke: Naruto, I heard that you were kidnapped by some random guy who is after your 9 Tails. Orochimaru filled me in and I’m here to res- *sees a chained Naruto and an older man caressing his whiskered cheek*
Naruto: Sasuke!
Ōtsuki: Ugh, another pest has come to try and take Fox away from me?
Sasuke: Fox? How dare you give Naruto a nickname?! I’m the only one allowed to give him one! Which I already have. Loser. Take your filthy hands off my Loser before I cut them off!
Naruto: Cut them? I thought breaking them was more your style.
Sasuke: Oh no. I wasn’t actually that angry about Zuko hurting Sakura. I just used it as an excuse to let out a bit of pent-up rage I had and to test out my new powers. But, anyone who targets you? That’s a whole other story. I’m not just mad. I’m furious! *starts transforming into Curse Mark Winged Beast mode*
Ōtsutsuki: *This younger Sasuke appears to have had an even bigger obsession with, Naruto Uzumaki. Interesting. Very interesting.* Fox, don’t worry about him. I’ll deal with him and then I’ll return to you. *caresses Naruto’s cheek*
Sasuke: YOU’RE DEAD!!!
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belit0 · 4 years
Hey can you do Indra with a partner who's equally power thirsty as he is? (s/o is already strong and absolutely a top)
Power couple goals!
Power couple goals for our King🧙‍♀️
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After trying to kill each other countless times, Indra and [Y/N] finally understood that they could not erase each other’s existence. They are both highly powerful, and for every attack or defense that one presents, the other has an equally strong trump card up the sleeve.
Your life was relatively quiet until you came face to face with the deserter from the Ōtsutsuki clan, who with airs and graces of violence and revenge sought to increase his power at all costs. The problem is that you were looking for the same thing. Your story is different, you were not betrayed by your family, you were not turned away by your village, but the darkness hovers over your soul in the same way.
This is something that you notice in Indra from the first moment that you cross glances. How his only desire is to dominate, to destroy, to conquer, to impose himself. But this is a disadvantage in your plans, because in a world as broken as the one you both live in, there cannot be two rulers over the underdogs.
From your first meeting, you were both destined to try to kill each other. He underestimated you, believing that your power and intelligence would never compare to his, and it was at that moment that he condemned the encounter to an infinite draw.
The village you were in was big, with a largely developed self-sustaining system, a stable place to dominate and make your home, your empire. With determination, you knew that you would stay there, fight any villager or warrior who wanted to challenge your rules and build your much-desired kingdom.
And that’s what you’ve been doing for the past three months. You had found this place by pure chance while walking through the forest, looking for a location where you could rest and recharge your supplies to continue your journey. But just in the same way that you arrived as a terrifying stampede for the helpless village, so did Indra.
The people tried to fight against your orders, in fact, you annihilated almost the entire military unit that the village had. It was a struggle to be heard, you had to repress and punish them all over, but eventually, they dropped their rebellion, giving in to your inevitable command.
When things were going relatively well for you, a suspicious traveler appeared at the entrance to the village, and invaded the settlement carelessly. Killing villagers in the blink of an eye, the very same Indra Ōtsutsuki appeared in your home, attempting to steal everything that was yours.
Of course, you had heard the legends about this man. Myths run as fast as the shooting stars in the sky. But that did not mean that you believed the stories that reached your ears when you were traveling from place to place. If the tongues didn’t lie, this warrior wasn’t someone normal, but someone on your level. You were always smart and learned that underestimating your enemies was the fastest way to dig your own grave, so when Indra demanded to speak to the village leader, you waited and tested his patience.
“If you don’t bring the head of this wretched place here this instant, I will have to get rid of all of you, one by one… the choice is yours.”
Faced with the man’s threat, a desperate villager looked directly in your direction. Hiding among the sea of people watching Indra’s massacre, you listened to his speech. You prayed internally that this villager would not be so foolish as to give away your identity in front of your enemy, but of course, you could not expect much from people so inferior to you.
Before he could speak any further, you pierced his right eye with a sharp Senbon, thrown towards your victim from a formidable distance. No one noticed the weapon that struck the villager, but of course, Indra was able to track and detect the movements, and when the villager fell dead in front of the crowd, he already had his eyes on you.
A long dark red cape covered you completely, from head to toe. Its hood covered your eyes, preventing your enemy from using his visual powers on you. That was the first thing you noticed when he burst into your village, confirming that the stories about him were real.
“What kind of leader is such a coward enough to hide among those who are the lowest followers… [Y/N]-Sama… I despise you; I should do you a favor and kill you here and now.”
“You should try, Ōtsutsuki Indra. I don’t guarantee your fate, anyway. Take the risk.”
That’s how the first fight between the two happened. It lasted an incalculable amount of time, occupying days, and nights of physical fatigue. The chakra exhaustion attacked the two of you at the same time, signaling the same level of accumulation. On the battlefield, where they had fought vigorously and relentlessly, they collapsed.
By the time you woke up, Indra was sitting next to you, and his intentions felt different. You were no longer detecting homicidal feelings towards you. The man was calm, relaxed in some way. His clothes were torn and dirty, and you assumed that yours were too. You were unable to move your body, as the pain spread mercilessly through all your limbs, so you just watched him.
If for some reason he decided to kill you at that very moment, there would be nothing you could do to prevent it. But instead, he simply stared at you when he heard your groans of bodily pain, and you gazed in confusion at his countenance. The man who fought you seemed to have vanished.
“Why didn’t you kill me? Keeping me alive and watching me die is quite cynical…”
“I have no intention of killing you, not yet. You have proven to be efficient, and you could work in my plans.”
“Your plans… Why would I be interested in participating in them? Just kill me.”
“I’m afraid I won’t do that. I’m proposing an alliance, if you don’t accept, I’ll leave you here on the floor, incapacitated and at your mercy. You know, someone said to me a few days ago ‘You should try Indra, I’m not assuring your luck, anyway. Take the risk’. I don’t assure your luck [Y/N], take the risk”.
“Shut up, you idiot, cocky, annoying, fucking asshole… Did you say days? Has it been days?”
“You know how to fight, but you don’t know how to calculate the time it takes to beat your opponent… too bad, you’re missing points. Are you in or not?”
“What exactly should I do…”
“Help me, to form my clan. Once you conceive my heirs, you are free. Until then, you are bound to comply.”
“You’re crazy to think I’ll help you with that.”
“Very well, then, I will set out again on my journey. It’s a shame about your dreadful village… we killed everyone with our fight and destroyed the land. Good luck surviving.”
“Wait! … Shit… I’ll go with you, but we’ll share the power equally.”
“You think you’re in a position to negotiate? How delusional.”
“Not at this moment, but when you want to impose yourself again, we’ll solve it by fighting.”
“You sound very confident… I accept, but when you have to surrender to me, don’t expect me not to enjoy the victory.”
"Be quiet and help me.”
Abruptly, he stood up as if nothing had happened, and lifted you off the ground with him. Quickly, you were positioned on his shoulder, just like a rag doll. The only thing you could focus on was the painful ways your body bounced with each step from Indra, who showed no compassion for your poor health.
That’s how the two of you started a complicated relationship, which, between fights and provocations, became something addictive that neither of you could give up. Suddenly years had passed since the first encounter, and your days were filled with challenges for power.
Neither of you wanted to give in to the other. You knew that Indra would not abandon you even if you continued to extend the time to conceive his heirs, you could feel it in his soul and see it in his eyes. The Ōtsutsuki had developed a strong attachment to you, love, I would dare to call it, and even if it took a lifetime to form your family, he would never change you for anyone.
So, in the meantime, both of you were playing a little game. Your routine was based on constantly provoking the other, pushing the other to the limit so that the situation would end in an inevitable fight to the death. The funny thing is that, as both maintained the same level of power, there was never a winner. Weeks could pass in a single confrontation, but no one was ever victorious over the other.
For years, the two would travel around the world. With no need to settle in one specific place, terrifying legends about the couple spread throughout the villages and towns, telling how the most powerful partners in history wandered the Earth, looking for power and control to feed on. Your days were joyous as you found a small village to destroy together, delighting in the screams of the villagers, making love over the blood of the murdered people.
Everyone began to fear your presence, escaping the sighting of [Y/N] and Indra, reincarnations of hellish beings.
At some point, Indra became somewhat impatient. Without warning, he began to show the need to find a place to build a real-life for both of you, where he could give birth to his family with you. Without any complaint, you accepted the request and decided that maybe it was time to listen to his desire.
A déjà vu hit you when you found yourself standing in front of the big door of a village, your man next to you, looking straight at the frightened people who were turning pale in front of you both. The satisfaction of power ran through your veins, and from the strong grip Indra held in your hand, you knew he felt the same way.
The Ōtsutsuki began to talk to the villagers, explaining what you both wanted from them, when you felt it necessary to interrupt him and continue with the task yourself.
“We are here to take control of this community. We don’t care who the ruler is, we are both the leaders now. Whoever opposes our supreme authority will perish on the spot. Inform your people of this, for we have come a long way and only wish to rest. When we deem it appropriate, we will announce the changes to come”.
In terror, the people who received you two at the door looked at the floor and nodded their heads. Without saying anything, they slipped inside, carrying out your errands.
One of them guided the two of you towards the main house, where there was privacy.
“I was in charge of the situation [Y/N].”
“Oh honey… I can’t help but think that since you want to start our family you have become a little more… Weak? Soft? I don’t know… I think I’m the only one who still wants to dominate everything around here…”
“It would be unwise to start a fight in the village we just occupied.”
“Are you chickening out? Where is my Indra and what did you do with him, stranger?”
“[Y/N]… you are really getting on my nerves…”
“I’m glad, darling.”
“You know what? If you want to fight so bad, fine, let’s do it. But this time, the rules are different.”
“Well, well, what do we have here? Indra-Sama wants a harder challenge… tell me, with weapons? Without Jutsus? Blindfolded?”
“No dear… I’m not talking about any physical fight you can imagine.”
“Whoever exhausts the other in bed first is the absolute leader of this filthy place. Until our clan rises above the unpleasant people who live here.”
“If I manage to dominate you during our entire fuck, will I be the supreme leader? No tricks, Ōtsutsuki.”
“No tricks, love.”
“Let’s get started.”
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kuriquinn · 5 years
Evil Author Day - WIP # 5
I’ve been planning a Tales of the Uchiha series for ages now. And I keep getting distracted by all the research that goes into it. On the off chance I never get around to it, here’s my early draft of the first bit, starring our Karma ‘Verse baby Uchiwa with special mention of big sis Nirami.
Smoke blackens the sky of the battlefield, poisoning the air with the smell of charred flesh and burning bones.  
Uchiwa lies in the rubble of what was once a village, struggling to catch his breath. His chest aches as if it has been trampled upon by a thousand horses, and his face is sticky. Blood weeps from his eyes, but it doesn’t blind him to the carrion birds circling above him.  
Am I to become their next meal?
He is not the first of his family to die on a battlefield, but it seems likely he will be the first to die unburied. He wonders if that will make it more difficult for his spirit to find his ancestors.  
There’s a flicker of movement off to his left, a shadow rippling behind the billowing smoke.  
Summoning his strength, Uchiwa tightens his grip on his sword, preparing himself with his last breath to do battle with the god of death himself.
“Ōtsutsuki Uchiwa,” a familiar voice intones, echoing across the whistling wind. “You just don’t know how to die, do you?”
The smoke and fog disperse as the figure strides forward, and the owner of the voice takes shape. A tall man, muscular and weather-tanned, with hair like a bird’s nest and a familiar grin.  
“Tadashi,” Uchiwa whispers, the syllables searing his throat even as they herald gladness. “You survived.”
“You know I’m too stubborn to die,” the other man says, striding forward and looping his arms behind Uchiwa’s back.  
It’s embarrassing the ease with which he is lifted to his feet, and he tries desperately to hold himself up on his own once he’s standing. He manages for half a moment, before the wet, rasping cough racks his body again. He’d stumble if Tadashi didn’t reach out to steady him.
Uchiwa waves him away with one hand, the other covering his mouth. The gesture isn’t enough to hide the truth, however, because Tadashi’s grin fades into concern.
“Were you wounded?” he asks, scanning bloodstained clothing for a sign of torn flesh.
Uchiwa shakes his head, but this doesn’t alleviate the concern; if anything, it makes Tadashi look grimmer.
“Let’s go,” he tells him. “I’m bringing you home.”
“Home,” Uchiwa repeats, gazing down at his bloodstained palm.  
He wonders if he’ll make it.  
They didn’t want him to leave.  
“It is a journey I must take,” Uchiwa stated calmly, emulating the same firmness his father had always used. There was an edge to it, one that warned against argument. “And it is one I must take alone.”
“Be reasonable, young master,” his brother-in-law, Tsuyoshi demanded, wild-eyed and sly-tongued.  
“I have to see this world with my own eyes, much as my father once did,” Uchiwa replied. “Only then can I know the true path to changing this world.”
“Yes, of course, that is not in doubt,” Tsuyoshi assured him, a little more harried than usual. “But without us? You must have some protectors with you. Your father’s enemies have allies beyond this place.”
“If you speak of my uncle, you know I have no fear of him, nor any of his line.”
“Easy words for a boy of fourteen,” his cousin Kaguyo snorted, despite only being a few years older than he was. “Even with your abilities, for you to go alone would jeopardise the Master’s teachings—”
“I am the vessel of my father’s teachings,” Uchiwa reminded him, tone quiet, but a red film bled into his eyes in warning. “And it is I who must discern the best manner to continue them. I cannot do that with your voices constantly in my ear.”
“Have a care, boy—we are the most loyal of your father’s disciples. He taught us his craft before you were even a thought!” Tsuyoshi cried. “You would be wise to learn by our experiences.”
“And you would be wise to listen to the Master’s son,” a lone feminine voice retorted. The crowd of relatives and villagers parted, revealing Uchiwa’s heavily pregnant older sister Nirami. “He alone received the last of my father’s teachings, and he alone knows his final wish.”
“This doesn’t concern you—”
“Mind your tongue, husband,” Nirami cut Tsuyoshi off, earning immediate silence from the older man. “The matter has been decided already.”
Low murmuring broke out within the crowd, the growing sense of unease still palpable despite Nirami’s commanding presence.  
A woman in her mid-twenties, she looked much older, prematurely grey and with eyes hardened by loss. Though everyone in the village looked to Uchiwa to succeed his father in doctrine, it was Nirami that had inherited his qualities of leadership.  
“Uchiwa must go,” she continued. “It was the Master’s wish, and it is his purpose that all of us serve. In fact, it is not just my brother who must leave this place. You others, who learned from my father. Your time has come as well
While the others argued back and forth, Uchiwa slipped away and headed for his family’s home. Now that he had made the decision, it would be best to leave as soon as possible. Delays might mean stronger objections, and the idea of saying goodbye to his sister…
“You’re not leaving without saying goodbye first, are you?”
He winced and turned around.
Nirami stood there, hands on her hips and smile sharp. “Did you truly think I’d allow that?”
“I thought it would be easier.”
“Easier for whom?”  
She moved forward, a little slower with her heavier girth, and seized him around the shoulders.  
“There were nine of us, once; now, you and I are the only ones who remain,” she told him heavily. “Your leaving is just as final to me as death.”
He expected her, of all people to understand; she had been the one to encourage him to leave as they both sat mourning by their parents’ grave. He can hear tears in her voice, and it’s exactly the reaction he was hoping to avoid.  
When he places a comforting hand on her shoulder, she waved him away.
“Don’t mind me,” she said. “It’s the baby putting me in an odd humour.” She reached up to brush his cheek. “Go. Travel the world. Seek out the weak and teach them to be strong. Pass on Father’s ways and make this world better. Become a legend so that his enemies tremble and that even here, we will hear stories of you.”  
“You are the only brother I have left,” she said quietly. “The only family. Mother and Father’s legacy runs through your veins. Protect it, even while you seek to do it justice.”  
“I will,” he promised.
Hours, days and eternity pass.
Uchiwa is barely conscious for most of it, slipping in and out of delirium-filled dreams. He is distantly aware of water being fed through his cracked lips, and then only because it makes him cough wet and painfully.
Once he manages to open his eyes, and watches Tadashi pour water from his flagon into a rag. He uses it to mop Uchiwa’s face, and the cold is both refreshing and tortuous at the same time. The gesture itself is gentle, and that tempts him to smile.
“This is…not the sort of thing…I would have expected…from you,” he rasps, startling the other man even though his words are barely above a whisper.
Tadashi snorts. “Well, it’s your fault. Traipsing around after you all these years made me soft.”
They both pretend not to notice the rag comes away red.  
Uchiwa wandered for years, carrying out his sister’s words and his father’s will.
He first sought out his uncle’s sons, the ones who had inherited the puzzling teachings of his grandfather, but the place where they once resided was empty and ravaged by fire. The trail they escaped with was too well-hidden for even his quick eyes to find.  
After that, he sought the weak but talented and taught them to be strong. From them he elicited solemn vows in return to spread the way of Indra across the continent and beyond.
The journey was not straightforward, of course.  
Human beings were not so easily given to change, and every land Uchiwa travelled to suffered under ignorance and tradition that did not wish to yield to new teachings. Especially not teachings that could potentially allow even the poor soons of a fdarmer to be equal to or greater in ability than the sons of the gentry.  
Lords and bandit alike would gather forces to challenge Uchiwa if he remained in a region for too long, and he would be forced to deal with them. He always did so with quick and ruthless efficiency, further securing his legacy. Before a full year passed, he had earned a reputation and a name: The Demon Uchiwa.
He never settled in any one place for very long. None of them offered a sense of belonging, or of…something else. The settlement where he was raised had always held comforting familiarity, in a sheltered kind of way, but he had never considered it home. There was something unnameable lacking that made it impossible to call it that.  
This same lack existed wherever he set foot.
It was just as well, he supposed. If he was to succeed in spreading his father’s teachings as far as possible, he could not remain tied down.  Life without connection, lived at a distance, that was his destiny.
At least that’s what he believed.
Something whispered at him from the beyond, chiding him that he was not yet where he was meant to be. That he had not yet found what he was seeking.
It was in his fourth year of wandering that he found his path blocked by a tall, scruffy-looking young man. He carried a giant sword and grinned at him with teeth that had been filed to points.
“So, you’re the Demon, huh?” he jeered, eyes flicking over Uchiwa’s form in a judgemental manner. “I’m starting to think the stories are all talk. You look about as threatening as a rice stalk.”
Uchiwa did not reply, instead taking a step to one side and beginning to walk around the stranger. Just because he could make quick work out of an opponent did not mean that he sought them out for not other reason than to test himself. He could tell that was this one’s prerogative.
Predictably, the man stepped aside as well, barring Uchiwa’s path. His grin widened.
“Let me pass,” Uchiwa said, voice soft and without threat, though his mouth tightened slightly.
“‘Let me pass’?” the other youth mocked. “That’s it? I expected at least a threat attached to that.” He hefted his sword on his shoulder, expectant, and then scowled. “Really? Nothing?”
Uchiwa once again tried to shoulder past him, but the man moved suddenly, swinging his sword out to its full length and once again barring the way. As it sliced down, millimetres from Uchiwa’s face, a single hair was severed.
Uchiwa narrowed his eyes. If the man’s control over the blade had not been more precise, it might have lobbed off his nose.  
His eyes trailed from the blade to the man’s face, levelling a glare at the wolfish grin.
As the strand of hair touched the ground, they both moved.
Hours later, the two warriors faced one another, breathing raggedly.
“You have skill,” Uchiha admitted at last, the first words he had spoken since the encounter began. “I could have use for a man with such ability.”
“Heh. I’m not a joiner,” his erstwhile opponent replied, shoving his broken nose back into place with no more than a small wince. “And hokey religions aren’t my style.”
Uchiwa frowned, both at the descriptor and the refusal. Those he fought either died, or submitted, begging him to teach his secrets.  
He could tell this man fell into neither category.
“Then this is where we will part,” he said, cautious.
“Seems so.”
Uchiwa nodded, feeling a little remorseful. He had to kill the man; if he did not become a follower of his teachings, he was a powerful potential enemy.
It will not be easy. This one individual may yet be my equal…
“Although,” the man said a beat later, a considering look breaking out on his face. “Now that I think on it, you must run into a lot of trouble. People who don’t like your way of doing things. I bet some of them even put up a hell of a fight.”
Uchiwa raised an eyebrow, not understanding the point being made. “Sometimes.”
“Well, I’m always up for a fight,” the man said, cheerful, and scrambled to his feet. Uchiwa wondered where he had found the energy. “Maybe I’ll tag along and see if there’s anyone else out there who might put up a fight.” He smiled coldly at Uchiwa. “At least until I decided whether to kill you or not.”
This tie, Uchiwa could not help the smirk tugging at his lips. “You still believe you can?”
“Who knows? But won’t it be interesting to find out?
“Interesting is a word for it.” Uchiwa got to his feet. “Very well. Though if you ever do decide to kill me, I would take it as a kindness if you did not attempt it while I sleep. I don’t like to have my sleep disturbed.”  
The man actually laughed this time. “Where would the fun be in killing you in your sleep? Listen, Demon, I can promise you that if I ever kill you, you’ll be awake, you’ll be facing me and you’ll have a blade in your hands.”
“Then I will extend you the same courtesy.” He bowed his head politely. “And my name is Uchiwa.”
“Tadashi,” the other youth said
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phlebaswrites · 3 years
Six Sentence Sunday
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This is from The Ones Who Walk Away from the Ōtsutsuki, one of my fix-it stories for Indra and Ashura. It's a little bit more than six sentences, just to get to the end of the paragraph.
The title is, of course, an allusion to The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas by the incomparable Ursula K. Le Guin.
Indra covers his face with his hands, muttering incomprehensible insults. When he finally raises his head, he's so obviously exasperated that Ashura has to bite his lip not to laugh in his brother's face.
"No, Ashura." Indra speaks with exaggerated patience. "They are not the same. He chose you over me because he believed that you used the principles of ninshū - empathy and connection. Despite the way you never used your chakra to convince anyone," Indra bestows an approving look on him and Ashura preens under it, "you still managed to lead without force."
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